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Finding aid to the San Francisco Department of the Environment Records on the Loma Prieta Earthquake 1989 SFH 565
SFH 565  
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The Commission on the Environment was created by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1993. The Belongings Return Project of 1989, which coordintated the city's effort to return lost property from earthquake damaged homes to their owners, predates the department's existence and includes materials from the Chief Administrator's Office.
The Commission on the Environment was created by the San Francisco Board of Supervisors in 1993, and charged with developing a Sustainability Plan for San Francisco. The original Commission was replaced by a seven-member Commission appointed by the Mayor as a result of a voter initiative passed in 1996, which also created the Department of the Environment. A citywide effort, involving hundreds of San Franciscans, culminated in the adoption of the City's Sustainability Plan by the Board of Supervisors in 1997. The Department was initially responsible only for public outreach, implementing the City's Integrated Pest Management Program, and implementing Green Building.
1 small pamphlet box. (.25 Cubic Feet)
All requests for permission to publish or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the City Archivist. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the San Francisco Public Library as the owner of the physical items.
The collection is available for use during San Francisco History Center hours, with photographs available during Photo Desk hours. Collections that are stored offsite should be requested 48 hours in advance.