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Series 1. Incidental and dance music circa 1875-2017

Series Scope and Contents

This series regards John Franceschina's book Incidental and Dance Music in the American Theatre. The three sub-series maninly consist of composer research, music research, and sheet music. The sheet music is often associated with the composers that John Franceschina was researching. Rudolph Friml was a composer and musician and is a large part of this series. Other materials included are playbills, magazines, newspapers, articles, and sheet music.

Series Arrangement

The series consists of three sub-series as follows:
  • Sub-Series 1.1. Composer biographical research, circa 1980-2017
  • Sub-Series 1.2. Dance and theater research, circa 1875-2016
  • Sub-Series 1.3. Sheet music, circa 1869-2006

Sub-Series 1.1. Composer biographical research circa 1980-2017

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

This sub-series pertains to famous composers and musicians from the nineteenth to twentieth century. A large portion of the research is on Rudolph Friml and range from well known to less commonly recognized musicians. Music produced by several of the composers are included alongside their biographical information. Some of the original folders had the composer's birth and death dates which were kept. Musicians whom John Franscischina noted he did not use in his book were reiterated in the notes section of those specific composers.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by each composer's last name.
Box 1, Folder 1

[Composers and plays research list] circa 2015

Box 1, Folder 2

Anonymous- "Naid Queen" Spanish dance 2015

Box 1, Folder 3

Unknown composers undated

Box 1, Folder 4

Alfred E. Aarons (1865-1936) 2015

Box 1, Folder 5

Will Accooe 2015

Box 1, Folder 6

Hilding Anderson (1874-1961) 2015

Box 1, Folder 7

Richard Arnold (1845-1918) undated

Box 1, Folder 8

Rudolph Aronson 2015

Box 1, Folder 9

Nathaniel D. Ayer (1887-1952) 2015

Box 1, Folder 10

Thomas Baker 2015

Box 1, Folder 11

Victor Baravalle 2015

Box 1, Folder 12

Harry Barnes 2016

Box 1, Folder 13

Augustus Barratt 2015

Box 1, Folder 14

Oscar Barrett 2015

Box 1, Folder 15

W.H. Batchelor 2015

Box 1, Folder 16

Adolph Bauer 2015

Box 1, Folder 17

Henry D. Beissenherz undated

Box 1, Folder 18

Max Bendix undated

Box 1, Folder 19

Theodore Bendix 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 20

G. P. Bernard 2015

Box 1, Folder 21

George Bing 2015

Box 1, Folder 22

the Black Crook 1980-2015

Box 1, Folder 23

Jay Blackton 2015

Box 1, Folder 24

Eubie Blake (1887-1983) 2015

Box 1, Folder 25

Louis Blake 2015

Box 1, Folder 26

W.D.C. Böteführ 2015

Box 1, Folder 27

Louis Boulby undated

Box 1, Folder 28

George Bouron undated

Box 1, Folder 29

Frederick V. Bowers (1875-1961) 2015

Box 1, Folder 30

Robert Hood Bowers undated

Box 1, Folder 31

William Lloyd Bouron 2015

Box 1, Folder 32

David Braham 2001-2012

Box 1, Folder 33

George F. Braham 2016

Box 1, Folder 34

Harry Braham undated

Box 1, Folder 35

John A. Braham 2016

Box 1, Folder 36

John W. Bratton (1817-1947) 2015

Box 1, Folder 37

John Bray 2015

Box 1, Folder 38

W.H. Brinkworth 2016

Box 1, Folder 39

George F. Bristow (12-9-1825 - 12-13-1898) 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 40

Herman Brode undated

Box 1, Folder 41

Karl Broschi 2015

Box 1, Folder 42

Anne Caldwell (1867-1936) 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 43

Joseph Care 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 44

Benjamin Carr 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 45

Frank Osmond Carr (1858-1916) 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 46

Ivan Caryll Hehr 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 47

Dan H. Caslar 2017

Box 1, Folder 48

E.N. Catlin 2016

Box 1, Folder 49

Alfred Cellier 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 50

George Whiteshield Chadwick 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 51

Albert Chantrier 2015

Box 1, Folder 52

Francis Chassaigne (1847-1922) 2015

Box 1, Folder 53

J.S. Chapman 2015

Box 1, Folder 54

Thomas Chilvers 2015

Box 1, Folder 55

Emil Christianti 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 56

P.H. Christine 2015

Box 1, Folder 57

Charles Christrup 2015

Box 1, Folder 58

Mr. Chubb (T. Youres Chubb) 2015

Box 1, Folder 59

Cuthbert Edward Clarke 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 60

Hamilton Clarke 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 61

Arthur Clifton 2016

Box 1, Folder 62

Johann Andreas Kauchlitz Colizzi 2015

Box 1, Folder 63

Aberano Colon undated

Box 1, Folder 64

Victor Colwell 2015

Box 1, Folder 65

Thomas Comer (Boston) 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 66

Michael Connelly 2008-2015

Box 1, Folder 67

Will Marion Cook 2015-2016

Box 1, Folder 68

John P. Cooke 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 1

De Witt Clinton Coolman 2015

Box 2, Folder 2

Davide Coota undated

Box 2, Folder 3

Edward W. Corliss (1872-9/22/1916) undated

Box 2, Folder 4

Clifton Crawford 2015

Box 2, Folder 5

Randolph Cruger 2015

Box 2, Folder 6

Thomas Cutty 2015

Box 2, Folder 7

Ford Dabney 2016

Box 2, Folder 8

Joseph Dale (1750?-1821) undated

Box 2, Folder 9

William Daly 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 10

Louis Dannenberg 2015

Box 2, Folder 11

Frances T. Sully Darley 2015

Box 2, Folder 12

Frank Darling 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 13

Pembroke Davenport 2015

Box 2, Folder 14

B.J. Deane 2015

Box 2, Folder 15

Jean-Jacques de Debillement (from Porte-St. Martin, Paris) 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 16

Reginald De Koven 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 17

Mons. De Marque undated

Box 2, Folder 18

Charles Dennie 2017

Box 2, Folder 19

William Devin 2015

Box 2, Folder 20

Edmond Diet (25 September 1855-1924) 2015

Box 2, Folder 21

Harvey Dodworth 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 22

Robert Emmett Dolan 2015

Box 2, Folder 23

Daniel Dore 2017

Box 2, Folder 24

Riccardo Drigo 2015

Box 2, Folder 25

Henry T. Drying 2015

Box 2, Folder 26

Julian Edwards 2015

Box 2, Folder 27

Leo Edwards 2016

Box 2, Folder 28

Julius Eichberg 2015

Box 2, Folder 29

Julius Einodshofer 2015

Box 2, Folder 30

Melville Ellis 2015

Box 2, Folder 31

J.K. Emmet 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 32

George Emrick undated

Box 2, Folder 33

Ludwig Engländer 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 34

James Reese Europe (1818-1919) 2015

Box 2, Folder 35

Fred J. Eustis 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 36

Edmund Eysler 2015

Box 2, Folder 37

Max Fehrman 2015

Box 2, Folder 38

Hugo Felix (1866-1934) 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 39

Frederick Fest undated

Box 2, Folder 40

Henry Février undated

Box 2, Folder 41

Herman Finck 2016

Box 2, Folder 42

Percy Fletcher 2015

Box 2, Folder 43

William F. Francis 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 44

Malvin M. Franklin 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 45

Cassius Freeborn 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 46

Hugo Frey (1878-1952) 2015

Box 2, Folder 47

Anatol Friedland (1881-1938) 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 48-50

[Rudolph] Friml copies 2006-2015

Box 2, Folder 51

William Furst 2015-2016

Box 2, Folder 52

Max Gabriel 2015

Box 3, Folder 1

Louis Ganne 2015

Box 3, Folder 2

Percy Gaunt 2015

Box 3, Folder 3

Charles Gebest 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 4

George M. Cohan undated

Box 3, Folder 5

Melville J. Gideon 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 6

Jean Gilbert 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 7

Charles Gilfert (1787-1829) 2015

Box 3, Folder 8

Henri-Noel Gilles (1778-1834) undated

Box 3, Folder 9

Napoleon Gilles (1809-1880) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 10

George Gillingham (1770-1826) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 11

Paolo Giorza 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 12

C.J.M. Glaser 2015

Box 3, Folder 13

Howard Glover 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 14

James M. Glover (1861-1931) 2015

Box 3, Folder 15

John William Glover undated

Box 3, Folder 16

Leopold Godowsky (1870-1938) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 17

Anselm Goetzl 2016

Box 3, Folder 18

Al Goodman (1890-1972) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 19

Al Goodman 2015

Box 3, Folder 20

Louis F. Gottschalk 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 21

Juan Goula (1843-1917) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 22

Frederick Granger (1770-1830) 2016

Box 3, Folder 23

Charles N. Grant 2016

Box 3, Folder 24

Gottlieb Graupner 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 25

John B. Grant (d. 1912) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 26

Louis Gress 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 27

Henry Kimball Hadley 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 28

Alexander Haig 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 29

Oscar Hammerstein 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 30

Ed. Carl Hand 2015

Box 3, Folder 31

E. Harrison 2015

Box 3, Folder 32

Melody and the Musketeers undated

Box 3, Folder 33

Harry Lawson Hearty 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 34

Silvio Hein (1879-1928) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 35

Anton Heindl 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 36

Anthony Heinrich (1781-1861) 2015

Box 3, Folder 37

Victor Herbert 2015

Box 3, Folder 38

Victor Herbert- "Babes in Toyland" undated

Box 3, Folder 39

Victor Herbert- "Fortuneteller Wonderland" undated

Box 3, Folder 40

James Hewitt 2015

Box 3, Folder 41

John Hill Hewitt 2015

Box 3, Folder 42

John Leubnie Hill 2015

Box 3, Folder 43

Thomas W. Hindley 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 44

Louis Hirsch- "Going Up" 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 45

Louis Hirch- "Mary" undated

Box 3, Folder 46

August William Hoffman 2015

Box 3, Folder 47

Max Hoffman, Sr. (1873-1963) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 48

William Hoffmaster - "Durang's Hornpipe" undated

Box 3, Folder 49

Francis Hopkinson undated

Material Specific Details: Author note: "not used"
Box 3, Folder 50

Charles Edward Horn (1786-1849) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 51

Sidney H. Horner 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 52

Karl Hoschna (1876-1911) 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 53

Frank A. Howson 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 54

Raymond Hubbell 2016

Box 3, Folder 55

John Adam Hugo (1873-1945) 2016

Box 3, Folder 56

Fred W. Humphery 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 57

Watty Hydes 2015-2016

Box 3, Folder 58

William C.K. Irwin 2015

Box 3, Folder 59

Adam Itzel 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 1

Georges Jacobi (1840-1906) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 2

Victor Jacobi 2016

Box 4, Folder 3

Henri Maurice Jacquet 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 4

Edward Jakobowski 2015

Box 4, Folder 5

Harry James 2015

Box 4, Folder 6

Alfredo Antonio Jannatta 2016

Box 4, Folder 7

William Jefferson (1876-1946) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 8

Ben M. Jerome 2016

Box 4, Folder 9

Al John (1878-1928) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 10

James Price Johnson (1894-1955) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 11

J. Rosamond Johnson (1873-1954) & [Robert Allen] Cole 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 12

Alexander Johnston 2016

Box 4, Folder 13

Sidney Jones 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 14

Stephen Jones (1880-1967) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 15

Scott Joplin 2016

Box 4, Folder 16

Joe Jordan (1882-1971) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 17

Edgar Stillman Kelley 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 18

John T. Kelly 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 19

Michael Kelly (1762-1826) 2015

Box 4, Folder 20

Gustav Kerker 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 21

C. Herbert Kerr 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 22

Carl Kiefert (1855-1937) 2015

Box 4, Folder 23

[Imre] Kiralfy- America undated

Box 4, Folder 24

[Imre] Kiralfy- Columbus undated

General Note

A photograph was a part of the original collection's folder and is located in box 12.
Box 4, Folders 25-26

Manuel Klien 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 27

August Kleinecke 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 28

Charles Koppitz (1830-1873) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 29

Prof. [Julius] Karakaner 2016

Box 4, Folder 30

Christian Krause 2015

Box 4, Folder 31

Frutz Krause 2015

Box 4, Folder 32

Albert Krausse 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 33

Fritz Kreisler 2016

Box 4, Folder 34

Alfred J. Kuttner 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 35

Trille LaBarre 2016

Box 4, Folder 36

Aimee Lachaume (1871-1944) 2015

Box 4, Folder 37

Signor La Manna 2015

Box 4, Folder 38

Paul Lannin 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 39

Cecil Lean (c.1878-1935) 2015

Box 4, Folder 40

Sammy Lee undated

Box 4, Folder 41

Franz Lenár 2017

Box 4, Folder 42

Samuel Lehman 2016

Box 4, Folder 43

Harry S. Levant 2015

Box 4, Folder 44

Harold A. Levey 2016

Box 4, Folder 45

Maurice Levi 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 46

Walter H. Lewis (3-31-1866 - 1937?) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 47

Horace Lingard- "Grecian Bend" and "Pluto Quadrille" 2015

Box 4, Folder 48

Hans S. Linné (1863-1939) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 49

Matthew Locke 2015

Box 4, Folder 50

George Loesch 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 51

Fredrick Knight Logan (1871-1928) 2015

Box 4, Folder 52

William Loraine (1869-19?) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 53

William Loraine- "A Stubborn Cinderella" 2015

Box 4, Folder 54

Edward Loder (7-10-1809 - 4-5-1865) and Henri Drayton 2015

Box 4, Folder 55

George Loder (1816-1867) 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 56

Napier Lothian 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 57

W. W. Lowitz 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 58

Gustav Luders 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 59

Milton Lusk 2015-2016

Box 4, Folder 60

Meyer Lutz 2015

Box 4, Folder 61

Raoul Mader (1856-1940) 2015

Box 5, Folder 1

Frank Mader 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 2

J. Gaspard Maeder 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 3

Harry T. MacCornell (1871-1914) 2016

Box 5, Folder 4

Richard M. Maddern 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 5

A. W. Maflin 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 6

John Elliot Mallandaine (4-10-1838 - 11-24-1886) 2016

Box 5, Folder 7

Francois Mallet (1750-1834) 2016

Box 5, Folder 8

Nat. D. Mann 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 9

Henry Marchetti 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 10

Romualdo Marenco 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 11

Max Maretzek 2015

Box 5, Folder 12

Jack Mason 2015

Box 5, Folder 13

Tito Mattei (1841-1941) 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 14

Louie Maurice 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 15

J. Hood McKeever 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 16

John L. McManus 2015

Box 5, Folder 17

Christopher Meineke (1782-1850) undated

Box 5, Folder 18

Joseph Meinrath 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 19

Rodion Mendelvitch 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 20

Gaetano Merola 2016

Box 5, Folder 21

Max Meth 2015

Box 5, Folder 22

Fred Miller Jr. 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 23

Fredrick W. Mills 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 24

Edward Mollenhauer 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 25

Lionel Monckton 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 26

Ricardo Morgas 2016

Box 5, Folder 27

Robbert Griffin Morris 2015

Box 5, Folder 28

Robert G. Morse 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 29

Woolson Morse 2015

Box 5, Folder 30

Otto Motzan (1880-1937) 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 31

Lewis F. Muir 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 32

W. S. Mullally 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 33

Alfred Müller-Norden 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 34

Frank Musgrave (1834-1888) 2015

Box 5, Folder 35

Adolph Neuendorf 2015

Box 5, Folder 36

Arthur Nevin 2016

Box 5, Folder 37

Alfred Newman 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 38

Ernest Neyer 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 39

Alfred Norman 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 40

Frederick Norton 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 41

Adolph Nowak 2015-2016

Box 5, Folders 42-43

Giuseppe Operti 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 44

G[iuseppe] Operti- "Strangers of Paris" undated

Box 5, Folder 45

Harold Orlob- "Town Topics Ballet" (3 June 1883 - 25 June 1982) 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 46

José Padilla undated

Box 5, Folder 47

John Knowles Paine (1-9-1839 - 4-25-1906) 2015

Box 5, Folder 48

Frank Palma 2015

Box 5, Folder 49

Florian Pascal (1847-1923) 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 50

Sidney Pearson- The Naid Queen- ft. 1842-1864 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 51

Ted Peiper 2015-2016

Box 5, Folder 52

Victor Pelissier 2016

Box 5, Folder 53

William H. Penn 2016

Box 5, Folder 54

William Penson undated

Box 5, Folder 55

Mons. Perot 2015

Box 5, Folder 56

Arthrur Pell 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 57

Fred Perkins 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 58

Herman Perlet (1862-1916) 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 59

William Federick Peters (8-9-1871 - 12-1-1938) 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 60

Frank W. Peterschen 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 61

W.T. Peterschen 2015-2017

Box 5, Folder 62

Carl Pflueger 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 1

Carl Pleininger 2015

Box 6, Folder 2

Lew Pollack 2015

Box 6, Folder 3

Amilcare Ponchielli 2015

Box 6, Folder 4

Signor G. Pons 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 5

Cole Porter (1891-1964) 2015

Box 6, Folder 6

Auguste Predigam (d. 1877) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 7

Charles E. Pratt 2015

Box 6, Folder 8

S.G. Pratt 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 9

Charles Previn 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 10

Charles Puerner (b. 1859) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 11

Oscar Raden (b. 1874)(d. 1957) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 12

J.A. Raynes 2015

Box 6, Folder 13

William Reeve (1757-1815) 2017

Box 6, Folder 14

Richard Rodgers 2015

Box 6, Folder 15

William Michael Rooke- "Amilie" 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 16

Anothony Reiff Jr. 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 17

Alexander Reinagle 2015

Box 6, Folder 18

Edward E. Rice 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 19

Justus Ringleben Jr. (A.K.A. Justin Ring) 2015

Box 6, Folder 20

Alfred George Robyn (4-29-1860 - 10-18-1935) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 21

Sigmund Romberg 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 22

Maurice Rubens (1893-1948) 2015

Box 6, Folder 23

Paul Rubens (1875-1917) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 24

Frank Saddler (1861-1921) 2015

Material Specific Details: Note by author: "not used"
Box 6, Folder 25

Eugene Salzer (1884?-1964) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 26

Gus Salzer 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 27

Henry L. Sanford 2017

Box 6, Folder 28

James Sanderson undated

Box 6, Folder 29

Henry Sator 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 30

Harry Saxon 2015

Box 6, Folder 31

Carl Schilling 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 32

George Schleiffarth 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 33

Paul Schindler 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 34

Charles Schultz 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 35

Jean Schwartz 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 36

A. Sedgwick 2015

Box 6, Folder 37

Benjamin L. Shook 2017

Box 6, Folder 38

Selli Simonson 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 39

Walter Slaughter 2017

Box 6, Folder 40

A. Baldwin Sloan 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 41

Chris Smith (1879-1949) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 42

Gus Sohlke 2015

Box 6, Folder 43

Edward Solomon 2015

Box 6, Folder 44

Frederic Solomon 2015

Box 6, Folder 45

John C. Sorg 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 46

John Philip Sousa 2015

Box 6, Folder 47

Alexander Spencer 2015

Box 6, Folder 48

Willard Spencer (1852-16 December 1933) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 49

Professor Spiel 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 50

George A. Spink (1873-1936) 2015-2017

Box 6, Folder 51

J. Sprake 2015

Box 6, Folder 52

Richard Stahl (1860?-1899) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 1

John Villers Stamford 2015

Box 7, Folder 2

Dave Stamper 2015

Box 7, Folder 3

Max Steiner 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 4

D.K. Stevens (1860-1946) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 5

Robert August Stoepel 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 6

Herbert Stothart- "Wildflower" undated

Box 7, Folder 7

Herbert Stothart (1885-1949) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 8

Frederic Strebinger 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 9

Rene Stretti 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 10

John Stromberg (1853-1902) 2015

Box 7, Folder 11

Leslie Stuart 2015

Box 7, Folder 12

Dan J. Sullivan 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 13

Howard Talbot 2015

Box 7, Folder 14

Francis Tamponi 2015

Box 7, Folder 15

Raynor Taylor 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 16

Richard B. Taylor 2015

Box 7, Folder 17

Francis Thomé (10-18-1850 - 11-16-1909) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 18

Lydia Thompson undated

Box 7, Folder 19

Thomas Pearsall Thorne (1860?-1922) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 20

Harry Tierney 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 21

Paul Tietjens 2015-2016

Box 7, Folder 22

Henry Tissington 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 23

Frank Edward Tours (1877-1963) 2015

Box 7, Folder 24

George P. Towle 2015-2017

Material Specific Details: Note by author: "not used"
Box 7, Folder 25

George Lowell Tracy undated

Box 7, Folder 26

Alexander Tyte 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 27

Phil. Trajetta 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 28

Joseph Van Den Berg 2015

Box 7, Folder 29

James J. Vaughn (AKA James J. Vaugham) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 30

Angelo Vananzl 2015

Box 7, Folder 31

Nat Vincent 2016-2017

Material Specific Details: Note by author: "not used"
Box 7, Folder 32

Will Vodery 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 33

J.B. Vogel 2015

Box 7, Folder 34

Fred Von Olker 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 35

Harry Von Tilzer (1872-1946) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 36

Henry Waller (1864-?) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 37

Harry Wannemacher 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 38

William Henry Ware undated

Box 7, Folder 39

F. T. Ward 2015

Box 7, Folder 40

Alfred G. Wathall (1880-1938) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 41

Ned Wayburn 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 42

H. Wayrauch 2015

Box 7, Folder 43

Roy Webb (1888-1982) 2015

Box 7, Folder 44

Karl Weixelbaum 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 45

Arthur Weld (1862-1914) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 46

J. Clarence West 2015

Box 7, Folder 47

Henry J. Widmer (1844/5-1895) 2015-2017

Box 7, Folder 48

Bert Williams 2015

Box 7, Folder 49

Jesse Williams (5-3-1840 - 9-26-1917) 2015

Box 7, Folder 50

Richard L. Willams undated

Box 7, Folder 51

William Withers Jr. 2015

Box 7, Folder 52

Max S. Witt 2015-2017

Box 8, Folder 1

Isidore Witmark (1869-1941) 2017

Box 8, Folder 2

B.E. Woolf 2015

Box 8, Folder 3

Edward Woolf 2015

Box 8, Folder 4

George F. Woodham 2015


Franceschina noted on original folder: "not used"
Box 8, Folder 5

Emil O. Wolff 2015-2017

Box 8, Folder 6

André Wormser 2015

Box 8, Folder 7

John S. Zamecnik (1872-1953) 2015

Box 8, Folder 8

Fred W. Zaulig 2015

Box 8, Folder 9

Charles Zimmerman 2015-2017


Sub-Series 1.2. Dance and theater research circa 1875-2016

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

This sub-series contains a variety of material types of magazines, newspapers, playbills, sheet music, and correspondence. The main themes were choreography/choreographers and theater. Many of the material in the sub-series are based in New York and was collected by John Franceschina through online websites, email, internet shopping.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by title.
Box 8, Folder 10-11

"Choreography in Musical Comedy and Revue on the New York Stage from 1925 Through 1950" 1998

Box 8, Folder 12

Cinderella 2015

Box 8, Folder 13

"The Contributions of selected Broadway Musical Theatre Choreographers: Connolly, Rasch, Balanchine, Holm, and Alton" 2007

Box 8, Folder 14

[Dance arranger and orchestra research] 2015-2016

Box 8, Folder 15

"The Dance Direction of Ned Wayburn Selected Topics in Musical Staging" 1980

Box 8, Folder 16

Dance in the Musical Theatre Jerome Robbins and His Peers undated

Box 23, Folder 1

The Etude Music Magazine 1925

Box 8, Folder 17

The Flower of the Ranch 2015

Box 8, Folder 18

[Rudolph Friml and Harms-Friml Corporation agreement] 1920-1936

Box 8, Folder 19

[To Rudolph Friml's wife from Rudolph Friml] undated

Box 8, Folder 20

"From a Chorus Line to 'A Chorus Line': The Emergence of Dance in the American Musical Theatre" 1979

Box 23, Folder 2

Hyperion Theatre undated

Box 23, Folder 3

The Illustrated American 1893

Box 8, Folder 21

[Incidental and Dance Music in the American Theatre from 1787-1923 source list] undated

Box 8, Folder 22

[Italian play and musical brochures] circa 2003-2009

Box 8, Folder 23

Ixion undated

Box 8, Folder 24

[To Russell Janney from Brian Hooker] 1925

Box 23, Folder 4

[Imre Kiralfy- Columbus] undated

General Note

Originally part of "Imre Kirafly" under the sub-series "Composer biographical research".
Box 23, Folder 5

The Ladies Home Journal 1910

Box 8, Folder 25

[to and from Richard Madden and Sinclair Lewis] 1921

Box 8, Folder 26

[Memorandum of Agreement between Fred Whitney and Rudolph Friml] 1920

Box 23, Folder 6

Metronome 1931

Box 8, Folder 27

[Musical arranger research] circa 2015

Box 23, Folder 7

New York Herald undated

Box 8, Folder 28

Ordinary Americans in Everyday Settings, The Brook, Harrigan and Hart, A Trip to Chinatown undated

Box 23, Folder 8

Park Theatre 1885

Box 23, Folder 9

The Stage 1888-1889

Box 8, Folder 29

"Tamiris: A Chronicle of Her Dance Career 1927-1955" 1927-1955

Box 23, Folder 10

[ Texas, Li'l Darlin- "Politics" by Kenny Delmar and Loring Smith] undated

Box 8, Folder 30

[Theater announcements and showtimes] circa 1883-1985

Box 8, Folder 31

[ Theater Arts] 1956

Box 23, Folder 11

Theatre Comique undated

Box 8, Folder 32

[Theater entrance photographs] undated

Box 23, Folder 12

Theatre Magazine 1926

Box 8, Folders 33-34

[Theater programs] 1875-circa 1908

Box 8, Folder 35

[Theater programs with music by Rudolph Friml] 1926-1984


Sub-Series 1.3. Sheet music circa 1869-2006

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains sheet music from the mid nineteenth century to the twenty-first century. Some famous composers a part of this sub-series includes Rudolph Friml, Ivan Caryll, Reginald de Koven, Ludwig Englander, Victor Herbert, Jerome Kern, Heinrich Reinhardt, Sigmund Romberg, and Howard Talbot. A majority of these composers created pieces for musicals.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by each composer's last name. This arrangement was based off of "music by" on the sheet music.
Box 8, Folder 36, Box 24, Folder 1

Alfred E. Aarons undated, 1903

Box 24, Folder 2

Milton Ager 1917

Box 24, Folder 3

Irving Berlin 1909-1920

Box 8, Folder 37, Box 24, Folder 4

Robert Hood Bowers undated

Box 24, Folder 5

Dave Braham 1875-1879

Box 24, Folder 7

J. I. Brymn 1908

Box 24, Folder 6

Joseph Carl Breil 1909

Box 24, Folder 8

Harry Carroll 1917

Box 8, Folders 38-39, Box 24, Folder 9

Ivan Caryll undated

Box 24, Folder 10

George L. Cobb circa 1914

Box 24, Folder 11

Will Marion Cook 1902-1904

Box 8, Folder 40

Charles Cuvillier undated

Box 8, Folder 41, Box 24, Folder 12

Reginald de Koven undated

Box 8, Folder 42-44, Box 24, Folder 13

Ludwig Englander undated

Box 8, Folder 45

Edmund Eysler and Sigmund Romberg undated

Box 8, Folder 46, Box 24, Folder 14

Leo Fall undated

Box 24, Folder 15

Henry Farnie circa 1869

Box 8, Folder 47, Box 9, Folders 1-6, Box 24, Folder 16

Rudolph Friml circa 1909-2006

Box 9, Folder 7

Percy Gaunt 1894

Box 9, Folder 8

Anselm Goetzl 2005

Box 9, Folder 9

Bruno Granichstaedten undated

Box 24, Folder 17

Silvio Hein 1915

Box 24, Folder 18

Roy Henderson 1926-1932

Box 9, Folders 10-12, Box 24, Folder 19

Victor Herbert undated

Box 9, Folder 13

Hervé undated

Box 24, Folder 20

Art Hickman 1920

Box 24, Folder 21

Louis A. Hirsch 1910-1919

Box 24, Folder 22

Max Hoffmann 1906

Box 9, Folders 14-15

Karl Hoschna 1910

Box 24, Folder 23

Raymond Hubbell 1906-1909

Box 9, Folder 16

Victor Jacobi undated

Box 24, Folder 24

Ben M. Jerome 1911

Box 24, Folder 25

Al Jolson 1918-1923

Box 24, Folder 26

Rosomond Johnson 1909

Box 24, Folder 27

Emmerich Kálmán 1927

Box 24, Folder 28

Gustav Kerker 1898-1903

Box 9, Folder 17, Box 24, Folder 29

Jerome Kern undated

Box 24, Folder 30

Jack King 1929

Box 24, Folder 31

Walter Kollo 1930

Box 9, Folder 18

Charles Koppitz undated

Box 24, Folder 32

Ed Künneke 1925

Box 24, Folder 33

Edith Maida Lessing 1912

Box 24, Folder 34

Maurice Levi 1901

Box 24, Folder 35

William Horace Lincard undated

Box 24, Folder 36

Jimmy McHugh 1948-1949

Box 24, Folder 37

Chauncey Olcott 1906

Box 9, Folder 19

Harold Orlob undated

Box 24, Folder 38

Maceo Pinkard 1920

Box 9, Folder 20, Box 24, Folder 39

Heinrich Reinhardt undated

Box 24, Folder 40

Hugo Riesenfeld 1919

Box 24, Folder 41

Justus Ringleben 1904

Box 24, Folder 42

Richard Rodgers 1948

Box 9, Folder 21, Box 24, Folder 43

Sigmund Romberg undated

Box 24, Folder 44

Jack Shilkret 1924

Box 24, Folder 45

Ted Snyder 1921-1922

Box 9, Folders 22-26

John Philip Sousa undated

Box 24, Folder 46

Herbert Stothart 1920

Box 9, Folder 27, Box 24, Folder 47

Howard Talbot undated

Box 24, Folder 48

Harry Tierney 1929

Box 24, Folder 49

Harry Von Tilzer 1902

Box 24, Folder 50

Kurt Weill 1948

Box 24, Folder 51

Isidore Witmark 1909

Box 9, Folder 28

Allie Wrubel 1937

Box 24, Folder 52

Vincent Youmans 1921-1923

Box 9, Folder 29

Vol 2 examples undated


Series 2. Hermes Pan circa 1882-2011

Series Scope and Contents

This series consists of John Franceschina's research for his book Hermes Pan: The man who danced with Fred Astaire. Though all of the series relates to this research, the first sub-series is work written by John Franceschina and the second sub-series relates to research for the book. The series contains notes, rough drafts with edit marks, articles, and correspondence.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged into two sub-series as follows:
  • Sub-Series 2.1. Book drafts and notes, circa 2009-2011
  • Sub-Series 2.2. Research, circa 1882-2011

Sub-Series 2.1. Book drafts and notes circa 2009-2011

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

The sub-series consists of rough drafts and notes of John Franceschina's book Hermes Pan: the man that danced with Fred Astaire. These early drafts contain the authors notes and editing marks.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series was arranged alphabetically by title.
Box 9, Folder 30

[Evaluation of Hermes Pan manuscript] undated

Box 9, Folder 31

[Franceschina's notes] undated

Box 9, Folder 32

Introduction [rough draft] circa 2009

Box 10, Folders 1-7

[Book rough draft] circa 2010-2011

Box 10, Folder 8

[Hermes Pan timeline and 'Chapter 7: Wonderful Nonsense" rough draft] undated


Sub-Series 2.2. Research circa 1882-2011

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

The sub-series contains research that was not written by John Franceschina, but that was used as research for his book Hermes Pan: the man who danced with Fred Astaire. Research on individuals who worked and interacted with Hermes Pan such as Rita Haywork, Betty Grable, and Katherine Hepburn are in the form of articles. Sheet music and a record consisting of songs that were a part of movies Hermes Pan choreographed for are also included.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by title.
Box 10, Folders 10-11

[Articles] undated

Box 10, Folder 11

"As the Girls Go" circa 1948-1949

Box 10, Folder 12

Lucille Ball undated

Box 10, Folder 13

Irving Berlin films 2009

Box 10, Folder 14

Bibliographies and bios 2005-2009

Box 10, Folder 15

Bibliography with dance numbers 2003-2010

Box 10, Folder 16

Larry Billman on Johnny Mathis 2011

Box 10, Folder 17

[From Larry Billman and Michelene Laski to John Franceschina] 2006-2011

Box 10, Folder 18

"Billy Rose's Diamond Horseshoe All-Time Song Favorites" 1945

Box 10, Folder 19

"Blind Alleys" undated

Flat-File-Folder 2

The Chicago Herald 1882

Box 10, Folder 20

Cineaste 1983

Box 23, Folder 13

Classic Images 1982-1983

Box 10, Folders 21-22

Cleopatra undated

Box 10, Folder 23

"Darling Lili" (1968) undated

Box 10, Folder 24

Dance in the Hollywood Musical undated

Box 10, Folder 25

Elimination and Deletions (MGM Films) undated

Box 10, Folder 26

[To John Franceschina from Dan Miller of 20th Century Fox] 2010

Box 10, Folder 27

Gershwin films undated

Box 10, Folder 28

Betty Grable undated

Box 10, Folder 29

Rita Hayworth undated

Box 10, Folder 30

[Hayworth/Pan photographs] 2010

Box 10, Folder 31

Katherine Hepburn undated

Box 10, Folder 32

Hollywood Studio Magazine 1988

Box 10, Folder 33

[From Michelene Laski to John Franceschina] 2011

Box 10, Folder 34

[From Michelene Laski to John Franceschina and source material] 2011

Box 10, Folder 35

Letters circa 2010-2011

Box 10, Folder 36

Motion Picture Digest (1936-1939) undated

Box 10, Folder 37

Never Steal Anything Small 2011

Box 10, Folder 38

New York Motion Critics' Reviews (1944-1945) undated

Box 10, Folder 39

Hermes Pan's autobiography undated

Box 10, Folders 40-43, Box 11, Folders 1-4

[Biographical research] 2003-2009

Box 11, Folder 5

[Films] 2009

Box 11, Folder 6

[Interviews] circa 2011

Box 11, Folder 7

["Pin Up Girl" script] 1943

Box 11, Folders 8-9

[Photographs] circa 2011

Box 11, Folder 10

[Plays] 2003-2009

Box 12, Folder 1

[Reviews] 2003-2009

Box 12, Folder 2

Hermes Pan and Tommy Wolf 2009

Box 12, Folder 3

Vasso Pan's diary undated

Box 12, Folder 4

Playbills circa 2011

Box 12, Folder 5

Red Skelton undated

Box 12, Folder 6

Screenland Plus TV Land 1959

Box 12, Folder 7

"Varsity" undated


Series 3. Musical and theatrical compositions circa 1929-2012

Series Scope and Contents

This series contains sheet music, plays, and audio/visual material containing songs. Many of the musical pieces were composed by the donor John Franceschina. The works typically range from the 1970s-2000's but feature plays written in the 19th and 20th centuries. Some of the plays are from films with Mr. Franceschina's original musical compositions. Several of the original folders contained notes about the materials and those are highlighted as general notes at the item level.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged into two sub-series as follows:
  • Sub-Series 3.1. Plays, circa 1965-2012
  • Sub-Series 3.2. Songs, circa 1929-2009

Sub-Series 3.1. Plays circa 1965-2012

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

This sub-series contains edited and unedited play scripts, research, event information, and programs. Consisting of material from circa 1965 to 2012, some of the play's original folders contained notes which are indicated at the item level. Originally several of the plays were in the same folders as the sheet music pertaining to the same play but they have been seperated by type for organization purposes. The donor, Mr. John Franceschina, was invovled in performances of many of the plays and events provided.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The series is arranged alphabetically by title.
Box 13, Folder 1

About Face undated

Box 13, Folder 2

Across Spoon River undated

Box 13, Folder 3

A.D.G. show undated

Box 13, Folder 4

All the World's a Stage undated

Box 13, Folder 5

The Amorous Grandmother 1989

Box 13, Folder 6

Angstland undated

Box 13, Folder 7

Archy and Friends 1978

General Note

The donor noted that this play was associated with Asolo, a theater in Sarasota, Florida.
Box 13, Folder 8

Ars Amandi undated

Box 13, Folder 9

Asolo headshots and programs circa 1976-1991

Box 13, Folder 10

As You Like It 1994

General Note

The original folder included "Natural Shakespeare Company".
Box 13, Folder 11

Caliban undated

Box 13, Folder 12

Call Boy: Where There's a Will There's a Play undated

Box 13, Folders 13-14

Casablanca 2007

Box 13, Folder 15

The Catholic University of America play programs 1965-1972

General Note

The materials included in this folder were gifted to Mr. Franceschina by Mike Murnane. A comic titled Baby Zeppo Comics is also incorporated in this folder.
Box 13, Folder 16

The Changeling undated

Box 13, Folder 17

Che! undated

Box 13, Folder 18

The Cherry Orchard 1979

Box 13, Folder 19

A Christmas Carol 1996

Box 13, Folder 20

The Coldest War of All undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Olney/City Island".
Box 13, Folder 21

The Country Girl undated

Box 13, Folder 22

Country Mouse, City Mouse undated

Box 13, Folder 23

The Country Wife 1978

Box 13, Folder 24

Danton's Death 1989

Box 13, Folder 25

Dead End circa 1999-2000

Box 13, Folder 26

The Doctor in Spite of Himself 1989

Box 13, Folder 27

The Dollmaker's Dilemma 1978

Box 13, Folder 28

The Dressmaker's Dilemma undated

Box 13, Folder 29

The Drunkard circa 1979

Box 13, Folder 30

East of Eden undated

Box 13, Folder 31

The Emperor of the Moon 2009

Box 13, Folder 32

To the Ends of the Earth 1988

Box 14, Folder 1

An Evening with Roger Rees 1986

Box 14, Folder 2

The Falcon in the Tree 1979

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Merlin-Asolo".
Box 14, Folder 3

The Fast Lane 1989

Box 14, Folder 4

Fool's Festival 1990

Box 14, Folder 5

Graveston undated

Box 14, Folder 6

The Girl on the Golden West circa 1982

Box 14, Folder 7

Good-bye Blues undated

Box 14, Folder 8

Heartbreak House 1981

Box 14, Folder 9

Heliogabalus circa 2012

General Note

The original folder title was called "taormina".
Box 14, Folder 10

I Love Alice 1989-1990

Box 14, Folder 11

The Imaginary Invalid undated

General Note

The originial folder contained the note "Coconut Grove".
Box 14, Folder 12

Inferno 1999

Box 14, Folder 13

The Jungle Book 2000

Box 14, Folder 14

Kingfish! 1987

Box 14, Folder 15

The King of Sodom undated

Box 14, Folder 16

Le Dindon undated

General Note

The play in English is titled The Ding Dong.
Box 14, Folders 17-18

Let the Children Play 1975

Box 14, Folder 19

A Little Wine with Lunch 1977

Box 14, Folder 20

Lord Jim undated

Box 14, Folder 21

The Lord's A Wonder 1976-1978

Box 14, Folder 22

Louise 1970-1990

Box 14, Folder 23

Lysistrata undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "GWU/FSU".
Box 14, Folder 24

The Madness of Misfortune 2003

Box 14, Folder 25

The Magistrate 1979-1989

Box 14, Folder 26

Menaechmus 2005

Box 14, Folder 27

The Merry Wives of Windsor 1989

Box 14, Folder 28

Mount Allegro 1992

Box 14, Folder 29

Off to Bougie 1990

Box 15, Folder 1

Olio undated

Box 15, Folder 2

Out of Line 2007

Box 15, Folder 3

Pandora's Box 2000

Box 15, Folder 4

Piaf undated

Box 15, Folder 5

Prince Hamlet 1983

General Note

The original folder was contained the note "Asolo".
Box 15, Folders 6-7

Prison Rites 2003

Box 15, Folder 8

Proclamations 2005

General Note

The title is the same as what was on the original folder.
Box 15, Folder 9

The Prophecy undated

Box 15, Folder 10

Quadrille undated

Box 15, Folder 11

Quigley Down Under 1989

Box 15, Folder 12

Rappacini's Garden undated

Box 15, Folder 13

Rebeca undated

Box 15, Folder 14

The Roof 1988

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 15, Folder 15

The Royal Family 1993

Box 15, Folder 16

Rufus undated

Box 15, Folder 17

The Servant of Two Masters circa 1985-1986

Box 15, Folder 18

Sherlock Holmes undated

Box 15, Folder 19

Sing Out, Sweet Land circa 1970

Box 15, Folder 20

The Skin of Our Teeth 1999

Box 15, Folder 21

Sodom: The Musical! 2000

Box 15, Folder 22

Sometimes Rhymes/ and Other Rhythms undated

Box 15, Folder 23

Spoon River Anthology 1975

Box 15, Folder 24

The Star Child undated

Box 15, Folder 25

Stonewall 1991

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Theater West Virginia".
Box 15, Folder 26

The Story of Puddin'head Wilson 1976

Box 15, Folder 27

A Tale of Two Cities 1990-1991

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 15, Folder 28

Taming of the Shrew 1996

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 15, Folder 29

Tartuffe 1982-1983

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Geva".
Box 15, Folder 30

The Tell-Tale Heart 1991

Box 15, Folder 31

The Tempest undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 15, Folder 32

The Property is Condemned undated

General Note

The orignial folder contained the note "Williams Project".
Box 15, Folder 33

The Three Musketeers 1995

Box 16, Folder 1

Time Machine undated

Box 16, Folder 2

Tonal Harmony undated

General Note

The article was written by Dorothy Paige who also has works attributed to her within the collection.
Box 16, Folder 3

Troilus and Cressida undated

Box 16, Folder 4

A Troupe in a Trunk undated

Box 16, Folder 5

Twelfth Night undated

Box 16, Folder 6

Unfit for Modest Ears undated

Box 16, Folder 7

Utterly Wilde 1993

Box 16, Folder 8

The War for the Bull of Cuailgne undated

Box 16, Folder 9

We Try Harder undated

Box 16, Folder 10

The Word circa 1999-2002


Sub-Series 3.2. Songs circa 1929-2009

Sub-Series Scope and Contents

The series consists of sheet music from about 1929-2009 composed by both John Franceschina and other musicians. Though the pieces were formed in this time frame, the creation of the music dates earlier in the 20th century. Several of the pieces are musicals and music created based on plays. Materials are both hand written and printed. Some of the original folders contained notes which are included at the item level. The sheet music are connected to the plays but were seperated for organization purposes.

Sub-Series Arrangement

The sub-series is arranged alphabetically by title.
Box 16, Folder 11

Across Spoon River undated

Box 16, Folder 12

A.D.G. show undated

General Note

The title provided was what was written on the original folder.
Box 16, Folder 13

Ainsi Suite undated

Box 16, Folder 14

The Amorous Grandmother 1989

Box 16, Folder 15

"Amy Borden" circa 1975

Box 16, Folder 16

Archy and Friends 1978

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 16, Folder 17

Arms and the Man undated

General Note

The originial folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 16, Folders 18-19

Ars Armandi undated

Box 16, Folder 20

Asolo song undated

General Note

The title provided is the same as what was on the original folder.
Box 16, Folder 21

As You Like It 1994

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Natural Shakespeare Company".
Box 16, Folder 22, Box 22, Folder 12

The Bacchae 1990

Box 16, Folder 23

"Bayan Concerto" undated

Box 16, Folder 24, Box 22, Folder 13

Benefactors undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 16, Folder 25

Best Foot Forward (Wagon Wheel) undated

Box 16, Folder 26

"Blacksheep" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "show".
Box 16, Folder 27

"Burn the Mortgage" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 16, Folder 28

Camille undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 16, Folder 29

Campaign relief undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Pittsburgh Public".
Box 16, Folders 30-31

Candida 1985

Box 16, Folder 32

Casablanca 2007

Box 16, Folder 33

The Changeling undated

Box 16, Folder 34

The Cherry Orchard 1979

Box 16, Folder 35

Chlorida 1991

Box 16, Folder 36

A Christmas Carol 1996

Box 17, Folder 1

"Christmas is You" 2007

Box 17, Folder 2

"Christmas Needs a Lover" 1979


The originial file contained the note "Christmas Revue- L.A. 2007".
Box 17, Folder 3

Cinders 2005

Box 17, Folder 4

The Coldest War of All undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Olney/ City Island".
Box 17, Folder 5, Box 22, Folder 14

Concert sketches undated

Box 17, Folder 6

Concerto for Accordion and Orchestra 1987

Box 17, Folder 7

"Concerto for Guitar and Woodwinds" undated

Box 17, Folder 8

Conestoga 1982

Box 17, Folder 9

"Counter Girl" undated

Box 17, Folder 10

The Country Wife 1978

Box 17, Folder 11

"County Fair" 1977

Box 17, Folder 12

Dark of the Moon undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 13

Dead End circa 1999-2000

Box 17, Folder 14

Death of a Salesman undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 15, Box 22, Folder 15

Desire Under the Elms undated

General Note

The orginial folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 17, Folder 16

"Dis Blues" undated

Box 17, Folder 17

"Do You or Don't You?" 1984

Box 17, Folder 18

The Doctor in Spite of Himself 1989

Box 17, Folder 19

The Dollmaker's Dilemma 1978

Box 17, Folder 20

The Drunkard circa 1979

Box 17, Folder 21

The Emperor of the Moon 2009

Box 17, Folder 22

To the Ends of the Earth 1988

Box 17, Folder 23

"Ev'rythings Up to Date" undated

Box 17, Folder 24

The Falcon in the Tree 1979

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Merlin- Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 25

Fanfare for the Fiftieth 1985

Box 17, Folder 26

"Fantasy" 1976

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Good Old Fashion Revue".
Box 17, Folder 27

The Fast Lane 1989

Box 17, Folder 28

"Featertrap" undated

Box 17, Folder 29

"Feeling Fine" circa 1984

Box 17, Folder 30

"Finale" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "With you in mind".
Box 17, Folder 31

Finnegan's Wake:part 8 The Washers at the Ford 1990

Box 17, Folder 32

Flowers, Wayland songs undated

Box 17, Folder 33

"Forgive Me, Evelyn Burns" undated

Box 17, Folder 34

Four Sea Sketches 1984

Box 17, Folder 35

From Sherlock to Shakespeare undated

Box 17, Folder 36

The Girl of the Golden West circa 1982

Box 17, Folder 37

"A Good Old Fashioned Revue" 1976

Box 17, Folder 38

"Glad for You" 1976

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 39

Grimm undated

Box 17, Folder 40, Box 22, Folder 16

Heartbreak House 1981

Box 17, Folder 41

Hodapp Ann songs 1976-1979

Box 17, Folder 42

"I Arise Today" undated

Box 17, Folders 43-44

I Love Alice 1989-1990

Box 17, Folder 45

"I Met Someone" 1976

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Good Old Fashioned Revue".
Box 17, Folder 46

"If It's Real" 1984

Box 17, Folder 47

The Imaginary Invalid undated

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Coconut Grove".
Box 17, Folder 48

The Importance of Being Earnest 1984

General Note

The original folder consisted of the notes "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 49

In Gay Company undated

Box 17, Folder 50

Idiot's Delight undated

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 51

"International Medley" undated

Box 17, Folder 52

Irish Suite undated

Box 17, Folder 53

"Iron Cross" undated

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Asolo".
Box 17, Folder 54

JB 1990

Box 17, Folder 55

"Jerusalem" undated

Box 17, Folder 56

Journey to the Center of the Earth 2008

Box 18, Folders 1-2

The Jungle Book 2000

Box 18, Folder 3

"Killing Him Softly" undated

Box 18, Folder 4

Kindertransport 2003

Box 18, Folders 5-7

Kingfish! 1987-1988

Box 18, Folder 8

"Kynaston" 1983

Box 18, Folder 9

La Vie Parisenne 1984

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Ringling Opening 5/3/84".
Box 18, Folder 10

"Les Liasons Dangereuse" 1990

Box 18, Folder 11

Let the Children Play undated

Box 18, Folder 12

Let's Get a Divorce undated

Box 18, Folders 13-15

Letters to Tolstoy 1987

Box 18, Folder 16

A Little Wine with Lunch 1977

Box 18, Folder 17

A Long Day's Journey Into Night undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 18, Folders 18-19

The Lord's a Wonder 1976-1978

Box 18, Folders 20-22

Louise 1970-1990

Box 18, Folder 23

The Love of the Nightingale undated

Box 18, Folders 24-25, Box 19, Folders 1-2

Love's Labours Lost 1992-2009

Box 19, Folder 3

Lysistrata undated

Box 19, Folder 4

The Madness of Misfortune 2003

Box 19, Folder 5

The Magistrate 1979-1989

Box 19, Folder 6

"Mass" undated

Box 19, Folder 7

Menaechmus 2005

Box 19, Folder 8

The Merry Wives of Windsor 1989

Box 19, Folders 9-10

A Midsummer Night's Dream undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "National Shakespeare Company" and "Asolo".
Box 19, Folder 11

Misalliance undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 19, Folder 12

Mother Courage 2007

Box 19, Folder 13

Mr.Smith Goes to Washington circa 1978-1989

Box 19, Folder 14

Mr. Warren's Profession undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 19, Folder 15

Music for the Theatre 1994-2002

General Note

The original folder contained the note "CD-Incidental Music".
Box 19, Folders 16-17

My Love to Your Wife undated

Box 19, Folder 18

"My Way" undated

Box 22, Folder 17

"New Orleans Sketches" 1985

Box 19, Folder 19

"Office in my Mind" undated

Box 19, Folder 20

O'Hara, Paige songs 1991

Box 19, Folder 21

Oil City Symphony 1990

Box 19, Folder 22

Olio undated

Box 19, Folder 23

Oroonoko undated

Box 19, Folder 24

Othello 1991

Box 19, Folder 25

Out of Line 2006-2007

Box 19, Folder 26

Prince Hamlet 1983

Box 19, Folder 27

"Plié Lounge" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 19, Folder 28

Passacaglia and Fugue circa 1978

Box 20, Folder 1

Piaf undated

Box 20, Folder 2

Piano Suite undated

Box 20, Folder 3, Box 22, Folder 18

Planet Fires circa 1985

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Geva" and "Mark Taper Forum".
Box 20, Folder 4

The Playboy and the Western World undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 20, Folder 5

Poetry Piece undated

Box 20, Folder 6

Polk Street Fantasy 1979

Box 20, Folder 7

Pooh and Friends undated

Box 20, Folder 8

Premire '90 1990

General Note

The original folde contained the note "FSU".
Box 22, Folder 19

Prince Hamlet 1983

Box 20, Folder 9

The Prophecy undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "opera".
Box 20, Folder 10

Queen Mab 1990

Box 20, Folder 11

"Rahab's Prayer" undated

Box 22, Folder 20

Rappuine's Garden undated

Box 20, Folder 12

Red Noses 1989

Box 20, Folder 13

Reflections on the House of Bernarda Alba 1993

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 20, Folder 14

Revue miscellaneous circa 1929-1986

Box 20, Folder 15

The Rover 1994

Box 20, Folder 16

The Royal Family 1993

Box 20, Folder 17

San Francisco Suite 1978-2005

Box 20, Folder 18

"Sarah's Dream" undated

Box 20, Folders 19-20

Satiromastix 1975-1991

Box 20, Folder 21

"The Sea Gull" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "FSU".
Box 20, Folders 22-24

The Servant of Two Masters circa 1985-1986

Box 20, Folder 25

"Service" undated

Box 20, Folder 26

Sherlock Holmes undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 20, Folder 27, Flat-File-Folder 1, Item 2

She Stoops to Conquer undated

Box 20, Folder 28

"She Will Wait for You" undated

Box 20, Folder 29

"Simple" 1984

Box 20, Folder 30

Sir Gawain and the Green Knight undated

Box 20, Folders 31-32

The Skin of Our Teeth 1999

Box 21, Folder 1

Sodom: The Musical! 2000

Box 21, Folder 2

"Something Else (Mr. Henry's Georgetown" undated

Box 21, Folder 3

Sometimes Rhymes/ and Other Rhythms undated

Box 21, Folder 4

Song list circa 1991-1992

Box 21, Folder 5

"Song of Wandering Aengues" undated

Box 21, Folder 21

Spoon River Anthology 1975

Box 21, Folder 7

Stag at Bay undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 21, Folder 8

The Star Child undated

Box 21, Folders 9-10

Stonewall 1991

General Note

The original folder consisted of the note "Theatre West Virginia".
Box 21, Folder 11

The Story of Puddin'head Wilson 1976

Box 21, Folder 12

Street Songs for Baritone 2007

Box 22, Folder 22

"String Quartet" undated

Box 21, Folder 13

"Super-Boss" undated

Box 21, Folder 14

"Take it Slow" 1984

Box 21, Folder 15

A Tale of Two Cities 1990-1991

Box 21, Folder 16

Tamming of the Shrew 1996

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 21, Folder 17

Tartuffe 1982-1983

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Geva".
Box 21, Folder 18

The Tell-Tale Heart 1991

Box 21, Folder 19

The Tempest undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note Asolo.
Box 21, Folder 20

Theater 408 1981-2002

General Note

The title corresponds to the original folder title. The material consists of sheet music and class grades. The songs are "Anime Christmas", "Where does the Time Go?", "Who Loves you More?", and "Here Comes the Ballad".
Box 21, Folder 21

This is What It's Like undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "CUA".
Box 21, Folder 22, Flat-File-Folder 1, Item 1

The Three Musketeers 1995

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 21, Folders 23-24

The Three Penny Opera 1998

Box 21, Folder 25

Three Sonatas for Piano Solos 2002

Box 21, Folder 26

"To His Love" undated

Box 21, Folder 27

"Trouble" undated

Box 21, Folder 28

"Transcendental Love" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo/ Provincetown Playhouse".
Box 21, Folder 29

"Traveling Song" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the title "Marvin Gordon songs".
Box 21, Folder 30

A Troupe in a Trunk undated

Box 21, Folder 31

"Tweedy Scene" undated

Box 21, Folder 32

Twelfth Night undated

Box 21, Folder 33

Two Gentlemen of Verona 1990

Box 21, Folder 34

"Two Lost Souls" undated

Box 21, Folder 35

Ubu Circus undated

Box 21, Folder 36

"Ultimatum" undated

General Note

The song was originally under the folder titled "Dorothy Parker songs".
Box 21, Folder 37

Untitled songs undated

Box 21, Folder 38

Utterly Wilde circa 1981-1993

Box 21, Folder 39

Valpone undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".
Box 21, Folder 40

Versus of Ogden Nash 1980

Box 21, Folder 41

"A Very Short Song" undated

General Note

The song was originally under the folder titled "Dorothy Parker songs".
Box 21, Folder 42

"A Very Silly Song" 1984

Box 21, Folder 43

Voyages 1986

Box 22, Folder 1

Wappel, Steve songs undated

Box 22, Folder 2

"We Need the Money" undated

Box 22, Folder 3

What do you See, Nurse undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "film".
Box 22, Folder 4

"When the Music Stops" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Johnathan Latimer".
Box 22, Folder 5

"What's the Crying For?" 1977

Box 22, Folder 6

"When You're Seventeen" 1976

General Note

The original folder contained the note "A Good Old Fashioned Revue".
Box 22, Folder 7

"Windows" 1985

Box 22, Folders 8-9

The Word circa 1999-2000

Box 22, Folder 10

You Should be Frrrench 2000

Box 22, Folder 11

"8:45 AM" undated

General Note

The original folder contained the note "Asolo".

Series 4. Unprocessed accruals circa 1750-2023

Series Scope and Contents

The series consists of unprocessed materials, including original compositions, scores, and arrangements by Franceschina and other composers, and research materials from Franceschina's book Ross Alexander: The Life and Death of a Contract Player. Those research materials include articles and reviews, screenplays and playscripts, and film stills related to the career of Alexander, a theater and film actor during the 1920s and 1930s. Also included are some VHS and DVDs related to musicals.
An additional accrual added in 2023 includes research materials, notes, drafts, scores, and primary sources related to Franceschina's book The Musical Theatre of Charles Dibdin, on the 18th century English composer, musician, novelist, singer, and actor.