Finding aid to the Larry Townsend papers, 1906-2009 Coll2022-002
Immediate Source of Acquisition
Subjects and Indexing Terms
1991 Correspondence and New Names 1991
2069 +1 undated
2069 +2 undated
2069: A Story of Men in Space undated
3rd Dr. Russell undated
4-Way Twist undated
Ad Info 1983-1984
Ad Sources 2007-2008
Aladdin undated
Alien (Time Masters) 2005-2007
Alyson Publications 1984-1996
American Kennel Club Pedigrees - Doberman Pinschers 1981-1983
"Angela" undated
Art by Cavelo undated
Art by Maex undated
Art by Olaf 1985
Artist invoices and payments 1978-1981
Art panels for issue of "Treasure of S&M" - Nazis undated
Art print by "M" of BDSM scene undated
Beware the God Who Smiles undated
Bob Jones - Foot Fetish 1990
Bookazine 2001-2008
Book Contracts and Copyrights 1971-1995
Book Correspondence 2007-2008
Book Cover Designs undated
Books in Print undated
Bound & Gagged magazine column 1993-2004
Booksurge 2008
Burn, Witch, Burn! by Fred Lee Towne undated
Cartoons undated
The Case of the Severed Head - Manuscript and Letters/Editors 1994
Catalog of books by Larry Townsend undated
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1992
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1993
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1994
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1995
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1996
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1997
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1998
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 1999
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2000
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2001
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2002
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2003
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2004
Catalog Inquiries/Orders 2005
Catalog Inquiries/Orders - Declined 1993-2002
Celebrity Author ribbon undated
"Celebrity" Letters and Academic Requests 1972-1994
Chapter 4 - A Victory Delayed undated
Charcoal drawing undated
The Choice undated
"Circle of Pain" by Ken undated
Clippings undated
Clippings #1 undated
Clippings #2 undated
Clippings from Gay newspapers 1974-1983
A Contagious Evil 1998
A Contagious Evil Book Cover and Ad Designs undated
"The Contest" undated
Contracts 1995-1997
"Copper" by Victor Terry 1995
Cop Swap by Fred Lee Towne undated
Copyright Registration for The Leatherman's Handbook 1977-1992
Copyrights 1971-2007
Correspondence 1970s
Correspondence 1980s
Correspondence 2004-2009
Correspondence - Artwork 1982-1994
Correspondence - MacBeth 1977-1985
Correspondence - Master of Masters 1997
Correspondence - Organized Groups and Businesses undated
Covenant of Pain undated
Crazy Help Letters, General Crazy Offers 1970-1983
Czar! Advertisements 1998
Czar! Book Cover and Ad Designs undated
Czar, Book Three - Ivan Gronsky undated
Czar! A Novel of Ivan the Terrible - Final Typeset undated
Czar! A Novel of Ivan the Terrible 1988
Descriptions of erotic videos sold by Townsend Publishing undated
Desert Savage and other SM Tales 1996
Double Twist, a pictorial essay by Kaarlo undated
Draft of Czar! undated
Draft - Master of Masters undated
Draft Notes - Czar! undated
Drawings by Rex 1975-1982
Dr. Russell - The Mind Gougers undated
Drummer 1980-1987
Drummer and other - Business and complaints 1984-1992
The Drums of Lust by Fred Lee Towne undated
Editorials and articles by Townsend 1973-1984
The Enemanual - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 2 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies 1984
The Enemanual, Vol. 3 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies 1986
The Enemanual, Vol. 4 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 5 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 6 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 7 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 8 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 9 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
The Enemanual, Vol. 10 - Fraternity of Enema Buddies undated
Erotic Video Distributors 1994-2001
Excerpts from A Contagious Evil undated
The Fairy King undated
Fan Mail 1998-2007
"A Fantasy Weekend" by Ty Shannon 1992
"Flashpoint" by Alvin Easter 1992
Francis Green - Olympia Press 1975-1982
"Game, Set, and Match" by Earl Kent Brown (Ken) 1986
The Gay Adventures of Captain Goose undated
Gay Scrapbook 1970s-1990s
Gay Stormtrooper undated
"The Gelder" by Will Smith 1992
Haworth Press 2007
HB Responses/Book Fan Mail 1972-1990
Hijacked! by Fred Lee Towne undated
The Hittite undated
The Hive undated
Honcho 1997-2008
Honcho Magazine column 1995-2008
Honcho Magazine column 1998-2004
The Hounds of Hell undated
Hounds of Hell Ad Design materials undated
Ideas undated
IN Book 1993-1994
In the Dark, Beyond the Hedge... by Fred Lee Towne 1971
Ink drawings undated
Interlude - The Blue Stone undated
"An Interview on a Sunny Afternoon" by Paul Mores 1996
Irene Skolnick 1994
"Is Sexual Perversion a Normal Act of Love?" Short Story Collection undated
Italian ad for Leatherman's Handbook II 1983
JIL (artist) 1975
The Job Thing by Carol Tyler 1991
Jock (artist) 1974-1978
June 2007 Mailing 2007
Kaarlo undated
"Key Leather" by Earl Kent Brown (Ken) 1986
La Amara Vita by Sally Roven undated
The Lambda Book Report 1992-1998
Larry undated
Larry Townsend bios undated
Larry Townsend Book and Videos - flyers, brochures, order forms undated
Larry Townsend talks about his life as a gay novelist (Vector Magazine) 1971
The Leather Handbook - outline and notes 1969-1971
The Leatherman's Handbook II undated
The Leatherman's Handbook II - Original manuscript undated
The Leatherman's Handbook Book Cover and Ad Designs undated
The Leatherman's Handbook, edited draft 1997
"Leather Notebook" columns 1985-1988
"Leather Notebook" letters 1985-1986
"Leather Notebook" letters 1987
"Leather Notebook" letters 1988
"Leather Notebook" letters 1990
"Leather Notebook" letters 1991
Letters that weren't printed 1981-1992
Letters that were printed/answered 1984-1986
Love Letters - Sight Unseen 1973-1987
L.T. Publications 1996-2000
LT Publications - Book ads, Reviews, Lists undated
Mack - Clippings 1979
Magazine layout pages undated
Maitland Gallery 1975-1996
Malcolm - an SM Love Story undated
A Man of Caste and Arrogance undated
"Man-Slave" by Earl Kent Brown (Ken) 1986
Manuscript excerpts and notes undated
Man Who Almost Had It All undated
Masquerade Books 1992-1997
Master of Masters Book Cover and Ad Designs undated
Mavety 1993-1995
McNoughton & Gunn 1993
Model Release Forms 1982-1989
Model Release - Roger White, Photographer - Bob Jones 1997
Modernismo Publications Ltd. 1977-1995
MOI (Rick and Terry) 1994
My Adventures at the Glory Hole Lodge 1998
My Eighteenth Birthday undated
"My First Encounter" by S.S. Kumar 1992
"Nailing Nash" by Jeff Kincaid undated
Nazca Plains 2003-2007
Nazca Plains 2008
Newsletter and Catalog requests 1994-1995
"Nightbird's City" by Jeff Kincaid undated
A Night of Submission undated
Novels by William Carney 1995
Of Men, Ropes, and Remembrance: the Stories of Bound & Gagged magazine undated
Order Inquiries 1991-1992
Overtime Parking 1995
Phantoms in the Fog by Erik V. Marienburg undated
Photo Model Releases 1973-1991
The Pirate Slave undated
"A Pitcher at Jake's" by Jesse Cadena undated
"Potluck" by Rob Cole 1996
Power Play interview 1998 August
"Prepped for Surgery" by Ed Razor 1996
Prisoner of War undated
Psycho Sexualis - A Gay Fantasy of Love, Power, and ESP undated
Quer Verlag 2001
Rancho Diablo by Erik V. Marienburg undated
"Raped in the Woods" by Edward Cooper 1992
Review Copies 1998-2000
Reviews 1993-1999
Revolt Press undated
RFM 1979-1982
Rob (artist) undated
Run No More 1972
Russ (artist) 1980
Sam Brown (artist) undated
S.A. Ogles (artist) 2004
The Satyricon of Clark Street undated
Schoolmaster undated
Sean - Clippings undated
The Severed Head Book Cover and Ad Designs undated
SF Novel undated
Short Stories undated
Short stories by Rob undated
Short story by Jack Nenno 1993
Short story by John Wilkinson 1992
Sketches undated
SM Directories, Book summaries, Letters to publishers 1995-1996
SM Philosophy undated
S&M "Vitruvian Man" sketch undated
Spartacus Travel Journal 1983
"Spike Diamond" by Jeff Kincaid undated
SS (artist) 1983
Stalked - Design materials undated
Storyboard drawings - Shipwrecked undated
Storyboard sketches - Aztec undated
Swap Around the Ouija by Fred Lee Towne undated
Swaps by Sally Roven undated
Tales of the Seer: a collection of modern faerie fables undated
Techniques and Specialities Correspondence 1973-1987
Teddy of Paris reproductions circa 1993
The Third Rome - a novel of Ivan the Terrible undated
The Third Rome - Part One undated
The Third Rome - Part Three undated
"This Ole Cowboy" by Matthew Walker 1993
Timemasters 2008
TM Sequel undated
Tom of Finland 1997-2007
Torture of the Christian Martyrs 1959
Townsend Biographies undated
Townsend Manuscript (Mystery?) pages 254-532 undated
Townsend Manuscript (Mystery?) pages 533-876 undated
Trammer/Int'l Scripts 1994-1996
"Tying a Knot" by Victor Terry 1994
Video and DVD Cover art 2003-2008
Vignettes undated
WHiPs by Moyuki 1984
Writings 1995-1997
Writings from Bob Birtles 1977, 1985
Writings sent to Townsend 1974-2008
Written descriptions of Film Sex scenes undated
The Youthfuls undated
Art and Layout Boards for SM Publications undated
Uniform Fetish art by Macbeth 1974-1986
Art for "Master of Masters undated
Alpha and the Scorpions comic 1972-1973
Art by Sean undated
Art by Orsen undated
S&M calendar by Sean 1974
Matchbox lithographs by Olaf, #16 of 60 1979
Matchbox lithographs by James D, #13 of 60 1979
Drawings by Russ 1980
Drawing by Olaf 1985
Drawing by unknown artist undated
Drawings by Zane 1986
Drawings by J.R. Way, Bedlam Studio 1990
Cover Art for "Treasury of S&M, Volume 8" by Joe Johnson undated
Drawings by Clark 1982, undated
Drawings by unknown artists undated
Drawings by Joe Johnson undated
Titled Illustrations by Sean undated
Untitled drawings by Sean undated
W-S "Watersports" by Sean undated
Drawings by Bud undated
Drawings by Mack 1978-1983
Pencil sketches by Zane 1987-1993
200 Faces for the Future - TIME Magazine 1974
Address Book undated
Anti-Police Warning Stickers undated
Articles/News Items 1972-1993
Awards 1994-2003
Being Alive Newsletter 1990-1997
Brian Anson, CPA 2008
Certificates 1981-2003
Chicago Hellfire Club 1986-1997
Coming Out in Leather 1973-1993
Correspondence 1996-2006
Correspondence 2000-2001
Correspondence 2007-2008
Correspondence - Bob Birtles 1973-1985
Correspondence - Embry 1972-1985
Correspondence - Greeting Cards undated
Correspondence - Larry Lee 1979
Correspondence - Michael Holm 1977-1985
Correspondence - Prominent Gay Men 1974-1992
Correspondence - SM Fantasies 1973-1993
Correspondence - Tony DeBlase 1976-1984
Domestic Partnership 2003 July
Early Correspondence 1973-1992
Education 1944-1963
Estate Planning 2003-2008
Fan Mail 1978-1992
Fetters 1981-1986
Frederick Yerkes Personal Records 1935, 1979
GEM Corp 1996-1998
Holiday Cards 1986-1995
JJ Studio Zodiac Sign cards 1970
Joe Johnson Zodiac Cards 1969
John Preston 1981-1994
Knots and How to Tie Them 1996
Lawsuit 2008
Leather! calendar 1998
Leather and SM Groups 2008, undated
Letter from the FBI to Irvin Townsend Bernhard Sr. 1940
Letter and photos from James LaBelle undated
Magazines 1974, 1994
Mam'selle Victoire (VK McCarty) undated
Memberships 1966-2008
Museum fur Rechtsgeschichte (Museum of Legal History) 1988
Personal and Business Letters 1992
Personal Compliments and Decisions 1972-1992
Personal Records 1930-2007
Pet Records 1965-2007
Phones/Nuts!/Ripoffs/Official Outrages 1976-1992
Power of Attorney 2003
Requests for Help or Training 1972-1995
Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence undated
SM Greeting Cards and Postcards undated
Tell'emoff letters 1978
Tom of Finland 1995 calendar 1995
Tom of Finland Greeting Cards 1997-2003
Tom of Finland Portfolio circa 1986
Townsend Obituaries 2008
Townsend's Military Service 1951-1963
Townsend Trust - House and Deed 1963-2009
Tricks 1978-1985
Vince Bugiosi and Larry Townsend Photo and Article in California Scene 1974
Will 2007
Poster by The Hun 1979
Nude Reflections 1975
Lifetime Achievement Award from Los Angeles Fetish Community 1995
Birthday Greetings undated
Scrapbook - clippings and ads 1969-1973
Newspaper clippings 1973
1968 Nominating Committee 1968
Acupuncture 1973
African Heritage 1969-1980
African Nations undated
Agnew (Spiro) 1973
AIDS 1981-2005
Aircraft and Airlines 1970-1971
Alaska 1970-1975
Americana undated
American Indians 1971-1972
Androids undated
Apollo 11 and 12 1969
Apollo 13 1970
Apollo 15 1971
Apollo 16 1972
Arabian Areas 1970-1979
Aran Islands 1969
Archaeology 1971-1985
Architecture 1970, undated
Art 1969-1972
Assassination 1970
Assistance Agencies undated
Astrology 1969-1973
Astronomy 1970-1991
Atlantis 1969
Behavioral Science 1962-1971
Benny Smith 1968 April
Berchtesgaden undated
Biological Science 1969-1971
Bishop Pike's Story 1968-1969
Black History 1968-1970
Bondage undated
Brain, Human 1968-1971
Brazil 1971
Bureaucracy undated
California History 1967-1972
Cambodia 1970
Canada 1970-1975
Caribbean 1970-1972
Cartography 1966
Cartoons undated
Chemical Warfare 1969-1997
Christmas 1970-1982
Circumcision 1981-1998
Clothing undated
Colorado River undated
Comic Strips 1968-1973
Communism 1945
Composers, Classical undated
Computers 1962-1969
Conservation 1970
Constitutional Law undated
Cooking undated
Corfu 1969
Cosmetic Surgery 1970
Counterfeiting 1972
Crime, Organized 1972
Crimes of Bizarre Nature 1969-1994
Crucifixion 1971
Cryonics undated
Dachau undated
Dali, Salvador undated
Dance 1971-1972
De Gaulle 1970
Devil's Island undated
Disease 1970-1994
DNA 1976-1977
Dogs 1970-1982
Edward II (King of England) 1969
Egypt 1973-1999
Eighteenth Century undated
Electrical Power 1970
Elizabeth II 1970
England 1971
English Literature undated
ESP 1969-1971
Espionage 1970
Ethiopia 1969
Ethnology undated
Facts and Figures 1968-1977
Family Structure 1971
FBI 1971
Felines 1971
Firearms 1971, undated
Fish, Freshwater 1971
Fluorides 1969-1970
Forgeries 1968
France 1969-1971
Freeway Killings 1981-1983
Freeways 1971, 1981
Galapagos 1972
Gandhi 1969
Gay Activists and Personalities 1999
Genetics 1969-1998
German Language 1953-1982
Germany 1954-1971
Ghosts undated
Glass 1967-1970
Golf undated
Greece 1970
Green Beret 1969-1970
Greta Garbo 1970
Groups, Theory of 1962
Headlines (Reprints) 1906-1963
Heterosexuality undated
Hijacking (Air) 1971
Hitler 1969-1971
Homosexual 1954-2003
Hoover, J Edgar 1972
Humor - Puzzles, etc undated
Huntington Library undated
India 1969-1971
Indochina 1970-1972
Infrared undated
Insects 1969-1972
Intelligence (IQ) 1969-1970
Ireland 1971-1972
Israel 1970-1979
Italy undated
Japan 1969-1971
Jefferson undated
Judge John J. Sirica 1974
Khruschev 1970-1971
Las Vegas undated
LBJ 1968-1969
Legal 1971-1989
Lenin 1970
Los Angeles History 1971
Louisiana undated
Lycanthropy 1970
Lyrics (Spanish) 1940
Madagascar 1970
Mahler, Gustav 1969
Marco Polo 1971
Mars 1969-1977
Mathematics 1958-1964
Mayan Civilization 1969
Measurement (Conversion Factors) 1977-1981
Medical Terminology 1938-2003
Medicine 1970-1988
Meteorology 1971
Mexico 1971-1977
Micronesia 1970-1971
Military (U.S.) 1970-1971
Mills (Textile) undated
Mind Control - series in the Napa Sentinel 1998
Montana 1972
Montreal undated
Moon Flight 1968-1969
Morocco 1970
Moscow 1966-1971
Motorcycle 1971
Movies 1969-1972
Narcotics 1968-2001
The Nashville House, Nashville, Indiana 1974
National parks 1971
Navigation undated
Nazis 1960-1983
Neutrograph undated
New England 1968-1981
News Items with Story Potential 1969-1970
New York 1970
New Zealand undated
Nixon 1971
North Vietnam 1969
Oceanography 1969-1972
Olympics 1992
Opera 1922-1984
Oregon undated
Organized Crime 1976-1977
Ottoman Empire 1966
Painting and Sculpture 1968
Pakistan 1970-1971
Panionion undated
Pentagon Papers 1971
Petroleum 1971-1972
Philippine Islands undated
Picasso 1967-1971
Pilgrims 1970
Planetary Exploration 1970
Playboy Fiction 1969-1971
Poland 1970
Polar Exploration 1972
Police 1970-1975
Politics 1970-1986
Pollution 1969-1970
Population 1970
Porcelain undated
Pornography 1969-2003
Portugal 1969
Predictions 1971
Primates 1971
Prisons 1971-1994
Prohibition undated
Proofreading undated
Pupillometrics 1969
Ray, James Earl 1968-1969
Reference Photos undated
Reincarnation 1970-1971
Religions of the World 1969-1985
Reproduction 1969-1970
Revolution 1969-1971
Ribald Classics (Playboy) undated
Robotics 1970
Rocks and Minerals 1969
Rodeo undated
Romania 1970
Rome 1969
Sado-Masochism 1974-2004
Safe Cracking undated
Saints 1969
Salton Sea 1971
Savage Society 1969-1970
Science 1970
Scientology undated
Sculpture undated
Sex and Food 1972
Seychelles undated
Sharks 1970-1992
Ships 1969-1971
"Sixties" 1969-1970
Slavery 1969-2004
Soccer 1970
Sonics 1970
Source Materials 1969-2000
Soviet Computers 1962
Soviet Union 1954-1971
Space Decontamination Lab undated
Space Technology 1969-1976
Spain 1946-1970
Steeplechase undated
Stonehenge undated
Supreme Court 1971-1974
Sweden 1970
Syndicate (Crime) 1971
Synthetic Foods undated
Taxes and Taxation 1969-1981
Tibet undated
Tides, Ocean undated
Torture (incl. Prison mistreatment) Clippings and Notes 1974-2004
Twain, Mark 1968
UFO 1969-1971
Uniforms, Military 1963-1970
Urine undated
USSR 1971-1982
Utopia 1971
Waltz undated
Wichita, Kansas undated
A-3 (book) undated
Anal Wash 1993
Andrew Maurer, model 1986
Apollo Ventures undated
ASG 1985
BJ Video shoot - S.F. undated
Black and white bondage photo shoot undated
The Black Pipe undated
Blake and Blue twins, models 1994
Blindfolds and Eye patches undated
Bob James at Zeus undated
Bob Jones at Dianne's undated
Bondage gear photo shoot undated
Bret, model undated
Brian, model undated
Brutus, model 1992
Buck, model undated
Caged undated
CBT devices and CBT 1999, undated
Chain Bondage undated
Chastity devices/Sleeves undated
Chris Allen, model undated
Coleman Jones (Keith Ardent), model 1988
Construction Worker flyer undated
Cory Monroe - RLLB, model undated
Dan - Item 1 undated
Danny, model undated
Davey, model undated
David Le Blanc, model undated
Dennie Moore, model undated
Dick Creutzberg, "A Report on Self-Abuse" 1985-1986
Donny Russo, model undated
Doug McQueen, model 1989
Eric Thompson, model 1978
Faustus contract and Fledermaus undated
Fisting undated
Flyers - late 82and 83, merch only 1982-1983
Gags undated
Gear photos for flyers undated
Golden Shower undated
Grapik Arts Productions 2003
Greg Gaynor, model 1988
Handcuffs undated
Harnesses undated
Hoods undated
Inferno XI - Chicago Hellfire Club 1982
Inferno XII - Chicago Hellfire Club 1983
Jacques Le Fabe, model undated
James Poe, model 1984
Jim Connely, model undated
Jim Kissel Art circa 1991
John M - Treasury II circa 1973
Kaarlo drawings undated
Keith, model 1984
Kevin, model 1984
Larry's Bar undated
Larry Townsend with his Dobermans undated
Larry Townsend with slave and Doberman undated
Larry Townsend portraits 1970-2007
Latex 1988
Leather, Boots, and Latex undated
Leather Catalog undated
Leather Cuffs undated
Louisville 1991
Mark Downs, model 1989
Masturbation and Sex Scenes undated
Michael - S.F. 1994
Michael Bell, model undated
Michael Greer undated
Mike Caudill, model 1985
Mike's Dungeon undated
Motor Shop Enema undated
Nipple clamps undated
Nix's Fav 1987, undated
Nude and BDSM Photoshoot undated
Nudes and portraits undated
NWB 1984
NYC - Wrapping, Waxing, Piercing undated
Outdoor Scenes undated
Paolo - Roma undated
Pat's Collection undated
Paul, model undated
The Peddie School circa 1940s
Photo Book images, "Item 6" undated
Photo shoot NT-5 undated
Photos by Rance undated
Piercing undated
Pleasure Chest undated
Porn pix and negs undated
Potpourri undated
Power Gods - Benjie and Robert 1981
Proof sheets undated
Randy Storm, model undated
Reinholt undated
Rick, model undated
Rob Pettapiece, model 1997
Robert Messimer - SMC undated
Role play undated
Ron undated
Rope Bondage undated
Rufus, model 1978
S&M and Masturbation undated
Shackles undated
Shaving undated
Slaves undated
Slides 1992-1997
Slings undated
Spanking undated
Stockades, Cages, St. Andrews Crosses, Wheels undated
Suspension undated
Terry Timick, model 1984
Thom Katt, model 1987
Tiffenbach undated
Tiffenbach (John Murray), model 1988
Tim Ticknor 1988
Timberfell 1991
Tiny's Collection undated
To Take a Slave - Gregory Stone, Mark Phillips undated
Todd (?) undated
Todd and "Prize" undated
Toy Flyer 1981
TW8 Flyer undated
Unfinished sleeve suspension 1987, undated
Unidentified model (gear, spanking) undated
Urethral play undated
Victor Bonito, model undated
Vince (Vic) - Potpourri of S&M undated
Vladimir Correa 1987
Wax and Fire play undated
30-Day Trial undated
Black and white BDSM photoshoots circa 1970s-1980s
Bondage undated
Bondage photo shoots with titles undated
Bondage photo shoots by Tom "Ropes" McGurk undated
Boots undated
Bottom Man undated
"Bound" photo shoots undated
Bound Body Worship undated
Bound and Gagged undated
Charm School G.A.P. undated
Cigarette Smoke JO with Matt Schmidt undated
Cops 1990-1993
Cowboys 1969-1970
CTS 50 undated
CTS 50B undated
CTS 52A undated
CTS 53 undated
CTS 57 undated
CTS 59 undated
CTS 60A undated
CTS 60B undated
CTS 65 undated
Electricity undated
Enema photo shoot undated
Foot/Mouth undated
Gagged undated
Gay Porn Stars and Models undated
I am a Dirty Slave undated
Joe's Lesson undated
Larry's Bar undated
Lunch in the Web 1992
Man's Hand Films undated
Masturbation undated
Mr. Tampa '77 1977
P-Work undated
Piercing undated
RFM pics undated
"Roped" photo shoots undated
Sidekicks undated
Slaves undated
Spanking undated
Suspension undated
"Training" photo shoots undated
Unidentified bondage photo shoots undated
Uniforms undated
Untitled bondage photo shoot undated
Untitled outdoor bondage photo shoot undated
Untitled erotic photo shoots undated
Well Cinched undated
Models and Set shoot for publications undated
"The making and breaking of Vince" undated
"variations on a traditional theme" undated
"The Storage Shed: Photos by Z" undated
"Leatherman's Workbook: volume two" undated
"Helmets for s&m: an experiment in high key photography" undated
"Guest Bartender: a photo essay on S&M" undated
"S&M without Blackroom" undated
Textiles and Realia Series 5 1972-2002
American flag 2001
T-shirt, "69 Black Pipe LA" undated
Black t-shirt, "XII Inferno" 1983
Black t-shirt "NYC 1994" 1994
White t-shirt "The Stall 22 Frankfurt" undated
White t-shirt "Honcho" undated
Grey t-shirt "Sandmutopia University School of Continuing Education" undated
Erotic Authors Association presents the Obelisk Award, Larry Townsend 2002
Black baseball cap "Hellfire Inferno" undated
Blue t-shirt "I'm ready, I've read Leatherman's Handbook II by Larry Townsend" undated
Leather masks with open mouth, back buckles, D-ring undated
Larry Townsend: President 1972: H.E.L.P. (Homophile Effort for Legal Protection) 1972
Black leather bondage mittens undated
Leather gag undated
Brown leather leashes undated
Short black whip undated
Rope lead with iron ring and clip undated
Brown leather collar undated
Bondage ropes undated
Leather belt, missing buckle undated
Wood and cloth spanking belt undated
Thong whips undated
Leather harnesses undated
Leather head harness with bit gag undated
Leather cock ring undated
Leather blindfold undated
Leather flogger undated
Paddles with metal studs undated
Black leather whips undated
Arm/leg cuffs undated
Rubber handcuffs undated
"Tit-twisters" undated
Nipple clamps with screws, chained sets undated
"Tit Trap" from T-T catalog undated
Small chains with rubber-tipped clamps undated
Chains with screw clips undated
Klip Klamps with chains undated
Klip Klamps undated
Metal nipple clamps undated
Black leather muzzle undated
Leather collar with double buckle undated
Studded leather collar undated
Leather cuffs/restraints undated
Leather CBT accessories undated
Spherical ball weights undated
Long metal weight with clip undated
"3" weights on ring undated
Leather case containing various BDSM paraphernalia undated
Blackout goggles undated
Pins undated
US military medals undated
Brass "LT" belt buckle undated
Silver "KM" belt buckle" undated
Red and blue dogtags, "NYC 1994" "The Vault" circa 1994
Patches undated
Leather boot keychain undated
Leather penis keychain undated
Thick iron collar undated
Wooden cock stocks with attached chains undated
Thin iron collar undated
Iron collar and chain cuffs undated
Ankle spreader undated
Wrist spreader undated
Iron handcuffs with chain undated
Ankle manacles undated
Wrist manacles with key undated
Black hinged handcuffs undated
Manacles with sheepskin padding undated
Set of keys on metal ring undated
Leather pants undated
Leather vest undated
Leather chaps undated
Small black leather belt with spikes undated
Black vest with chain binding undated
Calculator watch on leather cuff undated
Leather belts undated
Leather strap with looped ends undated
Leather Caps undated
Leather jackboots undated
Gas mask in green bag undated
Leather weightlifting belt undated
Gas mask undated
Paradise Electro Stimulations Electroflex machine and plug undated
Electric penile rings undated
Electric stimulation urethral inserts undated
Pantheon XII of Leather Forebear Award 2002
National Leather Association Lifetime Achievement Award 1995
Ceramic penis sculpture undated
Ceramic boot, "Pioneering Leatherman Larry Townsend" undated
ABA Convention and Trade Exhibit nametag 1994
Navy blue bandana undated
"Fetters" handkerchief undated
Mickey Mouse watch/bracelet undated
Patch, "Gold Coast 15 Chicago" undated
Leather strap face cage from Fetters undated