This collection consists of two binders and thirteen film reels of material related to the Planetary Atmosphere Experiments
Test (PAET) Project. The first binder, which was compiled by PAET Project Manager David E. Reese, primarily contains logistical
documents for the flight, including pre-flight test data sheets and reliability and quality assurance reports. The second
binder contains photographs detailing the PAET vehicle and payload instruments. Thirteen film reels capture various flight
stages of the PAET probe, including, probe launch, drop test, and splashdown
By 1970, NASA had established a planetary exploration program for future missions to Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. One
of the primary objectives of these interplanetary missions was to gain a better understanding of atmospheric properties on
other planets, but the methods and instrumentation necessary to achieve this end had to first be tested. The idea that an
entry probe could be used to determine the structure and characteristics of a planet's atmosphere was put forth by Ames planetary
scientist Alvin Seiff. The PAET project was the first time Seiff's conception of probe technology was tested.
Number of containers: 14
Volume: .35 cubic feet, 13 film reels
Copyright does not apply to United States government records. For non-government
material, researcher must contact the original creator.
Collection is open for research.