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Finding Aid for the Law School. Office of the Dean. Susan Westerberg Prager Files. 1967-2001.
University Archives Record Series 742  
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Box 1, Folder 1

Dean Prager's daily planner. 1982.

Box 1, Folder 2

Prager memos. 1982-1983.

Box 1, Folders 3-15

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1982-1983.

Box 2, Folders 1-12

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1983 August-1984 July.

Box 2, Folders 13

Dean Prager - memos. 1984-1987.

Box 3, Folders 1-12

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1984 August-1985 July.

Box 4, Folder 1-9

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1985 August-1986 May.

Box 5, Folders 1-7

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1986 June-December.

Box 6, Folders 1-6

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1987 January-June.

Box 7, Folders 1-6

Dean Prager - correspondence. 1987 August-1988 January.

Box 7, Folders 7-11

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1987 July, 1988 February-May.

Scope and Contents note

Chronological files contain outgoing correspondence.
Box 8, Folders 1-14

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1988 June-1989 July.

Box 9, Folders 1-10

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1989 August-1990 May.

Box 10, Folders 1-12

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1990 June-1991 May.

Box 11, Folders 1-21

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1991 June-1993 February.

Box 12, Folders 1-23

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1993 March-1995 January.

Box 13, Folders 1-16

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1995 February-1996 May.

Box 14, Folders 1-19

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1996 June-1997 December.

Box 15, Folders 1-6

Dean Prager - chronological files. 1998 January-June.

Box 16, Folders 1-12

American Association of Law Schools (AALS) files. 1984-1987.

Scope and Content

Files include correspondence, meeting arrangements, committee documents, information on the Arko lawsuit, and general files.
Box 17, Folders 1-9

American Association of Law Schools (AALS) files. 1984-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding AALS committees, long range planning, minority issues, and Dean Prager's presidency.
Box 18, Folders 1-6

American Association of Law Schools (AALS) files. 1981-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding AALS committees.
Box 19, Folders 1-13

American Association of Law Schools (AALS) files. 1985-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding AALS committees, journals, workshops, and conferences.
Box 20, Folders 1-3

California Bar Exam files. 1983-1988.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding examiners, passage statistics, and the 1988 annual meeting.
Box 20, Folders 4-7

Law School Council files. 1987-1989.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding meetings.
Box 21, Folder 1

Affirmative Action/Admissions "Short Term Committee." 1987.

Box 21, Folders 2-4

International Studies and Overseas Programs (ISOP) files. 1984-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding an ISOP FTE and ISOP Executive Committee meetings.
Box 21, Folder 5

Computers/library. 1988.

Box 21, Folder 6

Latin American Studies. 1986-1989.

Box 22, Folders 1-2

Faculty Council Retreats - Retreat on Innovation, Retreat on Law & Medicine. 1988-1989.

Box 22, Folder 3

UCLA Clinical Scholars Program refunding report. 1988.

Box 22, Folders 4-7

Legal Research and Writing. 1989-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding courses, reviews, and student surveys.
Box 23, Folders 1-4

Legal Research and Writing. 1971-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Contains files regarding faculty surveys and resource materials.
Box 23, Folder 5

Philosophy of Property - Munzer Conference proposal. 1996.

Box 23, Folder 6

Placement Office - anti-discrimination. 1982-1987.

Box 23, Folder 7

Public Interest Committee. 1989-1990.

Box 23, Folder 8

Summer Program. 1990.

Box 23, Folder 9

Teaching assistants. 1984-1991.

Box 23, Folder 10

USC/Tel Aviv University/UCLA Trilateral Conference proposals. 1984-1985.

Box 24, Folder 1

UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1979-1983.

Box 24, Folders 2-4

UCLA Law (magazine). 1978 Winter-1983 Fall.

Box 25, Folder 1

UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1984-1991.

Box 25, Folders 2-4

UCLA Law (magazine). 1984 Winter-1991 Fall.

Box 26, Folder 1

UCLA School of Law - announcements. 1992-1995.

Box 26, Folders 2-3

UCLA Law (magazine). 1993 Summer-1996 Spring.

Box 27, Folders 1-2

UCLA School of Law - bulletins. 1996-1999.

Box 27, Folders 3-5

UCLA Law (magazine). 1996 Fall-2001 Fall.

Box 28, Folder 1

3rd Annual Conference of Asian American Law Faculty. 1996 September.

Box 28, Folder 2

Admissions catalog. 1992.

Scope and Contents note

Format discussions.
Box 28, Folder 3

Bernard Witkin medal committee/State Bar. 1994-1996.

Box 28, Folder 4

Bork nomination hearings. Senator Biden. 1987.

Box 28, Folder 5

California Minority Council racial/diversity awards. 1992-1997.

Box 28, Folder 6

Law school admissions. 1995-1998.

Box 28, Folders 7-8

Olin program in law and economics. 1984-1985.

Box 28, Folder 9

Olympics at UCLA. 1984 July 29-1984 August 11.

Box 28, Folder 10

Order of the Barristers. 1987-1993.

Box 29, Folder 1

Library responsibility centered management. 1996.

Box 29, Folder 2

Mandatory continuing legal education. 1987-1993.

Box 29, Folders 3-6

Moot Court tournament. 1981-1998.

Box 29, Folder 7

National Black Law Student Association. 1988-1989.

Box 29, Folder 8

Responsibility centered management. 1996.

Box 30, Folders 1-11

Melville Nimmer lecture series. 1987-1997.

Box 30, Folder 12

Nimmer lecture law review articles. 1986-1994.

Box 31, Folders 1-2

Master's degree in international law and policy committee. 1997-1998.

Box 31, Folders 3-5

Student fee advisory committee. 1983-1989.

Box 32, Folder 1

AALS workshop on minorities in legal education. 1989 September 07-09.

Box 32, Folder 2

ABA task force on law schools and the profession. 1992.

Box 32, Folder 3

Advisory committee. 1982-1983.

Box 32, Folder 4

Chancellor's conference on undegraduate education. 1992 April 24-26.

Box 32, Folder 5

Chancellor's retreat - Arrowhead. 1992 November 13-15.

Box 32, Folder 6

Frank G. Wells Environmental Law Clinic - Endowment proposal. 1998.

Box 32, Folders 7-8

NAFTA symposium. 1993 November 05.

Box 33, Folders 1-28

Law Library files. 1984-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Mainly includes files regarding plans to expand in the library: one plan explored between 1984-1987, and the other between 1989-1992, coming into fruition in 1998. Also includes files regarding budget, hiring, a partnership with the East Asian Library, and a reorganization of the library. Files contain correspondence, reports, charts, notes, meeting minutes, budgets, and maps.
Box 34, Folders 1-22

General commencement speech file. 1980-2006.

Scope and Contents note

Includes commencement speeches by Prager and other speakers, as well as correspondence, notes, and invitations to speakers. Commencement speakers during Dean Prager's tenure include Rose Elizabeth Bird (1986), Malcolm L. Lucas (1987), John A. Arguellas (1988), Justice Harry Blackmun (1989), Jesse Jackson (1990 and 1997), Loudres G. Baird (1991), Ronald M. George (1992), Gloria Allred (1993), Derrick A. Bell, Jr. (1994), Janet Reno (1995), and Alex Kozinski (1996).
Box 34, Folders 23-30

Law Library files. 1995-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes files regarding the Law School's fundraising campaign for the library addition. Files contain correspondence, guest lists, notes, reports, invitations, drafts of speeches, and statistics.
Box 34, Folders 31-41

Orientation file. 1982-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, notes, background data, and schedules for new student orientations.
Box 34, Folders 42-48

Student group commencement speech file. 1995-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Speeches, notes, correspondence, and programs for commencement ceremonies of the Black Law Students Association and La Raza.
Box 37, Folders 1-6

Correspondence file. 1972-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes a general correspondence file, a "tickler" file of humorous correspondence, letters from alumni, responses to Prager's decision to step down as Dean, and responses to Prager's attempt to become Chancellor of UCLA in 1997.
Box 37, Folders 7-12

Research files. 1979-1989.

Scope and Contents note

Corresondence, notes, clippings, and drafts of articles. Includes files on family law, community property, affirmative action (Corson Case), and the Bork Nomination to the Supreme Court.
Box 37, Folders 13-73

Speech files. 1983-2005.

Scope and Contents note

Files for individual speeches given by Prager. Files arranged chronologically. Includes speeches, notes, and publicity from events. Includes speeches given at both UCLA and non-UCLA events. Other information regarding events attended by Prager may be found in the "Event files" and the "Alumni files."
Box 37, Folders 74-86

Student group files. 1979-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes files for Asian/Pacific Law Students, Black American Law Student Association (BALSA), Committee on Gay and Lesbian Issues, La Raza, Mexican American organizations, Student Bar Association, correspondence, and student group law journals (e.g., Black Law Journal and La Raza). Includes correspondence, notes, and proposals.
Box 38, Folders 1-15

Admissions files. c.1982-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes files on Affirmative Action, diversity groups, application fees, and scholarships. Files contain correspondence, notes, and reports. 12 of the folders contain documents from 1994-1997 regarding Affirmative Action legislation within California. For files relateed to Affirmative Action, see also the Admissions Committee folder within the Committee file and "Bar exam - Diversity issues." Folders within this file are titled: Admissions and recruiting - Diversity groups (c. 1982), Admissions - Application fee issue (1994-1996), Admissions - Berman memo (1990), Admissions - Affirmative Action (1995-1996), Admissions Policy - La Raza (1987-1988), Admissions Policy - Alumni Response (1996), Admissions Task Force Report (1996), Anti-Affirmative Action (1985-1996), Regents Affirmative Action, Affirmative Action (1997), Affirmative Action - Prop 187 / Law School response (1994), Affirmative Action publicity file (1995-1996), Regents decision / Affirmative Action (1995), Affirmative Action legislation (1995), and Scholarships - Post Prop 209 policies.
Box 38, Folders 16-41

Committee files. 1981-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Files for committees Prager sat on as Dean. Committee files include: Academic Administrative Discipline, Academic Support Committee, Admissions Commitee (includes State of the School folder), Advisory Committee, Campaign Planning Committee, Curriculum Committee, Committee Rosters, Externship Committee, Feasibility of Privitizing a Law School, Law Library Committee, Legal Research and Writing, Placement Committee, Project on Judicial Independence, Skills Training Committee, Standards Committee, Street Law Program, Student Affairs Committee, Visiting Scholars Committee.


Folders 16 and 17 are RESTRICTED. Please see University Archivist for further information.
Box 40, Folders 1-20

Alumni files. 1980-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes files on alumni awards, relations, fundraising, and events. Files contain correspondence, mailings, planning documents, notes, and guests lists.
Box 40, Folders 21-24

Bar exam - Diversity issues. 1987-1988.

Scope and Contents note

Contains correspondence and notes regarding attempts to increase academic standards at the School of Law in order to improve student performance on the bar exam. This policy drew protest, including a demonstration on April 28, 1987 that involved the arrest of 20 UCLA students. For diversity issues concerning admissions, see Admissions file and Admissions Committee folder within committee file.
Box 40, Folders 25-26

Bar exam - Diversity issues. 1984-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Contains correspondence, reports, and notes regarding implementation of increases to academic standards aimed at improving performance on the California bar exam.
Box 40, Folder 27

Bar exam - Faculty comments. 1989-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence and faculty comments regarding the clarity and fairness of specific questions on the California bar exam.
Box 40, Folder 28

Bar exam - General. 1984-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Contains correspondence and clippings regarding the formulation of standards for the California bar exam.
Box 40, Folder 29

Bar exam - Jordan study. 1983-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes, correspondence, and reports regarding Robert L. Jordan's report about factors related to success on the bar exam.
Box 40, Folder 30

Bar exam - National Conference of Examiners. 1986.

Scope and Contents note

Corresondence, notes, and a draft of a report regarding the effectiveness of bar exams. The conference was held on April 18, 1986 by an organization affiliated with the American Bar Association.
Box 40, Folders 31-37

Event files. 1967-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Events includes Senate hearing, China trip, Entertainment Law Symposium (1985), awards ceremony, and retirement speech. Files contain correspondence, testimony by Prager, reports, itineraries, and notes.
Box 41, Folder 1

Bar exam - Proposals. 1986.

Scope and Contents note

Contains two proposals made to Dean Prager about how to improve the bar exam.
Box 41, Folder 2

Bar exam - Statistics. 1971-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Corresondence and reports regarding the rate of passage by UCLA law students.
Box 41, Folder 3

Bar of California - Commission on Lawyering Skills. 1991-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, reports, notes, and the proposal for a commission on lawyering skills.
Box 41, Folders 4-8

Bar swearing-in. 1993-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, programs, speeches, ceremony scripts, and annotated photocopies about honorees and new judges.
Box 41, Folder 9

Budget file. 1982-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes notes, report, and correspondence regarding Law School budget.
Box 41, Folder 10

Building maintenance. 1983-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, reports, drawings, and facilities requests.
Box 41, Folder 11

Building scope visit on October 3, 1990. 1990 October-November.

Scope and Contents note

Includes meeting agenda, correspondence, notes, and reports.
Box 41, Folder 12

California Commission on Campaign Reform. 1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, agendas, and reports by the Commission.
Box 41, Folders 13-16

Career services / Placement Office. 1985-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, lists of placements, and statistics about graduates. One folder contains correspondence and a petition regarding March 1995 U.S. News and World Report rankings of American law schools. The primary discussion regards placement.
Box 41, Folder 17

Catherine Wheat Trust. 1983-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, declaration of trust, and summary of instrument.
Box 41, Folder 18

Chicana/o Studies - Additional Issues. 1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and statements regarding student protest on May 11, 1993. Protests surrounded the decision not to grant full department status to Chicano Studies.
Box 41, Folders 19-20

Clerkship application / hiring interview issue. 1983-1985, 1990-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and notes regarding the hiring of judicial clerks. In order to ensure fairness in the process, the American Association of Law Schools (AALS) and the Judicial Conference of the United States instituted guidelines discussed at length in the file.
Box 41, Folder 21

Clerkships. 1988-1997 [Bulk 1994-1995].

Scope and Contents note

Includes corresondence, notes, report, memoranda, and lists of placements.
Box 41, Folder 22

Clinical program - Environmental Law program. 1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memo, statement of goals and objectives, and list of affiliated faculty.
Box 41, Folder 23

Clinical program - general. 1983-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, proposals, course descriptions, and publicity.
Box 41, Folder 24

Clinical program / MTA case. 1995.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondents regarding law suit against MTA in which the Clinical Education Program served as co-counsel for the plaintiffs.
Box 41, Folders 25-26

Clinical program / public counsel. 1988-1995.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, report, and proposal for Public Interest Law Institute.
Box 41, Folders 27-28

Communications law. 1981-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, agendas, notes, and conference programs for program in communications law.
Box 41, Folder 29

Communications law - review and termination. 1990-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and reports regarding the continuance of the Communicaitons Law Program.
Box 41, Folder 30

Communications law journal. 1977-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and reports on Federal Communications Law Journal, with which the UCLA School of Law was affiliated.
Box 41, Folder 31

Communications law reports. 1976-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Contains annual reports for the Communications Law Program for 1976, 1984, and 1986.
Box 41, Folder 32

Communications law roundtable (April 1986). 1980-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, agendas, proposal, and notes for 1986 roundtable.
Box 42, Folder 1

Computer lab. 1986-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, budget, and reports regarding School of Law computer lab.
Box 42, Folder 2

Computer services. 1990-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, reports, and proposals regarding computer hardware, infrastructure, and student access to digital information resources.
Box 42, Folder 3

Conferences. 1986-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, proposals, and publicity for conferences put on by the School of Law.
Box 42, Folder 4

Congratulatory letters. 1977-1979.

Box 42, Folders 5-7

Congratulatory letters for appointment to Dean. 1982.

Box 42, Folder 8

Contests and awards. 1983-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence regarding UCLA law students receiving awards.
Box 42, Folder 9

Convenio. 1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and agreement from conference between the law schools for Universidad Panamerica, Universidad Bonaterra, and UCLA.
Box 42, Folder 10

Corporate Dispute Resolution Institute (November 21-22, 1985). 1985-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, publicity, and plannind documents for Institute.
Box 42, Folder 11

Council on Academic Peronnel retreat (September 26, 1991). 1991.

Scope and Contents note

Includes agenda, correspondence, and notes about review process and other topics.
Box 42, Folder 12

David Bernard Memorial Fund. 1979-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, publicity, reports, and copy of agreement to establish foundation.
Box 42, Folders 13-23

Dean's Dinner. 1985-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, speeches, guest lists, and notes. File includes documents for each dinner between 1985 and 1996, except 1995.
Box 42, Folder 24

Director of Development search. 1984-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and notes regarding search.
Box 42, Folder 25

Diversity hiring. 1986-1989.

Scope and Contents note

Includes ephemera and correspondence regarding diversity in the hiring of law school faculty.
Box 42, Folder 26

Donald G. Hagman Commemorative Program. 1982-1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and publicity for program concerning law and public policy.
Box 42, Folder 27

Donald G. Hagman Memorial. 1982.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, and proposal for memorial fund.
Box 42, Folder 28

Drown Award Ceremonies - Dean's remarks. 1995-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes agenda and correspondence.
Box 42, Folder 29

Entertainment Law Journal. 1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, financial report, and list of editorial staff.
Box 42, Folder 30

Environmental Law Society / Journal. 1982-1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and request for funding (for journal). Materials concern the publication of a journal on environmental law and policy and an Environmental Law program.
Box 42, Folder 31

Equipment / furniture improvements. 1985-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda and facilities improvement requests.
Box 42, Folder 32

Estate Planning Institute. 1983-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and publicity for an annual seminar called the Estate Planning Institute. The program was organized by the UCLA School of Law and the California Continuing Education of the Bar.
Box 42, Folder 33

Estate planning seminar. 1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, and handouts for an estate planning seminar attended by Dean Prager and School of Law Alumni.
Box 42, Folder 34

Faculty file - faculty input. 1982.

Scope and Contents note

Includes responses to Dean Prager's request for suggestions from School of Law faculty when she began service as Dean.
Box 42, Folder 35

Funding / student organizations. 1988-1995.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and notes regarding funding requests by student organizations including Black Law Student Association (BLSA), Public Interest Law Foundation (PILF), Asian / Pacific Island Law Student Association (APILSA), and Chicano-Latino Law Review
Box 42, Folder 36

Gann Initiative. 1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, statements by Prager and Chancellor Young, and memoranda regarding the Gann Initiative, which seeks to cap the salaries of state emplyees and those contracted by the State.
Box 43, Folder 1

Graduate program / visiting scholars. 1989-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda and report by Arthur Rossett.
Box 43, Folder 2

Graduate programs - LL. M. in Taxation. 1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and poroposal for program.
Box 43, Folder 3

Graduate programs - LL.M. 1984-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, report, and publicity for LL. M. program.
Box 43, Folder 4

Ground breaking ceremony - Clinical Wing (October 15, 1987). 1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and guest list.
Box 43, Folder 5

Hiring freeze. 1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda concerning hiring freeze in Fall of 1990.
Box 43, Folder 6

IBM grant of computer lab. 1986-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, proposal, and report regarding improvements to School of Law's computer lab.
Box 43, Folder 7

Information resources task force. 1985-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspodnence and memoranda regarding changes with the Law Library.
Box 43, Folder 8

Institute for Corporate Counsel. 1995-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence regarding the School of Law's partnership with the Institute of Corporate Counsel.
Box 43, Folder 9

International and Comparative Law Program. 1983-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes publicity, memoranda, and statement of goals.
Box 43, Folder 10

International Law Symposium. 1995-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, budget, and proposals. Includes symposia regarding environmental law, Middle Eastern politics, and the entertainment industry and international trade law.
Box 43, Folders 11-19

JAG files. 1982-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, clippings, annotated copy of Principles and Standards for Law Placement and Recruiting Activities (by National Association for Law Placement), survey of law schools regarding JAG recruiting, meeting minutes, statements regarding UC Non-Descrimination Policy, petitions, and file on Watkins case. JAG recruiters were banned from University recruiting events based on the U.S. Military's policy regarding homosexuals. This ban was enforced by the UC's Non-Discriminaion Policy. Corrspondents include President David Gardnern (University of California), General Hugh Claussen, Chancellor Charles Young, and Richard Aldrich.
Box 43, Folder 20

Law and Poverty Group - UCLA Institute. 1988-1989.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda, correspondence, and proposals for social change in law. Proposed programs were to be funded by the Ford Foundation.
Box 43, Folders 21-22

Law Review. 1986-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and policies regarding the operation of the UCLA Law Review.
Box 43, Folder 23

Law Review. 1989-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and agreements (with Westlaw and Lexsee).
Box 43, Folder 24

Law Review - James Lindgren matter. 1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, memoranda, and draft of submission by Lindgren. File contains documents related to the Law Review's decision not to publish the Lindgren submission.
Box 43, Folder 25

Law Review license agreements. 1967-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and policies regarding copyright agreements between the Review and authors. Also includes various versions of the actual agreement.
Box 43, Folder 26

Law Review symposia. 1991-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes publicity, notes, and correspondence.
Box 43, Folder 27

Law School Admissions Council. 1990-1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and a report about minority law shcool applicants.
Box 43, Folder 28

Law School Council - Committee of Bar Examiners, State Bar of California. 1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and meeting agenda.
Box 43, Folder 29

Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition. 1982-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes corresondence and press releases regarding the Nathan Burkan Memorial Competition, which is sponsored by the Association Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers (ASCAP).
Box 43, Folder 30

Office of Civil Rights files. 1988-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and summary of investigation filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights.
Box 43, Folder 31

Pro bono legal services. 1982-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and report about UCLA's partnership with Centro Legal de Santa Monica and Westside Legal Services for the provision of pro bono services.
Box 43, Folder 32

Public Interest Law Program. 1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes meeting minutes for the planning of Public Interest Law Program.
Box 43, Folder 33

UCLA-Alaska Law Review. 1982-1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and proposal. In 1983, the Alaska Bar Association decided to end its association with UCLA with regards to the publication of the journal.
Box 44, Folder 1

Academic support / Legal Research and Writing. 1987-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, survey, and report regarding academic support programs by the School of Law.
Box 44, Folder 2

Academic support / Legal Research and Writing, Section 5. 1984-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, grant application, and proposal for an academic support program that includes a writing intensive course.
Box 44, Folder 3

Awards, gifts, and scholarships. 1983-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence about awards and gifts won by students at the School of Law.
Box 44, Folder 4

Blankenship proposal. 1985.

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence and proposal for a program in Philanthropy and Public Interest Law.
Box 44, Folders 5-6

Building addition. 1983-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, publicity, memoranda, and proposals for a building addition that includes the construction of the Clinical Wing.
Box 44, Folder 7

Building addition - Sacremento hearing (April 1984). 1983-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Inlcudes notes, correspondence, and supporting documentation related to a hearing regarding funding the School of Law building addition. The construction of the Clinical Wing was included in the building addition.
Box 44, Folder 8

Building addition 1984 legislative meeting. 1983.

Scope and Contents note

Includes agenda, notes, memoranda, and supporting documetns for campus visit by officials from the State of California regarding the building addition. The constructin of the Clinical Wing was included in the building addition.
Box 44, Folder 9

Building issues. 1989-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda and correspondence regarding building improvements to the Law School facilities.
Box 44, Folder 10

Building lobbying. 1983-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and supporting documents related to lobbying efforts for the building addition that included the Clinical Wing.
Box 45, Folder 1

Law 340 - Independent research. 1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and student paper for research supervised by Dean Prager.
Box 45, Folder 2

Law Review Banquet. 1990 March 21.

Scope and Contents note

Includes speech and correspondence for March 1990 event.
Box 45, Folder 3

Law Women's Union. 1982-1985.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and conference materials.
Box 45, Folder 4

Lawyers' Wives of Beverly Hills Award of Merit. 1982-1984.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda.
Box 45, Folder 5

Legal Research and Writing Program. 1983-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda. Materials advocate for the creation of the program and detail changes to the program.
Box 45, Folder 6

LSAC Minority Enrollment Challenge Program. 1986.

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence and proposal for the Law School Administration Council grant program.
Box 45, Folder 7

Needs evaluation. 1985-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and budget request regarding needs for the 1986-1987 academic year.
Box 45, Folder 8

Public Interest Clearinghouse. 1992-1995.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, publicity, and proposal for support program for students who wish to pursue public interest law.
Box 45, Folder 9

Public Interest Law Foundation. 1989-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and publicity.
Box 45, Folder 10

Rebuild L.A./Los Angeles riots. 1991-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda regarding involvement of the UCLA School of Law in Rebuild L.A., an organization formed after the 1992 Los Angeles riots.
Box 45, Folder 11

School of Law - Report to the Chancellor. 1996-1997.

Scope and Contents note

Includes the April 1996 and April 1997 reports.
Box 45, Folder 12

Sensitivity issues. 1990-1992.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and notes regarding dialogue amongst students and faculty primarily pertaining to race and acceptance of diversity.
Box 46, Folder 1

Statistics. 1984-1986.

Scope and Contents note

Includes tables and correspondence regarding issues such as Bar Exam performance, library holdings, and salary.
Box 46, Folder 2

Student groups. 1988-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes meeting minutes, correspondence, and notes. Groups represented in file include American Indian Law Student Association, Entertainment Law Society, and the Law Student Division of the American Bar Association. Also includes information about journals run by UCLA law students.
Box 46, Folders 3-4

Summer program for diversity students. 1992-1995.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda, notes, and class room materials for program intended to prepare incoming students for program.
Box 46, Folder 5

Supreme Court Review. 1990-1993.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, publicity, feedback forms, budget, speech and guest list for 1993 event.
Box 46, Folder 6

University policies and procedures. 1985-1990.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda and presentation of UC budget process.
Box 46, Folder 7

University-wide Task Force on Faculty Review. 1990-1991.

Scope and Contents note

Includes, correspondence, memoranda, agenda, notes, reports (including final report by Task Force).
Box 46, Folder 8

Visiting scholars. 1983-1994.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda regarding visiting scholars.
Box 46, Folder 9

William A. Rutter Award. 1982-1996.

Scope and Contents note

Includes publicity, correspondence, speeches, and notes.
Box 47, Folders 1-2

Admissions / Office of Civil Rights complaint. 1992, 1997-1999.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, interviews, and notes regarding a complaint filed with the U.S. Department of Education Office of Civil Rights (docket number 09-97-2089). One folder contains information about UC Berkeley's 1992 conciliation agreement with the Office of Civil Rights.


This information is RESTRICTED. Please see the University Archivist for further information.
Box 47, Folder 3

Committee of Bar Examiners - Student Reports. 1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and court documents regarding student protest on April 28, 1987.


This material is RESTRICTED. Permission to view this file must be granted by Office of the Dean.
Box 47, Folder 4

Discrimination case. 1997-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes materials related to complaint filed with the Department of Education Office for Civil Rights (Docket No. 09-98-2139). Complaint regards disability discrimination.


This material is RESTRICTED. Permission to view this file must be granted by Office of the Dean.
Box 47, Folder 5

Faculty file. 1973-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes memoranda, correspondence, and notes regarding a number of faculty issues including review, allotment of faculty positions, and appointments to non-UCLA positions.


This material is RESTRICTED. Please see the University Archivist for further information.
Box 47, Folder 6

Student Affairs. 1990-1998.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, notes, and statistics. Materials regard student fees, grading standards, and other subjects impacting law students.


This folder is RESTRICTED. Please see the University Archivist for more information.
Box 47, Folder 7

Student Affairs - Disciplinary actions. 1985-1987.

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence and memoranda regarding the placement of students on academic probation.


This material is RESTRICTED. Permission to view this file must be granted by Office of the Dean.