Ed Davis was appointed Chief of the Los
Angeles Police Department in 1969. He was elected State Senator in 1980 for California's
19th District, and re-elected again in 1984. This small collection of primarily published
material contains correspondence, mailings, newspaper clippings, newsletters, pamphlets,
reports, studies, and related documents covering special topics. Of particular significance
are the state reports on hazardous waste, and toxic substances and legislative proposals
from Senator Davis's office.
Ed Davis was appointed Chief of the Los Angeles Police Department in 1969. During his eight
years as Chief of Police, he created the now-famous Neighborhood Watch program, was elected
President of the International Association of Chiefs of Police, and served for two years as
Chairman of the Police Task Force of the National Advisory Commission on Criminal Justice
Standards and Goals.
Copyright for unpublished materials authored or otherwise produced by the creator(s) of
this collection has not been transferred to California State University, Northridge.
Copyright status for other materials is unknown. Transmission or reproduction of materials
protected by U.S. Copyright Law (Title 17, U.S.C.) beyond that allowed by fair use requires
the written permission of the copyright owners. Works not in the public domain cannot be
commercially exploited without permission of the copyright owners. Responsibility for any
use rests exclusively with the user.
The collection is open for research use.