The Tarzana Property Owners'
Association was formed in 1962 from several existing neighborhood groups in the interest of
furthering community growth and development. The collection documents the San Fernando
Valley's historical development, and the Tarzana Property Owners' Association's attempts at
lobbying for legislation. It includes meeting minutes, community planning studies,
correspondence, complaints, fact sheets, environmental impact studies, maps, petitions,
resolutions, site plans, treasurer's reports, and Association newsletters. Correspondence
files include letters by Board members to Mayor Tom Bradley, Councilman Marvin Braude from
the 11th District and Councilwoman Laura Chick from the 3rd District.
The Tarzana Property Owners' Association was formed in 1962 from several existing
neighborhood groups in the interest of furthering community growth and development. In the
late 1960s the group worked to establish park lands, and open spaces due to rapid commercial
growth in Tarzana. Other issues the group dealt with included the disparity between acreage
requirements in the Master Plan for Tarzana vs. requirements for Tarzana Developers,
especially regarding the keeping of horses and the need for buffer zones between commercial
and residential properties contiguous to Ventura Boulevard.
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