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Views of Cambodian monuments Series I./repositories/3/archival_objects/1200148

Views of Cambodian monuments


In original order.

Scope and Contents

Annotations are transcribed as they appear on the mounts or in negatives and are used as titles. A second, modern set of annotations is initialed G. L.
box 1, page front paste-down endpaper

Photographer unidentified, [Riverfront Scene with Long Canoe] 2002.R.29-fpe/repositories/3/archival_objects/110836

Scope and Contents

Collodion print adhered to the upper left corner of the front paste-down endpaper.
box 1, page 1 recto

Photographer unidentified, Angkor Vat, facade est d'Angkor 2002.R.29-1r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110837

box 1, page 2 recto

Photographer unidentified, Angkor Vat 2002.R.29-2r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110838

Scope and Contents

Detail of windows and carvings.
box 1, page 3 recto

Photographer unidentified, Galerie cruciform 2002.R.29-3r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110839

Scope and Contents

Annoation repeated by G. L.
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Photographer unidentified, Le Bayon 2002.R.29-4r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110840

Scope and Contents

Also on mount: Bayon. Numbered in negative: 41.
box 1, page 5 recto

Photographer unidentified, [Street Scene with Carriage] 2002.R.29-5r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110841

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Photographer unidentified, Le prebon oriental 2002.R.29-6r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110842

Scope and Contents

Relief over doorway. Annoation repeated by G. L.
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Photographer unidentified, La porte des morts 2002.R.29-7r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110843

Scope and Contents

Annoation repeated by G. L.
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Photographer unidentified, Salle Chanhchaya (=Aire de lune) 2002.R.29-8r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110844

Scope and Contents

Annotation: Phnom Pehn Salle des Danses Royals (this annnotation is crossed out; and "oui" has been added above it). Modern annotation on mount: GL: (Palais Royal).
box 1, page 9 recto

Photographer unidentified, [View of a Gorge with a Stone Bridge] 2002.R.29-9r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110845

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation signed G. L., and with an arrow pointing to the figure partially visible in the photograph reads: Coolie.
box 1, page 9 verso

Photographer unidentified, Flowery Pagoda, Canton 2002.R.29-9v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110846

Scope and Contents

Title in negative on wall under roof edge, lower right side of photograph. On mount: Canton. View over rooftops towards the pagoda. The photographer is possibly A. Chan (Ya Zhen), a Chinese photographer and dentist, who had studios in Canton (Guangzhou) and Hong Kong.
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Photographer unidentified, Angkor Vat 2002.R.29-10r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110847

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation initialed G. L.: Entrée d'Angkor Vat.
box 1, page 10 verso

Gsell, Émile, Angkor Vat 2002.R.29-10v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110848

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: !→ G. L. [arrow pointing to signature in the negative on one side of the pillar]: E. Gsell. In negative on adjoining side of the pillar: PRUCNA.
box 1, page 11 recto

Photographer unidentified, Le Prah Khan 2002.R.29-11r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110849

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Adelphoi Zangaki, Vue des trois pyramides 2002.R.29-12r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110850

Scope and Contents

Title in negative and numbered: No. 429.
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Adelphoi Zangaki, La grande sphynxe 2002.R.29-13r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110851

Scope and Contents

Title in negative and numbered: No. 454.
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Photographer unidentified, [Palm-lined Road] 2002.R.29-14r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110852

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Photographer unidentified, Angkor Vat, facede ouest 2002.R.29-15r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110853

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: 4eme enciente (G. L.)
box 1, page 15 verso

Photographer unidentified, [Gazebo in Lily Pond, Hué] 2002.R.29-15v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110854

Scope and Contents

Written on mount: Hué.
box 1, page 16 recto

Photographer unidentified, [Group of Men outside a Building, Hué] 2002.R.29-16r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110855

Scope and Contents

Written on mount: Hué.
box 1, page 16 verso

Photographer unidentified, Angkor, Galerie cruciforme le mur nord 2002.R.29-16v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110856

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: Galerie cruciforme G. L.
box 1, page 17 recto

Photographer unidentified, Angkor, le mur est de 3e enciente 2002.R.29-17r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110857

Scope and Contents

Numbered in negative: 8. Modern annotation on mount: Le mur est de la 3eme enciente G. L. Same image as 2002.R.29-19r.
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Photographer unidentified, Le prebon oriental 2002.R.29-18r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110858

Scope and Contents

Depicts a relief over a doorway. Annotation repeated by G. L.
box 1, page 19 recto

Photographer unidentified, La galerie est 2002.R.29-19r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110859

Scope and Contents

Numbered in negative: 8. Annotation repeated by G. L. Same image as 2002.R.29-17r.
box 1, page 20 recto

Photographer unidentified, Pagode d'Angkor 2002.R.29-20r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110860

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: Pagode d'Angkor (á l'éxterieur de l'ensemble G. L.)
box 1, page 20 verso

Photographer unidentified, 2e enciente le mur nord 2002.R.29-20v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110861

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: 2 eme galerie Angkor Vat. Bas relief de Vishnu G. L.
box 1, page 21 recto

Photographer unidentified, L'acces au 2e etage, 2002.R.29-21r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110862

Scope and Contents

Also on mount: Carpeaux ! (name of the man in the photograph?). Modern annotation on mount: L'acces au 2e etage (La mission G. L.)
box 1, page 22 recto

Photographer unidentified, Pnom Penh 2002.R.29-22r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110863

Scope and Contents

Modern annotation on mount: Inaguration le 1.01.94 Pagode (G. L.)
box 1, page 23 recto

Photographer unidentified, Angkor Vat 2002.R.29-23r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110864

Scope and Contents

Relief sculpture atop a colume or building.
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Photographer unidentified, La porte des morts Angor Thom 2002.R.29-24r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110865

Scope and Contents

Three men recline on the path leading to the portal. Modern annotation on mount: Angkor Thom (La mission G. L.).
box 1, page 25 recto

Photographer unidentified, Tour d'angle du 2e etage, 2002.R.29-25r/repositories/3/archival_objects/110866

Scope and Contents

Title is repeated twice on mount.
box 1, page 25 verso

Photographer unidentified, [Boats Crowding Docks, Canton] 2002.R.29-25v/repositories/3/archival_objects/110867

Scope and Contents

On mount: Canton? View in Guangzhou.
box 1, page back paste-down endpaper

Photographer unidentified, Flowery Boat, Canton 2002.R.29-bpe/repositories/3/archival_objects/110868

Scope and Contents

Title in negative. This photograph is adhered to the back paste-down endpaper. View in Guangzhou.