This collection is comprised of research material created by Dr. Seymore Scheinberg on Frits Philips. The Dutch industrialists,
chairman of the Philips electric company, and Holocaust rescuer. The collection contains, correspondence, testimonies, Dr.
Scheinberg's notes, articles, and the manuscript of
From the Nazis in Holland, by Marianne Trumpeter Dazzo.
Frederik Jacques 'Frits' Philips, was born on April 16, 1905, in Eindhoven, Netherlands. He was the only son to Anton and
Anne Philips. In 1912, his father was the co-founder of the family business Philips electronics company. Frits Philips completed
his studies at the Delft University of Technology in 1929. He earned an engineer's degree in mechanical engineering. In 1935,
First Philips was appointed vice-director and member of the board of Philips electronic company.
There are no restrictions on the use of this material except where previously copyrighted material is concerned. It is the
responsibility of the researcher to obtain all permissions.
This collection is open for research use.