Biographical material
Family genealogy, resumes, n.d.
Military Service, 1916-1919
Honors, awards, etc., 1917-1923
National Academy of Sciences - Henry Draper Medal 1928
"Orbit of Comet Swift, Nov. 1894 computed by Oppolzer's Method" Nov. 1894
"Issac Newton's 2nd law", 1896
"Hydrodynamics [ca. 1900-1902]" & "Santiago Diary 2/28/1903 - 5/13/1903", ca. 1900-1903
"Private diary - Santiago, 6/13/1904 - 8/1/1904" 1904
"Private diary - Return trip from Chile, 3/19/1906 - 3/27/1906" 1906
"Account of Spectrographic Observations of Halley's Comet", 1909
"Reply to Stratton Questions on Hydrogen Lines", 1912
"The Relation between the Wolf-Rayet Stars and the Planetary Nebulae", ca. 1913-1914
"On the occurrence of A4686 … Planetary nebulae" ca. 1913-1914
"The Spectra of the Gaseous Nebulae and some points of correspondence between them and other Celestial Spectra", ca. 1915
"The Draper Quartz Spectrograph of the Lick Observatory and some observations recently secured with it", 1916
"The Quartz Spectrograph of the Lick Observatory and some observations recently secured with it" - Lick Observatory Bulletin, no.291, 1917
Outline of paper read before a meeting of the Sigma Xc Society at Berkeley in 1918, 1918
"The Orion Nebulae", ca. 1918
"Observations of the Nebulae, Ch. 1" 1918-1920
"Observations of the Nebulae, Ch. 2" 1918-1920
Modern Astronomy, Course 11; Elementary Astronomy, I-II; General notes, Administration, etc., Jan-June 1919
"A Preliminary Account of the Spectrum of Nova Ophiuchi", 1919
Review of The Spectrum of Nova Germaninorum II by F. J. M. Stratton, ca. 1920-1930
"The Spectra of the Novae", 1920
"Displacement Lines in Nova Gemini", 1920-1921
"On the occurrence of the enhanced lines of nitrogen in the spectra of the Novae", 1921
"The Ultra Violet Spectrum of [alpha] Cygni" - L.O. Bulletin, no.332, 1921
"Further Notes on Lines in the Visual Spectrum of [alpha] Cygni", 1921
"On Spectroscopic Binaries and the Determination of Parallax", 1921
"On the Continuous Radiation found in some celestial spectra beyond the limit of the Balmer series of hydrogen", 4/11/1922
G. Darwin Lecture - "Planets in Different Colors", 6/8/1922
"The Spectrum of Nova Pictoris" 1926
"Modern Astrophysics", 1926
"Note on Photographs of Mars, 1926 by Ross", ca. 1927
"Photographs of Venus made by infra-red and by violet light", March 22, 1927
"What the wild light waves are saying about the Nebulae?", Nov. 14, 1927
"Photographs of Mars made with Light of Different Colors", 1927
"Photographs of Mars and Of Jupiter", 1927
"Color photographs of the planets: An historical correction", 1929
"Photographs of Jupiter as well as photograph captions", 1929
"On Some Photographic Observations of Jupiter made at the Lick Observatory in 1928", 1929
"The Moon as photographed by light of different colors", 1929
"The Angular Diameter of the Sun, as measured during Partial Phase of the Eclipse of April 28, 1930", 1930
"Viewing the Heavenly Bodies through Colored Glasses", March 22, 1932
Lines in the Ultra-violet Spectra of Certain Planetary Nebulae 1934
"On the focal length of the 36-inch refractor of the Lick Observatory, and the equivalent, in seconds of arc, of the revolution of the micrometer screw", 1934
Private note book Feb-Aug 1935
"Michelson's Method for the measurement of small angles and it's recent astronomical applications", ca. 1920-1930
"A preliminary table of wave-lengths of the Nebulae lines", n.d.
"A glance at the titles of the previous lectures of this series. . . ", n.d.
"The practice of Astronomy. . . ", n.d.
"In the last lecture we discovered the general characteristics of the spectra of stars and nebulae and gave brief outlines of the two current theories of stellar evolution", n.d.
"I think I may assume for the purposes of this discussion that you are familiar with Dopplers' principal. . . ", n.d.
Note on the effect of length of exposure of comparison standards in photometric measurements, n.d.
"Note relating to early spectroscopic observation of the Nova Aquilae Nebula", n.d.
"On the use of a spherical or partially-corrected mirror in the Cassegrain form of reflecting telescope", n.d.
"Why Astronomy?", n.d.
"A General report to the President . . . 1935-42", n.d.
"Observing List: Stars having Typical Spectra", n.d.
Interview with Wright, University Explorer program, Nov. 19
Miscellaneous, unidentified items n.d.
"Hydrodynamics" & "Santiago Diary", ca. 1900-1902, 2/28/1903-5/13/1903
Private diary - Santiago, 6/13/1904-8/1/1904
Private diary - Return trip from Chile, 3/19/1906 - 3/27/1906
Private note book, February - April 1935