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Box 187, folder 70

E-Town appearance June 23, 1992

Box 187, folder 71

Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario FEb. 26-27, 1992

Box 187, folder 72

College of Wooster Jan. 15, 1992

Box 187, folder 73

Energy Modeling Forum, Stanford, CA Feb. 28, 1992

Box 187, folder 74

Harvard Sept. 11, 1991

Box 212, Item 1-77


Box 213, Item 1-68


Box 238, folder 1

activities away from NCAR (Columbia, Crested Butte, etc.) 1975-1977

Box 238, Item 2-5

materials from Climate Modeling: Theory, Applications and Implications course, taught at Columbia University, Lamont Doherty Geological Observatory 1976, 1979, 1982

Box 238, folder 6

Climate Theory & Modeling course (with Curt Covey) 1983

Box 238, folder 7

UCSD Scripps visit 1985

Box 238, folder 8

material for proposed Gaia book by SHS 1988

Box 238, folder 9

"Dean's Report" data on teaching & publishing 1992-1997

Box 238, folder 10

Earth Systems 10 (ES 10) project background 1992-93

Box 238, Item 11-12

Bio 217 course materials 1993, 1996

Box 238, Item 13-15

ES 10 course materials (lectures, projects,final reports) 1992-93

Box 238, Item 16-17

ES 10 Energy 1994

Box 238, Item 18-20

Bio 217 course materials 1994

Box 238, folder 21

Introduction to Earth Systems Science (lectures/drafts) 1994

Box 238, Item 22-25

Institute for International Studies (IIS) materials, includes Glodman Environmental Honors Program material. 1995

Box 238, folder 26

"Dean's Report" data on teaching & publishing 1995-2000

Box 238, folder 27

ES 10 final papers 1993

Box 239, Item 1-4

Earth Systems/Civil Engineering 179 1995

Box 239, Item 5-12

Bio 217 1996-1998

Box 239, folder 13

Bio 15N - Student Lists and Course Evaluations 1998

Box 239, folder 14

Bio 15N evaluations 1999

Box 239, folder 15

Hum Bio 147 students 1998

Box 239, folder 16

Hum Bio 147 Student Papers 1998

Box 239, folder 17

The Road to Buenos Aires: Controlling Climate Changes in the 21st century - Hum Bio 147 / Biology 147 (SHS and Armin Rosencranz) Fall 1998

Box 239, folder 18

Controlling Climate Change in the 21st Century readings - Bio 147 Fall 2000

Box 239, folder 19

Bio 147 2000

Box 240, folder 1

Bio 217 (student papers) 2000

Box 240, folder 2

Bio 217 (student papers) 2000

Box 240, folder 3

Bio 217 - classlists and readings 2000

Box 240, folder 4

Bio 217 - Climate Theory and Modeling class materials

Box 240, folder 5

Bio 217 - final project 2000

Box 240, folder 6

Bio 217 - course evaluations 2000

Box 240, folder 7

Bio 15N - evaluations 2000

Box 240, folder 8

Goldman Honors Program Reunion 2001 December

Box 240, folder 9

Hum Bio 147/247 2002

Box 240, folder 10

Bio 147/247 2002

Box 240, folder 11

Hum Bio / Bio 147 (1/3) Spring 2002

Box 240, folder 12

Hum Bio / Bio 147 - student papers (2/3) Spring 2002

Box 240, folder 13

Hum Bio / Bio 147 - student papers (3/3) Spring 2002

Box 240, folder 14

Bio Sci 147/247 2003

Box 240, folder 15

Hum Bio 147/247 evaluations and student papers 2003

Box 240, folder 16

Bio 15N 2003

Box 240, folder 17

IIS / Executive Committee - miscellaneous 2002-2003

Box 240, folder 18

IIS / Honors Program Administrative File 2002-2003

Box 240, folder 19

IIS Sabbatical 2000

Box 240, folder 20

Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environment and Resources (IPER) 2003

Box 240, folder 21

IPER Curriculum Committee 2003

Box 240, folder 22

CEE 277A 2005 May 17

Box 240, folder 23

Bio 15N (with 3 CD-roms) 2005

Box 240, folder 24

Bio 15N notes and papers 2005

Box 240, folder 25

Bio 15N notes + 147 2005

Box 240, folder 26

Bio 15N Applications 2005

Box 240, folder 27

Hum Bio 147/247 evaluations of SHS 2005

Box 240, folder 28

BIO 147 - notes and syllabus 2007

Box 240, folder 29

Bio 15N 2007

Box 240, folder 30

Bio 15N - notes, materials 2007

Box 240, folder 31

ES 15 - readings and final projects Fall 2007

Box 240, folder 32

Technical Summary Table (carbon taxes) June 2007

Box 240, folder 33

Earth System 148/248 syllabus 2009

Box 240, folder 34

ES 148/248 Applications 2009

Box 240, folder 35

Stanford Student Initiated Courses 2010

Box 240, folder 36

cartoons / visuals



Box 179, folder 10

Colleen Chien: Stanford in Washington D.C. 1993-1994

Box 179, folder 11

Accelerating India's Movement up the Energy Ladder... - Bennett, Christopher 2010 May

Box 190, Item 1-2

Forest Service workshop 1991

Box 190, Item 3-4

Forest Service workshop: arid lands 1992

Box 190, folder 5

Forest Service workshop: Implication of Climate Change on boreal forests 1993

Box 190, folder 6

Forest Service workshop: forest ecosystems management 1994

Box 190, folder 7

Forest Service workshop 1994-95

Box 190, Item 8-9

Forest Service workshop: resolving differences in vegetation models 1995

Box 190, folder 10

Forest Service workshop 1996

Box 190, Item 11-12

Forest Service workshop: moving from equilibrium to transient GCMs 1997

Box 201, folder 51

kids' letters


Administrative files

Box 179, folder 12

Woods Institute for the Environment - Stanford: Non-Academic Faculty Appointments 2009

Box 179, folder 13

Woods Institute @ Stanford - administrative 2007

Box 179, folder 14

Woods Institute for the Environment Fiscal Year 2009: Plan, Appointments, etc. 2008

Box 179, folder 15

Jane Boston: SPICE (Stanford Program on International and Cross-Cultural Education) Lunch - Faculty Club 12:00 1994-1996

Box 179, folder 16

Galvez House - CISAC Conference Room 1996 June 12

Box 179, folder 17

SIE (Stanford Institute for the Environment) Environmental Venture Projects: Carrie Carmel, et al. 2006

Box 179, folder 18

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Environmental Retreat List 1993 September 17

Box 179, folder 19

Committee of Environmental, Science, Technology and Policy @ Stanford - D. Kennedy, chair 1992-1996

Box 179, folder 20

SHS notes to Introduce Jim Hanson 2007 Nov 20

Box 179, folder 21

SIE (Stanford Institute for the Environment) 2006

Box 179, folder 22

Stanford deparmental Administration: Biology & Earth Systems 2000

Box 179, folder 23

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Website 1999

Box 179, folder 24

Provost Memo "Energy Use, Climate Change & the Protection of Biodiversity" 2000

Box 179, folder 25

Climate of the 20th Century - World Meteorological Organization C20 1999-2000s

Box 179, folder 26

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Research Council Meeting 4-5:30 Red Room 1996

Box 179, folder 27

Environment + Security Task Force: Meetings - Galvez House Conference Room 1996-1997

Box 179, folder 28

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Research leaders froup (research and program issues) 1996-1997

Box 179, folder 29

SRES (Special Report on Emissions Scenarios) Meeting 2002

Box 179, folder 30

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Honors - Focus Re-Authorization Request Validations 1996 Sept

Box 179, folder 31

IIS (Institute for International Studies) Executive Committee Red Room 6-8pm 1996 September 30

Box 179, folder 32

Environmental Security - CISAC (Center for Inernational Security and Cooperation) - 2pm 1996 October 30

Box 247, Item 24-27

Prof. Julian Simon controversy 1994

Box 247, folder 28

"The Study of Global Change" article and diagram 1992

Box 247, folder 29

contracts 1979-1983

Box 247, folder 30

Provost's Committee on Environmental Science, Technology & Policy (Donald Kennedy corresp.) Oct. 4, 1999

Box 247, folder 31

SLAC cosmic ray project 2003



Box 166, folder 1

Robert Ayres Environmental Effects of Nuclear Weapons Vol 1, Vol 2 (bound together) December 1965

Box 166, folder 2

Conservation Biology

Box 166, folder 3

Review for Jim Titus 1993-1994

Box 166, folder 4

J. E. Kutzbach - Pangaean Climates: Megamonsoons of the Megacontinent November 1988

Box 166, folder 5

Senator Tim Wirth - articles and notes 1989

Box 166, folder 6

Stella Melugin Coakley 1988

Box 166, folder 7

Robert Yuhnke - Beijing Review Article Feb 1989

Box 166, folder 8

Dewey McLean - The Global Environmental Protection Act of 1988: Joint Hearings September 1988

Box 166, folder 9

J.R. Vallentyne - First Direction, Then Velocity (and others) January 1989

Box 166, folder 10

Kathryn J. Arbeit - Case Studies in Rural Electrification on the Tohono O'odham, Navajo and Hopi Tribal Nations May 1998

Box 166, folder 11

Conrad Choiniere - A Production Function Approach to the GDP - Temperature Relationship May 2001

Box 166, folder 12

Roger Pielke - Turning the Big Knob (email) March 2001

Box 166, folder 13

Edith Brown Weiss - Seasonal Climate Forecasts and Energy Management December 1980

Box 166, folder 14

Irene Smith - IEA Coal Research November 1989

Box 166, folder 15

Peter Laut - CO2 and Climate Change - Perspective for the Nordic Countries October 1989

Box 166, folder 16

Daniel Kammen: Sea Level Rise or Fall? - Quantifying the credibility of energy projections... April 1996

Box 166, folder 17

Scientists in the Media/George Will/Roger Revelle September 1992

Box 166, folder 18

Phillip Russell - Tropospheric Aerosol Radiative Forcing Observational Experiement March 1996

Box 166, folder 19

Nuclear Winter Articles (1/2)

Box 166, folder 20

Nuclear Winter Articles (2/2)

Box 166, folder 21

Climate Cloud Forest Stanford GRP 1997

Box 166, folder 22

Cloud Forest 1995

Box 166, folder 23

Cloud Forest Project 1996

Box 166, folder 24

Cloud Forest

Box 166, folder 25

Cloud Forest 1997

Box 166, folder 26

Climate Change Impacts on Tropical Moutane Cloud Forests (draft)

Box 166, folder 27

Cloud Forest GRP 1997-98

Box 166, folder 28

Climate Cloud Forest Stanford GRP 1997

Box 166, folder 29

SHS Environmental Modeling and Assessment proofs (ind. diskette) 3.5" January 1998

Box 166, folder 30

EMA Proofs November 1997

Box 166, folder 31

EMA Process Comments (1/2) 1995-97

Box 166, folder 32

EMA Process Comments (2/2) 1997

Box 166, folder 33

EMA Process 1997

Box 166, folder 34

EMA8 September 1997

Box 166, folder 35

EMA May 1997

Box 167, folder 5

Union of Concerned Scientists 1995-1998

Box 167, folder 6

Union of Concerned Scientists 1997

Box 167, folder 7

Union of Concerned Scientists 1998-2002

Box 167, folder 8

Union of Concerned Scientists 2000-2004

Box 167, folder 9

Confronting Climate Change in California November 1999

Box 167, folder 10

Putting the Lid on Fossil Fuels - Greenpeace March 1997

Box 167, folder 11

Kyoto (notes, clippings, publications, corr) 1997-98

Box 168, folder 1

Sponsored Projects - Rate Sheet/ Roceting Sheet - SU42 1993-1995

Box 168, folder 2

Sponsored Projects 1995-1997

Box 168, folder 3

Discovery Channel 1997

Box 168, folder 4

Fareed S. Fard Ahura Energy Inc. late 1990s-mid/late 2000s

Box 168, folder 5

MOORE Proposal (Hadly et al.) 2002

Box 168, folder 6

SHS 60th birthday - cards February 2005

Box 168, folder 7

Whole Earth Systems Conference - Integrating Environmental Science, Technology and Policy February 2005

Box 168, folder 8

PNAS Pending 2005-2007

Box 168, folder 9

Oxford Encyclopedia on Climate - Table of Contents 2007

Box 168, folder 10

PNAS Track Submission "Bleaching Susceptibility...coral reefs" 2007

Box 168, folder 11

PNAS General Information 2007

Box 168, folder 12

PNAS Lenton et al. "Tipping Elements in the Earth System" 2007

Box 168, folder 13

PNAS Elzen and Vuuren: Peaking Profiles for achieving long-term temperature targets with more likelihood at lower costs 2007

Box 168, folder 14

PNAS - Editing "The role of symbiont diversity in coral response to climate change" by Baskett; Gaines; Nisbet 2007

Box 168, folder 15

Cancer 2007-2008

Box 168, folder 16

Xavier Rodo - PNAS 2008

Box 168, folder 17

Schaeffer et al. Reducing Climate-Change Risk: Linear Returns to Costs 2008

Box 168, folder 18

Aldo Leopold Fellowship Program November 2008

Box 168, folder 19

IPER 310 Fall 2008

Box 168, folder 20

Dying Planet, by Paul Brown - movie project manuscript with SHS edits 2008

Box 168, folder 21

Attribution of polar warming to human influence (SHS:Reviewer) 2008

Box 168, folder 22

PNAS - Ganguly et al. "Higher trends bu larger uncertainty and geographic variability in 21st century temperature and heat waves"

Box 168, folder 23

The Power of Sustainable Thinking by Bob Doppett (SHS:Reviewer) 2008

Box 168, folder 24

Cooler's "Lightening the Load" project 2008

Box 168, folder 25

Pizer; Snachirico "Regional patterns of U.S. Household Carbon Emissions" - track 1 Submission 2008

Box 168, folder 26

PNAS Rachel Warren "Avoiding Dangerous Anthropogenic Interference in Climate Change and Ecosystems" 2007-2008

Box 168, folder 27

PNAS Seitz "Hydrols and Albedo: Microbubbles, Climate Change and Water Conservation" 2008

Box 168, folder 28

PNAS track 1 submission: Funk, et al. The Warm Ocean, dry Africa dipole 2007-2008

Box 168, folder 29

PNAS Can Vuuren et al. - "Temperature increase of 21st Century Stabilization Scenarios 2007-2008

Box 168, folder 30

Padgham - "Migratory water birds reveal major influence of the Madden-Julian Oscilation on Arid Australian Ecosystems" 2008

Box 168, folder 31

S. McMenamin PNAS - Climate Change and Wetland Desiccation Cause Amphibian Decline in World's Oldest National Park 2008

Box 172, folder 1

Journal Reviews 1988-89

Box 172, folder 2

Journal Reviews 1990-96

Box 172, folder 3

Ecological Economics Rev. "Climate Change and Ins. Indees." September 1996

Box 172, folder 4

Dennis Hartmann "Our Changing Climate: Reports to the Nation Series" September 1996

Box 172, folder 5

Ecological Economics "Urgent Need to Internalize CO2 Emission Costs" May 1997

Box 172, folder 6

Reviews Requested 1989-1994

Box 172, folder 7

SHS as reviewer 1992-1996

Box 172, folder 8

SHS as reviewer 1990-1996

Box 172, folder 9

SHS as reviewer 1990-1991

Box 172, folder 10

SHS as reviewer 1990

Box 172, folder 11

SHS as reviewer 1990

Box 172, folder 12

SHS as reviewer (proposals and articles) 1/2 1988-1989

Box 172, folder 13

SHS as reviewer (proposals and articles) 2/2 1988-1989

Box 172, folder 14

InstAAR - Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research 1/2 1988-1989

Box 172, folder 15

InstAAR - Institute of Arctic & Alpine Research 2/2 1989-1991

Box 172, folder 16

Assoc. Editor of Conservation Biology 1994

Box 172, folder 17

Conservation Biology 1994-1996

Box 172, folder 18

Mitigation & Adaptation Strategies for Global Change review 1999-2000

Box 172, folder 19

Kluwer Academic Publishers - Atmospheric and Oceanographic Sciences 1999

Box 172, folder 20

Ed. Board - Martens, McMichale, Patz 1999

Box 172, folder 21

Rev. M. Miller Exploratorium October 1997

Box 172, folder 22

BBook Blurbs, Misc.

Box 179, folder 33

DWJTV - Nicki Johnson: Interview Transcript 1996 July 16

Box 179, folder 34

Scholastic's Magic School Bus (E.B. Fleishman) 1997 Jan 16

Box 179, folder 35

Environmental Modelling & Assessment: Rotmans, Vrieze, Filar, eds. - Maastricht 1996 Aug 26

Box 179, folder 36

Long Term Global 1992

Box 179, folder 37

World Book Encyclopedia: Global Warming Article for 8th graders- 750 words (Jay, Myers, eds.) 1996

Box 179, folder 38

"On the Front Lines of Climate Wars" - Michael Mann 2010

Box 179, folder 39

Cambridge "Science Communication for Scientists" 2010 August

Box 179, folder 40

National Geographic Explorers Symposium 2010

Box 179, folder 41

Witness Statement of Dr. Stephen Schneider - Auckland NZ 2009 Sept

Box 179, folder 42

Senator Tim Wirth Senate Hearing (1988) & Energy Bill (1989) 1988-1989

Box 179, folder 43

Sierra Club Publishing Agreement & Correspondence 1979-1984

Box 179, folder 44

NSF (National Science Foundation) Proposal - Biocomplexity Modeling 2001

Box 179, folder 45

Global Climate Change [SHS: Reviewer] 1990

Box 179, folder 46

NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Research Outline & Budget Request 1988 October

Box 179, folder 47

"Sudden & Disruptive Climate Change" by M. MacCraken - endorsements, blurbs, etc. 2007

Box 179, folder 48

Robert Ubell Assoc. / Encyclopedia of Climate & Weather - memos 1993-1994

Box 179, folder 49

UC Santa Barbara School of Environmental Science & Management - interview for Dean's Position 1993

Box 179, folder 50

edited GAO (General Accounting Office) Audit Letter - George Miller 2003

Box 179, folder 51

The Luncheon Society 2007 July 9

Box 179, folder 52

Amicus brief 2008

Box 179, folder 53

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Science + Security Board Business Meeting) 2009 Nov 5

Box 179, folder 54

Unfiled Contracts and misc. 2007-2010

Box 179, folder 55

The Fire Next Time: media production 1992

Box 179, folder 56

US Climate Action Network - edited press release 1997 Oct 22

Box 179, folder 57

Defining and Teaching Environmental Literacy - TREE vol. 12, no.11 1997 Nov

Box 179, folder 58

BP Amoco 1999-2000

Box 179, folder 59

James Cohee [correspondence], ed. Sierra Club Books re: "Weather Permitting" 1981-1983

Box 179, folder 60

Thames TV Ltd. 1982-1987

Box 179, folder 61

Colorado Endowment for the Humanities 1/2 - Transcripts and proposals/prospectus for Nuclear Winter documentary with Cheryl Schneider and Don Kinney 1985-1987

Box 179, folder 62

Colorado Endowment for the Humanities Transcripts 2/2 1985-1987

Box 179, folder 63

Don Herbert / Mr. Wizard "How about..." 1986-1988

Box 179, folder 64

Nuclear Winter - Ethics of Dispute: Colorado Endowment for the Humanities Transcripts 1987-1988

Box 179, folder 65

Point of View - Nuclear Winter Documentary 1989

Box 180, folder 1

Pastore, Rita PBS (Public Broadcasting Service) Series & Script Outline 1976

Box 180, folder 2

Kenneth Engel 1980

Box 180, folder 3

Bill Moyers 1981

Box 180, folder 4

Annenberg/ CPB (Corporation for Public Broadcasting) Project 1983

Box 180, folder 5

Linda.O. Mearns, et. al: Analysis of Climate Variability in GCM's (General Circulation Models) 1989 May

Box 180, folder 6

US Information Agency interview with Ecuador 1989 Nov 28

Box 180, folder 7

Panel on Policy Impl. of Greenhouse Warming (National Academy of Sciences) COSEPUP (Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy) - 1/2 1989 Nov 13

Box 180, folder 8

Panel on Poilcy Impl. of Greehouse Warming NAS - COSEPUP 2/2 1989 Nov 13

Box 180, folder 9

African Journalists Symposium at NCAR (National Center for Atmospheric Research) 1990 March

Box 180, folder 10

Synthesis Panel (National Academy of Sciences) - Adaptation to Climate Change report - Seattle 1990

Box 180, folder 11

Synthesis Panel 1990 Nov 23-24

Box 180, folder 12

Synthesis Panel Mtg. 1990 Sept. 12-13

Box 180, folder 13

Mitigation Panel - Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming 1990 July 10

Box 180, folder 14

Synthesis Panel NAS (National Academy of Sciences) - Seattle 1990 July 8-11

Box 180, folder 15

After the Warming with James Burke 1991

Box 180, folder 16

Report of the Synthesis Panel - (NAS) National Academy of Sciences Panel on Policy IMplcations of Global Warming 1991

Box 180, folder 17

Policy Implication - Greenhouse Warming Synthesis Report 1991

Box 180, folder 18

The Fire Next Time - Jim Henerson 1992 June

Box 180, folder 19

Discovery Channel - Ben Shaw 1994

Box 180, folder 20

Earth Island Institute 1994

Box 181, folder 1

Pew Scholars Meeting 1993

Box 181, folder 2

Ben-Gurion University - Mitrani Center 1991-1993

Box 181, folder 3

Global Change Institute (GCI) 1/3 1988

Box 181, folder 4

Global Change Institute (GCI) 2/3 1988

Box 181, folder 5

Global Change Institute (GCI) 3/3 1988

Box 181, folder 6

Global Change Institute: Integrated Assessment of Climate Change - Snowmass, CO 1994

Box 181, folder 7

Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change pt. 1 2000

Box 181, folder 8

Committee on the Human Dimensions of Global Change pt. 2 2000

Box 181, folder 9

Status and Trends - Michael Mac - National Biological Survey/ Department of Interior 1/3 1994

Box 181, folder 10

Status and Trends - Michael Mac - National Biological Survey/ Department of Interior 2/3 1994

Box 181, folder 11

Status and Trends - Michael Mac - National Biological Survey/ Department of Interior 3/3 1994-1997

Box 181, folder 12

OECD (Organization for Economic Change and Development 1/3 2002 Dec 13

Box 181, folder 13

OECD (Organization for Economic Change and Development 2/3 2002 Dec 13

Box 181, folder 14

OECD (Organization for Economic Change and Development 3/3 2002 Dec 13

Box 181, folder 15

Review copy of: Human Choice and Climate Change: An International Assessment - Rayner & Malone, eds. 1/2 1997

Box 181, folder 16

Review copy of: Human Choice and Climate Change: An International Assessment - Rayner & Malone, eds. 2/2 1997

Box 181, folder 17

Planet Earth scripts 1/3

Box 181, folder 18

Planet Earth preview book 2/3 1985

Box 181, folder 19

Planet Earth telecourse and correspondence 3/3 1984-1985

Box 181, folder 20

Planet Earth - Fate and Climate panels - Los Angeles, San Diego 1985 Aug

Box 201, folder 52

CBS: Fire Next Time 1993

Box 201, folder 53

Chevron video 1992

Box 201, folder 54

Coupled Human & Natural Systems 2003

Box 217, folder 1

Global Warming Prevention Act HR 5460 (1/2) 1988

Box 217, folder 2

Global Warming Prevention Act HR 5460 (2/2) 1988

Box 217, folder 3

Global Warming Prevention Act - Correspondence - Claudine Schneider 1988

Box 217, folder 4

Congressional Correspondence 1984-1988

Box 217, folder 5

Congressional Correspondence and list of testimony before Congress 1989

Box 217, folder 6

Congressional Correspondence - Margolin, Eckhardt 1979-1991

Box 217, folder 7

Al Gore 1990-1996

Box 217, folder 8

Clinton / Gore 1992

Box 217, folder 9

Tim Wirth 1990-1992

Box 217, folder 10

Tim Wirth 1989-1990

Box 217, folder 11

Tim Wirth 1988-1996

Box 217, folder 12

Senate Committee on Government Affairs 1979 July

Box 217, folder 13

Project 88 1988-1991

Box 217, folder 14

Wirth Energy Bill 1988-1992

Box 217, folder 15

Dukakis Environment Committee 1987-1988

Box 217, folder 16

Committee on Science and Technology 1981 July 31

Box 218, folder 1-14

SHS Adelaide Thinkers in Residence - Australia (+ additional material - books, magazines, pamphlets) 2006

Box 226, folder 1

Magic School Bus - proposal 1991

Box 226, folder 2

Magic School Bus 1992

Box 226, folder 3

Magic School Bus 1992

Box 226, folder 4

Magic School Bus 1993

Box 226, folder 5

Magic School Bus 1994

Box 226, folder 6

Magic School Bus 1994

Box 226, folder 7

Magic School Bus 1996

Box 226, folder 8

Magic School Bus 1997

Box 226, folder 9

Magic School Bus - book 1997

Box 226, folder 10

NOVA: Stormchasers 1995

Box 226, folder 11

NAS: Bruce Alberts - publications and correspondence 1994

Box 226, folder 12

World Resources Institute: Teachers Guide 1994

Box 226, folder 13

USC Environmental Studies Program 1994

Box 226, folder 14

Blair, Robert: Project 2061 undated

Box 226, folder 15

Blair, Robert: Conservation Biology Text 1993

Box 226, folder 16

Blair, Robert: Conservation Biology Student Workbook 1993

Box 226, folder 17

Blair, Robert: California Guide to Environmental Literacy (draft) 1996

Box 226, folder 18

California Science Education Advisory Committee: review standards 1997

Box 226, folder 19

Redfern, Ron: Earth Systems database (rejected) 1995

Box 226, folder 20

GLOBE (Global Learning and Observation to Benefit the Environment) program: NSF & NOAA Education proposal 1994

Box 226, folder 21

San Francisco Estuary Project 1993

Box 244, folder 1

The Future of Climate: Potential for Interaction and Surprises (SHS) 1995

Box 244, folder 2

National Institute for Global Encironmental Change (NIGEC) 1995-1996

Box 244, folder 3

NIGEC 1994-1996

Box 244, folder 4

NIGEC 1993-1996

Box 244, folder 5

NTAC Meeting (NIGEC) 1996

Box 244, folder 6

NIGEC Board of Trustees - D.C. 1996

Box 244, folder 7

NIGEC Meeting 1994 March

Box 244, folder 8

NIGEC Names/Fax/Addresses

Box 244, folder 9

NIGEC Board of Trustees - Phone Conference 1995

Box 244, folder 10

NIGEC Correspondence 1995

Box 244, folder 11

NIGEC Board of Trustees Conference - Oakland 1994

Box 244, folder 12-14

IGBP - International Geosphere-Biosphere Program 1985-1989

Box 244, folder 15

Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources - Volume 1: Factors Affecting Biological Resources - Climate Change 1997

Box 244, folder 16

"Status and Trends" book chapter correspondence and edits 1996

Box 244, folder 17

notes for SEJ (Society for Environmental Journalists) debate 1996

Box 244, folder 18

11th hour follow-up and Common Wealth Club (San Francisco)

Box 244, folder 19

Magic School Bus Advisory Board 1991-1998

Box 244, folder 20

Nexus: The interaction of Science and Public Policy - public radio series 1984-1985

Box 244, folder 21

"After the Nuclear War" Japanese TV - Nippon Hoso Kyokai 1984-1985

Box 244, folder 22

NOVA "Goddess of the Earth" 1985-1986

Box 244, folder 23

Global Climate Change digest ceases publication 1999 November

Box 244, folder 24

Galileo Studies "Significant Hazards" 1984-1987

Box 244, folder 25

John Brockman - correspondence and contracts - Science Masters, etc. 1988-1994

Box 244, folder 26-28

Policy Implications of Greenhouse Warming Mitigation Report 1991

Box 244, folder 29

Mitigation Report version 4.0 - National Academy of Sciences 1990

Box 244, folder 30

National Academy of Sciences Synthesis Panel 1989

Box 244, folder 31

Comments, Commissions, Requests for Writing 1977-1995

Box 244, folder 32

Mr. Wizard 1977-1981

Box 247, folder 32

NatGeo: Forces of Nature, script & correspondence 2001


Series 9. Works by Additional Authors Series 9


Alphabetical by author

Box 72, folder 1

Davis, Margaret Bryan

Box 72, folder 2

De Freitas, C.R.

Box 72, folder 3

Delacourt, Paul & Hazel

Box 72, folder 4

Dickinson, Robert E.

Box 72, folder 5

Dietrich, David E.

Box 72, folder 6

Donn, William L.

Box 72, folder 7

Donnelly, Richard F.

Box 72, folder 8

Driscoll, Dennis M.

Box 72, folder 9

Druyan, L.M.

Box 72, folder 10

Dunlap, Riley E.

Box 72, folder 11

Duplessy, Jean Claude

Box 72, folder 12

D (da-Dill)

Box 72, folder 13

D (Dou-Dys)

Box 72, folder 14

Easterling, William E.

Box 72, folder 15

Eddy, John A.

Box 72, folder 16

Elgin, Duane

Box 72, Item 17-18

Ellasaesser, Hugh

Box 72, folder 19

Eltahir, Elfaith A.B.

Box 72, Item 20-21

Ehrlich, Paul

Box 72, folder 22

Epstein, Samuel

Box 72, folder 23


Box 72, folder 24

Falcon, Walter P.

Box 72, folder 25

Fearnside, Philip M.

Box 72, folder 26

Fitzjarrald, David R.

Box 72, folder 27

Flohn, Hermann

Box 72, folder 28

Folland, C.K.

Box 72, folder 29

Forrester, Jay W.

Box 72, folder 30

Fraedrich, Klaus

Box 72, folder 31

Frakes, L.A.

Box 72, folder 32

Fraser, P.J.

Box 72, folder 33

Fritts, H.C.

Box 72, folder 34

F (Fae-Fis)

Box 72, folder 35

F (Fla-Fri)

Box 72, folder 36

F (Fru-Fung)

Box 72, folder 37

Gaffen, Dian J.

Box 72, folder 38

Gaffney, J.S.

Box 72, folder 39

Gal-Chen, Tzvi

Box 72, folder 40

Gallimore, Robert G.

Box 72, folder 41

Gates, Lawrence W.

Box 72, folder 42

Ghan, Steven J.

Box 72, folder 43

Ghil, Michael

Box 73, folder 1

Gilman, Donald L.

Box 73, folder 2

Giorgi, Filippo

Box 73, folder 3

Glantz, Michael H.

Box 73, folder 4

Glatzmaier, Gary A.

Box 73, folder 5

Gleick, Peter H.

Box 73, folder 6

Goreau, Thomas J.

Box 73, folder 7

Gornitz, Vivien

Box 73, folder 8

Goulder, Lawrence

Box 73, folder 9

Graf, Hans-Friedrich

Box 73, folder 10

Gribbon, John

Box 73, folder 11

Grinevald, Jacques

Box 73, folder 12

Grubb, Michael

Box 73, folder 13

G (Ga-Gil)

Box 73, folder 14

G (Gle-Gou)

Box 73, folder 15

G (Gre-Gun)

Box 73, folder 16

Hall, Charles A.S.

Box 73, folder 17

Hall, Darwin C.

Box 73, folder 18

Hall, D.O.

Box 73, Item 19-20

Hansen, James

Box 73, folder 21

Hardin, Garrett

Box 73, folder 22

Harger, J.R.E.

Box 73, folder 23

Hare, Kenneth

Box 73, folder 24

Harte, John

Box 73, folder 25

Harvey, L.D. Danny

Box 73, folder 26

Hasselmann, K.

Box 73, folder 27

Hays, J.D.

Box 73, folder 28

Hayes, Rich

Box 73, folder 29

Heal, Geoffrey

Box 73, folder 30

Held, Isaac M.

Box 73, folder 31

Henderson-Sellers, A.

Box 73, folder 32

Hewes, G.W.

Box 73, folder 33

Hern, Warren M.

Box 73, folder 34

Hoffert, Martin I.

Box 73, folder 35

Hofmann, D.J.

Box 73, folder 36

Holdren, John P.

Box 73, folder 37

Homer-Dixon, Thomas F.

Box 73, folder 38

Hopfinger, E.

Box 73, folder 39

Houghton, J.T.

Box 73, folder 40

Hunt, B.G.

Box 73, folder 41

Hurrell, James W.

Box 73, folder 42

Husar, R.B.

Box 74, folder 1

Huybrechts, Philippe

Box 74, folder 2

H (Ha-Haz)

Box 74, folder 3

H (He-Heu)

Box 74, folder 4

H (Hi-Hor)

Box 74, folder 5

H (Hou-Hur)

Box 74, folder 6

Imbrie, John

Box 74, folder 7


Box 74, folder 8

Jackson, Mark Z.

Box 74, folder 9

James, Philip B.

Box 74, folder 10

Jamieson, Dale

Box 74, folder 11

Jansen, Eyestein

Box 74, folder 12

Johansson, Thomas B.

Box 74, folder 13

Jones, P.D.

Box 74, folder 14

Joussaume, Sylvie

Box 74, folder 15


Box 74, folder 16

Kaiser, Klaus F.

Box 74, Item 17-18

Kammen, Daniel M.

Box 74, folder 19

Kandel, Robert S.

Box 74, folder 20

Kappelle, Maarten

Box 74, folder 21

Karl, Thomas R.

Box 74, folder 22

Kasahara, Akira

Box 74, folder 23

Kates, R.W.

Box 74, folder 24

Kaufman, Y.J.

Box 74, folder 25

Keeling, Charles D.

Box 74, folder 26

Keir, Robin S.

Box 74, folder 27

Keith, David W.

Box 74, folder 28

Kellogg, W.W.

Box 74, folder 29

Kennett, J.P.

Box 74, folder 30

Kerr, Richard A.

Box 74, folder 31

Keshavamurty, R.N.

Box 74, folder 32

Keyfitz, Nathan

Box 74, folder 33

Kirchner, James W.

Box 74, folder 34

Klinger, Lee F.

Box 74, folder 35

Koopmans, Tjalling C.

Box 75, folder 1

Kondratyev, K. Ya.

Box 75, folder 2

Kraus, E.B.

Box 75, folder 3

Kuhle, M.

Box 75, folder 4

Kuhn, M.

Box 75, folder 5

Kump, Lee R.

Box 75, folder 6


Box 75, folder 7

Kuo, H.L.

Box 75, folder 8

Kurihara, Yoshio

Box 75, Item 9-11

Kutzbach, John E.

Box 75, folder 12

K (Ka-Kaz)

Box 75, folder 13

K (Ke-Kiv)

Box 75, folder 14

K (Kla-Kuo)

Box 75, folder 15

Lacis, Andrew A.

Box 75, folder 16

Lamb, H.H.

Box 75, Item 17-18

Landsberg, H.E.

Box 75, folder 19

Larsen, Eiliv

Box 75, folder 20

Lashof, Daniel A.

Box 75, folder 21

Laurmann, J.A.

Box 75, folder 22

Ledley, Tamara Shapiro

Box 75, folder 23

Lee, Kai N.

Box 75, folder 24

Leith, C.E.

Box 75, folder 25

Levin, Simon A.

Box 75, folder 26

Levine, Joel S.

Box 75, folder 27

Lindzen, Richard

Box 75, folder 28

Livezey, Robert E.

Box 75, folder 29

London, Julius

Box 75, folder 30

Lorenz, Edward N.

Box 75, folder 31

Lorius, Claude

Box 75, folder 32

Lovelock, James E.

Box 75, folder 33

Lovins, Amory

Box 75, folder 34

L (La-Law)

Box 75, folder 35

L (Lea-Lew)

Box 75, folder 36

L (Lin-Lud)

Box 76, folder 1

MacAyeal, Douglas R.

Box 76, Item 2-4

MacCracken, Michael C.

Box 76, folder 5

MacDonald, Gordon

Box 76, folder 6

McCarthy, John

Box 76, folder 7

McLean, Dewey M.

Box 76, folder 8

M (Mc & Mac)

Box 76, folder 9

Madden, Roland A.

Box 76, folder 10

Maejima, Ikuo

Box 76, folder 11

Mahlman, J.D.

Box 76, folder 12

Malone, Robert C.

Box 76, folder 13

Maley, Jean

Box 76, Item 14-17

Manabe, Syukuro

Box 76, folder 18

Mangerud, Jan

Box 76, folder 19

Manne, Alan S.

Box 76, folder 20

Marchetti, Cesare

Box 76, folder 21

Martell, Edward A.

Box 76, Item 22-23

Martin, Philippe

Box 76, folder 24

Martinson, Douglas G.

Box 76, folder 25

Mathai, Koshy

Box 76, folder 26

Mearns, Linda O.

Box 76, Item 27-29

Meehl, Gerald A.

Box 76, folder 30

Mendelsohn, Robert

Box 77, Item 1-5

Meyers, Norman

Box 77, folder 6

Middleton, Paulette

Box 77, folder 7

Milbrath, Lester W.

Box 77, folder 8

Miller, James R.

Box 77, folder 9

Mintzer, Irving

Box 77, folder 10

Mitchell, J. Murray

Box 77, folder 11

Mix, Alan C.

Box 77, folder 12

Mizutani, Hiroshi

Box 77, folder 13

Molfino, Barbara

Box 77, folder 14

Mooney, H.A.

Box 77, folder 15

Morrisette, Peter M.

Box 77, folder 16

Muller-Dumbois, Dieter

Box 77, folder 17

M (Mah-Mas)

Box 77, folder 18

M (Mass-Min)

Box 77, folder 19

M (Mit-Mus)

Box 77, Item 20-22

Namias, Jerome

Box 77, folder 23

Naylor, Rosamund

Box 77, folder 24

Neilson, Ronald P.

Box 77, folder 25

Neumann, Jehuda

Box 77, folder 26

Newell, Reginald E.

Box 77, folder 27

Newkirk, Gordon

Box 77, folder 28

Nicolis, C.

Box 77, folder 29

Nordhaus, William D.

Box 77, folder 30

North, Gerald R.

Box 77, folder 31


Box 77, folder 32

Oerlemans, Johannes

Box 77, folder 33

Oeschger, H.

Box 77, folder 34

Oglesby, Robert J.

Box 77, folder 35

Ohring, George

Box 77, Item 36-37

O'Neill, Brian

Box 78, folder 1

Oort, Abraham H.

Box 78, folder 2

Oppenheimer, Michael

Box 78, folder 3

Overpeck, Jonathan T.

Box 78, folder 4

Orving, Svenn

Box 78, folder 5

Otterman, J.

Box 78, folder 6

Otto-Bliesner, Bette L.

Box 78, folder 7


Box 78, folder 8

Palmer, Thomas N.

Box 78, folder 9

Paltridge, Garth W.

Box 78, folder 10

Parry, Martin L.

Box 78, folder 11

Pate-Cornell, M. Elisabeth

Box 78, folder 12

Pearman, G.I.

Box 78, folder 13

Peltier, W.R.

Box 78, folder 14

Penner, Joyce E.

Box 78, folder 15

Petit-Marie, Nicole

Box 78, folder 16

Pezzey, John

Box 78, folder 17

Pfaff, Alexander S.P.

Box 78, folder 18

Pielke, Roger A.

Box 78, folder 19

Pinty, Bernard

Box 78, folder 20

Pittock, A.B.

Box 78, folder 21

Pollack, J.B.

Box 78, folder 22

Pollard, David

Box 78, folder 23

Potter, Gerald L.

Box 78, folder 24

Preisendorfer, Rudolph W.

Box 78, folder 25

Prell, Warren L.

Box 78, folder 26

Price, Martin

Box 78, folder 27


Box 78, folder 28

Quirk, William J.

Box 78, folder 29

Ramanathan, V.

Box 78, folder 30

Ramaswamy, V.

Box 78, folder 31

Rampino, Michael R.

Box 78, folder 32

Rango, Albert

Box 78, folder 33

Rasmussen, Lowell A.

Box 78, folder 34

Rasool, S.I.

Box 78, folder 35

Raymo, Maureen E.

Box 78, folder 36

Reaser, Jamie K.

Box 78, folder 37

Reifsnyder, William E.

Box 78, folder 38

Revkin, Andy

Box 78, folder 39

Reynolds, David W.

Box 78, folder 40

Riebsame, William E.

Box 78, folder 41

Rind, David

Box 78, folder 42

Risbey, James S.

Box 78, folder 44

Robinson, G.D.

Box 78, folder 45

Robock, Alan

Box 78, folder 46

Rosenberg, Norman J.

Box 78, folder 43

Roads, John Owen

Box 79, folder 1

Rothstein, Jerome

Box 79, folder 2

Roughgarden, Jonathan

Box 79, folder 3

Royer, J.F.

Box 79, Item 4-5

Ruddiman, W.F.

Box 79, folder 6

Rust, Bert

Box 79, folder 7

R (Ra-Rop)

Box 79, folder 8

R (Ros-Ryan)

Box 79, folder 1

Rothstein, Jerome

Box 79, folder 2

Roughgarden, Jonathan

Box 79, folder 3

Royer, J.F.

Box 79, Item 4-5

Ruddiman, W.F.

Box 79, folder 6

Rust, Bert

Box 79, folder 7

R (Ra-Rop)

Box 79, folder 8

R (Ros-Ryan)

Box 79, folder 9

Salinger, M.J.

Box 79, folder 10

Saltzman, Barry

Box 79, Item 11-12

Santer, Benjamin D.

Box 79, folder 13

Sassone, Peter G.

Box 79, folder 14

Schidlowski, Manfred

Box 79, folder 15

Schipper, Lee

Box 79, Item 16-17

Schlesinger, Michael E.

Box 79, folder 18

Schlesinger, Robert E.

Box 79, folder 19

Schnitker, Detmar

Box 79, folder 20

Schware, Robert

Box 79, folder 21

Schwartz, Stephen E.

Box 79, folder 22

Schwartzman, David W.

Box 79, folder 23

Schweingruber, Fritz Hans

Box 79, folder 24

Seidov, D.G.

Box 79, folder 25

Self, Stephen

Box 79, folder 26

Sellers, William D.

Box 79, folder 27

Shaw, Glen E.

Box 79, folder 28

Sejrup, Hans Peter

Box 79, folder 29

Serra, Adalberto

Box 79, folder 30

Shabecoff, Philip

Box 79, folder 31

Shackleton, N.J.

Box 100, folder 1

Simmonds, Ian

Box 100, folder 2

Simpson, Sir George

Box 100, folder 3

Sinha, Suresh K.

Box 100, folder 4

Smagorinsky, Joseph

Box 100, folder 5

Solomon, Allen M.

Box 100, folder 6

Solomou, Solomos

Box 100, folder 7

Solow, Andrew

Box 100, folder 8

Speth, James Gustave

Box 100, folder 9

Stauffer, B.

Box 100, folder 10

Stone, Peter H.

Box 100, folder 11

Stothers, Richard B.

Box 100, folder 12

Sullivan, Walter

Box 100, folder 13

Suzuki, Hideo

Box 100, folder 14

Swanson, Earl R.

Box 100, folder 15

S (Sag-Sev)

Box 100, folder 16

S (Sha-Smi)

Box 100, folder 17

S (Smith)

Box 100, folder 18

S (Sne-Swe)

Box 100, folder 19

Tabata, S.

Box 100, folder 20

Tanaka, Masayuki

Box 100, folder 21

Thompson, Anne M.

Box 100, folder 22

Thompson, Louis M.

Box 100, folder 23

Thompson, Philip D.

Box 100, folder 24

Thompson, Starley L.

Box 100, folder 25

Tol, Richard S.J.

Box 100, folder 26

Trenberth, Kevin E.

Box 100, folder 27

Turco, Richard P.

Box 100, folder 28

Turpie, Jane K.

Box 100, folder 29

Twomey S.A

Box 100, folder 30

T (Tab-Tho)

Box 100, folder 31

T (Tie-Tom)

Box 100, folder 32

T (Tra-Twi)

Box 100, folder 33


Box 100, folder 34

Van Devender, Thomas R.

Box 100, folder 35

Van Donk, Jan

Box 100, folder 36

Van Loon, Harry

Box 100, folder 37

Van Valen, Leigh M.

Box 100, folder 38

Vatsia, Mishri

Box 100, folder 39

Verstraete, Michel M.

Box 101, folder 1

Victor, David G.

Box 101, folder 2

Vogel, J.C.

Box 101, folder 3

Volk, Tyler

Box 101, folder 4

Volland, H.

Box 101, folder 5

Vonder Haar, Thomas H.

Box 101, folder 6

Vowinickel, E.

Box 101, folder 7


Box 101, folder 8

Waggoner, Paul E.

Box 101, folder 9

Wang, Wei-chyung

Box 101, folder 10

Wallis, J.R.

Box 101, folder 11

Warren, Stephen G.

Box 101, folder 12

Washington, Warren M.

Box 101, folder 13

Watt, Ward B.

Box 101, folder 14

Watts, Robert G.

Box 101, folder 15

Webb III, Thompson

Box 101, folder 16

Weingart, Jerome M.

Box 101, folder 17

Welch, R.M.

Box 101, folder 18

Weschler, Charles J.

Box 101, folder 19

Wetherald, R.T.

Box 101, folder 20

Wheaton, E.E.

Box 101, folder 21

White, Robert M.

Box 101, folder 22

Wiesnet, Donald R.

Box 101, folder 23

Wigley, T.M.L.

Box 101, folder 24

Williams, Earle R.

Box 101, folder 25

Williams, G.M.

Box 101, folder 26

Williams, Gareth P.

Box 101, folder 27

Williams, M.A.J.

Box 101, folder 28

Williams, Robert H.

Box 101, folder 29

Williamson, David L.

Box 101, folder 30

Wilson, Cynthia A.

Box 101, folder 31

Winograd, Isaac J.

Box 101, folder 32

Wiscombe, W.J.

Box 101, folder 33

Wollin, Goesta

Box 101, folder 34

Wood, Fred B.

Box 101, folder 35

W (Wai-War)

Box 101, folder 36

W (Wea-Wel)

Box 101, folder 37

W (Wes-Wya)

Box 101, folder 38


Box 101, folder 39

Yakir, Dan

Box 101, folder 40

Yarnal, Brent

Box 101, folder 41


Box 101, folder 42

Zapffe, Carl A.

Box 101, folder 43

Zdunkowski, Wilford G.

Box 101, folder 44

Zwick, Astrid

Box 101, folder 45



Alphabetical by title


Mixed publications (from office)

Box 228, folder 1

Kyoto Protocol (photocopied reprint) Chapters 1-3 1998

Box 228, folder 2

Kyoto Protocol (photocopied reprint) Chapters 4-8 1998

Box 228, folder 3

Kyoto Protocol (photocopied reprints of articles & support docs) (1/2)

Box 228, folder 4

Kyoto Protocol (photocopied reprints of articles & support docs) (2/2)

Box 228, folder 5

Global Environmental Change: The Scientific and Social Issues (1/2) 1994

Box 228, folder 6

Global Environmental Change: The Scientific and Social Issues (2/2) 1994

Box 228, folder 7

Social Adaptation: Basic Themes - J.L. Sweeney (1/2) 1999

Box 228, folder 8

Social Adaptation: Basic Themes - J.L. Sweeney (2/2) 1999

Box 228, folder 9

William F. Fuddiman - Plows, Plagues and Petroleum with comments from SHS (1/2) 2005

Box 228, folder 10

William F. Fuddiman - Plows, Plagues and Petroleum with comments from SHS (2/2) 2005

Box 228, folder 11

Herman Daly - Essays in Sustainable Development (1/3) 1993

Box 228, folder 12

Herman Daly - Essays in Sustainable Development (2/3) 1993

Box 228, folder data_value_missing_e0919fbffac47f68dae76a246e1c2c70

Herman Daly - Essays in Sustainable Development (3/3) 1993

Box 228, folder 14

Avoiding Dangerous Climate Change Conference Book - Chaps 2 & 27 review

Box 228, folder 15

Robustness of MBH Temperature Reconstruction by Wahl & Amman - draft and responses 2005

Box 228, folder 16

On the freshwater forcing... by Rahmstorf 1996

Box 228, folder 17

Past Environmental Long-Term Records from the Artic by Dansgaard & Oeschger 1989

Box 228, folder 18

Role and Response of Continental Vegetation in the Global Climate System 1993

Box 228, folder 19

Simulation of abrupt Climate Change induced by freshwater... by Manabe & Stauffer 1995

Box 228, folder 20

Role of Orbital Forcing: A two-million-year Perspective by Imbric, et. al 1993

Box 228, folder 21

Coupling Dynamic Models of Climate and Vegetation by Foley et. al. 1998

Box 228, folder 22

Geological Assessment of the Greenhouse Effect by T.J. Crowley 1993

Box 228, folder 23

Studies of Cretaceous Climate / Pre-Quaternary Climates by E.J. Barron 1989

Box 228, folder 24

Paleoceanography chapter 4: "Temperature" by T. Schopf 1980

Box 228, folder 25

The Goldilocks Problem... by Rampino and Cladeira 1994

Box 228, folder 26

Report of the JOC Study Conference on Climate Models... W.L. Gates ed. 1978

Box 228, folder 27

Climatic Change as a Mathematical Problem by Lorenz 1970

Box 228, folder 28

A Search for Human influences on the thermal structure of the atmosphere by Santer et al.

Box 228, folder 29

Optimal Reductions in CO2 Emissions by Schultz and Kasting 1999

Box 228, folder 30

Observed Global Warming Record: by Wigley, Jones and Raper

Box 228, folder 31

Climate Change in Eastern North America... by Webb, Bartlein and Kutzbach

Box 228, folder 32

Population and Climate Change by O'Neill et al. (1/2)

Box 228, folder 33

Population and Climate Change by O'Neill et al. (2/2)

Box 228, folder 34

Eco Economy by Lester Brown (page proofs) 2001

Box 228, folder 35

Miscellaneous Publications



Box 127, folder 1

Miscellaneous publications by others circa 1970's

Box 127, folder 2

Miscellaneous publications by others 1982-1987

Box 127, folder 3

Miscellaneous publications by others 1988

Box 127, folder 4

Miscellaneous publications by others 1989

Box 127, folder 5

Miscellaneous publications by others 1990

Box 127, folder 6

Miscellaneous publications by others 1991-1993

Box 127, folder 7

Miscellaneous publications by others 1994

Box 127, Item 8-12

Miscellaneous publications by others 1995

Box 127, folder 13

Miscellaneous publications by others 1996

Box 127, folder 14

Miscellaneous publications by others 1997

Box 127, folder 15

Miscellaneous publications by others 1998

Box 127, folder 16

Miscellaneous publications by others 1999

Box 127, Item 17-18

Miscellaneous publications by others 2000

Box 127, folder 19

Miscellaneous publications by others: U.S. National Assessment 2000

Box 127, folder 20

Miscellaneous publications by others 2001


Series 10. Print Media Series 10

Box 193, Item 1-19

SHS in media: early 1980's to 1999

Box 194, Item 1-11

SHS in media: 2000 to 2008

Box 194, folder 12

SHS in media: miscellaneous media, KPIX

Box 194, folder 13

SHS in media: miscellaneous media, "The Infinite Voyage" script

Box 194, folder 14

SHS in media: miscellaneous media, NOVA: The Climate Crisis

Box 194, folder 15

SHS in media: miscellaneous media, Center for Environmental Journalism

Box 198, folder 1

SHS & William W. Kellogg - Does Man Have the Power to Stabilize Climate? - AAS 140th Meeting 1974 Feb 27

Box 198, folder 2

SHS - Climate Modification and Speculations Regarding Its Impacts - AAAS 141st meeting 1975 January 31

Box 198, folder 3

Forecasting Future Droughts: Is it Possible? - AAS Presentation 1977 February

Box 198, folder 4

National & International Cooperation: The Institutional Limits to Growth? (SHS) - AAS Presentation 1977 February

Box 198, folder 5

Quality Review Standards for Interdisciplinary Standards (SHS) - AAAS Presentation 1977 February

Box 198, folder 6

IDB News 1975 January - 1979 April

Box 198, folder 7

NCAR Press Clippings 1973-1975

Box 198, folder 8

NCAR Press Clippings 1974 March 14 - 1976 Aug 3

Box 198, folder 9

NCAR Press Clippings 1976

Box 198, folder 10

NCAR Press Clippings 1977-1978

Box 198, folder 11

NCAR Press Clippings 1979

Box 198, folder 12

NCAR Quarterly 1974 Feb-Aug

Box 198, folder 13

Staff Notes - NCAR 1977 Mar 11

Box 198, folder 14

NCAR Staff Notes 1973 Aug 3 - 1977 Mar 11

Box 198, folder 15

World Bank Annual Report 1976, 1977

Box 198, folder 16

World Environment Report 1975 March 3, 1976 April 12

Box 198, folder 17

Environmental Quality Magazine and Correspondence with Pamm Feinsilber 1971-1972

Box 198, folder 18

NRDC Newsletter 1976-1978

Box 198, folder 19

At Least we'll go out skiing undated

Box 198, folder 20

Numberical Simulation of Strong Plasma Shock Waves Produced in an Electromagnetic Shock Tube (SHS) [Thesis at Columbia University] 1971

Box 198, folder 21

A Comment on "Climate: The Influence of Aerosols" (SHS) - Journal of Applied Meteorology 1971 Mar 30

Box 198, folder 22

Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Aerosols: Effects of Large Increases on Global Climate (SHS and S.I. Rasool) - Science 1971 July 9

Box 198, folder 23

U.S. Expert Fears Ice Age in 50-60 Years - International Herald Tribune 1971 July 13

Box 198, folder 24

Question for the (ice) ages - Science News 1971 July 17

Box 198, folder 25

CO2 versus Aerosols - Nature 1971 July 23

Box 198, folder 26

Responses by SHS to Guccione's Op-Ed 1971 September

Box 198, folder 27

Climate Change - Science 1971 September 10

Box 198, folder 28

Are we winning the war against pollution? - The New York Times 1971 Sept 16

Box 198, folder 29

Are we winning the war against pollution? (SHS) - The New York Times 1971 Sept 16

Box 198, folder 30

Climate: The headline and the doubt - Technology Review 1971 Oct-Nov

Box 198, folder 31

Ice-Age is possible [title translation] - Ha'aretz 1971 Oct 17

Box 198, folder 32

New Ice Age Coming - its colder already - Los Angeles Times 1971 Oct 24

Box 198, folder 33

Cloudiness as a Global Climatic Feedback Mechanism (SHS and Warren M. Washington) 1972

Box 198, folder 34

Aerosol Concentrations: Effect on Planetary Temperatures - Science 1972 Jan 7

Box 198, folder 35

Numerical Study of Strong Plasma Shock Waves Produced in an Electromagnetic Shock Tube (SHS) - The Physics of Fluids 1972 May

Box 198, folder 36

Atmospheric Particles and Climate: Can we Evaluate the Impact of Man's Activities? - 18th annual meeting of the Institute of Environmental Services 1972 May

Box 198, folder 37

Push Button Weather? Maybe soon - Philadelphia Inquirer 1972 Dec 29

Box 198, folder 38

Goals for U.S. urged on Weather Control - The New York Times 1972 December 29

Box 198, folder 39

Goals for U.S. urged on Weather Control - The New York Times 1972 December 29

Box 198, folder 40

TIE/ Tropical Ecology Workshop Participants circa 1973

Box 198, folder 41

The Chemical Basis for Climate Change (SHS nad William W. Kellogg) from Chemistry of the Lower Atmosphere 1973

Box 198, folder 42

Tropical Deforestation and the Global Climate (SHS to Charles F. Cooper) 1973 March 12

Box 198, folder 43

note from William Kellogg - ...And it is divine 1973 May 7

Box 198, folder 44

Boulder Daily Camera (filming Sleeper at NCAR) 1973 May 12

Box 198, folder 45

Weather - The winds of change - ...And it is divine 1973 July

Box 198, folder 46

We're changing the weather by accident - Science Digest 1973 December

Box 198, folder 47

The Population Explosion: Can it Shake the Climate? (SHS) - Ambio 1974

Box 198, folder 48

Ominous Changes in the World's Weather - Reader's Digest 1974

Box 198, folder 49

Climate and the Politics of Food - NCAR Quarterly 1974

Box 198, folder 50

Impacts of Regional Changes on Climate and Aquatic Systems (SHS et. al) - Fragile Ecosystems [monograph] 1974

Box 198, folder 51

[title lost] - Empire Magazine 1974 January 6

Box 198, folder 52

Ominous Changes in World's Weather - Fortune 1974 February

Box 198, folder 53

Wary Eye on the World's Weather - Town and Country Review 1974 March 27

Box 198, folder 54

"Food: The Next Crisis" as submitted to The National Observer 1974 June 5

Box 198, folder 55

The Specter at the Feast (SHS) - The National Observer 1974 July 6

Box 198, folder 56

Cooling Climate Omen of Drought, Scientist Says - The Kansas City Times 1974 July 11

Box 198, folder 57

Climate Modeling (SHS and Robert E. Dickinson) - Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 1974 August

Box 198, folder 58

Colorado State University News - Schneider / Food Crisis 1974 October 19

Box 198, folder 59

Possible world famine by start of 1980s 'not being faced up to' - Greeley Tribune 1974 October 22

Box 198, folder 60

What we should do about our changing climate - The Denver Post 1974 Nov 10

Box 198, folder 61

Climate and the World's Food - New Scientist 1974 Nov 28

Box 198, folder 62

A New World Climate Norm? Implications for Future World Needs (SHS) - Bulletin of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 1974 December

Box 198, folder 63

Climate Stabilization: For Better or for Worse? (SHS and W. W. Kellogg) - Science 1974 December 17

Box 198, folder 64

Climatic Barriers to Long-Term Energy Growth (SHS and Roger D. Dennett) - Ambio 1975

Box 198, folder 65

Energy Production and Climate (SHS and Warren M. Washington) - Science 1975 January

Box 198, folder 66

A Convention of Scientists is Headier than Most - The New York Times 1975 Feb 2

Box 198, folder 67

Never Argue Weather with a Groundhog - Town & Country Review 1975 Feb 5

Box 198, folder 68

Tinkering with a Climate Dangerous, Expert Warns - Springfield Leader-Press 1975 April 2

Box 198, folder 69

Responses to Climate Stabilization - Science 1975 April 18

Box 198, folder 70

Everyone Talks About It - UN Television Script 1975 June 24

Box 198, folder 71

Climate and the Global Economy - New Scientist 1975 Aug 28

Box 198, folder 72

Climate and Life [review] - Bulletin American Meteorological Society 1975 Sept

Box 198, folder 73

On the Carbon Dioxide - Climate Confusion (SHS) - Journal of Atmospheric Sciences 1975 Nov

Box 198, folder 74

Volcanic Dust, Sunspots and Temperature Trends (SHS and Clifford Mass) - Science 1975 Nov 21

Box 198, folder 75

More variable weather threatens world food supply - The Christian Science Monitor 1975 Dec 9

Box 198, folder 76

Correspondence: Glenn English and testimony 1976

Box 198, folder 77

Climate Quote from Frank Herbert's Children of Dune 1976

Box 198, folder 78

Scientist Hopes Groundhog's Right - Town & Country 1976 Feb 4

Box 198, folder 79

The Genesis Strategy (SHS) [excerpt] - Friends of the Earth's Not Man Apart 1976 March

Box 198, folder 80

When the Sun went Strangely Quiet - Science News 1976 March 6

Box 198, folder 81

Correspondence: letter from Carl Sagan about a position for SHS at Cornell 1976 March 23

Box 198, folder 82

Mild Winter was Specter of Drought - Town & Country Environmental Edition 1976 March 31

Box 198, folder 83

Global Strategy - The Colorado Daily 1976 April 6

Box 198, folder 84

Forecast: Famine? - Time 1976 May 17

Box 198, folder 85

Climate and Survival - Sierra Club Bulletin 1976 July/Aug

Box 198, folder 86

A Hedge Against Famine - Colorado Business Magazine 1976 July/August

Box 198, folder 87

Impact of Climatic Fluctuation on Major North American Food Crops 1976 July

Box 198, folder 88

A World Praying for Rain - Newsweek 1976 July 19

Box 198, folder 89

The Genesis Strategy: Climate Change & Global Survival (SHS and Lynne E. Mesirow) - The Futurist 1976 August

Box 198, folder 90

Wary Climate Threatens the Hungry World - The Dallas Morning News 1976 Aug 1

Box 198, folder 91

Storm over World Weather - Sun Times 1976 September 12

Box 198, folder 92

The Deterioration of the World's Weather - Washington Post 1976 Oct 10

Box 198, folder 93

The Deterioration of the World's Weather - The Washington Post 1976 Oct 11

Box 198, folder 94

Letter from Jimmy Carter [photocopy] 1976 Oct 25

Box 198, folder 95

Food-Climate articles from the Saturday Review 1976 Nov 13

Box 198, folder 96

Joseph's Brothers - The Wall Street Journal 1976 Nov 19

Box 198, folder 97

Mosaic 1977 Jan/Feb

Box 198, folder 98

Drought Perils 13 Western States and TV: Can Sunspots Tan Bionic Angel? - The New York Times 1977 Feb 2

Box 198, folder 99

Is the Drought Here to Stay? - The Straight Creek 1977 March 10

Box 198, folder 100

Weather - how will it affect you? - Harvestore Farmer 1977 April

Box 198, folder 101

Who's Who Volume I, Broadcast 15 - Rosalynn Carter, Lily Tomlin, SHS, Dave Garroway, Billy the Bugler 1977 April 26

Box 198, folder 102

draft Review of The Weather Conspiracy 1977 May 16

Box 198, folder 103

Correspondence with August Sebastiani (vineyards) 1977 October 3

Box 198, folder 104

Bad Weather Ahead? Plan On It - Rocky Mountain News 1977 October 30

Box 198, folder 105

NCAR wunderkind mocks prophet reputation, stresses a world food situation - The Colorado Daily 1977 Nov 4

Box 198, folder 106

Correspondence: letter from Dad about scientists and media 1977 December 5

Box 198, folder 107

No disastrous change in climate by 2000? - SF Sunday Examiner and Chronicle 1978 Feb 26

Box 198, folder 108

The human factor in modifying the weather - Business Week 1978 Feb 27

Box 198, folder 109

So What if the Climate Changes? (SHS) AAS annual meeting, Houston 1979 January

Box 198, folder 110

Scientists Forecast World Warming, Coastal Floods - Denver Post 1979 January

Box 223, folder 1

Article re: rain dance @ Mt. Tamalpais and drought 1977 February 22

Box 241, Item 1-3

United Nations Development Forum news clippings 1976-1979

Box 241, folder 4

clippings/copies [annotated], (notes for "The Genesis Strategy" ?)

Box 241, folder 5

clippings/copies [annotated] on index cards

Box 241, folder 6

New York Times Book Review [The Genesis Strategy] July 18, 1976

Box 241, folder 7

clippings from Henry Lamsford

Box 241, Item 8-24

17 NCAR envelopes of clippings [many with SHS annotations]

Box 241, folder 25

3 copies of a poster for a lecture given by SHS at Fermilab 1977

Box 246, folder 15

Press Clippings 1974-1991

Box 246, folder 16

Miscellaneous Clippings

Box 246, folder 17

The Planet 2005 Sept/Oct

Box 246, folder 18

Article in Sonntags Zeitung 1995

Box 246, folder 19

Extinction of the fittest may be the legacy of lost habitats - New York Times 1994 Sept 27

Box 246, folder 20

"Volcano" Interview 2007

Box 246, folder 21

Suzy Chaffee "Abundant Snow" 2008

Box 246, folder 22

The Scientist - Research - Global Warming Researchers Say They Need Breathing Room 1992 May 11

Box 246, folder 23

National Geographic - Is our World Warming? Under the Sun 1990 October

Box 246, folder 24

The Heat is On 1987 Oct 19

Box 246, folder 25

In Future - Opening Night 1988 Dec 11

Box 246, folder 26

Aera Weekly - Japanese Magazine 1989 Aug 25

Box 246, folder 27

Esquire Magazine Clipping and Reader's Digest 1989

Box 246, folder 28

Discover Magazine - The Greenhouse Effect 1988 October

Box 246, folder 29

Audubon Magazine - Gazing into our Greenhouse Future 1991 March

Box 246, folder 30

Defender of the Planet - News Article 1988 May 15

Box 246, folder 31

Press: SHS 1989-1993

Box 246, folder 32

The Stanford Daily - Global Climate Change and the Politics of Risk 1995 May 9

Box 246, folder 33

ESIG Newsletter - NCAR 1986 Sept 27

Box 250, folder 8

Los Angeles Times Book Review, "Natural Havoc by Human Hand: The Coevolution of Climate and Life" 1984 August 5

Box 250, folder 9

The New York Times Book Review, p44 1984 December 2

Box 250, folder 10

The New York Times Book Review, p11 1984 August 19

Box 250, folder 11

La Jolla Courier, "Red China: A Cultural Revolution" 1974 June 20

Box 250, folder 12

The National Observer, "It's Only Superstition, Right?" 1974 June 1

Box 250, folder 13

The Denver Post, "Droughts Raise Food-Crisis Fears" 1974 June 9

Box 250, folder 14

Quest: The San Diego Union-Tribune, "Plants May Be Key to Curbing Global Warming: Seeds of a Solution" 1996 February 28

Box 250, folder 15

The Burlington Free Press, "Can We Stop the Warming? Quick Action Would Slow Global Trend, Experts Say" 1996 April 22

Box 250, folder 16

Rocky Mountain News: Sunday Magazine, "Defender of the Planet: Climatologist Stephen Schneider" 1988 May 15


Series 11. Photographs Series 11


Lantern Slides

Box 176, Item 1

Outline of the Finite Different Scheme

Box 176, Item 2

Charts for Shock Speed & Aritical Viscosity Only

Box 176, Item 3

Hydrogen Shock Struture, B_lθ=7KG

Box 176, Item 4

Jaffrin_Probstein Solution & Numerical Solution

Box 176, Item 5

Shock Speed Comparison

Box 176, Item 6

Transverse MHD Shock Wave & Drive-Current Layer

Box 176, Item 7

Hydrogen Shock Structure, B = 0

Box 176, Item 8

Two-Temperature Navier-Strokes Equations

Box 176, Item 9

Gas Shock Wave & Drive-Current Layer

Box 176, Item 10

B(t)_a & B(t)_b Chart

Box 176, Item 11

Shock Thickness vs. Shock Speed

Box 176, Item 12

B(t)_a & B(t)_b Chart, U_S=95cm/µsec

Box 176, Item 13

Temperature (Electronic Volts) & Shock Speed

Box 176, Item 14

X-Ray Data

Box 176, Item 15

Partition of Energy & U_s (cm/µsec)

Box 176, Item 16

l(cm) & U_s (cm/µsec)

Box 176, Item 17

Current-sheet & Shock-wave Trajectories

Box 176, Item 18

Time-Distance Diagrams of Computed Results for Transverse MHD Case w/o Initial Bias

Box 176, Item 19

'Starting' Numerical Dissipation

Box 176, Item 20

Diagram of the Inner & Outer Conductor

Box 176, Item 21

The Lundquist Equations in Lagrangian Coordinates in Conservation Form

Box 176, Item 22

"Saturated" Shock Graph

Box 176, Item 23

B(t)_a & B(t)_b Contact Surface Graph

Box 176, Item 24

Initial Oscillations Graph & Solid Piston Driven Transverse Shock Wave Graph


Photographic slides

Box 158, folder 1

Photographic Slides: Travel

Box 158, folder 2

Photographic Slides: Art Slides w/ Karen Kucharski

Box 158, folder 3

Photographic Slides: David Hiser

Box 158, folder 5

Photographic Slides: World Temperatures

Box 158, folder 6

Photographic Slides: Travel/Camping/Mountains

Box 158, folder 7

Photographic Slides: Travel/Terry Root

Box 158, folder 8

Photographic Slides: Great Basin- N.Park/Hiking/Travel

Box 158, folder 9

Photographic Slides: Travel/Hawaii/Great Lake

Box 158, folder 10

Photographic Slides: Duplicates - Nuclear War/Climate

Box 158, folder 11

Photographic Slides: CCM Results w/Smoke IR & Scattering

Box 158, folder 12

Photographic Slides: "Paleo" Dust Presentation

Box 158, folder 13

Photographic Slides: CO2 Presentation/Duplicates

Box 158, folder 14

Photographic Slides: Originals from SLT DNA Meeting

Box 158, folder 15

Photographic Slides: Originals from SLT DNA Meeting

Box 158, folder 16

Photographic Slides: CO2 Presentation, Magazine Articles, Duplicates

Box 158, folder 17

Photographic Slides: CO2 Presentation, Articles, Explosion Population

Box 158, folder 18

Photographic Slides: Greenhouse Effect, Travel, Holland Herald

Box 158, folder 19

Photographic Slides: Nature, Climatic Research, Temperature Research

Box 158, folder 20

Photographic Slides: Originals, Travel, Asia, Desert, Mountains, Fields

Box 158, folder 21

Photographic Slides: Great Basin, Travel, Alternative Energy, Duplicates

Box 158, folder 22

Photographic Slides: Hawaii, Travel

Box 158, folder 23

Photographic Slides: Nuclear Winter, Duplicates

Box 158, folder 24

Photographic Slides: Presentation Styles, Climatic Research

Box 158, folder 25

Photographic Slides: Pettston, Bio St. Am, Maine, Travel

Box 158, folder 26

Photographic Slides: Climatic Research, Temperature Research, Travel

Box 158, folder 27

Photographic Slides: Nuclear Winter

Box 158, folder 28

Photographic Slides: Colorado, Travel

Box 158, folder 29

Photographic Slides: N. Power Room, Snow, Travel, Polar Bears

Box 158, folder 30

Photographic Slides: Times Magazine, Greenhouse Effect, Travel

Box 158, folder 31

Photographic Slides: Great Basin, Hiking, Travel, Research, Building Hours

Box 158, folder 32

Photographic Slides: Travel, CO2 Presentation, Mountains, Snow, Forests

Box 158, folder 33

Photographic Slides: Duplicates, Climate Research, Temperature Research

Box 158, folder 34

Photographic Slides: Energy Efficiency, Temperature Research, Duplicates

Box 158, folder 35

Photographic Slides: Global Warming, Greenhouse Effect

Box 158, folder 36

Photographic Slides: Energy Efficiency, Climatic Research, Conserving Energy

Box 158, folder 37

Photographic Slides: "Nuke Winter" I

Box 158, folder 38

Photographic Slides: "Nuke Winter" II

Box 158, folder 39

Photographic Slides: Climatic Research, Global Warming, Seldom Used

Box 158, folder 40

Photographic Slides: Food Comsumption, Energy Efficiency, Asia, Travel

Box 158, folder 41

Photographic Slides: Originals, SLT, Ames DNA Meeting

Box 158, folder 42

Photographic Slides: Israel 3 - Travel, Smyrva Kisher, Bouellis' Eagle Nest

Box 158, folder 43

Photographic Slides: Israel 4 - Bouellis' Eagle Nest, Metgugie, Burda Minet, Wei Tzmann, Solon Tower

Box 158, folder 44

Photographic Slides: Israel 2 - Ruffet W.R. at Eliat, Guide Plaingos, Aquaba Coal, Planrin, Saudi Arabia

Box 158, folder 45

Photographic Slides: Israel 1 - Hollow Wind, Turbine, Blacktabe Bogent, Geese, Diker, Ruven Yousef, Ringing Station

Box 158, folder 46

Photographic Slides: Israel 5 - Wei Tzmann, Solar Tower, Scops Owl, Iber, Sede Roger

Box 158, folder 47

Photographic Slides: Hawaii, Travel, Sea, Mountains, Beaches, Forests

Box 158, folder 48

Photographic Slides: Underground Caverns, Power Plants, Travel, Climatic Research

Box 158, folder 49

Photographic Slides: Duplicates, Northern Hemisphere, Mountains, Travel

Box 158, folder 50

Photographic Slides: CO2, Notes, Graphs, Charts, Temperature Research

Box 158, folder 51

Photographic Slides: Climatic Research, Temperature Research, Duplicates, Water Cycles

Box 158, folder 52

Photographic Slides: Acpulco, Guevero National Park Travel, Hiking, Sea, Mountains

Box 158, folder 53

Photographic Slides: Plants, Gardens, Bear Coal Co, Inc., AWMU, Travel

Box 158, folder 54

Photographic Slides

Box 158, folder 55

Photographic Slides: Plants, Animals, Research, Travel, Duplicates

Box 158, folder 56

Photographic Slides

Box 158, folder 57

Photographic Slides

Box 158, folder 58

Photographic Slides

Box 158, folder 59

Photographic Slides: Denali, Travel

Box 158, folder 60

Photographic Slides: Pipeline, Denali, Travel

Box 158, folder 61

Photographic Slides: Cartoon Duplicates, includes printed cartoons

Box 158, folder 62

Photographic Slides: Climate Change, Maps, Charts, includes Calendar

Box 158, folder 63

Photographic Slides: Climate Change, Charts

Box 158, folder 64

Photographic Slides: Climate Change

Box 158, folder 65

Photographic Slides: Climate Change, Maps, Charts

Box 158, folder 66

Photographic Slides: Climate Change

Box 158, folder 67

Photographic Slides: Primlof Cliff, Coastal Birds, Travel

Box 158, folder 68

Photographic Slides: Primlof Cliffs, Coastal Birds, Bird Watching

Box 158, folder 69

Photographic Slides: Primlof Cliffs, Outtakes, Too Dark

Box 158, folder 70

Photographic Slides: Travel, Muldhow Glacier, Denali River, Wildlife

Box 158, folder 71

Photographic Slides: Portage Glacier, Alaska, Travel, Wildlife

Box 158, folder 72

Photographic Slides: S.E. Alaska, St. Paul Island, Priblofs #1, Wildlife

Box 158, folder 73

Photographic Slides: Anchorage - Alaska, Denali #6, Wildlife, Travel

Box 158, folder 74

Photographic Slides: Primlof Cliffs, Seals, Artic Fox, Wildlife

Box 158, folder 75

Photographic Slides: Alaska, Seals, Coastal Birds, Bird Watching

Box 158, folder 76

Photographic Slides: Polar Bears, Alaska, Travel

Box 158, folder 77

Photographic Slides: Travel, Arctic Valley, Alaska Wildlife, Denali, Mt. Rushmore, Arizona

Box 177, folder 1

Negatives: Experiments, Greenhouse Effect, Data, Graphs

Box 177, folder 2

Photographs: Experiments, Greenhouse Effect, Data, Graphs

Box 177, folder 3

Photographs: Portraits of Schneider

Box 177, folder 4

Photographic Slides: Schneider's House being Built

Box 177, folder 5

Photographs: Graphs & Charts

Box 177, folder 6

Photographs: Schneider Office Comics

Box 177, folder 7

Photographs: Great Photos of Schneider

Box 177, folder 8

Photographs: Photos of Schneider

Box 177, folder 9

Photographs & Photographic Slides: Photos of Schneider

Box 177, folder 10

Photographs: Photos of Schneider

Box 177, folder 11

Photographs: Photos of Schneider

Box 247, folder 12

snapshots from Europe (?)

Box 177, folder 13

Photographs & Photographic Slides: Photos of Schneider

Box 247, folder 14


Box 247, folder 15

photographic reprints

Box 177, folder 16

Photographs & Negatives: Photos of Schneider


Series 12. Audiovisual Material Series 12

Box 146, Item 1

Too Hot to Handle: Global Warming is the Most Urgent Threat Facing Humanity Today

Box 146, Item 2

The Baltic: A Sea of Peril

Box 146, Item 3

The Green Patriarch

Box 146, Item 4

The Adriatic: A Sea at Risk 6/11/2002

Box 146, Item 5

The Artic: The Consequences of Human Folly 2007 Sep 7

Box 146, Item 6

The Amazon: The End of Infinity

Box 146, Item 7

The Black Sea: A Voyage of Healing

Box 146, Item 8

Culivating Sustainability: The Copenhegan COP15 Experience

Box 146, Item 9

Perfect Balance

Box 146, Item 10

The ARK Video

Box 146, Item 11

Where the Rubber Meets the Road circa 1990's

Box 146, Item 12

"Quark" & "5 Ipotesi Sulla Fine Del Mondo" (Theories on the End of the World) 1983-1985

Box 146, Item 13

California Got it Wrong Texas Got it Right

Box 146, Item 14

USIA Talk Show/ "Greenhouse Effect"/ Stephen Schneider, Patrick Zimmerman, and Anthony Sligo 6/1/1989

Box 146, Item 15

Nova - Goddess of the Earth circa 1986

Box 146, Item 16

Nova - Climate Crisis: The Greenhouse Effect Dec. 1983

Box 146, Item 17

Nuclear Winter - Ethics of Dispute

Box 146, Item 18

Nova - Warming Warning circa 1983

Box 146, Item 19

"How About…" Science Mini-features for Television: 11 Shows (with Introductions)

Box 147, Item 20

Computer Animations from the GENESIS: Earth System Modeling Project circa 1995

Container Summary: AV videotape 23 deaccessioned from this box.
Box 147, Item 21

The Powers of Ten in Time - Phase 2 Prototype Demo 10/24/1993

Box 147, Item 22

The Powers of Ten in Time - Phase 1 Prototype Demo 4/4/1993

Box 147, Item 24

Department of Cardiovascular Surgery: Grand Rounds/ Global Warming: Scientific Fact or Media Hype presented by Stephen Schneider/ CNN Future With HCIT 1989-1990

Box 147, Item 25

Ketchum Public Relations: Crisis in the Atmosphere

Box 147, Item 26

Network Earth Show #31 March 1991

Box 147, Item 27

Enviormental Media Awards circa 1990's

Box 147, Item 28

National Geographic Society: Diversity of Lfie

Box 147, Item 29

Chevron Corporation, Parkins/Baldwin - EcoSpeak: Coming to An Understanding\ The Greenhouse Effect Rev. 2

Box 147, Item 30

Vanishing Lands

Box 147, Item 31


Box 147, Item 32

No Title

Box 147, Item 33

Steve - Ch 13: Crisis in the Atmosphere 11/29/1989

Box 147, Item 34

Indiana Jones

Box 147, Item 35

Nova - Hole in the Ozone/ Nova - On Kistiakowsky (with Segon)/ Nova - Desert/ Nova - S. J. Gould circa 1987

Box 147, Item 36

CNN Earth Matters (IPCC Debate) 9/1/1996

Box 147, Item 37

Walter Cronkite at Large 6/11/1988

Box 147, Item 38

Ozone Depletion 10/30/1986

Box 147, Item 39

Nightline on Contrarian (with Stephen Schneider) 1994 Feb 24

Box 147, Item 40

Nuclear Winter: Ethics of Dispute (CP)/ Meche/OppNishtteo O2/motes Jess L/ ABC Pollrim 1987-1988

Box 147, Item 41

Nuclear Winter: Ethics of Dispute

Box 147, Item 42

Nuclear Winter: Ethics of Dispute

Box 147, Item 43

Nuclear Winter: Ethics of Dispute

Box 147, Item 44

Dateline - Sonya Crawford/ Nature's Wrath 2/26/1997

Box 147, Item 45

Nuclear Winter: First Rough

Box 147, Item 46

Nuclear Winter: Round Table - Cut Down Number 1/ Stephen H. Schneider - 1976 (Winter) circa 1976

Box 147, Item 47

Yucca Mtn. ICS @ NCAR

Box 147, Item 48


Box 147, Item 49

Steve Schneider's Austrialia Video Oct. & Nov. 1988

Box 147, Item 50

SHS on Discover Magazine "Weather" 5/14/1997

Box 148, Item 51

Nuclear Winter

Container Summary: AV videotapes 61, 72-83, 88, and 94, deaccessioned from this box.
Box 148, Item 52

Nova - "A. Rain"/ Nuclear Winter - Nightline

Box 148, Item 53

Nuclear Winter - Group Discussion - 3 Cameras

Box 148, Item 54

Sagan Lecture/ SHS Rough on Shdis segment

Box 148, Item 55

Plane T Earth/ NOS: 1, 2, & 3 (SHS & EJB)

Box 148, Item 56

ABC's "The Day After" & View point

Box 148, Item 57

SHS on NBC Magazine/ SHS on Nightline/ Interview by Bazillon TODAY Show 1981-1986

Box 148, Item 58

Nuclear Winter - Walter Orr Roberts Camera

Box 148, Item 59

Planet Earth Nos. 4, 5, 6, & 7

Box 148, Item 60

Body In Question (Dudley)/ Nova - Climate (SHS Showing)/ Nova - Goddess of Earth

Box 148, Item 62

SHS on "State of Colorado"/ Chernobyl TMI 1985

Box 148, Item 63

Beverly Hills Cop/ Nuclear Winter: Ethics of Dispute

Box 148, Item 64

Chernobyl US/USSR 9/11/1988

Box 148, Item 65

Life on Earth IX, X, & XI

Box 148, Item 66

Life on Earth XII & XIII

Box 148, Item 67

Life on Earth VI, VII, VIII

Box 148, Item 68

Cosmos "The Edge of Torae"/ Nova - Calvarez Asteroid Theory

Box 148, Item 69

Oceanside Baseball/ Pool Antics 7/4/1987

Box 148, Item 70

Life on Earth I & II

Box 148, Item 71

Life on Earth III, IV, & V

Box 148, Item 84

Hard Chores (6 programs)

Box 148, Item 85

Nova - The Sunspot Mystery 1978 Version 1978

Box 148, Item 86

The Today Show/ The State of Colorado/ Healthier Babies- The Genetic Era 9/24/1982

Box 148, Item 87

Carson\2d/ Rewind Problem 1977-1978

Box 148, Item 89

IPBN Presents Mary Jane Odell, Guest: Stephen Schneider

Box 148, Item 90

Fueling the Future: No Deposit - No Return 1988

Box 148, Item 91

"Take Issues" Bay-TV Talk Show/ CBS News w/ Dan Rather - Geoengineering/ CBS News w/ Dan Rather - Tornado Mwanes/ Tupe defective 1998-2001

Box 148, Item 92

State of the Planet - Program 3 - The Future of Life 1977

Box 148, Item 93

SHS on CBS News w/ Dan Rather/ SHS Archives: Who's Who (Rather) & Larson Show 1977 & 2001

Box 148, Item 95

Body in Question

Box 148, Item 96

ABC View Point (Press)/ Moyers et al 1/22/1982

Box 154, Item 254

8 - Kirshner/ Suader/ Abram

Box 154, Item 255

Men & Molecules - Hel Ben. Steel

Box 154, Item 256

Men & Molecules - Come Rain, Come Shine II

Box 154, Item 257

KOA Special Report - "Weather"

Box 154, Item 258

Perle, Wirth, Turco, Los Alamos Film - World Conference and Sagan at Boettcher

Box 154, Item 259

Exxon Research Club/ The Lory Holwin Winter 1989

Box 154, Item 260

Science Video Newsreel/ Science & Television Retreat 1987

Box 154, Item 261

Future Watch/ Steve's Future House

Box 154, Item 262

Endangered Earth

Box 154, Item 263

Australian Broadcasting Corp. - "Quantum" Special program & "Greenhouse Effect" 11/2/1988

Box 154, Item 264

Colloquim - "Future Climate Change" - Dub 1987 Mar 16

Box 154, Item 265

The Search for Solutions Series: Investigation, Evidence, Patterns, Modeling, Theory, Practice, Adaptation, Context, Trial & Error

Box 154, Item 266

The Challenge of the Unknown/ Part I - Situation/ Part II - Outcomes

Box 154, Item 267

Race to Save the Planet (SHS Series)/ Only One Atmosphere/ Now or Never

Box 154, Item 268

"The Greehouse Effect" - Dub

Box 154, Item 269

SHS on State of Cots/ Dateline NBC/ Bay TU - 51/ SHS Interview with Jim Bettinger/ Ch. 6 Mid Pen Pwld/ SHS with C. Field - Talk Show 1994-1998

Box 154, Item 270

Ch. 13 Innovation on Global Warming Prog./ "The Heat is On" - The Greenhouse Effect/ Alice, SHS, & Simon on Lateline/ Today Out circa 1989 & 1995

Box 154, Item 271

Nuclear Winter News Conference - 1. Edward Teller, 2. Mike McCracken, 3. Gary Hart, 4. John Harte, 5. Paul Crutzen, 6. Tim Wirth

Box 154, Item 272

After The Warming with James Burke

Box 154, Item 273

Energy # 4 - Ch. 12 - S. Schneider & Carl Sagan on CBS This Morning

Box 154, Item 274

SHS's Australia Trip 10/26/1988-11/7/1988

Box 154, Item 275

Nuclear Winter - Rough # 2

Box 154, Item 276

Stephen Schneider - St. Olaf College Lecture 4/21/1987

Box 154, Item 277

Planet Earth - Part 3: Balance of Tape is Shalom Seshme in Jerushlem

Box 154, Item 278

Portrait of America: Colorado

Box 154, Item 279

Nuclear Winter - Ehrlich, Badash, Sagan

Box 154, Item 280

Norway/ North Pole - SHS & TLR July 1992

Box 156, Item 123

Is Nuclear Winter Real and Relevant? Session I Part 2 1987

Box 156, Item 124

Is Nuclear Winter Real and Relevant? Session 2 Part 2 1987

Box 156, Item 125

Long-Term Environmental & Biological Consequences of Nuclear War: Does it Matter? Part 2 1984

Box 156, Item 126

Media Coverage on Drought as a Symptom of Climate Change Part 1 1990

Box 156, Item 127

Media Coverage on Drought as a Symptom of Climate Change Part 2 1990

Box 156, Item 128

KPWR Environmental Directions 2/26/1990

Box 156, Item 129

Long-Term Environmental & Biological Consequences of Nuclear War: Does it Matter? Part 1 1984

Box 156, Item 130

Whelan Lectureship Tape 2 Sept. 27

Box 156, Item 131

Science Now

Box 156, Item 132

Science Now 3/6/1985

Box 156, Item 133

Whelan Lectureship Side A Sept. 28

Box 156, Item 134

Science Now 1/13/1986

Box 156, Item 135

The World After Nuclear War 11/19/1983

Box 156, Item 136

It's A Matter Of Survival - Program 1 1989

Box 156, Item 137

It's A Matter Of Survival - Program 2 1989

Box 156, Item 138

It's A Matter Of Survival - Program 3 1989

Box 156, Item 139

"Global Warming and the Greenhouse Effect" 11/28/1989

Box 156, Item 140

Analysis: Greenhouse - Copy 6/28/1990

Box 156, Item 141

A Science Friction 8/14/1991

Box 156, Item 142

E-Town Sample Program 3/1/1992

Box 156, Item 143

Dr. Stephen Schneider/ Tim Hicks/ K-108 Radio 3/14/1989

Box 156, Item 144

It's A Matter Of Survival - Program 4 1989

Box 156, Item 145

It's A Matter Of Survival - Program 5 1989

Box 156, Item 146

All Things Considered #870216 - Nuclear Autumn 1987

Box 156, Item 147

Science Now at the AAAS 1988

Box 156, Item 148

The Five Scientists of the Apocalypse (Side A) / Apocalypse? No (Side B) 11/3/1988 & 11/7/1988

Box 156, Item 149

New Signals - "Stopping the Coming Ice Age" 5/17/1988

Box 156, Item 150

Science Now (Week 5) 1/28/1989

Box 156, Item 151

Dialogue 101 10/22/1989

Box 156, Item 152

AAAS - Geoengineering Session 2 - Tape 1 1994

Box 156, Item 153

AAAS - Geoengineering Session 2 - Tape 2 1994

Box 156, Item 154

Is Nuclear Winter Real and Relevant? Session I Part 1 1987

Box 156, Item 155

Global Warming : The Debate 1991

Box 156, Item 156

Dr. Stephen Schneider Side 3 1991 Jun 18

Box 156, Item 157

Dr. Stephen Schneider Side 1 & 2 6/18/1991

Box 156, Item 158

White House Roundtable on Global Climate Change 7/24/1997

Box 156, Item 159

Quirks & Quarks: CO2 & Climate 11/20/1982

Box 156, Item 160

Whelan Lectureship Tape 1 September 27

Box 156, Item 161

Quirks & Quarks: Science from CBC Radio

Box 156, Item 162

Choices for a Healthy Environment: Personal and Planetary

Box 156, Item 163

Tape #2: Environment and Economics Panel 3/21/1992

Box 156, Item 164

Tape #1: Environment and Economics Panel 3/21/1992

Box 156, Item 165

Greenhouse Effect/ Out of This World/ Forgotten Star

Box 156, Item 166

Flashpoints / Greenhouse Effect 1997

Box 156, Item 167

Stephen Schneider - Earthwatch Programs Nov. 1997

Box 156, Item 168

Choices for a Healthy Environment: Personal and Planetary

Box 156, Item 169


Box 156, Item 170

EMS Press Breakfast - "Scientists Announce New Evidence for Climate Change" 6/24/1996

Box 156, Item 171

Best of Street Science Part 2 of 2

Box 156, Item 172

Best of Street Science Part 1 of 2

Box 156, Item 173

The Acid Test 9/29/1996

Box 156, Item 174

Science Now - Copy 9/28/1996

Box 156, Item 175

Dr. Steve Schneider/ KQED Forum 1996 Jan 8

Box 156, Item 176

NPR's Science Friday 10/30/1998

Box 156, Item 177

Choices for a Healthy Environment: Personal and Planetary

Box 156, Item 178

Berkley Groks/ Steve Schneider - "Global Warming" 2002 Nov 6

Box 156, Item 179

Cut #1: "Weathervane"/ Christian Science Monitor circa 1981

Box 156, Item 180

AAAS - Geoengineering Session 1 Tape 1

Box 156, Item 181

AAAS - Geoengineering Session 1 Tape 2

Box 156, Item 182

Book - Global Warming 10/31/1993

Box 156, Item 183

AAAS - Program 1 & 2 1992

Box 156, Item 184

Fatal Shore (3)

Box 156, Item 185

Closing of American Mind (1)

Box 156, Item 186

Closing of American Mind II (3 & 4)

Box 156, Item 187

Annual Boething Lecture: Stephen Schneider

Box 156, Item 188

Fatal Shore (1 & 2)

Box 156, Item 189

Destiny or Chance: Our Solar System and Its Place in the Universe

Box 156, Item 190

Explorations 10/12/1999

Box 156, Item 191

Talk of the Nation: Science Friday - Artic Ice\ Global Warming 8/5/2000

Box 156, Item 192

Science in Action 1999

Box 156, Item 193

Schneider Steven - "Climate Change -- Policy" Tape 2 9/9/2002

Box 156, Item 194

Schneider Steven - "Climate Change -- Policy" Tape 1 2002 Sep 9

Box 156, Item 195

Media Coverage of Drought as a Symptom of Climate Change Part 1 1990

Box 156, Item 196

Media Coverage of Drought as a Symptom of Climate Change Part 2 1990

Box 156, Item 197

AAAS - Changing the Weather Session I Part 1 Dec. 1972

Box 156, Item 198

AAAS - Changing the Weather Session I Part 2 Dec. 1972

Box 156, Item 199

AAAS - Changing the Weather Session II Part 1 Dec. 1972

Box 156, Item 200

AAAS - Changing the Weather Session II Part 2 Dec. 1972

Box 156, Item 201

Sleeper Recollections

Box 156, Item 202

Rereading of "Creations"/ End of Creation Scene

Box 156, Item 203

Kade Telepinion Interview 1974

Box 156, Item 204

Interdisciplinary Research Part II

Box 156, Item 205

Recorded at AAAS' 143rd Annual Meeting 1977

Box 156, Item 206

Climate Change and Economic Growth : The Hidden Connection

Box 156, Item 207

Who's Who 1977

Box 156, Item 208

Steven Schneider with Steve Allen on Johnny Carson's Tonight Show 1977

Box 156, Item 209

23 - Panel X

Box 156, Item 210

22 - Panel IX (cont'd)

Box 156, Item 211

21 - Panel IX

Box 156, Item 212

19 - Panel VIII

Box 156, Item 213

Ehrlich vs. Simon Debate for Prof. Schneider - copy

Box 156, Item 214

A 21 - 3 & 4

Box 156, Item 215

5 & 6

Box 156, Item 216

3 & 4

Box 156, Item 217

1 & 2

Box 156, Item 218

20 - Scoville (cont'd) & Q\A Banquet / Chatfield/ LASH OFF

Box 156, Item 219

H. L. Mecken Speaking 1995

Box 156, Item 220

Nexus Pilot

Box 156, Item 221

Linda Silverman

Box 156, Item 222


Box 156, Item 223

One Planet

Box 156, Item 224

GE (Staff Colloq) April 1978

Box 156, Item 225

Joseph Henry Lectures 5/3/1978

Box 156, Item 226

Quirks & Quarks Schneider 2/3/1979

Box 156, Item 227

The Fifty Year Forecast

Box 156, Item 228

Frank Field Interview (Side B only) 4/21/1976

Box 156, Item 229

Becca and Adam circa 1980's

Box 156, Item 230

SHS - PFH: KGO 10/14/2005

Box 156, Item 231

No Title

Box 156, Item 232

Tape B

Box 156, Item 233

Gaia Hypothesis

Box 156, Item 234

Gaia Pieces: Tues, Weds, Thurs, Sat

Box 156, Item 235

9 - Abram (cont'd)/ Panel V circa 1989

Box 156, Item 236

10 - Panel V/ Andrea/ Clarkson circa 1989

Box 156, Item 237

11 - Clarkson/ Shaw/ Herchen Debate/ Liss circa 1989

Box 156, Item 238

12 - Liss Brinthit/ Caldeic/ Panel VI/ Nieh circa 1989

Box 156, Item 239

13 - Kieh/ Somerville/ Isakari (Somerville)/ Nieh/ Ganels Way circa 1989

Box 156, Item 240

14 - Ganels World/ Panel III B/ Gammon/ Schidloushi circa 1989

Box 156, Item 241

15 - Schidloushi (cont'd)/ Sundquist/ Palochi circa 1989

Box 156, Item 242

16 - Palochi/ Rhomaier/ M 42 light/ Holland circa 1989

Box 156, Item 243

17 - Holland/ Berner/ Williams/ Kump circa 1989

Box 156, Item 244

18 - Kumpbimurr/ Cooper/ Herring/ Failure circa 1989

Box 156, Item 245

Tape 1 - Gaia Monday - Lovelock/Margulis 1989 Mar 7

Box 156, Item 246

Tape 2 - Gaia Monday - Margulis/ Shearer/ Harte 3/7/1989

Box 156, Item 247

1 - Mon XM Lesson II/ Ehrlich/ Penny Boston circa 1989

Box 156, Item 248

2 - Penny Q & A/ Shawvanik/ West board/ Panel II circa 1989

Box 156, Item 249

3 - Panel III/ SHS/ Walke/ Hodxert circa 1989

Box 156, Item 250

4 - Volk / Schwartzman/ Modfed/ Poster circa 1989

Box 156, Item 251

5 - Wation/ McKoy/ Panel III circa 1989

Box 156, Item 252

6 - Siever/ Bischoff circa 1989

Box 156, Item 253

7 - Walin/ Panel IV circa 1989

Box 156, Item 254

8 - Kirshner/ Suader/ Abram circa 1989

Box 156, reel 255

Men & Molecules - Hel Ben. Steel 1976

Box 156, reel 256

Men & Molecules - Come Rain, Come Shine II 1973

Box 156, reel 257

KOA Special Report - "Weather" 5/14/1975

Box 149, Item 97

Good Morning A.M - Steve Schneider/ TVR: Know 4 NCMS 10/5/1997 & 1/2/2003

Box 149, Item 98

Things are Heating Up: The Science and Politics of Global Warming - Featuring Stephen Schneider 2003 Nov 6

Box 149, Item 99

Race to Save the Planet

Box 149, Item 100

Global Climatic Change Conference - Tape #1

Box 149, Item 101

Bars and Tone/ Change/ Seasonal Dance/ Project Genesis

Box 149, Item 102

Global Climatic Change Conference - Tape #2

Box 149, Item 103

Global Climatic Change Conference - Tape #3

Box 149, Item 104

News Hour w/ Jim Lehrer (SHS on imports)/ SP (Twio - 2nd in color)/ Rising Waters PBS 2001

Box 149, Item 105

Global Climatic Change Conference - Tape #4

Box 149, Item 106

SHS on "CBS This Morning"/ C-SPAN 2/ Clinton-Gore Climate Briefing at White House 1997

Box 149, Item 107

"The Greehouse Effect… To What Degree?" 1989

Box 149, Item 108

Nuclear Winter - Ethics of Dispute 1987

Box 149, Item 109

CO2 circa 1981

Box 149, Item 110

Dr. Stephen Schneider 11/4/2004

Box 149, Item 111

Planet Earth, We Have a Problem

Box 149, Item 112

Global Energy Perspectives 1998

Box 149, Item 113

Tokyo Symposium, TV-Program (second half) - "Think Global Warming" 2/16/2007

Box 149, Item 114

Tokyo Symposium, TV-Program (first half) - "Think Global Warming" 2007 Feb 16

Box 149, Item 115

Nightline - Extinction: Global Warming and Its Consequences 2005 Jul 14

Box 149, Item 116

Climate Change: Meeting the Global Challenge

Box 149, Item 117

News Executives Roundtable: Covering Climate Change 2007 Sep 5

Box 149, Item 118

CSIRO National Science Radio 2001

Box 149, Item 119

Oil on Ice

Box 149, Item 120

The Promise of Biochar 2008

Box 149, Item 121

Lighten Up! A Religious Response to Global Warming

Box 149, Item 122

Addicted to Oil - Thomas Friedman Reporting 10/18/2006

Box 149, Item 281

How to…Science - Threat or Solution September 1978

Box 149, Item 282

KMGH Denter 1978

Box 149, Item 283

Climatic Change & World Predicament/ Steven Schneider - Forum Sept. 28, 1979

Box 149, Item 284

Control No. 1894/ Who's Who - "Weather Warning"/ Johnny Carson circa 1977

Box 149, Item 285

"The Weather" - Cover Story Feb 25

Box 149, Item 286

Nuclear Winter - Ethics of Dispute

Box 149, Item 287

1/4-degree Global Ocean Simulations circa 1993

Box 149, Item 288

Stephen Schneider & Bill Maher: "Real Time" Live 2005 Sep 2

Box 149, Item 289

Jupiter Oxygen Corporation

Box 149, Item 290

Interview of Stephen Schneider in Taiwan and Denmark for CTI Television

Box 149, Item 291


Box 149, Item 292

The Grantham Prize parts 1 & 2 2008 Sep 8

Box 149, Item 293

ABC News Now: Nature's Edge

Box 149, Item 294

Katalog Englisch & Portugiesisch

Box 149, Item 295

Keeping the Earth: Religious and Scientific Perspectives on the Environment 1996

Box 149, Item 296

20/20: Ozone Depletion with Sherr-Young 1986 Oct 30

Box 149, Item 297

Climate Change, Natural Resources and Coastal Management Jan. 29 & 30, 2009

Box 153, Item 298

Hartley Conf. Room Earth SCI June 15, 2006

Box 153, Item 299

Think Again Film: National Tour 2001-2002

Box 153, Item 300

Dave Marsh Series WESH-TV/ Daytona Beach

Box 153, Item 301

State of the Planet - Program 1 - Is There a Crisis?

Box 153, Item 302

Just a Minute Eco Series 1998

Box 153, Item 303

Seminar on the Political & Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change 1992 May 1

Box 153, Item 304

The Climate Report: Update on Global Warming

Box 153, Item 305

Lighten Up! A Religious Response to Global Warming

Box 153, Item 306

The Information Explosion: A Stanford Centennial Symposium 1991

Box 153, Item 307

Nova/Frontline - What's Up with the Weather?

Box 153, Item 308

Shirizu ... (In Japanese) Vol. 1 - Documentary Japan Inc. Aug.2, 2003

Box 153, Item 309

Teleworks: EPA APPD Video

Box 153, Item 310

"Exploring the Unknown" June 20, 2000

Box 153, Item 311

Nova (Rougqe Kutzbal) (1933 My Story) 2 B - 5 S

Box 153, Item 312

NSF Show Reel: Forces of Nature Preview Reel June 9, 2001

Box 153, Item 313

National Conservation Achievement Awards 2002

Box 153, Item 314

InterChange with Stephen Schneider March 1997

Box 153, Item 315

Interview with Dr. Stephen Schneider Stanford University Part 1 1998

Box 153, Item 316

Interview with Dr. Stephen Schneider Stanford University Part 2 1998

Box 153, Item 317

EPA: Forum Video Select Footage/ 1. Dr. Stephen Schneider Stanford University Feb. 26, 1997

Box 153, Item 318

ABC News Now: World View Feb. 24, 2005

Box 153, Item 319

ABC TV: Catalyst Series 3 Episode 2

Box 153, Item 320

Seminar on the Political & Institutional Dimensions of Global Environmental Change May 1, 1992

Box 153, Item 321

Stephen Schneider - Telecollege Interview: The Changing Atmosphere Conference 1988

Box 153, Item 322

Providence Pictures - Discover Magazine - Weather May 1997

Box 153, Item 323

ECO (Earth Communications Office) Series 1996

Box 153, Item 324

Seminar on Enviroment & Trade Part 2 Oct. 8, 1993

Box 153, Item 325

4 - Can We Define, Let Alone Fix, "Dangerous" Climate Change Aug. 15, 2007

Box 153, Item 326

Climate Countdown: A Project of the Environmental Information Center

Box 153, Item 327

From Naked Ape to Superspecies 1999

Box 153, Item 328

Global Warming

Box 153, Item 329

Seminar on Enviroment & Trade Part 1 Oct. 8, 1993

Box 153, Item 330

Race to Save the Planet: Now or Never Series No. 10 1990

Box 153, Item 331

Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve: An Island of Discovery 1998

Box 153, cassette 332

IPER 210/ 656 Art

Box 153, cassette 333

IPER 210/ 656 Art/ Becca Wedding Pounce

Box 153, Item 334

Is Nuclear Winter Real and Relevant? Session II Part 1

Box 153, Item 335

A21 part 1 & 2

Box 248, Item 3-8

VHS tapes (includes material from "Magic School Bus")

Box 242, Item 1-158

container houses a variety of magnetic & optical media including cd-roms, dvd's, diskettes, zip & flash drives. See seperate listing inside container for additional detail


Series 13. Computer Files Series 13




Climatic Change






Personal Material






Teaching and Professional Work


Series 14. Miscellaneous Series 14

Box 126, folder 1

Miscellaneous correspondence: administrative 1993

Box 126, folder 2

Miscellaneous correspondence: administrative 1995

Box 126, folder 3

Miscellaneous correspondence: administrative 1996

Box 126, folder 4

Miscellaneous correspondence: administrative 1997

Box 126, folder 5

Miscellaneous correspondence: administrative 2000

Box 126, folder 6

Miscellaneous correspondence

Box 126, folder 7

Miscellaneous correspondence: CHERVIN, Bob

Box 126, folder 8

Miscellaneous research: BOROCK-WINSTANLEY proposal

Box 126, folder 9

Miscellaneous research: GOULDER, Larry

Box 126, folder 10

Energy Modeling Forum papers 1994

Box 126, folder 11

Science magazine style sheets misc. docs 1994-1995

Box 126, folder 12

Conference registration material, Ontario, Canada 1988

Box 126, folder 13

Viewgraphs from H. Starley: Cretaceous dust

Box 126, folder 14

Death of the dinosaurs, K/T Boundary papers

Box 126, Item 15-17

NATO workshop at Oxford July 1993

Box 126, folder 18

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society: Geo-scale Approaches to Climate Change

Box 126, folder 19

Politics of Climate Change: referee reports, misc. research

Box 126, folder 20

Australia: misc. reports

Box 126, folder 21

Global Open Source Initiative 2008

Box 126, folder 22

Miscellaneous charts graphs (camera ready copy for book?)

Box 126, folder 23

Induced Technological Change: Schneider, Goulder, Katz 1994

Box 126, folder 24

Induced Technological Change: research, correspondence, papers by Schneider Goulder 1992-1998

Box 126, folder 25

Department of Energy research proposal: Larry Goulder 1995

Box 126, Item 26-27

Costs of Averting Climate Change: early drafts by Schneider Goulder 1995

Box 246, folder 34

"Enviros" File undated

Box 246, folder 35

Edge/Hans Ulrich/What is your Formula? 2007

Box 246, folder 36

logo ideas 1994

Box 246, folder 37

A Fierce Green Fire - roughcut of movie (with DVD) 2010

Box 246, folder 38

Color Transparencies

Box 251

Journals, Reprints, Conference Literature, Correspondence circa 2000s

Box 252, folder 1

Stein, youth environmental sci. prog. In global change policy. Should the experts of the people decide? 1995 Jun 20

Box 252, folder 2

10 am Hambio 4AB lecture: global climate change 1995 May 30

Box 252, folder 3

Energy Modeling Forum Stanford 1995 May 24

Box 252, folder 4

Technology + Policy lecture 415 -530 _ McCullough 134- Michael Mayers class on St. T.U. 1995 May 22

Box 252, folder 5

Energy + Environment Forum 2:30 Tressider 1995 May 8

Box 252, folder 6

Lecture- Humbio 148 Gilbert Rm. 195 Environmental Policy - Ehrlich 2:15-4:00 1995 May 4

Box 252, folder 7

Lecture on Global Warming Environmental Policy Mgt. Class @ Bees school 1:15-3:00 1995 May 2

Box 252, folder 8

Seminar mBro- Ethics Humbio Meyer 7:30 pm 1995 May 2

Box 252, folder 9

Knight fellows 1994-1995 Apr 15

Box 252, folder 10

Bio 302 Current Res. In POP Bio Tues 3-4 1995 Feb 28

Box 252, folder 11

Panel Disc - Histo of sci global climate change policies of global warming 1995 Feb 10

Box 252, folder 12

Edge series/ trader + world Environ. Stress 1995 Feb 8

Box 252, folder 13

ES 10 lectures in the world study ES 7 can we predict climate change can we forecast 1995

Box 252, folder 14

EMF - snowmass, Co. workshops - clim. Impacts res + integrated of clim. Change 1995 Aug 16-23

Box 252, folder 15

AGCI summer science sessions opening talk Aspen, Co 1995 Aug 6-19

Box 252, folder 16

Institute on Economics NCAR, Boulder Co. am talk 1995 Jun 5

Box 252, folder 17

SSRC Duke Univ. Durham NC - "Human dimensions of Global Environmental 1995 Jun

Box 252, folder 18

The Presidio conf. - officers

Box 252, folder 19

Pres. Council on sust. Develop. 9-11am - ballroom golden gate club global sustainability 1995 Apr

Box 252, folder 20

Keynotes - earthweek- carleton college- Northfield MN 1995 Apr 21

Box 252, folder 21

Yale ecorealism forum panelist "a moment on the Earth" 1995 Apr 8

Box 252, folder 22

Macarthur Reunion Hotel Nikko - Chicago IL 1995 Apr 20-23

Box 252, folder 23

Tech + soc comm. Lunch forum lotus garden Mt. View

Box 252, folder 24

Global warming conf. Hyatt regency - SF (paper w. goulder) 1995 Apr 5

Box 252, folder 25

Greenpeace - Geneva Speaker (after IPPC/Brighton) 1995 Mar 16-17

Box 252, folder 26

Yale forest forum Lincoln, ND - 7th for. Long - Roundtable 1995 Jan 10-12

Box 252, folder 27

Consequences Arlington, VA - NSF 1995 Jan 5-6

Box 252, folder 28

Maastricht, Netherlands 1994 Dec 6-9

Box 252, folder 29

2nd science dialogue Leroy bear 1994 Dec 9-11

Box 252, folder 30

Whelen visiting lectureship 1994 Sep 25-28

Box 252, folder 31

USC 1994 Oct 10

Box 252, folder 32

Royal Society

Box 252, folder 33

World Econ Forum 1994 Sep 19

Box 252, folder 34

US. Glob. Change conf. Wash DC 1994 Aug 9-10

Box 252, folder 35

Industry stanford 1994

Box 252, folder 36

CE170 lecture 1994 Oct 10

Box 252, folder 37

Stanford Bay Area res. Program Mem aud 1994 Nov 7

Box 252, folder 38

Tech + society research seminar philos. Dept. Stanford 1994 Nov 11

Box 252, folder 39

ERG/ CCB Joint Colloquium ERG Reading room 1994 Nov 15

Box 252, folder 40


Box 252, folder 41

TTLR travel 1993

Box 252, folder 42

TLR travel 1992

Box 252, folder 43


Box 252, folder 44

Travel 1993

Box 252, folder 45


Box 252, folder 46

Travel 1992

Box 252, folder 47



Addenda, 2015-078

Box 57

Manuscript Drafts, writings, and correspondence re: articles 1979

Box 58

Climate Change research: National Center for Atmospheric Research proposals, documents, M.Thatcher visit, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research climate system modeling program 1975-2010

Box 59

Manuscript drafts, correspondence, working drafts of climate change reports the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Schneider's coursework from Columbia University, news clippings 1965-1975

Box 60

Schneider's doctoral thesis work, article reprints, draft articles by Schneider and others, research notes, news clippings, 1971-1991

Box 61

Statement of Hon. Timothy E. Wirth, US Senator from Colorado on Defense Appropriation Bill (August 11, 1988); departmental memoranda (1990) - one memo labeled confidential; correspondence with colleagues; Starley Lee Thompson Vita; subject files; research proposal for DOE project; list of invited authors (and suggested articles) for Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather; Risk/Impact Panel portion of study of the Committee on Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems (CONAES) of the National Academy of Sciences; correspondence with publisher re book proposal for "The Greenhouse Century"; newspaper clippings;correspondence/prospectus for Institute of Global Change; chapter drafts of "Global Warming"; manuscript of Global and Continental Water Balance in a GCM (authors: G. Thomas and A. Henderson-Sellers); manuscript drafts; draft of bill presented in Senate (1988): "National Energy Policy Act of 1988"; testimony to House of Representatives Subcommittee on Natural Resources, Agricultural Research and Environment of the Committee on Science and Technology and the Subconmittee on Energy and Environment of the Committe on Interior and Insular Affairs (March 14, 1985); 1977-1991

Box 62

VHS tapes: 35; film reel: 1 from Los Alamos National Labs 1989-1990s

Box 63

Transparencies for classes and presentations on climate change 1996-2003

Box 64

Weekly planners, 1972-1989 and looseleaf calendar, 1977 1972-1977

Box 65

Payment from Kluwer, Gift account payments 1999-2010

Box 66

Studies, notes, scientific papers, correspondence with publishers, datasets on bird density, global warming, 1901-2000

Box 67

Press, papers, grant applications, CVs, correspondence, itineraries, 1 manuscript on climatic change, photocopied publications, songbook materials (American folksongs) on climatic change and forecasting 1967-2003

Box 68

California Hall of Fame posthumous induction Ceremony program and speech; research notes; list of career travel dates/purposes; proposal for nomination to National Academy of Sciences; MacArthur Foundation correspondence (some related to Terry Root); photographic prints and negatives (professional, personal and travel, 1950s-1990s); 2 boxes of slides (1 box showing stages of house construction) - typed list of some of slide contents; elementary school report cards including grades and teacher comments; program for White House East Room Roundtable on Global Climate Change (July 24, 1997); manuscript drafts "The Genesis Strategy", envelope with portrait pictures, American Association for the Advancement of Science Awards program, Columbia University Commencement programs 1966-1992

Box 69

Curricular materials and course readers (BIO 15N: Environmental Literacy); course reader for Bio/Hum Bio/Earth Systems 147: Controlling Climate Change in the 21st Century; galley proof for Global Warming: Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century?; nomination materials for AAAS/Westinghouse Award; departmental memoranda; membership in American Academy of Sciences; recommendations for promotion to Senior Scientist; volume of poems on subject of nuclear winter by Stephen Daniel Mings (1986); report on Food-Climate Interactions: Issues and Policy Implications for German Federal Environmental Agency (1980); book draft of "The Genesis Strategy" (1975) 1975-2000

Box 70

Notebooks with class notes on geophysics, climatology, computational fluid dynamics, student materials; report #55 for Columbia University for the Atomic Energy Commission, 1971 (2 copies); "Travel book 2" of itemized travel expenses and other travel notes (1989-1991); Travel book (1977-1978) 1968-1991

Box 71

Materials related to book "The Genesis Strategy" including handwritten notes and notebooks, drafts of academic papers on climate issues; report #55; draft of Study of Nuclear and Alternative Energy Systems Work Plan, 1976 (CONAES and National Research Council) 1975-1976

Box 72

Mix of personal and commercially-produced: VHS (4), commercially produced 1/4" magnetic audio reel "Come Rain, Come Shine" (1), mini DVs (16), CD-Rs (5), CD-ROM (1), 3 1/2" floppy disks (2), 5 1/2" floppy diskettes (60-75) 1977-1983

Box 73

TV show script, "Global Warming" proof, weekly planner, articles, "Genesis strategy" manuscript master set 1981-1991

Box 74

High School yearbooks, personal correspondence, AAAS and NAS letters of recommendation, newspaper article clippings, Nuclear Winter tape transcription, one box of 35 mm slides of graphs 1974-1989

Box 75

Columbia Uni. Eng 3101 class notes, Gruman thermodynamics report, Columbia Quals notes, articles notes, correspondence with publishers, photographs, slides, conference ID cards, Columbia papers and grades, Lawrence High School yearbook and cap ornament, journals and Stanford newspapers 1961-1998

Box 76

Annoted monographs 1970-1990

Box 77

Ted talk poster and earth day event flyers


Addenda, 2015-162 Accession ARCH-2015-162

Box 1

Whole Earth Systems symposium materials (papers and DVD/DAT) 2005 Feb 10-12


Addenda, 2016-005 Accession ARCH-2016-005

Box 1

SHS 2 Heartland Chicago-anti SHS comments; SHS memorial; Terry Root Interview (External Hard Drive) 1.2 circa 2010-2011

Physical Description: 1 hard drive(s) (external)
Box 1

SHS Film Numerous Interviews: Erlich, Field, Edwards, etc.; Steve 1979 interviews; 2009 on Anecdotes, Birthday, etc.; COP 15; SHS Symposium Boulder; San Diego (External Hard Drive) 1.1 circa 2009-2010

Physical Description: 1 hard drive(s) (external)
Box 1

Schneider tape 1 1.3 undated

Physical Description: 1 videotape(s) (dvcam)
Box 1

Schneider tape 3 1.4 undated

Physical Description: 1 videotape(s) (dvcam)
Box 1

Schneider tape 4 (day 2/3) 1.5 undated

Physical Description: 1 videotape(s) (dvcam)
Box 1

Scnheider tape 5 1.6 undated

Physical Description: 1 videotape(s) (dvcam)
Box 1

Schneider tape 6 (Day 3 + Roast) 1.7 undated

Physical Description: 1 videotape(s) (dvcam)
Box 1

Climate Warrior (transcript) 2011-06-06


Whole Earth Systems: Science, Technology and Policy Symposium 2005-02-10-2005-02-12

Scope and Contents

The Whole Earth Systems symposium is an international gathering of academic, government, media, and non-profit scholars and leaders who have accepted the challenge of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental concerns... We celebrate the professional contributions of Stephen Schneider whose career-thus-far has personally and intellectually touched all of these fields of inquiry.
The Stanford symposium was organized into several major themes, such as preserving whole Earth systems, economics and policy analysis, and "media-rology"—the role of scientists as communicators and advocates. Because the conference represented a wide spectrum of expertise, speakers and panelists often used broad brushstrokes to make their point. For example, Stanford economist Kenneth J. Arrow offered a concise history of global sustainability predictions, from Adam Smith to the present, then raised the question of whether the modern world is sustainable.
The symposium was sponsored by CESP; the Energy Modeling Forum; the Stanford Institute for the Environment; the New-Land Foundation; the Ju Tang Chu and Wu Ping Chu Foundation; the Climate, Community and Biodiversity Alliance; and anonymous donors.

Climate Warrior


Addenda, 2016-030 Accession ARCH-2016-030

Box 1

Rejected manuscripts #4160 to #4364 2008-2009

Box 2

Rejected manuscripts #4557 to #4695, materials include CDs and a USB stick with data 2009-2010

Box 3

Archived manuscripts #3697 to #3901 2007

Box 4

Withdrawn manuscripts #3348 to 3705, materials include CDs and a floppy disk with data 2005–2006

Box 5

Withdrawn MSS #4141 (10/14/08) to #4456 (8/1/09) 2008-2009

Box 6

Withdrawn MSS #3726 to #4134 2007

Box 7

Rejected manuscripts #2287 to #3778, materials include CDs with data 1999-2007

Box 8

Withdrawn MSS #4459 (8/25/09) to #4785 (4/19/2010), materials include naked CDs and CDs with data 2009-2010

Box 9

Rejected manuscripts, materials include CDs with data 2007-2008

Box 10

Published manuscripts "not in EM, 114:2 to 117:4"; materials include CDs with data 2008

Box 10A

Published manuscripts "not in EM, 114:2 to 117:4"; materials include CDs with data (continued)

Box 11

Published manuscripts "not in EM, 118:2 to 122:2"; materials include CDs with data 2012

Box 12

Misc. admin files, published editorials 1980-2010

Box 13

Archived manuscripts, #3901 to #4190 2008

Box 14

Rejected manuscripts, materials include CDs with data 2010-2011

Box 15

Rejected manuscripts, materials include CDs with data 2009

Box 16

Archived manuscripts, materials include CDs/floppy disks with data 2006

Box 18

Correspondence with authors re: "Climate change" articles 2009-2011


Addenda, 2016-098 Accession ARCH-2016-098

Box 1, folder 1

Birth Certificate 1947

Box 1, folder 2

Divorce circa 1981

Box 1, folder 3

BIO 15N 2005-2009

Box 1, folder 4

Brockman, Inc. - Publishing 1994

Box 1, folder 5

IPCC Geneva 2009

Box 1, folder 6

SHS Memorial Symposium 2011

Box 1, folder 7

Thomas Reuters - Highly Cited Researcher Award 2014

Box 1, folder 8

National Wildlife Federation - Conservation Achievement Award 2002

Box 1, folder 9

Book publishing correspondence undated

Box 1, folder 10

California Hall of Fame 2014

Box 1, folder 11

White House Visit 1997

Box 1, folder 12

Negatives undated


Addenda, 2017-111 ARCH-2017-111

Box 253

A Memorial Resolution - Stephen Henry Schneider 2010 Aug 1

Box 253

Adjourn in Memory: Stephen H. Schneider 2010 Aug 02


Websites 2015-2017

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