Dean Prager's daily planner. 1982.
Prager memos. 1982-1983.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1982-1983.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1983 August-1984 July.
Dean Prager - memos. 1984-1987.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1984 August-1985 July.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1985 August-1986 May.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1986 June-December.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1987 January-June.
Dean Prager - correspondence. 1987 August-1988 January.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1988 June-1989 July.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1989 August-1990 May.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1990 June-1991 May.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1991 June-1993 February.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1993 March-1995 January.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1995 February-1996 May.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1996 June-1997 December.
Dean Prager - chronological files. 1998 January-June.
Affirmative Action/Admissions "Short Term Committee." 1987.
Computers/library. 1988.
Latin American Studies. 1986-1989.
Faculty Council Retreats - Retreat on Innovation, Retreat on Law & Medicine. 1988-1989.
UCLA Clinical Scholars Program refunding report. 1988.
Philosophy of Property - Munzer Conference proposal. 1996.
Placement Office - anti-discrimination. 1982-1987.
Public Interest Committee. 1989-1990.
Summer Program. 1990.
Teaching assistants. 1984-1991.
USC/Tel Aviv University/UCLA Trilateral Conference proposals. 1984-1985.
UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1979-1983.
UCLA Law (magazine). 1978 Winter-1983 Fall.
UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1984-1991.
UCLA Law (magazine). 1984 Winter-1991 Fall.
UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1992-1995.
UCLA Law (magazine). 1993 Summer-1996 Spring.
UCLA School of Law - bulletins. 1996-1999.
UCLA Law (magazine). 1996 Fall-2001 Fall.
3rd Annual Conference of Asian American Law Faculty. 1996 September.
Bernard Witkin medal committee/State Bar. 1994-1996.
Bork nomination hearings. Senator Biden. 1987.
California Minority Council racial/diversity awards. 1992-1997.
Law school admissions. 1995-1998.
Olin program in law and economics. 1984-1985.
Olympics at UCLA. 1984 July 29-1984 August 11.
Order of the Barristers. 1987-1993.
Library responsibility centered management. 1996.
Mandatory continuing legal education. 1987-1993.
Moot Court tournament. 1981-1998.
National Black Law Student Association. 1988-1989.
Responsibility centered management. 1996.
Melville Nimmer lecture series. 1987-1997.
Nimmer lecture law review articles. 1986-1994.
Master's degree in international law and policy committee. 1997-1998.
Student fee advisory committee. 1983-1989.
AALS workshop on minorities in legal education. 1989 September 07-09.
ABA task force on law schools and the profession. 1992.
Advisory committee. 1982-1983.
Chancellor's conference on undegraduate education. 1992 April 24-26.
Chancellor's retreat - Arrowhead. 1992 November 13-15.
Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic - Endowment proposal. 1998.
NAFTA symposium. 1993 November 05.
Law Library files. 1984-1997.
General commencement speech file. 1980-2006.
Speech files. 1983-2005.
Student group files. 1979-1997.
Admissions files. c.1982-1997.
Committee files. 1981-1998.
Bar exam - Diversity issues. 1987-1988.
Career services / Placement Office. 1985-1996.
Clerkship application / hiring interview issue. 1983-1985, 1990-1998.
Congratulatory letters. 1977-1979.
Congratulatory letters for appointment to Dean. 1982.
Funding / student organizations. 1988-1995.
JAG files. 1982-1991.
Building addition - Sacremento hearing (April 1984). 1983-1984.
Building addition 1984 legislative meeting. 1983.
Student groups. 1988-1990.
Admissions / Office of Civil Rights complaint. 1992, 1997-1999.
Discrimination case. 1997-1998.
Faculty file. 1973-1987.