Finding aid for the M. Knoedler & Co. artist files, approximately 1890-1971 2012.M.54.S7A
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Artist files, Series VII.A. approximately 1890-1971
Abbate, Niccolò dell' (Abate, Niccolò dell')
A2964 (Eros and Psyche)
Research files
Abbey, Edwin Austin: Unspecified number: D18907
Abbott, Lemuel Francis
12451 (Portrait of Alexander Hood, 1st Viscount Bridport)
14522 (Portrait of Nelson)
15218 (Lord Nelson)
15382 (Lord Nelson)
15714 (Sir Francis Bassett, Bart.)
15751 (Admiral Lord Nelson)
15768 (Admiral Voxhall)
15769 (Mrs. Voxhall)
16025 (Lord Saint Vincent)
A1778 (Major M. Forbes)
A424, A4772 (George Gun-Cuninghame, Esq.)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Research files
Abner: Plate number: 23998
Adams, Wayman
A2801, A3844 (Child with Doll)
Research files
Adams, W. Dacres: Unspecified number: 42
Adler, Jankel
Unnumbered photograph
Adriaenssen, Alexander
A3012 (Flower Piece)
Research files
Adrian, Gilbert
S2062, A7049 (The Visitors)
S1694, CA6393 (The Animal Market)
Unnumbered photographs
Research files
Adrion, Lucien
A3112 (Bois-de-Boulogne)
A9266 (Les boulevards des Italiens et Haussmann)
CA2614 (Rue sous la neige)
CA2461, CA2848 (Tribunes de Longchamp, Paris)
CA2359, CA3594 (Le rond-point des Champs-Elysées)
Research files
Aelst, William van
13410 (Still Life with Flowers)
A7289 (Still Life)
Research files
African Sculpture
Unnumbered photograph ([Animal])
Unnumbered photograph ([Helmet and Staffs?])
Unnumbered photograph (Masks)
Unnumbered photograph (Two Masks and Figurine)
Agam, Yaacov
Unnumbered photograph (Juillard: 2 cadres)
Unnumbered photograph (Juillard: 1 cadre)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
Unnumbered photograph (Tente d'Agam)
Unnumbered photograph (Cœur battant)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
Unnumbered photograph (Anneau puissance)
Unnumbered photograph (Mille portes)
Black-and-white photographs
Aivazovsky (Ajvazovskij, Ivan Kostantinovic): Unnumbered photograph
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
Aken, François van: 16593 (Convent Garden)
Aken, Joseph van
A2076 (The Man of Ross: Group of Figures before an Inn)
Research files
Albano, Francesco (Albani, Francesco): Research files
Albers, Josef: Plate number: 25138
Albertinelli, Mariotto
(5583), 13200 (Virgin and Child with Saint John)
A3045 (The Fall of Man)
A3046 (Abraham's Sacrifice)
Research files
Receiving number: 68474
Unnumbered transparency
Alexander, Cosmo
A1924 (Portrait of a Man)
A7421 (Girl with Squirrel)
A7422 (Girl with Lamb)
CA1949 (Portrait of the Honorable John Ross)
CA1950 (Portrait of Mrs. Catherine Gurney, Daughter of the Honorable John Ross)
Research files
Alexander, Francis
Research files
Alexander, Guy: Research files
Alexander, John White
16175 (La dame au chat)
A2456 (Portrait of Thomas Nast)
CA7098, A8980 (Rodin)
A9253 (Portrait of Jeannette Chalmonley Jones)
Research files
14448 (Portrait of West Australian on a Race Course)
(6414a), 14717a (Landscape with Gentlemen Angling)
(6415), 14718 (A Pair of Coaching Scenes)
15262 (Hunting Scene)
16519 (Finding the Scent)
16520 (Tally-ho)
16549 (Man Shooting)
16774 (The Meet)
16775 (Finding the Scent)
16776 (In Full Cry)
16777 (The Death)
(8084), 16862 (The Start for the Derby)
16863 (Coming in from the Derby)
(8254), 17012 (Hunting Scene)
(8255), 17013 (Hunting Scene)
(8256), 17014 (Hunting Scene)
(8257), 17015 (Hunting Scene)
16684, A123 (Racing Subject)
16685, A124 (Racing Subject)
A173 (Going to the Meet)
A394 (Hunting Scene)
A523a (Point-to-Point Race)
A523b (Point-to-Point Race)
A523c (Point-to-Point Race)
A523d (Point-to-Point Race)
A549 (Shooting Scene)
A553 (The Brook)
A554 (The Bank)
A567 (Point-to-Point Race)
A792 (Sporting Picture)
A842 (4 photographs of 4 works)
A842 (Breaking Cover)
A842 (Full Cry)
A842 (The Death)
A842 (Fox Hunting: Full Cry)
CA4398, A843 (4 photographs of 4 works)
CA4398, A843 (The Meet)
CA4398, A843 (Breaking Cover)
CA4398, A843 (Full Cry)
CA4398, A843 (The Death)
A896 (Steeplechasing)
A897 (Steeplechasing)
A898 (Steeplechasing)
A899 (Steeplechasing)
A934 (Horses and Carriage in a Winter Landscape)
A1093 (Going to the Derby)
A1363 (Start for the Derby)
A1363a (The Finish of the Derby)
A669, A1410 (A Few of the Right Sort Going to Do the Right Thing)
A958, A1411 (Gone Away: Forward Duke of Rutland's Hunt)
A769, A1412 (Coaching Scene: Spring)
A770, A1413 (Coaching Scene: Summer)
A771, A1414 (Coaching Scene: Autumn)
A772, A1415 (Coaching Scene: Winter)
A1480 (Duck Shooting)
A1481 (Pheasant Shooting)
A2203 (The Aylesbury, Tring Road)
A2204 (The Telegraph)
A2298 (Coaching at Goodwood)
A2340 (Over the Stream)
A2341 (Check)
A2342 (Full Cry)
A2343 (The Death)
13504a, C5404 (4 photographs of 4 works)
13504a, C5404 (Coaching Scene: Halt at the Inn)
13504b, C5404 (Coaching Scene: Hounds with fox)
13504c, C5404 (Coaching Scene with a Coach Blocked by Sheep)
13504d, C5404 (Coaching Scene with Huntsmen and Hound)
CA535 (Fox Hunting)
CA536 (Fox Hunting)
CA537 (Fox Hunting)
17012, CA567 (Hunting Scene)
17013, CA570 (Finding the Scent)
17014, CA571 (The Water Jump)
17015, CA572 (The Death)
14717, CA842 (Landscape with Men Angling)
14717, CA843 (Landscape with Men Angling)
14718, CA844 (Coaching Scene)
14718, CA845 (Coaching Scene)
CA1743 (The Hunt)
CA1744 (Tally-Ho)
CA1745 (The Death)
CA2363 (The Meet)
CA2364 (The Start)
CA2365 (Full Cry)
CA2366 (The Kill)
CA2782 (The Meet)
CA2783 (Over the Stream)
CA2784 (The Death)
CA2785 (Full Cry)
CA563, CA3694 (Fox Hunting)
CA564, CA3695 (Fox Hunting)
CA3711 (The Start for the Derby of 1847)
CA3712 (Cossack, Winning the Derby of 1847)
CA5436 (Hunting Scene)
CA7257, WCA2107 (Fox Hunting)
CA7258, WCA2108 (Fox Hunting)
CA7259, WCA2109 (Fox Hunting)
CA7260, WCA2110 (Fox Hunting)
WCA2566 (7 Figures)
Unspecified number: 51367
Research files
Alken, Samuel
A412 (Training)
A413 (Rubbing Down)
A414 (Preparing for the Race)
A415 (The Race)
A545 (Full Cry)
A1124 (Truffles)
A2243 (An Angler Trolling for Pike)
A2244 (Two Anglers Fishing for Perch)
A2324 (Well Over)
A2325 (Check)
A2326 (The Find)
A2327 (The Death)
A6987 (Shooting Scene)
A6988 (Shooting Scene)
A714, CA1613, CA1013 (Sporting)
A715, CA1014 (Sporting)
A716, CA1620, CA1015 (Full Cry)
A350, CA5448 (Duck Shooting)
Research files
Allen, Hervey: Unnumbered photograph
Allen, Thomas
Research files
For Allori, see Bronzino [Divider]
Allport, Henry Curzon: A4727 (Still Life with Fruit)
Allston, Washington
A2883 (Florimel)
A3749 (Italian Landscape)
A5093 (Mediterranean Coast Scene)
A5810 (The Broken Jug)
A5554 (Chalk Drawing for "Landscape")
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
CA3472, CA3959 [Empty folder] (Una Sleeping in a Wood)
Certificates of authentication
Research files
Alma-Tadema, Laura Theresa
(1732), 8154 (The Persistent Reader)
(1873), 8361 (A False Conclusion)
(2249), 8869 (The N.Y. Lady)
9289 (The Poet's Flower)
10772 (Flowers de luce)
9475, 10958 (Sisters)
Alma-Tadema, Lawrence
6853 (Love's Missile)
7213 (The Exedra Seat)
8370 (Melody)
(2181), 8866 (Conversion of Paul)
8760, 9387 (Hero)
9907 (Caracalla)
10171 (Amo te, ama me)
10344, 10376 (A Peaceful Wooing)
4107, 11192 (Bacchus)
C3365, 11354 (Bath of Caracalla)
10929, 11397 (Waiting)
11765, 12014 (A Message of Love)
4106, 11191, 12350 (The Poet Gallus)
14465 (The Year's at the Spring. All's Right with the World)
(4047), 11067, C3642 (Ask Me No More)
7923, C4870 (Unwelcome Confidence)
Unnumbered photograph (Going to Church)
Unnumbered photograph (A Reading from Homer)
Research files
Altdorfer, Albrecht
CA3724 (The Fall of Man)
CA3724 (Bacchus)
CA3724 (Mari)
CA3724 (Adam and Eve)
Research files
Amberger, Christoph
A5603 (Barbara Schwarz)
Research files
American Interest
Number 1 (1 photograph of 1 work)
Number 2, 3, 4 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Number 5, 6, 7 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Number 8, 9, 10 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Number 11, 12, 13 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Number 14, 16, 17, 18, 26 (1 photograph of 5 works)
Number 15, 20, 21, 23, 25 (1 photograph of 5 works)
Number 19, 22, 24, 27, 28, 29 (1 photograph of 6 works)
Unnumbered photograph [1]
Unnumbered photograph [2]
Unnumbered photograph [3]
Unnumbered photograph [4]
Unnumbered photograph [5]
Unnumbered photograph [6]
Unnumbered photograph [7]
Unnumbered photograph [8]
Research files
A1222 (Portrait of a Girl)
A1462 (Portrait of a Man)
A1575 (Portrait of Daniel Webster)
A1677 ([Landscape])
A2193 (Capture of Major André)
A2253 (Man of the Jonathan Matteson Family, Rhode Island)
A2254 (Woman in Sheer Cap)
A2255 (Man with Rule (A Shipwright))
A2258 (Girl with Pantaloons)
A2259 (Hunting Scene)
A2261A (Sporting Scene)
A2261B (Sporting Scene)
A2261C (Sporting Scene)
A2262 (Fishing Scene in the Catskills)
A2263 (Portrait of a Girl)
A2264 (Flowers)
A2276 (Portrait of a Man)
A2309 (Portrait of a Woman)
A2329 (Portrait of Mrs. Hause)
A2464 (Hiawatha)
A2465 (Mallows and Greenery)
A2467 [Empty folder] (Christmas in 1862)
A2487 (Portrait of a Man Said to Be Samuel Wilson)
CA1905, A2575 (Winter Evening)
A2635 (Portrait of Mrs. John Ashley)
A2664 (Connecticut Landscape)
A2765 (Child with Dog)
A2885 (Locomotive Entering Yard at Night)
A2935 [Empty folder] (Portrait of John Adams)
A2950 (United States and Macedonian)
A3062 (Portrait of a Child Holding a Garland of Flowers)
A3162 (Washington Family)
A3182 (Man and His Dog)
A3317 (Portrait of a Lady with a Lace Cap (Miss Cannon of Dover and Wilmington, Delaware))
A3399 (Portrait of a Lady)
A3400 (Portrait of a Lady)
A3401 (Portrait of a Man)
A3402 (Portrait of a Man)
A3415 (Fox Hunting)
A3495 (Portrait of a Man)
A3613 (Portrait of a Young Girl)
A3676 (Man in Uniform)
A3891 (Portrait of Mrs. Nathaniel Gardner)
A4079 (Sunset in the Hudson Highlands)
A4107 (Portrait of Mrs. Berger)
A4292 (California Red Wood Tree)
A4372 (Portrait of a Man)
A4373 (Portrait of a Woman)
A4707 (Portrait of Sarah Badger)
A4708 (Portrait of William Badger)
A4728 (Little Girl Seated and Holding Cat)
A4732 (Portrait of a Lady)
A4733 (Philip Titus Heartt)
A4745 (Family Group)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
A4911 (Harbor Scene)
A4912 (Landscape)
A5062 (Portrait of a Negro)
A5363 (Fort Humboldt, California)
A5364 (Fort Humboldt, California)
A5439 (Indian Camp)
A5475 (Western Landscape)
A5573 (Flowers)
A5580 (Walt Whitman)
A5684 (Saratoga Lake)
A5685 (Tomb of Kosciusko, West Point)
A5686 (View of Hyde Park, Hudson River)
A5687 (View from Mount Holyoke, Massachusetts)
A5688 (Still Life with Violin)
A5692 (Five Dollar Bill)
A5693 (One Hundred Dollar Bill)
A5698 (Rodman M. Price)
A5700 (Portrait of a Lady)
A5701 (Portrait of a Man)
A5740 (Harmony Child Wight)
A5741 (Oliver Wight)
A5795 (Still Life with Red Chestnut Burrs, Indian Bottle and Knife)
A6019 (Return of the Runaway)
A6274 (Robert F. Stockton)
A6309 (Landing Party on Tropic Isle)
A6359 (Sarah Johnson of Mohawk, New York)
A6479 (Portrait of John Rutherford)
A6480 (Portrait of Mrs. Rutherford)
A6651 (Two Boys with a Dog)
A7112 (Pony Express)
A7152 (Portrait of a Woman)
A7221 (Portrait of Mrs. Seth Wilkinson with a Dog)
A7292 (Cock Fight)
A7293 (Cock Fight)
CA3510, A7485 (Portrait of a Man)
CA3523, CA3926, A7486 (Gentleman, Seated)
CA3500, CA3917, A7489 (Peter Dwight Wright, President of All Saints Temperance Society)
CA3520, A7490 (House in the Suburbs)
CA3515, A7491 (Lady with Onyx Brooch)
CA3517, CA3925, A7492 (Young Man with Boot Hook)
A7722 (Composition)
A7723 (Composition)
A8534 (L'esprit fin et tranchant : Lefebvre)
A8656 (Wax Profile of George Washington)
A9127 (Eastern Railroad, East Boston)
A2551, A9180 (Chesapeake and Shannon)
A9208 (Purple Mountains)
15000, C5024 (Man in a Grey Coat and Red Breeches)
CA1520 (Parade in Boston Commons)
CA1770 (Portrait of Abraham van Cortlandt)
A2257, CA1915 (Man's Portrait)
CA1771, CA2003 (Caleb Beck)
CA1772, CA2004 (Mrs. Caleb Beck)
A3669, CA2838 (George Washington)
CA2909 (Portrait of Mrs. Thomas Robinson)
CA2910 (Portrait of Mr. Thomas Robinson)
CA3011 (Portrait of Jonathan Benham with Dog)
CA3548 (Perspective Drawing and Study of John Biglen)
CA3578 (Battle of Lake Erie)
CA3499, CA3916 (Child with Dog)
CA3501, CA3918 (John Henry Wright, Son of Sarah Hubbell and Olney F. Wright)
CA3507, CA3921 (Child in Blue Dress)
CA3508, CA3922 (Portrait of a Lady)
CA3509, CA3923 (Portrait of a Gentleman)
CA3511, CA3924 (Child with Dog)
CA3517, CA3925 (Young Man with Boot Hook)
CA3524, CA3927 (Man with Letter)
CA3525, CA3928 (Lady in Blue)
CA3527, CA3929 (Gentleman in Black with Book)
CA3521, CA3957 (Mrs. Andrew Parsons, née Jeanne Anderson)
CA3542, CA3958 (Little Girl with Her Toys)
CA4255 (Stonewall Jackson)
CA5240 (Hansbury Sisters)
CA5241 (James Park Birth Record)
CA5243 (Pointing Hand Shop Sign)
CA5244 (Bust of George Washington)
CA5245 (Whirligig Man in Hat)
CA5314 (Landscape with Figures)
CA5736 (Washington's Tomb)
CA5737 (Mount Vernon)
CA5813 (River Landscape)
CA5814 (Shipwreck)
CA5820 (Landscape)
CA6513 (Portrait of Miss Van Alen)
CA7745 (Still Life with Birds)
CA7746 (Still Life with Birds)
CA8243 (Hudson River Scenes)
WCA1283 (Indian Chief)
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
WCA1596 (Doves)
WCA1631 (Indian and Voyagers)
WCA1632 (Indians and Voyagers)
WCA1811 (Sun River, Montana)
WCA1923 (Colonel William Frederick Cody: Buffalo Bill)
WCA1924 (Wild West: Buffalo Bill)
WCA1925 (Red Cloud: The Red Fox)
WCA1933 (Vaqueros and Bull)
WCA3590 (View of Saint Louis)
CA7348, WCA3895 (Portrait of a Girl)
CA7349, WCA3896 (Portrait of a Boy)
Receiving number: 40997
Receiving number: 53523
Receiving number: 53524
Receiving number: 54782
Receiving number: 62528
Receiving number: 64336
Receiving number: 68035
Plate number: 19671
Plate number: 22536
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph (Portrait of Mrs. Robert Stevens)
Unnumbered photograph ([U.S. Naval Hospital])
For American Primitive, also see Dietrich, Ralph Earl, Fish, and Inman Type [Divider]
Mrs. John L. Robertson American folklore collection
Receiving number: 55091
Receiving number: 55092 (Soho Shops by James Abbott McNeill Whistler)
Receiving number: 55093 (Self-portrait by James Abbott McNeill Whistler)
Receiving number: 55094 (The Cure's Class by James Abbott McNeill Whistler)
Receiving number: 55095
Receiving number: 55096
Receiving number: 55097
Receiving number: 55098
Receiving number: 55099
Receiving number: 55100
Receiving number: 55101
Receiving number: 55102
Receiving number: 55103
Receiving number: 55104
Receiving number: 55105
Receiving number: 55106
Receiving number: 55681
Receiving number: 55682
Receiving number: 55683
Receiving numbers: 55686, 55685, 55687 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Receiving number: 55688
Receiving number: 55689
Receiving number: 55690
Receiving number: 55692
Receiving number: 55693
Receiving number: 55694
Receiving number: 55695
Receiving number: 55696
Receiving number: 55697
Receiving number: 55698
Receiving number: 55700
Receiving number: 55701
Receiving number: 55702
Receiving number: 55703
Receiving number: 55704
Receiving number: 55705
Receiving number: 55706
Receiving number: 55707
Receiving number: 55708
Receiving numbers: 55715, 55716, 55735, 55714 (1 photograph of 4 works)
Receiving numbers: 55684, 55741, 55718, 55717 (1 photograph of 4 works)
Receiving number: 55720
Receiving numbers: 55722, 55721
Receiving numbers: 55743, 55734, 55723 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Receiving numbers: 55726, 55728, 55727, 55738, 55730, 55729 (1 photograph of 6 works)
Receiving numbers: 55731, 55744, 55719, 55732 (1 photograph of 4 works)
Receiving numbers: 55725, 55739, 55733 (1 photograph of 3 works)
Receiving number: 55736
Receiving number: 55737
Receiving number: 55742
Receiving number: 55740
Receiving number: 55745
Exhibition for the benefit of the Museum of American Folk Art, February 9, 1971 to March 6, 1971
Plate number: 24597
Plate number: 24598
Plate number: 24599
Plate number: 24600
Plate number: 24601
Plate number: 24602
Plate number: 24603
Plate number: 24604
Plate number: 24605
Plate number: 24606
Plate number: 24607
CA1915, A2257 (Portrait of a Man)
A2653 (Portrait of a Man Holding Lottery Tickets)
A2885 (Locomotive Entering Yard at Night)
A3495 (Portrait of a Man)
A4911 (Harbor Scene)
A4912 (Landscape)
A5692 (Five Dollar Bill)
A5698 (Rodman M. Price)
A7292 (Cock Fight)
A7293 (Cock Fight)
CA3011 (Portrait of Jonathan Benham with Dog)
WCA1811 (Sun River, Montana)
Research files
Ames, Ezra
A4458 (Portrait of Abraham van Vechten)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
CA1165 (Governor George Clinton)
CA1293 (Maria Gansevoort Melville)
CA1773 (View of Lake George and Caldwell Village)
CA1024, CA3125 (Catherine van Schaick, Wife of General Gansvoort)
CA5126 (Portrait of George Clinton)
Research files
Ames, Joseph Alexander
CA4464, A8652 (Portrait of Abraham Lincoln)
Unnumbered photographs
Research files
Amigoni, Jacopo
A135 (Fête champêtre)
Research files
A8418 (Sculpture)
Research files
For van Amsterdam, see Jacob Cornelisz [Divider]
Anderson, William
16392 (Battle of St. Vincent)
A2716 (Coast Scene with Frigate and Shipping)
Research files
André, Albert: Research files
Andrea di Bartolo
A1017 (Saint Mary Visiting the Temple)
Research files
Andrea del Castagno see Castagno
Andrea da Firenze (Andrea di Bonaiuto)
CA4323 (Pietà)
Research files
Andrea di Niccolò
14948, A2213 (Religious Scene)
Research files
Andrea del Sarto
CA2129 (Portrait of a Man Holding a Book)
WCA2144 (Head of a Woman)
Research files
Andree, Charles Hyppolite (André, Charles Hyppolite): A3922 (A Street in Paris with Figures)
Andros, Edmund
Research files
Angelico, Fra
A1687 (Madonna and Child)
A5469 (Portrait of a Pope)
CA756, CA3808 (The Nativity)
Research files
Angelis: CA16
Angillis, Pieter (Angelles, Pieter)
15682, 15868 (Old Convent Garden in 1726)
Research files
Anglo-Flemish School: Research files
Anguier, Michel: Research files
CA3511, CA3924 (Children with Dog)
Research files
Anonymous Sculpture: Research files
Anshutz, Thomas Pollock
A2208 (Way Down South)
A5694 (Interior)
Research files
Antes, Horst
A9291 (Weibliche Figur auf rotem Grund)
Research files
Antonello da Messina
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered transparency
Antoniani, Pietro
A1712 (Bay of Naples)
A1713 (Bay of Naples)
A1714 (Bay of Naples)
A1715 (Bay of Naples)
Antoniazzo Romano
Research files
Antonio del Massaro da Viterbo (Pastura): Unnumbered transparency
Antwerp, School of: Research files
Apol, Louis (Apol, Lodewijk): C3269
Appiani: Unspecified number: 63773
Aranda, José Jimenes
6748 (The Last Drop)
6810 (The Doctor)
6962 (The library)
Archipenko, Alexander: A6223 (Bronze Sculpture)
Arcimboldo, Giuseppe (Arcimboldi, Giuseppe)
A7359 (Lumière sous-bois)
A7540 (Allegory of Autumn)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
Research files
Arellano, Juan de
A225 (Flower Piece)
A226 (Flower Piece)
A2658, A2979 (A Basket of Flowers)
A8344 (Still Life)
A8345 (Still Life)
Research files
Armand-Dumaresq, Édouard
WCA1408 (Richard Henry Lee)
Research files
Armfield, George
CA4942 (Dogs)
CA4943 (Dogs)
Research files
Armstrong, William
WCA1385 (Indian Encampment)
WCA3835 (On Black Sturgeon Rock)
WCA3836 (High Rocks, Rapids)
WCA3837 (Rocky Mountains, Wyatt Valley)
WCA3838 (Nipigon River)
Research files
Arnold, Edward
A2377 (Perry's Victory on Lake Erie)
A7448 (Battle of Port Hudson)
Research files
Arp, Hans
A8654 (Composition)
CA5000 (Leaf of the Pyramids)
CA7705 (Lèvres et glace à main)
CA7706 (Les deux sœurs)
Unspecified number: 6430
Unspecified number: 6432
Research files
Artschwager, Richard: Research files
Artz, David Adolf Constant
(4185), 11175 (The Knitter)
(4682), 12069 (The First Born)
8102, 10976 (Leçon de couture)
9246, 10975 (Preparing Dinner)
Ashford, William: Research files
Asselin, Maurice: CAH8867
Ast, Balthasar van der: A49 (Flower Piece)
Asti, Angelo: C3195
Atlan, Jean
A6050 (Abstraction)
A6051 (Abstraction)
A6052 (Abstraction)
CA5474 (Equator)
CA5702 (Los Incas)
CA7794 (Composition)
Research files
Aubert, Jean
5815 (Diorama)
6552 (Voisins de campagne)
Audubon, John James
A4621 (The Night Hawks)
CA1142, CA1667 (Ivory Billed Woodpecker)
CA2361 (Squirrel)
CA2496 (Wild Turkey)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Audubon, John Woodhouse
CA7594 (Hunter and Dog)
Receiving numbers: 32296, 32297, 32298, 32297 (1 portfolio of 4 works)
Research files
Austin, Darrel
CA2589 (Summertime)
CA2590 (Gathering Storm)
Research files
Austrian Court Painter
A7435 (Portrait of Kunigunde of Austria)
Research files
Austrian School: A3644 (The Wasp and the Frolic)
Avellano, José de
Avercamp, Henrick van (Avercamp, Henrick)
WCA1914 (Paysage hivernal)
Unnumbered photograph
Avery, Milton
A4328 (Music Maker)
A4330 (Homework)
A4331 (Home Milliner)
A4332 (Red Roses and Blue Bowl)
A4337 (Sooty Ferns)
A4338 (Flowers on the Table)
A4339 (Card Game)
A4341 (The Village of Gaspé by the Sea)
A4342 (Black Tree with Yellow Sky)
A4343 (Potato Harvesters)
A4344 (Gaspé Landscape)
A5099 (Adolescence)
A4340, A7313 (Gull and Sea)
A4335, CA5062, CA5239 (Black Sea)
P358, CA5895 (Pink Field)
CA5981 (Reader by Quarry)
CA6141 (Tropical Flute Player)
CA7521 (Summer's End)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Research files
Avinoff, A.: Unnumbered photograph
Ayres, Thomas A.
Research files
Baburen, Dirck
A2503 (Backgammon Players)
Research files
Bacchiacca (Francesco Ubertini)
A2459 (Gathering the Manna in the Desert)
A5212 (Portrait of a Lady)
Research files
Bachmann, M.: CA3736 (Abraham Lincoln)
Backhuysen, Ludolf
(4710), 12081 (View of the River Y. Amsterdam in the Distance)
(4711), 12082 (Going Aboard a Man of War)
(6245), 14367 (Landing of William of Orange)
(6460), 14763 (Man of War)
A2395 (Fishing Boats on a River)
A3034 (Men-of-War and Other Ships)
A3035 (Man-of-War and Another in the Distance)
A3341 (Stormy Sea Scene)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Bacon, Francis
CA5634 [Empty folder] (Landscape in the South of France)
CA5699 (Man in a Black Suit)
CA5700 (Man on a Couch)
MA10407, T0553
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
Research files
Bacon, John, Jr.: Research files
Badger, Joseph
A4707 (Portrait of Sarah Badger)
A4708 [Empty folder] (Portrait of William Badger)
A5323 (Portrait of John Gerry)
CA2250 (Portrait of Mrs. Richard Kent, née Hannah Gookin)
A8248, KM1394 (Portrait of Sarah Larrabee Edes)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Research files
Badger, Thomas
A2624 (Portrait of Philip Symmes)
Research files
Baen, Jan de: Research files
Bail, Claude Joseph
9485 (The Cook)
10063 (Marmiton jouant)
10370 (Dutch Lace Makers)
10413 (Causerie)
10604 (A Lesson in Lace Making)
C3249, 10991 (Lace Makers)
3981, 11044 (The Milkmaid)
4110, 11199 (Brass Cleaning)
Research files
Bailly, David
CA1216 (Self-portrait of the Master)
Research files
Baker, George: 786
Baker, W. Bliss
15536 (Woodland Scene)
15544 (Wood Scene)
Bakst, Léon
CA7663 (The Masked Musicians)
WCA2460 (Female Dance)
WCA2461 (Male Dancer)
Research files
Balaÿ, Charles
01223, 11526 (Partie gagnée)
9100 (Bouquetière à Versailles)
9244 (Incroyable)
9243 (Récit de conquêtes)
9530 (Flirt on the Terrace)
10493 (Near the Well)
10495 (Les soldats de Louis XV)
11457, 11640 (The Reader)
13569 (Britanny Girls)
Folio number: 218
Folio number: 222
Folio number: 422
Baldassare d'Este (Baldassare Estense)
14490 (Portrait of Gonzaga)
Research files
Baldovinetti, Alesso (Baldovinetti, Alessio)
A4939 (Annunciation)
Research files
Ballavoine, Jules Frédérick: 9869 (Dorothy)
Ballin, Joel
A3546 (The Seine)
A3547 (Notre-Dame)
Research files
CA8117 (Le lever)
Plate number: 20422
Banck, Jan van der (Vanderbank, John)
13149, 5576 (David Colyear, 1st Earl of Portmore)
CA47 (Miss Elizabeth Affleck)
Research files
Bar, Bonaventure de: 41501
Barbet, Jehan: Research files
For Giovanni Francesco Barbieri, see Guercino [Divider]
Bard, James
A2300 (SS Daniel Drew)
A2303 (The Calhoun)
A2337 (Steamer R. L. Stevens)
Research files
Barenger, James
A369 (Shooting Scene)
A1483 (Huntsman outside a Stable with Two Grey Hounds)
A2360 (Landscape with Huntsman)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Bargue, Charles: 8673 (On Guard)
Barker, Benjamin: C5727, CA1018 (English Landscape)
Barker, Otto H.: Research files
Barker, Thomas (Barker of Bath): A1895 (Landscape)
Barlach, Ernst
CA6046 (Der Rächer)
Research files
Barnard, George Grey
CA6258 (Head of Lincoln)
CA8083 (Head of Abraham Lincoln)
Research files
Baroccio, Federico
A2595 (Portrait of the Duke of Urbino)
A2596 (Portrait of the Duke of Urbino)
Research files
Baroque paintings
Barralet, John James (Barrelet, John James)
CA3528, CA3930 (River Scene)
Research files
Barraud, François-Émile
CA1559 (Grande nature morte)
CA1563 (Pommes)
CA1568 (La ferme)
CA1569 (Les brochets)
Unnumbered photograph
A294 (William Long on Bertha)
A315 (Showing a Horse)
A332 (Waiting for the Pack)
A473 (The Old Surrey Fox Hounds)
A475 (Portrait of Mr. Metcalf, Esq., on Horseback)
A546 (Favorite Hunter and Hounds of the Marquis of Worcester)
A555 (A Horse in a Stable)
A569 (Three Horses in a Landscape)
A1156 (Mr. Maynard and Her Majesty's Beagles)
A1686 (Huntsman)
A1992, CA1206 (A Champion)
Research files
Barraud, Henry: Research files
Barret, George
17024 (River Scene with Garrick's Villa)
A3238 (Landscape with Figures in the Morning)
A3239 (Landscape with Anglers in the Evening)
A3340 (River Scene with Figures)
A3346 (Rhino)
CA1258 (Landscape)
15259, CA1432
Research files
Barrier, G.
A4876 (The Sentinel)
Research files
Bartlett, William Henry
Research files
For Di Bartolo, see Taddeo (Taddeo di Bartolo) [Divider]
Bartolommeo, Fra
CA2951 (Holy Family with Saint John)
Research files
Bartolommeo di Giovanni
A1278 (The Vision of Saint Augustine)
A1279 (Saint Francis Receiving the Stigmata)
A1280 (Saint Jerome in His Study)
A1281 (The Death of Saint Jerome)
Research files
Bartolommeo, Martino di (Martino di Bartolomeo di Biagio)
16634 (St. Peter Martyr)
Research files
Bartolozzi, Francisco (Bartolozzi, Francesco)
CA890, CA3584, WCA1275A (Death of the Earl of Chatham)
Research files
Baruchello, Gianfranco: Research files
Barye, Antoine-Louis
12146 (Lion with Serpent)
12151 (Deer)
12152 (Virginia Deer)
12165 (Bouquets)
12179 (Stag with Ten Horns)
12181 (Parrot)
12183 (Bonaparte)
12184 (Small Deer, Head Back)
12187 (Running Elephants)
12188 (Rabbit)
12189 (Panther Lying)
12191 (Tiger and Alligator)
12192 (Lion with Serpent)
12193 (Seated Lion)
12194 (Slender Deer)
12497 (Tiger and Antelope)
12498 (Tiger and Antelope)
12517 (Lion et serpent)
12520 (Serpent Suffocating a Crocodile)
12521 (Bull Attacked by a Tiger)
12523 (Jaguar Walking)
12525 (Jaguar Sleeping)
12526 (African Elephant)
12527 (Panther and Crocodile)
12528 (Elephant of Senegal)
12530 (Doe Lying Down)
12531 (Panther Holding a Horse's Head)
12533 (Lion with a Wild Boar)
12534 (Wild Cat Carrying off a Heron)
12535 (Bear Standing)
12536 (Tiger and Crocodile)
12538 (Dogs Pointing Pheasant)
12548 (Panther Jumping on Ganges Deer)
12557 (Bull Attacked by a Tiger)
12558 (Lion Lying Down Holding an Antelope)
12576 (Deer)
12577 (Panther Jumping on Deer)
12587 (Alligator Devouring an Antelope)
12588 (Lion Devouring a Deer)
12589 (Eagle and Ethiopian Deer)
12593 (Lion Walking)
12595 (Dachshund)
12596 (Dachshund)
12598 (Hermione)
12616 (Camel)
12617 (Bear Playing)
12618 (Jaguar au gavial)
12842 (Half-bred Horse)
12846 (Turtle)
12847 (Snake Suffocating an Antelope)
12849 (Eagle on a Rock)
12875 (Leopard and Deer)
12908 (Lion Walking)
12909 (Tiger Walking)
12970 (Lion with Lifted Paw)
12972 (Tiger and Gavial)
12976 (Deer with Lifted Paw)
13032 (Stag Attacked by Hounds)
13821 (Stag Sharpening His Antlers)
14119 (Serpent)
12524, 14275 (Tiger Attacking a Deer)
14323 (Elephant Crushing Tiger)
14477 (Eagle)
14478 (Deer)
15055 (Hound)
C5205, 15160 (Lynx and Deer)
C5206, 15161 (Wild Cat and Heron)
C5207, 15162 (Lion)
C5208, 15163 (Trapped Wolf)
C5209, 15164 (Zebu)
C5210, 15165 (Eagle and Snake)
C5211, 15166 (Lioness and Deer)
C5214, 15169 (Hound)
C5217, 15171 (Dogs and Rabbit)
C5218, 15172 (Eagle and Hare)
C5220, 15174 (Lioness Lying)
C5224, 15175 (Horse and Lion)
C5225, 15176 (Lioness Standing)
A734 (Lion)
A735 (Tiger)
A1006 (Dog)
12512, A2183 (Tiger and Crocodile)
A3491 (Setter at Point)
A6695 (Tiger)
C5560 (Eagle and Heron)
C5561 (Eagle and Heron)
C5568 (Listening Stag)
15167, C5212, CA292 (Dachshund)
15168, C5213, CA293 (Dachshund)
15170, C5215, CA294 (Dachshund Seated)
12537, CA295 (Deer with Raised paw)
15303, CA296 (Family of Deer)
C5565, CA297 (Lioness Standing)
CA1124 (Jaguar Seizing Alligator)
CA1126 (Lynx and Deer)
CA1127 (Deer)
CA1271 (Horse)
15173, C5219, CA1403 (Parrot)
CA1709 (Eagle Standing on a Goat)
CA1817 (Tiger)
CA1888 (Lioness)
12148, CA2394 (Tiger Devouring a Deer)
CA7680 (Lioness)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Bassano, Jacopo (Jacopo da Ponte)
13025 (A Venetian Senator)
A4221 [Empty folder] (Spring Sowing)
A8824 (The Entry into the Ark)
A8825 (Noah's Family)
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white negatives
Color transparencies
CA2956 (Adoration of the Shepherds)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Papers and black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color slide and print
Bastert, Nicolaas: 9949, 10601, 13729 (Vue de rivière)
Bastien-Lepage, Jules: 7572, 11586 (L'Annonciation aux bergers)
Battaglioli, Francesco
A3300 (Scene in Faenza)
Research files
Battoni, Pompeo Girolamo
15581 (Group Portrait of Four Gentlemen)
15611 (Family Group of Sir George Elliott, Bart.)
CA1233 (Portrait of Mr. Illingworth)
Research files
Bauchant, André
A5211 (Bowl of Flowers)
A5422 (Le jardinier)
A7322 (Tropical Birds)
A7323 (Landscape at Sunset)
A7324 (Monte-Carlo)
A7325 (Still Life with Flowers in a Landscape)
A7557 (Figures in a Landscape)
A7628 (Bouquet de fleurs dans un vase)
A8481 (Fleurs)
A9244 (Les oiseaux)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparency
CA4834 (Nature morte)
CA5775 (Kermesse à Château-Renault)
CA6575 (Vase of Flowers)
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Unspecified number: 20220-13
Unspecified number: 20220-32
Unspecified number: 20220-52
Unspecified number: 20220-53
Unspecified number: 20220-55
Unspecified number: 20220-65
Unspecified number: 20220-66
Unspecified number: 20220-67
Unspecified number: 20220-70
Unspecified number: 20220-72
Unspecified number: 20220-74
Unspecified number: 20220-83
Unspecified number: 20220-86
Unspecified number: 20220-88
Unspecified number: 20220-89
Unspecified number: 20220-91
Unspecified number: 20220-93
Unspecified number: 20220-95
Unspecified number: 20220-100
Unspecified number: 20220-106
Unspecified number: 20220-113
Unspecified number: 20220-118
Unspecified number: 20220-121
Unspecified number: 20220-139
Unspecified number: 20225-8
Unspecified number: 20225-13
Unspecified number: 20225-18
Bauer, Conrad
A995, A2001 (Portrait of a Young Woman)
Research files
Baumhofer, Walter M.
Research files
Baynes, Keith: Exhibit number: 19
Bazaine, Jean
A8847 (Landscape)
A8848 (Arbre)
Research files
Bazille, Jean-Frédéric
A5950 (Terrasse de Méric)
A8160 (Self-portrait)
CA5703 (Portrait of a Man and Woman)
Research files
Beach, Thomas
A403 (Portrait of the Artist)
A678 (Major Earl Hawker)
A1339 (Samuel Pytts)
A1612 (Portrait of a Boy)
A1784 (Miss Rebecca Steward)
A1811 (Portrait of Robert Ramsay)
6906, 15406, CA640 (Portrait d'homme)
Research files
Beal, Gifford Reynolds
14958 (Landscape)
CA6733 (Apple Blossoms)
CA7419 (The Battery)
Research files
Beale, J. B.
Beale, Mary
13954 (Gentleman in Armor with Lace cravat)
13955 (Portrait of a Lady in a Yellow and White Dress)
14086 (Portrait of a Lady)
A1676 (Portrait of Gilbert Burnet)
A3759 [Empty folder] (Portrait of a Man in Armor)
Research files
Beardsley, Aubrey Vincent: Research files
Beare, George
A752, A1019 (Portrait of a Girl)
Research files
Beauduin, Jean: 10078 (Rêve d'Orient)
Beaux, Cecilia: Unspecified number: 33
Beckmann, Max
Receiving number: 58289
Unnumbered photograph
Beechey, George: Research files
Beechey, William
1045, 7658 (Two Children in a Landscape)
7943 (Portrait of Lady Somerset)
10872 (Portrait of Duke of Cumberland)
4497, 11803 (Portrait of Ichabod Wright of Mapperley Hall, Nottingham, Founder of the Banking Firm of J.J.C. Wright and Co., Nottingham)
4498, 11804 (Portrait of Harriet Maria Day, Daughter of Benjamin Day of Great Yarmouth)
11822 (Portrait Group of a Nobleman's Family with a Dog)
4728, 11805, 12048 (Portrait of Jeremiah Ives, Esq. of Catton Hall, Norfolk, Alderman of the City of Norwich)
4729, 11806, 12049 (Portrait of Miss Carew Who Married Jeremiah Ives of Catton Hall, Norfolk)
5353, 12961 (Portrait of Colonel Gilbert Congalton)
13298 (Portrait of an Officer)
6165, 14108
6206, 14269 (Portrait of Mrs. Wells)
6875, 15383 (Charles Dibden)
7135, 15716 (John Trotter)
F646, 14484, 16016 (Master Henry Boyce and Dog)
6448, 7520, 14765, 16232 (Portrait of a Gentleman)
8072, 16850, A1058 (Portrait of the Artist)
A1190 (Edward Lind and His Son, Montague)
A1200 (King George III and the Prince of Wales in a Battle Scene)
A1399 (Sir Robert Barclay)
A1478 (Master James Hatch)
A1611 (Charles Dumergue)
A1896 (Thomas Starkey, Esq.)
A1977 (The Spanish Shawl)
11316, A3482 (Mrs. Weyland)
CA222 (Portrait of an Officer)
A895, CA776 (Robert Alcock Barker)
A894, CA777 (Mrs. Alice Barker)
14182, CA1351 (The Wedderburn Children)
CA1678 (Montague, Lord Norreys)
CA2497 (Portrait of Charles Catton the Younger)
CA3178 (Portrait of a Lady)
12345, A4718, CA3665 (Boy with Bow)
CA4272 (Mrs. Mark Pringle)
CA4585 (Portrait of Thomas Aston Coffin)
11758, 12685, CA5974 (Portrait of H.R.H., Duke of Goucester)
CA7292 (Portrait of Captain John Miller Adye, RN)
Receiving number: 67287
Research files
Beerbohm, Max: Unnumbered photograph
Beere, Jan de: A952 (The Infant Christ Enthroned)
Beers, Carl: WCA769 (Bar Harbor, Maine)
Beers, Jan van
9512 (Rosy Dreams)
9747 (La fileuse)
Beerstraten, Jan: Research files
Beert, Osias: CA5837
Black-and-white photograph
Color transparency
Bega, Cornelis Pietersz: A1261 (Peasant Interior)
Bell, Edward
13371 (Japanese Screen)
13381 (The Antique Fan)
Belle, Alexis-Simon
15366 (Portrait of a Young Princess Holding a Dog)
Research files
Bellini, Giovanni
13260, 12932 (Saint Francis of Assisi Standing Before His Cell in the Attitude of Prayer)
16203 (Portrait of a Gentleman)
A1825 (Adoration)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
CA2949 (Portrait of a Lady)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Bellini, Jacopo
A1614 (Francisco Petrarca)
Research files
Bellmer, Hans
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Bellotto, Bernardo (Canaletto)
10497 (View of the Grand Canal in Venice)
4935, 12442 (View of the Grand Canal in Venice)
5252, 12701 (Buildings on the Grand Canal in Venice)
4469, 11730, 13731 (Venetian Scene)
11731, 13732 (Venetian Scene)
16486 (View of Venice)
A696 (Ansicht von Schloßhof bei Wien)
A1392 (View of a Town)
A1656 (View of Dresden, the Old Bridge and Hofkirche from the West)
A1657 (View of Dresden, the Old Bridge and Hofkirche from the East)
A1902 (Myseus on the Elbe)
A4142 (A View of Turin)
A4143 (A Town on the River Po)
A1709, A4477 (La place du marché à Pirna)
CA770 (An Italian Town)
A644, CA5386 (Church of P.P. della Carità Rochetini)
A8565, CA6514 (Architectural Capriccio)
Research files
Bellotto, School of
A3577 (The Grand Canal with the Church of Santa Maria di Nazareth or degli Scalzi, Venice)
A3668 (The Pantheon in Rome)
Research files
Bellows, George
A2521 (Portrait of Mrs. Robert Henri)
A3006 (Girl at the Piano)
A4636 (Criehaven, Maine)
A1519, A4440 (Fountain in Central Park)
C4986, C5249
CA1847 (Summer City)
C5266, 15563, CA1850 (The Skeleton)
CA2152 (The Picnic)
CA2347 (The Big Dory)
CA3140 (Morning Snow)
CA3430 (A Fresh Breeze)
CA4824 (Sea)
6206, A2626, CA5086 (Coming Squall, Hudson River)
A7052, CA5267, CA5812 (Summer Blue)
A7143, CA5266, CA5997 (Fishing Harbor, Monhegan Island)
CA7598 (Village on the Hill)
CA7735 (Black Mood)
CA8092 (Oxteam in Malinicus)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparency
WCA1274 (Election Night)
WCA1511 (Introducing the Champion)
WCA2515 (Reclining Nude)
CA6061, WCA3439 (Counted Out)
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Receiving number: 62632
Receiving number: 66483
Research files
Belton, F.S.: WCA1122 and WCA1123 (1 photograph of 2 works)
Beltz: Plate number: 23719
Belvedere, Andrea (attributed to)
A8692 (Neapolitan Still Life)
Black-and-white print and negative
Color transparencies
Research files
Bemelmans, Ludwig: Research files
Benaglio, Francesco
A4849 (La Vierge à l'Enfant)
Research files
Bénard, Henri
9315 (Flower Girl)
9966 (Les bulles de savon)
Benbridge, Henry
A2598 (Colonel William Grayson)
10776AO, A5905 (Portrait of a Boy)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
11213AO, A5652, A8873 (Portrait of a Woman)
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
11214AO, A5651, A8874 (Portrait of a Man)
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph
Color transparencies
Research files
CA1609 (Plaque with Figures and Background of Six Rosettes)
CA1610 (Idiophone in Form of a Bird)
CA1611 (Leopard)
CA1728 (Flute Player)
CA1785 (Head)
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Benson, Ambrosius
A912 (Portrait of a Man)
A1204 (Portrait of a Man)
A1205 (Portrait of a Lady)
A931, A2079 (Portrait of a Man)
A483, A2428, CA1285 (Saint John)
A484, A2429, CA1286 (The Virgin Mary)
CA4028 (Portrait of a Man)
Research files
Benson, Frank Weston
CA7374 (Flowers)
WCA640, WC2117 (A Cape Cod Brook)
WCA104, WC2118 (Beach Looking West)
WC2119 (Pulpit Rock)
WCA849 [Empty folder] (At Sunset)
Unspecified number: 44980
Unnumbered transparency
Research files
Bent, Johannes van der: Research files
Benton, Thomas Hart
CA3952 (Hail Storm)
WCA3921 (Industrial Landscape, Western Pennsylvania)
Receiving number: 68644
Unnumbered transparency
Research files
Beny, Roloff
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Benz (attributed to): Research files
Bérard, Christian
CA3893 (Man in Blue)
CA3894 (Portrait of a Boy)
Béraud, Jean
8155 (The Pretty Fencer)
9262 (Shopping rue de la Paix)
9418 (Other Thoughts)
9419 (Champs-Élysées)
9420 (After the Opera)
9421 (Place de la Concorde)
A3673 (The Maid)
A3700 (Bal Madile)
5729, 10404, C2984 (Carrefour Drouot)
C2814, C3132
CA1854 (The Boulevards, Paris)
Research files
Berckheyde, Gerrit Adriaensz.: Research files
Berg, Kempen (attributed to): 15870, 7196 (The Circumcision)
Berghem, Claes: 12438, 5009 (Peasant Driving Cattle)
Berghem, Nicolaes (Berchem, Nicolaes Pietersz.)
6846, 15315 (View of a Mountainous Country)
CA805 (The Ford)
Research files
Berjon, Antoine
WCA1389 (Portrait of a Man with Bicorn Hat)
Research files
Berkheyden, Job (Berckheyde, Job Adriansz.)
A724 (Townhall, Amsterdam)
A1263 (View of a Town)
A1906 (The Great Church at Haarlem)
A1909 (A Square in Amsterdam)
A4589 (Le Binnenhof à La Haye)
Research files
Berlant, Tony
Berman, Eugène
CA4826 (The Leaning Cypress)
A8733, CA7004 (L'orage)
CA8357 (Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas)
S902 [Empty folder]
S1017 [Empty folder]
S1080 [Empty folder]
S1083 [Empty folder]
S1285 [Empty folder]
S1291 [Empty folder]
S1293 [Empty folder]
S1505 [Empty folder]
S1568 [Empty folder]
S2434 [Empty folder]
A8469, S3212 (The Woman from Parma)
S3404 [Empty folder] (Peasant Boy)
S3405 [Empty folder] (Peasant Girl)
S3417 [Empty folder] (Sola di ballo)
S3418 [Empty folder] (Setting with Balconies)
S3419 [Empty folder] (Garden Scene with Fountain)
S3420 [Empty folder] (Garden Scene with Obelisks)
S3919 [Empty folder] (The Angel, Verona)
S3945 [Empty folder] (Autumn, Ram's Head Mound)
S3947 (Monumental Sarcophagus)
S3948 [Empty folder] (Pompei)
S4046 [Empty folder]
S4048 (View of Sant'Angelo, Ischia)
S4049 (First Communion, Naples)
S4157 (The Cross, Naples)
S4159 [Empty folder] (The Coloseum Fragment)
S4160 [Empty folder] (The Etruscan Landscape)
S4161 [Empty folder] (Phlegrean Amphitheatre)
S4162 [Empty folder] (The Columns of Paestum)
S4163 (The Circle of a Phlegrean Amphitheatre)
S4243 (High Noon, Napolitana)
S4251 (The Traian Column at Night)
S4357 (The Column in Scaffolding)
S4358 (The Column and the Sarcophagus)
S4359 (A Roman Amphitheatre at Sunset)
S4360 (Le colonne)
S4361 (Veduta immaginaria di Palestrina)
S4362 (Le colonne del Tempio Greco a lontananza)
S4363 (Veduta immaginaria di Palestrina)
S4364 [Empty folder] (Rovine di un tempio arco al tramonto)
S4365 (Tempio sommerso al tramonto)
S4366 (La città morta, Pompei)
S4367 (Via Appia Antica)
S4368 (Ponte dell'Abadia)
S4370 (Una via romana con temporale distante)
S4371 (Napolitana)
S4372 (Fantasia urbanistica notturna)
S4373 (L'Ariete)
S4374 (Arco romano notturno)
S4376 (Tramonto sul Tempio Greco a lontananza)
S4377 (Notturno partenopeo, No. 1)
S4624 (Sunset)
S4776 (Notturno veneziano)
S4848 (Ides of March)
S5008 (Imaginary View of Philae)
S5009 (Pylons on the Nile)
S5010 (The Pylons at Sunset)
S5011 (The Fallen Pylons)
S5012 (The Sphynx and the Pyramids at Sunset)
S5013 (The Birth of an Obelisk)
S5014 (Arab Cemetery)
S5015 (Nubian Landscape)
S5016 (Remnants of a Bas Relief in Theban Main)
S5017 (Imaginary Theban Perspertine)
S5018 (Theban Landscape II)
S5019 (Theban Landscape)
S5020 (Arab Women in the Valley of the Kings)
S5021 (Ruins, Fragments and Obelisk)
S5022 (The Hawk)
S5023 (Ruins, Bas Relief and Columns)
S5027 (Venise)
S5030 (Ponte dell'Abbadia, No. 1)
S5036 (Grande paesaggio di Puglia)
S5054 (The Sleep of Stone)
S5055 (Sentinels of the Nile)
S5056 (Aswan Landscape with Two Obelisks)
S5057 (Imaginary View of Penderah)
S5059 (Arabian Landscape)
S5060 (Ruins in a Theoan Landscape)
S5061 (Sicilian Landscape I)
S5062 (Sicilian Landscape II)
S5063 (Sicilian Landscape III)
S5064 (The Sleep of Stone)
S5065 (Morba)
S5080 (The Great Obelisk)
Unspecified number: 1056 (The Column at Dusk)
Exhibit number: 64
Unnumbered photograph (Ballet impérial: Costume, London) [Empty folder]
Unnumbered photograph (Ballet Roma: Finale) [Empty folder]
Unnumbered photograph (David, Goliath and the Gate of Victory)
Unnumbered photograph (The Rialto, Venice) [Empty folder]
Unnumbered photograph (Rigoletto Decor: Act I) [Empty folder]
Unnumbered photograph (View of Saint Angelo, Ischia)
Assorted photographs
Plate number: 19342
Unspecified number: 1056
Unnumbered photograph (The Circle of a Phlegraean Amphitheatre)
Unnumbered photograph (Collection of Robert Tobin)
Unnumbered photograph (The Columns of the Temple of Paestum)
Unnumbered photograph (Homage to Piranesi: Coliseum, Red Sky)
Unnumbered photograph (Imaginary View of the Ampitheatre in Capri in a Storm)
Unnumbered photograph (La colonna in restauro)
Unnumbered photograph (Midday Violence (Napolitana))
Unnumbered photograph (The Rain of Ash)
Unnumbered photograph (Ram's Head Mound and Approaching Thunderstorm)
Unnumbered photograph (Roman Ampitheatre at Sunset)
Unnumbered photograph (Two Roman Columns and Three More)
Unnumbered photograph (Winter Tale)
Research files
Bernard, Émile
A5928 (The Bridge at Pont-Aven)
A7535 (Baigneuses)
A6738, CA5127 (Still Life)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Berne-Bellecour, Étienne Prosper
(142), 6863 (Bonne prise)
(385), 6864 (Artilleur)
(170), (386), 6865 (Chasseur)
(885), 7480 (La corvée)
7520 (L'invasion)
7574 (Le secours)
8396 (Le rapport)
(2054), 8618 (Vedette de cuirassiers)
(2520), 9240 (Officier d'artillerie)
9417 (Two Arms of the Service)
9526 (Dragon près de la trompe)
9717 (En promenade avec une cigarette)
9718 (Hussard)
10142 (Captain Dragons)
(3479), 10303 (Avant l'orage)
(3520), 10338 (Commandant de dragons et capitaine de chasseurs)
(0960), 5553, 10432 (Manutention)
(3663), 10556 (Deux officiers cuirassiers)
(3705), 10578 (Officier de chasseurs à cheval en observation)
9242, 9774, 10971 (La cigarette)
(4071), 11117 (Commandant de chasseurs à cheval)
C3570, 11576 (Final Instructions)
6317, 12722 (Cleaning up)
Fol.: 303, P4216
Fol.: 304, P4221
Berninghaus, Oscar Edward
A5360 (Indians Attacking Covered Wagons)
Research files
Berridge, John
(7341), 16023 (Charlotte Willoughby John)
(7342), 16024 (Children of Willoughby Wood)
Research files
For Master Bertram van Byrde, see Master Francke [Divider]
Beshaw, F.
A646, A1387 (Flying Dutchman, Winner of the Derby and Saint Leger, 1849)
Research files
Besnard, Paul Albert
6754, 15198 (Femme assise)
7252, 15888 (Après-midi d'été)
A9325 (Venise)
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
F. 508
Research files
Bettera, Bartolommeo
A4585 (Nature morte)
Research files
Bettinger, Gustave: 3254, 10060 (L'alerte)
Betts, Louis
C5753 (Yvonne)
C5776 (Imogene Wilson)
Unnumbered photograph
Beyeren, Abraham Hendricksz. van
A3068 (Still Life)
A4899 (Still Life)
CA4957 (Still Life)
Unnumbered photograph
Black-and-white photograph
Color transparency
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Bianchini, E.: JA10002
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
For Neri di Bicci, see Neri [Divider]
Bierstadt, Albert
A3205 (Autumn Scene)
A3271 (Couple Dancing)
A3272 (Cottage near Lake Lucerne, Switzerland)
A3283 (Mountain Landscape)
A3780 (Western Scene)
A3781 (On the Missouri)
A3872 (Summit, Sierra Nevada, California)
10648JAO, A3873 (Pioneers of the Woods)
A3874 (Mountains)
10649JAO, A3875 (Mountain Goat)
A3876 (Mountains)
A3879 (Ox)
10651JAO, A3880 (Moose)
A3881 (Buffalo Group)
A3882 (Horse)
A3883 (Horse)
A3884 (Horse's Head)
A3885 (Mare)
A3886 (Buffalo Head)
A3888 (Horse)
A3890 (Mount Vista, Utah)
A4047 (Chimney Rock)
A4092 (Horse)
A4093 (Horse)
A4094 (Horse)
A4095 (Deer)
A4096 (Two Horses)
A4148 (Mountain Scene and River)
A4151 (Monterey, California)
A4152 (Campfire, Yosemite Valley)
A4153 (Indian Camp, Cap't Georges Canyon)
A4276 (Niagara Falls)
A4283 (Niagara Falls)
A3461, A4297 (Western Scene)
A3871, A4298 (Mountains)
A3872, A4299 (Summit, Sierra Nevada, California)
A3877, A4300 (Mountains)
A3878, A4301 (Mountains)
A3887, A4302 (Two Horses)
A3889, A4303 (Landscape)
A3943, A4304 (Bison with Coyotes in Background)
A4045, A4305 (Indian and Buffalo)
A4046, A4306 (Wagon Train)
A4346 (Red Rock Trail, South Utah)
A4415 (Sunset over a Western Lake)
A4488 (On Lake Superior: Sand Island)
A4512 (The Scout)
A4513 (A Brook in White Mountains, New Hampshire)
A4514 (Landscape near Claremont, New Hampshire)
A4515 (Indian Encampment)
A4516 (Cliff Dweller)
A4517 (Mountain Landscape)
A4518 (Trapped)
A4519 (Wagon Train)
A4520 (Hunters in a Canal)
A4521 (Landscape, Conway, New Hampshire)
A4553 (Mountain Home)
A4554 (Mountain Landscape)
A4555 (Landscape)
A4556 (Coconut Palm Tree)
A4557 (Mountain Landscape)
A4558 (Tree)
A4559 (Indian Encampment in the Evening)
A4560 (Mountainous Landscape)
A4561 (Indians Crossing River)
A4562 (Ocean Surf)
A4563 (Snow-capped Mountains)
A4564 (Landscape)
A4565 (Mountain Pool)
A4566 (Trees)
Black-and-white negative
Color transparency
A4567 (Reindeer)
A4568 (Two Reindeer)
A4576 [Empty folder] (Indian Encampment, Glacier Park)
A4577 (Lake Tahoe at Sunset)
A4578 (Distant View of Capitol from Potomac River)
A4579 (View of Glacier Park)
A4620 (Palm Trees)
A4701 (View in the West Indies)
A4734 (Western Landscape)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
A4779 (Marine)
A4926 (Harbor Scene)
A5094 (Head of Buffalo and Indian)
A5121 (Swiss Mountain Scene)
A5226-1 (Rams)
10712AO, A5226-2 (Mount Vesuvius)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
A5226-3 (Indian)
10714AO, A5226-4 (Three Indians)
A5226-5 (Scout)
A5226-7 (Scout)
A5226-8 (Lake Angela)
10720AO, A5226-10 (Ship)
10721AO, A5226-11 (Two Ships)
10722AO, A5226-12 (Seal Rocks, California Coast)
A5226-13 (Indian)
A5226-14 (Mount Chocorua, New Hampshire)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
10725AO, A5226-15 (Lake Tahoe)
10726AO, A5226-16 (Mountains)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color polaroid
10727AO, A5226-17 (Farallon Islands)
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparency
10728AO, A5226-18 (Seal Rocks, California Coast)
10729AO, A5226-19 (Sea Cove)
A5280 (Mounted Indian at Sunset)
A5366 (Indian Family (Father, Mother and Papoose))
A5442 (Mount Diablo from the San Joaquin River, California)
A5444 (Elk)
A5445 (Deer)
A5518 (Hunter in California Forest)
A5519 (Kings River and Big Trees Grove)
A5726 (Wind River, Wyoming)
A5737 (Butterflies)
A6038 (Indian Buffalo Hunter)
A6101 (Grand Teton Mountains)
A6497 (Buffaloes)
A6972 (The Last of the Buffalo)
A8125 (Sunset)
Black-and-white photograph
A8199 (Sunset Glow: Mount Shasta)
A8306 (Landscape)
A8557 (California: Mary's Lake near Summit of CPRR)
A8558 (California: Mount Lake: Two Fishermen)
Black-and-white negative
Color transparencies
A8601 (Indian Encampment)
11251AO, A9081 (Mountainous Landscape with Figures on Grassy Terrace)
A9082 (Mountain Landscape with Approaching Storm)
A9234 (Twilight on the Hudson)
11366AO, CA5426, A9380 (Estes Park)
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
A5306, A9558 (Landscape)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
A9080, A9582 (Landscape with Mountains in the Background)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
A5226-6, A9818 (Indian)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
A5226-9, A9819 (Carmel Mission)
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph
Color transparencies
C2660 (Jungfrau)
A4307, CA352 (Kings Canyon)
CA2243 (Landscape)
CA2553 (Encampment in the Rockies)
CA3173 [Empty folder]
CA3389 (Landscape with Indians)
CA5426 (Estes Park)
CA5427 (Mountain Lake)
CA5470 (Western Landscape with Deer Wading)
CA5951 (Nassau Harbor)
CA6142 (Sunshine and Rain)
CA6153 (Mount Whitney)
A9591, CA6161 (Mountain Landscape with Waterfall)
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
A9203, CA7707 (Western Landscape)
CA8749 [Empty folder]
CAH8790, CA8790
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
A9619, CA8896
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
CA8905 [Empty folder]
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
A9938, CA8946
Color transparencies
A8125, CAH9108 (Sunset)
Black-and-white negative
Color transparencies
11280AO, A9173, CA9448 (Hill and Dale)
Black-and-white negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs
Color transparency
Research files
Research files: A5306, 9558 (Landscape)
Bigg, William Redmore
13785 (Saturday Morning or Favorite Chickens Going to Market)
(7853), 16597 (Morning)
(7854), 16598 (Evening)
14959, 15201 (Dulce Domum)
A656 (The Performing Dog)
A1295 (Figures and Horses in a Landscape)
A1296 (Figures and Horses in a Landscape)
(7706), 16430, CA904 (The Prawn Girl)
(7705), 16429, CA905 (The Shrimp Boy)
Research files
Bilcoq, Louis-Marc-Antoine: A1540 (La visite)
Bill, Max: Research files
Billings, Edwin T.
A4724 (Interior of Wheelright Shop)
Research files
Billotte, René
7073 (Château Gaillard, Les Andelys)
7074 (Île d'Herblay)
7075 (Canal de Saint-Denis)
7303 (Les fortifications)
7305 (Neige aux fortifications)
7324 (Conciergerie)
12741 (Fortifications de Paris)
Bingham, George Caleb
CA2242 (The Storm)
CA2711 (Verdict of the People)
CA3807 (The Wood Boat)
Job number: 17371 [Divider only]
Unspecified number: 64199
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
For Biondo, Giovanni del, see Giovanni del Biondo [Divider]
Birch, Thomas
CA2068 (Fishing Boats)
CA2084 [Empty folder] (Portrait of Captain Isaac McKeever)
CA3473 (A Winter Scene in Pennsylvania)
CA5411 (Landlocked Harbor)
CA5412 (Marine View with Ships)
Research files
Birch, William Russell
CA2383 (George Washington)
Research files
Bird of Bristol (Edward Bird)
A3752 (Good News)
Research files
Bisschop, Cornelis: 10947 (Grace before Meal)
Bissière, Roger
CA7790 (Paysage)
CA7791 (Paysage vert)
Research files
Bizard, Ferdinand-Alexandre
A3333 (Portrait of George Sand)
Research files
Blackburn, Joseph
A3730 (Portrait of Benjamin Green)
A5319 (Portrait of Anne Browne)
CA1511 (Portrait of Miss Faneuil)
A4436, CA2104 (Mrs. James Otis, Jr.)
A4437, CA1205 (Mr. James Otis, Jr.)
Research files
Blain de Fontenay (Belin, Jean-Baptiste (Blin de Fontenay))
(7748), 16493 (Flowers in a Vase)
(7749), 16494 (Flowers in a Vase)
Research files
Blaine, Nell
A8894 (Profil pour éclairer la Grande Galerie du Louvre)
Research files
Blakelock, Ralph Albert
13749 (Landscape)
13803 (The Golden Hour)
13804 (The Canoe Builders)
13805 (Oak in Sunlight)
13806 (The Meadow Pool)
13807 (A Gray Day)
13808 (The Lagoon)
13809 (The Crescent)
13864 (Morning Glow)
14140 (Sunset)
14224 (Landscape)
14237 (The Vista)
14679 [Empty folder] (Woodland Scene)
15427 (Landscape)
15455 (The Light Beyond)
15488 (Landscape)
15489 (Moonlight)
15510 (The Lake)
15511 (Sunset)
15512 (Landscape)
15547 (The Big Tree)
A1193 (Landscape)
A2882 (Sunset)
A3273 (There was Peace among the Nations: Unmolested Worked the Women)
A3819 (Moonlight)
A4669 (Indian Encampment)
CA276, CA20 (Edge of the Forest)
15451, CA1704 (Landscape)
CA2341 (Indian Encampment)
CA2595 (Sunset)
CA4630 (Moonlight)
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and transparency
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photographs and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photographs and negatives
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparency
Black-and-white photograph and negative
Color transparencies
Unnumbered photograph (Moonlight)
Unnumbered photograph (Sunset Behind Trees)
Unnumbered photograph ([Untitled])
Unnumbered photograph ([Untitled])
Research files
Blampied, Edmund: Research files
Blanch, Arnold: CA4697
Blanche, Jacques-Émile (Blanche, Émile)
(5848), 13486 (Portrait of Miss Marie Tempest)
Research files
Bland, B.: Exhibition number: 20
Blashfield, Edwin H.: 14199 (Sisters)
Bles, Herri met de (Civetta)
(5906), 13550 (A Saint)
(5907), 13551 (A Saint)
Research files
Bloemers, Arnoldus
A1989, CA1910, CA4830, CA6110 (Flowers)
Research files
Blommers, Bernardus Johannes
7420 (Dîner du laboureur)
8142 (Deux enfants dans la dune)
8143 (Enfants de la mer)
8893 (On the Sand)
8964 (The Elder Sister)
8965 (Afternoon Meal Time)
8966 (A Day's Profit)
8980 (La grande sœur)
9603 (Elder Sister and Cat)
9954 (Après la tempête)
10229 (Children)
10316 (Enfants de la mer)
10317 (Le goûter)
10239, 10440 (Intérieur avec mère et enfants)
10468 (Shake Hands!)
10620 (Beside the Baby Carriage)
10702 (Soir d'été)
10716 (Mère et enfant)
11060 (La promenade de bébé)
11063 (House Industry)
11176 (Feeding Baby)
11194 (Promenade dans la dune)
11376 (Children)
11392 (Grandmother's Visit)
11491 (Mother and Children Playing)
11515 (Mother's Joy)
11922 (Family Gathering)
3273, 10046, 11954 (Family dinner)
12229 (On the Shore)
9516, 12250 (Enfants de la mer)
12291 (Children on the Beach)
12297 (A Happy Home)
7926, 12333 (Sommeil de bébé)
12374 (Children on the Seashore)
12489 (Enfants sur la plage)
12738 (Young Mother and Child)
13056 (Jeune femme faisant baigner son bébé)
15727 (Interior)
9901, 11030, C3222 (Fisherman's Children by the Sea)
10054, C3231 (Plage avec un homme, une femme et un enfant)
10677, 11914, C3423 (Children on the Sand in the Evening)
9247, 12242, C3230, C3432, C3623 (The Bird Cage)
10918, 11527, C3859 (Enfants de la mer)
10265, 14179, C4332 [Empty folder] (Dutch Interior)
7578, 6884, C4503 (Humble Industry)
12339, C4625 (The Family Meal)
(796), WC3758
(797), WC3759
(799), WC3766
Unspecified number: 26754
Unnumbered photograph
Unnumbered photograph
Bloot, Peter de (Bloot, Pieter de): A1576 (Intérieur rustique)
Bluemner, Oscar: 13197CO
Blum, Robert Frederick
15543 (Figures in Red)
A2196 (View from the Artist's Window, 90 Grove Street, New York City)
Research files
Blume, Peter
A2876 (Still Life)
A5790, A8924 (Landscape with Farm Buildings)
S5384 (Summer)
Research files
Blythe, Benjamin (attributed to)
CA3148, CA3324, WCA1237 (Portrait of Captain George Turner)
CA3149, CA3325, WCA1238 (Portrait of Mrs. George Turner)
Research files
Blythe, David Gilmour
CA1851 (January Bills)
CA2560 (Robert Burns, Ellisland)
CA2581 (Ole-Cezar)
CA7228 (The Pittsburgh Horse Market)
CA8105 (Couple Praying)
CA8106 (Dinner Ruined)
Unnumbered photograph
Research files
Boccati, Giovanni
A3043 (Miracle of Saint Sabinus)
Research files
Bock, Théophile-Émile-Achille de
10320 (Mare dans la dune)
10321 (Mare dans la dune)
10534 (Haarlem)
10554 (Yellow Sky)
10614 (Going Home)
10731 (Edge of the Wood)
10735 (The Bridge)
10737 (Landscape)
10767 (Landscape with Pool)
10776 (By the Pond)
10813 (Bord de la Meuse)
10815 (Cabanes de pêcheurs près de Dordrecht)
10923 (Crépuscule)
10924 (Riverlet)
10925 (Le sentier)
10950 (Pâturage)
10951 (Paysage)
11021 (Sunday Outing near Haarlem)
11025 (Potager)
11026 (Entrée de forêt)
11034 (Soir)
11035 (Étang le soir)
11036 (Ferme près de Diepenveen)
11037 (Le vieux pont près de Diepenveen)
11038 (Le chantier)
11054 (Spaarne River at Haarlem)
11080 (After the Rain)
11081 (View of Renkum)
11082 (Sunset)
11083 (Landscape)
11109 (Country policeman's dwelling)
11123 (Wageningen)
11133 (A sunny Day)
11210 (Near the Pond)
11227 (Old farm House Leyden)
11248 (The lane)
11249 (The Cavalier)
11257 (The Dunes)
9928, 11282 (Sunset)
11332 (The pool in the Pasture)
11336 (Near the Dunes)
11337 (A Country Road)
11347 (Dutch Village by the Sea)
11349 (A Breezy Day)
11722 (Les environs de Haarlem)
11750 (Near Haarlem)
10832, 11329, 11882 (Near Haarlem)
10814, 11985 (Une mare près de Haarlem)
10831, 10939, 11256, 12626 (Black Water)
11142, 11277, 13564, 13754 (Landscape with Cows)
10736, 11817, 13976 (Edgewood Cottage)
10794, 13983 (Les saules)
14392 (Landscape)
10807, 13984, 15194 (Pond in the Woods)
10666, 10746, C3422 (Road to Haarlem)
14177, C4334 (Souvenir de Fontainebleau)
11108, 14042, C4490 (Water near the Dunes)
10840, C3452, C4654 (Landscape)
11499, A113, C5446 (River Scene)
11250, 13797, 16971, C5618 (Boschrand)
CA1340 (View of Amsterdam)
Boday, Ernest Alexander
Unspecified number: 21112-6
Unspecified number: 21112-7
Bodmer, Karl
CA3251, WCA1921 (Interior of Mandan Hut)
WCA2754 (Bordentown, New Jersey)
WCA3457 (Snags on the Missouri)
Receiving number: 66355
Research files
Bogaert, Heinrich
CA2508, A3647 (Flowers)
Research files
Boggs, Frank
A3185 (Pont de l'Estacade)
CA7205 (Sail-Boats on the Estuary, Le Havre)
CA7206 (Pont de la Tournelle)
WCA1287 (Reims 1914)
Bogle, James
CA2967, A4479 (Portrait of James Calhoun)
CA2968, A4480 (Portrait of Millard Fillmore)
Research files
Bohemian primitive: A6094 (Saint John the Baptist and Saint John the Evangelist with a Donor)
Boilly, Julien-Léopold
16213 (Artist's Wife in His Studio)
Research files
Boilly, Louis-Léopold
7659, 16388 (La fête du grand-père)
A994 (Woman with a Muff)
A2978 (The Singing Lesson)
CA3298 (Brother and Sister)
Research files
Boit, Edward Darley: A2245 (On the Cape Cape Cod)
Bol, Ferdinand
10884 (Portrait of a Man)
15957 (Portrait of a Man)
A2083 (Portrait of a Dutch Satesman)
Black-and-white photograph
Color transparency
A2125 (Portrait of an Orator)
15212, A659, A5836 (Child with Basket of Fruit)
A6389 (Portrait of a Man)
16485, CA1082 (Portrait of a Lady)
(6788), 15220, CA3272, CA3635 (Portrait of a Man)
Research files
Bol, Hans
CA3299 (Landscape with Aeneas and Dido)
Research files
Boldini, Giovanni
8748 (Song of the Bird)