This collection contains photographs, newspaper clippings and historical highlights of Boy Scout activities, ceremonies and
events throughout Ventura County. This collection was donated to the museum by Thomas R. Carr, a lifelong Eagle Scout in Ventura
County who served under several board member positions for the Ventura County Boy Scout Council.
Thomas R. Carr (1924-2017), also known as "TomBob," was heavily involved in the community of Ventura County. He graduated
from Ventura High School in 1941, served as an Eagle Scout in the area from 1940 until his death in 2017 and worked at the
Pacific Missile Test Center at Point Mugu. Carr also served under several board member positions for the Ventura County Boy
Scout Council.
5.23 Cubic Feet
(4 boxes)
Property rights to the physical object belong to the Museum of Ventura County. Literary rights, including copyright, are retained
by the creators and their heirs. It is the responsibility of the researcher to determine who holds the copyright and pursue
the copyright owner or his or her heir for permission to publish where the museum does not hold the copyright.
COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE: Open for research. All requests to access materials must be made in advance by contacting the
Research Library staff.