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Shinoda (Jisaku) papers
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box 1, folder 1

Miscelllaneous documents, "江華島条約関係資料" undated

Scope and Contents

Includes reports written in classical Chinese such as "高宗十三年丙子 江華島条約締結当事及前後事情史料蒐集件", "丙子正月 江華島条約 " and "謹将朝鮮陪臣金允植投逓密書照鈔恭呈";and report titled "朝鮮ニ使節ヲ派遣スルノ旨意".
box 1, folder 2

Miscelllaneous documents regarding Korean in Far East 1907 December - 1925 July

Scope and Contents

Includes reports and memorandums regarding Korean views of the Great Kanto Earthquake of 1923, Koreans in Siberia and Far East Russia.
box 1, folder 3

Reports, "在満鮮人に就て〔第一〕 附在満鮮人思想団体の概況", "在満鮮人思想団体分布の概要 第二 附 高麗共和国建設籌備委員会に就て" by 星野桂吾 1928 April - 1928 July

box 2, folder 1

Book, "韓末外交秘史" undated

Scope and Contents

Written after 1930.
box 2, folder 2

Correspondence and reports 1882 - 1928

Scope and Contents

From the cover: written "篠田様 田中源市 安江 (Mr. Shinoda, Tanaka Genichi, Yasue)". Correspondence and reports to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, including names such as 竹添進一郎, 伊藤博文, 井上馨. Includes "義人李周会氏法要及事蹟: 並に其の弔祭方法に就て", "王宮秘話" by 木春山人, "去ル廿六日御内示ノ朝鮮学制ニ関スル復甲" by 穂積八束 and several diplomatic documents.
box 2, folder 3

Non-printed material, "韓国亡失ノ源因 (太院君, 李太王, 閔妃ノ罪悪録)" undated

Scope and Contents

From the cover: written "極秘 (top secret)".
box 2, folder 4

Miscellaneous documents undated

Scope and Contents

Includes maps and charts about Jiandao (間島), until 1920s, and collection of reports "朝鮮人の満州進出 朝鮮銀行, 領事館, 満鉄, 関東庁調査".
box 3, folder 1

Report, "朝鮮独立騒擾事件概要" undated

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)"
box 3, folder 2

Report, "不逞事件ニヨッテ得タル朝鮮人側面観" by 国友尚謙 undated

Scope and Contents

Includes "不逞事件ニ依ツテ得タル朝鮮人ノ側面観", "不逞事件ニ依ツテ観タル朝鮮人" stamped "(秘) secret" on the covers.
box 4, folder 1

Report, "間島勘界事実" 1886 - 1888

Scope and Contents

Includes vol. 2 - 4.
box 4, folder 2

Mimeograh of archives, "間島ニ関スル鐘城群郷庁ノ公文書" by 統監府 1907 September

Scope and Contents

box 4, folder 3

Report, "間島ト日韓及ヒ北満州トノ関係" by 統監府臨時間島派出所長斎藤李治郎 1908 December

box 4, folder 4

Memorandum, "清国政府来覆 間島問題境界論覚書ニ対スル意見" by 統監府臨時間島派出所 1909 June

box 4, folder 5

Report, "間島一班" 1909

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "統監府臨時間島派出所印"
box 4, folder 6

Report, " (6) 間島ニ於ケル不逞鮮人団ノ状況" 1920 October

box 4, folder 7

Report, " (2) 軍隊出動後ニ於ケル間島在住鮮人ノ状況" by 警務局 1920 November

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 4, folder 8

Report, " (4) 西間島ニ於ケル不逞鮮人団体ノ状況" by 朝鮮総督府警務局 1920

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 4, folder 9

Report, " (5) 西間島ニ於ケル不逞鮮人団ニ関スル参考書類" by 朝鮮総督府警務局 1920 November

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)"
box 5, folder 1

Report, "(3) 軍隊出動後ニ於ケル間島不逞鮮人団体ノ状況" 1921

box 5, folder 2

Reports, "間島問題調査書" undated

Scope and Contents

Collection of reports on Jiandao (間島). From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 5, folder 3

Reports, "間島勘界備考" undated

Scope and Contents

Collection of reports on Jiandao (間島).
box 6, folder 1

Report, "統監府派出所設置以来ノ状況報告書" by 統監府派出所長 齋藤季治郎 1908 January 31

box 6, folder 2

Non-printed material, "延吉庁領土問題之解決 訳文" 1909 June

Scope and Contents

A Japanese translation of a report.
box 6, folder 3

Report, "(7) 朝鮮外ニ於ケル朝鮮人状況一般" by 拓殖局 1918 December

Scope and Contents

From the cover: printed "秘 (secret)".
box 6, folder 4

Report, "(1) 露領ニ於ケル不逞鮮人ノ状況" by 警務局 1921 January

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 6, folder 5

Report, "蔚山ニ於ケル清正公之遺蹟 (かま城)" by 谷井済一 1923

box 6, folder 6

Non-printed material, "(10) 鮮内重要事項" 1920 - 1921

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)". Includes documents on rebellious Koreans and reports by "高警".
box 7, folder 1

Reports, "大正九年十月以降国境地方侵入及検挙状況" 1920 September - 1921 February 14

Scope and Contents

Includes reports by "高警".
box 7, folder 2

Reports, "大正九年自十月至十二月 (12) 国外情報" 1920 October 02 - 1920 December 28

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)". Includes reports by "高警".
box 7, folder 3

Reports, "大正十一年頃 平安南道治安状況" by 平安南道警察部 circa 1922

Scope and Contents

Includes "社会問題研究", "最近ニ於ケル管内状況", "参考諸表", "宗教類似団体ノ概況". From the covers: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 7, folder 4

Reports, "大正十年一月以降 (13)国外情報" 1921 January 07 - 1921 February 24

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)". Includes reports by "高警".
box 7, folder 5

Report, "(8) 仮政府ノ組織ト不逞鮮人ノ行動" undated

Scope and Contents

Regarding Provincial Government of Korea.
box 7, folder 6

Report, "朝鮮独立運動ニ関スル文書" undated

Scope and Contents

Regarding the mind of Koreans, public order, movements of overseas Koreans.
box 8, folder 1

Documents on Korea undated

Scope and Contents

Collection of documents on castles, monuments and cultural heritage in Korea. Includes "南漢山城" by 長谷川基, "穆祖の三陟移居に就て" by 小田省吾 stamped "秘 (secret) on the cover", "間島出土の古銅印と古銅鏡に就て" and "渤海前期の出土銅印に就て" by 芥川長活, "朝鮮史学 一号", and "朝鮮国通信使役地行聘考" by 田保橋潔.
box 8, folder 2

Reports by 京城日報社 1939 November 5 - 1941 August 10

Scope and Contents

Includes "京城日報経済部次長 近藤一馬 記 食糧基地挑戦を見直せ", "京城日報社経済部長 高田信一郎 記 躍動する平城基地半島", and "京城日報経済部長 嶋元勤 記 食糧政策再建と朝鮮".
box 8, folder 3

Non-printed material, "王公族審議会参考書類" undated

Scope and Contents

Collection of documents on the royal family in Korea. Includes economical information of Yi Imperial Family in 1930s.
box 9, folder 1

Report, "台湾史料" 1899 December

Scope and Contents

Regarding encyclopedic information on Taiwan. Written in December 1899. Copied in March 1917. "一、閣下ノ意図ニ従ヒ昨秋ヨリ台湾古来ノ兵事史蹟ヲ研究スル目的ヲ以テ材料ヲ蒐集シ随ツテ得レバ随テ起稿セシガ〔中略〕更ニ今夏ヨリ研究区域ヲ拡メ台湾史蹟ノ全斑ニ渉リ講究ヲ積ミ今ニ至ツテ漸ク稿ヲ終リタリシモノナリ".
box 9, folder 2

Reports, "旅順要塞整理残務ノ概況 附録 自第一号至第廿六号" undated

Scope and Contents

Collection of reports Vol. 1 - 26 regarding Port Arthur (旅順).
box 10, folder 1

Report, "外国人私有財産整理終結報告書" undated

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "旅順". Includes notes entitled "煙炭及び撫順炭鉱の没収に関する件".
box 10, folder 2

Supplement, "外国人私有財産整理終結報告書附録書類" by 旅順外国人私有財産整理委員会事務所 undated

Scope and Contents

Includes a note by 篠田治策 entitled "末尾へ".
box 10, folder 3

Reports, "大正八年頃シベリヤの状態 浦塩派遣軍調査" 1910-1920

Scope and Contents

Includes "連合軍作動地帯内ニ於ケル東支鉄道及西比利横断鉄道監督案" stamped "極秘 (top secret)", secret documents on the prisoners of war, and opinions of 篠田治策.
box 11, folder 1

Printed material, "西比利亜の最近政情" by 対露同盟会 1920 July

Scope and Contents

"発行人兼編集人 河野巳一".
box 11, folder 2

Outline, "海拉爾洗毛場概要" by 海拉爾洗毛場 1938 January

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "山根蔵書", "記入済".
box 11, folder 3

Outline, "富拉爾基酸乳製造場概況" 1938 March

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "富拉爾基酸乳製造場 昭和13. 4. 16", "山根蔵書", "富拉爾基站 昭和13. 4. 16".
box 11, folder 4

Printed material, "満蒙出兵問題に対する意見書 全国労農大衆党に提出したるもの" by 全国労農大衆党顧問 代議士 松谷与二郎 1931-1932