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Sakata (Yasuo) papers
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box 76, folder 1-5

Handwritten letters circa 1886

box 76, folder 6-8

森村市左衛門書簡 新井領一郎宛 新井家文書 1876-1897

box 76, folder 9-11

Morimura, Arai & Co. 英文書簡, 新井米男 新井領一郎 1915-1919

box 76, folder 12

横浜生絲株式会社 佐藤永孝書簡 1905-1915

box 76, folder 13

横浜生絲株式会社 Letters and financial records 1916

box 76, folder 14

株券 1909-1936

Scope and Contents

Stock certificates: 横浜正金銀行, 台湾拓殖株式会社, 日本生命株式会社, 大日本製糖株式会社, 台湾製糖株式会社, 日糖興業株式会社, 時事新報社, 明治製糖株式会社, 南満州鉄道株式会社

Manuscripts and Drafts

Scope and Contents

Includes published and unpublished material.
box 1, folder 1-2

Biographical File

Scope and Contents

"Biographical Sketches and Data," including resume (Folder 1) and JARP research contents (Folder 2).
box 1, folder 3-4

Index to printed materials

Scope and Contents

「諸衆新聞・雑誌」関係。 Newspapers and magazines, including 「新日本」「大日本」「第十九世紀」 and a draft of 「在米日本人史黎明期」.
box 1, folder 5

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」、第1巻 PROSPECTUS 覚書1 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū, vol. 1 PROSPECTUS note 1 2015 April

box 1, folder 6

Various manuscripts including「ギルデッド・エイジ」の渡米諸衆新聞雑誌の研究(史料1) "Girudeddo eiji no tobei shoshū shinbun zasshi no kenkyū" (historical documents 1)

box 1, folder 7

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第一巻「歴史の気紛れ」概要 序章 在米日本人史黎明期ーー埋められていない歴史の隙間 草稿 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū, vol. 1 "Rekishi no kimagure" overview, preface to Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki: umerarete inai rekishi no sukima manuscript

box 1, folder 8

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第一部「歴史的推移の継続」と「合致」第一章 幕末の日本人海外渡航開始 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū part 1 "Rekishiteki suii no keizoku" to "Gacchi" chapter 1 bakumatsu no Nihonjin kaigai tokō kaishi with notes

box 1, folder 9

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第一部「歴史的推移の継続」と「合致」第ニ章 清王朝政権下の中国の開国 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū part 1 "Rekishiteki suii no keizoku" to "Gacchi" passage 2 Shin Ōchō seikenka no Chūgoku no kaikoku with notes

box 2, folder 1

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第一部「歴史的推移の継続」と「合致」第一章, 二章, 四章 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū part 1 "Rekishiteki suii no keizoku" and "Gacchi" Chapters 1, 2, and 4 with notes

box 2, folder 2

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū passages

box 2, folder 3

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第II部 パークス公使の「ありがた迷惑なお節介」ー明治初年の日本人の海外出稼の実態と政府の対応策【参照】論文「不平等条約とアメリカ出稼」 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū part 2 "Pākusu kōshi no 'arigata meiwaku na osekkai'" Meiji shonen no Nihonjin no kaigai dekasegi no jittai to seifu no taiōsaku [Reference] thesis "Fubyōdō jōyaku to Amerika dekasegi"

box 2, folder 4

『在米日本人史黎明期の研究』第II巻「ギルデッド・エイジ」に渡米した日本人「諸衆」ーー諸衆が発刊した新聞・雑誌を手がかりにーー Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū dai 2-kan "'Girudeddo eiji' ni tobei shita Nihonjin 'shoshū': shoshū ga hakkan shita shinbun zasshi o tegakari ni"

box 2, folder 5

「アメリカ合衆国における一八九一年移民法の制定と嚙み合わなかった日米の認識ー「好ましからざる移住者」と「海外で恥を曝す本邦人」ー」(大阪学院大学国際学論集 第9巻第1号) "Amerika Gasshūkoku ni okeru 1891-nen iminhō no seitei to kami awanakatta Nichibei no ninshiki: 'konomashikarazaru ijū-sha' to 'kaigai de haji wo sarasu honpōjin'" ( Ōsaka Gakuin University International Studies Journal Vol. 9 No. 1) 1998 June

box 2, folder 6

『対立と妥協ーー1930年代の日米通商関係ーー』第十二章 移民史から見た日米関係 ーーもつれ合う「自負心」と「強がり」ーー "Tairitsu to dakyō: 1930-nendai no Nichibei tsūshō kankei" Chapter 12 imin shi kara mita Nichibei kankei: motsure au 'jifushin' to 'tsuyogari' 1994 October 21

box 2, folder 7

「脱亜の志士と閉ざされた白皙人の楽園ーー民権派書生と米国に於ける黄色人種排斥ーー」 "Datsua no shishi to tozasareta hakuseki hito no rakuen minkenha shosei to Beikoku ni okeru kōshokujinshu haiseki"

box 2, folder 8

『日本人アメリカ出稼の「地域性」の一考察(I)』(大阪学院大学国際学論集 第一巻第一号) "Nihonjin Amerika dekasegi no chiikisei no ichikōsatsu (I)" ( Ōsaka Gakuin University International Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 1) 1990 December

box 2, folder 9

「『渡り鳥 (birds-of-passage)』とその社会ーー秘められた過去」『在米日本人社会の黎明期ーー「福音会沿革史料」を手がかりにーー』(同志社大学人文科学研究所編) "'Wataridori' (birds of passage) to sono shakai: himerareta kako" "Zaibei Nihonjin shakai no reimeiki: Fukuin Kai enkaku shiryō o tegakari ni" (Dōshisha Daigaku Jinmon Kagaku Kenkyūjo hen) 1997 February 25

box 2, folder 10

"Creating Mututal Dependency: The Silk Trade in Uniteed States-Japan Relations, 1876-1900," The International Studies Association of Osaka Gakuin University 1992 March

box 2, folder 11

津田塾大学 言語文化研究所報 第12号目次 Tsudajuku Daigaku language and cultural research bulletin No. 12 index 1997 July

box 3, folder 1-3

「衝突点へ向かう軌道ーー明治期における日本人のアメリカ出稼(I-III)」(大阪学院大学国際学論集 第3巻第1号2号 第5巻第1号) "Shōtotsuten e mukau kidō: Meijiki ni okeru Nihonjin no Amerika dekasegi (I-III)" ( Ōsaka Gakuin University International Studies Journal Vol. 3 No. 1, 2 and Vol. 5 No. 1) 1992 June and December, 1994 June

box 3, folder 4

「一九世紀後半にアメリカに渡航した日本人と「移民統計」ーー偽る数字ーー」(キリスト教社会問題研究第三八号抜刷) "Jūkyū seiki kōhan ni Amerika ni tokō shita Nihonjin to 'imin tōkei': itsuwaru sūji" (Kirisutokyō shakai mondai kenkyū No. 39 reprint) 1990 March

box 3, folder 5

大阪学院大学国際学論集 Ōsaka Gakuin University International Studies Journal articles 1992 December

box 3, folder 6

「アイダホ州日本人出稼労働者放逐事件、明治25年7月~9月ーー史実と伝承ーー」(1, 2)(大阪学院大学国際学論集 第8巻第1-2号) Aidaho-shū Nihonjin dekasegi rōdōsha hōchiku jiken, Meiji 25-nen 7-gatsu - 9-gatsu shijitsu to denshō (1, 2) ( Ōsaka Gakuin University International Studies Journal Vol. 8 No. 1 and 2) 1997 June, December

box 3, folder 7

Articles from various journals including 学術文献刊行会, 大阪学院大学国際学論集, 東京経大学会誌 ( Gakujutsu bunken kankō kai, Ōsaka Gakuin Daigaku International Studies Journal, Tōkyō keidai gakkaishi) June 1986 - 2006

box 4, folder 1

"Coming of Age in the 30's: The Nisei and the Japanese Immigrant Press" presented to the International Conference Held at the Japanese American Cultural and Community Center Los Angeles on September 14-15, 1985; paper from Uncle Fujii's Columns: "Kashu Mainichi and the Sino-Japanese War" 1985 September 14-15

box 4, folder 2

"Solidarity among the Japanese in America": Reality or a Myth 「フレスノ不敬事件」と二分し対立する日本移民社会を事例として(大阪学院大学国際学部) "'Furesuno fukei jiken' to nibun shi tairitsu suru Nihon imin shakai o jirei to shite" (Ōsaka Gakuin Daigaku Kokusai Gakubu)

box 4, folder 3

"R.B. Van Vaulkenburgh and the Fall of the Tokugawa Bakufu"

box 4, folder 4

「1913年カリフォルニア州「外人土地法」の制定と在米日本人会「時局問題特別委員会」の対処策ーー分裂した日本人社会ーー」(大阪学院大学国際学部第五回日本移民学会大会、於東京経済大学)"1913-nen Kariforunia-shū 'gaijin tochihō' no seitei to Zaibei Nihonjin Kai 'jikyoku mondai tokubetsu iinkai' no taishosaku: bunretsu shita Nihonjin shakai" (Ōsaka Gakuin Daigaku Kokusai Gakubu dai 5-kai Nihon imin gakkai taikai, Tōkyō Keizai Daigaku) 1995 December 9

box 4, folder 5

"Struggle for Commerical Autonomy: A Beginning of Japan and American Silk Trade in the Early Years of Meiji," mms (draft) with T. Scott Miyakawa 1983

box 4, folder 6

"Creating Mutual Dependency: The Silk Trade in United States-Japan Relations, 1880-1900," (University of California, Los Angeles, to be presented to the San Francisco Meeting of the American Historical Associatiom) mms. 1889 December 29

box 4, folder 7

"Provisions in the Unequal Treaties and Japanese Emigration: A Revisionist View" draft, University of California, Los Angeles 1980 December 12

box 4, folder 8

JARP research and JACL research proposal 2009 October 3

box 4, folder 9

Chapter 3 "Early immigration of Japanese dekasegi workers to the continental United States: some unanswered questions"


Printed Matter

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts of books and periodicals.
box 4, folder 10

男爵渋沢栄一 『徳川慶喜公傅 八』 Danshaku Shibusawa Eiichi Tokugawa Yoshinobu kōden 8 1918

box 4, folder 11

家永三郎編 「馬場辰猪自叙伝」『大井憲太郎 植木枝盛 馬場辰猪 小野梓 集 12』 Ienaga Saburō hen "Baba Tatsui jijoden" in Ōi Kentarō Ueki Emori Baba Tatsui Ono Azusa shū 12 1973

box 4, folder 12

前田蓮山 「星亨傅」 高山書院刊 Maeda Renzan Hoshi Tōru den Takayama Shoin kan 1948

box 4, folder 13

中村菊男 「星亨」 Nakamura Kikuo Hoshi Tōru 1963, 1966

box 4, folder 14

都澤胖 「星亨 全」Tozawa Yutaka Hoshi Tōru zen

box 4, folder 15

大隈候八十五年史編集会「大隈候八十五年史」 Ōkuma kō 85-nen shi Henshūkai Ōkuma kō 85-nen shi 1926

box 4, folder 16-17

早稲田大学社会科学研究所編 「大隈文書」第一巻第二巻 Waseda Daigaku Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūjo hen Ōkuma monjo dai 1-kan, dai 2-kan 1958, 1959

box 5, folder 1-3

早稲田大学社会科学研究所編 「大隈文書」Waseda Daigaku Shakai Kagaku Kenkyūjo hen Ōkuma monjo (Volumes 3, 4, 5) 1960, 1961, 1962

box 5, folder 4

勝田孫弥「大久保利通傳 下巻」Katsuda Magoya Ōkubo Toshimichi den gekan

box 5, folder 5

立教大学日本史研究会編 「大久保利通関係文書 二、三」 Rikkyō Daigaku Nihon Kenkyūkai hen Ōkubo Toshimichi kankei monjo 2, 3 1968, 1970

box 5, folder 6

日本史籍協会編 「大久保利通文書 五」 Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai hen Ōkubo Toshimichi monjo 5 1968

box 5, folder 7

日本史籍協会編 「大久保利通文書 七」 Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai hen Ōkubo Toshimichi monjo 7 with notes 1969

box 5, folder 8

日本史籍協会編 「木戸孝允日記 二」 Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai hen Kido Takayoshi (Kōin) nikki 2 1967

box 5, folder 9

益田孝 「自叙益田孝翁傅」 Masuda Takashi Jijo Masuda Takao den 1939

box 5, folder 10

「公爵松方正義傅 乾巻」 Kōshaku Matsukata Masayoshi den inui maki

box 5, folder 11-13

大久保利謙編 「森有禮全集」 第一巻、第二巻、第三巻 Ōkubo Toshiaki hen Mori Arinori zenshū Vol. 1, 2, 3 1972

box 5, folder 14

海後宗臣 「明治初年の教育 その制度と実体」評論社 Kaigo Tokiomi Meiji shonen no kyōiku sono seido to jittai, Hyōronsha 1973

box 5, folder 15

森永種夫校訂 「長崎幕末資料大成 」, 「長崎幕末資料大成 1」各国往復文書編1 "Nagasaki bakumatsu shiryō taisei" and "Nagasaki bakumatsu shiryō taisei 1" revised by Morinaga Taneo, Kakkoku ōfuku monjo hen 1 (Shōwa 44-nen); likewise「長崎幕末資料大成 2」各国往復文書編2 "Nagasaki bakumatsu shiryō taisei 2," Kakkoku ōfuku monjo hen 2 (Shōwa 45-nen) 1969-1970

box 5, folder 16

岡山直太朗 「近世日本人口の研究」Okayama Naotarō "Kinsei Nihonjin no kenkyū" 1948

box 5, folder 17

内閣官報局 「褒賞條例」 『法令全書、明治十四年』 Naikaku kanpōkyoku "Hōshō jōrei" in Hōrei zensho, Meiji 14-nen 1976

box 5, folder 18-21

司法省蔵版 「徳川禁令考 第六帙」(戸籍、鎖国令、検地)Shihōshō zōhan "Tokugawa kinreikō dai 6-chitsu" (toseki, sakokurei, kenchi) and 「徳川禁令考 第五帙」(農業) "Tokugawa kinreikō dai 5-chitsu" (nōgyō) 1894-1895

box 5, folder 22

内閣官報局「法令全書、明治元年」 Naikaku kanpōkyoku Hōrei zensho, Meiji gannen 1974

box 6, folder 1-10

内閣官報局「法令全書」明治二年ー明治六年ノ1、昭和四十九年 Naikaku kanpōkyoku Hōrei zensho, "Meiji 2-nen" to "Meiji 6-nen no 1" and 明治六年ノ2ー明治十一年、昭和五十年 Naikaku kanpōkyoku Hōrei zensho, "Meiji 6-nen no 2" to "Meiji 11-nen" 1974, 1975

box 6, folder 11

鶴見雄輔「猶太人獨逸人排斥の原因を論じて世界に於ける排日感情の擡頭に及ぶ」、ほか Tsurumi Yūsuke "Yudayajin Doitsujin haiseki no gen'in o ronjite sekai ni okeru hainichi kanjō no taitō ni oyobu," etc. with notes

box 6, folder 12

本庄栄治郎「日本経済思想史」第二冊(清文堂) Honjō Eijirō Nihon keizai shisōshi dai 2-satsu (Seibundō) 1971

box 6, folder 13

唐澤富太郎「貢進生 幕末維新期のエリート」(ぎょうせい) Karasawa Tomitarō Kōshinsei bakumatsu ishinki no eriito (Gyōsei) 1974

box 6, folder 14

松方正義「国家学会創立満三十年記念 明治憲政経済史論」 Matsukata Masayoshi Kokka Gakkai sōritsu man 30-nen kinen Meiji kensei keizai shiron 1919

box 6, folder 15

「横浜開港五十年史 下巻」 Yokohama kaikō gojūnenshi gekan 1973

box 6, folder 16-17

日本郵船珠式会社「七十年史」 Nihon Yūsen Tamashiki Kaisha 70-nen shi 1956

box 73, folder 8

Sakata, Yasuo, "A Forgotten Prelude: Overseas Dekasegi of Japanese across the Pacific 1866 to 1900, mss." 1976

box 74, folder 1

Published articles 1999 December

Scope and Contents

アメリカ合衆国における一八九一年移民法の制定と噛み合わなかった日米の認識「好ましからざる移住者」と「海外で恥を曝す本邦人」, June 1998 (大阪学院大学国際学論集 第9巻第1号), サンフランシスコにおける「大日本人会」設立の経緯と沿革 一八八九(明治二二)年〜一八九七(明治三十)年, December 1998 (大阪学院大学国際学論集 第9巻第2号), アメリカ合衆国における日本人キリスト教信者の関わる「第一次不敬事件」一八九三(明治二六)年三月: 雑誌「遠征」記事を基礎史料として, December 1999 (大阪学院大学国際学論集 第10巻第2号), Creating Mutual Dependency: The Silk Trade in United States-Japan Relations, 1876-1900, March 1992 (大阪学院大学国際学論集 第2巻第2号), 我孫子久太郎: 永住を主唱した「日米」新聞経営者, December 1984, 東京経済大学人文自然科学論集第68号
box 74, folder 1-5

New York Times, Articles related to Japan and China 1852-1889

box 74, folder 6-7

San Francisco Chronicle: Anti-Japanese sentiments 1892-1895

box 75, folder 1

神戸港等商業学校研究所編, 経済・法律文献目録第二集 (大正五年から昭和十四年) 宝文館 昭和二年十月 1927 October

box 75, folder 2

神戸港等商業学校研究所編, 経済・法律文献目録第二集 (大正十五年から昭和五年) 宝文館 昭和六年十一月 1931 November

box 75, folder 3

移民関係文献 国会図書館カードカタログ undated

box 75, folder 4

天野敬太郎編 法律・経済・社会論文総覧, 刀江書院, 昭和2年3月 1927 March

box 75, folder 5

横浜市立大学寄要人文科学編, 日本関係イギリス政府文書目録 1988 March 31

Scope and Contents

The Journal of the Yokohama City Univesrity, "List of Manuscripts and Documents relating to Japan preserved at the Public Record Office, London. Compiled and annotated by Kato Yuzo, Prof of History, Yokohama City Univ. and Kusuya Shigetoshi, Lecturer of History and International Studies, Nihon Univ."
box 75, folder 6

明治事物起原, 石井研堂著, 春陽堂蔵版 1936 July 1


日米生糸貿易 United States-Japan Raw Silk Thread Trade

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts as well as research notes.
box 7, folder 1-4

第二巻 解読構成済原稿 (Final) 2, 4 書簡 Dai 2-kan edited transcription (Final) 2, 4 correspondence


第二巻 解読構成済原稿 (Final) 5 資料 Dai 2-kan edited transcription (Final) 5 documents 1880-1909

box 7, folder 5

「第四 同伸会社紐育支店相場報告」 "Dai 4 Dōshin Kaisha Nyūyōku shiten sōba hōkoku" report 1880 October - 1893 August

box 7, folder 6-7

「第五 横浜正金銀行紐育出張所関係資料」(アメリカ合衆国連邦政府公文書館所蔵)"Dai 5 Yokohama Shōkin Ginkō Nyūyōku shucchōjo kankei shiryō" (Amerika Gasshūkoku Renpō Seifu Kōbun Shokan shozō) report, etc. 1880-1889

box 7, folder 8

「第六 新井領一郎資産」 "Dai 6 Arai Ryōichirō shisan" 1880-1909

box 8, folder 1

「第三 星野長太郎米仏絹織物業および蚕糸業視察に関する書簡・覚書」 "Dai 3 Hoshino Chōtarō Beifu kinu orimonogyō oyobi sanshigyō shisatsu ni kansuru shokan, oboegaki" 1880-1890

box 8, folder 2

New York Silk Conditioning Works quality control and related documents 1880-1889

box 8, folder 3

「史料GS星野長太郎書簡」 星野文也殿、大竹豊殿、星野長太郎 "Shiryō GS Hoshino Chōtarō shokan" Hoshino Fumiya-dono, Ōtake Yutaka-dono, Hoshino Chōtarō 1889 December 6


第二巻 解読構成済原稿 (Final) 1 資料

box 8, folder 4

同伸会社、生絲 直輸出「日米生糸貿易史料」第二巻・史料編2 Dōshin Kaisha, direct export of raw silk thread "Nichibei kiito bōeki shiryō" dai 2-kan, edited historical document 2 1988 June 1

box 8, folder 5-6

同伸会社、生絲 直輸出「第一 生糸直輸沿革史料」 一 同伸会社 Dōshin Kaisha, direct export of raw silk thread "Daiichi kiito choku yu enkaku shiryō" 1 Dōshin Kaisha 1880 September - 1891 August

box 8, folder 7

同伸会社、生絲 直輸出「第一 生糸直輸沿革史料」 二 生糸直輸 Dōshin Kaisha, direct export of raw silk thread "Daiichi kiito chokuyu enkaku shiryō" 2 kiito chokuyu 1880 June - 1891 October

box 8, folder 8

Research notes and trademarks

box 8, folder 9-10

第二巻 解読構成済原稿 (Final) 3 書簡「第二 新井領一郎関係書簡」二 同伸会社関係 Dai 2-kan edited transcription (Final) 3 correspondence "Daini Arai Ryōichirō kankei shokan" 2 Dōshin Kaisha kankei 1881 July 12 - 1892 December 28

box 8, folder 11

同伸会社紐育支店相場報告 (1) Dōshin Kaisha Nyūyōku shiten sōba hōkoku (1) 1880-1885

box 9, folder 1

"Silk Manufacturing and Its Problems" Chittick, James 1913

box 9, folder 2

Miscellaneous silk trade notes and printed matter, Arai, Hoshino, 群馬日報 (Gunma nippō)

box 73, folder 1

Morimura Bros. & Co., & Japanese Hinode store, New York: Letter head undated

box 73, folder 2

Broadstreet Company, Broadstreet's commercial reports 1880

box 73, folder 3

桜木孝司 「イーストマン・カレッジとそこに留学した日本人」高千穂商科大学大学院経営学研究科修士論文 1998

box 73, folder 4

森村・新井組関係資料 附・村井保固 1998


『東京経済雑誌』 Tōkyō keizai zasshi Articles and Related Materials

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts from magazines, as well as research notes.

「在米日本人史黎明期研究」関係記事 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū" related articles

box 9, folder 3

January 1879 (M12) with commentary and index

box 9, folder 4

「移住、植民、出稼移民、その他(2)」 "Ijū, shokumin, dekasegi imin, etc. (2)" 1892-1897

box 9, folder 5

「ノルマントン號事件」、「在米日本人史黎明期研究」 "Norumanton gō jiken," "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū" 1886

box 9, folder 6

「支那人雑居論争」 "Shinajin zakkyo ronsō" 1885-1886

box 9, folder 7

「條約改正」 "Jōyaku kaisei" 1889

box 9, folder 8

「米布併合、日本人上陸禁止」 "Beifu heigō, Nihonjin jōriku kinshi" 1898

box 9, folder 9

「條約改正、内地雑居問題」 "Jōyaku kaisei, naichi zakkyo mondai" 1893-1894


『東京経済雑誌』 目録、記事 Tōkyō keizai zasshi index and articles

box 9, folder 10

目録 Index

box 10, folder 1

アメリカ合衆国関係記事 Amerika Gasshūkoku related articles, starting from 1879

box 10, folder 2-4

目録 Index (2-4)


『東京経済雑誌』記事 項目別 Tōkyō keizai zasshi articles sorted by topic

box 10, folder 5

「新聞社説の要旨」 "Shinbun shasetsu no yōshi" 1886

box 10, folder 6

「法令、規則」"Hōrei, kisoku" 1883

box 10, folder 7

記事 在米日本人史関係 Articles related to Zaibei Nihonjin shi

box 10, folder 8

記事・雑 (1) Miscellaneous articles (1) starting Meiji 1880

box 11, folder 1

記事・雑 (2) Miscellaneous articles (2) starting 1891

box 11, folder 2

「移住、植民、出稼移民、その他」 "Ijū, shokumin, dekasegi imin, sono ta" 1883-1891

box 11, folder 3

「明治初年生糸貿易関係」 "Meiji shonen kiito bōeki kankei" 1886

box 11, folder 4

Extra Copies (重複)


Early Japanese Immigration File

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 11, folder 5

Circular and Catalogue of Bryant and Stratton's Mercantile Colleges, etc., New York 1859

box 11, folder 6

米国博覧会報告書 8, Beikoku Hakuran Kai hōkokusho 8 report

box 11, folder 7

木村喜之『砂糖製作期 全』東都御書房出雲寺和泉掾藏, Kimura Yoshiyuki Satō seisakuki zen Tōto Goshobō Izumoji Izumi no Jōzō 1797

box 11, folder 8

Oceanic Group 共同研究 collaborative research

Scope and Contents note

Includes pages from California History, Yuji Ichioka "Japanese Immigrant Nationalism"
box 11, folder 9

「明治初年の貿易」土屋喬 "Meiji shonen no bōeki" Tsuchiya Takashi

Scope and Contents note

Photocopy of "Chapter 3: Transition and Development of Economic Policy."
box 11, folder 10

International Exhibition, Official Catalogue of the Japanese Section, and Descriptive Notes on the Industry and Agriculture of Japan , Philadelphia 1876

box 11, folder 11

高木三郎略伝 Takagi Saburō ryakuden

box 11, folder 12

『福沢諭吉全集』 第十七巻、第十八巻 Fukuzawa Yukichi zenshū Vol. 17, Vol. 18 1961, 1962

box 11, folder 13

伊藤博文関係文書 五 Itō Hirofumi kankei monjo 5 1977 March 20

box 11, folder 14-15

「旅券法則及同法則取扱手續二関スル訓令指令並旅券下付取締雜件」外務省外交資料館 "Ryoken hōsoku oyobi dō hōsoku toriatsukai tetsuzuki ni kansuru kunrei shirei narabi ryoken kafu torishimari zakken," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan, II

box 12, folder 1-3

「旅券法則及同法則取扱手續二関スル訓令指令並旅券下付取締雜件」外務省外交資料館 "Ryoken hōsoku oyobi dō hōsoku toriatsukai tetsuzuki ni kansuru kunrei shirei narabi ryoken kafu torishimari zakken," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan I, III, IV, notes

box 12, folder 4

「海外旅券規則並其取扱手續制度及改正一件」外務省外交資料館所蔵 Kaigai ryoken kisoku narabi sono toriatsukai tetsuzuki seido oyobi kaisei ikken, Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan, notes

box 12, folder 5

「馬場辰猪關係文書」外務省外交資料館所蔵 Baba Tatsui kankei monjo, Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1877

box 12, folder 6-7

「米国『アイダホ』州『ユオンパチヒック』鐵道工事ニ從事セル本邦勞働者放逐事件調査ノ爲メ珍田領事出張一件」 "Beikoku Aidaho-shū 'yuon pachihikku' tetsudō kōji ni jūji seru honpō rōdōsha hōchiku jiken chōsa no tame Chinda ryōji shutchō ikken" and research notes 1892

box 12, folder 8

「仏国ニッケル会社代理人『ルッシェ』ト日本吉佐移民会社トノ契約證及契約證」外務省『海外出稼人契約書類集』 "Furansu Nikkeru Kaisha dairinin 'Russhe' to Nihon Kisa Imin Kaisha tono keiyaku akashi oyobi keiyaku akashi," Gaimushō Kaigai dekaseginin keiyaku shorui-shū 1892

box 12, folder 9

「米国ニ於ケル本邦人渡航制限及排斥關係一覧」壹〜十:目録 "Beikoku ni okeru honpōjin tokō seigen oyobi haiseki kankei ichiran" 1-10: index 1891 - 1907

box 71, folder 6

在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締関係雑件貳 在晩香坡領事館ノ部リサーチノート 1889 July

box 71, folder 8

「渡米案内」抜粋リサーチノート 1998 September 10

box 71, folder 9

「田中鶴吉」関連資料およびリサーチノート undated

box 73, folder 6

北米合衆國ニ於ル本邦人渡航制限及排斥関係一覧 壹 明治24年4月から30年12月リサーチノート undated

box 72, folder 1-2

北米合衆國ニ於ル本邦人渡航制限及排斥関係一覧 貳 明治32年2月から33年5月リサーチノート undated

box 72, folder 3

連邦政府「契約労働者法」の適用問題 (連邦政府議会文書) 「ライス報告書」を含む ハワイの合衆国併合 undated

box 72, folder 4

「日本郵船会社神戸シアトル航路開設」日本外交文書第二十三巻 明治23年 リサーチノート undated

box 73, folder 5

海外移住出稼雑纂 參 明治30年から33年 リサーチノート undated


Early Japanese Foreign Policy File

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of government documents and printed matter. Includes material on immigration.
box 12, folder 10-13

東京帝国大学「大日本古文書 幕末外国関係文書」 Tōkyō Teikoku Daigaku "Dai Nippon komonjo: bakumatsu gaikoku kankei monjo" 20-23 1930-1952

box 13, folder 1-10

東京帝国大学「大日本古文書 幕末外国関係文書」Tōkyō Teikoku Daigaku "Dai Nippon komonjo: bakumatsu gaikoku kankei monjo" 24-33; "Ancient Documents of Nippon, Documents Relating to Foreign Affairs in the Last Days of the Shogunate, 1853-68. Volume XXIV, XXVII-XXXIII Documents in European Languages" 1949-1964


外務省編 日本外交史文書目録 Gaimushō hen Nihon gaikō shi monjo index

box 13, folder 11

外務省編『日本外交年表竝主要文書』上 (1) Gaimushō hen Nihon gaikō nenhyō narabi shuyō monjo jō (1)

box 13, folder 12

外務省編『日本外交年表竝主要文書』上 (2) Gaimushō hen Nihon gaikō nenhyō narabi shuyō monjo jō (2)

box 13, folder 13

英修道編『日本外交史関係文献目録 追補編』(慶應義塾大学法學研究会) Hanabusa Nagamichi hen Nihon gaikō shi kankei bunken mokuroku tsuiho hen (Keiō Gijuku Daigaku Hōgaku Kenkyūkai) 1968

box 14, folder 1

英修道編『日本外交史関係文献目録』and 英修道編『日本外交史関係文献目録(2)』(慶應義塾大学法學研究会) Hanabusa Nagamichi hen Nihon gaikō shi kankei bunken mokuroku 1 and 2 (Keiō Gijuku Daigaku Hōgaku Kenkyūkai) 1961, 1965


『通商彙纂』 Tsūshō isan

box 14, folder 2

『渡米新報』目録 Tobei shinpō index

box 14, folder 3

外務省通商局 I (1) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku I (1) 1894 January - 1899 December

box 14, folder 4

外務省通商局 I (2) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku I (2) 1894 January - 1899 December

box 14, folder 5

外務省通商局 II (1) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku II (1) 1900 January - 1903 December

box 14, folder 6

外務省通商局 II (2) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku II (2) 1900 January - 1903 December

box 15, folder 1

外務省通商局 III (1) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku III (1) 1904 January - 1908 December

box 15, folder 2

外務省通商局 III (2) Gaimushō Tsūshō kyoku III (2) 1904 January - 1908 December

box 15, folder 3-5

「殖民協会報告」"Shokumin kyōkai hōkoku";「殖民時報」(殖民協会報告改題) "Shokumin jihō" (Shokumin Kyōkai hōkoku, title changed) Nos. 1-68, 69-86 1893-1901

box 15, folder 6

大阪積善館発行「懐中日記」"Kaichū nikki," published by Ōsaka Sekizenkan

box 15, folder 7

日本史籍協会編「遣外使節日記纂輯 一」 Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai hen "Kengai shisetsu nikki sanshū 1"

box 15, folder 8

"The First Japanese Mission to America (1860)," Yanagawa M., translated by Junichi Fukuyama and Roderick H. Jackson 1937

box 16, folder 1

村垣淡路守「航海日記」 Muragaki Awa-no-kami "Kōkai nikki," "Kokai Nikki: The Diary of the First Japanese Embassy to the United States of America" 1958

box 16, folder 2

村山有「修好事始 日米両国関係史(上)」 Murayama Tamotsu "Shūkō kotohajime: Nichibei ryōkoku kankeishi (jō)" 1960

box 16, folder 3

Muragaki-awaji-no-kami "Kokai nikki: Dairy of The First Japanese Embassy to the United States of America" translated by Mr. Shigehiko Miyoshi in The First Japanese Embassy to the United States of America, Nichibei Kyōkai 1920

box 16, folder 4

沼田次郎校注「航米日録(玉虫左太夫)」 "Kōbei nichiroku (Tamamushi Sadayū)" edited by Numata Jirō

box 16, folder 5-11

「万延元年 遣米使節史料集成 第一巻 - 第五巻」 "Man'en gannen kenbei shisetsu shiryō shūsei 1-7" 1960-1961

Scope and Contents note

Folder 9 includes "Collected Documents of the Japanese Mission to America Volume V," edited by George M. Brooke Jr., translated by Eiichi Kiyooka, 1961
box 16, folder 12

万延元年 遣米使節史料集成 Man'en gannen kenbei shisetsu shiryō shūsei

box 16, folder 13

Miscellaneous excerpts from 遣米使節史料集成 (Kenbei shisetsu shiryō shūsei)

box 16, folder 14

木村鉄太「航米記」『肥後国史料叢書・第二巻』 Kimura Tetsuta "Kōbeiki" Higo-koku shiryō sōsho dai 2-kan 1974

box 16, folder 15

【「航米日録」「柴田剛中日載」「英国探索」「柳川當清海航日記」"Kōbei nichiroku," "Shibata Takenaka nissai," "Igirisu tansaku," "Yanagawa Masakiyo kōkai nikki"】 沼田次郎、松沢弘陽 Numata Jirō, Matsuzawa Hiroaki,『日本思想大系66 西洋見聞集』 Nihon shisō taikei 66 seiyō kenmonshū,(岩波書店 Iwanami Shoten) 1978


渡米案内・渡航留学手引, Travel Guide to America, Travel and Study Abroad Procedures File

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 17, folder 1

渡米・渡航案内(文献目録・付解説)Tobei tokō annai (commentary with document index) A Buried Past, pp. 42 - 46


渡米案内 Travel guide to America 1870s-1890s

box 17, folder 2

福沢諭吉『西洋旅案内』in『海外出稼案内』移民保護協会編(慶應義塾出版局) Fukuzawa Yukichi "Seiyō tabi annai" in Kaigai dekasegi annai Imin Hogo Kyōkai hen (Keiō gijuku shuppan kyoku) 1873

box 17, folder 3

石田隅治郎『來れ日本人』 Ishida Sumijirō Kitare Nihonjin 1887

box 17, folder 4

赤峰瀬一郎『米国今不審議』(寛學会英學校) Akamine Seiichirō Beikoku ima fushigi (Kangaku Kai Ei Gakkō) 1886

box 17, folder 5

渡部教行『布哇國案内』(大阪、福音社) Watanabe Noriyuki Hawai koku an'nai (Ōsaka, Fukuinsha) 1894


渡米案内 Travel guide to America 1900-1906

box 17, folder 6

片山潜『続渡米案内』(渡米協会) Katayama Sen Zoku tobei an'nai (Tobei Kyōkai) 1902

box 17, folder 7

片山潜『渡米の秘訣』(渡米協会) Katayama Sen Tobei no hiketsu (Tobei Kyōkai) 1906

box 17, folder 8

河上翠陵『米国男女書生気質』 Kawakami Kiyoshi Beikoku danjo shosei kishitsu 1903

box 17, folder 9

川村鐵太郎(有項)『最近活動北米事業案内』(博文館) Kawamura Tetsutarō (yūkō) Saikin katsudō hokubei jigyō annai (Hakubun kan) 1906

box 17, folder 10

木村芳五郎・井上胤文『最近正確布哇渡航案内』(博文館) Kimura Yoshigorō, Inoue Tanebumi Saikin seikaku Hawai tokō annai (Hakubun kan) 1904

box 17, folder 11

奥戸善之助『渡米日記及余の米國觀』(大阪、著者発行) Okudo Zennosuke Tobei nikki oyobi yo no Beikoku kan (Ōsaka, chosha hakkō) 1905

box 17, folder 12

北沢寅之助・成沢金兵衛『新撰渡米案内』(内外出版協会) Kitazawa Toranosuke, Narusawa Kinbei Shinsen tobei annai (Naigai Shuppan Kyōkai) 1906


渡米案内・渡航留学手引 Travel Guide to America, Travel and Study Abroad Procedures (Sh-Z)


渡米案内 Travel guide to America (Sh-Y) 1900-1906

box 17, folder 13

嶋貫兵大夫 Shimanuki Hyōdayū 『渡米案内大全』 Tobei annai daizen 1901

box 17, folder 14

嶋貫兵大夫 Shimanuki Hyōdayū 『新渡米法』 Shin tobei hō 1901

box 17, folder 15

嶋貫兵大夫 Shimanuki Hyōdayū 『最近渡米策』(日本力行会) Saikin tobeisaku (Nihon Rikkōkai) 1904

box 17, folder 16

嶋貫兵大夫 Shimanuki Hyōdayū 『渡米案内』(博文館) Tobei annai (Hakubun kan) 1901

box 18, folder 1

清水鶴三郎(曲川)『米国労働便覧』 Shimizu Tsurusaburō (Magarikawa) Beikoku rōdō binran 1902

box 18, folder 2

山岸幹『米国布哇渡米問答』 Yamagishi Miki Beikoku Hawai tobei mondō 1902

box 18, folder 3

山下敬太郎『加奈陀富源・一名貿易移住案内』 Yamashita Keitarō Kanada fugen ichimei bōeki ijū annai 1903

box 18, folder 4

山根吾一『最近渡米案内』(渡米雑誌社) Yamane Goichi Saikin tobei annai (Tobei Zasshisha) 1906

box 18, folder 5

吉村大次郎『最近視察青年之渡米』(中庸堂書店) Yoshimura Daijirō Saikin shisatsu seinen no tobei (Chūyōdō shoten) 1902

box 18, folder 6

吉村大次郎『独立時給北米遊学案内』(海外起業同志会) Yoshimura Daijirō Dokuritsu jikyū Hokubei yūgaku annai (Kaigai Kigyō Dōshikai) 1903

box 18, folder 7

吉村大次郎『テキサス州の米作』(海外起業同志会) Yoshimura Daijirō Tekisasu-shū no beisaku (Kaigai Kigyō Dōshikai) 1903

box 18, folder 8

吉村大次郎『テキサス州米作の実験』(海外起業同志会) Yoshimura Daijirō Tekisasu-shū beisaku no jikken (Kaigai Kigyō Dōshikai) 1905

box 18, folder 9

渡辺四郎『海外立身の手引』(雲梯社) Watanabe Shirō Kaigai risshin no tebiki (Unteisha) 1902

box 18, folder 10

『新渡米』出版協力 Shin tobei Shuppan Kyōryoku


渡米案内 Travel guide to America 1907-1910

box 18, folder 11

秋吉辰次郎『新撰渡米者必携』 Akiyoshi Tatsujirō Shinsen tobeisha hikkei 1908

box 18, folder 12

形影生『米国苦学実記』 Keieisei Beikoku kugaku jikki 1911

box 18, folder 13

田原喜三郎『在米成功之友』 Tahara Kisaburō Zaibei seikō no tomo 1908

box 18, folder 14

坦和三郎『米国ミヤゲ』Taira Wasaburō Beikoku miyage 1907

box 18, folder 15

梅田又次郎『在英の苦学生及労働者』Umeda Matajirō Zaiei no kugakusei oyobi rōdōsha 1907

box 18, folder 16

相島勘次郎、佐藤政次郎『渡米のしるべ』(大阪岡島書店) Aijima Kanjirō, Satō Masajirō Tobei no shirube (Ōsaka Okajima Shoten) 1902 October

box 19, folder 1

天野寅三郎『渡米羅針』(東京交誠社) Amano Torasaburō Tobei rashin (Tōkyō Kōseisha) 1904 October

box 19, folder 2

有磯逸郎『海外活動の日本人』 Arisō Itsurō Kaigai katsudō no Nihonjin 1906

box 19, folder 3

平山勝熊『北米の富源』 Hirayama Katsukuma Hokubei no fugen 1904 July

box 19, folder 4

一柳松庵『渡米の栞 一名・三等先客渡航案内』(東京掃葉軒) Ichiyanagi Shōan Tobei no shiori ichimei, santō senkyaku tokō annai (Tōkyō Sōyōken) 1901

box 19, folder 5

飯島栄太郎『米国渡航案内』 Iijima Eitarō Beikoku tobei annai 1902

box 19, folder 6

移民保護協会『海外出稼案内』(文明堂、内外出版協会) Imin Hogo Kyōkai Kaigai dekasegi annai (Bunmeidō, Naigai shuppan kyōkai) 1902

box 19, folder 7

石塚猪男蔵『現今渡米案内』(石塚書店) Ishizuka Iozō Genkon tobei annai (Ishizuka shoten) 1903

box 19, folder 8

片山潜『渡米案内』(渡米協会) Katayama sen Tobei annai (Tobei Kyōkai) 1901


Immigration and Travel File

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter as well as research notes.
box 19, folder 9

富田源太郎・大和田弥吉『米国行独案内「一名桑港事情」』上・下(海員社) Tomita Gentarō, Ōwada Yakichi Beikoku-yuki hitori annai 'ichimei Sanfuranshisuko jijō' jō, ge (Kaiin sha) 1886

box 19, folder 10

外山義文『日本と布哇(一名)革命前後之布哇』[社会文庫第二編](博文館) Sotoyama Yoshifumi "Nihon to Hawai (ichi-mei) kakumei zengo no Hawai" [Shakai Bunko dai 2-hen] (Hirofumi kan) 1894

box 19, folder 11

渡米新報 雑 Tobei shinpō miscellaneous notes


日本人海外移住 Japanese Migration Abroad

Scope and Contents

Contains 「雑誌記事」, magazine articles and newspaper clippings.
box 19, folder 12-13

『渡米新報』第1巻~第6巻, Tobei shinpō Vol. 1 - Vol. 6 1&2 1907 May - 1908 May

box 20, folder 1-2

『日本移民協会報告』第1巻(大正三年)から第16巻(大正八年)復刻版(不二出版)1&2, Nihon imin kyōkai hōkoku Vol. 1 (Taishō 3-nen) to Vol. 16 (Taishō 8-nen) reprint (Fuji Shuppan) 1&2 2006

box 20, folder 3

『移民情報』第一巻~第三巻 Imin jōhō Vol. 1- Vol. 3 notes and index 1929 March - 1931 April

box 20, folder 4

『力行會雑誌』(『力行』と合併)第6巻1-12 Rikkō kai zasshi ("rikkō" to gappei) Vol. 6 No. 1-12 notes and index 1908 January-December

box 20, folder 5

日本移民協会編『海外移住』(日本移民協会) Nihon Imin Kyōkai hen Kaigai ijū (Nihon Imin Kyōkai) notes 1922

box 20, folder 6

『東京経済新報』移住論、植民論 Tōkyō keizai shinpō immigration theory, colonizatin theory 1897 - 1899

box 20, folder 7

『日本人』、『亜細亜』、『日本』、『日本及日本人』:解説と目録 Nihonjin, Ajia, Nihon, Nihon oyobi Nihonjin: Commentary and index

box 20, folder 8

『亜細亜』 Ajiya [First Series] 1-71 1891 June - 1892 December

box 20, folder 9

『新聞修正明治編年史』第6巻、第7巻 日本人海外移住関係記事 Shinbun shūsei Meiji hen nenshi Vol. 6, Vol. 7 Nihonjin kaigai ijū kankei kiji


「史料・記事・論考」 Historical Documents, Articles, and Discourse

box 20, folder 10

殖民論・殖民政策 Colonization theory, colonization policy 1890s

box 20, folder 11


box 20, folder 12


box 20, folder 13

「明治初期の『自由主義』殖民思想」リサーチ・ノート "Meiji shoki no 'jiyū shugi' shokumin shisō" research notes

box 20, folder 14


box 21, folder 1

青柳郁太郎「海外移民に就いての所懐」『外交時報』53號 Aoyagi Ikutarō "Kaigai imin ni tsuite no shokai" Gaikōjihō No. 53 1902 June 20

box 21, folder 2

蛭川新「世界人の世界主義」『外交時報』 Hirukawa Arata "Sekaijin no sekai shugi" Gaikōjihō 309 1917 September 15

box 21, folder 3

淺田喬二「『第一回移民会議』と関東軍の満州農業移民計画ーー移民の農業経営案を中心としてーー」、『日本史研究』137 Asada Kyōji "'Dai ikkai imin kaigi' to Kantōgun no Manshū nōgyō imin keikaku: imin no nōgyō keiei-an o chūshin to shite," Nipponshi kenkyū 137 1973 November

box 21, folder 4

淺田喬二「日本植民史研究の現状と問題点」、『歴史評論』No. 300 Asada Kyōji "Nihon shokuminshi kenkyū no genjō to mondaiten," Rekishi hyōron No. 300 1975 April

box 21, folder 5

淺田喬二『日本植民史研究の課題と方法」『歴史評論』No. 308 Asada Kyōji "Nihon shokuminshi kenkyū no kadai to hōhō" Rekishi hyōron No. 308 1975 December

box 21, folder 6

柳田利夫『海外各地在留本邦人職業別人口表』解説 Yanagida Toshio, Kaigai kakuchi zairyū honpōjin shokugyōbetsu jinkōhyō commentary; 「戦後50年と日系アメリカ人史研究ーー語られない1930年代ーー」阪田安雄 "Sengo 50-nen to Nikkei Amerikajin-shi kenkyū: katararenai 1930-nendai," Sakata Yasuo 2002 November, 1995 March 10

box 21, folder 7

山岡桂二「浮田和民の帝国主義論について」、『日本歴史』(5月号) Yamaoka Keiji "Ukita Kazutami no teikoku shugiron ni tsuite," Nihon rekishi 192 (5-gatsu gō)

box 21, folder 8

第壹回太平洋沿岸日本人會協議會(於央州ポートランド市)「議事録」 Dai 1-kai Taiheiyō engan Nihonjin kai kyōgi kai (Oregon shū Pōtorando shi), meeting minutes (UCLA JARP Collection) 1914 July

box 69, folder 2

海外出稼人取締ノ義ニ付開港市場並広島、山口、福岡、島根、鹿児島各県知事へ内訓一件 (Internal Instructions to the open poarts and governors of Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Shimane, and Kagoshima about the control over overseas dekasegi workers) undated

box 69, folder 3-4

千葉豊治遺稿 (Manuscripts by Chiba Toyoji) 1944 March 9


幕末外交関係資料(1) Bakumatsu Gaikō Kankei Shiryō File (1)

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter as well as research notes and correspondence.
box 21, folder 9

外務省所蔵外交関係文書:移民関係資料リスト(目録) Gaimushō shozō gaikō kankei bunsho: list of documents relating to immigration (index) 2000 September

box 21, folder 10

「邦人被傭雜件」外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Hōjin hiyō zakken" Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1869-1894

box 21, folder 11

「海外移住出稼雜件」壹、貳: リサーチ・ノート "Kaigai ijū dekasegi zakken" 1, 2: research notes 1870-1896

box 21, folder 12

『日本外交文書』第十八巻「事項三・法規関係雜件:外國船乗組稼人口入營業取締規則創定一件」 Nihon gaikō monjo dai jūhakkan "Jikō 3, hōki kankei zakken : gaikoku sen norikumi kaseginin kuchiire eigyō torishimari kisoku sōtei ikken" 1885

box 21, folder 13

外国人雇日本人の海外渡航に関する明治政府方針・措置資料・ノート documents and notes regarding Meiji government policy and meaures on the travel abroad of Japanese employers of foreigners

box 21, folder 14

Harris, Towsend, A Complete Journal リサーチ・ノート、メモ、覚書 research notes and memo

box 21, folder 15

Some Unpublished Letters of Towsend Harris (NY) Shio Sakanishi 1941

box 21, folder 16

『大日本古文書・幕末外國関係文書十九~三十五 (傭関係)』(東京帝国大学史料編纂係編纂) Dai Nippon komonjo bakumatsu gaikoku kankei monjo 19-35 (yatoi kankei) (Tōkyō Teikoku Daigaku shiryō hensan-gakari hensan)

box 21, folder 17

Notes on treaties

box 21, folder 18

「外務省書類保存」『東京經済雑誌』137 "Gaimushō shorui hozon" Tōkyō keizai zasshi 137 1982 November 11

box 21, folder 19

外川安宅『幕末小史』(續日本史籍協會叢書) Sotokawa Ataka Bakumatsu shōshi (zoku Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai sōsho)


幕末外交関係資料(2):「不平等条約締結」と日本政府対応 Bakumatsu Gaikō Related Documents (2): "Fubyōdō jōyaku teiketsu" to Nihon Seifu Taiō File

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter as well as research notes.
box 22, folder 1-2

不平等条約規約と日本人雇用, Fubyōdō jōyaku kiyaku to Nihonjin koyō, 1&2

box 22, folder 3

西洋人の日本観・幕末 Seiyōjin no Nihon kan, bakumatsu

box 22, folder 4

Treaty Ports Alien Residents: Unruly Elements, Diplomats' Views

box 22, folder 5

British Government Views on Emigration (British Diplomats and Chinese Laborers)

box 22, folder 6

「アロー戦争」と「安政条約」締結交渉 "Arō sensō" to "Ansei jōyaku" teiketsu kōshō

Scope and Contents note

From「大日本古文書」"Dai Nihon komonjo"
box 22, folder 7

明治維新と横浜港 Meiji Ishin and Yokohama Bay

box 22, folder 8

自由貿易と「会所貿易」 Free trade and "kaisho bōeki"

Scope and Contents note

From 「大日本古文書」"Dai Nihon komonjo"
box 22, folder 9

「会所貿易」と列国抗議 "Kaisho bōeki" and rekkoku kōgi

box 22, folder 10

出稼労働者所得統計 廣島県の例 Dekasegi rōdōsha shotoku tōkei: the example of Hiroshima-ken


「御免之印章」発附関係資料:幕末および明治初年 "Gomen no inshō" Happu Related Documents: Bakumatsu oyobi Meiji Shonen File

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of government documents and printed matter as well as research notes and correspondence.
box 22, folder 11

「鎖国令」英文訳 "Sakoku rei," English translation

box 22, folder 12

"Tariff Convention of 1866," Parliamentary Papers, "Correspondence respecting the Revision of the Japanese Commercial Tariff" Japan No. 1 1867

box 22, folder 13

「於開港場免状相渡候航海人明細書」、外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Okeru kaikōjō menjō aido sōrō kōkai-bito meisaisho," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō

box 22, folder 14

「幕府依頼発給海外行免状及海外旅券類集・慶應二年から明治十五年」、外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Bakufu irai hakkyū kaigai iki menjō oyobi kaigai ryokenrui shū, Keiō 2-nen kara Meiji 15-nen," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1866-1882

box 22, folder 15

「海外行免状発行一件、明治元年至九年」、外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Kaigai iki menjō hakkō 1-ken, Meiji gannen itaru 9-nen," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1868-1876

box 22, folder 16

外務省編『續通信全覽』類輯之部30「海外渡米免許一件(御免之印章)」慶応二年(1866) Gaimushō hen Zoku tsūshin zenran ruishū no bu 30 "Kaigai tobei menkyo 1-ken (gomen no inshō)" 1866

box 22, folder 17

「外国船乗込心得」明治五壬申年『法令全書』五年ノ2, "Gaikokusen norikomi kokoroe" Meiji 5 9-nen? Hōrei zensho 5-nen no 2

box 22, folder 18

「外務省布達」第一號「海外行免状之儀海外旅券ト改稱」" Gaimushō futatsu" dai 1-gō "Kaigai iki menjō no gi kaigai ryoken to kaishō" 1878 February 20

box 22, folder 19

外務省外交史料館所蔵 旅券規則 外國旅券規則及々規則取扱手續一件 Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō ryoken kisoku gaikoku ryoken kisoku oyobi kisoku toriatsukai tetsuzuki 1-ken, starting 1878

box 22, folder 20

London Protocol and Tariff Convention

box 22, folder 21

「海外行免状沿革次第竝手數料、明治元年至同十年」、外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Kaigai iki menjō enkaku shidai narabi tesūryō, Meiji gannen itaru dō 10-nen," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1868-1877

box 23, folder 1

「海外行免状沿革次第竝事務例則、明治十年八月調」、外務省外交史料館所蔵 "Kaigai iki menjō enkaku shidai narabi jimu reisoku, Meiji 10-nen 8-gatsu chō," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1877 August

box 23, folder 2

「海外旅券発行に関する件」リサーチ・ノート Kaigai ryoken hakkō ni kansuru ken, research notes

box 23, folder 3

「御免の印章」発行:関連資料とリサーチ・ノート Gomen no inshō hakkō: related documents and research notes


外務省外交史料館所所蔵 北米合衆国渡航労働者への旅券発行禁止 Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan Sho Shozō Hokubei Gasshūkoku Tokō Rōdōsha e no Ryoken Hakkō Kinshi 1890 August 3

box 23, folder 4

「領事報告」上陸禁止 合衆国移民禁止新条例施行 Ryōji hōkoku jōriku kinshi Gasshūkoku imin kinshi shin jōrei shikō 1891 March

box 23, folder 5

藤田敏郎書記生出張復命書華盛頓・オレゴン州視察 Fujita Toshirō shokisei shutchō fukumei sho Washinton Oregon shū shisatsu 1891 July

box 23, folder 6

「アメリカ合衆国移民条令」及び関連資料 リサーチ・ノート "Amerika Gasshūkoku imin jōrei" and related documents, research notes 1893


領事報告 外務省外交史料館所蔵 Ryōji hōkoku Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō

box 23, folder 7

「呼寄移民渡航許可」に関する訓令と通達 directive and official notice related to "yobiyose imin tokō kyoka" 1902-1904

box 23, folder 8

Newpapers in English, San Francisco: Anti-Japanese 領事報告附属文書 document included in Consul report 1891

box 23, folder 9

「北米合衆国ニ於テ本邦人渡航制限及排斥一件、參」ノート(2) Hokubei Gasshūkoku ni oite honpōjin tokō seigen oyobi haiseki ikken, notes 2 1900 May - 1906 September

box 23, folder 10-11

「布哇移民米国渡航禁止一件」リサーチ・ノート Hawai imin Beikoku tokō kinshi ikken research notes (1, 2) 1902 May - 1907 December


Government Documents Related to Treaty Revision, 条約改正関係文献資料

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.

Writings 著書

box 23, folder 12

稲生典太郎『条約改正論の歴史的展開』(小峯書店)1 Inao Noritarō Jōyaku kaisei-ron no rekishi-teki tenkai (Komine shoten) 1 1976

box 24, folder 1

稲生典太郎『条約改正論の歴史的展開』(小峯書店)2 Inao Noritarō Jōyaku kaisei-ron no rekishi-teki tenkai (Komine shoten) 2 1976

box 24, folder 2-4

大山梓・ 稲生典太郎、『条約改正調書集成』上巻 下巻1, 2(原書房) Ōyama Azusa, Inao Noritarō, Jōyaku kaisei chōsho shūsei jōkan and gekan 1, 2 (gen shobō) 1991

box 24, folder 5

下村冨士男『明治初年条約改正史の研究』(吉川弘文館)Shimomura Fujio Meiji shonen jōyaku kaisei-shi no kenkyū (Yoshikawakō bunkan) 1962

box 24, folder 6

岡義武「條約改正論議に現れた當時の對外意識(一、二)」『國家學會雜誌』 Oka Yoshitake, "Jōyaku kaisei rongi ni arawareta tōji no taigai ishiki (1, 2)" Kokka gakkai zasshi 67:1・2 (1953/8), 3・4 (1953/9)


Theses 論文

box 24, folder 7

秋本益利「書評:下村冨士男『明治初年条約改正史の研究』」『社會經濟史學』 Akimoto Masutoshi "Shohyō: Shimomura Fujio 'Meiji shonen jōyaku kaisei-shi no kenkyū,'" Shiyakuwai keizai shigaku (28:3) 1963

box 24, folder 8

稲生典太郎「幕末における條約書の交付と刊行について」『國學允雜誌』 Inao Noritarō "Bakumatsu ni okeru jōyakusho no kōfu to kankō ni tsuite," Kokugaku in zasshi (62:9) 1962

box 24, folder 9

岩野一郎「移民の帰化と人種による差別ーー日系移民を中心にーー」本間長世他『現代アメリカ像の再構築ーー政治と文化の現代史』(東京大学出版会) Iwano Ichirō "Imin no kika to jinshu ni yoru sabetsu: Nikkei imin o chūshin ni," Honma Nagayo hoka, Gendai Amerika-zō no sai kōchiku: seiji to bunka no gendai-shi (Tōkyō Daigaku Shuppankai) 1990

box 24, folder 10

町田俊昭「神奈川条約文の誤訳の発生過程」『日本歴史』 Machida Toshiaki "Kanagawa jōyaku bun no goyaku no hassei katei," Nihon rekishi (322) 1975

box 24, folder 11

英修道「條約改正交渉」神川先生還暦記念『近代日本外交史の研究』(有斐閣) Hanabusa Nagamichi "Jōyaku kaisei kōshō," Kamikawa sensei kanreki kinen Kindai Nihon gaikō shi no kenkyū (Yūhikaku) 1956


Historical documents and research notes 史料・研究ノート

box 24, folder 12

条約改正と移民条項 Treaty revision and immigration clause 1894

box 24, folder 13

條約改正に関する陸奥外相書簡、青木駐獨公使宛『條約改正関係大日本外交文書』第四巻 Correspondence from Mutsu gaishō, to Aoki Doitsu kōshi, regarding treaty revision Jōyaku kaisei kankei dai Nihon gaikō monjo dai 4-kan 1893 July 25


外務省編『移民調査報告』Gaimushō hen Imin chōsa hōkoku

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 24, folder 14


box 24, folder 15

外務省通商局編『移民地事情』第1巻〜第10巻【復刻版】 Gaimushō tsūshō kyokuhen Iminchi jijō vol. 1 - vol. 10 [reprinted] 1922-1931

box 24, folder 16

Commentary in『東京経済雑誌』 Tōkyō keizai zasshi on Gaimushō Imin chōsa hōkoku

box 25, folder 1

第1回〜第13回【雄松堂復刻】「内容細目」および書誌情報 Dai 1-kai - dai 13-kai [Yūshōdō reprinted] content details and bibliographical information 1908-1914

box 25, folder 2

第1回 Dai 1-kai: 農商務書記官山脇春樹「米国テキサス州に於ける米作に關する報告」、農商務省商工局 Nōshōmu shokikan Yamawaki Haruki Beikoku Tekisasu-shū ni okeru beisaku ni kansuru hōkoku, nōshōmushō shōkōkyoku 1905 March


町村史 Chōson shi

box 25, folder 3

斉藤幹「布哇移民状況報告」『移民調査報告書』 Saitō Miki "Hawai imin jōkyō hōkoku" Imin chōsa hōkokusho 1908 November

box 25, folder 4

清水精三郎「北米テキサス州移民地取調報告」『移民調査報告書』 Shimizu Seisaburō "Hokubei Tekisasu-shū iminchi torishirabe hōkoku," Imin chōsa hōkokusho 1908 November

box 25, folder 5

松原一雄「北米ノース・ダコタ州本邦人土地開墾状況報告」『移民調査報告書』 Matsubara Kazuo "Hokubei Nōsu Dakota-shū honpōjin tochi kaikon jōkyō hōkoku," Imin chōsa hōkokusho 1908 November

box 25, folder 6

大山卯次郎「北米ネバダ、ユタ、コロラド、ワイオミング、アイダホ各州視察報告書」『移民調査報告書』 Ōyama Ujirō "Hokubei Nebada, Yuta, Kororado, Waiomingu, Aidaho kakushū shisatsu hōkokusho," Imin chōsa hōkokusho 1908 November

box 25, folder 7

岩谷譲吉「北米南加移民事情報告書」『移民調査報告書』 Iwatani Jōkichi "Hokubei Nanka imin jijō hōkoku-sho," Imin chōsa hōkokusho 1908 November


第二回移民調査報告 Dai 2-kai imin chōsa hōkoku

box 25, folder 8-9

沼野康太郎「北米合衆国『アイダホ』州移民調査報告」外務省通商局; 同じく『 ワイオミング』州 Numano Kōtarō "Hokubei gasshūkoku 'Aidaho' shū imin chōsa hōkoku," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku; likewise "'Waiomingu' shū" 1910

box 25, folder 10

松原一雄「『ノースダコタ』州農業地視察報告書」外務省通商局 Matsubara Kazuo "'Nōsu Dakota' shū nōgyōchi shisatsu hōkokusho," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1910

box 25, folder 11

「北米合衆国『カンザス』州『ガーデンシチー』附近日本人農業経営者ニ関スル報告」、外務省通商局 "Hokubei Gasshūkoku 'Kanzasu' shū 'Gāden Shichī' fukin Nihonjin nōgyō keieisha ni kansuru hōkoku," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1910

box 25, folder 12

松原一雄「北米合衆国南部農業殊ニ『テキサス』州米作調査報告書」、外務省通商局 Matsubara Kazuo "Hokubei Gasshūkoku nanbu nōgyō koto ni 'Tekisasu' shū beisaku chōsa hōkokusho," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1910

box 25, folder 13

森田小六郎「加州『サクラメント』在住日本人事情」、外務省通商局 Morita korokurō "Kashū 'Sakuramento' zaijū Nihonjin jijō," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1910

box 25, folder 14

「フロリダ州]大和殖民地ノ農作」、在紐育総領事館山崎馨一「北米合衆国東南部諸州調査報告」 "Furorida-shū Yamato shokuminchi no nōsaku," zai Nyūyōku sōryōjikan Yamazaki Keiichi "Hokubei Gasshūkoku tōnanbu shoshū chōsa hōkoku"


第九回移民調査報告 Dai 9-kai imin chōsa hōkoku

box 25, folder 15

今井忍郎「伊国移民問題」、外務省通商局 Imai Shinorō "Itaria imin mondai," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1912 March

box 25, folder 16

「北米合衆国『アイダホ』および『ワイオミング』州日本人事情」、外務省通商局 "Hokubei Gasshūkoku 'Aidaho' oyobi 'Waiomingu' shū Nihonjin jijō," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1912 March

box 25, folder 17

大和久義郎『北米合衆国「モンタナ」州視察復命書』外務省通商局 Ōwaku Yoshirō "Hokubei Gasshūkoku 'Montana' shū shisatsu fukumeisho," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1912 March

box 25, folder 18

「南部華盛頓州哥倫比亜河流城視察報告」外務省通商局 "Nanbu Washinton-shū Koronbia karyūjō shisatsu hōkoku," Gaimushō Tsūshōkyoku 1912 March


第十回移民調査報告Dai 10-kai imin chōsa hōkoku

box 25, folder 19

中谷正造「加州『サクラメント』平野ニ於ケル本邦在留民事情視察報告書(明治44年12月28日日在桑港帝国領事館提出)」外務省通商局『移民調査報告書第十』 Nakatani Shōzō "Kashū Sakuramento hirano ni okeru honpō zairyūmin jijō shisatsu hōkokusho (Meiji 44-nen 12-gatsu 28-nichi Nichizai Sanfuranshisuko teikoku ryōjikan teishutsu)," Gaimushō tsūshōkyoku Imin chōsa hōkokusho daijū 1911 December 28

box 25, folder 20

「晩香坡島事情調査報告」外務省通商局『移民調査報告書第十』 "Bankūbā-jima jijō chōsa hōkoku," Gaimushō tsūshōkyoku Imin chōsa hōkokusho daijū

box 25, folder 21

外務省亜米利加局編『北米日系市民概況』(米一調書第四輯) Gaimushō Amerika kyokuhen Hokubei nikkei shimin gaikyō (Beiichi chōsho daiyonshū) 1936

box 25, folder 22

外務省亜米利加局編『在北米邦人團體調査』(外務省亜米利加局) Gaimushō Amerika kyokuhen Zai Hokubei hōjin dantai chōsa (Gaimushō Amerika kyoku) 1936

box 25, folder 23

Newspaper report on 渡米者増加 Tobeisha zōka


Government Documents and Printed Matter, 在米日本人史黎明期研究 Procpectus 執筆用参考資料 外務省外交史料館史料(領事報告) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū Procpectus reference documents, Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shiryō (Consul Report)

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 25, folder 24

「外國旅券規則」外務省外交資料館 "Gaikoku ryoken kisoku," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan

box 26, folder 1

「海外旅券規則并其取扱手續制定及改正一件」、外務省外交史料館 "Kaigai ryoken kisoku narabi sono toriatsukai tetsuzuki seitei oyobi kaisei ikken," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan

box 26, folder 2

官約移民に関する安藤太郎 総 領事報告(出身県別評価) Andō Tarō Consul general's report relating to kan'yakuimin (assessment by prefecture) 1886 February

box 26, folder 3

「在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締關係雜件・貳、在晩香披領事館ノ部」、外務省外交史料館 "Zaibei honpōjin no jōkyō narabi tobeisha torishimari kankei zakken 2, zai Bankūbā ryōjikan no bu," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan


外務省所蔵史料 外務省編「日本外交文書」外務省外交史料館所蔵文書 Gaimushō shozō shiryō gaimushō hen "Nihon gaikō monjo" Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō monjo

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts of government documents and printed matter, as well as research notes.
box 26, folder 4

「北米合衆国ニ於テ本邦人制限及排斥一件・貳(2)」外務省外交官史料 "Hokubei Gasshūkoku ni oite honpōjin seigen oyobi haiseki ikken 2," Gaimushō Gaikōkan shiryō

box 26, folder 5

条約関係資料 Documents related to the treaty, notes

box 26, folder 6

外務省『日本外交文書』移民関係・雜 Gaimushō Nihon gaikō monjo on immigration, miscellaneous

box 26, folder 7

『大日本外交文書』第四巻「事項21:『グアム』島出稼人召喚ニ關スル件」 Dai Nippon gaikō monjo Vol. 4 "Jikō 21: 'Guamu' shima dekaseginin shōkan ni kansuru ken" 1871

box 26, folder 8

外務省『大日本外交文書』第五巻「秘露國風帆船『まりや・ルス』號ニ關スル件」 Gaimushō Dai Nippon gaikō monjo dai 5-kan "Perūkoku fūhansen 'Mariya Rusu' gō ni kansuru ken"

box 26, folder 9

『日本外交文書』第二十七巻第二冊「米國ニ於テ本邦移民制限ノ件」「布哇國革命一件」 Nihon gaikō monjo dai 27-kan dai 2-satsu "Beikoku ni oite honpō imin seigen no ken", "Hawai koku kakumei 1-ken" 1894

box 26, folder 10

外務省外交史料館所蔵「外交文書・日本人移住關係史料(明治大正期)調査資料」(JICA 資料館) Gaimushō gaikō shiryōkan shozō "Gaikō monjo Nihonjin ijū kankei shiryō (Meiji Taishōki) chōsa shiryō" (JICA archive) index and notes

box 26, folder 11

「海外移住出稼雜纂」四: リサーチ・ノート "Kaigai ijū dekasegi zassan" 4: research notes 1901-1903

box 70, folder 1

「日本外交文書」第二十六巻 (明治26年) 「米國ニ於テ本邦移民制限竝ニ排斥一件, 加奈陀ニ於テ本邦移民制限竝ニ排斥一件」,「日本外交文書」第二十七巻第二冊 (明治27年)「移民保護規則制定ノ件」 1893-1894

box 70, folder 2

「日本外交文書」第二十九巻 (明治29年) 「移民保護法 (法律第七十號制定ノ件)」 1894

box 70, folder 3

「日本外交文書」第三十巻 (明治30年) 「布哇ニ於テ本邦移民上陸拒絶一件・附移民保護法竝ニ同施行細則」 1898

box 70, folder 4

「日本外交文書」第三十一巻第二冊 (明治31年) 米國ニ於テ本邦移民制限ノ件, 加奈陀ニ於テ本邦移民制限ノ件, 布哇移民雑纂 1898

box 70, folder 5

「日本外交文書」第三十二巻 (明治31年) 米國ニ於テ本邦移民制限ノ件, 布哇移民雑纂 1898

box 70, folder 6-9

北米合衆國ニ於テ本邦人渡航制限及排斥一件 2 外務省外交史料館 1898

box 71, folder 1

渡米出稼労働者の急増の背景 領事報告と政府対応 (明治17年から) 外務省外交史料館所蔵 1884 July

box 71, folder 2-3

西海岸へ渡米する「好ましからざる」日本人の増加と渡航斡旋業者の活動 明治21年から 外務省外交史料館所蔵 2011 March

box 71, folder 4

北米合衆国ニ於テ本邦人渡航制限及排斥一件 壹 外務省外交史料館 1892 June 14

box 71, folder 5

渡米出稼労働者の急増の背景悪徳渡航周旋人の活動 (明治17年から) 外務省外交史料館所蔵 1884 July

box 71, folder 7

領事報告付属書類・英字新聞切抜 明治31年から 外務省外交史料館所蔵 1898 January 21

box 72, folder 5-6

明治移民株式会社業務上ノ實況調査并同会社ヨリヴィクトリア及ハワイ等へ出稼人募集渡航一件 外務省外交史料館 undated

box 72, folder 7

英領「ウヰクトリヤ」「コモックスユニオン」炭坑本邦人出稼一件 明治24年 外務省外交史料館 1891

box 72, folder 8

日本明治移民株式会社と英国人「アプトン・フランク」トノ契約證および日本移民株式会社ト被雇者トノ契約證 明治25年 外務省海外出稼人契約書類集 1892

box 72, folder 9

在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締関係雑件 壹 桑港領事館ノ部 外務省外交史料館 1889


渡米諸衆関係資料『在米日本人史黎明期』第二巻 Tobei shoshū kankei shiryō "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" Vol. 2

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of government documents and printed matter, as well as research notes.
box 26, folder 12

「在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締竝關係雜件、第一」(大隈重信ヨリ陸奥宗光宛:陸奥宗光報告書(私信)) "Zaibei honpōjin no jōkyō narabi tobeisha torishimari narabi kankei zakken, dai 1," (from Ōkuma Shigenobu to Mutsu Munemitsu: Mutsu Munemitsu report (private message)) 1888

box 26, folder 13

「在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締竝關係雜纂」外務省外交資料館所蔵 目次 "Zaibei honpōjin no jōkyō narabi tobeisha torishimari narabi kankei zassan," Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō, index

box 26, folder 14

「在米本邦人ノ状況竝渡米者取締竝關係雜件、第一」 リサーチ・ノート "Zaibei honpōjin no jōkyō narabi tobeisha torishimari narabi kankei zakken, dai 1," research note 1888

box 26, folder 15

「アメリカ合衆国における清国人排斥と渡米書生」関連資料およびリサーチ・ノート "Amerika Gasshūkoku ni okeru Shinkokujin haiseki to tobei shosei" related documents and research notes

box 27, folder 1

労働者の合衆国本土への渡航禁止措置 関連資料 Rōdōsha no Gasshūkoku hondo e no tokō kinshi sochi, related documents 1900 August 3

box 27, folder 2

「尾崎咢堂と桑港『下女書生』騒動」明治20年 関連資料およびリサーチ・ノート "Ozaki Gakudō to Sōkō 'gejo shosei' sōdō" related documents and research notes 1887

box 27, folder 3

Restrictive Immigration Legislation Scott Act, 1888; Immigration Act of 1917

box 27, folder 4

日本人労働者海外出稼国内における反対・批判論 Nihonjin rōdōsha kaigai dekasegi kokunai ni okeru hantai, hihanron

box 27, folder 5

『近代日本の対外態度』佐藤誠三郎, R. Dingman, 他 Kindai Nihon no taigai taido Satō Seizaburō, R. Dingman, etc.


渡米諸衆関係資料 『在米日本人史黎明期』執筆用 Documents related to tobei sho shū "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki"

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter, as well as research notes and correspondence.
box 27, folder 6-7

Young, J. P., San Francisco: History of the Pacific Coast Metropolis, Vol. I, 1513-1871 and Vol. II, 1871-1912 (S.F.) 1912

box 27, folder 8

『武藤山治全集』第一巻 Mutō Sanji zenshū dai 1-kan 1963

box 27, folder 9

武藤山治『米國移民論』 Mutō Sanji Beikoku iminron 1887 September

box 27, folder 10

志賀重昂『南洋時事』(丸善商社書店) Shiga Shigetaka Nan'yō jiji (Maruzen shōsha shoten) 1887

box 27, folder 11

吉村大次郎『渡米成業の手引』(岡島書店) Yoshimura Daijirō Tobei seigyō no tebiki (Okajima shoten) 1902

box 27, folder 12

《アメリカからの頼り》1880/90年代の渡米青年 町田市立自由民権資料館展示 Amerika kara no tayori, 1880/90-nendai no tobei seinen Machida Shiritsu Jiyū Minken Shiryōkan tenji

box 27, folder 13

『時事新報』明治豪傑列伝 Jiji shinpō, Meiji gōketsu retsuden

box 27, folder 14

『日米』第二千號記念 Nichibei 2000th issue commemoration issued 1905 July 4

box 27, folder 15

安孫子久太郎の伯父宛書簡, Correspondence to the uncle of Abiko Kyūtarō 1906

box 28, folder 1-2

Newspapers, transcribed 書生新聞『大日本』第一號 Shosei shinbun Dai Nippon dai 1-gō; 『新日本』第八號 Shosei shinbun Shin Nippon dai 8-gō 1887 November 18, 1889 February 1


ワカマツコロニー 参考文献資料 Wakamatsu Colony Reference File

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter as well as notes.

Henry Schnell

box 28, folder 3

Van Reed, Eugene related documents, 「史談会速記録」第弐百九拾八輯 "Shidankai sokkiroku" dai 298-shū; San Francisco Chronicle 1869 June 17

box 28, folder 4

Meissner, Von Kurt, "'General' Edward Schnell," Monumenta Nipponica, IV:2 [誤まった記述] 1941 July

box 28, folder 5

榎本武揚と墨西哥植民計画文献資料 Enomoto Takeaki Mexico colonization related documents

box 28, folder 6

Allmond, Charles M. III, "The Great Silk Bubble," Delaware History, XI:3 1965 April

box 28, folder 7

鮎沢信太郎「幕末維新史上に暗躍した怪外人スネル」、『日本歴史』第166号 [誤った記述] Ayusawa Shintarō "Bakumatsu ishin shijō ni an'yaku shita kaigaijin Suneru," Nihon rekishi dai 166-gō [erroneous entry] 1962 April

box 28, folder 8

奈良本辰也監修『幕末維新人名事典』(ヘンリー・スネール)[誤った記述], Naramoto Tatsuya kanshū, Bakumatsu ishin jinmei jiten (Henrī Sunēru) [erroneous entry]

box 28, folder 9

尾佐竹猛『幕末維新の人物』「エドワード・スネール」(誤記) Osatake Takeki Bakumatsu ishin no jinbutsu "Edowādo Sunēru" (erroneous entry) 1936

box 28, folder 10

ワカマツ・コロニー リサーチ・ノート Wakamatsu Colony research notes

box 28, folder 11

Sericulture in California 資料およびリサーチ・ノート historical documents and research notes

box 28, folder 12

「會津戊辰戦史」 續日本史籍協會叢書 "Aizu Boshin senshi" zoku Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai series 1933 August 1

box 28, folder 13

「會津若松史」第5巻 "Aizu Wakamatsushi" vol. 5 1966 December 18

box 28, folder 14

日本史籍協会編「米澤藩戊辰文書」 Nihon shiseki kyōkai hen "Yonezawahan boshin monjo"

box 28, folder 15

アメリカ合衆国(カリフォルニア州)における養蚕および製糸に関する資料とリサーチ・ノート Research notes regarding mulberry and paper production in the United States (California); Appendix to the Journals of the Twenty-Fifth Session of the Legislature of the State of California. Vol III (Sacramento); Report of the Commissioner of Agriculture for the year 1870. (Washington) 1871, 1883

box 28, folder 16

ワカマツ・コロニー関連資料文献資料 Documents related to the Wakamatsu Colony

box 28, folder 17

San Francisco Chronicle "Schnell and the Governor of Yedo", research note and documents on Tsukahara Tajimamori Masayoshi 1869 June 17

box 28, folder 18

塚原誠二書簡(塚原昌義の血縁) Tsukahara Seiji correspondence (Tsukahara Masayoshi no ketsuen)

box 28, folder 19

「政治亡命第一号、塚原但馬守昌義」リサーチ・ノートおよび文献資料 "Seiji bōmei dai 1-gō, Tsukahara Tajimamori Masayoshi" research notes and documents

box 29, folder 1

「塚原重五郎(但馬守昌義)」リサーチ・ノートと文献資料 "Tsukahara Jūgorō (Tajimamori Masayoshi)" research notes and documents

box 29, folder 2

「塚原重五郎(但馬守昌義)と萬延元年遣米使節」リサーチ・ノートと関連資料 "Tsukahara Jūgorō (Tajimamori Masayoshi) to man'en gannen kenbei shisetsu" research note and related documents

box 29, folder 3

舊東京帝國大學史談會編『舊事諮問録』「外國奉行の話」 Kyū Tōkyō Teikoku Daigaku Shidankai hen Kyūji shimon roku "Gaikoku bugyō no hanashi"

box 29, folder 4

吉野眞保編『嘉永明治年間録』上巻(元年者) Yoshino Masayasu hen Kaei Meiji nenkan-roku jōkan (gannen mono)


Bureau of Immigration Annual Reports

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of government documents as well as research notes and correspondence.
box 29, folder 5-8

Annual Report/Commissioner General of Immigration 1926, 1927; 1930; 1931, 1932 (Department of Labor) 1912-1932

box 29, folder 9-12

Papers: Diplomatic correspondence, Foreign Relations of U.S. 1860-64

box 30, folder 1-5

Papers: Diplomatic correspondence, Foreign Relations of U.S. 1864/65 1864-70

box 30, folder 6-7

Correspondence, No. 133: Despatches, U.S. Ministers to Japan, Vol. 1, 2, 3 1855-1862


Japan Weekly Mail 1869-1910

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts.
box 30, folder 8

"Handy Topic Index," 1869-1889

box 30, folder 9-18

1886 January - 1895 December

box 31, folder 1-4

1896 January - 1906 December

box 31, folder 5

講文資料集(2) Kōbun shiryōshū (2 )


English Language Newspapers

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts from the San Francisco Chronicle, New York Times, Los Angeles Times and other publications.
box 31, folder 6

The San Francisco Chronicle, "The Problem of the Hour" (includes other relative articles) 1905 February 23

box 31, folder 7

San Francisco Chronicle, "The Japanese Immigrants"「亡命者」元幕府総外国奉行塚原但馬守昌義 Bōmeisha moto bakufu sō gaikoku bugyō Tsukahara Tajimamori Masayoshi 1869 June 17

box 31, folder 8

Mail and Express, New York: "Under the American Flag (Japanese in New York)" 1885 March 5

box 31, folder 9

San Francisco Chronicle, Russo-Japanese War and Anti-Japanese Movement 1905

box 31, folder 10

Los Angeles Times, Chinese and Japanese 1880s

box 31, folder 11

Honolulu Star Bulletin, 1st Extra December 7, 1941 "Japanese Attack on Pearl Harbor"

box 31, folder 12

New York Times Index, Japan and Related Topics 1851-1910

box 32, folder 1

New York Times Index, Japan and Related Topics 1851-1910

box 32, folder 2

California newspapers on microfilm

box 32, folder 3

New York Times Index

box 32, folder 4

San Francisco Chronicle, Japanese immigration and immigrants 1905


幕末外交史(英語文献)Bakumatsu gaikō shi (English documents): Dennett, Tyler; Treat, Payson J.

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 32, folder 5-6

Dennett, Tyler Americans in Eastern Asia: A Critical Study of the Policy of the United States with reference to China, Japan, and Korea in the 19th Century , New York: Barnes and Nobles, Inc., 1&2 1941

box 32, folder 7-8

Treat, P. J., Diplomatic Relations between the United States and Japan, 1835-1895, Volume I (Stanford) 1932


「在米日本人史黎明期」研究 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki research

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 33, folder 1

Irick, R. L., Ch'ing Policy toward the Coolie Trade, 1847-1878 (1982)

box 33, folder 2

Campbell, P. C., Chinese Coolie Emigration to Countries within the British Empire (London) 1923

box 33, folder 3-4

Lane-Poole, Life of Sir Harry Parkes Vol. 1, Vol. 2


「在米日本人史黎明期」英語参考文献 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" English Reference Material

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts.
box 33, folder 5

Beasley, W. G., Great Britain and the Opening of Japan, 1834-1858 (London) 1951

box 33, folder 6

Black, John R., Young Japan: Yokohama and Edo, etc., 2 volumes (London) 1880

box 34, folder 1-2

Cosenza, M. E., The Complete Journal of Townsend Harris: First American Consul General and Minister to Japan (New York) 1930

box 34, folder 3

Griffis, W. E., Hepburn of Japan and his wife and helpmates: A life story of toil for Christ (Philadelphia) 1913

box 34, folder 4

Sakamaki, S., Japan and the United States 1790-1853 (Transactions of the Asiatic Society of Japan, 18, 2nd series) 1939

box 34, folder 5

Satow, Ernest, A Diplomato in Japan (London) 1921


『在米日本人史黎明期』第一巻 参考文献 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki Vol. 1 Reference Material

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 34, folder 6

Pooley, A.M. The Secret Memoires of Count Tadasu Hayashi, New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons 1915

box 34, folder 7

入江寅次著『明治南進史稿』 Irie Toraji cho Meiji nanshin shikō 1943

box 34, folder 8-9

入江寅次著『邦人海外發展史』(上)Irie Toraji cho Hōjin kaigai hatten shi (jō) 1942


Indices and Miscellaneous

Scope and Contents

Contains newspapers and research documents. Includes naterial written by Sakata and others.
box 35, folder 1

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究 概要」"Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū gaiyō"

box 35, folder 2

諸衆新聞・雑誌 目録および目次 Shoshū newspaper, magazine index and table of contents

box 35, folder 3

General Index of the Published Volume of the Diplomatic Correspondence and Foreign Relations of the United States 1861-1899

box 35, folder 4

阪田安雄研究業績 (Sakata Yasuo research achievements) books and articles

box 35, folder 5

阪田安雄所蔵(大阪学院大学研究室)英語日本史・日本研究文献リスト Sakata Yasuo shozō (Ōsaka Gakuin Daigaku kenkyūshitsu) English Japanese history, Japan research documents list

box 35, folder 6

Congressional reports and documents

box 35, folder 7

阪田安雄所蔵文献・資料リスト Sakata Yasuo shozō documents list

box 35, folder 8

阪田安雄研究業績、「福音会沿革史料研究会資料 一」 Sakata Yasuo research achievements, Fukuin Kai enkaku shiryō kenkyūkai shiryō 1

box 35, folder 9

参考メモ・雑 Notes and miscellaneous


「在米日本人史黎明期」研究 幕末・明治初期 清国国際関係史・外交史 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" kenkyū bakumatsu Meiji shoki Shinkoku kokusai kankei shi gaikō shi

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 35, folder 10-11

Fox, Grace, Britain and Japan, 1858-1883 Oxford, At the Claredon Press 1969

box 35, folder 12

Costin, W. G., Great Britain and China, 1833-1960, Oxford 1968

box 35, folder 13-14

Fairbank, J. K., Trade and Diplomacy on the China Coast: The Opening of the Treaty Ports, 1842-1854, 1953

box 36, folder 1

Mayers, Wm. Fred., ed., Treaties between the Empire of China and Foreign Powers, Shanghai 1897

box 36, folder 2

Mayers, Wm. F., and Dennys, N. B., The Treaty Ports of China and Japan, Hong Kong 1867

box 36, folder 3

S. W. Williams, The Middle Kingdom, New York 1883

box 36, folder 4

MacNair, H. F., The Chinese Abroad Their Position and Protection: A Study in International Law and Relations, Shanghai 1924


在米日本人史黎明期」英語参考文献 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki, English Research Material

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter, as well as research notes.
box 36, folder 5-6

Redesdale, Baron, Memories Volume 1, 2 (London) 1912

box 36, folder 7

参考資料・文献 Research documents

box 36, folder 8

Alien Land Laws of California, 1913, 1921, 1922: Statutes of California

box 36, folder 9

Agricultural Repression Rescript 1885

box 36, folder 10

History of Immigration, 研究ノート・メモ・覚書 research notes, memo, note

box 36, folder 11

Bramsen, William, Japanese Chronological Tables from Tai-kwa 1st to Meiji 6th year (Tokyo) 1910

box 37, folder 1

Printed material, Smith, G. (Bishop of Victoria), Ten Weeks in Japan, London 1861

box 37, folder 2

Longford, J.H., Japan of the Japanese, New York 1912

box 37, folder 3

Williams, S. Wells, A Journal of the Perry Expedition to Japan, 1853-1854 1910

box 37, folder 4

日本史籍協會編『懐往事談・幕末政治家』続日本史籍協會草書、(東大出版會) Nihon Shiseki Kyōkai hen Kaiō jidan bakumatsu seijika zoku Nihon shiseki kyōkai sōsho, (Tōdai Shuppankai) 1900

box 37, folder 5

Marius B. Jansen 「近代日本百年の意味」 "Kindai Nihon hyakunen no imi" 1969 January 1


ヴァン・リード関係資料「元年者」ハワイ渡航事件 Van Reed Related Material, "Gannen mono" Hawai tokō jiken

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter, as well as research notes.
box 37, folder 6

今井[粂井]輝子「『元年者』移民無免許ハワイ渡航問題についての一考察」『津田塾大学紀要』11, Imai [Kumei] Teruko "Gannen mono imin mumenkyo Hawai tokō mondai ni tsuite no ichi kōsatsu" Tsudajuku Daigaku kiyō 11 1979 March

box 37, folder 7

Carano, P. and Sanchez, P., A Complete History of Guam, Rutland, Vermont 1964

box 37, folder 8

Griffin, E., Clippers and Consuls: American Consular and Commercial Relations with Eastern Asia, 1845-1860 (Ann Arbor) 1938

box 37, folder 9

California Silk Culture 1867, 1868, 1979

Scope and Contents

Includes excerpt from California History LVIII, No. 1.
box 37, folder 10

Van Reed, Eugene 資料およびリサーチ・ノート documents and research notes

box 37, folder 11

元年者渡航に関する資料・ノート Documents and notes relating to gannen mono tokō

box 37, folder 12

奉公人口入家業(人宿) Hōkōnin kuchiire kagyō (jinshuku)

box 37, folder 13

グアム(Guam)島出稼事件、明治元年 Guamu-tō dekasegi jiken, Meiji gannen

box 38, folder 1

官約移民関係 ノート・メモ・覚書 Kan'yaku imin related notes, memo


英国および合衆国外交文書 Igirisu oyobi Gasshūkoku gaikō bunsho): Diplomatic Correspondence, U.S.A. Parliamentary Papers, Great Britain Treaties and Conventions

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, research notes, and correspondence.
box 38, folder 2

British Parliamentary Papers, Index on China and Japan: General Alphabetical Index to the Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts, and Papers, printed by order of the House of Commons and to the papers printed by command 1852-1899

box 38, folder 3

British Parliamentary Papers, "Correspondence respecting emigration from Canton, 1860"

box 38, folder 4

British Parliamentary Papers, "Affairs of Japan, 1863"

box 38, folder 5

British Legation reports on sericulture in Japan and Great Britain Parliament Sessional Papers. (London) 1868-1871, 1930

box 38, folder 6

"Notes to Japanese Legation from State Department," No. 99, Roll 66, U.S. National Archives 1897-1900

box 38, folder 7-8

"Notes from Japanese Legation in U.S. to State Department," No. 163, Roll 6: U.S. National Archives 1897-1900

box 38, folder 9

Minister's Despatches, United States Legation, Japan 1881


Treaty Ports Diplomats: Profiles, Notes, Draft

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, research notes, and correspondence.
box 38, folder 10

Rutherford Alcock, British

box 38, folder 11

Laurence Oliphant, British

box 38, folder 12

Harry Parkes, British (Wikipedia)

box 38, folder 13

JICA 理事長表彰 JICA board chairman acknowledgement 2005 October 3

box 39, folder 1

「ハリー・パークス略伝」『東京經濟雜誌』Harry Parkes biographical sketch, Tōkyō keizai zasshi 1982

box 39, folder 2

黎明期第一巻第一章・草稿(2)序章、1「御免之印章」と「改税約書」なしの草稿;在米日本人史黎明期の研究・改訂原稿(第二節下書草稿)、英国公使のありがた迷惑なお節介;在米日本人史黎明期の研究・第一巻「歴史の悪戯」第一章 幕末日本人海外渡航開始と秘められた真実(本文と注) Reimeiki dai 1-kan dai 1-shō draft (2) joshō, 1 manuscript without "Gomen no inshō" and "Kaizei yakusho"; zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū revised draft (second clause draft manuscript), Igirisu kōshi no arigata meiwaku na osekkai; zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū dai 1-kan "Rekishi no itazura" dai 1-shō bakumatsu Nihonjin kaigai tokō kaishi to himerareta shinjitsu (text and annotation)


United States Congress Joint Immigration Commission Reports, 41 Volumes, (Dillingham Commission) 1911

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 39, folder 3

Wikipedia printout, United States Congress Joint Immigration Commission (est. 1907)

box 39, folder 4

Statistical Review of Immigration, 1820-1910; Distribution of Immigrants, 1850-1900. 1911

box 39, folder 5

Dictionary of Races or Peoples, 1850-1900. 1911

box 39, folder 6

Part 25, Vol. III Immigrant in Industries: Japanese and Other Immigrant Races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States: Diversifies Industries 1911

box 39, folder 7

Part 24. Vol. II Recent Immigrants in Agriculture 1911

box 39, folder 8

Part 25, Vol. III Immigrant in Industries: Japanese and Other Immigrant Races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States: Diversifies Industries 1911

box 40, folder 1

Part 25, Vol. III Immigrant in Industries: Japanese and Other Immigrant Races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States: Diversifies Industries 1911

box 40, folder 2

Part 25, Vol. I Immigrant in Industries: Japanese and Other Immigrant Races in the Pacific Coast and Rocky Mountain States; Japanese and East Indians 1911

box 40, folder 3-4

Part 24, Vol. II Recent Immigrants in Agriculture 1911


論文・雜誌記事 Essays and Magazine Articles

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 40, folder 5

外務省編「日本外交年表・史料」Gaimushō hen Nihon gaikō nenpyō shiryō

box 40, folder 6-7

『國民之友』海外移住・出稼、在米日本人関係 Kokumin no tomo 1-191, aticles related to emigration, working abroad, and Japanese in America - commentary, index 1887 - 1893

box 40, folder 8

朝河貫一「日本の對外方針」『國民之友』370號 Asakawa Kan'ichi "Nihon no taigai hōshin" Kokumin no tomo 370 gō 1898 June 10

box 40, folder 9

『日本人』 [Third Series] 1-44(『日本及日本人』に改名) Nihonjin ( The Japanese) (name changed to Nihon oyobi Nihonjin) 1896 July - 1906 August

box 41, folder 1

『亜細亜』 Ajiya Second Series 2:1-3:2 発刊禁止(『日本人』に改名)publication banned (name changed to Nihonjin) 1893 March - 1894 July

box 41, folder 2

『亜細亜』及び『日本人』長澤説(別天)記事, Ajiya oyobi Nihonjin, Nagasawa Setsu (Betten) article 1891-1895

box 41, folder 3

『日本人』 Nihonjin, The Japanese Second Series 1-18 1893 October - 1895 February

box 41, folder 4

『亜細亜』及び『日本人』植民、移住、在米日本人関係記事 Ajia oyobi Nihonjin colonization, migration, zaibei Nihonjin related articles 1891-1895

box 41, folder 5

『北米文藝』『日本及日本人』第666號 Hokubei bungei, Nihon oyobi Nihonjin no. 666 1915 October 15

box 41, folder 6-9

『太陽』1巻~13巻 日本人種論、移民、植民 Taiyō Vol. 1 to Vol. 13 Japan race theory, immigration, colonization - with commentary, index 1895-1907

box 41, folder 10

「黄白人の衝突」、『太陽』臨時増刊 6, 14:3 "Kōhakujin no shōtotsu" Taiyō special issue 6, 14: 3 1988 February 15

box 41, folder 11

上田貞次郎「アメリカと日本」『太陽』15:16 Ueda Teijirō "Amerika to Nihon" Taiyō 15:16 1909 May

box 41, folder 12-13

安孫子久太郎「排日問題の真相及其将来」『太陽』15巻6号 Abiko Kyūtarō "Hainichi mondai no shinsō oyobi sore no shōrai," Taiyō Vol. 15 No. 6 1909

box 41, folder 14

坪谷水哉「北米に於ける日本植民地の建設」『太陽』臨時増刊、14巻3号 Tsuboya Suisai "Hokubei ni okeru Nihon shokuminchi no kensetsu," Taiyō special issue, 14-kan 3-gō 1908 February

box 41, folder 15

「日本民族之膨張」『太陽』臨時増刊16巻15号 附「植民としての日本人性格論」 "Nihon minzoku no bōchō," Taiyō special issue Vol. 16 No. 15 addition "Shokumin to shite no Nihonjin seikakuron" 1910 November

box 41, folder 16

『太陽』14巻~19巻 日本人種論、移民、植民 Taiyō Vol. 14 - Vol. 19 Japan race theory, immigration, colonization 1908-1913

box 41, folder 17

『実業之日本』 Jitsugyō no Nihon - 解説、目録 commentary, index 1897 June

box 41, folder 18

『反省雜誌』、『中央公論』- 解説、目録 Hansei zasshi, Chūō kōron - commentary, index 1887

box 42, folder 1

『外交時報』掲載論文「日本人排斥問題」関連記事 Gaikō jihō published thesis, "Nihonjin haiseki mondai" related articles 1920-1921

box 42, folder 2

『北米文藝』 Hokubei bungei No. 1 Los Angeles 1946 May 5

box 42, folder 3

『北米農報』第二卷壹月號 Hokubei nōhō dai 2-kan 1-gatsu gō 1911 January 1

box 42, folder 4

『政友』(立憲政友會)排日関係記事 Seiyū (Rikken Seiyūkai) anti-Japanese related articles

box 42, folder 5

『仙臺義會雜誌』亘理篤治「米國通信」 Sendai gikai zasshi Watari Tokuji "Beikoku tsūshin" 1885

box 42, folder 6

殖民公報 colonization official bulletin

box 42, folder 7

Nos. 1-17 including 殖民公報 北海道殖民沿革 Shokumin kōhō historical development of colonization in Hokkaidō 1901 March - 1903 November

box 42, folder 8-9

『海外移住』 Kaigai ijū

box 42, folder 10

『東洋經濟新報』 Tōyō keizai shinpō (Oriental Economist) - 解説、目録;附 commentary, index; additional materials, starting 1885 1895 November


在米日本人史黎明期:II巻「明治16年改正徴兵令施行と徴兵令忌諱渡米書生」 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki: 2-kan "Meiji 16-nen kaisei chōhei rei shikō to chōhei rei kiki tobei shosei"

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 42, folder 11

『法令全書』明治二十二年第一號(内閣官報局)徴兵令改正關係 Hōrei zensho Meiji 22-nen dai 1-gō (Naikaku kanpō kyoku) relating to the Conscription Ordinance amendment 1889

box 42, folder 12

遠藤芳信「1880~1890代における徴兵制と地方行政機関の兵事事務管掌」『歴史学研究』10 Endō Yoshinobu "1880-1890-dai ni okeru chōhei sei to chihō gyōsei kikan no heiji jimu kanshō" Rekishi gaku kenkyū 10 1976 October

box 42, folder 13-14

松下芳男『徴兵令制定史』(内外書房)Matsushita Yoshio Chōhei rei seitei shi (Naigai Shobō) 1943

box 42, folder 15

藤村道生「徴兵令の成立」『歴史学研究』Fujimura Michio "Chōhei rei no seiritsu," Rekishi gaku kenkyū 1 [No. 428] 1976 January

box 42, folder 16

広瀬靖子「明治初年の対欧米関係と外国人内地旅行問題一、二」『史学雜誌』 Hirose Yasuko "Meiji shonen no tai Ōbei kankei to gaikokujin naichi ryokō mondai 1, 2," Shigaku zasshi 83:11and 83:12 1974 November-December

box 43, folder 1

藤村道生「徴兵令の成立」『歴史学研究』Fujimura Michio "Chōhei rei no seiritsu," Rekishi gaku kenkyū 1: 428 1976 January

box 43, folder 2

「徴兵告論」『法令全書』明治五年ノ一 Chōhei kokuron, Hōrei zensho Meiji 5-nen no 1 1872 November 28

box 43, folder 3

徴兵令改正一: 附『陸軍省沿革史』 「徴兵免役者ヨリ授産金微集ノ議」Chōhei rei kaisei 1: extra Rikugunshō enkaku shi "Chōhei men'ekisha yori jusankin bishū no gi" 1911

box 43, folder 4

伊藤博文「今昔書生氣質」『伊藤公全集』第一巻(昭和出版社) Itō Hirobumi "Konjaku shosei kishitsu," Itō kō zenshū dai 1-kan (Shōwa shuppansha) 1897, 1928

box 43, folder 5

壇叡「明治三十二年の国籍法成立に至る過程ーー日本国籍法序説ーー」『芳賀幸四郎先生古稀記念日本社会史研究』 Dan Akira "Meiji sanjūninen no kokuseki hō seiritsu ni itaru katei: Nihon kokuseki hō josetsu," Haga Kōshirō sensei koki kinen Nihon shakai shi kenkyū

box 43, folder 6

徴兵、諸統計 chōhei, statistics


『在米日本人史黎明期』第II巻「諸衆関係参考資料」 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 2-kan shoshū related documents

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, and research notes.
box 43, folder 7

『尾崎咢堂全集』第三巻、「歐米漫友記」(公論者) Ozaki Gakudō zenshū dai 3-kan, "Ōbei man'yūki" (Kōronsha) 1955

box 43, folder 8

林菫『回顧録』および『後は昔の記』由井正臣校注東洋文庫本、平凡社, Hayashi Sumire Kaiko roku oyobi Nochi wa mukashi no ki Yui Masaomi kōchū Tōyō bunkobon, Heibonsha 1970

box 43, folder 9

今泉源吉『先駆九十年 美山貫一と其時代』(みくに者)一部「第三章~第八章、桑港時代」 Imaizumi Genkichi Senku 90-nen Miyama Kan'ichi to sono jidai (Mikunisha) 1-bu "Dai 3-shō - dai 8-shō, Sanfuranshisuko jidai" 1932

box 43, folder 10

桜府隠士『在米成功の日本人』(牛島謹爾、伴新三郎、野田音次郎)Ōfu Inshi Zaibei seikō no Nihonjin (Ushijima Kinji, Ban Shinzaburō, Noda Otojirō) 1904

box 43, folder 11

『在米日本人年鑑』第十二 村井鮫編「産業号」 Zaibei Nihonjin nenkan dai 12 Murai Same hen "Sangyō-gō" 1918 January

box 43, folder 12

柏村一介(桂谷)『北米中加の在住日本人』(ワシントン、オレゴン州方面、日本人鉄道労働者増加)Kashimura Kazusuke (Keikoku) Hokubei Chūka no zaijū Nihonjin (Washinton, Oregon-shū hōmen, Nihonjin tetsudō rōdō-sha zōka) 1911

box 43, folder 13

福音会共同研究・阪田資料 Fukuin Kai collaborative research Sakata documents

box 43, folder 14

「不平等条約とアメリカ出稼」阪田安雄論文 "Fubyōdō jōyaku to Amerika dekasegi" Sakata Yasuo essay

box 43, folder 15

根本正『探檢腹命書』Nemoto Shō Tanken fukumei sho 1895

box 43, folder 16

『墨西哥探檢腹命書』 Mekishiko tanken fukumei sho 1894

box 43, folder 17

深豊幸 同志社『アメリカ研究』Fuka Toyoyuki「Native Sons of the Golden West」Dōshisha Amerika kenkyū 2004 December 24

box 43, folder 17

深豊幸「カリフォルニア・パイオニアの息子たち、「ネイティヴ・サン」が設立したフラターニティー:ネイティヴ・サンズ・オブ・ザ・ゴールデン・ウエスト」同志社 アメリカ研究 Fuka Toyoyuki "Kariforunia paionia no musuko tachi, 'neitivu san' ga setsuritsu shita furatānitī: neitivu sanzu obu za gōruden uesuto" Dōshisha Amerika kenkyū 2005

box 43, folder 17

The Oxford English Dictionary: Being a Corrected Re-Issue with an Introduction, Supplement, and Bibliography of A New English Dictionary on Historical Principles 1978

box 43, folder 18

阪田安雄学会発表レジュメ Sakata Yasuo presentation resume

box 44, folder 1

吉田秀夫「明治初年のハワイ出稼」(上・下) Yoshida Hideo "Meiji shonen no Hawai dekasegi" (jō, ge); Table, Overseas Dekasegi to Hawaii Under the Convention Contract System 1885-1894

box 44, folder 2

速水融『均整農村の歴史人口学的研究ーー信州諏訪地方の宗門改帳分析ーー』(東京経済新報社) Hayami Tōru Kinsei nōson no rekishi jinkō gakuteki kenkyū: Shinshū Suwa chihō no shūmon kaichō bunseki (Tōkyō keizai shinpō sha) 1973

box 44, folder 3

速水融「徳川後期人口変動の地域的特性」『三田学雑誌』高村象平教授退官記念特集号 Hayami Tōru "Tokugawa kōki jinkō hendō no chiikiteki tokusei" Mita gaku zasshi 64:8 Takamura Shōhei kyōju taikan kinen tokushū gō 1971 August

box 44, folder 4

速水融「徳川後期一農村の人口統計続篇ーーFamily reconstruction 法の適用ーー」『三田学雑誌』Hayami Tōru "Tokugawa kōki ichi nōson no jinkō tōkei zokuhen: Family reconstruction hō no tekiyō," Mita gaku zasshi 60:10 1967 October

box 44, folder 5

市原亮平「日本社会政策学派の人口論とその文化(一、二)--続日本人口論史ーー」、関西大学『経済論集』Ichihara Ryōhei "Nihon shakai seisaku gakuha no jinkōron to sono bunka (1, 2): zoku Nihonjin kōron shi," Kansai Daigaku Keizai ronshū 7: 1, 7: 2 1957 April-May

box 44, folder 6

市原亮平「わが國のマルサス研究史ーートーマス・ロバート・マルサス文献目録に寄せてーー」、関西大学『経済論集』Ichihara Ryōhei "Waga kuni no Marusasu kenkyū shi: Tōmasu Robāto Marusasu bunken mokuroku ni yosete," Kansai Daigaku Keizai ronshū 7: 4 1957 February

box 44, folder 7

木村健二「戦前期の海外飛雄と思想的系譜ー千葉豊治の足跡と著作をめぐってー」『経済学』東北大学経済学会 Kimura Kenji "Senzenki no kaigai hiyū to shisōteki keifu: Chiba Toyoji no ashiato to chosaku o megutte" Keizai gaku 53: 4 Tōhoku Daigaku Keizai Gakkai 1992

box 44, folder 8

木村健二「近代日本の移民・植民活動と中間層」『歴史学研究』Kimura Kenji "Kindai Nihon no imin shokumin katsudō to chūkan-sō" Rekishi-gaku kenkyū 613 1990 November

box 44, folder 9

木村健二「戦前期日本移民学の足跡」 Kimura Kenji "Senzenki Nihon imingaku no ashiato"

box 44, folder 10

岡崎文規『日本人口の分析ーー人口と経済ーー』(東京経済新報社) Okazaki Fuminori Nihon jinkō no bunseki: jinkō to keizai (Tōkyō Keizai Shinpōsha) 1957

box 44, folder 11

穐本洋哉「近世農村社会のおける人口増加と經濟」『三田学雑誌』 Akimoto Hiroya "Kinsei nōson shakai no okeru jinkō zōka to keizai," Mitagaku zasshi 64:2/3 70-8-0 1971 February

box 44, folder 12

堀經夫「明治初期に於けるマルサス人口論の導入」大阪商科大學『經濟學雜誌』 Hori Tsuneo "Meiji shoki ni okeru marusasu jinkō-ron no dōnyū," Ōsaka shōka daigaku Keizai gaku zasshi 11:6 1941 December

box 44, folder 13

吉田秀雄「マルサス人口論の輸入ーー明治人口論の一齣ーー」『人口問題』 Yoshida Hideo "Marusasu jinkō ron no yunyū: Meiji jinkō ron no hitokoma" Jinkō mondai 2: 4 1938 April

box 44, folder 14

吉田秀雄「明治時代の人口食糧論議(一)--『東京経済雑誌』を中心としてーー」『人口問題』Yoshida Hideo "Meiji jidai no jinkō shokuryō rongi (1): 'Tōkyō keizai zasshi' o chūshin to shite" Jinkō mondai 3:1 1938 October

box 44, folder 15

佐古丞「雑誌に見る戦間期日本の人口問題」『姫路法学』Sako Susumu "Zasshi ni miru senkanki Nihon no jinkō mondai," Himeji hōgaku 29/30 2000

box 44, folder 16

吉田忠雄『明日の人口問題ーー「満員日本」は解消されるか』(社会思想社) Yoshida Tadao Ashita no jinkō mondai: 'man'in Nihon' wa kaishō sareru ka (Shakai Shisōsha) 1962

box 44, folder 17

『在米日本人史黎明期』第II巻 ハワイ併合と日本人渡航問題 旅券偽造事件、外務省外交史料館所蔵 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 2-kan Hawai heigō to Nihonjin tokō mondai ryoken gizō jiken, Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1900

Scope and Contents

Includes 黒田謙一『日本植民思想史』(弘文堂) Kuroda Ken'ichi Nihon shokumin shisō shi (Kōbun Dō) 1942.

『在米日本人史黎明期』第II巻、ハワイ併合と日本人渡航問題旅券偽造事件1900; ハワイ轉航禁止問題外務省外交史料館所蔵 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 2-kan, Hawai heigō to Nihonjin tokō mondai ryoken gizō jiken, 1900; Hawai tenkō kinshi mondai gaimushō gaikō shiryō-kan shozō

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts.
box 44, folder 18

「布哇移民上陸禁止事件(神州丸事件)」及び「布哇移民本土転航問題」リサーチ・ノート "Hawai imin jōriku kinshi jiken (Shinshū Maru jiken) oyobi Hawai imin hondo tenkō mondai" research notes

box 44, folder 19

参考文献・ハワイ上陸禁止事件 山本英政、児玉正昭, reference documents on Hawai jōriku kinshi jiken: Yamamoto Hidemasa, Kodama Masaaki

box 44, folder 20

「布哇より本土転航問題」関連資料 Hawai yori hondo tenkō mondai related documents

box 44, folder 21

布哇渡航移民米国渡航禁止 外務省外交史料館所蔵 Hawai tokō imin Beikoku tokō kinshi Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1902 May

box 45, folder 1

外務省外交史料館所蔵 山岡音高旅券偽造事件 Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō Yamaoka Ototaka ryoken gizō jiken 1900 March-May

box 45, folder 2

連邦政府「契約労働者法」の適用問題(連邦政府議会文書)「ライス・報告書」を含む、ハワイの合衆国併合 Renpō seifu "Keiyaku rōdōsha hō" no tekiyō mondai (renpō seifu gikai bunsho) "Raisu hōkokusho" o fukumu, Hawai no gasshūkoku heigō


「在米日本人史黎明期」第II巻 執筆用参考資料・ノート Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 2-kan documents and notes for writing purposes

Scope and Contents

Contains transcriptions and research notes.
box 45, folder 3

悪徳渡米周旋業者、渡米出稼労働者 外務省外交史料館所蔵 Akutoku tobei shūsen gyōsha, tobei dekasegi rōdōsha materials and notes, Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō 1884, 1894

box 45, folder 4

旅券下附関係史料;法規関係移民保護法、旅券公付竝取締関係;旅券偽造事件関係資料 外務省外交史料館所蔵 Ryoken kafu kankei shiryō; hōki kankei imin hogo hō, ryoken kōfu narabi torishimari kankei; ryoken gizō jiken kankei shiryō preserved by the Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan 1900


『在米日本人史黎明期』第II巻執筆参考資料 諸衆・諸衆新聞・諸衆団体組織 Zaibei nihonjin-shi reimeiki dai 2-kan reference documents on people and organizations

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, drafts, transcriptions, and research notes.
box 45, folder 5

海外出稼取締ノ義ニ付開港市場並広島、山口、福岡、島根、鹿児島各県知事ヘ内訓一件 Kaigai dekasegi torishimari no gi ni tsuki kaikōjō narabi Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Shimane, Kagoshima kaku ken chiji e naikun 1-ken 1884−1885

box 45, folder 6

蛯原批判(定説の再評価)「好ましからざる日本移民」外交史料館所蔵外交文書 Ebihara hihan (teisetsu no sai hyōka) "Konomashikarazaru Nihon imin" Gaikō Shiryōkan shozō gaikō monjo

box 45, folder 7

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期諸生「諸生」とは, Reference data for transcription, reimeiki shosei, "shosei" to wa

box 45, folder 8

解題執筆用参考資料・諸生団体 福音会と美以教会 Reference data for transcription, various organizations including Fukuin Kai and Mii Kyōkai (Methodist Church)

box 45, folder 9

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期の主役 黎明期の在米日本人社会 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki no shuyaku, reimeiki no zaibei Nihonjin shakai

box 45, folder 10

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 諸事件と諸生の対応と反応 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi, sho jiken to shosei no taiō to hannō

box 45, folder 11

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期 文献資料 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki documents

box 45, folder 12

解題執筆用文献資料・記録等(2)黎明期主役諸生 Reference documents and records for annotation, kiroku tō (2) reimeiki shuyaku shosei

box 46, folder 1

参考資料・出移民、移民会社 児玉、石川 Reference data, dekasegi imin, imin kaisha Kodama, Ishikawa 1997 February 28

Scope and Contents note

Contains excerpts from 「日本移民の地理学的研究ーー沖縄・広島・山口ーー」石川友紀 (Nihon imin no chirigakuteki kenkyū: Okinawa Hiroshima Yamaguchi" Ishikawa Yūki).
box 46, folder 2

解題執筆用ノートー藤賀與一関係ー Notes for annotation relating to Fujiga Yoichi

box 46, folder 3

黎明期の主役草稿・参考資料 Reimeiki no shuyaku draft and documents

box 46, folder 4

解題執筆用参考資料・諸生新聞、第十九世紀新聞社 Reference data for transcription, shosei shinbun, Daijūkyūseiki Shinbunsha


「在米日本人史黎明期」第I巻 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 1-kan

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies, excerpts, drafts, and research notes.
box 46, folder 5

在米日本人史黎明期の研究・改訂原稿(第二節下書草稿)英国公使のありがた迷惑なお節介・外、解題執筆用諸草稿(1) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū, revised draft (second clause draft manuscript) Igirisu kōshi no arigata meiwaku na osekkai, gai, manuscript for annotation (1 )

box 46, folder 6

解題草稿1(作業中)「在米日本人史黎明期」と渡米「諸生」ーー「ギルデッド・エイジ」に発刊された諸生新聞を基本資料としてーー Annotated manuscript (in progress) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki to tobei shosei: girudeddo eiji ni hakkan sareta shosei shinbun o kihon shiryō to shite, revised 2013 February 27

box 46, folder 7

解題草稿1(下書1)「在米日本人史黎明期」と渡米「諸生」ーー「ギルデッド・エイジ」に発刊された諸生新聞を基本資料としてーー, annotated manuscript (draft 1) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki to tobei shosei: girudeddo eiji ni hakkan sareta shosei shinbun o kihon shiryō to shite, 71 pp.

box 46, folder 8

解題草稿1(下書2)「ギルデッド・エイジ」に渡米した「諸生」ーー在米日本人史黎明期の主役ーー, annotated manuscript (draft 2) Girudeddo eiji ni tobei shita shosei: Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no shuyaku, 18 pp.)

box 47, folder 1

解題草稿3「ギルデッド・エイジ」の渡米諸生新聞雑誌の研究ー通説の再吟味、史料の再評価、そして新しい史料と史実の探査ー 「遠い遠い昔」の物語;「アジア系アメリカ人運動」と日本人移住」と「日本人移民」の研究;大きく食い違う「通説」と「歴史的事実」【旧保存草稿1、pp.62】(Annotated manuscript 3, Girudeddo eiji no tobei shosei shinbun zasshi no kenkyū: tsūsetsu no sai ginmi, shiryō no sai hyōka, soshite atarashii shiryō to shijitsu no tansa, tōi tōi mukashi no monogatari; Ajia-kei Amerikajin undō to Nihonjin ijū to Nihonjin imin no kenkyū; Ōkiku kuichigau tsūsetsu to rekishi-teki jijitsu [old preserved manuscript 1, pp. 62])

box 47, folder 2

解題草稿3(下書2)64pp.「ギルデッド・エイジ」の渡米諸生新聞雑誌の研究ー通説の再吟味、史料の再評価、そして新しい史料と史実の探査ー 在米日本人史の「黎明期」と日米両国の歴史的背景【旧保存草稿1】(Annotated manuscript 3, 64 pp. Girudeddo eiji no tobei shosei shinbun zasshi no kenkyū: tsūsetsu no sai ginmi, shiryō no sai hyōka, soshite atarashī shiryō to shijitsu no tansa, Zaibei Nihonjin shi no "reimeiki" to Nichibei ryōkoku no rekishiteki haikei [old preserved manuscript 1])

box 47, folder 3

解題草稿2(下書2)在米日本人史黎明期の再考察ーー「ギルデッド・エイジ」に渡米した日本人「諸生」を中心としてーー 序説「移民の国」アメリカにおける明治期の二歩に民に関する不確かなイメージ【旧解題下書2】(Annotated manuscript 2 (draft 2) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no sai kōsatsu 'girudeddo eiji' ni tobei shita Nihonjin 'shosei' o chūshin to shite josetsu "imin no kuni" Amerika ni okeru Meijiki no Nihon imin ni kansuru futashika na imēji [old annotated draft 2])

box 47, folder 4

解題草稿3(下書1)「ギルデッド・エイジ」の渡米諸生新聞雑誌の研究ー通説の再吟味、史料の再評価、そして新しい史料と史実の探査ー 序「幻の権威」に裏付けされる参考文献と資料への依存 (Annotated manuscript 3 (draft 1) 'girudeddo eiji' no tobei shosei shinbun zasshi no kenkyū: tsūsetsu no sai ginmi, shiryō no sai hyōka, soshite atarashii shiryō to shijitsu no tansa, jo 'maboroshi no ken'i' ni urazuke sareru sankō bunken to shiryō e no izon)

box 47, folder 5

解題草稿4(木村健二氏へ送付した未完草稿)「ギルデッド・エイジ(Gilded Age)に渡米諸生が発刊した新聞雑誌ー通説の再吟味、資料の再評価、そして新しい史料と史実の考察ー序説 在米日本人史の黎明期日米両国の歴史背景 (Annotated manuscript 4 (unfinished manuscript sent to Kimura Kenji-shi) 'girudeddo eiji (Gilded Age) ni tobei shosei ga hakkan shita shinbun zasshi: tsūsetsu no sai ginmi, shiryō no sai hyōka, soshite atarashii shiryō to shijitsu no kōsatsu,' josetsu zaibei Nihonjin shi no reimeiki Nichi-Bei ryōkoku no rekishi haikei)

box 47, folder 6

解題草稿5, 71pp.「ギルデッド・エイジ」の渡米諸生新聞雑誌の研究ー通説の再吟味、史料の再評価、そして新しい史料と史実の探査ー「遠い遠い昔の物語」;JACLの一世歴史編纂授業 「羊頭をかがげて駒肉を」;合衆国では育たない「在米日本人研究者」【旧草稿(4)Annotated draft 5, 71 pp. 'Girudeddo eiji' no tobei shosei shinbun zasshi no kenkyū tsūsetsu no sai ginmi, shiryō no sai hyōka, soshite atarashii shiryō to shijitsu no tansa 'tōi tōi mukashi no monogatari'; JACL no Issei rekishi hensan jugyō 'Yōtō o kakagete koma niku o'; Gasshūkoku de wa sodatanai 'Zaibei Nihonjin kenkyūsha' [old manuscript (4)]

box 47, folder 7

黎明期と諸生:解題執筆用諸段階草稿 Reimeiki to shosei: annotated reference manuscripts per stage

box 47, folder 8

解題執筆用註草稿 annotated manuscript


黎明期第I巻執筆作業用初稿下書、メモ、参考資料;第I巻:第I部、第II部「御免の印章」「負の遺産」;BD-RE ディスク諸草稿 Reimeiki vol 1 reference manuscript early draft, memo, documents; vol 1: part 1, part 2 "gomen no inshō" "fu no isan"; BD-RE disc manuscripts

Scope and Contents note

Contains drafts and research notes.
box 47, folder 9

黎明期研究・第I巻、第III部「負の遺産」第一節「パークスのありがた迷惑なお節介」初稿・下書、参照・照合 Reimeiki kenkyū Vol 1, part 3 "Fu no isan" passage one 'Pākusu no arigata meiwaku na osekkai' early draft, reference and comparison

box 47, folder 10

執筆用:参考下書およびノート Shippitsu-yō: drafts and notes

box 47, folder 11

執筆用:参考草稿および下書 Shippitsu-yō: reference manuscripts and drafts

box 48, folder 1

執筆中:諸草稿および下書き Shippitsu-chū: drafts

box 48, folder 2

第1巻:諸下書 Vol. 1: draft


在米日本人史黎明期研究 Procpectus 執筆用参考資料 Bio-Data(外交官)、団体、組織 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū Procpectus reference documents, Bio-Data (diplomats), organizations, associations

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, transcriptions, and research notes.
box 48, folder 3

「領事報告」添付英字新聞切抜 'Ryōji hōkoku' attached English newspaper clipping

box 48, folder 4

渡米・渡航案内抜粋 移民宿、出発準備・乗船手続、航海、到着・上陸・職探し、移民奨励団体 Excerpts from guides on going to the U.S., on imin yado, shuppatsu junbi, jōsen tetsuzuki, kōkai, tōchaku jōriku shoku sagashi, imin shōrei dantai (immigrant lodging, preparation for departure, boarding procedure, sailing, arrival and job searching, immigrant support organizations)

box 48, folder 5

悪徳周旋業者外国人 Akutoku shūsen gyōsha gaikokujin

box 48, folder 6

移民会社関係 Relating to imin kaisha

box 48, folder 7

移民会社関係資料・ノート Imin kaisha related documents and notes 1891

box 48, folder 8

外務省編『日本外交文書』第24巻~第26巻:「在米労働者ニ関スル外務大臣内訓」 Gaimushō hen Nihon gaikō monjo vol. 24 - vol. 26: "Zaibei rōdōsha ni kansuru gaimu daijin naikun"


在米日本人史黎明期研究Procpectus 諸草稿 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū Procpectus drafts

Scope and Contents note

Contains transcriptions, drafts, and research notes.
box 48, folder 9

FMAM. Annotations 『第十九世紀』 Daijūkyūseiki 1888

box 48, folder 10-11

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」第一巻 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" vol. 1 Procpectus and Procpectus (3); 負の遺産史料集・ (1) 印章および旅券制度 基本史料・旅券制度 (1) 法規 Fu no isan shiryō-shū (1) inshō oyobi ryoken seido kihon shiryō ryoken seido (1) hōki 2015 April

box 48, folder 12

「負の遺産」・海外渡航者の取締の基本となる「旅券制度」諸問題事例 典拠:外務省外交史料館所蔵・「旅券法規及同法規則歳締手續ニ關スル訓令指令并旅券下附取締雜件壹」 'Fu no isan' kaigai tokōsha no torishimari no kihon to naru 'ryoken seido' sho mondai jirei tenkyo: preserved by the Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan, 'ryoken hōki oyobi dōhō kisoku toshi shime tetsuzuki ni kansuru kunrei shirei narabi ryoken kafu torishimari zakken ichi' (MT 3. 8. 5. 11 - 1)

box 49, folder 1

移民保護法制定の経緯 imin hogohō seitei no ikisatsu; 南米「グアテマラ」國本邦移民出稼一件 本邦渡米者虐待并在桑港領事珍田捨巳出張之件 Nanbei 'Guatemara'-koku honpō imin dekasegi ikken honpō tobeisha gyakutai narabi zai Sanfuranshisuko ryōji Chinda Sutemi shutchō no kudan (; 神戸市海外移住同志會幹事井上方勝關係資料 Kōbe shi Kaigai Ijū Dōshi Kai kanji Inoue Hōshō related documents 1893 August - 1894 August

box 49, folder 2

太平洋沿岸西北部在留日本人ーー1880後半から1890前半ーー語られていなかった歴史ーー歴史と概要ーー(2) Taiheiyō engan seihokubu zairyū Nihonjin 1880 kōhan kara 1890 zenhan: katararete inakatta rekishi: rekishi to gaiyō (2)

box 49, folder 3

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」第一巻 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" Vol. 1 Procpectus 2015 April

box 49, folder 4

太平洋沿岸西北部在留日本人ーー1880後半から1890前半ーー語られていなかった歴史ーー史料と概要ーー Taiheiyō engan seihokubu zairyū Nihonjin 1880 kōhan kara 1890 zenhan katararete inakatta rekishi: shiryō to gaiyō

box 49, folder 5

「負の遺産」・海外渡航者の取締の基本となる「旅券制度」諸問題事例 "Fu no isan," kaigai tokōsha no torishimari no kihon to naru "ryoken seido," various case examples

box 49, folder 6

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」第一巻 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" Vol. 1 Procpectus 2015 April

box 49, folder 7

太平洋沿岸西北部在留日本人ーー1880後半から1890前半ーー語られていなかった歴史ーー史料と概要ーー(1) Taiheiyō engan seihokubu zairyū Nihonjin 1880 kōhan kara 1890 zenhan: katararete inakatta rekishi: shiryō to gaiyō (1 )

box 49, folder 8

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」第一巻 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" Vol. 1 Procpectus 2015 April

box 49, folder 9


box 49, folder 10

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」第一巻 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" Vol. 1 Procpectus #5 2015 April


「在米日本人史黎明期」第二巻 諸草稿、下書、覚書 (1) BD-RE ディスク諸草稿 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki dai 2-kan manuscripts, drafts, notes (1) BD-RE disc manuscripts

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, transcriptions, and drafts.
box 49, folder 11

「パズルと盲の手探りの探訪」 "Pazuru to mekura no tesaguri no tanbō"

box 49, folder 12

研究・資料「渡米諸衆新聞雜誌の研究」通説の再検討、資料の再吟味 Reimeiki research, documents, "Tobei shoshū shinbun zasshi no kenkyū," tsūsetsu no saikentō, shiryō no sai ginmi

box 49, folder 13

「諸衆とは」 "Shoshū to wa"

box 49, folder 14

「ギルデッド・エイジの光と影」保存草稿1、日米両国の歴史的背景 "Girudeddo eiji no hikari to kage," preserved manuscript 1, Nichi-Bei Ryōgoku no rekishiteki haikei

box 49, folder 15

「新しい史料と史実の考察」 "Atarashii shiryō to shijitsu no kōsatsu"


在米日本人史黎明期研究 Procpectus 執筆用参考資料 文献、論文、雜誌記事:デニット、星亨、井上 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū Procpectus Reference Material, Literature, Essays, Magazine Articles: Denitto, Hoshi Tōru, Inoue

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts of printed matter.
box 50, folder 1

有泉貞夫『星亨』朝日新聞社 Ariizumi Sadao Hoshi Tōru Asahi Shinbunsha 1983

box 50, folder 2

坂野正高『近代中国政治外交史』東大出版会、Sakano Masataka Kindai Chūgoku seiji gaikō shi Tōdai Shuppankai 1973

box 50, folder 3

今井圧次『お雇い外国人ーー外交ーー』鹿島出版社 Imai Atsuji Oyatoi gaikokujin: gaikō Kashima Shuppansha 1975

box 50, folder 4

石附実「幕末海外留学史稿 II and III」『天理大学学報』 Ishizuki Minoru "Bakumatsu kaigai ryūgaku shikō II and III" Tenri Daigaku gakuhō 67, 69 1970 March, October

box 50, folder 5

唐澤富太郎『學生の歴史』創文社 Karasawa Tomitarō Gakusei no rekishi Sōbunsha 1955

box 50, folder 6

黒木勇吉『小村壽太郎』講談社 Kuroki Yūkichi Komura Jutarō Kōdansha

box 50, folder 7

中村菊男『明治的人間像ーー星亨と近代日本製ジーー』慶應通信 Nakamura Kikuo Meiji-teki ningenzō: Hoshi Tōru to kindai Nihon seiji Keiō Tsūshin 1957

box 50, folder 8

『世外井上公傳』四巻 井上馨侯傳記編纂会 Yogai Inoue kōden Vol. 4 Inoue Kaoru Kōden Ki Hensankai 1968


黎明期研究・第1巻 参考資料、参考文献 Reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1 Related Material

Scope and Contents note

Contains transcriptions, drafts, and research notes.
box 50, folder 9

在米日本人史黎明期の研究・第1巻、序章、本文と注(1)校正済初稿 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū, Vol. 1, preface, text and commentary (1) early draft corrected 2014 November 7

box 50, folder 10

校正、改訂、修正用 参考資料、メモ Reference documents and memo for proofreading, revising, and correcting

box 50, folder 11

黎明期研究・第1巻、第一部「未知の空間」参照・照合用下書 Reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1, Part 1 "Michi no kūkan" draft for reference and comparison

box 51, folder 1

執筆作業用 黎明期研究・第1巻、第一部「未知の空間」参照・照合用下書 Reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1, Part 1 "Michi no kūkan" draft for reference and comparison

box 51, folder 2

黎明期研究・第1巻、第一部「未知の空間」参照・照合用下書、メモ Reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1, Part 1 "Michi no kūkan" draft for reference and comparison, memo

box 51, folder 3

在米日本人史黎明期の研究・第1巻 初稿、下書;BD-RE:黎明期研究・第1巻、序章、本文と注(1)35pp.、黎明期研究・第1巻、第一部、第一節、本文と注(1) Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū Vol. 1 early manuscript, draft; BD - RE: Reimeiki kenkyū dai 1-kan, preface, text and commentary (1 ) 35 pp., reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1, Part 1, Passage 1, honbun to chū (1 )

box 51, folder 4

雑(メモ)Miscellaneous notes

box 51, folder 5

黎明期研究・第1巻、「歴史の気紛れ」第二部、清王朝の政権下にある中国の開国ー先行事例ー Reimeiki kenkyū Vol. 1, "Rekishi no kimagure" part 2, Shin Ōchō no seikenka ni aru Chūgoku no kaikoku: senkō jirei labels

box 51, folder 6-7

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」注:第1巻「歴史の悪戯 (Historical Irony)」 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū, annotated: Vol. 1 "Rekishi no akugi" (Historical Irony)


校正済み 第一巻草稿 注 Proofread Vol. 1 Manuscript Annotation

box 51, folder 8-13

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」注、including 第1巻「歴史の悪戯 (Historical Irony)」 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū" annotated, including Vol. 1 "Rekishi no akugi (Historical Irony)"

box 51, folder 14

序章 在米日本人史黎明期ーー埋められていない「歴史上の空白」1「不確かな昔の物語」にされてしまった幕末の日本人海外渡航開始と初期の渡米者 Prologue Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki: Umerarete inai "Rekishi-jō no kūhaku" 1 "Futashika na mukashi no monogatari" ni sarete shimatta bakumatsu no Nihonjin kaigai tokō kaishi to shoki no tobeisha

box 51, folder 15

「在米日本人史黎明期の研究」注、including 第1巻「歴史の悪戯 (Historical Irony)」、【参考】第1巻、「あとがきーー歴史の悪戯について」の草稿【未完】 Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki no kenkyū annotated, including Vol. 1 "Rekishi no akugi (Historical Irony)," [reference] Vol. 1, "Atogaki rekishi no akugi ni tsuite" draft [unfinished]

box 51, folder 16

注 Annotation, extra


「在米日本人史黎明期」諸下書 BD-REディスク諸草稿 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" Drafts BD-RE Disc Manuscripts

box 51, folder 17

第1巻、諸草稿、下書、覚書 Vol. 1, drafts, notes

box 52, folder 1

第1巻、諸草稿、下書、覚書 Vol. 1, drafts, notes

box 52, folder 2

「遠い遠い昔にされた黎明期」 "Tōi tōi mukashi ni sareta reimeiki"

box 52, folder 3

「研究の実状・知られざる空白」皆無に近い資料および参考文献 "Kenkyū no jitsujō, shirarezaru kūhaku" kaimu ni chikai shiryō oyobi sankō bunken

box 52, folder 4

「黎明期渡米者の不確かなイメージ」 "Reimeiki tobeisha no futashikana imēji"

box 52, folder 5

下書き、メモ、覚書 第一巻、序章、第一部、第二部 Draft, memo, notes for vol. 1 prologue part 1 and 2


「在米日本人史黎明期」英語文献および論文 "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" English Material and Essays

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts.
box 52, folder 6


box 52, folder 7

Beardsley, Richard K., Ethnic Solidarity Turned to New Activism In A California Enclave: The Japanese Americans of "Delta" journal

box 52, folder 8

Roger Daniels, "American Historians and East Asian Immigrants," N. Hundley, Jr., ed., The Asian American: The Historical Experience (Santa Barbara: CLIO books) 1976

box 52, folder 9

Department of the Interior, WRA Myths and Facts about the Japanese Americans 1945 June

box 52, folder 10-11

Ichihashi, Yamamoto writings 1931; 1913

Scope and Contents

Includes "International Migration of the Japanese," in W.F. Willcox, ed., International Migration, V.II (N.Y.); Japanese Immigration: Its Status in Caifornia (Japanese Association of America).
box 52, folder 12-16

Ichioka, Yuji writings 1977; 1980; 1994; 1988; 1976

Scope and Contents

Includes "Japanese Associations and the Japanese Government: A Special Relationship, 1909-1926"; "Japanese Immigrant Labor Contractors and the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern Railroad Companies, 1898-1907," Labor History 21:3 (summer); "Kengakudan: The Origin of Nisei Study Tours of Japan"; "'Attorney for the Defense': Yamamoto Ichihashi and Japanese Immigration," Pacific Historical Review 55:2 第一巻参考 (vol. 1 reference); "The Legacy of Struggle and Disillusionment: The Japanese Immigrant's Fight Against the California Alien Land Laws, 1900-1925"
box 52, folder 17

Kinmonth, E. H., The Self-made Man in Meiji Japanese Thought (Berkeley: Univ. of California Press) 1981

box 53, folder 1-2

Kumamoto, Bob, "The Search for Spies: American Counterintelligence and the Japanese American Community, 1931-1942," Ameriasia Journal 1979

box 53, folder 3

Miyakawa, Tetsuo Scott, "A Proposal for a Definitive History of the Japanese in the United States, 1860-1960" (Submitted to the JACL Committee) 1961

box 53, folder 4

Oka, Seizo, "A Chronological History of the Japanese Newspapers in America," California First Bank 1895

box 53, folder 5

Spickard, Paul R. "The Nisei Assume Power: The Japanese Citizens League, 1941-1942" 1983

box 53, folder 6

Ion, Theodore P. "The Japanese School Incident at San Francisco from the Point of View of International and Constitutional Law," Michigan Law Review V:5 1907 March

box 53, folder 7

Yoshida, Yosaburo "Sources and Causes of Japanese Emigration," The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science [Sp. Ed. Chinese and Japanese in America], XXXIV:2 1909 September

box 53, folder 8

"JARP Project," Asian American Encyclopedia


「在米日本人史黎明期」第II巻 執筆用参考資料・ノート "Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki" dai 2-kan Reference Data and Notes for Writing Purposes

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, transcriptions, and drafts.
box 53, folder 9

解読執筆用参考資料外交史料館文書 在米日本人コミュニティー Reference data for transcription, Gaikō Shiryōkan bunsho zaibei Nihonjin komyunitī

Scope and Contents

Folder received without contents.
box 53, folder 10

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史「官約移民」廃止と自由移民渡航 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi "kan'yaku imin" haishi to jiyū imin tokō

box 53, folder 11

参考資料・官約移民 Documents, official immigration

box 53, folder 12

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 フレスノ日本人強制退去事件 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi Furesuno Nihonjin kyōsei taikyo jiken

box 53, folder 13

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 アイダホ日本人労働者排斥事件, Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi Aidaho Nihonjin rōdōsha haiseki jiken 1997 June, 1997 December

box 53, folder 14

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 1891移民法制定と日本人上陸禁止 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi 1891-nen ijūhō seitei to Nihonjin jōriku kinshi

box 53, folder 15

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 渡米出稼労働者増加・西海岸 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi tobei dekasegi rōdōsha zōka nishi kaigan

box 53, folder 16

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 第一次不敬事件 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi dai ichiji fukei jiken

box 53, folder 17

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 渡米日本人出稼労働者増加、旅券偽造事件、ハワイ併合と日本人上陸禁止 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi tobei Nihonjin dekasegi rōdōsha zōka, ryoken gizō jiken, Hawai heigō to Nihonjin jōriku kinshi

Scope and Contents note

Folders received without contents.
box 53, folder 18

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 フレスノ日本人労働者強制退去事件 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi Furesuno Nihonjin rōdōsha kyōsei taikyo jiken

box 53, folder 19

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 諸生の渡米・渡航 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi shosei no tobei, tokō

box 53, folder 20

参考資料・在米日本人 Reference data zaibei Nihonjin

box 53, folder 21

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 口入業(桂庵)と「ボス」制度 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi kuchiiregyō (keian) to 'bosu' seido

box 53, folder 22

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期歴史 活動とコミュニティの形成過程 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki rekishi katsudō to komyuniti no keisei katei

box 53, folder 23

Correspondence, Despatches of U.S. Ministers JX24 M-133


解読執筆用参考資料 諸衆新聞「史料集」解読作業 参考史料、文献 Shoshū shinbun Historical Documents Collection, Reference Data and Documents for Transcription

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies, excerpts, transcriptions, drafts, and research notes.

解読執筆用参考資料・黎明期諸生 Reference data for transcription, reimeiki shosei

box 53, folder 24

黎明期の主役 諸生 Reimeiki no shuyaku shosei

box 53, folder 25

スクール・ボーイ School boy

Scope and Contents note

Includes pages from "Come, Japanese."
box 53, folder 26

渡米理由、動機、経緯など Motive, incentive, details, etc. for traveling to America

box 53, folder 27

地方進出と農業 Regional expansion and agriculture

box 53, folder 28

渡米年別分類(統計資料)Migration to America classified by year (statistical documents)

box 53, folder 29

ハワイ独立運動と諸生 Hawai Independence Movement and students

box 53, folder 30

諸生新聞雑誌 桑港新聞(過渡期の新聞) Shosei shinbun zasshi, San Francisco newspaper (transition period newspapers)

box 53, folder 31

諸生新聞 アイダホ排姦事 Shosei shinbun, Aidaho haikan jiken

box 53, folder 32

黎明期歴史 アイダホ排姦事件と諸生新聞 Reimeiki rekishi, Aidaho haikan jiken to shosei shinbun


解読執筆用参考資料・諸生団体 Reference data for transcription: various organizations

box 54, folder 1

黎明期主役 團体と諸組織 Reimeiki shuyaku dantai to sho soshiki

box 54, folder 2

大日本人会 Dai Nipponjin Kai

box 54, folder 3

海外実業会、遠征者 Kaigai Jitsugyō Kai expedition

box 54, folder 4

大日本人会設立経緯 日本人児童入学拒否事件 Details of the founding of Dai Nipponjin Kai, Nihonjin jidō nyūgaku kyohi jiken

box 54, folder 5

愛国同盟 Aikoku dōmei 1978 January 27

box 54, folder 6

福音会関係諸組織 英語学校・寄宿舎 Fukuin Kai (The Gospel Society) related organizations, English schools and boarding houses

box 54, folder 7

日本人青年会と組合教会 Nihonjin Seinen Kai and Christian Churches Federation

box 54, folder 8

その他 Other

box 54, folder 9

解題執筆用 文献資料・記録等(1)諸生新聞・雑誌 Documents and records for annotation, (1 ) newspapers and magazines

box 54, folder 10

日米用達社 Nichi-Bei yōtashisha

box 54, folder 11

桑港日本人病院 Sōkō Nihonjin byōin

box 54, folder 12

惟一会、同舟会 Yuiitsu Kai, Dōshū Kai

box 54, folder 13

出稼労働者渡米 Dekasegi rōdōsha tobei 1890s


諸衆新聞関係資料 Shoshū shinbun Related Material

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts from newspapers and books.
box 54, folder 14

『第十九世紀 ( Nineteenth Century)』第六號(活版刷) Daijūkyūseiki dai 6-gō (printed) 1893 April 7

box 54, folder 15

『新世界新聞』 Shin sekai, The New World No. 739(東大明治新聞雑誌文庫所蔵) (preserved at the Tōdai Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko/Manuscript Division) 1896 November 4

box 54, folder 16

『桑港時事』 Sōkō jiji, San Francisco Times 1896 May 12

box 54, folder 17

『腮はづ誌』第貳號 梁山泊:発行者、鷲津文三 東大明治新聞雑誌文庫所蔵 Ago hazushi, no. 2 Ryōzanpaku: Hakkōsha, Washizu Bunzō preserved by the Tōdai Meiji Shinbun Zasshi Bunko shozō 1896 February 11

box 54, folder 18-19

『福沢諭吉全集』第九巻 第十巻 慶應義塾編(岩波書店) Fukuzawa Yukichi zenshū vol. 9 and 10 Keiō Gijuku hen (Iwanami shoten) 1960

box 54, folder 20

書生新聞・雑誌及び移民新聞 Student newspapers and magazines, immigrant newspapers


「在米日本人史黎明期」研究 諸衆新聞関係、Zaibei Nihonjin shi reimeiki kenkyū shoshū shinbun kankei

Scope and Contents note

Contains photocopies and excerpts from journals, newspapers, and books, including 資料と日本語論文(目録は別紙・内にあり)documents and Japanese essays (index included on a separate sheet).
box 55, folder 1

Index, 史料・論文 historical documents, essay


史料 Historical documents

box 55, folder 2

「サンフランシスコ湾岸地域在住書生関係資料」(新井勝絃氏提供) "Sanfuranshisuko wangan chiiki zaijū shosei kankei shiryō" (donated by Arai Katsuhiro-shi)

box 55, folder 3

『東雲雑誌(Shinonome)』(7號、8號、13號、14號、15號、16號、19號)(相川之英氏所蔵) Shinonome (no. 7, 8, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19) (preserved by Aikawa Yukihide-shi) 1886 February-September

box 55, folder 4

亘理篤治「米国通信」『仙臺義會雑誌』 Watari Tokuji "Beikoku tsūshin," Sendai gikai zasshi 1885 December

box 55, folder 5

『明治年間法令全集』明治21年1、明治22年1&2「米国で発刊された書生新聞発禁に関するもの」 Meiji nenkan hōrei zenshū Meiji 21-nen 1, Meiji 22-nen 1and 2 "Related to the banning of student newspapers printed in the U.S." 1888 January, 1889 January-February

box 55, folder 6

『明治年間法令全集』明治20年2「保安條例」、「新聞紙條例」、「出版條例改正」、「版權條例」 Meiji nenkan hōrei zenshū Meiji 20-nen 2 "Hoan jōrei," "Shinbunshi jōrei," "Shuppan jōrei kaisei," "Hanken jōrei" 1887 February

box 55, folder 7

『法令全集』「書生新聞発禁に関する法令」 Hōrei zenshū "Shosei shinbun hakkin ni kansuru hōrei"; 『法令全集』(第二十二巻−2) Hōrei zenshū (dai 12-kan−2) 1889, 1978 April 20

box 55, folder 8

『第十九世紀』第六号附録 Daijūkyūseiki 6-gō furoku


論文 Essays

box 55, folder 9

相川之英「謎に包まれた明治邦字紙の原型ーー海外で初めて発行された『東雲雑誌』一挙転載」、『汎』 Aikawa Yukihide "Nazo ni tsutsumareta Meiji hōjishi no genkei: kaigai de hajimete hakkō sareta Shinonome zasshi ikkyo tensai," Hiroshi

box 55, folder 10

新井勝絃「空白の青春ーー在米時代の南方熊楠新史料ーー」、『隣人』創刊号 Arai Katsuhiro "Kūhaku no seishun: zaibei jidai no Nagata Kumagusu shin shiryō" Rinjin first issue

box 55, folder 11

新井勝絃「南方熊楠の在米時代」、『隣人』2号 Arai Katsuhiro "Nagata Kumagusu no zaibei jidai" Rinjin second issue 1985

box 55, folder 12

新井勝絃「在米時代の南方熊楠ーー民権派と交際を中心としてーー」、『南方熊楠日記1』(八坂書房) Arai Katsuhiro "Zaibei jidai no Nagata Kumagusu minkenha to kōsai o chūshin to shite" Nagata Kumagusu nikki 1 (Yasaka shobō) 1987

box 55, folder 13

新井勝絃「アメリカで発行された新聞『大日本』考ーー南方熊楠他ーー」『田中正造とその時代』3 Arai Katsuhiro "Amerika de hakkō sareta shinbun Dai Nippon kō: Nagata Kumagusu hoka" Tanaka Shōzō to sono jidai 3 1982

box 55, folder 14

新井勝絃 諸論文「自由民権」特集 1,2 (1987/3, 1988/3)、「多摩の民権家と結社」町田市立自由民権資料館 Arai Katsuhiro essays, democratic rights ideology special collection 1, 2 (1987/3, 1988/3), "Tama no minkenka to kessha," Machida Shiritsu Jiyū Minken Shiryōkan 1988 March 30

box 55, folder 15

有山輝雄「雑誌『遠征』の言論活動ー1890年代サンフランシスコにおける「有志」の軌跡ー」、『米国初期の日本語新聞』 Ariyama Teruo "Zasshi Ensei no genron katsudō: 1890-nendai Sanfuranshisuko ni okeru yūshi no kiseki" Beikoku shoki no nihongo shinbun 1986

box 55, folder 16

色川大吉「石坂公歴論」 Irokawa Daikichi "Ishizaka kō rekiron" 1971 April 13

box 55, folder 17

田村紀雄・大澤隆「『蒸気船』新聞と萌芽期の桑港日本人町」、東京経済大学『人文自然科学論文集』 Tamura Norio, Ōsawa Takashi " Jōki-sen shinbun to hōgaki no Sanfuranshisuko Nihonjin machi" Tōkyō Keizai Daigaku Jinbun shizen kagaku ronbun-shū 97 1994 July

box 55, folder 18

関口英男「自由民権運動に占める邦人新聞の意義ーアメリカにおける横川省三(その二)ー」、『帝京経済研究』19, Sekiguchi Hideo "Jiyū minken undō ni shimeru hōjin shinbun no igi: Amerika ni okeru Yokokawa Shōzō (sono 2)" Teikyō keizai kenkyū 19

box 55, folder 19

関口秀男「アメリカにおける横川省三(その一)ーー邦字新聞編集者としての事績ーー」、『帝京経済研究』18巻1・2合併号 Sekiguchi Hideo "Amerika ni okeru Yokokawa Shōzō (sonoichi): hōji shinbun henshūsha to shite no jiseki" Teikyō keizai kenkyū Vol 18, 1, 2 gappei-gō 1984 December

box 55, folder 20

藤野雅己「自由民権家時代の畑下(熊野)」『日本歴史』 Fujino Masami "Jiyū minkenka jidai no Hatashita (Kumano)" Nihon rekishi 452 1986 January

box 55, folder 21

新井勝絃「自由民権きにおける在米・在布日本人の権利意識」『国立歴史民俗博物館報告』35集 Arai Katsuhiro "Jiyū minken ki ni okeru zaibei zaifu Nihonjin no kenri ishiki" Kokuritsu Rekishi Minzoku Hakubutsukan hōkoku 35-shū 1991 November

box 55, folder 22

藤野雅己「自由民権家時代の畑下(山口)熊野」『日本歴史』 Fujino Masami "Jiyū minkenka jidai no Hatashita (Yamaguchi) Kumano" Nihon rekishi 452 1986 January

box 55, folder 23

小野秀雄「桑港の邦字新聞」『明治文化』Ono Hideo "Sōkō no hōji shinbun" Meiji bunka 6:1 1930 January

box 55, folder 24

蛯原八郎「布哇に於ける初期の邦字新聞」『明治文化研究』 Ebihara Hachirō "Hawai ni okeru shoki no hōji shinbun" Meiji bunka kenkyū 5 1935 May

box 55, folder 25

貴田菊雄「桑港で發行された邦字紙『愛国』のことども」、『明治文化研究』 Kida Kikuo "Sōkō de hakkō sareta hōjishi Aikoku no kotodomo," Meiji bunka kenkyū 6 1935 November

box 55, folder 26

蛯原八郎「桑港日本人愛国同盟始末ーー主として其機關紙を中心にーー」『明治文化研究』 Ebihara Hachirō "Sōkō Nihonjin aikoku dōmei shimatsu: shu to shite sono kikanshi o chūshin ni" Meiji bunka kenkyū 2 1934 May

box 55, folder 27

田村紀雄・藤野雅己「オークランドの『新日本』新聞の基礎的研究」『東京経済大学会誌』 Tamura Norio, Fujino Masami "Ōkurando no Shin Nihon shinbun no kisoteki kenkyū," Tōkyō Keizai Daigaku kaishi 144 1986 January

box 55, folder 28

鶴巻孝雄「オークランドの邦字新聞『新日本』第八號」『アメリカからの便り』(町田市立自由民権資料館) Tsurumaki Takao "Ōkurando no hōji shinbun Shin Nihon vol. 8," Amerika kara no tayori (Machida shiritsu jiyū minken shiryōkan) 1997


参考資料・雑 諸衆新聞「史料集」解読作業 外務省外交史料館所蔵 misc. reference documents, sho shū shinbun historical document collection for transcription, preserved at the Gaimushō Gaikō Shiryōkan

box 55, folder 29

『日本外交文書』第23巻 Nihon gaikō monjo vol. 23 1952 May 31

box 55, folder 30

紳士契約 Shinshi keiyaku [Gentlemen's Agreement] 1907-1908

box 55, folder 31

『通商彙纂』「領事報告・在留本邦人状態報告」 Tsūshō isan "Ryōji hōkoku zairyū honpōjin jōtai hōkoku"

box 56, folder 1

Newspaper, extra, San Francisco Chronicle; correspondence 1906-1907


Yearbook, 日米新聞社編『在米日本人年鑑』第1巻〜第12巻 Nichi-Bei Shinbunsha hen, Zaibei Nihonjin nenkan vol. 1 - vol. 11 1905-1915

Scope and Contents

Contains photocopies and excerpts.
box 56, folder 2

第二 Volume 2 1906 January

box 56, folder 3

第三 Volume 3 1907 January

box 56, folder 4

第四 Volume 4 1908 January

box 56, folder 5

第五 Volume 5 1919 January

box 56, folder 6

第六 Volume 6 1910 January

box 56, folder 6

第七 Volume 7 1911 January

Scope and Contents note

Folder recevied without contents.
box 56, folder 7

第八 Volume 8 1912 January

box 56, folder 8

第九 Volume 9 1913 January

box 56, folder 9

第十 Volume 10 1914 January

box 56, folder 10

第十一 Volume 11 1915 January

box 57, folder 1

第一 Volume 1 1905 January


移民統計 Emigration Statistics

Scope and Contents note

典拠『縣統計書』, source of material is "Ken tōkeisho."
box 57, folder 2

廣島縣移民統計書「出稼人所得及び送金に関する統計」(廣島県出身者関係資料に基づく) Hiroshima-ken emigration statistics, "Dekaseginin shotoku oyobi sōkin ni kansuru tōkei" (Hiroshima-ken shusshinsha kankei shiryō ni motozuku)

box 57, folder 3-4

神奈川縣移民統計書・官約移民関係 1, 2, Official emigration statistical record for Kanagawa-ken 1 and 2

box 57, folder 5

廣島縣移民統計書(安藝郡)Statistical record for Hiroshima-ken emigration, (Aki-gun)

box 57, folder 6

「縣統計書、移民関係論文」Statistical reports by prefecture, essays related to emigration


Original Copies of Statistics

box 57, folder 7

「日本人海外移住統計」"Nihonjin kaigai ijū tōkei" 1

box 58, folder 1

「日本人海外移住統計」"Nihonjin kaigai ijū tōkei" 2



box 59, folder 1-40

Silk trade photographs

box 59, folder 41-42

Copies of silk trade photographs and notes

box 60, folder 1-5


box 61

Statistical immigration records

Scope and Contents note

Includes Japanese residents abroad by occupation: 1890-1936
box 62

Statistical immigration records

Scope and Contents note

Includes Japanese passports issued and returned: 1868-1910; Amount of monies remitted to Japan by Japanese emigrants: 1927-1934
box 63

Japanese in Guatemala; Regulations on migrant workers in Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, Fukuoka, Shimane, and Kagoshima; Questionnaires on Japanese American pioneers

Scope and Contents

Includes Survey answered by Issei for the publication of "Zaibei Nihonjinshi: Paionia no jida 在米日本人史:パイオニアの時代" by Zaibei Nihonjin Jiseki Hozonkai 在米日本人事績保存会: 1939.

Newspaper Transcriptions

box 64, folder 1

書生新聞雑誌目次, Newspaper Indices

box 64, folder 2

書生新聞英文タイトル, English title transcription samples

box 64, folder 3

『新世界新聞』 Shin sekai shinbun Vol. 8 transcription and drafts


『第十九世紀』 Daijūkyūseiki ( The Nineteenth Century)

box 64, folder 4

Vol. 43, 44

box 64, folder 5

Vol. 61-64

box 64, folder 6

Vol. 66, 68

box 64, folder 7

『第十九世紀新聞』 Daijūkyūseiki shinbun ( The Nineteenth Century) Vol. 2, 6

box 64, folder 8

『大日本』 Dai Nippon Vol. 1

box 64, folder 9

『自由』 Jiyū ( The Liberty) Vol. 10-12


『愛国』 Aikoku

box 64, folder 10

Photocopies and miscellaneous transcription material

box 65, folder 1

Vol. 25, 27-32, 34, 35, 36

box 65, folder 2

Vol. 37-44, 45, and 38 extra


『遠征』 Ensei, The Expedition

box 65, folder 3

目次, Index

box 65, folder 4

Vol. 1-7, 10, 12-17, 19

box 65, folder 5

Vol. 21-29

box 65, folder 6

Vol. 31 and 32, 31 and 32 石版 (lithograph)

box 65, folder 7

Advertisement columns


『桑港時事』 Sōkō Jiji, San Francisco Times

box 66, folder 1

Advertisement columns

box 66, folder 2

Vol. 308, 350, 553

box 66, folder 3

『新世界新聞』 Shin Sekai, The New World

box 66, folder 4

『腮はづ誌』 Agohazushi Vol. 2

box 66, folder 5

Additional material, background information

box 66, folder 6

人物表, Biographical data and sources


解読執筆用参考資料・参考文献 Reference material for transcription

box 66, folder 7

Biographical data (A-M)

box 66, folder 8

Biographical data (N-Z)

box 66, folder 9 - 10

Internet searches, reference material

box 66, folder 11

Photocopies of advertisement columns

box 67, folder 1

書生新聞・雑誌解読参考資料 漢字書き外国地名、人名、その他 Newspaper and magazine transcription reference material, kanji writings for names of places, people, etc.

box 68, folder 1

自由 The Liberty 1890

box 68, folder 2-3

第十九世紀 The Nineteenth Century 1888

box 68, folder 4

第十九世紀 The Nineteenth Century 1889

box 68, folder 5

第十九世紀 The Nineteenth Century 1888-1889

box 68, folder 6

第十九世紀 The Nineteenth Century 1888-1893

box 68, folder 7-8

愛国 Aikoku 1892

box 69, folder 1

新日本 Shin Nihon transcriptions undated

box 69, folder 1

第十九世紀 Nineteenth Century transcriptions undated


Additional Research Material

box 67, folder 3

Microfilm extracts


千葉豊治 Chiba Toyoji writings

box 67, folder 4

『米国加州排日事情』(日米関係調査会) Beikoku kashū hainichi jijō (Nichi-Bei kankei chōsa kai) 1921

box 67, folder 5

『米国ニ於ケル排日思想ノ変遷』 Beikoku ni okeru hainichi shisō no hensen 1921

box 67, folder 6

『排日問題梗概ーー加州外国人土地所有権禁止法成立と其善後策ーー』 Hainichi mondai kōgai: Kashū gaikokujin tochi shoyūken hō to sono zengosaku 1913

box 67, folder 7

「米国に於ける排日問題」『帰一協会会報』第9号 "Beikoku ni okeru hainichi mondai" Kiitsu kyōkai kaihō Vol. 9 1920

box 67, folder 8

「排日問題と日本人の世界的適応性」『国際連盟』 "Hainichi mondai to Nihonjin no sekai-teki tekiōsei" Kokusai renmei 2:6 June 1


年表, Chronological Tables

box 67, folder 9

1880 January-December

box 67, folder 10

1890 January-December

box 67, folder 11

1891 January-December

box 67, folder 12

1892 January-May

box 67, folder 13

1892 June-December