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Modoc Indian War Lantern Slides: Finding Aid
photCL 515  
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Collection Contents

Box 1

Lantern slides

This collection has been digitized in the Huntington Digital Library.

Box 1, Item 1

[Two soldiers at a United States Army camp during Modoc Indian War, 1872-73.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 2

Curly-headed Doctor.

Modoc Indian. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 3

Indians on horseback, Phoenix.

Title from label on slide. Photograph by Putnam & Valentine.
Box 1, Item 4

[A group of soldiers and Warm Spring Indian Scouts.]

Heller negative #2515. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 5

[Tents of U.S. Army camp, Modoc Indian War, 1872-73.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 6

[William McKay, the San Francisco Bulletin correspondent taking notes on the battlefield near Gen. Gillem's camp. At left are two Warm Spring Indian scouts.]

"'Our own Correspondent' in the Lava Beds."--original title of Muybridge stereograph #1631. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 7

[View of landscape and rock, possibly near lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 8

[Lava beds with United States Army tents in background.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 9

[U.S. Army soldier sitting in lava bed.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 10

Captain Jack's cave, showing Modoc fortifications on top--looking West.

Original title of Heller stereograph #2511. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 11

[Group of Warm Spring Apache Indian scouts for the U.S. Army, at Tule Lake.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 12

[U.S. Army soldiers in the lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 13

[View of U.S. Army soldier with cannon.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 14

[U.S. Army tent among the lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 15

Scar-Faced Charley.

Modoc prisoner of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 16

[Lava beds with soldiers in distance.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 17

A Modoc brave on the war path.

Original title on Muybridge stereograph #1626. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 18

On the lookout for an attack at a picket station.

Original title on Muybridge stereograph #1616. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 19

Donald McKy, the celebrated Warm Spring Indian scout, and his chief men.

Original title on Muybridge negative #1623. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 20

Shacknasty Jim's camp in the lava beds.

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 21

[Lava beds and landscape.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 22

[Lava beds and landscape.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 23

[Lava beds and landscape.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 24

[U.S. Army soldiers sitting among lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 25

[U.S. Army soldiers sitting among lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 26

Capt. Jack's cave in the Lava Beds.

Title based on caption of image in Brady, Cyrus Townsend. Northwestern Fights and Fighters (New York: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1909), page 311. Muybridge stereograph #1602. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 27

[Detail view of cave in lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 28

Bringing in the wounded after an engagement.

Original title on Muybridge stereograph #1617. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 29

Medicine Flag Rock, where the Medicine flag floated during the three days' fight.

Original title on Heller stereograph #2512. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 30

[U.S. Army soldiers among the lava beds.]

Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 31

Panorama of Lava Beds from Signal Station at Tule Lake, Camp South.

Original title on Muybridge stereograph #1607. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 32

[Possibly artwork depicting the Modoc attack on the Peace Commission of April 11, 1873.]

Box 1, Item 33

[Possibly a reenactment of the Modoc attack on the Peace Commission of April 11, 1873.]

Box 1, Item 34

[Possibly a reenactment of the Modoc attack on the Peace Commission of April 11, 1873.]

Box 1, Item 35

[Portrait of Arteni Chokus, Posey, and One-Eyed Dixie, Interpreters, Peace Commission to Modoc Indians, 1873.]

"Arteni Chokus, Posey, One-Eyed Dixie"--slide caption. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 36

[Toby Riddle standing at center, and four other Modoc Indian women at Gillem's camp.]

"Toby, (the squaw who warned General Canby of his impending fate), and four old Modoc squaws"--title of Muybridge stereograph #1624. Photograph by Muybridge.
Box 1, Item 37

[Cross in field, possibly at a grave site.]

Box 1, Item 38

Shacknasty Jim, Hooka Jim, Steamboat Frank, Fairchild.

Modoc prisoners of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 39

Boston Charley.

Modoc prisoner of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 40

Lost River Murderers.

Modoc prisoners of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 41

Lost River Murderers: Curly-headed Jack, Wheum, Buckskin Doctor.

Modoc prisoners of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 42

[Buildings in unidentified location.]

It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not.
Box 1, Item 43

[Buildings in unidentified location.]

It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not.
Box 1, Item 44

Captain Jack's family--Lizzy (young wife), Mary (his sister), Old Wife and daughter.

Modoc prisoners of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 45

Captain Jack.

Modoc prisoner of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 46


Modoc prisoner of war. Title from slide. Photograph by Heller.
Box 1, Item 47

[Artwork illustrating an Indian catching a snake.]

It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not; this image may have been part of a lantern slide presentation.
Box 1, Item 48

[Artwork of Indian man holding a tomahawk.]

It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not; this image may have been part of a lantern slide presentation.
Box 1, Item 49

[Graves of Boston Charley, Black Jim, Schonchiss, and Captain Jack. Executed October 3, 1873.]

Title based on text in image.
Box 1, Item 50

[The cemetery at Gillem's Camp, Modoc Indian War, 1872-73.]

Box 1, Item 51

[Still life of California poppies.]

It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not; this image may have been part of a lantern slide presentation.
Box 1, Item 52

[Unidentified scene of buildings on a rock outpost.]

Damaged. "Made specially in Great Britain for the McIntosh Stereopticon Co., Chicago, Ill."--text of slide label. It is unclear if this slide is related to the war or not.