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box 2050, folder 40

Naum, Nicolette, undated

box 2050, folder 41

Naylor, Colin, 1974-1975

box 2050, folder 42

Nchampers, K., 1999

box 2050, folder 43

Neescha, 1991

box 2050, folder 44

Neff, John Hallmark, 1983

box 2050, folder 45

Neff, Verena, 2002

box 2050, folder 46

Negroponte, Nicolas, 2000

box 2050, folder 47

Nelson Ricci, Loris, undated

box 2050, folder 48

Nemeczek, Alfred, 1998

box 2050, folder 49

Nenert, Claire, 2003

box 2050, folder 50

Nenniger, Walter, 1995

box 2050, folder 51

Nesmy, Claude Jean, 1978

box 2050, folder 52

Neubauer, Susanne, 2004

box 2050, folder 53

Neuburg-Coray, Trudi, 1986

box 2050, folder 54

Neugebuaer, Inge, 1999

box 2050, folder 55

Neuman, David, 1996-2002, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibitions Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon "L'Autre", Thousand islands (reality models): Serge Spitzer and Close encounters: Torbjørn Rødland.
box 2051, folder 1

Neumeister, Erdmann, 1997

box 2051, folder 2

Neven, Armand, 1999, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition The Bachelor Machines.
box 2051, folder 3

Newhouse, Victoria, 1996-1999

box 2051, folder 4

Nicoletti, Maurizio, 2000

box 2051, folder 5

Niedersächsische SparkassenStiftung, 1999

box 2051, folder 6

Nievergelt, J., 1997

box 3710, folder 19

Nikolaj Udstillingsbygning, 2001

box 2051, folder 7

Nils Robert, Christian, undated

box 2051, folder 8

Nilsson, John Peter, 1998-1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2051, folder 9

Nittve, Lars, undated

box 2051, folder 10

Nizon, Paul, 1968-1973, 1999

box 2051, folder 11

Noble, Eko Susan, 1993-1997, undated

box 2051, folder 12

Nobs, Claude, 1996

box 2051, folder 13-14

Noever, Peter, 1990-2001

box 2051, folder 15

Noord, Gerrie van, 2000?

box 2051, folder 16

Nordenhake, Claes, 1998-1999

box 2051, box 3710

Nordgren, Sune, 1999-2000


Norton, Peter, 1993-2004, undated

box 2051, folder 18-20

Papers, 1999-2003, undated


Peter Norton Family Christmas Art Projects, 1993-2004

Scope and Contents

Most accompanied by original shipping packaging.
box 3116

Untitled (miniature book) by Luciano Perna, 1993

box 3112

III (Three Wishbones in a Box) by Lorna Simpson, 1994

box 3114

Oblique Strategies, 4th edition by Brian Eno and Peter Schmidt, 1996

box 3113

Vik Muniz plate and Nina Paley card, 1999

box 3115

Accordian fold book by Anna Gaskell, 2001

box 3118*

Untitled (dollhouse) by Yinka Shonibare, 2002

box 3117

Untitled (glass bowl) by Do Ho Suh, 2004

box 2051, folder 21

Nowotny, Helga, 1996

box 2051, folder 22

Nuridsany, Léonor, 1998

box 2051, folder 23

Nuridsany, Michel, 2002

box 2051, folder 24

Nussbaum, Eric, 1998

box 2051, box 2099

Nussbaumer, Georg, 1995-1998

box 2051, folder 26

Nyboer, Erwin, 1995

box 2051, box 3710

Obadia, Nathalie, 1998-2001

box 2051, box 3950

Obrist, Hans Ulrich, 1994-2004, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes material about Bice Curiger and Peter Weibel.
box 2051, folder 30

Ochaim, Brygida, 2000

box 2051, folder 31

Ochs, Alexander, 2001-2002

box 2051, folder 32

Øckenholt, Marianne, 1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2051, folder 33

O'Connor, Wessel, 1986

box 2051, folder 34

Oda, Runa, undated

box 2051, folder 35

Odermatt, Matthias, 2002

box 2051, folder 36

O'Doherty, Brian, undated

box 2051, folder 37

Oeltermann, Hella, 1997

box 2051, folder 38

Ohff, Heinz, undated

box 2051, folder 39

Okabe, Aomi, 1991

box 2051, folder 40

Oldenburg, Richard, 1996

box 2051, folder 41

Oldörp, Andreas, 1998

box 2051, folder 42

Olivares, Rosa, 1991

box 2051, folder 43

Onuch, Jerzy, 2001

box 2051, folder 44

Oost, Jan van, 2000

box 2052, folder 1

Oppliger, Daniel, 1999

box 2052, folder 2

Orelli-Messerli, Barbara von, 2003

box 2052, folder 3

Ormesson, Jean d', 1989

box 2052, folder 4

Orzechowsky, Lothar, 2003, undated

box 2052, folder 5

Osarek, Andreas, 2000

box 2052, folder 6

Osborne, Paul D., 1998

box 2052, folder 7

Osio, Bernardino, 1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2052, folder 8

Osolin, Janis, 1998

box 2052, folder 9

Ossanna Cavadini, Nicoletta, 2002

box 2052, folder 10

Ostermeyer, Andrea, 1998

box 2052, folder 11

Osterwalder, Konrad, 1995

box 2052, folder 12

Osterwold, Tilman, 1993

box 2052, folder 13

Ott, Mathilde Sophie, 1999

box 2052, folder 14

Ott, Simone, 1999

box 2052, folder 15

Ott, Sophie, 2001, undated

box 2052, folder 16

Ott, Thomas, 2004

box 2052, folder 17

Otten, Marie-Luise, 1993

box 2052, folder 18

Ottinger, Ulrike von, 2001

box 2052, folder 19

Otto, Gunter, 1970

box 2052, folder 20

Pacquement, Alfred, 1987

box 2052, folder 21

Padon, Thomas, 1998

box 2052, folder 22

Paes Leme, Shirley, 2000

box 2052, folder 23

Paetau, Kristofer, 2004

box 2052, folder 24

Paflik-Huber, Hannelore, 1996

box 2052, folder 25

Pagé, Suzanne, 1987-1994, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Marianne Werefkin.
box 2052, folder 26

Pagnamenta, Veronica, 2001-2002, undated

box 2052, folder 27

Païni, Dominique, 2000-2003, undated

box 2052, folder 28-29

Pakesch, Peter, 1995-2004, undated

box 2052, folder 30

Paletto, Claudio, 2001

box 2052, folder 31

Palou, Sandra N., 2000

box 2052, folder 32

Pamminger, Walter, 1995

box 2052, folder 33

Pandilovsky, Melentie, 1998-2004, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the ehxibition Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2052, folder 34

Panicelli, Ida, 1992

box 2052, folder 35

Panofsky, Erwin, 1976

box 2052, folder 36

Panoutsopoulos, Terese, 1991-1993

box 2052, folder 37

Papa, Sania, 1998-2003, undated

box 2053, folder 1

Paparoni, Demetrio, 1986-1992, 1999-2001

box 2053, folder 2

Papoulias, Christos, 1990

box 2053, folder 3

Parant, Jean-Luc, 1999

box 2053, folder 4

Parcerisas, Pilar, 1993-2004, undated

box 2053, folder 5

Pardey, Andres, 1995

box 2053, folder 6

Paris Match, undated

box 2053, folder 7

Park, Kyong, 1997-2001

box 2053, box 3710

Park, Kyung Mee, 1996-1997, 2003, undated

box 2053, folder 10

Parker, Dorothy, 1964

box 2053, folder 11

Parry, Elin, 1992

box 2053, folder 12

Pasini, Francesca, 1999

box 2053, folder 13

Passoni, Franco, 1988-1997, undated

box 2053, folder 14

Pasterk, Ursula, undated

box 2053, folder 15

Pastor, Pilar, 1989-1992, undated

box 2053, folder 16

Pathy, Zsóka, 2000

box 2053, folder 17

Pauchard, Jean-Pierre, 1997

box 2053, folder 18

Paul, Frédéric, undated

box 2053, folder 19

Pauser, Wolfgang, 1997

box 2053, folder 20

Paz, Marga, 1996

box 2053, folder 21

Pécoil, Vincent, 1998

box 2053, folder 22

Pedrosa, Adriano, 2000-2001

box 2053, folder 23

Peiry, Lucienne, 1993-1996

box 2053, folder 24

Pejic, Bojana, 1995, 2002

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2053, folder 25

Pellegrino, Karen, 1999

box 2053, folder 26

Penders, Anne-Françoise, undated

box 2054, folder 1

Penny, Nicholas, 2000

box 2054, folder 2

Pepper, Virginia, 1999

box 2054, folder 3

Pérez Rubio, Agustin, 2000

box 2054, folder 4

Pérez, David, 1999

box 2054, folder 5

Pérez-Ratton, Virginia, 1999-2004

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibitions La Biennale di Venezia: PLATEA DELL'UMANITÀ / PLATEAU OF HUMANKIND / PLATEAU DER MENSCHHEIT / PLATEAU DE L'HUMANITÉ, El Real Viaje Real/The Real Royal Trip, La alegría de mis sueños / The Joy of My Dreams.
box 2054, box 2101

Pernes, Fernando, 1990-1992, undated

box 2054, folder 7

Perreault, John, 1979

box 2054, folder 8

Perrier, Danièle, 1991, 1998

box 2054, folder 9

Persico, Luciano, 1983

box 2054, folder 10

Peschke, Paul, undated

box 2054, folder 11

Pese, Claus, 1995-1996

box 2054, folder 12

Petersen, Ad, 1990, 1999, undated

box 2054, folder 13

Petersen-Brandhorst, Anette, 1999

box 2054, folder 14

Peterson, Michelle, undated

box 2054, folder 15

Petit, Olivier, 1997-1998

box 2054, folder 16

Petrej, Peter, 2004

box 2054, folder 17

Petzinger, Renate, 1990

box 2054, folder 18

Pfautz, Lawrence, 1990

box 2054, folder 19

Pfeifer, Rolf, 1995

box 2054, box 2099

Pfenninger, Fredy, 1995-1996

box 2054, folder 21

Pfister, Thomas, 2000

box 2054, folder 22

Philip Morris GmbH, 1987

box 2054, folder 23

Philippon, Sylvie, 2001

box 2054, folder 24

Piana, Mario, 2001

box 2054, folder 25

Picasso, Claude, 1997

box 2054, folder 26

Pichler, Cathrin, 1988-1995

box 2054, folder 27

Pick, Daniel, 1994

box 2054, folder 28

Pickvance, Ronald, 1991

box 2054, folder 29

Picón, Carlos, 1994

box 2054, folder 30

Pierino Ambrosoli Foundation, 1992-2001, undated

box 2054, folder 31

Piga, Stefania, 2000

box 2055, folder 1

Pilet, Jacques, 1993

box 2055, folder 2

Pillsbury, Edmund P., 1997

box 2055, folder 3

Pincus-Witten, Robert, 1996

box 2055, folder 4

Pineau, Catherine, 1987-1988

box 2055, folder 5

Pini, Violette, 1994-2000, undated

box 2055, folder 6

Pinkus-De Sassi, Theo and Amalie, 1991-1996

box 2055, folder 7

Pintaric, Snjezana, 2002

box 2055, folder 8

Pintilie, Ileana, 2002

box 2055, folder 9

Pinto, Sandra, 2001

Scope and Contents

Includes material about Anna Mattirolo.
box 2055, folder 10

Piotrovsky, Mikhail B., 1997-1999

box 2055, folder 11

Pippal, Martina, 1993

box 2055, folder 12

Pirotte, Philippe, 2005

box 2055, folder 13

Pisani, Giorgio, 2004

box 2055, folder 14

Pissarro, Joachim, 1994

box 2055, folder 15

Pitz, Ingrid, 2001

box 2055, folder 16

Plassard, Odile, 1992-1993

box 2055, folder 17

Platen, Angelika, 1999

box 2055, folder 18

Platten, Hans, 1971

box 2055, folder 19

Pleynet, Marcelin, 1986

box 2055, folder 20

Pluchart, François, 1978

box 2055, folder 21

Poetter, 1990

box 2055, folder 22

Pogacnik, Marco, 1997

box 2055, folder 23

Poggi, Rado, 2004

box 2055, folder 24

Pohlen, Annelie, 1986

box 2055, folder 25

Pöhlmann, Wolfger, 2001, undated

box 2055, box 2102*

Poinsot, Jean-Marc, 1971, 1979, 1991, undated

box 2055, folder 27

Poivre d'Arvon, Olivier, 1999

box 2055, folder 28

Poláková, Blanka, 2002

box 2055, folder 29

Polegato, Lino, 2004

box 2055, folder 30

Poley, Stefanie, 1995-1998

box 2055, folder 31

Politi, Giancarlo, 1985-1993, 1999-2002, undated

box 2055, folder 32

Polzer, Brita, 1999

box 2055, folder 33

Pomberger, Brigitte, 1994, 1999, undated

box 2055, folder 34

Pompidou, Claude [?], undated

box 2055, folder 35

Pont, Antoni, 2004

box 2055, folder 36

Popiaschvili, Irena, 1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2055, folder 37

Popper, Karl R., 1997

box 2055, folder 38

Porter, Allan, 1998

box 2055, folder 39

Posch, Alexander, 2000

box 2055, folder 40

Pott, Karin, 1997

box 2055, folder 41

Power, Kevin, 1990, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Georg Baselitz.
box 2056, folder 1

Poyet, Pascal, undated

box 2056, folder 2

Pozarek, V., 1989

box 3710, folder 23

Pradel, Jean-Louis, 2002

box 2056, folder 3

Pragma, 1986-1990

box 2056, folder 4

Praz, Gregoire, 2003

box 2056, folder 5

Premio Peggy Guggenheim, 1986

box 2056, folder 6

Presenhuber, Eva, 1995-1999

box 2056, folder 7

Presler, Gerd, 1995

box 2056, folder 8-9

Prévost, Clovis, 1991, 1996-1997

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon "L'Autre" and material about Claude L. Prévost.
box 2056, folder 10

Pribram, Karl, undated

box 2056, folder 11

Prichotko, André, undated

box 2056, folder 12

Prinz, Ursula, 1997

box 2056, folder 13

Prittwitz, Tatiana von, 1999-2005

box 2056, folder 14

Prod'Hom, Chatal, 1996-1998

box 2056, folder 15

Produzentengalerie Hamburg, 1997

box 2056, folder 16

Pruscha, Carl, 1997

box 2056, folder 17

Pulido Novoa, Antón, 1995

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition 100 Years of Cinema: Illusion – Emotion – Reality/The 7th art in search of the 6 others.
box 2056, folder 18

Putscher, Marielene, 1981

box 2056, folder 19

Puvogel, Renate, 1982-1990

box 2056, folder 20

Puymège, Gérard de, 1988-1991, undated

box 2056, folder 21

Qëndro, Gëzim, 2002

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2056, folder 22-23

Qi, Huang, 1997-2004, undated

box 2056, folder 24

Quaderer, Hansjörg, 2003

box 2056, folder 25

Quarzo-Cerina, Maria Pia, 1999

box 2056, folder 26

Quenehen, Esther, 1999

box 2056, folder 27

Quinsac, Annie-Paule, undated

box 2056, folder 28

Radosavljević, Darka, 2002-2003

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2056, box 3710

Raeber, J. G., 2001-2002

box 2056, folder 31

Ragghianti, Carlo Ludovico, 2000

box 2056, folder 32

Rahamimoff, Arie, 1995

box 2056, folder 33

Rahm, Emil, 2002

box 2056, folder 34

Rainer, Bernd, 2001

box 2056, folder 35

Rainer, Günter, 2003

box 2056, folder 36

Rama, Edi, 2004

box 2056, folder 37

Raman Schlemmer, C., 1998

box 2056, folder 38

Ramme, Cornelia, 1999

box 2056, folder 39

Ransford, Yolande, 1994-1997

box 2056, folder 40

Rappmann, Rainer, 2004

box 2056, folder 41

Rasini, Marina, 2000

box 2056, folder 42

Raspail, Thierry, 1992

box 2056, folder 43-44

Rattemeyer, Volker, 1991-1993, 2000-2003, undated

box 2056, folder 45

Raue, Peter, 1994-1999, undated

box 2056, folder 46

Raussmüller, Urs, 1996

box 2056, folder 47

Raveel, Zulma, undated

box 2056, folder 48

Rayevsky, Valentin, 2003

box 2056, folder 49

Raymond, Fabrice, 1997

box 2056, box 2102*

Reck, Hans Ulrich, 1985, 1991-1997

box 2056, folder 51

Reckermann, Winfried, 1995

box 2057, folder 1

Reddecker, Lioba, 1999-2003

box 2057, folder 2

Régnier, Gérard, 1998

box 2057, folder 3

Rehmann-Sutter, Christoph, 1998

box 2057, folder 4

Reijen, Willem van, 1995

box 2057, folder 5

Rein, Ingrid, 1984

box 2057, folder 6

Reinhart, Andreas, 1994

box 2057, folder 7

Reinle, Adolf, undated

box 2057, folder 8

Reinshagen, Maria, 2000, undated

box 2057, folder 9

Remondino, Edmond, undated

box 2057, folder 10

Renfer, Eliane, 2004

box 2057, folder 11

Renoult, Agnès, 1997-1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2057, folder 12

Repriels, Manette, 1996-2003

box 2057, folder 13

Respini, Claudia, undated

box 2057, box 3770

Resseler, Yvonne, 1992, 2000, 2004

box 2057, folder 15-16

Restany, Pierre, 1971, 1992, 1998-2004, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes material about Lucrezia De Domizio Durini.
box 2057, folder 17

Reum-Mühling, Petra, 1998

box 2057, folder 18

Reynolds, Anthony, 2001

box 2057, box 3710

Rezzonico, Raimondo, 1999-2001, undated

box 2057, folder 20

Rheims, Maurice, 1988

box 2057, box 3710

Rhyn, Jacqueline van, 1998-1999

box 2057, folder 22

Ria, Antonio, undated

box 2057, folder 23

Ribettes, Jean-Michel, 1999-2001

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Money and Value/The Last Taboo.
box 2057, folder 24

Richards, Judith, 1998

box 2057, folder 25

Richter, Bettina, 2000

box 2057, folder 26

Ricke, Rolf, 1995

box 2057, folder 27

Rieavico, 1998

box 2057, folder 28

Rigert, Markus, 1995

box 2057, folder 29

Rinck, Sabine, 1994

box 2057, folder 30

Rincon Arieto, Marta, 2004

box 2057, folder 31

Ringier, Ellen, 2000, undated

box 2057, folder 32

Ringier, Michael, 1998

box 2057, folder 33

Ringbom [empty]

box 2057, folder 34

Rinser, Louise, 1991

box 2057, folder 35

Ripa di Meana, Carlo, 1977, undated

box 2057, folder 36

Risaliti, Sergio, 2001-2002, undated

box 2057, folder 37

Ritblat, Jill, 1998, undated

box 2057, folder 38

Ritsema, Maaike, undated

box 2057, folder 39

Ritter, Alexander A., 1996-1997

box 2057, folder 40

Rizzi, Mario, 2001

box 2057, folder 41

Robberechts, Catherine, 1998

box 2057, folder 42

Roberts, Diana, 1998

box 2057, folder 43

Rodriguez, Richard, 1997

box 2057, folder 44

Roeckenschuss, Christian, undated

box 2057, folder 45

Roesch, Christoph and Ursina, 1995

box 2057, folder 46

Roggemans, Marie-Laure, 1999-2000

box 2057, folder 47

Rogoff, Irit, 1995

box 2058, folder 1

Rohling, Gerd, 1999

box 2058, folder 2

Rohmeder, Jürgen, 1994-1995

box 2058, folder 3

Romitti, Marina, 2000, undated

box 2058, folder 4

Rona, Stephan, undated

box 2058, folder 5

Rona, Wivine, 1993

box 3710, folder 27

Rondi, Gian Luigi, 1994

box 2058, folder 6

Ronte, Dieter, 1990, 2003

box 2058, folder 7

Roosen, Maria, 1993-1998

box 2058, folder 8

Rosenberg, Brigitta, 1997, undated

box 2058, folder 9

Rosenberg, Pierre, 1989?

box 2058, folder 10

Rosenblum, Robert, 2000

box 2058, folder 11

Rosenthal, Norman, 1991

box 2058, folder 12

Ross, David, 1996-1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Self-taught artists of the 20th century: An American anthology.
box 2058, folder 13

Rossi, Lorenzo, 1998

box 2058, folder 14

Rossi-Pedruzzi, Manuela, 1984-1988

box 2099, folder 33

Rosston, Jean F., 2000

box 2058, folder 15-17

Roters, Eberhard, 1969-1983, 1992-1998, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition documenta 5: Questioning reality-Image worlds today.
box 2058, folder 18

Roth, Bob, 1996

box 2058, folder 19

Rothstein AG Schweiz, 1997, undated

box 2058, folder 20

Rotzler, Willy, 1987, 1993, undated

box 3710, folder 28

Roulette, Tod, 2000

box 2058, folder 21

Rowell, Margit, undated

box 2058, folder 22

Roytburd, Alexander, 2002

box 2058, folder 23

Rubin, William, 1996

box 2058, folder 24

Ruch, Martin, 1999

box 2058, folder 25

Rudolf, Lorenzo, 1999

box 2058, folder 26

Rudolph, Karen, 1997

box 2058, folder 27

Rueedi, André, 2004

box 2059, folder 1

Ruepp, Gianna, 2002-2005

Scope and Contents

Gianna Ruepp was one of Szeemann's assistants at the Fabbrica.
box 2059, folder 2-3

Ruf, Gaudenz B., 2000-2004

box 2059, folder 4

Ruffoni, Cristina, undated

box 2059, folder 5

Rugel, Eva-Maria, 2000

box 2059, folder 6

Ruhnau, Werner, 1984, 1991-1998

box 2059, box 2099

Ruhrberg, Karl, 1973, 1984-1999, undated

box 2059, folder 8

Rumma, Lia, 1999

box 2059, folder 9

Rumpel, Heinz, 1995

box 2059, folder 10

Ruperti, Ivan, undated

box 2059, folder 11

Rupf, Margrit, 1997

box 2059, folder 12

Russek, Pidu, 1996-1997

box 2059, folder 13

Russo, Antonella, 1998

box 2059, folder 14

Rusterholtz, Thomas, 2004

box 2059, folder 15

Ryslavy, Kurt, 2003, undated

box 2059, folder 16

Saalfeld, Lerke von, 2000

box 2059, folder 17

Sacher, Paul, 1997-1999

box 2059, folder 18

Sachs, Rolf, 1995

box 2059, folder 19

Sagmeister, Rudolf, 2000

box 2059, folder 20

Said, Edward W., 1998

box 2059, folder 21

Sakschewski, Thomas, 1998

box 2059, folder 22

Salecl, Renata, 1997

box 2059, folder 23-24

Salomon, Myriam, 1999-2004

box 2059, folder 25

Salzmann, Siegfried, 1987

box 2059, folder 26

Sánchez Vidal, Agustín, undated

box 2059, folder 27

Sandberg, Willem, 1973, 1984

box 2059, folder 28

Sandven, Per, 1990

box 2059, folder 29

Saner, Raymond, 2002

box 2059, folder 30

San Marino, 1991

box 2059, folder 31-34

Sans, Jérôme, 1994-2003

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2059, folder 35

Santorius, Joachim, 1995, 2003

box 2059, folder 36

Santos, Elisa, 2001

box 2059, folder 37

Saporito, Pierpaolo, 2000, undated

box 2059, folder 38

Sardo, Delfim, undated

box 2059, folder 39

Sauerbier, Dietrich S., 1993

box 2059, folder 40

Sauerländer, Hans Christof, 2002, undated

box 2059, folder 41

Savoie, Marie-Gabrielle de, Princess, 1997

box 2059, folder 42

Savvidis, Christos, 2002-2004

box 2059, folder 43

Sayler, Diet, 1987-1988

box 2059, box 3710

Schader, Eira, 1994-2000

box 2059, folder 45

Schaefer, Patrick, 1999

box 2059, folder 46

Schaetzen, Christine de, 2004

box 2059, folder 47

Schaffnit, Hans-Wolfgang, 1991

box 2059, folder 48

Schafroth, Sandra Luzia, 2004

box 2059, folder 49

Schampers, Karel, 1989, 2000, undated

box 2060, folder 1

Schär, Hugo, 2001-2003

box 2060, box 2101

Schärli, Otto, 1989-2001, undated

box 2060, folder 3

Schaub, Christoph, 1998

box 2060, folder 4

Schaub, Martin, 1997

box 2060, folder 5

Schauer, Lucie, 1989

box 2060, folder 6-7

Scheidemann, Christian, 1990-1999, undated

box 2060, folder 8

Scheiwiller, Vanni, 1992

box 2060, folder 9

Schellmann, Jörg, 1999

box 2060, folder 10

Schenker, Christoph, 1988-2001

box 2060, folder 11

Scherer, Bernd M., 2000

box 2060, folder 12

Scherer, Th. [?], 1999

box 2060, folder 13

Schiesser, Brigitte and Beat, undated

box 2060, folder 14

Schilcher, Petra, 1998

box 2060, folder 15

Schilling, Jürgen, 1984

box 2060, folder 16

Schimmel, Paul, 1999-2001

box 2060, folder 17

Schindler, Felicitas, 2004

box 2060, folder 18

Schiptjenko, Marina, undated

box 2060, folder 19

Schirner, Michael, 1995

box 2060, folder 20

Schjeldahl, Peter, undated

box 2060, folder 21

Schlagman, Richard, 2000-2004

box 2060, folder 22

Schlegel, Eva, 2004

box 2060, folder 23

Schlemmer, Raman, 1993-2000, undated

box 2060, folder 24

Schlicht, Gisela, 1995

box 2060, folder 25

Schlumpf, Hans-Ulrich, 1967-1992

box 2101, folder 3

Schlupf, WIlhelm, 1971

box 2060, folder 26

Schmalenbach, Werner, 1969, 1974, 1984, 1990, 1997

box 2060, folder 27

Schmeller, Hofrat Alfred, 1990

box 2060, folder 28

Schmezer, Guido, 1989

box 2060, folder 29

Schmid, Erich, 2005

box 2060, folder 30

Schmid, Heinrich Emanuel, 2004

box 2061, folder 1-4

Schmid, Karlheinz, 1989-2005, undated

box 2061, folder 5

Schmid, Richard Peter, 1994

box 2061, folder 6

Schmid, Wieland, 1986

box 2061, folder 7a

Schmidhauser, Hannes, 1998

box 2061, folder 7b

Schmidheiny Weingut, undated

box 2061, folder 8

Schmidt, Aurel, 1982-1991, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Visionary Switzerland.
box 2061, folder 9

Schmidt, Inge, 1999

box 2061, folder 10

Schmidt-Ritschel, Karl-Heinz, 1993

box 2061, folder 11-13

Schmidt, Katharina, 1980, 1988-1992, 2000-2003, undated

box 2061, folder 14

Schmidt, Marianne, 1973-1977

box 2061, folder 15

Schmidt, S. J., 1987

box 2061, folder 16

Schmidt-Wulffen, Stephan, 1989

box 2061, folder 17

Schmied, Wieland, 1989

box 2061, folder 18

Schmitt-Siegel, Helmut M., 1994?

box 2061, folder 19

Schmitt, Ralf, 2002, undated

box 2061, folder 20

Schmitz, Martin, 1998

box 2061, folder 21

Schmitz, Michael, 2001-2002

Scope and Contents

box 2062, folder 1

Schmutz, Thomas, 2003

box 2062, folder 2

Schneckenburger, Manfred, 1987

box 2062, folder 3

Schneede, Uwe M., 1970, 1996

box 2062, folder 4

Schneider, Dietmar, 1992-1994

box 2062, folder 5

Schneider, Eckhard, 1999-2000

box 2062, folder 6

Schneider, Martine, 1998

box 2062, folder 7

Schneider, Pierre, 1994

box 2062, folder 8

Schneider, Thomas, undated

box 2062, folder 9

Schnitter, Nina, 2001

box 2062, folder 10

Schnyder, Joseph, 2000-2004

box 2062, folder 11

Schöck-Quinteros, Eva, 2000, undated

box 2062, folder 12

Schoeler, Gabriele von, 2003

box 2062, folder 13

Scholl, Gabriele, 1997

box 2062, folder 14

Scholten, Rudolf, 1994

box 2062, folder 15

Scholten, Simone, 2001

box 2062, folder 16

Schraemli, Harry, 1997

box 2062, folder 17

Schröder, Klaus Albrecht, 1996

box 2062, folder 18

Schröder, René G., 2004

box 2062, folder 19

Schröder, Ute, 1998

box 2062, folder 20

Schuldt, 1996, undated

box 2062, folder 21

Schuldt, Emil, 1985, 1997

box 2062, folder 22

Schulmeister, Terese, 2001

box 2062, folder 23

Schultze-Rhonhof, Chika, 2003

box 2062, folder 24

Schulz, Carsten Reinhold, 1992, 1998

box 2062, folder 25

Schulz, Isabel, 1981-1993

Scope and Contents

Due to privacy issues, some documents have been removed. The originals are SEALED until 2060 in Box RX.
box 2062, folder 26

Schumacher, Kuno, 1992

box 2062, folder 27

Schutter, Ludo de, 1988, 1998, undated

box 2062, folder 28-29

Schwab, Andreas, 1998, 2004

box 2062, folder 30

Schwald-Eichenberger, Gertrud, 1998

box 2062, box 2099

Schwander, Martin, 1989-1997

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Visionary Switzerland.
box 2062, folder 32

Schwartz, Gary, 1991

box 2062, folder 33-35

Schwarz, Arturo, 1971-1975, 1994-2003

box 2062, folder 36

Schwarz, Rudolf, 1999

box 2062, folder 37

Schwarzenberger, Jörg, undated

box 2062, folder 38

Schwarzwälder, Rosemarie, 1985, 1994, undated

box 2062, folder 39

Schweier, Jürgen, 1993-1995

box 2062, folder 40

Schweikert, Rudi, 1997

box 2062, folder 41

Schweinfurter, Kristian, undated

box 2062, folder 42

Schweisfurth-Stiftung, 1994, undated

box 2062, folder 43

Schweizer Zentrum für Toleranz, 2000

box 2062, folder 44a-44b

Schweizerisches Institut für Kunstwissenschaft, 1993, 2001

box 2062, folder 45

Schwery, Heinrich, 1992

box 2062, folder 46-47

Scopettone, Dina, 1999-2001

box 2062, folder 48

Scotini, Marco, 2001

box 2062, folder 49

Scott, David, 1991

box 2062, folder 50

Seelig, Thomas, 2004

box 2062, folder 51

Segre, Vera, 1998

box 2062, folder 52

Seibt, C. P., 1993-1996, undated

box 2062, folder 53

Seide, Adam, 1975

box 2062, folder 54

Seidlitz, Silvie, 2000

box 2062, folder 55

Seifermann, Ellen, 1995

box 2062, folder 56

Seipel, Wilfried, undated

box 2062, folder 57

Seippel, Ralf-P., 2001

box 2063, folder 1

Seitter, Walter, 1987-1992, 1998

box 2063, folder 2

Sello, Katrin, 1989-1992

box 2063, folder 3

Semprun, Jorge, 1997

box 2063, folder 4

Seppala, Marketta, 2001

Scope and Contents

box 2063, folder 5

Serota, Nicholas, 2004

box 2063, folder 6

Sérullaz, Arlette, 1982

box 2063, folder 7

Sevcik, Jiri, 1994

box 2063, folder 8

ShanghART, 1997

box 2063, folder 9

Sheldrake, Rupert, 1996

box 2063, folder 10

Shibayama, Tetsuji, 2000

box 2063, folder 11

Shioda, Junichi, 2000

box 2063, folder 12

Shunk, Harry, 1986-1990

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Mario Merz, 1985.
box 2063, folder 13

Sicre, Claude, 1998

box 2063, folder 14

Siebenhaar-Zeller, Renate, 2001-2002

box 2063, box 2102*

Siegelaub, Seth, 1969-1972, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes material by Achille Bonito Oliva.
box 2063, folder 18

Siegle, Rudolf, 1997

box 2063, folder 19

Siegrist-Thummel, Anne-Marie, undated

box 2063, folder 20

Siemens Kulturprogramme, 1999

box 2063, folder 21

Sigg, Rita, 1997

box 2063, folder 22

Sigg, Rolf, 1995

box 2063, folder 23

Sigg, Uli, 1997-2002

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibitions Biennale d'art contemporain de Lyon "L'Autre" and La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2063, folder 24

Silberstein, Monique, 1984

box 2063, folder 25

Silverman, Kaja, 1996

Scope and Contents

Includes material about Harun Farocki.
box 2063, folder 26

Simmen, Barbara and René, 1998

box 2063, folder 27

Simmen, Brigit and Jeannot, 1984-1998, undated

box 2063, folder 28

Simoni, Evi, 2000

box 2063, folder 29

Simoni, Mara, 1999

box 2063, folder 30

Simonides, Sabine, 1996

box 2063, folder 31

Singldinger, Josef, 1996

box 2063, box 2099

Sinnhuber, Hella, 1990-1991, 2002

box 2063, folder 33

Sippel, Dagmar, 1995

box 2063, folder 34

Sir, Vladan, 2000

box 2063, folder 35-36

Sitter-Liver, Beat, 1993-2003

box 2063, folder 37

Sladeczek, Franz-Josef, 1994

box 2063, folder 38

Smerling, Walter, 1986, 1992

box 2063, folder 39-40

Smith, Karen, 1997, undated

box 2063, folder 41

Snauwaert, Dirk van, 2003

box 2063, folder 42

Soares, Tanira, 2002

box 2063, folder 43

Social Art Workers, undated

box 2063, box 2101

Soft Art Press, undated

box 2063, folder 45

Sohm, Hanns, 1999

box 2064, folder 1-2

Sohst, Wolfgang, 1993-1995

box 2064, folder 3

Soldini, Nicola, 1996-2000

Scope and Contents

Due to privacy issues, some documents have been removed from folder 11. The originals are SEALED until 2059 in Box RX.
box 2064, folder 4-7

Solomon, Holly, 1975-2002, undated

box 2064, folder 8

Solonovic, Evghenij, 1998

box 2064, folder 9

Soma y Luz, Azucena, 2004

box 2064, folder 10

Sommercontemporaryart, 1999-2002

box 2064, folder 11-12

Song, Misook, 1996-2001

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2064, folder 13-14

Sönmez, Necmi, 2004-2005

box 2064, box 2099

Sonntag, Rainer, 1993-1998

box 2064, folder 16

Sontag, Susan, 1989, undated

box 3770, folder 10

Sorokina, Elena, 2004

box 2064, folder 17

Soros, George, 1999

box 2064, folder 18

Spaid, Sue, 1999, undated

box 2064, folder 19

Spallino, Antonio, 1999

box 2064, folder 20

Spengler, Pierre, undated

box 2064, box 2099

Spies, Werner, 2003

box 2064, folder 22

Spinner, Bruno, 2004

box 2064, folder 23-24

Spoerri, Elka, 1984, 1990-1993, undated

box 2064, folder 25

Spoerri, Theodor, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition documenta 5: Questioning reality-Image worlds today.
box 2064, folder 26

Spotter, Walter, 1993-1996

box 2064, folder 27

Springfeldt, Björn, undated

box 2064, folder 28-29

Spühler-Widmer, Hugo, 1984-1985, 1999, undated

box 2064, folder 30

Squiers, Karol, 1987

box 2064, folder 31

Squires, Michael, 1998

box 2064, folder 32

Staber, Margit, 1972-1977

box 2064, folder 33

Stachelhaus, Heiner, 1985, 1994

box 2064, folder 34

Stafford, Barbara Maria, 1999

box 2065, folder 1

Stalder, Paul, undated

box 2065, folder 2

Stamm, Hugo, undated

box 2065, folder 3

Stanislawski, Ryszard, 2000

box 2065, folder 4

Stanley Thomas Johnson Foundation, 1999

box 2065, folder 5

Starobinsky, Jean, 1983-1985

box 2065, folder 6

Staub, Urs, 1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2065, folder 7

Stauffer, Serge, 1987, 1993, undated

box 2065, folder 8-9

Stauss, Niklaus, 1994, 2000, undated

box 2065, folder 10

Stazzone, Ambra, 1998

box 2065, folder 11

Stecker, Raimund, 1993

box 2065, folder 12

Stefanescu, Marius, 2004

box 2065, box 3710

Steffen, Katharina, 1969, 1994-1998, undated

box 2065, box 3710

Stegeman, Elly, 199-2000

box 2065, folder 15

Stein, Annette, 2002

box 2065, folder 16

Stein, Gertrude, undated

box 2065, folder 17

Stein, Jean, 2004

box 2065, folder 18

Stein, Judith, 2000-2002

box 2065, folder 19

Stein, Ria, 1995

box 2065, folder 20

Steinbeck, U., 1988

box 2065, folder 21

Steinegger, Franz, 2004

box 2065, folder 22

Steiner Eggmann, Bernd and Verena, 1997

box 2065, folder 23

Steiner, Christian, 1996

box 2065, folder 24

Steiner, George, 1991

box 2065, folder 25

Steiner, Herwig, 2004

box 2065, folder 26-27

Steiner, Juri, 1997-2003, undated

box 2065, folder 28

Steiner, Silvia, 1997

box 2065, folder 29

Steingräber, Erich, 1978-1979

box 2065, folder 30

Steinle, Christa, 2003

box 2065, folder 31

Stemmler, Dierk, 1989-1993

box 2065, folder 32

Stéphane, Danielle, 2001

box 3710, folder 33

Stepken, Angelika, 1994

box 2065, folder 33

Stern, Arno, 1995

box 2065, folder 34-35

Stern, Jerome L., 2000

box 2065, folder 36

Stern, Martin, 1991

box 2065, folder 37

Stierlin, Henri, 1998-1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition The End of the World & The Principle of Hope.
box 2065, folder 38

Stiftung Dr. J. E. Brandenberger, 2000, undated

box 2065, folder 39

Stiftung Sculpture at Schoenthal im Kloster Schoenthal, 2001?

box 2065, folder 40

Stoelting, Nina, 1998

box 2065, folder 41

Stojadinovic, Mirjana, 2003

box 2065, folder 42

Stölzl, Christoph, 1999

box 2065, folder 43

Stoos, Toni, 1985, 1991-1996

box 2099, folder 39

Storch, Ursula, undated

box 2065, folder 44-45

Storch, Wolfgang, 1985-2004, undated

box 2066, folder 1

Storr, Robert, 1996

box 2066, folder 2

Stoullig, Claire, 1987, undated

box 2066, folder 3-4

Strauss, Dorothea, 1996-2004

box 2066, folder 5

Strauss, Peter F., 1988-1991

box 2066, folder 6

Strehler, Giorgio, 1997

box 2066, folder 7

Streiff, David, 1993-1999

box 2066, folder 8

Streuli, Thomas, 2002

box 2066, folder 9

Strick, Jeremy, 1996

box 2066, folder 10

Stubenrauch, Max, 1992

box 2066, folder 11

Stuber, Urs, undated

box 2066, folder 12

Studer, Betty, 1979

box 2066, folder 13

Sturcz, János, 1999, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records for the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2066, folder 14

Sturm, Hermann, 1987-1988

box 2066, folder 15

Sturm, Martin, 1996-2000, undated

box 2066, folder 16

Sullivan, Edward J., 1997

box 2066, folder 17

Sung, Wan-Kyung, 2001-2002, undated

box 2066, folder 18

Sureda i Pons, Joan, undated

box 2066, folder 19

Süss, Sabine, 1995?

box 2066, folder 20

Sutter, Nadir, 1999

box 2066, folder 21-22

Svestka, Jiri, 1991-1997

box 2066, folder 23

Sviblova, Olga, 1991-1993

box 2066, folder 24

Swicker, Ursula, 1986

box 2066, folder 25

Swozilek, Helmut, 1996-2000

box 2066, folder 26

Sydhoff, Beate, 1986

box 2066, folder 27-28

Szeemann, Jérôme, 1983, 1993-2003, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition The End of the World & The Principle of Hope, Money and Value/The Last Taboo, Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2066, folder 29

Szeemann, L., undated

box 2066, folder 30

Szeemann, Rolf, 1994, 2003

box 2066, folder 31

Takezama, Yuso, 1990, undated

box 2066, folder 32

Tannert, Christoph, 1998

box 2066, folder 33

Tantucci, Enrico, 1998

box 2066, folder 34

Tapié, Michel, 1988

box 2066, box 2099, box 3710

Tausch, Dieter, 1983, 1995-2004, undated

box 2067, folder 1

Tavel, Hans Christoph von, 1963-1966, 1988-1989, 1995, undated

box 2067, folder 2

Taylor, John Lloyd, 1970

box 2067, folder 3

Taylor, Paul, 1987

box 2067, folder 4

Tazzi, Pier Luigi, 1976-1979, 1985-1990, 2000

box 2067, folder 5

Tegethoff, Wolf, 1989

box 2067, folder 6

Tesch, Jürgen and Eva, 1996, undated

box 2067, folder 7

Tesdorpf, Catharina, 2001-2003

box 2067, folder 8

Testori, Giovanni, 1988

box 2067, folder 9

Teuber, Dirk, 1987-1988

box 2067, folder 10

Teufel, Tina, undated

box 2067, folder 11

Thaler, Kurt, 2000

box 2067, box 3710

Theewen, Gerhard, 1995-1998

box 2067, folder 13

Theiler, Alexandra, 1997

box 2067, folder 14

Thenot, Anne-Cécile, 1997

box 2067, folder 15

Thévoz, Michel, 1986-1987, 1995

box 2067, folder 16

Thiegem, Jean Pierre van, 1998

box 2067, folder 17

Thierse, Wolfgang, 2001

box 2067, folder 18

Thomas, Morgan, 1993-1998

box 2067, folder 19

Thomas, Philippe, 1988

box 2067, folder 20

Thompson, William Irwin, 1975

box 2067, folder 21

Thorn-Prikker, Jan, 1998

box 2067, folder 22

Thorsten, Hebes, 1998

box 2067, folder 23

Thurman, Robert, 1999

box 2067, folder 24

Tietenberg, Annette, 2001

box 2067, folder 25

Tilkin, Danielle, 1999-2000

box 2067, folder 26

Tippett, Michael, 1998

box 2067, folder 27

Tobler, Daniela, 1991-2000

box 2067, folder 28-29

Todoli, Vicente, 1992-2000, undated

box 2067, folder 30

Tomassoni, Italo, undated

box 2067, folder 31-32

Tomic, Biljana, 1983-1985, 1994-2003, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibitions La Biennale di Venezia: PLATEA DELL'UMANITÀ / PLATEAU OF HUMANKIND / PLATEAU DER MENSCHHEIT / PLATEAU DE L'HUMANITÉ and Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans.
box 2067, folder 33

Tonduer, André P., 1998

box 2067, folder 34

Tooten, Ralf, 2000

box 2067, folder 35

Torr, Diane, 1995

box 2067, folder 36

Toscani, Oliviero, 1999

box 2067, folder 37

Tostmann, Gexi, 1996

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Austria in a net of roses.
box 2067, folder 38

Tournier, Michel, 1990, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Georg Baselitz.
box 2067, folder 39

Trachtenberg, Alan, 1998

box 2067, folder 40

Trefzer, Franziska, 2001

box 2068, folder 1

Trettin, Käthe, 1994

box 2068, folder 2

Trini, Tommaso, 1975, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form.
box 2068, folder 3

Trommer, Gerhard, 1984

box 2068, folder 4

Trussardi, Beatrice, 2001

box 2068, folder 5

Tschopp, Jakob, 1999

box 2068, folder 6

Tschudi, Ruedi, 2004

Scope and Contents

Includes material about Niele Toroni.
box 2068, folder 7

Tsikouta, Lina, 2002, undated

box 2068, folder 8

Tuchman, Maurice, 1992-1994

box 2068, folder 9

Tucker, Marcia, 1986, 1999

box 2068, folder 10

Tuckerman, Barbara, 2000, undated

box 2068, folder 11

Tumler, Franz, 1998

box 2068, folder 12

Turewicz-Lafranchi, Margherita, 1995, 2000

box 2068, folder 13

Twist, Kees van, 2004

box 2068, folder 14

Uccia, Birgid, 1993

box 2068, folder 15

Uhlmann, Peter, 1995-1997

box 2068, folder 16

Ulmer, Brigitte, 2001

box 2068, folder 17

Unger, Felix, 2001

box 2068, folder 18

Uni Dufour, 1996

box 2068, folder 19

Urbanek, Regula, 2004

box 2068, folder 20

Urbani, Vittorio, 2000

box 2068, folder 21

Ursprung, Philip, 1997-2000

box 2068, folder 22

Ursula [?], 2002

box 2068, folder 23

Uscherwood, Nicholas, 1995

box 2068, folder 24

Utopia, 1992

box 2068, folder 25

Vachtova, Ludmila, 1999-2001

box 2068, folder 26

Vaese, Cécile, 1997

box 2068, folder 27

Valentin, Hélène, 1999

box 2068, folder 28

Vandroogenbroeck, Sonja, 2000-2001, undated

box 2068, folder 29

Vargas Llosa, Mario, 1995

box 2068, folder 30

Varia, Radu, 1990

box 2068, folder 31

Vasella, Daniel, undated

box 2068, folder 32

Vassilian, Sylvia, 2002

box 2068, folder 33

Vattimo, Gianni, 1998

box 2068, folder 34

Ven, Gisela van de, 2001

box 2068, folder 35

Venturi, Luca M. and Julia S. Baklanova, 1998

box 2068, folder 36

Verdiglione, Armando, 1993

box 2068, folder 37-38

Vereenooghe, Saskia, 2004

box 2068, folder 39

Vereinigung der Kunsthistoriker in der Schweiz, 1985-1998

box 2069, box 2099

Vergine, Lea, 1971-1974, 1985-1996, undated

box 2069, folder 4

Verhulst, Monique, 1999, 2001

box 2069, folder 5-6

Verlei, Gitta, 1991-2001

box 2069, folder 7

Versins, Pierre, 1976, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition documenta 5: Questioning reality-Image worlds today.
box 2069, folder 8

Verspohl, Franz-Joachim, undated

box 2069, folder 9

Vester, Frederic, 1996

box 2069, folder 10

Vezzoni, Alfonsina, 2000-2001

box 2069, folder 11-12

Viatte, Germain, 1994-1997, undated

box 2069, folder 13


box 2069, folder 14a

Vierget, Isabelle, 1991

box 2069, folder 14b

Viespoli, Antonio, 2000

box 2069, folder 15

Vignau, Michel S., 1999

box 2069, folder 16

Villares Paz, Ramón, undated

box 2069, folder 17

Vinckenbosch, Gérald, undated

box 2069, folder 18

Vinken, Barbara, 1997

box 2069, folder 19

Virilio, Paul, 1989

box 2069, folder 20

Vischer, Theodora, 1997-2000

box 2069, folder 21

Vissault, Maïté, 1994

box 2069, folder 22

Vitali, Christoph, 1995-2003

box 2069, folder 23

Viti, Paolo, 1998

box 2069, folder 24

Vitta Zelman, Massimo, 1978, 1995

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition Monte Verità: The breasts of truth.
box 2069, folder 25

Vogelsang, Bernd, 1984-1985

box 2069, folder 26

Vogt, Adolf Max, 1985-1990, undated

box 2069, folder 27

Vollenweider, Marie-Louise, 1989

box 2069, folder 28

Volonterio, Guglielmo, 1997

box 2069, folder 29

Von Stroheim, Erich, undated

box 2069, folder 30

Vorbach, Jennifer, 1994

box 2069, folder 31

Voswinckel, Ulrike and Klaus, 1993-1994, 2001, undated

box 2069, folder 32

Wachs, Otto Ferdinand, 1998

box 2069, folder 33

Wachta, Hansjörg, 1995

box 2069, folder 34

Wächter, Yost, 1995

box 3770, folder 11

Wackernagel, Wolfgang, 2004

box 2069, folder 35

Wagner, Frank, 1988

box 2069, folder 36

Wahl-Schöpf, Judith, 2004

box 2069, folder 37

Wahler, Marc-Olivier, 1998-2000, undated

box 2069, folder 38

Wallach, Elias Lorenz, 1996

box 2069, folder 39

Wallner, Klara, 1997

box 2069, folder 40

Wallnöfer, Heinrich, undated

box 2070, folder 1-2

Wally, Barbara, 1994, 2001

box 2070, folder 3

Walser, Robert, 2000

box 2070, folder 4

Walsh, John, 1988

box 2070, folder 5-6

Walther, Sigrid, 1998-1999

box 2070, folder 7

Wang, Christine, 2003

box 2070, folder 8

Wappler, Friedericke, 1998

box 2070, folder 9

Warburg, Aby, 1998

box 2070, folder 10

Warner, Marina, 1994

box 2070, folder 11

Washida, Meruro, 1999

box 2070, folder 12

Wasmuth, Ernst, 2002

box 2070, folder 13

Watari, Shizuko, 1996-2000

box 2070, folder 14

Wätjen, Irene, 2004

box 3710, folder 36

Webb, Ann and Marshall, undated

box 2070, folder 15

Webber, John, undated

box 2070, folder 16

Weber, Bruno, 2004

box 2070, folder 17

Weber, Esther, 2002

box 2070, folder 18

Weber, Karl, 1990

box 2070, folder 19

Weck, Jean-Baptiste de, 1997

box 2070, folder 20

Weck, Ziba de, 1989

box 2070, folder 21-22

Wedemeyer, Bernd, 2004

box 2070, folder 23

Weerasinghe, Gudrun, 2002

box 2070, folder 24

Wegmüller, Fabian, 2003

box 2070, folder 25

Wehrli, Penelope, 2000

box 2070, folder 26

Wehrli, Peter K., 2001

box 2070, folder 27

Wehrli, René, 1991

box 2070, folder 28-29

Wehrmann, Erhard, 1994-1995, undated

box 2070, box 3710

Weibel, Peter, 1989, 1995-1999, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL.
box 2070, folder 33

Weibel, Willi, undated

box 2070, folder 34

Weichmann, Herbert, 1981

box 2070, folder 35

Weidenfeld, George, 1996

box 2070, folder 36

Weiermair, Peter, 1990-1991, 1999

box 2070, folder 37

Weill-Goudchaux, Guy, 1989

box 2070, folder 38-39

Weinberg, Rolf and Margit Weinberg Staber, 1992-1994, undated

box 2070, folder 40

Weishäupl, Jürgen, 2000

box 2071

Weishaupt, Werner, undated

box 3710, folder 38

Weissgarber, Helga, 2002

box 2070, folder 41

Weitemeier, Hannah, undated

box 2070, folder 42

Welsch, Wolfgang, 1991

box 2070, folder 43

Weniberg, Rolf, undated

box 2070, folder 44

Wentzel, Bogislav von, 1997

box 2070, folder 45

Werkner, Patrick, 1996

box 2070, folder 46

Werner, Michael, 1999

box 2070, folder 47

Werner, Odile, 1997

box 2070, folder 48

Werner, Ralph A., 2004

box 2070, folder 49

Wertheimer, Eitan, 1990-1993

box 2070, folder 50

Wevers, Ursula, 1994, 2000-2001

box 2070, folder 51

Whiles, Virginia, 1996-1997, undated

box 2072, folder 1-2

Wick, Oliver, 1981-1992

Scope and Contents

Due to privacy issues, some documents have been removed from folder 1. Original copies are SEALED until 2069 in Box RX.
box 2072, folder 3-4

Wicki, André Aloys, 2000

box 2072, folder 5

Widrig, Hanna, 2000

box 2072, folder 6

Wiesmüller, Christine, 1993

box 2072, folder 7

Wijers, Louwrien, 1990, 1996

box 2072, folder 8

Wilcke, Katharina von, 1998

box 2072, folder 9

Wildbolz, Peter E., 1986

box 2072, folder 10

Wilde, Edy de, undated

box 2072, folder 11

Wille, Claus, 1996

box 2072, folder 12

Wille, Ulle, 1996

box 2072, box 2099

Willi, Jean, 1997-1998

box 2072, folder 14

Willi, Jürg, 1992

box 2072, folder 15

Williams, Gilda, 1999

box 2072, folder 16

Williams, Linda, 1995

box 3710, folder 39

Williams, Richard, 1999

box 2072, folder 17

Wilp, Charles, undated

box 2072, folder 18

Windhöfel, Lutz, 1996

box 2072, folder 19-20

Winkelmann, Jan, 2001-2004

box 2072, folder 21

Winter, Agnès, 1999, undated

box 2072, folder 22-23

Wirth, Iwan and Manuela, 1999, 2002

box 2072, box 3710

Wismer, Beat, 1995, 1999, 2003, undated

box 2072, folder 25

Wittels, Lauren, undated

box 2072, folder 26

Wittenberg, David, 2004

box 2072, folder 27

Wittmer, Ursula, 2000

box 2072, folder 28

Wolbert, Klaus, 2004

box 2072, folder 29

Wolf, Christa, 2004

box 2072, folder 30

Wölfflin, Heinrich, 1984

box 2072, folder 31

Wolfgang-Hahn-Preis, 2000

box 2072, folder 32

Wolfs, Rein, 2003

box 2072, folder 33

Woog, Lydia, 1993

box 2072, folder 34-35

World Arts Forum, 1990-1993, undated

box 2073, folder 1

Worth, Valentine, undated

box 2073, folder 2

Wright, Glenn Scott, 1993

box 2073, folder 3

Wucherer, Barbara, 2001

box 2073, folder 4

Wuhrmann, Sylvie, 1999

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition The End of the World & The Principle of Hope.
box 2073, folder 5

Wulffen, Thomas, 1998-2001

box 2073, folder 6

Wuytack, K., undated

box 2073, folder 7

Wyrwoll, Regina, 1989-1993, undated

box 2073, box 2101

Wyss, Beat, 1991-1993, 1999-2001, undated

box 2073, folder 11

Wyss, Nikolaus, 1996-1999

box 2073, folder 12

Wyttenbach, Jürg, 2000

box 2073, folder 13

Yabyum, 2000

box 2073, folder 14

Yang, Wen-i, 1999

box 2073, folder 15

Yersin, Yves, 1995

box 2073, folder 16

Young, Donald, 1999

box 2073, folder 17

Young, James E., 1997

box 2073, folder 18

Yu, Hsiao-hwei, 1999, undated

box 2073, folder 19

Yun, Sean H., 1998

box 2073, folder 20

Zacharias, Thomas, 1984

box 2073, folder 21-22

Zacharopoulos, Denys, 1989-1993, 1999, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: dAPERTutto / APERTO overALL / APERTO parTOUT / APERTO überALL and material about Hou Hanru.
box 2073, folder 23

Zahtila, Dean, 1998-2001

box 2073, folder 24-25

Zambo, Helmut and Kristin, 1991, 1998

box 2073, folder 26

Zapp, Herbert, undated


Zaunschirm, Thomas, 1978, 1984, 2001-2003, undated

box 2073, box 2099

Papers, 1978, 1984, 2001-2003, undated

box 3092

AgroArt, 1978

Scope and Contents

A box with AgroArt stamped on top and three color photographs inside. Photographs have long descriptions on back.
box 2073, folder 28

Zaya, Antonio, 2001

box 2073, folder 29-30

Zbikowski, Dörte, 1997, undated

box 2073, folder 31

Zdenek, Felix, 1992

box 2073, folder 32

Zech, Anne-Lott, 1998-1999, undated

box 2073, folder 33-34

Zeder, Eveline, 1996, 2003-2004

box 2073, folder 35

Zegher, Catherine de, 2003

box 2073, folder 36

Zeller, Ursula, 1999

box 2073, folder 37

Zeller, Willy, 2002

box 2073, folder 38-39

Zellweger, Harry, 1988-1989, 2003

box 2074, box 3710

Zellweger, Thomas, 2000-2004

box 2074, folder 2

Zeltner, Dominik, 2000

box 2074, folder 3

Zerynthia, undated

box 2074, folder 4

Zhang, Cheng-Jun, 2001

box 2074, folder 5

Ziegler, Jean, 1999-2005, undated

box 2074, folder 6

Ziegler, Serge, 2004

box 2074, folder 7

Zielinski, Siegfried, 1996

box 2074, folder 8

Zilk, Helmut, 1994-1997

box 2074, folder 9

Zimmermann, Olaf, 1996

box 2074, folder 10

Zindel, Thomas, 1995

box 2074, folder 11

Zinggl, Wolfgang, 1998

box 2074, folder 12

Zobernig, Heimo, 2001

box 2074, folder 13

Zubler Oehler Modellbau AG, 1998, undated

box 2074, folder 14

Zuccolo, Rolando, 1992, 1996, 2003

box 2074, folder 15

Zuckriegl, Margit, undated

box 2074, folder 16

Zulaika, Joseba, 1996-1998, undated

box 2074, folder 17-19

Zürcher, Christoph, 1986-2004, undated

Scope and Contents

box 2074, folder 20-21

Zur Lippe, Rudolf, 1988-1993, undated

box 2074, folder 22

Zutter, Jörg, 1979-1981, 1991-1992, 1999-2000

box 2074, folder 23

Zweite, Armin, 1991

box 2074, folder 24

Zwetti, Roswitha, 2004

box 2074, folder 25

Zwez, Annelise, 1991, undated

box 2074, folder 26

Zyman, Daniela, 1993-1998

box 2075, box 2099, box 2076

Unidentified, 1903, 1955-2004, undated

Scope and Contents

Box 2075, folder 4 includes records from the exhibition Monte Verità: The breasts of truth.

Correspondence binders, Series III.B. 1973-1998

Physical Description: 4 Linear Feet(10 boxes)

Scope and Contents

This subseries includes several binders of correspondence not directly related to Szeemann projects, which were found within the Project files or on desktops as well as on the floor. Some of them have specific titles which have been kept, but for the most part they were designated as General Correspondence ("Allgemeine" or "Allgemeine Korrespondenz"). Material is organized alphabetically by the first letter of the name of the person or institution.
There is no significant difference between the correspondence found in Szeemannn's Curators files and the correspondence in the binders; the binders might have been created as an earlier way of sorting correspondence. In the mid-1980s Szeemann moved to the Fabbrica and started organizing the Artist files and the Curators files, in which correspondence is kept instead in large envelopes organized by name. The binder system was then carried on for some years, but completely abandoned by the mid-1990s.


The arrangement of this subseries is based on Szeemann's original organization of correspondence in binders, organized alphabetically by letter group.
box 2077, folder 1-2

Artist videodocumentation, 1987, 1992, 1998

box 2077, folder 3

Photo archive, 1976-1981, undated

Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Johannes Gachnang, Kasper König, Josy Kraft, Claes Oldenburg and Meret Oppenheim.

General correspondence

box 2077, box 2078, box 2079, box 2100, box 2101


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Jean-Christophe Ammann, Romeo Castellucci, Germano Celant, Lucrezia De Domizio Durini, Johannes Gachnang, Toni Gerber, Günter Grass, Pontus Hultén, Jean-Hubert Martin, Alan Sonfist, Holly Solomon, Ben Vautier, Michael Werner, Edy de Wilde.
box 2080, box 2081, box 2082, box 2083, box 2084, box 2100, box 2101, box 2102*


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with François Burkhardt, Leonardo Clerici, Georges Dössegger, Johan van Geluwe, Akio Hayashida, Roman Kurzmeyer, Merve, Peter Münger, Laurence Pfautz, Prestel Verlag, Pidu Russek, Marianne Schirge, Schneider Auktionen, Ursula Windich.
box 2084, box 2085, box 2100, box 2101


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Roman Kurzmeyer, Enzo Mari, Kynaston McShine, Michael Werner, Christoph Zürcher.
box 2085, folder 5-6


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Jean-Christoph Ammann, François and Linde Burkhardt, Josy Kraft, Arturo Schwarz.
box 2086


Scope and Contents

Includes correspondence with Linde Burkhardt, Rudi Fuchs, Fritz Gerber, Kasper König, Walther König.

Unfiled materials, Series III.C. 1958-2007

Physical Description: 6.3 Linear Feet(15 boxes)

Scope and Contents

The materials in this subseries have been organized chronologically by the archivist, and include mainly correspondence and gallery ephemera found on desktops, shelves, and on the floor in stacks roughly organized chronologically. Materials regarding well-known figures with a folder in the Curator files have been pulled out and integrated in Series III.A., and the folders are labeled "Unfiled". Mail addressed to Szeemann continued arriving after his death, and some of this mail was received as part of the archive and is found in the Unfiled folders.


The material in this subseries has been arranged chronologically by the archivist.
box 2087, folder 1-13




box 2087, folder 14


flatfile 273**


box 2087, folder 15-16


box 2087, box 2100


box 2087, folder 22


box 2088, box 2101


box 2088, folder 2-6


box 2088, box 2100


box 2088, box 2100, box 2102*


box 2089A, box 2089B


box 2089A, box 2100




box 2089A, folder 3-4


flatfile 273**


box 2089A, folder 5


box 2089A, box 2090, box 2100


box 2090, box 2100


box 2090, box 2091, box 2100, box 2101, box 2102*


box 2091, box 2092, box 2100


Scope and Contents

Due to privacy issues, some documents have been removed from box 2092, folder 1. Original copies are SEALED until 2074 in Box RX.
box 2092, box 2093, box 2100, box 2101


box 2093, box 2094, box 2095A, box 2100


Scope and Contents

Boxes 2094 and 2095 include records from the exhibition La alegría de mis sueños / The Joy of My Dreams.
box 2095A, box 2095B, box 2100


box 2095B, folder 5




box 2095A, box 2095B, box 2096, box 2097, box 2098A, box 2100, box 3810


Scope and Contents

Box 2097, folder 1 includes records from the exhibition La Biennale di Venezia: PLATEA DELL'UMANITÀ / PLATEAU OF HUMANKIND / PLATEAU DER MENSCHHEIT / PLATEAU DE L'HUMANITÉ.
Box 3810 includes 1 color transparency.
flatfile 273**


box 2098B, box 2098C, box 2100

New mail, 1998-2005, undated

Scope and Contents

This section includes mail that was never sorted out or looked at by Szeemann, and was kept together in the Fabbrica while waiting to be cataloged.

Photographs, Series IV. 1800, 1836-2011, bulk 1957-2005 1957-2005

Physical Description: 101.9 Linear Feet(255 boxes and 3 flatfiles)

Scope and Content

The series contains more than 40,500 photographic prints, negatives, slides, and tansparencies. Included is extensive documentation of many of Szeemann's exhibitions, publications and other projects; photographs of artists with whom he worked and their individual artworks and performances; a collection of portraits of the Monte Verità intellectual circle by photographer Margarethe Fellerer; Szeemann's slide library, including the slideshows he compiled for lectures and other engagements; collections of photographs reflecting Szeemann's interdisciplinary subject interests with a focus on cultural sites and geographic locations; portraits and snapshots of Szeemann and his family. Any manuscripts, typescripts or correspondence associated with the photographs were kept in this series. Series I. Project files and Series II. Artist files also contain photographic materials that were not separated out by Szeemann.
Late in Szeemann's career he acquired the rights to Balthazar Burkhard's photographic archive. Szeemann filed the Burkhard photographs in folders ajacent to his other photographs of the same subject. Photographs from the Burkhard archive are noted in thecontainer list. Szeemann also frequently worked with the following photographers: Harry Shunk, Wim Beeren, Leonardo Bezzola, Pieter Boersma, Walter Drayer, Verena Eggmann, Gaechter & Clahsen, Brigitte Hellgroth, Andrea Merola, Margaret Nissen, Didi Sattmann, Niklaus Stauss, Erhard Wehrmann.
Among the projects with particularly extensive photographic documentaion are: Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, Happening amp; Fluxus, Documenta 5, The Bachelor Machines, Monte Verità, Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk, Zeitlos, Visionary Switzerland, Swiss Pavilion, Joseph Beuys, 100 Years of Cinema, and Austria in a net of roses. The following artists are also well represented in the series: Joseph Beuys, James Lee Byars, Michael Heizer, Edward Kienholz, Piotr Kowalski, Wolfgang Laib, Mario Merz, Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch, Claes Oldenburg, Sigmar Polke, Royden Rabinowitch, Markus Raetz, Armand Schulthess, Richard Serra, Kieth Sonnier, Niele Toroni, Cy Twombly and Ben Vautier.
Materials include black-and-white photographs, negatives, contact prints, color photographs, color slides, color transparencies, color negatives and photographic postcards. Also included are some album pages with more than one photograph per page. Original folder labels and photographic labels are often included but are not counted or cataloged. The item counts indicate the number of photographic items only, unless otherwise specified.

Arrangement note

This series is arranged in six subseries: Series IV.A. Projects, 1895-2007; Series IV.B. Artists, 1892-2007; Series IV.C. Margarethe Fellerer photographs of Monte Verità, 1904-1979; Series IV.D. Topical, 1900-2004; Series IV.E. Slide carousels, undated; Series IV.F. Personal, 1912-2004.


Boxes 81, 214, 224, 2409, and 2418 are sealed pending further review. Boxes 82 and 215 require special handling; contact the repository regarding access. Boxes 230-267 are restricted because they contain nitrate negatives.

Projects, Series IV.A. 1895-2007

Physical Description: 40.9 Linear Feet(99 boxes and 2 flatfiles)

Arrangement note

The arrangement of this subseries is based on Szeemann's original organization of material chronologically by project date (generally the first date that a project was presented to the public). Items that were previously unfiled have been integrated into the chronological arrangement whenever possible. Additionally, exhibition photographs that were culled for the publication Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite are listed in the overall chronological arrangement, but are still physically filed with the book project; they are identified with a note that says, "Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite."

Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains more than 17,000 photographs related to many of Szeeman's exhibitions, books and other projects. Most of the exhibitions are listed with English versions of the title; titles in the original language of the exhibition will be added later. Among the projects that are particularly well represented in this subseries are: Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, Happening & Fluxus, Documenta 5, The Bachelor Machines, Monte Verità, Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk, Zeitlos, Visionary Switzerland, Swiss Pavilion, Joseph Beuys, 100 Years of Cinema, and Austria in a net of roses. See also this chronology of Szeemann's projects .
box 37, folder 1-3

La Biennale di Venezia, 1895-1938

La Biennale di Venezia

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note


Hugo Ball,

Hugo Ball

box 61, folder 11

Black-and-white photographs, 1957

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Contains Club Bel Etage schedule.

Scope and Contents note

box 3728*, folder 1b

Board with two black-and-white photographs, 1957

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 15

Lenz Klotz, Frederich Kuhn, Bruno Müller, Matias Spescha, 1962

Lenz Klotz, Frederich Kuhn, Bruno Müller, Matias Spescha

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


4 Americans: Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz, 1962

4 Americans: Jasper Johns, Alfred Leslie, Robert Rauschenberg, Richard Stankiewicz

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 16

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 181, folder 3

Color photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 17

Harry Kramer, 1962

Harry Kramer

Physical Description: 1 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 19

La Biennale di Venezia, 1962

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 20

Art from Tibet ( Kunst aus Tibet), 1962

Art from Tibet ( Kunst aus Tibet)

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 21

Piotr Kowalski, 1963

Piotr Kowalski

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Paris with Piotr Kowalski and Bruno Müller.

Scope and Contents note


Ex Voto, 1964

Ex Voto

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 61, folder 23

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 24

Jean Prouvé, 1964

Jean Prouvé

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 26-27

Marcel Duchamp, Wassily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malewitsch - Josef Albers - Tom Doyle, 1964

Marcel Duchamp, Wassily Kandinsky, Kasimir Malewitsch - Josef Albers - Tom Doyle

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Includes photocopy of photograph.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 28

La Biennale di Venezia, 1964

La Biennale di Venezia

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Robert Müller, 1965

Robert Müller

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 30

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 181, folder 4

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Light and Movement/Kinetic Art ( Licht und Bewegung lumière et mouvement luce e movimento), 1965

Light and Movement/Kinetic Art ( Licht und Bewegung lumière et mouvement luce e movimento)

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 5-6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains four Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 1

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 4 items
box 61, folder 31-32

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains four Burkhard photographs.
box 61, folder 33

Exposé, 1962-1964


Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Photographs from annual artists' banquet at Kunsthalle Bern.

Scope and Contents note


Jean Gorin, Jean Dewasne, Constant: Three Exhibitions, 1966

Jean Gorin, Jean Dewasne, Constant: Three Exhibitions

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 7

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 13 Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 2

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 23 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 61, folder 34

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 181, folder 5

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Künstlerfest, 1966


Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 8-9

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 46 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 32 Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 41 items
box 61, folder 35

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard photographs.

White on White ( Weiss auf Weiss), 1966

White on White ( Weiss auf Weiss)

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 20 Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 4

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 85 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.
box 61, folder 36

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains six Burkhard photographs.
box 61, folder 37

Mark Tobey, 1966

Mark Tobey

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


La Biennale di Venezia, 1966

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note

Exhibition was titled: 5 Young British Artists.

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 141, folder 5

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Constant, Walter Linck, Yayoi Kusama, Johannes Itten

box 37, folder 12

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopy of photograph. Contains three Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 6

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Étienne Martin, Julio Le Parc, Lucio Fontana, Harald Szeemann, Françoise Szeemann

box 37, folder 13

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 7

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Martial Raysse, Jesús Rafael Soto

box 37, folder 14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 8

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Étienne Martin, Yayoi Kusama

box 37, folder 15

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 141, folder 9

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Laura Grisi, Sérgio de Camargo, Robert Jacobsen, Öyvind Fahlström, Martial Raysse, Victor Brauner

box 37, folder 16

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 10

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.
box 37, folder 17

Étienne Martin, Martial Raysse, Jesús Rafael Soto, Johannes Itten, Walter Linck, Yayoi Kusama, Roy Lichtenstein, Jules Olitski , Harald Szeemann, Wim Beeren

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.

Jesús Rafael Soto, Lucio Fontana, Martial Raysse, Laura Grisi,

box 37, folder 18

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 11

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.
box 37, folder 19

Yayoi Kusama

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.
box 62, folder 1-5

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard photographs. Includes work by Constant, Julio Le Parc, Walter Link, Jesus Rafael Soto.

Lueg-Festival, 1966


Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 20-21

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items
box 141, folder 12

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 12 items

Fantastic Art - Surrealism ( Phantastische Kunst - Surrealismus), 1966

Fantastic Art - Surrealism ( Phantastische Kunst - Surrealismus)

Scope and Contents note

box 141, folder 13

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 39 items
box 62, folder 7

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 5 items

Bern 66, 1966

Bern 66

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 22

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 141, folder 14

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 33 items

The Living Theatre, 1967

The Living Theatre

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 23

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 141, folder 15

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items
box 62, folder 8

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item

Young British Sculptors ( Junge englische Bildhauer), 1967

Young British Sculptors ( Junge englische Bildhauer)

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 24

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 11 Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 16

Black-and-white negatives and color slides

Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.

London trip: Harald Szeemann, Markus Raetz, Roland Werro, Hering

box 37, folder 25

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 141, folder 17

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 62, folder 9-10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 15 Burkhard photographs.
box 181, folder 6-7

Color photographs

Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

All are Burkhard photographs.

Flower show without flowers but with coloured cloths, 1967

Flower show without flowers but with coloured cloths

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 26

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 141, folder 18

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 4 items
box 62, folder 12

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 2 items
box 62, folder 13

Shapes of Colour ( Formen der Farbe), 1967

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopy of photograph. Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Science Fiction, 1967

Science Fiction

Scope and Contents note

box 37, folder 27-31

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph. Includes photocopies of photographs; clipping from Le Parisien; exhibition planning notes; Luis Gasca image list.
box 141, folder 19

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 60 items
box 62, folder 14

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Kunstverein für die Rhinelande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf.

Cuba: Salón de Mayo, 1967

Cuba: Salón de Mayo

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Scope and Contents note

box 62, folder 15

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph. Includes telegram from Lemorvan and one laundry list receipt.
flatfile 1**


Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Poster is not intact but is comprised of pieces.

13 Bern Museums Film, 1968

13 Bern Museums Film

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains seven Burkhard photographs.
box 141, folder 20

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 39 items

Roy Lichtenstein, 1968

Roy Lichtenstein

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 30 Burkhard photographs. Includes photocopy of photograph.
box 141, folder 21

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Monika Müller fashion show "Evergreens and No-Timers"

box 38, folder 3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 141, folder 22

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items

Anastasia Bitzoz author's readings

box 38, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 141, folder 23

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Max Bill: Paintings and Sculptures, 1928-1968 ( Max Bill: Malerei und Plastik, 1928-1968), 1968

Max Bill: Paintings and Sculptures, 1928-1968 ( Max Bill: Malerei und Plastik, 1928-1968)

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains ten Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 1

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items
box 62, folder 18

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item

Jesús Rafael Soto: Kinetic Works, 1950-1968 ( Jesús Rafael Soto: Kinetische Werke 1950-1968), 1968

Jesús Rafael Soto: Kinetic Works, 1950-1968 ( Jesús Rafael Soto: Kinetische Werke 1950-1968)

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 22 Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 2

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 37 items
box 62, folder 19

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 22 Burkhard photographs. Includes drawing and photocopies of photographs.
box 62, folder 21

Bruno Müller, 1968

Bruno Müller

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Kunstmuseum, Luzern. Contains four Burkhard photographs.

Scope and Contents note


La Biennale di Venezia, 1968

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note


Harald Szeemann, Bruno Müller

box 38, folder 7

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Piotr Kowalski, Claude Givaudan, Harald Szeemann

box 38, folder 8

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 4

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Harald Szeemann, Arman, Phillip King

box 38, folder 9

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 5

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Jean Dewasne, Phillip King, Bridget Riley

box 38, folder 10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains seven Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 6

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Phillip King, Bridget Riley, Françoise Szeemann, Harald Szeemann, Loebs, Claude Givaudan, Piotr Kowalski

box 38, folder 11

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 142, folder 7

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Françoise Szeemann, Harald Szeemann, Gallo, Jean Frédéric Schnyder

box 38, folder 12

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 8

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 8 items

Wolf Vostell, Harald Szeemann, Protest

box 38, folder 13

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 9

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 3 items
box 38, folder 14

Françoise and Harald Szeemann

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.

Documenta 4, 1968

Documenta 4

Scope and Contents note


Markus Raetze, Robert Indiana, Christo

box 38, folder 15

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 10

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Edward Kienholz, Joseph Beuys

box 38, folder 16

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 11

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items

Edward Kienholz, Joseph Beuys, Dan Flavin, César

box 38, folder 17

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 12

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Allen Jones, Robert Irwin, Robert Indiana, Richard Hamilton, Tom Wesselman, George Segal, Alain Jacquet

box 38, folder 18

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 13

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Joseph Beuys, Dan Flavin

box 38, folder 19

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 14

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 3 items
box 142, folder 15

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Nine photographs adhered to album page. Photographs by Victor Loeb.

12 Environments: 50 years Kunsthalle Bern ( 12 Environments 50 Jahre Kunsthalle Bern), 1968

12 Environments: 50 years Kunsthalle Bern ( 12 Environments 50 Jahre Kunsthalle Bern)

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 20-21

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes postcard; photocopies of photographs. Contains 53 Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 16

Slides, color transparencies and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.
box 142, folder 17

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 33 items

Scope and Contents note

box 62, folder 24

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 142, folder 18

Schweizer Kunst 68, 1968

Schweizer Kunst 68

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains black-and-white negatives.

Scope and Contents note


50 Years Kunsthalle Bern, Artists' Party, 1968

50 Years Kunsthalle Bern, Artists' Party

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 22-24

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 11 Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 19

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 14 items
box 62, folder 25

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 3 items
box 142, folder 20

20 Years of Service to Art by the City of Bern (1947-1968) (20 Jahre Kunstpflege der Stadt Bern (1947-1968)), 1968

20 Years of Service to Art by the City of Bern (1947-1968)(20 Jahre Kunstpflege der Stadt Bern (1947-1968))

Physical Description: 80 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains black-and-white negatives.

Scope and Contents note


Recent Art from Holland ( Junge Kunst aus Holland), 1968

Recent Art from Holland ( Junge Kunst aus Holland)

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 25

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains six Burkhard photographs.
box 142, folder 21

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 20 items
box 62, folder 26

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item

Zettelaktion: Herbert Distel, Markus Raetze, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder, 1968

Zettelaktion: Herbert Distel, Markus Raetze, Jean-Frédéric Schnyder

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 26

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 142, folder 22

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 8 items

Joseph Beuys, Kunstmuseum Luzern: Archive Burkhard, 1969

Joseph Beuys, Kunstmuseum Luzern: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 38, folder 27

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 142, folder 23

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 23 items

Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, 1969

Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form

box 39, folder 1-5A

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photograph object list; letter to Szeemann from Franz Meyer; letter to Szeemann from Heidelbach; photocopies from Conceptual Art; photocopies of photographs. Contains 41 Shunk-Kender photographs and five Burkhard photographs.
box 143, folder 1

Color transparencies

Physical Description: 56 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard transparencies.
box 143, folder 2

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard slides. Includes one slide of the installation The End of the 20th Century by Joseph Beuys at Haus der Kunst, Munich, 1984.
box 39, folder 6-8


Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 63 Shunk photographs and two Burkhard photographs.

Michael Heizer

box 39, folder 9

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains six Shunk-Kender photographs and one Burkhard photograph. Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 143, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.

Catalog materials

box 39, folder 10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of letters from Szeemann to Joseph Beuys, Dr. Hans Bodenmann, Amy de Dekker, Michael Kustow, Lucy Lippard; photocopy of letter to Szeemann from Reilly.
box 143, folder 4

Color transparencies and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 8 items
box 39, folder 11

Krefeld opening

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains photograph reproductions.

Michael Heizer, Keith Sonnier, Richard Artschwager, Daniel Buren

box 39, folder 12

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 143, folder 5

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items

Joseph Beuys, Reiner Ruthenbeck, Jannis Kounnellis, opening

box 39, folder 13

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 143, folder 6

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Michael Heizer, Keith Sonnier, Mario Merz

box 39, folder 14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 items
box 143, folder 7

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Kunsthalle Bern building foundation, Michael Heizer, Jan Dibbets

box 39, folder 15

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 143, folder 8

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 2 items
box 63, folder 3-5

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 24 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 14 Shunk photographs and one Burkhard photograph.


box 39, folder 15A

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs. Includes photocopies.
box 143, folder 8A

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Well-Known Bern Artists Designed our Showcase Windows ( Bekannte Berner Künstler haben unsere Schaufenster gestaltet), 1969

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 16

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies of photographs and clipping from Werk.
box 143, folder 9

Color reproductions

Physical Description: 12 items

Friends and Friends of Friends ( Freunde-Friends-d'fründe), 1969

Friends and Friends of Friends ( Freunde-Friends-d'fründe)

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 17

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 143, folder 10

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

22 Young Swiss Artists ( 22 junge Schweizer), 1969

22 Young Swiss Artists ( 22 junge Schweizer)

Scope and Contents note

Also indexed as 21 Young Swiss Artists.

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 18

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 12 Burkhard photographs.
box 143, folder 11

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 81 items
box 63, folder 6

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item

The Karl Ströher Collection ( Sammlung Karl Ströher), 1969

The Karl Ströher Collection ( Sammlung Karl Ströher)

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 19

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 143, folder 12

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 8 items

When Attitudes Become Form, Loeb Gallery object, 1969-1970

When Attitudes Become Form, Loeb Gallery object

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 20

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 143, folder 13

Color transparencies

Physical Description: 12 items

8 1/2 Documentation 1961-1969, 1970

8 1/2 Documentation 1961-1969

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 21

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 63, folder 10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 9 items
box 181, folder 12

Color photographs

Physical Description: 5 items

La Biennale di Venezia, 1970

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 22

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 143, folder 13A

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Visualisierte Denkprozesse, 1970

Visualisierte Denkprozesse

Scope and Contents note

box 39, folder 23

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 143, folder 14

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Happening & Fluxus, 1970-1971

Happening & Fluxus

Scope and Contents note


Sets 1-28

box 40, folder 1-25

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 57 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard photographs. Often includes photocopies of photographs.
box 143, box 144

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 175 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.

Archive Burkhard

box 40, folder 26

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 42 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 144, folder 19

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 13 items
box 40, folder 27

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Burkhard photographs.
box 144, folder 20

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 62 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 63, folder 11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 55 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard photographs.
box 181, folder 13

Black-and-white negative and slide

Physical Description: 2 items

Plastikausstellung, Biel: Archive Burkhard, 1971

Plastikausstellung, Biel: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 40, folder 28

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 144, folder 21

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 13 items

I want to leave a nice well-done child here, 1971

I want to leave a nice well-done child here

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 63, folder 13-14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes clipping from Australian Womens Weekly.
box 181, folder 15

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items

The Street: a shop-window exhibition ( Die Strasse Schaufensterausstellung), 1971

The Street: a shop-window exhibition ( Die Strasse Schaufensterausstellung)

Scope and Contents note

box 40, folder 29

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs and clipping.
box 144, folder 22

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions.
box 63, folder 16

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies of photographs.
box 63, folder 17

Les Inconnus de la Suisse, 1971

Les Inconnus de la Suisse

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Documenta 5: Questioning reality-Image worlds today ( Documenta 5: Befragung der Realitat - Bildwelten heute), 1972

Documenta 5: Questioning reality-Image worlds today ( Documenta 5: Befragung der Realität - Bildwelten heute)

box 41, box 2406

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 293 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 20 Burkhard photographs and one Shunk photograph. Includes one postcard; one document from Erhard Wehrmann; list from Archive Burkhard; photocopies of photographs.
box 145, folder 1-1a

Other formats

Physical Description: 92 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides, photographs, transparencies, black-and-white negatives and color reproductions.

Sets 1-59

box 41, box 42

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 67 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard photographs. Often includes photocopies of photograph.
box 145, box 146

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 330 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives

American Artists

box 146, folder 22

Set 1

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Michael Asher. Contains black-and-white negatives.

Set 2

Scope and Contents note

Ron Cooper; Jean-Christophe Ammann; Tom Wudl; Balz; Chuck Arnoldi.
box 42, folder 41

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 23

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 3

Scope and Contents note

Jud Fine and ?
box 42, folder 42

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 24

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 4

Scope and Contents note

Jud Fine; Chuck Arnoldi; Edward Kienholz.
box 42, folder 43

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 25

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 5

Scope and Contents note

Edward Kienholz; Jean-Christophe Ammann; Allen Ruppersberg and ?
box 42, folder 44

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 26

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 6

Scope and Contents note

John C. Fernie; Terry Fox; Potts.
box 42, folder 45

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 27

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 7

Scope and Contents note

Potts; Paul Cotton; Eugenia Butler; John de Andrea.
box 42, folder 46

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 28

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 8

Scope and Contents note

John de Andrea; Wayne Thiebaud; Mel Ramos; Chuck Close; Paul Sarkisian; Slg. Newman, Chicago.
box 42, folder 47

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 29

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 9

Scope and Contents note

Slg Newman; Speyer; Chicago.
box 42, folder 48

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 30

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 10

Scope and Contents note

Speyer; H.C. Westermann; Lucas Samaras; Stone.
box 42, folder 49

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 31

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 11

Scope and Contents note

Joseph Cornell; Brice Marden; Alan Shields.
box 42, folder 50

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 32

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 12

Scope and Contents note

Alan Shields; Paula Cooper; Edward Ruscha; Kasper König; Mouse Museum (Oldenburg).
box 42, folder 51

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 146, folder 33

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Set 13

Scope and Contents note

König NY; Will Insley.
box 42, folder 52

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 1

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 14

Scope and Contents note

Will Insley; James Lee Byars; Bill Copley; Jasper Johns; Ramos and ?
box 42, folder 53

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 2

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 15

Scope and Contents note

? and John Wesley.
box 42, folder 54

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 16

Scope and Contents note

Mel Bochner; Mario Merz; Carl Andre; Lawrence Weiner; Ono/Lennon.
box 42, folder 55

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 4

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 17

Scope and Contents note

K. Fischer; James Lee Byars; Robert Cottingham; Ralph Goings and ?
box 42, folder 56

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 5

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 18

Scope and Contents note

Andy Warhol (factory); Lucas Samaras.
box 42, folder 57

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 6

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Set 19

Scope and Contents note

Lucas Samaras; Arakawa Shusaka?
box 42, folder 58

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph.
box 147, folder 7

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.

Sets 20-25

Scope and Contents note

Claes Oldenburg (Mouse Museum).
box 42, folder 59

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains six Burkhard photographs. Includes handwritten note; photocopies of photographs.
box 147, folder 8

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.
box 147, folder 9

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Some slides are from the James Lee Byars in Bern exhibition.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite


Black-and-white photographs

box 64, folder 1

With James Byars

Physical Description: 2 items
box 64, folder 2

With Marcel Broodthaers

Physical Description: 3 items
box 64, folder 3

With Ingeborg Lüscher

Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 19 Burkhard photographs.
box 64, folder 4

Last day, October 8

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 12 Burkhard photographs.
box 64, folder 5

Television discussion, end of the exhibition

Physical Description: 2 items
box 64, folder 6


Physical Description: 22 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 64, folder 7


Physical Description: 5 items
box 64, folder 8

Press conference

Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes press conference announcement. Contains duplicates.
box 64, folder 9-10


Physical Description: 24 items

Other formats

Scope and Contents note

Contains polaroids, color photographs, slides and transparencies.
box 181, folder 17

With James Byars

Physical Description: 1 item
box 181, folder 18-19


Physical Description: 8 items
box 181, folder 20


Physical Description: 2 items
box 181, folder 21

Bern, November

Physical Description: 1 item
box 147, folder 9

James Lee Byars in Bern, 1972

James Lee Byars in Bern

Physical Description: 49 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides. Some slides are from the Documenta 5 exhibition.

Scope and Contents note


Grandfather - a pioneer like us ( Grossvater - Ein Pionier wie wir), 1974

Grandfather - a pioneer like us ( Grossvater - Ein Pionier wie wir)

Scope and Contents note



box 43, box 216C

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 65 items

Separated Materials note

Contains duplicates and photocopies. Contains 43 Burkhard photographs.
box 147, folder 10

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 43 items
box 2398, box 2399

Rolled photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Old photographs

box 216C, box 216D, box 216E, box 216F

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 89 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 90 photographs total. Some photographs are framed and some photographs are postcards. Includes tintypes.
box 180C, folder 6

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 216C, folder 3-4

Historical hairstyles

Physical Description: 52 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains black-and-white photographs.

Exhibition materials

box 216C, box 3726

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 14 Burkhard photographs.
box 180C, folder 7

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 34 items
box 216G

Wedding photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Photograph is framed.
box 147, folder 11

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 67 items

Separated Materials note

Slides originally housed in a carousel. Contains slides from other exhibitions: GAS, Austria in a Net of Roses, and Money and Value.
box 147, folder 12

Hans Scharoun, 1974

Hans Scharoun

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains black-and-white negatives.

Scope and Contents note

box 64, folder 18

Guy Harloff, 1974

Guy Harloff

Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


La Biennale di Venezia, 1975

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note

box 64, folder 20

Black-and-white photographs 1975

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.
box 181, folder 22

Color photographs

Physical Description: 5 items
box 65, folder 1

La Biennale di Venezia, 1976

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Contains souvenir matchbook with photograph cover.

Scope and Contents note


The Bachelor Machines ( Junggesellenmaschinen / Les machines célibataires), 1975-1976

The Bachelor Machines ( Junggesellenmaschinen / Les machines célibataires)

Scope and Contents note

box 43, box 44, box 3712

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 180 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs; photocopies from unknown publications; handwritten research notes; exhibition announcement.
box 147, folder 13

Other formats

Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides, transparencies, photographs and black-and-white negatives.
box 221, box 3733


Physical Description: 5 item


box 44, folder 2-3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 62 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies from unknown publication; pamphlets for films Viva la Muerte and L'invenzione di Morel; clipping from Anna bella; unknown typescript.
box 148, folder 1

Black-and-white negatives, transparencies and slides

Physical Description: 131 items
box 44, folder 4

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels

Physical Description: 3 items
box 148, folder 2

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 72 items
box 64, folder 21-22

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 66 items

Scope and Contents note

Bern and Paris. Includes A Hole to See the Sky Through by Yoko Ono. Contains portrait of Harald Szeemann, Ingeborg Lüscher and Una Szeemann. Contains 41 Shunk photographs.

Federal grant for applied art exhibition poster: Archive Burkhard, 1975

Federal grant for applied art exhibition poster: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 44, folder 5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 148, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 30 items

Monte Verita: The breasts of truth ( Monte Verita / Berg der Wahrheit), 1978-1981

Monte Verità: The breasts of truth ( Monte Verità / Berg der Wahrheit)

box 44, box 45, box 3712

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 172 items
box 148, box 866

Slides, color photograph and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 51 items
box 149, folder 1

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 142 items
box 2400

Photograph album

Physical Description: 1 album(s)

Photograph captions

box 45, folder 2-3


Physical Description: 71 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains typescripts pages of captions.
box 149, folder 2

Black-and-white transparencies and negatives

Physical Description: 100 items

Kunsthaus Zürich

box 45, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 149, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 90 items

Museo Casa Anatta, Ascona

box 45, folder 5-6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopy of photograph.
box 149, folder 4-5

Color photographs and slides

Physical Description: 8 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Scope and Contents note

Ascona, Zurich, Berlin, Munich and Vienna.
box 65, folder 3-10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter.
box 182, folder 1-5

Color photographs

Physical Description: 147 items

La Biennale di Venezia, 1980

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Exhibitions titled: L'arte degli anni settanta and Aperto '80.

Scope and Contents note

box 65, folder 14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 182, folder 7

Color photographs

Physical Description: 16 items

Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk ( Der Hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk), 1983

Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk ( Der Hang zum Gesamtkunstwerk)

Scope and Contents note



box 45, folder 7

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 150, folder 1

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Kunsthaus Zürich

box 45, folder 8-11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 60 items
box 150, folder 2

Color slides

Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions.
box 150, folder 3

Museum Moderner Kunst/Museum des 20 Jahrhunderts, Vienna

Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph album pages. Includes drawing of Gaudí and Broodthaers installation plans.
box 150, folder 4

Schloss Charlottenburg, Berlin

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes gallery plans and clipping.
box 150, folder 5

Städtische Kunsthalle and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph album pages.
box 151, folder 1

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 201 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Richard Wagner opera slides.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Scope and Contents note

Vienna, Düsseldorf and Zürich.
box 65, box 66

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 202 items

Scope and Contents note

Some photographs are postcards. Includes article by Szeemann in Eco di Locarno; invoice with photocopies of photographs from Niklaus Strauss; handwritten photograph caption; list of sitters in photographs; photocopies of photographs.
box 183, folder 1-5

Color photographs, slides and polaroids

Physical Description: 29 items
box 66, folder 8

Museo Casa Selma, 1983

Museo Casa Selma

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


James Ensor, 1983

James Ensor

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 66, folder 9-10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 183, folder 6

Color photographs

Physical Description: 7 items
box 66, folder 11

Immendorff, 1983


Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Sigmar Polke, 1984

Sigmar Polke

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 67, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 22 items
box 183, folder 7

Color photographs

Physical Description: 7 items

Alfred Jarry, 1984-1985

Alfred Jarry

Scope and Contents note

box 152, folder 1

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 48 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

box 67, folder 5-6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Walter Dräyer's business card and flyer for performance of Ubu Roi.
box 183, folder 9

Color photographs

Physical Description: 45 items
box 67, box 3729*

Papers and greeting card, 1984 December 14-1985 March 10


Mario Merz, 1985

Mario Merz

Scope and Contents note

box 152, folder 2

Slide Carousel

Physical Description: 36 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains slides from other exhibitions: Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form and Documenta 5.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 67, folder 7-8

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 53 items

Scope and Contents note

One photograph is postcard to Szeemann from Judith. Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 183, folder 10-11

Color photographs, slides and transparencies

Physical Description: 45 items

Traces, Sculptures and monuments of their precise journey ( Spuren, Skulpturen und Monumente ihre präziren Reise ), 1985

Traces, Sculptures and monuments of their precise journey ( Spuren, Skulpturen und Monumente ihre präziren Reise )

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 1

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes postcards, one from Agnes and one from Amy; telegram possibly from Schaffer; poetry performance announcement; clipping from Die Weltwoche; photocopy of unknown publication.
box 152, folder 3

Color transparencies, slides and photographs

Physical Description: 15 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions.
box 152, folder 4

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides originally housed in slide carousel.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 67, folder 12-13

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 22 items
box 184, folder 2

Color photographs

Physical Description: 9 items

De Sculptura, 1986

De Sculptura

Scope and Contents note



box 46, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 11 items
box 152, folder 5

Color photographs

Physical Description: 18 items


box 46, folder 3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 23 items
box 152, folder 6-7

Color photographs, slides and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 26 items
box 152, folder 8

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides originally housed in slide carousel.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 67, folder 14-18

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 74 items
box 184, folder 8-10

Color photographs and negatives

Physical Description: 19 items

Da Marées a Picasso, 1986

Da Marées a Picasso

Scope and Contents note

box 152, folder 9

Color photographs

Physical Description: 31 items
box 184, folder 11

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Museo Elisarion, 1986-1987

Museo Elisarion

Scope and Contents note

box 46, folder 4-5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 50 items
box 152, folder 10-11

Color photographs, transparency and slides

Physical Description: 15 items
box 46, folder 6


Physical Description: 4 items
box 46, folder 7

Parallel to photographs

Physical Description: 19 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes drawing of architectural plan; various clippings; postcard; reproductions of photographs.
box 46, folder 8-9

Building photographs

Physical Description: 39.0
box 221, folder 2


Physical Description: 2 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 67, folder 19

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 184, folder 12

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 153, folder 1

Les objets - Evenements, 1987

Les objets - Evenements

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides and includes exhibition announcement.

Scope and Contents note

box 68, folder 3

Back to Fucking Cambridge, 1987

Back to Fucking Cambridge

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Cy Twombly: Paintings, works on paper, sculptures ( Cy Twombly: Bilder, Arbeiten auf Papier, Skulpturen), 1987

Cy Twombly: Paintings, works on paper, sculptures ( Cy Twombly: Bilder, Arbeiten auf Papier, Skulpturen)

Scope and Contents note

box 153, folder 2

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 15 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 68, folder 4-5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes clipping from Tages Anzeiger; fax from Szeemann to Felix; photocopies of photographs.
box 184, folder 15

Color photographs

Physical Description: 13 items

Eugène Delacroix, 1987

Eugène Delacroix

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Scope and Contents note

box 68, folder 6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 43 items
box 184, folder 16

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 68, folder 7

Mario Merz, 1987

Mario Merz

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

With by through because towards despite. Chapelle Saint-Louis de la Salpêtrière, Paris.

Scope and Contents note


Zeitlos, 1988


Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains nine Burkhard photographs.
box 153, folder 3

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 61 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains Burkhard negatives.
box 153, folder 4

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 8 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 68, folder 8-11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 134 items
box 184, folder 17

Other photographic formats

Physical Description: 51 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs, transparencies, slides and black-and-white negatives.
box 69, folder 1


Physical Description: 4 items

Hamburg train station

box 69, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 62 items
box 185, folder 1

Color slide, transparencies and photographs

Physical Description: 24 items

Marianne Werefkin, 1988

Marianne Werefkin

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 185, folder 5

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 47, folder 3

a-Historical soundings ( a-Historische Klanken), 1988

a-Historical soundings ( a-Historische Klanken)

Physical Description: 30 items

Scope and Contents note

box 69, folder 3

Egon Schiele and his time: Austrian paintings and drawings 1900-1930 from the collection Leopold ( Egon Schiele und seine Zeit: Österreichische Malerei und Zeichnung 1900 bis 1930 aus der Sammlung Leopold), 1988-1989

Egon Schiele and his time: Austrian paintings and drawings 1900-1930 from the collection Leopold ( Egon Schiele und seine Zeit: Österreichische Malerei und Zeichnung 1900 bis 1930 aus der Sammlung Leopold)

Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


Einleuchten: Will, Vorstel & Simul in HH, 1989

Einleuchten: Will, Vorstel & Simul in HH

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 4-4A

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies.
box 153, folder 5

Color slides, photographs and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 66 items
box 154, folder 1

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 53 items
box 69, folder 8

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 2 items
box 47, folder 5

Towards free dance, towards pure art: Suzanne Perrottet (1889-1983) and Mary Wigman (1886-1973) ( Zun freien Tanz, zu reiner Kunst: Suzanne Perrottet (1889-1983) und Mary Wigman), 1989

Towards free dance, towards pure art: Suzanne Perrottet (1889-1983) and Mary Wigman (1886-1973) ( Zun freien Tanz, zu reiner Kunst: Suzanne Perrottet (1889-1983) und Mary Wigman)

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 6-7

International Istanbul Biennial, 1989

International Istanbul Biennial

Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note


Richard Serra: The Hours of the Day, 1990

Richard Serra: The Hours of the Day

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 8

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 46 items
box 154, folder 2

Color photographs and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 34 items
box 154, folder 3

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 27 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 69, folder 10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Daniel Schwartz.
box 185, folder 12

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

Georg Baselitz, 1990

Georg Baselitz

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Zürich and Düsseldorf.

Scope and Contents note

box 69, folder 11-12

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Gaechter; Kölner Skizzen business card.
box 185, folder 13-14

Color photographs

Physical Description: 10 items

Niele Toroni, 1990

Niele Toroni

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 69, folder 13-14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 185, folder 16-17

Color photographs

Physical Description: 10 items

La Gomera, 1990-1992

La Gomera

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 69, folder 18-19

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Didi Sattmann.
box 185, folder 22

Color photographs

Physical Description: 9 items
box 216, folder 4


Physical Description: 4 items

LightSeed, 1990


Scope and Contents note

box 154, folder 4

Color transparencies

Physical Description: 1 item
box 154, folder 5

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 10 items
box 69, folder 20

Georg Baselitz: Works form the Ackermeier Berlin Collection ( Georg Baselitz: Werke aus der Sammlung Ackermeier Berlin), 1991

Georg Baselitz: Works form the Ackermeier Berlin Collection ( Georg Baselitz: Werke aus der Sammlung Ackermeier Berlin)

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 47, folder 9

Ettore Jelmorini, 1991

Ettore Jelmorini

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note


Project Labyrinth, 1991

Project Labyrinth

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 8

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items
box 180, folder 3

Color photographs

Physical Description: 9 items
box 186, folder 1

Niele Toroni: Imprints of Brush No 50, Repeated in Regular Intervals (30 cm) ( Niele Toroni: Impronto di pennello N. 50 ripetute a intervalli regolari (30 cm)), 1991

Niele Toroni: Imprints of Brush No 50, Repeated in Regular Intervals (30 cm) ( Niele Toroni: Impronto di pennello N. 50 ripetute a intervalli regolari (30 cm))

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

With by through because towards despite. Contains color photographs. Includes postcard.

Scope and Contents note


Visionary Switzerland ( Visionäre Schweiz), 1991-1992

Visionary Switzerland ( Visionäre Schweiz)

Scope and Contents note

box 47, box 48, box 2406

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 50 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes video program calendar; film program budget from Martin Schaub; letter from Martin Schaub to Szeemann; potential film lists; poster text drafts; correspondence between Regina Meili and Szeemann; exhibition announcements; Fax to Uschi Weismann from Szeemann; exhibition announcement maquette; annotated envelopes from Eggmann; annotated drafts of press release or exhibition didactic; annotated artist biographies; letters to David Britt from Szeemann; various artist lists; schedule of finances; letter to Rainer Sonntag from Szeemann; original and photocopy of exhibition preview publication; postcards.
box 221, folder 3

Poster materials

Physical Description: 4 items
box 154, box 155

Other photographic formats

Physical Description: 75 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color transparencies, photographs, slide and black-and-white transparencies.

Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid

box 48, folder 3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 155, folder 2

Color photographs

Physical Description: 41 items

Städtische Kunsthalle and Kunstverein für die Rheinlande und Westfalen, Düsseldorf

box 48, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 156, folder 1

Color photographs

Physical Description: 43 items
box 156, folder 2

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 160 items

Scope and Contents note

Zürich and Madrid.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Scope and Contents note

Zürich, Düsseldorf, Madrid.
box 69, folder 21-21b

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Mary Krienke; photocopy of photograph.
box 186, folder 2-3

Color photographs and slide

Physical Description: 11 items
box 157, folder 1

Walter De Maria: The 2000 Sculpture, 1992

Walter De Maria: The 2000 Sculpture

Physical Description: 37 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides originally housed in slide carousel.

Scope and Contents note


Swiss Pavilion ( Pabellón de Suiza), 1992

Swiss Pavilion ( Pabellón de Suiza)

Scope and Contents note

Exposición Universal de 1992 (Seville, Spain).

Scope and Contents note

box 48, box 2406

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies and correspondence with Punktum Bildarchiv.
box 157, folder 2

Color photographs and slides

Physical Description: 84 items
box 157, folder 3

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 29 items


Scope and Contents note

Includes biographies of Swiss cultural figures. Content is organized alphabetically.
box 48, box 49, box 50

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 298 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence between Hess and Szeemann; correspondence between Keller and Szeemann; other Szeemann correspondence; clipping.
box 158, folder 1-19, 20b

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 90 items

Photocopies and photograph captions

box 50, folder 7-10


Physical Description: 314 items
box 158, folder 20


Physical Description: 1 item
box 221, folder 4


Physical Description: 6 items
flatfile 2**

Large photocopies

Physical Description: 1 item
box 186, folder 16

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

GAS: Grandiose Ambitieux Silencieux, 1993

GAS: Grandiose Ambitieux Silencieux

Scope and Contents note

box 50, folder 11-12

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 12 items
box 158, folder 21-22

Color slides, photographs and papers

Physical Description: 31 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Jean-Louis Froment to Szeemann.
box 158, folder 23

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 40 items
box 186, folder 18

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Joseph Beuys, 1993-1994

Joseph Beuys

Scope and Contents note


Kunsthaus Zürich

box 51, folder 1-7

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 117 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs and correspondence between Szeemann and Vischer.
box 159, box 160, box 161

Color photographs and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 179 items
box 161, folder 3

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 67 items

Museo Nacional Reina Sofía, Madrid

box 52, folder 1-2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 91 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann.
box 161, box 180D

Color photographs, transparencies and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 150 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes 138 color photographs mounted on 37 sheets.
box 161, folder 6

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 105 items

Museé national d'art moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris

box 52, folder 3-4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 55 items
box 162, folder 1

Color photographs

Physical Description: 18 items
box 162, folder 2

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 318 items

Scope and Contents note

Zürich and Madrid.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes note to Szeemann from Felix Widler; photocopy of photograph.
box 186, folder 20-21

Color photographs

Physical Description: 17 items

Bruce Nauman, 1995

Bruce Nauman

Scope and Contents note

box 52, folder 5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 39 items
box 162, folder 3

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 79 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 187, folder 4-5

Color photographs

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Madrid and Zürich.

100 Years of Cinema: Illusion - Emotion - Reality/The 7th art in search of the 6 others ( 100 Jahre Kino: Illusion - Emotion - Realität/Die 7. Kunst auf der Suche nach den 6 andern), 1995-1996

100 Years of Cinema: Illusion - Emotion - Reality/The 7th art in search of the 6 others ( 100 Jahre Kino: Illusion - Emotion - Realität/Die 7. Kunst auf der Suche nach den 6 andern)

Scope and Contents note

box 53, box 54

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 366 items

Scope and Contents note

All photos originally mounted on boards. Some photographs are postcards or clippings; includes photocopy of a photograph.
box 55, box 56, box 57

Photograph albums

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

973 photographs secured to album pages. Most photographs are postcards and some are clippings. Some postcards and clippings are color.
box 221, folder 5


Physical Description: 2 items
box 162, folder 4

Black-and-white transparencies

Physical Description: 7 items

Color slides and transparencies

box 163, box 164, box 165, box 166


Physical Description: 808 items
box 166, box 167, box 168


Physical Description: 790 items
box 169, folder 1

Slide Carousels

Physical Description: 231 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 12-13

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 187, folder 6-7

Color photographs

Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann.

Austria in a net of Roses ( Austria im Rosennetz), 1996-1998

Austria in a net of Roses ( Austria im Rosennetz)

Scope and Contents note

box 58, box 3712

Famous Austrians

Physical Description: 220 items

Scope and Contents note

Some photos originally mounted on boards. Includes mounted clippings.

Kunsthaus Zürich

box 59, folder 1-3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 81 items
box 169, folder 2

Color slides

Physical Description: 13 items
box 169, folder 3

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 91 items

Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels

box 59, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 170, box 171

Other formats

Physical Description: 141 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs; slides; transparencies; black-and-white negatives. 190 photographs adhered to album pages. Includes layout for exhibition; color reproductions of deinstallation steps for an artwork; handwritten list.
box 171, folder 4

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 71 items
box 216, folder 5


Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 14-15

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items
box 187, folder 9-10

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items

L'Autre, 1997


Scope and Contents note

Lyon Biennial.

Scope and Contents note

box 59, folder 5-6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 55 items
box 172, folder 1

Color slides and photographs

Physical Description: 32 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes 41 digital images printed onto paper.
box 172, folder 2

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 197 items

Scope and Contents note

"Monte Verità" written on one carousel box.
box 188, folder 1

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Speed & Water, 1997

Speed & Water

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 70, folder 17

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Gabriele Kostas.
box 188, folder 2

Color photographs

Physical Description: 17 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Chandra.
box 222

Cities on the Move 2, 1998

Cities on the Move 2

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

24 color photographs in album. Created in conjunction with the exhibit Cities on the Move 2: Art and architecture in Asia at the CAPC musée d'art contemporain de Bordeaux, June 4 - August 30, 1998.

Scope and Contents note

box 188, folder 8

Diversities, Spices & Academies, 1998

Diversities, Spices & Academies

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


La Biennale di Venezia, 1999

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 37 items
box 173, box 173A

Color photographs and slides

Physical Description: 78 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions. Includes 84 color photographs mounted on 55 album sheets.
box 173, folder 2

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 146 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 23

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 13 items
box 188, folder 12-13

Color photographs

Physical Description: 40 items

The End of the World & The Principle of Hope ( Weltuntergang & Prinzip Hoffnung), 1999

The End of the World & The Principle of Hope ( Weltuntergang & Prinzip Hoffnung)

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 5 items
box 174, folder 1

Color photographs, slides and negatives

Physical Description: 95 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 174, box 175

Orvieto Cathedral

Physical Description: 288 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 24-25

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes clipping from NRC Handelsblad and letter from Jannelle Wesseling.
box 189, folder 3

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from Mario Savini.

Tinguely's Favorites: Yves Klein, 1999

Tinguely's Favorites: Yves Klein

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 2A

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 175, folder 2

Color transparencies and photograph

Physical Description: 11 items
box 189, folder 6

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes letter to Szeemann from Dina.

Museo Comico nel Teatro Dimitri, 2000

Museo Comico nel Teatro Dimitri

Scope and Contents note

box 175, folder 3

Color photographs

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions.
box 190, folder 5-6

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 60, folder 3

International Architectural Exhibition, 2000

International Architectural Exhibition

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Part of La Biennale di Venezia.

Scope and Contents note

box 176, folder 1

Sydney Biennial, 2000

Sydney Biennial

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Scope and Contents note


Beware of Exiting Your Dreams: You May Find Yourself in Somebody Else's, 2000-2001

Beware of Exiting Your Dreams: You May Find Yourself in Somebody Else's

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note

box 70, folder 28

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Lorne Carl Liesenfeld.
box 190, folder 7

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 190, folder 8

Vogue Homme, 2001

Vogue Homme

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite.

Scope and Contents note


La Biennale di Venezia, 2001

La Biennale di Venezia

Scope and Contents note



box 60, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 176, box 176A

Color slides and photographs

Physical Description: 99 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes 100 color photographs mounted on 66 album sheets.


box 177, box 177A

Color photographs

Physical Description: 70 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 110 loose and mounted photographs on 70 album sheets.

Oversize photocopy


Slide carousels

box 176, folder 3


Physical Description: 123 items
box 177, folder 1

Assorted artists

Physical Description: 23 items
box 177, folder 2


Physical Description: 71 items
box 177, folder 3


Physical Description: 62 items

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

box 70, folder 30

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 190, folder 9

Color photographs

Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Augusto Sciacca.
box 60, folder 5

Carl Weidemeyer: 1882-1976, artist and architect of Worpswede and Ascona, 2001

Carl Weidemeyer: 1882-1976, artist and architect of Worpswede and Ascona

Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes image lists and Szeemann correspondence.

Scope and Contents note


Tinguely's Favorites: Marcel Duchamp, 2002

Tinguely's Favorites: Marcel Duchamp

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 6

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 28 items
box 177, folder 5

Color photograph

Physical Description: 1 item

Money and Value/The Last Taboo ( Geld und Wert/Das letzte Tabu), 2001-2003

Money and Value/The Last Taboo ( Geld und Wert/Das letzte Tabu)

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 7

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies.
box 178, folder 1

Color photographs and transparencies

Physical Description: 68 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproductions.
box 3810, folder 5


Scope and Contents

Contains 13 slides.
box 179, folder 1

Slide carousels

Physical Description: 92 items
box 216, folder 6

Oversize color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 221, folder 6


Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.
box 191, folder 3

Selections for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproduction and e-mail from Françoise.
box 216A, folder 1

Aubes: Rêveries au bord de Victor Hugo, 2002-2003

Physical Description: 129 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Contains 145 photographs printed on 129 sheets.

Scope and Contents note

box 179, folder 2-2A

Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans ( Blut & Honig: Zukunft ist am Balkan), 2003

Blood & Honey: The Future lies in the Balkans ( Blut & Honig: Zukunft ist am Balkan)

Physical Description: 94 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and color slides originally housed in slide carousel.

Scope and Contents note


G2003, 2003


Scope and Contents note

box 179, folder 3-4

Color photographs

Physical Description: 36 items
box 179, folder 4A

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 79 items
box 180, box 216A

The Real Royal Trip ( El Real Viaje Real), 2003-2004

The Real Royal Trip ( El Real Viaje Real)

Physical Description: 59 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Scope and Contents note


The Joy of My Dreams( La alegría de mi sueños), 2004

The Joy of My Dreams( La alegría de mi sueños)

Scope and Contents note

box 180A, box 180B, box 216

Color photographs

Physical Description: 580 items

Scope and Contents note

618 photographs total. Multiple images often printed on one sheet.
box 180, folder 2

Slide carousel

Physical Description: 50 items
box 180, folder 2A

Rundlederwelten (unrealized)

Rundlederwelten (unrealized)

Physical Description: 34 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains photographs of Ralf Samen's work Sam and Ben. Contains 39 photographs on album pages. Includes a postcard.

Scope and Contents note


Visionary Belgium (La Belgique Visionnaire België) 2005

Visionary Belgium (La Belgique Visionnaire België)

Scope and Contents note

box 216A, folder 6-9

Adeagbo, Georges

Physical Description: 35 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 110 color photographs printed on 35 sheets.
box 216A, folder 10-13

Alÿs, Francis

Physical Description: 45 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 49 color photographs printed on 45 sheets.
box 216B, folder 1

Bruyckere, Berlinde de

Physical Description: 98 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 103 color photographs printed on 98 sheets.
box 216B, folder 2

Delvoye, Wim

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains a color photograph album.
box 180C, folder 1

Thys, Harald

Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 118 color photographs printed on 29 sheets.
box 216B, folder 3


Physical Description: 91 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains 110 color photographs printed on 91 sheets.

Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite: catalogue of all exhibitions, 1951-2003, 2007

Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite: catalogue of all exhibitions

Scope and Contents note

Contains photographs that were culled and some that were used for the book Harald Szeemann: with by through because towards despite. Photographs from or associated with specific Szeemann projects have been moved to those projects. Personal photographs culled for the book can be found in subseries I.E. The majority of the remaining photographs are biographical or relate to projects not identified in the Szeemann catalog. Titles were taken from labels and are organized chronologically. To search for all images from this project conduct a keyword search for " With by through because towards despite".

Scope and Contents note

box 61, folder 1

Sport, 1951

Physical Description: 5 items
box 61, folder 2

Inneren Enge, 1952

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes clipping; photocopies of photographs; letter from Der Spiegel.
box 61, folder 3

Sutton Vane, Überfahrt, 1953

Physical Description: 26 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes flyer for Überfahrt.
box 61, folder 4

Was ihr wollt, 1953

Physical Description: 6 items
box 61, folder 5

Casino Bern 1953

Physical Description: 9 items
box 61, folder 6

Bürgenhaus, 1954

Physical Description: 4 items
box 61, folder 8

[Assorted]: Bern, Venice, Girls, 1955

Physical Description: 16 items
box 61, folder 7

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 21 items

Scope and Contents note

Some photographs are postcards.
box 181, folder 1

Color transparency

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 8

[Atelier on Schwarz strasse with Diana], 1956

Physical Description: 16 items
box 61, folder 9

[One man theater], 1956

Physical Description: 27 items

Paris, 1956

box 61, folder 10

Black-and-white photograph

Physical Description: 1 item
box 181, folder 2

Black-and-white negative

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 12

Bellone, 1957

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes clippings.
box 61, folder 13

St. Saphorin, 1958

Physical Description: 1 item
box 61, folder 14

[Funeral of Cuno Amiet], 1961

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Ida Meyer-Chagall, Franz Meyer and Alberto Giacometti pictured.
box 61, folder 18

Düsseldorf, 1962

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopy of photograph.
box 61, folder 22

New York, 1963

Physical Description: 1 items
box 61, folder 25

Harald Szeemann with Ida Meyer-Chagall, 1964

Physical Description: 1 items
box 61, folder 29

At Luginbühl, 1964

Physical Description: 3 items
box 62, folder 6

[Varlin care of Henri Wengér, Zurich], 1966

Physical Description: 2 items
box 62, folder 11

With Shinkichi Tajiri and Ferdi, 1967

Physical Description: 2 items
box 181, folder 8

Nell Walden, Nany, Françoise Szeemann, 1967

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 62, folder 16

With Erika Billeter, 1967

Physical Description: 4 items

Etienne Szeemann's 95th Birthday, 1968

box 62, folder 17

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 27 items
box 181, folder 9

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 5 items
box 62, folder 20

Fondation Maeght, 1968

Physical Description: 1 item

Venice, 1968

box 62, folder 22

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 11 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains three Burkhard photographs.
Includes photocopies of photographs; letter from Erhard Wehrmann to Szeemann.
box 181, folder 10

Black-and-white negative and color photograph

Physical Description: 2 items
box 62, folder 23

IKT Düsseldorf, 1968

Physical Description: 2 items
box 62, folder 27

Reportage Brand, 1968-1969

Physical Description: 28 items
box 63, folder 1

SWB conference IKT, 1969

Physical Description: 9 items
box 63, folder 2

Kunsthalle Düsseldorf prospect, 1969

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs. Contains one Burkhard photograph.

Civitanova, 1969, undated

box 181, folder 11

Polaroid 1969

Physical Description: 1 item
box 2424, folder 1

Color photographs

box 63, folder 7

[Interview after resignation], 1969

Physical Description: 2 items
box 63, folder 8

Jury Triennale Grenchen, 1969

Physical Description: 1 item
box 63, folder 9

Galerie Loeb, 1970

Physical Description: 9 items
box 181, folder 14

Loeb Fest, 1970s

Physical Description: 29 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 63, folder 12

Kunsthalle Basel with Haudschin, 1970

Physical Description: 2 items
box 63, folder 15

With Franz Gertsch, 1971

Physical Description: 1 item
box 63, folder 18

At Linck with Bude and Humsteing, 1971

Physical Description: 2 items
box 181, folder 16

TV - WDR Feisel, 1971

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 64, folder 11

Gurtengasse 4, 1972-1977

Physical Description: 11 items
box 64, folder 12

Galerie Loeb, 1973

Physical Description: 5 items
box 64, folder 13

Venezuela, 1973

Physical Description: 1 item
box 64, folder 14

Civitanova, 1973

Physical Description: 9 items
box 64, folder 15-16

Paris, 1973

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopy of photograph.
box 64, folder 17

Naples, 1973

Physical Description: 12 items
box 64, folder 19

Je nous ik wij, 1975

Physical Description: 1 items
box 65, folder 2

Kunsthalle Bern, Rainer with Werner, 1977

Physical Description: 18 items
box 181, folder 23

Kassel, 1978

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.
box 65, folder 11

Kunsthalle Bern, 1979

Physical Description: 4 items
box 65, folder 12

Vienna, österreichgespräche, 1979

Physical Description: 9 items
box 182, folder 6

[Prize], Lago Maggiore, 1979

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 65, folder 13

Kunsthalle Bern with Mario Merz, 1980

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Possibly for Fabro, Kounellis, Merz, Paolini: Materialien zu einer Ausstellung.
box 65, folder 15

Museo Solothurn, 1981

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains clipping.
box 182, folder 8

Erika Billeter Zürich [farewell], 1981

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 182, folder 9

Pataphysics, Paris, 1981

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains polaroid.
box 65, folder 16

Richard Lohse at Renée Ziegler Gallery, Zürich, 1982

Physical Description: 1 items
box 65, folder 17

With Toni Stooss, Berlin, 1982

Physical Description: 2 items
box 66, folder 7

Belgrad Vorträge: Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk and Monte Verità, 1983

Physical Description: 14 items
box 66, folder 12

Matisse vernissage with G.V. Castelberg, 1983

Physical Description: 1 item
box 66, folder 13

Anna Oppermann portrait, 1983

Physical Description: 1 item
box 66, folder 14

[Radio broadcast with Charles Clair], 1983

Physical Description: 1 item
box 67, folder 2

Christian Boltanski, Kunsthalle Zürich, 1984

Physical Description: 12 items
box 67, folder 3

Kassel with De Wilde, 1984

Physical Description: 2 items
box 67, folder 4

Le Temps vernissage, Brussels, 1984

Physical Description: 2 items
box 183, folder 8

La Grande Parade vernissage, 1984

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Hans Aesbacher vernissage, 1985

box 67, folder 9

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 items
box 184, folder 1

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes color reproduction.
box 67, folder 10

Mario Merz INK, 1985

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

INK is possibly Halle für internationale neue Kunst in Schaffhausen.
box 67, folder 11

Museum Wuppertal, 1985

Physical Description: 2 items
box 184, folder 3

Monte Verita Chin., 1985

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 184, folder 4

Johnson stiftung, 1985

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 184, folder 5

Jarry tournée, 1985

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 184, folder 6

St. Raphael, [summer], 1986

Physical Description: 9 items
box 184, folder 7

[Anatta facility], 1986

Physical Description: 1 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.

Monte Verita, Japanischen Besuch, 1986

box 67, folder 20

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopy of photographs; letter to Szeemann from Yoichi Kukuminato.
box 184, folder 13

Color photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Monte Verita, Besuch Weizsäcker, 1987

box 68, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 184, folder 14

Color photographs

Physical Description: 4 items
box 68, folder 2

Reportage Isler, 1987

Physical Description: 4 items
box 185, folder 2

Kunsthalle Bern with Sol Lewitt and Donald Judd, 1988

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 185, folder 3

[June Yo Froehlich], 1988

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 185, folder 4

Monte Verita Lions Club, 1988

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 69, folder 4

Grandfey, 1988

Physical Description: 1 items

[Art Cologne prize], 1989

box 69, folder 5

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 5 items
box 185, folder 6

Color photographs

Physical Description: 7 items
box 69, folder 6

HH Geburtstag Carlo Schmid, 1989

Physical Description: 25 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes Lindinger + Schmid business card.
box 69, folder 7

Maggia, Gotthard Bank publikation, 1989

Physical Description: 2 items
box 185, folder 7

Goslar [art prize, Mario Merz],

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. See Merz in Subseries IV.B.
box 185, folder 8

Kunsthalle Zürich in Maggia, 1989

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 185, folder 9

Kassel, 1989

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes note from Heinz Hunstein.
box 185, folder 10

With Cetto and Altorfer, 1989

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Bordeaux cape, 1990

box 69, folder 9

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 185, folder 11

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 185, folder 15

Georg Baselitz, Barcelona, 1990

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.
box 69, folder 15

Kunstmark Cologne laudativ for Katharina Schmidt, 1990

Physical Description: 4 items
box 69, folder 16

Maggia, 1990

Physical Description: 1 item
box 69, folder 17

Kunsthalle Zürich [unstable sculpture] for TA and DT, 1990

Physical Description: 1 item
box 185, folder 18

Juli Shedhalle with Irene Mees, 1990

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.
box 185, folder 19

Tegna, casa, 1990

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 185, folder 20

Natarium, 1990

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and polaroid.

[Japanese visitors at Maggia], 1990

box 185, folder 21

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 216, folder 7


Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 186, folder 4

Fabrik, 1991

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Haus, 1991

box 69, folder 22

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 186, folder 5

Color photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Tegna, 1991

box 69, folder 23

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 11 items
box 186, folder 6

Color photographs

Physical Description: 6 items
box 186, folder 7

Bernul Juli u.a. Tegna, 1991

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Max Bill, Locarno, 1991

box 69, folder 24

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Lorenzo Piemonti.
box 186, folder 8

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 186, folder 9

Metropolis, 1991

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 69, folder 25

[Portrait], Piatti, 1991

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Piatti.
box 69, folder 26

Reportage Gitty, 1991

Physical Description: 3 items
box 69, folder 27

[Musée de Grenoble] Christian Boltanski, 1991

Physical Description: 6 items
box 186, folder 10

Museum Emma Kunz, 1991

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.
box 186, folder 11

Las Palmas, 1991

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph. Includes letter to Szeemann from Pilar Pastor.
box 186, folder 12

Kunsthaus Zürich, Klimt, 1992

Physical Description: 1 item

Markus Raetz [exhibition, Geneva], 1992

box 70, folder 1

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 186, folder 13

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items

At Botta, 1992

box 70, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 7 items
box 186, folder 14

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 186, folder 15

Conversaciones Madrid, 1992

Physical Description: 5 items

Kunsthaus Zürich, Olivestones, 1992

Scope and Contents note

Work by Joseph Beuys.
box 70, folder 3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs and Stauss invoice.
box 186, folder 17

Color photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 70, folder 4

Documenta 9, Kassel, 1992

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopies of photographs and Stauss invoice.
box 70, folder 5

Interview voir fabrik, 1992

Physical Description: 1 item
box 186, folder 19

[Jérome], 1993

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Label is illegible. Contains color photograph.
box 70, folder 7

[Portraits] Heitmann, 1994

Physical Description: 5 items
box 187, folder 1

Smokingserie, 1994

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 187, folder 2

Manresa, 1994

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Reportage, Stauss, Tessin, 1994

box 70, folder 8

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items
box 187, folder 3

Color photographs

Physical Description: 5 items
box 70, folder 9

Laudation Maria de Conel, Cologne, 1994

Physical Description: 19 items
box 70, folder 10

Goerg Baselitz and Jamileh Weber, 1994

Physical Description: 1 item
box 187, folder 8

J & J, 1995

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 187, folder 11

Jamileh and Ingeborg, 1996

Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.

Accademia, 1996

box 70, folder 16

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 187, folder 12

Color photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 187, folder 13

Seminar Barcelona, 1996

Physical Description: 20 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 187, folder 14

Seoul, 1996

Physical Description: 1 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes clipping from The Chosunilbo.
box 70, folder 18

Vienna with Matthew Barney, 1997

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter.

China, 1997

box 70, folder 19

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 item
box 188, folder 3

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 188, folder 4

Kassel, 1997

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 188, folder 5

Salzburg, Breicha, 1997

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 188, folder 6

Dan Graham and Jason, Zürich, 1997

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 188, folder 7

Istanbul, 1997

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes postcard.
box 188, folder 9

60 [birthday] Leontina, Kunsthaus Zürich, 1998

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes letter.

Brussels, Austria, 1998

box 70, folder 20

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 188, folder 10

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 70, folder 21

Venice foto Klemm, 1999

Physical Description: 1 items
box 70, folder 22

With Una, 1999

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains note from Angelika Platen.
box 188, folder 11

Istanbul, Sept., 1999

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 189, folder 1

Kommissaresiktung, 1999

Physical Description: 2 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 189, folder 2

Piazza Beuys, Bolognano, 1999

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Cotnains color photograph.
box 189, folder 4

Foto Stappert, 1999

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes letter to Szeeemann from Stappert.
box 189, folder 5

Kunsthalle Krems, 1999

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes lecture announcement and correspondence between Szeemann and Carl Aigner.
box 70, folder 26

Maria Vill foto, 1999

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes three letters to Szeemann from Maria Vill.
box 189, folder 7

Maldives, 1999

Physical Description: 3 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 70, folder 27

Vern. Teiggenen Kunsthaus Züurich, 2000

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter from James Gadliger.
box 189, folder 8

Mexico Magney Co., 2000

Physical Description: 4 items
box 189, folder 9

Jolles abend, 2000

Physical Description: 6 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes invitation to the event.
box 190, folder 1

Max Beckman Prize, 2000

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes correspondence between Szeemann and Kalus.
box 190, folder 2

Ausstellung Toskana, Kunsthaus Zürich, 2000

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes letter to Szeemann from Max Kopp. Contains color photographs.
box 190, folder 3

IKT Edinburgh, 2000

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes letter to Szeemann from Caroline David.
box 190, folder 4

Labin, 2000

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph. Includes color reproduction.
box 70, folder 29

Kuratorinkatalog, kalender, 2001

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains calender.
box 190, folder 10

Valenica Biennale, 2001

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes business card.
box 190, folder 11

Kassel, Documenta 5 [memorial], 2001

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Includes letter to Szeemann from Hans Mangold.
box 191, folder 1

Maastricht, 2002

Physical Description: 9 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and includes color reproductions.
box 191, folder 2

Schweizer Illustrierte, 2002

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph. Includes color reproductions.
box 191, folder 4

[Birthday ?] kronenhalle, 2002

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 191, folder 5

Victor Hugo, 2002

Physical Description: 7 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and slide.
box 191, folder 6

Vira, 2003

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs.
box 70, folder 31

Photocopies, 1963-1968

Physical Description: 136 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies of photographs with typed captions.

Unidentified and assorted, 1972, 2004, undated

Unidentified and assorted

Scope and Contents note

box 60, folder 9-10

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 43 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard photograph. Includes photocopies of photographs.
box 180, folder 4-5

Black-and-white negatives and color photograph

Physical Description: 91 items
box 217, item D3

Compact disc

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

CD-R disc with one image of poster for Monte Verità exhibition, 1978, and two images of a handbag with mermaid design and inscription "Hollywood."


Computer files are unavailable until reformatted.

Artists, Series IV.B. 1892-2007, bulk 1960-1999 1960-1999

Physical Description: 33.2 Linear Feet(98 boxes and 1 flatfile)

Scope and Contents note

This subseries contains more than 17,000 items and consists primarily of photographs of artists and artworks, but also includes images of other cultural figures and groupings of photographs by art genre. Szeemann exhibited work by many, but not all of the artists in the subseries; the exhibition titles are referenced when they were identified by Szeemann. (See Subseries IV.A. for more photographic documentation of exhibitions.) Among the artists who are particularly well represented in this subseries are: Joseph Beuys, James Lee Byars, Michael Heizer, Edward Kienholz, Piotr Kowalski, Wolfgang Laib, Mario Merz, Otto Muehl, Hermann Nitsch, Claes Oldenburg, Sigmar Polke, Royden Rabinowitch, Markus Raetz, Armand Schulthess, Richard Serra, Kieth Sonnier, Niele Toroni, Cy Twombly and Ben Vautier.

Arrangement note

The arrangement of files reflects Szeemann's original organization of the material alphabetically by name or topic. Materials that were previously unfiled have been integrated into the original order whenever possible.
box 83, folder 1

Assorted A, 1962-1970, undated

Assorted A

Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides. Includes work by Josef Albers; Antonakos; Keith Arnatt; Chuck Arnoldi; Art Workers Coalition.

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 2

Abad, Antoni, 1995

Abad, Antoni

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 3

Abdel Nasser, Gamal, undated

Abdel Nasser, Gamal

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photograph.

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 4

Abdessemed, Adel, 1995-1999

Abdessemed, Adel

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 1

Abramovic, Marina, 1973-1975

Abramovic, Marina

Physical Description: 12 items

Scope and Contents note


Acconci, Vito, 1972

Acconci, Vito

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 2

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains duplicates. Contains four Burkhard photographs.
box 83, folder 5

Color slides

Physical Description: 1 item
box 83, folder 6

Ackermann, Rita, 1997-1998

Ackermann, Rita

Physical Description: 14 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 7

Adilon, Blaise, undated

Adilon, Blaise

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Scope and Contents note


Adrian, Robert, 1985

Adrian, Robert

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 3

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Also contains reproductions of photographs; artist statement and biography printed by gallery; exhibition lists; object description for Spiral; manuscript Artists and Models.
box 83, folder 8

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items

Aellen: Archive Burkhard, 1965

Aellen: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 4

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 2 items
box 83, folder 9

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 10 items
box 1, folder 5

Aeschlimann, Richard, undated

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 10

Ahriman, Nader, undated

Ahriman, Nader

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Scope and Contents note


Ahtila, Eija-Liisa, undated

Ahtila, Eija-Liisa

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 11

Color photographs

Physical Description: 3 items
box 843*, folder 23


Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

Contains four color photographs adhered to a sheet.
box 83, folder 12

Ai, Weiwei, 1996-1999

Ai, Weiwei

Physical Description: 13 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and color slides.

Scope and Contents note


Aláez, Ana Laura, 1990-1999

Aláez, Ana Laura

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 6


Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains exhibition announcements; clipping.
box 83, folder 13

Color photographs and transparencies

Physical Description: 28 items

Scope and Contents note

Includes seven color reproductions.
box 1, folder 7

Aloïse, 1992


Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains duplicates.

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 14

Altenburger, Stefan, 1996-1998

Altenburger, Stefan

Physical Description: 23 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color slides.

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 8

Althaus, Peter F., undated

Althaus, Peter F.

Physical Description: 1 items

Scope and Contents note


Altorfer, Esther: Archive Burkhard, 1992

Altorfer, Esther: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 9

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains duplicates.
box 83, folder 15

Black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 2 items
box 1, folder 10

Amen, Woody van, 1968

Amen, Woody van

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note

box 83, folder 16

Amer, Ghada, 1996

Amer, Ghada

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains transparency and color slides.

Scope and Contents note

box 84, folder 1

Ammann, Jean Christophe, circa 1972

Ammann, Jean Christophe

Physical Description: 3 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs and slides.

Scope and Contents note


Anatol: Documenta 5, 1972

Anatol: Documenta 5

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 11

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains duplicates. Contains two Burkhard photographs.
box 84, folder 2

Color slides

Physical Description: 1 item
box 1, folder 12

Andersen, Eric: Happening & Fluxus, 1970-1971

Andersen, Eric: Happening & Fluxus

Physical Description: 4 items

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 13

Anderson, Laurie, 1981

Anderson, Laurie

Physical Description: 1 item

Scope and Contents note


Andre, Carl, 1967-1971

Andre, Carl

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 14

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 8 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Shunk photograph. Also contains exhibition announcement; reproductions of photographs.
box 84, folder 3

Other photographic formats

Physical Description: 10 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs, color transparencies, slides and black-and-white negatives.
box 84, folder 4

Andrić, Nenad, 2000

Andric, Nenad

Physical Description: 5 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains color photographs. Also includes letter from Andrić to Szeemann.

Scope and Contents note


Anselmo, Giovanni

Anselmo, Giovanni

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 14A

Black-and-white photographs, 1969, undated

Physical Description: 5 items
box 84, folder 5

Color slides, 1969

Physical Description: 3 item

Live in Your Head: When Attitudes Become Form, 1969

box 1, folder 15

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 27 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains duplicates. Contains 18 Shunk photographs.
box 84, folder 6

Color transparencies

Physical Description: 2 items
box 219, folder 1


Physical Description: 3 items

Appia, Adolphe, 1892-1928

Appia, Adolphe

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 16

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 12 item

Scope and Contents note

Includes photocopied object descriptions; typescript from Tendency towards the Gesamtkunstwerk catalog.
box 84, folder 7

Color slides and transparencies

Physical Description: 18 items

Scope and Contents note

Contains one Burkhard transparency.

Arakawa, Shusaku: Archive Burkhard, undated

Arakawa, Shusaku: Archive Burkhard

Scope and Contents note

box 1, folder 17

Black-and-white photographs

Physical Description: 1 items
box 84, folder 8

Color polaroid and black-and-white negatives

Physical Description: 7 items
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