This digital collection contains images
selected from 90 rolls of black and white negatives taken by Eric Thiermann, 1966-1969. Most
of the photographs were taken for the second Cowell College yearbook, "Markings '67", when
Thiermann was a member of the UCSC pioneer class. Included are performances, informal
portraits, and student activities, as well as visitors and events significant to the student
experience. Also included in the collection are images taken during the 1969 UCSC
commencement weekend.
Property rights for this collection reside with the University of California. Literary
rights, including copyright, are retained by the creators and their heirs. The publication
or use of any work protected by copyright beyond that allowed by fair use for research or
educational purposes requires written permission from the copyright owner. Responsibility
for obtaining permissions, and for any use rests exclusively with the user.