Sim Bruce Richards papers and art work 0000358
Conditions Governing Access note
Related Archival Materials note
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Personal Papers I. Bulk, 1938-1983 1908-2016
Subjects and Indexing Terms
Audio Tapes A. circa 1975-circa 1978
Crowley client meeting 1975
Richards, Sim Bruce undated
Biographical Information B. 1908-1984
Accounting circa 1972-1982
Address List undated
American Institute of Architects membership 1953
American Institute of Architects- San Diego membership 1953
Architecture License 1950-1952
Arts & Architecture Press 1981
Autobiography undated
Bar-ette 1972
Birth Certificate (copy) 1908
Book Notes undated
Business Licences 1964-1965, 1981-1982
Chapel of the Holy Cross sketches circa 1979
Christmas Card 1971
Drawings undated
Exhibitions 1960-1981
Gill, Irving furniture negatives / Janet Richards 1995
Guggenhelm Fellowship project 1964
La Jolla tourism brochures circa 1953
Longhofer, Carolyn paper on Richards 1974
McCoy, Esther writings about SBR 1984
Nature in Architecture - The San Diego Natural History Museum flyer 1984
Omniart magazine / Sim Bruce Richards editor of the month January 1963
Richards, Sim Bruce awards 1967, 1983, 1984
Richards, Sim Bruce Memorial 1984
Richards, Sim Bruce miscellaneous letters undated
Richards, Sim Bruce Poetry undated
Richards, Sim Bruce portrait circa 1908?
Richards, Sim Bruce references book (disbound) circa 1966
Richards, Sim Bruce resignation from US Navy 1945
Richards, Sim Bruce Resumes undated
San Diego facts brochure circa 1929
San Diego Historical Society oral history 1982
San Diego Union Newspaper 1944
Schindler, Rudolph El Pueblo Ribera brochure undated
Open House - Richards 1977-1983
Taliesin West Tours / Society of Architectural Historians 1969-1970
Taliesin miscellaneous publicity 1933-2003
Tax Documents 1967-1969
Trip to Japan brochures circa 1983
University of California, Berkeley grades 1930-1931
Wedding 1944
Weierich, Andy 1935
Works Progress Administration Murals / Arizona State University 1939, 2005
Wright, Frank Lloyd article 1976
Wright, Frank Lloyd "Advice for a young architect" circa 1932
You See San Diego by the San Diego Chapter of the American Institute of Architects 1977
Guide to U.S. Architecture: 1940-1980 by Esther McCoy and Barbara Goldstein 1982
Japan Tour book 1983
A Guide to Architecture in Southern California by David Gebhard and Robert Winter 1965
A Guide to Architecture in Los Angeles & Southern California by David Gebhard and Robert Winter 1977
Balboa Park 1966
Benet, Stephen Vincent Metropolitan Nightmare undated
DeTock, Paul 1958
Drake, Blaine / Arizona Republic article 1953
Family correspondence 1944-1981
Gebhard, David 1964, 1966, 1973
Gould, Janet poetry 1968-1969
Hallen, Milton undated
Hubbell, James 1963-1973
Imber, Robert 1997
Journal of Ellen Whitmore 1953
Lake, J. Spencer writings 2004
Loze, Anna notebook 1930
McCoy, Ester circa 1972
Miscellaneous letters, personal receipts, notes circa 1967-1983
Nelson, Lucretia letter 1993
Noble, Marguerite letters circa 1979
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 1939
Richards, Gladys 1951
Shulman, Julius holiday card undated
Spratling, William Some Impressions of Mexico 1927
Tafel, Edgar correspondence circa 1980
Tilden, Bennie letter undated
Unidentified writings - Lloyd Wright? 1983
Wallace, Robert letters 1958
Weltzners letter 1968
Wisner, Madeline letter and photographs 1937
Woolleys 1951
Miscellaneous Sketchbooks E. 1937-1983
Crayon and Graphite 1937-1938
Crayon, Graphite, and Watercolor 1939-1940
Figure and landscapes circa 1941
Watercolor and crayon 1939-1941
Ink and watercolor 1973-1974
Unidentified ink drawings 1973-1977
Ink and watercolor 1975
Germany 1976
Ink and graphite 1980
France and Germany 1980-1981
Europe 1981-1982
Japan 1983
Unidentified undated
England sketches 1972
Mexico sketches and watercolors 1950
Ink sketches 1974-1975
Watercolors 1950
Crayon 1938-1940
Crayon, Watercolor, and Graphite 1950
San Diego fog scapes 1943
Graphite sketches 1942-1943
Ink sketches 1982
Watercolor circa 1941
Crayon and watercolor circa 1950
Five California Architects review 1960, 1975
"In the Beginning..." undated
Japanese house writings circa 1961
KGB Radio interviews undated
Meaning of Materials--Wood undated
Miscellaneous writings 1936-1978
San Diego civic writings 1983
"Selecting a Contractor/Architect" undated
Articles and Clippings G. 1938-2016
Nature in Architecture exhibit catalog 1984
Frank Lloyd Wright's Legacy in San Diego 2015-2016
Los Angeles Times Home Magazine 1954
San Diego and Point Magazine 1957
San Diego and Point Magazine 1960
San Diego Magazine 1988
San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles April 2003
Hidden Leaves Open Letter 1983
San Diego Home/Garden Lifestyles November 2003
Save Our Heritage Organization 2007
Union Title Trust Topics 1959
Point Magazine 1954
Arizona Highways 1938
San Diego Union Tribune Homescape / Janet Richards 2003
Richards, Sim Bruce miscellaneous clippings 1939-1984
Wright, Frank Lloyd miscellaneous clippings 1955
Office Files II. 1930-2017
Art in Architecture exhibit 1977
American Institute of Architects 1955-1956
Borrego Springs exhibit 1973
California Coastal Commission 1978
California Council of Architects 1955
Celebrate the Holidays exhibit 1983
Chico's Blueprints 1979-1982
Hawaii business license undated
La Jolla Blueprint 1964-1966
Mills College event at Friedkin house 1967
Modern Home Design article 1958
National Endowment for the Arts undated
Office letterhead/business cards/logo circa 1976
Pacific Camera Store 1964-1967
Point Loma Camera 1980-1983
Press/Publicity circa 1955-1984
Richards & Reed Associates announcement undated
Rug Designs 1983
San Diego Architectural Control Board circa 1951-1960
San Diego, County of 1980-1981
San Diego Historical Society appraisal 1984-1985
San Diego Natural History Museum exhibition 1984
Solicitation letters 1966
State Capitol Mural competition (Ariz.) undated
Tile Designs undated
Vendor/Contractor solicitations 1966, 1977
Correspondence B. 1930-2002
Abercrombie 1938
American Imagineering Developments 1973
American Indian Club 1939
American Institute of Architects 1955
Architectural Guild 1979
Aunt Ann 1952
Aunt "Marrywiwis" 1970
Barrancotto, Joannie 1982
Beel, George 1953
Belcher, Frank 1958
Bennie (Taliesin) 1936
"Bet's daughter" undated
Bianchi, Joseph / T-Grove Corporation 1979
Bitsy undated
Blackwell, Adrian 1961
Blake, Peter 1951
Bluestone, Bernice 1974
Board of Registration for Civil and Professional Engineers 1948
"Bob in Milwaukee" undated
Bogan, Vice Admiral Gerald F. 1949
Borsa, Antal 1980
Breedlove, Kirk Memorial 1974
Britton, Jim & Barbara 1983
Brooks, Keir 1952
Bush, Alfie M. 1938
Buss, Wayne 1980
Camelback Inn 1946
Campbell, Florence 1952
Chlarson, Erma unknown
Cheney, Sheldon 1938
Chenoweth, John 1966
Childs, Al 1952, 1962
Clarke, Colman 1962
Cleaton, Jim 1980
Cohu, La Motte 1951
Collins, George circa 1930s
Cook, Peggy 1967-1969
Cook, Thomas undated
Cook, William 1964-1965
Conn, Sybil 1980
Crowell, Gretchen Davidson 1979
Day, Raymond 1948
Department of Public Works, County of San Diego 1966
Don 1939
Doro, Edward 1939
Dougherty, Paul 1977
Dryer, Margaret 1938-1939
Eddie 1938-1939
Evans, Edith Brazwell 1953
Fannin, Joe undated
Fine, Lawrence 1969
Fowler, Emmett 1965
Fowler, Francis 1950
Frank, Herbert 1980
Friethy, Ruth 1938
Fritz, F. 1935-1936
Gable, Tom 1945
Gill, Irving / A Benefit for Friends of Gill 1972
Gill / LACMA 1958
Gillingwater, Claude undated
Gladding, O'Neil undated
Goddard, O.N. 1939
Goldwater, Barry 1958
Goldwaters Desert Fashion 1950
Guggenheim Memorial Foundation 1938
Hamill, Robert E. / Sunset Magazine 1957
Hamill, Samuel 1954
Hartel, Charles undated
Hargroves, Fritzie undated
Harris, Ward undated
Hartley, John 1962
Hasslein, George 1962
Haugh Residence undated
Hawn, Maurine undated
Henser, Charlotte & Bill 1979
Hord, Paul & Harriet 1951-1953
Horner, Nan 1936
Horton undated
Hubbell, James 1973, 1980
Hun, Hami? 1948
James, Catherine 1979
Johnson, W. Templeton 1954
Jones, Gertrude? 1949
Kaufmann, Edgar Jr. 1935-1952
Keen, Ruth 1977
Kellogg, Ken undated
Kent, Skipper 1957
Kirk 1950
Koeper, Frederick 1980
Lake, Spencer 1977
Langhorst, Frederick L. 1962
Lek?, Mrs. Frederick 1939
Long, Anita B. 1940-1948
Lopez, Rhoda 1973, 1979
Marin, John 1941
Marks, Joe & Jeanie 1978
Marshall, Elizabeth 1979-1981
Marston, Hamilton 1965, 1980
Martin, Charles 1936, 1940, 1953
Martin, Dr. Purvis 1970
Masselink, Gene 1954
McCain, James 1977
McCann, Ethel 1977-1980
McClure, Russ 1949
McCoy, Esther 1957-1990
McGuire, Huck 1969-1970
McKim, Paul 1969
Mishimoto, Ken 1979-1983
Moler, John 1950
Morgan, Charles undated
Moyer, Carl & Brgita 1966
Moyer, Michael 1966
Moule, Manley 1970
Mundy, Aileen 1980
Munford, Lewis 1955-1957
Murdock, Melanie 1938-1944
Nelson, Lucretia 1936-1950
New, Lloyd 1963-1983
Newsom, Tom 1960
Nishimoto, Kenneth M. 1963-1983
Nitsch, D.R. 1977
Nixon, Richard undated
Nolan, Thomas 1949
Nordback, John 1967
O'Gorman, Juan 1939-1964
Opie, Jack 1950
Ormon, Garald 1977-1979
"Oscar and Estella" 1970
Pace, Gordon Robert 1952
Paderewski, C.J. 1979
Peabody Museum 1951
Peggy 1971
Perry, Eleanor 1950
Peterson / Marlene Baird 1980
Pobjoy, Col. 1970, 1981
Powell, Henry 1971
Priestley, J.B. 1936
Raiziss, Sonia 1939
Raymond, Antonin 1950
Redding undated
Reed, John 1951
Rice, J.U. 1950-1952
Rice, Lillian undated
Richards Family undated
Richards, Betty 1935
Richards, Janet 2001-2002
Richards / Kona House 1961
Richards, Wills undated
Richards, Sim Bruce children undated
Rigsby, George 1961
San Diego, City of / City Treasury 1966
San Diego Youth Symphony 1969
Savage, Mrs. William 1966
Schnock, Donald 1952
Schwarcz, June Morris 1958
Shapiro, Benjamin 1960
Sheridan, Ellen 1961
Silva, C.P. 1954
Simonson, Louise 1961
Skinner Residence 1948
Smithsonian magazine 1980
Solar-Tech Company / Fredrickson 1976
Szekely, Deborah 1971
Tafel, Edgar 1980
Talisesin 1980
Taylor, John Edgar 1944, 1980
Thiele, Robert & Ross 1972, 1974
Thompson, Robert C. & David H. 1950
Thompson, Don 1935-1971
Thompson, Roy 1947
Thompson, W.C. 1950
Torrence, Virgil 1948
Towns, Robert 1958
Treadwell, Mary & Jeff 1961
Turnage, D.C. 1948
Tyson, Robert 1977
Unidentified handwritten letters 1930-1940
Unidentified correspondence 1944-1974
United States Department of Interior 1973
University of California, Berkeley 1939-1951
Vints, V.T. 1969
Vogel, Dorothy 1967
Wellman, Harvey 1978
Whitcomb, Kay 1974, 1979
Wieger, Karl F. 1956
Wilcoxen, Beatrice T. 1950
Willoughby, Laddie 1954
Wills undated
Winter, H. Edward 1937
Woodruff, Diane undated
Wright, Deone & Elsie Gillett 1949
Wright, Frank Lloyd fundraising 1957-1962
Wright, John Lloyd 1954
Wright, Lloyd undated
Yewell, Elizabeth 1950
Note about Daily Planners 2017
Week at a Glance 1948
Week at a Glance 1949
Week at a Glance and diary 1950
Week at a Glance 1951
Week at a Glance 1952
Week at a Glance 1953
Week at a Glance 1954
Week at a Glance 1955
Week at a Glance 1956
Week at a Glance 1957
Week at a Glance 1958
Week at a Glance- two planners 1959
Appointment book and Memorandum book 1960
Week at a Glance 1961
Week at a Glance 1962
Week at a Glance 1963
Week at a Glance 1964
Week at a Glance 1965
Week at a Glance 1966
Week at a Glance 1967
Week at a Glance 1968
Week at a Glance 1969
Week at a Glance 1970
Week at a Glance 1971
Week at a Glance 1972
Engagements book 1973
Week at a Glance 1974
Week at a Glance 1975
Week at a Glance 1976
Week at a Glance 1977
Week at a Glance 1978
Week at a Glance 1979
Weekly Appointbook 1980
Week at a Glance 1981
Week at a Glance 1982
Week at a Glance 1983
Travel Postcards undated
Notebook and Address book undated
Time Book- Weekly 1946-1948
Time Book- Monthly 1953-1956
Monthly Time Book 1958-1960
Time Book- Monthly 1949-1953
Yearly Client Billing 1948-1983
Ledger circa 1938- circa 1952
Client Address List (copy) undated
Photographs D. 1939-1981
Art undated
Bascomb undated
Beatty undated
Bogan, Admiral undated
Bowman undated
California Designs rugs designed by Richards 1975
Gill, Irving undated
Gillette-Wright 1949
Graham, Martha 1940
Hood undated
Hooked Rugs slides 1982-1983
Houses in Ohio undated
Hubbell undated
Japan Travel undated
Karn 1968
Koge, Frank undated
"Leww" miscellaneous slides 1981-1982
Liebmann undated
Lopez, Rhoda undated
Murdock, Melanie undated
Nourse undated
Phoenix Projects undated
Richards, Sim Bruce photos of undated
Richards Family Photos undated
Richards, Sim Bruce office undated
Richards, Sim Bruce speculation house undated
Sand paintings slides 1968
Tafel, Edgar 1980-1981
Unidentified Exhibition didactic panels undated
Unidentified interiors undated
Unidentified negatives undated
Unknown Residence Model November 1965
Unidentified Photographs undated
Unidentified Slides 1961-1971
Washington, Brian undated
WPA Murals / State Teachers College/ Women's Activity Building 1939
Weir Brothers undated
Wright, Frank Lloyd slides 1959-1964
ZLAC Rowing Club 1963
Architecture and Design Projects III. 1938-1983
Project List circa 1951, circa 2001
Adobe Projects undated
All Saints Luthern Church University City (San Diego, Calif.) circa 1964-1968
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Alpha Phi Sorority chapter house Montezuma Rd. (San Diego, Calif.) 1965-1967
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Alpine Youth Center building (Alpine, Calif.) 1968
American Institute of Architects gallery / San Diego Floral Association Balboa Park (San Diego, Calif.) undated
Aquatic Control Center Mission Bay Park (San Diego, Calif.) 1960
Architectural Drawings
Bauer, Emil house 1965
Architectural drawings
Belcher, Frank house Bucknell Ave. (La Jolla, Calif.) 1958-1959
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Borrego Springs Company / Brooks 1948
Bowersock, Justin (Coronado, Calif.) 1968
Brav, Nelson house (San Diego, Calif.) 1976-1978
Architectural drawing
Project Files
Brav & Schwartz office building Dove St. (San Diego, Calif.) 1981
Breedlove, Kirk memorial 1967, 1974
Project Files
Bud alterations 1966
Bueger, Bill house Montecillo (San Diego, Calif.?) 1963
Architectural drawings
Photographs- mural
Campbell, H.S. house (San Diego, Calif.) 1951
Chapman, Ralph house undated
"Chet and Sterling" adobe house undated
Childs, A.L. house (Solana Beach, Calif.) 1955
Project files
Children's School / Ulrey, David building (San Diego, Calif.) 1974
Ciani, Tony 1978
Clark, John & Alice house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1956-1967, 1972
Architectural Drawings
Photographs house #1
Photographs house #2
Project files houses #1 & #2
Sunset Magazine article
Cline, J.C. house (Coronado, Calif.) 1952
Clubhouse (Mexicali, B.C.?) 1954
Coddon house Rosecroft Ln. (Point Loma, Calif.) 1967
Cohu, LaMotte house Camino de la Costa (La Jolla, Calif.) circa 1948-1949
Architectural Drawings
Project files
San Diego Union article
Crowell, Gretchen house (Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.) 1979
Crowley, Jerry house (Los Altos Hills, Calif.) 1971, 1978
Architectural Drawings
Specification Book
Treehouse #1 Project files
Treehouse #2 Project files
Dickey, Dan house 3066 1st Ave. (San Diego, Calif.) 1941
Architectural drawings
Dorman, Chester house Lucky/Sterling Ranch (Eden Valley, Calif.?) 1976-1977
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Duringer, Jon house (Coronado, Calif.) 1968
Eales, Rodney house 391 Catalina (San Diego, Calif.) 1971, 1982
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Specification Book
Engstrand, Paul house (Grossmont, Calif.) 1965-1967
Newspaper clipping
Project files
Los Angeles Times Home Magazine
San Diego and Point Magazine article
Esling, Helen house (Del Mar, Calif.) 1955
Fine, Lawrence house 10537 Fuerte Dr. (La Mesa, Calif.) 1968-1972
Project files
Specification Book
San Diego Union article
Fine, Lawrence medical office Redwood St. & 5th Ave. (San Diego, Calif.) 1970
Architectural Drawings
Folsom Residence? 1953
Friedkin, Thomas house (Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.) 1966-1967
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Furgatch, Harvey house Camino del Mar (Del Mar, Calif.) 1980-1981
Architectural Drawings
Project files
"GeeGee" 1952
Goodrich, M.D. / Bennett, Harry / W.E. Thompson house 2215 Juan St. (San Diego, Calif.) 1947, 1952
Goodwillie, B. house addition 2850 N. Arroyo Dr. (San Diego, Calif.) 1983
Graham, Clifford houe Via de la Valle (Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.) 1970-1971
Architectural Drawings
Project files
"B.H." Residence 1938
"Hal and Clari" house undated
"Hall and Marie" house circa 1950s
Hardenbrook, Dalyce house (San Diego, Calif.) 1969
Harris, H.H. house (San Diego, Calif.) 1952-1953
Hartley, John & Elizabeth house 1970
Project files
Haugh, James house (San Diego, Calif.) undated
Heuser, Bill & Charlotte house (San Diego, Calif.) 1973
Hiway 80 Truck Stop undated
Hollis, W.W. house (San Diego, Calif.) 1951-1952
Hogan, John & Robert Hippen medical center 1860 6th Ave (San Diego, Calif.) specification book undated
Architectural Drawings
Specification Book
Hord, Admiral Paul house (Coronado, Calif.) 1951-1954
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Iredale Residence circa 1970
Ito residence undated
Jackson, Chris & Sharon house (El Centro, Calif.) 1968-1972
Project files
James, Rembert house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1955
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Kingston house circa 1980
Kritz, Joan house (San Diego, Calif.) 1977
La Grange, Howard house Pacific Terrace (Oceanside, Calif.) undated
Architectural Drawings
Specification Book
Lane, William house Toyon Ln. (San Diego, Calif.) 1955
Langham, James house (San Diego, Calif.) 1968
Liebmann, J.E. house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1965
Loizeaux, William house La Cresta Dr. (Point Loma, Calif.) Specification Book undated
Architectural Drawings
Specification book
Lyons house (Escondido, Calif.) 1971
Project files
Major, Col. Harold house Terryhill Dr. & Muirlands Pt. (La Jolla, Calif.) 1955
McGuire, Thomas & Mary house (Borrego Valley, Calif.) 1969-1970
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Meador, Bruce house Old Mussey Grade Rd. (Ramona, Calif.) 1973-1974
Project files
Specification book
Morrison. Jack house (Solano Beach, Calif.) 1977-1978
Nemiroff, Robert house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1975
Newsom, Tom house (San Diego, Calif.) 1956
Nicol, Frank & Jean house (San Diego, Calif.) 1982
Olney, Richard F. & Doris house Crespo St. (La Jolla, Calif.) 1953, 1956
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Orman, Garald house Vista Panorama Rd. (Santa Ana, Calif.) 1975
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Specification Book
Parker, A.S. house (Merced, Calif.) 1948
Perkins, Daniel specifications 1962
Peterson, Kenneth & Marguerite house Sargeant Rd. / San Diego Country Club Estates (Ramona, Calif.) 1973, 1975
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Specification Book
Peto, Guy house (Vista, Calif.) 1955
Architectural drawings
Pfeiffer, William house (San Diego, Calif.) 1973
Phillips, Robert house (San Diego, Calif.) 1975
Quintara, Frank house Moon Ridge Rd. circa 1958
Architectural drawings
San Diego Evening Tribune
Quintara, L.J. house undated
Reed II, David F. house Garrison Pl. (Point Loma, Calif.) 1954
Rice, J.U. Sun Trap motel Camelback Rd. & Edgewood Rd. (Phoenix, Ariz.) 1947
Richards, Janet three houses 1018 Kalihi St. (Honolulu, HI) 1965
Richards, Sim Bruce house Jennings St. (Point Loma, Calif.) 1950-1958
Project files
Specification book
Living for Young Homemakers
Los Angeles Times Home Magazine
Architectural drawings
Photographs house #3
Richards, Sim Bruce & Janet 977 Albion St. (San Diego, Calif.) 1947
Architectural drawings
Photographs house #2
Richards, Sim Bruce & Janet house Kona Coast (Island of Hawaii, HI) 1960
Rigsby, George house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1960-1964
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Los Angeles Times Magazine
Rogers, Spencer & Helen house Harbor View Dr. & Martinez St. (Point Loma, Calif.) 1977
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Rowe, Howard house North Peak (Cuyamaca, Calif.) 1970, 1971, 1983
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Saklatwalla, Ann N. house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1949-1950
Salik, Charles house (San Diego, Calif.) 1953
San Diego, City of planning map (San Diego, Calif.) undated
San Diego, City of yacht club (San Diego, Calif.) 1966
Saunders, George R. structural engineer 1960
Schiff, Elizabeth house (Ocean Beach, Calif.) undated
Schmock, Donald house 7345 Remley Pl. (La Jolla, Calif.) 1952
Architectural drawings
Shields, Karena house Palenque (Chiapas, Mexico) undated
Silva, Edward house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1958
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Book of Homes
Los Angeles Times Home Magazine
Simonson, Harry house (Los Angeles, Calif.) 1961
Skinner residence undated
Slichter, Louis house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1975
Soule, Alan house (San Diego, Calif.) 1950
Project files
Spicer, Raymond house 1960
Project files
Stallings, Tom & Claudia house (Phoenix, Ariz.?) 1972
Architectural Drawings
Specification Book
Stephens, James & Dee house 16208 Orchard Bend (Poway, Calif.) 1977
Architectural Drawings
Project files
St. Peter's by the Sea church (San Diego, Calif.) 1968
Stone, Earle (La Mesa, Calif.) 1969
Throneson, H.K. house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1955
Town, Robert house (Point Loma, Calif.) 1957-1958
Project files
San Diego Evening Tribune
Sunset Magazine
Trost, Norman house 1958
Tuxhorn, Marvin fireplace (Point Loma, Calif.) 1956
Tyson, Robert house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1977
Unidentified / Miscellaneous projects undated
Unidentified Model undated
Upchurch, Lillian house (Cookson Hills, Oka.) 1961
Van Dorn, Nicholas house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1968
Vint, Vincent & Tanya house (Del Mar, Calif.) 1967, 1970-1972
Architectural Drawings
Project files
La Jolla Light-Journal photograph
Los Angeles Times Home Magazine
San Diego Magazine
Wagner, Josephine Hawkins house (La Jolla, Calif.) 1952
Waldron, F.A.S. house Kona Coast (Kailua, HI) 1956, 1958
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Ward, Jim ? house undated
Waterman, Herbert & Betts house Vista Del Mar (Orinda, Calif.) 1957, 1963
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Specification Book
Watson, Maurice house 755 Rosecrans (Point Loma, Calif.) 1975
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Weinberg, Lewis house Calistoga Pl. (San Diego County, Calif.) 1978
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Willoughby, Laddie & Dorothy house undated
Architectural drawing
Project files
Wishing Well Hotel cottage additions (Rancho Santa Fe, Calif.) 1960-1961, 1963
Architectural Drawings
Project files
Woods, Harry house 1140 Inspiration Dr. (La Jolla, Calif.) Specification Book undated
Architectural Drawings
Specification Book
Worthington, Bryan 1968
Paintings and Artwork IV. undated
Unidentified artwork undated
Navajo Sand Paintings undated