This collection consists of approximately 7000 images of campus life taken by Carol Foote at the University of California,
Santa Cruz, from 1978 to 1982. It contains black and white negatives, proof sheets, and photographic prints. Included are
performances, portraits, landscapes, and projects, as well as visitors and events significant to campus history.
Carol Foote was working as a freelance photographer when she provided photographic services to the University of California,
Santa Cruz. She worked on numerous projects for the Public Information Office from 1978 to 1982, and her images have been
used extensively in campus publications. Ms. Foote also taught photojournalism and news writing for the Science Communication
Program at UCSC.
3 linear feet.(3 cartons)
Copyright for this collection resides with the Regents of the University of California. The publication or use of any work
protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use for research or educational purposes requires written permission from
the copyright owner. UCSC Special Collections and Archives can grant permission to publish materials to which it holds the
Selected images from this collection have been digitized and are available through UCSC Library Digital Collections. The collection
is open for research.