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Nierenberg (William) Papers
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Scope and Content of Series

Series 1) BIOGRAPHICAL. The BIOGRAPHICAL series is divided into two subseries: A) Miscellaneous, and B) Calendars and Daily Planning. Miscellaneous Material includes short biographies of Nierenberg, interview transcripts, employment records, and items relating to his 65th birthday, retirement, and awards. Calendars and Daily Planning consists of meticulous notes and calendars kept by Nierenberg in the early years, and then a record of call logs kept by his office secretaries, which creates a detailed account of WAN's day-to-day life as director of SIO.


Box 1, Folder 1

Biographies and curriculum vitae

Box 1, Folder 2


Box 1, Folder 3-8

Appointment and promotion records 1948-1986


Interviews and Profiles

Box 1, Folder 9

Transcript of interview by Jack Kratchman, Mosaic Magazine 1970 June

Box 1, Folder 10

San Diego Union-Tribune interview 1972

Box 1, Folder 11

"California Tomorrow" interview 1973

Box 1, Folder 12

Annotated oral history transcript, interviewer Robert Calvert (Texas A&M) 1976

Box 1, Folder 13

EPRI Journal profile 1977 December

Box 1, Folder 14

Interview during Sigma Xi annual meeting, St. Louis, MO 1981 October

Box 1, Folder 15

Interview transcript with F. Aaserud, American Physical Society 1986 February

Box 1, Folder 16

Interview transcript with Myanna Lahsen 1996

General note

On climate change.
Box 1, Folder 17

Miscellaneous interviews, features, and clippings 1978-1985

Box 2

Publications and publicity 1949-1991

Box 3, Folder 1-6

65th birthday reception 1984

Box 3, Folder 7

Retirement - Well-wishes and correspondence 1986

Box 3, Folder 8-15

Certificates and awards

Oversize FB-560, Folder 6

Circe Expedition certificate and Leg 8-9 plot 1969


Calendars and Daily Planning

Box 4, Folder 1-11

Party-planning and entertaining files 1976-1986

Box 4, Folder 12-15

Appointment books, calendars and diaries 1952-1959

Box 5, Folder 1-8

Appointment books, calendars and diaries 1960-1967


Director's Office - Record of daily appointments and telephone calls

Box 5, Folder 9-11


Box 9


Box 10


Box 11


Box 12


Box 13

1974- 1974

Box 14


Box 15


Box 16


Box 17


Box 18


Box 19


Box 20


Box 21


Box 22


Box 23


Box 24


Box 25


Box 26


Box 27


Box 28


Box 29


Box 30


Box 31


Box 32


Box 6


Box 7


Box 8




Scope and Content of Series

Series 2) CORRESPONDENCE: The structure of the CORRESPONDENCE series directly reflects Nierenberg's organizational style and the arrangement created by him and his secretaries in his office at SIO. Runs of correspondence may overlap in date and content, but the organization reflects how they were arranged at the time they were created or received. WAN often would flag office correspondence as either "Personal" or "Professional" and sort letters accordingly, but by modern standards it is all largely professional as it was created in his capacity as the director of SIO, or emeritus.
Arranged in four subseries:
A) Chronological - Loose: Material filed in chronological order by office staff, covering a wide variety of topics and dating from approximately 1949 to 1990.
B) Chronological - Bound: Letters clasped into large binders in perfect chronological order following WAN's retirement, beginning in 1986; reflects all incoming and outgoing mail from his Scripps office, ranging from high-level correspondence to logistical minutiae. Covers years 1986-2000.
C) Alphabetical: Letters exchanged with colleagues and friends, arranged by Nierenberg into alphabetical order. Occasionally, folders are not labeled with a name, but with a subject (such as corporation, or a theme such as a country name or topic). The dates span the two preceding subseries.
D) Meetings & Event Invitations: Another subseries created and maintained by director's office staff. Material consists of invitations to events (such as meetings, speaking engagements, and formal parties), and other closely related correspondence. Many event invitations and related materials may be found in the other CORRESPONDENCE subseries, or in WRITINGS AND TALKS.

Chronological - Loose

Box 33


Box 34


Box 35



Chronological - Bound

Box 36


Box 37


Box 38


Box 39


Box 40


Box 41




Box 42, Folder 1-17

A - Miscellaneous 1943-2000

Box 43, Folder 1

Abarbanel, Henry 1980-1989

Box 43, Folder 2-7

Academic Press 1986-1997

Box 43, Folder 8

Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ACRS) Foundation 1984

Box 43, Folder 9

Acid Rain 1985

Box 43, Folder 10

Air Defense Initiative (ADI) 1986

Box 43, Folder 11

Air Force United States Project Forecast II 1986

Box 43, Folder 12

Allegre, Claude 1999

Box 43, Folder 13

Alpert, Seymour 1958-1966

Box 44, Folder 1-2

American Friends of Tel Aviv University, National Board of Directors 1992

Box 44, Folder 3

Atkinson, Richard (President, University of California) 1998

Box 44, Folder 4

ARMI – Symposium on the Structure of Turbulent Flow 1988 March

Box 44, Folder 5-9

Ausubel, Jesse (Carnegie Commission on Science, Technology and Government) 1989-2000

Box 44, Folder 10-15

B - Miscellaneous 1932-1965

General note

Includes UC Berkeley correspondence.
Box 45, Folder 1-18

B - Miscellaneous 1965-1998

Box 46, Folder 1

Bell Laboratories 1975-1976

Box 46, Folder 2

Bill Burrud Productions ("The Challenging Sea" film) 1970

Box 46, Folder 3

Bronk, Detler 1973-1974

Box 46, Folder 4

Brown, George 1995-1997

Box 46, Folder 5

Budick, Burton Jr. 1961-1967

Box 46, Folder 6-18

C - Miscellaneous 1938-1993

Box 47, Folder 1-2

C - Miscellaneous 1994-2000

Box 47, Folder 3

Canada 1983-1986

Box 47, Folder 4

Canadian Consulate/Los Angeles 1987

Box 47, Folder 5

Canavan, Gregory H. 1991-1992

Box 47, Folder 6

C-E-I-R, Inc. 1967-1968

Box 47, Folder 7

Circum-Pacific Map Project 1974-1976

Box 47, Folder 8

City College, City University of New York (CCNY) 1977-1989

Box 47, Folder 9

Chingari, G./Zampaglione, G. - SIO Visit 1989 November 13

Box 47, Folder 10

Clinton, William J. (President) re: Kyoto Agreement 1999

Box 47, Folder 11-13

Coastal Zone Conservation Act 1972-1975

Box 47, Folder 14

Colloque Wright Pour la Science, Geneve/Dudley Wright/D. Laughton 1990 August

Box 47, Folder 15

Colwell, Rita 1998-2000

Box 47, Folder 16

Council on Foreign Relations, Inc. 1986 July

Box 47, Folder 17

Cousteau, Captain Jacques-Yves 1989-1994

Box 47, Folder 18-20

"Crackpot" correspondence 1981-1986

Box 47, Folder 21

Craig, Harmon 1993 April 22

Box 48, Folder 1-9

D - Miscellaneous 1951-2000

Box 48, Folder 10-11

Davis, Patricia 1984

Box 48, Folder 12

Deady, J. Brendan 1988 January

Box 48, Folder 13

Dederick, Kent 1989-1994

Box 48, Folder 14

DeWitt, Cecile 1999-2000

Box 48, Folder 15

Drake, Charles 1967 March 15

Box 48, Folder 16

Draper Laboratory 1974-1996

Box 48, Folder 17

DUMAND (Deep Underwater Muon and Neutrino Detection) 1982-1983

Box 49, Folder 1-6

E - Miscellaneous 1950-1999

Box 49, Folder 7

Easter Island 1980

Box 49, Folder 8-9

Ehlers, Vernon 1960-2000

Box 49, Folder 10

Ehlers/Science Policy Study Roundtable Questions 1998

Box 49, Folder 11-15

F - Miscellaneous 1948-1978

Box 50, Folder 1-6

F - Miscellaneous 1979-2000

Box 50, Folder 7

Fire Island Association (R. Spence) 1992 May

Box 50, Folder 8

France 1982-1986

Box 50, Folder 9

The Franklin Institute, Delmer S. Fahrney Medal Award 1987 May 7

Box 50, Folder 10

Frosch, Robert A. 1953-1973

Box 50, Folder 11-16

G - Miscellaneous 1950-1972

Box 51, Folder 1-9

G - Miscellaneous 1973-1999

Box 51, Folder 10

General Dynamics 1990-1993

Box 51, Folder 11

Global Warming/Greenhouse Effect/CO₂ 1989-1991

Box 51, Folder 12

Goody, Richard 1996-1998

Box 51, Folder 13

Green, Cecil H. 1980-1985

Box 51, Folder 14-17

H - Miscellaneous 1950-1966

Box 52, Folder 1-11

H - Miscellaneous 1966-2000

Box 52, Folder 12

Harrington, Stephanie 1998

Box 52, Folder 13

Helionetics 1981-1983

Box 53, Folder 1

Herken, Greg 1988-1989

Box 53, Folder 2

Hudson Laboratories of Columbia University 1967-1968

Box 53, Folder 3-8

I - Miscellaneous 1967-2000

Box 53, Folder 9

IAPSO/IUGG (Bob Stevenson, Secretary General) 1989 July 14

Box 53, Folder 10

India 1995-1996

Box 53, Folder 11

İnönü, Erdal 1998 April

Box 53, Folder 12

International Conference on Atomic Physics 1968

Box 53, Folder 13

International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) 30th Congress 1985

Box 53, Folder 14-19

J - Miscellaneous 1960-1997

Box 54, Folder 1-3

Japan 1977-1996

Box 54, Folder 4

Jordan 1979-1983

Box 54, Folder 5

JPL/JET Propulsion Lab 1987

Box 54, Folder 6-16

K - Miscellaneous 1965-2000

Box 55, Folder 1

Katcher, David A. 1976-1998

Box 55, Folder 2

Kennel, Charles 1996-2000

Box 55, Folder 3-12

L - Miscellaneous 1948-2000

Box 55, Folder 13

La Jolla Underwater Park 1970-1978

Box 55, Folder 14

Le Mehaute, Bernard 1967

Box 55, Folder 15

Lindzen, Richard 1994-2000

Box 55, Folder 16

Loisirs Bleus 1988-1992

Box 55, Folder 17

Lounsbery Foundation - Quadrennial Hamburg Climate Symposium 1999-2000

Box 56, Folder 1-15

M - Miscellaneous 1949-1982

Box 57, Folder 1-5

M - Miscellaneous 1983-2000

Box 57, Folder 6

MacCracken, Michael (U.S. Global Change Research Program) 1997

Box 57, Folder 7

MacDonald, Gordon 1990

Box 57, Folder 8

Marine Science Center Proposal (Balboa Park) 1973-1974

Box 57, Folder 9

Marrus, Richard 1959-1967

Box 57, Folder 10-11

Mc - Miscellaneous 1949-2000

Box 57, Folder 12-13

Mexico 1972-1985

Box 58, Folder 1

Moore, Hayden A, 1978-1979

Box 58, Folder 2-10

N - Miscellaneous 1950-2000

Box 58, Folder 11-12

New York Academy of Sciences 1986, 1997

Box 58, Folder 13

New York Times 1993-1998

Box 58, Folder 14

Nichirenshoshu Sokagakkai Academy 1985

Box 58, Folder 15

Nordhaus, William D. 1993-1998

Box 58, Folder 16-19

O - Miscellaneous 1951-1975

Box 59, Folder 1-3

O - Miscellaneous 1976-2000

Box 59, Folder 4

Operation Wigwam 1979-1983

Box 59, Folder 5-14

P - Miscellaneous 1950-2000

Box 59, Folder 15

Patrinos, Art 1997-1998

Box 59, Folder 16

Patzert, William 1982-1983

Box 60, Folder 1-7

People's Republic of China 1975-1988

Box 60, Folder 8-11

People's Republic of China - National Academy of Sciences visit (Committee on Scholarly Communication with The People's Republic of China, Oceanography Delegation) 1979 August-October

General note

Includes background papers, planning material, "Oceanography in China" draft, and correspondence.
Box 61, Folder 1

People's Republic of China - National Academy of Sciences visit (Committee on Scholarly Communication with The People's Republic of China, Oceanography Delegation) 1979 September-October

Box 61, Folder 2

Peoples Republic of China - U.S.-China Science Policy Conference 1983 January 9-12

Box 61, Folder 3

People's Republic of China - Trip to Institute of Oceanography, Academia Sinica (for discussing field cooperation) 1984 September 25-October 11

General note

Includes correspondence between WAN/C.K. Tseng, and WAN/Edith Nierenberg, also includes planning material such as itineraries.
Box 61, Folder 4

People's Republic of China - Trip to Institute of Oceanography, Academia Sinica (for discussing field cooperation) 1985 March 31-April 9

General note

Includes correspondence and planning material (trip was cancelled due to PAN AM airline strike).
Box 61, Folder 5

People's Republic of China - Trip to Institute of Oceanography, Academia Sinica (for discussing field cooperation) 1985 May 28-June 16

Box 61, Folder 6

People's Republic of China - National Science Council visit to Taiwan 1989

Box 61, Folder 7

People's Republic of China - Visit to Taiwan 1991 June 7-16

Box 61, Folder 8

PICES (Warren S. Wooster) 1989-1999

Box 61, Folder 9

Politics 1968-1986

Box 61, Folder 10

Proposition 15: Campaign Against the Nuclear Power Plants Initiative 1976

Box 61, Folder 11

Puerto Penasco, University of Arizona Research Laboratory 1977-1978

Box 61, Folder 12

Q - Miscellaneous 1976-1982

Box 61, Folder 13

3rd International Congress in Quantum Electronics 1962

Box 61, Folder 14-16

R - Miscellaneous 1953-1969

Box 62, Folder 1-6

R - Miscellaneous 1970-2000

Box 62, Folder 7-8

Rabi, I. I. 1948-1989

Box 62, Folder 9

Ramsey, Norman F. 1950-1965

Box 62, Folder 10

Raven, Peter

Box 62, Folder 11-12

Revelle, Roger 1974, 1984, 1990-1993

General note

Primarily newspaper clippings, biographical and obituary content.
Box 62, Folder 13

Revelle/Congressman BATES Correspondence 1988

Box 63, Folder 1

Rosenfeld, Arthur (American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy) 1979

Box 63, Folder 2-15

S - Miscellaneous 1948-1979

Box 64, Folder 1-10

S - Miscellaneous 1980-2000

Box 64, Folder 11

San Diego Airport Project 1970

Box 64, Folder 12

Sanders, P.G.H. 1958-1968

Box 64, Folder 13

Saplakoglu, Adman 1964-1966

Box 65, Folder 1-2

Seitz, Frederick 1994-1999

Box 65, Folder 3

Shen, Y. R. 1964

Box 65, Folder 4

Schneour, Elie re: Nozette and LSPI 1985

Box 65, Folder 5

Shostok, Arnold (JSEP Symposium) 1986

Box 65, Folder 6

Shugart, Howard 1957-1967

Box 65, Folder 7-9

Singer, Fred 1989-1997

Box 65, Folder 10

Steinberger, J (European Lab for Particle Physics) 1988

Box 65, Folder 11

Stevenson, Robert, Climate Change correspondence with Congress 1996-1997

Box 65, Folder 12-17

T - Miscellaneous 1952-1986

Box 66, Folder 1

Taiwan 1985 May

Box 66, Folder 2

Town Hall of California 1968-1971

General note

Includes flier for Governor Reagan policy speech event.
Box 66, Folder 3

Townsend Harris H.S. Alumni Association 1980-2000

Box 66, Folder 4

Turkey 1962, 1985-1989

Box 66, Folder 5-9

U - Miscellaneous 1953-1995

Box 66, Folder 10

Universidad Autonoma de Baja California Sur (Appointment of Carlos de Alba, Director) 1977-1978

Box 66, Folder 11

University of Washington 1968

Box 66, Folder 12-17

USSR/Russia 1970, 1978-1992

Box 67, Folder 1-4

U.S.-USSR exchange (Delegation visit to Soviet Russia) 1972

General note

Includes correspondence, background papers, trip preparation material, and trip report.
Box 67, Folder 5-15

U.S.-USSR exchange 1973-1974

General note

Includes correspondence, cooperative project proposals, records of joint U.S.-Soviet committee meetings, and U.S.-USSR cooperation agreements. See PHOTOGRAPHS series for images from the 1974-1975 meetings.
Box 68, Folder 1-11

U.S.-USSR exchange 1975-1977

Box 68, Folder 12-13

V - Miscellaneous 1953-2000

Box 68, Folder 14

Vetter, Dick 1983

Box 68, Folder 15

Vietnam - Petition against bombing 1973

Box 69, Folder 1-11

W - Miscellaneous 1948-1985

Box 70, Folder 1-2

W - Miscellaneous 1986-1994

Box 70, Folder 3-4

Wilson, Pete 1975-1995

Box 70, Folder 5

Wouk, Victor 1982-1987

Box 70, Folder 6-9

X, Y, Z, - Miscellaneous 1967-1999

Box 70, Folder 10

Zacharias, Jerod 1958-1968


Meeting and Event Invitations

Box 71


Box 72


Box 73


Box 74

1981-1983 June

Box 75

1983 July-1985 June

Box 76, Folder 1-3

1985 July-1986 June



Scope and Content of Series

Series 3) ORGANIZATIONS: This series documents the many societies, boards, and professional organizations to which Nierenberg belonged or contributed spanning a career of five decades. It also includes files on his advising and consulting work for both the government and private sectors. Topics include national defense, technology, and the environment, including the phenomena of acid rain and global climate change. A typical organization file may consist of meeting agendas and minutes, notes, travel arrangements, reports and briefings, and correspondence.
Box 76, Folder 4-5

American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS) 1965-1986

Box 76, Folder 6-8

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) 1979-1987

Box 76, Folder 9

American Association of University Professors (AAUP) 1965-1969

Box 76, Folder 1-11

American Geophysical Union (AGU) 1965-1988

Box 76, Folder 12-15

American Institute of Physics 1962-2000

Box 77, Folder 1-2

American Oceanic Organization 1972-1975

Box 77, Folder 3-4

American Philosophical Society 1975-2000

Box 77, Folder 5-7

American Physical Society 1953-1999

Box 77, Folder 8

American Society for Oceanography 1966-1969

Box 77, Folder 9-10

Army Analysis Program - Pickering Research Group advisory committee 1982-1983

Box 77, Folder 11

Atomic Energy Commissions 1949-1974

Box 77, Folder 12

Blue Water Educational Institute 1972

Box 77, Folder 13

California, State of, Legislation and General Matters 1966-1968

Box 77, Folder 14-18

California Assembly, Science and Technology Advisory Council 1969-1970

Box 78, Folder 1-3

California Assembly, Science and Technology Advisory Council 1971-1972

Box 78, Folder 4

California Advisory Commission on Marine and Coastal Resources 1967-1971

Box 78, Folder 5

CAMESA (Ajijic Center for the Improvement of Higher Education in the Americas) 1978-1979

Box 78, Folder 6

Canisy International Center, Paris 1966-1967

Box 78, Folder 7-9

Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Foundation for Earth Sciences 1982-1986

General note

Formerly La Jolla Foundation for Earth Sciences.
Box 78, Folder 10-12

Center for Naval Analysis 1978-1983

Box 79, Folder 1-2

Center for Naval Analysis 1983-1984

Box 79, Folder 3-13

Center for Naval Analysis - Board of Overseers meetings 1978-1983

Box 79, Folder 14-17

Center for Oceans Law and Policy 1975-1985

Box 79, Folder 18-20

Center for Strategic and International Studies 1982-1984

Box 80, Folder 1

Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions 1968-1971

Box 80, Folder 2

Chromalloy Ocean Resources - Scientific Advisory Council 1976

Box 80, Folder 3

Churchill College 1973

Box 80, Folder 4

Columbia University 1986-1990

Box 80, Folder 5

Columbia University, Center for the Study of Global Habitability 1983-1986

Box 80, Folder 6-8

Columbus Center 1994-1996

Box 80, Folder 9

Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources 1967-1969

Box 80, Folder 10


General note

One page of meeting notes re: a CONVAIR proposal.
Box 80, Folder 11

Cortez Management Trust 1985

Box 80, Folder 13

Deep Sea Drilling Society 1984-1985

General note

Includes documentation of name change to Pacific Research Foundation.

Department of Defense (DOD)

Box 80, Folder 13-17

DOD - ARPA Agile Advisory Committee 1965-1969

Box 80, Folder 18

DOD - Correspondence 1981-1990

Box 80, Folder 19

DOD - DARPA miscellaneous correspondence 1986-1998


Defense Science Board (DSB)

Box 80, Folder 20-22

Meeting agendas and correspondence 1981

Box 81, Folder 1-13

Meeting agendas and correspondence 1982-1985

Box 81, Folder 14

Task Force on Vulnerability 1969-1970

Box 81, Folder 15

Task Force on MX Basing 1981-1984

Box 81, Folder 16

Task Force on National Aero-Space Plane Program 1986

Box 81, Folder 17

Task Force on Technical and Operational Surprise (US/USSR relations) 1988

Box 81, Folder 18

Member survey

Box 81, Folder 19

DOD - Research and Engineering 1968-1979


DOD - Strategic Defense Initiative Organization (SDIO) - Advisory Committee

Box 82, Folder 1-8

Miscellaneous meetings 1985-1987

General note

Includes DEW; Ditchley Conference on SDI; Programming review; University Involvement Subcommittee.
Box 82, Folder 9

SDIO org chart 1990

Box 82, Folder 10-16

Advisory Council meetings 1985-1986

Box 83, Folder 1-8

Advisory Council meetings 1987-1988

Box 83, Folder 9

Briefing on the Refocused Strategic Defense Initiative (GPALS) 1991

Box 83, Folder 10

Correspondence 1991-1993

Box 83, Folder 11-12

Ballistic missile defense and proliferation 1992

Box 83, Folder 13-15

"End of Tour" report by Ambassador and director Henry F. Cooper 1993

Box 84, Folder 1-3

SDI-related subject files


Department of Energy (DOE)

Box 84, Folder 4-5

DOE - Correspondence 1980-1991

Box 84, Folder 6-11

DOE - Ocean Energy Systems Council (OESC) 1979-1983

Box 84, Folder 12-13

DOE - Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) Program 1979-1981


Department of State (State Department; see also NATO)

Box 84, Folder 14

Correspondence and memoranda 1967-1969

Box 85, Folder 1-10

Correspondence and memoranda 1967-1986, 1995-1996

Box 85, Folder 11-15

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) - Advisory Committee for Science and Technology Issues 1978-1980

General note

Includes work on the implications of global warming and climate change.
Box 86, Folder 1-13

Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (OES) - Advisory Committee for Science and Technology Issues 1980-1990

Box 87, Folder 1

National Meeting on Science, Technology, and Development, Washington, D.C. 1976 November 17

Box 87, Folder 2-11

U.S. Delegation, U.N. Conference on the Law of the Sea - Public Advisory Committee 1976-1981


Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI)

Box 87, Folder 12-24

Advisory Council 1982-1984 December

Box 88, Folder 1-36

Advisory Council 1985-1986

Box 88, Folder 4

Correspondence 1990-1999

Box 88, Folder 5

UCSD Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) Workshop: WAN, C. Starr, CO₂ Climate Perturbation 1991 February 5-6

Box 88, Folder 6

EPRI Meeting 1992 September 10-11

Box 88, Folder 7

EPRI Climate Workshop, La Jolla 1993 September 27-28


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Box 88, Folder 8

EPA - Global Climate Change Subcommittee correspondence 1988-1989

Box 88, Folder 9-10

EPA - Global Climate Change Subcommittee meetings 1988-1989

Box 88, Folder 11

EPA - Alaskan Oil Spill Remediation Project / Science Advisory Board Meeting 1989 December 12-13

Box 88, Folder 12-13

Explorers Club 1969-1983

Box 88, Folder 14-16

Fetzer Institute 1994-1996

General note

Includes correspondence and advisory council meetings
Box 88, Folder 17

George C. Marshall Institute 1984

Box 89, Folder 1-4

The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1965-1981

Box 89, Folder 5-8

Institute De La Vie 1986-2000

Box 89, Folder 9

Institute for Scientific Information (ISI) 1986-1990

Box 89, Folder 10-13

Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) 1968-1980

Box 90, Folder 1

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) (U.S. + Canada) 1994-1996

Box 90, Folder 2

Intergovernmental Oceanography Commission (IOC) 1985-1986

Box 90, Folder 3-5

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) 1985-1996

Box 90, Folder 6

International Institute for Environment Research, Berlin 1971-1972

Box 90, Folder 7

International Institute of Science and Technology - Proposal 1959-1962

General note

Originating, likely, from the Science Advisory Committee and/or Science Working Group of NATO, concerning Killian Report recommendations.
Box 90, Folder 8

Israel Oceanographic and Limnological Research - Advisory Committee 1978-1983



Box 90, Folder 9

Institute for Defense Analysis (IDA) - Correspondence and documents re: development of JASON 1959-1981

Box 90, Folder 10

Member directory 1968

Box 90, Folder 11

JASON Study Group - Department of Defense Contributions to Fundamental Science Research in Universities 1977

Box 90, Folder 12-17

Correspondence 1980-1984

Box 91, Folder 1-6

Correspondence 1985-1993

Box 91, Folder 7-13

Fall meetings 1983, 1985-1990

Box 91, Folder 14-20

Spring meetings 1984-1988

Box 92, Folder 1-4

Spring meetings 1989-1994

Box 92, Folder 5-6

Twenty-fifth anniversary meetings, Washington, D.C. 1984

Box 92, Folder 7-9

JASON subject file - Counter-stealth 1974-1982

Box 92, Folder 10-13

JASON subject file - NATO 1978-1979

Box 92, Folder 14

JASON subject file - Global Position Satellite (GPS) and relativity 1984

Box 92, Folder 15-16

JASON subject file - SEASAT and wakes 1984

General note

Includes report co-authored by Walter Munk and other scientists.
Box 93, Folder 1-3

JASON subject file - ADI statistics 1986-1989

Box 93, Folder 4

JASON subject file - ARESE bistatic radar "grand challenges" 1996

Box 93, Folder 5

JASON subject file - SAR counter-ARESE 1996

Box 93, Folder 6-7

Joint Oceanographic Institutions, INC. (JOIDES) 1979-1988

Box 93, Folder 8-11

La Jolla Foundation for Earth Sciences 1976-1982

General note

See also Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Foundation for Earth Sciences.
Box 93, Folder 12-14

La Jolla Institute 1976-1987

Box 94, Folder 1

Large Scale Programs Institute 1985-1986

Box 94, Folder 2

Los Alamos National Laboratory - National Science Advisory Board 1983-1991

Box 94, Folder 3-4

Los Alamos National Laboratory - Accelerator Technology (AT) Division Advisory Board 1986

Box 94, Folder 5

Marine Resources Conservation Foundation 1975

Box 94, Folder 6-13

Marine Technology Society 1966-1985

General note

Includes content on planning for the Oceans '75, '77, '79, '83-85 conferences.
Box 95, Folder 1-10

Marshall Institute Correspondence 1986-2000

Box 96, Folder 1

Marshall Institute Report on Greenhouse Effect 1989 June

Box 96, Folder 2-4

Middle East Technical University, Turkey 1965-1979


National Academy of Engineering (NAE)

Box 96, Folder 5

WAN membership 1968, 1983

Box 96, Folder 6

International Affairs Advisory Committee - China cooperation 1986

Box 96, Folder 7

Correspondence 1986

General note

Includes correspondence with Roger Revelle
Box 96, Folder 8

Referral for J. R. Beyster 1988

Box 96, Folder 9

Climate change issues 1988-1989

Box 96, Folder 10-15

Space Applications Board 1973

Box 97

Space Applications Board 1974


National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

Box 98, Folder 1-8

Correspondence and memos 1976-1997

Box 98, Folder 9-10

NAS election - Congratulatory messages 1971-1972

Box 98, Folder 11

Bicentennial 1973-1974

Box 98, Folder 12

NAS Committee on Oceanography, Second International Oceanographic Congress - Moscow 1966 May 30 - June 9

Box 98, Folder 13-16

Committee on Atmospheric Sciences (CAS) 1965-1971

Box 99, Folder 1-5

NAS Council - Correspondence and memos 1979-1982

Box 99, Folder 6-23

NAS Council - Meetings 1979-1982

Box 100, Folder 1

NAS-NRC Commission on International Relations 1977-1978

General note

Original title "Foreign Secretary file."
Box 100, Folder 2

Membership 1971-1985

Box 100, Folder 3-10

NAS/NRC - Ocean Policy Committee 1977-1979

Box 100, Folder 11-15

NAS/NRC - Ocean Policy Committee - Law of the Sea 1978-1982

Box 101, Folder 1

NAS/NRC - Board on Ocean Science and Policy 1983-1984

General note

Topics including merger of the Ocean Sciences Board, and the Ocean Policy Committee.
Box 101, Folder 2-7

NAS/NRC - Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) 1975

Box 101, Folder 8-13

National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) 1989

General note

Acid rain topics.
Box 102

National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) 1990-1991

Box 103, Folder 1-4

National Acid Precipitation Assessment Program (NAPAP) 1991-1995


National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

Box 103, Folder 5-8

Correspondence 1979-1985

Box 103, Folder 9

SEASAT A Launch 1978 June 24

Box 103, Folder 10

Center for the Commercial Development of Space-based Earth Information System (EarthData Corp./JPL/Photon/Titan) 1985

Box 103, Folder 11

NASA-FAA working relationships 1981


NASA Advisory Council (NAC)

Box 103, Folder 12-15

NAC - General administrative 1978-1981

Box 104, Folder 1-2

NAC - General administrative 1981-1982

Box 104, Folder 3-4

NAC - 5-year plans 1979-1984

Box 104, Folder 5-13

NAC - Correspondence 1978-1983

Box 104, Folder 14-15

NAC - Activities log 1978-1979

Box 105, Folder 1-2

NAC - Activities log 1979

Box 105, Folder 3-14

NAC - Meetings 1978-1980

Box 106

NAC - Meetings 1980-1981

Box 107, Folder 1-7

NAC - Meetings 1981-1983

Box 107, Folder 8

NAC - Ad Hoc Advisory Subcommittee for the Study of Long-Range NASA Goals 1981

Box 107, Folder 9

NAC - Ad Hoc Informal Task Force on Comparative National Space Programs 1978-1981

Box 107, Folder 10

NAC - Task Force for the Study of Issues in Selecting Private Citizens for Space Shuttle Flight 1982-1983

Box 107, Folder 11

NAC - Aeronautics Advisory Committee (NAAC) 1978-1982

Box 107, Folder 12

NAC - History Advisory Committee (NHAC) 1978-1981

Box 107, Folder 13-14

NAC - Solar System Exploration Committee (SSEC) 1981

Box 107, Folder 15

NAC - Space Sciences Advisory Committee (NSSAC) 1977-1981

Box 107, Folder 16-17

NAC - Innovation Study Group 1978-1979

General note

Includes material on the New Directions Symposium.
Box 108, Folder 1-4

NAC - Innovation Study Group 1978-1981

Box 108, Folder 5

National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) 1986-1997

Box 108, Folder 6

National Committee for an American SST 1970-1971

Box 108, Folder 7

National Council for Research and Development, Tel-Aviv, Israel 1966

Box 108, Folder 8-10

National Geographic Society 1987-1993

General note

Includes drafts of Nierenberg's paper "The Oceans" presented at a NGS symposium.
Box 108, Folder 11

National Institutes for the Environment (NIE) 1991-1996

Box 108, Folder 12-14

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1969-1978

Box 109, Folder 1-5

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) 1979-1994

Box 109, Folder 6

NOAA - Workshop on Uncertainty and Global Climate Change Research 1994

Box 109, Folder 7

National Ocean Research and Exploration Center (NOREC) 1988

Box 109, Folder 8-9

National Oceanography Association 1966-1970

Box 109, Folder 10

National Planning Association - Research Advisory Committee, Oceanics Project 1967-1970


National Research Council (NRC)

Box 110, Folder 1-9

NRC - Assembly of Engineering, Space Applications Board (SAB) 1975-1977

Box 110, Folder 10-12

NRC - Climate Research Board (CRB) 1978-1979 April

General note

Includes materials relating to Committee on International Climate Programs (CICP) and Climate Research Program.
Box 111

NRC - Climate Research Board (CRB) 1979 May-1981 May

Box 112, Folder 1-3

NRC - Climate Research Board (CRB) 1981 June-1982

Box 112, Folder 4-17

NRC - Climate Research Board (CRB) - Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee 1979-1981 June

General note

October 1980 file contains papers by WAN. The Committee drafted a public report on CO₂ in the atmosphere in 1982-83 and the files include correspondence and memos about the report. Folder content begins to include references to BASC (which replaced the CRB) in 1982.
Box 113, Folder 1-11

NRC - Climate Research Board (CRB) - Carbon Dioxide Assessment Committee 1981 July-1983

Box 113, Folder 12-19

NRC - Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC) 1982-1983 July

General note

BASC replaced the Climate Research Board, which dissolved in late 1982. There are many overlaps in topical content as the files transition from CRB labelling to BASC.
Box 114, Folder 1-8

NRC - Board on Atmospheric Sciences and Climate (BASC) 1983 July-1985

Box 114, Folder 9-16

NRC - Naval Studies Board 1978-1986

Box 115, Folder 1-5

NRC - Naval Studies Board 1978-1986

Box 115, Folder 6-11

NRC - Office of Mathematical Sciences, Committee on Resources for Mathematical Sciences 1980-1985

Box 115, Folder 12

NRC - Review of report following Congressional Seminar on Atmospheric Change 1986-1987

Box 115, Folder 13-14

NRC - U.S. National Committee for the Pacific Science Association (PSA) 1988-1990

Box 115, Folder 15

NRC - Board of Biology 1990

General note

Includes materials on workshop, "Reducing global warming by enhancing carbon dioxide assimilation: The macroalgae contribution."
Box 115, Folder 16-17

NRC - Correspondence 1988-1997


National Science Board (NSB)

Box 116, Folder 1-6

NSB - Correspondence 1972-1976, 1986-1988

Box 116, Folder 7-10

NSB - Telemail messages 1983-1984

Box 117, Folder 1-5

NSB - Telemail messages 1985-1986

Box 117, Folder 6

NSB - Ad Hoc Committee on Action Review Boards 1976

Box 117, Folder 7

NSB - Antarctic trip 1977-1985

Box 117, Folder 8-11

NSB - Astronomical, Atmospheric, Earth and Oceans Sciences (AAEO) Mini-group 1982-1984

Box 117, Folder 12

NSB - Committee on 8th NSB Report 1976

Box 117, Folder 13-15

NSB - Committee on Minorities, Women, and the Handicapped 1982-1983

Box 118, Folder 1-2

NSB - Committee on Minorities, Women, and the Handicapped 1984

Box 118, Folder 3

NSB - Committee on Research Excellence and Breadth of Research Participation 1985

Box 118, Folder 4

NSB - Division of Polar Programs - NSB review 1976

Box 118, Folder 5

NSB - National Radio Astronomy Observatory site visit, NM 1988

Box 118, Folder 6

NSB - U.S.-P.R.C. Joint Commission on Science and Technology, China 1986-1987


National Science Board (NSB) - Committee on International Science (CIS)

Box 118, Folder 7-16

NSB - CIS - 16th Board report - Correspondence and meetings 1982-1984 February

Box 119, Folder 1-13

NSB - CIS - 16th Board report - Correspondence and meetings

Box 119, Folder 14-17

NSB - CIS - Correspondence and meetings 1983

Box 120

NSB - CIS - Correspondence and meetings 1984-1985

Box 121, Folder 1-6

NSB - CIS - Correspondence and meetings 1986-1987

Box 121, Folder 7-10

NSB - CIS - Biodiversity Committee 1987-1989

General note

Includes folder with correspondence with Rep. Scheuer, on the National Global Change Research Program bill.

National Science Foundation (NSF)

Box 122, Folder 1-5

NSF - Correspondence 1976-1988

Box 122, Folder 6

NSF - International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), Laxenburg, Austria trip 1984-1986

Box 122, Folder 7-8

NSF - Task Force on International Strategy and Programs 1985

Box 122, Folder 9

NSF - Committee on the Future of the NSF 1992



Box 122, Folder 10-14

Miscellaneous correspondence and memoranda 1967-1986

Box 123

Naval Research Advisory Committee (NRAC) - Miscellaneous 1968-1971

General note

Includes files on the Laboratory Advisory Board for Undersea Warfare (WAN Chair).
Box 124, Folder 1-3

Naval War College, 18th Annual Global Strategy Discussions, Newport, RI 1966 June 6-9

General note

Includes selected readings for the conference.
Box 124, Folder 4-7

Office of Naval Research 1984-1989

Box 124, Folder 8

Office of Naval Research- 44th Military Operations Research Society (MORS) Meeting 1979 December 4-6

Box 124, Folder 9-10

Undersea Warfare Research and Development Planning Council 1968, 1975

Box 124, Folder 11-12

Stable floating platforms 1987-1988

Box 124, Folder 13-14

Navy League of the United States 1967-1985

Box 125, Folder 1-2

North American Rockwell 1972-1973


North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - See also Department of State

Box 125, Folder 3-5

NATO - Early correspondence 1960-1965

Box 125, Folder 6

NATO - correspondence 1988-1989

Box 125, Folder 7

NATO - Assistant Secretary General for Scientific Affairs 1959-1964

Box 125, Folder 8

NATO Science Activities - Report by WAN 1964

Box 125, Folder 9-15

NATO Science Committee 1965-1975

Box 126

NATO Science Committee 1975-1978

Box 127, Folder 1-4

NATO Science Committee 1979-1980

Box 127, Folder 5-6

NATO Science Committee - 20th Anniversary Commemoration Conference, Brussels, Belgium 1978

Box 127, Folder 7

NATO Science Committee - Remote sensing 1977-1978

Box 127, Folder 8

NATO - Global Climate Meeting and 30th Anniversary Meeting, Brussels, Belgium 1989

Box 127, Folder 9-14

Ocean Trust - Board of Directors 1994-1997

Box 128, Folder 1-6

Ocean Trust - Board of Directors 1994-1997

Box 128, Folder 7-10

Ocean Trust Correspondence 1993-1999

Box 129, Folder 1-3

Oceanic Society 1987-1988

Box 129, Folder 4

Offshore Technology Conference 1969

Box 129, Folder 5-6

Pacific Forum 1967-1972

Box 129, Folder 7

Pacific Forum - Ocean Policy Institute 1990-1992

Box 129, Folder 8-9

Pacific Research Foundation (Pacific Study Center - USA/China/Japan) 1984-1986

Box 130, Folder 1-2

Resources for the Future, Inc. 1977-1982

Box 130, Folder 3

San Diego Chamber of Commerce - Health Sciences Council 1971-1974

Box 130, Folder 4

San Diego Chamber of Commerce - Oceanographic Committee 1966-1970

Box 130, Folder 5-12

San Diego Coalition 1978-1984

Box 131, Folder 1-2

San Diego Hall of Science - Board of Directors 1968-1971

Box 131, Folder 3

San Diego Museum of Man - Advisory Committee on Oceanography Exhibition 1971

Box 131, Folder 4

San Diego Oceans Foundation 1985-1986

Box 131, Folder 5

Saudi Arabia Research Institute 1978-1979

Box 131, Folder 6-7

Science Applications, Inc. - Foreign Applied Sciences Assessment Center (FASAC) 1979-1990

Box 131, Folder 8-9

Science and Environmental Policy Project 1995-1997

Box 131, Folder 10-11

Science and Technology Group, Taipei, Taiwan (STAG) 1989-1993

Box 131, Folder 12

Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) 1978-1983

Box 132

Sea-Space Symposium 1972-1984

Box 133, Folder 1

Sea-Space Symposium 1982 May 1

Box 133, Folder 2-7

Sigma Xi 1976-1982

Box 133, Folder 8-10

Sloan Foundation 1976-1982

General note

Primarily pertains to the Cognitive Science Advisory Committee, but includes one folder each on the Neuroscience Advisory Committee, and the Board of Trustees.
Box 134, Folder 1-9

Sloan Foundation 1977-1981

Box 134, Folder 10

Sloan Foundation - Census of the Fishes workshops (sponsor) 1997

Box 134, Folder 11

Sloan Foundation - Research grant to Nierenberg 1957-1962

Box 135, Folder 1-9

Tel Aviv University - Board of Governors 1976-1983

Box 135, Folder 10-11

Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical 1971-1974

Box 135, Folder 12

Titan Systems 1986-1988

General note

Includes material on Charged Particle Beam Weapon (CPBW) net technical assessment for DOD.
Box 136, Folder 1-3

United Nations - Committee for Co-ordination of Joint Prospecting for Mineral Resources in Asian Offshore Areas (CCOP) 1973-1978

Box 136, Folder 4-8

United Nations Association of the United States of America (UNA) - National Policy Panel 1972-1974

Box 136, Folder 9-10

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - U.S. National Commission 1965-1969

Box 137, Folder 1-6

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - U.S. National Commission 1965-1976

Box 137, Folder 7-12

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) - U.S. withdrawal from 1983-1986


U.S. Congress

Box 138, Folder 1

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Organic Act 1983

Box 138, Folder 2-7

Senator S. I. Hayakawa's Advisory Committee on Energy 1978-1980

Box 138, Folder 8

Committee on Science - Policy Roundtable 1997


U.S. Government (Executive Branch) - The White House

Box 138, Folder 9

Correspondence 1969-1990

Box 138, Folder 10-13

National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development 1967-1978

General note

Includes folder on the development of the International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE); and a full agenda for 1968 meeting on international policy and program review.
Box 139, Folder 1

Office of Science and Technology (OST) 1970-1973

Box 139, Folder 2

OST - Naval Warfare Panel 1965-1969

Box 139, Folder 3-6

OST - Oil Spill Panel (Santa Barbara) 1969-1970

Box 139, Folder 7-8

Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) 1976

General note

Includes correspondence, memoranda, and reports.
Box 140, Folder 1-5

Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) 1977-1993

Box 140, Folder 6-12

OSTP - Acid Rain Peer Review Group 1982-1983 June

Box 141, Folder 1-11

OSTP - Acid Rain Peer Review Group 1983 July-1985

Box 141, Folder 12-16

OSTP - Advisory Group on Anticipated Advances in Science and Technology 1975-1976 March

Box 142, Folder 1-5

OSTP - Advisory Group on Anticipated Advances in Science and Technology 1976 April-December

Box 142, Folder 6-13

OSTP - White House Science Council (WHSC) 1982-1985

General note

Subgroups/topics include: Defense Technologies Study Management, Scientific Research Panel (Star Wars), and Military Technology Panel.
Box 143, Folder 1

Office of the Vice President - Science and Technology Consultants' meeting with Vice President Rockefeller 1975 September 4

Box 143, Folder 2

SALT II Treaty 1979-1980

Box 143, Folder 3-12

Ronald Reagan's Science and Technology Task Force 1980-1983

Box 144, Folder 1

White House Conference on International Co-operation, Washington, DC 1966

Box 144, Folder 2

White House Task Force on Oceanography 1969-1970

Box 144, Folder 3

U.S. House of Representatives, Committee on Science, Space, and Technology 1990

Box 144, Folder 4-10

United States-Israel Binational Science Foundation 1982-1983, 1988-1989

Box 144, Folder 11

U.S. National Committee for the Pacific Science Association (UNSC/PSA) - History

Box 144, Folder 12-14

UNSC/PSA - Meetings and congress planning 1988-1989

Box 145, Folder 1-3

UNSC/PSA - Meetings and congress planning 1989-1991

Box 145, Folder 4-5

Universidad Nacional A. De Mexico (UNAM) 1977-1999

Box 145, Folder 6-10

Walt Disney Productions - Epcot Center Living Seas Pavilion Advisory Board 1982-1986

Box 145, Folder 11-13

Weizmann Institute of Science 1965-1969, 1986

Box 145, Folder 14

World Affairs Council of San Diego 1977-1979

Box 145, Folder 15

Year of the Ocean Foundation, San Diego - Board of Directors 1983-1985

General note

Renamed San Diego Oceans Foundation.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 4) NATIONAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE ON OCEANS AND ATMOSPHERE: Neirenberg was the Presidentially-appointed first chairman of the National Advisory Committee on Oceans and Atmosphere (NACOA) from late 1971 to 1975. In this role, he brought his capacity to bridge wide interest and experience areas to bear on national issues in marine science and technology. NACOA's challenge was to continue work on the broad array of complex national policy and planning issues on marine and atmospheric affairs where the Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, and the National Council on Marine Resources and Engineering Development, in the late 1960s and early 1970s, left off. He led twenty-four colleagues, meeting ten to twelve times per year, to produce annual and special reports that focused government attention on key ocean and atmosphere matters which the Committee felt deserved priority consideration. These included expeditions of the Glomar Explorer, recommendations for a federal reorganization of natural resources management, Law of the Sea policy, the National Ocean Policy study, and the National Climate Program, among other key topics. This series includes meeting agendas, minutes, and correspondence covering his chairmanship.
Files are arranged to reflect Nierenberg's original file order, in three subseries: A) Administration, B) Meetings, and C) Panels, Reports, and Subject Briefings.


Box 146, Folder 1

Appointment as Chairman, signed by President Nixon 1971 August 16

Box 146, Folder 2

Acronyms compiled for NACOA staff

Box 146, Folder 3-5

Advisory and coordinating boards and committees in the areas of the oceans and the atmosphere 1971-1976

Box 146, Folder 6

Agency observers and liaison personnel 1971-1977

Box 147, Folder 1-3

Committee management 1972-1986

Box 147, Folder 4-8

Correspondence - Oceanic affairs 1971-1974

Box 148, Folder 1-2

Correspondence - Oceanic affairs 1975-1977

Box 148, Folder 3-4

Future agenda and study topics 1972-1977

Box 148, Folder 5

A NACOA retrospective: 1971-1977

General note

"A summary of what NACOA has said in the past on some important issues concerning the oceans and the atmosphere."
Box 148, Folder 6


Box 148, Folder 7

History of government action leading to creation of NOAA and NACOA

General note

Includes cross-reference sheets to key meeting minutes.
Box 148, Folder 8

Federal budget re: NACOA 1972-1976

Box 149, Folder 1-2

Testimony before Subcommittee on Oceanography, of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, H.R. 15280 1972

Box 149, Folder 3

President's Reorganization Program 1972-1978

General note

Reorganization Subcommittee for marine and atmospheric affairs.
Box 149, Folder 4

Federal organization for marine and atmospheric affairs 1973-1974

Box 149, Folder 5

NACOA oversight hearings 1974

Box 149, Folder 6

Brooks, Douglas L. (Executive Director). Papers and talks on NACOA 1973-1975

Box 149, Folder 7

Reauthorization testimony 1977

Box 149, Folder 8

NACOA workshop on Federal Reorganization of Marine Affairs 1978



Box 150, Folder 1

Annual meeting schedules 1972-1976

Box 150, Folder 2-6

Meeting agendas and minutes 1971 December-1972

Box 151

Meeting agendas and minutes 1972

Box 152

Meeting agendas and minutes 1973

Box 153

Meeting agendas and minutes 1973

Box 154

Meeting agendas and minutes 1974

Box 155

Meeting agendas and minutes 1974-1975

Box 156

Meeting agendas and minutes 1975-1976

Box 157

Meeting agendas and minutes 1976-1977


Panels, Reports, and Subject Briefings



Box 158, Folder 1-3

Energy 1975-1977

Box 158, Folder 4

Goals and Objectives 1976-1977

Box 158, Folder 5-9

International Decade of Ocean Exploration (IDOE) Evaluation 1975-1976

Box 159, Folder 1-4

Ocean Engineering 1973-1976

Box 159, Folder 5

Weather and Air Safety 1976

Box 159, Folder 6

Weather Modification 1972-1976


Reports and Subject Briefings

Box 159, Folder 7

Annual reports - Checklist summary of NACOA annual reports (issue-tracking 1976-1976)

Box 159, Folder 8

Annual report - 1st 1972

Box 160, Folder 1-5

Annual reports - 2nd through 6th 1973-1977

Box 160, Folder 6

Capital Structure study 1973-1975

Box 160, Folder 7

Cooperative programs with other countries 1971-1976

Box 161, Folder 1

Current status of Stratton Report Recommendations 1972

General note

The "Stratton Report" is the Report of the Commission on Marine Science, Engineering and Resources, "Our Nation and the Sea," January 1969. Julius Stratton was chairman of the Commission which issued the Report.
Box 161, Folder 2

Department of Energy and Natural Resources (DENR) - Marine Affairs 1973

Box 161, Folder 3-5

Department of Energy and Natural Resources (DENR) - Developments 1973

General note

Related to the reorganization files in the Administration subseries.
Box 161, Folder 6

Diving in the U.S. and abroad - Navy briefing report 1976

Box 161, Folder 7

Environmental management and monitoring

Box 161, Folder 8


Box 162, Folder 1-4


Box 162, Folder 5

Geophysical monitoring for climate change: The NOAA program ca. 1973

Box 162, Folder 6-7

Glomar Explorer 1970-1976

General note

Includes technical description and specifications, as well as NACOA correspondence.
Box 162, Folder 8-9

Law of the Sea 1972

Box 163, Folder 1-3

Law of the Sea 1973-1976

Box 187, Folder 10-12

Law of the Sea (legal sized) 1972-1974

Box 163, Folder 4-5

Marine transportation (deepwater ports)

Box 163, Folder 6-9

Mineral resources and energy requirements 1972-1977

Box 163, Folder 10

Mineral resources and energy requirements - Energy Policy Project newsletters 1972-1975

Box 164, Folder 1

National Climate Program 1974-1977

Box 164, Folder 2

National Ocean Policy Study (NOPS) 1973-1975

Box 164, Folder 3-4

Naval Undersea Center, San Diego - NACOA visit materials 1972

General note

Ephemera and briefing materials on technologies and programs in development. Topics include undersea vehicles, observation platforms, and submersibles.
Box 164, Folder 5

New technology opportunities 1971

Box 164, Folder 6

Ocean data buoys 1973

Box 165, Folder 1

Physical Oceanography, Geology and Geophysics 1972-1974

Box 165, Folder 2

SEASAT program 1974



Scope and Content of Series

Series 5) UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA. Arranged in two subseries: A) Systemwide, and B) UC San Diego. Systemwide material pertains mostly to inter-campus events and policy, correspondence from Nierenberg's time at UC Berkeley, and correspondence with UC Regents. The UC San Diego material consists of some administrative files, memos, correspondence, and documentation of campus events. Material from this series was stored in his personal office, and it is a relatively small and inconsistent group of files. For a much more complete record of WAN's directorship of SIO, see the SIO Director's Office Records (SAC 1).


Box 165, Folder 3-4

University Committee on Radiological Safety 1957-1959

Box 165, Folder 5

Colloquium on Oceanography planning, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1967

Box 165, Folder 6

Intercampus Committee for Establishing an Electron Synchrotron in Southern California 1967-1968

Box 165, Folder 7

University Extension (sponsor) Statewide Lecture Series 1969 Fall

Box 165, Folder 8

Charter Day ceremony planning, Berkeley 1970 April 2

Box 165, Folder 9

Monk's Chorus roster - UC Faculty Club 1983

Box 165, Folder 10

Joint Committee to Advise the President in the Search for a Director, Los Alamos National Laboratory 1985-1986

Box 165, Folder 11

Lawrence Berkeley Labs - Miscellaneous correspondence 1986-1988

Box 165, Folder 12

Lawrence Berkeley Labs - Environmental Policy Organizing Group Meeting 1986 November 11

Box 165, Folder 13

Lawrence Livermore National Lab - Miscellaneous correspondence 1986-1989

Box 165, Folder 14

University of California Berkeley/UCLA - Miscellaneous correspondence 1986-1987

Box 165, Folder 15

Regents - Correspondence 1986-1994


UC San Diego and SIO

Box 166

SIO administration files - Correspondence, committees, and memoranda 1965-1989

Box 167, Folder 1-2

SIO administration files - Correspondence, committees, and memoranda 1990-2000

Box 167, Folder 3-9

UCSD administration files - - Correspondence, committees, and memoranda 1965-1999

Box 168, Folder 1

The Sorrento Report: a Study of Non-Acoustic Methods of Submarine Detection 1960 March

General note

This report was produced following 9 weeks of study at SIO in 1959. The working group consisted mostly of physicists from outside of the University and was conducted in conjunction with the Office of Naval Research.
Box 168, Folder 2-3

Physics Department 1966-1972

Box 168, Folder 4-6

Physics Department - Colloquium on Oceanography 1967-1978

General note

Includes papers by Isaacs, Cox, Munk and Nierenberg.
Box 168, Folder 7-9

Expeditions - Amazon, Tonga, and Gulf of California 1967-1969

Box 168, Folder 10

Faculty Club Advisory Committee 1967

Box 168, Folder 11

The Year 2001: a 21st Century Symposium; Rough Transcript (CBS program at SIO) 1967 January 14

Box 168, Folder 12

Campus visit, Charles F. Baird (Undersecretary of the Navy) 1968

Box 168, Folder 13

Associated Students of UCSD - Lecture Committee 1968

Box 168, Folder 14

Frontiers of Science - Guest lecture 1969

Box 168, Folder 15

Advanced Ocean Engineering Laboratory - Steering Group, on ARPA funding 1969-1970

Box 168, Folder 16

Radar research (Walter Munk) 1971

Box 168, Folder 17

Natural Land and Water Reserves System dedication, San Diego, CA 1972 May 6

Box 168, Folder 18

Chancellor's Club 1974-1976

Box 168, Folder 19

Campus visit, Isidor Isaac Rabi 1977 February 6-13

Box 168, Folder 20

Mellon Foundation Postdoctoral Training Program Grant 1980-1981

Box 168, Folder 21

Ocean Policy Program - Sloan Foundation Proposal 1981-1983

Box 168, Folder 22

Jeff Frautschy's retirement symposium 1982

Box 169, Folder 1

Walter Munk 65th birthday symposium and dinner 1982 October

Box 169, Folder 2-3

Joint (SIO and International Association of Drilling Contractors) Symposium on the Safety of Life Offshore 1983

Box 169, Folder 4

University-funded academic billets 1983-1985

Box 169, Folder 5

SIO 80th anniversary 1983

Box 169, Folder 6-7

UCSD 25th anniversary 1984-1986

Box 169, Folder 8-10

International Ocean Engineering concepts - Proposal by Peter Cowhey 1984-1985

Box 169, Folder 11

Namias Symposium 1985

Box 169, Folder 12

William Menard memorial service 1986

Box 169, Folder 13

Center for Ocean and Earth Space Science and Technology - Proposal 1987 March-April

Box 169, Folder 14

W. A. Nierenberg Hall dedication 1987 October

Box 170, Folder 1-5

University Research Initiative (URI) - Summaries, progress reports and funding 1987-1988

General note

Scripps Ocean Modeling and Remote Sensing Program.
Box 170, Folder 6

Carnegie Symposium/UCSD "Science Government and the Economy" 1988 March 29-30

Box 170, Folder 7

14th Annual Climate Diagnosis Workshop 1989 October 16-20

Box 170, Folder 8

NSF grant proposal for Scripps Hall of Oceanography 1990 July 13

Box 170, Folder 9

UCSD Center for Energy and Combustion Research (CECR) Review Committee 1996



Scope and Content of Series

Series 6) WRITINGS AND TALKS: This series includes a collection of addresses and writings by Nierenberg. Writings date from the early 1940s, during Nierenberg's time at the Manhattan Project (all marked unclassified), until the end of his life. Most of the speech files contain the content or outline of a speech, though a few only contain correspondence related to his appearance at the event. Arranged chronologically within two subseries: A) Speeches and Prepared Remarks, B) Writings.

Speeches and Prepared Remarks

Box 170, Folder 10

List of speeches 1960-1991

General note

Includes NATO speech list.
Oversize FB-560, Folder 6

Posters for speaking events 1969-1984

Box 170, Folder 11

Atomic beams with radioactive species. Conference on Radio and Microwave Spectroscopy, Duke University 1957 November

Box 170, Folder 12

Atomic beam research on radioactive atoms. Ernest O. Lawrence Memorial Lecture, meeting of the National Academy of Sciences, Berkeley 1958 November 7

Box 171, Folder 1

On atomic beams. Institute of Physics, University of Pisa, Italy 1958-1961

Box 171, Folder 2

International science and the news. Conference to Interpret Modern Science to the Public, University of Oregon 1960 June 16

Box 171, Folder 3

Address as NATO science advisor. National War College, Washington, DC 1960 September 23

Box 171, Folder 4

Address as NATO science advisor. General assembly of Agard, Istanbul Turkey 1960 October 6

Box 187, Folder 1

Outline material for a lecture on science and technology in NATO (prepared by Dr. H. West-Burnham for Nierenberg) 1961 February 3

Box 187, Folder 2

Address as NATO science advisor. Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and Development (AGARD) meeting 1961 February 27

Box 187, Folder 3

Speech. Supreme Headquarters, Allied Powers Europe, 9th National Chief Signal Officers' Conference 1961 March 15

Box 187, Folder 4

Projet (d'aide memoire) pour la conference du Professeur Nierenberg, Brussels 1961 May 17

Box 171, Folder 5

Scientific and technical progress. NATO Defense College 1961 July 11

Box 187, Folder 5

Internationalism and science. 11th AGARD assembly, Oslo, Norway 1961 July 27

Box 187, Folder 6

Address. NATO Advanced Study Institute for Solar and Aeolian Energy 1961 September 4

Box 187, Folder 7

Address. Course on Operations Research, Athens 1961 September 28

Box 171, Folder 6

Opening remarks. Seminar on War Gaming, NATO Science Committee 1961 November 27

Box 171, Folder 7

Address to NATO Science Council 1962

Box 171, Folder 8

Draft of speech. NATO Armaments Committee 1962 February 1

Box 171, Folder 9

Draft of speech. Institut Des Hautes Etudes De La Defense Nationale 1962 March 19

Box 171, Folder 10

Problems in research and development co-operation in NATO. Paris, France 1962 April 2

Box 171, Folder 11

Remarks. NATO Science Committee 1962 June 4-5

Box 171, Folder 12

Des Hamiltoniens de Breit-Rabi et d'Abragam-Pryce. Remarks prepared on 300th anniversary of Blaise Pascal, France 1962 June 8

Box 187, Folder 8

Address. Commission des Affaires Etrangeres du Parlement Français, NATO Headquarters 1962 June 28

Box 171, Folder 13

Address. Paramagnetic Conference banquet, Jerusalem, Israel 1962 July 21

Box 171, Folder 14

Address. 3rd Quantum Electronics Conference, UNESCO, Paris, France 1963 February 13

Box 171, Folder 15

Man's expectations with respect to his physical surroundings. City College of New York 1964 May 9

Box 171, Folder 16

Physics and Cyrano de Bergerac. UC Santa Barbara 1966, 1974

Box 171, Folder 17

Stellar navigation. IBM Scientific Computing Symposium, New York 1965-1966

Box 171, Folder 18

Address. University of California Capital Outlay Review Board 1966 March

Box 171, Folder 19

Address. Special Subcommittee on Sea Grant Colleges, Washington, DC 1966 May

Box 171, Folder 20

Address. Marine Research Committee, La Jolla, CA 1966 August 2

Box 171, Folder 21

Science and foreign affairs. Oberlin College and Del Mar Unitarian Church 1966 November 1, 6

Box 171, Folder 22

Current problems in oceanography. American College of Physicians, Los Angeles, CA 1966 November

Box 171, Folder 23

Program management for sea exploration: The development of the chronometer. National Conference on Management of Aerospace Programs, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 1966 November

Box 171, Folder 24

Address. David Star Jordan commissioning ceremony 1966 November

Box 171, Folder 25

The oceans and our future. Fundamentals of Gas-surface Interactions Symposium, San Diego, CA 1966 December 15

Box 171, Folder 26

Oceanography in the world and San Diego. Kiwanis Club of San Diego 1967 February 28

Box 171, Folder 27

Oceanography tomorrow. Institute of Environmental Sciences, Washington, DC 1967 April 10

Box 171, Folder 28

Space quantization and the Breit-Rabi formula. Rabi Symposium, Columbia University 1967 May 24

Box 171, Folder 29

Address. TIME luncheon, New York 1967 May 24

Box 171, Folder 30

What is San Diego's future position in oceanography? San Diego Marine Technology Society, San Diego, CA 1967 September 27

Box 172, Folder 1

Draft of Speech. Middle East Institute, Georgetown University, Washington, DC 1967 September 29

Box 172, Folder 2

Applied oceanography. Santa Barbara Science and Engineering Council 1967 November 18

Box 172, Folder 3

Manpower for oceanography. American Society for Oceanography, Houston, TX 1967 November 21

Box 172, Folder 4

Address. Ocean research buoy dedication, San Diego, CA 1967 November 30

Box 172, Folder 5

Very long view of oceanography. Solar Management Club, San Diego, CA 1968 January 15

Box 172, Folder 6

A global view of ocean technology. National Security Industrial Association dinner, Los Angles, CA 1968 January 18

Box 172, Folder 7

Oceanography in the world and San Diego (whales, rain, oranges). San Diego Lions Club luncheon 1968 January 25

Box 172, Folder 8

Address. UC Centennial Symposium, La Jolla, CA 1968 February 1-2

Box 172, Folder 9

The oceans: How fast and how far? American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) national meeting, San Diego, CA 1968 February 20

Box 172, Folder 10

Applied oceanography. Aerojet General Management Club, West Covina, CA 1968 March 12

Box 172, Folder 11

Impact of oceanographic technology on society. University of Southern California Extension Division, Los Angeles, CA 1968 March 20

Box 172, Folder 12

Launching address for Glomar Challenger, Orange, TX 1968 March 23

Box 172, Folder 13

Remarks aboard R/V Alexander Agassiz, NIH site visit, San Diego, CA 1968 March 28

Box 172, Folder 14

Oceanography as a science and as a technology. American Nuclear Society Meeting, San Diego, CA 1968 April 15

Box 172, Folder 15

Welcoming remarks. San Diego Biomedical Symposium 1968 June 24

Box 172, Folder 16

Address. Fellows of the Museum of Natural History, San Diego, CA 1968 October 14

Box 172, Folder 17

Address. Order of the Daedaleans meeting, San Diego, CA 1968 October 18

Box 172, Folder 18

Advanced ocean technology. Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), Washington, DC 1968 October 31

Box 172, Folder 19

Deep sea drilling. Vetlesen Symposium, Columbia University 1968 November 25

Box 172, Folder 20

Keynote address. Applications of Sea-Going Computers Conference, La Jolla, CA 1969 January

Box 172, Folder 21

Speech. American Assembly, Uses of the Seas Conference, San Diego, CA 1969 February 22

Box 172, Folder 22

Address. Offshore Exploration Conference (OECON), San Diego, CA 1969 March

Box 172, Folder 23

Applied oceanography, present and future. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics dinner, Los Angeles, CA 1969 April 23

Box 172, Folder 24

The territorial seas and continental shelf. San Diego Kiwanis Club 1969 April 29

Box 172, Folder 25

No man's land. Frontiers of Science series, UC San Diego 1969 May 14

Box 172, Folder 26

Popular oceanography. American Oceanic Organization, Washington, DC 1969 May 15

Box 172, Folder 27

Technical and political problems of the ocean floor. University of Colorado 1969 July 16

Box 172, Folder 28

Oceanography and public policy. Churchill College, Cambridge, England 1969 October 11

Box 172, Folder 29

Speech. Centenary celebration of Nature magazine, London, England 1969 October 31

Box 172, Folder 30

Ocean engineering and management of the coastal zone. UC statewide lecture series 1969 Fall

Box 172, Folder 31

Address. Symposium on Human Population, San Diego, CA 1970 February 19-20

Box 172, Folder 32

The challenge of the ocean: Industry goes to sea. Business Outlook Conference, San Diego, CA 1970 February 27

Box 172, Folder 33

Speech. Academic Senate, UC San Diego 1970 May 13

Box 173, Folder 1

Future ocean concepts. American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) meetings, Houston, Texas 1970 August-October

Box 173, Folder 2

Ocean world. Deep Sea Drilling Symposium, Tokyo, Japan 1970 September 16

Box 173, Folder 3

Ocean engineering and management of the coastal zone. Yale University 1970 November 19

Box 173, Folder 4

Address welcoming French visitors to SIO. La Jolla, CA 1971 March 25

Box 173, Folder 5

The Pacific vista. Comstock Club, Sacramento, CA 1971 June 21

Box 173, Folder 6

Address. Dedication of La Jolla-San Diego Underwater Park 1971 August 30

Box 173, Folder 7

Major ocean problems. Man and the Oceans Conference, San Francisco, CA 1971 December 1

Box 173, Folder 8

Water and air. University of San Diego 1972 February 22

Box 173, Folder 9

Speech. Kendall Frost Marsh Reserve dedication, San Diego, CA 1972 May 6

Box 173, Folder 10

The long and short of the oceans. Puget Sound Water Quality Control Conference, Seattle, WA 1972 May 18

Box 173, Folder 11

Law, sea and science. Marine Technical Society meeting, Washington, DC 1972 September 12

Box 173, Folder 12

Speech. Second International Ocean Development Conference, Tokyo, Japan 1972 October 5

Box 173, Folder 13

Speech. National Science Teachers Association Convention, San Diego, CA 1972 December 1

Box 173, Folder 14

Speech. American Ordnance Association meeting, San Diego, CA 1973 April 3-5

Box 173, Folder 15

Statement. U.S. Senate Subcommittee on Oceans and Atmosphere. Washington, DC 1973 June

Box 173, Folder 16

Speech. Directors of Industrial Research Conference, New York 1973 October 19

Box 173, Folder 17

Remarks. Memorial services for Carl Eckart, San Diego, CA 1973 November 3

Conditions Governing Access note

Includes statements by Munk, Liebermann, Willis, Revelle, and Hellwig.
Box 173, Folder 18

Speech. Naval Research Laboratory Symposium, San Diego, CA 1973 November 13

Box 173, Folder 19

Speech. Heinz Steinitz Memorial Lecture, Elat and Jerusalem, Israel 1974 October 13, 16

Box 173, Folder 20

Future problems and opportunities of the oceans. Hughes Aircraft Company, Los Angeles, CA 1974 November 15

Box 173, Folder 21

How not to communicate. Association of Science and Technology Workshop, Los Angeles, CA 1975 June 22

General note

Sound recording in AUDIOVISUAL series.
Box 173, Folder 22

Welcome address. Emperor of Japan's visit to SIO 1975 October 9

Box 173, Folder 23

Address. Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, NJ 1975 October 17

Box 173, Folder 24

Address. Western Spectroscopy Conference, Monterey, CA 1976 January 29

Box 173, Folder 25

Addresses for Sigma Xi, various locations 1976

Box 173, Folder 26

Statement. House Committee regarding H.R. 10013 (National Climate Program), Washington, DC 1976 May 19

Box 173, Folder 27

Lecture. Center For Oceans Law and Policy, Charlottesville, VA 1976 November 13

Box 174, Folder 1

Lecture. Remote Sensing of Environment Symposium, Ann Arbor, MI 1977 April 25

Box 174, Folder 2-3

Deep Sea Drilling Project. Sigma Xi Procter Prize talk, Myrtle Beach, SC 1977 October 29

Box 174, Folder 4

22nd International Edison Birthday Celebration, San Diego State University 1978 February 11

Box 174, Folder 5

Address. San Joaquin Valley Town Hall meeting, Fresno, CA 1978 February 15

Box 174, Folder 6

Address. Brookings Institution Study Program, San Diego, CA 1978 April 17

Box 174, Folder 7

Press release re: Nierenberg's comments at Law of the Sea conference, Geneva, Switzerland 1978 May 10

Box 174, Folder 8

Address. University of San Diego Summer Program, San Diego, CA 1978 August 11

Box 174, Folder 9

Address. Conference on Energy Crisis and California's Economic Future, Los Angeles 1978 September 25

Box 174, Folder 10

Speech. Law of the Sea, World Affairs Council Meeting, San Diego, CA 1978 October 17

Box 174, Folder 11

Navy science satellite requirements. Naval Studies Board Meeting, Monterey, CA 1978 November 14

Box 174, Folder 12

Physics and oceanography. Richtmyer Lecture, American Association of Physics Teachers/American Physical Society Joint meeting, New York, NY 1979 January 30

Box 174, Folder 13

Speech. Carl Hubbs memorial service, SIO, La Jolla, CA 1979 July 17

Box 174, Folder 14

Address. United States Power Squadrons Meeting, San Diego, CA 1979 September 8

Box 174, Folder 15

Cyrano, physics, and possibly Aristotle. Phi Beta Kappa, American Academy of Arts and Sciences meeting, San Francisco, CA 1980 January 7

Box 174, Folder 16

Brode lecture. Whitman College, Walla Walla, WA 1980 March 6

Box 174, Folder 17

Lecture. Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA 1980 March 7

Box 174, Folder 18

Carbon dioxide, world climate, and society. Sigma Xi talk, San Diego, CA 1980 April 8

Box 174, Folder 19

Address on exploration of the sea. CIA Life Sciences Symposium, VA 1980 April 10-11

Box 174, Folder 20

Address. USC Sigma Xi awards dinner, Los Angeles, CA 1980 May 9

Box 174, Folder 21

Oceanography from space, COSPAR/SCOR/IUCRM symposium, Venice, Italy 1980 May 26-30

Box 174, Folder 22

Remarks. Per F. Scholander memorial service, La Jolla, CA 1980 June 30

Box 174, Folder 23

Speech. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution 50th Anniversary, Woods Hole, MA 1980 September 22-October 2

Box 175, Folder 1

Remarks. John Isaacs memorial service, La Jolla, CA 1980 November 8

Box 175, Folder 2

Charles H. Davis Lecture. U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey, CA 1981 November 3

General note

Sound recording in AUDIOVISUAL series.
Box 175, Folder 3

Lecture. University of Maryland marine estuarine environmental sciences/Sea Grant, University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD 1982 March 4

Box 175, Folder 4

Statement on stepping down as chairman. NASA Advisory Council, Washington, DC 1982 March 10

Box 175, Folder 5-6

Speech on the occasion of 75th anniversary Sigma Xi chapter, University of Wisconsin 1982 March 12

Box 175, Folder 7

Speech. Norris Rakestraw memorial service, La Jolla, CA 1983 January 26

Box 175, Folder 8

Welcoming address. Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip visit, La Jolla, CA 1983 February 26

Box 175, Folder 9

Statement. Committee on Science and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 1983 March 1

Box 175, Folder 10

Science and society: Youth to maturity. USC, Los Angeles, CA 1983 April 18

Box 175, Folder 11

Arms control in the 1980s. American Academy of Arts and Sciences meeting, Pasadena, CA 1983 May 6

Box 175, Folder 12

Remarks at the change of command ceremony, Antarctic Development Squadron Six, Point Mugu, CA 1983 May 27

Box 175, Folder 13

The Deep Sea Drilling Project: Its past and future. John Wesley Powell memorial lecture, AAAS meeting, Utah 1983 June 20

Box 175, Folder 14

Remarks on K-25. JASON Summer Study, La Jolla, CA 1983 July 5

Box 175, Folder 15

Statement. Cabinet Council on Acid Rain, Washington, DC 1983 September 15

Box 175, Folder 16

Climate, CO₂ and acid rain. SIO 80th anniversary celebration, La Jolla, CA 1983 October 13

Box 175, Folder 17

Address. CO₂ Research Seminar dinner symposium, Washington, DC 1983 October 19

Box 175, Folder 18

Carbon dioxide and the next 100 Years. Fermilab, Batavia, IL 1984 February 17

Box 175, Folder 19

The carbon dioxide problem. Roger Revelle's 75th birthday symposium, UC San Diego 1984 March 9

Box 175, Folder 20

Testimony before Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives, re: UNESCO, Washington, DC 1984 March 15

Box 175, Folder 21

Interview. University Explorer radio program: Scripps celebrates 80th year 1984 October 20

General note

Sound recording in AUDIOVISUAL series.
Box 175, Folder 22

Address at dedication of R/V Robert Gordon Sproul, San Diego, CA 1984 December 10

Box 175, Folder 23

The CO₂ problem. Washington University, St. Louis, MO 1985 January 16

Box 175, Folder 24

Acid rain, science and politics. SIO, La Jolla, CA 1985 February 11

Box 175, Folder 25

Oceanography and the US Navy. The University and Applied Research Symposium, Washington, DC 1985 October 1

Box 175, Folder 26

Cyrano, physicist. American Philosophical Society meeting, Philadelphia, PA 1985 November 15

Box 175, Folder 27

Innovation and education. Sigma Xi meeting, Los Angeles, CA 1986 November 8

Box 176, Folder 1

Address. DOE/Ecological research meeting, Washington, DC 1987 March 3

Box 176, Folder 2

Address. CCNY research and scholarship day, New York 1987 April 3

Box 176, Folder 3

Statement. Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 1990 April 4

Box 176, Folder 4

Global warming. Wright Science Colloquia, Geneva, Switzerland 1990 May 31

Box 176, Folder 5

Science and public policy. Wright Science Colloquia, Geneva, Switzerland 1990 September 21

Box 176, Folder 6

Global warming. University of Washington, Seattle, WA 1990 October 18

Box 176, Folder 7

Statement against Proposition 128, San Diego, CA 1990 October 24

Box 176, Folder 8

Remarks, symposium on global warming, Institut De La Vie, Deauville, France 1990 November 12

Box 176, Folder 9

Altering climate. Fondazione San Paolo Di Turino, Sao Paolo Institute, Turin, Italy 1991 April 16

Box 176, Folder 10

Climate change. World Petroleum Congress, Argentina 1991 October 21-26

Box 176, Folder 11

Address. Dedication of the Herbert F. York Building, UC San Diego 1991 November

Box 176, Folder 12

Science, policy, and international affairs. Environment meetings, Geneva, Switzerland 1992 May 14-15

Box 176, Folder 13

Policy and science flow. EPA workshop 1994 March 4

Box 176, Folder 14

Testimony. House subcommittee on energy and environment, U.S. House of Representatives, Washington, DC 1995 November 16

Box 176, Folder 15

Address. Dedication of Isaacs Building, UC San Diego 1998

Box 176, Folder 16

NATO science. Futuribles Group Conference, Paris, France 2000

Box 176, Folder 17

ONR and science: Building of institutions. Oceanography Colloquium, UC San Diego 2000



Box 176, Folder 18

Entries for the Dictionary of Physics undated

Box 176, Folder 19

Nuclear moments undated

Box 176, Folder 20

Manhattan Project writings - Correspondence and bibliography

Box 176, Folder 21-32

Manhattan Project writings 1942-1946

Box 177, Folder 1

A new viewpoint in computing crystal frequencies 1951

Box 177, Folder 2

Hobson and Nierenberg. statistics of a two-dimensional, hexagonal net 1953

Box 177, Folder 3

Linear method for minimizing a function of n variables 1959 August

Box 177, Folder 4

Investigation of short-lived radionuclei by atomic beam methods 1959, 1963

Box 177, Folder 5

NATO's role in science 1960 November

Box 177, Folder 6

Statement of plans for research 1960-1961

Box 177, Folder 7

Marrus and Nierenberg. On atomic beams 1962

Box 177, Folder 8

Les Hamiltoniens de Breit-Rabi et D'Abragam-Pryce. Annales de la faculte des sciences L'Universite de Clermont (No. 21) 1963

Box 177, Folder 9

Nierenberg and Lindgren. Measurement of spins and moments of ground states of radioactive nuclei 1963

Box 177, Folder 10

A study of the boundary currents of the Eastern Pacific - Proposal 1965 November

General note

Buoy net proposal.
Box 177, Folder 11

Account of recent SIO developments, for Chancellor's newsletter 1966 July

Box 177, Folder 12

Venden Bout et al. Hyperfine-structure separations, nuclear magnetic moments, and hyperfine structure anomalies of gold-198 and gold-199 1966

Box 177, Folder 13

Deitchman et al. Air-supported anti-infiltration barrier 1966

General note

IDA/JASON study.
Box 177, Folder 14

Annual report introduction 1966 November

Box 177, Folder 15

Entries for McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of Science and Technology 1967-1971

Box 177, Folder 16

Statement prepared for F. G. Walton Smith, for Council for Oceanographic Laboratory Directors address 1967 March

Box 177, Folder 17

Project Michael technical report no. 27 1967 June 15

General note

Columbia University, Hudson Labs. Prepared by Alan Berman with an introduction by Nierenberg.
Box 177, Folder 18

Introduction for Raitt and Moulton's SIO: First fifty years 1967

Box 177, Folder 19

Annual report introduction 1967 September

Box 177, Folder 20

Toward a future navy 1968 October

Box 177, Folder 21

Militarized oceans 1966-1969

General note

Chapter prepared for book, Unless peace comes (pub. 1968).
Box 177, Folder 22

Callan et al. On some superficial effects from moving sources in a stratified fluid 1968

General note

IDA/JASON study.
Box 177, Folder 23

DCPG: The genesis of the concept 1969

Box 177, Folder 24

Munk and Nierenberg. High frequency radar sea return (letter to Nature 1969 December 27

Box 177, Folder 25

Entry on oceanography, Britannica book of the year 1968-1969

Box 178, Folder 1

The world oceans: Man's challenge 1969 September

Box 178, Folder 2

JOIDES: Introduction and history 1970 January

Box 178, Folder 3

Future ocean concepts 1970 December

Box 178, Folder 4

Space quantization and the Breit-Rabi formula 1970

Box 178, Folder 5

Deep Sea Drilling Project history (includes photographs) 1970

Box 189

Deep Sea Drilling Project - First core sample from the Glomar Challenger 1968 August 1

General note

Box 178, Folder 6

Business that's going begging 1971 July

General note

Correspondence related to article in Forbes
Box 178, Folder 7

Nierenberg and Munk. Sea spectra and radar scattering (Institute for Defense Analysis Note N-817) 1972 August

Box 178, Folder 8

Report on the U.S. oceanographic delegation's USSR visit 1972 October 7

Box 178, Folder 9

The oceans. Prepared for Navy policy panel 1973 March 14

General note

Paper prepared for the United Nations Association of the United States of America, National Policy Panel.
Box 178, Folder 10-11

What physicists can do in Washington 1977 August

Box 178, Folder 12

Introduction to Atlas of the Oceans (Mitchell Beazley Ltd., London) 1977

Box 178, Folder 13

Foreword to SIO 75th anniversary publication 1978 April 10

Box 178, Folder 14

Law of the Sea conference summary for San Diego Union 1978 May 30

Box 178, Folder 15

Food, climate and law of the sea 1978 November-December

Box 178, Folder 16

Review of the May 1978 comprehensive plan for research and assessment of CO₂ effects 1978 August

Box 178, Folder 17

Draft chapter on oceans, for the five-year outlook report "Planet Earth," NRC 1978 September

Box 178, Folder 18

Revelle and Nierenberg. "Sir Edward Crisp Bullard, 1907-1980" APS biographical memoir 1980 September

Box 178, Folder 19

What science knows about acidic rainfall, USA Today 1983 July 11

Box 178, Folder 20

Statement for the oversight hearings on the Bureau of the Oceans and International and Scientific Affairs 1983 July 17

Box 178, Folder 21

On Columbus O'Donnell Iselin, for the National Academy of Sciences 1983 July

Box 178, Folder 22

Op-ed articles on carbon dioxide and greenhouse gasses 1983 October 21

General note

Public relations for the NAS-CO₂ Report.
Box 179, Folder 1

Elliot Montroll (in memoriam) 1983 December 6

Box 179, Folder 2

Proposal to undertake a study of the feasibility of a mid-ocean floating platform for aircraft 1986

Box 179, Folder 3

CO₂ brief - Acid rain summary draft with comments 1986

Box 179, Folder 4

Gardner et al. Deployment of missile defense in the 1990s (Marshall Institute Report) 1986

Box 179, Folder 5

Global warming II 1988

Box 179, Folder 6

Nierenberg, MacDonald and Munk. Ocean drilling 1988

Box 179, Folder 7

Monte Carlo ADI 1988

Box 179, Folder 8

Some statistics of ADI 1989 September 22

Box 179, Folder 9

Diamond et al. Atmospheric propagation of free electron lasers 1989

Box 179, Folder 10

President Bush and global warming 1990

Box 179, Folder 11

Global warming: Look before we leap 1991 March

Box 179, Folder 12

Deep sea drilling: Lessons learned 1991 August

Box 179, Folder 13

Harald Ulrik Sverdrup 1994

Box 179, Folder 14

I. I. Rabi's biography 1997-1998

Box 179, Folder 15

Short articles for commemorative report: R/V Glomar and D/V Glomar Explorer, the oil embargo and the NSF, and The National Science Board and R/V Melville 1999



Scope and Content of Series

Series 7) STUDY AND TEACHING: This small series roughly covers Nierenberg's graduate studies at Columbia, and his teaching at the University of Michigan and UC Berkeley, with the majority of material from his time at Berkeley. There is almost no material from Nierenberg's undergraduate studies at City College of New York. It includes notebooks, lectures, and subject files.
Box 179, Folder 16

WAN's grade books 1939-1948

Box 179, Folder 17

Notes on quantum mechanics (Oppenheimer) by B. Peters 1939

Box 179, Folder 18

UC Berkeley physics exam material 1939-1960

Box 187, Folder 9

UC Berkeley physics exam material 1939-1960

Box 179, Folder 19

Lecture series on nuclear physics 1943

Box 180, Folder 1

Student/graduate student notebooks 1951-1956

Box 180, Folder 2

Quantum electrodynamics and meson theories - Notes on lectures by Richard P. Feynman, prepared by Carl Helstrom and Malvin A. Ruderman 1950

Box 180, Folder 3-5

Specific heat 1951

Box 180, Folder 6-10

Physics 221A 1951-1965

Box 180, Folder 11

Physics 112 1954-1956

Box 181, Folder 1

Physics 4B - Electricity and magnetism ca. 1955

Box 181, Folder 2-12

Physics 104 - Vector analysis ca. 1955

Box 181, Folder 13-19

Quantum mechanics material undated, 1949

General note

Problem sets, notebooks, proofs, etc.
Box 182

Quantum mechanics material 1949-1967

General note

Problem sets, notebooks, proofs, etc.


Scope and Content of Series

Series 8) PHOTOGRAPHS. Arranged in three subseries:
A) Portraits: The Portraits subseries includes photographs of Nierenberg, including identification cards and passports, professional headshots created during his directorship at SIO, WAN as part of groups, and as a speaker at events.
B) Events: Event photographs include WAN as part of identifiable meetings and other professional events, and important visitors to SIO.
C) Other: "Other" includes photos that are not formal portraits of WAN, and are also not linked to formal events, but may be of interest. This includes scenes from his early days at Berkeley, groups, travel abroad, scientific vessels and projects, meetings, and photographs taken from his plane.


Box 183, Folder 1

Junior High School class (copy negative) ca. 1930

Box 183, Folder 2-3

Identification cards and passes 1937-1961

Box 183, Folder 4

WAN lecturing at UC Berkeley 1952

Box 183, Folder 5

Photos of WAN (candid, informal) 1949-1981

Box 183, Folder 6

WAN speaking at various events 1968-1980

Box 183, Folder 7-11

Group portraits feat. WAN undated, and 1945-1983

Box 183, Folder 12

Group portraits and event highlights - Slides

General note

29 slides donated in 1984; may include copies of images also found elsewhere in the Portraits and Events subseries in PHOTOGRAPHS. Appear to be selective highlights of important moments or SIO visitors. Includes an item list in the folder.
Box 183, Folder 13-16

Portraits undated, and 1939-1979

Box 183, Folder 17

Portraits by Robert Glasheen 1968, 1976

Box 183, Folder 18

Portraits by Jim Coit 1984

Box 183, Folder 19

Portraits by Victor Sotelo 1985



Box 184, Folder 1

A.P.S. meeting, Eugene Oregon 1956 June

Box 184, Folder 2-3

NATO meetings 1960

Box 184, Folder 4

Atomic Energy Commission, Lisbon, Portugal 1961 May

Box 184, Folder 5

Per Scholander party 1965 November 29

Box 184, Folder 6

WAN and first SIO computer 1966 January

Box 184, Folder 7

Undersea Warfare Research and Development Planning Council 1966 October 11-13

Box 184, Folder 8

Deep Sea Drilling Project - Trial and contract signing 1967

Box 184, Folder 9

INPA Conference 1967 September

Box 184, Folder 10-11

Visit of Crown Prince Vong Savang and Princess Manilay of Laos 1967 November 17

Box 184, Folder 12

Visit of Lassie 1968 September 27

Box 184, Folder 13

Glomar Challenger in dry dock ca. 1968

General note

Likely prior to launch/dedication.
Box 184, Folder 14

Spiro Agnew 1969 October 23

General note

WAN, Agnew and John D. Isaacs.
Box 184, Folder 15

WAN Receives City College of New York Townsend Harris Medal 1969 November 19

Box 184, Folder 16

Reception for Salk Institute Board of Governors - WAN, Jonas Salk and Joseph Slater c. 1970

Box 184, Folder 17

Visit of Governor Russell Peterson 1970 January 16

Box 184, Folder 18

NACOA-NUC Committee (WAN as Chairman) 1972 January

Box 184, Folder 19

Visit of Jean Pierre Paris, French Consul 1972 May

Box 184, Folder 20

Tyler Award Selection Committee c. 1973

Box 184, Folder 21

Robert H. White, NOAA Administrator, WAN, and Charles J. Hitch, President of the University of California 1973

Box 184, Folder 22

Signing of World Ocean Record and Regulations and Agreed Projects, U.S./USSR Joint Meeting 1974 February 25-27, March 2-6

Box 184, Folder 23

Second Meeting of the U.S.-USSR Joint Committee on Cooperation in World Ocean Studies 1975 May 27-30

Box 184, Folder 24

U.S. Embassy Party, Moscow, Russia 1975 June

Box 184, Folder 25

National Science Board Party at Nierenbergs' home 1975 June 18

Box 185, Folder 1

Presentation of Marine Technology Society Award to WAN 1975 September

Box 185, Folder 2

Visit of Emperor Hirohito of Japan to SIO 1975 October

Box 185, Folder 3

WAN at UCSD Staff Pancake Breakfast 1976 December

Box 185, Folder 4

Ocean '78 Conference 1978

Box 185, Folder 5

Visit of C. K. Tseng 1978 April 18

Box 185, Folder 6

National Academy of Science Visit to China 1979

Box 185, Folder 7

NASA Astronauts' Visit to SIO 1979 Fall

Box 185, Folder 8

Dedication of Cecil and Ida Green Pinon Flats Observatory 1980 July 27

Box 185, Folder 9

Symposium on Future of Oceanography, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute 1981

Box 185, Folder 10

Inauguration of Richard C. Atkinson 1981 October 22

Box 185, Folder 11

Satellite Remote Sensing Conference, Monterey, CA 1981 November 17

Box 185, Folder 12

WAN receiving Distinguished Public Service Medal 1982 March 10

Box 185, Folder 13

20th Anniversary Celebration of FLIP (Floating Island Platform) 1982 July

Box 185, Folder 14

Jeffrey Frautschy's retirement party 1982 Fall

Box 185, Folder 15

Queen Elizabeth II's Visit to SIO 1983 February 26

Box 185, Folder 16

RV Melville open house 1983 July 16

General note

Includes Jack Langille, Cecil Green.
Box 185, Folder 17-19

WAN's 65th Birthday Celebration 1984 February 13

Box 185, Folder 20-21

Nichiren Shoshu Soka Gakkai of America (NSA) University officials' Visit to SIO; WAN's visit to NSA in Santa Monica, CA 1985 April-May

Box 185, Folder 22

Oceans '85 Conference 1985 November 12, 14

Box 185, Folder 23

National Science Board 1985 November 22

Box 185, Folder 24

Representative Bill Lowery 1986 January 16

Box 185, Folder 25

ARCS National Board dinner, Washington, DC 1986 February 20

Box 185, Folder 26

National Academy of Science Prize awardees in Member's Room 1986 April



Box 186, Folder 1

The Monks Chorus, UC Berkeley Faculty Club 1952 December

Box 186, Folder 2

WAN pitching, Physics Dept Faculty-Student picnic, UC Berkeley 1957, 1959

Box 186, Folder 3

UC Berkeley 1957-1967

General note

Includes photos of Navy delivering radioactive material for testing, views from WAN's office, posed research photos, and colleagues from the Dept of Physics (Shugart, Segrè, Binge, Thorton, Kittel, McMillan).
Box 186, Folder 4

Party for Ingvar Lindgren and other events, Uppsala 1957-1959

Box 186, Folder 5

Istanbul meeting 1960 October 6

Box 186, Folder 6

Turkey meetings 1962 March, August

Box 186, Folder 7

Nierenbergs in Israel 1962 August

Box 186, Folder 8

R/V Atlantis II 1965 October 24

Box 186, Folder 9

WAN copy of "The Anchor," from the U.S. Naval Training Center - Photos of WAN participating in Recruit Brigade Review pasted in 1966

Box 186, Folder 10

Isaac buoys ca. 1970

Box 186, Folder 11-17

Aerial photos (taken by WAN) 1975-1976

General note

Includes Oceanside, Santa Barbara Harbor, The Nimitz Marine Facility, and Dana Point.
Box 186, Folder 18-19

Antarctica 1977 January

Box 186, Folder 20-21

South Pole 1977

Box 186, Folder 22

Glomar Challenger, Tokyo 1977 October

Box 186, Folder 23

Scripps satellite 1979 August



Scope and Content of Series

Series 9) AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: This series includes both moving images and sound recordings. Moving images consist of several 16mm silent films, and full videos of both WAN's 65th birthday celebration and his memorial service. Sound recordings include lectures by Nierenberg, interviews, and recordings from the 65th birthday and memorial events to supplement the video. Arranged chronologically within two subseries by format: A) MOVING IMAGES, 2) SOUND RECORDINGS.

Moving Images

Box 188, Folder 4

Footage aboard R/V Thomas Washington, NOVA Expedition - 16mm film 1967

General note

Color, silent; time 00:12:27.
Box 188, Folder 6

Footage aboard R/V Argo, NOVA Expedition between Tongatabu and Pago Pago, Samoa - 16mm film 1967

General note

Color, silent; time 00:13:33.
Box 188, Folder 3

L. R. Glosten - SEA-LEGS, A Stable Ocean Platform Concept - 16mm film ca. 1969

Box 188, Folder 1

Russian visit - 16mm film ca. 1974

Box 188, Folder 2

D/V Glomar Challenger footage - 16mm film undated

General note

Color, silent; time 00:03:15.
Box 188, Folder 5

Glomar Challenger - 16mm film undated

General note

Color, silent; time 00:21:56. At sea drilling for the Deep Sea Drilling Project.
Box 188, Folder 7

William A. Nierenberg 65th Birthday Celebration Symposium - VHS 1984

General note

Color, sound; time 01:17:24, and an edited version with time 00:44:45. There are also sound recordings from this event.
Box 188, Folder 8

William A. Nierenberg memorial service - VHS 2000

General note

Color, sound; time 00:56:58. There are also sound recordings from this event.

Sound Recordings

Box 189, Folder 1

Nierenberg remarks on CO₂ report undated

Box 189, Folder 2

"How not to communicate." Association of Science and Technology Workshop 1975

General note

Related papers in WRITINGS AND TALKS series.
Box 189, Folder 3-4

Lecture by WAN on subject of remote sensing. China (in English, with live translation for Chinese audience) ca. 1983

Box 189, Folder 5

Lecture on "Satellite Oceanography and the U.S. Navy." U.S. Naval Postgraduate School, Monterey 1981

General note

Related papers in WRITINGS AND TALKS series.
Box 189, Folder 6

UC San Diego Science Editor radio program - Interview with WAN re: acid rain ca. 1984

Box 189, Folder 7

University Explorer radio program - Interview, "Scripps celebrates 80th year" 1984

General note

Related papers in WRITINGS AND TALKS series.
Box 189, Folder 8-9

Nierenberg 65th birthday symposium dinner ceremony remarks 1984

Box 188, Folder 9

Nierenberg 65th birthday symposium luncheon remarks - Reel-to-reel 1984

Box 188, Folder 10

Nierenberg's 65th birthday symposium panel remarks on WAN's career - Reel-to-reel 1984

Box 189, Folder 10

Nierenberg lecture on acid rain 1985

Box 189, Folder 11-12

Cal Space Seminar - Nierenberg lecture on global warming 1990

Box 189, Folder 13-14

William A. Nierenberg memorial service 2000

General note

There is also a video of this event.