Accession Processed in 2002
The Meaning of Hungary 1956
Psychology and Church Problems - Senior Fellowship talk 1959 April 26
U.S. Voter's Image of Ideal President - LIFE 1960 March 21
New Criteria for Market Segmentation - Harvard Business Review 1964
Karl Marx vs. American Business: Round 2 - BELL Telephone Magazine 1969
The Student Revolution Permeates All Our Lives - Detroit Sunday News 1972
A Crisis of Moral Legitimacy - Dissent 1974
New Rules in American Life: Searching For Self-fulfillment in a World Turned Upside Down - Psychology Today 1981
The Risk Takers - Parade 1981
Doomsday Logic and the Draft - Psychology Today 1982
Hard Times and Presidential Luck - Psychology Today 1982
Searching for Self- Fulfillment in a World Turned Upside Down - American Demographics 1982
American Values: Change and Stability - Public Opinion 1984
When Reagonomics Fails, Then What? - The Reagan Presidency and the Governing of America 1984
Setting the Agenda (nuclear arms-race issues) - New School Lecture 1985 February 28
Notes for remarks on "Competitiveness: How to Achieve a National Consensus," Minnesota Meeting 1987 May 14
Compendium of survey data prepared for AFL/CIO Committee on the Evolution of Work 1987 November 17
German Behaviors, American Attitudes - Dimensions: A Journal of Holocaust Studies vol. 4 no. 3 1989 May
The Competitiveness Conundrum - The American Enterprise 1990
Eternal Affairs 1990
Risk as the Public Sees It 1990
How to Improve the U.S.-Japan Relationship - Shimoda Conference 1990 November
Diversity and Core Values - SCAN Conference 1990 December
Jewish Intermarriage in the Context of Modern American Pluralism - Conference on Jewish Intermarriage, Conversion, and Outreach 1990 December
Notes for remarks, American College of Psychiatrists annual meeting 1991 February
Coming to Public Judgment - Center for Communications breakfast 1991 May 22
Tomorrow's Global Businesses - The Futurist 1991
Coming to Public Judgment (1991)
Quotes and early reviews 1991
Interview notes undated
Book receptions undated
Manuscript reviews 1990
Summaries 1990
Correspondence 1985-1991
Frank W. Abrams Lecture Series, Public Judgment, Syracuse University 1987
Series notes, publicity, etc.
Lecture 5 - Audiocassette
Research material
Durfee Barron, Deborah, and D. Yankelovich. Today's American Woman: How the Public Sees Her 1980 December
Doble, John. U.S.-Soviet Relations in the Year 2010: Americans Look to the Future. A report of the Public Agenda Foundation 1988
Public Agenda Foundation. Working paper draft on "The Public, The Soviets, and Nuclear Arms" Project 1989 June 7
Public Agenda Foundation - Science project results 1989-1990
National Issues Forum - Reports, planning documents, and source book 1986-1988
Papers and articles
Yankelovich, D. How the Public Learns the Public's Business. Kettering Review 1985
Yankelovich, D. Information, Judgment and Consensus. Kettering Review 1983
Yankelovich, D. and John Immerwahr. A Proposal For a Study of Public Judgment 1984 March 1
Yankelovich D. and John Immerwahr. The Emergence of Expressivism Will Revolutionize the Contract Between Worker and Employer. Work in the 21st Century 1984
Subject files
Energy crisis 1973-1983
Immigration 1977-1986
Chapter 7 1989
Chapters 21-23 - "Consciousness raising," "working through," "obstacle analysis" 1988-1989
Miscellaneous 1988
Miscellaneous - By Mary Komarnicki 1989
Modernism 1989
Notebook - By Mary Komarnicki 1889
Philosophy 1989
V. O. Key reading notes 1988 August 15
Three stages to public judgment
Lecture drafts "B"
Chapter 1 (B1) - The Quality of Public Opinion 1988 April 7
Chapter 2 (B2) - Why the Urgency? 1988 April 8-20
Chapter 3 (B3) - A Cultural Misunderstanding 1988 April 26
Chapter 4 (B4) - Three Stages to Public Judgment 1988 April 26
Drafts "C"
Chapter 1 - A Missing Concept 1988 September 20
Introduction 1989 January-February
Chapter C4 - Public Judgment as a Solution undated
Chapter 4 - Judgment as Knowing 1988 October-December
Chapter D1 materials 1947-1989
Typescript draft with edits - Chapters 1-13 1989 September-November
Typescript draft with edits - Chapters 1-10 1990 January
Typescript draft with edits - Chapters 11-18 1990 January
Typescript semi-final draft with edits - Preface and chapters 1-18 1990 May
Final proofs (incomplete) and sample book jacket 1991 April
Distribution undated, 1991-1992
Jacket 1990
Promotion 1991
Reviews 1991-1992
Photograph of Yankelovich oration undated
Quotes - Requests 1991 March
Quotes - Received 1991
Reprint permission from USA Today 1989-1990
Ego and Instinct (1970)
Summaries 1970
Chapters 1-10 1967
Chapters 15-18 1967
Chapters 20-24 1967
New Rules (1981)
Summary, thesis, book jacket photo undated, 1980
Conceptual framework undated, 1979
Research material - Charts, community and morality trends undated, 1977-1980
Interviews - A-M 1978
Interviews - N-Y 1978
Interview notecards undated
Beshar, Sona - Transcript 1978 October
Bonnelli, Carol - Transcript 1978 October 17
Booth, Margie - Transcript 1978 November 20
Collado, Maria - Transcript 1978 October 17
Feldman, Dagmar - Transcript 1979 April 12
Hammond, Mary - Transcript 1978 October 23
Lasser, Carol - Transcript 1978 October
Lindheim - Transcript 1978 October
Means, Grady - Transcript 1978 October
Rubin, Ida - Transcript 1978 October
Stern, Nina - Transcript 1978 October
Chapter 1 reading notes undated
Part II Cultural Revolution outline undated, 1979 May
Social norms 1977-1978
Notecards 1977-1978
Psycho-social notes and drafts undated
Success notes and drafts undated
Dictations - Audiocassettes
Miscellaneous drafts - Preface and introduction remnants and outtakes 1980
Final draft - Introductory material, Preface and Chapter 1 1980
Final draft - Part 1 (chapters 2-4), Flaws and Strengths 1980
Final draft - Part 2 (chapters 5-13), Experiments in Self-Fulfillment 1980
Final draft - Part 3 (chapters 22-25), An Ethic of Commitment 1980
Advertisements 1981
Book reviews and commentaries 1981
Bound galleys distribution list 1981
Holt, Bob 1981
Interviews undated, 1981
Interview/presentation notes 1981
Fan letters 1980-1982
Thank you letters 1981-1982
Contracts 1981
Publicity tour 1981
Random House Publishing 1981
Starting with the People - New Framework Group
Correspondence 1981-1987, undated
Memoranda re: defense study group 1981-1984
New Framework Group - Statement of purpose and by-laws 1981-1982
New Framework Group - Meetings 1981-1982
New Framework Group - Members and budget 1981-1984
New Framework Group - Subgroup on Economic Policy 1982-1984
New Framework Group - Subgroup on Defense and International Affairs 1981-1983
New Framework Group - Subgroup on the Role of Government 1982-1983
New Framework Group - Subgroup on Social Policy 1982-1983
Notes on papers and drafts 1981-1985
Letters of invitation and drafts 1981-1982
Research - Survey data concerning government and business 1980-1985
Research - Survey data concerning trade policy 1987
Yankelovich notes 1980-1984
New Options (working title) - Presentation concerning framework of the book and drafts 1984
Notes - Social contract and social issues 1983
Drafts - Introduction, and chapters 1-4 1983-1986
Complete draft of book 1984 August 9
Chapter A2 draft - "Framework Troubles" 1984-1985
Chapter B1 draft - "Stalemate" 1985
Chapter B2 - "Causes" and "Disarray" 1985
Chapter D5 draft - "A Two-Part Question" 1985
Part 2 draft - Introduction and chapters 1-3 1985
A New Political Framework (working title) with Les Aspin, Sidney Harman and John Immerwahr
Notes - Chapters 33-35, 37 and final 1985
Reading notes ca. 1985
National security policy notes ca. 1985
Aspin/Yankelovich chapters notes 1985
Economics notes 1984
"Managing the USSR" - Draft tables 1984
"Managing the Economy" - Draft tables 1984
Part 2 complete draft - "Competing: In world markets, against the Soviets, and with each other" 1986 May
Part 3 partial draft - "Replacing Nuclear Diplomacy" 1986
Starting with the People (1988)
Summary notes on Replacing Nuclear Diplomacy 1986-1987
Part I chapter outlines 1986-1987
Summaries and synopsis 1987
Memorandum concerning book organization 1987 March
Introduction drafts 1987-1988
Author biography and questionnaire 1987
BENS book party 1988 June 22
Publication notes ca. 1988
Reviewer comments 1988
Finances 1987-1989
Interview schedule 1988
Interview notes 1988
Thank you letters 1988
Permission for quotes 1987-1988
Press folders 1987-1988
Reviews 1988
Television summaries 1988
Three Epochs (unpublished, ca. 1955-1965)
Notes undated
Typed sections and notes undated
Harvard Business Review
Class of 1949 Survey
Correspondence 1993-1994
Project outline and summary 1993-1994
Steering committee meetings 1993-1994
Letter to participants 1993-1994
Interview/survey development notes 1993
Survey development material 1993
Interview/survey drafts 1993
Completed interviews (selection) 1993
Interview tabulations 1993
Interview quotes 1993
What the Class of '49 Can Teach Us About Success - Article by D. Yankelovich and R. Tedlow. Notes and drafts 1993-1994
Harvard Business School Class of 1949: Executive summary, with drafts 1994 April-June
Harvard Business School Class of 1949 Survey Report 1994
Harvard Business School Class of 1949 Survey Report, Part 2 - Research Report 1994
Class of 1949 45th Reunion
Notes and arrangements 1994 May
Presentation charts 1994 June
Back-up quotes 1994 June
Harvard Business Review Readership Survey
Correspondence 1992-1993
Meeting notes 1992 October 23
Letter to participants ca. 1992
Questionnaire drafts 1993
Worksheets for telephone interviews - Draft 1993 June 16
Interview guides 1993
Interview responses ca. 1993
Response tabulations 1993
Presentation drafts with edits 1993 November 29
Presentation final draft 1993 November 29
Phase 1 findings - Table of contents ca. 1993
Nuclear Policy
Correspondence 1982-1988
Memoranda undated, 1984-1987
The Public Agenda Foundation
Brown University meeting - Notes on voter options 1983 December 5
Bob Lifton meeting notes 1984 February 19
Brown University Nuclear Workshop 1984 April 19-20
Voter Options Workshop 1984 May 10
Institute for East-West Security Studies Nuclear Workshop 1984 May 22
Focus group interviews 1984 January-February
Nuclear arms and national security questionnaire ca. 1984
Nuclear arms and national security survey statistics ca. 1984
Voter Options - Preliminary tables from nuclear survey 1984 June
Survey results - Six areas of conflict concerning the Soviet threat and nuclear weapons 1984
Schmookler, Andrew - Briefing book draft chapters 1984
American Psychiatric Association 1983 May-September
John D. and Catherine T. McArthur Foundation 1984
Brown University/Public Agenda Foundation meetings 1984-1985
Center for Foreign Policy Development Research conference transcript 1986 March 11
Brown University/Public Agenda Foundation meetings 1986
Nuclear "vision" discussion 1986 November 12
Executive Committee meeting 1986 December 1
Brown University/Public Agenda Foundation meeting 1986 December 22
Executive Committee meeting 1987 January 28
Project proposal - The Public and the Nation's Nuclear Arms Policy
Notes and abstract 1985
Rationale draft 1985
Overview draft 1985
Introduction drafts 1985
The Public and the Nation's Nuclear Arms Policy - Edited drafts 1985
National Council acceptances 1986
Funds for nuclear project 1986-1988
Moscow meetings summary 1986 June
Nuclear focus groups 1985
Summary of focus group results 1987
Nuclear community leaders' workshops 1985-1986
Concept papers 1986
Project notebook A 1986
Project notebook B 1986
Questionnaire #2 - Post-test weighted results 1988 February
Public Attitudes Toward the Nuclear Issue: A Segmentation Analysis ca. 1986
The Public, The Soviets and Nuclear Arms - Internal reports 1986 September
Working paper draft - Choices for the Public on Nuclear Arms and the Soviets 1986 February, May
Working paper draft - Discussion of Public Choices for U.S. Policy Toward the Soviets and the Risk of Nuclear War 1986 July
Working paper - The Public, the Soviets, and Nuclear Arms, an Experiment in Public Judgment with John Immerwahr 1989 June
Project content paper - Draft with prologue 1987 May
Four Futures pamphlet 1987
DPA nuclear book - Edited draft 1987 April
ABC News Nightline discussion material 1987 September 3
Statement of D. Yankelovich before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee 1988 March 16
An End to the Cold War? - Op-ed draft 1988 May
Public Summit '88: A Mandate for the Future 1988
Dartmouth Conferences
Kettering Foundation 1984-1990
Dartmouth Conference Task Force on Political Relations - Correspondence, notes and summary 1985-1986
Dartmouth Conference - General notes undated
Notes 1985-1986
Notes on Philip Morrison "Strategic Issues lecture no. 3 1986 March 20
Notes - Defense community thinking undated
Notes from key papers undated
"Nuclear Choices" notebook 1984
Brown University presentation notes 1986 Sep
Papers, reports and resources
Research and Forecasts, Inc. Peace Media Project: Summary of Public Opinion on Nuclear Arms 1984
Council on Foreign Relations, Project on European-American Relations. The 'Widening Atlantic': Societal Changes and Foreign Policy" - Draft by T. Sorensen 1985
Education Development Center, Inc. Common Sense and Nuclear Peace. Report by J. Zacharias, M. Gordon and S. Davis 1983
Arms Control Association. Star Wars: An Anthology of Quotes by the Administration, Congress, and Outside Experts 1985
Aspen Institute for Humanistic Studies. A Comprehensive East-West Agenda undated
Becker, Abraham S. Issues in U.S.-Soviet Economic Relations 1984
Bethe, Hans and Robert McNamara. Reducing the Risk of Nuclear War: Geneva Can be a Step Toward a More Secure 21st Century 1985
Bialer, Seweryn. Andropov's Burden: Socialist Stagnation and Communist Encirclement 1983
Birnbaum, Norman. A New Foreign Policy: A Political Mirage? 1985
Birnbaum, Norman. The United States, The Peace Movement, and the Two Europes 1983
Casper, Barry and Lawrence Krauss. Fortune Favors the Prepared Mind: A Movement Against Nuclear War ca. 1981
Chayes, Antonia. Europe: The Hamlet of Arms Control? 1985
Forsberg, Randall. Nonprovocative Defense: A New Approach to Arms Control 1986
Hyland, William G. The U.S. and U.S.S.R.: Rebuilding Relations 1984
Saunders, Harold. The Dartmouth Conference and the Middle East undated
Suny, Ronald. Soviet Foreign Policy Aims in the Nuclear Age undated
Yankelovich, Nicole. Possibilities for Peace: The Nuclear Dilemma 1982
Harvard Arms Control seminar - Notes 1984 November 7
Aspen/WYE Communications conference - Notes 1985 June
"Beyond Deterrence" workshop - Notes 1986 February
Council on Foreign Relations Roundtable meetings 1983-1988
Discussion group on national security issues 1984 February
Exploratory meeting concerning the nuclear deadlock 1983 March 20-22
Institute for East-West Security breakfast meeting 1986 February 19
Prospects for Nuclear Arms Control - Hope or Reality? - Presentation and discussion notes 1984 March 13
RAND Conference - Notes 1984 October 18
Work and Workers
Correspondence 1980-1983
Jobs in the 1980s: Bridging the Gap Between People and Work
Project proposal 1979 January 30
Quality of employment survey - Data printouts 1977
Jobs in the Eighties Survey, American sample - Data printouts 1982
Jobs in the Eighties Survey, American sample - Data printouts 1982
Jobs in the 1980s International Survey, Volume II: The Research Report 1983
Jobs in the 1980s International Survey: Demographic Tables, Parts 1-2 1983
Jobs in the 1980s International Survey, Appendix II: The German Professional Interviews 1983
Retirement 1980 September
Work and Retirement for Older Americans. Data book by Judith Golub 1982 December
Greenough, W. C. and D. Yankelovich. Older Americans in the Workplace - Executive summary 1982 November
Immerwahr, J., J. Golub and H. Laur. Childcare in the United States - Executive summary draft 1982 November 19
Survey: Work in the 1980s and 1990s - Series of nine articles appearing in Working Woman 1983
Notes 1982
Notes on jobs 1984
Survey of worker attitudes 1977
Memorandum concerning worker typology 1978 June
Work Ethic and Economic Recovery - Notebook ca. 1982
Taylorism vs. High Discretion Model - Notebook ca. 1982
Puget Sound quality of life survey 1982
Commitment to the Job - Typescript draft for introduction #2 1981 September 30
A Great Debate - Manuscript draft 1981 November 10
Paper on consensus in public opinion by D. Yankelovich 1982 March 18
Computer printouts of worker survey data 1982
Yankelovich, D. and J. Immerwahr. Putting the Work Ethic to Work - Executive summary 1983
Public Agenda Foundation news release 1983 September 5
Psychology Today work survey - Draft 1978
Yankelovich, Skelly, and White, Inc. A Business Perspective on Technological Innovation 1980
YSW, Inc. A Continuing Study of Changing Work Values and Employee Motivations 1979
Trends in Work Values (continuation of YSW Signal reports) ca. 1980
Focus on Productivity conference - Papers and notes 1981 December
Forum 84
Youth Projects
Notes ca. 1970
Social trends - Notes ca. 1970
A Culture of Commitment by Margaret Mead - Reading notes ca. 1970
Generations Apart: A Study of the Generation Gap conducted for CBS News by Daniel Yankelovich, Inc. 1969
Book - Outline, notes, publisher information ca. 1970
Presentation to Coca-Cola executives - Draft notes 1970 May 17
Presentation on "Youth and Social Change" - Draft notes 1970 June 10
Presentation on "Revolution, Reform or Disillusion" - Draft notes 1970
The Wrong Enemy - Drafts ca. 1970
American Youth Today - Draft A, charts and notes ca. 1965
Preserving Continuity in Youth Research - Memorandum 1971 February 16
Major Themes of the National Study of the Attitudes of American Youth (14-24) Towards American Foreign Policy - Memorandum 1971 February 23
Update on Youth survey form 1970
Some tentative hypotheses about teenagers undated
How the Segments were Evolved - Appendix B undated
Study of American Youth - Computer tables 1973
Study of American Youth - Report on "Changing youth values in the 70s" and draft proposal for 1979 youth study 1974
Brewster, Jr., Kingman - Speech before the American Council on Education 1965 October 8
The American Assembly
American Assembly meetings - 43rd, 81st, and 83rd 1973, 1992-1993
Assembly convention programs 1988-1991
Notes for Public Support book 1993
General correspondence 1993
Business-Higher Education Forum - Meeting notes 1991
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. An Imperiled Generation: Saving Urban Schools - Publication and response 1988
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. Ready to Learn: A Mandate for the Nation - Draft report and summary recommendation 1991
Council on Competiveness - Presentation for SIT Investment Associates 1987-1988
Council on Foreign Relations
Presentation concerning council membership survey ca. 1987
Completed questionnaires ca. 1987
Council membership survey data reference book 1987
Council membership survey executive summary 1987
D. Yankelovich working copy of survey results ca. 1987
D. Yankelovich survey notes on survey results 1987
Tabulated breakdown of survey results 1987
Survey results arranged according to demographic categories 1987
Edited D. Yankelovich manuscript on membership survey 1987
D. Yankelovich summary of membership survey 1987
Daniel Yankelovich, Inc.
Advertisements for services undated
The Changing Nature of the Family undated
Description of services 1967-1969
Memorandum to Fortune concerning "urban Negro" study findings 1967 December
The Public's Image of the Presidential Candidates 1960 February
Voter telephone survey (Wave III) statistics tables 1972
Health management scale questionnaire 1990
D. Yankelovich correspondence and notes 1990
Dow Chemical 1963
Democratic Leadership Council (DLC)
Focus groups 1992
Correspondence 1992
Speech notes 1992
DLC conference - Notes, correspondence, and pamphlets 1992
Institute for Global Ethics - Correspondence and strategic plans 1990-1991
National Science Foundation Advisory Council - Notes and correspondence 1984-1985
Psychology Today magazine
Staff meeting transcript 1988 Oct 17
Subscriber survey 1988-1989
Study on the driving experience 1989
Edited articles 1988-1989
Correspondence 1988-1990
Public Agenda Foundation
Corporate Affiliates Program 1980
Executive summary of childcare project 1982
Memorandum and notes concerning future projects undated, 1980
Overview of project proposal concerning nuclear arms race 1985
Background and objectives packet 1983
Request for a planning grant to develop an alternative model for media-public communications 1981 March
American's Talk Security - Citizen's Attitudes About National Security: A Report on a Series of Focus Groups 1987 December
Cross Talk: The Public, the experts, and competitiveness - Report 1991 February
Economic Policy and the Question of Political Will - Draft report 1980 February
Employment Security - Draft report 1985 September
Today's American Woman: How the Public Sees Her 1980
Does the American Public Really Care About Education? - Op-ed draft 1991
Public Agenda Foundation - Domestic Policy Association, National Issues Forum (NIF)
Pamphlet undated
Report on NIF's First Year 1983
Nuclear Arms and National Security 1983
The Deficit and the Federal Budget 1983
On Second Thought: Citizens and Leaders Address Three of the Nation's Pressing Issues 1984
The Soviets: What Is the Conflict About? 1985
Welfare: Who Should Be Entitled to Public Help? 1985
On Second Thought 1986 - A Report on the 1985 Forums 1986
Crime: What We Fear, What Can Be Done 1986
Immigration: What We Promised, Where to Draw the Line 1986
The Farm Crisis: Who's in Trouble, How to Respond 1986
On Second Thought: A Report on the 1986-87 Forums 1987
Freedom of Speech: Where to Draw the Line 1987
The Superpowers: Nuclear Weapons and National Security 1987
The Trade Gap: Regaining the Competitive Edge 1987
A Report on the 1987 Forums ca. 1988
Coping with AIDS: The Public Response to the Epidemic 1988
A Report on the 1988 Forums 1989
The Day Care Dilemma: Who Should Be Responsible for the Children? 1989
The Environment at Risk: Responding to Growing Dangers 1989
The Drug Crisis: Public Strategies for Breaking the Habit 1989
The Battle Over Abortion: Seeking Common Ground in a Divided Nation 1990
Remedies for Racial Inequality: Why Progress Has Stalled, What Should Be Done 1990
America's Role in the World: New Risks, New Realities 1991
Energy Options: A Report on the Outcomes of the National Issues Forums - draft 1991
Criminal Violence: What Direction Now for the War on Crime? 1992
The Health Care Crisis: Containing Costs, Expanding Coverage 1992
Energy Options: Finding Solutions to the Power Predicament 1993
Prescription for Prosperity: Four Paths to Economic Renewal 1993
Attitudes towards Gorbachev - Memorandum 1987 December 1
Duncan, Dick - Meeting notes 1986-1987
Data on press intrusiveness 1987 November 16
Post-Reagan era - Memorandum 1987 February 15
Report on the Fortune 500/Yankelovich Survey (reprint) 1969 September
Material concerning offshoot of Coming to Public Judgment project 1991
Urban Institute - Changing Domestic Priorities Project Advisory Board 1982
William T. Grant Foundation Commission on Work, Family and Citizenship
Establishment of Commission 1986
Mission statement 1986
A Brief Review of Previous Reports on Youth in America 1986
A Tentative Work Plan for the Commission 1986 December
Correspondence 1986-1990
Commission meetings - 1st, 3rd and 4th 1987
Commission report - Incomplete draft 1988
Material concerning release and marketing of Commission report 1988-1989
Drafts on interim Commission Report on non-college youth 1988
George, Rosemary. Youth Policies and Programs in Selected Countries 1987
WSY Consulting Group
Board of Directors meeting 1988 January 27
Business plan 1988 January 18
Integrated Strategies, Inc. 1988
Israel: questionnaire 1990 April
Quality inventory 1991
Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (SASE)
Executive Council minutes 1990 March 16
Second Annual International Conference on Socio-Economics 1990 March 16-18
Nomination of D. Yankelovich as SASE President 1990 March
The Responsive Community: An Intellectual Quarterly (SASE journal) 1990-1991
Correspondence 1990-1991
GlobeTrends 1990 - Presentation drafts and notes ca. 1990
Correspondence 1990-1991
Meeting notes 1990 January-February
Roper Analysis for Project Dialogue ca. 1983
Lessons Learned in the U.S. Market 1990 March 13
U.S.-Japan data book 1988
Yamamoto Seminar, Japan - Notes 1988 December 12
WSY quality management program 1991
Yankelovich, Skelly, and White, Inc.
Focus group session on world affairs - Transcript undated
Key Elements of the Public Policy Process: The Analytic Framework of Market Alert undated
Students and Drugs 1975
Measuring Public Policy Pressures on Marketers 1976
Corporate Communications Seminar - Outline 1976
Washington Post and YSW, A Study of the Impact of Janet Cooke's Hoax Story, "Jimmy's World," on the Reputation and Standing of the Washington Post 1981
The Mushiness Index: A Refinement in Public Policy Polling Techniques 1981 March
TIME/Yankelovich Poll - Results and correspondence 1976 - 1984
Sex Stereotypes and Candidacy for High Level Political Office 1984
Yankelovich Partners Inc. African-American Study, Topline Report. Prepared for The New Yorker 1996
Aid to Nicaragua 1963
Communism versus U.S. involvement 1964
Confidence in government 1978
Daniloff case 1986
Decline in competitive vitality 1986
Drugs - Interview 1970-1971
Education 1978
Foreign policy 1980-1986
Iceland nuclear arms summit 1986
Libya 1986
Neoliberal conference sponsored by The Washington Monthly 1983 October 21-23
Nuclear arms issues undated
Pre-Iceland nuclear arms summit 1986
Presidential Campaigns - Notes, poll data, and voter apathy 1972-1976
Reagan foreign policy decisions 1986
Reagan response to terrorist attacks 1986
Relations with the USSR 1986
SALT II 1986
Science and technology undated
Social morality 1980
South Africa 1986
Violence - Yankelovich, D., "Economic Frustration Persistent Stepchild of Violent Crime" 1981
Voting and candidate positions 1986
Women - Values, Interests, and Life Orientations of American Women 1958
Work 1980
Coming To Public Judgment
Polling data
Babyboom generation - values 1986
Child abuse 1981-1985
Colonel Oliver North 1987
Communism takeover versus war threat 1985-1986
Dealing with the Soviets 1986-1988
Defense spending 1969-1975
Environment 1970-1989
Family - public opinion data 1962-1990
Flight 007, Korean airline incident 1983
Homelessness 1982-1988
Hostages - Iran 1979-1980
Impact of religious, political and economic freedoms 1984-1987
Increased defense spending 1979-1980
Miscellaneous 1948-1989
Misconceptions of nuclear weapons use 1982-1985
Mushy areas relating to DPA issues book on U.S.- Soviet relations 1984-1985
Nuclear energy 1986-1989
Poland 1956-1984
POLL (Public Opinion Location Library) - Notes undated
Probability of having to fight communism/Soviet expansion versus live-and-let-live 1984-1985
Safety - survival of a people and a nation 1979-1986
Soviet intent - expansion versus peace 1985-1988
Soviet invasion of Afghanistan 1980
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) 1985-1987
Surrogate parenthood 1987
Using troops to stop communism versus other measures 1984-1986
Chapters 21-23 1989
Flight 007, savings and AIDS 1983-1989
Miscellaneous undated
Search for examples 1989
Obstacle lists and examples 1988
Outlines 1988 June 15
Typescript draft and notes - "A Cultural Misunderstanding" Chapter 3 1988 April
Typescript draft B
The Quality of Public Opinion - Chapter 1 1988 April 7
Why the Urgency? - Chapter 2 1988 April 20
A Cultural Misunderstanding - Chapter 3 1988 April 26
Three Stages To Public Judgment - Chapter 4 1988 April 26
Typescript draft C
Introduction 1989 February
A Missing Concept - Chapter C1 ca. 1988 September 20
How I Encountered It - Chapter C2ZZ ca. 1988
Searching for Judgment - Chapter C3 1988 October 4
Judging as Knowing - Chapter 4 1988 December 7
Typescript draft D
A Missing Concept - Chapter D1A 1989 July 6
What is Quality in Public Opinion? - Chapter D1B 1989 July 12
The Cold War: End it or Not? - Chapter 11 ca. 1988-1989
Edited manuscripts ca. 1988-1989
A Compendium of Poll Data on Health - Draft 1988 November
Academic Projects
When Rumor Becomes Reliable: The Divergent Social Processing of Information ca. 1980-1982
Rumor Transmission: An Ecological Perspective 1980
Sick Role: A Definition and Construct Critique 1981
The Perceived Severity Symptom Standard: A Prerequisite for Helpseeking Behavior 1981
Accession Processed in 2018
Curriculum vitaes 1981-2000
Publicity and news articles 1959-2006
Correspondence 1979-2013
36th Annual Charles Coolidge Parlin Award 1980 September 18
World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Helen Dinerman Award - Acceptance speech 1995 September 12
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Outstanding Achievement Award - Acceptance speech 1998 June 8
Common Ground Book Award for The Magic of Dialogue 1999
PR Week, Top 100 Most Influential PR People of the Century 1999
The Donald N. Michael Prize - Award acceptance speech outline and workshop draft 2006 December
Boston Latin School Association, Distinguished Graduate of the Year - Award and remarks notes 2007
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Award for Exceptionally Distinguished Achievement - Acceptance speech 2012 May 19
The Roper Center, Warren J. Mitofsky Award - Acceptance speech, announcement, and correspondence 2015 November
UC San Diego Chancellor's Medal Award 2016 November 19
Miscellaneous awards 1962-1998
Articles and Essays
Publication correspondence 1980-2015
Psychology and the Universities - Drafts ca. 1950
A Marketing Concept Should be the Sum of Psychoanalysis and Nose-counting - Printer's Ink 1958 April 25
Marketing Research in Relation to Advertising, by Daniel Yankelovich Inc. 1961
The Growth of Research and Information Services - Printer's Ink 1963 June 14
How Much More Can Research Do? - Printer's Ink 1964 May 29
Taking Some of the Gamble and Part of the Cost out of New Product Development 1964 October
Does the New Generation Have a Secret? - Dow Chemical Company pamphlet ca. 1965
Social Indicators paper - Draft and notes ca. 1969
Yankelovich: The Right Motivation - The Leasco Magazine vol. 1 no. 4 1970 July-August
Public Opinion and Vietnam - Article 1971 March 5
Interpreting the New Life Styles - Sales Management 1971 November 15
Power and the Two Revolutions - Science and Psychoanalysis vol. 20 1972
The Changing Business Environment - National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) Reports vol. 17 no. 5 1971 December -1972 January
The Real Meaning of Student Revolution - The Conference Board Record vol. 9 no. 3 1972 March
The New Naturalism - Saturday Review 1972 April 1
Fenn, Dan H., Jr. and Daniel Yankelovich. Responding to the Employee Voice - Harvard Business Review vol. 50 no. 3 1972 May-June
Business in the '70s: Decade of Crisis - Michigan Business Review vol. 24 no. 5 1972 November
Thank You Mr. Brezhnev, Thank You Mr. Chou - Draft 1972 November
Will the Election Change Anything? - Parade 1972 November 19
Why Nixon Won - The New York Review of Books vol. 19 no. 9 1972 November 30
Counterculture vs. Conservatism - The Lamp 1972 December
Changing Consumer Values 1973 January 30
Looking Up from the Grindstone, for the American Assembly 1973 June
The Idea of Human Nature - Social Research vol. 40 no. 3 1973 September
The New U.S. Morality 1974
Turbulence in the Working World: Angry Workers, Happy Grads - Psychology Today vol. 8 no. 7 1974 December
Drug Users vs. Drug Abusers: How Students Control Their Drug Crisis - Psychology Today 1975 October
The Status of Ressentiment in America - Social Research vol. 42 no. 4 1975 December
Perceptions of Government and Industry - Patterns for Progress: From the Sciences to Medicine 1976 October
What the Voters Want - The New Republic vol. 175 no. 17 1976 October 23
"Moral Realism": The New National State of Mind - The Washington Post 1976 October 25
Moral Realism: the Public Mood at the Start of 1977 - Transition vol. 4 no. 1 1977 January
Managing in an Age of Anxiety - Industry Week 1977 October 24
Farewell to "President Knows Best" - Foreign Affairs vol. 57 no. 3 1978
Cautious Internationalism: A Changing Mood Toward U.S. Foreign Policy - Public Opinion 1978 March
Social and Economic Attitudes - Annual Business Outlook no. 51 1978 December
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. One Year Later: What it is and What is isn't - Social Policy vol. 10 no. 1 1979 May-June
The Social and Expectational Setting - Conference Board Information Bulletin 1979 July
Who Gets Ahead in America - Psychology Today 1979 July
Yankelovich on Today's Workers: We Need New Motivational Tools - Industry Week vol. 202 no. 3 1979 August 6
The Polls Don't Mean a Thing - The New York Times 1979 October 7
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. How Not to Read the Polls - TIME 1980 April
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. John Anderson: Will the Force be with Him? - The Atlantic 1980 June
Political Consensus and Political Will - New Jersey Bell Journal vol. 3 no. 3 1980 November
Yankelovich, Daniel and Bernard Lefkowitz. National Growth: The Question of the 80's - Public Opinion 1979-1980 December
New Guidelines in American Life - Dialogue 1981 January
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. The American Public Looks at Nuclear - Alcoa 81 1981 January
Searching for Self-Fulfillment - Parts 1, 2, and 3 of a series for Industry Week 1981 May-June
The Risk Takers: Are You Taking Risks with your Life? - Parade 1981 May 24
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. Assertive America - Foreign Affairs vol. 59 no. 3 1980-1981 June
What is the Future of the Moral Majority? - Draft 1981 July
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. "Working Through" to Economic Realism 1981 July
Stepchildren of the Moral Majority - Psychology Today 1981 November
Where the Tides of Change are Taking Us - Bottom Line vol. 2 no. 22 1981 November 30
Reagan and the National Psyche - Psychology Today 1982 January
Moral Majority Expresses Concerns of Millions of Worried Parents - Conservative Digest vol. 8 no. 3 1982 March
The Work Ethic is Underemployed - Psychology Today 1982 May
American Ambivalence - Phi Kappa Phi Journal 1982 June
Lying Well is the Best Revenge - Psychology Today 1982 August
Cultural Changes ca. 1980
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Immerwahr. The Work Ethic and Economic Vitality - Notebook, correspondence and appendix 1981-1982
Yankelovich, Daniel and Larry Kaagan. Americans Still Straddle Nuclear Power Seesaw; Safety Remains the Key Issue - Reliance Reporter vol. 4 no. 4 1982 July-August
Universities are Saddled with Too Many Missions - A Decade at Brown 1982 September
The Last Word - Association of Governing Boards of Universities and Colleges (AGB) Reports vol. 24 no. 6 1982 November
Yankelovich, Daniel et al. Work and Human Values: An International Report on Jobs in the 1980s and 1990s - Excerpt 1983 September
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Immerwahr. Management and the Work Ethic - Directors and Boards 1983 September
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Immerwahr. Let's Put the Work Ethic to Work - Industry Week 1983 September 5
Yankelovich, Daniel and Sidney Harman. Transforming Changes 1983 September 20
Anti-Soviet Minority Grows Larger 1983 October 7
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Immerwahr. The Emergence of Expressivism will Revolutionize the Contract Between Workers and Employers - Personnel Administrator 1983 December
Changing Public Attitudes to Science and the Quality of Life - Phi Kappa Phi Journal 1983 December
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Immerwahr. U.S. Industry and the Work Ethic - Dialogue no. 66 1984 January
What Do People Want: Jobs in the 1980s - The PIA Communicator vol. 28 no. 1 1984 January
The Public and the Deficit - The Deficit Debate special report by Touch Ross & Co. 1984 April-August
New Options - Drafts. With Les Aspin, Sidney Harman, and John Immerwahr 1984 June 20-August 9
Science and the Public Process: Why the Gap Must Close - Issues in Science and Technology vol. 1 no. 1 1984 September
The Public on Arms - The Christian Science Monitor 1984 December 10
Social and Cultural Change in the 1980s: Workplace Values as Harbinger of a New Order 1985 March 6
Public Favors Search for Common Security - USA Today 1986 March 24
Negotiating with the Soviets - Draft 1986 June 12
Bogart, Leo (ed.). The Future Study of Public Opinion - Public Opinion Quarterly vol. 51 1987 February 26
Bridging the Gap - Currents vol. 13 no. 9 1987 October
The New Materials of American Politics - Public Opinion 1987 December
Yankelovich, Daniel, Howard Swearer, and Cyrus Vance. The "New Thinking" of the American Electorate 1988 January
Lessons of National Issues Forums (NIF) - Draft and notes 1988 May
Yankelovich, Daniel and Joel Gurin. The New American Dream - American Health vol. 8 no. 2 1989 March
Work and Human Values ca. 1990
Polls that Made a Difference - Public Perspective 1990 June
Making Sense of Risk - Rural Electrification vol. 48 no. 10 1990 July
External Affairs 1990 September 24
The Competitiveness Conundrum - The American Enterprise vol. 1 no. 5 1990 October
Vance, Cyrus and Daniel Yankelovich. Alternatives to Force in the Gulf - Draft 1990 November 20
At a Crossroads: American Attitudes and U.S.-Japan Economic Relations - Japan Society Newsletter vol. 38 no. 7 1991 April
The Folly of Seeking an Informed Public 1991 July 8
A Missing Concept - Kettering Review 1991 September
Crowding Out the Public - Phi Kappa Phi Journal 1991 November
Yankelovich, Daniel and John Diebold. Will Clinton's Government-Business Partnership Work? - Article proposal for TIME 1992 December
Response to National Service: The Sixties Meet the Nineties by Charles Derber for Tikkun 1993 April
Return to Pragmatism 1993 September 24
Avoiding the Swedish Fallacy - Draft 1993 September 26
Opinion - Firethorn Quarterly 1993 December
Ideas for Op-Ed articles 1988-1994
Wohlstand und Wertewandel: Das Ende der fetten Jahre - Psychologie Heute 1994 March
New Political Alignments - Drafts 1994 July
The Clinton Presidency: Some Easy Solutions to Hard Problems - Op-ed 1994 August 26
What Polls Say and What They Mean - The New York Times 1994 September 17
Shaping a New Communications Strategy 1994 November
Jobs in the New Economy 1994 December
What's Wrong with America? Economic, Social, and Political Crisis - Outline 1995 April 7
Redeeming the "L" Word - Drafts 1995 May 7-July 27
Three Destructive Trends - The Kettering Review 1995 November
Garfinkle, Norton and Daniel Yankelovich. Communitarian Economics - Drafts 1995 December
Restoring Public Trust - Mother Jones vol. 20 no. 6 1995 December
A New Direction for Survey Research - International Journal of Public Opinion Research vol. 8 no. 1 1996
Got to Give to Get - Mother Jones vol. 22 no. 4 1997 August
How Societies Learn: Adapting the Welfare State to the Global Economy 1997 April 26
What Will the Next Great Shift Be for the American Worker? - The New York Times 1997 August 29
How American Individualism is Evolving - The Public Perspective 1998 February-March
Cash Balance or Corporate Imbalance? - Op-ed ca. 1999
Pet Ideas Undermine School Reform - Op-ed ca. 1999
High-Skills Option - Blueprint. Drafts 1999 September
Removing a Blindspot - Op-ed 1999 September 22
A Civil Approach to Gun Control - Op-ed 1999 September 27
School Reform? Let's Talk - The Boston Globe 1999 October 11
Needed: A New Unwritten Contract - Op-ed 1999 November 12
Yankelovich, Daniel and Lisebeth B. Schorr. Articles on social programs 1998-2000
Making Sense of Post-Modernity - Drafts 1998-2000 October 30
What We're Fighting For - Article for Beliefnet responding to September 11 attacks 2001 December
Frustration in Orange County - The Los Angeles Times. Draft 2002 May 3
Canada's Social Contract by Matthew Mendelsohn - Book review 2002 October 4
Winning Greater Influence for Science - Issues in Science and Technology 2003
The Price of Arrogance - The Wall Street Journal 2003 February
Winning the War of Ideas - Spirituality & Health 2003 October 3
What We Can All Do to Fight the War on Hatred - Spirituality & Health 2004 February
Speaking Truth to Power - Renewable Resources Journal vol. 22 no. 2 2004 July
Stopping New Terrorist Recruits into Al Qaeda 2004 August 18
To Defeat Al Qaeda, the US must Build Trust of Moderate Muslims - Christian Science Monitor 2004 September 20
Why Polarization is Destructive and What to Do About It - Christian Science Monitor 2004 October 14
Across the Red-Blue Divide - Christian Science Monitor 2004 October 15
Yankelovich, Daniel and Ruth A. Wooden. Our True Colors 2004
Yankelovich, Daniel and Steven Rosell. Iceberg, Dead Ahead! 2005
Yankelovich, Daniel and Isabela Furth. Public Engagement in California: Escaping the Vicious Cycle - Public Administration Review. Draft 2005
Yankelovich, Daniel and Isabella Furth. The Role of Colleges in an Era of Mistrust - The Chronicle Review 2005 September 16
Yankelovich, Daniel et al. The Next Big Step in the Deliberative Democracy Movement - The Kettering Review. Drafts 2005-2006
It's Not Only Iraq: The Public Grows Less Confident in Our Foreign Policy, for Foreign Affairs 2006
Getting Back on the Right Track 2006 July
Yankelovich, Daniel and Barbara Lee. Moving the Needle - Drafts 2006 September 18
Three Forms of Insecurity - Drafts 2006 July-October
Integrating Four Skills to Develop Winning Issues for Democrats - Draft 2006 October
Retiring Boomers can Uniquely Impact Public Universities - Op-ed for UCSD Foundation 2007
Social Contract: Shareholder Value isn't Enough - Draft 2007
The Public's Foreign Policy - The San Diego Union-Tribune 2007 April 4
Boomers and Public Universities: Retirement Wave May Help Both - San Diego Union-Tribune 2008 February 27
Higher Education Violates Its Social Contract - Making the Invisible Visible 2008 April
How to Escape the Scapegoat Trap - Drafts, notes, and correspondence 2008 May
U.S. Military Won't Defeat Muslim Extremism - Common Ground News Service 2008 July 6
The Great Divide: Science and Public Judgment - Chronicles: Newsletter of the UCSD Emeriti Association vol. 10 no. 4 2011 April
A Contrasting View: College Presidents are too Complacent - Drafts 2011 May
A Problem Not Confined to the United States - Tokyo Journal. Draft and correspondence 2012 November
Rethinking the MBA - Tokyo Journal #271 ca. 2014
A Debate with Large Consequences - Tokyo Journal #275 2014
Ethical Confusion is the Main Obstacle - Tokyo Journal #276 2015
Challenging the Economist Worldview - Tokyo Journal #277 2015
Book Contributions
Work, Values and the New Breed. From Work America: The Decade Ahead 1978
The Noneconomic Slide of Inflation. From Inflation and National Survival 1982
Public Support for U.S. Foreign Policy After the Cold War - Proposed chapter 1992 November
A Critique of the "Information Society" Concept. From Changing Maps: Governing in a World of Rapid Change, Steven A. Rosell et al. 1994-1995
Foreword (draft). From The University and its Processes, by Mary Lindenstein Walshok 1994 November 25
America's Youth Problem. From The Forgotten Half: Revisited ed. Samuel Halperin 1998
Teaching Materials
New York University (NYU)
Culture of Poverty - Notes 1969
Research proposal with Ray Katzell - Correspondence 1971
Research professor appointment 1971
The New School for Social Research
Psych 164 Psychological Aspects of Social Change - Lecture notes and materials 1973
Psych 264 Social Psychology as a Social Science - Lecture notes and materials 1974 September
Notes and administrative papers 1973-1974
Psych 275 New Experimental Methods in Social Psychology - Course description and notes 1975
Yankelovich, Daniel, Daniel Jude, Harvey Lauer, and Burkhard Strumpel. The Impact of Scarcities - Report 1977 February 23
Miscellaneous Writings
Examination book ca. 1950
Article ideas - Notes 1965
Writing style - Notes ca. 1970
Personal journal entry 1975 December 15
Understanding Advanced Industrial Economies: The United States and West Germany - Study proposal 1976 October
Americans in the 1960s: A Study of Public Attitudes - Report for the John F. Kennedy Library 1978 February
Yankelovich, Daniel, William Watts, and Everett Ladd. The International Communication Agency (ICA): A New Role for Research - Report 1978 April
The Ampersand Dilemma: An Exploration of Changing American Values with Daniel Yankelovich - Proposal for TV programs 1979
Funeral for Henry Kent - Eulogy 1982
Mondale/Ferraro Committee, Inc. - Acceptance speech written for Martin Kaplan 1984 August
CHOICES with Daniel Yankelovich - Proposal for new TV series on social trends in America 1986
Risk as the Public Sees It - New York Power Authority Annual Report 1989
Introduction of Robert Burnett 1989 April 27
Memo to Governor Bill Clinton 1992 September 19
Memo to Al Sommers on political culture 1993 August 22
Letter to Hillary Clinton - Drafts 1994 October 18
How Women Can Fill Vacuum at the Center - Notes 1995 February
Memo to Rosine - Introductory paragraphs (from an unidentified project) 1995 October 29
Thoughts on the current political situation 1995 November 4
Schudson, Michael, Mary L. Walshok and Dan Yankelovich - Project proposal on Civil Society 1996-1998
Memorial service for Florence R. Skelly - Eulogy 1998 June 1
Leadership and Citizen Engagement: Engaging Citizens More Constructively on Issues of Land Use - A Proposal to the Hewlett Foundation 2001 November 12
Memo to Senator Durbin - Drafts 2006 October
It's Time to Really Engage Americans in Health Reform - Blog posting 2009 August 31
Murder mystery book - Outline 2010 January 20
Blog drafts and correspondence 2014 March
Ego and Instinct: The Psychoanalytic View of Human Nature-Revised with William Barrett (1970)
Existentialism and Psychology - Draft 1964 November 1
The Philosophical Implications of Psychoanalytic Ego Psychology - Draft 1965 October
The Temptations of Science - Excerpts 1971
Work, Productivity, and Job Satisfaction with Raymond A. Katzell (1975)
Improving Productivity and Job Satisfaction - Organizational Dynamics vol. 4 no. 1 1975 June
Implementing Programs for Improving Employee Motivation - NRECA Management Quarterly 1975 December
New Rules: Searching for Self-fulfillment in a World Turned Upside Down (1981)
Chapter 3: The Self-Fulfillment Contradiction - Draft with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Chapter 4: The Promise Beneath the Guises - Draft with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Chapter 14: The Growth Machine - Draft with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Chapter 15: The Giving/Getting Covenant - Draft with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Chapter 16: Jumpy and Off Balance - Drafts with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Chapter 20: The Three Claims - Draft ca. 1980
Chapter 22: Stepping Off Maslow's Escalator - Draft with handwritten edits ca. 1980
Coming to Public Judgment: Making Democracy Work in a Complex World (1991)
Twentieth Century Fund Proposal - Book proposal 1984 February 9
Coming to Public Judgement - Brochure ca. 1991
Starting with the People (1988)
A New Political Framework Part I: A Stakeholder Strategy for the Economy - Draft (working title with Les Aspin, Sidney Harman and John Immerwahr) 1986 January
A New Political Framework Part II: A Two-Way Social Contract - Draft (working title with Les Aspin, Sidney Harman and John Immerwahr) 1986 January
Chapter 15: The Struggle for the Soul of America - Draft 1998 January
Book jacket 1999
Book reviews 1999
Correspondence on publicity 1999
Promotional materials 1999
Endorsements 1999
Advance uncorrected reader's proof 1999 September
Paperback revisions 2000
Message from the author for Japanese edition 2001 March
Correspondence on revisions 2001 February
Chasing the Socratic Dream (memoir)
Research and notes 1987
Life on the Fringe - Draft ca. 2012
Brief introduction for book 2014 April
The Life Lessons of an Outsider - Draft ca. 2015
The Life Lessons of an Outsider - Draft 2015 October
An Outsider's Quest and Late-Blooming Love Story - Draft ca. 2016
An Outsider's Quest and Late-Blooming Love Story - Draft 2016
An Outsider's Quest and Late-Blooming Love Story - Draft 2016 August
An Outsider's Philosophy of Life - Shorter Version ca. 2016
An Outsider's Philosophy of Life - Condensed draft ca. 2016
Chasing the Socratic Dream - Manuscript ca. 2016-2017
Citizens Learning Curve
Introduction to company 2006-2007
Tides Center - Project application 2006-2007
Staffing contracts 2006-2007
Agendas and budgets 2006-2007
Correspondence 2006-2007
Notes and research 2007
The Energy Dilemma - Drafts 2007
The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) Evolution of Work Committee - Prepared survey data 1987 November 17
TIME - Interpretation of significant national issues 1987 February-December
McCafferty & McCall. Consulting session - Transcript and notes 1992 February 5
The DiBianca-Berkman Group - Consultancy notes and projects 1993 February-October
The DiBianca-Berkman Group - Consultancy notes and projects 1993 February-October
Warburg, Pincus Ventures, Inc. - Consulting services, correspondence, and paper draft 1992-1994
Landmark Education Corporation - Consulting services 1994
Irwin Financial - Consulting services notes 1999 March 18
Arizona State University. Public Opinion Arizona Health and Aging Study - Consultation 2001 July
Levi Strauss & Co. Zeitgeist Project - Presentation and notes 2003 March 13
Institute for Global Ethics - Consultation notes 2003 May
Fortune 500/Yankelovich Survey
A Report on The Fortune 500/Yankelovich Survey 1969 September
What Business Thinks About the Environment - FORTUNE 1970 February
"Guarded Optimism" at the Top - FORTUNE 1971 May
Harvard Business School Class of 1949 Survey
Notes and correspondence 1990
Notebooks ca. 1993
Article drafts and notes 1991-1994
Presentation outline 1994 June
Princeton, Institute for Advanced Study
Hypotheses 1996 October
Questionnaire 1996 December-1997 March
Chart drafts 1997
Notes 1997
Original presentation 1997
Survey results draft 1997 March
Survey results 1997 May
Correspondence 1997 February-June
TIME/Yankelovich Poll
Council on Economic Priorities - Proposal for TIME survey questions on space weapons 1984 January 18
AT&T. TV appearance with Jack L. Curry - Notes and correspondence 1979-1980
Bill Moyers' Journal. TV appearance - Notes and correspondence 1980 January
Two Minutes on Inflation. TV appearance - Notes 1980 May 6
Avenue - Interview 1980 June-July
Chicago Public Television WTTW channel 11. TV appearance on What this Country Needs… - Correspondence and notes 1980 July-September
Adweek. New Rules of the Marketplace - Interview 1981 August
U.S. News & World Report. Demise of Egoism: Why "The 'Me' Decade" Didn't Work - Interview 1981 August 24
Open Mind - Interview notes 1981 July-September
Rewiring Your World . TV appearance - Notes and correspondence 1981 October-November
The American Express - Interview 1982 January
Impact vol. 1 no. 3 by AT&T. The Management of Technology - Interview 1983 January
Public Opinion. American Values: Change and Stability - A conversation with Daniel Yankelovich 1984 January
American Health. From Hedonism to Health - Interview 1983 December-1984 April
The Coca-Cola Company and The Creative Establishment - Interview questions and notes 1984 May 19
Washington Journalism Review. Sorry Wrong Numbers - Interview 1984 September
CBS News. Face the Nation - Transcript of TV appearance 1984 October 17
Kettering Review. How the Public Learns the Public's Business - Interview 1984 November 9
CBS News. Newsmark series radio show - Interview 1984 December 14
Money - Interview notes 1985 September
Newsweek - Interview questions and notes 1986 April 9
Werner Erhard and Associates. Satellite program appearance - Notes and correspondence 1987 April 16
Christian Science Monitor. TV appearance - Interview notes 1987 September 24
American Health - Interview 1988 September
Beyond War - Interview notes 1988 October 17
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and City University of New York (CUNY). Worldview - TV appearance notes 1988 November 17
CCM Productions. If Japan Can…Why Can't We? Documentary - Interview questions 1990 September 26
Center for Communication - Interview transcript 1991 May
St. Louis KMOX radio station - Interview notes 1991 June 2
The Roper Center for Public Opinion Research - Interview notes 1991 September
FORTUNE - Interview notes 1991 October
Challenge vol. 35 no. 3 - Interview 1992 June
The Futurist. Business and the Future: A Round-Table Discussion - Interview 1992 June
The San Diego Union-Tribune. Who We Are and What We Do is What We Get - Interview 1994 May 5
Newsweek Radio - Interview excerpts and notes 1994 August
PBS. The News Hour with Jim Lehrer - Transcript of TV appearance 1995 October 25
Newsweek. The Trouble With Polls - Interview 1995 November 27
The San Diego Union-Tribune. Q&A with Daniel Yankelovich - Interview 1996 March 31
PBS. Charlie Rose - Transcript of TV interview 1996 May 29
Spirituality & Health. Help Wanted - Interview 1996 September
American Marketing Association (AMA). Marketing News - Interview draft 1998 April
The Healthcare Forum Journal. Healthcare in the New Millennium - Interview transcript 1998 May-June
Forbes. The Church versus the Mall - Interview 1998 November 16
Conversation with Dan Yankelovich - Interview transcript and notes 1999 February 5
Toyota - Interview notes 1999 May
Bottom Line - Interview notes 2000 January 6
BBC - Interview notes 2000 October 17
The College Board Review. How Can We Stop Managed Care from Happening to Education? - Interview 2001 February
UC San Diego. The Open Mind - TV appearance notes 2001 March 14
Vanity Fair - Interview notes 2001 September 24
Worth Magazine - Interview notes and correspondence 2001 November
Ekos. Interview guide - Notes 2001 November 22
United States Congress. 107th Stennis Congressional Staff Fellows Program. A Conversation with Daniel Yankelovich and Senator Warren Rudman - Notes 2002 March 3
Knight Ridder - Interview notes 2003 May 20
KPBS. Full Focus - TV appearance notes and correspondence 2005 June 2
Strategy+Business. Daniel Yankelovich: The Thought Leader - Interview 2005 August 31
McKinsey Quarterly - Interview transcript and correspondence 2007 January 17
Minnesota Public Radio - Interview notes 2007 April 13
Anaheim University. Akio Morita School of Business CEO Video Interview Series - Interview notes 2007 September 4
Journal of Financial Planning - Interview notes 2007 October 2
La Jolla Light. 10 Questions for Daniel Yankelovich - Interview 2008 May 15
The San Diego Union-Tribune. Legendary Pollster Donates Millions to UC San Diego - Interview 2016 March
Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA) - "How Research Can Help You Get the Best From Your Creative Facilities" presentation 1961 November 2-4
American Marketing Association. Marketing Seminar - "New Methods of Segmenting Markets" speech transcript 1962 November 15
Dow Management. The Meaning of the "Business Concept" for New Products - Speech outline 1963 February
Columbia University. Seminar on Basic and Applied Social Research - "The Impact of Existentialism on the Behavioral Sciences" draft submission 1964 May 27
American Psychological Association. Sensitivities in Consumer Psychology - Speech transcript 1964 September 8
Association of National Advertisers, Inc. (ANA). Seminar on Magazines - "Intermedia Strategy" speech transcript 1965 February 18
Massachusetts Psychological Society. The Impact of Existentialism on Psychology - Speech transcript 1965 February 25
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) - "The Problem of Identity" speech transcript 1965 May 14
National Biscuit Company (Nabisco) - Speech transcript 1965 May 27
Tufts New England Medical Center. Psychiatry Dept. staff conference - "Program Research: Research to Solve Social Problems" speech transcript 1966 January
European Society for Opinion and Market Research (ESOMAR) Conference - "Planning Advertising Strategy: A Theory of Consumer Research" speech transcript 1966 June
Taylor, Nelson, and Associates (TNA) Research Group Limited - "Research in Resolving Social Problems" luncheon speech transcript 1966 June 10
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) - "Research for Social Change" speech transcript 1967 May 19
Institute of Life Insurance - Address 1970 December 15
Poverty speech (unknown venue) - Transcript 1971
Supermarket Institute. Social Pressures from Inside the Corporation - Speech transcript 1971 January 10
American Marketing Association. Relating the Social Environment to Marketing - Presentation and draft 1971 March
American Academy of Psychoanalysis. Conference on Power and Personality - "Power and the Two Revolutions" speech transcript 1971 April 30
New York Public Relations Society - Transcript of speech 1971 July
Sales Executives Club of New York. Marketing Strategy Conference - "The New Odds" speech transcript 1971 October 15
American Marketing Association. The First Social Indicators Conference - "How Opinion Polls Differ from Social Indicators" speech transcript 1972 February
Advertising Research Foundation. Annual Conference - Transcript of panel discussion 1972 November 13
Super Market Institute. Midwinter Executive Conference - Speech transcript 1973 January
American Banker's Association - Speech transcript 1973 January 17
Grocery Manufacturers of America, Inc. Executive Conference - "Marketing in a Climate of Mistrust" presentation 1973 June 19
Conference Board. Helpful Hints on Social Forecasting - Speech transcript 1973 October 18
American Jewish Committee. What is Wrong? - Speech draft 1974 April 21
Upjohn Company. Aspects of the Social/Political Environment - Presentation 1974 July 11
Economic Forum - Presentation 1974 November 21
Conference Board. The Free Society and Planning - Transcript of taped session 1975 March 6
Union League Club. Public Affairs Luncheon - Speech transcript 1975 March 18
Ohio University. Conference on Humans - "Two Truths: The View from the Social Sciences" speech transcript 1975 May
William Elliott Conference. Changing Social Values - Lecture transcript 1975 May 16
Senate Foreign Relations Committee - "The Mood of the Country" speech transcript 1975 September 10
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace - Speech transcript 1976 May 16
Aspen Institute. Questions of Democratic Institutions, Status of Individuals and Role of Grass-Roots Movements - Transcript of speech 1977
TIME Energy Conference - Speech transcript and articles on conference 1977 April
Columbia University. The Private and the Public Ethic: How it is Changing - Seminar speech drafts 1977 April 20
Aspen Institute. International Meeting - Speech transcript 1977 July 2
Los Angeles Chamber of Commerce Conference - Speech transcript 1977 October 26
Aspen Institute. Financing the Future Program Workshop - Speech transcript 1977 November 14
John F. Kennedy Library. Presentation to staff - Speech transcript 1978 March 8
Markle Foundation Dinner - Speech transcript 1978 April 10
National Conference on Human Resource Systems - "New Approaches to Worker Productivity" speech transcript 1978 October 25
Brown University - Speech transcript and correspondence 1979 February
American Council of Life Insurance Conference. Taking Account of the Non-Economic Features of Inflation - Speech transcript 1979 February
National Leadership Groups. The Public Agenda Foundation - Speech transcript 1979 March
Aspen Institute. Mideast Project Workshop, Amman, Jordan - "Ideology and Changing Values" speech notes 1979 April
Aspen Institute - Speech notes 1979 September 7
Ziff-Davis Publishing Company. The Implications of the New Monitor - Speech transcript 1979 September 19
Wharton School and John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company co-sponsored seminar - "Inflation and Political Will" speech transcript 1979 October 11
The White House. Seminar on Contemporary American Society - Speech drafts 1979 October-November
Hill and Knowlton, Inc. Wisemen Club meeting - Notes and correspondence 1979 October-November
National Organization for Women (NOW) Legal Defense and Education Fund. National Assembly on the Future of the Family - Speech drafts 1979 November 19
Coca-Cola Company and McDonald's. Executive Seminar - "Public Attitudes as they Affect Business" Speech notes and correspondence 1979-1980
Health Insurance Association of America (HIAA). Board of Directors meeting - "The Presidential Campaign" speech notes and correspondence 1980 January-February
Brown University. Program Management Meeting - Speech notes and publicity 1980 March
Johns Hopkins University and Aspen Institute - Panel discussion notes 1980 April
Weyerhaeuser Company. Land Use Symposium - Speech notes 1980 April 22
American Jewish Committee. Annual meeting - Speech notes and correspondence 1980 February-May
Rutgers University. Annual Business Conference - Speech outline and correspondence 1980 June
Boston Economic Club - Speech notes and correspondence 1980 August-September
Harvard University. John F. Kennedy School of Government Forum - Speech notes and correspondence 1980 April-October
University of South Carolina. The Fourth Annual W. Frank Hipp Lecture - Transcript 1980 October 16
Weyerhaeuser Company. Board of Directors/Senior Management meeting - Notes and correspondence 1980 October-November
Business Round Table - Speech notes and correspondence 1980 November-December
Harvard University Faculty Club. Daniel Yankelovich Seminar - Transcript Draft 1 1980 December
Council on Foreign Relations. After the Election: Picking Up the Pieces - Speech outline 1980 December
Education Forum - Speech transcript 1981 January
Japan Society Luncheon - Speech notes 1981 February
Harvard University Medical School. Massachusetts Mental Health Center - Presentation notes and correspondence 1981 February
Battelle Endowment Program for Technology and Human Affairs. New Demands of a Changing Population - Transcript of talk 1981 February
Columbia University. Seminar on Public Communication - Discussion notes, sources, and correspondence 1980 August-1981 March
Wharton/Reliance Symposium - Speech notes 1981 March
The White House. Meeting with Vice President Walter Mondale - Notes 1981 March 27
Call for Action National Conference - Speech draft and conference materials 1981 April
Harvard University. Center for Science and International Affairs - Energy and Social Adaptation Workshop series 1981 May
Conference Board. Colloquium on Alternatives for Economic Policy - Speech transcript 1981 June 10
John F. Kennedy Library - Speech notes 1981 September 9
Market Research Council - Speech notes 1981 September 18
American Federation of Teachers. Conference on Human Capital and Education - Speech notes and drafts 1981 September 24
Overseas Development Council. Board meeting - Transcript of remarks 1981 October-December
United Press International (UPI). Edicon conference - Article mentions of speech 1981 October 5
Partisan Review. Discussion on New Rules - Notes and correspondence 1981 October 22
Planned Parenthood - Speech transcript and notes 1981 October 31
American Bar Association (ABA). Conference on Legal Education in the 1980s - Speech draft 1981 November 14
Work in American Institute. Sponsors meeting - Speech draft 1981 November-December
RAND Corporation - Presentation tabular results and explanatory notes 1982
ITT - Speech transcript 1982 January
Council on Foundations. Conference - Speech transcript 1982 April 28
Aspen Institute. Public lecture, Berlin - "What Modern German Thought Can Contribute to the Future of Democracy" presentation drafts 1982-1985
Emhart Transnational Management Conference. Changes in Expectations and the Work Ethic Worldwide - Speech transcript 1982 June
Advertising Research Foundation. Annual conference - Address 1982 October
Harvard University Medical School. Research Workshop on Preventive Aspects of Suicide and Affective Disorders Among Adolescents and Young Adults - "Changing Cultural Values" presentation 1982 December 3-5
American Statistical Association - Speech notes 1983 January 19
American Psychiatric Association - Discussion transcript 1983 January 30
Ford Library. Bringing the Public to the Table - Speech drafts 1983 February 9
Nuclear Deadlock Conference - Speech and summary 1983 March
Drexel, Burnham, Lambert Conference. Social Change Has Its Own Rules - Speech transcript 1983 March 4
Wharton School. The Wharton/Reliance Symposium - Report by Daniel Yankelovich and John Immerwahr 1983 May 1-3
Walt Disney World. EPCOT Forum - Keynote address transcript 1983 October 27
American Council of Life Insurance. Transforming Changes: Past, Present, Future - Speech transcript 1983 November 13-16
Ford Foundation - Meeting notes 1983 November 23
Spanish Conference - Notes 1984 February
Diebold - Talk outline 1984 February
Lyndon B. Johnson Library. The Second Presidential Library Conference on the Public and Public Policy - Presentation notes 1984 March 21
The Trilateral Commission - Presentation notes 1983 November-1984 April 1
Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future - Presentation notes 1984 April 4
Radio Corporation of America (RCA). Senior Management Conference - Presentation outlines 1984 April 9
Brown University - Presentation notes 1984 April 19
Ford Foundation - Presentation notes 1984 May 1
Secular Trends Society - Speech outline 1984 May 9
The Kettering Foundation. Dartmouth Conference 14 - Presentation draft 1984 May 16
Emhart Corporation. Conference on work and human values - Speech transcript and outline 1984 June 8
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). 1984 Annual Assembly - Speech outline and correspondence 1984 July 10
Trans-National Research Corporation. Conference on International Political and Economic Issues Affecting Investment Decisions - Speech summary 1984 September 10
Washington College. Fall Convocation - Address outline 1984 September 12
S.C. Johnson. Johnson Wax Global Conference - Speech transcript 1984 September 19
Wellfleet, MA meeting - Notes 1984 October
Brown University - Meeting notes and correspondence 1984 June-October
The Adult School of Montclair. Lecture series on Making Changes in Today's World - Speech outline and correspondence 1984 October 16
Magazine Publishers Association. The American Magazine Conference - Speech outline and correspondence 1984 April-October 24
Harvard University. John F. Kennedy School of Government - "The Meaning of the 1984 Election" speech outlines and correspondence 1984 November 7
The Markle Foundation. Health Attitudes of Older Americans - Speech outline and summary ca. 1985
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF). Scottsdale meeting - Speech transcript and notes 1985 January 24-26
The Brookings Institution. Center for Public Policy Education Inauguration - Speech outline 1985 February 21
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Dimensions on the Nuclear Threat Lecture Series - Lecture transcript and notes 1985 February 26
People Magazine. Baby Boomer Seminar - Presentation notes 1985 March 8
John F. Kennedy Library - "The Blind Spot" speech notes 1985 March 27
The Markle Foundation. Board of Directors Retreat - Speech notes, draft, and transcript 1985 April 3
Brown University Continuing College. 15th Annual Commencement Forums - Speech notes 1985 May 25
The Tocqueville Society. French-American Mutual Observation Group - Speech notes 1985 June 15
American Sociological Association. Washington, D.C. conference - Speech notes 1985 August 26
Issues Management Association. National Conference - Keynote Address notes and transcript 1985 September 12
Suntory Foundation. US-Japan Seminar - "New Forms of Individualism" speech transcript 1985 September 15
The Labor/Higher Education Council. National Meeting - Speech notes, draft, and transcript 1985 September 19
S.C. Johnson. Johnson Wax Global Conference - Speech transcript 1985 September 19
The Greater Des Moines Committee. 79th Annual Dinner - Speech notes 1985 December 5
Dartmouth Conference XV, Baku, Azerbaijan - Notebook 1986
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Western Hemisphere Forum - Speech notes 1986 January 16
United States Congress. Joint Economic Committee 40th Anniversary Symposium - Speech transcript, notes, and correspondence 1986 January 17
Council on Economic Priorities - Speech transcript, notes, and correspondence 1986 March 5
Jimmy Carter Presidential Library. 5th Presidential Library Conference - Speech notes 1986 March 10-12
Gerald Ford Presidential Library - Speech outline 1986 March 14-19
Council on Foreign Relations. Round Table meeting - Speech notes and draft 1986 April 8
Carnegie Corporation of New York. Board of Trustees meeting - Speech transcript and notes 1986 April 10
University of Houston. National Meeting of the Labor/Higher Education Council - Speech transcript 1986 September 19-20
University of Minnesota. Minnesota Meeting - Speech notes and correspondence 1987 May 14
Pacific Northwest Bell. Executive Conference - "Social Values in the Year 2000" speech notes and correspondence 1987 June 15
Council for the Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). 1987 Annual Assembly - Speech transcript, notes, and correspondence 1987 July 13
United States Congress. Congressional Round Table on U.S.-Soviet Relations - Speech summary, notes, and correspondence 1987 July 23
Public Perceptions of Higher Education - Speech transcript 1987 October 1
Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith (ADL) - The Holocaust and the Media Conference
Conference materials and correspondence 1988 May 19
Research and polling data 1939-1988
Presentation outline 1988
World Affairs Council. Starting with the People Forum - Speech notes 1988 July 11
John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation. Meeting on Three Years of Grant-Making - Presentation draft 1988 July 13
Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. ATS/ARCO Forum - Notes 1988 September 26
American Health. First Annual Company-Wide Sales Meeting - Speech notes and sources 1988 September 27
Council on Foreign Relations. Meeting on Americans Talk Security project - Speech notes 1988 October 19
Editor's Organizing Committee. Luncheon meeting - Speech notes 1988 October 25
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism. Annual Fall Meeting - Speech notes and correspondence 1988 November 10
Rochester Institute of Technology and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Technology Panel - Presentation notes 1989 March 10
American Express. World Travel Round Table - Speech outline, draft, and transcript 1989 May
AT&T and the University of San Francisco. Seminar on the Pacific Rim - Presentation draft and notes 1989 June 12
Yankelovich Clancy Shulman - Floppy disk printout 1989 August 30
Ford Motor Company. Worldwide Business and Product Planners Conference - Presentation draft and notes 1989 September 14
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF) - Conference notes 1990 January 26
YMCA. Healthy Lifestyles Consultation - Speech transcript 1990 May 5
Japan Society and Japan Center for International Exchange. Eighth Shimoda Conference - Speech transcript and notes 1990 November 15-17
Public Judgment speech - Outline ca. 1991
American College of Psychiatrists. Annual Meeting - Speech notes 1991 February
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF) Meeting - Speech notes 1991 June 28
Columbia University. The Freedom Forum Media Studies Center fellows welcoming dinner - Speech notes 1991 September 3
World Future Society. Business and the Future Conference - Panel notes 1991 September 12
The Responsive Community. Communitarian Teach-In - Speech notes 1991 November 18
Hoffmann-LaRouche. Healthcare Reform Seminar - Speech notes and transcript 1992 January 16
Market Research Council. Luncheon - Speech notes 1992 January 17
Business Executives for National Security (BENS). Campaign '92 panel discussion - Discussion notes 1992 February 19
American Nursing Association. National Nursing Summit - Speech outline 1992 May 6
New York Hospital/Cornell Medical Center. Grand Rounds - Speech notes 1992 May 15
The Responsive Community. Communitarian Teach-In - Notes 1992 May 19
Congressional Clearinghouse on the Future - Speech notes 1992 June 3
Conference Board. Senior executive briefing - Speech notes 1992 August 18
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Seminar on Redefining the U.S.-Japan Relationship - Notes 1992 September 23
Competitiveness Policy Council. Meeting - Discussion notes 1992 October 5
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). The Strange Election of 1992 - Speech notes 1992 October 13
Texas Medical Center. Conference on Building on Excellence: A Vision for the Future - Speech outline 1992 November 20
University Club. Lecture Luncheon - Speech notes 1992 December 7
Columbia University. Third Reuter Forum - Panel notes 1993 February 3
American Association for Higher Education (AAHE). National Conference on Higher Education - Speech transcript 1993 March
3M. Executive Conference - Presentation notes, draft, and correspondence 1993 April 23
Brown University. Ivy Plus Alumni Conference - Speech outline 1993 June 23
Campus Contact. Planning meeting - Notes 1993 September 21
Harvard School of Public Health and Northwestern University. Conference on Mass Communication and Social Agenda-Setting - Speech notes 1993 October 20
Michigan Partnership for New Education. State Leadership Academy - Speech outline and sources 1993 November 16
Information Society - Speech outline 1993 December
The Communitarian Network. Moral State of the Union - Panel notes 1994 January 10
Meetings with Rainer Zoll, Alessandro Cavalli, and Christian Lalive d'Epinay - Correspondence and notes 1992-1994
A Foul Public Mood - Speech 1994
National Association of Manufacturers (NAM). Conference on Business-Health Solutions - Speech notes 1994 January 25
Arthur Page Society. Spring Seminar - Summary of proceedings and speech transcript 1994 March 17
The Healthcare Forum. Healthier Communities Summit - Presentation transcript 1994 May 2
Alyeska - Presentation draft and notes 1994 June
Callan Investments Institute. Spring Conference - Speech outline 1994 June 27
Allstate Insurance Co. Leadership Conference - Speech notes and outline 1994 October 10
Development Assistance Committee (DAC) and Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). Informal Experts Consultation - Summary of proceedings and paper drafts 1994 October-December
National Civic League. National Conference on Governance - Speech transcript and notes 1994 November 11
State Centered Program. Planning Workshop - Speech notes 1994 November 19
National Leadership Coalition for Health Care Reform - Presentation notes 1995 January 17
American Federation of Teachers. National Higher Education Issues Conference - Speech notes 1995 April 21
Aspen Institute. Domestic Strategy Group (DSG) Meeting - Speech transcript 1995 August 21
United Nations Association of the United States of America. National Assembly on the U.S. and the U.N. - Speech transcript 1995 August 31
Education Policy Institute - Speech notes 1995 September 7
World Association of Public Opinion Research (WAPOR). A New Direction for Survey Research - Speech transcript 1995 September 12
Alverno College - Speech draft 1995 October 10
Women's Campaign Fund. Gala Dinner Parties - Comments on supporting political women 1995 October 16
American Jewish Committee (AJC). National Human Relations Award Dinner Honoring Jack Rehm - Speech drafts 1995 October 19
DG Bank. 100th Anniversary - Speech transcript 1995 October 23
National Civic League. 100th National Conference on Governance - Speech transcript 1995 November 11
United Nations Association of the United States of America. Meeting on U.S. Public Attitudes Toward the U.N. - Speech outline 1995 November 20
Speech on the future of American society - Outlines 1996 January 17
UC San Diego. Helen Edison Lecture Series - Speech outlines 1996 March 21
Stennis Center for Public Service. Roundtable on Public Cynicism and Distrust of Congress - Draft of proceedings and speech transcript 1996 April 1
Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. Institute of Politics. The Impact of Polls and Public Opinion Research on the 1996 Presidential Election - Speech notes 1996 April 24
Center for Arts and Culture. White Oak Plantation Retreat - Discussion notes 1996 April 30
Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. Institute of Politics. Seminar on Public Judgement - Speech outlines 1996 May 3
Harvard University. Harvard Reunion - Speech notes 1996 June 4
Brown University. Brown's Future from the Vantage Point of Larger Society - Speech notes 1996 June 21-23
Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) - Speech notes 1996 July 28
Aspen Institute. Program of the World Economy - Speech talking points 1996 August 19
Aspen Institute. Conference in St. Moritz, Italy - Speech talking points 1996 August 31
University of Chicago Divinity School. Religion, Culture, and Family Project - Speech 1996 September 9
TIME - Notes 1996 October
Women's National Democratic Club. The Good Life Seminar - Speech talking points 1996 December 9
Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. Spring Symposium - Panel notes 1997 May 10
City University of Stockholm. First Hans L. Zetterberg Lecture - Transcript 1997 May 14
Landmark Education Corporation. Landmark Forum - Notes 1997 September 5-7
Institute for American Values (IAV). Symposium on the Textbook Story of Marriage - Notes 1997 September 17
Government of Canada. Address to senior managers - Speech notes and drafts 1997 October 2-3
Aspen Institute. Communications Conference - Speech notes 1997 October 16-19
Center for the Evolution of Culture. State of the World Forum - Speech notes 1997 November 5
Fordham Institute. Working Group on Social Indicators - Meeting notes 1997-1998
Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Board of Directors Dinner - Summary of discussion and notes 1998 January 20
Healthcare Forum. Fellowship Alumni Association Annual Meeting - Speech notes 1998 May 1
Genome Horizons. Dialogue: A Solution to the Public Policy Disconnect? - Speech transcript 1998 May 16
St. Bonaventure University. 1998 Commencement - "Caring about Each Other" transcript of commencement address 1998 May 17
Institute for American Values. Annual Symposium - Speech outline 1998 May 27
W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Networking Meeting - Presentation and speech transcript 1998 June 3
State of the World Forum - Speech transcript 1998 October
Ford Foundation. News Conference - Speech draft 1998 October 5
American Association for Higher Education (AAHE). The Academic Calling conference - Speech notes 1999 January 21-24
Markle Foundation. Universal Access Meeting - Discussion summary 1999 February 11
Yankelovich Partners. Company meeting - Presentation notes 1999 April 14
Kellogg. Eighteen Propositions for Citizen Engagement - Speech drafts 1999 March 10
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Colloquium on Leadership, Creativity, and Values - Discussion notes 1999 April 29
Project on Renewing Governance - Summary of discussion 1999 April 30
Lifestyles for a New Century - Speech transcript 1999 May 3
World Affairs Council of Orange County. Dinner with Daniel Yankelovich and Rabbi Daniel Lapin - Speech notes 1999 July 7
JASON Learning. JASON Family Talks - "Has America Changed Its Mind About Social Morality?" speech notes 1999 July 15
Aspen Institute. High-Status Skill Development - Speech transcript 1999 August
Brookings Institute - Speech notes 1999 October 7
National Conference for Community and Justice (NCCJ) - Speech outline 1999 December
Education Policy Fellowship Program (EPFP). Leadership Forum - Speech notes 1999 December 3
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Human Resources Round Table (HARRT) - Speech outline 1999 December 8
Trinity Institute. Wall Street Dialogues - Notes 2000 January
Public Policy Institute of California (PPIC) - Speech outline 2000 January 18
Aspen Institute. Symposium for Members of the United States House of Representatives - "Where Our Political Culture Seems to be Heading" speech notes 2000 February 17
Harvard Graduate School of Education. Seminar on Public Engagement - Speech notes 2000 March 9
Aspen Institute. Domestic Strategy Group (DSG) Summer Meeting - Speech transcript and notes 2000 June
Internet and Society Conference - Panel notes 2000 June 1
State of the World Forum - Speech outline 2000 September 9
Ford Motor Company. Becoming a Great Consumer Company program - Presentation 2000 September 28
College Board. Polling & Politics - "Don't Let Managed Care Happen to Education" speech drafts 2000 October 3
Business Council. Fall meeting - Speech outline 2000 October 26
Ohio Grantmakers Forum. Annual conference - "Some Things Grantmakers Should Know About Dialogue" presentation 2000 November 15
San Diego Housing Commission. Brown Bag Luncheon - "Choosing Our Future: How Citizens See the Future of the San Diego Region" presentation draft 2001 March 2
Pew Partnership for Civil Change. Wanted Solutions for America Meeting - Speech notes 2001 March 3
University of California, Berkeley. Institute of Urban and Regional Development (IURD) Seminar - "ChoiceWork Dialogues: Repairing a Serious Disconnect" presentation draft and notes 2001 March 6
Talk to HR executives - Notes 2001 March 27
UC San Diego. Connect Athena Pinnacle Awards - "Dialogue and New Forms of Leadership" speech notes 2001 April 12
Hewlett Foundation - Presentation notes 2001 April 24
The San Diego Union-Tribune. Roundtable discussion of San Diego and Tijuana issues - Notes 2001 September 12
Eureka Communities San Diego - Speech notes 2001 September 26
LearningFramework - Presentation notes 2001 September 29
San Diego Unified School District. School convener's meeting - Notes 2001 October 3
Recruiting New Teachers, Inc. Call with David Haselkorn - Notes 2001 October 5
UC San Diego. UC Advancement Academy - Speech drafts and notes 2001 November 1
San Diego City Council. Land Use and Housing Committee - Speech notes 2001 November 14
Rockefeller Foundation. Meeting - Notes 2001 November 26
Columbia University. The American Assembly Panel Discussion - Notes 2001 November 29
New England Association of Schools & Colleges, Inc. (NEASC). Annual Meeting - "The Politics of Education" speech notes 2001 December 7
Foundation for Enterprise Development (FED). Annual Conference - Speech notes 2002 March 5
Pacific Cluster Commission Conference - Speech notes 2002 March 15
Smith Richardson Foundation. What's Happening to America's Youth - Speech notes 2002 April 4
San Diego Dialogue. McGill Circle - Speech notes 2002 May 9
Russell Reynolds Associates - Speech notes 2002 October 1
Coca-Cola Company. Adult Innovation Symposium - Presentation draft 2002 October 1
San Diego Leadership Trust. Meeting - Presentation 2003 February 10
San Diego Union-Tribune . Round Table Luncheon - Transcript of discussion 2003 March 12
National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) and the Beyster Institute. Joint Conference - Presentation 2003 March 27
Center for National Policy (CNP). Winning the War on Terror Focus Group - Notes and correspondence 2003 September-November
Young President's Organization (YPO) - Presentation notes 2003 November 12
Meeting on defeating Bush in the 2004 election - "Bush and the War on Iraq" presentation 2003 December 7
Meeting with Bill Zimmerman - Notes 2003 December 9
Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (WBSI). War on Terrorism - Commentary, presentation summary, and correspondence 2001-2004
Brandeis University National Women's Committee (BUNWC) Men's Group. Monthly meeting - "The War on Terror as a Political Issue" presentation 2004 January 13
World Affairs Council. West Coast Advisory Network meeting - Notes 2004 January 15-16
America Coming Together (ACT) - Meeting notes 2004 January 23
San Diego Chamber of Commerce - "The Chamber's Stake and Role in Public Engagement" presentation 2004 February 9
Orange County Forum - "Coming to Terms with Gridlocked Public Policy Issues" presentation 2004 February 11
San Diego Economic Development Corporation (EDC). TradeOffs Meeting - Presentation 2004 February 26
Center for National Policy (CNP) - Presentation outline 2004 April 21
American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS). Forum on Science and Technology - Speech transcript and presentation 2004 April 22
La Jolla Executive Round Table - "The Next Phase in the War on Terror" presentation draft 2004 June 17
Voice of San Diego - Introductory presentation 2004 August
World Affairs Council. The November Elections - Panel notes 2004 September 9
University of Southern California (USC). Civic Engagement Initiative Conference - Notes and excerpt of speech 2004 October 2
Envision San Diego - "A Framework for Public Judgment" presentation 2005 January 20
Commonwealth Club of California. Reforming Social Security - Panel notes 2005 March 16
Innovations in Social Marketing Conference - "New Opportunities for Social Marketing" presentation and draft 2005 April 17
Voice of San Diego. Impact: San Diego Round Table - Transcript of discussion and notes 2005 May 20
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Workshop on Deliberative Democracy and Dispute Resolution - Panel notes 2005 June 24
World Affairs Council. Annual Conference - "The Growing Divergence Between the US and the Rest of the World" presentation and notes 2004 May 1
University of Southern California (USC). Workshop on Civic Engagement in the 21st Century - Presentation and notes 2005 October 1
Institute for Local Government. League of California Cities Annual Conference - Presentation draft 2005 October 16
Market Research Event - "The Convergence of Trends Leading to Scandal and the Role of Market Research in Furthering Stewardship Ethics" presentation and draft 2005 November 8
National Academies. Mathematical Sciences Education Board meeting - Discussion outline 2005 December 9
U.S.-Islamic World Forum - "Leaders Effecting Change on Public Opinion in the United States" presentation, notes and photos 2006 February 18-20
University of California. Senior Leadership Forum - Notes 2006 March 19
World Economic Forum. West Coast Brainstorm - Notes 2006 April 19
Harvard Club. Segmentation and Healthcare - Speech draft 2006 May 7
Century Association - Presentation notes 2006 May 9
McKinsey Global Institute. CED Breakfast - "Trust Equity" speech draft 2006 May 24
Association for Conflict Resolution (ACR) Environment and Public Policy Section - "Shaping Public Opinion in a Democracy" presentation 2006 June 28
Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). Summit for Advancement Leaders - Speech notes 2006 July 9
Rotary Club of San Diego - Speech notes 2006 October 12
Market Research Event - "Market Research's Contribution to Social Theory" presentation 2006 October 24
Southern Institute for Business and Professional Ethics. Leading with Integrity Series - Presentation 2007 January 11
Toyota. NABR Meeting - Presentation drafts 2007 February 2
CEO 17th Annual Economic Insight - "Business Ethics for a New Era of Market Capitalism" presentation 2007 March 6
Thomas E. Holloran Center for Ethical Leadership in the Professions. Fredrickson Lecture - "Business Ethics for a New Era of Market Capitalism" presentation and notes 2007 April 12
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS). Ambassador's Roundtable - "10 Findings on American Public Opinion" presentation 2007 June 20
Ethics Resource Center (ERC). ERC Fellows Program 10th Anniversary - Presentation and skit script 2007 June 20-21
Raytheon Company. Raytheon Retreat - "Building Trust Equity" presentation 2007 September 25-27
Harvard University John F. Kennedy School of Government. America's Role in the World - Presentation 2008 April 10
Forum for the Future of Higher Education. Aspen Symposium - Presentation and notes 2008 June 18
Pragmatism speech outlines 2008 August 31
Western Behavioral Sciences Institute (WBSI). 50th Anniversary - Presentation draft 2008 November 4
Claremont Graduate University. Drucker Day 2008 - Transcript of presentation 2008 November 8
Wharton School West. Profit with Honor - Presentation draft 2008 November 25
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (AAAS). 1936th Stated Meeting - Presentation and transcript of speech 2008 December 3
Minnesota Community Foundation and The Saint Paul Foundation. Larger Community Foundations Annual Meeting - Presentation 2009 January 15
CEOs for Cities. Strategy Session - Panel notes 2009 March 19
Alliant International University. Site Supervisors Appreciation Luncheon - Presentation 2009 April 24
MITRE Corporation/JASON Learning. JASON Family Talks - Speech notes 2009 July 9
Claremont Graduate University. The Drucker Centennial CEO Forum - Discussion notes 2009 October 13-14
Rancho Santa Fe Democratic Club meeting - Presentation notes 2010 June 16
Kettering Foundation. Dartmouth Conference 50th Anniversary - Presentation outline and notes 2010 October 26
Kettering Foundation. US-China Dialogue Symposium - Speech notes 2011 October 24
San Diego Psychoanalytic Center (SDPC). Psychoanalytic Dialogues - Speech notes and drafts 2012 January 6
First Thursday Meeting - Notes 2012 September 6
San Diego Psychoanalytic Center (SDPC) - Promotional video transcript and commencement speech 2015
Daniel Yankelovich, Inc.
Master Probability Sample Plan ca. 1960
ABC Radio Network - The Yankelovich Report ca. 1962
Tufts New England Medical Center - Presentation 1966 January
Proposal to Provide Expert Evaluators in Areas of Manpower, Education, Housing, Aging, Community Services, Rural Services, and Other Areas of CAP Programs 1968
Past History and Future Plans 1968
The Effect of Social Trends on Future Products and Services, presented by Florence Skelly 1969
Daniel Yankelovich, Inc., Applied Full-disclosure Labels to Eight Packaged Foods - Chain Store Age 1971 January
How Consumers Rate Promotional Tactics - Chain Store Age 1971 May
DYG, Inc.
DYG SCAN (aka DYG Environmental Scanning Program, and Yankelovich Environmental Scanning Program)
Yankelovich Environmental Scanning Program - Presentation and report 1987
Sponsor Conferences - Presentations and notes 1987 November 9-1989 December 15
Briefings for Management nos. 2 and 4 1989-1990
Annual presentations 1990
Annual presentations 1991-1993
Key Trends for the 21st Century - Presentation 1998
Core Demographic Trends - Presentation notes and final draft 1998-1999
A SCAN Analysis of The Next Generation: "Generation Whatever" - Presentation 2001
SCAN Analysis of Generation Y, Generation X and Baby Boomers: Social Values, Behaviors and Demographic Insights 2001 October
Annual DYG SCAN Conference - Presentation transcripts, notes, and materials 1988-2003
The SOS Framework - Executive Summary and presentation 2003-2004
Intergenerational Tensions in 1987: Real or Imagined? - A national survey conducted for the American Association of Retired Persons (AARP). 1987 April
Brown University Alumni Study - Report and essay 1987 November
Aging in America: Current Trends and Future Directions - Report prepared for the Markle Foundation 1988 March
American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR). Workshop on How to Use the Roper Poll - Presentation outline 1988 March
The Climate for Giving: The Outlook of Current and Future CEOS - Report prepared for the Council on Foundations 1988 September
Long Term Care in America: Public Attitudes and Possible Solutions - Report and Executive Summary 1989 December-1990 January
Healthcare Reform in America - Report prepared for the American Association of Retired Persons (AAPOR). 1992 March
The Knoll Group. Public Release Research on Work, Workers, and the Office of the Future of North America - Research proposal 1992 October 30
What Creates Health?: Individuals and Communities Respond - Study conducted for The Healthcare Forum. 1994 January
Proctor & Gamble - Presentation notes 1994 June 22
The Health Forum and Arthur Andersen. Leadership for a Healthy 21st Century - Report 1999
American Association of University Women (AAUW). Interpretation of survey - Drafts. 1999 June
Miscellaneous presentations ca. 2000
Social/Cultural Framework for Understanding and Dealing with the Employee Challenge - Presentation 2000
People for the American Way. Press Conference - Transcript 2000 March 10
The National Urban League. Spotting Talent and Potential study - Drafts and correspondence 2000-2001
Correspondence 2001
Juggling Generations - Presentation ca. 2001
Marketing in a Climate of Mistrust - Presentation 2002
DYG Dialog - Newsletters 1998-2002
Colgate-Palmolive - Presentation 2002 August 26
Restoring Public Trust: How Can Business Best Respond to the Crisis in Trust? - Report draft 2002 September
A Glimpse Ahead to 2013 A.D. - Presentation 2003 March 12
Colgate-Palmolive. Bi-Polar Disorder - Presentation 2004 April
DYG Digit - Newsletters 2002-2006
DYG East Coast Conference - Presentations 2003-2006
DYG West Coast Conference - Presentations 2002-2007
Kettering Foundation
Public Agenda Foundation. Divided Within, Besieged Without - Report draft 1993 June 15
Roundtable on Democracy Research - Remarks notes 2001 May 7
Speech transcript 2003 December 10
Americans' Role in the World - Panel notes 2004 October 7
Annual Board of Trustees Meeting - Speech drafts and correspondence 1982-2006
Correspondence 1992-1994
Leadership Learning Network, Inc.
Research and notes ca. 1998
Business plan - Notes and partial outline 1998
Logos designed by Gustavo Camps 1998 June 9-July 7
Dialogue seminars for clergy - Outline 1998 September
Dialogue Seminar #1 Corporate Model - Draft 1998 October
Market strategy notes and nonprofit corporation registration 1998 September 22-December 24
Correspondence 1997-1999
Dialogue Mastery Seminar - Drafts, correspondence, and Facilitator's Script 1997-1999
Dialogue Mastery Seminar - Drafts, correspondence, and Facilitator's Script 1997-1999
Notebook 1999
Proctor & Gamble. Project on the 55+ market - Proposal and correspondence 1999-2000
Survey for teachers ca. 2000
Corporate Dialogue Seminars Workbook - Draft #1 2000
Proposal for project on Social Security 2000
Negotiations with Monsanto 2000
Brochure outlines and drafts 2000 May-September
Public Agenda Foundation
Moral Leadership in Government - Report 1976 September
The Work Ethic and Economic Vitality - Report draft 1982 June 1
Wharton/Reliance Symposium. The Work Ethic and Economic Vitality - Draft of remarks 1983 April 22
The Inflation Test: Sizing Up Candidates for the Presidency - Report to the Ford Foundation 1983 November
Notes on SchoolVote issues 1985 March
United States Department of Labor. Executive Development Seminar - Presentation notes 1986 April
Brown University and Carnegie Corporation of New York. Collaboration on Study of Public Attitudes and Knowledge About Nuclear Arms Policy and U.S.-Soviet Relations - Proposal and grant 1986 April
Network Project - Project outline and timeline 1987 November 23
Memo from John Doble and Amy Richardson with poll data and notes 1988
Saving: Good or Bad - Correspondence regarding report 1989
United States Congress. Competitiveness Caucus meeting - Presentation notes 1989 March 2
The Public, The Soviets, and Nuclear Arms - Paper draft, report and notes 1983-1989
The Kettering Foundation. National Forums - Notes and correspondence 1990 March 25
The Kettering Foundation. Dartmouth Conference XVII - "Hello in Minsk" interview notes 1990 July 6
ABC. Meeting on Workforce Literacy - Speech notes 1990 October 16
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF). Crisis in the Work Force: Help Wanted campaign - Notes for Phoenix 1991 January 31
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF). Crisis in the Work Force: Help Wanted campaign - "They Should Learn What I Learned in School" speech by Deborah Wadsworth 1991 May 3
Business-Higher Education Forum (B-HEF). Winter Meeting - Presentation on update of Crisis in the Workforce: Help Wanted 1992 February 2
National Governor's Association. Winter Meeting - Crisis in the Workforce: Help Wanted presentation notes, transcript, and slides 1992 February 4