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AMAX Office File 1961-1975

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, chronological files, memoranda and reports, arranged by internal AMAX function.
box 1, folder 1-2

General 1961-1973

Scope and Contents note

Brochures, press releases, memoranda, speeches by AMAX officers, and miscellaneous informational material about AMAX.
box 1, folder 3

AMAX Foundation 1970-1975

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, memoranda, and reports re AMAX Foundation grants for charitable purposes.
box 1, folder 4

AMAX Journal article reprints 1970-1972

box 1, folder 5

Annual meetings 1972-1974

Scope and Contents note

Annual meeting reports and preparatory materials for annual meetings.

Chronological file

Scope and Contents note

Carbon copies of letters and memoranda by Winifred Armstrong, arranged chronologically
box 2, folder 1


box 2, folder 2


box 3, folder 1


box 3, folder 2


box 4, folder 1


box 4, folder 2


box 4, folder 3


box 5, folder 1


box 5, folder 2


box 6, folder 1




Scope and Contents note

Additional correspondence is filed in the Subject File.
box 6, folder 2

General 1965-1972

box 6, folder 3

Hochschild, Harold K. (AMAX director; African American Institute chair) 1962-1974

Scope and Contents note

Includes third party correspondence forwarded from Hochschild to Winifred Armstrong or vice versa
box 6, folder 4

Hochshild, Walter 1968-1974

box 6, folder 5

Ingersoll, Jean M. 1972

box 6, folder 6

Jackson, Barbara Ward, Lady 1970

box 6, folder 7

Kennan, George F. 1967-1970

box 7, folder 1

Mikesell, Raymond F. 1971-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes typescript studies and conference papers by Mikesell.
box 7, folder 2

Munger, Edwin S. 1970

box 7, folder 3

Tore, Rose 1967-1971

box 7, folder 4

Environmental Control Conference (1970 : Denver)

Scope and Contents note

Contains the proceedings of internal AMAX conference.
box 7, folder 5

Environmental Handbook, Volume I 1972

Scope and Contents note

Internal AMAX handbook

Environmental Planning and Protection Committee (AMAX internal committee)


Internal documents. Minutes, memoranda, studies and reports

box 7, folder 6


box 7, folder 7


box 8, folder 1



Public issuances and printed matter re AMAX environmental record

box 8, folder 2


box 8, folder 3


box 8, folder 4


box 8, folder 5


box 8, folder 6


box 8, folder 7


box 8, folder 8

AMF, Inc. Environmental Report, World Wide Review 1973

box 9, folder 1-2

Kirwin Environmental Study. Reports on environmental impact of mining operations in Kirwin, Wyoming, area, made for AMAX by the Rocky Mountain Center on Environment 1973

box 9, folder 3

Litigation. Legal briefs, judicial decision and press releases re U.S. Third Circuit Court of Appeals case of Kohn vs. American Metal Climax et al., re amalgamation of Roan Selection Trust into AMAX 1971-1973

box 9, folder 4

Student employment. Correspondence, memoranda, reports and printed matter re AMAX student training programs 1966-1973

box 9, folder 5

Summary of Weekly News. Correspondence and memoranda re production and distribution of weekly press coverage bulletins by Winifred Armstrong for internal AMAX consumption 1965-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Many individual bulletins are filed in the Subject File

Subject File 1920-1995

Scope and Contents note

Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, studies, speeches, conference materials, press releases and printed matter, arranged by topic or issuing organization.
box 10, folder 1

Adela Investment Company. Correspondence, memoranda, notes, and reports 1965-1969

box 10

Africa (general)

box 10, folder 2

Conference papers 1960-1962

box 10, folder 3

Printed matter 1956-1995

box 10, folder 4

African studies programs. Correspondence, reports, newsletters and lists 1960-1974

box 10, folder 5

Agriculture. Reports, press releases, legislative bills and printed articles 1968-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on agriculture in Africa.
box 10, folder 6

Algeria. Economic reports 1970-1973


Anglo American Corporation of South Africa

box 11, folder 1

General. Memoranda, pamphlets and other printed matter 1956-1967

box 11, folder 2

Optima issues (published by the Corporation) 1973-1977

box 11, folder 3

Art and culture. Announcements, reports and press releases 1961-1974

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on African art and culture.
box 11, folder 4

Benin (Dahomey). Reports and notes 1970-1974


Botswana (Bechuanaland)


General. Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, notes, speeches, reports and printed matter

box 11, folder 5


box 11, folder 6


box 11, folder 7


box 11, folder 8


box 12, folder 1


box 12, folder 2


box 12, folder 3


box 12, folder 4


box 12, folder 5


box 12, folder 6


box 12, folder 7


box 12, folder 8

4-H Club student exchange program. Notes and reports 1972-1975

box 13, folder 1-2

Botswana RST Limited. Memoranda, reports, prospectuses and press releases 1966-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Bamangwato Concessions Limited reports.
box 13, folder 3

Burkina Faso (Upper Volta). Economic reports 1969-1970

box 13, folder 4

Burundi. Correspondence, memoranda, notes and printed matter 1962-1974

box 13, folder 5

Cameroon. Letter, press release and printed matter 1959-1975

box 13, folder 6

Canada. Memorandum and printed matter 1970-1974

box 13, folder 7

Carnegie Corporation. Carnegie Quarterly issues 1962-1974

box 13, folder 8

Central African Republic. Notes and economic report 1970-1973

box 13, folder 9

Chad. Press release and printed matter 1968-1974

box 13, folder 10

Chambers of commerce. Correspondence, memoranda and printed matter, re African-American Chamber of Commerce and other African chambers of commerce 1965-1973

box 14, folder 1

Chile. Memoranda and printed matter 1966-1974

box 14, folder 2

China. Speech and printed matter, mainly re Chinese involvement in Africa 1963-1972

box 14, folder 3

Churches. Memoranda, reports and printed matter, mainly re churches in Africa and church involvement in South Africa divestment movements 1957-1974

box 14, folder 4

Coal (general). Printed articles 1974

box 14, folder 5

Colombia. Printed matter 1970-1973

box 14, folder 6

Commission on Critical Choices for Americans. Correspondence 1974

box 14, folder 7

Conference Board. Publications re corporate foundations 1972

box 14, folder 8

Conference on Opportunities for Trade and Investment in the Developing Countries of Africa (1972 : Washington, D.C.). Meeting materials 1972

box 14, folder 9

Conferences (general). Correspondence, meeting materials and printed matter 1966-1974

box 14, folder 10

Congo (Brazzaville) (People's Republic of the Congo). Notes and memoranda 1964-1974


Congo (Democratic Republic) (Belgian Congo; Zaire). Memoranda, reports, notes, bulletins, studies, press releases and printed matter

box 14, folder 11


box 15, folder 1


box 15, folder 2

1970-1975 and undated

box 15, folder 3

Containerization. Memoranda, notes and printed matter 1968


Copper (general). Memoranda, reports, notes, bulletins, studies and printed matter

box 15, folder 4


box 15, folder 5



Corporate responsibility. Correspondence, memoranda, reports, studies and printed matter, mainly re issues of divestment from South Africa

box 15, folder 6

1966-1969. Includes working materials of Princeton University Ad Hoc Committee on University Investments

box 16, folder 1



Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)

box 16, folder 2

General 1960-1974

Scope and Contents note

Includes correspondence, notes, memoranda, studies, reports and printed matter.
drawer L04

General (cont.) 1960-1974

box 16, folder 3

Côte d'Ivoire government publications, including tourist guides 1965-1972

box 16, folder 4

Council for International Progress in Management. Memoranda and printed matter 1967-1968

box 16, folder 5

Council on Foreign Relations. Correspondence, memoranda, announcements and reports 1966-1973

box 17, folder 1

Currencies. Printed articles 1971

box 17, folder 2

Data processing. Printed article 1971

box 17, folder 3

Depreciation. Printed articles 1970

box 17, folder 4

Ditchley Foundation. Report 1971


Economy and development. Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, reports and printed matter. Includes material on the economy and development of Africa

box 17, folder 5


box 17, folder 6


box 17, folder 7



Education and training. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, bulletins, reports and printed matter. Includes material on education and training in Africa

box 17, folder 8


box 17, folder 9


box 18, folder 1


box 18, folder 2


box 18, folder 3



Ethiopia. Notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter

box 18, folder 4


box 18, folder 5

1970-1974 and undated

box 19, folder 1

European Economic Community. Reports and printed matter re European Economic Community involvement in Africa 1961-1974

box 19, folder 2

Famines. Notes, reports and printed matter 1965-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on famines in Africa
box 19, folder 3

Ford Foundation. Correspondence, notes, reports and printed matter, mainly re Ford Foundation involvement in Africa 1957-1974

box 19, folder 4

Foreign Area Fellowship Program. Memorandum and announcements 1971-1972


Foreign private investment. Correspondence, memoranda, studies, reports and printed matter. Includes material on foreign investment in Africa

box 19, folder 5


box 19, folder 6

1971-1974 and undated

box 20, folder 1

France and French Africa. Conference papers and printed matter 1955-1969

box 20, folder 2

Franklin Book Programs. Correspondence, reports and printed matter, re book publication in developing countries 1968-1974

box 20, folder 3

Gabon. Notes and printed matter 1969-1973

box 20, folder 4

Gambia. Printed matter 1962-1967

box 20, folder 5

Germany. Memoranda and printed matter 1967-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on German involvement in Africa.
box 20, folder 6

Ghana. Conference papers, press releases and printed matter 1958-1968

box 20, folder 7

Great Britain and British Africa. Correspondence, memoranda and printed matter 1955-1974

box 20, folder 8

Guinea. Press release and printed matter 1963-1971

box 20, folder 9

Guyana. Printed matter 1971-1973

box 20, folder 10

Howard University. Printed data 1970

box 20, folder 11

India. Printed matter 1961-1971

box 21, folder 1

Indians, American. Correspondence, notes and reports re Economic and Manpower Corporation job training program on the Papago Indian Reservation, Arizona 1971-1974

box 21, folder 2

Indonesia. Economic reports and printed matter 1969-1973

box 21, folder 3

Industrial Research Institute. Memorandum 1973

box 21, folder 4

Innovation Group. Journal re technology 1970

box 21, folder 5

Institute for Policy Studies. Memorandum 1967

box 21, folder 6

Institute of Current World Affairs. Bulletins re Africa 1962-1964

box 21, folder 7

Insurance. Printed article 1973

box 21, folder 8

Inter-Governmental Committee of Copper Exporting Countries (CIPEC). Memoranda and printed matter 1969-1974

box 21, folder 9

Inter-Governmental Copper Conference (1967 : Lusaka). Proceedings 1967

box 21, folder 10

Intermediate Technology Development Group. Correspondence, memoranda and reports 1965-1970.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on development in Africa.
box 21, folder 11

International African Institute. Brochures and informational data 1958

box 21, folder 12

International Association for the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience. Brochure, undated

box 22, folder 1

International Basic Economy Corporation. Correspondence, memoranda, notes and reports 1966-1973

box 22, folder 2

International Executive Service Corps. Printed article 1970

box 22, folder 3

International Institute for Environmental Affairs. Brochure 1972

box 22, folder 4

International Institute of Differing Civilizations. Informational data 1967

box 22, folder 5

International Legal Center. Informational data on projects in Africa 1967-1968

box 22, folder 6

International Management and Development Institute. Letter and brochure 1972

box 22, folder 7

International Peace Academy. Notes and brochures 1971-1973

box 22, folder 8

International statistics. Statistical data 1972

box 22, folder 9

International Voluntary Services. Letter and brochure 1972

box 22, folder 10

Italy. Printed matter 1968-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on Italian involvement in Africa.
box 22, folder 11

Japan. Printed article re Japanese involvement in Africa 1970


Kenya. Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, press releases and printed matter

box 22, folder 12


box 22, folder 13


box 22, folder 14


box 23, folder 1

1973-1974 and undated

box 23, folder 2

L. S. B. Leakey Foundation. Correspondence and brochure 1969

box 23, folder 3

Labor. Correspondence, reports and printed matter 1954-1970.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on labor in Africa.
box 23, folder 4

Law. Letter and memorandum re law in Africa 1974 and undated

box 23, folder 5

Lebanon. Notes, undated

box 23, folder 6

Lesotho (Basutoland). Correspondence, notes, memoranda and printed matter 1961-1972

box 23, folder 7

Liberation Committee for Africa. Circulars, ca. 1962



box 23, folder 8

General. Memoranda, notes and printed matter 1953-1974

box 23, folder 9

Lamco Concession Area School System. Reports 1973-1974

box 23, folder 10

Liberian government financial and economic reports 1973-1974

box 24, folder 1

Liberian Iron and Steel Corporation concession agreements 1967-1974

box 24, folder 2

Lincoln University. International management training program proposal and memoranda 1967

box 24, folder 3

Lonrho Limited. Financial data and printed matter re operations in Africa 1967-1974

box 24, folder 4

Madagascar (Malagasy Republic). Economic reports 1966-1973

box 24, folder 5

Malawi (Nyasaland). Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter 1962-1973

box 24, folder 6

Mali. Notes 1970

box 24, folder 7

Malta. Printed article 1970

box 24, folder 8

Maps of Africa and African countries 1950-1975

box 24, folder 9

Mauritania. Notes and printed matter 1965-1974

box 24, folder 10

Mauritius. Printed article 1971

box 24, folder 11

Mexico. Printed article 1972

box 24, folder 12

Mining (general). Speech and printed matter 1968-1974

box 24, folder 13

Monetary exchanges. Statistical data 1971-1973


Multinational corporations. Notes, memoranda, reports, speeches and printed matter

box 25, folder 1


box 25, folder 2


box 25, folder 3

1974-1975 and undated

box 25, folder 4

Music, African. Reports and printed matter 1956-1962


Namibia (South West Africa)


General. Correspondence, memoranda, notes, reports, bulletins, statements, press releases, conference materials, United Nations issuances, International Court of Justice issuances, South African government issuances, South African Institute of Race Relations issuances, South West Africa People's Organization issuances, South West Africa National United Front issuances, and printed matter

box 25, folder 5


box 26, folder 1-2


box 26, folder 3


box 26, folder 4


box 26, folder 5


box 26, folder 6


drawer L04

1970 (cont.)

box 27, folder 1-2


box 27, folder 3-5


box 28, folder 1


box 28, folder 2


box 28, folder 3


box 28, folder 4


box 28, folder 5


box 28, folder 6


box 28, folder 7

International Conference on South-West Africa (1966 : Oxford University). Letter, list of participants and conference papers 1966

box 28, folder 8

Kuhangua, Jacob (South West Africa People's Organization leader). Correspondence, memoranda and notes 1966-1968

box 29, folder 1

Winter, Colin (Bishop of Damaraland). Correspondence, memoranda and writings 1967-1971

box 29, folder 2

National Academy of Public Administration. Brochure 1969

box 29, folder 3

National Association of Manufacturers. Issuances and printed matter 1972

box 29, folder 4

National Council of the Churches of Christ in the U.S.A. Report re involvement in Africa and clipping 1964-1973


National Foreign Trade Council. Correspondence, memoranda, notes, speeches, declarations and convention materials. Includes material on Africa

box 29, folder 5


box 29, folder 6



National Planning Association

box 29, folder 7

Correspondence, memoranda and notes 1965-1974

box 30, folder 1

National Planning Association publications 1967-1971.

Scope and Contents note

Includes Looking Ahead newsletter issues.

working materials. Reports, conference papers and printed matter collected as research material for National Planning Association booklet by Theodore Geiger and Winifred Armstrong published in 1964

box 30, folder 2


box 30, folder 3


box 30, folder 4

1964 and undated

box 30, folder 5

Natural resources (general). Notes and printed matter 1967-1974

box 30, folder 6

New York. Clippings 1973-1975

box 30, folder 7

Newmont Mining Corporation. Correspondence, annual reports and statements re Namibia and South Africa political issues 1968-1974

box 30, folder 8

Newspapers of the world. Printed articles 1965

box 31, folder 1

Niger. Notes and printed matter 1969-1970

box 31, folder 2

Nigeria. Speeches and printed matter 1960-1974

box 31, folder 3

Ocean resources. Notes and printed matter 1969-1974

box 31, folder 4

Oil. Bulletins and printed matter 1973-1974

box 31, folder 5

O'okiep Copper Company. Notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter re mining operations in Namibia and South Africa 1968-1974

box 31, folder 6

Opportunities Industrialization Center. Correspondence 1972

box 31, folder 7

Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Pamphlets 1973-1974

box 31, folder 8

Organization of African Unity. Memorandum and pamphlet 1963-1969

box 31, folder 9

Overseas Development Council. Bulletins and pamphlets 1971-1974

box 31, folder 10

Overseas Private Investment Corporation. Handbook, press release and speech 1970-1974

box 31, folder 11

Pan African Business Center. Economic reports and brochures 1973

box 31, folder 12

Pan-African Students of America. Memoranda, journal and brochure 1968


Pan-Africanism. Notes, memoranda, reports, press releases and printed matter

box 31, folder 13


box 31, folder 14


box 31, folder 15

Partnership for Productivity. Letter 1971

box 31, folder 16

Patents. Printed article 1968

box 32, folder 1

Phelps-Stokes Fund. Correspondence, memoranda, report, speech and study re activities in Africa 1961-1974

box 32, folder 2

Portugal and Portuguese Africa. Notes, press releases and printed matter 1970-1975

box 32, folder 3

Private Agencies Cooperating Together. Brochure 1973

box 32, folder 4

Race relations (general). Notes, memoranda and printed matter 1964-1974.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on both Africa and the United States.
box 32, folder 5

Refugees (general). Bulletins, press releases and prited matter re refugees in Africa 1966-1972


Roan Antelope Copper Mines (Northern Rhodesia/Zambia)

box 32, folder 6-7

Personnel officers' handbook 1956

box 32, folder 8

Information booklet for European employees 1959


Roan Consolidated Mines Limited (Zambia)

box 33, folder 1

Annual reports 1970-1974

box 33, folder 2

Career and information booklets 1972 and undated


Roan Selection Trust Limited

box 33, folder 3

Memoranda, press release and report to shareholders re Zambian government acquisition of share in ownership 1966-1970


Publications. Annual reports, training reports and journals

box 33, folder 4


box 33, folder 5


box 33, folder 6

Rwanda. Printed matter 1961-1973

box 33, folder 7

Scandinavian Institute of African Studies. Conference papers re refugees and brochure 1966

box 33, folder 8

Scientists' Institute for Public Information. Bulletin 1971

box 33, folder 9

Selection Trust Limited. Memorandum and annual reports 1967-1973

box 33, folder 10

Senegal. Economic reports and printed matter 1962-1973


Sierra Leone. Correspondence, memoranda, reports and printed matter

box 34, folder 1


box 34, folder 2

1969-1995 and undated

box 34, folder 3

Société Internationale Financière pour les Investissements et le Développement en Afrique (SIFIDA). Correspondence, memoranda and printed matter 1969-1970

box 34, folder 4

Somalia. Press releases, speech and printed matter 1967-1974


South Africa


General. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, bulletins, speeches, conference papers, statements, press releases, United Nations issuances and printed matter. Includes material on apartheid issues

box 34, folder 5


box 34, folder 6


box 34, folder 7


box 34, folder 8


box 34, folder 9


box 35, folder 1


box 35, folder 2


box 35, folder 3


box 35, folder 4


box 35, folder 5


box 35, folder 6


box 35, folder 7


box 36, folder 1

1968 (contd.)

box 36, folder 2


box 36, folder 3


box 36, folder 4


box 36, folder 5


box 37, folder 1


box 37, folder 2


box 37, folder 3


box 37, folder 4



Buthelezi, Mangosuthu Gatsha (Zululand chief). Correspondence, notes, memoranda, statements, speeches and printed matter. Includes material on Buthelezi's visit to the United States in 1973

box 37, folder 5


box 37, folder 6-7


box 37, folder 8

1974-1975 and undated


Great Britain. Parliament. House of Commons. Expenditure Committee. Trade and Industry Sub-Committee. Investigation of wages and conditions of African workers employed by British firms in South Africa

box 38, folder 1-7

Minutes of evidence 1973

box 38, folder 3

Fifth report 1974

box 38, folder 4

Mangope, L. M. (Bothuphatswana chief minister). Correspondence, notes and memoranda 1973-1974


Mining. Printed matter

box 38, folder 5


box 38, folder 6



United States investment


General. Notes, memoranda, statistics, lists, studies and printed matter

box 38, folder 7


box 39, folder 1


box 39, folder 2

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Foreign Affairs. Subcommittee on Africa. Hearings on U.S. business involvement in southern Africa 1971

box 39, folder 3

University of Stellenbosch. Bureau for Economic Research. Printed reports 1970-1971


South African Institute of Race Relations

box 39, folder 4

Correspondence, memoranda and conference proceedings 1965-1973



box 39, folder 5


box 40, folder 1


box 40, folder 2


box 40, folder 3

Soviet bloc. U.S. Department of State studies 1961

box 40, folder 4

Sudan. Correspondence, notes, memoranda and printed matter 1962-1974


Swaziland. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter

box 40, folder 5


box 40, folder 6


box 40, folder 7

Taiwan. Printed matter 1969-1974


Tanzania (Tanganyika; Zanzibar). Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, speeches and printed matter

box 41, folder 1


box 41, folder 2


box 41, folder 3


box 41, folder 4


box 41, folder 5

1973-1978 and undated


Togo. Letter, notes and printed matter 1970-1974

box 41, folder 6

Tsumeb Corporation (Namibia). Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, board meeting materials and printed matter

box 41, folder 7


box 41, folder 8


box 42, folder 1


box 42, folder 2


box 42, folder 3

Uganda. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter 1958-1973

box 42, folder 4

United Arab Emirates. Notes and printed matter 1970-1972


United Nations


General. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, speeches and printed matter. Includes material relating to Africa

box 42, folder 5


box 42, folder 6


box 43, folder 1

1973-1978 and undated

box 43, folder 2

Decolonization issues. Printed matter 1970-1977

box 43, folder 3

United States affiliated organizations. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, speeches and printed matter 1961-1974

box 43, folder 4

United Nations. Committee on Natural Resources. Memoranda and bulletins 1971-1974

box 43, folder 5

United Nations Conference on Trade and Development. Printed matter 1968-1974


United States


General. Reports and printed matter. Includes material re U.S. involvement in Africa

box 43, folder 6


box 43, folder 7


box 44, folder 1

Economy. Printed matter 1967-1974

box 44, folder 2

United States. Department of Commerce. Publications re economies of individual countries of Africa 1956-1967

box 44, folder 3

United States. Department of State. Publications re U.S. policy in Africa 1959-1973


World Bank (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development; International Finance Corporation). Notes, memoranda, reports, speeches and printed matter

box 44, folder 4


box 44, folder 5


box 44, folder 6

Young Women's Christian Association of the U.S.A. Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports and printed matter, mainly re YWCA involvement in Africa 1963-1971


Zambia (Northern Rhodesia)


General. Notes, memoranda, bulletins, reports, studies, speeches and printed matter

box 45, folder 1


box 45, folder 2


box 45, folder 3


box 45, folder 4


box 46, folder 1


box 46, folder 2


box 46, folder 3


box 46, folder 4


box 46, folder 5


box 46, folder 6


box 46, folder 7


box 47, folder 1-2

Chaput, Michael Joseph, "Zambian State Enterprise: The Politics and Management of Nationalized Development." Typescript doctoral dissertation, Syracuse University 1971


Economy. Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, budget and statistical data and printed matter

box 47, folder 3


box 47, folder 4


box 48, folder 1

Education and training. Reports and printed matter 1958-1971.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on educational programs financed by AMAX and Roan Selection Trust.
box 48, folder 2

Fuel. Memoranda, statistics and printed matter 1966-1970

box 48, folder 3

Government. Notes, memoranda, bulletins, press releases, lists of officials and printed matter 1965-1974

box 48, folder 4

History. Printed matter 1961-1969

box 48, folder 5

Industry. Directory and prospectus 1963-1967


Investment. Memoranda, bulletins, reports, statistics and printed matter

box 48, folder 6


box 48, folder 7


box 49, folder 1

Kafue Flats development. Speech and printed matter 1963-1965

box 49, folder 2

Kapwepwe, Simon (vice president of Zambia). Memoranda and printed matter 1963-1973

box 49, folder 3

Kaunda, Kenneth (president of Zambia). Correspondence, memoranda, speeches and printed matter 1964-1973.

Scope and Contents note

Includes material on Kaunda's visit to the United States in 1970.
box 49, folder 4

Labor. Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, reports and printed matter 1956-1974

box 49, folder 5

Mindeco Limited (Zambian government-controlled mining corporation). Speeches, annual reports and other publications 1970-1972

box 49, folder 6

Mine training program for African workers. Memoranda, press releases and printed matter 1958




General. Correspondence, memoranda, bulletins, reports and printed matter

box 49, folder 7


box 50, folder 1



Mining industry yearbooks

box 50, folder 2


box 50, folder 3


box 50, folder 4



Nationalization. Memoranda, bulletins, press releases and printed matter

box 50, folder 5


box 50, folder 6


box 50, folder 7


box 51, folder 1

Nchanga Consolidated Copper Mines (Zambian government-controlled mining corporation). Memoranda, annual report and printed matter 1970-1972

box 51, folder 2

Power, Electric. Memoranda, notes, bulletins and printed matter 1966-1974

box 51, folder 3

Prain, Sir Ronald L. (chairman, Selection Trust group). Speeches and printed articles 1953-1973

box 51, folder 4

Profiles of personalities. Printed articles 1963-1969


Transportation. Notes, memoranda, bulletins, reports and printed matter. Includes material on the Tan-Zam Railway

box 51, folder 5


box 51, folder 6


box 51, folder 7


box 51, folder 8

United States banking loans. Notes, memoranda, reports and studies 1972-1973

box 51, folder 9

Unity League (organization of whites in Northern Rhodesia/Zambia). Clippings 1954


Zimbabwe (Southern Rhodesia; Rhodesia). Correspondence, notes, memoranda, reports, press releases and printed matter. Includes material on the Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland and on international sanctions against Rhodesia

box 51, folder 10


box 52, folder 1


box 52, folder 2


box 52, folder 3


box 52, folder 4


box 52, folder 5


box 52, folder 6

1974 and undated

box 52, folder 7

Miscellany. Notes, memoranda and printed matter 1959-1975


Audiovisual File 1969-1973

box 52, folder 8

Photographs 1969-1973

Scope and Contents note

Scenes associated with Botswana and Ethiopia; L. M. Mangope (Bothuphatswana chief); Matiwane Manana (South African entertainer); National Foreign Trade Council meeting.
box MC55

Sound recording from National Planning Association 1970

Physical Description: 1, 1/4 inch sound tape reel (7-inch)

2015 Incremental Materials

box 53

Material not yet described

box 54

Material not yet described

box 55

Material not yet described

box 56

Material not yet described

box 57

Material not yet described

box 58

Material not yet described

box 59

Material not yet described


2018 Incremental Materials 1950-1994

box 60

AMAX files and publications 1956-1974

box 61

AMAX files and publications 1956-1974

box 62

AMAX files and publications 1956-1974

box 63

AMAX files and publications 1956-1974

box 63

AMAX Africa A-C files 1968-1977

box 64

AMAX Africa A-C files 1968-1977

box 65

AMAX Africa A-C files 1968-1977

box 66

Assorted African reports and books 1950-1970

box 67

Assorted African reports and books 1950-1971

box 67

Assorted African materials 1960-1969

box 68

Assorted African reports and books 1950-1971

box 68

Assorted African materials 1960-1969

box 69

Assorted African materials 1960-1969

box 70

Assorted African materials 1960-1969

box 71

Assorted African materials 1950-1969

box 72

Assorted African materials 1950-1969

box 72

East/Central Africa 1960-1969

box 73

East/Central Africa 1960-1969

box 74

East/Central Africa 1960-1969

box 75

East/Central Africa 1960-1969

box 76

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 77

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 78

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 79

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 80

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 81

AMAX Files: Hana, Port Africa, and Rhodesias 1974

box 82

Trip to Africa: Notes and Materials 1971

box 83

Trip to Africa: Notes and Materials 1971

box 83

1961 Report of Conciliation Commission of Congo, Legon Observer Vol. I, Developing Bophuthatswana (South Africa), and Central African Examiner (S. Rhodesia) – magazine 1956-1979

box 84

1961 Report of Conciliation Commission of Congo, Legon Observer Vol. I, Developing Bophuthatswana (South Africa), and Central African Examiner (S. Rhodesia) – magazine 1956-1979

box 85

1961 Report of Conciliation Commission of Congo, Legon Observer Vol. I, Developing Bophuthatswana (South Africa), and Central African Examiner (S. Rhodesia) – magazine 1956-1979

box 85

International Labour Organization (ILO) Mission to Zambia 1965, University of Sussex "Crisis in Planning" Conference 1969, materials on Ethiopia, and Taylor Ostrander (Amax) materials 1959-1977

box 86

International Labour Organization (ILO) Mission to Zambia 1965, University of Sussex "Crisis in Planning" Conference 1969, materials on Ethiopia, and Taylor Ostrander (Amax) materials 1959-1977

box 87

International Labour Organization (ILO) Mission to Zambia 1965, University of Sussex "Crisis in Planning" Conference 1969, materials on Ethiopia, and Taylor Ostrander (Amax) materials 1959-1978

box 88

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 89

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 90

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 91

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 92

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 93

African publications related to Armstrong work 1955-1964

box 93

Zimbabwe Environment Organization (ZERO) pamphlets and books and materials on Tanzania, Ivory Coast, and Botswana 1989-1994

box 94

Zimbabwe Environment Organization (ZERO) pamphlets and books and materials on Tanzania, Ivory Coast, and Botswana 1989-1994

box 95

Zimbabwe Environment Organization (ZERO) pamphlets and books and materials on Tanzania, Ivory Coast, and Botswana 1989-1994

box 96

East/Central Africa 1960-1969

drawer L04

Maps 1974

box 97

Personal correspondence 1970-1979

box 97

South Africa disinvestment materials

box 97

Andreas Shipanga, Namibian nationalist, South West Africa - Namibia

box 97

Report and correspondence regarding prospective business development Institute, University of the Western Cape, South Africa 1982

box 97

International Labor Organization assignment of Winifred Armstrong in Zambia 1965

box 98

Personal correspondence (continued) 1970-1979

box 98

South Africa disinvestment materials (continued)

box 98

Andreas Shipanga, Namibian nationalist, South West Africa-Namibia (continued)

box 98

International Labor Organization assignment of Winifred Armstrong in Zambia (continued) 1965

box 99

Personal correspondence (continued) 1970-1979

box 99

USSALEP material (U.S. - South Africa Leadership Exchange program)

box 99

South Africa disinvestment materials (continued)

box 99

International Labor Organization assignment of Winifred Armstron in Zambia (continued) 1965


2019 Incremental Material 1967-2019

Scope and Contents

Includes a transcript of oral history of Winifred Armstrong conducted on March 10, 2018 by Billie Day and Sara Vogel, with accompanying timeline; background materials on South West Africa/Namibia/Amax/Newmont referenced in the oral history; articles by Winifred Armstrong on mining in Africa; note by Lydia Walker researching the Armstrong papers, with cover note by Winifred Armstrong; a few items by or about Taylor Ostrander relating to Amax operations in Botswana.
box 100, folder 1

Oral history corrected transcript and timeline 2018

box 100, folder 2-3

Papers referenced in oral history undated

box 100, folder 4

Lydia Walker notes 2019

box 100, folder 5

Winifred Armstrong articles on mining in Africa 1975-1976

box 100, folder 6

Taylor Ostrander papers relevant to Amax operations in Botswana 1967-1984