Inventory of the California Commission on the Status of Women Records
Processed by Kim Mitchell
California State Archives
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California Secretary of State. All rights reserved.
Inventory of the California Commission on the Status of Women Records
Collection number: R214
California State Archives
Office of the Secretary of State
Sacramento, California
- Processed by:
- Kim Mitchell
- Date Completed:
- November 2012
- Encoded by:
- Sara Kuzak
© 2012 California Secretary of State. All rights reserved.
Descriptive Summary
Title: California Commission on the Status of Women Records
Dates: 1965-2010
Collection number: R214
Commission on the Status of Women
Collection Size:
14 cubic feet
California State Archives
Abstract: The records of the California Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) consist of fourteen cubic feet of textual, photographic,
and audiovisual records reflecting the Commission's research and recommendations specifically on women's issues within the
state. The records date from 1965-2010.
Physical location: California State Archives
Languages represented in the collection:
Administrative Information
While the majority of the records are open for research, any access restrictions are noted in the record series descriptions.
Publication Rights
For permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the California State Archives. Permission for reproduction or publication
is given on behalf of the California State Archives as the owner of the physical items. The researcher assumes all responsibility
for possible infringement which may arise from reproduction or publication of materials from the California State Archives
Preferred Citation
[Identification of item], Commission on the Status of Women Records, R214.[series number], [box and folder number], California
State Archives, Office of the Secretary of State, Sacramento, California.
Acquisition and Custodial History
The California State Archives acquired the Commission on the Status of Women Records according to state law.
Administrative History
The California Advisory Commission on the Status of Women was established by Chapter 1378 (Statutes of 1965), for the purpose
of "developing recommendations which will enable women to make the maximum contribution to society." The recommendations
of this commission were due to the Governor by June 30, 1967. The 15 members of the Advisory Commission consisted of three
members of the Senate appointed by the Senate Committee on Rules, three members of the Assembly appointed by the Speaker,
the Superintendent of Public Instruction, the Chief of the Division of Industrial Relations, and seven public members appointed
by the Governor with the consent of the Senate. Chapter 854 (Statutes of 1967) extended the sunset date of the Commission
through June 1969. It also increased the membership to 17 commissioners, with the Senate Rules Committee and the Speaker
each appointing one public member in addition to their existing appointments. Chapter 721 (Statutes of 1969) again extended
the sunset date of the Commission, this time through June 1971. The Advisory Commission (1965-1971) was authorized to conduct
hearings, appoint an Advisory Committee of public members from a variety of backgrounds, encourage the development of local
commissions of a similar nature, and perform research in the pursuit of their final recommendations.
On August 11, 1971, Chapter 541 (Statutes of 1971) was signed by the Governor, making the Commission on the Status of Women
(CSW) a permanent agency. In addition to its existing duties, CSW was also mandated to "act as an information center on the
status of women's needs" and "develop and coordinate with [those] concerned with preventing problems brought about by the
changing roles of women, and [those who] develop programs to enable women to be fully contributing members of society." Chapter
1596 (Statutes of 1984) created the Displaced Homemaker Emergency Loan Act (DHELA), a pilot loan program administered by CSW
until 1998 (extended by Chapter 1385, Statutes of 1985, and Chapter 488, Statutes of 1995).
Neither the Advisory Commission nor CSW had any distinct organizational programs until 1981, when the work of CSW was divided
into Research and Information Services, Legislative Liaison, and Administration. These divisions remained unchanged until
1985 when the Comparable Worth Task Force and the DHELA programs were added. In 1987, the Task Force was ended, the first
three program areas were condensed into one, and DHELA was retained as a separate program. In 1999, DHELA was ended and,
as of 2012, CSW remains a single multi-functional program of Administration-Legislation-Research and Information Services.
Over the course of its lengthy history, the Commission has formed many committees, including the following: Advisory, Child
Care, Child Support/Custody, Community Involvement, Criminal Justice, Education, Employment, Executive, Health, Homemaker,
Marital Property, and Public Information. Notable task forces include those on Minority Women and Comparable Worth.
Commission Chairs
Ruth Miller, 1965-1966
Kathleen Finucane, 1967
Betty Concannon, 1968-1971
Anita Miller, 1972-1978
Betty Stephens, 1978-1980
Irene Hirano, 1980-1982
Hannah-Beth Jackson, 1982-1983
Carole Ward-Allen, 1983-1984
Dorothy Jonas, 1984-1985
Verna Dauterive, 1986-1988
Jan Hall, 1988-1990
Meg Troughton, 1990-1991
Marjorie Hansen Shaevitz, 1991-1995
Lily Ring Balian, 1995-1997
Cheryl D. Kendrick, 1997-1999
Eileen Padberg, 1999-2000
Bonnie Sloane, 2000-2001
Elmy Bermejo, 2001-2005
Holly Mitchell, 2006-2007
Lindy DeKoven, 2008-2009
Elaine Suranie, 2010-2011
Geena Davis, 2012-present
Executive Directors
Marian Ash, 1965-1967
Carolyn Heine, 1968-1974
Pamela Faust, 1975-1982
Lee Novick, 1982-1983
Margaret Almada, 1984-1985
Pat Towner, 1986-1996
Karmi Speece, 1996-1999
Iola Gold, 2000-2001
Mary Wiberg, 2001-present
Scope and Content
The records of the California Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) consist of fourteen cubic feet of textual, photographic,
and audiovisual records reflecting the Commission's research and recommendations specifically on women's issues within the
state. The records date from 1965-2010. The records are organized into sixteen record series: Meeting Files, Meeting Minutes,
Business Meeting Files, Transcripts, Hearing Files, Chronological Correspondence, Commission Publications, Publications, Reports
to the Legislature, Newsletters, Sex Equity in Education (SEEA) Regulations Files, Staff Files, Equal Rights Amendments (ERA)
Files, Laws Affecting Women, Publicity Files, and Subject Files.
As the only state agency to exclusively focus on the needs and concerns of females of all ages and backgrounds, the Commission
on the Status of Women holds a noteworthy place in the history of California. Their records reflect the diverse and complex
topics that impact women in this state while chronicling the ever-changing nature of legislative attitudes surrounding those
topics. Many series within the record group document the day-to-day activities of the Commission and its staff, such as the
Meeting Files, Meeting Minutes, Business Meeting Files, Chronological Correspondence, Staff Files, and Subject Files. Other
record series directly expose the Commission's presence in the middle of national debates and social movements to better the
lives of women. These series include the Transcripts, Hearing Files, Commission Publications, Publications, Reports to the
Legislature, Newsletters, the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Files, and the Publicity Files.
Further accruals are expected.
Indexing Terms
The following terms have been used to index the description of this collection in
the library's online public access catalog.
California. Advisory Commission on the Status of Women
California Commission on the Status of Women
Women's rights - California
R214.001, Box 1, folder 1 - Box 2, folder 5
Series 1
Meeting Files
Physical Description: 27 file folders, 2 VHS tapes
Access Information
Access to audiovisual material requires the production of use copies.
Arranged chronologically by meeting date.
Scope and Content Note
Meeting Files pertain to the meetings held by the Commission between 1965 and 2003. These files are not comprehensive, with
records of meetings missing from 1969, 1981-1995, 1997-2000, and 2002. Files include agendas, minutes, memoranda, notes,
press releases, transcripts, publications, correspondence, public testimony, background information, news clippings, and articles.
The meetings cover numerous topics of concern to the Commission such as the establishment of the Advisory Commission and the
Advisory Committee, the Equal Rights Amendment, maternity leave, child support, community property, agricultural workers,
Title IX, and prisoners. These meetings were held by a variety of Commission Committees including the Executive, Education,
Employment, Child Care, Community Involvement, Public Information, and Criminal Justice committees.
Audio/videotapes have been removed to cold storage and separation sheets are included within the file folders to indicate
R214.002, Box 2, folders 6 - 9
Series 2
Meeting Minutes
Physical Description: 4 file folders, 2 mini audio cassettes
Access Information
Access to audiovisual material requires the production of use copies.
Arranged chronologically by meeting date.
Scope and Content Note
The Meeting Minutes document the meetings held by the Commission between 1970 and 2001. These files may not comprehensively
record every meeting held by the Commission. Files include agendas, minutes, agendas, and meeting notices. The meetings
discussed such topics as the Equal Rights Amendment and domestic violence.
Audio/videotapes have been removed to cold storage and separation sheets are included within the file folders to indicate
R214.003, Box 2, folders 10-25
Series 3
Business Meeting Files
Physical Description: 16 file folders
Arranged chronologically by meeting date.
Scope and Content Note
The Business Meeting Files document the business meetings held by the Commission. These files may not include all meetings
held by the Commission. Files include agendas, minutes, memoranda, correspondence, publications, testimony, by-laws, press
releases, background information, reports, news clippings, and articles. The meetings covered such issues as homeless women,
sexual assault, faculty merit salary increases, pay equity, prisoners, and gender equity in education.
R214.004, Box 3, folder 1 - Box 4, folder 8
Series 4
Conference and Hearing Transcripts
Physical Description: 29 file folders
Arranged chronologically by date.
Scope and Content Note
Transcripts pertain to the conferences and hearings held by the Commission between 1966 and 1981, which were recorded and
transcribed. Legislative bodies involved in the hearings include the Joint Committee on Legal Equality, Social Welfare Committee,
Judiciary Committee, and Criminal Justice Committee. The transcripts document topics such as day care, rape, community property,
credit, employment, Labor Code, medical rights, and comparable worth.
R214.005, Box 4, folders 9 - 19
Series 5
Hearing Files
Physical Description: 11 file folders, 2 VHS tapes
Access Information
Access to audiovisual material requires the production of use copies.
Arranged chronologically by hearing date.
Scope and Content Note
The Hearing Files pertain to the public hearings held by the Commission between 1966 and 1999. Files include agendas, memoranda,
notes, correspondence, pamphlets, public testimony, background information, news clippings, and articles. The hearings focused
on such issues as adolescent mental health, improving child care, and employment.
Audio/videotapes have been removed to cold storage and separation sheets are included within the file folders to indicate
R214.006, Box 4, folder 20 - Box 8, folder 12
Series 6
Chronological Correspondence
Physical Description: 90 file folders
Arranged chronologically by date.
Scope and Content Note
The chronological correspondence of the Commission contains primarily outgoing mail from the office of the Executive Director.
Files include agendas, minutes, memoranda, mailing lists, background information, news clippings, and requests for information.
The correspondence reflects the wide variety of subjects that the Commission dealt with on a daily basis: the newsletter,
meetings, administration of the staff and commissioners, legislative opinions, Miller vs. CSW, incest, comparable worth, poverty,
homemaker's rights, community property, affirmative action, Women's History Month, and the Sexual Harassment in Employment
(S.H.E.) Project.
R214.007, Box 8, folder 13 - Box 9, folder 36
Series 7
Commission Publications
Physical Description: 68 file folders
Arranged chronologically by publication date.
Scope and Content Note
This record series contains the publications produced by the Commission alone or in conjunction with another organization.
These files may not include all publications created by the Commission. Files include directories, annual reports, hearings,
studies, manuals, conferences, profiles, conventions, retreats, and pamphlets. Significant topics include farm workers, sexual
harassment, comparable worth, the Equal Rights Amendment, child custody, displaced homemakers, disabilities, and sex equity
in education.
Researchers should note that two specific Commission-created publications are found in their own separate series: the newsletter
and Laws Affecting Women. Also, Commission-created publications that were "reports to the legislature" are found in their
own series by that same name.
R214.008, Box 9, folder 37 - Box 10, folder 15
Series 8
Physical Description: 26 file folders
Arranged chronologically by publication date.
Scope and Content Note
The Publications document directories, studies, reports, manuals, conferences, law reviews, and dissertations which were not
produced by the Commission. The creators of these publications include the U.S. Department of Labor, the National Women's
Education Fund, the California State Employee's Association, the California Women Legislators Caucus, the Institute for Women's
Research Policy, the California Attorney General's Office, the California Coalition for Women, and the California Center for
Research on Women and Families. Publication topics include domestic violence, racism, and child support.
R214.009, Box 10, folders 16 - 39
Series 9
Reports to the Legislature
Physical Description: 24 file folders
Arranged chronologically by publication date.
Scope and Content Note
This record series contains the Commission-created publications that were formal reports to the California Legislature. These
files may not include all reports to the Legislature created by the Commission. Subjects of reports include pay inequities,
the Displaced Homemaker's Emergency Loan Act (DHELA) program, child care, and adolescent mental health.
R214.010, Box 10, folders 40 - 46
Series 10
Commission Newsletters
Physical Description: 7 file folders
Arranged chronologically by publication date.
Scope and Content Note
The newsletter produced by the Commission was titled California Women for most of its history. These files may not include
all newsletters produced by the Commission. The newsletters provide an encapsulated glance into matters of interest to the
Commission and women at given points in time. Topics include the Equal Rights Amendment, comparable worth, homemakers, credit,
insurance, child care, Title IX, domestic violence, reproductive rights, Proposition 13 (1978), and breast cancer.
R214.011, Box 11, folders 1 - 5
Series 11
Sex Equity in Education (SEEA) Regulation Files
Physical Description: 5 file folders
Arranged chronologically by date.
Scope and Content Note
The Sex Equity in Education (SEEA) Regulations Files contain to the information accumulated by the Commission between 1987
and 2001 regarding these regulations. Files include memoranda, correspondence, testimony, court documents, proposed legislation,
news clippings, and pamphlets. The regulations surround such topics as California Community Colleges, the California State
University, the university of California, K-12, discrimination, access to resources, and teacher credentialing.
R214.012, Box 11, folders 6 - 9
Series 12
Staff Files
Physical Description: 4 file folders
Arranged alphabetically by last name of staff member.
Scope and Content Note
The Staff Files contain information on many Commission members and Executive Directors. Files include correspondence, oaths
of office, biographies, photographs, letters of resignation, job duty statements, press releases, and news clippings.
R214.013, Box 11, folder 10 - Box 13, folder 14
Series 13
Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Files
Physical Description: 61 file folders
Arranged alphabetically by subject heading.
Scope and Content Note
The Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) Files document the Commission's involvement in the state and national attempts to pass this
controversial federal constitutional legislation. Files include agendas, minutes, memoranda, court documents, correspondence,
testimony, promotional materials, background information, reports, news clippings, and articles. Topics of interest to ERA
general research include labor, employment, marriage, the draft, homosexuality, rescission, referendums, religion, and the
history of the ratification efforts in California. Those researching the Commission, specifically, may be interested in the
legal case brought against the Commission, Miller v. CSW.
R214.014, Box 13, folders 15 - 18
Series 14
Laws Affecting Women
Physical Description: 4 file folders
Arranged chronologically by publication date.
Scope and Content Note
Laws Affecting Women was an annually published report of the Commission. The report summarizes the California laws chaptered
in the previous legislative session that impact women. Notable topics include family law, health access and coverage, equality,
violence, education, and child care.
R214.015, Box 13, folders 19 - 31
Series 15
Publicity Files
Physical Description: 13 file folders
Arranged alphabetically by subject heading.
Scope and Content Note
The Publicity Files consist of the photographs, promotional materials, and information regarding Women's History Month and
other Commission events. Files include photographs, correspondence, memoranda, flyers, speeches, notes, and proclamations.
Photographs include images of Commissioners, staff, and political leaders. Women's History Month records are from 1988 to
1993 and include many proclamations from both the Governor of California as well as various municipalities.
Oversized items have been moved to oversized storage and separation sheets are included within the file folders to indicate
R214.016, Box 13, folder 32 - Box 14, folder 24
Series 16
Subject Files
Physical Description: 28 file folders, 1 VHS tape
Access Information
Access to audiovisual material requires the production of use copies.
Arranged alphabetically by subject heading.
Scope and Content Note
The Subject Files document a variety of topics of interest to the Commission. Files include reports, correspondence, promotional
materials, news clippings, articles, memoranda, notes, court documents, and proposed legislation. Significant topics include
the California's Elected Women's Association for education and research (CEWAER), the commission history, conferences, conventions,
retreats, the executive committee, domestic violence, Notable Women, rape, Title IX, athletics, and the Women's Appointment
Audio/videotapes have been removed to cold storage and separation sheets are included within the file folders to indicate