A - Miscellaneous
Abir-Am, Pnina 1992-1995
Albury, W.R. (Randall) 1978-1993
Allen, David Elliston 1979-2001
Allen, Garland E. 1991-1997
Amundson, Ron 1990-1998
Appel, Toby 1978-1994
Appleman, Daniel 1989-1990
Ates, R.M.L. 1986
Atz, James M. 1983
B - Miscellaneous
Badash, Lawrence 1977-1997
Benson, Keith 1987-1999
Bentley, Jerry 1988
Berstein, Howard R. 1988
Bowler, Peter J. 1986-1996
Branagan, David 1988-1991
Browne, Janet 1980-1995
Brush, Stephen 1980
Bulletin of the Pacific Circle (Rehbock ed.) 1998
Burstyn, Harold 1980-1981
Butcher, Barry W. 1985-1994
C - Miscellaneous
Camerini, Jane 1989-1994
Carpine-Lancre, Jacqueline 1985-1997
Chauvin, Mike 1985-2001
Christie, Nancy J. 1991-1994
Churchill, Fred 1995-1997
Conant, Sheila 1978-1988
Crosby, Alfred 1991
Cueto, Marcos 1991-1993
D - Miscellaneous
Damkaer, David 1977-1978
Davis, L.W. (Dave) 1991-1994
Daws, Gavan and Marty Fujita 1996
Deacon, Margaret 1997
Dean, Dennis R. 1979-2001
Dening, Greg 1981-1990
Desmond, Adrian J. 1979-1985
Dibner Institute Fellowship 1996-2000
Edge, David 1987-1993
Eyles, Joan 1983-1984
F - Miscellaneous
Farrall, Lyndsay A. 1981
Friedman, Robert Marc 1989-1996
Frodin, David G. 1984-1994
Frost, Alan 1984-1987
G - Miscellaneous
Galloway, David 1985-1991
Garber, Janet 1989-1994
Gerson, Elihu 1986-1995
Gingerich, Owen 1993
Goodman, Madeleine 1978-1996
Gould, Steven Jay 1981-1999
Greene, John C. 1982-1986
Gunson, Niel 1990-1994
H - Miscellaneous
Hamblin, Jacob 2000
Hamlin, Christopher 1983-1986
Hankins, Thomas L. 1977-1990
Haraway, Donna 1977-1985
Hedgpeth, Joel W. 1976-1994
Henson, Pamela 1988-1994
Herbert, Sandra 1995-1999
History of Science Society - Watson Davis Prize Committee 1993-1996
Hoare, Michael E. 1967-1996
Hodge, M.J.S. (Jon) 1987-1995
Hossfeld, Uwe 1999-2000
Hughes, Miranda 1985-1990
Isis, Journal of the History of Science Society 1994-1995
Jackson, Henry M. (Senator) 1971
Jackson, Jeremy B.C. 1971-1976
Jolly, Karen 1988-2000
Kargon, Robert 1976-1996
Kay, E. Alison 1975-1994
Kinch, Michael P. 1974-1977
Klee, Albert J. 1979
Kohlstedt, Sally G. 1984-1992
Kuklick, Henrika 1990-1995
Kuzminski, Adrian 1975-1979
L - Miscellaneous
Lacey, Rachel Bayles 1998
Lardner, Thomas J. 1982
Larsen, Anne 1991
Laudan, Rachel 1983-1995
Laurent, John 1990-2001
Layton, David 1991
Le Grand, Homer 1989-1991
Lenz, Walter 1980-1994
Limoges, Camille 1973-1994
Lind, Jim 1999-2001
Lingwood, Peter 1982-1988
Lyte, Charles 1981-1984
M - Miscellaneous
MacLeod, Roy 1987-2001
MacLeod, Roy 1989-1990
Mayr, Ernst 1977-1983
McConnell, Anita
Mendelsohn, Everett 1977-1996
Merriman, Daniel 1971-1982
Micheli, Elisabeth 1988-1989
Miller, Sheldon T. 1978
Mills, Eric L. 1975-1999
Müller, Gerhard H. 1985-1989
N - Miscellaneous
Needham, Joseph 1978-1995
Neushul, Peter 1988-1990
Newhouse, Jan 1982-1996
Newland, Beth 1986-1988
O - Miscellaneous
Oldroyd, David R. 1991-1996
Ollivier, Isabel 1986-1987
Osborne, Michael 1986-1996
P - Miscellaneous
Parkinson, Phil 1985
Payne, Pauline 1989-1995
Porter, Roy 1980-1986
Price, Derek J. de Solla 1978
Pyenson, Lewis and Susan Sheets-Pyenson 1985-1999
R - Miscellaneous
Rahman, Abdur 1983-1996
Randolph, Robert 1985-1988
Rehbock, Karen 1987
Reingold, Nathan 1987-1990
Rice, A.L. (Tony) 1980-1993
Richards, Evelleen 1988-1989
Richter, Maurice (Rick) 1981-1999
Rogers, Douglas 1997
Roller, Duane H.D. 1989-1991
Roos, David 1979-1985
Rozwadowski, Helen 1983-2000
Rudwick, Martin J.S. 1972-2000
S - Miscellaneous
Satofuka, Fumihiko 1993-1995
Secord, James A. 1980-2001
Scheiber, Harry 1985-1994
Shapiro, Steven (Sam) 1977-1990
Sivin, Nathan 1990-1992
Sloan, Phillip R. 1977-1995
Smith, Howard M. 1977
Sochaczewski, Paul (Wachtel) 1992
Sokal, Michael 1988-1990
Sohmer, Sara 1984-1997
Spate, Oskar H.K. 1985-1989
Stafford, Robert 1987-1989
Stanford University Library 1985
State of Hawaii 1975-1981
Stemerding, Dirk 1981-1987
Stenhouse, John 1989-1994
Sterling, Keir B. 1978-1980
Sulloway, Frank 1983-1987
Sweet, Jessie M. 1972-1974
Swift, David W. 1978-2000
T - Miscellaneous
Tatarewicz, Joseph 1992
Thackray, Arnold 1974-1984
Tinker, Spencer 1980
Trinast, Elizabeth M. (Beth) 1977-1981
U - Miscellaneous
Ullrich, Rebecca 1988-1990
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Department of Oceanography 1985
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Maritime History and Archaeology Program 1990-1999
Vegas-Vélez, Manuel 1989-1992
W - Miscellaneous
Waff, Craig B. 1987-1989
Watanabe, Masao 1991
Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine 1984-1985
Westrum, John 1982-1985
Williams, Glyndwr 1998-1999
Winsor, Mary P. (Polly) 1974-1990
Worster, Don 1978-1995
Yokoyama, Toshiaki 1991-1993
Zacharias, Kristen 1984-1991
Unidentified correspondence
History of science - General correspondence 1971-2001
Oceanography 1971
Sabbatical 1990-1991
Talks and Lectures
The Origins and Early Years of the Manchester Statistical Society, 1833-1840. Modern British Society seminar - Typescript and notes 1971 December 7
Edward Forbes and Polarity: Unearthing Some Origins of a Fossil Theory. Joint Atlantic Seminar in the History of Biology - Typescript and program 1972 April 8
Prosopography lecture - Drafts and notes 1983-1989
Prosopography. Rehbock interviewed by Science Hawaii radio show - Ephemera 1984 February 26
Prosopographizing the Victorian Naturalists: A Progress Report. Society for Social Studies of Science annual meeting, Pittsburgh (1986 October 24-26) - Typescript
Johns Hopkins University colloquium address on the Joseph Matkin letters, Baltimore - Outline 1989 March 15
William Coleman memorial symposium address, Baltimore - Typescript and correspondence 1989 March 18
Science and Empire from Below Decks: The Challenger Letters of Joseph Matkin. West Coast History of Science Society annual meeting, Morro Bay (1990 April 20-21) - Typescripts
The HMS Challenger Expedition: From Above and Below. Waikiki Aquarium - Correspondence and notes 1993-1995
Extinction: Its Recognition on the Continent and its Acceptance in Britain. International Society for the History, Philosophy, and Social Studies of Biology (ISHPSSB) conference, Leuven, Belgium (1995 July 21) - Typescript and abstract
Romanticism and Science - Outline undated
Articles and Essays
Determinism and Modern Science - Drafts 1964
Bibliographical Verification of "The Fourth Dimension in Nineteenth Century Physics" by Alfred M. Bork - Typescript 1970
The Origins of the Word "Oceanography": A Brief Study in the History of the Marine Sciences - Typescript 1970
The Matthew Maury-William Darby Correspondence? - Typescript 1970
Science, Past and Present: A Sociological View. A review of Science and the Social Order by Bernard Barber (Glencoe, IL: The Free Press, 1952) - Typescript 1970
Darwinism and Oceanography in the Nineteenth Century - Typescript, proposal, and review 1971
Organic Chemistry in the 19th Century. Review of From Vital Force to Structural Formula (O. Theodor Benfey, 1964) - Drafts 1971
Neptune's Early Expositor: Sir Charles Wyville Thomson - A Biographical Sketch. Typescript and correspondence 1971-1975
A Preliminary Chronology for the History of Oceanography - Typescript 1972
Some Notable Events in the History of Marine Invertebrate Zoology, 1700-1850 - Typescript 1972
Robert Boyle's Evolving Methodology - Typescript 1973
Nicolas Copernicus - Conservative Revolutionary. Festival of Poland exhibit, Hamilton Library, University of Hawaii at Manoa - Ephemera 1993
Globalizing the History of Science 1999
Developing a Sense of the Pacific: The 1923 Pan-Pacific Congress in Australia. With Roy MacLeod 1999-2000
Oxford Companion articles - "Naturphilosophie" and "Oceanography" 2000-2001
James McCosh (1811-1894) - Drafts and notes undated
Martin Barry (1802-1855) - Draft fragment and notes undated
"Pacific Science": A Problematique. With Roy MacLeod - Typescript undated
Zur ältern Geschichte des Diskontinuitätsproblems in der Biogeographie (Nils von Hofsten, 1916) - Drafts of translation by Rehbock undated
The Philosophical Naturalists: Themes in Early Nineteenth-Century British Biology - University of Wisconsin Press correspondence and publicity 1981-1997
The Culture of Victorian Natural History (unpublished) - Prospectus and outline 1991
At Sea with the Scientifics: The Challenger Letters of Joseph Matkin (editor, 1992)
British Library Newspaper Repository (Colindale) - Notes 1987
British Museum (Natural History) - Correspondence 1983-1999
Chronology of Matkin letters 1987
Challenger Expedition - Notes 1976-1996
Correspondence - Miscellaneous 1987-1992
Document editing - Notes 1985-1986
Drafts and manuscripts 1987-1989
Drafts and manuscripts 1991
Drafts and manuscripts 1991
E.J. Brill Publishers - Correspondence 1986-1990
Illustrations, correspondence and notes 1987-1992
Matkin letters transcripts 1872-1876
Notes - Miscellaneous 1972-1991
Public Records Office (London) - Notes 1984-1987
Reviews 1993-1999
Scripps Institution of Oceanography - Correspondence 1985-1995
University of Hawaii Press - Correspondence 1990-1994
The Malvern Letters (unpublished) - Fellowship applications and correspondence 1995-1997
Bibliographic notes
History of science
Natural history
Pacific science - By period exploration
Pacific science - General, regional
Sociology of science
Lecture notes
Biology 1, 2, 3, and 351 1964-1971
The ecology of surface waters 1970-1971
Economics 1962-1971
English history 1965-1973
Geography I, Anthropology I, Psychology I 1961-1962
Geology and paleontology 1971-1973
History 10, 11 and 12 - History of Western civilization 1960-1961
History of chemistry 354 1970-1971
History of science 1968-1974
Marine biology 1972-1973
Math 41, 42, and 43 - Calculus and analytical geometry 1960-1961
Music 102 - History of English music 1963
Naval Science 111, 112 and 113 1961
Oceanography 201 1968
Principles of ecology 1967-1972
Physics 21, 23 and 29
Miscellaneous notes
Book review notes 1972-1973
China - Ancient and modern 1995
Computer technology 1982-1985
Ecology - Demography
Einstein, Albert 1991
Freud, Sigmund
Futures research 1986
Geology 1972-1975
History of science - Historiography of science 1970-1987
Mathematics and statistics
Pacific science
Pre-Columbian America
Toulmin, Stephen 1979
Victorian Naturalists
Abernethy, John and John Hunter - Notes
Babington, Charles - Notes
Biogeography - German. Notes
Blainville, Henri Marie Ducrotay de - Notes
Bradley, Richard - Notes
British Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS) - Notes 1988
British Society for the History of Science - Notes 1991
Brown, Samuel - Notes 1979-1980
Carpenter, William B. - Notes
Challenger and evolution - Notes 1997
Chargaff, Erwin - Notes 1973
Dalyell, John Graham - Notes 1979
Daubeny, Charles - Notes 1979
des Moulins, Charles - Notes 1979
Dumas, Jean-Baptiste André - Notes 1979
Fleming, John - Notes 1982
Forbes, Edward - Notes and correspondence 1972-1980
Forbes, Edward - Sketch of marine mollusk and notes on porphyry by Forbes, with correspondence from Fry Gallery 1973 and undated
Glover, Robert Mortimer - Notes
Goodsir, John - Notes and correspondence 1980-1987
Gosse, Philip Henry - Notes 1979
Grant, Robert Edmond - Notes
Gregory, Herbert E. - Notes
Guerlac, Henry - Notes 1977
Haeckel, Ernst - Notes
Heer, Oswald - Notes 1980
Hinds, Richard Brinsley - Notes
Knox, Robert - Notes and correspondence 1978
Kuhn, Thomas S. - Notes
Lyell, Charles - Notes
Lloyd, William Alford - Notes
Macleay, William S. - Notes
Macvicar, John Gibson - Notes
Manuel, Frank - Notes
Monro, Alexander - Notes
Owen, Richard - Notes 1987
Red Lions scientific club - Notes and correspondence 1980-1986
Roget, Peter Mark - Notes
Rossmässler, Emil - Notes
Stauffer, Robert C. - Notes
Swainson, William - Notes
Thomson, Charles Wyville - Notes
Transcendental Biology in Nineteenth-Century Britain - National Endowment for the Humanities summer stipend proposal 1975-1978
University of Hawaii, Office of Research Administration - Correspondence 1985-1986
University of Washington - Notes
Walker, John - Notes
Wallace, Alfred Russel - Notes
Ward, Nathaniel Bagshaw - Notes
Warington, Robert - Notes
Watson, Hewett C. - Notes
Wellek, Rene - Notes
Whewell, William - Notes
White, Gilbert - Notes
Wilson, George - Notes
Young, Robert - Notes
Data sheets - Mod. I
Data sheets - Botanists
Data sheets - Geologists
Data sheets - Zoologists
Final project report 1987
Guggenheim Foundation fellowship application 1983-1984
National Science Foundation (NSF) - Grant expenditures and proposals for "Scientific Change in Darwin's Era" 1983-1985
Notes and data 1983-1986
Original prosopographical data and correspondence - John Charles 1981-1984
Prosopography of British naturalists - Notes 1973
Prosopography original project - Notes and data 1981-1983
Prosopography project - Mod. I and Mod. II 1983-1984
Proposals 1981-1983
Other Projects
Future projects - Notes
American science
Botany/Zoology 450, Science 123 1976-1978
Center for Teaching Excellence, University of Hawaii at Manoa 1997-1991
Course ideas - Notes
Ecology - Early concepts 1972
Extinction seminar readings 1994
History 151 - Middle Ages 1986
History 439 - Darwinian revolution 1981-2000
History 495T - Scientific revolution 1977-1979
History 690 - Seminar in history of science 1979-2000
History of biology 1977-2000
History of biology 1977-2000
History of science 390 1977-1983
History of science 394 - Antiquity to 1700 1975-2001
History of science 394 - Antiquity to 1700 1975-2001
History of science 395 - 18th century to present 1974-2001
History of science exam questions 1977-1982
Honors 491 - Science in fiction 1998-2001
Honors 491/492 - History of ecological thought 1978-1979
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) summer session - Images of science 1789-1914 1993-1994
Naturalist voyages 1973-1974
Perceptions of nature 1977-1978
Regents Scholars mentoring program - Notes and program information 1991-1992
Science 121: Introduction to science - Biological sciences 1975-1977
Science 121: Introduction to science - Biological sciences 1975-1977
Science 123 - Botany 1973-1977
Science 123 - History of Hawaiian science 1979-1982
Science 124 1975-1976
Science 330 - Non-Western science 1977-1997
Science 390 - History of science 1978-1982
Science 420 - Case histories in science 1973-1993
Science 430 - History of science 1975-1978
Science 480 - History of biology since 1500 1975-1986
Science 620 - Man and the ocean in history 1975-1976
Science 620 - Science and exploration in the Pacific 1976-1978
Science 620 - Science and society in the 19th century 1975-1980
Science 620 - Science and technology in American culture 1980-1984
Science 620 - Scientific enterprise: Four case histories 1986-1987
Science literacy 1985-1991
Sociometrics of science
Teaching history of science 1976-1995
University of Hawaii at Manoa - Undergraduate honors program 1995-1996
World science and technology 1990-1999
Zoology seminar 1981
Seventeenth Pacific Science Congress
General correspondence 1988-1991
Science and culture party 1991
History of science education 1989-1991
Science technology and Pacific war 1990-1991
Technology and cultural change 1989-1991
Out of the South Seas 1990-1991
Timber economy in the Pacific 1989-1992
Oral history panel 1990
Miscellaneous sessions 1990-1991
Fifth International Congress on the History of Oceanography
Abstracts of papers not published 1993
Participant list 1993
Announcements 1993
Correspondence - General
Ahlstrand, Pennington 1993-1994
Aleem, Anwar Abdel 1993-1996
Alekseev, Arkady V. 1993-1997
Allwardt, Alan O. 1993-1995
Antezana, Tarsicio 1993-1995
Appel, Toby A. 1993-1996
Arnold, Craig 1991-1993
Benson, Keith R. 1993
Bologa, Alexandru 1993-1996
Carpine-Lancre, Jacqueline 1992-1993
Charlier, Roger H. 1993-1996
Charnock, Henry 1993
Chen, Chun-tung Arthur 1993
Coffey, Tim 1993-1996
Davis, Alan 1993-1997
Day, Deborah 1993-2001
Deacon, Margaret B. (Seward) 1993-1996
Della Croce, Norberto 1993-1995
de Strobel, Federico 1992-1993
Dickson, Andrew 1993-1996
Dyrssen, David 1993-1997
Fautin, Daphne G. 1994-1997
Fontaine, Maurice 1994
Friedman, Robert Marc 1993-1995
Garber, Janet Bell 1993-1995
Gomez, Edgardo D. 1992-1993
Groeben, Christiane 1993-1995
Hedgpeth, Joel W. 1992-1998
Henson, Pamela M. 1993-1996
Hill, Stephen A. 1993
Hubbard, Jennifer M. 1993-1994
Ingmanson, Dale 1993-1994
Irvine, David 1993-1996
Jones, Joyce E. 1993-1996
Kabbaj, Abdelhak 1992-1993
Kayombo, Norbert A. 1993-1996
Kimor, Baruch 1993-1995
Kinzie, Robert A., III 1993-1995
Kitano, Kiyomitsu 1992-1993
Knauss, John A. 1993-1995
Koerner, Lisbet 1993
Kortum, Gerhard 1993-1995
Le Grand, Homer 1993-1995
Lenz, Walter 1992-1995
Lyons, Sherrie 1993-1995
Mackness, Brian 1992-1993
Markham, James W. 1993-1995
Marsden, Rosalind 1993-1996
Mather, Patricia 1993-1996
Matsuda, Yoshiaki 1993-1996
Matsumoto, George I. 1993-1994
McConnell, Anita 1992-1993
McGraw, Don 1979-1986
McTaggart, Andrew 1993-1995
Mikulski, Zdzislaw 1993-1996
Mills, Eric L. 1993-1996
Morcos, Selim 1993-1996
Munk, Walter H. 1993
Neushul, Peter 1993-1996
Nierenberg, William A. 1993-1996
Ojo, S.O. 1992-1993
Omori, Makoto 1993-1995
Oreskes, Naomi 1993-1996
Orlic, Mirko 1993-1996
Parson, Gill 1993-1996
Perumal, P. 1992
Peterson, Ray G. 1993-1994
Petrov, Alex N. 1993-1994
Poundurai, Raju 1993
Rajamanickam, G. Victor 1993
Ramana, M.V. 1992
Raraty, Maurice M. 1993-1996
Reid, Joseph L. 1993-1996
Richards, Rhys 1992-1993
Robinson, Bruce H. 1993-1997
Roff, Sue Rabbitt 1992-1993
Saldanha, Luiz 1993-1996
Salvat, Bernard 1993-1996
Sánchez, Ramiro 1993-1996
Savours, Ann (Ann Shirley) 1993-1996
Schwartzlose, Richard A. 1993-1995
Serpoianu, G. 1992-1996
Shor, George G., Jr. 1992-1996
Shuzen, Pu 1992
Sivkova, Svetlana G. 1993-2000
Smed, Jens 1993-1996
Spencer, Larry T. 1993-1996
Spiess, Fred 1993-1996
Srivastava, Parmatma Saran 1992-1993
Stoddart, David 1993-1996
Studenetsky, Alexander S. 1993-1994
Svansson, Artur 1993-1996
Thédoridès, Jean 1991-1993
Tirmizi, N.M. 1993
Toro, Amy L. 1993-1996
Tregubov, Alexander 1993
Tripati, Sila 1993
Vegas, Manuel 1992-1993
Walker, J. Malcolm 1994-1999
Wallace, William J. 1993-1995
Weir, Gary E. 1992-1996
Wilson, John B. 1993-1996
Wolff, Torben 1993-2001
Wu, Ke-chin 1992-1993
Wyrtki, Klaus 1993-1996
Xu, Qiwang 1993
Yayanos, A. Aristides 1993-1995
Ye, Longfei 1993-1994
Zou, Emei 1992-1993
Zuta, Salvador 1992-1993
Correspondence - Miscellaneous 1991-1993
First responses 1992-1993
Flyer - Photograph
Funding - Active 1991-1993
Funding - Inactive 1987-1993
Funding requests 1993
La Jolla - Correspondence 1988-1993
Participants by country 1992
Personal travel 1992-1993
Planning meeting 1992 June
Proceedings 1992-1996
Program 1992-1993
Scripps Aquarium 1990-1994
Scripps at 90 1993
Second circular 1992-1993
Correspondence - Symposia
General correspondence 1991-1993
Archival resources for the history of oceanography symposium 1993
Coral reef symposium 1993
Fisheries symposium - Harry Scheiber 1991-1993
Pacific marine biogeography symposium 1993
Pacific Rim symposium - Joe Reid 1993
Pacific waters in motion symposium 1992-1993
Tectonics symposium 1992-1993
Tours, etc. 1992-1993
Urgent action - Rehbock 1992-1993
Other Conferences