Accounting - Iran. 1975-1984.
Agreements - Organization for Educational Evaluation (Iran) and UCLA. 1975-1976.
Articles on Iran Program. 1977.
Audio-Visual Communication, University for Teacher Education, Iran [UTE]. 1978.
Budget proposals for TESL Project "Ten Educators from Iran." 1976.
California State University - correspondence. 1976.
UCLA Chancellor Charles E. Young - correspondence re: audience with Royal Court of Iran. 1975.
Clippings on Iran. 1976-1978.
Expansion of Iranian Studies at UCLA - proposals. 1975.
General correspondence. 1975-1981.
"Iran - Ancient Persia" - Publication from Iranian Tourist Office. 1974.
Elwin Svenson trip to Iran - correspondence and itineraries. 1976 Jun
Elwin Svenson/David Wilson - reports on their visits to Iran. 1975.
General correspondence. 1975-1983.
Income taxes - memo from Campus Counsel and Correspondence with IRS. 1978.
International Student Center, UCLA - Iran Visiting Faculty Program. 1975.
M.A. Thesis (TESL) to be sent to Iran. 1979.
Modern Language Institute - Iran. 1975.
Nosrat Translation Bureau, Iran - correspondence. 1975.
Publications on higher education in Iran. 1974.
Publicity for Iran Program. 1975.
School of Engineering/Library School - memos. 1975.