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Stern (Arthur) papers
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Series 1: Engineering 1948-2011

Language of Material: Includes materials in French and German.

Scope and Content

The Engineering series covers Arthur Stern's professional activity from his education in postwar Switzerland through his retirement from Magnavox in 1991. The series includes memos, company-related correspondence, and business-related travel itineraries. It also includes correspondence, conference materials, and other printed matter related to Stern's involvement with professional organizations such as the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE), the Solid-State Circuits Conference (SSSC), and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Organization and Arrangement

The Engineering series is arranged in four subseries which cover his career chronologically, with the exception of the IEEE subseries, which is contemporaneous with the Magnavox subseries.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.

Subseries 1.1: Switzerland 1948-1951

Language of Material: Includes materials in French and German.

Scope and Content

The Switzerland subseries, 1948-1951, contains handwritten class notes from Arthur Stern's time as a student at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich (ETH Zurich) and the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne. It also includes academic papers he wrote on engineering and family law and lecture notes from his tenure as an instructor at ETH. Much of the material is in German and French.

Organization and Arrangement

Materials are arranged chronologically.
box 1, folder 1

Student cards and books University of Geneva and University of Lausanne 1945

Language of Material: Materials are in French.

Scope and Content

Student cards for admission to law school at the University of Geneva, membership card for the Student Association at the University of Lausanne, library card from Lausanne, exam proof from law department at University of Geneva, student notebooks documenting registration for courses at University of Geneva and University of Lausanne.
box 1, folder 2-5

University notebooks 1947-1948

Language of Material: Materials are in French and German.

Scope and Content

French materials include: physics notebook, notebook for general physics 2 – electricity from engineering school at University of Lausanne, applied mathematics notebook.
German materials include: notebook and drawings for electromechanical construction, notebook for theoretical principles of remote control technology, notebook for introduction to remote control technology.
box 1, folder 6

Georg Lukacs text 1940s

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Essay: "Reification and the Consciousness of the Proletariat" from Georg Lukács' History and Class Consciousness.
box 1, folder 7

Stern essay: "Family and Marriage" 1947

Language of Material: Materials are in French.

Scope and Content

Essay for a civil law course at the University of Geneva's law school: "Family and marriage."
box 1, folder 8

Transcripts and Translations Swiss Universities 1948-1951

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and French.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Documents from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich on acceptance to and successful completion of a diploma as electrical engineer including course list, ID card as assistant in electrical engineering, general recommendation letter for Stern from Union of Jewish Students, report on the progress of his work as assistant February 1952 (including light engineering, grades, necessary work), graph of light efficiency in cold cathode tube, letter to president of Swiss student's association to ask for leave to visit USA and statement of his employment, report on current state of light engineering lab and suggestions for future developments, assistant employment contract under Prof. Strutt, recommendations and statements regarding Stern's position and PhD subject before leaving for USA, release from Institute after deciding to stay in US and related recommendations.
French materials include: Transcripts from University of Lausanne, exam results from the University of Lausanne.
box 2, folder 1

Thesis ETH Zurich 1948

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

A bound copy of thesis on band filters with a frequency response of 1/3 octaves.
box 2, folder 2

Stern Article ETH circa 1950

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Early article written by Stern on the ignition of low pressure discharges.
box 2, folder 3

ETH papers and course notes 1950-1951

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Early article written by Stern on the ignition of low pressure discharges, lectures given at the ETH on light engineering including lectures given by Stern on light generation and electric discharge.
box 2, folder 4-7

ETH lectures 1950-1951

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Lecture on the theory of light generation, copy of article on the ignition of low pressure discharges, lecture on gas discharge, bound collection of all lectures given as part of the lecture series on light engineering at the ETH.
box 3, folder 1

Lecture notes and Bulletin of Swiss Association of Electrical Engineers 1950-1951

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Article written by Stern on light and lighting technology at the ETH and the university's developments and contributions, blueprints for a direct current generator and traction generator and related paper discussing its form, construction and function, semester papers on the theoretical basis of telephone engineering and on an introduction to signal engineering.
box 3, folder 2-3

"Einfuhrung in die Lichttechnik" ("Introduction to Light Engineering") 1951

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

"Introduction to Light Engineering," written as part of internship at the electrical engineering institute at the ETH.
box 72

Diploma 1948

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Subseries 1.2: Early Career 1951-1966

Scope and Content

The Early Career subseries (1951-1966) covers Stern's career at General Electric (GE), Martin Marietta, Bunker Ramo Corporation, and his master's work at Syracuse University. It includes internal company reports, patent paperwork, and company-related correspondence. It also includes printed matter and correspondence related to Stern's activity with professional organizations during this time period, including the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) and the Solid-State Circuits Conference (SSCC).

Organization and Arrangement

Materials are arranged chronologically.
box 3, folder 4

Syracuse and MIT 1951-1954

box 3, folder 5

Lab photographs 1951

box 3, folder 6-7

GE patent paperwork 1953-1954

box 3, folder 8

Long internal letters and memoranda 1953-1964

box 3, folder 9, box 4, folder 1

Institute of Radio Engineers Convention records 1953-1956

box 4, folder 2-3

GE Electronics Division Exempt Salary Administration Plan 1955

box 4, folder 4

"America's Next Twenty Years" 1955

box 4, folder 5

Conference programs and reports 1955-1961

box 4, folder 6

Transistor Circuits Conference Final Report 1956

box 4, folder 7

GE Engineering Personnel Register 1956

box 4, folder 8

GE Association Island Conference 1956

box 5, folder 1-4

GE Professional Business Management Course 1956

box 5, folder 5

Syracuse University diploma 1957

box 5, folder 6

GE Electronics Lab Function Guide 1957

box 5, folder 7

Institute of Radio Engineers proceedings and publications 1957-1962

box 6, folder 1

GE Electronics Laboratory publications 1958-1959

box 6, folder 2-3

GE internal publications 1958-1961

box 6, folder 4-6

GE Advanced Management Course 1959

box 7, folder 1

Solid State Circuits Conference 1959

box 7, folder 2

MIT bulletin 1959-1960

box 7, folder 3

GE Technical Information Series 1959-1961

box 7, folder 4

GE proposal and progress report 1960

box 7, folder 5

GE: "Development of Thin Film Vacuum Deposition Processes and Machinery" 1960

box 7, folder 6

Solid State Circuit Conference 1960

box 8, folder 1

GE Questionnaire on Integrated Electronics 1960

box 8, folder 3-4

GE Company Confidential Integrated Electronic Devices Study

box 8, folder 4

Technical writings and GE internal publications 1961

box 8, folder 5

GE Europe visit 1961

box 8, folder 6

GE resignation 1961 May 16

box 8, folder 7

Martin ASW business study 1961

box 8, folder 8

Martin Electronics Division Engineering Five Year Plan: 1961-1965 1961 August 29

box 8, folder 9

Martin Marietta internal publications 1961-1962

box 8, folder 10

Martin Engineering Design Review 1962

box 8, folder 11

Martin Marietta Engineering Status and Plans 1963

box 9, folder 1

Martin Marietta Research Development and Activities 1963

box 9, folder 2

Martin Marietta News 1963

box 9, folder 3

Bunker Ramo relocation guides 1964

box 9, folder 4

Bunker Ramo Market Penetration 1965

box 9, folder 5

Bunker Ramo Programs and Administration Control Forms 1965

box 9, folder 6

Bunker Ramo report 1966

box 72

Professional awards 1955-1964


Subseries 1.3: Magnavox 1964-2004

Scope and Content

The Magnavox subseries covers Stern's career at Magnavox from 1966-1991 and his professional activity following retirement. It includes company memos and reports, company-related correspondence, travel itineraries and related correspondence, and calendars. Chron files from the 1980s gather company correspondence and memos in chronological order. The subseries also includes correspondence and printed materials related to professional organizations with which he was involved during this time period. Most materials related to the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) from this time period have been kept with the IEEE subseries. As a result, travel itineraries and related correspondence from 1975, when Stern served as IEEE President, are found in the IEEE subseries 1.4.

Organization and Arrangement

Materials are arranged chronologically and by type of material.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 9, folder 7

Arthur Stern resume circa 1966

box 9, folder 8

Arthur Stern professional headshots 1966, undated

box 10, folder 1-2

Magnavox PR 1964-1985

box 10, folder 3

News release: Magnavox corporate vice president 1973 May 3

box 10, folder 4-5

Security clearance forms 1965-1983

box 10, folder 6

Articles about Arthur Stern 1966, 1969, 1973, 1980

box 10, folder 7

Magnavox Research Laboratory Operations 1967

box 10, folder 8, box 11, folder 1-7

Memos, business correspondence, and company publications 1966-1990

box 12, folder 1

Magnavox reports and reviews 1976

box 12, folder unknown container

Review of Advanced Product Division 1977

box 12, folder 3-5

Magnavox reports 1973-1991

box 12, folder 6

Overseas address list undated

box 12, folder 7

Correspondence: Professor Ed Gerecke ETH 1968-1969

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: list of dissertations written under Prof. Gerecke and article regarding his retirement summarizing his career and technical contributions, letters of congratulations and the conferral of an honorary doctorate from the Technical University of Darmstadt, ETH bulletins concerning news at the Institute and announcing Gerecke's resignation
box 13, folder 1

Company-related personal correspondence 1966-1975

box 13, folder 2

Company-related travel correspondence 1977

box 13, folder 3

Company-related correspondence 1978

box 13, folder 4

Company-related correspondence 1979

box 13, folder 5

Company-related correspondence 1980

box 13, folder 6

Company-related correspondence 1981

box 13, folder 7

Security briefings and visit request forms 1984-1990

box 13, folder 8

Magnavox Government and Industrial Electronics Company (MAGIEC) correspondence 1984

box 13, folder 9

Navstar GPS correspondence 1985

box 13, folder 10

Notes and correspondence on Israel sales consulting 1986

box 14, folder 1

Company-related correspondence and security clearance documents 1987

box 14, folder 2

International correspondence 1980-1990

box 14, folder 3

Correspondence: Congressman Glenn Anderson 1981-1990

box 14, folder 4

WM Satellite Company 1987

box 14, folder 5

Lockerbie incident 1988

box 14, folder 6

Company-related correspondence 1989

box 15, folder 1-2, box 14, folder 7-8

The RMS Company correspondence 1989-1990

box 15, folder 3

Company-related correspondence 1990

box 15, folder 4

Magnavox Christmas gift list 1976-1990

box 15, folder 5

Magnavox Christmas party table list 1977-1989

box 15, folder 6

Magnavox Christmas liquor list 1984-1989

box 15, folder 7

Magnavox employee year-end letters 1987-1990

box 15, folder 8

Retirement announcement 1990

box 15, folder 9

Goodbye letters list 1990

box 15, folder 10

Retirement congratulations letters 1990

box 16, folder 1

Chron File 1983

box 16, folder 2

Chron File 1984

box 16, folder 3

Chron File 1985

box 16, folder 4-5

Chron File 1986

box 16, folder 6-7

Chron File 1987

box 17, folder 1

Chron File 1988

box 17, folder 2-3

Chron File 1989

box 17, folder 4-5

Chron File - Magnavox correspondence 1989

box 18, folder 1-2, box 17, folder 6

Chron File 1990

box 18, folder 3-5

Chron File - Magnavox correspondence 1990

box 18, folder 6

Engineering professional organizations 1970-2003

box 19, folder 1, box 18, folder 7

Club of Rome 1976

box 19, folder 2

Speeches and presentation slides 1976, 1982, 1984

box 19, folder 3

Membership: National Academy of Engineering 1977-1978

box 19, folder 4

Membership: American Association for the Advancement of Science - fellow 1982-1990

box 19, folder 5-7

Institute of Internal Auditors 1983-1987

box 20, folder 1

Jerusalem Economic Conference 1984

box 20, folder 2

President's Blue Ribbon Commission on Defense Management 1986

box 20, folder 3-4

R and D Cooperation Conference 1987

box 20, folder 5

Engineering Advisory Councils: Cal State Long Beach and UC Santa Barbara 1987-1990

box 20, folder 6

CEO Roundtables 1989-1992

box 20, folder 7

Pacific CEO Institute Roundtable: Pebble Beach, CA (Inn at Spanish Bay) 1990 November

box 21, folder 1

Energizing Market Forum 1990

box 21, folder 2-3

Speaking Engagements 1992-1997

box 21, folder 4

Overseas trip: Israel, Italy, Germany, Switzerland, England 1969 July-August

box 21, folder 5

Overseas trip: Japan, Australia 1970 July-August

box 21, folder 6

Overseas trip: Europe 1971 August-September

box 21, folder 7

Overseas trip: Europe, Israel 1972 July-August

box 21, folder 8

Overseas trip: Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan 1972

box 21, folder 9

Overseas trip: Europe 1972 April

box 22, folder 1

Overseas trip: Europe 1973 March

box 22, folder 2

Overseas trip: Europe 1973 May

box 22, folder 3

Overseas trip: Europe 1973 November

box 22, folder 4

1974 trips to Europe 1973-1974

box 22, folder 5

Overseas trip: London, Brussels, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Madrid 1974 April-May

box 22, folder 6

Overseas trip: England, Switzerland, Norway, Belgium 1974 February-March

box 22, folder 7

Overseas trip: South America and Mexico 1974 July-August

box 22, folder 8

Overseas trip: Russia 1974

box 22, folder 9

Overseas trip: The Netherlands, Switzerland 1974 December

box 22, folder 10

Overseas trip: England, Switzerland, the Netherlands, Copenhagen 1976 February

box 22, folder 11

Overseas trip: England, Switzerland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, France, Spain 1976 May-June

box 22, folder 12

Overseas trip: England, Switzerland, Holland, Hamburg, Oslo, Denmark 1976

box 22, folder 13

Overseas trip: Florida, London, Oslo, Copenhagen, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Rome, Paris 1976 December

box 22, folder 14

Overseas trip: London, Switzerland, Holland, Hamburg 1977 February-March

box 22, folder 15

Overseas trip: England, Holland, Switzerland, France, Norway, Italy, Israel 1977 April-May

box 23, folder 1

Overseas trip: Paris, Stockholm, Switzerland 1977 June

box 23, folder 2

Overseas trip: Holland, Switzerland, Copenhagen, Oslo, England, Hamburg, Paris 1977 September-October

box 23, folder 3

Overseas trip: West Germany, Zurich, Geneva, Amsterdam 1977 November

box 23, folder 4

Overseas trip: East Coast United States, England, Switzerland, Holland, France, West Germany 1978 February-March

box 23, folder 5

Overseas trip: Tokyo, People's Republic of China, Hong Kong 1978 May-June

box 23, folder 6

Overseas trip: England, the Netherlands, France, West Germany 1978 July-August

box 23, folder 7

Overseas trip: Genoa, Milan, Copenhagen, Rome, England, Switzerland, Paris 1978 September

box 23, folder 8

Overseas trip: London, Paris, Switzerland 1978 October-November

box 23, folder 9

Overseas trip: San Juan, Lisbon, Geneva, Zurich, Oslo, Brussels 1978 December

box 23, folder 10

Overseas trip: New Jersey, Baltimore, New York, Frankfurt, Bremen, Koblenz, Switzerland, Brussels, Amsterdam 1979 February-March

box 23, folder 11

Overseas trip: Portugal, Spain, Monte Carlo, Switzerland, Norway, Rome, London 1979 April-May

box 24, folder 1

Overseas trip: Key Largo, London, Holland, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden 1979 October

box 24, folder 2

Overseas trip: Mahwah, Brussels, Amsterdam, West Germany, Switzerland, Italy 1979 November

box 24, folder 3

Overseas trip: Fort Worth, New Jersey, New York, Paris, Switzerland, Stuttgart, Backnang, Oslo, London, Holland 1980 February

box 24, folder 4

Overseas trip: New York, Washington DC, West Germany, Switzerland, Great Britain 1980 April-May

box 24, folder 5

Overseas trip: Washington DC, Stockholm, Switzerland, London, Rome 1980 June-July

box 24, folder 6

Overseas trip: England, Sweden, Holland, Germany, Switzerland - visits to Mullard and AGA 1980 September-October

box 24, folder 7

Overseas trip: Frankfurt, Kiel, Hamburg, West Germany, Switzerland, England 1980 November

box 24, folder 8

Overseas trip: New York, Paris, Zurich, Rome, Israel, Antwerp 1981 April

box 25, folder 1

Overseas trip: New York, Brussels, Paris, Switzerland, Italy, Israel, Germany, Holland 1981 April-May

box 25, folder 2

Overseas trip 1981 May-June

box 25, folder 3

Overseas trip: Princeton, Paris, Hamburg, Oslo, Zurich, Geneva 1981 August

box 25, folder 4

Overseas trip: Mahwah NJ, Holland, Hamburg, Bremen, London, Frankfurt, Brussels 1981 October

box 25, folder 5

Overseas trip: New Jersey, New York, West Germany, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands (Agent's Conference) 1981 November

box 25, folder 6

Overseas trip: Philadelphia, New York, West Germany, Amsterdam, Switzerland, Spain 1981 December

box 25, folder 7

Overseas trip: Philadelphia, Switzerland, Holland, Washington DC 1982 March

box 25, folder 8-10

Overseas trip: Tokyo, Hong Kong, Delhi, West Germany, Switzerland, New York 1982 April-May

box 25, folder 11

Overseas trip: Switzerland, Holland, New York, Fort Wayne 1982 June-July

box 25, folder 12

Overseas trip: Stockholm, Oslo, Switzerland, Brussels, Paris, London 1982 September

box 26, folder 1

Overseas trip: Europe 1982 August-September

box 26, folder 2-3

Overseas trip: Frankfurt, Hamburg, Copenhagen, Amsterdam, Eindhoven, Geneva, Zurich, Vevey, London, Dallas 1982 September-October

box 26, folder 4-5

Overseas trip: Washington DC, Fort Monmouth, Frankfurt, Holland, Sweden, Switzerland, Paris, New York 1982 December

box 26, folder 6

Overseas trip: New York, London, Geneva, Zurich, Amsterdam 1983 April-May

box 26, folder 7-8

Overseas trip: July 4-11, 1983 - Japan 1983 July

box 26, folder 9

Overseas trip: England, Norway, Stockholm, Switzerland, Hamburg, Paris 1983 August

box 26, folder 10

Overseas trip: GPS-related business 1983 August

box 26, folder 11

Overseas trip: New York, New Jersey, Germany, Switzerland, Spain, Holland, France 1983 October

box 26, folder 12

Overseas trip: Europe - Agent's Conference 1983 October

box 26, folder 13

Overseas trip: Paris, Zurich, Frankfurt, Amsterdam, New York 1984 October-November

box 27, folder 1

Overseas trip: Paris, Geneva, Rome, Zurich, Frankfurt 1984 March

box 27, folder 2-3

Overseas trip: Europe and Israel 1984 May

box 27, folder 4

Overseas contact information 1985

box 27, folder 5

Overseas trip: London, Zurich, Paris, New York 1985 March

box 27, folder 6

Overseas trip: Italy, Germany 1985 April

box 27, folder 7

Overseas trip: New York, Rome, Florence, Zurich, Copenhagen, Frankfurt 1985 April-May

box 27, folder 8

Overseas trip: East Coast, Holland, Switzerland 1985 June

box 27, folder 9

Overseas trip: Amsterdam 1985 June

box 27, folder 10

Overseas trip: England, Holland, Switzerland, East Coast 1985 October

box 27, folder 11

Overseas trip: Fort Wayne, Philadelphia, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, Zurich, New York 1985 November

box 27, folder 12

Overseas trip: business paperwork 1985 November

box 27, folder 13

Overseas trip: Frankfurt, Zurich, Geneva, London 1986 January

box 27, folder 14

Overseas trip: St. Louis, Washington DC, Zurich, Geneva, Brussels, London 1986 April

box 28, folder 1

Overseas trip: Europe and Washington DC 1986 June

box 28, folder 2

Overseas trip: Hungary, Israel, Western Europe 1986 July

box 28, folder 3

Overseas trip: Philadelphia, Switzerland, Germany 1986 September

box 28, folder 4

Overseas trip: Frankfurt, Copenhagen, Stockholm, Zurich 1986 October

box 28, folder 5

Overseas trip: Europe - Policy Advisory Board 1986-1987

box 28, folder 6

Overseas trip: Israel 1987

box 28, folder 7

Overseas trip: Paris, Amsterdam, London 1987 January

box 28, folder 8

Overseas trip: London, Switzerland, Paris, Florida 1987 March-April

box 28, folder 9

Overseas trip: London, Zurich, Frankfurt 1987 April

box 28, folder 10

Overseas trip: Germany, Israel, Yugoslavia, Switzerland 1987 June

box 28, folder 11

Overseas trip: Europe - Policy Advisory Board 1987 October

box 28, folder 12

Overseas trip: Holland, England, Switzerland 1987 November

box 28, folder 13

Overseas trip: Denmark, Germany, Holland 1988 March

box 28, folder 14

Overseas trip: Holland, France, Belgium, Switzerland 1988 April

box 28, folder 15

Overseas trip: Holland, Germany, Switzerland 1988 May

box 28, folder 16

Overseas trip: Holland, Switzerland, England 1988 June

box 28, folder 17

Overseas trip: Holland and England 1988 August

box 28, folder 18

Overseas trip: Switzerland, Netherlands, Paris 1988 October-November

box 28, folder 19

Overseas trip: Zurich, Amsterdam, London 1988 December

box 28, folder 20

Overseas trip: cancelled trip 1989

box 28, folder 21

Overseas trip: East Coast, Switzerland, Holland, Italy 1989 March

box 29, folder 1

Overseas trip: Switzerland, France, England 1989 July

box 29, folder 2

Overseas trip: England, Holland 1989 September

box 29, folder 3

Overseas trip: Holland, Switzerland, England 1989 December

box 29, folder 4

Overseas trip: England, France, Switzerland, Germany 1989 December

box 29, folder 5

Overseas trip: New York, Budapest, Zurich, Geneva 1990 June

box 29, folder 6

Calendars 1979-1987

box 29, folder 7-8

Appointment Books 1982-1990

box 29, folder 9-11

Daily Calendar 1985

box 30, folder 1-3

Daily Calendar 1986

box 30, folder 4-6

Daily Calendar 1987

box 30, folder 7-8, box 31, folder 1

Daily Calendar 1988

box 31, folder 2-4

Daily Calendar 1989

box 31, folder 5-7

Daily Calendar 1990

box 32

Media: Speeches and presentations 1983-1987

Scope and Content

12 audio cassettes. Cassette annotations: 3 grouped together marked "Magnavox"; "Position, Location, and Navigation Symposium, 1986 Keynote" (3 copies); "Ethics in Business – 1987" (3 copies); "MRL LA Hilton"; • "A P Stern – Ethics – edited master"; "Senior Management Perceptions of Internal Auditing" 1983.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 72

Professional awards 1965-2004


Subseries 1.4: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1972-2011

Scope and Content

The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a major international technical professional organization. This subseries includes press releases, correspondence, travel agendas, and conference materials from 1975, the year in which Arthur Stern served as President of the organization. The subseries also includes conference materials, correspondence, and awards related to Stern's continued involvement with the organization throughout his career.

Organization and Arrangement

Materials are arranged chronologically.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 33, folder 1

Certificates and recognition 1972-1976, 1981, 2003

box 33, folder 2

News release: Secretary IEEE 1972 January 12

box 33, folder 3

News release: Treasurer IEEE 1973 January 4

box 33, folder 4

News release: Vice President - Regional Activities IEEE 1974

box 33, folder 5

News release: President IEEE 1974 November

box 33, folder 6

Business cards and candidate biographies 1974

box 33, folder 7

Office of the President article - Electrical Engineering Times 1974-1975

box 33, folder 8

Venice, Italy Region 8 Committee Meeting 1975 April-July

box 33, folder 9

Athens, Greece 1975 March-May

box 33, folder 10-13

Correspondence and Memoranda: Popov Society - Moscow USSR 1975

box 34, folder 1-3

Correspondence: Irwin Feerst 1973-1977

box 34, folder 4

Hungarian Electrotechnical Association Budapest, Hungary 1974-1975

box 34, folder 5

Vienna, Austria 1975 June

Language of Material: Contains some materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Brief correspondence regarding visit while president of IEEE
box 34, folder 6

VI Central American Convention Managua, Nicaragua 1975 April-September

box 34, folder 7

Mexicon 75 Mexico City, Mexico 1975 February-October

box 35, folder 1, box 34, folder 8-9

International IEEE: Japan, Philippines, Australia, Hong Kong, Bangkok, India, Iran, Netherlands, etc. 1975-1976

box 35, folder 2

Overseas trip: Venice, Israel, Egypt, Athens 1975 April-June

box 35, folder 3

Overseas trip: Finland, USSR, Hungary, Vienna, Switzerland 1975 May-June

box 35, folder 4

Overseas trip: Managua, Nicaragua 1975 August

box 35, folder 5

Overseas trip: Japan, Australia, Hong Kong, Bangkok, India, Tehran, Netherlands, etc. 1975 September-October

box 35, folder 6

Overseas trip: the Netherlands, Italy, Denmark 1975 December

box 35, folder 7

IEEE Spectrum 1975 September

box 35, folder 8

Professional Activities of IEEE Address 1975 August 12

box 35, folder 9

IEEE membership documents 1975

box 35, folder 10

IEEE in Israel invitations 1975

box 35, folder 11

IEEE in Israel Program 1975

box 35, folder 12

Meetings with industry leaders 1975

box 36, folder 1-2, box 35, folder 13

Conference and travel programs 1975

box 36, folder 3-4

Correspondence: publications and articles 1975-1976

box 37, folder 1-2, box 36, folder 5-7

IEEE correspondence and newsletters 1975-2010

box 37, folder 3

Retrospective on the International Solid State Circuits Conference 1992

box 37, folder 4

International Solid State Circuits Conference Annual Conference 1993

box 37, folder 5-6, box 38, folder 1-2

IEEE History Center 1993-2009

box 38, folder 3

IEEE History Center: John J Guerrera 1995-2007

box 38, folder 4

IEEE retrospective - History Center 1961-2007

box 38, folder 5

Haraden Pratt Award 1999-2001

box 38, folder 6

IEEE Awards Events 1994-2006

box 38, folder 7

IEEE Recognition Council 2010-2011

box 32

Media: IEEE Presentations 1975-1990

Scope and Content

7 1/8 inch audiocassettes. Titles/markings on cassettes: "Professional Activities of IEEE" August 12, 1975 (3 copies), "Nov. 5, 1986 IEEE Luncheon", "A P Stern May 6, 2002", 2 unmarked

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Audiovisual materials in this collection will require assessment and possible digitization for safe access. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 72

Awards 1975


Series 2: Publications 1949-2004

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

The Publications series (1949-2004) contains technical papers, conference proceedings, and books to which Arthur Stern contributed. It also includes his master's thesis from Syracuse University. Additionally, the series includes newspaper articles that mention or are related to Stern, mostly in a professional context.

Organization and Arrangement

The contents are arranged chronologically and by format.
box 40, folder 1

Early publications: Switzerland 1951

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Bulletins of the Swiss Association for Electrical Engineers with articles by Stern on the theory of series reactors for gas discharge lamps and white fluorescent tubes, article for cold cathode fluorescent tubes about series reactors for fluorescent tubes, article in Journal for Applied Mathematics and Physics on the theory of the of alternating current circuits for discharge lamps.
box 40, folder 2-4

Early publications: Switzerland and GE 1949-1959

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.
box 40, folder 5

Abstract: "Economic Aspects of the Impact of Microelectronics on the Electronics Industry" 1950s

box 40, folder 6

Transistor AM Broadcast Receivers - GE Technical Information Series 1952-1954

box 40, folder 7

Electronics Magazine 1954

box 41, folder 1, box 40, folder 8

Scientific publications GE 1954-1961

box 41, folder 2-3

Syracuse thesis: "Transistor AM Broadcast Receivers" 1956

box 41, folder 4

Scientific publications and conference records 1960-1961

box 42, folder 1-2, box 41, folder 5

Technical journals 1951-1962

box 42, folder 3-5

Proceedings of the Institute of Radio Engineers 1954-1957

box 43, folder 1

Institute of Radio Engineers Convention Records 1956

box 43, folder 2-3

Proceedings of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 1964

box 43, folder 4

Military Electronics 1980 December

box 43, folder 5

CIO Magazine 1992 March 8-11

box 43, folder 6-7, box 44, folder 1

International Solid-State Circuits Conference Digest of Technical Papers 1993, 2003

box 44, folder 2

Eta Kappa Nu "A Century of Honoring Excellence in Electrical and Computer Engineering" 2004

box 44, folder 3-6

Newspaper clippings 1957-1985

box 45

Bound volumes 1953-2004

Language of Material: Contains some materials in French and German.

Scope and Content

Contains 12 volumes. List of titles:
  • Engineers as Executives: An International Perspective, William Aspray
  • Proceedings of the Symposium on Modern Network Synthesis, Polytechnic Institute of Brooklyn, April 13, 14, 15, 1955
  • National Policy and Priorities for Science and Technology Act, 1975
  • Profiles in Engineering Leadership: Eta Kappa Nu's First Century Eminent Members, Greg Swedberg
  • Handbook of Automation Computation and Control, Volume 3: Systems and Components (2 copies)
  • Internationale Investitionen in Entwicklungaslandern, Dr. Tibor Rosenbaum
  • Transistor Circuit Engineering, ed. Richard F. Shea
  • Technique des circuits a transistors, ed. R.F. Shea (French translation of Transistor Circuit Engineering)
  • Principles of Transistor Circuits, ed. Richard F. Shea (includes inscription)
  • Proceedings of the National Electronics Conference Volume XVI 1960
  • A Century of Honors 1884-1984, IEEE

Series 3: Personal materials 1940-2012

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

The personal materials in this series include Arthur Stern's personal correspondence with family and friends from the 1940s in postwar Switzerland up until his death in Los Angeles in 2012. Some of the correspondence, particularly with Stern's relatives, is in German, Hungarian, and French. The series also includes black and white photographs and negatives, ephemera from post-war Switzerland, personal travel itineraries, and personal records such as address lists, bibliographies, notes, genealogy research and documentation, and letters to editors.

Organization and Arrangement

Contents are arranged by subject.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS DIGITAL MATERIALS: Special equipment or further processing may be required for viewing. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 46, folder 1

Arthur Stern school records 1940-1943

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian.
box 46, folder 2

Postwar Switzerland: photos 1940s

box 46, folder 3

Official documents at liberation 1945-1952

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and French.

Scope and Content

German materials include: official documents pertaining to liberation and proving Stern's subsequent stay in Switzerland.
French materials include: official documents related to refugee status, liberation, and right to reside in Switzerland.
box 46, folder 4

Postwar Switzerland: Bewusstsein und Sein - Swiss socialist student organization publication

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Two pamphlets containing articles from the Swiss Association of Socialist Students on the subjects of science and socialism, the applicability of Karl Marx, sociology, comparing capitalistic and socialistic economic planning models, and reports on local concerns.
box 46, folder 5

Correspondence: Postwar Switzerland

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: program from Arthur and Edith's wedding, bank receipts, psychological evaluation of both Robert and Arthur Stern sent to Leon Stern, correspondence regarding the unpaid bill stating their experience that Jewish clients don't want to pay their bills, correspondence regarding Leon Stern's order for a psychological evaluation of his sons, the official handwriting analysis of both Arthur and Robert Stern.
box 46, folder 6

Correspondence: job applications 1945, 1950-1953

Language of Material: Includes materials in French and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Letters from potential employers and invitations to visit certain laboratories, as well as correspondence with a professor in Switzerland.
French materials include: Correspondence from University of Geneva law department regarding requirements for sitting exams.
box 46, folder 7

Correspondence: employment 1951-1961

box 46, folder 8

Arthur and Edith immigration and naturalization paperwork 1946-1956

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hungarian.
box 46, folder 9

Syracuse correspondence 1956

box 46, folder 10

Syracuse Jewish Welfare Federation 1958

box 46, folder 11

Letter to parents 1960 June 28

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian.
box 46, folder 12

Correspondence: Arthur and Edith ("Our Family Letters") 1965

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Letters from Edith to Arthur regarding the children (particularly their behavior and time at Aschers), her visit to Switzerland, health updates, travel plans, Arthur's parents.
box 46, folder 13

515 Bradford Parkway: real estate and legal correspondence 1959-1961

box 46, folder 14

7505 Park Heights Avenue: real estate and legal correspondence 1959-1965

box 46, folder 15

McGraw Hill reviews 1959-1964

box 46, folder 16

Transistor Circuit Engineering and other literary activities 1955-1963

box 46, folder 17

Jewish community in Switzerland 1955-1963

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Materials include: drafts of statute, list of board members and members of the Orthodox congregation in Geneva, notes about how the congregation should be organized and relate to others in Geneva, minutes from the meeting at which the congregation was founded and led by Leon Stern.
box 47, folder 1-6, box 48, folder 1-2

Correspondence: to parents (Leon and Bertha Stern) 1951-1981

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian and German.

Scope and Content

German language content includes:
Folders 1-3 of 8: Correspondence primarily from Edith to Arthur's parents (Arthur's are mostly in Hungarian) regarding health updates, the children and their behavior and development, Robert Stern's visits, thanking for various gifts, the search for a new house, family visits and trips, real estate/work updates, getting used to life in the US, and an official statement on Arthur's experience while leaving Bergen-Belsen, APS correspondence regarding restitution.
Folders 4-6 of 8: Correspondence primarily from Edith to Arthur's parents (Arthur's are in Hungarian) regarding their children (particularly their education and behavior), travel plans, plans for Jewish holidays, health updates, how busy Arthur is, thank-you's for gifts received, move to Los Angeles, visits from Robert and Edith's mother, and the whiskey business. Letters from Jetty with good wishes for birthday and for the Jewish New Year, and regarding visits with Arthur and family.
Folders 7-8 of 8: Correspondence primarily from Edith regarding health updates, travel, their children (particularly their education and development), Edith's real estate work, business concerns, Arthur's preoccupation with work, good wishes for Jewish holidays, birthdays, and anniversaries, and Jewish social engagements.
box 48, folder 3-8

Correspondence: from parents (Leon and Bertha Stern) 1952-1976

Language of Material: Materials are in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include:
Folders 3-5: Letters from Parents 1952-63 Correspondence from Arthur's parents, particularly regarding travel, business and financial concerns, investing in whiskey, family politics (especially regarding Robert Stern), family milestones, deliveries, holocaust reparations, current events (particularly in Hungary, though includes brief mentions of the Kasztner trial, the Eichmann trial, and the Kennedy assassination), and Stern's children – particularly regarding their birthdays and Jewish education.
Folders 6-8: Letters from Parents 1964-1976 Correspondence regarding travel, move to Los Angeles and real estate concerns, business concerns (primarily regarding Whiskey), financial and economic concerns (particularly regarding investments in the stock market and taxes), discussions regarding Stern's children (particularly Jewish education, behavior, Danny and Claude's bar mitzvah), family concerns and milestones, health updates, discussion of Jewish life and the congregation in Geneva, concerns regarding the actions of Robert Stern, move to Magnavox, holocaust reparations (very briefly), current events (particularly in Israel), congratulations to Stern on promotions within the IEEE, Edith Stern's real estate business. Also includes a few letters from Doris Pugatsch with general life updates.
box 49, folder 1

Correspondence: postwar 1947-1948

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence from Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich regarding an application for a position, from a former girlfriend, from a lawyer regarding unpaid fees, telegrams from Vienna regarding passport, from the socialist student association regarding a series of articles Stern should write on the situation in Hungary, from Swiss officials regarding residence permit/release from internment.
box 49, folder 2

Correspondence: to parents 1962, 1965, 1970-71

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence from Edith to Arthur's parents regarding Jewish holidays, the children's behavior, correspondence from Edith's mother (Hulda) to Leon and Bertha Stern regarding health of Arthur and Edith, behavior of their children while parents on vacation.
box 49, folder 3

Correspondence: Robert Stern 1955-1973

Language of Material: Includes materials in Hungarian.
box 49, folder 4-6

Correspondence: family and friends 1951-1971

Language of Material: Includes materials in Hungarian and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Correspondence from Robert Stern regarding visits, Jewish holidays, and brief career updates. Correspondence from Prof. M. Strutt in Zurich about Arthur's work in electrical engineering/with transistors, thanking him for scientific help and input, the births of Daniel and Claude Stern and from Prof. Weber regarding students interested in transistors. Updates from family in England, letters from unknown person in Zurich regarding career changes, construction in Zurich. Letters from Irene Michel in Zurich to Edith regarding the birth of Danny Stern, their (Irene and Louis') engagement and increased Jewish orthodoxy, her health, asking advice on relationship problems (prior to meeting Louis), work considerations at Butonia, reply from Edith to Irene regarding her pregnancy with Danny, the differences between Switzerland and the USA, their record collection, and their new house. Letter from Edith to George Mezoefi regarding her first months in the US, reply from George about work at MGM (Ivanhoe, Singin' in the Rain, etc.), 3D films in Switzerland and other work updates. Letters from various family members and friends with brief life and health updates, and discussions of their children (particularly Danny's birth). Arthur Stern's employment contract as an assistant at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich, Correspondence between Josef Stern and Simon Wiesenthal regarding licenses in Austria, business and legal correspondence from Leon Stern, personal correspondence between Bertha Stern and family providing general updates, family correspondence between Edith and her parents regarding travel and health updates, as well as with Stern's parents on same subjects.
box 49, folder 7

Correspondence: postwar, Edith and Arthur, Edith and family 1945-1951

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Correspondence from Edith to Arthur about his experiences in and impressions of the USA (including anti-Semitism), career plans, travels, necessary visa paperwork and other visa related issues, her stress regarding work, films and social life, health updates (particularly regarding an operation on her legs), preparations for Jewish holidays, current events (threats of war, Swiss newspapers, . Correspondence from Edith's mother and sister to Arthur about travels, Arthur's experiences in the US, Edith's visa application process. Telegram to Arthur from his Grandparents on his 20th birthday.
box 50, folder 1

Holocaust artifacts 1933, 1944-1947

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Leon Stern's ID card from during German occupation of Budapest stating his profession and role in collecting clothing, Leon Stern's immunization card as member of the Central Council of Jews in Budapest 1944, permit from Central Council for him to monitor food supply in hospitals and detention camps, receipt from application for Stern family emigration to Palestine, note thanking Leon for assisting with French-speaking refugees after the war.
box 50, folder 2-3

Congratulatory telegrams: Arthur and Edith Wedding 1952

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

Cards, telegrams, letters and a poem from friends and family congratulating Arthur and Edith Stern on their marriage, letters to Leon Stern congratulating him on his son's marriage.
box 50, folder 4

Leon and Bertha Stern: Correspondence, refugee and immigration documents, and death certificates 1938, 1947-1954, 1985-1986

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Correspondence with Leo Pugatsch regarding order for various chemicals, letter from Budapest regarding experiences in the Hungarian revolution 1956 comparing it to experiences during WW2. Letter from Josef Stern to family August 1945 regarding finding who survived and his experience in Auschwitz and other Concentration Camps during the war. Correspondence from Swiss authorities regarding finding family after the war. Letter to Arthur written in event of Leon Stern's death during surgery regarding his financial assets. Letter to Josef Stern and testament of Leon Stern outlining financial assets.
French materials include: official Swiss documents related to liberation and permission to travel.
box 50, folder 5

Family correspondence and immigration documents 1970-1981

Language of Material: Materials are in Hungarian and German.
box 50, folder 6

Mother's estate 1983-1997

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: tax documents and asset inventory and summary for Hulda Samuel-Besser (Edith's mother) after her death in January 1983, financial documents, invoices and documents pertaining to inheritance and division of assets between heirs, correspondence with manager of Hulda Samuel-Besser's property in Zurich, appraisal of her valuables, correspondence regarding memorial and gravestone, pamphlets from the Union Bank of Switzerland on taxes and inheritance laws and regulations, Hulda Samuel-Besser's death certificate, obituary in Zurich's daily newspaper.
box 51, folder 1

Leon Stern speeches ("Papa's Speeches") 1962-1966

Language of Material: Materials are in German and Hebrew.

Scope and Content

Speech given by Danny(?) at Bar Mitzvah thanking his parents and acknowledging his new role as a Jewish adult, speeches by Leon Stern on the Bar Mitzvah of Danny Stern and Marcell Stern on biblical and Jewish themes of adulthood and celebration.
box 51, folder 2

Geneva pending matters 1969-1982

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and French.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Report on Swiss buyer fees, report regarding dividends from British war loans, notes regarding creation and demand for payment for a memorial plaque for Stern's parents.
French materials include: Correspondence regarding Swiss bank accounts.
box 51, folder 3

Leon and Bertha Stern inheritance - inactive 1982, 1986-1987

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and French.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Official pamphlets from Swiss association of lawyers regarding regulations of their fees and associated responsibilities.
French materials include: Inventory of Swiss bank safe deposit box.
box 51, folder 4

Leon and Bertha Stern: will, death certificates, and correspondence 1982-1997

Language of Material: Includes materials in French and German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: doctor's report on the health of Bertha Stern, two letters from Bertha Stern to Claude and Jackie Stern about travels, university, and summer break, paperwork and statements regarding the healthcare of Leon and Bertha Stern, correspondence related to parents' stay in Vevey, and Leon Stern's will.
French Materials include: death certificates for Leon and Bertha Stern and related medical correspondence from nursing home, letters thanking Arthur Stern for donations in his father's name, correspondence from nursing home regarding parents' room and finances, announcement of Leon Stern's death.
box 51, folder 5

Leon and Bertha Stern: obituaries 1985-1986

Language of Material: Materials are in German.

Scope and Content

Obituary for Leon Stern detailing his personal and work history, obituary for Bertha Stern detailing her past and relationship to Leon, as well as an article commemorating the unveiling of their shared gravestone and providing a detailed personal history of Leon and Bertha.
box 51, folder 6

Leon and Bertha Stern: mausoleum 1986

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hebrew.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Document written by Stern giving short biography of his parents in honor of the unveiling of their gravestone in Geneva.
French materials include: Correspondence from Robert to gravestone vendor regarding sketches for mausoleum.
box 51, folder 7-8

Correspondence: condolences 1986

Language of Material: Includes materials in French, German, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

Condolence letters and correspondence on the occasion of Stern's father and mother's deaths.
box 51, folder 9

Correspondence: gravestone in Veyrier 2007-2009

Language of Material: Includes materials in French.

Scope and Content

French materials include: correspondence to Robert regarding parent's gravestone in Veyrier.
box 52, folder 1

Correspondence: from and related to Leon and Bertha Stern 1967, 1983

Language of Material: Includes materials in Hungarian.
box 52, folder 2

Correspondence: Arthur, Edith, and friends 1974-1975

Language of Material: Includes materials in German, French, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Correspondence from friends regarding their health, thank-you's for bar mitzvah gifts, greeting for the Jewish High holidays.
French materials include: thank you note from a friend.
box 52, folder 3

Correspondence: Robert Stern and family 1976-1997

box 52, folder 4

Correspondence: Arthur and Robert Stern 1982, 1986

box 52, folder 5-7

Correspondence: Stern family - children and grandchildren 1971-2011

box 52, folder 8

Correspondence: Stern family 1973-2008

Language of Material: Includes material in German.

Scope and Content

German material includes: Letter from family in Switzerland with good wishes for Jewish New Year and general updates.
box 52, folder 9-10

Family correspondence and history 1988-2008

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: Memorial notice for yearly remembrance of the death of Leon Stern and Hulda Samuel-Besser, first letter from Arthur to uncle Josef Stern after the war regarding who made it through the war, his experiences arriving in Switzerland and the struggles (particularly financial) of life as a refugee, assets remaining in Hungary, possible return to Hungary and related challenges.
box 53, folder 1

Correspondence and ephemera 1979-1984

box 53, folder 2

Saved articles and related correspondence 1985, 2007-2011

box 53, folder 3

Personal correspondence: philanthropy and estate matters 1989

Language of Material: Includes materials in Hungarian.
box 53, folder 4

Personal communication: Jewish politics 2002-2003, 2011

box 53, folder 5

Correspondence: first transistor radio 2003-2012

box 54, folder 1-5, box 53, folder 6-8

Personal correspondence 1969-2011

Language of Material: Includes materials in German, French, and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence with relatives in Europe, primarily good wishes and short family updates around the Jewish High Holidays, thank you cards and good wishes for the Jewish High Holidays, brief correspondence regarding real estate in Berlin and with relatives in Europe regarding general life updates, cards of congratulations and good wishes, casual correspondence with and cards and thank you notes from family in Europe, thank you note, gift of a tree in honor of birthday, correspondence with friends and family in Switzerland regarding travels and general life updates, postcard from relatives, Christmas card, correspondence to friends regarding Switzerland in WW2, their engagement in the Jewish community, and good wishes for the High Holidays, official letter from the tax agency in Zurich.
box 55, folder 1, box 54, folder 6

Political cards and notes 1969-2010

box 55, folder 2

Photographs of Stern, family, and friends undated

box 55, folder 3

Stern family: publications 1968, 2003-2010

box 55, folder 4

Stern family: Thommy Kramer thesis 1993

box 55, folder 5

Claude Stern interview with Arthur 1994

box 55, folder 6

Grandchildren bar/bat mitzvah 1997-2009

box 55, folder 7

75th birthday party Edith and Arthur 2000 August

box 55, folder 8

Family genealogy 2003

box 55, folder 9

Passover in the Dob utca 2010

box 56, folder 1

Memorabilia undated

box 56, folder 2

Arthur Stern biographies and resumes 1973-2008

box 56, folder 3

Book orders 1969

box 56, folder 4

Notes on Israel 1999-2000

box 56, folder 5

Notes 2003, 2007, most undated

box 56, folder 6

Bibliographies/booklists 2002

Language of Material: Includes materials in Hungarian.
box 56, folder 7

Letters to editors 1979-2006

box 56, folder 8

Jerusalem Post article 2003 January

box 56, folder 9

Jewish Journal op-ed by Arthur Stern 2008

box 56, folder 10-11

Address lists undated

box 56, folder 12

The Barbarians Before the Gate pre-print 2000

box 57, folder 1-3

Notes and correspondence: whisky market 1962-1974

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: business correspondence between Leon and Arthur Stern regarding issues surrounding their whiskey investments, financial concerns, Arthur's desire to divest due to losses, tax concerns, real estate, devaluation of the British pound, stock investments, brief discussion of German reparations, the overproduction of whiskey, insurance policies for whiskey investments, and negotiations with whiskey brokers and related firms in both Britain and Switzerland, contract with Stersa AG for purchase and subsequent sale of whiskey, Bank Koschland & Hepner AG reports on the whiskey market, production, prices, investment strategies, and about patterns of consumption in different countries.
box 57, folder 4

Accident in Israel 1975

box 58, folder 1-2, box 57, folder 5-6

Personal travel 1976-2005

box 58, folder 3

Class action lawsuit 2009-2010

box 58, folder 4

Media: Stern computer files 2005, 2013

Scope and Content

Contains two CD-Rs and one USB drive. Both CD-R's labelled: "Arthur's Machine 8/12/05 My Documents E-mail addresses Recovered emails 8/31/05" USB with email explaining contents: outlook files, personal financial information, correspondence

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS DIGITAL MATERIALS: Special equipment or further processing may be required for viewing. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 72

Artwork and ephemera undated

box 39

Media: family photos and videos and file backups 1988-2012

Scope and Content

Contains 8 DVD-Rs, 2 CD-Rs, 6 CD-RWs, 6 flexidiscs. Includes file backups, family photos, granddaughter bat mitzvah video

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS DIGITAL MATERIALS: Special equipment or further processing may be required for viewing. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.

Series 4: Holocaust Restitution 1938-2013

Language of Material: Includes materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

The Holocaust Restitution subseries includes family correspondence related to restitution claims, legal correspondence related to those claims, and related official documents concerning real estate, finance, and family history. Much of this correspondence and related documentation is in German and Hungarian. It also includes Holocaust testimonials, oral history transcripts, and correspondence and media articles related to the Kasztner transport and Killing Kasztner, the documentary film made about the controversy. Additionally, it includes printed materials and related correspondence from organizations dedicated to assisting Holocaust survivors, including the California Humanitarian Foundation for Holocaust Survivors, for which Stern served as chairman.

Organization and Arrangement

Contents are arranged by subject.

Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

COLLECTION CONTAINS DIGITAL MATERIALS: Special equipment or further processing may be required for viewing. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
box 59, folder 1

Hungarian bank documents 1938, 1961

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: declaration in lieu of oath regarding financial worth and reparations claims.
box 59, folder 2-3

Insurance and property claims 1997-1998

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: documents and correspondence pertaining to inheritance and property claims in Germany, petition for certificate of inheritance for heirs (Robert and Arthur) of Bertha Stern whose parents (Mechel and Feige Frankfurter) owned property in Germany, documents pertaining to heirs of Bertha and her siblings.
box 59, folder 4-7

Hungarian restitution 1991-1998

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include:
Folders 1-2 of 4: documents, correspondence, and questionnaire pertaining to inheritance and establishing Arthur and Robert as heirs to their mother, also Lilly (Livia) Frankfurter to Bernard Frankfurter, and other siblings.
Folders 3-4 of 4: legal declaration and other documents pertaining to parent's war experience and Hungarian restitution claims.
box 60, folder 1-4

Berlin property claims 1992-1999

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include:
Folders 1-2 of 4: correspondence and legal agreements related to 14 inherited properties in Berlin.
Folders 3-4 of 4: correspondence with lawyers and relevant legal forms pertaining to property restitution and inheritance in Berlin, correspondence between lawyers and heirs in the 1950s pertaining to restitution and their statements regarding the forced sale of properties in Berlin during the Nazi period, form from Lilly Frankfurter relinquishing her claims, copies of official documents from forced sale of a property in the 1930s.
box 60, folder 5-6

East Germany property restitution 1992-1999

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence with lawyers and legal documents related to property restitution claims in Berlin, legal proceedings regarding the return of certain properties – particularly Libauerstrasse 5, and correspondence between Stern's lawyer and the Jewish Material Claims against Germany.
box 61, folder 1-2

Restitution 1995-2009

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence with German officials and official forms pertaining to Arthur and Robert Stern claiming father Leon Stern's restitution in Germany, correspondence about and claim against Germany calling for accurate pay out of interest on a property.
box 61, folder 3-4

Property restitution 1999-2004

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence with lawyer and official German offices pertaining to property restitution and sale of certain properties in Berlin, bill for lawyer's costs, property appraisal.
box 61, folder 5-6

Restitution Claims 1992-2003

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence with lawyer and official documents pertaining to restitution, sale/auction of Berlin properties, and property claims, reports on the properties themselves, copy of report on Bergen-Belsen from survivors of Kasztner transport, official document on sale of Danzigerstrasse 51, correspondence between lawyer and conference on Jewish Material Claims against Germany regarding properties, official documents regarding inheritance and heirs.
box 61, folder 7

Guide to Holocaust Reparations 2000

box 62, folder 1-2

Kasztner 1948, 2009-2010

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

Contains photocopy of document from 1948. German materials include: report on Bergen-Belsen and list of names in Kasztner Transport.
box 62, folder 3

German restitution 1956-1962

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: legal documents, claims, and correspondence pertaining to reparations and restitution, especially regarding payments for health problems caused by experience in the Holocaust. Also pertaining to claims for Edith Stern.
box 62, folder 4

Parents' German reparations 1959-1963

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: additional (rejected) reparations claims against the German government based on Bertha Stern's health issues, rejection of Leon Stern's claims, and Bertha Stern's application for reparations based on her health, legal statements verifying Leon Stern's character and position in Budapest at the time of German occupation.
box 62, folder 5-6

Hungary partial compensation 1959-1971

Language of Material: Contains materials in German and Hungarian.

Scope and Content

German materials include: reparations pertaining to Leon Stern and Joseph Stern, including correspondence with lawyers and official state offices in Germany (Stuttgart, Mainz) and legal forms. Also legal declarations regarding the basis and extent of the claims in Budapest and Germany, and statements from employees at the time of the German occupation of Hungary verifying Leon and Joseph Stern's claims, medical documents and statements for Mrs. Bertha Stern-Frankfurter and Leon Stern to prove health damage done during Holocaust.
box 62, folder 7

"An Interview with Arthur Stern" 1993

box 63, folder 1-2

Testimony and restitution reports 1998-2007

box 63, folder 3

Holocaust: Bulgaria - Events in Los Angeles 1990-2011

box 63, folder 4

Holocaust: Budapest/Hungarian 1988-2008

Language of Material: Contains materials in Hungarian.
box 63, folder 5

Switzerland/Swiss Consul General 1998-1999

Language of Material: Contains materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: correspondence pertaining to the role of Switzerland during the Second World War and thanking Stern for his efforts in the research, and his engagement in its support.
box 63, folder 6

Holocaust-related clippings 1998-2000

box 63, folder 7

Holocaust memorials/monuments 1994, 1996

box 63, folder 8

Holocaust: re: speaking engagements 1997, 2003, 2004, 2010, 2012

box 63, folder 9

Holocaust oral history general 1987, 1996

box 63, folder 10

Holocaust oral history 2011

box 63, folder 11

Testimony: Mendel Max Rozmaryn 2009

box 64, folder 1

Holocaust restitution 1993-1997

box 64, folder 2-3

California Holocaust Insurance Settlement Alliance 1999-2002

box 64, folder 4

Association of Holocaust Survivors from the Former USSR 1994-1997

box 64, folder 5

Jewish Council for Public Affairs materials 1998-2000

box 65, folder 1-5, box 64, folder 6

California Humanitarian Foundation for Holocaust Survivors 2001-2006

box 39

Media: Oral histories and Holocaust-related films 1996, 2011, 2013

Scope and Content

Contains 4 DVD-Rs. Title list: "Survivors of the Shoah Visual History Foundation Interview 12494 1996 Arthur Stern", "Shoah: Edith Stern Interview 1996", Killing Kasztner (2008), The Empty Boxcars: a film by Ed Gaffney.

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Series 5: Community Involvement 1966-2012

Scope and Content

The Community Involvement series includes correspondence and printed matter pertaining to the many community organizations with which Arthur Stern was involved, such as Americans for Peace Now, the California Israel Chamber of Commerce, and the Progressive Jewish Alliance. The files labelled "Jewish" include materials from a variety of Jewish organizations. The series also includes notes and correspondence related to Israel and politics in the Middle East, as well as correspondence related to Stern's philanthropic activity.

Organization and Arrangement

Contents are arranged by organization.
box 66, folder 1

Correspondence: Seaver Science Library (USC) and Syracuse Library gifts 1968-1988

box 66, folder 2

Jewish Publication Society 1969-2005

box 66, folder 3

Correspondence: community activity 1969-2007

box 66, folder 4

Philanthropy 1971-2012

box 66, folder 5

Anti-Defamation League Dinner Committee 1986 April

box 66, folder 6

Anti-Defamation League dinner - Torrance Marriott Hotel 1986 June

box 66, folder 7

New Israel Fund 1990-1995

box 66, folder 8

Arab/Jewish Speaker's Bureau 1994

box 66, folder 9-10

American Jewish Congress 1994-1998

box 66, folder 11, box 67, folder 1-2

Americans for Peace Now 1994-2012

box 67, folder 3

Jewish learning 1996-2010

box 67, folder 4-5

Muslim/Jewish dialogue group 1998-2001

box 67, folder 6

Progressive Jewish Alliance 1999-2003

box 67, folder 7

Labor Zionist Alliance 2000-2001

box 68, folder 1

Tzedek Award 2001, 2005, 2006

box 68, folder 2-4

B'tselem 2002-2011

box 68, folder 5-6

Bureau of Jewish Education 2004-2006

box 69, folder 1, box 68, folder 7

Association for Civil Rights in Israel 2006-2011

box 69, folder 2

Mt. Rushmore Institute 2007

box 69, folder 3

"Fighter for Justice" article on Arthur Stern community involvement 2010

box 69, folder 4

Jewish: correspondence and printed materials 1969-2012

box 69, folder 5

Jewish: reports, publications, and awards 1969-2012

box 69, folder 6

Jewish: correspondence, printed materials, and events 1969-2012

box 69, folder 7

Jewish: correspondence and reports 1969-2012

box 69, folder 8

Jewish: correspondence and news clippings 1969-2012

box 70, folder 1

Synagogue Beth Jacobs 1968-1993

box 70, folder 2-3

Middle East politics clippings 1981-2010

Language of Material: Includes materials in German.

Scope and Content

German materials include: articles from Die Welt on the USA's attempt to decrease tensions in the Middle East and avoid being drawn into a war, and article on the 40th anniversary of Hermann Goering's order to begin Jewish transports to the east.
box 70, folder 4

Maps of Israel 1982-1997

box 70, folder 5

Shinar 1991-1992

box 70, folder 6-7

Shinar/Israel economic development 1991-1993

box 70, folder 8

California Israel Chamber of Commerce 1996-1998

box 71

Jewish newspapers/magazines 2003-2012

box 72

Awards and recognition 1966-2004