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Guide to the Western Pacific Railroad Authorities for Expenditure (AFE) Collection MS 918
MS 918  
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Series 1: AFE Indexes

Scope and Contents

Index cards and record books all provide some basic information about AFEs generated by the Western Pacific Railroad, including AFE numbers, date of creation, description of project and date of completion. They have been divided into two subseries:
1.1 AFE index cards, 1910-1983 and 1.2 AFE record books, 1913-1921. There are more AFEs listed in these records than we have AFE project files.

Subseries 1.1. AFE Index Cards, 1910-1983

Scope and Contents

As projects were assigned AFE numbers, the department which had charge of the project would prepare index cards to keep track of projects. Managers and clerks would refer to the index cards to find the AFE files for review or document filing. Some indexes would be arranged by station or location, and others by year assigned or by project type. Individual departments would prepare their own indexes for their own purposes.
It is important to note that a project having an AFE number might be cancelled or postponed depending on availability of funding or last-minute change of plans. This would be noted on the index cards in most but not all cases. Some AFEs would be carried over to following years under the same number. AFEs approved toward the end of the year would of necessity be completed in the following year.
Index cards may include the following information about each AFE: CE number, CMO number, GMO number (1917-1921), project description and project location.
There are several sets of AFE index cards in this collection:
1. Station indexes, which list AFEs arranged by station.
2. Chronological index of AFEs, arranged by year of approval.
3. WP's Chief Engineer AFEs, including station indexes for the Northern California Extension (completed in 1931).
4. Sacramento Northern Railroad index, which includes AFEs by station, year, AFE number and President's numbers.
5. Signal Department AFE index is arranged by location, project type and AFE number.
6. Division Engineer AFE index is arranged by project or equipment type.
7. Finance Department AFE index includes only structures and equipment, 1952-1982.

Subseries 1.2. AFE Record Books, 1913-1921

Scope and Contents

The AFE Record books provide a list of AFEs issued between March 1913 and July 1921. It includes the following information about each project: date the AFE was issued, when it was approved by the executive committee, a description of the project, when work started, when it was completed, estimated costs, material and labor costs, and pay roll voucher numbers. Arranged in chronological order.

Series 2: AFE Project Files, 1910-1983

Scope and Contents

Many of the AFEs in the collection donated by Virgil Staff and covering the period 1910 to 1956 originated in the Western Pacific Railroad's Engineering, Bridges and Roadway Department. They include improvements and additions to spurs, culverts, bridges, trestles, and yards. The Union Pacific donation includes AFEs generated between 1967 to 1983 pertaining to the purchase, modification and retirement of rolling stock and locomotives, tools, and machines for shops. This collection does not include AFEs between 1957 and 1966. However, some information about AFEs between these years can be found the the AFE index cards.
Each AFE file may include the following: the AFE form, correspondence, bills of lading, completion reports, record of material used and labor expended on the AFE, drawings or sketches, and specifications. The AFE form includes information about the project, including the purpose of the project, reason for the extension, improvements or other change, a breakdown of costs of projects and a detailed estimate of labor and material costs.
Additional Western Pacific AFE files are located at the Western Railway Museum.