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Guide to the School of Fine Arts Records, Academic Departments and Schools, American Jewish University Archives (Institutional Records)
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Box 16

Subseries: 5.5:
School of Fine Arts 1961-1972
Archival Materials:

Physical Description: 1 Box
Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the Fine Arts Department (1949-1961), see Box 16.

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the Fine Arts Program (1973-), see Box 15.

Scope and Content Note

This subseries contains materials related to the School of Fine Arts, which originated from the Fine Arts Department.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: Developed from the Fine Arts Department (1949-1961), the School of Fine Arts was founded in 1961 with Max Helfman as Dean, Max Vorspan as Director, Benjamin Zemach as the head of the Department of Drama, Joseph Young as the head of the Visual Arts, and Eric Ray as Art Director. The School was "dedicated to the high purposes of a creative renaissance in Judaism". It included a Theatre Arts Department, Visual Arts Department, Humanities, Dance, Art Exhibits, Public Lectures and Seminars, Choir, and the Arts in Your Life Series. Faculty included Roy Harris, Alfred Sendrey, Ernest Toch, Max Band, Stephen Kayser, Mario Castelnuevo-Tedesco, and Robert Strassburg (Registrar). In 1963, Max Helfman passed away, and was succeeded by Erwin Jospe. In 1972, School of Fine Arts became the Fine Arts Program (1973-) under the University's extension program and the Department of Continuing Education (DCE).

16, folder 2

1.  Foundational Materials approximately 1961

Scope and Content Note

Includes an Editorial article by Max Vorspan on the establishment of the School; a Booklet (Including an excerpt from Mordecai Kaplan's blueprint of a University of Judaism in which he gives a substantial place for a School of Fine Arts, a writing titled "Sword and Spirit" by Rabbi Jacob Pressman, and sheet music for "Al Hanisim" with Folk Melody by ARR. M. H from 1950); and a Preliminary draft Conspectus of courses, program, lecture series and other activities proposed for the School of Fine Arts (prepared by the Fine Arts Faculty Committee composed of Ted Post, Joseph Young, and Benjamin Zemach under the Chairmanship of Max Helfman).

16, folder 2

2.  Accreditation Materials 1963-04-15


16, folder 2

3.  Board of Governors of the School of Fine Arts 1961-06-21

Scope and Content Note

Includes a letter to Irving Weinrot from Max Vorspan, including the minutes for the first meeting of the Board.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: Members of the Board included Michael Blankfort, David Dortort, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Fligelman, Dr. and Mrs. Simon Greenberg, Max Helfman, Jack Ostrow (Chairman), Herman Platt (Vice Chairman), Dr. Victor Goodhill (Vice Chairman), Mr. and Mrs. Ted Post, Saul Rubin, Maurice Hyman, Mr. and Mrs. Maurice (Rose) Turner (Vice Chairman), and Dr. and Mrs. Max Vorspan. The Board disbanded in 1963 when the University Women of the School of Fine Arts proved successful at raising money for the School.

16, folder 3-4

4.  Catalogs and Schedule of Courses 1962-1969

Course Schedule, 1966 (a_cajoul048)

Physical Location: Additional Location: For the Course Schedule of the Spring Semester of 1966, please Vol. 19, No. 2, University of Judaism Newsletter, 1966 (a_cajoul048).

Scope and Content Note

Includes Catalogs and Schedule of Courses for the School, including draft materials.

16, folder 5

5.  Registration Summaries 1970-1972


16, folder 6

6.  Academic Departments 1962-1964


16, folder 6

a.  Theatre Arts Department 1962-1967

Scope and Content Note

Includes a flyer for "Three Poetry Evenings", approximately 1971, featuring Black Poetry, Spanish and Latin-American Poetry, and Hebrew and Yiddish Poetry; a program for the Hebrew and Yiddish Poetry evening, approximately 1971; a flyer for the Yiddish Theatre Studio presenting "A Comedy in 3 Acts by Sholem Aleichem", 1967-02-23; and news clippings about the Folk Dance Center and more.

16, folder 6

b.  Creative Writing Department 1963-02

Scope and Content Note

Includes a suggested syllabus for a Creative Writing Department.

16, folder 6

c.  Visual Arts Department 1962-09-14

Scope and Content Note

Includes news clippings, such as "UJ to Offer Varied, Expert Visual Courses" with Joseph Young.

16, folder 7-12

7.  Non-Academic Programs 1962-1971


16, folder 7

a.  The Art of Benjamin Zemach Film 1971

Scope and Content Note

Includes drafts for a Descriptive Leaflet; Correspondence to/from Erwin Jospe, Miriam Rochlin; Hora Vol. 3; Introductory Notes for Documentary Films of Israel by Gurit Kadman and more.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: The Art of Benjamin Zemach Film takes four examples of Benjamin Zemach's work. They include the Chassid, the Beggar's Dance, Prologue to Benjamin the Third, and Bialik. Zemach was a modern dancer and the Director of the Dance and Drama Department of the University of Judaism since its inception. It was produced by Miriam Rochlin, and edited by Roger Andrieux and Rochlin. Musical director was Kenneth Klauss, sets by Moi Solotaroff, director of photography was Ray Steckler, and Lou Brandt as director.

16, folder 8

b.  Concerts 1963-1964


1.  Spring Song of our People 1963-06-21

Flyer (a_cajoul038)

Scope and Content Note

Includes flyer, program and news clipping.

2.  Israel Festival: L.A Zimria Chorale Farewell Concert 1964-06-22

Scope and Content Note

Includes program.

16, folder 9-10

c.  UJ Art Gallery 1964-1969

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the Art Gallery and Museum (1947-1960), see Box 22.

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the UJ Art Gallery (1974-1983) see Box 15

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the Platt and Borstein Galleries (1985-) see Box 24

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: The UJ Art Gallery began as part of the Museum and under the Fine Arts Department and continued under the School of Fine Arts in 1961. Located at the Sunset Campus, it presented monthly exhibits of significant works by Jewish and non-Jewish artists.

1.  Art Exhibits and Shows 1964-1969

Scope and Content Note

Includes programs and news clippings from exhibits, and letter from Eric Ray. Artists include Shirley Bruck, Burton Freund, Alfredo Goldstein, Harry Lieberman, Molly Fligelman, Aaron J. Goodelman, Diane Travis and more.

2.  Molly Fligelman Art 1965


16, folder 11

d.  Arts in Your Life Series 1962-1965

Scope and Content Note

Includes a letter from Max Helfman and programs regarding the inauguration of the Series on 1962-02-14; Pamphlet for the 1962 year program; Invitation to Contemporary Music for the Synagogue event, with works by composers Yehudi Wyner, Marvin David Levy, Max Helfman, and Carl Urstein with Erwin Jospe as conductor, 1965-02-24; and news clippings.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: Beginning in 1962, the Arts in Your Life series included different evenings of "provocative and illuminating experiences in the living arts for the art of living". Programs featured all the arts (music, theatre, and visual arts). The inaugurating event included Abraham Kaplan, Roger Wagner, Caltech Men's Glee club, and more. By 1965, it included a varied program of music, dance, dramatic presentations, lectures, and discussions by members of the faculty and students of the School of Fine Arts. Events were held at the University Theatre at 8:30 pm.

16, folder 12

e.  University of Judaism Sinfonietta 1962

Scope and Content Note

Includes news clippings.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: Beginning in 1962, the Sinfonietta, or chamber orchestra, was directed by Robert Strassburg.

16, folder 12

f.  University of Judaism Chorale 1962-1963

Archival Materials and Photographs:

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the UJ Chorale Society (1973-) see the Fine Arts Program & the Center for the Arts (Box 15)

Physical Location: Related Materials: For materials on the AJU Choir(1994-) see Box 28.

Scope and Content Note

Includes news clippings.

Biography/Organization History

Historical Note: Beginning in 1962, the Chorale, with over 100 members, was directed by Max Helfman and assisted by Robert Strassburg.

16, folder 13-18

8.  Communications 1961-1972


16, folder 13

a.  Press Releases and News Bulletins 1962-1966


16, folder 14

b.  Newspaper Articles and Clippings 1962-1972

Scope and Content Note

Examples include Launch Fine Arts School at UJ, 1961-12-1; Series of Plays Planned at University of Judaism, 1963-10-04; Dr. Kaplan Hails Fine Arts School of UJ, 1962-11-16; United Synagogue of America, Greet the Establishment of the School of Fine Arts, 1962-09-21; UJ Fine Arts School is Dedicated to a Creative Renaissance, 1963-04-05.

16, folder 14

c.  Publicity Notes


16, folder 15-18

9.  Faculty 1961-1972


16, folder 15

a.  Faculty News Clippings

Scope and Content Note

Includes articles on Isaac Van Grove, Roy Harris, Moi Solotaroff, Ted Post, Eric Ray, Stephen S. Kayser and more.

16, folder 16

b.  Erwin Jospe 1971


16, folder 17

c.  Max Helfman


16, folder 18

d.  Joseph Young