Correspond. from Jerry Kearney (the poet) Nov. 5, 1984
Poem Manucripts of Kearney 1965-8
Correspond. With The Poetry Center
Manuscripts Sent and Recived 1957-68
Address Books and Misc. Papers 1957-68
Newsclippings/ Images
Cartoons on R.D.'s fridge at the time of his death
Misc, Notes
Poetry (papers and notebooks) Later Poetry (1/2)
Poetry (papers and notebooks) Later Poetry (2/2)
Correspond. With Robert Creeley
Letters (misc) 1998-2000
Letters (misc) 1987-1993
Letters and Papers from Marion Bertolette
UC Berkeley Summer Poetry Conference 1965
"The Fork" (draft)
"Lines in Passing" (draft), "Within the Clouds" 1960s Poetry
Papers from Foot magazine (#2)
"The Left Hand" draft
C. Olson Notes- "To Scratch a Place that Itches"
R. Duncan inc. -Original Christmas Poems 1965
Ezra Pound Notes and Correspond.
Celtic Studies
"Grease" Nilsson on Minoan Religion and Other Eastern Religions
Journal Entries 1977-79
Journal Entries 1980-88
Words addressed to Leslie
"The Last Straw" Incomplete Manuscript
RCD Novel (p.1-155) 1960s
40 pages from an unknown story
Unknown Novel (ch.8-11)
Notes and cards 1977
Journal Entries 1978-79
Journal Entries Oct. 1980
Journal Entries 1985-6
Notebook: prose and poems 1950s-1960s
5 pages of prose from a notebook
Notebook: prose 1964 Sep
Notebook: prose and serial poems Nov. 1964
Notebook: notes and prose 1966
Notebook: Hindu Polytheism, Alain Danielow
Notebook: Poem, Prose, and Notes 1970s
"Within the Clouds" manuscript
Poems 1952-8
Poems 1959-63
Poems 1965-9
Rivoli Review 1963-4
Notebook: sketches and poems
"Stinson Beach" Notebook: sketches and poems
"Virginia" 1950s-60s
Damaged Poetry Newsletters 1950s
"The Worm in the Rain"-collection of poems
The Floating Bear Newsletter 1960-7
The Floating Bear Newsletter 1960-7
"Of, by and About" by Henry Miller 1977
"Mountain and Air" -George Stanley 1978
"The 3" 1968
"Out of Sight" #1 vol. 1 and 2
Ed Sanders 1965
Memoirs of an Interglacial age
"666-The Hymm to Lucifer"
"The Kwan Yin Tango" by Bill Brown
Pictures of Ezra Pound and Papers Relating to R.D.'s copy of "The Cantos…"
"Lit by the Moon" -R.D.
Two Chapbooks- "St. Lewis" and "Tin Poems"
"Detroit Family" - Poetry Collection
"The 5" -1969
Phillip Whalen - "Highgrade", "Monday in the Evening"
R.D.'s literary estate
Oversize Photographs
Oversize Poetry Prints
Stinson Beach Note & Sketchbook