Series 1. Campus issues and events 1968-1969
ASUCR Election 1969
Bibliographies 1968-1969
Campus Events 1968-1969
Campus Events with Summaries 1968-1969
Educational Opportunity Program (EOP) 1969
Ethnic Studies 1969
UCR Courses and Departments related to Race and Ethnicity 1969
Residence Hall Issues 1969
Spiro Agnew for Homecoming Queen Campaign 1968
Student Surveys 1969
United Mexican-American Students (UMAS) 1969
Virgil Premo Protest 1969
Series 2. Off-Campus issues and events 1966-1969
Eldridge Cleaver 1968-1969
Local Elections 1969
Migrant Workers and Delano Grape Strike 1968-1969
Lectures and Conferences related to Race and Ethnicity 1969
Employment and Education Programs 1969
News Clippings 1968-1969
Riverside Housing Discrimination 1966
Riverside Schools - Tutorial Project 1968-1969
Riverside Unified School District 1969