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Drawer A-1, Folder 1

Labor: Unions - The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) - Events 1981-2009

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor history, anniversaries, centennials, education, prison, demilitarization, labor demands, jobs, employment, leisure, justice, exhibitions, marches and demonstrations, parades, solidarity, unions, advocacy, voting, occupational health and safety, safety hazards, working conditions, child labor, human trafficking, children, girls, photography, arts and culture, solidarity, mobilization, organizing, community, conferemces. conventions, ; makers include The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Marilyn Anderson, Rochester Labor Council, Jount Council 11 SEIU, Solidarity Center, public holidays, Chicago Federal of Labor, Jenny W. McDaniel, Midtlantic Arts Foundation, Tony Masso, ; referenced individuals include Samuel Gompers, John J. Sweeney, Gus Bevona, Sandra Feldman, John Lawe, William Bowe, Harry Avrutin, Harry Van Arsdale, Jr., Mike Alewitz, ; references or specifically about Labor's Centennial, Labor Day, Rochester (New York, USA), Worker's Memorial Day, "fight for the living", Service Employees International Union (SEIU), International Workers Memorial Day, "good jobs safe jobs", World Day Against Child Labor, International Migrants Day, International Human Rights Day, United Nations, nurses, construction workers, American flag, National Conference on Workplace Rihgts, Organizing & Coalition Building, ; places made include Rochester (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA),; languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Hmong, Vietnamese
Drawer A-1, Folder 2

Labor: Unions - Building Trades Council Dates Unknown

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include fair wages, California workers, families, apprenticeships, wage cuts, construction wages; makers include Los Angeles/ Orange County Building Tades Council, California Building Trades Council; references or specifically about rat contractors, U.S. currency
Drawer A-1, Folder 3

Labor: Unions - Communications Workers of America (CWA) Dates Unknown (Late 20th early 21st century)

Physical Description: 18


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include job security, labor rights, locked-out, ABC7 working parents, children, contract negotiation, sick leave, child care, company profits, truck drivers, public housing, healthcare, public health, unfair labor practices, University Professional & Technical Employees, union-busting, justice, education, retirement; makers include University Professional and Technical Employees, Council of Public Workers (CPW), NABET (National association of Broadcast Employees Technicians), Communication Workers of America (CWA), CWA 9119 AFL-CIO; referenced individuals Ronald Reagan; references or specifically about Portsmouth Receiving Hospital, University Professional and Technical Employees(UPTE), T-Mobile, UC Techs, technical employees, CWA Local 9119, University of California; places made include USA, Cleveland (Ohio, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Washington, D.C.
Drawer A-1, Folder 4

Labor: Unions - Education Professions 1990-2020

Physical Description: 50

Scope and Content Note

related topics include students, layoffs, class, education, community colleges workers, activism, solidarity, children, public education, teach-ins, strikes, unfair labor practices, social services, elections and campaigns, California colleges and universities, schools, custodians, elementary school paraprofessionals, pay cuts, California Proposition 226, civil rights, inclusion, fist, diversity, women, human rights, the "Paycheck Protection" Initiative (1998), staffing, jobs, educate, organize, union strong, dirty schools, seniority, picket line, budget, special education, parent centers, town hall, fist, justice, elections, labor dignity, funding, union busting, immigration, undocumented immigrants, public education, ; makers include California Faculty Association (CFA), United Federation of Teachers (UFT), United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA), University Professional and Technical Employees, California Federation of Teachers (CFT), Association of Mexican American Educators, Pacific Telesis Foundation, California Faculty Association (CFA) Cal State LA Chapter, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), California State Employees Association (CSEA), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 1000, California Teachers Association (CTA), California School Employees Association (CSEA), SEIU Local 1000; referenced individuals include Eli Broad, Bill Clinton, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Pete Wilson, John Sierra, Chancellor Charles B. Reed, Libby Lewis, WIlliam Estuardo Rosales, Melina Abdullah, Tony Thurmond, John Deasy; references or specifically about Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), pink slips, Day of The Teacher, quality schools, California State University faculty strike 2011-2012, public schools, "an injury to one is an injury to all, racial justice, gender justice, economic justice, tenure-line course load, two-tiered system, Superintendent of Public Instruction, pro public education, shields, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Local 2, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), #WeAreCTA, Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), Dreamers, books, apples, raised fists, school house, billionaires, community schools, unregulated schools, charter schools, lay offs, lightning bolt; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-1, Folder 5

Labor: Unions - Garment / Textile Professions 1977-1978; 1995

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include union contracts, health and safety, safety hazards, contract transfers, seniority, labor discipline, warnings, firings, workload, job security, immigration, Chicano/Latino, raises, grievances, shop stewards, favoritism; makers include Paul Davis, Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees, AFL-CIO, CLC, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (ACTWU), Alex, The International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU); referenced individuals include Tommy Catoe, David Dunbar, JeannieMae Sievers, John Boswell, Helen Hinson, Georgiana Rosendary, Debra Ware, Ronnie Clark, W.A. Cooper, Joe Daniels, Pauline Ray, Raymond Allen, Linda Blythe, Gladys Odom; references or specifically about J.P. Stevens, Cranston Print Works, H.G. Flunnk, Migra, down time, Raybestos-Manhattan Plant; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-1, Folder 6

Labor: Unions - Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) [1917]; 1984; 1987-1989; 2003- 2004; 2017

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include work speedups, class and social order, capitalism, scabs, free speech, labor organizers, political prisoners, art exhibition, racism, imperialism, United States government, armed struggle, strike, political prisoners, deportation, workers rights, pride, solidarity, exhibition, arts and culture, general strike; makers include I.W.W. Shop; Red Sun Press, Glad Day Press, Labor Archives and Research Center (San Francisco State University), Fidelity Printing; referenced individuals include Fred Hampton, Martin Sostre, Lolita Lebrón, Frank Little, Bill Ayers, Joe Hill, Sebastiao Salgado, Carlos Cortez, Signature Press, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Istitute of Traveling Exhibitions, Chris Noel Designs, ; references or specifically about Symbols and Images of American Labor exhibition, Union sticker (1930's), Los Angeles Metro, Street Car Strikes New York City 1916, Great Bosbee I.W.W. Deportation of 1917, class war, Haymarket Riots, Marine Transport Workers, Industrial Workers of the World charter, "WOBBLY" 75 years of rebel art, Uptown People's Community Center (Chicago, USA), regional gathering, The Weather Underground, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Pirate Radio, trainhopping, general strike, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), the Wobblies", Liberty Hill Plaza (San Pedro, California), railroad workers, scissors, cuts; places made include Ypsilanti (Michigan, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), San Pedro (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Washington D.C., Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), Columbia (South Carolina, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-1, Folder 7

Labor: Unions - International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) Circa 1940; 1984; 2002; 2010-2018

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include families, mine workers, miners, Taft-Hartley Act (Labor Management Relations Act of 1947), fair contracts, safer boats, anniversaries, voting, ship owners, presidential elections, contracts, organizing, security, media, journalism, work conditions, exploitation, World War I (WWI), contracts, family, progress, safety, security, terrorism, unions; makers include Maine Printing, Political Action Fund, Inland Boatmen's Union, Warren Lee, Inkworks Press, Phil Drew, ILWU Political Action Committee, International Longshoremen's & Warehousemen's Union, CIO, Rockwell Kent; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mr. Rickenbacker, C.G. Boozer, William Appleyard, Harry Bridges, J.R. Robertson, Rosco Craycraft, Eugene Paton; references or specifically about Rio Tinto Group Mining company, The Dispatcher, Westoil / Millennium, National Labor Relations Board (NLRB), war production, postwar jobs, The ILWU DIspatcher, winch drivers, Holtz Bay, Attu Island (Aleutians), explosives, supplies, Massacre Bay (Attu, Aleutian Islands), Holtz Bay (Attu, Aleutian Islands), Red Beach, Chilkoot barracks (Haines Borough, Alaska, USA), Cole Bay, Local 47, "Keep it Moving", "the Front", meathook, strikes funds; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA)
Drawer A-1, Folder 8

Labor: Unions - International Transport Workers Federation (ITF) 1996-1998; 2009-2010

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include justice, labor, international solidarity, police, unions, workplace health, workplace safety, women, women's rights, HIV/AIDS, calendars; makers include International Transport Workers Federation (ITF), Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU), Offshore Mariners United, ; references or specifically about mariners, police harassment, intimidation, Trico Marine Services, Inc., Houma (Louisians, USA), Concerned Citizens for the Community (CCFC), anti-unions, fatigue, truck drivers, skulls, working hours, Global Campaign for Devent Work and Decent Life, Venus symbol, stigma, union power, global organizing, World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), seafarers, red ribbon, Transport Unions Fight AIDS, cross and bones, keyboards, flags, ships, Union Jack (British flag), Spanish flag, Panama flag, Cyprus flag, International Maritime Organization (IMO); referenced individuals include Dirk Obermann
Drawer A-1, Folder 9

Labor: Unions - Los Angeles 1981; 1994; 2008-2013; 2019

Physical Description: 11


includes cardstock and laminated posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include contracts, marches and demonstrations, Wal-Mart, Chinatown (Los Angeles, USA), civil disobedience, dignity, immigration, poverty wages, job security, public services, city budget, layoffs, civil rights, cutbacks, clean air, pollution, health, clean buses, transit racism, public transportation, fare hikes, U.S. 2008 presidential elections, education, budget cuts, public education, solidarity, presidential election, solidarity, diversity, decent wages; makers include American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 660, Mitchell Printing, L.A. Union, Fix LA, Labor/Community Strategy Center (LCSC), Korean Immigrant Workers Advocates, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor; referenced individuals include Jim Wood, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama, Antonio Villaraigosa, Barack Hussein Obama, Martin Luther King, Jr., ; references or specifically about 2008 presidential election, Solidarity Day, Wall Street, Martin Luther King, Jr., Day, pride, Employee Free Choice Act; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Korean
Drawer A-1, Folder 10

Labor: Unions - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - Health Care Professions 1982-1985; 1993; 2003-2019

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Stop and Frisk, racial profiling, police brutality, propositions, elections, work stress, nurses, long term caregivers, home caregivers, solidarity, health, jobs, living wage, unity, unfair labor practices, unions, respect, greed; makers include Jane Norling, Avery Clayton, Local 721, 1199 SEIU United Healthcare Workers, SEIU Local 660, SEIU 2015, Local 399 SEIU, United Healthcare Workers East, United Long Term Care Workers (ULTCW), Nurse Staff Campaign, United Healthcare Workers West (UHW), SEIU Local 660; referenced individuals include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; references or specifically about grocery workers, May Day, raised fist, hearts, Nurses Recognition Day, patient care, International Nurses Day, local 1199, homecare and healthcare workers, Kaiser Permanente unions; places made include New York (New York, USA), California (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Chinese, Spanish
Drawer A-1, Folder 11

Labor: Unions - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - Various Topics 1971-1994; 2003-2007; 2017-2019

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, elections, diversity, state service, campaigns, abuse, sexual harassment, people with disabilities, Americans with Disability Act (ADA), airport service workers, community college workers, HIV/AIDS, infection control, health care, contracts, economic security, affordable health care, childcare, respect, resist, family separations, children, unity, solidarity; makers include Graphic Communications International Union, SEIU Local 1021, New Opportunities for Action and Hope (NOAH), SEIU Greenhouse Cultural Program and Bread & Roses, SEI Local 721, SEIU Local 87, SEIU Local 100, Committee on Political Education (COPE), L. Means, J.F. Podevin, Avery Clayton, Diane Sunseri Design, SEIU Local 707, CSA/District 925, SEIU Local 1021, Longterm caregivers, Service Employees International Union AFL-CIO CLC; referenced individuals include Johnny Knox, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Cesar Chavez, Mother Jones (Mary Jones), Dolores Huerta, George Meany, Samuel Gompers, Rose Schneiderman, A. Philip Randolph, Maida Springer-Kemp, Justin Dart; references or specifically about Rolling Thunder, fair parking plan, health care, staffing, salaries, sub-contracting, National Disability Employment Awareness Month, Statue of Liberty, Clark County Public Employees, Reach Every Member, Equal Employments Opportunity Commission (EEOC), United Service Workers West (USWW), Local 721, 2018 march against family separations, National Secretaries Week, Justice for Janitors, Advance Building Maintenance, Toyota, Hurricane Katrina, New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), Laborers' International Union of North America, office workers, hotel workers, restaurant workers, red flag, SEIU Local 1; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, French, Filipino
Drawer A-1, Folder 12

Labor: Unions - Service Employees International Union (SEIU) - Race / Gender / Culture 1989-2002; 2015-2020

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include discrimination, diversity, religion, economic justice, equality, women, equal pay, Charleston 5, longshoremen, African Americans, Mexican independence, Chicano/Latino, Asian Americans, Spanish occupation of Mexico, justice, housing, immigration; makers include Local 721, Civil Service Employees Association (CSEA), Print Northwest, Inc., National Committee on Pay Equity (NCPE), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Crimson Bug, Paul Illingsworth, Diane Sunseri, Trudesign, Nora Mendoza, Kim Howell, Service Employees International Union - United Service Workers West (SEIU-USWW), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Local 1000, trudesign, Local 1000, A. Philip Randolf Institute,; referenced individuals include Ken Riley, A. Philip Randolph, Malcolm X, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Lucy Parsons, Harriet Tubman, Malcolm X, Sojourner Truth, Thurgood Marshall, Toni Marrison, Mary McLeod Bethune, W.E.B. DuBois, Frederick Douglass, Jane Addams, Susan B Anthony, Hannah Arendt, Yolanda Solari, Maya Angelou, Joan Baez, Clara Barton, Simone de Beauvoir, Margaret Dean, Catharine Esther Beecher, Frances Dillon, Ruth Benedict, Annie Wood Besant, Mary McLeod, Bethune Fances Perkins, Fanny Brice, Charlotte Bronte, Emily Bronte, Mary Cassatt, Willa Cather, Judy Chicago, Kate Chopin, Marie Curie, Angela Davis, Bette Davis, Dorothy Day, Emily Dickinson, Joan Didion, Amelia Earhart, Mary Baker Eddy, Indira Gandhi, Nikki Giovanni, Martha Graham, Katharine Hepburn, Dolores Herta, Zora Neale Hurston, Janis Joplin, Helen Keller, Billie Jean King, Dorothea Lange, Audre Lorde, Golda Meir, Maria Montossori, Toni Morrison, Florence Nightingale, Flannery O'Connor, Rosa Parks, Gilda Radner, Eleanor Roosevelt, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Margaret Sanger, Susan Sontag, Gloria Steinem, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Lily Tomlin, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Beatrice Potter Webb, Ida B. Wells, Eudora Welty, Virginia Woolf, A. Phllip Randolf, ; references or specifically about Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF), National Organization of Women (NOW), National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), SEIU 11th Annual Women's Conference, Black History Month, Latino Heritage Month, Cinco de Mayo, Asian Pacific Heritage Month, long term care, #togetherwerise, Raise America, ya basta, salvation; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Adinkra
Drawer A-1, Folder 13

Labor: Unions - The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) - Various Topics [1938][1823] 1970's; 1981-1998; 2000-2009; 2016

Physical Description: 12


bracket range represents dates of original items reproduced

Scope and Content Note

related topics include unfair labor practices, working families, jobs, justtice, social progress, communities, marches and demonstrations, voting, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), voting, elections, gender equality, living wages, freedom of speech, civil rights, corporate greed, social change, social justice, job safety, occupational safety, immigrants, education, military budget, prisons, solidarity, U.S. flag; makers include Jennie Nemcek, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) State Federations, Kelly Press, Inc. Laborers' International Union of North America, Federation of Retired Union Members, I Arte, Zach Fine, Jeanne Nemcek, J. McDaniel, Food and Beverage Trades Department AFL-CIO, California Labor COuncil on Political Education, ; referenced individuals include William Green, Marilyn Anderson, Diane Cutrone, Pat Olson, Margaret Lanterman, Delores Huerta, Nancy Plotkin, Robert Gadomski, Carol Luc, Layne Jackson, Ruthanne Godollei, Steven Carrelli, Nancy Parkinson Albrecht, Mariam Romais, James S. Rousonelos, Richard M. Daley, Michael Nevin, Kathleen Scarboro, Charles Maier, Mae Connor, Simone Bouyer, J. Prisoc, Brian Warling, Robert Drea, ; references or specifically about American Federation of Labor Weekly News Service, union retirees, Chicago Federation of Labor, Solidarity Center, Monroe Doctrine, Spain, Portugal, Russian Imperial Government, United States Senate and House of Representatives, Solidarity Day; places made include Rochester (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), New York (New York, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), San Francisco (California, USA) ; languages include English, Spanish,
Drawer A-1, Folder 14

Labor: Unions - The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) 1982-2001

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include propositions, California state elections, health benefits, work schedules, workload, retirement, occupational safety, occupational hazards, Workers Memorial Day, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), pride, children, classism, tax cuts for the rich; makers include Mike Mitchell, Sabina Parks, Local 2620, Union for State Health and Social Services Professionals, Workers Solidarity Legal Defense Fund, American Federation State County Municipal Employees (AFSCME), ; referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jerry Wurf, Fred Wright, Gerald McEntee, Mark Moretti, Ed Mann, Donald Trump, Leona Helmsle, Stanley Hill, Frank Morelli; references or specifically about April 28 Workers Memorial Day, Rosie the Riveter, Proposition 75 (Union Dues - Political Contributions), Proposition 76 (State Spending Limits), pink triangle, Massachusetts 93, Lesbian and Gay Issues Committee,; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), California (USA), Ohio (USA), (Massachusets, USA)
Drawer A-1, Folder 16

Women: Labor - Unions 1979-1991; 2003-2019

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include wages, raises,unity, women, nursing, women's rights, violence against women, sexual harassment, sexism, gender equality, equal pay, conferences, work benefits, voting and campaigns, retirement, health insurance, films, union maids, women's movements, income, employment, healthcare; makers include National Association of Office Workers, Lenora Davis Design, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), AFL-CIO, National Nurses United (NNU), National Association of Working Women, Heidi Price, Karen Watson, Skyline Graphics, Maria Hollenbach, TABS: Aids for Ending Sexism in School, Working Women, 32nd St. Studio, The Association of Women in Industry (AWI), Self Employed Women's Association (SEWA), Printed Union; references or specifically about National Women's Trade Union League, Rosie the Riveter, New American Movement (NAM); referenced individuals include Leonora O'Reilly; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Alabama (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-2, Folder 1

Labor: Agricultural Workers (not UFW) [1942]; 1979-1994; 2010-2011

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include photography, arts and culture, mushroom workers, exploitation, organizing, boycotts, norpac products, pesticides, child farm laborers, wealth, struggle, unions, human dignity, militancy, international solidarity, rifle, armed struggle, war, food supply, respect, human rights, dignity, ; makers include Newell COnvers Wyeth, National Farm Worker Ministry, Inkworks Press, Farm Labor Organizing Committee, Western Farm Workers Association (WFWA), Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN); referenced individuals include Ken Light, Tony Masso, Emiliano Zapata, Parada, Pete Seeger, Tao Rodriguez Seeger, Blase Bonpane, Tony Masso, Andy Warhol, Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation; references or specifically about Farm Worker Week, Pineros y Campesinos Unidos del Noroeste (PCUN), Campbell's Soup, sweatshops, Harvest of Empire, "Imagine no Religion, farm workers in Pennsylvania", Labor, Art & Mural Project, the Fair Food Program, Fair Food Label, field workers, New York Times, Washington Post Op/Ed, consumer powered, worker certified, ; places made include Woodburn (Oregon, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-2, Folder 2

Labor: Anti-War 1998; 2003-2009

Physical Description: 10


Includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marches and demonstrations, Iraq War, people of color, immigrants, budget, ,international solidarity, Iraqi workers, the economy, solidarity, healthcare, education, housing, international solidarity, congress, ; makers include Labor Committee for Peace and Justice, Local 660 Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Inkworks Press, insytez, insyte2@hotmail.com, Jobs with Peace, University Professional & Technical Employees (UPTE), AFSCME Local 3211, AFl-CIO, UCB Clericals, U.S. Labor against the War, International Federation of Social Workers (ifsw), International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW), ; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, Johnny Knox, David Bacon; references or specifically about Iraqi Oil and Port Workers Under the Occupation, United Steelworkers (USW) local chapter 675, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU) local 63, the Great Depression, housing, jobless recovery, standard of living, soup lines, American Way, weapons, occupation, ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-2, Folder 3

Labor: Arts and Culture [1958] ; 1974 ;1980-1984 ; 1995-2003 ; 2011

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include arts and culture, labor, industrialism, women, murals, immigration, African Americans, peace, jobs, democracy, unity, anniversaries, smoking, factories, community, racism, unions, borders, truth, economics, poverty, homelessness, globalization, outsourcing, hunger, social justice, solidarity, music, rallies, business; makers include Robert Brown, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Bruce Kaiper, Chandra Weinland, Gregorio Villalobos, Hugo Gellert, Steve Cagan, Common Works, Massachusetts Foundation for Humanities and Public Policy (MFH&PP), Paul Shoul, Red Sun Press, Thibodeau, Susanna Ronner Graphic Design, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), New York City Labor Chorus, Michael J. Irestone, Graphic Arts Institute, Graphic Communications Union (GCU), Thomas Germano, Graphic Arts Council of LACMA, Artemio Rodriguez, Julie Logan, Justin Carroll; references or specifically about Nooter Corporation, gears, machines, paint brush, birds, thread, held hands, factory workers, undergarments, big fish, "hey hey ho ho", dollar bills, American flag, Capital Building, Statue of Liberty, Lady Liberty, guns, wrench, doves, olive branch, Liberty Bell, hammer, "agitate educate organize", kissing, On The Rise, bread and roses, Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), blood, smoke, steel, public history projects, dignity, whales, abolition, Arnold M. Dubin Labor Education Center, "8 hours labor 8 hours recreation 8 hours rest", books, the invisible hand, laissez-faire economics, Hong Kong, computer science, monsters, United States Marine Corps, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Bread and Roses Cultural Project, choruses, skylines, sunsets, Teamster Local 574, living wage, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), scabs, mushrooms, pigs, airplanes, bosses, frogs, The Great Postal Strike, the Devil, ; referenced individuals include Siegried Reinhardt, Bill Dobbs, Amy E. Bartell, Carl Sandburg, Frederick Douglass, Dan Devenny, Conor McGrady, Bobby Sands, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Augusto Sandino, Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones), Adam Smith, Milton Friedman, Robert Appleton, Ralph Chaplin, Paul Robeson, Abraham Lincoln, Carlos Hudson, Governor Floyd B. Olson; places made include Venice (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), New York City (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, French
Drawer A-2, Folder 4

Labor: Arts and Culture - Exhibitions 1973; 1980-2005

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include female union leaders, Los Angeles history, political graphic posters, globalization, neoliberalism, unemployment, photography, strikes, labor history, Works Progress Administration (WPA) photographs, sweatshops, garment workers, American sweatshops, California labor, 20th century labor movements, trade union banners, Mexican garment workers, migrant farmworkers, silkscreen workers, coal workers, universities, food, women, food workers, satire, money, art installation, social protest, history, unions, musicians, folk music; makers include Smithsonian Institution, Inkworks Press, Phil Wolfe, Joseph A. Blum, The Photo Center (San Francisco California), The New York Cultural Center, Adrienne Weiss, Utility Workers Union of America, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Cornell Labor Programs for Labor History Month, Phil Wolfe, National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees/RWDSU/AFL-CIO, Preus museum, Mary Wiederman Quinn, National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), Chris Noel, Chicago Federation of Labor (AFL-CIO), Jeanne Nemeck, RMIT University Union, National Migrant Resource Program, Knowledge Unlimited, Miriam Wosk, Kentucky Arts Commission, Tolson Institute, California Institute of the Arts, Ben and Beatrice Goldstein Foundation, N.Y. Council on the arts, The Power of Place: Los Angeles Conservancy, UCLA Chicano Studies Research Center, California Council for the Humanities, National Endowment for the Humanities, Labor Studies Center at University of Michigan, Union Minorities/Women Leadership Training Project, Pratt Graphics Center Gallery, Students of the High School of Graphic Communication Arts Jerri Allyn, Anne Gauldin, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art; referenced individuals include Woody Guthrie, Rupert Garcia, Josefina Fierro de Bright, Luisa Moreno, Rose Pesotta, Lee Baxandall, The Power of Place, Robert Koehler, Robert Golden, Nick Hedges, Michael Conner, Abraham Lincoln, Milton Rogovin, Cara Lise Metz, Emmy Lou Packard, Cesar Chavez, Yolanda Lopez, Dorothea Lange, Diego Rivera, Allan Sekula, Hung Liu, Maynard Dixon, Otto Hagel, Emmanuel Joseph, Alan Pogue, Elsa Medina, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Roberto Acuna, Russell Lee, Lex Baxandall, Jerri Allyn, Greg Sholette, Pedro Alvarez, Robert Koehler, Lynd Ward, ; references or specifically about Against the Wall, A View from the Bridge, Bay Bridge, La Fuerza de Union, Against the Wall, Side Photographic Gallery, Cornell University Conference Center, New York Police Department (NYPD), National Museum of American History Smithsonian Institution, The Workers' World: The Industrial Village and the Company Town, Badges of Pride, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Smithsonian Institution Travelling Exhibition Service, American Dining, A Working Woman's Moment, garment workers, El Congresso del Pueblo de Habla Espanol, cannery workers, Social Ideals and Cultural Democracy: Printmakers of the New Deal, Building the Dam wood engraving (1937), Construction wood engraving (1937), Vertigo (Lynd Ward), ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Valencia (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), United Kingdom, Norway, Washington, D.C. (USA), Chicago (Illinois), Australia, Tucson (Arizona, USA), Bentoville (Arkansas, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Norwegian, Chinese, Catalan
Drawer A-2, Folder 5

Labor: Arts and Culture - Events 1976-2012

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, anniverseries, women, unions, workers, globalization, Latin America, African Americans, Labor Movement, conferences, workers' rights, celebrations, benefits, police brutality, Native Americans, indigenous peoples, solidarity, domestic violence, sexual assault, militarism, organizing, affirmative action, strikes, murals, education, justice, community, fashion, sweatshops, freedom, dictatorships, anarchism, reproductive rights, ; makers include The Environmental Policy Institute, Monticello Miller, Labor Fest, The San Francisco Sunday Call, Inkworks Press, Jan Cook, San Francisco Labor Council, The Bankers Print, Inc., Graphic Arts International Union, Coalition of Black Trade Unionists (CBTU), Jane Norling, Carla J. Tenret, Jam For Justice, Legal Aid Society, First Step Printing, TimSimonsGraphics.net, Community Printers, Diego Rivera-Garcia, Talia Gonzalez, Ally Lailan Huen, Ricardo Levins Morales, California Literacy Campaign, Private Industry Council of Long Beach, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Bryn Zellers, SLAGHAMMER Productions Ltd., Paul Davis; references or specifically about coal, power, politics, call for action, Lincoln Memorial, coal miners, American Labor Education Center, Los Angeles Labor Fest, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire, garment workers, 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, 1934 San Francisco General Strike, Western Hemisphere Workers' Conference, North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), privitization, Black trade unionists, hands shaking, "I Am A Man" (film), sanitation workers, Employee Ownership Week, National Center for Employee Ownership, scrolls, right to organize, rifles, Trade Union Educational League Organizing Committee, United Mine Workers of America, Kentucky (USA), caution tape, skeletons, protestors, World Trade Organization (WTO), International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), Labor, Social, & Environmental Justice Fair, California State University at Dominguez Hills (CSUDH), Project Survive, stalking, doves, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Vermont Workers' Center, scabs, Labor Day, SamTrans Buses, Our Work Life (mural project), Monterey County Employees Association (MCEA), families, picnics, political action committees, Arizona copper workers, teach-ins, Harper's Baazar, University of California at Santa Cruz (UCSC), the New Deal, Great Depression, City College of San Francisco, Spanish Civil War, Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), International Libertarian Labor Fund, summer jobs, youth employment, worker power, Poland, air traffic controllers strike, 1934 Minneapolis Truckers Strike, Solidarity Day, working class studies, bread and roses, arts and humanities, 1199 National Union of Hospital and Health Care Employees; referenced individuals include Earl Dotter, Martin Luther King, Jr., Ronald Reagan, Oscar Melara, Kate Connell, David Bacon, Dolores Huerta, Nelson Lichtenstein, Bill Fletcher, Jr., Robert Gumpert, Diego Rivera, Robert Muchley, Augustin Souchy, Francisco Franco, A. Philip Randolph, Frederick Douglass, ; places made include Washinton, D.C. (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Underhill (Vermont, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), Long Beach (California, USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), Youngstown (Ohio, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-2, Folder 6

Labor: Boycotts 1968-1978; 1980- 1989; 2002-2011

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

related topics include exploitation, union families, contracts, lies, strikes, sweatshops, garment workers, racism, union busting, worker harassment, consumer abuse, carwashes, marches and demonstrations, airline companies, scabs, tomato industry, occupational health and safety, Chicano/Latino, big businesses, mandatory testing, union contract, ; makers include SHO-You Grafix, David Monkawa, Vermont Handwash, Glendale Hilton workers, Garment Worker Center, Howard Quinn Co., Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW), People's Daily World. S. Joseph, AFL-CIO Fairness at Eastern Campaign, Coors Boycott Committee, Citizen Works, Local 11; referenced individuals include Rocky Delgadillo, Frank Lorenzo, Joseph Coors, Benny Pirian, Adolph Coors, Seth Tobocman, Enriqueta Soto; references or specifically about New Otani Hotel, Smart & Final, no union contract, Nestle Corp., Los Angeles County Federation of Labor, Forever 21, slave labor, Guess (jeans), Coors Beer, Hollywood Car Wash, Taco Bell, End Sweatshops in the Fields, Taco Bell Truth Tour, Eastern Airlines, Continental Airlines, wage slavery, Hilton LAX, Jeans for Justice Campaign, lie-detector tests, hotel workers; places made include Glendale (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-2, Folder 7

Labor: Boycotts - Coca Cola 2002-2003

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Colombia, classism, colonialism, capitalism, corporatism, exploitation, unions, paramilitary groups, subvertisements, Guatemala, El Salvador, Mexico, CEOs, violence against union leaders, films, repression, ; makers include Killer Coke, Corporate Campaign, Inc., Sandy K, Peter Fine, Laurent Pinabel, Argus Films, Ray Rogers, ; referenced individuals include Isidro Segundo Gil, Adolfo Munera, Douglas Daft, Germán Gutiérrez, Carmen Garcia; references or specifically about Nestea, Fanta, Sprite, Dasani, School of the Americas, Odwalla, Powerade, The Coca-Cola Case, morgue, Coca-Cola Classic, Diet Coke, ; places made include Milwaukee (Wisconsin, USA), Berlin (Germany), Boynton Beach (Florida, USA), Canada; languages include English, Spanish, German
Drawer A-2, Folder 8

Labor: Calendars 1981-1988; 1991-1997; 2003-2009

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include calendars, unions, union shops, green businesses, worker collectives, progressive printing shops, mural art, diversity, immigration, cooperatives; makers include Paz Printing Collective, SCOP/SEIU Local 707 AFL-CIO, Inkworks Press, The Guardian, Red Sun Press; referenced individuals include Helen Keller, Langston Hughes, Rafael Hernandez, Anna Quindlen, Rini Templeton; references or specifically about Massachusetts Immigrants & Refugee Advocacy Coalition; places made include Santa Rosa (California, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Jamaica Plain (Massachusetts, USA)
Drawer A-2, Folder 9

Labor: Cooperatives 2006-2016

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include conferences, nonpartisanship, democracy, co-op month (October), resiliency, international solidarity, community, solutions, the environment, charity, empowerment, benefits, economics, individual needs, viability, justice, alternatives, discrimination, responsibility, gender, racism, religion, voluntary, democracy, autonomy independence, self-help, education, training, cooperation, community, ; makers include Inkworks Press, U.S. Federation of Worker Cooperatives, The Cooperative League of the USA, The Toolbox for Education and Social Action, Molly McLeod, Cooperation Texas, Democracy at Work Institute; references or specifically about National Conference of Democratic Workspaces, principles of cooperatives, democratic organizations, capital, economic equity, National Worker Cooperative Conference, Golden Gate Bridge (San Francisco, California, USA), ; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), New York (NY, USA), North Hampton (Maine, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA)
Drawer A-2, Folder 10

Labor: "Graphic Work: Imagining Today's Labor Movement" Series 2007

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include nurses, farmworkers, immigration, health care professionals, cross border solidarity, unions, women, farmworkers; makers include Katie Burkart, Workforce Development Institute (WDI), Bread and Roses Cultural Project, Justseeds Radical Culture, Art Hazelwood, Josh MacPhee, David Loewenstein, Maryann Picinic; references or specifically about Starbucks, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Nicole Schulman, IWW Starbucks Workers Union; languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-2, Folder 11

Labor: Haymarket Riots 1968-1969; 1986; 2000; 2014

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Chicago (Illinois, USA), police brutality, anarchism, radicalism, marches and demonstrations, May Day, corporatism, handbills, 8-hour workday strikes, bomb explosions, unionists, pardons, martyrs, ; makers include Haymarket Square Workers Memorial Committee, Daniels Graphics, Solidarity Publications, Solidarity Book Shop, J.S. Jordan Memorial, Illinois Labor HIstory Society, ; referenced individuals include Thostrup, A.R. Parsons, August Spies, Louis Lingg, George Engel, Adolph Fischer, J.J. Kanberg, Forever Home Cemetary, Illinois History Society, Albert Weinert, ; references or specifically about Chicago Historical Society, Haymarket Series, Industrial Workers of the World (I.W.W.), Forest Home Cemetay; referenced individuals Governor John P. Altgeld; places made include USA, Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include German, English
Drawer A-2, Folder 12

Labor: Health Care 1990; 2011-2012; 2019

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include health benefits, universal health care, affordable health care, single-payer national health insurance, broken health care systems, Medicare, administrative waste, private health insurance, HR676 (The United States National Health Insurance Act), nurses; makers include Jobs with Justice, Service Employees International Union AFL-CIO (SEIU), Physicians for National Healthcare Program, Salsedo Press, Innosanto Nagara, Community Printers, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE); referenced individuals include Ragland; references or specifically about Statue of Liberty, intravenous injections (IV)
Drawer A-2, Folder 13

Labor: History [1935-1936]; 1989-1993; 2004-2011

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Triangle Shirtwaist factory fire, occupational safety and health, immigrant labor, women, Centennial Commemoration, historical photographs, marches and demonstrations, historical documents, immigration papers, housing, comparative labor history, conferences, Labor History month, farmers, unions, academics, studio unions, craft unions film industry, show business, teamsters, picket line, union-busting, newsletter, walkout, Hollywood, racism, discrimination, unemployment insurance, social insurance, legislation, dignity, respect, strike, wages, racism, discrimination, assasination, american flag; makers include Workers United/SEIU (ILGWU), Frank Wyman, Chicago Metro History Education Center, Illinois Humanity Council, Community Printers and Graphics, Libra Graphics, The New York Labor History Association, Christine Swirnoff, Illinois Labor History Society, Oscar Willia Neebe, Hollywood Local, Jeff Goodman, Michael Tompane, California Council for the Humanities, Louis B. Mayer Foundation, Sherman Grinberg Film Library, Film Arts Foundation, AFL-CIO, Salsedo Press, Linc Cohen, Eric Triantafillou; references or specifically about History Fair 2006, History Fair 2008, Hollywood Craft Unions 1927-1947, International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), American Federation of Labor (AFL), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Studio Basic Agreement (SBA), United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Association of Motion Picture Producers, Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, Los Angeles Red Squad, Federated Motion Picture Crafts (FMPC), Warner Bros., Wagner Act, United Studio Technicians Guild (USTG), MGM, 20th Century Fox, Screen Actors Guild (SGA), Walt Disney Studios, Conference of Studio Unions (CSU), 1941 animators' strike, "Battle of Warner Brothers," Pickets in Paradise: The Conference of Studio Unions and the Hollywood Strike, "The Treaty of Beverly Hills," Composition Arts, Producers Photo Lab, Paramount Pictures, Nebraska State Federation of Labor, "Where's the Rest of Me?", "Freedom is never given; it is won", civil rights movement, march on Washington, Memphis Sanitation Workers Strike (1968), Martin Luther King Jr assination, Black History Month, African American Labor Union, pullman porters, racial equality, "I am a Man", The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), economic justice, the dream, SEIU, AFL-CIO, Local 399, West Side Workers, Social Insurance, Unemployment Insurance, Memorial Day Massacre, Chicago May Day Rally; referenced individuals include Thomas Jefferson, Gordon Parks, Pat Casey, Herbert K. Sorrell, Willie Bioff, William Green, Sidney Kent, Jeff Kibre, Carey McWilliams, Pat Casey ("labor czar"), Chet Cohea, Irv Hentschel, George Browne, Barney Balaban, Frank "the Enforcer" Nitti, Robert Montgomery, Joseph Schenck, Dan Biederman, Romaine Alstron, Anthony slide, Frank Stricker, Sandra Barckley, Lance Bird, Roy M . Brewer, Doug Cruickshank, Laura Daltry, John Dezikes, Melinda Sue Gordon, Linda Grinberg, Kathy Kobayashi, John Livzey, Gene Mailes, Rod Merl, Sue Ann Otto, Debora Schopp, Daniel Mayer Selznick, Howard Steenwyk, Mar Wanamaker, Laura Whippie, Ronald Reagan, Richard Walsh, Roy M. Brewer, Dave Beck, Martin Luther King, Jr; places made include New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Washington DC
Drawer A-2, Folder 14

Labor: Individuals [1912]; 1978; 1986-1987; 2003-2008

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include religion, Catholicism, unions, pro-unions, living wages, economy, poverty, humanitarianism, corporatism, Chicano/Latino, union organizers, anniversaries, musicians, industrialization, agricultural labor, art exhibitions, photograph exhibitions, strike, wages, classism, freedom, African Americans, Civil Rights Movement, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), ; makers include American Rights at Work; Service Employees International Union; Bread and Roses Cultural Project, Inc., Vic Aello, Aello Creative Service Studio, Laborers' International Union of North America, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), American Rights at Work, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Bread and Roses, Steve Cagan, Salsedo Press, Community Printers, Tom Scribner, Helen Keller Print Collective, J.T., Alan Atkinson, People's Press, Gonna Rise Again Graphics, John Averill, International Printing Co.; referenced individuals include Karen Silkwood, Elizabeth Eve, George Higgins, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ossie Davis, Jack Henning, Tom Johnson, Joe Hill, Cherry Pie, Rudy Lozano, Karl Marx, Woody Guthrie, Bertolt Brecht, Eugene Debs, Ernesto Galarza, Arturo Giovannitti, Joseph J. Ettor, A. Philip Randolph, Ella Josephine Baker, Bayard Rustin, Fannie Lou Hamer; references or specifically about Esperanza Community Housing Corporation, Jubilee Justice, economic royalists, capitalism, Eleanor Roosevelt Human Rights Award, municipal ownership, public service monopolies, executions, Casa Hermandad de Trabajadores, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), textile workers, Black History Month, #1UBHM, Brotherhood of Sleeping Car Porters (BSCP), Black labor leaders, Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), peaceful protests, Student Nonviolent Coordinating Commitee (SNCC), Presidential Medal of Freedom, 1963 March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, Mississippi Freedom Democratic Party; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-2, Folder 15

Labor: Individuals - Harry Bridges 1949; 1995

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include wiretapping, perjury, legal framing, injury, pulpit, public speaking; makers include International Longshoremen's and Warehousemen's Union (ILWU), Harry Bridges Institute, Judith Schonebaum; referenced individuals include Rockwell Kent, Harry Bridges, J.R. Robertson, Henry Schmidt, James Landis, Jon Ruskin; references or specifically about The Harry Bridges Project, stoolpigeons, U.S. Supreme Court; places made include California (USA)
Drawer A-2, Folder 16

Labor: Individuals - Mary Harris Jones (Mother Jones) 1965-1987

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include quotations, historical photographs, silk mills, miners' strikes, union organizers, portraits; makers include Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes, Inc., Judith Siegel Life, West Virginia Collection, West Virginia Library; references or specifically about Library of Congress, "Pray for the Dead"
Drawer A-2, Folder 17

Labor: International Labour Organization (ILO) late 1990s

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include collective bargaining, forced labor, child labor, workplace discrimination, workers' rights, international solidarity, freedom of expression, censorship, equal pay, gender equality, women, human rights; makers include Jacques Maillard, Faith Doherty, J. Hartley, H. Ruby, A.K. Dey; references or specifically about Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, United Nations, tripartism, Freedom of Association and Protection of the Rights to Organize Convention, Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, Equal Remuneration Convention, Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention
Drawer A-2, Folder 19

Labor: Boycotts - Sweatshops 1996-1998; 2002

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include sweatshops, boyotts, justice, clothing, department stores, exploitation, minimum wage, workers abuse, outsourcing, garment workers, rallies; makers include Jeans for Justice campaign, Garment Worker Center, Common Threads Artist Group, Mitchell-Sediva Publishing; references or specifically about Guess, jeans, Los Angeles sweatshops, contract work, U.S. Department of Labor, Mexico, South America, downtown Los Angeles, wage violations, hour violations, Forever 21, slave to fashion, models, ocean, beach, seaweed, ad campaigns, Don't Buy Guess, seamstress, sewing machine, Columbia Law School; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-2, Folder 20

Women: Labor - History [1890]; [1900]; [1915]; [1941], 1974-2012

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include "Bread and Roses" (song), Women's History Month, labor, factory work, American Labor Movement, Women's Brigade, International Womens' Year, education, challenge, struggle, dream, unions, child labor, sweatshops, justice, abolition, feminism, solidarity, community, Democracy, strike, ; makers include Suzan Ocona, Bread and Roses Bookshop, Diane Sunseri, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Local 1000, California School Employees Association (CSEA), Labor Archives and Research Center (San Francisco State University), Syracuse Cultural Workers, National Women's History Project, Susan Atkinson, Diane O'Leary, C. Ozono, Blue Cube, Ltd, Miners Art Group, ; references or specifically about strikes, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Rosie the Riveter, World War II (WWII), Textile Workers of America, The Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Wobbly Shop, Red & Black Cafe, Duke Power Co., Brookside, Harlan County Kentucky, coal miners, Scotia disaster, Klu Klux Klan (KKK), tar and feather, Harlan Labor News, Southern Labor Union (SLU), ; referenced individuals include Arthur Machia, Joe Hill, G.W. Wilson, J. Howard Miller, Lucy Parsons, Rose Schneiderman, Dorothy Bellanca, Frances Perkins, Bessie Lou Cornett, Bev Grant and Lucha, Margaret Sanger, Pauline Newman, Zora Neale Hurston, Mother Jones (Mary Harris Jones), Joe Hill, Emma Lazerus, Rachel Carson, Emma Goldman, Queen Liliuokalani, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Harriet Tubman, Dolores Huerta, Amelia Earhart, Marie Curie, Judy Baca, Nelly Bly, Susan B. Anthony, Josephine Baker, Isadora Duncan, Dorothea Lange, Sarah Bishop (Dirty Mindy), Besie Lou Cornett, ; places made include San Jose (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), Rochester (New York, USA), Belle (West Virginia, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-3, Folder 1

Labor: Arts and Culture - Oversize 1983-2012

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include murals, benefit events, strikes, photography, art exhibitions, Bread and Puppet Theater, feminism, 1892 Homestead Steel Strike, union imagery, artwork, media, Latino workers, marches and demonstrations, unity, pride, women, international solidarity; makers include Firebelly Design, Salsedo Press, Brushfire Studio, United Scenic Artists Local 829, Wicklander Printing Corporation, Milton Rogovin, Smithsonian Institution, Pamela Vassil, The Detroit Institute of Arts, United Steelworkers of America, Alejandro Romero, Chicago Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, ONyx Films, Inkworks Press; references or specifically about Ben M'Sik High School, United Parcel Service (UPS), Cantor Lukasik Dolce Panepinto, Working People Series, Motion Picture and Television Fund (MPTF), Bread and Roses Project, Images of Labor (Pilgrim Press Book), WQED 13, day labor, Elk River Hand Loader, strategy meeting, tannery worker, Si Podemos, heavy equipment cleaner, teamwork, work smart, stride, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America (UE); referenced individuals include Juana Alicia, Ed Bernik, Marc PoKempner, May Stevens, Philip Hays, Diego Rivera, Edsel B. Ford, Rick Lenell, Joseph Zulawski, Michael K. Paxton, Leszek Wyczolkowski, Peggy Lipshutz, Jose A. Bedolla Jr., Robert Drea, Kathleen Farrell, Richard M. Younker, Pat Olson, Betty Ann Mocek, Keith Grace, Sandra Reibscheid, Martin T. O'Connor; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA), New Jersey (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), Oakland (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-3, Folder 2

Labor: Internationally Made - Oversize 1971; 1988-1999; 2009

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World Day for Decent Work (WDDW), international solidarity, trade union rights violations, workers' rights, conferences, Haymarket affair (Haymarket riots), violence, May Day, marches and demonstrations, The Builders Labourers Federation (BLF), union movements; makers include International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Imprimerie Quotidienne, Vincent Brookes, Day & Son Ltd., The Labour Party, Movimiento Comunista de España; referenced individuals include Flavio Costantini; places made include Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada), France, London (United Kingdom), Melbourne (Australia); languages include English, Spanish, French
Drawer A-3, Folder 3

Labor: Unions - Oversize 1977; 1986-2012

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Rio Tinto strikes, mining, labor standards, education, fair trade, steel law, union families, strikes, contracts, campaigns, elections, labor organizing, international solidarity, workers' solidarity, art exhibitions, workers' rights, privacy rights, child labor, children, prejudice, racial discrimination, racism, health, occupational health, technology, machinery, marches and demonstrations, union movements, labor legislation, economics, full employment economy, economic justice, unionizing, safety, domestic workers; makers include T. Scott Sayre, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), Rick Hyman, Chicago Federation of Labor, Fernando Esquivel, Communications Workers of America (CWA), Fred Otnes, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, Bread and Roses Cultural Project, SEIU Greenhouse Cultural Program, Chicago Federation of Labor AFL-CIO, California Labor Federation AFL-CIO, 12 x 12, International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), Melanie Hope Greenberg, Deepika Mehta; referenced individuals include R. Heindel, Bart Forbes, Martin Luther King Jr., Sybille-Maria Pfaffenbichler, Pat Olson; references or specifically about The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), California Prop 30 (2012), California Prob 31 (2012), California Prop 32 (2012), We Can Do It, Rosie the Riveter, International Labour Organisation (ILO), union busters, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), electronic monitoring, surveillance, melting pot, human rights, Central Labor Council, 3 Steps to 3 Million, California Labor Councils, ILO Convention 189, American flag, Canadian flag, United Association of Journeymen and Apprentices of the Plumbing and Pipe Fitting Industry of the United States and Canada (UA); places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Australia, Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-3, Folder 4

Labor: Various Topics - Oversize 1973; 1982-1989; 1998-2003

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include May Day, international solidarity, exhibitions, mining, California labor history, historical timelines (1769-2003), maps, Native Americans, mining, agriculture, community building, housing, poverty, boycotts, garment workers, education, retail, corporations, Safeway boycott, farm workers, grapes, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), women, domestic work, women's history, fair wages, working conditions, occupational health and safety, child labor, strikes, immigration, immigrant workers, benefit events, safety training, reproductive health, health hazards, adverse effects of job exposures, production, inflation, coal mines, deaths, mining hazards, costs of living, foreclosure, unemployment, statistics, ranchers, international labor, voting, human rights, dignity, fair trade, globalization, employment; makers include United Steelworkers of America, National May Day Committee, Labor Institute - Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union (OCAW), Howard Saunders, Crude Art International, Alix du Serech, Schaumburger, Working Women's Department of the AFL-CIO, Diego Rivera, Martha Tabor, Lara Lipoinka, Steven Brosnihan, PS Graphics; references or specifically about Garment Worker Center, Columbia Law School, American Federation of Government Employees, Workplace Health Fund, Museum of Science and Industry (Chicago), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), data sheets, Detroit auto industry, automobile industry, coal mining, Jobs Not War, stock exchange, beef cattle, Visible Links, complexity of production, napkins, flatware, wineglasses, plates, hard hats, imports, exports, shipping, ballot boxes, political action, United Nations flag, multiracial solidarity; referenced individuals include Herb Wesson, Carl Sandburg, Albert Einstein, Sarah N. Cleghorn, Ronald Reagan, Woodie Guthrie; places made include Detroit (Michigan, USA), New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-3, Folder 5

Labor: Newsprint 1985-2000

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, labor law reforms, strikes, pro-employer laws, global economics, Boeing, scabs, Eastern Air Lines, boycotts, Continental Airlines, May Day, international solidarity, U.S. Steel (USX), unions, mining, steelworkers, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ); makers include Reclaim Culture Art Politics Sexuality (ReCAPS) Magazine, Revolutionary Communist Party-USA (RCP, USA), Joint Trade Union Organisation for Protection of Existing Labour Laws, Seattle Post Intelligence, People's Daily World, General Union of Greek Workers, Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles Times, S. Joseph; references or specifically about World Trade Organization (WTO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) local 1877, #ReclaimMayDay, Arab Spring, Pussy Riot, dictatorships, flower power, militancy, daisy chain theory, pink-washing, DIY aesthetic, the commons, mis-gendering; referenced individuals include Margaret Thatcher, Malala Yousufazi, Chelsea Manning (Bradley Manning), Lady Gaga ; places made include USA, Greece, Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Greek, Spanish,
Drawer A-3, Folder 6

Labor: UCLA Labor Center - Events 1997; 2004-2009; 2019

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include unity, working conditions, wages, education, immigration, homelessness, diversity, families, unions, children, women, fairness, voting, retaliation, the future, family separation, poverty, labor, conferences, social justice, immigrant rights, universal health care, voting rights, civil rights, liberty, prison reform, ; makers include USW Local 675, University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Justiniani Mallaru, Angel Trazo, Graphic Communications International Union (GCIU), Albur, ; references or specifically about banquets, SB54, Fair Work Week, raise wages, undocumented workers, retaliation, United Teachers Los Angles (UTLA), family separation, teacher's strike 2019 Los Angeles, Native Americans, Proposition HHH, University of California Los Angles (UCLA), Tongva land, polimigra, International Union, United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), Employee Free Choice Act, Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors Act (DREAM Act), green jobs, Boycott Coords, United Farm Workers (UFW), "Sí, se puede", SB2, "an injury to one is an injury to us all", Wal-Mart, Community Coalition, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 11, apprenticeships, 3-strikes law, May Day, 2008 General Election, AB-540, phone banking, hard hats, consturction workers; referenced individuals include John Sweeney, Dolores Huerta, Richard Trumka, Linda Chavez-Thompson, Karen Nussbaum, Maria Elena Durazo, Harold Meyerson, Harley Shaiken, Mike Davis, Miguel Contreras, ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Arabic, Farsi, Tagalog (Filipino), Cambodian, Korean, Tongva
Drawer A-3, Folder 7

Labor: Propositions and Campaigns 1982-1984; 2009-2021

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include seafarers, presidential campaign, unions, Contracts Act, California AB 236, wages, car wash workers, corporatism, campaigns, elections, shipyard workers, Measure A (1982 November) - Santa Cruz, anti-war, U.S. military spending, government budgets, California Proposition 75 (2005), California Proposition 76 (2005), unions, union dues, jobs, employment, Los Angeles Proposition X, faculty strikes, California State University (CSU) strike (2012), workers' benefits, paid sick days, voting, campaigns, elections, California Proposition 226: the "Paycheck Protection" Initiative (1998), immigration, business failures, Proposition E (Humboldt County), economics, voter registration, corporatism, victory, California Proposition 32, unions, presidential election, media, freedom of speech; makers include Jobs With Peace, Community Printers, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, Peace and Freedom Party, Women's Press, Jerell Kraus, Andy Jurinko, Frontlash, California Labor Federation, California Democratic Pary presidential campain 2019, United Union of Rofers, Waterproofers and Allied Workers Local 36, Democratic Socialists of America - Los Angeles, Los Angeles County Federation of Labor; references or specifically about Seafarers International Union, Local 79, California Propositions 187, 2020 Presidential election, California Propositions 227, California Propositions 209, California Propositions 227, Power Grab(2012), Local unions, Labor Councils, State Federation, Million More Voters (MMV), Alliance for a Better CA, campaign trackers, special exemptions act, blueprint for victory, California Labor Federation, 2012 election, worksite visits, campaign tracker, no on Prop 32 California, corporate contributions campaigns, Protecting the Right to Organize Act (PRO Act); referenced individuals include Andrew R. Kangas (Paul Kangas), Rusty HIcks, Maria Elena Durazo, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA),
Drawer A-3, Folder 8

Labor: Reproductions [1895; 1942-1955; 1973; 1981-2009] 2012

Physical Description: 14


Bracket range represents dates of original items reproduced

Scope and Content Note

related topics include international solidarity, labor movements, Sun Maid raisins, farm workers, agricultural labor, occupational health and safety, women, equal pay, gender equality, police brutality, racial discrimination, racism, National Union Label Week, boycotts, Midwestern farm workers, Campbell's Soup, grape boycotts; makers include The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Lincoln Cushing; references or specifically about Rosie the Riveter, Westinghouse Electric, War Production Co-ordinating Committee, Northland Poster Collective, Walter P. Reuther Library, Docs Populi, United Auto Workers (UAW) Women's Department, Labadie collection, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), Farm Labor Organizing Committee (FLOC), United Farm Workers (UFW), Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees - AFL-CIO, Bread and Roses, Kheel Center collection, Hospital and Health Care Employees; referenced individuals include J. Howard Miller, Ricardo Levins-Morales, Frederick Douglass, Ester Hernandez, Timothy Drescher, Carlos Cortez, Joe Hill, Bill Seaman, J.V. Hudak, Xavier Viramontes, Paul Davis, Walter Crane; places made include USA
Drawer A-3, Folder 9

Labor: Strikes 1976-1999; 2004-2007; 2021

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include grocery workers, wages, Writers Guild of America (WGA), unions, Coal Workers 1989 strike, scabs, Pittson, Homestead Strike (1892), 1946 Oakland General Strike, working conditions, marches and demonstrations, preterm strike, picket lines, conscience, International Ladies' Garment Workers Union (ILGWU), coal mining, police brutality, Stearns miners, Kitayama Strikers, healthcare, railway strikes, copper mining, Phelps-Dodge, Artesia City Workers Strike, anarchism, railroad workers, workers' solidarity, Worthington Strike (1965), occupational health and safety, the liberty tree, displacement, solidarity, benefit, international solidarity, contracts, minimum wage ; makers include Los Angeles Strikers Solidarity Organization (LASSO), Laborers' International Union of North America, Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Red Sun Press, #strikefor15, Bülbül, Legal Services Staff Association, Wilfred, Inkworks Press, The Philip Murray Institute, Homestead 1892 Centennial Labor Committee, Peter Garcia, Amherst Cultural Workers Collective, Don Dolan, Bread and Roses; references or specifically about Melt Comics, Carnegie Library of Homestead, Southern California Davis Pleating, Harlan County, USA (1976 film), human rights, Illinois Central Railway, trainmen, Green Giant, Semana de Protesta, dance benefit, picket lines, Grand Metropolitan, torches, United Farmworkers' strike, "people before profits", Watsonville Canning (1985-87, California, USA), Wells Fargo, Teamsters Union Local 912, Bread and Roses Bookshop, Los Mil Inquebrantables (The Stubborn One Thousand), Office and Professional Employees Local #3 (OPEU) strike, Fair Contract SEIU 790, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART),The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCE) 3993, Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU 1555, ; referenced individuals include Garry Dreyfus McTernan, Brotsky Herndon Pesonen, G. A. Coffin, Michael J. Schaack, George Washington,Vladimir Ilyich Ulyanov (Lenin), ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), New Mexico (USA), San Jose (California, USA), Tucson (Arizona USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-3, Folder 10

Labor: Sweatshops 1994-2000

Physical Description: 23

Scope and Content Note

related topics include exploitation, National Conference on Women Garment Workers, textile workers, international solidarity, Guatemala, global economics, Gap Inc., wages, Guess (clothing company), corporatism, corporations, workshops, globalization, capitalism, advertising, Cambodian workers, Chinese women, China, profits, manufacturers, retail management; makers include Marilyn Drake, Marilyn Anderson, Inkworks Press, Innosanto Nagara, Global Exchange, Common Threads Artist Group; references or specifically about U.S. Department of Labor, Bangladesh, living wage, Anchor Blue, Karen Kane, Doc Martens, corporate greed, Global South, Saipan, conscientious consumerism, injustice, ethical consumerism, hierarchy of competition, Triangle Shirtwaist Factory fire; referenced individuals include Frances Perkins, Robert B. Reich; places made include USA; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-3, Folder 11

Labor: UCLA Labor Center 2006-2018

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), immigration, education, universal health care, cultural events, May Day, occupational safety, voting rights, African Americans, student movements, Employee Free Choice Act, wages, peace, environmentalism, ecology, teach-ins, New Labor Movement, poverty, University of California (UC) Regents, UC employees, UC service workers, international solidarity, car wash workers, tuition hikes, domestic workers, unity, immigration, labor, healing, dignity, families, diversity, loncheros, farmworkers, jobs, skills, protections, change, justice, U.S. flag, May Day, anniversary, solidarity, diversity, ; makers include Albur, John August Swanson, Daniel González, Mark Orozco Justiniani, Joy Mallari, Angelica Becerra; references or specifically about California Dream Act, California Assembly Bill 540 (AB 540), Dreamers, SB 2, Paul Robeson Community Center, Black Worker Center, living wage, Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union, United Auto Workers (UAW), social justice, The American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Long Term Care Union, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Walmart, 99%, Occupy Movement, Royce Hall (UCLA), Los Angeles Metropolitan Transit Authority (LA METRO), immigration reform, graduate, wage theft, undocumented workers, green jobs, 99%, tuition hikes, California Construction Academy, Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Queer (LGBTQ) Rights, #RESIST, #HealBlackFutures, young workers, wage theft, UCLA Labor Center Banquet, immigrant rights, Dream Act, Si Se Puede!, 50th anniversary UCLA Laor Center 2014, Black Lives Matter, Undocumented and Unafraid, #me too, Immigration and Custorms Enforcement (ICE), ; referenced individuals include Miguel Contreras; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Tagalog (Filipino), Hebrew, Arabic
Drawer A-3, Folder 12

Labor: University of California (UC) 1997-2007; 2019

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include poverty, cost of living, wages, health care, occupational safety and health, UCLA - Labor Occupational Safety and Health (LOSH) Program, youth, young workers, UC Regents, UC Service Workers, workers' rights, outsourcing race, class, gender, inequity, strikes, retirement, higher education, respect, dignity, fairness, justice, equity, unity; makers include Wayne Alaniz Healey, Peter Tovar, Abby Chung, Kate Oliver, Jackie DeLeon, Labor Occupational Health Program (UC Berkeley), Grace Kim, Oscar Diaz, University Professional & Technical Employees (UPTE), University Council-American Federation of Teachers (UC-AFT); references or specifically about University of California, Riverside (UC Riverside), poverty wages, University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley), Uncle Sam, University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), University of California system, health care workers, patient care, service workers, construction workers, privitazation of education, Communications Workers of America (CWA), CWA 9119, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), dollar bills, unfair labor practices, union busting, contracts, "no justice no peace", second-class citizens, faculty, budget transparency, students, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), Association of Graduate Student Employees (AGSE), California Nurses Association (CNA), Building Trades, Coalition of University Employees (CUE), Service Employees International Union, Teamsters, ; referenced individuals include Tanya Orozco; places made include California (USA), Los Angeles (California USA)
Drawer A-3, Folder 17

African Americans: Arts and Culture 1953-1976; 1982-1996

Physical Description: 27


includes two poster with four graphics

Scope and Content Note

related topics include love, music, freedom, poetry, art, calendar, American flag, prayer, soul music, sculpture, theater, World War II, soldiers, war, military, Vietnam War, Korean War, life; makers include Tecla, Kristen Wetterhahn, Fireworks Graphics, Inkworks, Louise Gilbert, Frank Diaz Escalet, Samella Lewis (Samella Sanders Lewis), William Gropper, Alfonso Davis, Frank Bach, Fisk University, The Viking Press, Specs Powell, Michael Pollice, Harry Wade, U.S. Military Archives, National Minority Military Museum Foundation; referenced individuals include Lorraine Hansberry, Bobby Hutcherson, Bob Kaufman, John Henry, Thelonius Monk, John Sinclair, Charles McClain, Nancy Morejón, James Weldon Johnson, Tina Allen, Nelson Mandela, Marsha A. Jackson, Harry Wade; references or specifically about Musuem of African-American Art, chicken shacks, Memphis, vibraphone, marimbas, beat poetry, "Black American Rimbaud", surrealism, satire, Haiti, pencil sketches, woodcuts, paintings, migrants, family, lithographs, The Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), Freedom Now, "The Autobiography of an ExColored Man" (book), "Sisters" (play), colorism, "Urban Survival" (play), 1984 Olympics Arts Festival, Oakland Ensemble Theatre; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-4, Folder 1

Children: The Children's Defense Fund - Oversize 1988-1990

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include family planning, youth, hunger, voting, elections, campaigns, athletics, teenage pregnancies, single parenthood, preventive health care, child care, education, politicians, child poverty rate, democracy, child support, birth control, gun control, violence; makers include Ceasefire; references or specifically about Leave No Child Behind, adolescent pregnancies, U.S. flag; places made include USA
Drawer A-4, Folder 2

Children: Various Topics - Oversize 1979-1998; 2003

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include education, gender equality, reading, literacy, television, mass media, elections, campaigns, alphabet, International Year of the Child (1979), war toys, disarmament, child abuse, socialization, California government budgets, school funding, divorce, racism, childrens art; makers include KIKI, Full Moon Productions, Jaeger Design studio, Project SEE (Sex Equity in Education), Los Angeles Annenberg Metropolitan Project, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Karen Kerney, Melinda Matzell, Mike McNeilly, Children of the Night, United Nations, English, Lance Hidy, Gibby's Posters, California Child Care Resource and Referral Network, Fern Tiger Associates, Creative Trust, Saxon-Ross Design Inc., Andersen Printing, Children Now, Cease Fire, Instructional Improvement and Accountability Coalition, Bar Association of San Francisco, University of California Partnership Program; references or specifically about Title IX - Gender Equity in Education, S. Mark Taper Foundation, California State Superintendent of Public Instruction, abduction, immigration, Cuban Young Pioneers, thought police, Cuba, denunciation, family, parenting, diversity, pro bono legal services, college preparatory curriculum; referenced individuals include Pepe Serna, Wilson Riles, Elián González, David Botello; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), New York (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include English, Chinese, Spanish
Drawer A-4, Folder 3

Children: Abuse / Violence 1980s-1999; 2002-2008

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include child abductions, verbal abuse, children advocacy groups, permanent homes, statistics, health, non violence, conflict resolution; makers include Kevin Collins Foundation, Sir Speedy Printing, Bay View Federal Savings, Eleanor Rubin, Ethel Kessler Design, Child Welfare League of America, Child Welfare League of America, Ethel Kessler Design Inc., Julian Waters, Virginia Lithograph, Children Now, Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services, Ronald McDonald Children's Charities, Gable Design Group, Court Appointed Special Advocates, Blue Balloon Inc., Community Printers, Gayle T. Ono Design, Mark Geard, The Family Violence Prevention Co-ordinating Committee, Preventing Abuse of Children Together (PACT), Office of Child Abuse Prevention, National Committee to Prevent Child Abuse, Silence the Violence, Ella Baker Center Campaign, ; referenced individuals include Salvador Bru, John F. Kennedy, Hunter Freeman, Harley Soltes, Eric Shalit., John F. Kennedy, President Bill Clinton, ; references or specifically about National Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness Month, Children Now Action Guide, California, physical abuse, stabbings, teen births, incarceration, uninsured, North Atlantic Treaty Alliance (NATO), Columbine Highschool, The Oakland Athletics, Silence the Violence Leadership Academy, Bay area Silvence the Violence.org, Belgrade, valjevo, U.S. Apache helicopters, Albania, baseball, ; places made include Vallejo (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Maori
Drawer A-4, Folder 4

Children: Adoption / Childcare 1973; 1980s-1990s, mid 2000s

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include staff child care, labor, children's art, foster parenting, welfare, child care, diversity, scholarship fund, ; makers include Linda Revel, Printmasters, Palcare Union Family Servucsm The Children's Council of San Francisco/ Childcare Switchboard, American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, Los Angeles County Department of Children's Services, Jewish Child Care Association, Child Care Action Campaign, National Association for the Education of Young Children, National Association of Family Day Care,; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Berkelely (California, USA), San Mateo County (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-4, Folder 5

Children: Arts and Culture 1987-1997; 2000-2011

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children's art, peace, homelessness, photographic exhibitions, art education, benefit for scholarships, radical performance, art exhibitions, poetry, Festival, workshops, mural projects, benefit, activism, capital punishment, incarceration, ; makers include Community Printers and Graphics, Inkworks Press, Blue Balloon Inc., Vancouver Peace Center, Chris Benfield, Color Graphics, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Jagger Brandt, East Bay Community Foundation, City of Berkeley Civic Arts Commission, California arts Council, Alameda County Arts Commission, Middle East Children's Alliance, The Rosenberg Fund for Children, Vanguard Public Foundation, Prison Radio Graphics JOS, Dana Davis, True Colors Mural Project, ; referenced individuals include Käthe Kollwitz, Janet Dennis, Sheila Jordan, Holly Near, Ed Asner, Danny Glover, Janice Mirikitani, Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Ani-DiFranco, Mumia Abu-Jamal,; references or specifically about bible quote,The Children's Museum, Youth Arts Festival, Berkeley Unified School District, visual arts, music, dance, spoken word, drama, parade, dance, slide lecture, mask making, silkscreen printing, family, children, mass incarceration,True Colors Mural Project Collective Consciousness Concencia Colectiva, Juana Alicia, ; places made include Vancouver (British Columbia, Canada), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish,
Drawer A-4, Folder 6

Children: Children's Rights 1978-1979; 1990-1995; 2002-2016

Physical Description: 34

Scope and Content Note

related topics include child support, children's art, child labor, religion, prisons, California prison system, violence against children, multilingualism in schools, bilingual, rebirth, teenage pregnancy, health insurance, education, higher education, arms race, poverty, child advocacy organizations, child abuse, multiculturalism, diversity, nutrition, special needs individuals, third world strike, schooling industrial complex, ethnic studies, radical politics, housing, anti-war, child self-image, school lunches, voting, child nutrition programs, anti-nuclear, economics, humanity, child labor, slavery; makers include The National Labor Committee, Vagabundo, Favianna Rodriguez, Fatima Escamilla, Zachary Vitale, New York State United Teachers (NYSUT), Children's Defense Fund, Phoenix Coalition to Free the UC, Children Now, Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes, Maria Hollenbach, National Association of Social Workers, Aline D. Wolf, Not so Subtle Tees, inc., Fern Narod, Margulies, Women Strike for Peace, Syracuse Cultural Workers; referenced individuals include Mary Eng, Great Brechin, Hunter Freeman, François Truffaut, Suzanne Szasz, Freda Leinwand, Matt Mauhrin, George H.W. Bush; references or specifically about Women Maquiladora Workers (Central America, The Caribbean), Office of City Controller Rick Tuttle, International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU), World Trade Organization (WTO), payroll deduction program, The 400 Blows, International Year of the Child, UN Declaration of the Rights of the Child 1959, National Commission on Children, sweat shops, Holiday Season of Conscience, Eddie Bauer, Macy's, Dayton Hudson, wal Mart, JC Penny, Sears, The Gap, ; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Brooklyn (New York, USA), Maryland (USA), Altoona (Pennsylvania, USA), Lincolndale (New York, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA); languages include Spanish and English
Drawer A-4, Folder 7

Children: Education 1974-1983; 1988-1993; 2002-2005

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include public schools, teenage mothers, teen moms, teenage relationships, stay in school, peer pressure, drug abuse, anniversaries, science and school, multiculturalism, alternative public schools, gender roles, sexism, children with disabilities, teacher employment, wisdom, kindergarten, fund more education, preschool, prison industrial complex system, data visualization, public preschool, anniversary, innovation, imagination, ; makers include People for the American Way Foundation, Robin Factor, Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes, San Francisco Mime Troupe, Judith Siegel Life, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Bring Me a Book Foundation, EastSide Arts Alliance, The Center for Inquiry, Red Sun Press, The Children's Defense Fund, Nina Reimer, TABS: Aids for Ending Sexism in School, The Mid-Atlantic Center for Sex Equity, Jaeger Design Studio, Open New York, Earth Action, California Teachers Association, Dennis wozniak Graphics, Children's Book Press, Inkworks, ; referenced individuals include Marco Alvarado, Denise Quintana, Robert Fulghum, Dick Bancroft, Freda Leinwand, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Charles Darwin, Rosa Parks, Saundra Graham, Rhodia D. Thomas, Michael Weisbrot & Family, Jassim Mohammed, Rick Reinhard, Lilian Katz, Mike Coleman; references or specifically about Oakland School District, Uncle Sam, Darwinism, Graham & Parks Alternative School, The American University, All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten, Villard Books, The ImPrisoNation of California, California Proposition 82, alternative school, pre-school, Pre-K, ; places made include Cleveland (Ohio, USA), Brooklyn (New York, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), Ottawa (Ontario, Canada), San Francisco (California, USA), Burlingame (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), ; languages include Spanish, Japanese, English, Chinese,
Drawer A-4, Folder 8

Children: Health [1918]; Mid-1970s; 1985; 1991-1998

Physical Description: 11


Bracket range represents dates of original items reproduced

Scope and Content Note

related topics include orphans, hunger, immunization, childhood diseases, circumcision, genital mutilation, marches and demonstrations, boycotts, corporatism, corporations, baby formula, low-income families, statistics, public health, the future, neighborhood; makers include Martha Perske, California Health and Welfare Agency, California State Department of Health, National Organization to Halt the Abuse and Routine Mutilation of Males, Tim Hammond, Nightwind Creative, Action for Corporate Accountability, The Child Health and Disability Prevention Program, Food Research and Action Center, NOA; referenced individuals include James Loewen; references or specifically about philosophy of services for children, Armenian genocide, Red Sweater Project, Nestle, cancer, tumors, ovarian cysts, kidney cysts, birth defects, miscarriage, pesticide spraying, toxicity, contamination, epidemiology, infants, babies, Humboldt Parl Infant Mortality Reduction Initiative (HIMRI), Humboldt Park,; places made include New Haven (Connecticut, USA), California (USA), Bakersfield (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA)
Drawer A-4, Folder 9

Children: International Aid / Solidarity 19739-1985; 1991-1992

Physical Description: 34


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include international debt, elections, child hunger, peace, Palestine, right of return, military budget / spending, Nicaragua, nutrition, U.S. government aid, Kurdistan, walking benefits, education, orphans, adoption, Latino children, relay benefits, children aid organizations, South African poets, political prisoners, pan-Africa, refugee children, basic needs, anniversaries, indigenous peoples, Kenya, children with disabilities, breastfeeding, child care, bottle feeding, boycotts, corporations, youth activism, solidarity, demonstration, colonialism, independence; makers include Doug Hunt, Jubilee 2000, Bread for the World, Committee of Children's and Adolescents' Movement (CIMEA attached to World Federation of Democratic Youth), Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), Oats for Peace, Let Nicaragua Live, Kurdish National Congress Relief Fund (KNCRF), Kurdish Relief Aid (KRA), L. Duarte, Region IX Resource Center for Children, Judith Rew, Guardian Newsweekly, United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), El Salvador Children's Relief Fund, Lengyez, Toronto Image Works Limited, Riley's Color Lab, Steichen Lab, Cyber, United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), G. McBean, He Ning, Red Cross, Red Crescent, World Health Organization (WHO), W. Turnowsky, Sun Limited, Yarom Press, Marion Emerson, Turnover, Nell Ranta, International Youth Council Project, Women for Racial and Economic Equality, David Lance Goines, International Organization of Consumers Unions, Robert C. Crock, Ismail Hashim, Baby Milk Action, DNPP Ministério da Informação, MADRE Women's Peace Network, Autumn Press, World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY), Lukoviczky Endre; referenced individuals include James Matthews, John Muafangejo, Miguel Hernandez, Danny Beaton, Sonny Yabao, Wayne Craig, Jonathan Snow; references or specifically about Maryknoll, International Children's Day, United Nations, Third World, International Year of the Child (1979), Southern California Interfaith Coalition, bottle baby disease, bananas, Nestlé, Nescafe, Independence for Angola Guinea-Bissao and Mozambique, Portuguese rule; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Silver Spring (Maryland, USA), Egypt, San Diego (California, USA), Santa Ana (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Israel, New York (New York, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Cambridge (United Kingdom), Mozambique; languages include English, Spanish, Swahili, Chinese, French, Arabic, Russian, Portuguese, Korean, Vietnamese, Khmer, Greek, Turkish
Drawer A-4, Folder 10

Children: Internationally Made 1984-1990

Physical Description: 24


includes laminated items

Scope and Content Note

related topics include child care, labor, war toys, capitalism, boycotts, anti-war, peace, international solidarity, pan-Africa, child soldiers, exploitation, religion, religious organizations, international debt, disarmament, health care, literacy, El Salvador, homelessness, hunger, Laos, calendars, child abuse, military injuries, child soldiers, propaganda; makers include Canadian Day Care Advocacy Association, Union Labour At, J.P. Faniel, Association Québécoise des Organismes de Coopération Internationale (AQOCI), Laureneau, Solidaritätskomitee Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR), Trocaire, Christen für die Abrüstung, Third World Health Jesuit Centre for Social Faith and Justice, Muskox Press, Foster Parents Plan International, Imelsa, Asemblea Permanente por los Derechos Humanos, Coordinadora Nacional de Mujeres Salvadoreñas (CONAMUS), Asociación Salvadoreña de Trabajadores del Arte y la Cultura (ASTAC), Agraian Reform Alliance of Democratic Organizations (ARADO), Diocesan Pastoral Center / Basic Christian Community, Jacques Cormier, Palleiro, Marvin Miguel de los Angeles Ramirez, Ministerio del Interior (Nicaragua); referenced individuals include Pablo Picasso, Fredy Kunz, Carlos Fonseca; references or specifically about child guerillas, Catholic lent, Child with a Dove, fine arts, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, Nailan massacre, Third World; places made include Toronto (Canada), Paris (France), Argentina, Philippines, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Mozambique, Soviet Union (USSR); languages include French, English, Germany, Spanish, Tagalog, Russian, Portuguese
Drawer A-4, Folder 11

Children: Peace 1971-1984; 1994; 2003

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

topics include war, peacemaking, childhood, art production, books, boycott, violence, anniversary, resistance, social justice, liberty, solidarity, ; makers include Felicia Ellis, R. Meeropol, Robert Orphelin Fleger, Patricia Ellen Ricci, The Rosenberg Fund for Children, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Families for Peace, Hammer Museum (Los Angeles); references or specifically about violent toys, GI Joe, gun violence, gun lobby, families, ; referenced individuals include Susan Moser, Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, D. Robert Orphelin Fleger, Kurt Vonnegut, Joshua Horwitz, Saul Cornell, Tom Diaz, ; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA), Minnesota (USA), New York (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), ; languages include French, English
Drawer A-4, Folder 12

Children: Various Topics 1975-1992; ca. 2016

Physical Description: 39

Scope and Content Note

related topics include child liberation, tax incentives, public libraries, war toys, child support, gender roles, bigotry, elections, voting, statistics, survival, love, violence, adult supremacy, abuse, domination, indoctrination, suppression, dehumanization, transgender identity, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ); makers include Garner, American Civil Liberties Union, Coalition Against the Family Protection Act, Lesbians Against the Family Protection Act, Children of the Night, Mike McNeilly, George Jensen, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Anne Newmarch, Human Policy Press, Northern Sun Merchandising, Jennifer B., Bonnie Acker, Kaiser Permanente, Southwest Voter Registration Education Project, National Association for the Education of Young Children, Robert Maust, Francis Wardle, Alan Oddie, National Conference of Christians and Jews (NCCJ), Brad Guice, California Children's Lobby, Tarane Sayler, Mohammad Rezaiian, San Anselmo Printing, Joel Preston, Children Now; referenced individuals include Ronald Reagan, Gil Garcetti, Stinney Distro, Robert Ellis; references or specifically about Uncle Sam, Family Protection Act, African proverbs; places made include New York (New York, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-4, Folder 13

Children / Education: Newsprint 1995-2011

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include welfare, hunger, homelessness, poverty, mental illness, marches and demonstrations, Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), statistics, teenage pregnancy, sex crimes, weapon offenses in public schools, voting, elections; makers include Public Media Center, Fair Share Network; referenced individuals include Maggie Hallahan; references or specifically about the National Committee on Child Nutrition, indigent; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA)
Drawer A-4, Folder 14

Youth: Various Topics 1979-1986; 2000-2004; 2011-2015

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include youth leadership movements, radicalism, runaway crisis centers, conferences, black youth, race, racism, art exhibitions, student art, hate, bullying, zones, words, awards, community service, disability activism, youth, education, access, growth, enrichment, STEM, school funding, extracurriculars, teaching, after school, school-to-prison pipeline, strategy, ; makers include Free My People (FMP), Red Sun Press, The Firehouse Kustom Rockart Company, Catholic Charities, Social Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Andrew Vesler, Ginny Cordova, William S. Coperthwaite, Ragged Edge Press, A&L GraphiCo, Inc., Freedom Art Squad; referenced individuals include Scott Nearing, Richard Garrett, E. Fee, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Cameryn Miller; references or specifically about San Francisco Mime Troupe, Angel's Flight, apartheid, International Year of the Child, Young Peoples Art Exhibit, Project Interdependence, International Year of Disabled Persons, #saytheirnamesav,; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Durban (South Africa), Maine (USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Oakland (California, USA),
Drawer A-4, Folder 15

Vietnam War Era: Education - Higher Education - Events 1965-1976

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include student films, economics, Nigera, fist, famine, ad hoc committees, international aid, medical aid, protests, nonviolent direct action, Civil Rights Movement, reform, revolution, student conferences, public meetings, amnesty, veterans, draft-resistance, conferences, scholarship, economics, poverty, unions, labor, women's music, farmworkers, trains, markets, corporations, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), recessions, Wall Street, radical economics, urban planning, film series, poetry, anti-pollution, demonstration, concert; makers included Newton Ad Hoc Committee for Biafran Relief, Massachusetts Chapter Physicians Forum, Inc.,, Westwood Liberation Front; Peoples Office, Amherst College, Students for Racial Equality, National Council for Universal Unconditional Amnesty, Massachusetts Coalition for Amnesty, University of Maryland, Student Government Association, UCLA Motion Picture Division, Friends of Indochina, Friendshipment, Newton Community Peace Center, Newton Community Peace Center, Cambridge Center for Adult Education, Boston University Student Union, Black Studies Dept. at California State University San Francisco, Columbia College New Graphics Department; referenced individuals include Reverand Donald Cutler, Ph.D., Dr. Anne Marie Shimony, John Bewick, Dr. Udo Ukweni Udo, Howard Zinn, H. Jack Geiger, Dr. Ben Selling, Ossie Davis, Michael Harrington, Malcolm X, Jesse Grey, Kermit Bailer, Tom Haydne, Tom Kahn, Nelson Jackson, Summer Rosen, Norman Hill, Bill Worthy, Bill Strickland, Rev. Milton Galamison, Julian Houston, Laurence Guyot, Dave Dennis, Jesse Morris, Stanley Aronowitz, Martin Oppenheimer, Peter Irons, Lou Mitchell, Bill Higgs, Stan Daniels, Lyndon B. Johnson, Fritz Efaw, Ron Kovic, Barry Lynn, Cora Weiss, Richard Barnet, Noam Chomsky, Dr. Damuel Bowles, Leonard Salter, Ted Monacelli, Julius Hobson, Don Williams, Edward Boorstein, Okop p'Bitek, A.J. Janowicz; references or specifically about mineworkers strike, Monopoly (game), Nigerian Biafran Crisis, Nigerian Civil War, Student Non-violent Co-ordinating Committee (SNCC), Harvard Medical School, Organization for Afro-American Unity, War on Poverty, Urban League, Simmons College, AFL-CIO, doves, Harvard Divinity School, Boston University, guerrillas in Colombia, north Vietnam, Haight-Ashbury, Black Panthers, Song of Ocol, Song of Lawino, Columbia College Contemporary Studies Department; places made include Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-5, Folder 1

Labor: Unions - Union Advocacy / Benefits / Solidarity 1982-2011; 2020

Physical Description: 38


includes "12 Things Every Union Member Should Know" series

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Hormel Meat Packers strike and boycott, child labor, sweatshops, work conditions, 12-hour work days, whistleblowers, boycotts, apartheid, U.S. intervention, Central America, union busting, teacher's salaries, job protection, medical insurance, political parties, corporations, welfare, voting, worker solidarity, union participation, union-made products, gender divide, corporatism, working conditions, black workers; makers include Estelle Carol, Community Printers and Graphics (Santa Cruz, California, USA), Mexican American Workers Association, Bob Gill, Central American Trade Unionists, Local 420, Nicaraguan Trade Unionists, Walter Bernard, Irene Vendervoort, Gerald E. Martin, Keith Pattinson, Security Awareness Poster, International Ladies' Garment Workers' Union (ILGWU), Sheetmetal Workers Union, David Solnit, OCAW Local 8-149; referenced individuals include Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mona Field, Julia Wu, Roy Rogers, Rini Templeton, Don Holmstrom, Mother Jones (Mary Harris Jones), Franklin D. Roosevelt, Rose Schneiderman; references or specifically about May Day, disabled workers, pensions, sexual harassment, unemployment compensation, gender equality, union homes, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA), American Federation of Teachers (AFT), Open Secrets, U.S. currency, Vietnam War, #StandForSecurity, Sharpeville massacre, 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, Tartine Bakery workers, bread and roses, Labor Party Advocates (LPA), North American Free Tree Agreement (NAFTA), General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), Oil, East and North Bay's Union, Chemical and Atomic Workers Union (OCAW), Rock The Vote, funding, budget cuts, voter registration; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-5, Folder 2

Labor: Unions - United Automobile Workers (UAW) 1962; 1975-1981; 1993-1996; 2014- 2017

Physical Description: 30


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pensions, voting, unity, labor history, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), oil companies, corporations, civil rights, human rights, union rights, women, peace, global solidarity, education, Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO), Battle of the Overpass, Memorial Day Massacre, police brutality, collective bargaining, Homestead, Wagner Act, United Steelworkers of America, American Railway Union, Pullman Strike, The Haymarket Riot, The Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor (AFL), Labor Day, scabs, Detroit (Michigan, USA), social security benefits, justice, political prisoners, economic emancipation, democracy, accountability, children, women, labor, education, economy, oil, ; makers include United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America (UAW), American Center for International Labor Solidarity, Harvard UAW, Red Sun Press, Baynert, International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAMAW), United Automobile, Aerospace and Agricultural Implement Workers of America, Kim Fujiwara, Scott Molloy, Susan Kramer, Labor Rights Now!, Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers International (AIM), ; references or specifically about Democratic National Economic Planning, Nigerian Union of oil and gas workers (NUPENG), PENGASSAN, Ford Hunger March, Rhode Island Labor History Society, Ford River Rouge plant, Ford Automobile Company, pipe fitting, sprinkler fitting, refrigerators, End Homelessness, U.S. flag, Solidarity Day, daycare, District 65, affordable daycare, quality daycare; referenced individuals include Milton Dabibi, Frank Kokori, General Sani Abachen, "Big Bill" Haywood, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Joe Ettor, Arturo Giovannitti, Joe Hill, Linda Eber, Russ Marshall, Harold Howe II, John Gelsavage, Eugene V. Debs, Clarence Darrow, Samuel Gompers; places made include Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), North Hampton (Massachusetts, USA), Detroit (Michigan, USA), Rhode Island (USA), Nigeria;
Drawer A-5, Folder 3

Labor: Unions - United Steelworkers of America 1977-1986; 1990-1999

Physical Description: 19


includes placard cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World Trade Organization (WTO), Seattle (Washington, USA), global politics, economic and environmental strategies, fair trade, steel quotas, United States industry, marches and demonstrations, international solidarity, documentary films, Chicago steel industry, police brutality, Memorial Day, scabs, corporatism, right-wing politics, federal government, civic infrastructure, justice, the environment, democracy, freedom, diversity, flags, occupational hazards, death, ; makers include National Steelworkers Rank and File Committee, United Steelworkers of America-Political Action Committee (USWA-PAC); referenced individuals include David Foster, Bill Clinton, Edward Sadlowski, Sally Field, Joe Hill, Ben Shahn, Earl Handley, Kenneth Reid, Otis Jones, Lee Tisdale, Alfred Causey, Sam Popovitch, ; references or specifically about Millennium Round, Phelps Dodge, Grupo Mexico, Statue of Liberty, The Faces of the Union (films), Norma Rae (film), solidarity with Canadian steelworkers, economic justice; places made include Indianapolis (Indiana, USA), Lorain (Ohio, USA)
Drawer A-5, Folder 4

Labor: Unions - Various Professions [1893]; 1987-1998 ; 2010-2014

Physical Description: 26


bracket range represents dates of original items reproduced

Scope and Content Note

related topics include unions, labor, poverty, wealth, dignity, respect, wages, community, human rights, union rights, struggle, solidarity, surveillance, union elections, voting, organizing, deregulation, electric power, social justice, immigrant workers, worker's rights, helathcare benefits, job security, respect, dignity, operator, technician, mechanic, inspector; makers include California State Employees Association (CSEA) Local 1000, Local 2850, American Railway Union, Industrial Union of Marine and Shipbuilding Workers of America (IUMSWA) Local No. 9, United Electrical, Radio and Machine Workers of America, American Federation of Musicians Local 76-493, National Labor Federation (NLF), United Transportation Union (UTU), International Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine and General Workers' Unions (ICEM), Artloud, Fiona Macintosh, Boilermakers Local 484, United Mine Workers of America (UMWA), Teamsters Eastern Washington Apple Warehouse Workers, National Association of Social Workers, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Chicago Commons Association, ; references or specifically about Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization (PATCO), mouse, American bald eagle, office workers, hotel workers, foodservice workers, gaming workers, shipbuilders, broken chains, musicians, visas, insurance, collective bargaining, gigs, contracts, housekeepers, janitors, mops, Marriott Marquis, "Unite Here!", hard work, state employees, health insurance, layoffs, clerical workers, furlough, miners, American flag, money bags, Closed Circuit Television (CCTV), factories, barbed wire, coal mining, apple workers, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW), U.S. National Archives, National Urban League, Howard University School of Social Work, Columbia University School of Social Work, U.S. Department of Interior, U.S. Park Service, Hull House, skeletons, death, pain, lightbulbs, blackouts, power outages, Hotel Employees & Restaurant Employees Union (H.E.R.E.) Local 11, Industrial and Bussiness Training Programs, Mayor's Office of Employment and Training, Illinois Department of Public Aid, City Colleges of Chicago, college credit, ; referenced individuals include Eugene V. Debbs, Pete WIlson, Mike Trbovich, Harry Patrick, Arnold Miller, Jennie Velsek, Edward Franklin Frazier, Wilbur Cohen, Dorothea Dix, Mary Richmond, Jane Addams, Whitney M. Young, Jeannette Rankin, Frances Perkins, Edward T. Devine, Ron Ceasar, , Karen Hale Newcomb, Donna Clare Gerken, Dr. Robert Newcomb, Marie Elena Durazo, ; places made includeGlendale (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Wilmington (California, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), San Bernadino (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Meredosia (Illinois, USA), Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-5, Folder 5

Labor: Justice for Janitors 1989-1996; 2000-2017

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Academy Awards (The Oscars), marches and demonstrations, American Building Maintenance Industries (ABMI), Century City (Los Angeles, California, USA), strikes, chemical hazards, occupational health and safety, anniversary, solidarity, contract, conventions; makers include Sylvain Dupres, Sylvain, SEIU Local 399, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), AFL-CIO, SEIU Local 1877, Los Angeles Committee on Occupational Safety and Health, Center for the Study of Political Graphics; references or specifically about Justice for Janitors Day, Si Se Puede: The Story for Justice for Janitors (film), 25 years of Raising America, April One, brooms, Americna flag, picket signs, hotel workers, ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-5, Folder 6

Labor: Marches and Demonstrations 1976-1989; 1992-1998; 2004-2019

Physical Description: 31


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Van Nuys Assembly (General Motors, GM), Labor Day parades, international solidarity, 1%, 99%, Wal-Mart, health care, Los Angeles Board of Supervisors, wage raises, United States Bicentennial, decolonization, democracy, imperialism, boycotts, Australian Domino's Pizza workers, Wall Street, anniversaries, unemployment, Medicaid cuts, Medicare cuts, minimum wage, poverty wages, Walmart, general strike, wageworker action, labor minimum wage, the environment, jobs, National Day of Action, assault, beatings, education, incarceration, union rights, civil rights, poverty, racism, adoption, strikes, unions, bilingual education, repatriations, employment for all, anti-labor laws, anti-immigrant laws, women's rights, social services, anti-sterilization, free all political prisoners, independence for Puerto Rico, fair scheduling, family needs, labor, wages, poverty, democracy, healthcare, living wage, corporatism, bicentennial, oppression, imperialism, race, fist, the environment, Labor Day, solidarity, Dove of Peace, ; makers include Labor Anti-War Contingent, July 4th Coalition, Labor/Community Strategy Center (LCSC), Paul Robeson Community Center, Fidelity Educational Press, Sawicki-& Sons, County Union Coalition, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 660, Artworks, Guillermo Prado, Inkworks Press, California Civil Rights Initiative (CCRI), Beyond the Movement, Pat Villano, July 4 Coalition, Teamsters Eastern Washington Apple Warehouse Workers Organizing Campaign (1977), David Brogin, National Congress of Unemployed Organizations, David G. Brogin, Labor Day Committee; referenced individuals include John Sweeney, Jesse Jackson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Nelson Mandela, Irene Hull, Willie Brown, Dolores Huerta, Patricia Ireland, Gov. Richard (Rick) Snyder, Jennie Velsek; references or specifically about Million Worker March, Domino's Pizza, March on Washington, State of Liberty, volunteer work projects, community, affirmative action, immigrant workers, raise wages, end poverty, Dr. King's dream, "right to work", puppet, The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), Local 876 (IBEW), war on workers, equality, right to work (for less), 4th of July, Bicentennial, Hermandad General de Trajabadores Coalicion (CASA), Universal Healthcare, progressive Taxation of Corporations, Progressive Taxation wealthy, July 4, mine coal safety, recycling, 8 hour day, 50 cents/hr, packing houses, Congdon Orchards Strike(Yakima Washington USA 1933), Million Worker March (2004), an injury to 1 is an injury to all, anti-war, Jobs, Peace & Freedom, unemployment, unemployed men and women, fund raising, "Blue Monday", shorter work week, self-determination; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Detroit (Michigan, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Long Beach (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-5, Folder 7

Labor: May Day 1986-1993; 2001-2017

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include arts and culture, general strikes, centennials, feminism, racism, socialism, international solidarity, immigration, strike, handcuffs, imprisonment, nonviolence, protection, humanity, respect, discrimination, undocumented, dignity, coalitions, workers rights, farm, decency, dehumanize, workers' rights, May Day, immigration, general strike, minimum wage; makers include Community Printers, Julie Reynolds, Arizmendi, City Streets, Red Sun Press, Dan Jones, Interference Archive, Lucy Parsons Collective Film Project, COSECHA, Democratic Socialists of America, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU); referenced individuals include Rep. Brenda Lawrence, Walter Crane, Eugene Debs, Erich Fromm, Mikhail Bakunin, Zanana Gusmao,; references or specifically about Haymarket Square (Haymarket Riots), San Diego Security Workers West Local 247, Division of Conscience and Religious Freedom, Health and Human Services, communication workers, service industry workers, self-employed workers, construction workers, government workers, technology workers, knowledgeable workers, industrial workers, education workers, domestic workers, laid off workers, social workers, office workers, sex workers, art workers, neoliberalism, Interference Archive (Propaganda Party), maypole ritual, Mayday Parade, Reclaim the Streets, International Workers' Day, Haymarket Centennial, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), ¡Gigante Despierta! (film), May Day 2006, Statue of Liberty, hijabs, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Iowa City (Iowa, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-5, Folder 8

Labor: May Day - Events 1977-1989; 1993-2012, 2017

Physical Description: 38

Scope and Content Note

related topics include May Day, general strikes, Occupy Wall Street, workers and students, migrant workers, fascism, day of action, imperialism, wage freezes, budget cuts, anniversaries, freedom of speech, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), crafts, nonviolence, daisy chains, street parties, hammer and sickle, solidarity, parade, war, family, labor, racism, communism, international solidarity, wages, convention, banks, struggle, revolution, war, capitalism, armed struggle, rifles, oppression, Puerto Rican workers, Boricua, agricultural workers, immigration, undocumented immigrants, marches and demonstrations, festivals, parties, workers rights, socialism, students, education, Socialism,; makers include Orange Blossom Press, R Black, Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño, Jose Luis Delgado Guitart, Socialist Column, May Day Organizing Committee, Dave Wittenkind, Marie Kennedy, Red Sun Press, Partido Laboral Progresista, Salsedo Press, Multi-Ethnic Immigrant Workers Organizing Network, Technical and Allied Workers Union (TAWU), International Workers Day, #MayDaySolidarity, LA/LB Harbor Labor Coalition, Progressive Labor party (PLP), Glad Day Press, Puerto Rican Socialist Party, Mayday Committee, Inkworks Press, Revolutionary Communist Party, National United Workers Organization, Revolutionary Communist Youth Brigade, Unemployed Workers Organizing Committee, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Partido Socialista Puertorriqueño, Coalición para Día Internacional de Los Trabajadores, National May Day Committee, Coalition for the Human Rights of Immigrants, Coalición Nacional por Dignidad y Amnistía para los Inmigrantes Indocumentados, Asociación Tepeyac, Centro de Trabajadores Latinos, West Coast Regional Anticapitalist Convergence, Workers Vieewpoint Organization; references or specifically about wage slavery, Haymarket Square (Haymarket Riots), 33rd Annual Labor Day Parade, War on Workers, Vietnam, skylines, amnesty, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Critical Resistance, Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), Fight for $15 (Fight for 15), raised fists, chains, Rainbow Park (Chicago), Progressive Labor Party, South Africa, higher pay, living wages, Festival for Bread, Work and Justice; referenced individuals include Subcomandante Marcos (Rafael Sebastián Guillén Vicente), Xanana Gusmão, Mikhail Bakunin; places made include Cleveland (Ohio, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Ithaca (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Vancouver (Canada), Athens (Greece); languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Arabic, Farsi, Russian, French, Portuguese, Tagalog, Albanian, Polish, Bosnian, Haitian Creole, Italian, German, Greek, Vietnamese, Sanskrit,
Drawer A-5, Folder 9

Labor: May Day - Internationally Made 1972-1991; 2009

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include conferences, centenary, communism, marches and demonstrations, anniversaries, May Day, peace, socialism, human rights, workers rights, anarchism, exploitation, bureaucracy, liberty, apartheid; makers include Labour May Day Committee, Dan Jones, Interlink Longraph Ltd., Convoca Comision Organizadora, Union Sindical de Madrid Region de CC.OO., Partido Comunista de Euskadi, Deutsche Kommunistische Partei (DKP), Socialist Party of Australia, World Federation of Trade Unions (WFTU); references or specifically about Fiesta de los Trabajadores, Jornada Roja del Proletariado Mundial, dove, peace, Anarchy symbol, "pan, trabajo y liberad", el pueblo unido jamas sera vencido", Mai 68, red flags, factory symbol, the Matchgirls, mountains, blood, South African flag, Chilean flag, soldiers, maypoles, 8 hour day, "mayibuye", roses, India; referenced individuals include Blair Peach, St. Joseph the Worker, Greek government-debt crisis; places made include Switzerland, Madrid (Spain), Basque Country, Montreal (Canada), Australia, London (England), Greece; languages include English, Spanish, French, German, Sanskrit
Drawer A-5, Folder 10

Labor: May Day - Salsedo Press 1979-2007

Physical Description: 38

Scope and Content Note

related topics include parties, celebration, diversity, working class, unemployment, anniversaries, musical performances, Mayday Blast, displaced voters; makers include Lester Doré, Quesocolor, Gary Borremans, Marcus Akinlana, Alejandro Romero, Roy Villalobos, CARE (Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere, formerly Cooperative for American Remittances to Europe), Tharma Ritman, Gamaliel Ramirez, DINO, Hector Duarte, Marcos Raya, Davis; referenced individuals include Che Guevara (Ernesto Guevara), Emiliano Zapata, Nelson Mandela, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frida Kahlo, Rudy Lozano, Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz, Leon Trotsky, Benito Juarez, Francisco I. Madero, Abraham Lincoln, Ricardo Flores Magón, Louis Lingg, August Spies, Albert Parsons, John Lennon, Bob Marley, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Muhammad Ali, Louis Armstrong, Malcolm X, Romero, Ronald Reagan; references or specifically about Haymarket Square (Haymarket Riot), Cinco de Mayo, Attica Prison, Hurricane Katrina, Ghanatta, records, guitars, acordians, dance parties; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, French
Drawer A-5, Folder 11

Labor: Marches and Demonstrations - Fight For $15 Circa 2010s

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, unions, union rights, civil rights, racism, poverty, living wage, marches and demonstrations, voice, families, strikes, economics, justice, power; makers include 15 Now, Answer LA, SEIU United Long Term Care Workers (ULTCW) ; references or specifically about #FightFor15, protest signs, work schedules, California, huelga, raised fists, Bambu, Sproul Plaza (Berkeley), Facebook, March on Washington, Martin Luther King Day, Garfield High School, Seattle (Washington, USA), poverty wages, seniors, disabilities, home caregivers; referenced individuals include Kshama Sawant; places made include Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Chinese
Drawer A-6, Folder 1

Jewish Americans: Anti-Semitism 1983-2002; 2014; 2022

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Judaism, Nazi crimes, concentration camps, pacifism, nuclear armament, Francs-tireurs et partisans - main-d'oeuvre immigrée (FTP-MOI), capital punishment, art exhibitions, racial intolerance, racism, discrimination, Nazis in the United States, swastikas, anniversaries, World War II, Jewish refugees, Nazi triangle color classifications, religion, prejudice, conspiracy theories, transphobia, presidential administrations, memes, films, documentaries, women, anti-Zionism; makers include Karen Kerney, bessmeyersondocumentary.com, Northern Sun Merchandising, Leeds Postcards, Simba Print Ltd., George Brown, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Susan Keeter, San Francisco Unified School District, Inkworks Press, Karen Kearny, Amy E. Bartell, Peter L. Fischl, Knowledge Unlimited, GoyimTV, Dahn Hiuni; referenced individuals include Bess Meyerson, Joe Biden, Janet Yellen, Antony Blinken, Merrick Garland, Wendy Sherman, Alejandro Mayorkas, Victoria Nuland, Avril Haines, Eric Lander, Ron Klain, David S. Cohen, Rachel Levine, Jennifer Pritzker, Martin Niemöller, Anne Frank, Alfred Dreyfus, Herb Brin, Marvin Collins, Klaus Barbie, Nicholas Welych, Debbie Gaynes, Al Gaynes, Jurgen Stroop, Adolf Hitler, Leon Klinghoffer, ; references or specifically about Miss America beautiy pageant, second-class citizens, Russo-Ukraine War, 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Dreyfus affair, European Holocaust, Kitty (Anne Frank's diary), Righteous Among the Nations, Vikno (Ukraine), Talmud, Warsaw ghetto, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Buchenwald concentration camp, President Joe Biden administration, "Let's Go Brandon", "The Death of Klinghoffer" (opera), Palestinians, tokenization, appropriation, Progressive Zionists of California, A Wider Bridge, Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa (JIMENA), Zioness, Democrats for Peace in the Middle East, Democratic Majority for Israel, Matthew's Cross, caricatures; places made include United Kingdom, Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), California (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Switzerland, Florida (USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Dutch
Drawer A-6, Folder 2

Race / Racism / Anti-Semitism: Oversize 1984; 1992-1999; 2018

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include interracial solidarity, violence, race relations, football, National Football League (NFL), public transportation, Metro Transit Authority (MTA), segregation, affirmative action, University of California, UC Regents, alternative admission policies, racial diversity, SP-1, SP-2, international solidarity, multiculturalism, prejudice, student work, minorities in the arts, hope, racism, fascism, anti-Semitism, rapists, bigotry, gender, truth, progress ; makers include Dread Scott, Brittany Banayan, Bus Riders Union, Joseph R. Linton, Anne Frank Center, Rapoport, The Comparative Human Relations Initiative, The Southern Education Foundation, Psychology Today, David Larry, Kate Debs, Lisa Cherniak, Mendelson Joe; references or specifically about Brazil, South Africa, United States, Foothill College, Artists Against Racism; referenced individuals include Ben Shahn, Anne Frank, Doug Starn, Mike Starn, Nelson Mandela; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA), Clinton (Iowa, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-6, Folder 3

Race / Racism: 1992 Los Angeles Civil Unrest 1991-1993

Physical Description: 28


includes newsprint

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Los Angeles Riots, quincentennial, peace, police brutality, race prejudice, Asian Week, Asian Pacific American community, National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), racism, media, human rights, American Flag, prisoner, immigration, healing, dove of peace, change, diversity, incarceration, education, budget, prison pipeline, human rights, marches and demonstrations, ballpoint pen ; makers include David Earl Williams, Red Sun Press, Micki Wheatley, Queer Nation, Dredhead Designs, Thomas Vercher, Inkworks Press, Charles R. Drew University of Medicine & Science, Yolanda Ballenger, Neisha Bernard, Patty Lopez, Tesen Lambey, Norma Perez, Pedro Olivera, Elizabeth Gordon, Claudia Quant, Julia Sandoval, United Students, Against Oppression & Racism,; referenced individuals include Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Rodney King, Malcolm X, Daryl Gates, Mao Tse-Tung (Mao Zedong),General Patton, Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Tim Lan Wong, Reginald Denny, Phan Thi Kim Phúc; references or specifically about Watts Riots, napalm girl, Viet Nam war, Rampart Police Department, California National Guard, "Rebuild LA", social programs, Renaissance, Venice High School (Los Angeles), student art, S.P.A.R.C., Howard Hughes Center, J.Paul Getty Trust Fund, ; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-6, Folder 4

Race / Racism: Communities / Unity / Equality 1971;1999-2016; 2020-2021

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include September 11 (2001), religious solidarity, Christianity, Judaism, Islam, racial justice, apartheid, monotheism, intolerance, ignorance, Los Angeles students, resistance, student art, sports, racial justice, social change movement, elimination of racism, just society, cultural activism, human rights, poetry, police brutality, misogynoir, anti-Blackness, racism, diversity, solidarity, federal equality; makers include Marlena Buczek Smith, Inkworks Press, Natalia Ancisco, Z. Harrison, Stephanie Wolpert, Ragged Edge Press, Covenant Against Apartheid, Mike McNeilly, Milton Davis, Happy World Production, Pierrette Hondageneau, Lincoln Cushing, Community Printers, Cece Carpio, Lan Chi Lam, John Ruhlen, Vivien Myerson, City of Los Angeles Human Relations Commission, J9 Macbeth, Chicago Peoples Sports Institute, Fagen Oak, Salsedo Press, Red Sun Press, Milton Davis, Juana Alicia, Akonadi Foundation, Emma Webster, Answer-LA; referenced individuals include Dolores Huerta, Hakim Raquib, Chinaka Hodge, Bob Marley; references or specifically about Akonadi Foundation Racial Justice Poster Project, Sharpeville (South Africa), hate free zones, Occupy Movement, Ma'at, Avalokitesvara, Nisien, Unity Festival, Nobel Peace Prize, Guatemalan human rights, Mesoamerican speech glyphs, prison, Fox News, prison industrial complex, jails, school to prison pipeline, school pushout, elementary genocide, International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Diego (California, USA), Washington (USA), New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Jamaica Plain (Massachusetts, USA) Oakland (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Bay Area (California, USA) ; languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Khmer, Armenian, Swahili, Vietnamese
Drawer A-6, Folder 5

Race / Racism: Diversity / Multiculturalism 1990-2021

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include social inequality, festival, tolerance, religion, conferences, sexism, xenophobia, homophobia, prejudice, commemorations, Los Angeles (California, USA), civil rights, minority solidarity, hate, unity, Black Lives Matter, Muslims, deaf community, American Sign Language (ASL), parents, children, babies, mothers, food, health, cultural differences, perspective, oppression, lateral violence, diversity, privilege, internalized oppression, racial justice, Campaign for Justice, diversity, unity, solidarity, humanity, poverty, hunger; makers include Tomahawk Greyeyes, A. Wilson Sowah, Akonadi Foundation, Friends of Black Men in Unions, Jon Onye Lockard, Ten12, KCET, Richard Cisneros, Diana Bryer, Robert Trujillo, Rockwell International Corporation, Los Angeles County Commission on Human Relations, Industry Color Printing Inc., Oxfam America, La Raza Graphics, Kelly D. Bryan, The National Lawyers Guild Los Angeles Chapter, Inkworks Press, Lucia Rodriguez, LA vs Hate, Los Angeles County, Ann Altman, Ernesto Yerena, Creative Initiative Foundation, Turtle Pond Publications, Tools For Change, Syracuse Cultural Workers; referenced individuals include Michael S. Ballew, N. Ojeda, Deborah Willis, Trayvon Martin, Cece Carpio, Wade Davis, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Mayer Shevin, Ray Kramer, Catherine Allport, Debbie Cooper, Martha Perske, Vall Shaff, John Burnside, Henry Hay, Owen and Mzee, Earl Dotter, Mia Grondahl, Val Shaff; references or specifically about Cultural Diversity Month, U.S. flag, anti-asian hate, LA 211, drums, carrots, shoe tossing, chain link fences, children, security, metal detector, "beloved community", non-violent activism, global community, diversity, liberty, democracy, cooperation, peace, justice, cooperation, Native America, world peace, coexistence, children, education, support, love, lizards, hearts; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Arabic, Korean, French, Hebrew, Spanish, Vietnamese, Chinese, Filipino
Drawer A-6, Folder 6

Race / Racism: Government and Politics / Propositions and Campaigns 1976-2015

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Christian fundamentalists, right wing politicians, Middle East wars, dragon, women, people of color, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), birth control, U.S. slavery, academia, police brutality, San Francisco police, corporate profits, Constitutional rights, military spending, tax breaks, Socialist Workers Party, diversity, ethnic cleansing, ethnic studies programs, Arizona HB 2281 (Ethnic Studies / Mexican-American Studies ban), Black Lives Matter, racism, imperialism, meltdown, education, intellectualism, socialism, Chicano/Latino, immigration; makers include The National Project to Defend Dissent and Critical Thinking in Academia, Free Mythology, Mere One, Socialist Worker, Hugo Gallert, Communist Party USA, National Black Liberation Commission, Stanley Forman, Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign Committee, Inkworks Press, Javier Gallegos, Val Cañez, Councilmember Kshama Sawant, Socialist Workers 1976 National Campaign Committee; referenced individuals include Ann Coulter, Michael Ledeen, Rick Santorum, David Horowitz, Ronald Reagan, Newt Gingrich, Peter Camejo, Willie Mae Reid, Fred Halstead, Kshama Sawant, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, Governor Pete WIlson; references or specifically about, California Civil White Initiative, talking heads Islamo-Fascism Awareness Week, Proposition 54 ("Racial Privacy Initiative"), California Proposition 226 (Political Contributions by Employees, Union Members, Foreign Entities Statute), crimes against the people, intellectual thug, punk, United Nations, ambassador, India, Harvard, mouthpiece, "No on Prop 54", No on Prop 209 (California), Affirmative Action, Klu Klux Klan, desegregation, Spacial Proximity Index, segregation, SP-1, SP-2, Black Lives Matter, Socialist Workers Party, 1976 Presidential Election, deportations, "raza si migra no", Libreria Pathfinder Bookstore; places made include New York (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-6, Folder 7

Race / Racism: Internationally Made 1991-2001

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include neo-Nazis, communism, political parties, inequality, Nazism, marches and demonstrations, Fascism, Anti-Fascist demonstrations, racism against Latinos, immigration, graffiti, children, xenophobia, racial discrimination, pension, income; makers include Alternative Libertaire, Partij van de Arbeid van Belgie (PVDA), H. Verwimp, Anti-Fascist Info, Latin American Coalition Against Racism, Rodrigo Ardiles, Canadian Labour Congress, Ministerio de Asuntos Sociales, Instituto de la Juventud, Torreangulo Arte Grafico, Keko, United Nations Department of Public Information; referenced individuals include Rodrigo Moreno, T.R. Maracle, Tomi Ungerer; references or specifically about Anti-Kriegs Museum, Star of David, National Action (Nazi group), Congreso Mundial Sobre O Racismo, Feiro Internacional Multicultural, World Conference Against Racism; places made include Belgium, Germany, Canada, Brazil, South Africa; languages include French, German, Dutch, Swedish
Drawer A-6, Folder 8

Race / Racism: Marches and Demonstrations 1976-2009

Physical Description: 8


includes one double-sided poster

Scope and Content Note

related topics include sexism, U.S. government, San Francisco (California, USA), working class, marginalization of communities, poor, racial profiling, Minnesota statehood (sesquicentennial event), Canadian Liberty Net, New Cross Massacre, Affirmative Action, education, free tuition; makers include National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression, Consuelo Mindez Castillo, Racial Justice Coalition, East End Offset, New Cross Action Committee; referenced individuals include Rosa Parks, Joseph Graham "Gray" Davis Jr., Tom Metzger; references or specifically about U.S. flag, Civil Rights, driving while black/brown (DWB), California SB 1389; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Vancouver (Canada), Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-6, Folder 9

Race / Racism: UNITED for Intercultural Action 1994-2009

Physical Description: 29


includes newsprint

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Fascism, Anti-Semitism, pogroms, racist violence, institutional discrimination, resistance against intolerance, swastikas, Kristallnacht, World War II, Nazi triangle classification system, refugees, anniversaries, prejudice, equality, social exclusion, assimilation, European aid to refugees, Romani people, unity, open borders, international solidarity, refugee deaths, scapegoats, resistance, civil disobedience, education, Right-wing extremism; makers include European Network Against Nationalism, Racism, Fascism and in support of Migrants and Refugees, Netherlands Trade Union Confederation, F. Hoekstra, Typos, Hans-Werner Miller, PJ Tops, Buxo, Dijkman Offset; referenced individuals include Jurgen Siefmann; references or specifically about Fortress Europe (military propaganda term), United Nations World Congress Against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance, Roma National Congress (RNC), Start of David, Armenia, Romania, International Day Against Fascism & Anti-Semitism; places made include Amsterdam (Netherlands); languages include English, Russian
Drawer A-6, Folder 10

Race / Racism: Affirmative Action 1989-1996

Physical Description: 23

Scope and Content Note

related topics include California Proposition 209 (1996), Ku Klux Klan (KKK), U.C. Regents, marches and demonstrations, United Steelworkers v. Weber, labor, unions, minorities, women, discrimination, Regents of the University of California v. Bakke, community services, minority enrollment, universities, immigrant bashing, calendars, affirmative action, camp-out, prisons; makers include Californianos por la Justica, Accurate Printing, Students Against Proposition 209, Network for Public Education and Social Justice, Youth Committee of the National People's Campaign, Northern California Coalition to Overturn the Weber Case, National Committee to Overturn the Bakke Decision, Artel and Friends, Central Press of California, Upstart, FITS Printing, Inkworks Press, Center For Third World Organizing, John Beam; referenced individuals include Anita Hill, Gloria Steinem, Dolores Huerta, Jesse Jackson, Eleanor Smeal, Colin Powell, Newt Gingrich, Pat Buchanan, Pete Wilson, Jesse Helms, Pat Robertson, David Duke, Pete Wilson, Rosa Parks, Coretta Scott King, Danny Lyon, Jenny Epstein, Elliot Erwitt; references or specifically about ivory tower, abortion, reproductive rights, violence; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-6, Folder 11

Race / Racism: Affirmative Action - Cardstock 1996

Physical Description: 3


includes one double-sided poster

Scope and Content Note

related topics include civil rights, California Proposition 209 (1996) (California Civil Rights Initiative, CCRI), elections, women, people of color; makers include Coalition To Defend Affirmative Action, Integration, and Immigrant Rights and Fight for Equality by Any Means Necessary (BAMN), Inkworks Press; languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-6, Folder 12

Race / Racism: 1996 Poster Workshop 1996

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include child abuse, colorblindness, gun violence, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), police brutality, religion, California Proposition 209 (1996) (California Civil Rights Initiative, CCRI), affirmative action, sexism, poverty, ecocide, ecology, illiteracy, anti-war, capitalism; makers include Dara Wells-Hajjar, Isabel Ramirez, Mynor J. Keen, Deborah Willis; references or specifically about U.S. flag; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-6, Folder 13

Race / Racism: African Americans circa 1930; 1963-1991; 1990s; 2004

Physical Description: 13


includes newsprint and cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include African roots, poetry, English only, segregation, blackface, exploitation, stereotypes, grief, skill, torment, determination, courage, organization, fear, prejudice, lynching, marches and demonstrations, South African solidarity, children, disposession, slavery; education,; makers include Dread Scott, Scott Tyler, Glendale Community College Cultural diversity Program & Equal Employment Opportunity Committee,Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), Bob Adelman, National Association of Colored People (NAACP), Art Kane, Joe Schwartz, ; referenced individuals include Jonathan Williams Dr. Terrence J. Roberty, , John Brown, ; references or specifically about U.S. flag, cracker, The Little Rock Nine, Ruby Bridges, March on Washington, Detroit (Michigan, USA), Soweto (South Africa), Negro Question, ; places made include Glendale (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-6, Folder 14

Race / Racism: Ku Klux Klan (KKK) / Neo-Nazism 1980-2013

Physical Description: 43


includes newsprint

Scope and Content Note

related topics include white supremacy, guns, systemic racism, justice system, police enforcement, racism in the U.S., art exhibitions, people of color, Klan policemen, religion, Christianity, swastikas, far-right, conservatism, institutionalized racism, British National Party (BNP), European Holocaust, Islamophobia, Anti-Arab racism, Nazi skinheads, ignorance, patriotism, derogatory slurs, anti-black, anti-Jews, religion, the cross, nuclear bomb, military, slavery, skull bones, racism, white supremacy, racist propaganda, swastika, neo-nazism, ethnic cleansing, eugenics, active hate groups, Ku Klux Klan (KKK); makers include Ludia Proti Rasizmu, Center for Democratic Renewal, Anti Nazi League, John Brown Anti-Klan Committee, Central Committee Home and Hearth Destruction Crew, David Cowan, White American Political Association Information Network, White Student Union, White Power Hotline, Southern Poverty Law Center; referenced individuals include Robt Costa, Leon Greenman, Richard Adams, Rolan Adams, Derek Beackon, John Brown, Klaus Barbie, Jean-Marc Théolleyre, Roger Paul Zimmerman; references or specifically about saltine crackers, bigotry, sexism, nativism, xenophobia, anti-Semitism, the Bible, U.S. flag, Statue of Liberty, slavery, Le Monde Rhône-Alpes, praying/preying, slave auctions, n-word, target practice; places made include Atlanta (Georgia, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), London (United Kingdom), France, Slovakia, Sacramento (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Swedish, French, Slovak
Drawer A-6, Folder 15

Race / Racism: Various Topics 1983-1993; 1996-1998; 2004-2010; 2017-2018

Physical Description: 25


includes reworked poster from 1968 French Atelier Populaire design

Scope and Content Note

rrelated topics include sexism, abortion, arts and culture, university events, musical events, benefit events, justice, music, anti-racist action, racist comics, comic strips, children, discriminatory practices, income pensions, stereotypes, poetry, cab driver discrimination, minorities, racism, violence, solidarity, justice, Nazism, racial justice, diversity, hate, disaster, civil rights, women, solidarity, media, white supremecy, activism, education, research, prisons, health, LGBTQ, diversity, solidarity, inclusion, lies, violence, chains, American Flag, blood, Chicano/Latino, Spanish speakers, anti-Black racism, The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP); makers include Herbert Sigüenza, Jaka, Susan Lindeman, Josh McPhee, Just Seeds, Kathryn Gibson, Pious Fraud, Joan Guerin, Keith Williams, Artist Partners, Visual Rap Productions, Joel Tarling, Linda Hesh, Zenith, Minority Rights Group, Leeds Postcards, Human Policy Press, Instituto Familiar de la Raza, Taber Calderon, Peace Action Council, Akonadi Foundation Racial Justice Poster Project, Joshua Mays, Rick Heffner, FUSZION, Standard Deluxe, The Hurricane Poster Project, Californians for Justice, Ecumenical Peace Institute, People Against Racist Terror (PART), Fisher/Lou, Duluth (Georgia, USA), P. Suarez, Szu-Hsiung Tsao; referenced individuals include Edmundo Desnoes, Christine Choy, Lucy Lippard, Kenneth C. Edelin, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Desi Arnaz, Lucille Ball, Jennifer Willibanks, Mick Jagger; references or specifically about freedom, grief, skill, torment, courage, determination, organization, Fort Apache (1948 film), Herter Gallery (University of Massachusetts Amherst), Casassa Conference, Loyola Marymount University (LMU), illiteracy, poverty, bigotry, Hurricane Katrina (2005), Statue of Liberty, colorblindness, sword, blood, racial justice, the Holocaust, Proposition 209(California 1996), Civil Whites Initiative, runaway bride, Klu Klux Klan(KKK), male privilege, journal, Phineas Priesthood, AIDS, killing, NIgeria, Germany, Quebec (Canada), "whites only", "english only"; places made include Arlington (Virginia, USA), Amherst (Massachusetts, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Toronto (Ontario, Canada), Culver City (California, USA), Taiwan; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-6, Folder 16

Race / Racism: Racist Comics and Graphics 1994

Physical Description: 37

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, anti-semitism, homophobia, xenophobia, cartoon, caricature, politics, poltiical cartoons, stereotypes, racist, rent, rent increase, displacement, low-wages, uneducated, globalization, outsourching, Haiti, Somalia, Rwanda, South Africa, hate, drugs, guns, immigration, equality, bigotry; referenced or specifically about The United States Army, Jewish people, flag of Israel, Israel, Judaism, weapons, military uniform, The United States, flag, patriotism, citizenship, hate crimes, skinhead, ethnic slurs, target, tape machine, car radio, theft, anti-asian, anti-mexican, landlord, anti-black, t-bone steak, Hillary Diane Clinton, white americans, military, taxes, United States aid, globe, money, chains, "Clintonomics", Ryder (truck rental company), terrorism, remote, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS), plauge, pansies, gay, homosexual, discrimination, living with aids, death, Act Up (coalition), sexual assault, rape, holidays, affirmative action, Public Broadcasting Station (PBS), Germans, Ethnic studies, malt liquor, welfare, flak jacket, pejorative, weasel, money, violence, makeover, NWA (hip-hop group), bee, spider, bug spray, flea, locust, poison gas, white warrior, star of david, kippa, yarmulke, crime, parasite, oppossum, cockroach, Musuem of Tolerance, Simon Wiesenthal Center, alarm clock, bombing, "Tinki Rabinowitz" (comic character), neo-nazi, swastika, Holocaust, Josef Mengele, Prop 187, Mexico, city, destruction, graffiti, vandalism, tagging, racial equity, police, Cops (show), artistic expression, perjorative, slur, police brutality, liberals, activist, Afro-Americans, African-Americans; referenced individuals include William Jefferson Clinton, Elie Wiesel, Errol Flynn, David Duke, Simon Wiesenthal, Rodney King; makers include A. W. Mann, Nick Bougas; languages spoken include English; places made include United States
Drawer A-6, Folder 17

Race / Racism: Racist Advertisments 1930

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include race, racism, stereotypes, cactus, neon signs, advertisements, alcohol, crow, bird, Frankfort (Kentucky), childen, farm, dogs, pig, chicken, birds, cow, cat, general store, African American Vernacular English (AAVE), guns; referenced or specifically about El Nido Motel, Old Crow Bourbon, Columbus (New Mexico), 1916 (year), tobacco, Genuine Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco, African Americans; referenced individuals include Francisco "Pancho" Villa, General of the Armies John Joseph"Black Jack" Pershing GCB; makers include Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey, Domino's Pizza; languages spoken include English , Spanish; places made include North Carolina, Durham, Guatemala
Drawer A-7, Folder 1

American Friends Service Committee (AFSC) 1967-1993; 2000-2017

Physical Description: 36

Scope and Content Note

related topics include calendars, anti-nuke, disarmament, marches and demonstrations, justice, peace, hunger, love, anniversary, peace sign, god, war, military, death, water, immigration, sterilization, consent, reproductive rights, education, morality, recruitment, women, arms race, children's rights, nutrition, medical care, benefit, sanctuary, surveillance, racism, bigotry, solidarity, protection, Democracy, immigration, War in Afghanistan; makers include Ann Northrup, Nori Davis, American Friends Service Committee, Red Sun Press, The Public Works Project, Mexican Friends Service Committee, Disarmament and Conversion Campaign, Sabra Field, Public Works Project, Terry Foss, Lady Borton, Pat Goudvis, Greg Corner, Bill Pierre, Buddhist Peace Fellowship, Ecumenical Peace Institute, Fellowship of Reconciliation, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Gina Maria Echeverry, Leila Richards, Len Munik, Annemarie Curlin, Queen City Printers, Leila Abdelrazaq, Kate De Ciciccio, Jewish Voice for Peace, Melissa Elliott, Robert M. Smith, Melissa K. Elliott, Sarah Reiter, Andrew Sawtelle, Mexican Friends Service Committee, Pat Westwater-Jung, American Friends Service Committee; referenced individuals include Dwight D. Eisenhower, Martin Luther King, Jr, Dennis Banks, Jack McCloskey, Jesse Colin Young, George W. Bush, Oscar Romero, Arundhati Roy,; references or specifically about El Salvador, B-1 Bomber, arms race, zero nuclear weapons, M-X Missile, Trident Submarine, Cruise Missile, Neutron Bomb, People's Blockade, Campaign of Conscience, Iraq, Central America, military recruitment, Columbia (Central America) Campaign 2002, food lines, Pakistan, Emergency and Material Assistance Program (EMAP), nuclear destruction, United Nations Declaration of Rights for Children, March for Survival, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Declaration of Peace, Don't Tread on Me, Don't Spy on Me, Indochina, no human being is illegal, Statue of Liberty, barbed wire, kites; places made include Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Brattleboro (Vermont, USA), Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), New York (New York, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Burlington (Vermont, USA), Florence (Massachusettes, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-7, Folder 2

Center for Applied Local Research 2006-2009

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prisoners, prison art, embroideries, children, child healthcare, childcare, mothers, poverty, photography, homelessness, public health, homeless shelter; places made include USA; referenced individuals include Ray Materson, Bill Hackwell, Erick Danzer; references or specifically about The Human Services Award, The Center for Applied Local Research;
Drawer A-7, Folder 3

Doctors Without Borders: Various Topics 2009- 2011

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include humanitarian crisis, neglected diseases, malnutrition, HIV/AIDS, poverty, maps, global economics, women's health, natural disasters, epidemics, Pan-Africa, essential medicines, pharmaceutical companies, children; makers include Jenny 8 del Corte Hirschfeld, Emerson, Wajdowicz Studios, Francesco Zizola, Doctors Without Borders (Medecins Sans Frontieres, Michael Goldfarb, Dr. Paul McMaster, Dr. Anne Marie Pegg; references or specifically about Nobel Peace Prize, Haiti, Niger, Mali, Swaziland, Libya, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Campaign for Access to Essential Medicines, Syria, surgery, medical facilities, Lebanon, refugees, Jordan, Iraq, Turkey, Middle East, war zone, Halfaya, Syrian war, civilians; places made include New York (New York, USA), Berlin (Germany); languages include English, German
Drawer A-7, Folder 4

Doctors Without Borders: Various Topics - Oversize 1999

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include refugees, peace, medicine, international aid, healthcare, children, poverty; makers include Wim van der Helm, Sebastian Bolesch, Benno Neeleman; references or specifically about China, 1999 Nobel Peace Prize, Rwanda, Kenya, Afghanistan; languages include Dutch, German, French
Drawer A-7, Folder 5

International Aid Organizations: Various Topics - Oversize 1967; 1995-2004

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include blood donation, World Blood Donor Day, ecology, health, poverty, children, food, global statistics, International Conference on Population and Development, gender gap, women, health needs, World Food Day, nutrition, agriculture, trees, forestation, water sources, life expectation, disease, illiteracy, education; makers include Pan American Health Organization, World Health Organization, Fiat Panis, Arti Grafiche Crosignani, Population Action International, Brian Hewitt, Stephenson Printing, Alessandro Rossi, Christian Aid, Oxfam; references or specifically about female illiteracy; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), London (England, United Kingdom); languages include English, Spanish, French, Portuguese, Hindi, German, Italian, Swahili, Arabic, Chinese
Drawer A-7, Folder 6

Oxfam 1984-1995

Physical Description: 48

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children, unemployment, labor, peace, militarism, international solidarity, humanitarian aid, African proverbs, water, female farmers, women, education, illiteracy, water, the environment, ecology, coffee, fair trade, Nicaragua murals, anti-war, famine, land mines, anti-nuclear, poverty, fasting, weapons, marginalized communities, farmer cooperatives, global fisheries, fair trade bananas, gender equality, women's right to vote, arms export, U.K. government and politics, family planning, global health, midwifery, community radio, freedom of expression, education, freedom, youth, solidarity, oppression, calendars; makers include Oxfam America, Oxfam Canada, Emerging Design, Hosea Nganga, Edward Arnold Publishers, Young Oxfam, Pia Pehtla, Mice, Joy Street Graphics, Mia Saunders, Robert Davis, Intermón Oxfam, Bridgehead, Centro de Estudios de la Mujer, Bother Poster, Pippa Franklin, Liberation Graphics, Gill Allen, Ministério da Saúde, Registro de Prescrição de Medicamentos (RPM); referenced individuals include Sylvia Sukop, Mike Goldwater, Patrick Wise, Ruby Manikan, Peter Ustinov, Mahatma Gandhi, James Hawkins, B. Guild Gillespie, Sean Sprague, Jenny Matthews, Brian Moody, Crispin Hughes, Howard Davies, Shailan Parker, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Juana Pavón, Hans-Georg Rauch, Paulo Freire; references or specifically about Bother Poster Series, Centro De Estudios Internacionales, Development Poster Series, U.N. Decade for Women, Third World development, Eritrea, Tigray, Campaign Together for Rights Against Poverty, Burkina Faso, International Monetary Fund (IMF), The World Bank, societal order, third world, developing countries, "Pedagogy of the Oppressed" (by Paulo Freire), OXFAM/UKI, International Women's Day, tuberculoses, polio, diseases, vaccines, vaccinations, Mozambique; places made include Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Oxford (United Kingdom), Toronto (Canada), Newfoundland (Canada), Spain, Honduras; languages include English, Spanish, French, German, Catalan
Drawer A-7, Folder 7

Red Cross 1988-1995

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include humanitarian aid, equality, voluntary service, non-governmental organization (NGO), neutrality, conferences, international solidarity, war victims; makers include International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, International Committee of the Red Cross; referenced individuals include Josue Anselmo, David Barbour, Jo Matthews, Howard Davies, Eddy Posthuma de Boer, Jean Mohr, John Taylor, Liliane de Toledo, H. Pedersen; references or specifically about The Fundamental Principles; places made include Switzerland; languages include English, French, Spanish, Arabic
Drawer A-7, Folder 8

Union of Concerned Scientists Dates Unknown

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include renewable energy, alternative energy, wind turbines, fossil fuels, oil, coal, natural gas, environmentalism, ecology, acid rain, air pollution, global warming, imported oil, solar power, anti-nuclear, geothermal energy, solar panels, U.S. government and politics, gasoline, tax credits, photovoltaic panels, natural sunlight, water power, wood-burning plants, hybrid cars, alternative cars, solar powered vehicles; makers include Kathryn Shagas; referenced individuals include Albert Einstein; references or specifically about Convocation on The Threat of Nuclear War, General Motors (GM); places made include Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA)
Drawer A-7, Folder 9

United Nations: About 1977-2000

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Universal Declaration of Human Rights, anniversaries, education, children, equal suffrage, voting, freedom of expression, freedom to observe religion, land mines, peace, international military aid, endangered species, ozone layer, children, vaccinations, childhood diseases, illiteracy, women, equal access to primary and secondary schools, polio, child labor, HIV/AIDS, South Africa, apartheid, Kosovo, discrimination, United Nations system, imperialism, malnourishment; makers include Galer & MacMilan Communications Inc., Graphic Presentation Unit, Enterprise des Postes Lao, the Government of Finland, United Nations Department of Public Information, United Nations Protection Force (UNPROFOR), Karen Keercher, Stanislaw Fernandes, the Government of Japan, Transit Advertising and The Transit Advertising Council, Petar Petrov; referenced individuals include John Isaac, Liz Cotter, A. Wright, Adam Rogers, Milton Grant, Karen Kasmauski, Ph. Lisaac, Stephen Shames, Helen Caux, Glenn Gan, Stephen Yip; references or specifically about United Nations Environment Programme, United Nations Capital Development Fund, The International Labour Organization, The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, United Nations Declaration against Apartheid, United Nations Development Programme, Transfer of Knowledge Through Expatriate Nationals (TOKTEN), United Nations Decade for Human Rights Education, the U.N. 2, United Nations Decade for Action to Combat Racism and Racial Discrimination; places made include Finland, Canada, New York (New York, USA); languages include Laotian, English
Drawer A-7, Folder 10

United Nations: Events 1978-2010

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include peace, Indigenous Peoples, human rights, anniversaries, poverty, international solidarity, labor, job creation, conferences, women, summits, environmentalism, disarmament, ecological preservation, sustainable management, disaster preparedness, education, tourism, climate change, sit-in, women, equality, development, peace, conference, dove of peace, education, ; makers include Division de Extension Department de Informacíon Pública de las Naciones Unidas, Pat Gorman Design Graphic Design Section of the United Nations, DPI Design Section, Francisco Vásquez, Romare Bearden, Art Works, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, World Conference on Early Childhood Care and Education Moscow, Russian Federation; references or specifically about United Nations Conference on Human Settlements, European Holocaust, Día Internacional de Commermoración annual en memoria de las víctimas del Holocausto, International Year of Indigenous People, World Population Day, World Summit for Social Development, World Conference on Women, World Conference on Human Rights, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), World Environment Day, United Nations Conference on the Sustainable Development of Small Island Developing States, 4th Annual United Nations World Conference on Women, Decade For Women, world conference; referenced individuals include Coco Masuda, Anders Ferm, Oliver Tambo; places made include Nairobi (Kenya), Johannesburg (South Africa), Copenhagen (Netherlands), New York (New York, USA; languages include English, Spanish, French, Russian, Chinese, Arabic, Farsi
Drawer A-7, Folder 11

United Nations: High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) 1989-1991

Physical Description: 42


includes laminated items

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Sierra Leone refugees in Liberia, Myanmar refugees in Bangladesh, Laotian refugees in Thailand, refugee returnees in Guatemala, Bosnian refugees in Croatia, humanitarian aid, children, health care, agricultural labor, elderly people, poverty, international solidarity, human rights, children's art, Yugoslavia, labor, asylum, persecution, women, identity papers, legal protection, families, medical care, water, education, South East Asian Refugees, Pan African refugees, Pakistan; makers include L. Taylor, F. Del Mundo, A. Hollman, T. Bolstad, J. Davis, S. Errington, M. Kobayashi, P. Jambor, J. Hartley, N. van Praag, Jean-Michel Folon, L. Gubb; references or specifically about Lego Group, Red Cross, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Nobel Peace Prize; places made include Switzerland; languages include English, French, Spanish, Arabic
Drawer A-7, Folder 12

United Nations: United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) 1970-1982, 2000s

Physical Description: 36

Scope and Content Note

related topics include calendars, arts and culture, art exhibition, statistics, vaccinations, health, ; references or specifically about children, breast milk nutrition, developing countries, vaccination, infectious diseases, humanitarian aid, girls, sexual abuse, exploitation, Declaration of the Rights of the Child, water and sanitation, world hunger and malnourishment, education, economic development, disease prevention, United Nation's Children's Fund, Tuberculosis, hunger, Malaria, Yaws, malnutrition, Halloween, Tree of Life, ; makers include Advertising Productions Inc., Bay Area UNICEF Committee, Jaques Danois, UNICEF EAPRO, Jean Cayre ; referenced individuals include Bob Marley, Ziggy Marley, Kal Muller, John Henebry Jr., Louise Gubb, Steve Maines, Antoinette Jongen, John Weisblat; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), London (UK), SWEDEN, France, ; languages include English, Spanish, French, Chinese, Croatioan,
Drawer A-7, Folder 13

United Nations: Various Topics 1982-2003

Physical Description: 34

Scope and Content Note

related topics include human rights, equality, families, freedom of expression, freedom of speech, voting rights, elections, labor, civil liberties, education, children, leisure, cultural participation, citizen responsibilities, disarmament, weapons, peace, anti-war, women, gender equality, rural women, world health, Palestine, self-determination, decolonization, environmentalism, Namibia, child soldiers, literacy, education, Nicaragua, ecology, environmentalism; makers include United Nations Department of Public Information, Valeria Pettis Associates, United Nations Development Program, United Nations International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW), Suffolk (United Kingdom), Fiat Panis (FAO), WREN, G. Padey, Diane V. Hart, Organisation mondiale de la Santé (OMS Geneve), World Health Organization (WHO), Michael Granger, Owen Smith, Felicia D. Van Os, United Nations Environment Programme, Windhoek Printers, United Nations Transition Assistance Group (UNTAG), Cathy Karatchian, Alin Tocmacov, Patrick Schranz, Coalition Pour Mettre Fin a L'utilisation D'enfants Soldats, Hawai'I Institute for Human Rights, DePaul University,; United Nations Educational scientific and Cultural Organization, UNESCO principal regional office for asia and the pacific, Asia-Pacific programme of Education for all (APPEAL), United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); references or specifically about United Nations September 8 International Literacy Day, Declaration of Human Rights, keffiyeh, United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, doves, flags, water access, clean water, ; referenced individuals include Eric Schwab, Candido Bido, Joshua Cooper, Sylvia Escarcega, Somkiat Sirvikol, Hartmut Schwarzbach; places made include France, Dominican Republic, Switzerland, Atlanta (Georgia, United States); languages include Esperanto, English, French, Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, Portuguese
Drawer A-7, Folder 14

United Nations: Various Topics - Oversize 1985-1999; 2011-2017

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include drugs, health, West Africa, ecology, environmental protection, oceans, marine protection, diarrhea, children, International Year of Peace, arms race, disarmament, anti-war, conferences, United Nations system, youth, economic development, refugees, UN peace-keeping operations, fear, hope, arts and culture; makers include United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), Merkopaino Oy, United Nations International Drug Control Programme (UNCDP), Nikki Meith, Regional Seas Activity Centre, United Nations Environment Programme, World Health Organization (WHO), Ettice de Loache, K. Sliwka, Alliance for Progressive Global Change, Notion, United Nations Population Fund (UNPFA), United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), DPI Design Section, United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization; references or specifically about International Mother Language Day, Istanbul (Turkey), Italian coastguard, Massimo Sestini, UN Refugee Agency, Syria, Mexico, Sudan, Kenya, Cyprus, UN Force, UN Charter; places made include Finland, Geneva (Switzerland), San Francisco (California, USA), Denmark; languages include English, Arabic, French, Russian, Chinese, Spanish
Drawer A-7, Folder 15

World Health Organization (WHO): 2003 Global Campaign for Violence Prevention - Oversize 2003

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include youth, children, injuries, alcohol, drugs, weapons, child abuse, violence against women, domestic violence, sexual violence, prostitution, human trafficking, elder abuse, elderly people, seniors, health, anti-war, collective violence, self-directed violence, attempted suicide, self-inflicted injuries; makers include Fabrica; places made include Venice (Italy); languages include English, French
Drawer A-7, Folder 16

World Health Organization (WHO): 2003 Global Campaign for Violence Prevention - Red Paint Campaign - Oversize 2003

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include violence against women, domestic violence, elderly people, seniors, suicide, children, child abuse, youth; makers include Fabrica; places made include Venice (Italy); languages include English, French
Drawer A-7, Folder 17

World Health Organization (WHO): 2004 Global Campaign for Violence Prevention - Oversize 2004

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include people with disabilities, automobile injuries, road crashes, road safety, domestic violence, violence against women, elderly people, seniors, abuse, child abuse, children, suicide, anti-war; makers include Fabrica, World Health Organization; references or specifically about developing countries, pedestrian, bicyclists, disabled for life; places made include Venice (Italy); languages include English, French
Drawer A-7, Folder 18

YMCA: Y Care International Dates Unknown

Physical Description: 4

Scope and Content Note

related topics include national disasters, humanitarian aid, children, youth, refugees, flooding, international solidarity, family, housing conditions, labor, earthquakes, child labor, poverty; referenced individuals include Terry Waite; places made include United Kingdom; languages include English, Bengali
Drawer A-8, Folder 1

Prisons: Arts and Culture - Events 1980; 1995; 2005-2012

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include incarceration, arts and culture, prisons, political prisoners, police brutality, universities, conferences, human rights, law, benefits, concerts, music, prison labor, prison abolition, ; makers include PM Press, Hlobal Commons Foundations, KPFA, Jos Sances, Jennifer Beach/Prison Radio, Prisoners' Justice Day Committee, Fair Chance Project, Committee to Abolish Prison Slavery, Alliance Graphics, Claremont Forum, ; references or specifically about costs, consequences, discussions, authors, First Congregational Church of Oakland, University of Southern California (USC), Statue of Liberty, Abu Ghraib torture and prisoner abuse, Guantanamo Bay (Cuba), Lynne Stewart Defense Committee, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, American, flag, barbed wire, prison watch towers, life sentence, life without parole, dove, shackles, hand cuffs, prison libaries, Prison Library Project, bookstores, jail bars, barbecues (BBQ), liberated lifers, prison slavery, prisoner art, inmates, art by inmates, roses, watercolors, birds, envelope art, ; referenced individuals include Huey Newton, Robert Hillary King, Lois Ahrens, Victoria Law, Ashanti Alston, Diane Amann, Joan Dayan, Nasser Hussain, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Lynne Stewart, Michael Ratner, Walter Cresey; places made include Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Claremont (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-9, Folder 2

Prisons: Attica Prison Riot - Vietnam War Era 1972-1978; 1991-1997

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include inmate rights, torture, prison guard brutality, inhuman prison conditions, San Quentin Prison, slave wages, labor, racism, prison rebellions, marches and demonstrations, political prisoners, inmate demands, lock downs, Rikers Island (New York, USA), modern prison movement, maps, prison violence, anti-war, pan-Africa, international solidarity, African Liberation Movement, socialism, government and politics, oil, education, adequate medical treatment, maps, violence, sexism, hate, fear, poverty, war, riots, massacre, symposium, commemoration, drugs, religion, handcuffs, chains, Attica prison, political prisoner, bombing, government buildings, class, race, murder, liberation, education, secrecy, newsletter; makers include Faith Ringgold, K. Dutton, Little Red Lighthouse People, Young Socialist Alliance, Attica Defense Committee, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Amsterdams Vryheidsmaand Comite, Community Press, Come! Unity Press, Bard Prison Initiative, Folsom Legal Defense, Red Sun Press, African People's Socialist Party, ANPO Solidarity Committee, Student Research Facility, Weather Underground, Attica Now, New York State Coalition for Criminal Justice, Center for Justice Education, the SUNY/Buffalo Graduate Group on Justice in Democracy, Brad Holland; referenced individuals include George Jackson, Frank Smith (Blg Black), Lourdes Lugo, Michael Deutsch, Dacajeweiah, Hugh Carey, Kumasi Aguila, Eddie Ellis, David Hilliard, Angela Davis, Luz Guerra, James Smith, Shango Bahati (Bernard Stroble), Laverne Barkeley, Joseph Waller, Ho Chi Minh, Cinda Firestone, Pete Seeger, Langston Hughes, Rande Harris, John Brown, Sam Melville; references or specifically about Scrabble (game), Attica Brothers, Attica (film), Soledad Brothers, Bard College, People's Culture Center, Gay Liberation Front, Wor Kuen, Black Panther Party, The People's Lawyers, G.I. Liberation Projects, Peoples' Health Struggles, United Farm Workers (UFW), history of violence, Puerto Ricans, African Americans, Attica Correctional Facility, Attica Prison Riot; places made include New York (New York, USA), Buffalo (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Amsterdam (Netherlands), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Eugene (Oregon, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Dutch
Drawer A-8, Folder 3

Prisons: California State 1990; 2002-2012

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include California state budget, slavery, prison construction, construction and development, maps, marches and demonstrations, prison expansion, life sentences, education, universities, unemployment, parole, federal state prisons, May Day, civil liberties, poverty, police brutality, police harassment, legal representation, low-income communities, legal advocacy, freedom of speech, censorship, solitary confinement, textile industry; makers include Dominique DiPrima's "Street Science," R. G. Hall, Jr., Inkworks Press, Coalition of Concerned Legal Professionals, California Innocence Project; referenced individuals include Leandro Andrade, Kevin Weber, Ruth Gilmore, Charles Ervin, Shearwood Fleming, Gray Davis, Pete Wilson; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, plantations, Amerikkka, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Solitary Housing Unit (SHU), Prison Moratorium Project, Prison Activist Resource Center, police state, Richard J. Donovan Correctional Facility, CMT Blues, Mother Jones Magazine, California Western School of Law; places made include California
Drawer A-8, Folder 4

Prisons: Cardstock 2001

Physical Description: 5


item with wire fence

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prison spending, education, propositions and campaigns, death penalty, incarceration, families, women, children, communication, detention, separation, memory; makers include Freedom Winter Coalition, Campaign for Sensible Sentencing- A Project of Facts- Families to Amend California's Three Strikes, Colby Poster Printing; referenced individuals include Inkworks Press, Amaryelis Dejesus Moleski, presente.org; references or specifically about California State Prisons, Three Strikes Law, Proposition 66; places made include Montreal (Canada), USA
Drawer A-8, Folder 5

Prisons: Inmate Rights 1972-1973; 2006-2011

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include unions, inhumane conditions, torture, hunger strikes, health, nutrition, solitary confinement, interracial solidarity, group punishment, administrative abuse, human rights, DNA testing, rape, sexual misconduct, teenage inmates, youth, death row, life sentences, solidarity, chains, wrongful conviction, statistics, pardoning, incarceration, prison rape, parole; makers include United Prisoners Union (UPU), Dignidad Rebelde, Sung Ho Cho, Rashid, Robert Carl Cohen, Globe Photo-Graphics, Saeko Hinomoto, Stop Prison Rape (SPR), Andrea Cavanaugh; referenced individuals include Eugene V. Debs, Rini Temple, Veronza Bowers Jr.; references or specifically about United Prisons Union Bill of Rights, Pelican Bay Prison Hunger Strike, Security Housing Unit (SHU), convicted class, Houston Police Department, Attica Prison Rebellion, US Commission on Safety and Abuse in Prisons, Prisoner Survival Campaign, Debriefing Policy, Solspace (Oakland, California, USA), innocence, Kenji Howard, War on Drugs, Three-Strike Laws, victims of sexual assault in prisons, U.S. War on Drugs, U.S. Parole Commission (USPC), Fraternal Order of Police (FOP), mothers, parents, children, prison visitors, love, couples, shells, phonce calls, souls; places made include Boston (Massachusettes, USA), California (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Coleman (Florida, USA); languages include English;
Drawer A-8, Folder 6

Prisons: Internationally Made 1978; 1994; 2003-2004

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prison riots, solitary confinement, torture, marches and demonstrations, apartheid, South Africa, sin, death penalty, religion, prisons, law, brothels, sex work, prison riots, police brutality; makers include Blue Egg Printing Limited (LTD), Marie-Louise Gay, Prisoners Abroad, Jimmy Nicola, Dean Barnett, Mennonite Central Committee, Joel Kaufman, John Bender, Dale Shidler, Howard Zehr, Commission Prison- Répression, Imp Spéciale, Action des Chrétiens pour I'Abolition de la Torture (ACAT), INDICA, Christen Gegen Folter, Ground Control Unit, Aktion 3 Welt, www.prisonsucks.com, Sonia and Gabriel Freeman; referenced individuals include George Orwell, Neville Wran, Marc Guerra, Jesus Christ, William Blake; references or specifically about Long Bay Correctional Facility, Bathurst Jail, Group of 8 (G8), "1984" (book), prison bars, equal opportunity punishment, raised fist; places made include Australia, Canada, Paris (France), Bern (Switzerland), Akron (Pennsylvania, USA), South Africa, London (England, UK), Madrid (Spain); languages include English, French, Italian, German, Spanish
Drawer A-8, Folder 7

Prisons: Marches and Demonstrations 1995-2013

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include grand juries, crack cocaine, South Central Los Angeles (California, USA), U.S. government and politics, mass incarcerations, Black and Latino youth, discrimination, jobs, unemployment, labor, right to vote, government assistance, public housing, juvenile detention, poverty, gentrification, pollution, cancer, isolation, no contact, appeals, picket lines, torture, prison rights, solitary confinement, police brutality, police violence, death penalty; makers include Free Mumia Abu Jamal Coalition, Lifers to Be Free, Office of Restorative Justice; referenced individuals include Oliver North, George H. W. Bush, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Trayvon Martin, Oscar Grant, Larry Phillips, Arnold Schwarzenegger; references or specifically about Metropolitan Correctional Center, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Three Strikes Law, National Day of Action to Stop Mass Incarceration, Wakefield Prison (West Yorkshire, England), Wormwood Scrubs Prison (London, England), "Special Control Units"; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 8

Prisons: Prison Industrial Complex 2006; 2014

Physical Description: 23

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prison expansion, police, profits, capitalism, control of resources and property, race, labor, exploitation, people of color, women, poverty, immigrant communities, marginalized groups, queer communities, ecology, xenophobia, prison construction companies, gentrification, prison labor, corporate welfare, law enforcement, surveillance, mental health, health care, politicians, mass media, think tanks, War on Drugs, mental health facilities, people as commodities, for-profit private prisons, unfair wages, corporations, race, sweatshops, corporations; makers include Emily Ivak, Corrections Documentary Projects, Andalusia Knoll, Doug Baker, Institute for Trafficked Exploited and Missing Persons (ITEMP), Willie Worley Jr, Griffin Davis; references or specifically about slavery, slave ships, plantations, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Amerikkka, cotton picking, Texas Department of Corrections, U.S. flag, Civil War, Sodexho Alliance, Corrections Corporation of America (CCA), Not With Our Money Campaign, Sodexho Marriott, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Campaign for Prison Phone Justice; referenced individuals include Danny Lyons; places made include Bismarck (North Dakota, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 9

Prisons: Prisoner Art 1977; 2002-2005; 2019

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women, children, poverty, people of color, prison industrial complex (PIC), police brutality, self-portraits, slavery, solitary confinement, Covid 19, gun control, mental health, human rights, mass incarceration, racism, women, justice, ; makers include Rashid, Marilyn Reynolds Orlando Smith, community partners, ; references or specifically about Amerikkka, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), William Grant Still Arts Center, Noho for the Arts, Black Lives Matter, Safety in Numbers, equal safety, prison reform, skittles, hoodies, Superwoman, Ferguson, women's symbol, ; referenced individuals include Assata Shakur, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., George Jackson, Uncle Ho, Mahmoud Darwish, George Rahsaan Brooks, Deborah Hillen, Trayvon Martin, ; places made include California (USA), San Quentin (California, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 10

Prisons: Propositions and Campaigns 2000-2008

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include California, AB900 (County Jail Funding and Reentry Facilities), Proposition H (Police Commission/Office of Citizen Complaints), Senate Bill S-1, California Proposition 6 (2008), youth, California Proposition 9: Marsy's Law (2008), California Proposition 5: the Nonviolent Offender Rehabilitation Act (NORA) (2008), education, Measure A, education not incarceration; makers include City Streets Poster Collective of Philadelphia, Defeatrunner.org, Philadelphia Resistance Print Shop, LCSC, Inkworks, Linda Malo for City council, Committee to Defeat Prop 21, ; references or specifically about Nuremburg Defense, U.S. Constitution, Miranda Rights; referenced individuals include George Runner, Linda Malo; languages include English and Spanish
Drawer A-8, Folder 11

Prisons: Propositions and Campaigns - AB1270 2012

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include mass media, media ban, California prisons, civil liberties, freedom of speech, censorship, Japanese Americans, Japanese internment camps, racism, World War II, government transparency, Abu Ghraib, torture, Iraq War; makers include Kim McGill, Mary Sutton, Kristal Graphics; references or specifically about Robben Island Prison, Birmingham Jail; referenced individuals include Nelson Mandela, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 12

Prisons: Propositions and Campaigns - California Proposition 21 (2000) 1999

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include youth, children, education, nonviolent crimes, prison spending, education spending, California, prison expansion, rapes, prison guard brutality, hip-hop events, benefit events, subvertisements; makers include Favianna Rodriguez, Schools Not Jails, Inkworks Press, Third Eye Movement, The Committee to Defeat Prop 21, TENI2, Freedom Winter & Critical Resistance; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, Week of Rage; places made include San Francisco (California, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 13

Prisons: Propositions and Campaigns - Three Strikes Law 2010

Physical Description: 28


includes newsprint

Scope and Content Note

related topics include life sentences, drug offenses, rape, murder, assault with a deadly weapon, California (USA), marijuana, education, prison spending, prison expansion, youth, education spending, non-violent offenders, felony convictions, voting rights, elderly offenders, nursing homes, prison overcrowding, labor, salaries, wages, unfair trials, poverty, prison labor reform, incarceration; makers include Families to Amend California's Three Strikes, Keegon Rooney, Kevin McCloskey, Fabio Coruzzi, Errol Sabinano, Jerry W. McDaniel, the Revolutionary Communist Party USA, Mario Ayala, Lauren Hartmen, Jamal Combs, Ariana Fields, Graham Nelson, Kathryn Fleischman, Ukiah Pearson, Laura Klein, Svetlana Gayshan, Sam Kopf, Joyce Demyers, Families to Amend California's Three Strikes; references or specifically about Habeas Corpus, MOVE Organization, Statue of Liberty, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Nazism, swastikas, Third Reich, California's Three Strikes Law;referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bob Avakian, Joyce Demyers, Rene Landa, Luciano Ozozco, William Rouss, Johnny Quirino, David Robinson, Kelly Turner, Doug Rash, Martha McCaig, Linda Teague, Luis Demetillo; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English;
Drawer A-8, Folder 14

Prisons: Race / Racism / Poverty 1992; 2003-2012

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include education, African Americans, college, higher education, statistics, death penalty, classism, access to defense professionals, racial disparities, anarchism, prison sentencing, people of color (POC), mass media, prison conditions, handcuffs, race, wrongful convictions, ; makers include Aaron Hughes, Charlie Guerrero, Carolyn Garlock, Kevin McCloskey, Sentencing Project, Rock Ulibarri, Oscar Alvarado, Collette McCray, Scott Boylston, Doug Baker, Stephanie Weiner, ; referenced individuals include Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Robert Almodovar Jr, Reynaldo Guevara, Dustin Sherwood Clay, Prison + Neighborhood Arts Project; references or specifically about U.S. currency, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Lady Justice, lynchings, U.S. slavery, prison conditions, Jim Crow laws, Middle Passage, ships,; places made include Liberty (MIssouri, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA),
Drawer A-8, Folder 15

Prisons: Various Topics 1978-1979; 2003-2006; 2016

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include death penalty, Olympics, prison, construction, grand juries, mass media, political cartoons, civil liberties, ex-offenders, formerly incarcerated, families, communities, re-entry programs, art exhibitions, Guantanamo Bay Prison, subvertisements, prison guard brutality, rappers, prosecutorial misconduct, performing artists, rehabilitation, parole boards, due process, statistics, torture, prison population, re-entry employment, prior convictions, overpopulation, prison bars, U.S. flag, justice, corporatism, president, elections, socialism, speech, women, mothers, children, poverty, racism, media, African Americans; makers include Equal Justice Initiative of Alabama (EJI), Blue Egg Printing, Bay Area Committee to Stop the Grand Jury, Eian Weissman, Randy Montañez, Oscar Madrigal, Ex-Offender Action Network, Just Seeds, Davi Russo, Sixten, Isiah King, Joe Krikava, Allison Meyers, Mary Sutton, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), Garland Kirkpatrick, Helvetica Jones, Socialist Party USA, Socialist Party Los Angeles, John Carr, Rashid (Kevin Johnson); referenced individuals include Mike Wallace, William Blake, Eugene Debs, Peter Wagner, Angela Davis, Sojourner Truth, Rosa Parks, Frederick Douglas, Lil' Kim, Gucci Mane; references or specifically about The Talmud, Prison Nation: Prison Industrial Complex (PIC), Western Prison Project, Kent State massacre, "Blood in, Blood Out", "ban the box", public employment, government contractors, "Allow me to reintroduce myself", Stateville Prison, working class, solidarity, prison, freedom; places made include Montgomery (Alabama, USA), Astoria (New York, USA), Redding (Connecticut, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Crest Hill (Illinois, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-8, Folder 16

Prisons: Women 1976; 2004-2006; 2015

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include statistics, children, mothers, racism, poverty, Georgia (USA), incarceration rates, self defense, LGBTQ, racial disparities, gender disparities, social stigmas, family fragmentation, pregnant incarcerated women, sexual extortion, slavery, hate crimes, sexism, U.S. Constitution, cruel and unusual punishment, sexual abuse; makers include Scott Boylston, Amherst Cultural Workers Collective, Action Committee for Women in Prison (ACWIP), David Cester, Penny Brice, Micah Bazant; references or specifically about Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), U.S. flag, womyn, New Jersey Amerikkka; places made include Savannah (Georgia, USA), USA, Amherst (Massachusettes, USA); referenced individuals include Betsy Ross, Terrain Dandridge, Renata Hill, Sakia Gunn, Angela Davis, Patreese Johnson, Venice Brown,
Drawer A-8, Folder 17

Prisons: Youth 1993-2010

Physical Description: 15


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racial profiling, injunctions, criminalization of youth, police, toys, education, cradle to prison, childcare, schools, employment, labor, student work, Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART), war on gangs, people of color (POC), anniversary, lecture, statistics, ; makers include Bloodshot Records, Sharon Pittman, Jill Thomas, Favianna Rodriguez, Terry Baker, Youth Organizing Communities (YOC), Inkworks Press, Youth Force, Families and Friends of Louisiana's Incarcerated Children (FFLIC), Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Boalt Hall School of Law Cal State Berkeley, Youth Law Center, Justice 4 Youth Coalition; referenced individuals include Gerald Gault, ; references or specifically about Prison Nation (CSPG exhibition, 2011), California State University, Monterey Bay (Cal State Monterrey Bay), Salinas Valley State Prison, California Proposition 21, schools not jails, juvenile justice reform, Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice, National Council on Crime and Delinquency, Juvenille Justice Reform, non violent offenses, traffic violations, property crimes, misdemeanors, "status offenses" truancy, psychological care, medical care, education, exercise, recreation, physical assaults, sexual assault, suicide, depression, group homes, shelter care, foster families, juvenile detention facilities, juvenile justice officials, legislators, child advocates, Gault, school-to-prison pipelines; places made include Inglewood (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 19

Prisons: Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) Poster - Making Workshops 2013

Physical Description: 12


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include divestment, environmentalism, anarchism, feminism, consumerism, youth; makers include Anarcho, Mauro Carrera, Abigail Janzan; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 20

Prisons: Student Work - Frostburg State University 2005-2006

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include poverty, children, abuse, persecution, anti-war, juvenile detention centers, immigrant children, anger management, vocational skills, human-animal relationship association, drug dealing, DNA testing, false imprisonment, Hurricane Katrina, youth alternatives, first time offenders, education, supermax prisons, horse whispering, drug addiction, war on drugs, personal hygiene, physical abuse, capital punishment, electric chair, classism, prison overcrowding, federal prisons, torture, Afghanistan, Guantanamo Bay Prison, Cuba, Iraq, international prisons; makers include Amnesty USA, Nebraska Correctional Youth Facility, Kelly Hickman. Mrtomko, Jimmy Davis, Sabrina Nedzelski, Kaiti Robinson, Ebony Jackson, Lara Gabin, Austin Arnold; references or specifically about Project Humane Education for At Risk Teens (HEART), Shawshank Redemption, Abu Ghraib (Iraq), Northern California Innocence Project, Santa Clara University of Law; places made include Omaha (Nebraska, USA), Frostburg (Maryland, USA), California (USA)
Drawer A-8, Folder 21

Prisons: "Attica And The Apocalypse" 1975 calendar 1975

Physical Description: 1


Printed on newsprint

Scope and Content Note

makers include George Knowlton; related topics include Attica, prison riots, prisons, hoods, war, police brutality, justice, The New York Times; references specifically about "four horseman of the apocalypse", pestilence, skeletons, Death, mounted police, scales of justice, horses, famine
Drawer A-9, Folder 1

Prisons: Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibility (ADPSR) 2005-2007

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include boycotts, prison design, prison construction, schools, government budgets, prisons spending, education spending, racism, U.S. taxes, prison populations, prison industrial complex (PIC), rehabilitation, alternatives to imprisonment, poverty, integration, children; makers include Stella Tan, Allison Ross, Troy West, Carol King, Nathan Pyatte, Pierre-Antoine Robitaille, Miguel Bamudez, Ralph Sperry, Carlos Castellanos, Renaud Charrin, Kerstin Vogdes, William Arbizu, Jan Šabach, Architects/Designers/Planners for Social Responsibilty; Raphael Sperry Press; references or specifically about U.S. flag; places made include Australia, Florida (USA), New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-9, Folder 2

Prisons: Californians United for a Responsible Budget (CURB) 2011-2012

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include government budgets, prison spending, education spending, statistics, private prisons, privatization, housing, health care, labor, employment, community building, community-based solutions, prison expansions, police, prison guard brutality, prison corruption, teach-ins, marches and demonstrations, California prison system, prison construction, California Proposition 36 (2000), Three Strikes law, Assembly Bill 900 (AB 900), housing, jobs, healthcare, statistics, ; makers include Lisa Roth, Inkworks Press, Dignidad Rebelde, Melanie Cervantes, Jesus Barraza, Critical Resistance, ; references or specifically about Dracula, education not incarceration, Sacramento Bee, Central California Women's Facility (CCWF), Chowchilla (California, USA), Critical Resistance, living wage, Rise Up L.A., War on Drugs, mass incarceration, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG) ; referenced individuals include Gloria Molina, Lee Baca, Zev Yaroslavsky, Mark Ridley Scott ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 3

Prisons: Critical Resistance 1998-2014

Physical Description: 37

Scope and Content Note

related topics include border policing, police, youth, death, street art, social services, health care, education, infrastructure, housing, family, mutual aid, resistance, exploitation, unions, prison abolution, benefit, community, prison industrial complex, parole, political prisoners, US-Mexican Border, imprisonment, resistance, Cuban refugees, US war on drugs, infrastructure plans, black liberation army, environmental racism, rural communities, Latino population, black population, Black Panther party, Homeland Security Act, 1996 immigration laws, eye, birds, welfare, crime control, art and social change, INS detention, mental healthcare, abolition, racism, liberation, human rights, budgets, community, justice, theft, prison abolition, security, ; makers include Critical Resistance, American Friends Service Committee, Roy San Filippo, Prison Nation, Bobby Fuentes, Rafael Moreno, Oakland Critical Resistance, ; referenced individuals include CA Governor Gray Davis, Jalil Abdul Muntaqim, Dorothy Gaines, David Gilbert, Faith Nolan, Julia Sudbury, Miguel Piñero, Malika Sarda Saar, Susan Hayward, Barbara Graham, Estela Bravo, Jose Palafox, Rebeca Amendariz, Angela Davis, Maxine Waters, Mike Davis, Swarhla Swa, Chrystos, Big Black, Michael Franti, Piri Thomas, Gloria Steinem, Eric Tang, Luis Talamantez, Rene Saucédo, Rafael Cancel Miranda, Ani Difranco, Me'shell Ndegéocello, John Trudell, Fred Moten, Anthony Taylor, Kevin Michael, Key, Melissa Burch, Jess Heaney, Lily Fahsi-Haskell, Mohamed Shehk, Rachel Herzing, eian!, Freedom Winter Coalition, Fernando Marti,; references or specifically about third annual "Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex film festival", "Beyond the Prison Industrial Complex National Conference and Strategy Session", Sing-Sing prison, Destiny Arts, grassroots organizing, food, water, shelter, freedom, Critical Resistance, Bay View, Virginia, Bay View Citizens for Social Justice, The Alamo, "no parole policy", Boscobel Prison, Great Meadows Prison, San Francisco County Jail, Tallulah Correctional Facility, New College Theater, New College of California, "Liberating the Home Front" film screenings, Maya Angelou Public Charter School Oakland, the Rebecca Project, The Roxie, "Truth to Power", "Chicken Run", "New World Border", A Prison in the Fields: False Progress in the Central Valley", "Cuban Excludables", "I Want to Live", "Beca de Gilas: Rebeca's Story", "The Blessing", "Lil Paypa", "Coca Mama", "Median Strip", Corrections", "Dear Judge", "The Black Soil a Story of Struggle and Change", "New Orleans Jazz Funeral", "Abandoned The Betrayal of America's Immigrants", Prison Activist Resource Center, UC Berkeley, Barrios Unidos, Underground Railroad, Los Angeles Poverty Department, The Underground Museum, art auction, "Dreaming Wildly, Fighting to Win", abstract art, No New Jails Coalition, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), shackles, barbed wire fence, megaphone, LA County Jail, Urban Shield, Laney College, #nomorejails, Oakland Power Project, Treme Community Center, Columbia Law School, prison industrial complex, white supremacy, health, wellbeing, war games, cages, Enron, cruel and unusual punishment, 3 strikes, unconstitutionality, blind justice, doves, Nourishing Abolition, San Joaquin Valley, "uncage the valley", California Prison Moratorium Project, cages, Cornucopia World, guard dogs, watchtowers, video surveillance, paper people, Chuco's Justice Center, "Yes in my backyard", "Stop the Delano II Prison", ; referenced individuals include Randy McNally, ; places made include Oakland (California, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-9, Folder 4

Prisons: Resistant Strains 1997-1998

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, imperialism, Counter Intelligence Program (COINTELPRO), militarism, capitalism, sexism, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), political prisoners, Corrections of Corporation of America (CCA), private prisons, privatization, corporatism, corporations, prison industrial complex (PIC), Internal Security Agency (ISA), South Africa, structural adjustment, foreign investment, prison labor, affirmative action, Chicano/Latino, racism, racial quotas, gender quotas, Rikers Island (New York, USA), slavery, incarcerated women, property crimes, nonviolent crimes, classism, Remote Electronically Activated Technology Stun Belt (REACT), exploitation, detention, deportations, prisoner abuse; makers include Meghan O'Rourke, Jane Duncan, D. Thorne, Jayne Pagnucco, Max Schumann, Nick Jehlen, Josh MacPhee, Dale Wittig, Jenny Polak; references or specifically about profiteering, maximum security democracy series, snitching, slave catchers, kidnapping, police state, financial safety nets, savings fraud, loan fraud, white collar crime, U.S. Bureau of Prisons (BOP), Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Esmor Detention Center, discrimination, imprisonment without trial; referenced individuals include Robert Crants, Assata Shakur, Kevin C. Pile, Tiger Woods; places made include USA; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 5

Prisons: Western Prison Project 2005

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prison industrial complex (PIC), capitalism, investment, corporatism, incarcerated women, parole, probation, capital punishment, death penalty, California (USA), California Innocence Project, false charges, time served, prison industrial complex, privately-owned prisons, boutique prisons; makers include Matt Wuerker, Susan Willmarth, James Anderson, Sabrina Jones, Western Prison Project, Prison Nation, Western Prison Project, Matt Wuerker, Center for the Study of Political Graphics, Department of Cultural Affairs (City of Los Angeles); references or specifically about Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), Justice Matters (newsletter), Department of Cultural Affairs, nonviolent crimes, poverty, education, drug offenses, children, racism, African Americans, Chicano/Latino, Three Strikes law, slavery, drug prison boom, War On Drugs, welfare, crime bills, increased sentences, California Western School of Law; referenced individuals include Gary Davis (Gray Davis), Nelson Rockefeller, Ronald Reagan, Nancy Reagan, Pete Wilson, Bill Clinton; places made include Portland (Oregon, USA), California (USA); languages include English
Drawer A-9, Folder 6

Prisons: Youth Justice Coalition (YJC) 2002-2012

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include criminal justice system, police brutality, crime rates, racism, education, prison spending, government budgets, education spending, juvenile detention centers, Los Angeles County prisons, children, immigration, deportations, U.S. immigration law, California Youth Authority, life without parole, prison sentences, poverty, prison guard brutality, benefit events, murder, candlelight vigils, justice, police misconduct, global youth incarceration statistics, handcuffs, marches and demonstrations, prison expansion, ball and chain, gang injunction, tattoos, Mother's Day, poetry, Mom's love, isolation, loneliness, violence behind bars, respect, prevention, suppression, mass incarceration, forgiveness, adult court, undocumented, detention, workshops, prison abolition, prison protest; makers include Noe Orgaz, Oscar Rodriguez, Kim McGill, John Jennings, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), Hard Pressed Studios, Interstate5posters, Brendan Campbell, Youth Justice Coalition, Families to amend three strikes, Loyola Marymount University, Bellarmine Forum 2005-Just Community, Oscar Rodriguez, Noe Orgaz, Shawnta Jones, Sequioa Smith, Tameka Watkins, Thomas Jefferson, Michael Gauff, Darion Robinson, Kim McG, Javier Reyes, California Fund for Youth Organizing, Edward W. Hazen Foundation, the Liberty Hill Foundation, the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, the Open Society Institute, the Surdna Foundation, FreeLA Now, Shawnta Jones, Sequoia Smith, Tameka Watkins, Thomas Jefferson, Michael Gauff, Darion Robinson, Kim McG, Javier Reyes, Juan Rivas, Denise Miranda, David Sandoval, Chris Malachi, David Inderbitzin, Carl Landren, Steven Overton, Victor Flores; references or specifically about labor, employment, youth centers, school-to-jail track, war on youth, juvenile halls, Chucos Justice Center, University of Southern California (USC), butterfly, chains, The Grinch, Christmas, The Runner Initiative, Dolores Huerta Foundation, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), California Federation of Teachers, Critical Resistance, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Youth Justice Coalition's 50 mile march for respect across L.A. county, Los Angeles Youth Justice, Interstate-5, the Black Panthers, Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front (FMLN), Youth Justice Coalition (March for Respect), Big Business, Southern Californians for Youth, Wise Up!, Bus Riders Union, Community Jail Task Force, Critical Resistance, October 22 Coalition, Ex-Offenders Task Force, Community Call to Action and Accountability, A.D.E.L.A.N.T.E., All of Us or None, Archdiocese Office of Restorative Justice, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of LA (CHIRLA), Proposition 21, California Youth Authority (CYA), Ban the Box,; referenced individuals include Tedi Snyder, Uncle Sam, Rocky Delgadillo, Alex Sanchez, Johnathan Cuevas, Alicia Alvarez, Dr. Seuss (Theodor Geisel), Senator George Runner, Augusto Cesar Sandino, Emiliano Zapata, Malcolm X, Che Guevara, William Bratton; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Lynwood (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include English;
Drawer A-9, Folder 7

Prisons / Police Brutality: Oversize 1999; 2011-2014

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include police training, target practice, marches and demonstrations, National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, film festivals, homelessness, immigration, poverty, prison industrial complex (PIC), racism, African Americans, Chicano/Latino, HIV/AIDS, rape; makers include Ronnie Goodman, Western Regional Advocacy Project (WRAP), Dread Scott, Michele Castagnetti, Rodolfo Salgado, Rhips With Street Inc. Media, Stop Prisoner Rape SPR; references or specifically about Virginia Film Festival, The Coalition to End Sheriff Violence in Los Angeles Jails, highway maps, police state, South Dakota (USA), ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Charlottesville (Virginia, USA), South Dakota (USA)
Drawer A-9, Folder 8

Death Penalty / Capital Punishment: Individuals 1999-2006

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include exoneration, Texas (USA), international solidarity, clemency, political prisoners, injustice (inJUSTus), Imperialism, armed robbery, murder, ; makers include Center on Wrongful Convictions (Northwestern University School of Law), Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Amnesty International, Clearinghouse on Criminal Justice, Mary Sutton, Sam Kerson, Atelier Presse Papier, Noah Broder, The Moratorium Campaign, Eugene Coalition/Coalition Press, Salsedo Press, David Doty; references or specifically about lethal injection, murders, DNA testing, executions, Santa Clara Law Review, Illinois Death Row, Nobel Peace Prize, gangs, Crips, Bloods, electric chair, Watergate, Attica State Prison, oil, Middle East, exonerations, MacAurther Justice Center; referenced individuals include Tookie Williams (Stanley Williams), Verneal Jimerson, Loren Santow, George W. Bush, Kevin Cooper, Arnold Schwarzenegger, James Dupree Henry, William Riley, Madison Hobley, Troy Davis, George Jackson, Nelson Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger, Anthony Porter, Rolando Cruz, Darby Tillis, Verneal Jimerson, Carl E. Lawson, Gary Gauger, Dennis Williams, Joseph Burrows, Perry Cobb, Alejandro Hernandez; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Eugene (Oregon, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 10

Death Penalty / Capital Punishment: Various Topics 1968-1968; 1999-2016

Physical Description: 36

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, criminal justice system, films, reconciliation, exoneration, false charges, conferences, National Conference on Wrongful Convictions and the Death Penalty, marches and demonstrations, marches and demonstrations, Texas (USA), benefit events, taxes, legal challenges, costs, art auction, profiteering, U.S. flag, justice, lecture presentations, college events, corruption, lethal injection; makers include Marlena Buczek Smith, Rinaldo Piazzoni, Pier Paolo Cito, Newlin Center for Quaker Thought and Practice, Earlham Amnesty International, Posters for Tomorrow, James Victore Design Works, Murder Victims' Families for Reconciliation, Rafael Acosta; Signs FX; Texas Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Katie Hicks, Colin Self, Christopher Logue, Ad Infinitum Limited, Sherman Mutchnick, Contemporarty Art Lithographs, P. Hackner, Inkworks Press, Coalition to End the Death Penalty, Moratorium Now, Equal Justice USA, Quixote Center, Christopher David Ryan, World Coalition Against the Death Penalty, Cadran Solaire, Lou Bory, Gil, Bloodshot Records, Favian Lauer, Gramlich, Mike Bidlo, Yes on 62, Campaign to End the Death Penalty, Journey of Hope; references or specifically about Texas (USA), Colosseum (Rome, Italy), Christmas tree, New Jersey (USA), New Mexico (USA), Community of Sant' Egidio, Capital Punishment Projects of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), "Double Justice", electric chair, Northwestern University, religion, San Quentin Prison, hangings, compassion, murder, death row, The Illinois Coalition Against the Death Penalty, United Nations (UN), methods of death penalty, no on 66, taxpayers, time limits on death penalty legal challenges, failed death penalty, Mathew 27:24, Conspiracy Defense, Families for Reconciliation, compassion, healing, The Connecticut Network to Abolish the Death Penalty, Western Connecticut University, Maryland (USA), "dead wrong"; referenced individuals include Anthony Amsterdam, Jesse Jackson, George W. Bush, Abraham Lincoln, Andy Warhol, Tomi Ungerer, Andy Warhol, Nicholas McKeown, Reed Hastings, Willie Mae Bragg, Jimmy Thompson, Juan Melendez, Bill Pelke, Bess Klassen-Landis, Ruth Andrews; places made include Cuero (Texas, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include English, German
Drawer A-9, Folder 11

Police Brutality: Arts and Culture 1981; 1990-1997; 2007; 2016-2020

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include graffiti, street art, anniversary, benefit, art exhibitions, film festivals, conferences, community building, Art Vs. Cops, anniversary, skeleton, skulls, abolition, reform, media, power, corruption, ; makers include Vyal C.O.I., TOONZ, Man-One, Enhale Products, Berkeley Copwatch, Inkworks Press, Committee Against Police Brutality, Faith Ringgold, Jeanie Black, VIRAL, Ravi Zupa, critical resistance,Verso Books, ; referenced individuals include Rodney King, Jose Guadalupe Posada, J-Dilla, Daryl Elaine Stenvoll-Wells, Mike Davis, Stanley Mousse; references or specifically about Coalition Against Police Abuse, Fight Police Brutality Through Art: A Grassroots Community Arts Event to Educate and Inspire Change, 1991 Rodney King beating (25th anniversary), Duron Gallery, Social and Public Art Resource Center (SPARC), Faith Ringgold's "Atlanta" (mixed media sculpture), chessboard, pawns, children, guns, batons, skeletons, "made a mistake, thought he had a gun", "Who Protects Me from You", abolition vs. reform, REM guns, AR15, "to protect and serve", City of Quartz, utopia, dystopia, Q-tips, Q-top pepperspray "eight" defense fund,; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Oakland (Calfornia, USA),
Drawer A-9, Folder 12

Police Brutality: Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) [1992]; 2009-2022

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include spying, Special Order 1 (SO 1), surveillance, cameras, Los Angeles Metro System (LA METRO), undercover police, public transportation, privacy, security, civil liberties, U.S. Constitution, freedom of speech, LAUSD police, freedom of the press, freedom of assembly, police state, murder, racism, skid row, patrols, harassment, Senior Lead Officers, Board of Police Commissioners, armed and dangerous, media, looting, fires, race war, racism, street war, gangs, truce, rape, murder, rifles, armed struggle, drones; makers include Black Lives Matter, Cerise Johnson, Star Pig, David Earl Williams ("Romeo"), police misconduct; references or specifically about police brutality, Dignity in Schools, Community Rights Campaign, Stop LAPD Spying Coalition, Los Anglels Sheriff's Department, defund the LAPD, anti-terrorism laws, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department, pigs (police), Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN), Koreans, Bloods, Crips, "Can't we all get along", nightmare, National Guards, Looting and Fires Ravage LA, The Los Angeles Times (LA Times), black justice, "I have a dream", Crenshaw Square (Los Angeles, California, USA), Los Angeles Police, rifle, police murder; referenced individuals include Barack Obama, Brother Africa (Charly Keunang), Sgt. Chand Syed, Officier Daniel Torres, Francisco Martinez, Commander Leslie, Chief Charlie Beck, LaTasha Harlans, Daryl Gates, Rodney King, Reginal O. Denny, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 13

Police Brutality: Marches and Demonstrations 1970; 1982; 1998-2010; 2015-2018

Physical Description: 23

Scope and Content Note

related topics include National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, criminalization, Jena 6, racism, political prisoners, September 11th (2001), Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), Ayotzinapa (Mexico), 43 students, criminal justice, May Day, youth movements, LAPD Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (CRASH), unarmed victims, unconscious victims, people of color, New York Police Department (NYPD), New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), Chicago Police Department (CPD), Cleveland Police Department (CPD), Ohio Police, Orange County Sheriffs (California, USA), Atlanta police (Georgia, USA), Bay Area Transit police (California, USA), Anaheim police (California, USA), Pasadena Police (California, USA), Houston Police (Texas, USA), Ferguson police (Missouri, USA), Detroit police (Michigan, USA), Brownsville School police (Texas, USA), Sarasota Springs police (Utah, USA), Grapevine police (Texas, USA), Richmond police (California, USA), conference, murder; makers include October 22nd Coalition, Abe Social, Mike Novick, Taller Urayoan, Picheta, Sir Loco, School of Boston Museum of Fine Arts, stop mass incarceration; references or specifically about war on youth, shut down, community policing, anarchism, Black Lives Matter, Campaign for Community Control of the Police, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), white supremacy, New Afrikan Freedom Fighters, Pasadena 7, Self Help Graphics & Art (Self-Help Graphics and Art), Mission District (San Francisco, California, USA), San Francisco Police Department (SFPD), la chota, #shutdownA14; referenced individuals include Dread Scott, Ralph Nader, Augusta Georgia, Michael Zinzun, Philip Allen; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA). New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 14

Police Brutality: Various Topics 1978; 1995-2017

Physical Description: 32

Scope and Content Note

related topics include police brutality, Egypt, revolution, communism, anti-capitalism, anti-war, labor, international solidarity, white nationalism, soldiers, France, Ohio, Richmond, inequalities, resistance, sexual assault, fascism, slavery, Philadelphia, San Francisco, mental health, substance abuse, physical or emotional abuse, domestic violence, New York, Chicano activism, environmental activism, legal action, benefits, environment, ecology, peaceful protests, anarchism, police brutality, rioting, benefit, elections, ; makers include Crimethinc, Revolutionary Communist Party, Doug Minkler, Community Printers, CALM Initiative Campaign, Eric Quinn American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Inkwork Press, Thure de Thulstrup, Anders Corr, Joe Friday, Refuse & Resist!: Artist Network, Jo Schawrtz, University of British Columbia, Cristy C. Road, Incite!, Skylar Fein, Charlotte Hildel; referenced individuals include the Clash, Ramona Africa, MOVE organization, Abner Louima, Pat Hughes, Ann Hughes, Bob Brozman, The Snipes, C.A.L.M. Initiative Campaign, ; references or specifically about Jill Croston & Friends, Arab Spring, arsen, street sign, Dread Scott 99, grand juries, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), "The Guns of Brixton", Citizens Review Board, Swastika, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), military gear, hand, "serve and protect", illegal entries, false arrests, shootings, Laney College, swine, noose, U.S currency, Cosmic Costume Party, television, "Nulle Part", student rights, school locker room, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), buses, Cleveland High School, Dignity Schools, military organizing, McDonalds, International Action Center, "New York's Finest", horse, Belkin Gallery, pepper spray, bulldog, spray paint, women of color, trans people of color, racial profiling, sexual violence, policing motherhood, militarization of communities of color in the U.S and abroad, strip and cavity searches, domestic violence survivors, border patrol, immigration raids, was on drugs, gender and or sex policing, "Zero tolerance policies," New Orleans Police Department (NOPD), "serve and protect,", Mai 68 (Paris 1968), Measure I (Santa Cruz, CA, USA), Measure H (Santa Cruz, CA, USA), Boulder Creek Theater, ; places made include California, Humboldt (California, USA), New Orleans (Louisiana, USA) Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include English, French, Spanish
Drawer A-9, Folder 15

Prisons / Police Brutality / Death Penalty / Capital Punishment: Newsprint 2006-2008

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include lethal injection, China, French, executions in China, direct action, prison industrial complex (PIC), political prisoners, economics, capitalism, labor, workers rights, conferences, Democratic Party of the United States, Republican Party (GOP), marches and demonstrations, National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality, peace, police training, target practice, dogs, poverty, racism, media, hysteria, prevention ; makers include Direct Action Coalition, Helvetica Jones, Garland Kirkpatrick, Journal de l'Abolition, The October 22nd Coalition to Stop Police Brutality, John Carr, Nicholas Ganz; references or specifically about corporate war on the poor, Republican National Convention (RNC), repression, criminalization, Los Angeles Social Forum 2008, dogs, German Shepards, Rue du Faubourg-Poissoniere, Paris (France), life without mommy, womyn, ; referenced individuals include Eric Odell, Jeremy Fogel, Michael Morales, Mumia Abu-Jamal, John McCain; places made include France, Los Angeles (California, USA), Paris (France); languages include English, French, Spanish
Drawer A-9 Folder 17

Police Brutality: Night Out for Safety and Liberation (NOSL) 2000-2019

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include self-determination, safety, racism, immigration, migrants, empowerment, community, independence, disabilities, liberation, profiling, identity, education, funding, policing, caring, housing, fear, liberation, ; makers include Center for Human Rights, Oree Originol, Community Partners, Ella Baker, Micah Bazant, Irene Juarez O'Connell, Matice Moore, Inkworks, Amaryllis DeJesus Moleski,; referenced individuals include Donald Trump,; references or specifically about Caravana Viracruzis Migrante 2018, restorative justice, mass incarceration, hijab, islamophobia, marginalized people,; places made include Oakland (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-10, Folder 1

Political Prisoners: Events 1975-1980; 1993-1998; 2002; 2016

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include conferences, convocations, political prisoners of war (PPOW), art by U.S. political prisoners and POWs, Anarchist Prisoners Legal Aid Network (APLAN), multi-media, art exhibitions, Pendleton 14, racism, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), U.S. Marines, racism in the military, Camp Pendleton, solidarity with political prisoners, Native Americans, African Americans, Marines, Camp Pendleton, marches and demonstrations, film series, , fundraisers, solidarity, colonization, rape, racism, sexual violence, ; makers include Inkworks Press, July 4 movement to Free Dessie Woods, Peter Brown, Jericho '98, On The Rise, Trent Gaylord, Billy Cumming, Cory Shaw, Ariel Shepard, Kris Rodriguez, Anarchist Black Cross (ABC); referenced individuals include Assata Shakur, Dundiata Acoli, Geronimo Pratt, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Norma Jean Croy, Geronimo Pratt, Alejandrina Torres, Tim Blunk, Sedition Committee, Leonard Peltier, Olga (political prisoner), Potemkin; references or specifically about Organization of Solidarity of the People of Asia, Africa & Latin America (OSPAAAL), Northampton Center for the Arts, Free and Criter political prisoners, Survival Graphics, Freedom Now Campaign, U.S. flag, Camp Pendleton Defense Committee, raised fist; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-10, Folder 2

Political Prisoners: Individuals [1927]; 1965; 1973-2004; 2013-2015

Physical Description: 34

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Patriot Act, black, Muslim, Black Liberation, poetry, conscious objector, political lynchings, Moroccan prisoners, political prisoners, anarchism, communism, capitalism, international solidarity, liberty, self-determination, socialism, racism, lynching, first strike; makers include JAM WKSP, W. Senzaki, Anti-Klan Committee, Charles Sherman Haight, Jr., Christopher Hutchinson, Women's Prison Book Project, Katya Komisaruk Defense Collective, White Rose Support Collective, Equal Rights Congress, The Republic of New Africa, Tibetan Youth Congress, Almore-Holman Brothers Defense Committees, capital punishment, colonialism, racism, women, judicial system, Roten Hilfe International, Secours Rouge International, Marxist-Leninist Organizing Committee, judicial system, class, patriarchy; referenced individuals include Earnest Graham, Eugene Allen, Patrice Lumumba Ford, Chol Soo Lee, Malcolm X, Mutulu Shakur, John Brown, Marilyn Buck, Sara Jane Olson, Eugene Barnett, Tom Mooney, C.C. Young, Assata Shakur, Lynne Stewart, Oscar Lopez Rivera, Sara Olson, Tony Paul-Emcee, Wain McFarlane, Brendan Coleman, Sophia Peterson, Geoff Jones, Van Nixon, Paul Metsa, Jocko McNalley, Dallas Johnson, Mary Ann O' Dougherty, Alyssa Banks, Mark Cook, Katya Komisaruk, Eddie Carthan, Ricardo Guerra, Leonard Peltier, Benjamin Hoover, George Wallace, Tulku Tenzin Delek, Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Yahia Mohammed Elhafed, Desiree Malik, John Lennon, Yoko Ono, Queen Elizabeth, Michael Abdul Malik, Michael X, William Kunstler, Kate Millett, Allen Ginsberg, Bobby Seale, Steven Skerritt, Mumia Abu Jamal, Jaime Simon Quintela "Moreno", Marco Camenisch, Georges Ibrahim Abdallah, Gary Lawton, Zurebu Gardner, J.D. Davenport, Henderson Watson, James Jackson, Roosevelt Watson, Johnny Jackson; references or specifically about El Salvador, "Break de Chains", Symbionese Liberation Army, Black Solidarity Day, Sundiata Acoli, police shooting, Richard Dhoruba Moore, Viet Nam, George Jackson Brigade, first strike targeting computer, nuclear weapons, physical abuse, Trinidad, fair trials, England, Norway, drowning, bombing, black liberation, legal lynching, The Dawson 5, black belt nation, Vadenberg Air Force Base, NAVSTAR, Nuremberg Principle; places made include Portland (Oregon, USA), Washington (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Alabama (USA), East Point (Georgia, USA); languages include English, German, Spanish, French, Italian
Drawer A-10, Folder 3

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Julius and Ethel Rosenberg 1950s; 1974-1988; 1993; 2019

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include clemency, anniversaries, executions, communism, resistance, struggle, repression, commemoration, disclosure, constitutional rights, conspiracy, tribute, espionage, Cold War; makers include Sid Hammer, Seymour Kaplan, National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Case, Henwalt Co., Francisco Masvidal, Editorial de Ciencias Sociales, Ministerio de Cultura (Cuba), Rosenberg Fund for Children, North Star Fund, R. Meeropal, Editions Sociales, Paris Province Impression, David Bragin, National Committee to Reopen the Rosenberg Cas; references or specifically about Rosenberg-Sobell Case, doves, flame, eye, Carnegie Hall; referenced individuals include Charles Keller, Albert Einstein, Pablo Picasso, Morton Sobell, Rogert Orphelin Fleger, Michael Meeropol (Michael Rosenberg), Robert Meeropol (Robert Rosenberg), Pete Seeger, Tony Randall, Jack Gilford, Howard DaSilva, Ossie Davis, John Randolph, Allen Garfield, Julius and Ethel Rosenberg; places made include New York (New York, USA), Cuba; languages include English, Spanish, German, French, Hebrew
Drawer A-10, Folder 4

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Mumia Abu-Jamal 1989-2008

Physical Description: 38

Scope and Content Note

related topics include death penalty, capital punishment, retrials, education, labor, police brutality, executions, subvertisements, corporations, voting, elections, Prison Radio, racism, black journalists, Black Panther Party, MOVE Organization, marches and demonstrations, labor movement solidarity, police brutality, corruption, death penalty, abolition of death penalty, Death Row, right to a fair trial; makers include Mumia2000 (Millions 4 Mumia), prisonradio.org, mumia.org, Refuse and Resist, Parody Productions, International Concerned Friends and Family of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Peter Truskier, Inkworks Press, Partisan Defense Committee, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition, International Action Center (IACenter), Cliff Joseph, Joelle Aubron, Artists' Network of Refuse and Resist!, Laura Whitehorn, Baseline, New York Times, Darius Wilmor, Freemumia.org, struggle-la-lucha, Mumia Abu-Jamal Freedom Rally Committee, Inkworks Press, Jennifer Beach, Peter Truskier, Jericho Movement, Freedom Archives, Prison Radio, media,; references or specifically about Apple, "We Want Freedom", SF Rally to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, legal lynchings, media ban, Harriet Tubman Center for Social Justice; referenced individuals include Keith Haring, Ossie Davis, Cesar Chavez, Rosa Parks, Felipe Coronel, Ed Rendell, Jeffrey A. Beard, Daniel Faulkner, Geronimo Ji Jaga (Geronimo Pratt), Alice Walker, Leonard Weinglass, Jennifer Beach, April Saul, Marc Cooper, Shaka Sankofa (Gary Graham), James Baldwin, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas, Anthony Kennedy, Sandra Day O'Connor, David Souter, John Paul Stevens, William Rehnquist, Ethel Rosenberg, Julius Rosenberg, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Charles Sims Africa, Sundiata Acoli, Debbie Sims Africa, Ed Poindexter, Edward Africa, Janine Africa, Janet Holloway Africa, Michael Davis Africa, Zolo Azania, Hanif Shabazz Bey, Romaine Chip Fitzgerald, Joseph Bowen, Herman Bell, Fred Mohammad Burton, Veronza Bowers, Byron Chubbuck, Jamil Al-Amin, David Gilbert, Bill Dunne, Robert Seth Hyes, Richard Mafundi Lake, Larry Hoover, Alvaro Luna Hernandez, Jaan Karl Laaman, Oscar Lopez-Rivera, Ruchell Magee, Mondo we Langa, Huga Pinell, Maliki Shakur Latine, Leonard Peltier, Abdullah Majid, Jalil Muntaqim, Thomas Manning, Marius Mason, Rev. Joy Powell, Luis Rodriguez, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Kojo Bomani Sababu, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Kamau Sadiki, Dr. Aafia Siddiqui, Gary Tyler, Albert Woodfox ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Waynesburg (Pennsylvania, USA), New York (New York, USA), Santa Monica (California, USA); languages include Spanish and English
Drawer A-10, Folder 5

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Mumia Abu-Jamal - Events 1998-2009

Physical Description: 32

Scope and Content Note

related topics include National Day of Art to Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), marches and demonstrations, crack cocaine, U.S. government, anarchism, Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD), police brutality, prison industrial complex (PIC), death penalty, retrials, art events, benefit events, art exhibitions, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), torture, false imprisonment, democratic rights, terrorism, conviction, torture, U.S. flag, war crimes, lawsuits execution, trials, art exhibition; makers include September 25 Committee to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Anarchist Black Bloc, Inkworks Press, The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, The Los Angeles Coalition to Stop the Execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal, Marlon Ingram, Artists United for Mumia Abu Jamal, Prison Radio and Prisoners of Conscience Committee, Liberty Bell and San Francisco, Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), Inkworks Press, Media Design and Printing, Martin Travers; references or specifically about War on Drugs, Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v. the U.S.A, Lynne Stewart Defense Committee, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, "Fighting Back", Middle East Children's Alliance, National Lawyers Guild, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Guantanamo Prison, Abu-Graib, "Art for Life"; referenced individuals include Edward Asner, Robbie Conal, Ossie Davis, Pete Seeger, Sonia Sanchez, Peter Sellars, Oliver North, George Bush, Oscar Grant, Huey P. Newton, Malcolm X (El Hajj Malik Shabazz), William Yohn, Leonard Weinglass, Martin Travers, Angela Davis, Diane Greene Lent, Jennifer Beach, Peter Truskier, Geronimo Ji Jaga (Geronimo Pratt, Alice Walker, MIchael Ratner, Lynne Stewart, Jeff Mackler, Barbara Lubin, Donald Rumsfeld, Alberto Gonzales; places made include New York (New York, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Brooklyn (New York, USA)
Drawer A-10, Folder 6

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Mumia Abu-Jamal - Internationally Made 1995-2013

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include benefit events, executions, death penalty, capital punishment, racism, marches and demonstrations, torture, deportations, prison isolation, art exhibitions, abolition of capital punishment; makers include H. Ohrenschmaus, The Voice of the Voiceless, Syndikat, E. Kirchoff, Aktionsbündnis, Heidi Schulz, Johnny Cash, Antirassistischer Widerstand ist international, Willi Sucks, Antifaschistische Aktion, Angela Zomig, M. Moovit, Rote Hilfe; referenced individuals include Leonard Weinglass, Lydia Wallace, Hans Balzer; references or specifically about legal lynching, art against the death penalty; places made include Germany, Spain, Zurich, Switzerland; languages include German, English, Catalan, Swiss-German
Drawer A-10, Folder 7

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Mumia Abu-Jamal - Laminated Items 1989-2000

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include black journalists, police brutality, racism, fair legal representation, prisoners of war (POW), marches and demonstrations; makers include The Coalition Against Police Abuse, People Against Racist Terror, The Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, Inkworks Press, Laura Whitehorn, Jane Oriel, Artists For Mumia, Cliff Joseph, Angela Zomig, Student Liberation Action Movement (SLAM), Partisan Defense Committee Campaign to Save Mumia Abu-Jamal, H. Ohrenschmaus; referenced individuals include Daniel Faulkner, Lenard Weinglass, Lydia Wallace; references or specifically about Black Panther Party, legal lynching, MOVE Organization; places made include Culver City (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Germany; languages include English, German
Drawer A-10, Folder 8

Political Prisoners: Individuals - Mumia Abu-Jamal - Newsprint 1998-2000

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include mistrials, death penalty, racism, political cartoons, marches and demonstrations; makers include COC Productions, National People's Campaign, Revolutionary Worker, People Against Racist Terror, New York Times, Darius Wilmore, Refuse and Resist!, Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition; referenced individuals include Lenard Weinglass, Daniel Faulkner, Albert Sabo, Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Tom Ridge, Seth Tobocman, John Brown, Jennifer Beach, Keith Haring; references or specifically about U. S. Supreme Court, Black Panther Party, MOVE Organization, Philadelphia Association of Black Journalists, political lynchings, You Don't Have to Fuck People Over to Survive, Jericho 2000, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); places made include Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Culver City (California, USA), New York (New York, USA);languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-10, Folder 9

Political Prisoners: Various Topics 1973; 1988-2001

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include calendars, Nigerian poetry, Ogoni people, Niger, environmentalism, Shell Oil, nonviolence, military dictatorship, corporatism, torture, human rights, convicted polygamists, polygamy, Utah (USA), prison reform, Jericho amnesty campaign, arts and culture, nonviolence, resistance, calendar, pollution, corpratism; makers include Raze the Walls! Collective, Red Sun Press, Gordon C. Thomasson, Kii Arens, Jewish Voice for Peace; referenced individuals include Ken Saro-Wiwa, Rodolfo Montiel Flores, Alexander Nikintin, Medha Patkar, Sekou Kambui, Bill Clinton, Leonard Peltier, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Sun Press, Lori Berenson, Olga Talamante; references or specifically about Sierra Club, Anarchist Black Federation War Chest, indictments, imperialism, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), socialism, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormon Church), disappeared persons (los desaparecidos), Black Panther Party, Pussy Riot, Khamovinchesky Prison, cats, bombs, Russia, Tear Down the Walls, Organization of Solidarity with the People of Asia, Africa and Latin America (OSPAAAL); places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Havana (Cuba), Boston (Massachusetts, USA)
Drawer A-10, Folder 10

Political Prisoners: Cardstock 1986-2000s

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include sanctuary, religion, Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), crack cocaine, U.S. government, Nicaragua, marches and demonstrations, Democratic Party, racism, exclusion of African Americans on juries, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), police brutality, capital punishment, death penalty, concerts political prisoners, Mumia Abu-Jamal; makers include Maria Mottola, Seth Tobocman, Angela Bocage, Ramsess, United Friends of Geronimo (Pratt) Ji Jaga, Inkworks Press, Mobilization to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal; referenced individuals include Mumia Abu-Jamal, Oliver North, George H.W. Bush, Geronimo Pratt, Ed Rendell; references or specifically about Three Strikes Law, MOVE, Black United Fund, Vanity Fair, The Vision Theater; places made include Washington D.C. (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-10, Folder 11

Political Prisoners: Oversize 1996

Physical Description: 3

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prisons, African Americans; makers include Silvia Baraldini Solidarity Committee, Michele Bengali, Masi Agency;referenced individuals include Geronimo Pratt, Dan Winters, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Silvia Baraldini; places made include USA; languages include Italian
Drawer A-10, Folder 12

Political Prisoners: Internationally Made 1974; 1988; 1993

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prisons, racism, violence against women, Native Americans, censorship, freedom of speech, crimes of opinion, compulsory military service, anti-war, conscientious objectors (COs); makers include Christoph von Hören, United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM), Centrum Praw Kobiet, Task Force Detainees of the Philippines (TEDP), J. Gayrard, Corep RCB Toulouse, Nicht Kleistern; references or specifically about genocide, globe, jail, freedom, rally, megaphone, hijab; referenced individuals include Heriberto Teran, Neva Arlene Romero, Francisco Dougherty, Reyes Paul Martinez, Una Ashley Jaakola, Florencio "Freddy" Granados, Bertha Russel, Paulette D'Auteuil, Bob Robideau; places made include Germany, Poland, Philippines, France; languages include German, Polish, Filipino (Tagalog), French
Drawer A-10, Folder 13

Political Prisoners: Individuals 1976-1980; 1990-2015

Physical Description: 49


Includes newsprint.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include political prisoners, prison industrial complex, lynching, marches and demonstrations, prisoners of war, benefits concerts, legal lynching,; makers include Bring Abbie Home Committee, T. Fischer, International Union of Students, Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF) Juana Alicia, Committee to Free Lori Berenson, Inkworks Press, People United to Fight Police Brutality, colonial violence, National Committee to Defend Dessie Woods, Fireworks Graphics, KD, K West ALA, Elana Levy; referenced individuals include Mumia Abu-Jamal, Huey Newton, Harriet Tubman, Linda Evans, Leonard Peltier, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Marilyn Buck, Sundiata Acoli, Assata Shakur, Lori Berenson, Alberto Fujimori, Gary Tyler, Geronimo Pratt *Geronimo Ji Jaga), Bunchy Carter, John Huggins, Fred Hampton, Mark Clark, Sandra Pratt, Dessie Woods,Gary Tyler, Moody Park 3, Joe Torres Paul Skyhorse, Richard Mohawk, David Dominguez, Carlos Montes, Jose Medina, Doc Holiday, Michael Cowans, Abbie Hoffman; references or specifically about Jericho Amnesty Campaign, Prison Activist Resource Center, L.A. Jericho, Anarchist Black Cross Federation, Bahrein, Peru, Southern Conference Educational Fund (SCEF), The Revolutionary Worker, Georgia, Houston Rebellion, Committee to Free Geronimo Pratt, New Afrikan People's Organization, KKK, Coalition Against Police Abuse, Steal This Book (book), Woodstock, Yippies; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Washington, DC (USA), New York (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Louisville (Kentucky, USA), Houston (Texas, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA)
Drawer A-10, Folder 14

Political Prisoners: Individuals 2017-2021

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include imperialism, education, HIV / AIDS, patriarchy, white supremacy, class, ecology, environment, bombing, marches and demonstrations, robbery, law enforcement, police, U.S. government, apartheid, solidarity, solitary confinement, colonialism, murder, tourism, martial law, torture, prejudice, civil rights, human rights, amnesty, education, suicide, parole, capitalism, self-determination, recidivism, land rights, human rights, weapons, felonies, police, freedom, Free Alvaro Luna Hernandez, solidarity, political prisoner; makers include the jerichomovement.com, onamove.com, freealvaro.net, freejalil.com, russellmaroonshoats.wordpress.com, sudiataacoli.org, Bret Crawford, Into Action, Andrew Nance, Party for Socialism and LIberation, Freehermanbell.org, Camo Bortman, Fireworks, free the peoples, supportericking.org; references or specifically about Students for a Democratic Society (SDS),The Black Panther Party, Black Liberation Army, The Weather Underground, Black Liberation Army, Auburn Correctional Facility, Great Meadow Correctional Facility, United Freedom Front, South Africa, right wing paramilitaries, Central America, Virgin Island 5, St. Croix, Black Liberation Movement (MOVE), Indigenous Resistance, Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), The MOVE 9, Black Panther Party, health, medical injustice, the Nebraska 2, COINTELPRO (Counter Intelligence Program), Amnesty International, Omaha Black Panthers, The New York 3, The San Francisco 8, California Youth Authority, San Quentin 6, Standing Rock, Ogalala Lakota Sioux, 1851 Treaty Camp, unceded Lakota territory, Great Sioux Nation, treaty rights, Cuba, Black, Puerto Rican, Native American, Muslim, Chicano/Latino, White, Ferguson uprising; referenced individuals include David Gilbert, Herman Bell, Jaan Karl Laaman, Xinachtli, Hanif Shabazz Bey, Janet Holloway Africa, John Africa, Xinachitli (Alvaro) Luna Hernandez, Leonard Peltier, Janine Phillips Africa, Life America, Debbie Sims Africa, Robert Seth Hayes, Ed Poindexter, Mondo We Langa (David Rice), Jalil Muntaqim, Albert Nuh Washington, Herman Bell, Russell Maroon Shoatz, Sundiata Acoli, Zayd Shakur, Assata Shakur (Joanne Chesimard), Werner Foerster, Gregory Ehrie, Romaine "Chip" Fitzgerald, Hugo "Yogi Bear" Pinell, George Jackson, Red Fawn Fallis, Mumia Abu Jamal, Leonard Peltier, Dr. Mutulu Shakur, Dr. Aafa Siddiqui, Eric King, Alvaro Luna Hernandez (Xinachtli); places made Los Angeles (California, USA), Ausin (texas, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include English;
Drawer A-10, Folder 15

Political Prisoners: Mumia Abu-Jamal - Speak Truth to Power series 1998-1999

Physical Description: 5


There are three copies of each poster. One poster contains a brief summary of the main collection of posters.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include execution, capital punishment, death penalty, writer assassinations, prison,nature, international support, liberation, political prisoner, liberty, incarceration, captivity, death row, federal rights, states rights; makers include Speak Truth to Power, Artist Network of Refuse & Resist, Pia Reunala, Stephane Pichard, Elizam Escobar, David Thorne, Lucio Pozzi, Ton Prins Murawa, Danny Tisdale; referenced individuals include Mumia Abu-Jamal; references or specifically about Bangladesh, Egypt, Iran, Nigeria, AM8335, Philadelphia Magazine, Association of Black Journalists, Effective Death Penalty, Calyx.com, mumia.org, noose, leg cuff; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA),France, Finland, Holland; languages include English, French
Drawer A-10, Folder 16

Police Brutality: Black Lives Matter / Police Reform and Alternatives 2014-2022

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include community safety, justice, assault, violence, fist, climate justice, housing, education, police divestment, prison divestment, workers' rights, urban, city, racial solidarity, slavery, segregation, strike, lynching, rule of law, prosecution, vigilantes, systemic racism, Ferguson (Missouri, USA), police brutality, black lives matter, street art, graffiti style, organizers, protestors, Black Lives Matter (BLM) hate, ; makers include Doug Woodhouse, Adam Abada, Danica Novgorodoff, Black Lives Matter, Alicia Nauta, Eric Junker, Salsedo Press, Black Youth Project 100; referenced individuals include Barack Obama, Eric Junker, Michael Brown, Jasmine Richards, David Mcatee, Amaddov Diallo, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, Alton Sterling, George Floyd, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Tammie Vinson, Tamir Rice, Freddie Gray, Eric Garner, Sandra Bland, Tyre King, Daunte Wright, John Crawford III, Amber Monroe, Phillip White, Rumain Brisbon, Tanisha Anderson, ; references or specifically about New York Police Department (NYPD), Los Angeles Polcie Department (LAPD), Communities United for Police Reform, RESIST HATE, changethenypd.org, Community Safety Act, #freedomcities, raised fists, building skyline, strike for black lives matter, freedomcities.org, no justice no peace, black flags, blacklivesmatter.com, Senate Bill 1421 (SB 1421), flashlight, police badge, burning police cars, George Floyd protests, George Floyd uprising, "no justice no peace", "say her name/say his name", upside down American flag, the White House, community forum on police accountability, ; places made include New York (USA), Los Feliz (California, USA), California (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Richmond (Virginia, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-10, Folder 17

Police Brutality: Police Shootings / Killings 1976; 1980; 1991; 1997; 2008-2020

Physical Description: 41

Scope and Content Note

related topics include police brutality, shootings, murder, choking, police corruption, sheriff, youth activism, violent repression, Los Angeles, warning label, justice, latino people, black people, stick figure, victims, change of venue, trial, beatings, Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), broken glasses, blood, veterans, soldiers, gun, firearm, unidentified person, advocacy, black and white, halo, staff, rest in peace (RIP), Algiers (Louisiana, USA), anguish, femicide, revenge, oppression, hatred, fear, black liberation, rest in power, red sun, green, pandemic, mask, COVID-19, revolutionaries, raised fist, black fist, gravestone, unity, struggle, multinationalism, active anti-racism, children, babies, death, Puerto Rico, political prisoners, freedom of speech, graffiti, aerpsol can; makers include Sarah Farahat, David Monkawa, Brooke Anderson, City Streets Poster Collective of Philadelphia, Louis Hennings, inkworks, Brooke Anderson, Chris Noble, Dread Scott, Artists' Network of Refuse & Resist, Keith Haring, Amber Newsome, the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, Amy Sherald, Prints John, Mica Smith-Dane, Wealth and Disparities in the Black Community-Justice 4 Mario Woods, ANSWER LA, Coalición 22 de Octubre para Parar la Brutalidad Policial, el Gremio Nacional de Abogados, la Fundación Anthony Báez, Los Angeles Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant; referenced individuals include Shuaib Abdul Latif (Shuaib A. Latif), Micheal Stewart, Elenor Bumpers, Rodney King, Oscar Grant III (Oscar Grant), Johannes Mehserle, Jubilee Shine, Arturo Jimenez, Mayor Frank Rizzo, James Montgomery Flagg, Raymond Ferdinand, Reginald Myles, Sherry Singleton, James Billy (James Billy Jr.), George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Man, Bettie Jones, Philando Castile, Mtayari Shabaka Sundiata, Emory Douglas, Conrad Lynn, Baraka family, Emmitt Till, Ta-Nahisi Coates, Johnathan Cuevas, Alan Blueford, Miguel Masso, Alex Nieto, Luis Góngora Pat, Trayvon Martin, Eric Garner, Barlow Benavidez, Michael Cogley, Nydia Cuevas Rivera, McKinley Pace, Daniel del Solar, Johannes Mehserle; references or specifically about Quran (Koran; Qur'an), Allah, biblical curse, Masjid Muhsi Khalifah, drivers license photo, Fruitvale Station, Bay Area Rapid Transit Police (BART), indybay.org/oscargrant, Los Angeles Coalition for Justice for Oscar Grant, anarchist symbol, anarchy, police in riot gear, LA Superior Court, The Campaign Against Police Abuse, American Friends Service Committee, America Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), Uncle Sam, The Oscar Grant Memorial Arts Project, urbanhabitat.org/rpe/Oscar, Race, Poverty and the Environment, Media Alliance, Algiers Justice Fund, plunger, fingerprints, New Afrikan Freedom Fighter (NAFF), Republic of New Afrika, Black Liberation Army, Baraka Defense Committee, Criminal Courthouse Manhattan New York, Hobbes' Leviathan, Glenn Ligon, lynching, slave patrol, Ferguson (Missouri, USA), tennis ball, Tulsa Police Department (TPD), progressillinoiscreators.com, black lives matter, "prosecute killer cops", spear, sanctuary cities, gun crosshairs (reticles), Florida (California, USA), "Puerto Rico Libre", "disarm the police", freedom fighters, police coverup; places made include Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Oakland, (California (USA), New Orleans (Louisiana, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-10, Folder 18

Death Penalty / Capital Punishment: World Coalition Against The Death Penalty 2000-2014

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include death penalty, women sentenced to death, abolition, poverty, justice system, dignity; makers include World Coalition Against the Death Penalty; references or specifically about World Day Against the Death Penalty
Drawer A-11, Folder 1

Ecology: Air Pollution 1969-1971; 1988-1995; 2000; 2018

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include airplanes, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), automobile companies, oil companies, U.S. culture critique, climate change, clean air, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Dioxins, consumerism, acid rain, sulfur emissions, global warming, carbon dioxide, smog checks, medical waste, films, women, smog, cars, automobiles, industrial pollution, clean air; referenced individuals include Lois Marie Gibbs; makers include U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Anubis, Rainforest Action Network, Douglas Kahn, Square Studio, Nils Peterson, the Coalition for Clean Air, Robert Leydenfrost, Don Brewster, Inkworks Press, South Coast Air Quality Management Group (AQMD), The Clean Air People, Red Sun Press, J. William Eral, Celestial Arts, Orbit, Coalition for Clean Air, Communities for a Better Environment, Nia Imara; references or specifically about Statue of Liberty, chemtrails, gas masks, American Lung Association, Honeywell Inc., Clean Air Week; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), New York (USA)
Drawer A-11, Folder 2

Ecology: Deforestation 1980-2003; 2017

Physical Description: 24


includes cardstock, newsprint and bumper sticker

Scope and Content Note

related topics include old growth forests, free speech, marches and demonstrations, pollution, climate change, food, carbon-dioxide, wood chipping, forest fires, tree plantations, axes, flowers, photography, industrial forestry, recycling, leukemia, rosy periwinkle, hiking trails, national forests, clear-cut logging, capitalism, corporatism, conferences, soil, water, conservation, Nlaka'pamux Nation, Lilooet Nation, First Nations peoples, ponderosa pines, sugar pines, deciduous California black oaks, Indigenous peoples, U.S. taxes, national forests, paper, Georgia-Pacific Corporation, Alcatraz, women, reforestation, community greenhouses, religion, Statue of Liberty, deforestation, destruction, non-violence, ecology, artificial; makers include Rainforest Action Network (RAN), American Forest Institute, Inkworks Press, New York Times, Ena de Silva Fabrics Ltd., New York Zoological Society, Friends of the Earth, Green Team Advertising, Neal Brown, California Public Research Interest Group (CALPRIG), Public Interest GRFX, Renate Woodbury, Morguard Trust Company, LightHawk, Trojan Litho, Edie Stack, Mary Macenka, Mark Heckman, Herman Miller Inc., Printech, Save the Redwoods League, Grace Zabriskie (Grace MacEachron); references or specifically about Boise Cascade, Sierra Club, March for Conservation 1980, Pacific Bell, The Yellow Pages, The Endangered Species Act, The Trust for Public Land, California Chapter Soil Conservation Society of America, Lynn Woods (Massachusetts, USA), Stein River Watershed, All Species Day, Ecological Principles Poster Series, Mattole River Watershed, mountaintop removal, "Save Old Glory"; referenced individuals include Paul Keating, Jackie Buckley, William Shakespeare, Melissa Zink, Henry David Thoreau, Alvin Duskin, George Lakey; places made include New York City (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Stockton (California, USA), Banning (California, USA), Santa Fe (New Mexico), Washington, D.C. (USA), France, Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, French
Drawer A-11, Folder 3

Ecology: Population 1970-1986; 1990s

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include public lands, progress, survival, extinction, the Greenbelts (Bay Area, California, USA), traffic, automobiles, transportation, air pollution, waste disposal, recycling, water conservation, deforestation, overpopulation, hazardous waste, family planning, two-child family, population growth, baby boom, suburbanization, propagation, religion, public lands, population control, eco-fascism, "negative" population growth, fisheries, forests, wildlife, sustainability, economics; makers include David Brower, Friends of the Earth, People for Open Space & the Greenbelt Congress, Zero Population Growth (ZPG), Wolfe, Los Angeles Times, Earth Inc., Yippy Inc., Lyn Smith, Kimbolton Graphics, Walter and Elise Haas Fund, Chris Ulrich, Renate Woodbury, People for Open Space, Negative Population Growth Inc.; references or specifically about land erosion, washing machines, Maytag, Bay Area (California, USA), recreation, watersheds, flood control, agriculture, habitats, endangered animals, endangered plants, Point Reyes National Seashore, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, "Stop at One,"; referenced individuals include Paul R. Ehrlich, William Clinton (Bill Clinton), Public Media Center, Global Restoration Fair; places made include Los Altos (California, USA), Palo Alto (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-11, Folder 4

Ecology: Water Pollution 1986-1990; 2000-2014

Physical Description: 16


includes laminated items; includes "Chlorine Free Future Competition" series

Scope and Content Note

related topics include recycling, oil, biosphere, environmentalism, air, plastic, styrofoam, fish, wildlife protection, animal rights, chlorine-free products (Totally Chlorine Free, TCF), chemical waste, paper companies, natural resources, marine protection/restoration, militarism, acid rain, benefit concerts, rivers, pesticide, industrial residue, water quality, water conservation, aquifer, littering, sanitation, mercury cycles, aquatic food chains, coasts, beaches, children, national economy (USSR), use of natural resources, economics, addiction, water, mythology, human delta, children, public health, pollution, future, elections; makers include El Taller Media, Washington State Department of Ecology, Ken Hanson, Cheri Ren Gillian, Nancy Munro, Rachel Mayeri, Saltwater Production, StoraEnso, Inkworks Press, Melinda Ward, Jared Tekiele, Moore, City of Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Citizens For Safe Drinking Water, Peter Carr, Penny Edwards, California State Water Resources Control Board, Campaign to Check the Population Explosion, California Environmental Protection Agency, Sharon Perrin-Norton, International Day of Action Against Dams and for Rivers, Water and Life, Clean Water Program, Bonds for Recreational Land (June 1974); references or specifically about sewer systems, storm drains, Starbucks logo (Siren), mermaids, Norse mythology, Greek goddesses, Sacramento River, San Joaquin River, San Francisco Bay (California, USA), caffeine, antibiotics, pharmaceuticals, hormones, heart medications, Nantucket Field Station (Massachusetts, USA), endocrine disruptors, New Mexico Citizens' Water Quality Conference, water wells, irrigation, water supply, Health Canada, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bottled water, filtered water, carcinogens, arsenic; referenced individuals include J. Griffith, W. Riggin, Dr. Sarah Oktay, Lisa Link; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-11, Folder 5

Ecology: Earth 1970-2004

Physical Description: 39

Scope and Content Note

related topics include fast food, rainforest, water, ecological footprint, plant-based diets, food, Green Parties, extinction, The Universe (astronomy), endangered species, sustainable energy, exhibitions, environmental activists, voting, oceans, Los Angeles public spaces, parks and recreation, community gardens, marches and demonstrations, pollution, power plants, solar power, Earth Day, Statue of Liberty, elections, Earth Week, survival, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Pasadena (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Washington D.C. (USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota), Redmond (Oregon, USA), London (UK), San Francisco (California, USA), Jakarta (Indonesia), South Gate (California, USA), British Columbia (Canada), Detroit (Michigan, USA); makers include Second Nature Graphics, Halo Productions, Mahar Adjmi, EarthSave, Steven Lyons, Lippman, Grupo Arco Iris del PE, Alianza Verde y Alternativa Europea, Environmental Action, Jerri Rotondi, Bob Matheo, Harrell Graham, Northern Sun Merchandise, Bob Kastner, Optima Graphics, James Workman, Acorn Press, International Arts & Artists, Kennan Ward, Holi, Earth Wire, Community Printers, Grade A Imaging, Nationwide Papers, Simon Design, Lize Mogel, Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA), Inkworks Press, Laurel Murphy, Susan Point, Lillian Mellen Genser, PG&E, Susan Reifman, Ariyana, The Environmental Action Coalition; references or specifically about The Arroyo Seco Earth Festival, The Goldman Environmental Foundation Prize, Nueva Azalea power plant, The Environmental Action Coalition; produced by or supporting The Armory Center for the Arts, Sister Liberty, San Francisco Film Festival, Santa Cruz County Arts Commision [sic Commission], Green America, Earth Voice Festival; referenced individuals include Margaret Mead, Frans Lanting, Helen Caldicott
Drawer A-11, Folder 6

Ecology: Waste Management 1970-1998, 2014

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include natural resources, consumption, food waste, sanitation, pollution, disposal sites, sanitary napkins, plastics, wildlife, sea life, marine debris, trash, litter, beaches, coasts, dumps, Beverage Container Reuse and Recycling Act (1982), children's art, sanitary landfills, incinerators, delta, water pollution, workers; makers include Rachel Mayeri, Mote Marine Laboratory, David Lance Goines, Fred Meyer, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Transition Graphics, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Anne Subercaseaux, Gary Buckley, The Women's Environmental Network, The Pangolin Corporation, City of Santa Monica Recreation & Parks Department, Red Sun Press, Egleston Square Main Street Inc., OCAW (Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers Solid Waste Educational Program), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; references or specifically about composting, pyrolysis, urine, fertilizer, human delta, kidneys, aorta, anatomy, corn, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium; referenced individuals include Jamilyah Richardson; places made include Eugene (Oregon, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), New York (New York, USA); produced by or supporting National Pollution Prevention Week, Zero Waste Systems, Scrapstore; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 7

Ecology: Corporations 1987-1996; 2000-2015

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Exxon Valdez, Native Americans, oil spills, Submarine Tailings Disposal (STD), Hudson River, art exhibitions, British Petroleum (BP), offshore drilling, water pollution, petitions, Monsanto, agriculture, highway safety, boycotts, global commons, water privatization, air privatization, seeds, land privatization, forests, intellectual property, biological patents, genetic engineering, oil, petroleum industry, advertisements, Exxon Mobil, rainforests, flooding, droughts, deforestation, extinction, decertification, Inuit people, Goodyear, public health, vinyl chloride, cancer, health, Citigroup, banks, Shell Oil, Ogoni Nine, Nigeria, media, violence, death, destruction, corporatism, consumerism, transportation, international conference, media, Landless Movement of Brazil, sustainability, consumerism, American Flag, globalization, bureaucracy, taxes, privatization, JPMorgan Chase, coal, capitalism, death, execution, ; referenced individuals include George Pataki, Robert Birgeneau, Ken Saro-Wiwa, Philip J. Carroll, Sebastião Salgado, George W. Bush, Richard Cheney, Ronald Reagan, William Jefferson Clinton, Bill Harrison, ; makers include Inkworks Press, Steven Lyons, Courtney Jarisch, Coalition Against Bigger Trucks, WOA, New Internationalist (NI), Clay, Steven Lyons, Local 8-277 of the Oil, Chemical and Atomic Workers International Union, AFL-CIO, Dorothy Mauro, Rainforest Action Network, Social Impact Studios, Rainforest Action Network, carfreeportland.org, towards carfree cities, portland artists+bikers: freese+gorman, Bike East Bay, seen.org,, Hugh D'Andrade, Critical Mass, Violet Ray; references or specifically about U.S. Department of the Interior, Hummer, University of California at Berkeley (UCB), Investments of Mass Destruction (IMDs), The Global Finance Campaign, UC Berkeley-BP contract, television, Mitsubishi, rainforest, Nikon cameras, cars, slogan, "The Word is Getting Around," conscientious consumerism, corporate abuse, car free cities VIII, rethinking mobility, rediscovering proximity, depaving, carfree movie night, square dance, world carfree network, carfree streets, Bay Area bike to work day, Energizer Station, South America, indigenous peoples, contamination natural resources, Ford Motor Company, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), oil binge, Model-T, Middle East conflicts, zero emissions, Golden Toads, Jumpstart Ford, grassroots movemment, pharmaceuticals, tobacco, retail, finance, agribusiness, food, water, resource extraction, high-tech/media and telecommunications, Enron, deregulation, Columbia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, Mozambique, Bolivia, India, Chess, China, public space reclamation, transportation, street live, bicycles, McDonalds, Hollywood, Maine, non-recyclable, the Liberty Bell, the Capitol building, the Washington Monument, the Statue of Liberty, styrofoam, America the Beautiful; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Tucson (Arizona, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Berkeley, (California, USA); languages include English, Indonesian, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 8

Ecology: Pollution 1971-1975; 1983-1998; 2006-2017

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include films, documentaries, radio, mass media, pollution, crude oil, San Francisco Bay Area (California, USA), oil companies, corporations, electronic waste (e-waste), hopelessness, smoking, cigarettes, factories, timelines, paper processing, religion, racism, public health, biohazards, San Francisco Peaks (California, USA), land reform, health, chlorine, air pollution, death, elections, labor, public health, pollution, voting,; makers include Ennis Carter, Campus Green Vote, Design for Social Impact, Earth Island Institute, Jesse Purcell, Other Americas Radio, Knack, Big, Arnum Endean, Richard Ney, Paul Cutting, Don Kennedy, CalPIRG, Allison Turner, Rolf Groven, Inkworks Press, StoraEnso, Southwest Organizing Project, Eco-Justice Task Force, Marquez, National Council of Churches, Calvin Johnson, Bob Fitch, Anne Subercaseaux, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, California Wellness Foundation, Joachin A. Newman, Office of Environmental Health Hazards Assessment (OEHHA), California Environmental Protection Agency, Tom Ballenger, Eclaw Institute, Cesar Castellanos, Mark Norwood, Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Harper,; references or specifically about Esso, British Petroleum (BP), Texaco, Mobil, Shell Oil, Student Campaign for Clean Electronics, University of California (UC), environmental justice, toxins in minority communities, Kodak, National Pollution Prevention Week, unemployment, Cherokee nation, greenhouse gasses, clean air water laws, Mercury poisoning, smoke stacks, land, rocks, water, air, fish, food, chemical dumping, contamination, radioactivity, monsters, Sequoyah Fuels, zero pollution, toxic dumps, cultural desecration, rape of environment, Harper and Putin Destroy the World, sperm, breast cancer, hazardous waste sites, groundwater contamination, National Academy of Sciences, National Institutes of Health, National Cancer Institute; referenced individuals include Vladimir Putin, Tammy Cromer-Campbel; places made include California (USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Tahlequah (Oklahoma, USA), Pasadena (California, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 9

Ecology: Earth Day - Pre-2000 1980-2000

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

Drawer A-11, Folder 10

Ecology: Earth 1972-1982; 1989-2001; 2017

Physical Description: 42

Scope and Content Note

related topics include gender equality, extinction, pollution, hunger, anti-war, recycling, political prisoners, anti-nuclear, Native Americans, exploitation of natural resources, peace, biosphere, ecosystems, food chains, lifecycles, mineral cycles, CPR (conservation, preservation, restoration), cultural events, arts and culture, Earth fairs, balance of nature, public health, pesticides, oceans, consumerism, education, campaigns, Earth Week, conservation, anti-nuclear, ecosystems, Mother Nature; makers include Charlotte Toll Mountain, Alan A. Tratner, Design Vectors Inc., East Los Streetscapers, Earth Island Institute, Spaceshots Inc., Warner Bros Inc., OSP Publishing, David Lance Goines, Celestial Arts, Ernest Callenbach, Environmental Education Group, Inkworks Press, Public Media Center, Marcella Sandoval, Vicente Martinez, Merced de Tierra Amarilla, No Secrets Press, Maigen Elske, Jerry Salant, Jean-Michel Folon, Friends of the Earth, Global Tomorrow Coalition, Dragon Fly Dreams, Environmental Action, Jerry Rotondi, Bob Matheo, EarthWorks Group, Nancy Austin, Friends of the Earth, Golden West College, United States Air Force, DMSP Archives, National Snow and Ice Data Center, NOAA, University of Colorado, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Peter Dudar and Sally Marr (Dudar Marr), East Los Streetscapers, Lisa Lubow, Converging Storms Action Network, 350NYC; referenced individuals include Auguste Rodin, Patrick Geddes, Leonard Peltier, Buckminster Fuller, David Brower, Frederico Vigil, John Lennon, Dara Herman Zierlein, W.T. Sullivan, III, Kerry Meyer; referenced individuals include Auguste Rodin, Patrick Geddes, Leonard Peltier, Buckminster Fuller, David Brower, Frederico Vigil, John Lennon, Dara Herman Zierlein; references or specifically about Mother Earth, extinction, food, population growth, waste management, Earth Island Institute, "50 Simple Things You Can Do to Save the Earth", renewable energy, organic food, plastic containers, aluminum cans, wax cartons, Meatless Mondays, light pollution, night photography of the Earth, American flag, rainbows, earth, "S.O.S."; places made include Huntington Beach (California, USA), Salt Lake City (Utah, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 11

Ecology: Earth Day - 2000-2018 2000-2018

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include cultural events, community events, environmental justice, health justice, public transportation, unity, Internet communities, anarchism, capitalism, wildlife, climate change, alternative energy,; makers include Literacy for Environmental Justice (LEJ), BVHP Health and Environmental Resouce Center (HERC), Greenaction for Health and Environmental Justice, Sanford, Inkworks Press, Mountain Lion Foundation, Dan Potter, Glendale Community College; references or specifically about BART, PG&E, fruits, vegetables, palm trees, turtles, vegetarian food, beach cleanups, seals, marshes, tigers, polar bears, mountains, Christopher Robin, Pooh Bear, mountain lions, ; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-11, Folder 12

Ecology: Water - Rivers 1972; 1993; 2003; 2016

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include wildlife, Niagara Falls, water pollution, dams, international campaigns, watersheds, clean water, Stanislaus River, Hood River, river conservation, education, salmon, colonization, technologies, revitalization, celebration, ; makers include International Rivers Network, Frédéric Pillot, Sandoz Rhein Fonds, Friends of the River, American Rivers, Carter E. Gowl, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company, Friends of the River, International Rivers Network, ; references or specifically about Lamar River, Auburn Dam, jazz funeral, celebration of rivers, Green Duwamish River system, canalization; referenced individuals include János Eifert, Tom Jay; places made include Auburn (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), France; languages include English, French, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 14

Ecology: Water - Various Topics 1970-1975; 1987-1989; 2000; 2015

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pesticides, women, watersheds, conferences, airplanes, Glen Canyon (Utah/Arizona, USA), voting, elections, tap water, bottled water, film, human rights, globalization, privatization, clean water, water conservation, droughts, town halls, water accessibility, water supply; makers include Alvin Duskin, Los Angeles Times, Maria Hollenbach, TABS, Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes, Rÿru, Water Landers, People for the Integrity of the Colorado River, Glen Canyon Action Network, Corporate Accountability International, International Rivers Network, Lina Hoshino, Tactile Pictures, Brian Nazario, Ben Akutagawa; references or specifically about Silent Spring (1962), "think outside the bottle", The World Bank, rivers, "Thirst", global marketplace, "save every drop", water rates, class action lawsuits, East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUP), Captain Hydro, Alcatraz, smog, traffic, water diversion, fresh water, California Water Plan, San Francisco Bay (California, USA), Kesterton Reservoir, Water Bonds Act, air pollution, Los Angeles (California, USA), Peripheral Canal plan, industrial growth, urbanization,; referenced individuals include Rachel Carson, Alan Snitow, Deborah Kaufman, Ronald Reagan, Jesse Unruh, Jerome Waldie, Pat Brown, ; places made include Vermont (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-11, Folder 15

Ecology: Environmentalism / Green Movement 1969-1970; 1987-2010

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

related topics include clean water, biodiversity, poetry, green offices, workplace, energy consumption, recycling, justice, repair, reuse, recycle, sustaimnability, tree-planting, zero waste, littering, plastic bags, motor oil, consumer activism, anti-war, militarism, consumerism, organic, environmental shoppers, ethical consumerism, student movements, cultural events, waste management, Sierra Nevada Conservancy Act of 2004, children, documentaries, youth, education, sustainability, alternative energy, environmental housing, agriculture, organic farming, urban planning, industralism, conferences,; makers include Marsha Brown, UCLA Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning, ThisisBrandX.com, Earth First, Living Earth, Kyocera, Ecosys, John Luckett, Greg Hally, Juliet Lowenthal, Thomas Nelson, H.M. Graphics, Green Seal, Mel Pekarsky, Malcolm Varon, CALPIRG, S. Becker, Boston Food Coop, David Gotze, Revolutionary Communist Party (RCP), Inkworks Press, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), RAIN Magazine, Green Corps, The Women's Environmental Network, TABS, Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes Inc., ; references or specifically about Exxon Valdez oil spill, organice, native species, compact fluorescent bulbs (CF bulbs), Ecuador, Brazilian Amazon rainforest, San Francisco Eco-Fest, permaculture, Butte College, green homes, "go green", aquifers, bees, fungi, American flag, Yin Yang symbol, piercings, windmills, solar panels, American Gothic (painting), Silent Spring (book); referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, Donna Read, Gary Snyder, Rachel Carson; places made include California (USA), Oregon (USA), United Kingdom, Los Angeles (California, USA), Brooklyn (New York, USA)
Drawer A-11, Folder 18

Ecology: Energy 1977-1985; 1992; 1996; 2001-2007; 2014-2019

Physical Description: 26


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include festivals, alternative energy, environmental justice, student movements, climate change, solar energy, wind turbines, wind power, energy conservation, compact fluorescent bulbs (CF bulbs), energy efficiency, energy-saving environments, energy technologies, renewable energy, oil, petroleum, fossil fuels, consumerism, solar power, cultural events, unplug, geothermal energy, energy upgrades, global warming, fracking, green jobs, coal power, nuclear power, sustainable communities, climate justice, energy justice, direct action, wildfires, energy democracy, capitalism, for-profit business; makers include William Moran, Tides Center Project, Nick Despot, Sunflower Alliance, CREDO, Energy Action, American Public Health Association, Inkworks Press, Zond-Pan Aero, Center for Resource Solutions, California Energy Commission, New Alchemy Institute Inc., Tom Mignon, Solsearch, Khalil Bendib, Global Citizen Center, Lisa Lubow, Converging Storms, G. Hunter, U.S. Department of Energy, Alan Mazzetti, Western Sun, Pacific Gas and Electric Co. (PG&E), Mario Wagner, Maxwell McMaster, Jeremy Fist, Alexandra Fischer, Albert Neiman, Activist Art, Rising Tide, Energy Justice Summer, SEER'92; references or specifically about Solar Energy Expo & Rally (SEER), Campus Climate Challenge, Lights Out San Francisco, Climate Action Now, Lights Out, Tides Center, Keystone Pipeline, American Energy Awareness Week, sacred life cycles, interdependency of all peoples, clean energy, Energy Upgrade California, lights off, California Poppies, The Green New Deal, Porter Ranch gas leak, Vernon (California, USA), San Bruno (California, USA); referenced individuals include Medea Benjamin, Aya de Leon, Raul Benet; places made include Willits (California, USA), Hawaii (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley, (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), North Carolina (USA); languages include English, Spanish, French
Drawer A-11, Folder 19

Ecology: Oil 1985; 2004-2021

Physical Description: 33


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include hydraulic fracturing (fracking), Essos!, SOS, alternative energy, offshore drilling, petitions, zero emission cars, animals, oil slicks, petroleum, public health, oil spills, water supplies, automobile industries, oil shortages, truth, environmental impact, ocean pollution, whales, public health, families, children, waste, sellouts, future generations, food service, wells, economics, gas, marches and demonstrations, poison, birds, kayaktivists, corporatism, skull, blockade, corporatism, oil addiction, death, statistics, fuel efficiency, banning, justice; makers include Angelica Romero, Charlotte Hildebrand, Art Rat, Gloria Leisure, Thomas DeWalt, Citizens for Responsible Oil Policy, Food and Water Watch, CALPIRG, SEA, Inkworks Press, Rainforest Action Network, Jumpstart Ford, Global Exchange, Duan Kellum, Noemi Villagrana, Wacky Package Posters, Esperanza Community Housing Corporation, Greenpeace, Rick Rappaport, Californians Against Fracking, Last Chance Alliance, food&waterwatch.org; references or specifically about the Statue of Liberty, oil permits, global warming, militarization, Chevron, Texaco, U'Wa people of Colombia, oil addiction, Don Quixote, noise, safety, biology, oil ships, the Arctic, land use, recreation, aesthetics, air quality, risk of upset, water quality, E&B Oil, Christmas, cancer, asthma, gas masks, skull and cross bones, death, Shell Oil, "thou shall not pass", coal, gas, Blockadia (people powered resistance) at the Bridge, St. John's Bridge, Royal Dutch Shell, MSV Fennica, Willamette River (Oregon, USA), Puget Sound (Washington, USA), activists who rappel, Ford Motor Company, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), conflict regions, Middle East, Model-T, Jumpstartford.com, caskets, oil trains, U.S. flag, text 69866, California Crossroads tour, environmental justice, Greenpoint oil spill, British Petroleum (BP), Deepwater Horizon oil spill (2010), BP oil spill, petroleum politicians, Goldman Environmental prize, U'wa people, big oil, Occidental Petroleum Company, stock market holdings, Columbia, South America, U'wa land; referenced individuals include Barack Obama, George Deukmejian, Gerald Ford, Pablo Picasso, Anita Harris, Joh McPhee, Robert Smithson, Miguel de Cervantes, Dracula, Bela Lugosi, Governor Jerry Brown (California), Al Gore, Berito Kuwaru'wa; places made include California (USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Santa Barbara (California, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-11, Folder 20

Ecology: Mining 1979; 1997-2010

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include mountaintop-removal coal mining, economics, coal industry, public health, Submarine Tailings Disposal (STD), ocean pollution, fishing industry, cultural destruction, mine waste, waste disposal, gold mining, water pollution, indigenous rights, ecosystem impacts, India, women's dowries, health, mercury poisoning, cyanide, uranium mining, Mount Taylor (New Mexico), sustainability; makers include Plundering Appalachia, Inkworks Press, Project Underground, Earth Aware Editions, American Indian Environmental Council, The Sierra Fund, David McKay; references or specifically about global warming, Buyat Bay (Indonesia), genocide, gold country, Sierra Nevadas (California, USA); places made include USA
Drawer A-11, Folder 21

Ecology: Propositions and Campaigns 1980-2015

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, pollution, offshore oil drilling, water quality, clean air, environmentalism, green movements,; makers include Kelsey Fair, Consumers Union, California Coastal Alliance, Sierra Club, Teri Lamoureux, Citizens' Committee to Save Elysian Park, Communities United Against Prop 23, Ed Steinbach, People's Lobby Press, Friends of the Pier; references or specifically about Georgia Department of Natural Resources (DNR), dirty energy, Dracula, skulls, Big Oil, Christmas, presents, California Proposition 1, Parklands And Renewable Resources Investment Program (1980), 1990 Georgia Elections, California Proposition 20, California Proposition 11: Creation of the California Coastal Commission (1972), Hermosa Beach Measure O (2015), California Measure F, clean water, corporations, drinking water, filtered water, contaminated water, water pollution; referenced individuals include J. Leonard Ledbetter, Jay Fowler; places made include Georgia (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Hermosa Beach (California, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 1

Ecology: Arts and Culture 1980; 1984; 1990-1997; 2002-2012

Physical Description: 49


Includes Cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include environmentalism, conservation, nature, religion, poetry, peace, equality, communities, harmony, agriculture marches and demonstrations, land rights, education, energy, music, museums, environmental restoration, Earth restoration, drought, thirst, water access, environmentalists, Native Americans, summer solstice, parades, festivals, fairs, lectures, landscaping, environmental planning, urban planning, landscape architecture, suburbs, benefits, concerts transcendentalism, Parks and Recreation departments, parks, local government, theater, holidays, freedom, beauty, film festivals, solar power, wind power, alternative energy, art installations, seeds, food, gardens, alternative transportation, bicycles, climate change, global warming, trash, games, health, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Islam, poetry, immigrants, racism, class, ; makers include Red Sun Press, Angela Mark, Living Earth, Literacy for Environmental Justice, Pomegranate Publications, Patty Burke, BFA Educational Media, Occidental College, Keno City Mining Museum, Fritz P. Mueller, Mayumi Oda, Collective Heritage Institute, Inkworks, Arts & Healing Network, Tufts University, Aidekman Arts Center, Oscar Mann, Stuart Weiner, Bowers Museum (California, USA), Freemont Public Association, Pamela Burton, Inkworks Press, Jerry Y. Takigawa, Gary Grimskaw, The Jellyroll Press, Guacamole Fund, Bay Area Environmental Education Resource Fair (BAEER), Rachel ReesBill Graham, M. Wuerker, Grass Roots Press, Calfornia Park and Recreation Society, UCSC Performing Arts Center, Earth Dance, Oakland Museum of California, Patricia Watts, Greenhorns, Brooke Appler, www.earthalive.com, Community of Planetary Dancers, United States Social Forum, Emek, David Bacon, David Baal/Burning Hand Graphics, Political Ecology Group (PEG); referenced individuals include John Muir, Robinson Jeffers, George Catlin, Dolores Hayden, John L. Wong, Tito Patri, Patsy Eubanks Owens, Kim Wilkie, Gary Snyder, Michael McClure, Lew Wlch, Richard Braucigan, David Meltzer, John Mondeschein, Howard McGord, Bonnie Raitt, John Raitt, David Raitt, Henry David Thoreau, Amy Goodman, Holly Near, Judith Selby Lang, Valerie Soe, ; references or specifically about the sun, villages, hills, Wild Wild Wetland Jam, Community Talent Show and Sustainability Fair, Literacy for Environmental Justice, SF Power Co-Op, Girls 2000, Greenaction, India Basin Neighborhood Association, San Francisco Environment, Garden of Eden, rural America, sowing crops, markets, Tiger Swallowtail butterflies, Keno City Mining Museum, ""bioneers"", portraits, Egyptian pharoahs, hamburgers, doves, the Redwood Forest, Pacific Northwest, ducks, camping, California Park and Recreation Society, American flags, UFOs, winter solstice, Golden Gate Park, Planet Drum Foundation, Northwest Herbal Faire, SolFest, Captain Planet, One Earth Film Festival, Oregon Country Fair, Island Earthfair, Star of David, Om, Buddha, Muslim star and crescent, frogs, Potrero Nuevo Fund Prize, New Langton Arts, Political ecology Group, volunteers, environmental justice, environmental hazards, The Ecologist, gunboat diplomacy, Amazon Rainforest, logging, timber industry, USSR; places made include Korea, Santa Monica (California, USA), Canada, Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Medford (Massachusetts, USA), Santa Ana (California, USA), Fremont (Washington, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Raleigh (North Carolina, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Hopland (California, USA), Nevada City (California, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA) Illinois (USA), Oregon (USA); languages include English, Spanish,
Drawer A-12, Folder 2

Ecology: Cardstock 1972-late 1970's; 2013-2014

Physical Description: 25


sport utility vehicles (SUVs), peace, solar power, hybrid cars,

Scope and Content Note

related topics include climate change, marches and demonstrations, global warming, clean energy, solar power, alternative energy, Keystone Pipeline XL, water pollution, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), tar sands, carbon emissions, oil, petroleum, cars, carbon tax, anti-war, disarmament, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), corporations, capitalism, elections, propositions, campaigns, oil, voting; makers include California Nurses Association, National Nurses United, Robinhood Tax USA, Food and Water Action, United States Coast Guard, Progressive Democrats of America, Working Assets, Red Sun Press, Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL), Sierra Club, American Ocean Foundation, CREDO Victory Find against Prop 23 and Texas Oil Companies, Inkworks Press; referenced individuals include David Cameron, Barack Obama, Ted Danson; references or specifically about Obama election campaign, Ballantine Books, UC Student Workers, wind energy, Statue of Liberty, Wall Street, toxic, fossil fuels, renewable energy, water wars, water spigots, off-shore oil drilling, ""Cheers"" (tv show), Texas oil, California Proposition 23 (2010), the Robin Hood Tax, sport utility vehicles (SUVs), peace, solar power, hybrid cars; places made include USA
Drawer A-12, Folder 3

Ecology: Climate Change 1988-2020

Physical Description: 27


includes cardstock posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include hydraulic fracturing (fracking), labor, climate treaties, air pollution, calendars, glaciers melting, corporatism, global warming, religion, carbon emissions, health, Canada, greenhouse effect, deforestation, ozone layer, public health, taxes, Wall Street, global warming, climate action, solutions, abolition, pipelines, prisons, police, Indigenous peoples, climate justice, social justice, jobs, national solidarity, map globe, jobs, tsunamis, public health, global warming, futurism, sustainability; makers include Marc Monarch, Peggy White, Lisa Lubow, Converging Storms Action Network, 350.org, Annika Honig, Inkworks Press, Capitol Climate Action, Geoffry D. White, Coordinadora de los Organizaciones Indigenas de la Cuenca Amazonica (COICA), The Great Wave off Kanagawa, Alianza Mesoamericana de Pueblos y Bosques (Mesoamerican Alliance of People and Forests), Aliansi Masyarakat Adas Nusantara, Articularcao dos Povos Indigenas do Brasil (APIB), Guardians of the Forst, climatewoke, The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Sierra Club, National Nurses United, Act on Climate, Citizen's Climate Lobby, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Josh Yoder; referenced individuals include Matt Gonzalez, Katsushika Hokusai, Jean Chrétien, Larry Ephron, Sting, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara); references or specifically about Chasing Ice, the water cycle, Rio Earth Summit, Bloomberg BusinessWeek, climate justice, global ocean warming, frogs, indigenous artists, climate jobs, wind energy, "climate war", underwater, polar bears, monarch butterflies, Green New Deal, droughts, grain crop, greenhouse gases, tree planting, forest revitalization, remineralization of agricultural soil, renewable energy, "Stopping the Coming Ice Age" (film); places made include Kansas City (Missouri, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 4

Ecology: Climate Change / Rainforests / Recycling - Oversize 1970; 1980-2006; 2017

Physical Description: 28


LA people's climate march 2017

Scope and Content Note

related topics include waste management, landfills, clean water, natural resources, gardens, composting, technology, endangered forests, tropical rainforests, Mulu National Park, British Columbia forests, Canadian forests, logging industry, global warming, energy efficiency, air pollution, natural gas, insulation, government and politics, legislation, giveaway, rising sea level, activism, recycling, marketing, capitalism; makers include Diana Schatz, surfriders, Transition Graphics, Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, Rainforest Foundation, Sue Cunningham, Manhattan Design, Leo Byrns, Phil Frank, Graphic Workshop, Steve Brosnahan, Miles Friedberg Molinaroli, Smithsonian Institution, Canadian Rainforest Network, Sierra Club, Eyes on Earth, Tom Van Sant, Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), ational Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), Environmental Policy Institute, Friends of the Earth, Susan Davis, Robert Barkin, Imagewerks, inc., Tony Hawk Foundation, California Department of Conservation, Keep California Beautiful, LIthographix; referenced individuals include Jobim, Sting, Gilberto Gil, Caetano Veloso, Chief Raon, Tony Hawk, Grant Brittain; references or specifically about World Wildlife Fund (WWF), The Interparliamentary Conference on the Global Environment, El Niño, La Niña, An Inconvenient Truth, pollution, solution, skateparks, California, trashing, bulk buy bins, ; places made include Boston (Massachusetts, USA), San Diego (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Eugene (Oregon, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 5

Ecology: Conservation 1989-1998

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anniversary, Mono Lake (California, USA), Gwich'in people, Porcupine Caribou, corruption, wetlands, poverty, loss, environmentalism, anniversary, wildnerness protection, commitment, ecosystems, water contamination, forests, indigenous peoples, Native Americans; makers include Doug Thron, City of Seattle, Warren L. Klump Corporation, The Wilderness Society, The Rediscover America Program, Graphic Arts, Yva Momatiuk, John Eastcott, Salcedo Press, U.S. Coast Guard, Mono Lake Committee, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, Cris Benton, Laguna Canyon Foundation, Kay Ogden, Jacqueline Pruner, Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation, Inkworks Press, Nick Valentine, Pomegranate Publications, Sierra Club, Garry "GB" Trudeau, National Audubon Society, Mark Alan Wilson, Alliance for the Wild Rockies, The Pacific Northwest National Parks and Forests Association, ; referenced individuals include Tim Snyder, Gray Brechin, Monique Musick, Cris Benton, John Muir, Ronald Reagan, James Watts, Peter H. Dostmayer, Michael Frome, ; references or specifically about National Wilderness Preservation System, Pribilof Islands, marine mammals, Alaska, red legged Kittiwakes, St. George Island, St. Paul Island, oil spills, chemical spills, Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, South Bay Salt Pond Restoration Project, wetland restoration, seals, habitats, San Francisco Bay (California, USA), algae, microbes, NOAA, colors, aerial photography, Doonebury (comic), U.S. Department of the Interior, Italian Peaks Roadless Area, Wild Rockies Rendezvous, Zero Population Growth, Northern Rockies Ecosystem Protection Act, The Battle for Wilderness, ecosystems restoration, The Great Yellowston Fires of '88, Teller WIldlife Refuge, mountaineering equipment, Los Angeles area Sierra Club, Ballona Wetlands (California), recycling, wildlife sanctuaries, energy usage, carpool, tidepoools, composting, gardens, toxic chemicals, urban wildlife, streams, water conservation, litter, tree planting, graffiti removal, Headwaters Forest, redwood trees, Wilderness Act, wolves, mountain lions, elk, mountain goats, ducks, bears, hikers, horses, moose, fish, eagles, ; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), Petaluma (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Corvallis (Montana, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Stockton (California, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Arcata (California, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 6

Ecology: Earth / Environmental Conservation - Oversize 1967; 1972; 1989-1996; 2001; 2013

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include construction and development, modernization, anniversaries, oceans, forests, Earth Day, air pollution, wilderness, Native Americans, International Year of Volunteers, industrial projects, First Nations, coal power plants, climate change, deforestation, mining, water, energy, nuclear power, natural gas, ocean traffic, immigration, health, Iraq War, War in Afghanistan, oil refineries, oil pipelines; makers include beehivecollective.org, Canadian Indigenous Tar Sands Campaign, World Conservation Union, Chaz Maviyane-Davies, Rolf Varga, Howard Burditt, Photobank, John Clark, Donald Miller, Diane Schatz, Ken Whitten, Jerry Rotondi, Bob Matheo, Environmental Action, Porcupine Caribou Management Board (White Horse), Value Earth, Richard Thomas, Joice Hall, Eliot Porter, Focus on Animals, Marian Rosenthal Koch Fund, The Ocean Conservancy, Bremmer Goris Communications Inc., Mary Beth Cummingham, One Earth, Beckett Paper Company, Sierra Club, Greg Conyers, Ken Neitisel, Metropolitan Printing Company, S. Chivast, Louise Fili, Mauro A'sha Martins de Oliviera, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); referenced individuals include Chief Seattle of the Suquamish Tribe, Baba Dioum, George W. Bush; references or specifically about Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, 1992 Earth Summit, Alberta Wilderness Association, Natural Resources Defense Council, "save the environment", Mother Earth, Centurion pipeline, Keystone XL pipeline, TransCanada Keystone pipeline, Enbridge pipeline, ; places made include Fairbanks (Alaska, USA), Connecticut, Cincinatti (Ohio, USA), Washington D.C. (USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 7

Ecology: Greenpeace 1970-2015

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include French government, France, bombs, nuclear bombs, nuclear testing, ships, rainbows, war, peace, anti-war, nuclear apocalypse, oil drilling, coasts, coal, clean energy, genetic engineering, genetically modified food (GMOs), poisons, endangered animals, renewable energy, solar power, climate change, global warming, carbon dioxide; makers include Harp, Design Action Collective, David Geffen Company, P. Normandia, Rosanne Sullivan, Jim Hays, The Type Gallery, Atomic Press, Joseph Gagnon, Salcedo Press, P. Normandia, Greenpeace; references specifically about Rainbow Warrior, doves, DOW Chemical, Dioxin, poison, Auckland (New Zealand), poison, Nevada desert, mushroom cloud, skull, arms race, Statue of Liberty, Planet of the Apes, "SOS", Earth, Facebook, cellphones, flip phones, Sherpard Fairey, Tony the Tiger, Frankenstein, butterflies, Dioxin, chlorine, Dow Chemical, comets, shooting stars, Estuarine crocodile, India, Indonesia, Australia, canoes, whales, bridges, KYA AM 1260, 5th Annual Greenpeace Walkathon, Sea Shepherd (ship)
Drawer A-12, Folder 8

Ecology: Greenpeace - Oversize 1993

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include environmentalism, marine life, whales, deforestation, rainforest, logging industry, wind energy, nuclear energy, nuclear test sites, Clayoquot Sound (Canada); makers include Miroslav Jiranek, Ed Cooper, Peter Yung, James Siers, Roger Grace; references or specifically about Esperanza (Greenpeace ship), Rainbow Warrior (Greenpeace ship); places made include Prague (Czech Republic), Canada, Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include Dutch, Czech, English, Russian, Chinese, French
Drawer A-12, Folder 9

Ecology: Rainforests 1988-1993

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include indigenous peoples, endangered animals, eco-tourism, corporatism, Puna rainforest, geo-thermal development, civil disobedience, neo-tropical rainforests; makers include Pete Carmichael, Shai Zauderer, Basic Foundation, Serbin Printing, Rebecca Wilkinson, Rainforest Action Network, Public Media Center, Sally Davies, Celestial Arts, Earl Bateman III, Peter Schultz, Mary McQueen-Bateman, Jane Goodall Institute, Inkworks Press; referenced individuals include Ted Bundy, Jeffrey Daumer, Charles Manson; references or specifically about red-eye tree frog, Mitsubishi, Nikon, cars, Televisions, VCRs, FAX MACHINES, Nikon cameras, Kirin Beer, Bank of California, Mitsubishi Bank, Value Rent-a-car, Big Island Hawaii, bulldozers, drilling, extinction, economics, culture; places made include Saratoga (Florida, USA), Kentucky (USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Tucson (Arizona), San Francisco (California, USA), Hawaii (USA), San Francisco (California, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 10

Ecology: Recycling 1980-1998

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children, aluminum, composting, landfill, solid waste, pollution, calendars, paper, ecosystems, biodiversity, grocery stores, groceries, consumerism, toxic waste; makers include Waste Management Authority and Source Reduction and Recycling Board, Patrick Kenny, Fagin, MassRecycle, Eva Anderson Design, Melissa Ferreira, Department of Conservation, Pacific West Communications Group, Seman Design Group, Ed Rombout, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Red Sun Press; referenced individuals include Joanie Bartels, Julie Lewis; references or specifically about Second Chance Week, California Museum of Science and Industry, Great California Resource Rally, California Waste Management Board, Recycling Rex, Deja Shoe, recycled paper; places made include California (USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-12, Folder 11

Ecology: Various Topics 1978-2012

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include corporations, coal industry, activist performance groups, calendars, environmentalism, art walks, construction and development, deforestation, reuse, repair, California coastline, urban sprawl, germ warfare, California Commons, children's art, bryology, conferences, sustainable development, biopiracy, cultural property, intellectual property laws, environmentalist economics, campus sustainability, population growth, chlordane, design and energy efficiency, empowerment, education, stewardship, rally, energy fair, lobbying, energy policy, justice, green bins, gatherings, celebration, choice, boycott, workshops, solutions, marches and demonstrations, elections, race, voting, education, indigenous peoples, GMOs, prison industrial complex, pesticides, air quality, land use, transportation, economics, labor, jobs, forests, trees, women; makers include John Hendrix, Sierra Club, Sherri Cutrie, Nack, New York Times, Earthsave, Alliance for Paving Moratorium, New Age Posters, Maigen Elske, Inkworks Press, DuckDog Design, Planners for Social Responsibility, Otis College of Design Integrated Learning, Missouri Botanical Gardens, United Nations (UN), STIG, Mayfield Press Ltd., Abeille, M. Politzer, Gordon Ashby, Office of Appropriate Technology, Mark Stutzman, Sea Shepherd Conservation Society, ACORN, Global Exchange, Greenaction, Inkworks Press, All Saints Church, Janice Yudell, Central California Environmental Justice Network, 4th World Wilderness Congress, Envirocitizen, Center for Environmental Citizenship, Public Interest GRFX; referenced individuals include John Robbins, Roma Wittcoff, Bertha Burton, Franklin Greenwald, John Lenno, Beebo Turman, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva ; references or specifically about Reverend Billy and the Stop Shopping Choir, Self-Repair, Mister Jalopy's Maker's Bill of Rights and Platform 21st Repair Manifesto, Pentagon, Greenpeace International, Dupont, Monsanto, monocrops, nanopiracy, biodiversity, Peruvian Coalition against Biopiracy in the Andies, Mexican Institute of Industrial Property, AMMA Corporation, GURT technolgies, genetically modified organisms (GMOs), HapMap Project, Yang Mengjun, Pacific Corporation, University of California at Davis, California 2000 Project, clean energy, economics, public power, consumer groups, labor, religion, green bins, grass, leaves, tree trimmings, society, positive future, global sustainability, Democracy, Medusa, Tree of LIfe, alphabet, recovery, statistics, air quality, health, prisons, water quality, landfill, incinerators, Center for Public Integrity, power plants. political skills, offshore drilling, coral reefs, Redwoods, poisons, employment, biological warfare, germ warfare, biological weapons, camping, summer camps; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Missouri (USA), Maryland (USA) New York (New York, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Pasadena (California, USA), Fresno (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Colorado (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-12, Folder 12

Ecology: Climate Change - Newsprint 2019

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include public health, global warming, Earth Day, nonviolence, love, rebellion, peace sign, fist, extinction; makers include The Rebellion Recorder; referenced individuals include Bill McGibbon, Giselle Gonzales, Peter Kalmus, Alissa Nelson; references or specifically about 350.org, CNN, Climate Strike LA, Extinction Rebellion LA (XRLA), Pacific Gas and Electric (PG&E), Camp Fire, Green New Deal; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 13

Ecology: Climate Change - Green New Deal 2019-2020

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include public transportation, green space, public health, housing, land rights, water, energy, sustainability, labor, economics, education, debt, corporatism, wind power; makers include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for Congress, Gavin Snider, Scott Starrett, Dayi Tofu, Maria Arenas, Creative Action Network, Green New Deal Create-A-Thon, Sunrise Movement, Mona Caron, Alexandra Fischer, Albert Neiman; referenced individuals include Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; references or specifically about Flushing Meadows Corona Park, Queens (New York), Pelham Bay Park Bronx (New York), Plaza del Totem San Juan (Puerto Rico), The Public Garden Boston (Massachusetts), wind turbines, Hart Plaza (Detroit, Michigan), Griffith Observatory (Los Angeles, California), student debt, infrastructure, universal income, green jobs, regenerative farming, prison reform, pollution, healthcare costs, wind mills, wind power; places made include Oakland (California, USA)
Drawer A-12, Folder 14

Ecology: Climate Change - Marches and Demonstrations 2009; 2015-2022

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include colonialism, indigenous rights, water, oil, science, pollution, capitalism, women, religion, health, LGBTQ, queer, coal, disability justice, climate change, equity, marches and demonstrations, exploitation, climate justice, flags, Earth Crisis Day, corporations, oil, civil disobedience, science; makers include march for climate leadership, paperhand, Nicolas Lambert, Josiah Werning, Loveandanxiety.com., Solidarity to Solutions (Sol2Sol) Climate Justice Alliance, Christi Belcourt, Earth Crisis Day LA, Inkworks Press, March for Science Los Angeles; referenced individuals include Governor Jerry Brown, Greta Thunberg, Donald Trump; references or specifically about fracking, waste water, air pollution, refineries, aquifers, tar sands oil, dirty oil money, public health, climate strike, children, climate science, profit, bomb trains, fossil fuels, feet, Chevron, smoke stacks, U.S. Capital building, Spirit of Justice Park, March for Science (2017), facts, systainability, Griffith Observatory; places made include Oakland (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, CA), San Francisco (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), ; languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-13, Folder 1

Artists: Ben Shahn 1942-1946; 1960's; 1970

Physical Description: 36


includes 1 reproduction, includes 3 murdered students 1965

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, voter registration, civil liberties, 1968 U.S. presidential election, peace, labor, political prisoners, compromise, conversion, activism, racism, censorship, murder, activism, benefit, Starvation, slavery, death, deportation, war, World War II; references or specifically about anarchists, immigrants, unlawful conviction, genocide, Vietnam, civil rights movement, freedom workers, American Civil Liberties Union Lawyers Constitutional Defense Team, Nazi, Czechoslovakia, Czecho-Slovakia, Lidice (city), France; makers include Lincoln Graphic Arts, Political Action Committee Congress of Industrial Organizations (CIO Political Action Committee), On Compromise (1874), War Resisters League, Peoples Coalition for Peace & Justice, Mass Actions for Peace & Justice, Ben Shahn, Mark Podwal, Peter Simon Graphics, Swedish Committee for Vietnam, United States Office of Information; referenced individuals include Eugene McCarthy, Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzett, John Viscount Morley, Ben Shahn, Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, John Lennon, Michael Schwerner, Andrew Gooman, James Chaney; places made include USA, New York City (NY, USA), Washington D.C. (USA), Sweden, Italy; languages include Hebrew, English, Swedish
Drawer A-13, Folder 2

World War II: U.S. Made - Linen Backed 1941-1943

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, war, Nazis, internationalism, children, racism, patriotism, nationalism, labor; makers include Clayton Knight, Recruiting Publicity Bureau United States Army, U.S. Government Printing Office, War Production Board, Stevan Dohanos, Haddon Sundblom, Alpha Litho. Co., Howard Chandler Christy, Arthur Fisher, Herbert Matter, Howard Scott, Incentive Dicision, Navy Department, ; references or specifically about airplanes, Army Air Force (AAF), firefights, swastikas, American flag, toys, war bonds, tanks, planes, guns, ships, soldiers, U.S. Marines, recruitment, enlistment, 450th Anniversary of Columbus, Statue of Liberty, bowling, caricatures, Japan, Germany, Italy, Axis Powers, ; referenced individuals include Christopher Columbus, Lady Liberty, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Fumimaro Konoe, bald eagles, Office of Civilian Defense, Division of Information Office of Emergenct Management, shipping; places made include Camden (New Jersey, USA), Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English
Drawer A-13, Folder 3

World War II: U.S. Made - Linen Backed 1942-1944

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, war, Nazis, internationalism, women, children, racism, patriotism, nationalism, labor, freedom, news, democracy, industry, defense, Christianity, religion, unity; makers include James Montgomery Flagg, Jean Carlu, U.S. Government Printing Office, Ralph Iligan, National Association of Manufacturers, Harold von Schmidt, David Stone Martin, Office of War Information (OWI); references or specifically about China, New York Committee, soldiers, paternalism, medical technicians, surgical technicians, doctors, General Theodore Roosevelt Jr. WAC Company, Women's Army Corps (WAC), swastikas, "business as usual", statues, monuments, war bonds, U.S. Treasury Department, U.S. Navy, U.S. Army, high school students, Axis powers, factories, car clubs (carpool), gas, wrench, gun, tools, raised fists, canons, Brazilian flag, British flag (Union Jack), Soviet flag, Australian flag, Mexican flag, Norwegian flag, American flag, Taiwanese flag, Czech Flag, Pearl Harbor; referenced individuals Uncle Sam, Adolf Hitler, Theodore Roosevelt Jr.; places made include Cleveland (Ohio, USA), Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English
Drawer A-13, Folder 4

World War II / Pre-1960s: Internationally Made - Oversize 1942-1962

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anti-war, military recruitment, New Zealand Labor party, Canada's timber industry, war production, forests, minimum wage, social security, 40 hour work week, weapons production, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Danish Navy, United Nations, Lidice (Czechoslovakia), France, America, United States, World War II, imperialism, capitalism; makers include Tadeusz Trepkowski, C.M. Banks, Hubert Rogers, Wartime Information Board (Ottowa), National Film Board, Ministre Des Services Nationaux De Guerre, The Department of Munitions and Supply, Winfield, A. T. Peel; references or specifically about Mosquito Bomber, American flag, choking; places made include Poland, Ottowa (Canada), New Zealand, Netherlands; languages include Polish, English, French, Luxembourgish, Dutch
Drawer A-13, Folder 5

World War II: U.S. Made - Oversize 1941-1947

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include military recruitment, U.S. Army, U.S. military, war bonds, U.S. Navy, classified information, military deaths, industrial labor, occupation, makeshift government, international solidarity, slavery, liberty, goals, U.S. flag, concert, theater productions, patriotism, armed resistance; makers include Jean Carlu, U.S. Government Printing Office, Harold Von Schmidt, Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC), Dan V. Smith, R. Couillard, Don Snider, Schreiber, David Stone Martin, Martha Sawyers, Office of War Information, Anton Otto Fischer, John Atherton, U.S.P.F.; references or specifically about U.S. Treasury, Christmas, religion, Christianity; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include French, English
Drawer A-13, Folder 6

Artists: Norman Rockwell 1943

Physical Description: 4


Includes Office of War Information posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include war bonds, freedom of speech, World War II, U.S. culture, freedom of choice, religious freedom, families; makers include US Government Printing Office; references or specifically about Saturday Evening Post, war propaganda, Thanksgiving, fear; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA)
Drawer A-13, Folder 7

Artists: The Graphic Workshop - Portfolios and Postcards 1942-1959

Physical Description: 63; 31 postcards


Includes People in Print portfolio; includes Negro: USA portfolio; includes Workshop Prints Number One and Workshop Prints Number Two

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, corporatism, capitalism, housing, children, unions, imprisonment, African Americans, U.S. slavery, U.S. government and politics, U.S. soldiers, U.S. revolutionaries, Northern Migration, tenements, racial clashes, racial solidarity, Civil War, Underground Railroad, gold, Greek Civil War, Mexican arts and culture, folk singers, farmers, coal miners; makers include Leonard Baskin, Antonio Frasconi,Helen MacI\Innes Walter Iler, Leona Pierce, Edward Walsh Jr., Louise Kruger, Stan Edelson, Seymour Kaplan, Jerry Martin, Charles White, Charles Keller, Jim Schlecker, Jacob Landau, Bud Handelsman, Al Lass, Jacob Lawrence, Ray DeCarava, Robert Gwathmey, Helen Maris, Irving Amen, Milton Wynne, Phyllis Skolnick, Eugene Karlin, Hanna Heider, Jane Filley; references or specifically about plantations, labor, Brittany, Saturday Evening Post, anti-slavery legislation, Bunker Hill (Revolutionary War), slave auctions, Statue of Liberty, runaway slaves, Reconstruction, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Frederick Douglass; referenced individuals include Herbert Aptheker, Peter Salem, Nat Turner, John Brown; places made include New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-13, Folder 8

Korean War 1951

Physical Description: 2

Scope and Content Note

related topics include U.S. Army, United Nations Forces, prisoners of war, Chinese soldiers, election, ; referenced individuals include Mark Clark, Vincent Hallinan, Charlotta Bass, Reuben Borough, ; references or specifically about Indepent Progressive Party, United States Senate, President, Vice-President,; languages include English, Korean, Chinese
Drawer A-13, Folder 9

World War II: Internationally Made - Oversize - Linen-backed 1942-1944

Physical Description: 9


Includes Linen-backed posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Nazi Germany, Italy, fascism, health, racism, caricatures, liberate, shelters, ; makers include Gino Boccasile, Niko Broekman, Cor de Brouwer, Edward Ardizzone, National Gallery, Baynard Press, ; references or specifically about statues, 25 Luglio, fall of fascism, fasces (fasci), victory, archer, arrows, atonement, bombings, civilian attacks, air raids, Health Week, fist, ship, planes, Rising Sun Flag, kick, globe, Indonesia, kick butt, Ethiopia, Soviet Union, surrender, swastikas, guns, helmets, hand shake, friends, allies, Axis Powers, skulls; referenced individuals include Pietro Badoglio, King Vittorio Emanuele III, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), ; places made include Netherlands, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom, ; languages includes Dutch, Italian, Japanese, English
Drawer A-13, Folder 10

Artists: Ben Shahn - Linen Backed 1942

Physical Description: 3

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II (WWII), labor, slavery, death, Nazis, state violence; makers include Ben Shahn, U.S. Government Printing Office, War Production Drive Headquarters, United State Office of War Information, ; references or specifically about Vichy France, hands up, draft, France, workers, brutality, Lidice (Czechoslovakia), Lidice massacre, concentration camps, villages, firing squad; places made include Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English
Drawer A-13, Folder 15

World War II: Internationally Made 1942

Physical Description: 16


Includes Linen-backed posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Japan, France, confidentiality, espionage, classified information, international solidarity, Soviet Union (USSR), industrial conservation, recycling, allies, strikes, Italy, Canada; makers include Surrey, James Haworth and Brother, Ltd., Publication du Bureau d'Information anglo-américain, H.M. Stationary Office, Multi Machine Plates Ltd., Knopf, The Star Process Engraving Company, Maurice Bennett, Lowe & Brydone Printers Ltd., Clair Stewart, Ministre des Services Nationaux de Guerre; references or specifically about careless talk, wrench, swastikas, Nazi Germany, missiles, bombings, hospitals, cross, Christianity; referenced individuals include Charles De Gaulle, President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR); places made include London (United Kingdom), Paris (France), Manchester (United Kingdom), Canada, Italy; languages include English, French, Russian, Italian
Drawer A-14, Folder 17

World War II: Reproductions [1939-1942]; 1990; 997

Physical Description: 24


Bracket range represents dates of original items reproduced

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children, nutrition, public health, sexism, government secrecy, intelligence, spying, British Navy, U.S. Army, Nazism, German National Socialist Party, swastikas, austerity, war secrets, World War II, anti-war, 14th Congressional District (New York), social legislation, women, factory workers, ; makers include National Women's History Project, Imperial War Museum, The Really Reliable Company Limited, Victoria Printing Company Ltd., R. Venables, National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), Glenn Grohe, Pleiades Press, Old Seattle Paperworks, Syracuse Cultural Workers, ; referenced individuals include Jessie Hughan, Norman Thomas, Rosie the Riveter, Frank H. Mason, Koehler Ancona, Adolf Hitler, Lewitt-Him, Winston Churchill, Fougasse, Betsy Graves Reyneau, U.S. Government Publishing Office, U.S. Department of the Treasury, Robert W. Diez; references or specifically about Doctor Carrot, Potato Pete, Ministry of Food (United Kingdom), H.M. Stationary Office, bald eagle, Tom Woodburn, Ministry of Health (United Kingdom), Ministry of War Transport (United Kingdom), Ministry of Labour and National Service (United Kingdom), Cabinet War Rooms, Careless Talk Costs Lives, Graham & Gillies Ltd., Westinghouse Electric, War Production Co-ordinating Committee, Stahlhelm M16 helmet, surveillance, Tuskegee Airmen; places made include United Kingdom, Holyoke (Massachusetts, USA), Washington, DC (USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Windsor (California, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA)
Drawer A-13, Folder 18

World War II: U.S. Made 1940-1945

Physical Description: 56

Scope and Content Note

related topics include war loans, victory loans, fire prevention, U.S. Navy, Japan, war bonds, rising prices, wage stabilization program, U.S. taxes, ration rules, price ceilings, battle flags, war planning, war news, Pearl Harbor, international aid, refugees, Belgium, doctors, health care, first aid, presidential candidates, home nursing, recycling, waste management, food conservation, espionage, confidentiality, military intelligence, United Nations, relief funds, payroll savings, energy conservation, American Red Cross, nutrition, automobile parts, jeeps, military vehicles, savings bonds, salvaging materials, equipment maintenance, farming, Local Defense Council, Office of Civilian Defense (OCD), savings stamps, blood donations, statistics, patriotism, families, death, children, widows, tithing, tolerance, crimes against humanity; makers include C.C. Beall, U.S Government Printing Office, Dean Cornwell, National Board of Fire Underwriters, Office of War Information, Rand McNally and Co., Schreiber, Belgian Information Center, War Production Board, Bureau of Industrial Conservation, Majestic Poster Press, U.S. Army Conservation Program, Steven Dohanos, Broder, Siebel, Boris Chaliapin, Schlaikjer, Office of Defense Health and Welfare Services, Emily Newman, Office for Emergency Management, Whitman, Sarra Ventino, United States Department of the Treasury, Marion Matchitt, McGovern-Anderson Co.,Inc, Patrick Duncan; references or specifically about Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, U.S. Treasury, Christmas, war chest, U.S.S. Dorado, swastikas, Statue of Liberty, U.S. flag, U.S. Civil War, Schools-at-war Program, Warner Brothers Pictures, Saturday Evening Post, Brittany, piggy banks; referenced individuals include Joe Rosenthal, George S. Patton, Sam Patrick, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Mark Twain, Wendell Wilkie, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Macinnes; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA), Washington, DC (USA), New York (New York, USA), Long Beach (California, USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA)
Drawer A-16, Folder 1

Soviet Union: Fragile 1962

Physical Description: 1


includes item with wooden mounts

Scope and Content Note

related topics include peace, international solidarity, freedom; makers include I. Toidze; referenced individuals include R. Mozhaeva A; references or specifically about Soviet Union ; places made include Moscow, Russia; languages include Russian, French, German, Spanish, Croatian
Drawer A-16, Folder 2

Soviet Union: Fragile and Encapsulated Items 1938-1965

Physical Description: 4

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, Axis powers, communism, peace, women, multi-culturalism, international solidarity, anti-war, pan-Africa colonialism, cultural diversity, Kyiv (Ukraine), freedom, friendship, democracy, anti-racism, shame, aggression, anti-colonialism; makers include B. Levanova, V. Livanova, I. Dolgopolov, O. Uzbekov, State publishing house fine arts; referenced individuals include A. Druzhkov, A. A. Shdanov, M. Yastrzhembskaya, M. Sergey; references or specifically about swastikas, Nazism, Fascism, Proletariat, gun, machete, noose, Japanese soldier, German soldier, Axis powers, dagger, artillery, weapon, blood, slip knot, peace doves, flowers, solidarity, freedom for Africa, raised hand, raised fist; places made include Soviet Union, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), Moscow (Russia); languages include Russian, English, Spanish, Italian, German, French, Arabic, Hungarian, Czech, Hindi
Drawer A-16, Folder 3

Soviet Union: Fragile 1926-1966; 1987

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children, student theater, film, feature film, international solidarity, solidarity of republics, women, labor, public safety, automobile accidents, car crash, economics, labor, communism, peace, industry, colonialism, pan-Africa, slavery, U.S. imperialism, France, United Kingdom (UK), light, darkness, poetry, equality, emancipation, laws, women's rights; makers include V. Ostrovsky, Up. Tangse, I. Toidze, State Publishing House of Fine Arts, Y. Kershin, E. Gausman, N. Babin, M. Lukyanov, Plakat Publishing House Moscow, S. Rossopovsky, S. Prussov, Publishing House Dopoy Illiteracy, B. Zelensky; referenced individuals include Vladimir Lenin, Joseph Stalin, R. Grigoryeva, S. Gerasimov, Zhanna Prokhorenko, Helmuth Kircher, Pomerantseva, M. Gorky, G. Shchetkin, M. Vladimirov, M. Kalinovsky, Uncle Sam, M. Sergeeva, S. Smirnov, A. Blukhov, N. Abakumova; references or specifically about Vienna Woods, Russian Revolution, Reklamfilm, head scarf, rainbow, elephant, Africa map, helmet, grave, raven, crow, shackles, palm tree, saw, soldier, American greed, French greed, British greed, dollar, franc, British pound, gold, oil, cobalt, uranium, hammer, sickle, factory, trees, machinery, machines, mill, barges, crane, construction, farms, trucks, tractors, farmers, workers, laborers, Armenia (USSR) flag, Byelorussia (USSR) flag, Georgia (USSR) flag, Kirghiz (USSR) flag, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia (USSR) flag, Moldavia (USSR) flag, Tajik (USSR) flag, Tajikistan, Ukraine (USSR) flag, Azerbaijan (USSR) flag, Estonia (USSR) flag, Kazakh (USSR) flag, Kazakhstan, Lithuania (USSR) flag, Russia (SFSR) flag, Turkmen (USSR) flag, Turkmenistan, Uzbek (USSR) flag, Uzbekistan, 1917 Russian Revolution, Mosfilm (production studio); places made include Moscow (USSR), Leningrad (Russia); languages include English, Spanish, German, Russian, French
Drawer A-16, Folder 4

Soviet Union: Fragile 1962

Physical Description: 1


includes item with wooden mounts; translation: "War is not necessary!" or "No need for war!"

Scope and Content Note

related topics include children, anti-war; makers include V. Ivanov, State Publishing House of Fine Arts; referenced individuals include M. Yastrzhembskaya; references or specifically about Cold War; places made include Moscow (Russia), Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR); languages include Russian
Drawer A-16, Folder 5

Soviet Union: Fragile 1920-1966

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include religion, Christianity, military recruitment, defense, communism, labor, Russian Revolution, poverty, hunger, famine; references or specifically about cross, October Revolution, Red Army; makers include Dimitry Moor
Drawer A-17, Folder 1

World War II: Fragile 1941-1945

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include agriculture, war, farm, farming, sharing, cooperation, togetherness, army propaganda, World War II, battlefield, patriotism, democracy, ; makers include Weber, U.S. Department of Agriculture, U.S. Government Printing Office, Farm Security Administration, United States Army, National Patriotic Alliance; references or specifically about livestock, fire, machinery, danger, farmers, preparing for war, weapons maintenance, cooperative, borrowers, equipment shortage, Northern Pacific, American flag, victory, overalls, US Army, boots, gun, radio, gas mask, pants, ammunition belt, helmet, watch, bullets, ammunition, rifle, firearm, Tokyo, U.S. Employment Service Office, War Manpower Commission, Americanism, "God Bless America", American eagle, American flag, American independence, subversive elements; places made include Washington D.C. (USA)
Drawer A-17, Folder 2

Cuba: Fragile 1967

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

makers Antonio Pérez (Ñiko) González; referenced individuals include Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Alberto Korda
Drawer A-17, Folder 3

China: Cultural Revolution - Fragile 1968

Physical Description: 2

Scope and Content Note

related topics include revolution, counter-revolutionaries, insults, propaganda; makers include Editorial Office; referenced individuals include Mao Tsetung (Mao Zedong); references or specifically about iron wall, counter-revolution, Chinese cultural revolution, workers, soldiers, rot dog head, stylized sun iconography, gun, book, Red Guard hat, Red Guard cap, red star; places made include Peoples Republic of China; languages include Mandarin Chinese
Drawer A-17, Folder 4

Armenia 1915 - Fragile [1915]

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Armenian genocide, Ottoman soldiers, atrocities, murders, killings, victims, beheadings, massacre; references or specifically about Tenoktonia, Armenia, guns, soldiers, 1915, cadavers, Turkish soldiers; places made include Greece; languages include Greek
Drawer A-17, Folder 5

Graphic Workshop N.Y. Jim Crow - Fragile 1950

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, racism, peace, health, education, communism, prisons, children, African Americans, women, Jewish people, equality, anti-communism, voting, public transportation, police brutality, anti-war, ; makers include Graphic Workshop (N.Y.), Rosenhouse; references or specifically about ""in unity there is strength"", racial solidarity, worker solidarity, hammer and sickle, Italy, Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore (Florence Cathedral), Venice canals, jail bars, prisoners, dollar sign, worker strength, capitalists, Statue of Liberty, trains, the Red Scare, People's Artists Labor Committee, subways, rent gouging, food not bullets, desegregation, Jim Crow laws, higher salaries, subware fare, ""vote Row C"", Art Against Fascism, Taller de Gráfica Popular, Chinese woodcuts, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), ghettos, lynching, judges, ;referenced individuals include Vito Marcantonio, Ben Davis, Francisco Goya, Honoré Daumier, Käthe Kollwitz, Uncle Sam, vultures, punchingfist, Civil Rights Congress (CRC), eagle, baton, club, gavel, rope; places made include New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Italian, Hebrew
Drawer A-17, Folder 6

Graphic Workshop N.Y. Jim Crow Marcantonio - Fragile

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include elections, voting; makers include The Workshop of Graphic Art; referenced individuals include Marcantonio, Franklin Delano Roosevelt; references or specifically about Row C, American Labor Party, American Labor Party symbol, clasped fists
Drawer A-17, Folder 7

Graphic Workshop N.Y. Jim Crow Portfolio 1950

Physical Description: 6


Contains three portfolios.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include prisoners, incarceration, women, children, police brutality, freedom of speech, political prisoners,; makers include American Graphics Workshop; references or specifically about shackles, handcuffs, skeleton, criminal justice system, Free Mooney, legal lynching, Civil Rights Congress (CRC); referenced individuals include Thomas Mooney, Nicola Sacco, Bartolomeo Vanzetti, Willie McGee
Drawer A-17, Folder 8

Graphic Workshop NY Jim Crow [Photocopies, non-priority] 1950

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

related topics include media, labor, capitalism, anti-nuclear, anti-communism, children, women, mothers, police brutality, political prisoners, art exhibitions, communism, world peace, anti-war, international solidarity, prisons, equality, racism, socialism, May Day, unions; makers include The Worker, American Graphic Workshop, Kaplan, Josephson, ; references or specifically about coal miners, atomic bomb, teachers, angels, cupids, schools, American flag, freedom of speech, bombs, guns, farmers, laborers, Southeast Asia, Viet Nam (Vietnam), India, Black Liberation, Declaration of Independence, woodcuts, lynching, legal lynching, New York Times, witches, radiation, segregation, jails, Cold War taxes, United States Youth Sponsoring Committee, World Peace Appeal, rats, Florence Cathedral, cages, Venice Canals, Statue of Liberty, hammer and sickle, worker solidarity, factories, skeletons, Soviet Union, Hungarian People's Democracy, biological warfare, Chile, child labor, living standards, Little Egypt, unemployment, farming, women workers, low wages, World Peace Congress, Thanksgiving, Emancipation Proclamation, Mexican art, forced labor, Puerto Ricans, ; referenced individuals include Harry Truman, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Ho Chi Minh, Harry Bridges, Bella Abzug, Rosalee McGee, Frederick Douglass, Thomas Jefferson, Willie McGee, Thomas Mooney, Jesus Christ, Dyson Carter, Adolf Hitler, Josef Stalin, David Alfaro Siquieros; place made include New York (New York, USA); languages include English, Italian, Hebrew
Drawer A-17, Folder 9

Artist: Honoré Daumier 1845-1851; 1979

Physical Description: 5


includes works from Daumier's "Lawyers" series.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include law, justice, corruption, drawings, the past, the present, the future; makers include Honoré Daumier; referenced individuals include; references or specifically about centenary, art exhibition, lawyers, judges, crooks, satire, comic, orphans, lithograph, Pratt Graphics Center Gallery, New York State Council on the Arts, courtroom, jail, incarceration; places made include France, New York (New York, USA); languages include English, French
Drawer A-17, Folder 10

Australia: Housing - Fragile

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics including housing, tenants rights, families; references or specifically about Williamstown Tenants Association, maintenance, repairs; places made include Australia
Drawer A-17, Folder 11

Native Americans: Fragile 1977

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

makers include Paul Davis, Morning Star Productinos; referenced individuals include Leonnard Crowdog; references or specifically about "we are still here", medicine men; places made include New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-18, Folder 1

Political Prisoners/ Religion/ Australia/ Puerto Rico/ Vietnam: Fragile circa 1959-1972

Physical Description: 5
Drawer A-18, Folder 2

Anti-War/Sexism: Fragile circa 1968

Physical Description: 21
Drawer A-18, Folder 8

Cuba: "Declaracion de la Habana" portfolio - fragile 1960-1961

Physical Description: 34

Scope and Content Note

related topics include art, woodcut, declaration, freedom, statement, education, México, Haiti, military, revolution, democracy, Latin America, racism, justice, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), People's Republic of China, The United States of America (U.S.A.), Ku Klux Klan, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, Canada, El Salvador, Costa Rica, Honduras, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, Brasil, Paraguay, Uruguay, Argentina, education, wages, women's rights, oligrachy, hospitals, heathcare, misery, Indigenous rights, oppression, dignity, youth, elderly, students, international solidarity, politicians, skull, cargo ship, money, Yankee, battle, war, factories, sugar mills, science, eagle, swastika, chains, monopolies, misery, hunger, honor, peace, shovel, weapons, flag, spider, greed, fruit, vegetables, farms, plantation, helicopter, death, channels, factory, friendship, vanity, hate, estates, socialism, communism, sovereignty, union, nationalization of monopolies, wealth, resources, elderly, rights of elderly; references or specificallly about Cuba, Asamblea General Nacional del Pueblo de Cuba, imperialism, Pan-Americanism, land, illiteracy, workers, exploitation, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Panama, Panama canal, Puerto Rico, free trade, equality, liberty, culture, nationalization of foreign companies, unity, marionette, puppet, rights, colonialism, agression, Texas, United Nations, United Nations Organization (ONU), Organización de los Estados Americanos (OEA), The Monroe Doctrine, United Press International (UPI), Associated Press (AP), Washington, D.C., agrarian reform, freedom of the press, trade union federation, free enterprise, black people, indigenous people; referenced individuals include José Julián Martí Pérez, Julius Robert Oppenheimer, Paul Leroy Robeson, Pope Pius XII, Eugenio Maria Giuseppe Giovanni Pacelli, Emiliano Zapata Salazar, Augusto C. Sandino, Camilo Cienfuegos Gorriarán, José Antonio Echeverría, Cain (biblical figure), Benito Pablo Juárez García, Antonio Guiteras y Holmes, Julio Antonio Mella McPartland, Pedro Albizu Campos, Simón José Antonio de la Santísima Trinidad Bolívar y Ponte Palacios y Blanco, José Francisco de San Martín y Matorras, Bernardo O'Higgins Riquelme, Antonio José de Sucre y Alcalá ; makers include Consejo Nacional de la Cultura, Carmelo Gonzalez Iglesias, Lesbia Vent Dumois, Carlos M. Diaz Gamez, Ana Rose Gutierrez Martinez, Umberto Peña Garriga, Luis Peñalver Collazo, Armando Posse Valuherdis, Osvaldo Cabrera Del Valle, Alfredo Sosa Bravo, Cesar Mazola Alvarez, Juan Sanchez Sanchez, Atilano Armenteros, Fidel Alejandro Castro Ruz; place made include Cuba; languages include Spanish;
Drawer A-19, Folder 1

France / United States Pre-1960's - Fragile 1952; 1970s

Physical Description: 2

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anti-imperialism, U.S. Presidential candidates, U.S. Presidential elections, colonialism; makers include Caccavelli - Ajaccio, National Democratic Committee; references or specifically about guillotines, beheadings, Republic of France; referenced individuals include Adlai Stevenson, John Sparkman; place made include Corsica (France), Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English, Corsica
Drawer A-19, Folder 2

Germany: Central American Solidarity - Fragile 1985

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Central America, crime scene, families, mother, child; references or specifically about "Tatort" (German television show), crosshairs; languages include German
Drawer A-19, Folder 3

World War II: Fragile 1942

Physical Description: 14


Includes acquisition 2001-027

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, propaganda, cartoons, war, World War II, ; makers include Lee Morehouse, Edward McKnight Kauffer, Edward McKnight Kauffer, Office of the Coordinator of Inter-American Affairs (Coordenador de Assuntos Inter-americanos), British and American Ambulence Corps, William Steig, Otto Soglow, Trevor; references or specifically about War Production Drive, tardiness, Japanese Empire, war bonds, conservation, silence, smoking, "no smoking", Brazil, inter-American solidarity, American flag, helmet, whispers, newspapers, Czech Republic flag, Polish flag, Norwegian flag, Dutch flag, Belgain flag, Luxembourg flag, Free France flag (France Libre), Greek flag, Yugoslavian flag, buttons, "button your lip", loose talk, navy, army, air force, production, mistakes, Douglas Material Conservation Program, Campbell and Quon Illustrated Parts Catalog, victory, Allied Powers, carelessness, guns, factories, smoke stacks, racist caricatures; referenced individuals include Adolf Hitler; place made include New York (New York, USA), United States, Canada, England (United Kingdom); languages include English, Portuguese, French
Drawer A-19, Folder 4

World War I / World War II / Pre-1960s - Fragile 1915-1918; 1922-1928; 1943-1944; 1950; 1958

Physical Description: 9


Includes acquisition 2001-031

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, Nazis, patriotism, enemies, freedom, labor, women, children, World War I, political parties, voting, United Nations, anniversaries, international cooperation, racism, anti-Semitism, Jewish people, Black people; makers include McClelland Barclay, Irwin D. Hoffman, Paul Haus-dorff, Sgt. Jack Dumas, Alexander Dugas, Howard Stabin, Harley Melzian, Roswell Brown, Duncan Gleason, Douglas Grant, Gordon Innes, George Maas, Paul W. Darrow, Joel Altshuler, Joseph Binder, Virginia Legakes, Edwin Georgi, Art Wells, Barbara Marks, Charles Clement, Seymour Fogel, Jack Homowitz, James Lewicki, Louis Liapi, Will Kron, Duane Bryers, Dan Daugherty, Bob Kearfoil, Xanti, Koehler & Ancona, E.B. Greenhaw, Jack Willard, Hugo Steccatti, Oliver Nelson, N. Schattenstein, Ben Nason, Helen Rabinowitz, Josefa Wenter, J. C. White, Mary Stewart, Charles Allenbrook, Clarence West, D. H. Moneypenny, Weimer Pursell, Herbert Sipp, Lionel Reiss, Silvia Passerini, Dan Schreckengoat, Tony Palazzo, Otto Keisker, Artists for Victory, Roberts & Leete, Ltd., Patrick Kelly (Pat Kelly), Ernest Shaw, U.S. National Commission for UNESCO, United Committee of South-Slavic Americans, Low; references or specifically about swastikas, American flag, skeletons, victory, airplanes, "this is the enemy", racist caricatures, Japanese Empire, silence squad, slavery, "deliver us from evil", "slave world or free world", sacrifice, war bonds, crosses, Statue of Liberty, blood, The Atlantic Charter, British Empire, Western Front, military spending, New Zealand, India, Australia, Canada, South Africa, Newfoundland, Labour Party, British Constitution, Tories, British flag (Union Jack), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), UN Day, flags, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Yugoslavia, Democratic Europe, fascism, liberty, the Guardian, grim reaper, racial slurs, cemetary, cross; referenced individuals include Franklin D. Roosevelt (FDR), Winston Churchill, Josip Broz Tito; places made include the United States, England (United Kingdom)
Drawer A-19, Folder 5

World War II: Canada / United Kingdom - Fragile 1942-1944

Physical Description: 6


Includes acquisition 2001-027

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, consumerism, Nazis, labor, women; makers include Director of Public Information, Minister of National War Services, Douglas Aircraft Company, Williamson; references or specifically about sailors, careless words, silence, disaster, ships, elephants, extravagent spending, thrifty, swastikas, war medals, war bonds, Allies, freedom, airplane engineers, British flag (Union Jack), American flag, Soviet Union flag, Belgian flag, Greek flag, Netherlands flag, Yugoslavian flag, Republic of China flag, Czech Republic flag, French flag, Norwegian flag, victory, newspapers, aircraft industry, War Production Drive, Illustrated Parts Catalog, skyline, airplanes, Aircraft News (newspaper), guns, battlefield, soldiers; referenced individuals include Adolf Hitler, Hermann Goring, Joseph Goebbels; places made include Canada, England (United Kingdom); languages include English, French
Drawer A-19, Folder 6

World War II: Canada - Fragile 1939-1940

Physical Description: 5


Includes acquisition 2001-027

Scope and Content Note

related topics include World War II, labor, fundraising; makers include Director of Public Information, Minister of National War Services, Richard Filipowski, Russell Taber, Eric Aldwinckle; references or specifically about torches, faith, poetry, guns, soldiers, army, French flag, raised fist, hammer, rubber, scraps, tires, toys; referenced individuals include John McCrea; place made include Canada; languages include English, French
Drawer A-19, Folder 7

Pre-1960s - Fragile 1940-1948

Physical Description: 3


Includes acquisition 2007-238

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, African Americans, labor, U.S. political parties, Jewish people, anti-Semitism, children, education; makers include Milton Wynne, Workshop of Graphic Art, Progressive Party; references or specifically about Jim Crow laws, smoking, swastikas, racial slurs, ethnic slurs, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), racial solidarity, American Labor Party, worker solidarity; referenced individuals include Vito Marcantonio, Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR), Fiorello LaGuardia, Henry Wallace, Elmer Benson; place made include New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-19, Folder 8

Artist Groups: Mexico - Newsprint - Fragile 1949

Physical Description: 8


contains 2 periodicals

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Mexico, democracy, war, poverty, hunger, youth, labor, health care, indigenous people, colonization, music, arts and culture, artists, literature, communism, philosophy, science, agriculture, education, peace, students; makers include Taller-Escuela de Uruapan, Manuel Pérez Coronado; references or specifically about "Cauce" (newspaper), Mexican Revolution, independence, emancipation, slavery, Mexican War of Independence, la patria, Ecuador, Spanish conquistadors, reform, guns, war, La Cooperatorka, folklorico, Congreso Continental Americano por la Paz, atom bombs, nuclear bombing of Hiroshima (Japan); referenced individuals include Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, Benito Juárez, Jesus Christ, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Simón Bolívar, José Clemente Orozco, Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siquieros; places made include Uruapan (Michoacan, Mexico); languages include Spanish
Drawer A-20, Folder 1

Vietnam War Era: Textiles - Oversize 1968-1970

Physical Description: 3


includes reproduction of original

Scope and Content Note

related topics include poverty, New York in the 1930s, strikes, students, education, Vietnam War; makers include Joseph Schwartz, Color Magic Los Angeles; references or specifically about Great Depression, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), Vietnamese flags; places made include USA; languages include English, Vietnamese
Drawer A-20, Folder 2

Vietnam War Era: Fragile 1967-1973

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Vietnam War, anti-war, draft resistance, peace, development; makers include Vietnam Day Committee, Jerry Palmer, The Resistance, Jill Kerwin, Spring Mobilization Committee, Delta Communications Printing Cooperative; references or specifically about "Bring them Home Alive", National GI Week, Walk For Development; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-20, Folder 3

Vietnam War Era: Fragile - Oversize 1967-1972

Physical Description: 4

Scope and Content Note

related topics include world maps, imperialism, global economics, exploitation, labor, youth, Vietnam War, communism, socialism, international solidarity, media, The Saigon Post, CRY FREEDOM, ; makers include International Posters, Oyvind Fahlstrom, Boserman, SP, Orbit, ; referenced individuals include Vladimir Lenin, Nguyen Van Troi, Robert McNamara, Lyndon Baines Johnson (LBJ), ; places made include USA, Italy, Mill Valley (California, USA), ; languages include English, Italian
Drawer A-20, Folder 4

Vietnam War Era: Watergate - Fragile 1973

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include U.S. politicians, Watergate Scandal; makers include Committee to De-elect the President, Philip Lief, Marcel Feigel ; references or specifically about Wanted posters, apprehended; referenced individuals include James McCord, Dwight Chapin, H.R. Haldeman, John Mitchell, John Erlichman, Maurice Stans, Eugenio Martinez, G. Gordon Liddy, Charles Colson, Herbert Kalmbach, John Dean, Robert Mardian, Jeb Magruder, Richard M. Nixon, Bernard Barker, Virgilio Gonzalez, Donald Segretti, Frank Sturgis, E. Howard Hunt Jr., Hugh Sloan Jr; places made include New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-20, Folder 5

Vietnam War Era: Spiro Agnew - Fragile 1970

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include U.S. politicians, Vietnam War, anti-war, patriotism; makers include Effete Enterprises; references or specifically about door mat, students, anti-war activists; referenced individuals include Spiro Agnew
Drawer A-20, Folder 6

Cuba: Instituto Cubano del Arte y la Industria Cinematográficos (ICAIC) - Fragile 1977

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Cuba, films, arts and culture, teachers, literacy, Cuban Revolution; makers include Antonio Fernández Reboiro; referenced individuals include Octavio Cortazar; references or specifically about flowers, letters, alphabet, "El Brigadista"; places made include Cuba; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-20, Folder 7

Women: Fragile [1911]; 1926; 1944; 1974; 1989

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women, feminism, World War II, labor, jobs, racism, rape, sexual assault, abortion rights, safety, dating, men, education, voting rights, ; makers include La Librairie Des Femmes, U.S. Government Printing Office, Office of War Information (OWI), Vernon Grant, Medusa, State Document Retrieval Services, The Old School, Inc., The Ladies' Home Journal; references or specifically about bookstores, raised fist feminist symbol, factory workers, engineers, mechanics, waitressess, window cleaners, War Manpower Commission, pro choice, handprints, clenched fist, American Society for Social Hygiene, sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), pregnancy, casual sex, anatomy, nudity, weddings, marriages, etiquette, rice throwing, decency, horseplay, Sunday schools, makeup, women's suffrage, Colorado (USA); places made include Paris (France), United States, Sacramento (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA); languages include French, English
Drawer A-21, Folder 1

Artist Groups: Taller de Gráfica Popular (TGP) - Fragile 1951-1953; 1971

Physical Description: 4


Dupe of one of the posters is in folder and is labeled as such.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include arts and culture, Mexico, political prisoners, peace, international solidarity, labor, history; makers include Escuela Nacional de Artes Graficas, Taller de Gráfica Popular (TGP); references or specifically about Taller de Gráfica Popular (TGP), bookstores, coal miners, Mexican flag, Comite de Defensa de las Huelgas Mineras, strikes, labor rights, Cananea (Mexico), Nueva Rosita (Mexico), Cloete (Mexico), caravans; referenced individuals include José Guadelupe Posada, Benito Juárez, Julius Rosenberg, Ethel Rosenberg, Emiliano Zapata, Uncle Sam; places made include Mexico; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-21, Folder 2

Spain: Partido Comunista de España - Fragile unknown

Physical Description: 1


Folder contains only one very fragile poster (#50910)

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, communism, Spain; makers include Partido Comunista de España (PCE); references or specifically about hammer and sickle; places made include Spain; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-22, Folder 1

World War I: Fragile 1914-1918

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women, mothers, children, World War I, war, labor, workers, Jewish people, ; makers include Walter H. Everett, The Sackett & Wilhelms Corporation N.Y., Lucien Bernhard, H.S. Hermann, R. H. Porteous, Edwards & Deutsch Litho Co, Sidney Riesenberg, Arthur William Brown, Committee on Public Information Division of Pictorial Publicity, Ketterlinus, Sheridan, Walter Tittle; references or specifically about liberty bonds, iron cross, crown, government bonds, American flag, Young Men's Christian Association (YMCA), United War Work Campaign, Jewish Welfare Board, Star of David, soldiers, maps, libraries, American Library Association (ALA), special war libraries, books, magazines, Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), telephone operators, France, sailors; places made include New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Germany; languages include English, German
Drawer A-22, Folder 2

Germany: Pre-1960s - Fragile Circa late 1910s

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Germany, Berlin (Germany), food, jobs, labor, employment, wages, happiness; places made include Germany; languages include German
Drawer A-22, Folder 3

France: Labor - Fragile circa 1960s

Physical Description: 1


Folder contains folded-in-half 7/5' long poster

Scope and Content Note

related topics include France, labor, police brutality
Drawer A-22, Folder 4

Germany: Pre-1960s - Fragile Circa late 1950s

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include West Germany, Cold War, children, nuclear war, mushroom cloud, dolls, protection; makers include M. Weinreich, Koln; places made include Germany; languages include German
Drawer A-22, Folder 5

Czechoslovakia / Austria-Hungary - Fragile and Oversize 1914-1932; 1963

Physical Description: 17


Includes acquisition 2000-125

Scope and Content Note

related topics include 1948 Czechoslovak coup d'état, communism, protestant uprisings, housing, military recruitment, World War I, compulsory military service, agriculture regulation, taxes, provisions; makers include Wolfgang Schlosser, V. Oliva, Unie Praha, Solar, K. Stapfer, Imperial and Royal District Commission (k. k. Bezirkshauptmannschaft); references or specifically about Czech national emblem, Star of David, World Exhibitions (Sletova Vystava), Prague (Czechoslovakia), Pardubice, tenant protection, Ludwig Redlich, recall notices; referenced individuals include Karl Kramáre, Jan Zizka; places made include Czechoslovakia, Austria-Hungary (Austro-Hungarian Empire); languages include Czech, German
Drawer A-22, Folder 6

Artists: Walter Crane - Woodcuts - Fragile 1907

Physical Description: 29


Original Woodcuts

Scope and Content Note

related topics include socialism, women, children, cartoons, capitalism, housing, food, international solidarity, imperialism, slavery, industrialism, labor, unemployment; makers include Walter Crane, The Twentieth Century Press; references or specifically about donkeys, holidays, rest, Christmas, New Years, May Day, India, famine, credit, Britannia, pensions, farming, agriculture, flowers, taxes, land rights, exploitation, commonwealth, "production for use", economic freedom, South Africa, games, Labour Party; places made include England (United Kingdom)
Drawer A-23, Folder 1

Spain: Spanish Civil War 1975-1996; 2011

Physical Description: 20


Includes reproductions

Scope and Content Note

related topics include farming, international solidarity, public health, alcoholism, exhibitions, international solidarity, retrospectives, France, arts and culture, conferences, art exhibitions, Nazi Germany, anniveresaries; makers include Jeneve Doherty, Paul Colin, Karin Schliehe, Graf. Ultra, Dura Socializada, Elefanten Press Galerie, Equipo Crónica, Kate Thompson, Franklin Press, Academy Press, Alliance Graphics; references or specifically about photographs, Arthur Ross Gallery, Asturias, Spanish Republic, Spanish Nationalists, Federación Anarquista Ibérica (FAI), Guernica by Pablo Picasso, swastikas, Museum Bochum, Parilla, Arbejdermuseet (Worker's Museum, Copenhagen, Denmark); referenced individuals include Josep Renau, Federico García Lorca, Joan Miró, Adolf Hitler, Robert Capa, Abraham Lincoln, Fruido Cronka, Casamajó-Barcelona, Pablo Picasso, Miguel Hernández, Renau, Bardasano, John Heartfield; places made include California (USA), Spain, France, Germany, Denmark; languages include Spanish, French, German, Danish, English
Drawer A-23, Folder 2

Spain: Spanish Civil War - Abraham Lincoln Brigade - Oversize 1936-2008

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include war veterans, labor, strikes, films, corporatism, ; makers include José Luis Rey Vila ("Sim"), Steven Rudnick, Edgar Ayala, Eric Slomanson, Herbert Gehr, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Archives, Jack Maloney, Abraham Lincoln Brigade Film Project, Edgar R. Ayala; references or specifically about swastikas, Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade (VLAB), Boycott Grapes, World Trade Organization (WTO), Cuba, brigades, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), ; referenced individuals include Ronnie Gilbert, Michael Moore, Odetta, Paul Robeson, Dolores Ibárruri; places made include San Francisco, Oakland (California, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-23, Folder 3

Spain: Spanish Civil War- International Brigades- Oversize 1986-1996

Physical Description: 16


Does not include Abraham Lincoln Brigade

Scope and Content Note

related topics include international solidarity, commemorations, concerts, cultural events, Cuba, fascism, peace, anniversaries, Comités de Defensa de la Revolución (CDR), Cuban flag, ; makers include Editora Politica, José Papiol, Gabinete Brea, Federico Del Barrio, Raúl, Rafael Alberti, Izquierda Unida, Kerry Tremain; references or specifically about Guernica; referenced individuals include Parrilla, Bardasano, Pablo de la Torriente Brau, Pablo Picasso, Dolores Ibárruri, Robert Capa; places made include France, United Kingdom, Spain, Cuba; languages include Spanish, English, French, Basque
Drawer A-23, Folder 4

Spain: Spanish Civil War- Oversize (Fragile) 1936-1937;1966-1986

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anti-war, international solidarity, cultural events, communism, medical aid, labor, expositions, arts and culture; makers include Ministerio de Propaganda, Juventudes Socialistas Unificadas (JSU), Electra Ciutat, Guiriguet del S. D.P., Cooperativa Obrera, Comissaria de Propaganda de la Generalitat de Catalunya, Sala, Juan Antonio Morales, Sindicato de Profesionales de las Bellas Artes, U.G.T.; references or specifically about Socorro Rojo Internacional (International Red Aid), swastikas, Jardins Casa Libre, Sindicat de Decoradors I Bells Oficis, UGT, Portugal, Junta de Burgos Lisboa, Arriba España, Mexican Revolution, Mexican art, conferences, concerts, anti-fascism; places made include Germany, Deutsche Demokratische Republik (DDR), East Germany, Spain; languages include German, Spanish, Catalan
Drawer A-23, Folder 5

Spain: Spanish Civil War - Cardstock 1960s

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include student movements, international aid, international solidarity; references or specifically about American Student Union, Federation of Faculty Committees for Aid to the Spanish People; places made include USA
Drawer A-23, Folder 6

Chile: Various Topics - Fragile 1970-1989

Physical Description: 2


formerly D-21.8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include politicians, campaigns, political campaigns, anniversaries, communism; referenced or specifically about Las Juventudes Comunistas; referenced individuals include Rojas; makers include Veragua, Movimiento de Acción Popular Unitaria; places made include Chile; languages include Spanish;
Drawer A-24, Folder 1

Labor: Fragile Circa 1970s-1980s

Physical Description: 2

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, May Day, international solidarity, celebrations, marches and demonstrations, jobs, employment, unemployment, affirmative actions, unions, child care, military spending; makers include Santa Cruz Rainbow Coalition, Taller Tahona, SEPAC, Oficina Hispana, Mobilization for Survival, Massachusetts Trade Union Educational League, Boston Jobs Coalition, Casa Del Sol United Latino Construction Workers, Coalition For Basic Human Needs; references or specifically about factories, smoke stacks, Internation Worker's Day, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-24, Folder 2

Cuba / United Farm Workers (UFW): Fragile 1967-1987

Physical Description: 4

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, capitalism, Cuba, United Farm Workers (UFW),; makers include Estrada, Alfredo Rostgaard; references or specifically about Aztec eagle, protest songs, rose, thorns, blood; referenced individuals include Rufino Contreras, José Martí, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara); places made include United States, Cuba; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-24, Folder 3

Racism: Fragile 1963; 1968; 1979; 1983

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include racism, Civil Rights Movement, Chicano/Latino, Puerto Rico, African Americans, Native Americans, human rights, police brutality, marches and demonstrations, health care; makers include Louis Lo Monaco, Poor People's Campaign, Inkworks Press, Emerson Graphics, Tea Lautrec Litho; references or specifically about "we shall overcome", March on Washington, repression, resistance, national moratorium, Mexicanos, Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS), Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), police helments, shackles, raised fists, third world peoples, unity, toothpaste, fluoride, racial slurs, "darkie", Darlie Toothpaste (Darkie Toothpaste), Black face, "I Am A Man"; referenced individuals include Martin Luther King Jr.; places made include Memphis (Tennessee, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Singapore
Drawer A-24, Folder 4

Labor: Cardstock - Fragile 1980s

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, strikes, unions, public transportion, families, labor rights, health care workers; makers include Allied Printing, Colby Poster Printing; references or specifically about American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers (AMPTP), International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Teamsters Local 399, CANAL Productions, International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW), bus riders union, family busting, weekends, compensation, holidays, rest DeLuxe Labs, Kaiser Medical Facilities, Hospital & Service Employees Union Local (SEIU) 399, contracts; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-24, Folder 5

Labor: Justice for Janitors - Fragile 1980s-1990s

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, unions, labor rights; makers include Service Employees International Union (SEIU) 525, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO); references or specifically about wages, raises, respect, Justice for Janitors, suns; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-24, Folder 6

Poland: Oversize / Fragile 1948; 1954-1968; 1989; 1995

Physical Description: 8

Scope and Content Note

related topics include French intervention in Vietnam, France, U.S. intervention, anti-nuclear, martial arts, Targowica Confederation, Warsaw Ghetto Uprising, World War II (WWII), anti-Semitism, concentration camps, international solidarity with Africa, African national liberation movements, environmentalism, nature, conservationalism, film studios, arts and culture; makers include S. Whelgus, L. Hotdanowicz, Roman Cieslewicz, Homer Page; references or specifically about High Noon (film), Dzuma, atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Rada Panstwa, A. Laska, ministerstwo ochrony srodowiska zasobow naturalnych I lesnictwa [Ministry of Environmental Protection Natural Resources and Forestry], "Last Stage"; referenced individuals include Harry S. Truman, Tomasz Sarnecki; languages include Polish, English
Drawer A-25, Folder 1

Artists: Lorenzo Homar / David Alfaro Siquieros 1959; 1970; 1972

Physical Description: 3

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Puerto Rico, independence, colonialism; makers include Lorenzo Homar, David Alfaro Siquieros; references or specifically about newspapers, shackles; referenced individuals include Ruben Salazar; places made include Mexico, Puerto Rico; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-25, Folder 2

France: Fragile - Oversize 1930s-1940s; 1970s

Physical Description: 3

Scope and Content Note

related topics include military recruitment, draft, national defense, anti-nuclear, Pacific Ocean, pollution, World War II; makers include Devambez, Section Contre L'atome Liquidant le Pacifique; references or specifically about mushroom clouds; places made include France; languages include French
Drawer 25-, Folder 3

Donald Trump: Fragile 2018

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

Related topics include white supremacy, politics, misogyny, political corruption, capitalism, corporate greed, Grand Old Party (GOP), Republican party, racism, white terrorism, xenophobia, voter fraud, stolen elections, conspiracy, politicians, pigs, George Orwell's Animal Farm, violence, government, human rights violations, Make America Great Again (MAGA), conservativism, nationalism, Paris 68; referenced individuals include Donald Trump; places made include Paris, France; languages include English
Drawer A-25, Folder 4

Women: Fragile 1981

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

Related topics include women, feminism, racial unity, society, social norms, female identity, public art, commentary, urban art, ethnicity, solidarity, gender, sexism, socioeconomic differences, women power, print making, multiculturalism; makers include Helene Ly; references or specifically about the commonality between women across various races, cultures, and socio-economic backgrounds and a call for unity between them; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include Chinese, English
Drawer A-25, Folder 5

Artists: René Mederos - Fragile 1971

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Cuba, revolutionary leaders; makers include René Mederos, Comisión de Orientación Revolucionaria; referenced individuals include Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Camilo Cienfuegos; places made include Cuba; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-25, Folder 6

Latin America: International Solidarity - Fragile 1977

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Latin America, international solidarity, unity, Puerto Rico, Mexico, political prisoners, Mexican flag, Puerto Rican flag; makers include Comité Nacional Contra la Represión del Gran Jurado; referenced individuals include Emiliano Zapata, Pedro Archuleta, Roberto Caldero, Maria Cueto, Jose Lopez, Raise Nemikin, Andres Rosado, Julio Rosado, Luis Rosado, Ramón Emeterio Betances, Miguel Hidalgo, Pedro Albizu Campos; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages includes Spanish, English, Arabic
Drawer A-25, Folder 7

Cuba: Fragile 1961

Physical Description: 1

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Cuba, arts and culture; makers include E. G. Ayala, Ponciano, Walter Womacka; references or specifically about Palacio de Bellas Artes, Consejo Nacional de Cultrura, guns, doves, children, families; places made include Cuba; languages include Spanish
Drawer A-26, Folder 1

Women: Death of the Patriarchy / Heresies - Oversize 1976

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include feminism, women artists, art history; makers include Mary Beth Edelson, Chrysalis (publication); references or specifically about The Last Supper, fine art, A.I.R. (first feminist art gallery in New York City), Battle of Bunker Hill; referenced individuals include Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn, John Turnbull, Georgia O'Keefe, Yoko Ono, Leonardo da Vinci, Arlene Raven, Deena Metzger, Sheila de Bretteville, Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres; places made include USA
Drawer A-26, Folder 5

Women: Arts and Culture 1975-1991

Physical Description: 45

Scope and Content Note

related topics include feminism, gender, women, women struggles, war, museum scandals, indigenous women, women's center, orientalism, motherhood, Asiatic, tribes, humanity, violence against women, feticide, patriarchy, sexual assault, women's bookstores, education, LGBTQ+, racial solidarity, peace, equality, development, environment, nudity, diversity, dance, performance, spirituality, women in the military, literature, refugees, technology, early modern Europe, Roman art, the body, flames, fire, indigenous communication, America, nationality, communism, Africa, revolution, indigenous solidarity, war bonnets, fertility, motherhood, nudity, daughters, autonomy, disabilities, womb, priests, legislators, agriculture, uranium, hammer and sickle, laws, Lady Justice, medieval works, red cloak, abortion rights, male gaze, male authority, patriarchal justice system, destruction, ordinance, progress, poetry, creative writing, illustration, Jewish women, mother earth civil war; makers include Frank McSherry Jr, Charles G Waugh, Martin Greenberg, Mothers of Medusa, Ephemeris Graphics, Inkworks Press, Jamila, Judy Chicago, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville,Women's Graphic Center in Los Angeles, Jean Vallon, New Day Films, Rasmussen, NINO Media, New World Press Collective, L. Kosinksi, Periwinkle Productions, Scott Slobodian, Barbara Slobodian, Barbara Garza; National Women's History Project, Joseph Vasta, Academy Press Limited, Albert S., Refugio Posadas, Frances Phoenix, Leonard von Matt, Leonard von Matt, Sara Steele, Quimetta Perle, Cleis Press, Light Allusions, Susan Friedman, Frank Williams, Deborah Wolf Ltd, Womens Resources Distribution Company, Consolidated Drake Press, Lee Hoover, Papier-Mache Press, Anna P. Oneglia, Jayne Relaford Brown, Progressive, Roxanna Bikadoroff, The Women's Resource Center UCLA, Peter Paul Rubens, Women's Heritage Series, Louise Ramsdell, Virginia Bratfisch, Sara Steele, Steeleworks, Women's Art Registry, Emily Osborne, Ruth Dalto, Prich, Trish Dalto, L Prichard; referenced individuals include Louisa May Alcott, Eudera Welty, Kate Chopin, Olive Schreiner, Marilyn Monroe, Coreen Corinne, Dancer of Shamahka, Armen Ohanian, Ntozake Shange, Inge Langen, R. Nita Barrow, Bondago Committee, Nick Broomfield, Joan Churchill, Abduraghiem Johnstone, Marge Piercy, St. Catherine,; references or specifically about Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Museum of Contemporary Art, "with no immediate cause", New Words, With Babies and Banners: The Story of the Women's Emergency Brigade, Union Maids Women Organizing in the 1930's, The Other Half of the Sky: A China Memoir, Yudie Independence, Aging and the Immigrant Experience, Great Grand Mother A History of Prairie Women, First Annual Women's Poetry Festival of San Francisco, Rejection Quintet, Facing Tomorrow (film), United Nation's Decade for Women, Kenya, Permanent Mission of Barbados, National Women's History Project, Women's National Book Association, United Nations Fourth World Conference on Women, Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University, "Shimmer of Life", Soldier Girls (film), Terracotta Museum, Inner Power Series, Goddess with Dove Crown, Earth Woman Series, Natural History Museum Austria, Venus of Willendorf, Snake Goddess-Faience, Heraklion Museum, Earth Woman Series, Cymbidium, ars femina, Right to Life, Women's Heritage Series, Women's Resource Center Wayne, PA, Womens Art Registry, Australia Councils Community Arts Program; places made include Los Angeles (California), Houston (Texas), Cambridge (Massachusetts), New Jersey (USA), Beverly Hills (Los Angeles), Chicago (USA), Australia, Philadelphia (USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota), Pennsylvania,; languages include English, French,
Drawer A-26, Folder 6

Women: Arts and Culture - 10 x 10 Ten Women Ten Prints Series 1995

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include International Women's Day, women's suffrage, diversity, education, African Americans, Chinese Americans, China; makers include Berkeley Art Center, Jos Sances, Alliance Graphics, Faith Ringgold, Juana Alicia, Hung Liu, Ruth Morgan, Kim Anno, Mildred Howard, Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Claudia Bernardi, Carrie Mae Weems; referenced individuals include Carol Goldman, Robbin Légère Henderson; places made include California (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-26, Folder 7

Women: Arts and Culture - Art Exhibitions 1973-2009

Physical Description: 62

Scope and Content Note

related topics include feminism, art history, photography, comedy, peace, anti-nuclear, disarmament, Los Angeles feminist art movement, public forums, community centers, youth programs, social housing, workshops, stereotypes, sexism, homophobia, music, poetry, domestic violence, violence against women, Mothers for Peace, Illinois history, Iranian women, domestic labor, African American women, theater, science, cotton gin, U.S. cultural critique, labor, poetry, sex workers, ; makers include Sheila & Eike, Donald Woodman, Ginna Sloane, Columbia Art Company, West Coast Print Center, Don Miller, Jesse Epstein, Center for the Study of Political Graphics (CSPG), Pam Valois, Mark Allen Miller, Rapoport Printing Corp., W2 Launch Pad, Bonnie Shand, Thunderseed Women's Group, VIda Gallery, Kate Winter, Cambridge Social History Resource Center, Bary Cohen, rentboy.com, Judy Chicago, Don Miller, Chicago Council on Fine Arts, Illinois Arts Council, National Endowment for the Arts (N.E.A), Alcoa Foundation, .; references or specifically about sexual politics, UCLA Armand Hammer Museum, Workers Arts and Heritage Centre, The Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, Sisters of Survival (S.O.S.), University of Massachusetts Amherst, Feminist Art WorkShop, Mother Art, the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA), women's liberation, feminist revolution, University of Kentucky College of Fine Arts, California Institute of the Arts (CalArts), The Birth Project, Ohio State University (OSU), pluralism, group identity, Islamic Republic, Triton Museum of Art, America's Junior Miss, Andrew Smith Gallery, Museum of African American Art, Black Women's Forum, UCLA Women's Week, The Dinner Party, A Patchwork of Our Lives, The Cambridge Women's Oral History Project, portfolios, Let Life Be Yours, Women Artists 1550-1950, burlesque, spoken word, music, sexy circus tricks, Hull House, "Inside/Outside", Feminist art class of the San Francisco Art Institute, Otis College of Art and Design, Ben Maltz Gallery, Feminist Art Workers, Doin' It In Public, Pacific Standard Time: Art in LA 1945-1980, The Waitresses, Ariadne: A Social Network, Chrysalis, Incest Awareness Project, LA Women's Video Center, Lesbian Art Project, LA Women's Video Center, Great American Lesbian Art Show (GALAS), Madre Tierra, Mother Art, Natalie Barney Cllective, Sisters of Survival, Women's Graphic Center, Writer's Workshop, Ckae Divas, Skirball Cultural Center, Men of Steel Women of Wonder, Coalition of Immokalee Workers, Dancing Mothers, Growing Up Female, What 80 Million Women Want, UnionMaids; referenced individuals include Judy Chicago, Alfred Stieglitz, Georgia O'Keefe, Julia Margaret Cameron, Jo Anna Isaak, Sojourner Truth, Cheri Gaulke, Sue Maberry, Marina Abramovic, Judith F. Baca, Suzanne Lacy, Betye Saar, Judy Blum, Nicole Brown, Anne Frank, O. J. Simpson, Abigail Heyman, Eva Cockcroft, Mohammad Reza Shah Pahlavi, Ellen Lampert, Frida Kahlo, Marcos Raya, Eli Whitney, Catherine Greene, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Condoleezza Rice, Jane Adams, Wallace Kirkland, S.F. Field, Fenn, Sue Maberry, Linda Vallejo, Jill Fields, Leigh Grode, Joan Spitter, Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Susan E. King, Suzanne Lacy, Onya Hogan-Finlay, Elana Mann, Audrey Chan, Anne Swartz, Gloria Alvarez, Wanda Coleman, Eloise Klein Healy, Bia Lowe, Deena Metzger, Terry Wolverton, Mitsuye Yamada, Alexandra Juhasz, Jennie Klein, Michelle Moravec, Jenni Sorkin, Jerri Allyn, Anne Gauldin, Joyce Dallal, Hanna Rosin, Saru Jayaraman, Amy Poehler, Tucki Bailey, Alma Villanueva, Patricia Rodriguez, Frankie Smith, Gina Kaiper, Burghild Holzer, Rozell Spafford, Pat Parker, Martha Young, Ota Pierce, Nancy Buchanan, Susan Muscarella, Nancy Hom, Genny Lim, Barbara Kruger; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), New Mexico (USA), Washington DC, Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Columbus (Ohio, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-26, Folder 8

Women: Arts and Culture - Events 1974-1993; 2002-2016

Physical Description: 46

Scope and Content Note

related topics include diversity, empowerment, dialogue, lies, truth, shaming, leadership, parade, feminism, trust, power, responsibility, racism, solidarity, war, gender, ecology,globalization, spirituality, ; makers include Sistah's Steppin with Pride, Arts First Oakland, Design Action, Lynda Koolish, Central American Education Council, NYU Center for Marxist studies, Cultural Correspondence, Xplicit Players, D. Cassady, Margaret Hussey, UC Berkeley Graduate Assembly's Women's Project, UC Berkeley Dean of Student Life, C. Rosalind Lightness, Center for Racial Education, University Center for Cultural & Intercultural Studies (UCCIS), Hofstra University, Frances Gilot, Apple Graphics, The Studio for Southern california History, The Women's Building Educational Programs (Los Angeles), Stanley Mouse, Gail Ann Williams, Norman Millar, LIORAK Photography, Community Printers, Aztlan Cultural, Kent Rush, Third Women's Press; references or specifically about Q-tip pepperspray "eight" defense, UC Davis, Ladies Against Women, Make America a Man Again, Slutwalk 2013, slutshaming, Smith College Women's Week 1985, Womyn's Futures, International Women's Day, breast freedom, women's marathon, mother earth, healing, collective energy, the planet, Radical Humor Festival, transgression, women Under Occupation, ; referenced individuals include Audre Lorde, Gloria Steinem, Ronald Reagan, Adrienne Rich, Susan Griffin, Nellie Wong, Angela Davis, Pat Sumi, Lucy Lippard, Faith Wilding, Kate Braverman, Wanda Coleman, Eloise Klein Healy, Deena Metzgar, jay kinney, Holly Near, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Hempstead (New York, USA), Oakland (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Santa Ana (California, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-26, Folder 9

Women: Arts and Culture - Music / Musical Events 1975-1987; 2009

Physical Description: 35

Scope and Content Note

related topics include punk, counterculture, peace, Berkeley Women's Music Collective, Michigan Womyn's Music Festival, benefit, media, feminism, ; makers include Cathy McAuliffe, Redwood Records, Cowardly Line Graphics, A.S.K. productions, Salcedo Press, Micheline, Revolutionary Acts!, J. A. Rubino, Maria Hollenbach, Organization for Equal Education of the Sexes, Normunds Berzing Photo, Carol Newhouse, Tirani Audis, National Women's Studies Association (NWSA), Allison Bernstein, Robert Turner, Pam Keeley, Women in Production, Robin Imandt, Ann Flanagan, Mary McFaul, Salsedo Press, Women in Music, ; references or specifically about Clitfest, punk womyn, Second City (Chicago), Two Women and their Music, From Bessie to Billie to Now, Women Jazz artists, Chuco's Justice Center, Lady Fest, Women against Rape, People Against Nuclear Power, Nestle Boycott (Infact), Repressive Legislation, Alternate Tentacles Records, Alive Records, City Life, Berkeley Women's Music Collective, Manhattan Transfer, The Chicago Jazz Band, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Isquierda, Alive!, Hydra, pianos, woman-only events, We Want the Music Collective; referenced individuals include Holly Near, Ronnie Gilbert, Billie Holliday, Bessie Smith, Flora Purim, Terry Garwaithe, Sulanya Conway, Rita Warford, Sippie Wallace, Janis SIegel, Cheryl Bentyne, Odetta, Nancy White, Kristin Lems, Mary Watkins, Nina Goldin, Susan Freundlich, Ginni Clemmens, Timothy Near, Margie Adam, Malvina Reynolds, Margie Adams, Country Joe McDonald, Pete Seeger, Alice Donut, Loree Gold, Barbara Cobb, Jerene Jackson, Meg Christian, Toni Brown, Teresa Trull, Linda Shear, Linda Tillery; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Albion (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA)
Drawer A-26, Folder 10

Women: Cardstock 1974-1983; 1996-2004; 2017

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include education, medicine, poverty, unions, labor, pro-choice, elections, campaigns, reproductive rights, abortion, marches and demonstrations, feminism, youth, International Women's Day, trespassing, property, freedom, reproduction, elections, voters; makers include Califia Community, Instructional Aids, National Women's Political Caucus, Maia Sortor, Amy Manso, Coalition of Labor Union Women (CLUW), Planned Parenthood, American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), National Organization for Women (NOW), National Women's Political Caucus (NWPC); references or specifically about multiculturalism, Gallery of Great Americans: Women of America, American Red Cross, radical right, "life, liberty and reproductive freedom, right to choose, march for women's lives, voter suppression; referenced individuals include Elizabeth Blackwell, Beryl Goldberg, Jill Ruckelshaus, Jane Addams, Dolley Madison, Clara Barton; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-26, Folder 11

Women: Arts and Culture - Theater/Theater Events 1977-1996; 2008-2013

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

Related topics include anniversary, feminism, theater, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ); makers include Feminist Readers' Theater, V. Beecham, Community Printers, El Teatro de la Esperanza, S. Gefter, Commonwealth of Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities, The American Branch of International Artists Collaborative, Port Townsend Vagina Warriors, Mary Wings, Marty Selim, Brava! For Women in the Arts, Eureka! Theatre Company, Lilth Theater Collective, Evening Dawn Graphics, Times Change Press; references or specifically about feminist art, Mother Tongue, Fefu and Her Friends, Pizza, Lilith, a women's theatre, Blessings in Disguise, Santa Cruz Art Center, Mujer Arte, Cultura Chicana, La Casa de La Raza, Mother Courage and Her Children, Clown Mountain Farm, A Memory, A Monologue, A Rant, and a Prayer, Vagina Monologues, Domestic Violence/Sexual Assault Program of Jefferson County, V-Day, Feeling the Heat, The Roof's on Fire, Sacrifices, It's All Right to be Woman Theatre; referenced individuals include Carol Wells, Michele Linfante, Alan Nomura, Judith Elena Hernandez, Bertold Brecht, Eve Ensler, Maria Irene Fornes, Alma Becker, Ellen Gavin, Ellen Sebastian, Robert Frost, Ruby Rochetto, Marcia Salo Rizzi; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Greenfield (Massachusetts, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), New Jersey (USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-26, Folder 12

Women: Arts and Culture 1976-1997; 2005-2018

Physical Description: 35

Scope and Content Note

Related topics include ecology, poetry, feminism, nature, spiritualism, peace, solidarity, family, stereotyping, Pro Choice, freedom, truth, equality, health, imperialism, sexism, poverty, apartheid, scapegoating, race, class, patriarchy, ageism, labor, gender, respect, domestic violence, land rights, strike, slavery, abortion, warriors, poetry, authority, domestic work, ; makers include Psychological Industries, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Kunkel, Tea Lautrec Litho, Women's Built Project, Peace Press, Karen Kerney, Allied Printing, Gloria Hajduk, Laura Silagi, Suzanne Siegel, Helen Million Ruby, Mother Art, City Streets, Turner, National Jewish Council of Women (NCJW), Mother Jones magazine, Plaza de la Raza, Janet McLaughlin, Merrilyn Duzy, The Women Caucus for Art, Museum of Fine Arts St. Petersburg, Mothers of Medusa (MOM), Drucilla Anne Miranda, St. Pierre Design,; references or specifically about "Like a Mountain", women's peace encampments, Women's History Month, Humanities/Social Science Lecture series (Glendale Community college), quilts, anti-nuke, anti-nuclear, sign language, Patchwork Power, gender roles, Gino's, Instant Independence!, Pepsi, Stayfree, "Our Bodies, Ourselves", Chile, Palestine, Ireland, Vietnam, Cuba, China, childcare, Indigenous women, Jewish women, forced marriage, sterilization, pornography, Hamish Amish Quilters of the San Fernando Valley (California), Wounded Knee, Ms. Magazine, Harlan County Strike, LACMA (Los Angeles County Museum of Art), MOCA (Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles), Corcoran, LA Louver, Weinberg, Gagosian, Krieger/Landau, Kuhloenschmidt, Felsen, Leavin, Baum, Cirrus, Asher/Faure, Bornstein, Dorothy and the Wizard of Oz, Little Ship of Horrors,Letters to Harriet Tubman, Women's History Month Lecture series (Glendale Community collete), ; referenced individuals include J.Jefferson, Karen Hale Newcomb, Donna Clare Gerken, Dr. Robert Newcomb, Elly Simmons, Naomi Littlebear, Jan Phillips, DeBorah Sharpe Taylor, Harriet Tubman, Harry Belafonte, Barry White, Sappho,Tao Te Ching, Susan Friedman, Beverly Sills, Ethel Rosenberg, Anna Mae Aquash, Bella Lewitsky, Miriam Anderson, Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou, Abigail Adams, Jeanette Rankin, Maggie Kuhn, Judith Resnick, Gloria Steinem, Bella Abzug, Helen Keller, Margaret Sanger, Mother Jones, Lillian Hellman, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Lena Horne, Dolores Huerta, Patsy Mink, Georgia O'Keefe, Emma Lazarus, Wilma Rudolph, Margo Albert, Amelia Earhart, Isadora Duncan, Buffy Sainte-Marie, Susan B. Anthony, Florence Reece, Dr. Barbara McClintock, Rachel Carson, Sojourner Truth, Gertrude Stein, Babe Didrikson Lakaries, Harriet Tubman, Coretta Scott King, Margart Mead, Leontyne Price, Queen Mathilda, N atalia Gonchrova, Berthe Morisot, Elisabetta Sirani, Eva Hesse, Rosa Bonheur, Harriet Hosmer, Rachel Rusych, Marie Hullemine Benoist, Sofonisba Anguissola, Mary Cassat, Lavinia Teerline, Caterina Dei Vigri, Marguerite Girard, Ann Hall, Gabriele Munter, Gwen John , Rosalba Carriera, Ende, Alexandra Exter, Edmonia Lewis, Artemisia Gentileschi, Frida Kahlo, Hsueh Wu, Judith Leyster, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Cuna, Cecilia Beaux, Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun, Suzanne Valadon, Navajo, Clara Peters, Louise Moillon, Kathe Kollwitz, Marilyn Monroe, Gloria Steinem, Gloria Anzaldua; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Glendale (California, USA), Mountain View (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Palo Alto (California, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A -26, Folder 14

Women: Arts and Culture - Events 1976-1988; 2007-2009

Physical Description: 13

Scope and Content Note

related topics include stories, poetry, festival, benefit, media, arts & culture, exhibition, competition, sex trafficking, children, militarism; makers include Inkworks, David Hills, Instituto de la Mujer, J.L Seidlin, Karen Jacobs, Jan Shaull, Inkworks, Emalyn Lopez, Hilvanado Visiones de Paz, Berkeley Women on the Move; references or specifically about dove of peace, New World Press Collecive, the Feminist Conference Committee Department of English (UC Berkeley), crafts, performing arts, Pennsylvania Council on the Arts, City of Harrisburg, book fair, bookmakers, printmakers, Mills Bookarts, Aron Arts Center, Mills College, Masquerade Ball, fashion show, global sex trade, children sex trade, Gabriela Network, Culture of Life, Women for Genuine Security, Pana Institute, Creativity, Organizadoras para la Conciencas en Accion, Puerto Rico, Guam, Phillipines, Japan, Hawaii, Korea; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Spain; languages include English, Spanish, Chamorro, Japanese, Korean, Hawaiian, Tagalog
Drawer A-27, Folder 1

Women: Coalition for Positive Sexuality 1996-1999

Physical Description: 12

Scope and Content Note

related topics include lesbians, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), sex positivity, diversity, reproductive rights, abortion, pro-choice, safe sex, condoms, latex, dental dams, protection, birth control, HIV/AIDS, sexually transmitted diseases/sexually transmitted infections (STD/STI), morning after pill, self-protection, sex; produced by or supporting education, women's rights, lubricants, teenage pregnancy, planned pregnancy, family planning, paternal responsibilities, stigmas, bisexuality, sexual orientations, stereotyping, menstruation, female anatomy, masturbation, abusive relationships, sexual abuse; makers include Jeanette May; referenced individuals include Nathaniel Hawthorne; references or specifically about Girl Germs project, Just Say Yes, Scarlet Letter, spin the bottle, Outproud! National Coalition for Gay, Lesbian, and Bisexual Youth, National Domestic Violence Hotline, Network for Battered Lesbians and Bisexual Women, Rape Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN); places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-27, Folder 2

Women: Conferences - Internationally Made 1980-2002; 2010

Physical Description: 49

Scope and Content Note

related topics include stereotypes, Latin America and Caribbean, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), feminism, government and politics, genocide, Guatemala, domestic violence, violence against women, equality, peace, Central America, labor, occupational health, socio-economics, equal rights, international solidarity; makers include Deborah Kelley, Grupo Lésbico Feminista, Fanny Rabel, World Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), Annie Blue, Dianne Butterworth, War Resisters' International, People's Plan for the 21st Century, Graswurzelwerkstatt, Líz Mestres, Chovanez, Cordillera Women's Education and Resource Center, Forawet, Coco Masuda, United Nations, Luna, Gohil/Lamba, Ulrich/Riria-Ouko, Valerie Pettis, Ole Hamann, A. Bourykine, Moira Finucane, Masudul Hasan, Spectrum, Multi-Donor Facilitation Unit, General Union of Palestinian Women; referenced individuals include Christine Nixon, Alaíde Foppa, Sam McLiroy, Jia Mian; references or specifically about United Nations, First Asian Indigenous Women's Conference, United Nations Decade for Women, Great Wall of China, Temple of the Mount, International Women's Day; places made include Australia, Costa Rica, Madrid (Spain), Mexico City (Mexico), Switzerland, Thailand, Germany, USA, Prague (Czech Republic), Philippines, Bangladesh, Uruguay, Denmark, Mexico, Pakistan, Palestine; languages include English, Spanish, German, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Czech, Swedish, French, Bengali, Swahili, Chinese, Portuguese, Thai, Japanese
Drawer A-27, Folder 3

Women: Conferences - U.S. Made 1977-1989; 1995-2002

Physical Description: 48

Scope and Content Note

related topics include socialism, feminism, Arab women, U.S. imperialism, masculinity, religion, community building, public image, university conferences, equality, women in law, women of color, empowerment, The First International Women Playwrights Conference, civil rights, women's rights, sexual preference, media, sexual violence against women, agism, women of color, international solidarity, health, employment, voting, disability, childcare, economics, arts and humanities, education, insurance, reproductive freedom, housing, tenants, unions, landlord, anniversary; makers include Midwest Conference on Women and The Law, Salcedo Press, Third World Movement Against the Exploitation of Women, Socialist/Feminist Group, Bernadette Littlefield and Sarah Steele, Tarek Atrissi,Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Department, Kirk Pederman, Midwest Conference on Women and the Law, Women's Law Association, Arab Movement of Women Arising for Justice (AMWAJ), INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence, Loyola Law School, Basta, Neuberg Printing, Twin Cities Men's Center, Mark Odegard, Ted King, Kolorpress, National Organization for Changing Men, Bob Hansman, Roy M. Paris, Community of Printers, Leticia Valdez, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Continuing Committee of the National Women's Conference, Amado Peña, Jr., El Taller Publishing, The Barnard Women's Center, CONGDON, Socialist Feminist Conference, The California Studies Conference XI; referenced individuals include Angela Davis, Alice Waters, David Harris, Mike Davis, Robert Hass, Maxine Hong Kingston, Chrystos Gloria Steinem, Michelle Wallace; references or specifically about Conference on Ethnic American Women, 15th Annual Watts Towers Day of the Drum Festival, 20th Annnual Simon Rodai Watts Towers Jazz Festival, National Women's Studies Association, U.S. flag, Organización de Solidaridad con los Pueblos de Asia, África y América Latina (Organization in Solidarity with the Peoples of Africa, Asia and Latin America, OSPAAAL), Third World War, Midwest Regional Men's Conference, National Assembly of Religious Women, Jane S. Gould, National Plan of Action, Blueprint for Equality, National Women's Conference, Antioch College (Ohio), Chicago Women's Liberation Union, New York City Women's Union, Boston Socialist/Feminist Organization, Lexington Socialist/Feminist Union, Twin Cities Women's Union (Minneapolis-St. Paul), Valley Women's Union (Northampton, MA), New American Movement Women's Caucus, Dayton Socialist/Feminist Group, Charlotte Perkins Gilman Chapter (Durham, NC), Radical Women (Seattle) California Since the Sixties, Revolutions and Counterrevolution; places made include Dayton (Ohio, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), St. Louis (Missouri, USA), Medford (Massachusetts, USA), Houston (Texas, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA) Buffalo (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA) Georgia (USA); languages include English, Arabic
Drawer A-27, Folder 4

Women: Feminism / Women's Liberation 1977-2007; 2015

Physical Description: 41

Scope and Content Note

related topics include equality, women's movement, ecology,, revoltion, program, satire, humor, sexism, women's history, poetry, inspirational words, marches and demonstrations, heterosexual men, feminist literature, pink fist, outrage, alienation, labor, unpaid female labor, gender equality, positive body image, social awareness, self-image, unity, solidarity, women in art, artists, diversity, gender stereotypes, genitalia, pubic hair, shaving, western media, consciousness raising, resistance, conference, war; makers include Sally Rosh Wagner, Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) Los Angeles, Barbara Taylor, Helen Greco, S ARK, Jo Cooke, Hellene Cooke, Women's International League for Peace and Freedom, Kathryn Burden, Stephanie Ariel, Northern Sun Merchandising, Sue Maberry, Steve Again, A New Horizons Concept, Dusty sang, Miyuki Baker, WordPress, Steve Cagan; referenced individuals include Phyllis Schlafly, Nadine Bloch, Gina Rosenberg, Christabel Pankhurst, Tiffany Mamone, Judy Baca, Marina abramovic, Sheila Levrant De Bretteville, Yoko Ono, Betye Saar, Cindy Sherman, Barbara T. Smith, Devra Weber, Adrienne Rich, Barbara Ehrenreich, Randy Forsberg, Linda Gordon, Anna Gyorgy, Susan Griffin, Pat Hynes, Grace Paley, Rayna Rapp, Rosemary Ruether, Peggy Talor , Nancy Jack Todd, ; references or specifically about Wack! Art and the Feminist Revolution, Ladies Against Women, Cleaveland Beacon, All Things Considered, Mr. and Mrs. Potatohead, No I Don't Shave, vulvas, Eastern War Time, Feminism and Ecology, Goddard College, college program, feminist theory, feminist art and technology, health, feminist anthopology, social theory, aesthetics, Witches Midwives and Nurses, For Her Own Good,; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), Venice (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Cleveland (Ohio, USA), Plainfield (Vermont, USA),
Drawer A-27, Folder 5

Women: Girls / Education 1997; 2000

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include diversity, children's rights, gender stereotypes, spirit, health, intellect, self respect, self-expression, economic independence, self-reliance, literacy, dormitory life, Edwardian society, anti-women's rights; makers include Girls Incorporated, Cover Concepts, iEmily.com, Joan Beard, Plowshare Group, David Perry, ecology, pollution, Farah Lisa Aria, Farida Zaman, World Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), Alison Aune, New Moon Publishing; referenced individuals include Yelizaveta Kruglikova; references or specifically about New Moon, MadLibs, Is College Bad for Girls?, X-Ray Spex; places madeinclude New York CIty (New York, USA), USA, Minnesota (USA); languages include English, Russian, Spanish, French
Drawer A-27, Folder 6

Women: Politics / Campaign 1977-1984/ 1992-2022

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include propositions, voting, union dues, women, schools, worker's rights, justice, sacrifice, giving, welfare, jobs, right to choose, healthcare, women in the military, military dependents, prisoners, volunteer, elections, children, economics, working women, balance; makers include Sprint, Sea Dog Press, Beryl Goldberg, Maia Sortor, National Women's Democratic Caucus, Democratic National Committee, National Organization for Women (NOW), AFL-CIO, Working Women Vote '98, Gina Savage; referenced individuals include Governor Arnold Schwartzenegger, Jill Ruchelhaus, Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Jane Harman, Debra Bowen, Governor Pete Wilson, Gretchen Whitmer, Dana Nessel, Jocelyn Benson, Geraldine Ferraro, Edward Gene Rendell, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez; references or specifically about paycheck protection, school funding, employee compensation, silencing women, Rosie the Riveter, "we can do it", Democratic National Committee Eleanor Roosevelt Fund for Women Candidates, National Women's Political Caucus, Proposition 165 California 1992 (state welfare initiative), National Democratic Convention (1984), the radical right, Native American women, federal employees, Peace Corps, Vice Presidential election 1984, Working Women Vote '98 Action Kit; places made include California (USA), New York (New York, USA), Watertown (Massachusetts, USA),
Drawer A-27, Folder 7

Women: Health - Cancer 1980-1999; 2013

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include breast cancer, prevention, benefit events, cigarettes, tobacco industry, advertising industry, subvertisements, lung cancer, breast exams, breast self-examination, art exhibitions, hiking events, mastectomy, mammograms; makers include Sheila Levrant de Bretteville, Lynne Okun, Lenora Davis, Inkworks Press, Women's Medical Association of NYC, Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL), San Francisco Main Library, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, American Cancer Society, Lily Pond, Sperling Sampson West, Sanders Nicolson, Elyse Lewin, Jackson Gray, Page Bertelsen, Hella Hammid, Inkworks Press; referenced individuals include Hollis Sigler, Deena Metzger, Pablo Picasso, Leonardo Da Vinci; references or specifically about Virginia Slims (cigarettes), Bay Area women, Capri, More, Eve, Statue of Liberty, Art. Rage. Us. (publication), Breast Cancer Fund, National Cancer Institute, fine arts, Mona Lisa (Leonardo Da Vinci), Lady with a Fan, Women's Cancer Resource Center, Charlotte Maxwell Complementary Clinic; places made include New York (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA)
Drawer A-27, Folder 8

Women: Health - Pregnancy / Childcare 1984-1997

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include midwifery, breastfeeding, food leftovers, child nutrition, Best Start, stigmas, bottle baby disease, bottle feeding, Chancay culture (Peru), infant mortality, birthing mortality, single parents, art exhibitions, pre-natal care, drug exposure, pre-eclampsia; makers include Marion Emerson, Turnover, Interfaith Hunger Coalition, Anna Oneglia, California Nurse Midwives Association, Abbott Laboratories/Ross Laboratories, Infant Maternal Education Association, Conrad, International Organization of Consumers Unions, Robert Crock, Ismail Hashim, Pan Pacific and Southeast Asia Women's Association (PPSEAWA) Inc., Women's Health Exchange, Lora Santiago, Joyce Knezevich, Regina Faul-Doyle, Santa Cruz Birth College, Lance Sims, Orange County Center for Health, JD Smith, Women's Health Exchange, Hesperian Foundation, Lora Santiago, Joyce Knezevich, Regina Faul-Doyle; referenced individuals include Carl Sandburg, Marliyn Kresl, Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English, Linda Bennett, Cicely Williams, Mike Maxsenti, The Dot Printer; references or specifically about Witches, Midwives and Nurses (publication), Boston University School of Public Health, Roe v. Wade, A Book for Midwives (book), Where Women Have no Doctor (book); places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Orange County (USA), Columbus (Ohio, USA), Ontario (British Columbia, Canada); languages include English, Spanish, Korean, Vietnamese, Khmer
Drawer A-27, Folder 9

Women: Health - Safe Sex 1991-2003

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include sexuality, self-care, alternative health care, contraception, condoms, spermicides, HIV/AIDS, PlanB, imperfection, morning after pill, accidents,; makers include Orange County Center for Health, Linda Lawrence, Bruce Mayo, Tom Hollar, Mike Maxsenti, Monty Groutage, Alameda County Medical Center, Inkworks Press; referenced individuals include Bruce Springsteen; references or specifically about Collected Consciousness Center, Trojans; places made include California (USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-27, Folder 10

Women: Health - Various Topics 1970-1983; 1995-1998

Physical Description: 23

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anniversaries, breast implants, pornography, contraception, youth, menstruation, female reproductive system, prescription drugs, medical risks, marathons, pro-choice, HIV/AIDS, universal healthcare, mental health, planned parenthood, foot binding, toxicity, sterilization,pregnancy, counseling, self-help, pediatrics, patients rights, elder care, political skills, homelessness, hazardous advertising, sex, violence against women, batterings, rape, politics, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer ( LGBTQ), ; makers include Gay Community Services Center (Los Angeles), Opil, Berwickwide Family Planning Clinic, Tower Hamlets Arts Committee, Loraine Leeson, Ruby Rogers, Dorothy Dundas, Red Sun Press, Planned Parenthood, Ana Homonnay, Santa Cruz Women's Health Center, Anna Oneglia, Prism Photographics, Community Printers, Patrick Devine, Barbara Margolies, Carson/Keppel, Artist Homeless Shelter Collaborative, National Organization for Women (NOW), Inkworks Press; referenced individuals include Andrea Dworkin, Mary Daly, James Donnolly, Hans Haacke; references or specifically about Leggs Mini Marathon, Women's Health Project, Women Hating, American Cyanamid, Virginia Slims, tobacco companies, Herself Health, liberation and tobacco use, lung cancer, breast cancer, eating disorders, alcohol, redefining liberation campaign, lesbian healthcare, Berkeley Women's Health Collective, The Gay Community Services Center, free health care, all women's staff, ; places made include London (United Kingdom), New York (New York, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-27, Folder 11

Women: Historical Figures Postcards 1974-1987

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women's suffrage, May Day, labor, child labor, feminism, slavery, women in sports, midwifery, Japanese suffrage, Native American women, African American women, Jewish women, women in music, performing arts, government and politics, students; makers include Helaine Victoria Press; referenced individuals include Woodrow Wilson, Alice Paul, Carrie Chapman Catt, Lucretia Mott, Edmonia Lewis, Rose Pesotta, C.J. Walker, Emma Goldman, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Jovita Idar, Kimura Komako, Phyllis Carter, Harriet Tubman, Zora Neale Hurston, Amelia Earhart, Agnes Vanderburg, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Sojourner Truth, Mary McLeod Bethune, Sophia G. Hayden, Toqui-Naachai (Old Washee), Ernestine Rose, Lucy Parsons, Rosa Parks, Helen May Butler, Francis Perkins, Mary Fields (Stagecoach Mary), Dian Fossey, Eleanor Roosevelt, Dolores Huerta, Josefina Villafaña de Martínez-Alvarez, Ida B. Wells-Barnett, Mary Harris (Mother Jones), Jane Adams; references or specifically about Democratic Party, National Women's Party, Smithsonian Institution, National Council of Jewish Women, the Women's Building, the Whiskey Crusade, Navajo, World War II, United Farm Workers; places made include Martinsville (Indiana, USA); languages include English, Hebrew, Japanese
Drawer A-27, Folder 12

Women: Individuals 1976-1998; 2004-2020

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women's rights, slavery, poverty, abolition, temperance, feminism, media, anti-war, birth control, free speech, liberation, sanctuary, immigration, asylum, poetry, death, war, peace, suffrage, oppression, religion, anniversaries, anarchy, social revolution, self expression, freedom, labor, reproductive rights, gender equality, militarism, deportation, rebellion, commitment, class, disabilities, athletics, education, emancipation, lynching, human rights, environmentalism, murder, media, conservatism, suffrage, internalized misogyny, sports; makers include Sheri Stewart, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Anne Gibbons, Susan AL. Allen, Knowledge Unlimited, Karen Kern, University of California Berkeley Press, Maria Guano, David Perry, Universal Press International, Jude Spanks, Open Road, David Lester, Jeremy Sutton, Sophia Smith Collection, Lynn Ok un, Lioness Books, Gallia Goodman, Aid for ending Sexism in Schools, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, Boston University Women's Center, AC. Conrad, Chas Smith, metabolic studios, Les Femmes, Maria Jensen, United Press International, A. E. Bartell, Bettman Archive, Freda Leinwand, Loren Moss, Victoria Rose Sampson, Feminist Horizons, Marlene Miller, Times Change Press, Jewish Women's Archive, Ma'yan: The Jewish Women's Project of JCC, The Covenant Foundation, Righteous Persons Foundation, Andrea M Bronfman; referenced individuals include Annie Oakley, Emma Goldman, Ann Coulter, Jan Phillips, Brian Pederast, Attila Jocelyn Gage, Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Abigail Adams, Margaret Mead, Sandra Day O'Connor, President Ronald Reagan, William Renault, Justice Potter Stewart, Wilma Rudolph, Echinus Chin, Jody Richards, J. Edgar Hoover, Amelia Earhart, Babe Indris Saharans, Clara Barton, Mother Jones, Gertrude Stein, Marilyn Monroe, Eleanor Roosevelt, Georgia Pokeweed, Harriet Beech Stowe, Jacqueline Kennedy (Jackie Kennedy) (Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis), Jeanette Rankin, Gloria Steinem, Annie Ankle, Berta Caceres, Emma Goldman, Bobbie Rosenfeld; references or specifically about Mother Earth magazine, Emma Goldman papers, sexual liberation, El Salvador, Guatemala, death squads, Civil War, The History of Women's Suffrage, Clare Boothe Luce Policy Institute, The Women's Tribune, "Women Church and State", OPEN ROAD newspaper, hunger, great depression, government "safety net", WWI, Bolsheviks, Spanish Civil War, Russia, Canada, Statue of Liberty, United States Supreme Court, Eight Hour Day Movement, Hay market Anarchists, Olympics (1960), China, Anti-Lynching Campaign, Council of Popular and Indigenous People Honduras, airplanes, courage, aviation, statues, The Traffic in Women (1917); places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Herndon (Virginia, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), New York (New York, USA), Brooklyn (California, USA), Honolulu (Hawaii, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Vancouver (Canada), Durham (North Carolina,USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Milbrae (California, USA), Pasadena (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-27, Folder 14

Women: Women's Rights 1976-1995; 2011-2017

Physical Description: 40


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women, justice, politicians, Injustice, politics, activism, education, voting, suffrage, equality, poverty, children, amendments, feminism, civil liberties, liberty, welfare, elections, men, Law, government, United States, ratification, ratified, Constitution, Defense and Education Fund, discrimination, divorce, sex-based, harassment, anti-suffrage, bias, votes, Caucus, centennial, imagination, compassion, courage, Equal Rights Amendment, poverty, marches and demonstrations, protest, civil disobedience, civil rights, literacy, education, power, women's rights, human rights; makers include Diana Rossi, Amy E. Bartell, Jate, Community Printers, National Women's History Project, New American Movement, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Lucy Picco Simpson, Blanche Ames, Woman's Journal, Unifem, National Organization for Women, NWPC, Alliance Graphics. J. Walker Smith, Joyce Vollmer, Elizabeth Freeman, Meg Barnes, Robert Sibley, Elaine Zimmerman, Sandy Chelnov, National Organization for Women (NOW), Tatyana Fazlalizadeh, National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies,Sandy Chelnow, Elaine Zimmerman, Women's Economic Project, California Teachers Association (CTA) ; referenced individuals include Joan Little (Joanne Little), Emmeline Pankhurst, Blanche Ames, James Kenneally, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony, President George W. Bush, Bella Abzug, WIllie Brown, Beppert, Belvia Lockwood, ; references or specifically about Uncle Sam, W.H Taft, 1911 California Woman Suffrage Centennia, Independent American Womanhood, l, Intersectional feminism, presidential inauguration 2017, Smithsonian American History Museum, Street harassment, smiles, predictions, role reversal, Venus symbol; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), New York (USA), Brooklyn (New York), Cambridge (Massachussetts, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Washingotn DC, Brooklyn (New York, USA), Birmingham (New York, USA), Johnsbirg (New York, USA), Oakland (California, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-27, Folder 17

Women: Arts & Culture - Film/Film Events 1971-1992; 200-2003; 2017

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

Related topics include fundraiser, benefit, diversity, festival, goddesses, children, feminism, international solidarity, race, media; makers include Women Against Imperialism, Women in Struggle Film Series, Monkey Productions, San Francisco Newsreel, Rainbow Zenith Press, Nancy Kerrick, Susan Ross, Community Printers, pulling it together productions, "With Babies and Banners", University of California Santa Cruz Sociology Department, Austin Film Society, Nora Patrich, Vancouver Society on Immigrant Women,; references or specifically about women of color, The Goddess Project (Amazon Prime), The Woman's Film, New York State Council for the Arts, punk, gender identity, pornography, punk sexuality, Punkalingus, Women directors, Women in Struggle Film Series, "Live! Nude! Girls! Unite", Hookers Fil, Queen of Hearts Ball, "Marked Woman", How to Make a Woman, Montreal Film Festival, Six Film-Makers in Search of a Wedding, American Film Festival, Take Off: A Striptease, Berkeley Film Festival, Polymorph Films ; referenced individuals include Sandra Hochman, Gloria Steinem, Art Buchwald, Shirley MacLaine, Pierre Salinger, Warren Beatty, John V. Lindsay, Flo Kennedy, John Kenneth Glabraith, Shirley Chisholm, Bella Absuz, Jerry Rubin, Marman Mailer, "Year of the Woman; a fantasy by Sandra Hochman), Bette Davis, Humphrey Bogart, ; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), Washington (USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), Vancouver (CANADA); languages include Spanish, English, French
Drawer A-28, Folder 1

Women: International Women's Day - Internationally Made 1980-2007

Physical Description: 46

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women's movements, marches and demonstrations, peace, international solidarity, sexism, education, conferences, labor, gender equality, armed conflicts, women's rights, violence against women, unions, communism, cultural events, drug abuse, drugs, Philippines, anarchism, anti-war, harassment, racism, Impunity Inequality Hunger, slaughter, domestic violence, disappearances, displacement, death, slaughter, injustice, inequality, unemployment, Dove of Peace, feminin pluriel (includes the masculine), human rights; makers include Biba Rigo, Asociación de Mujeres Nicaragüenes Luisa Amanda Espinoza (AMNLAE), Federación de Mujeres Puertorriqueñas, Ana Juan, Comité Unitario de Mujeres Salvadoreñas (CUMS), ARTE Morquiroga, Centro de Investigación Para la Acción Femenina (CIPAF), Conféderation des Syndicats Nationaux (CSN), Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), Andree Brochu, Frente Farabundo Martí para la Liberación Nacional (FMLN), Nora Patrich, BC Government and Service Employees' Union (BCGEU), Partido Comunista de España (PC), Tierra Viva, Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT), Liz Ana, Victor Mendívil, Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas (CEDRO), Fédération des Femmes du Québec, France Tardif, Confederación Nacional del Trabajo (CNT), Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux, Fédération québécoise des infirmiers et infirmières, Loranger Lamothe, International Artists Group (IAG), Hélène Langlois, Union Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (UNAMG), The Confédération des syndicats nationaux (CSN), Global Fund for Women, International Artists Group (IAG), Tierra Viva, Confédération des Syndicats Nationaux, LA MOTHE, LORANGER, France Tardiff, Claire Beaugrand-Champagne, Victor Mendivil, Centro de Información y Educación para la Prevención del Abuso de Drogas, Grafica, Liz Ana, Nora Patrich, Vic, Bru, Biba Rigo; references or specifically about China, Rosas de Villa Grimaldi, Cordillera (Philippines), lesbians, Dia Internacional de Mujer, International Women's Day; referenced individuals include Jiang Qing, Rosalie Villa Grimaldi; places made include Brazil, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Spain, El Salvador, France, Canada, Germany, Guatemala, Colombia, Belgium, Iran, Costa Rica, Phillipines, Peru, Chiapas (Mexico); languages include Portuguese, Spanish, French, Russian, English, Arabic, German, Farsi, Turkish, Polish, Kurdish, Cebuano
Drawer A-28, Folder 2

Women: International Women's Day - Arts and Culture Events 1960; 1977-1993; 2002-2009

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

makers include Third World Women's Alliance, Gail Dolgin, Jane Norling, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Tim Drescher, People's Press, Evergreen College of Oregon Women of Color Coalition, Third World Women's Committee, Wilma Bonet, Fireworks Graphics, Allied Printing, Copwatch, University of California Berkeley Liberation Front, Inkworks, Sacramento Women's Center, New American Movement (NAM), Claire Millman, Revolutionary Communist Party, Another Grass Roots Events Program; Organización de Solidaridad de los Pueblos de Africa, Asia y América Latina (OSPAAAL), Campaign against Apartheid, International Women's Day Coalition LA, ; referenced individuals include Bonnie Raitt, Bob Avakian, Fahari Jeffers, Sojourner Truth, Keith Haring,; references or specifically about El Rescate, Sabia, chains, Benefit concert, Teatro Raices, Womansong, film festival, Prisoners of War (POWs), Phillipines, Green Berets, El Salvador, Israel, South Africa, Nazis, skinheads, AIDS, childcare, birth control, cancer, chronic fatigue, body image, Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC), Liberation movements, pass books, Transvaal, teach-ins, blockades, Our Bodies Ourselves, Puerto Rico, Central America, Chicano Moratorium, International Indian Treaty Council, Brazilian Immigrant Women (MUIMBRAS), Mujerio's International Committee, Sistah Boom, Women Against Imperialism, Asian discrimination, United Farm Workers (UFW), Wounded Knee, sex toys, natural contraception, self-defense, KPFK, Cable Festival, video art, documentary, public service announcements, ; related topics include diversity, solidarity, disarmament, benefit, anger, suppression, holocaust, oppression, media, festival, racism, unity, marches and demonstrations, labor, rape, harrassment, lesbian, gay bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), political prisoners, Military, human rights, white supremacy, poverty, education, healthcare, poetry, anniversaries, education, workshops, Robin Flower Band, Sabia, ; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), CUBA, Boston (Massachusettes, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish, Arabic, Vietnamese, Swahili,
Drawer A-28, Folder 3

Women: Internationally Made - Africa / Asia / Middle East 1980-2005

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Israeli occupation of Palestine, apartheid, anti-war, peace, labor, wages, employment, safe sex, sex education, diversity, African women scientists, science, education, gender equality, economic development, conferences, military regimes (Myanmar), comfort women, sexual slavery, sex slaves, Korea (pre-partition), peace, justice, art exhibitions, survival, resistance, democracy, Women of Burma Day, anniversaries, rifles, armed struggle, reconciliation, marches and demonstrations, resistance, International Women's Day., feminism, ; makers include Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA), London Caledonian Press, African National Congress (ANC), Coalition of Women for Peace, Selma Waldman, Forum for African Women Educationalists (FAWE), Laurel Burch, KRITI, Committee for Asian Women, Berry Shasha, NGO Forum on Women, Ma Thanda, Saw Bibi, Mak Nasrallah, Jordanian Women's Union, General Federation of Iraqi Women, Rafa Al-Nasiri, The Quest for Justice, 8888 Uprising (Burma), Hauz Khas, Jordan Dotan, Women for Peace and Justice (Israel), Gabriela, The Woman's Voice, ; references or specifically about Israel-Palestine reconciliation, economic justice, womanhood, Manushi (publication), abstinence, monoculture, monopolies, Quest for Justice Tour, The House of Sharing, Historical Museum of Sexual Slavery, International Conference Copenhagen (1980), Korean comfort women, Japanese military camps, World War II (WWII), Japanese Imperial Army, Halmoni, House of Sharing, Quest for Justice, Burma, Burmese military regime, weaving, Guinea, Pre-University Education and Professional Training (Guinea), African women Scientists, monoculture, monopolies, HIV / AIDS, unwanted pregnancy, abstinence, sexual intercourse, Fourth World Conference on Women; referenced individuals include Meena Keshwar Kamal, Wangoi Njau, Shelia Wamahiu, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, Daw San San New, Daw Kyi Kyi, Saw Bibi, Minister Aicha Bah Diallo; places made include Israel, Pakistan, Philipines, South Africa, United Kingdom, Jersulam (ISRAEL), India, Kenya, Guinea, China, Thailand, Burma / Myanmar, Jordan, Iraq, Nairobi, Bahrain; languages include Hebrew, English, Arabic, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Tagalog
Drawer A-28, Folder 4

Women: Internationally Made - Europe 1973-1992

Physical Description: 24


includes Brussels Belgium International Tribunal on Crimes Against Women posters

Scope and Content Note

related topics include political prisoners, international solidarity, racism, sexism, feminism, women's movements, May Day, Native Americans, equal rights legislation, gender equality, youth, teen pregnancy, tampons, women's health, poverty, global economics, human trafficking, labor, sex tourism, education, literacy, family planning, pregnancy, contraception, abortion, pro-choice, reproductive rights, economic development, crimes against women, equal voting rights, rape, violence against women, sexual assault, conferences, tribunal, molestation, prostitution, persecution, double standards, justice, welfare systems, political power, education, development, liberation, empowerment, unity, interdependence, calendar; makers include H. P. Merz, Women's Environmental Network, Change, Margaret Murray, J.J. Petersen, Confédération Française Démocratique du Travail, Cathleen O'Neill, Marina Forrestal, Scottish Education and Action for Development (SEAD), Health Education Council, Secim Icin Feminist Kollektif, World Young Women's Christian Association (YWCA), U.S. Tribunal Committee, Fits Printing, Stewkley Press, Michael Dominguez, Mariet Numan, Diana Russell, Kaye Beth, Scottish Education and Action for Development (SEAD), City Design Co-Operative, Confédération française démocratique du travail (Cfdt France); references or specifically about Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS), Third World, UNICEF, herstory / herstories, Ladies of Llangollon, CIRIC, Vrouwencafe Saaren, International Tribunal on Crimes against Women 1976, Brussels (Belgium), "honor" crimes, clitorectomy, infibulation, pornography, brainwashing, birth control, third world women, forced sterilization, childbirth, gynocratic power, unpaid work, wife beating, legality of rape in marriage, polygamy, slavery, divorce, child brides, single mothers, Young Womens Christian Association (YWCA), labrys, Ciric, Scottish Education and Action for Development (SEAD), An Caillach (The Veiled One), health insurance; referenced individuals include Yvonne Wanrow, Biddy Mc Donagh, Fanny Parnell, Anne Devlin, Peg Woffington, Saídbh, Gormlaith, Mebh, Finola, Simone de Beauvoir, Lilla Watson, Rosa Luxemburg, Lilla Watson; places made include Netherlands, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, France, Ireland, Scotland, England, Turkey, Belgium, Berkeley (California, USA); languages include Dutch, German, Spanish, English, French, Turkish
Drawer A-28, Folder 5

Women: Internationally Made - Latin America 1970; 1981-1995; 2007-2013

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include peace, gender equality, pregnancy mortality, violence against women, women's rights, children's art, divorce, alimony, domestic violence, conferences,The Sylvia Battalion, Sandinista government, child abuse, legal aid, art exhibitions, youth, marches and demonstrations, International Women's Day, Central America, children, women in politics, voting, tourism boycotts, discrimination, sexism, desaparecidos (disappeared persons), Asociación Madres de Plaza de Mayo (Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo), children, marriage, machismo, sexual harassment, solidarity, survival, international solidarity, International Women's Day, repression, migration, injustice, resistance, asylum, sexism, machismo; makers include Federación de Mujeres Cubanas (FMC), Rafael López Castro, Unión Nacional de Mujeres Guatemaltecas (UNAMG), Asamblea Permanente De Mujeres Centroamericanas Por La Paz, Irene Rojas, Saúl Quirós, Red Sun Press, Asociación de Mujeres Nicaragüenes Luisa Amanda Espinoza (AMNLAE), Carolina Valdés González, Comité Manos Fuera de Nicaragua, Lito Cosmos, Ragged Edge Press, Edith Lataillade Hollant, ENFOFANM, Centre National et International de Documentation et d'Information des Femmes en Haiti, Poligrafico Buitoni, Asociacion de Mujeres Salvadoreñas (ASMUSA), Consejo para el Desarrollo Integral de la Mujer Campesina (CODIMCA), Sequoyah Graphics, Naranjo, Sector de Mujeres, Novib Oxfam Netherlands, Hivos, Action Aid International Guatemala, Centro de Mujeres de Vallecas, La Traca Collection de Imagen, Consejo Nacional de la Cultura Y las Artes, Raquel Villareal, Leda Orosco; Inês Castilho, Mario Masetti, Obore, A. Thiermann, ; references or specifically about China, El Salvador, Costa Rica, armed conflicts, Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN), asylum, CoMadres, nuns, rosary, gender signs, crosses, Mexican flag, storm, Conchita Alday, Alicia Torres, The Sylvia Battalion, Gabriela Mistral, Tanya, Abuelas De La Plaza de Mayo, Violetta Parra, Miner's Wives Committee, Bolivia, Nicaragua, Chile, Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz, Dia de La No Violencia contra La Mujer (November 25), Nicaragua, Sandinistas, New Society, CODIMCA (Honduras), peasant women's rights; referenced individuals include Pedro Valtierra, Nora Astorga, Maria Teresa Tula, Bertha Lutz, Juan Manuel-Bervag, Paulita Eva Logares; places made include Cuba, Guatemala, Peru, Nicaragua, Chile, Mexico, Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Italy, Brazil, Argentina, Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include Spanish, English, Haitian Creole, Italian, French, German, Portuguese
Drawer A-28, Folder 9

Women: Labor - Wages / Equal Pay 1982-1991; 2007-2021

Physical Description: 3435


includes cardstock

Scope and Content Note

related topics include gender wages gap, salaries, maternity rights, community building, statistics, unions, equal rights, solidarity, pay equity, statistics, Civil Rights, non-violence, disobedience, equity,community, inclusivity, solidarity, ; makers include National Pay Equity Coalition, United States Department of Labor, Northern Sun Merchandising, UNISON, Hilary McManus, Nuffield Press, Ashville Trading Estate, Lisa Link, United Public Employees, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Tolerant World, National Association of Working Women, Anthony Romano, United Public Employees Local 390, Secret (Deodorant), Conversations with God, Gude SS Productions, The Riveter/not100.co, ; references or specifically about Supreme Court of the United States, Mad Men (television show), Second Reich's Women's Conference (Germany, 1931), National Nurses Week, pension rights, women getting burned, Equal Pay Act (United Kingdom), boston Tea Party, agitators, economic justice, sweat, fair pay, strength, gender equity, 61 cents/ $1, Black women, Native American women $.58/ dollar, white women $.77/ dollar, Asian women $.85/$1. Pacific Islander women $.62/$1, Latina women $.53/$1 ; referenced individuals include Gloria Steinem, President Barack Obama, Thomas E. Perez, Jeremiah Denton, Sheriff Jim Clark, Martin Luther King, Jr.,; places made include Australia, United Kingdom, California (USA), Washington, DC (USA), Minneapolis (Minnesota, USA), Oakland (California, USA)
Drawer A-28, Folder 10

Women: Laminated / Encapsulated Items 1977-1998

Physical Description: 11

Scope and Content Note

related topics include objectification of women, women as commodities, advertisements, advertising industry, sexism, equal pay, wages, labor, gender equality, violence against women, sexual assault, domestic violence, statistics, abortion, pro-choice, reproductive rights, body image, diet industry, capitalism, eating disorders, rape, breast cancer, racism, cosmetics industry, voting rights, mass media, suffrage, healthcare, rape, suicide, unity; makers include Eveready, Kenneth Grooms, Service Employees International Union (SEIU), American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Women's Resource Center, Network of Rural Women's Groups; references or specifically about National Nurses' Week, Roe v. Wade, Miss America Pageant, cosmetics, breast cancer, mammograms, National Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations, The American Woman, Women's Action Coalition: Facts about Women, Rape in America, A Report to the Nation, Rape Crisis Center, Violence Against Women: the Missing Agenda, Women's Action Coalition Facts about Women, anorexia, The Beauty Myth, Fasting Girls: the Emergence of Anorexia as a Modern Disease, Facts in Brief, Abortion in the United States, Keep Abortion Legal, Coalition of battered Women's Advocates, Gender Violence as a Health Issue; referenced individuals include René Magritte, Naomi Wolf, Joan Jacobs Brumberg; places made include Burkina Faso, Sri Lanka, Los Angeles (California, USA), Atlanta (Georgia, USA), Washington D.C. (USA); languages include English, Spanish, Sinhala
Drawer A-28, Folder 11

Women: Marches and Demonstrations 1978-1981; 2013; 2016

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include ecology, anti-war, U.S. imperialism, anti-nuclear, Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), women's suffrage, racism, sexism, violence against women, women's rights, protection, death, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual,Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), liberation, human rights, independence, abortion, pro choice, pro life, Death penalty, children, poverty, solidarity, ; makers include Women's Pentagon Action, Intercontinental Press, Women Organized to Resist and Defend (WORD); references or specifically about Bread and Puppet Theatre, the Love Canal, Women Return to the Pentagon (1981), mourning, status quo, mobilization, Third World People, the Draft, African Americans, Latinos, food stamps, Puerto Rico, Viet Nam, El Salvador, Souh Africa, nuclear bombs, ; referenced individuals include Dorothy Marder, Karen Silkwood, Ronnie Moffet, Anna Mae Aquash; places made include USA, Los Angeles (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA), United Kingdom, San Francisco (California, USA)
Drawer A-28, Folder 12

Women: Mass Media / Stereotypes [1917]1971-1987; 1990s; 2000-2009

Physical Description: 53

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pornography, television, pornography industry, advertising, advertisements, women in film, body image, cultural standards, history, marches and demonstrations, ethnic diversity, beauty pageants, violence against women, tobacco companies, alcohol, eating disorders, fashion industry, depression, exploitation, children's entertainment, domestic labor, art exhibitions, images of women in cartoons, anorexia, military recruitment, World War I (WWI), Hollywood (California, USA), film industry, sexism, labor, religion, gender equality, gender norms, media, propaganda, power, backlash, marriage, protest, independence, symbolism, guns, pornography, poetry, race, sexism, stereotypes, misogyny, purity, virginity, traditional gender roles, beastiality, ; makers include Maria Fe Nuesca, Blue Flame Records, Recovery Systems, N. Kelly, Fox Searchlight, Women Make Movies, A. Piccolo Graphics, Backyard Art Company, Media Watch, Inkworks Press, Corona Extra, Lola Scarpitta, Los Angeles County of Education, University of Colorado Student Union, Caz, Press Gang Publishing, Dover Publications, Suzanne Siegel, Mother Art, Bob Stevens, Discordia, Kulturrecycling, Dover Publications, Henry Chandler Christy, Erica Gibson, National Organization of Women (NOW), Whose Choice, 20th Century-Fox Film Corporation, Dean, The Pacific Institute Incorporated, Cultural Events Board (CEB), Women Against Violence in Pornography and Media (WAVPM), inkworks, ; references or specifically about First Choice Pay TV, corporate mass media, beauty industry, Phat Girlz (film), Myth California, Mexico, Chicano/Latino, Brillo, birth of Venus, couple busting, propaganda, power, Housewives Lament, Catholic Church, Heresies #9, triangles, the Navy, exclusion of women in the military, postmaster recruiting, labrys, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), immaculate deception, Phat Girlz, Corona Beer, Virginia Slims, Obsession for Men, Calvin Klein, alcohol, acquaintance rape, batterings, Miss California Beauty Pageant, women as cows, women as meat, self-hate, corporate media, perfection, media programming, International Women's Week, HOLLYWON'T, penis envy, Cinderella, Monopoly, co-dependence, "Girl at Mirror", Hannah Montana,Greek goddess, Renoir Nude, fashion model 1990s, Barbie, Sweet 'n Low, Juicy Couture, body dysmorphia; referenced individuals include Nicole Hollander, Wonder Woman, Mo'Nique (Monique Angela Hicks), Alessandro di Mariano di Vanni Filipepi (Sandro Botticelli), Howard Chandler Christy, Sara A. Price, Marilyn Monroe, Jean Renoir, Judy Grahn, Marilyn Monroe, Norman Rockwell; places made include Vancouver (Canada), San Diego (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, Mill Valley (California, USA), USA), New York (USA), Mineola (New York, USA), Rosemont (Illinois, USA), Boulder (Colorado, USA), Germany, San Francisco (California, USA), ; languages include German, English, Spanish
Drawer A-28, Folder 13

Women: Peace / Anti-War 1981-2007

Physical Description: 43

Scope and Content Note

related topics include international solidarity, non-violence, disarmament, children's art, violence against women, Afghanistan, Afghan-American communities, feminism, militarism, patriotism, unity, draft resistance, political prisoners, anti-nuclear, historical timelines, police oppression, anarchism, counterculture, quotes, women's peace encampments, El Salvador, anniversaries, corruption, trafficking, gender justice, healthcare, budgets, anniversary, ecology, justice, history, slavery, the draft, unity, resistance, patriotism, militarism, tribunal, diversity, dove of peace, anniversary, ; makers include Women's International League of Peace and Freedom, Community Printers, Chicago Area Women for Peace, Commission for the Prevention of Violence Against Women, Randee S. Fox, Inkworks Press, Boston Social Forum, Red Sun Press, Emalyn Lopez, Watch-Mindanao, Yolanda Fundora, Katya Komisaruk Defense Collective, Bonnie Acker, Women's Encampment, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Sue Thompson, Jeanne Greco, Gilchrist-Roberts, Coordinadora Nacional de la Mujer Salvadoreña, Asociacion de Mujeres Progresistas De El Salvador (AMPES), International Fellowship of Reconciliation Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) Netherlands, Quilters: Piece for Peace, Northeast Connecticut Freeze Campaign, Anarchy Peace and Freedom, White Rose Support Collective, Boston Social Forum, Women's Web, Global Exchange, Afghan Women's Association International, Saldedo Press; references or specifically about East Timor Ploughshares, 20th Anniversary Women for Peace, Mindanao (Philippines), domestic labor and aid, World War II (WWII), U.S. flag, Feminist Resources on Energy & Ecology, Women in Black, Peace is Patriotic, War is Not the Answer, Peru, Israel, Middle East, Palestine, Bat Shalom, Cambodia, Zambia, Amsterdam, Nigeria, Zimbabwe, Pakistan, Ifor Women's Peacemakers Program, International Day of Peace and Disarmament, Bucharest (Romania), Helsinki (Finland), Beijing (China), St. Petersburg (Russia), Odessa (Ukraine), Kiyev (Ukraine), Istanbul (Turkey), Soffia, 4th Anniversary, CONAMUS (El Salvador), COMISO (Women's Peace Camp, Italy), La Ragnatella, quilts, Women's Encampment Seneca Army Depot, Hotinon Sionne Iroquois Confederacy, abolitionists, underground railroad, First Women's Rights Convention, Seneca County (New York, USA), European Peace Movement, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), nuclear weapons military policy, international law, Amazon women, Bettman Archive, Capitoline Museum, Amazon Holding a Bow, feminine patriotism, domestic economy, home defense, East Timor, culture of life, Guam, Okinawa / Japan, Hawaii, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Korea, Afghan Women's Community, (Fremont / Haward community); referenced individuals include Hiromi Suzugae, Lorraine Hazen, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Katya Komisaruk, Jan Phillips, Eric Peltoniemi, S. Anderson, Robert Spottswood, Liz Bernstein, Jan Phillips, Harriet Tubman, Katya Komisaruk, Peter Onedera, Yoko Fukumura, Kapuna Kekuni Blaisdell, Nher Sagum, Maria Reinat Pumarejo, Elli Kim, Hiromi Suzugae; places made include United Kingdom, Santa Cruz (California, USA), El Salvador, Italy, Syracuse (New York, USA), Jamaica Plain (Massachusettes, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, French, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Hebrew, Arabic, Khmer, Chamorro, Pidgin, Tagalog, Korean
Drawer A-28, Folder 14

Women: Unity / Sisterhood 1975-1990; 2000

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include international solidarity, ethnic diversity, interracial diversity, labor, resistance, unity, International Women's Day, international solidarity, children, feminism, sisterhood; makers include J & J Publications, Jurgen Grefe, Jane Carson, Karen Kerney, Dik Cool, Joseph Alpern, Red Sun Press, Bonnie Acker, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Judith Angelo, Full Moon Publications, Kiki, Women's Liberation Center of New York, M. Castanis, Lori Davis Windle, Big Mama Rag, Liberation News Service, Women's Liberation Center of New York; references or specifically about Liberty Leading the People, working women, fine art, Weather Underground, "uppity women", KIKI, Aphrodite of Milos (Venus de Milo), "world web", "Sing a Battle Song: Poems by Women in the Weather Underground", fist; referenced individuals include Eugène Delacroix, Nemir Matos Cintrón, Rini Templeton; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Minnesota (USA), Syracuse, (New York (USA), Amherst (Massachusetts, USA), Northhamption(Massachusetts, USA), ; languages include English, Spanish, Farsi,
Drawer A-28, Folder 17

Women: International Women's Day - Various Topics [1920]; mid 1970s-1999

Physical Description: 35

Scope and Content Note

related topics include women's equality, diversity, conferences, culture, war, homophobia, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), public health, education, free speech, war, Internatonal Women's Day, racism, education, housing, emancipation, poetry, labor, strike, marches and demonstrations, benefits, disarmament, nuclear war, peace sign, rifles, Imperialism, prisons, violence, healthcare, abolition, solidarity, Black Panthers, Nuclear War, militarism, children, survival, ; makers include March 8 Coalition, Women's Action Center, Karl Sadler, Michael Rossman, John Jernegan, Northern California Alliance, Mary Siegfried, Ethnic Women's Alliance, Gonna Rise again Graphics, Miles Hamada, Rogan Smith, Inkworks, EXPO/ICAP Havana, Mary Sutton, Pam Allen, SF Community Press, Committee for International Women's Day, Weavers of World Rights, Union Sisters in Solidarity; referenced individuals include Karl Sadler, Toyita Raphael, Adolph Strakhov, Mao Tsetung, Chiang Ching, Penny Jackson, Angela Davis, Ericka Huggins, Wilma Scott Heide, Margaret Burnham, Randall Forsberg; references or specifically about the draft, Quetzal, Women's Resource Center, Middle East War, Bread and Roses Bookshop, New York rag trade, Bread and Roses, womyn, aboriginal people, self determination, Palestinians, South Africa, International Women's Day, Venceremos Brigade (Spring 1982), Los Siete Revolutionary Union, Angela Davis Defense Committee, Womens Liberation Hospital Workers, Telephone Company Women on Welfare, Women's Street Theater, Mime Troupe Band, Steve Cagan, Cleveland Beacon, Boston Municipal Court, Institution for Defense & Disarment Studies, U.S. Peace Council, Boston, Feminist Women for Peace, Boston YWCA, Mobilization for Survival, Feminist Task Force; places made include Toronto (Ontario, Canada), London (England, UK), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), San Jose (California, USA), Havana (CUBA), Boston (Massachusettes, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Russian, French, Chinese, Hungarian, Somali, Italian, German, Hebrew, Polish, Greek, Sanskrit, Ukranian, Vietnamese, Portuguese, Japanese
Drawer A-28, Folder 18

Women: International Women's Day - Groups or Illustrated Circa 1980s, circa 1970's; 1991

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

makers include Lark Lukas, Jane Knurling, Tim Dresher, Leslie Abshir, Kim Moytylewski, New American Movement, Cecilia Blomberg, Red Sun Press, Say It Sister! Art Collective, Ellen Reynolds, Northwest Working Press, Gail Dolgin, Jane Norling, Syracuse Cultural Workers Project, Steve Cagan, The Cleveland Beacon, Longual; references or specifically about women, female empowerment, equality, marches and demonstrations, Trans World Airlines (TWA), postal workers, Black community, unemployment, sister songs of solidarity mural, anti-gay bias, WMBR 88.1 FM, "Say it Sister", international decade of women 1975-1985; related topics include feminism, women's issues, nonviolence, equality, representation, coalition building, international unity, theories of power, exploitation, immigration, protection, terror, justice, strike, suffrage, diversity, marches and demonstrations, media, violence, torture; places made include Jamaican Plain (Massachusettes, USA), Amherst (Massachusetts, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Swahili, Spanish, Farsi
Drawer A-28, Folder 19

Women: International Women's Day - Middle East (U.S. Made) 2008-2011

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

makers include KPFK; produced by or supporting Carol Downer, Frances Olsen, Peter Mclaren Rick Miller, Paul Von Blum, Rafael Angulo, Sergio Monteiro, Libros Revolucion, International Women's Day Coalition, Dr. Jose Quiroga, Union of Progressive Iranians, California State University, Los Angeles (CSULA); references or specifically about Islam, Iran, Afghanistan, Middle East, March 8 Women's Organization (Iran-Afghanistan 2009), Fighting Unity; related topics include mysogyny, legislation, law, religion, women, breaking chains, hate, imperialism, resistance, international solidarity, marches and demonstrations, unity, revolution; places made include Berkeley, (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include Farsi, English
Drawer A-29, Folder 1

Women: Reproductive Rights 1976-1998; 2004-2008; 2017-2018

Physical Description: 25

Scope and Content Note

related topics include government and politics, women's rights, imperialism, feminism, abortion, diversity, abortion rights, women's health, legal abortions, violence against abortion providers, freedom of choice, education, reproductive choice, moral frameworks, legal rights, morality, women of color, global abortion, dangers of illegal abortions, misogyny, U.S. Supreme Court, pro-choice, democracy, parental consent laws, family planning, state funding, contraceptive failure, family income, social workers, physicians, childbearing, court system, late term abortions, sexual histories, Kansas (USA), childcare, healthcare, religion, Catholicism, population control, fetal life, birth control clinics, welfare rights, equality, forced sterilization, safe contraception, reproductive justice, economic rights, racism, rape, sexual abuse, violence against women, elections, teen safety, right to choose, funding, immigration, freedom, murder; makers include People's Press, Inkworks Press, Liberation Graphics, Reproductive Rights National Network; Salsedo Press, Grudy and Northedge Information Designers, The Policy Project, Feminist Women's Health Center, Terry Furchgott, Tom Lenon, Refuse and Resist, Martin & Glantz, Hyde Amendment, Sterilizaion abuse, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Amy Bartell, Center for Reproductive Law and Policy (CRLP), SNTB, The Progressive, Committee for Abortion Rights and Against Sterilization Abuse (CARASA), J & J Publications, Pharmacist Planning Service, Jessica Adamite, Linda Roistacher, Zoe Wells, Resist!, Edge Wise Editions, National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Erika Weihs, Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR), Catholics for a Free Choice, Stephen Austin, Peter Davenport, Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, Michael Austin, Photo Researchers, Mili Smythe, California Action Rights Action League (CARAL), National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), Northeast Coalition for Reproductive Rights, Salcedo Press, Diana Ferber, Pro-Choice Public Education Project, Medusa, Groundswell, Ryan Oakley, Unite for Justice; referenced individuals include Rebecca Walkers, Shannon Lowney, Leanne Nichols, Henry Hyde, Naomi Wolf, Becky Bell, Sherna Gluck, Gloria Allred, Carol Jacques, Betty Shumener, Claudia Koonz, Vivian Campbell, Clara Bell Duval, Anthony Scalia, George W. Bush, Claudia Gilmore, Donald Cantron, Dr. David Gunn, Dr. George TIller, Dr. Wayne Patterson, Dr. Jack Yoffa, Dr. John Britton, James Armstrong MD, Susan Cahill, Dr. Garson Romalis, John Salvi, Bill Baird, David Lane, Dr. Hugh Short, Michael Griffin; references or specifically about United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), Día de Acción Mundial de la Salud de las Mujeres, Brookline Massacre, 1973, abortion rights, Statue of Liberty, arson, coat hangers, Planned Parenthood Center of Syracuse, Campaign for Women's Rights, Planned Parenthood Golden Gate Galla, Dark Ages, pro-life murder, Abortion Access Project, San Francisco (California, USA), World Health Organization (WHO), Abortion Waiting Period and Parental Notification Initiative (California Proposition 4), #immigrantwomen, dilation and evacuation, All Women's Health Center; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), New York (New York, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), Bemidji (Minnesota, USA), Hampton (Connecticut, USA), USA, Chicago (Illinois, USA), Mill Valley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-29, Folder 2

Women: Reproductive Rights - Cardstock 1989; 2004; 2017

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pro-choice, U.S. Republican Party, government and politics, marches and demonstrations, Freedom of Choice Act, youth, California (USA), religious freedom, elections, abortion, sex education, Statue of Liberty, family planning, male privilege, gender roles, U.S. culture, patriotism, right-wing fundamentalism, abortion clinics, voting, war on choice, accessible healthcare; makers include Planned Parenthood, Republicans for Choice, National Republican Coalition for Choice, National Abortion Rights Action League (NARAL), Young People's All-Access Contingent, National Latina Institute for Reproductive Health, Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, Pharmacists Planning Service, Inc., California Venereal Disease Advisory Council, Inkworks Press, Answer Coalition, People for the American Way, Bay Area Coalition Against Operation Rescue, Clinic Defense Hotline, California Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), Feminist Majority Foundation, Planned Parenthood; referenced individuals include George W. Bush; references or specifically about Statue of Liberty, Operation Rescue; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA); languages include English, Spanish, Hebrew
Drawer A-29, Folder 8

Women: Reproductive Rights - Events 1970-1994; 2001-2011

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include benefits, incarceration, pro choice, anniversary, music, violence, abuse, slavery, torture, rape, accountability, war, health, international solidarity, activism, conference, media, economics, American Flag, arson, terrorism, liberty, freedom, justice, racism, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, Queer (LGBTQ), solidarity, youth, education, elections, marches and demonstrations, abortion, birth control; makers include National Organization for Women (NOW), Sarah Brander, Inkworks Press, Feminist Majority Foundation, Wimps Collection, People to Abolish Abortion Laws, San Francisco Pro Choice Coalition, Orange County Center for Health, Speed, Rock for Choice, San Jacinto Printing, Berkeley Oakland Women's Union, First United Church of Hollywood, Cleveland Pro-Choice Action Committee, Women's Global Network for Reproductive Rights, Multicultural Alliance for Reproductive Freedom (MCARF), women's abortion Action Committee, Miki Jackson, Bay Area Coalition for Our Reproductive Rights (BACORR), Nancy Deutch,Berkeley/Oakland Women's Union, ; references or specifically about Witches, Midwives & Nurses, legalized abortion, International Day of Action for Women's Health, sexual health, reproductive health, antiabortion networks, International Year of the Family (1994), Roe vs. Wade, Feminist Majority Campaign, safe legal funded, domestic terrorism, Planned Parenthood, Orange County (California), Cleveland State University, Statue of Liberty, Webster Decision, Webster vs Reproductive Health Services, National Organization for Women (NOW), birth control, J. Howard Miller, reproductive justice, right wing, on demand, sterilization, immigrant rights, Prop 8, Walk for Life, coat hangers, young people's all access contingent, moral majority, California Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), Red Sun Press, March for Women's Lives (Washington DC 2004, 1986), incest, Supreme Court of the United States, midwifery, ; referenced individuals include Barbara Ehrenreich, Deirdre English, Linda Bennett, Kristin Lems, Melissa Etheridge, Sarah McLachlan, Edward K, Norma McCovey (Jane Roe), President Ronald Reagan ; places made include New York City (New York, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Austin (Texas, USA), Santa Ana (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), San Francisco (California, U.S.A.), Berkeley (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Amsterdam, Ohio, USA, Burlington (Vermont, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), ; languages include Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Spanish, Tagalog, English, Yoruban, Xhosa, Indonesian, French,
Drawer A-29, Folder 4

Women: Reproductive Rights - Pro-Choice Public Education Project 2001-2005

Physical Description: 51

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pregnancy, self-care, community building, HIV/AIDS, health insurance, misogyny, anti-abortion leaders, abortion, labor, state mandate, voting, curfew, gender roles; makers include Toofly, Pro-Choice Resource Center; referenced individuals include Barbara Kruger; references or specifically about DeVito/Verdi, coat hangers; places made include USA; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-29, Folder 5

Women: This is an Emergency! A Reproductive Rights and Gender Justice Portfolio 2012

Physical Description: 32; 2 stitched booklets


Includes 2 portfolios

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), marriage equality, consensual sex, education, safe sex, violence against abortion providers, pro-choice, equality, contraception, birth control, reproductive rights, self-empowerment, community building, gender oppression, abolitionism, trans & queer movements, oppression, sonogram, privacy, health care access, self-determination; makers include Arley-Rose Torsone, Bec Young, Delia Kovac & Emmy Bright, Erin Rosenthal & Laura Rosenthal, Favianna Rodriguez, Ian G. Cozzens, Katrina Silander Clark, Kristina Brown, Lois Harada, Mary Tremonte, Melanie Cervantes, Meredith Stern, Gina Glantz, Molly Fair, Olivia Horvath, Sam Merritt, Thea Gahr, Ladyfingers Letterpress, Third Termite; referenced individuals include Monique Wittig, Leanne Nichols, John Bayard Britton, Shannon Lowney, David Gunn, James H. Rarrert, George Tiller, Barnett Slepian, Robert Sanderson, Pema Chödrön, Morgan Bassichis, Alexander Lee, Dean Spade, Sylvia Rivera, Marshal P Johnson, Brandy Martell, Paige Clay, Coko Williams, Mark Aguhar, Cherrie Moraga; references or specifically about secret door projects, war on women, statue of liberty; places made include Providence (Rhode Island, USA)
Drawer A-29, Folder 6

Women: Reproductive Rights 1986-1992

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include abortions, reproductive rights, women, abortion access, contraceptives, pro-choice, death, illegal abortions, children, ; makers include Jessica Adamite, Linda Roistacher, The Abortion Access Project, Revolutionary Communist Party, The Progressive, Steve Brodner, ; references or specifically about contraceptive failure, condoms, unplanned pregnancies, consent, minors, parental consent laws, abusive relationships, poverty, abortion rights, jail, murder, congressman, senators, slut shaming, Nazis, Nazi Germany, genocide, fetus, birth control, Christians, fascists, U.S. Supreme Court, coat hanger abortions, blood, judge robes, pro-life; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, Anthony Kennedy, Clara Bell Duval, Becky Bell, Vivian Campbell; places made include Valencia (California, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-29, Folder 7

Women: Violence Aganist Women - Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Aganist Women (LACAAW) 1993; 2000; 2008; 2014

Physical Description: 41


Peace Over Violence, (formerly LACAAW), established in 1971 by pioneering feminist activists, is a sexual and domestic violence, stalking, child abuse and youth violence prevention center headquartered in Los Angeles and dedicated to building healthy relationships, families and communities free from sexual, domestic and interpersonal violence.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include domestic violence, battered women shelters, sexual violence prevention and education, statistics, rape, sexual abuse, rape hotlines, police, arrests, corporatism, women in the media, alcohol advertisements, objectification of women, sexism, relationship violence, youth, teen relationship abuse, homelessness; makers include Los Angeles Commission on Assaults Aganist Women (LACAAW), Peace Over Violence, Deerfield Advertising, Supertype, Howard Schatz, Mosche Brakha, Daniella Federici, Tony Ward, Walter Chin, Stephen Meisel, Ellen von Unwerth, Eddy Kohli, Trauma Foundation of San Francisco, California Department of Health Service - Maternal and Child Health Branch, L.A. City Commission on the Status of Women, Lexus; referenced individuals include Charles Hall; references or specifically about United Way, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, Denim Day, Guess Jeans, Sexual Assault Awareness Month, Budlight corporation, This Is Not An Invitation to Rape Campaign, cycle of violence, consent, jeans, "jeans alibi", Guess, social statement, fashion, excuses, coercion; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-29, Folder 8

Women: Violence Aganist Women - Sexual Assault 1976-1977; 1984-2002, 2012-2018

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include death, rifles, fascism, armed struggle, poetry, Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Bisexual, Queer (LGBTQ), exploitation, patriarchy, self defense, women's symbol, rape, fear, blame, deportation, retaliation, violence, respect, weaponizing, education, abuse, incest, consent ; makers include Postcards from the edge, City College of San Francisco Prevention Education Dept., Reyna Provencio, Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center, Rape Trauma Services, Office of Student Affairs and Campus Life Pomona College, Young Women of Youth Link-inner City, Heather Gentleman, Eric Gerard, GREM, Louder-than-words, Futures without violence, Wall Street Journal, Highland sexual Assault Center, Guillermo Prado, Scott Braley, Eight point Two Design, Jaime Fuentes, California Coaltion against Sexual Assault, Inkworks,; referenced individuals include Sandy Stone, Descartes, Juana Alicia, Plato, Aristotle, Rolling Stones, Marge Piercy, INez Garcia, Inkworks, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault,; references or specifically about Sexual Assault Awareness Month, NO, Bitch, prevention education, silence, attempted rape, spousal rape, gang rape, ritual abuse, mail-order brides, Clergy abuse, same-sex violence, emotional abuse, acquaintance rape, incest, molestation, survivors, sexual harassment, date rape, drug facilitated rape, prison rape, sexual abuse, disabled rape, Real Men, Rosa parks Sexual Assault Crisis Center, battered women, shelters, activists, Women Take Back the Night, "Rape Poem", alcohol, ; places made include Santa Cruz (California, USA), Davis (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Oakland (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA), Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA), Toronto (Canada), Pomona (California, USA), Pasadena (California, USA),; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-29, Folder 9

Women: Violence Against Women - Various Topics 1988-1998, 2000-2007; 2017-2020

Physical Description: 15


includes newsprint

Scope and Content Note

related topics include hotline, domestic violence, media, labor, sexual assault, survivors, rape, patriarchy, oppression, compassion, sex trafficking, children, murder, ; makers include L. Okun, Ilona Granet, Toyota Motor Sales, Amnesty International, National Organization of Women (NOW) Legal Defense and Education Fund, National Task Force on Violence Against Women, Act Now to Stop War and End Racism (ANSWER) Coalition, Human Rights Watch, Jenny Matthews, Saba Press, Peter Bockaert, Rafael Jiménez, California Endowment, Inkworks Press, National Domestic Violence Hotline, Kay Brown, unwomen.org,(United Nations) ; referenced individuals include Adrian Castillo Ramirez, Harvey Wenstein, Matt Lauer, Bill O'Reilly, Charlie Rose, Louis C.K., Mario Batali, Brett Ratner, Al Franken, Kevin Spacey, Rose McGowan, Ashley Judd, Reese Witherspoon, Mira Sorvino; references or specifically about UNOCAL, United Nations, Feminist anthem, La Tesis colectivo (Chile), corporations, women against women, self-defense, Violence Against Women Act of 1998 (VAWA), Toyota Motor Sales, youth, impunity, government accountability, equal rights, Domestic Violence Awareness Month, burka, Taliban government of Afghanistan, women in black, United Nations, family violence, confidentiality, rape, rape trauma services, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ), children, health care provider, humiliation, nudity, #metoo, Twilight of the Creeps, Hollywood, entertainment industry, media industry, Los Angeles Times OP-ED, stalking, legal protections, training, Los Angeles Times, David Horsey, Legal Aid Society Employment Law Center, systemic violence, red dresses, the missing, oil pipeline (Canada), peace sign, rainbows; places made include Oakland (California, USA), Bakersfield (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include Hebrew, Spanish, English
Drawer A-29, Folder 10

Women: Reproductive Rights 1976-1992; 2000-2008

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marches and demonstrations, international solidarity, poetry, timeline, gala, mail, welfare, equality, Day of Action, health care, racism, immigrants, pay equity, sex education, academic freedom, teen pregnancies, funding, poverty, coat hanger, feminism, volunteerism, stereotyping, economics, incarceration, children, education, jobs, democracy, American way, western way, U.S. Constitution, pro life, pro choice, religion, sex, safe sex, statistics, murder, ; makers include Northeast Coalition for Reproductive Rights, Diana Fabre, Middlemarsh, Inc, Sojourner, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Religious Coalition for Abortion Rights, Rebecca J. Cook, Law and Planned Parenthood Project Office, Peter Davenport, Planned Parenthood, California Abortion Rights Action League (CARAL), National Network of Abortion Funds (NNAF), The Policy Project, The Futures Group International, Centro de Accion Legal de Derechos Humanos (CALDH), Erika Weihs, Northern Sun Merchandising, Sharon Niemczyk, Abortion Access Project, Pharmacists Planning Service, Inc, California Venereal Disease Advisory Council, Committee in Solidarity with the People of El Salvador (CISPES), Mili Smythe, Catholics for Free Choice, Pro-Choice Education Project, Committee for Abortion Rights & Against Sterilization Abuse (CARASA), Zoe Wells, J&J Publications, Jurgen Grefe, Cane Carson, Bemidji, Public Media Center, Refuse and Resist, Diana Fabre; references or specifically about contraception, abortion, forced sterilization, "right to Life", World Health Organization (WHO), People Publication, Our Bodies, Ourselves, birth control clinic, religion, assassination, murder, kidnapping, chemical attacks, stalking, lesbian gay, bisexual, transgender, queer (LGBTQ), unions, nuclear families, marriage, state medical assistance, family planning, venereal disease, Roe v Wade, U.S. Supreme Court, Webster v Reproductive Health services, Sojourner T. et al v. Louisiana Governor Buddy Roemer, Rust v. Sullivan, United States Congress, pre-natal care, post-natal care, miscarriage, Christian Fundamentalists, The PLAN, Abortion Waiting Period and Parental Notification Initiative (California Proposition 4), California 2008, parental consent laws, abortion on demand, Catholicism, condom use, HIV/AIDS, Condoms4life.org, abstinence, "pro-lifers", abortion on demand, parental consent, Indiana parental consent laws, resist!, Circles on the Water, Sojourner; referenced individuals include Marge Piercy, George W. Bush, Michael Austin, Anthony Kennedy, Naomi Wolf, Margaret Sanger, Jessica Adamite, Linda Roistacher, Anthony Scalia, , Sherna Gluck, Gloria Allred, Carol Jacques, Betty Shumener, Keith Haring, ; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), London (England, UK), Hampton (Conneticut, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), Valencia (California, USA), Houston (Texas, USA), New York (New York, USA); languages include Spanish, English
Drawer A-29, Folder 11

Women: Violence Against Women - Sexual Assault - Events 1985-1999; 2011-2014

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marches and demonstrations, benefits, conferences, pornography, poetry, media, concert, control, liberation, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender (LGBTQ), international solidarity, cartoons, the future, anniversaries, sexual violence, Walk fundraiser, history, conference; makers include Inkworks Press, Design Action Coalition, Lenora Davis and Associates, National Coalition Against Sexual Assault COnference (NCASA 86), Florida State University Women's Center, Lynn Okun, Christine Reagen Rosales, Shoshanah Dubiner, Mountain Women's Resource Center, R. Ledermen, T. Forman, Fireworks Graphics, SOMA Press, Take Back the Night Coalition, California Coalition Against Sexual Assault, Santa Barbara Rape Crisis Center, Lucy Brown Design, Lenora Davis & Associates, Dorene Bedwell, Community Printers, Susie Williams, ; references or specifically about dove of peace, "take back the night", dance, Mother Tongue Readers Theater, mobility, liberation, power, dignity, San Francisco Women Against Rape (SFWAR), Women Against Imperialism, Lesbian Uprising, GABRIELA Network (Philipines), abortion, Montreal, owl, moon, rape, Women United Will Never Be Defeated, Stop Rape Week, calendar, mouths, speak out, silencing, self defense, National Coalition Against Sexual Assault Conference (NCASA), weaponry, Young Womens Christian Association (YWCA),; referenced individuals include Mary Beth Carter, Bill Oterson, Maria Mallozzi; places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Tallahassee (Florida,USA), Davis (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Sonora (California, USA), Ann Arbor (Michigan, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include Chinese, Spanish, English, French, Korean, Tagalog
Drawer A-30, Folder 1

George W. Bush: Administration 2000-2006

Physical Description: 42

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Iraq War, Halliburton Company, poverty, 2004 U.S. presidential election, imperialism, government budgets, taxes, torture, September 11 (2001), oil, corporations, capitalism, civil liberties, U.S. Congress, censorship, patriotism, medical marijuana, Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), health, elections, economy, lying, ; makers include Revolutionary Communist Party USA (RCP,USA), Bill Pierce, Steve Brodner, Peter Ahlberg, Sarah Goldstein, Mark Sorkin, Center for Tactical Magic, The Nation, Heartland Journal, Goatskull, Mad Magazine, Terry Lloyd, Marco Elliott, United for Peace, MIcah Wright, Americans for Safe Access, Inkworks Press, Vic D. Productions, United for Peace, Micah Wright, Center for Public Integrity, Fund for Independence in Journalism, United Teachers Los Angeles (UTLA); references or specifically about Reservoir Dogs, film, genocide, Dracula, greed, racism, misinformation, Star Wars, Alice in Wonderland, the Last Supper, Uncle Tom's Cabin, Nuremberg trials, Third Reich, Fox News, Bechtel, Clear Channel, Enron, U.S. flag, Ministry of Homeland Security, surveillance, epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, AIDS, cancer, chemotherapy, prison, U.S. Department of Justice, drug trafficking, magicians, war mongering, war hawks, deck of cards, Campaign 2000, puppet, TIME Magazine, tactical magic, Darth Vader, Department of Homeland Security, weapons of mass destruction, Al Queda, United Nations Security Council, War Card, stolen election, ; referenced individuals include Quentin Tarantino, Colin Powell, Tony Blair, Adolf Hitler, Condoleezza Rice, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, John Ashcroft, John Kerry, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, George H.W. Bush, Pat Robertson, Lewis Carroll, Karl Rove, Paul Wolfowitz, Donald Rumsfeld, Ari Fleischer, Joe Lieberman, John Boehner, Bill First, Tom Delay, Alberto Gonzalez, Darth Vader, Martin Cohen, John Poindexter, John Bolton, Richard Armitage, Eliot Cohen, I. Lewis Libby, Ken Adelman, Condoleeza Rice, Tom Delay, Jeb Bush, Newt Gingrich, Roger Ailes, Rupert Murdoch, Rush Limbaugh, Bill O-Reilly, Ariel Sharon, John Ashcroft, ; places made include Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-30, Folder 2

George W. Bush: Anti-War - Cardstock 2004-2007

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include U.S. military spending, Iraq War, terrorism, marches and demonstrations, Iran-Iraq War, U.S. foreign policy, weapons of mass destruction, nuclear weapons, disarmament, government budgets, policy making, national politics, global politics; makers include Salcedo Press, Blood For Oil, Martin Lindsay, Stop Bush Campaign, Irish Anti-War Movement, California Peace Action, Inkworks Press; references or specifically about Bushwacked, war mongering, bring the troops home now, no blood for oil, Nazi Germany, fascism, Gaza, Baghdad (Iraq), U.S. flag, chemical weapons, U.S. intelligence, democracy, human rights, war in Afghanistan; referenced individuals include Dick Cheney, Saddam Hussein, Donald Rumsfeld; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), France, Dublin (Ireland); languages include English, French
Drawer A-30, Folder 3

George W. Bush: Elections 2000-2004

Physical Description: 45

Scope and Content Note

related topics include 2000 U.S. presidential election, 2004 U.S. presidential election, electoral process, popular vote, presidential campaigns, U.S. electoral college, voting, marches and demonstrations, 2004 Republic National Convention (RNC), benefit events, clean money elections, benefit art auction, preferential voting, student movements, anti-war, war crimes, dictatorships, wealth inequality, profits, children, military recruitment, capitalism, military deaths, election eve rallies, madman, madness, say no, lying, ecology, civil rights, judiciary, election fraud, racism, demonization, repression, police brutality, racial profiling criminalization, community, women's rights, globalization, taxation, religion, privacy, future, September 11, 2001, sex doll, blow up doll ; makers include Michael Shaw, Amy Woloszyn, Bag News Weblog, Haiti Action Committee, Bush-Cheney '04, Inc., Busboy Productions, Inkworks Press, Not in Our Name, Amy Woloszyn, Rock the Vote, Count of Manifesto, Poster Nation, Vortex Images, KPFK, Urban Medium, The Undaunted Press, Nader for President 2004 General Election Committee, Picture Progress, JonR, Undaunted Design Company,not in our name; references or specifically about military dictatorship, democracy, transcripts, criminal conspiracies,CNN, The Daily Show, shadow government, Bush agenda, substance abuse, Green Party, democracy, Grassroots Campaigns Inc., 1984 (George Orwell), Billionaires for Bush (Al Gore), casualties of war, Operation Iraqi Freedom, fine art, health care, wage increase, Wall Street, Cooper Union, Cable News Network, 50FactsAgainstBush.com, votenader.org, Patriot Acts, arabs, Muslims, South Asians, religious right; referenced individuals include John Kerry, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Jon Stewart, Francisco Goya, Al Gore, Charlie Chaplin, Ben Turpin, Oliver Hardy, Ronald Reagan, Salvador Dali, Cynthia McKinney, Michael C. Ruppert, Ralph Nader; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), New York City (New York, USA)
Drawer A-30, Folder 4

George W. Bush: Impeachment 2004-2007

Physical Description: 27

Scope and Content Note

related topics include patriotism, government secrecy, torture; makers include Committee to Impeach the President; references or specifically about Radar Arts, Rad Films; referenced individuals include Dick Cheney; places made include Dallas (Texas, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-30, Folder 5

George W. Bush: Internationally Made 2003-2005

Physical Description: 24

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Iraq War, children, capitalism, marches and demonstrations, oil, occupation of Iraq, terrorism, May Day, socialism, labor, unions, anti-war, oil companies, corporations, Exxon (ESSO), boycotts; makers include The Clinic, International Socialist Resistance (ISR), Socialist Worker, Pyramid Poster, Die Grünen (Germany Green Party), Al-Awda, Dean Bardouka, Association pour l'Art et l'Expression Libres (AAEL), Larkham Printers, Young Communist League (UK Communist Party), Stop the War Coalition; references or specifically about U.S. flag, democracy, No Blood For Oil, Cable News Network (CNN), Palestine; referenced individuals include Osama bin Laden, Silvio Berlusconi, John Howard, George W. Bush, Tony Blair, Al Capone, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, John Winston Howard; places made include Chile, Italy, United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, USA, France; languages include English, Spanish, Italian, German, Arabic, French
Drawer A-30, Folder 6

George W. Bush: Iraq War / Anti-War 2003-2007

Physical Description: 53


includes laminated items

Scope and Content Note

related topics include terrorism, elections, anti-war, George W. Bush, imperialism, ecology, War in Afghanistan, bombings, Middle East, government budgets, nuclear weapons, anti-nuclear, U.S. military spending, Iraq War, U.S. intervention, military deaths, U.S. domestic policy, McDonald's, corporations, religion, Christianity, disarmament, U.S. imperialism, children, Iran, civilian deaths and injuries, demonstrations, football, elections, corruption, 9/11 (September 11 attacks), the environment, imperialism, terrorism, Vietnam ; makers include www.Nion.us, S. McDaniel, FAILE, Peace Education Fund, American Friends Service Committee (AFSC), EndOfPrint.org, Starlin, PostYourPolitics.com, Rebecca Bughouse, Kenyonb, The Nation, WBC, Paul Krehbiel (Political Poster Collective), Fidelity Educational Press, Sebastian Grebing, Thomas Rudolph, John Carr, S. Mc Daniel; references or specifically about Enron, racial profiling, air pollution, jingoism, ICBM Treaty, Cold War, biological weapons, Soviet Union (USSR), Puerto Rico, Palestine, Cuban embargo, Israel, cowboys, De'Angelo Foundation, Mission Accomplished (Iraq War), Vietnam War, My Lai Massacre, Nuremburg laws, impeachment, bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, World War II, slavery, Bay of Pigs, Yugoslavia, Halliburton, Osama bush Laden, Union 76, Enron, Kyoto Agreement, Unocal Chevron, Caspian Sea Basin, ; referenced individuals include Jesus Christ, Osama bin Laden, Jeb Bush, George W.Bush, George Walker Bush, Katherine Harris, Michelangelo, Gordon Smith, Ariel Sharon, Kim Jong-il, Saddam Hussein, Richard Nixon, George Washington, Noam Chomsky, Henry Kissinger, Ronald Reagan, Richard Cocke, Ulysses S. Grant, Leonard Peltier, Malcolm X, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Tony Blair, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Bremer III, John Ashcroft, Iyād Alii; places made include Austin (Texas, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-30, Folder 7

George W. Bush: Newsprint 2003

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include war crimes, marches and demonstrations, Homeland Security; makers include Socialist Worker, United Posters, David Baldinger, People's Weekly World, Ray Noland; references or specifically about Globalize Resistance, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (film), economics, retirement pensions, U.S. foreign policy; places made include London (England, United Kingdom), USA
Drawer A-30, Folder 8

George W. Bush: Oversize 2000-2007

Physical Description: 45

Scope and Content Note

related topics include anti-war, government corruption, peace, chemical weapons, anti-nuclear, U.S. military, Iraq War, oil, war in Afghanistan, death penalty, capital punishment, gun control, marijuana, veterans, terrorism, nuclear weapons, immigration, deportations, sanctuary, impeachment, voting; makers include Indymedia, Postgen.com, Import Images, GB Posters, Pyramid Posters, David Byrne, Raven Images, Aesthetic Apparatus, Karen Fiorito, Parody Productions, Nous Travaillons Ensemble, regards (publication), Andrea Bowers, Urban Medium; references or specifically about Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp, U.S. currency, Bush agenda, Gavin Nuisance, Uncle Sam; referenced individuals include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, George H.W. Bush, Joseph Sohm, Osama bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Tony Blair, Elvira Arellano, Adalberto United Methodist Church; places made include New York (New York, USA), Sheffield (England, United Kingdom), France; languages include English, French, German, Spanish
Drawer A-30, Folder 9

George W. Bush: Partisan Project 2004

Physical Description: 55

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, 2004 U.S. presidential election, Iraq War, oil, nepotism, corporatism, capitalism, Bush administration, peace, ecology, pollution, Environmental Protection Agency; makers include Modern Dog, Art Chantry, John Riegert, Hyla Willis, Kyle Goen, Michael Bierut, Handel Low, Calvin Rambler, Melina Rodrigo, Sarah Sirlin, Brett Yasko, Third Termite, Jude Vachon, James Victore, Larkin Werner, Ted Williams, Natari Design; references or specifically about McDonalds, U.S. Flag; referenced individuals include John Ashcroft, Imogene Coca; places made include New York (New York, USA); languages include German, Latin, English
Drawer A-30, Folder 10

George W. Bush: Ruben Mac Blue - Cardstock 2005

Physical Description: 18

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), Al-Qaeda, Bush family, imperialism, capitalism, anti-nuclear, anti-war, disarmament, bombings, September 11 (2001), 9/11 Truth movement; references or specifically about blood & oil, swastikas, Nazism, Nazi Germany, World Wars, blood for oil, Bush family evil empire; referenced individuals include Adolf Hitler; places made include USA
Drawer A-30, Folder 11

George W. Bush: Elections - War Mentions 2004

Physical Description: 19

Scope and Content Note

related topics include war, voting, election, Vietnam War, 2004 U.S. Presidential Election, democracy, military coup, protest, war criminal, Haiti, march, rally, racism, U.S. imperialism, environmentalism, police brutality, racial profiling, women's rights, tax cuts, war crimes, electronic voting, the draft, oil companies, oil and gas industry, Iraq, Iraq War, anti-war, 9/11, September 11 (2001) Terrorist Attacks, casualties of war, soldiers; makers include Michael Shaw, Haiti Action Committee, KPFK, VORTEXimages, Not in Our Name, Count of Manifesto, Inkworks, guardiansofthesecret.com; referenced individuals include George W. Bush, John Kerry, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Ed Begley, Cynthia McKinney, Michael C. Ruppert, Eva Georgia, Vessy Mink, Dick Cheney (Richard Cheney); references and specifically about 1984 (book), TRUTH Act, Republican National Convention, USA PATRIOT Act, religious right, U.S. Constitution, Operation Iraqi Freedom; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), Eureka (California, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-30, Folder 12

George W. Bush: Various Topics 2000-2008

Physical Description: 97

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marches and demonstrations, terrorism, fascism, fascist regimes, dictatorships, privatization, social security deficits, government budgets, tax cuts, national forests, deforestation, ecology, pollution, calendars, children, homogenization, cultural critiques, U.S. Republican Party (GOP), 2000 U.S. Presidential Election, voting, Florida election recount, Patriot Act, oligarchy, September 11 (2001), corporatism, 9/11 Truth movement, prisons, Texas incarceration rates, welfare, National Rifle Association of America (NRA), gun control, Sears, Roebuck and Co., capitalism, Iraq War, patriotism, games, Al-Qaeda, wealth disparity, Republican women, outsourcing, labor, global economics, global warming, climate change, oil, U.S. imperialism, children, letters; makers include Matt Wuerker, Make It Stick, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Art Chantry, The Nation, Turbulence Poster Project, Rodrigo, Cynthia Kastan, Robert Billings, Jason Rhodes, Hugh Gran, Gary Houston, GH Design, Artemio Rodriguez, Chuck Beers, Brian Stauffer, Shortrun Posters, Erich Origen, Gen Golan, Andy Singer, Tux, Rainforest Action Network, These Times (publication), Dan Ibarra, Michael Byzewski, Aesthetic Apparatus, Winston Smith documentary; references or specifically about Critical Mass Missives, The Committee for Full Enjoyment, direct action, Dallas Cowboys, soft money, nepotism, nationalism, sexism, controlled mass media, national security, corporatism, cronyism, corruption, civil rights groups, labor organizations, disability rights groups, Bush Agenda, Mad Magazine, Bull and Scones, Count of Manifesto, U.S. Supreme Court, deceptiondollar.com, Capitol offense, welfare, corporate greed, Tzedakah, Ku Klux Klan (KKK), Shia photo, swastikas, Voodoo Cat Box, Mad Cowboy Disease, Jesus Rodriguez, George W. Bush Presidential Library, Art Gallery Aspen, Nazi Germany, European Holocaust, Harvard University, India, World Bank, Citigroup, Texaco, cocaine, anti-Semitism, homophobia, Exxon, Coca-Cola, Enron, The Best Democracy Money can Buy, globalization, corproatism, finance, BBC, Bush Family, family fortune, MOBY; referenced individuals include Jeb Bush, Osama bin Laden, Lawrence W. Britt, Dick Cheney, Marvin Bush, Julius Caesar, Donald Rumsfeld, Saddam Hussein, James Wolfensohn, Sandy Weill, Ralph Nader, Greg Palast, Winston Smith, MIchael Moore; places made include Seattle (Washington, USA), California (USA), New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Ohio (USA); languages include English, German, Latin
Drawer A-31, Folder 1

Anarchism: Various Topics 1980-2008; 2018

Physical Description: 43

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Anarchy Hotline, television, mass media, peace, anti-war, bombings, women, terrorism, September 11 (2001), classism, Iraq War, poverty, political cartoons, gangs, police brutality, legal systems, anti-authoritarianism, cultural events, government coercion, imperialism, stencils, May Day, exploitation, marches and demonstrations, punk movement, destruction, free trade, slave trade, economics, class, homelessnes, International solidarity, barbed wire, ; makers include Midori Takata, CrimethInc., Subversion International, The Match (Tucson, Arizona), High School, Arthur Jones, Jessie Vala, John Duda, Ray Holand, Josh MacPhee, The Red Book Store, Red Sun Press, Syndicalist Workers Federation, Richard Pugh, Alternative Gathering Collective (AGC), Anarchist Prisoners' Legal Aid Network (APLAN), Work Shop Printers, Left Bank Books, Association of Concerned Citizens, solidarity international (Sweden), ; references or specifically about U.S. currency, Great Seal of the United States, revolution, swastikas, Nazi Germany, ecology, banks, surgical bombing, veganism, The Joy of Revolution, Public Secrets: Collected Skirmishes of Ken Knabb, Justseeds, Anarchy Now, bureaucracy, comodities, rich get richer, poverty, profit, fat cats, rainforests, labor, wages, contradictions; referenced individuals include Buenaventura Durruti, George W. Bush, Osama Bin Laden, Saddam Hussein, Thomas Paine, Timothy McVeigh, David Edelstadt, Emma Goldman, Bill Gates (William Gates); places made include San Francisco (California, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Sweden, United Kingdom; languages include English, Turkish, Korean, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 2

Anarchism / Communism / Socialism: Cardstock 2001

Physical Description: 7

Scope and Content Note

related topics include socialism, Hollywood Blacklist, anti-communism, censorship, Academy Awards (Oscars), labor, workers' struggle, communism, liberation; makers include Freedom Socialist Party, Slobodan Dimitrov, Alex Maloutas, Henry Niller, RR-Graphic Design & Creative Services (RRGD); references or specifically about Bridge on the River Kwai, "si se puede,"; referenced individuals include Wendy McPherson, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Michael Wilson, Carl Foreman; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 3

Anarchism / Communism / Socialism: Individuals 1975-1979; 1986; 2005-2007

Physical Description: 30

Scope and Content Note

related topics include patriotism, art exhibitions, unemployment, labor, Revolutionary Internationalist Movement, Scotland (United Kingdom), concert, Communist Oppression, communism; makers include Arnold Mesches, LA PHIL, Berkeley Bonaparte, Revolution Books, Count of Manifesto, Greater London Arts Association, The Spark (bookstore), Hugo Gellert, Oregon Cultural Heritage Commission (OCHC), STUC, John Maclean Society, SOGAT Labour, Stan Bell, A. L. Korolev, centenary anniversary, Scottland, Marti Baliño Mella, Scottish Trades Union Congress; references or specifically about KPFK, anti-profit bookstore, Communist Party (Puerto Rico), "Country, Death, Victory", First Congress of the Communist Party (Puerto Rico), Scottish golden chain of World Socialism, New American Movement (NAM); referenced individuals include Leon Trotsky, Joseph Stalin, Esa-Peka Salonen, John Maclean, Jesus Christ, Ngugi wa Thiong'o, Albert Camus, Bertolt Brecht, Rosa Luxemburg, Karl Liebknecht, Käthe Kollwitz, Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frederick Engels, Ricardo Flores Magón, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), John Reed, John Maclean, Fidel Castro, Oscar Lopez Rivera, Clarence Darrow; places made include USA, United Kingdom, Puerto Rico, Los Angeles (California, USA), Scotland; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 4

Anarchism / Communism / Socialism: Internationally Made 1974-1975; 1990-2004

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include May Day, Communist Party of Iran, mass media, cultural events, exhibitions, miners, mining, labor, strikes, economics, money, neo-Fascism, elections, voting; makers include Frente de Unidade Revolucionária (FUR), Türkiye Komünist Partisi/Marksist-Leninist (Communist Party of Turkey/Marxist-Leninist), Rauch Design, Tipografía Press, Museo Casa de Leon Trotsky, J. Boldó, Maylo y Gallo, Educ-Arte, Socialist Party (England and Wales), Alan Hardman Révolution (French publication), Croquis de Bruinellos; references or specifically about capitalism, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Movimento Popular de Libertação de Angola - Partido do Trabalho (MPLA), Forças Armadas, Marxism, Leninism, Maoism, Soviet Union (USSR), October Revolution, Partido Comunista Português(PCP); referenced individuals include Karl Marx, Vladimir Lenin, Frederick Engels, Joseph Stalin, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-tung), Leon Trotsky, Ho Chi Minh, Fidel Castro, Salvador Allende, Ernesto Guevara (Che Guevara), Emiliano Zapata, Patrice Lumumba; places made include Portugal, Iran, Turkey, Italy, Mexico, United Kingdom, Canada; languages include Portuguese, Farsi (Persian), English, Spanish, Turkish, Italian, French, Brussels
Drawer A-31, Folder 5

Communism: Karl Marx 1970-2003

Physical Description: 47

Scope and Content Note

related topics include labor, technology, capitalism, Marxism, economics, alienation, exploitation, education, economics, academics, values, anniversary,class, ; makers include Frits van Hartingsveldt, Internationaal Instituut voor Sociale Geschiedenis, Hunan Science and Technology Publishing House, Jerry Biggs, Bread & Puppet Press, Marxism Today (publication), Tuan Phan, League of Socialist Artists, G&B Arts Ltd., M. Scott, United Posters Ltd., Argus Communications, Secretaria de Divulgacion Coordinacion de Colegio de Ciencias y Humanidades, Saul, Peoples School for Marxist Studies, Isabel Caisallo ; references or specifically about New York Times, University of Berlin, Uncle Sam, Liceo Federico Guillermo de Treveris, communist revolution, Socialist Workers Party, Doctor of Philosphy, University of Jena, "Difference between philosophies between the Nature of Democracy and Empire", political science topics, published works of Carlos Marx, centenary, change; referenced individuals include Patricia Ellen Ricci, Frederic Hegel; places made include Germany, Netherlands, China, USA, Italy, United Kingdom, New York (New York, USA); languages include German, Dutch, Chinese, English, Italian
Drawer A-31, Folder 6

Marches and Demonstrations: Various Topics 1976; circa 1980's; 1996-1997; 2003- 2005; 2013-2018

Physical Description: 42


includes laminated poster, Folder is oversized

Scope and Content Note

related topics include human rights, affirmative action, public education, health services, police review boards, labor law reform, minimum wage, amnesty, civil liberties, fist, love, peaceful protest zone, poverty, living wage, public health, affordable housing, taxation, corporatism, budget priorities, imperialism, women, racism, sexism, ban, unity, love, boycotts, climate justice, land rights, capitalism, corporatism, labor, abortion rights, civil disobedience, disarmament, nuclear war, fascism, strike, slavery, picketing, socialism, justice, corporatism, globalization, empires, food, non-violence, theatre, teach-ins, debate, activism, freedom, human rights, American tradition, labor rights, labor day, the enemy, peace sign, violence, hate, anniversaries, family separation, immigration, equity, inclusion, organizing; makers include Erik Marinovich, People's Campaign, Together We Rise, San Francisco Living Wage Coalition, Pat Villano, People Organizing to Win Employment Rights (POWER), f.C. Cortez, LA Business Printing, L. Lubow, ; references or specifically about Low-wage Workers Community Congress, Tenderloin, Bay View, Hunter's Point, the Mission, Chinatown, San Francisco (California, USA), Facebook, immigration ban, Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), Los Angeles (California, USA), October 15, 2017, No Muslim Ban Ever, Statue of Liberty, World Trade Organization (WTO), Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA), Peru, we have a dream coalition, Industrial Workers of the World (IWW, Wobblies), "Don't Mourn, Organize", Black Lives Matter, Dakota Pipeline, fossil fuels, Occupy, draft registration, Students for a Democratic Society (SDS), United Farm Workers (UFW), La Raza, ban the bomb, Ethiopia, Wilmington 10, Charlotte 3, Right to work laws, executions, capital punishment, Raleigh (North Carolina, USA), 50th Anniversary March on Washington, power to the people, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Black Lives Matter, sacred land, family separation ; referenced individuals include Joe Hill, Bernie Sanders, Bill Clinton, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Mao Zedong (Mao Tse-Tung), Martin Luther King, Jr., Joe Hill; places made include Pennsylvania (USA), New York (USA), Las Vegas (Nevada, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, Portuguese, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 7

Ecology: Various Topics - Oversize 1967; 1981-1995; 2015

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include whales, whaling, ocean health, mountain peaks, dams, geothermal energy, history of technology, nuclear energy, space exploration, natural resources, environmentalism, waste management, oceans, water pollution, overpopulation, agriculture, hunger, California, pesticides, alternative transportation, deforestation, corporations, Colorado River, uranium mining, marches and demonstrations, media, arts festival, air pollution, cities; makers include Jean-Philippe Maitre, Roberto Soave, Colografica, Jack Lefkowitz, Virginia Strenad, Warszawska Drukarnia Akcydensowa (WDA), Adopt a Beach, California Coastal Commission, Giusti, Kelleher and Tait Design, Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, Noah's Art, Australia Conservation Foundation, Faith Wilding, California Committee on Pesticides, Al Kettler Artwork, Fratelli Bonetti, Testa Perlla Rossetti, Creatzzo, Harrison Color, Don Ivan Punchatz, Darwin Baum, Vicki Morgan, Barbara Bertoli, Chris Reedy, Water Education Foundation, The Sierra Club, Portal Publications, Ltd, Vision LA Fest, La Roche, McCaffrey & McCall, Inc., Tim Mendenhall, EarthShare; referenced individuals include Malcolm Fraser, Robert Wyland, James Joyce, James D. Rose; references or specifically about the Bible, Earth Summit, Vision LA 15, smog, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA); places made include Poland, Italy, New York (New York, USA), Australia, Sausalito (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA); languages include English, French, Italian, Polish
Drawer A-31, Folder 8

Ecology: Various Topics - Newsprint Circa 2015

Physical Description: 4

Scope and Content Note

related topics include community land access advocacy, community projects, environmental change, environment, climate change, ecology, vacant land, public land development, private land developers; makers include 596 acres, Living Lots NYC, Rare Earth Catalogue; places made include New York City (New York, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 9

Ecology: People's Climate March (2014 & 2017) 2014; 2017

Physical Description:


includes laminated poster

Scope and Content Note

related topics include environmentalism, climate change, marches and demonstrations, rally, international solidarity, racism, poverty, economics, public health, statistics, community, change, science, colonialism, activism, class, oppression, immigration, housing, sustainability, innovation, capitalism, corporatism, labor health, biological diversity, climate justice, flags, jobs, justice, diversity, summit, reality, water, the globe, labor, religion, education, occupation, spirituality, harmony, unity, children, ideology, politics, rejection, ; makers include People's Climate March, U prose, Design Action Collective, Climate Justice Alliance, extend climate, Rachel Choragi, Natural Resources Defense Council (NORDIC), Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Inquiry, Nicolas Lampert, Josiah Werning, Josh MacPhee, Favianna Rodriguez, Shepard Fairey, Laurie Dougherty, Indian Country Media Network, Seattle University, People's Climate Movement, Collin Matthes, Crystal Clarity, Chris Stain; references or specifically about Statue of Liberty, children, balloon, New York (New York, USA), fossil fuels, United Nations, rescue, crossroads, social injustice, economic injustice, Bangladesh, carbon dioxide, emissions, oil, hydraulic fracturing (fracking), frontline communities, indigenous peoples, pipelines, coal mining, asthma, cancer, crime, sea level, storm surge zones, Hurricane Sandy, Manhattan (New York City, NY, USA), privatization of resources, labor, Charles Darwin Day, clean water, fossils, bones, skeleton, carbon, coal, farm workers, domestic workers, parents, elders, future, political parties, green business, non-profits, mental health, rising tides, Columbus Circle (Manhattan, New York City, NY, USA), "Defiende Nuestra Madre", healthy communities and justice, Hollywood disaster films, floods, hurricanes, drought, tornados, shrinking ice caps, vanishing glaciers, United Nations 2014 Summit on Climate Change, yoga, meditation, healing, yoginis, Hindi phrase: "Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu (People: Samasta: Suchino Bhavantu)"; places made include New York City (New York, USA), Seattle (Washington, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA); referenced individuals include James Montgomery Flagg, Ban Ki-moon, Charles Darwin, Margaret Mead, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Robert G. Fingerstall, Albert Einstein, Marie Curie, Stephen Hawking, Nicola Tesla, Rosalind Franklin, Dara Herman Zierlein; languages include Spanish, English, Hindi
Drawer A-31, Folder 10

Ecology: Dakota Access Pipeline 2015-2017

Physical Description: 11


includes reproductions

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Standing Rock Sioux, revocation, permits, corporatism, solidarity, land protection, land rights, water rights, women, water pollution, contamination, indigenous resistance, Native Americans, anti-capitalism, climate, ecology, greed, inner-connectivity, oppression, unity, prayer, spirituality, solidarity; makers include Jesus Barraza, Melanie Cervantes, Jonathan Nelson, JustSeeds, Washoyot, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Micah Bazant; referenced individuals Ron Toledo, J. Howard Miller; references or specifically about Army Corps of Engineers, Chase Manhattan Bank, Bank of America, Wells Fargo Bank, peace pipe, #waterislife, #nodapl, #thispipedoesnotbreak, #keepitintheground, Seven Generations, Seven Arrows, Four Directions, Mother Earth, medicine wheel, Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Standing Rock Indian Reservation (North Dakota, USA) (South Dakota, USA), snake, darkness, guardian of life, chaos, flags; places made include Oakland (California, USA), Albuquerque (New Mexico, USA), Syracuse (New York, USA); languages include Hebrew, English
Drawer A-31, Folder 11

Ecology: Greenpeace - International 1990-2002

Physical Description: 34

Scope and Content Note

related topics include water pollution, paper, deforrestation, recycling, transportation, history, campaigns, whales, oceans, seals, extinction, recycling, ozone, solar energy, climate change, biodiversity, boycotts, anniversaries, alternative energy, the environment, international solidarity; makers include Dorreboom, James Siers, V. Worthington, Greenpeace, paradigm Design, Manu Smith, Richard Adams, Peter Scones, Moebius, Annemarie Van Hoerincen, Reiser; references or specifically about Brazilian Mahogany, Francesco Martone, dioxine, chlorine, nuclear weapons, radioactivity, plutonium, nuclear testing, test ban project, Kazakhstan, bombs, toxic chemicals, herbicides, oil, Indonesia, sea turtles, dolphins, aquariums, nuclear plants, Pacific Islands, test sites, Rainbow Warrior (boat), dolphins, ESSO (E$$O), Exxon Mobil, desertification, forest fires, wild fires; referenced individuals include Jacques Chirac; places made include Netherlands, London (UK), Czechoslavakia, New Zealand, Paris (France); languages include English, French, Dutch, Czech, Russian, Chinese
Drawer A-31, Folder 12

Ecology: Alternative Transportation - Bicycles 1976; 1992-2015

Physical Description: 22

Scope and Content Note

related topics include justice, poverty, community, skeleton, anniversaries, festivals, media, parade, fair, freedom, international solidarity, reclamation; makers include Evynne Blummer-Torres, wheeled migration, Transportation and Use Coalition, AK Graphics, Pamela Scott, The San Francisco Bay Guardian, Mona Caron, Critical Mass, Hugh D'Andrade; referenced individuals include Mayor Willie L. Brown, Jr., NorCal High School, Bay Area Outreach & Recreation Program (BORP); references or specifically about ; bole cemtemmoa; 76, Huffy bicycles, car free streets, Bicis Del Pueblo, bike skills, costumes, pedal power, Bicycle Harvest, Bike to Work Day (Santa Cruz), Kortuzi, International Walk and Roll to School Day, Santa Cruz Bike Week, maintenance, Bike to Work Week (Santa Cruz), Green CIty, "Transit First",Chileno Valley Cycling Classic; places made include Pasadena (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), East Bay (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Dayton (Ohio, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, Danish
Drawer A-31, Folder 13

Ecology: Alternative Transportation Late 1960s; 1993; 2003-2013

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include automobiles, cars, bicycles, bicycling, trains, metros, public transit, walking, community events, sustainability, carpooling, vans, traffic, working, freeways, marches and demonstrations, buses, global warming, asthma, fuel efficient cars, air pollution, oil spills, toxic waste, wars of conquest, carfree cities, conferences, taxes, infrastructure, subways, rapid transit systems, high speed rails; makers include Bill Texas, AB 2766 Fund, Mobile Source Reduction Committee, South Coast Air Quality Management district, Inkworks Press, Greater Boston Committee on the Transportation Crisis, CALPIRG; references or specifically about World Car-Free Day, Los Angeles Metro Transit Authority (MTA), Interstate 95, Hummer (car), Transit Alliance (Boston), ; places made include San Leandro (California, USA), Fairfax (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Portland (Oregon, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 14

Ecology: Water - Oceans and Coasts 1974-2006; 2022

Physical Description: 25

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Seymour Marine Discovery Center, storm drains, pollution, calendars, children, motor oil, recycling, filters, clean waterways, petroleum, wildlife protection, environmental conservation, watersheds, estuaries, San Francisco Bay (California, USA), fisheries, sustainability, climate change, tropical oceans, air quality, student groups, volunteering, aquariums, California Coastal Cleanup Day, exhibits, workshops, education field trips, conservation techniques, wildlife, personal discovery, World Environment Day, celebration, eulogy, funeral procession, Day of Action, disposal, waste, water pollution, conference, conservation, clean water, ; makers include Inkworks Press, Sierra Club, Omnitrade Industrial Company, Mall Graphics, Inc., Superior Printing Inks, Handsoffocean.org, TMP Worldwide, Julie Quinlivan, Ket Tom-Conway, Oscar Amaro, Stormwater Management Program, Los Angeles Department of Public Works, Bug Press, Northcoast Environmental Center, Simon Design, Save Our Shores (Santa Cruz), Heal the Bay, Geo Imports, California State Parks Foundation, California Coastal Commission, Santa Monica Bay Restoration Project Foundation, Richardson Bay Community Association, Bay Open Anchorage Trust, Frisco Bay Mussel Group (FBMG), Tom Killion, Robinson Jeffers, National Estuarine Research Reserve System, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S. Department of Commerce, California Public Research Interest Group (CALPRIG), Christopher Wormell, Community Printers and Eleven, City of Los Angeles Stormwater Program, Oscar Amaro, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Division of Communications and Public Information, Friends of the LA RIver (FOLAR), International Rivers Network, Center for Marine Conservation, Marine Conservation Alliance, Natural Resources Consultants Inc., ; references or specifically about sea turtles, blue whales, Ocean Recreation and Conservation Conference, conservation of public access surf and beach resources, non-depletive energy, non-energy dependent resources, water recreation, World Climate Research Programme (WCRP), storm drains, Los Angeles Municipal Code 64.70, turtles, dolphins, jellyfish, Bay Area Environmental Education Resource Fair (BAEER Fair) 26, exhibits, workshops, conservation techniques, wildlife, rivers, Auburn Dam, International Day of Action, dams, Alaska (USA), seabirds, whale populations, overfishing, sea lions, seafood, mine waste, coastal environments, toxicity, crushed rock, ore, coastal currents, Sumbawa (Indonesia), pipes, Philippines, Papau New Guinea, Canada, upwelling, LIhir gold mine, toxins, toxic metals, health, food, contamination, Smothering, mine waste, ocean sanctuaries; referenced individuals include Frans Lanting, Rachel Rees, Somkiat Sirvikol, Darlene McCullough; places made include USA, Los Angeles (California, USA), Santa Cruz (California, USA); languages include English, French, Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish
Drawer A-31, Folder 15

Ecology: Sustainability 1981; 1993; 1998; 2001-2013; 2022

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include deforestation, public universities, private universities, education, higher education, water access, fish, libraries, democracy, conferences, non-renewable resources, recycling, environmentalism, engineering, consumption, architectural design, self-sufficiency, urban design, technology, bicycles, electric vehicles, composting, recycling, zero waste, community gardens, utopias, ecosystems, self-sustainable homes, solar power, wind power, wetlands, fairs, wildlife conservation, buses, peace, greed death, urbanization, industry, industrialization, farms, money, sustainable economy, social justice, green technology, fashion, indigenous, Ozone layer, ; makers include Leslie Evans, Sea Dog Press, Inkworks Press, DuckDog Design, iFixit, University of California at Davis (UC Davis), Office of Appropriate Technology, Office of Gordon Ashby, Literacy for Environmental Justice, Indicator Species, Ally Reeves, Ciro Marchetti, Daniel B. Holeman, Greenfield Graphix, Green Festival, Matt Wuerker; referenced individuals include Alice Walker, Thom Hartmann, Amy Goodman, Ben Cohen, David Suzuki, Joan Bladse ; references or specifically about mercury poisoning, "crisis of the commons", "right to repair" movement, sun, wind, water, earth, Peoples' Earthday, vegetable oil, "slow is beautiful", windmills, the sky is falling, whales, manatees, fish, jelly fish, "plastic kills", marine biology, electric vehicles, electric cars, Model T (Ford car), Motor City, reusable shopping bags; places made include Berkeley (California, USA), David (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Sebastopol (California, USA), Watertown (Massachusetts, USA); languages include English
Drawer A-32, Folder 1

Native Americans: Oversize 1939; 1986-1998; 2008-2013

Physical Description: 13


One poster has a poster record for each side

Scope and Content Note

related topics include land rights, Navajo people, education, Navajo philosophy, environment, ecology, films, coal mining, art exhibitions, Big Mountain (Black Mesa, Arizona), allies, environment, sovereignty, treaties, commitments, U.S. government, stereotyping, global warming, gratitude, culture, sacred objects, culture, tourism; makers include Miramax, Earthworks Films, Dan Budnik, Woodfin Camp & Associates, Julie Leonardino, Andrea Smith, Monoso, Paul Tankersley Graphics, Leslie Barany Communications, Josephine M. Cook, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Karen Kerney, Donna Tarbania, American Indian Law Alliance, Chief Oren Lyons, Alliance Graphics, Santa Fe Railway, ; references or specifically about "Broken Rainbow", mascots, "Doctrine of Discovery", United Nations Declaration on the RIghts of Indigenous People, Indigenous People's Day, Onondaga Nation, Santa Fe Tours, ; referenced individuals include Andrew Johnson, Chief Oren Lyons, Sherman Alexie, Chief Seattle; places made include Idaho (USA), Switzerland, Sweden, Arizona (USA), Syracuse (New York, USA), ; languages include Navajo, English, Swedish
Drawer A-32, Folder 2

Religion: Oversize 1995-2010

Physical Description: 5

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Bishop's Fund for World Relief, international aid, religious aid, peace, conferences, anarchism, philosophy, morality; makers include Katarina Whitley, Katherine Shagas, World Council of Churches, A. Oswan, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Federation Anarchiste, Heklev, Philosophy Club (UCLA); referenced individuals include Pope John Paul II; places made include Italy, USA, France, Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-32, Folder 3

Gun Control: Oversize 1990

Physical Description: 10

Scope and Content Note

related topics include statistics, privately held guns, gun dealers licenses, children, crime, handguns, deaths by handguns, cartoon; makers include Philip Kirkland, Psychology Today, Fire-Arm Facts, Félix González-Torres, CFR; references or specifically about Arizona (USA), California (USA), Museum of Modern Art (MOMA); places made include USA
Drawer A-32, Folder 4

Anti-Nuclear: Various Topics - Oversize 1980-2007

Physical Description: 43


includes stencils

Scope and Content Note

related topics include SANE / Freeze (Committee for a SANE Nuclear Policy and the Nuclear Weapons Freeze Campaign), Peace Action, Three Mile Island accident, marches and demonstrations, nuclear accidents, labor, student movements, disarmament, graphs, range of nuclear weapons, mushroom clouds, nuclear war, nuclear arms race, Soviet Union (USSR), historical timelines, deterrents, military spending, government budgets, global nuclear disarmament, ecology, international solidarity, women, qualitative competition, mutual insecurities, future capabilities, intentions, World War III (WWIII), cartoons, statistics, destructiveness of weapons, "Progress", technology, media, cartoons, oppression, resistance, statistics, U.S. flag, USSR flag, nuclear alternatives, authority, poetry, anti-war, peace; makers include Andy Warhol, Mediana, Hans van Dijk Susan Ritzau, National Committee for a Sane Nuclear Policy (SANE), Cultural Workers of Syracuse Council, Syracuse Cultural Workers, Keith Godard, Yasunao Tone, Serge Aizenberg, Tom Andresakes, Expertype Inc., Pegge Hopper, Jon Friedman, Artists for Nuclear Disarmament (AND), Social Graphics Company, Dennis Livingston, Stephen Rose, Kathryn Shagas, Christine Zelinsky, Nuclear Freeze Campaign (Freeze), Connie Jenkins, Mirage Editions Inc., Circle Vision, Audrey Flack, National Women's Conference to Prevent Nuclear War, AUTH, Karel Misek, The International Organization of Journalists, Jutorius, John Friedman, Keith Godard, Yasunao, Serge Aizenberg, Tom Andresakes, Syracuse Workers of Syracuse Peace Council; references or specifically about bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Trinity test site, World War II (WWII), Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), U.S. Defense Department, question authority, Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), Minuteman II, Minuteman III, Minuteman III Mark 12A, TNT, Japan, Vietnam War, South-East Asia, nuclear stockpiles, The Great March for Global Nuclear Disarmament (1986), The Nuclear Age, Trinity, Three Mile Island accident, peace treaty, ground zero, eggs, Mayday, Nourse Gallery, corporate wars, ; referenced individuals include Marie Cartier, Jonathan Schell, Leonid Brezhnev, Dwight D. Eisenhower, Albert Einstein, Nikita Khrushchev, Robert F. Kennedy, Alan Sonneman; places made include Hawaii (USA), Baltimore (Maryland, USA), Laguna Niguel (California, USA), Carmel Valley (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Syracuse (New York, USA); languages include English, Chinese, French, Russian, Japanese, Spanish
Drawer A-32, Folder 5

Alcohol / Drugs / Marijuana / Tobacco - Oversize [1936]; 1988-2001

Physical Description: 6

Scope and Content Note

related topics include cigarettes, cancer, health, children of alcoholics, alcoholism, legalization of marijuana, miracles, recovery, media, film, science fiction, health, media, ; makers include Splash, Dave Higginson, Lisa Awry, GB Posters,Pyramid Posters, American Cancer Society, Lemon Iris; references or specifically about Mount Rushmore National Memorial, subvertisements, Statue of Liberty, Reefer Madness, Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), reefers; referenced individuals include Walt Whitman, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Jefferson; places made include United Kingdom, USA
Drawer A-32, Folder 6

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ): Oversize 1975-1998; 2006-2010

Physical Description: 14

Scope and Content Note

related topics include film festivals, sexual preference, love, Gay & Lesbian Pride festivals, California Proposition 8 (2008), same-sex marriage, safe sex, condoms, tolerance, religion, 1982 Gay Olympic Games, 1998 Gay Games Amsterdam, athletics, marriage equality, voting, tolerance, racism, athletics; makers include Lendon Flanagan, Jason Murakawa, Levi's, Murakawa Design, Los Angeles Gay and Lesbian Media Coalition, Michele Castagneti, Larimie Garcia, Eddie Colla, Steven Meisel, Red Hot + Blue, Carroll M. Berg, Daniel Young, Mirko Ilic, Gay/Straight Alliance, William James Art Company (Berkeley), Sean Spriggs, Michele Castagueta; references or specifically about marriage equality, H8, Jerusalem (Israel), pink triangle, 12th Annual L.A. International Gay & Lesbian Film & VIdeo Festival, Directors Guild of America, Love your Enemy, Christopher Street West, Christopher Street West Gay Pride Festival, Proposition 8 (California, USA) 2008, condoms, hot sex, seamen, U.S. Navy, Jerusalem, Israel, pink triangles, Jim Crow laws, Gay Olympics 1982, coming out, out of the closet, butterflies; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), New York (New York, USA), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include English, Spanish, Latin
Drawer A-32, Folder 7

Los Angeles: Various Topics - Oversize 1972-2010

Physical Description: 54


Karen Fiorito panoramic collection of 1960s black & white photos--does not contain a production date.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include feminism, racism, murder, community, 1984 Summer Olympics, public transportation,housing, labor rights, civil rights, LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Transgender, Queer) maps, freeways, Venice (California, USA), arts and culture, police, police brutality, ecology, Los Angeles Bicentennial, peace, anti-war, marches and demonstrations, anti-nuclear, nuclear disarmament, Venice Art Walk (1985), marches and demonstrations, peace, U.S. flag; makers include Karen Fiorito, Saroff Harcourt Design, John G. Zimmerman, Gerard Studio Group Ltd., Frank Romero, Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (LA Metro), Los Angeles County Transportation Commission's art for Rail Transit program, Douglas Parker, Costello Brothers Lithography, Terry Schoovenhoven, Los Angeles Fine Arts Squad, Environmental Communications, April Greiman, Jayme Odgers, Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee, Knapp Communications Corporation, KRS Remote Sensing, Spaceshots Inc., Western Economic Research Company, Barbara Robinson, Rich Mann, Miguel Hell, Peter Max, Friends of the Los Angeles River (FOLAR), Henry Shire, Carlos Almaraz, Jefferies Lithograph Company, Daniel C. Wilson, Gerald Stefanko, Doug May, Cliff Bould, Gore Graphics, Filmex, John Costello, Costello Brothers Lithography, Charles Mitchell, Robinson's Department Store (Los Angeles), Saroff Design, Universal Studios, Spaceshots, Inc, Earth Observation Satelite company, KRS Remote Sensing, Western Economic Research Company, R.G. Frager, C.J. Barton, Daniel C. Wilson, Gerald Stefanko, Doug May, Cliff Boule, Los Angeles International Film Exposition, Gore Graphics; references or specifically about Metro Blue Line Opening Arts Celebration, Venice Family Clinic, Central City Association, Barnsdall Art Park Junior Arts Center, Earth Observation Satellite Company, East Los Angeles College, Chicano/Latino, The Great Peace March (1986), 1980 Los Angeles International Film Exposition, Vincent Price Gallery, Coming Home Again, Los Angeles Coliseum, cities, communities, freeways, Los Angeles area, Ventura County, Riverside County, San Bernadino County, Venice (California, USA), Los Angeles Children's Hospital, "Lotta Love", EXP Pottery, Friends of the LA River (FOLAR), "Confluence", The Great Peace March 1986 (Los Angeles, California, USA), Spring Street (Los Angeles 1890), El Pueblo de Los Angeles State Historic Park, Natural History Museum (History Division), Los Angeles 200 committee; Peace Walk, rent strike, war crimes, Fair Housing, segregation, Community Alert Patrol, referenced individuals include Kathleen Cleaver, James Baldwin, Huey P. Newton, Gregory Peck, Tom Bradley, Nicolette Larson, Pattsi Valdez, Kent Twitchell, Crosby Stills Nash & Young, Carole King, Linda Ronstadt, Jackson Brown, Jimmy Buffett, Dan Fogelberg, Emmylou Harris, Peter Max, Bonnie Raitt, Henry Shire, Holly Near, Melissa Manchester; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA), Sherman Oaks (California, USA)
Drawer A-32, Folder 10

Anti-War: Stencils on Canvas - Oversize 2007

Physical Description: 2

Scope and Content Note

related topics include people with disabilities, war injuries, religion, military deaths and injuries; makers include Ethan J. Arnold; references or specifically about Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima, Forever West / Forever East, U.S. flag; referenced individuals include Joe Rosenthal; places made include Los Angeles (California, USA)
Drawer A-32, Folder 11

Anarchism / Communism / Socialism - Oversize 1967; 1977-1979; 1989; 2008

Physical Description: 9

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Israel, Middle East, Palestine, Gaza War (2008-2009), U.S.-Israel relations, U.S. aid, anarcho-syndicalism, conferences, labor, youth, African-Americans, Civil Rights Movement, assassination of Martin Luther King, U.S. imperialism; makers include International Posters, Revolutionary Communist Party, Robert Smith, USA (RCP, USA), Confederación General del Trabajo (CGT), World Federation of Democratic Youth, The Central Organization of U.S. Marxist-Leninists, Communist Party of China; references or specifically about Gaza massacre, 60th Anniversary October revolution, racial discrimination, violent repression, Detroit rebellion, Newark rebellion, freedom, emancipation, colonialism, imperialism, unity, solidarity; referenced individuals include Karl Marx, Leon Trotsky, Vladimir Lenin, Mao Tse-Tung, Martin Luther King; places made include New York (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA), USA, Spain; languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-32, Folder 12

Anti-Nuclear: Arts and Culture - Oversize 1979-1989; 2001

Physical Description: 31


includes poster signed by Robert Rauschenberg

Scope and Content Note

related topics include films, Cold War, children, art exhibitions, benefit events, corporations, global destruction, nuclear disarmament, theater; makers include Syracuse Cultural Workers, Judith Ann Benedict, Brian Pendergast, Amy E. Bartell, Elektra Asylum Records, Gary Passanise, Nourse Gallery, Alan Sonneman, Mediana, Milton Glaser, Frances Torres, Tea Lautrec, Deborah Greer Graphic Arts, David Gallegos, Ernest F. De Soto Workshop, Matt Mahurin, Louise Kollenbaum, Mother Jones Magazine, Helen Mayer, Newton Harrison, Amy Bernstein, Alison Mann, Sara Steele, Bernadette G. Littlefield, Consolidated / Drake Press, MG Williams, Patrick Piazza, San Francisco Print Collective (SFPC), Bread and Roses, Amy Bernstein, Alison Mann, Physicians for Social Responsibility; references or specifically about mushroom cloud, Washington Crossing the Delaware (1851), Zero Nuclear Weapons Hiroshima-Nagasaki Film Festival, The Lost Generation, Prophecy, Muse Concerts for a Non-Nuclear Future, Greenpeace, Three Mile Island, corporate wars, Statue of Liberty, Bread and Roses, American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO), Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR), National SANE Radio, bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, field of poppies, "Disarming Images"; referenced individuals include Barbara Margolis, Robert Rauschenberg, Keith Haring, Helen Mayer Harrison, Newton Harrison, George Washington, Katsushika Hokusai, Emanuel Gottlieb Leutze, William Shakespeare, Ronald Reagan; places made include New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-32, Folder 13

Anti-Nuclear: Internationally Made - Oversize 1975-1987

Physical Description: 17

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marches and demonstrations, nuclear missiles in Europe, disarmament, communism, Hiroshima Appeals, bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Cold War, nuclear arms race, children, drinking water, ecology, rivers, dove of peace, detente, peaceful coexistence, 25th anniversary, ; makers include International Organization of Journalists, Karel Mijek, Le Mouvement de la Paix, Zansibar't, Fratelli Spada, Partito Comunista Italiano, JAD, Kiyoshi Awazu, Toppan Printing, Hiroshima International Cultural Foundation, JAGDA (Japan graphic designers association inc.), Kazumasa Nagai, Tamie Okuyama, Yoshio Hayakawa, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War (IPPNW), Franckell, Comité pour le désarmement nucléaire en Europe (CODENE), Imprimerie Rotographie, SNI Delmas, Imprimerie Quotidienne, Fontenay-sous-Bois, Union Federale des Consommateurs; references or specifically about mushroom cloud, World War III, statue of liberty, Finland, U.S. flag, flag of the Soviet Union; referenced individuals include Ronald Reagan, Golfech; places made include France, Italy, Switzerland, Poland, Japan; languages include French, German, Italian, English
Drawer A-33, Folder 1

Animal Rights: Animal Cruelty late 1970s; 1992-2000

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include pets, criminalization of animal abusers, cow skinning, reporting animal cruelty, animal circuses, monkeys (primates), breeding sows, vegetarianism / veganism, boycotts, antibiotics, hormones, chemicals, animal farm abuse, animal confinement, scientific research, primate transport, animal fur, fashion, steel jaw leghold traps, veal, chickens; makers include The Ark Trust, Inc., Ed Simpson Photography, Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF), Los Angeles Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (spcaLA), Animal Protection Institute, Farm Animal Reform Movement (FARM), David McEnery, Graphique de France, Bradley Miller, Humane Farming Association, Farm Sanctuary, Animal Defenders International, The Humane Society of the United States, David Repp; references or specifically about U.S. flag, Zero Tolerance for Cruelty Campaign, The Great American Meatout, milk-fed veal, battery eggs, Cedars-Sinai, University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), World Laboratory Animal Liberation; places made include Bethesda (Maryland, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Watkins Glen (New York, USA), Washington D.C. (USA)
Drawer A-33, Folder 2

Animal Rights: Animal Cruelty - Vivisection 1992

Physical Description: 16

Scope and Content Note

related topics include animal patents, animal testing, primate testing, children, genetic experimentation; makers include American Anti-Vivisection Society, Last Chance for Animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), New England Anti-Vivisection Society (NEAVS); places made include Jenkintown (Pennsylvania, USA), Boston (Massachusetts, USA), Washington D.C. (USA)
Drawer A-33, Folder 3

Animal Rights: Cardstock 1971; 2008

Physical Description: 7


includes laminated items

Scope and Content Note

related topics include propositions and campaigns, littering; makers include Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, Friends of Animals, Government Printing Office, National Audubon Society, Chuck Bartlebaugh, Center for Wildlife Information, Indian and Northern Affairs Parks Canada; references or specifically about Proposition 2, Smokey the Bear, Proposition 1, Protects Pets and Wildlife (ProPAW); places made include New York (New York, USA), Yellowstone (Wyoming, USA), Canada
Drawer A-33, Folder 4

Animal Rights: Friends of Animals 1990-2000

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include hunting, animal abuse, anal electrocution, spaying, neutering, pets, fur, fur industry, fast food, subvertisements, vegetarianism, veganism, animal drug addiction experiments, drug addiction; places made include Norwalk (Connecticut, USA), New York (New York, USA)
Drawer A-33, Folder 5

Animal Rights: Funding and Campaigns 1996-2004

Physical Description: 21

Scope and Content Note

related topics include California endangered wildlife, Massachusetts endangered wildlife, California condor, conservation, protection, flora of California, propositions, osprey population; makers include Tupper Ansel Blake, Mass Audubon, Natural Heritage Endangered Species, California Endangered Species Campaign, Rare and Endangered Species Preservation Program, California Department of Fish and Game, Bill Byne, Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Fund; references or specifically about Line 50 (California state tax form), Line 32 (Massachusetts state tax form), Line 90 (Tax Relief for Critters, California state tax form), Nongame Wildlife Fund, Line 45 (California state tax form), Proposition 197; places made include Boston (Massachusetts, USA), California (USA)
Drawer A-33, Folder 6

Animal Rights: In Defense of Animals (IDA) 1990-1999

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include fur, boycotts, animal torture, corporations, vivisection, primate testing; references or specifically about Procter and Gamble, World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week; places made include Mill Valley (California, USA), San Rafael (California, USA)
Drawer A-33, Folder 7

Animal Rights: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - Research and Fur 2003

Physical Description: 40

Scope and Content Note

related topics include animal rights, death, experiments, injustice; makers include PETA; references and specifically about naked bodies, electrocution, drowning, gas, beauty, fur coats, coyotes, traps, skinning, models, raccoons, fashion, cows, leather, beavers, rabbits, medical experiments, cosmetics, vivisection, household products, military training, monkeys, cats, sheet, pigs, animal cruelty, March of Dimes, dogs, horses, premarin, menopause, horse urine, Procter & Gamble, poisons, research laboratories, rodents, primates; referenced individuals include Christy Turlington, Kim Basinger, Oscar de la Renta, Karl Lagerfeld, Anna Wintour; places made include Norfolk (Virginia, U.S.A.); languages include English
Drawer A-33, Folder 8

Animal Rights: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - Entertainment 2003-2008

Physical Description: 32

Scope and Content Note

related topics include animal cruelty, liberation, vegetarianism, boycotts, commerce, death; makers include People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (P.E.T.A.); references and specifically about elephants, circuses, apes, fences, tigers, ring of fire, dogs, bears, bicycle, entertainment, torture, horses, performing, chains, animal shelters, pet stores, horse racing, traffic accidents, Ringling, training, rodeos, steers, cages; referenced individuals include Dick Gregory, Jane Goodall, Gloria Steinman, Cesar Chavez, Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Jr.; places made include Norfolk (VA, USA), Washington, DC (USA); languages include English
Drawer A-33, Folder 9

Animal Rights: People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - Made in Germany 2000s

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include nudity, boycotts, circus industry, fur industry, fashion industry, vegetarianism, veganism, environmentalism, leather, corporatism, animal testing; makers include Carlos Anthony, Mary McCartney Donald, Jim Rakete, Tibor Bogun, Holger Scheibe, Giuseppe Fassino, Sebastian Schmidt; referenced individuals include Amelie Fried, Mola Adebisi, Charlotte Karlinder Kusmagk, Carsten Spengemann; references or specifically about slavery, Procter & Gamble (P&G); places made include Stuttgart (Germany), USA; languages include German, English
Drawer A-33, Folder 10

Animal Rights: Internationally Made 1989-1995; 2018

Physical Description: 50


includes laminated poster

Scope and Content Note

related topics include endangered species, extinction, vivisection, animal experiments, elephant tusks, ivory, Harp seals, fish, whales, Norway, circus industry, vegetarianism / veganism, caribou, bears, Guyana, Turkish wildlife, fanihi bats, turtles, Beef Cows, ; makers include Laurentian Life, Carl Chaplin, One Voice, Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society (WDCS), Anti Vivisectie Stichting, Za prava zvirat, Beauty Without Cruelty (BWC), Atul Kasbekar, Atul Kasbekar, Mitter Bedi, Milieu Defensie, Naturfreundejugend, Beata Tarnawa, Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), Stichting AAP, Stichting Lekker Dier, David Bailey, Alberta Wilderness Association, Alan Carey, Naturevernforbundet, Poulton's Print Shop Ltd., Lufthansa Alman Havayollari, Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), Societe Reunionnaise Pour L'Etude et la Protection de l'Environment (SREPEN), Pro Natura, Samanthi Jayaratne, Fiat Panis, Clitral Jayatilake, VASARA, ; referenced individuals include Rishabh Khosla, Milind Soman, Rachel Reuben; references or specifically about Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES), meat factories, ; places made include United Kingdom, Wellington (New Zealand), Canada, Montpellier (France), Soviet Union, Czech Republic, Poona (India), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Austria, Poland, Dublin (Ireland), Oslo (Norway), Valletta (Malta), Istanbul (Turkey), Slovakia, Sri Lanka, FRANCE, ; languages include English, French, German, Russian, Dutch, Czech, Polish
Drawer A-33, Folder 11

Animal Rights: Marine Life 1974-1978; 1988-1999

Physical Description: 31

Scope and Content Note

related topics include fishing, art exhibitions, seals, chlorine, paper industry, whales, offshore drilling, oil, oil spills, baby seals, boycotts, Norwegian products, Japanese products, extinction, shark sanctuary, shark finning, dolphins, shark fin soup, sea turtles, salmon, cultural events, waste management, pollution, plastic debris, animal protection laws, free trade, Greenpeace benefits, humpback whales, offspring, beluga whales, whaling; makers include Gerry Katzban, Rand Hulmes, La Gasp, Melinda Ward, Richard Ellis, Simone Holm, Otter G'Zell, Mendocino Environmental Center, The Marine Mammal Center, Inkworks Press, StoraEnso Multi-Art Gloss, Sierra Club California Coastal Program, Peter Figen Photography, Max, Robert Benson, Richard Ellis, U.S. Department of Commerce, Animal Protection Institute of America, Christine Stevens, Charles Scammon, Bookworks, L. Foster, TRATO, Caribbean Conservation Corporation, The Humane Society of the United States, David Hills; referenced individuals include Desmond Tutu, Laura Cunningham, Frank Todd, Robert Pitman, Scott McVay; references or specifically about driftnet industry, ocean sanctuary, Soul Migration (film), bleaching paper, Wake of the Whale (book); places made include Ukiah (California, USA), San Francisco (California, USA), Sacramento (California, USA), Washington, D.C. (USA), Gainesville (Florida, USA), Berkeley (California, USA),
Drawer A-33, Folder 12

Animal Rights: Marine Life - Internationally Made 1981-1994

Physical Description: 15

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Wadden Sea, anniversaries, boycotts, whale products, oil, dolphins, French Polynesia, whales, fisheries education, sea turtles, monk seals, endangered species, biodiversity, marches and demonstrations; makers include Department of Conservation (New Zealand), Kathy Walls, National Association for the Preservation of the Wadden Sea (LVBW - Netherlands), Friends of the Earth, Le Petit Greenpeace Illustre, FishNet, Ministere de L'Environment (Tahiti), Bernando Lara, Dogal Hayati Koruma Dernegi (Wildlife Conservation Society), United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Federacion de Amigos de la Tierra; places made include New Zealand, Netherlands, Belgium, Papeete (Tahiti), Canada, Istanbul (Turkey), Jakarta (Indonesia), Madrid (Spain), London (United Kingdom); languages include English, Dutch, French, Malay, Spanish
Drawer A-33, Folder 13

Animal Rights: Protection / Conservation / Endangered Species 1970; 1978; 1984-1994 2010-2017

Physical Description: 49

Scope and Content Note

related topics include grizzly bears, extinction, mountain lions, American bald eagles, children, children's art, gray wolves, otters, salamanders, bats, sea turtles, California condors, U.S. government and politics, illegal poaching, pan-African wildlife, North American wildlife, elephants, pelicans, extinction, birds of prey, natural disasters, pets, calendars, climate justice, climate change, biological diversity, King vultures, Bahamas parrots, sea lions, Earth Day, commemorative postage stamps, Arctic wildlife, Panda bears, the earth, bears, synthetic insecticides, litter, plastic; makers include Carolyn Kroll; Open Lands Project, Wolves Offered Life and Friendship (W.O.L.F.) Sanctuary, Northern Sun Merchandising, Doris Somerfield, Fesweda, Mountain Lion Foundation, Tambakothe Jaguar, Animal Protection Institute of America (API), Sierra Club, African Wildlife Foundation , Billy Dodson, Craig Sholley, Robyn Gianni, National Wildlife Federation, Center for the Study of Tropical Birds (Centro de Estudios de las Aves Tropicales), Larry Lipsky, Charlie Palek, Tom Stack, Gary Schultz, American Lithographers, Alejandro Grajal, Travey Pedersen, Dante Cattani, Betti Cattani, Consolidated Business Forms, Esta Johnson, National Audubon Society, MCA Records, United States Postal Service (USPS), Wolf Sanctuary, Betty Chapman, Friends of the Sea Otter, New York Life Insurance Company, Richard Mills, Photo Images Ltd., Naomi Weissman, Kristin Marx Meuser, Lynette Cook, Food For Thought, The Youth Program of the Humane Society of the United States, R. Sawyer Billard, Fund for Animals, Denny Silverstein, Sibley Pettet Design, Center for Biological Diversity, Carolyn Kroll, Open Lands Project, Ted Williams, Sheila Grant; referenced individuals include Tanya Tucker, Chief Seathle, The International Conservation Corps Federation; references or specifically about Endangered Species Act, DDT (dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane), eagles, ivory poaching, disposal of plastic; places made include Sacramento (California, USA), Carmel (California, USA), Berkeley (California, USA), Lancaster (Ohio, USA), San Antonio (Texas, USA), Philadelphia (Pennsylvania, USA), Nashville (Tennessee, USA), (Colorado, USA)Eureka (Missouri, USA), New York City (New York, USA), Chicago (Illinois, USA); languages include English, Spanish
Drawer A-33, Folder 14

Animal Rights: World Wildlife Fund (WWF) 1987-1993

Physical Description: 29

Scope and Content Note

related topics include marine life, oceans, storks, vulture, Swiss Alps, panda bears, Mitsubishi, corporations, sand dunes, tigers, Turkish fauna and flora, Mediterranean Sea, international trade; makers include P.H. Fornairon, Imp. Hemmerle Paris, Hellio Van-Ingen, World Wildlife Rangers, Jos Korenromp, Jan van de Kam, Klaus Markgraf, Peter Prokosch, Ever, Meldorf, Aquarelle Yildirim, Society for the Protection of Nature, Sadik Karamustafa, Zefa-Rao, Armagan Tekdoner, Turkey Fauna and Flora Preservation Society, Across the Waters Program, International Trade in Endangered Species; references or specifically about The March of the Penguins (film), Green Bus Design Competition, University of Hong Kong; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Amsterdam (Netherlands), Hong Kong (China), Paris (France), Switzerland, Turkey; languages include English, French, Swiss-Italian, Italian, German, Japanese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Turkish
Drawer A-33, Folder 15

Animal Rights: Various Topics 1977; 1980-1995; 2009; 2012; 2017

Physical Description: 26

Scope and Content Note

related topics include wolves, anti-nuclear, fallout shelters, spaying, neutering, pets, patents, protection, frogs of Borneo, war, victims, military, fashion, education, extinction, conservation, science, population growth, breeding; makers include North American Wildlife Park Foundation (NAWPF), Andy Everson, Emily Simons, Beehive Collective, Red Lemon Creative Inc., Ari Siletz, The Firm Quarterly, Joe Monroe, Effie's Press, John Wehrle, M. Goodwill, The Humane Society of the United States, R. Sawyer Billard, Curklinson, Charles Thatcher, Tony Stone, C. Howes, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA), Mary Bloom, In Defense of Animals, The American Anti-Vivisection Society, The London & Provincial Anti-Vivisection Society, WHS, Public Media Center, Michell Williams, Wildlife Conservation Society, In Defense of Animals (IDA); referenced individuals include Adrienne Rich, Abraham Lincoln, Robert Pitman, Frank Todd; references or specifically about International Migratory Bird Day (IMBD), Salish Tribe, endangered speciies, wildlife, science education, Kooternai Tribes, Golden Gate Bridge, March for Science 2017, Noah's Arc, the Bible, World Laboratory Animal Liberation Week, rainforest communities, Borneo land, culture and livlihood protection, horrors, animal rights, human rights, whole human being, animal patents, chromosomes, genes, U.S. flag, monkeys, dogs, cats, tax dollars, disgrace, Red Panda, harbor seals, hauled out, watercraft, San Francisco Bay, barking, blubber, molting, birthing, nursing, pupping season, molting season, seals, whales, birds, frogs, tigers, bison, bears, rhinoceros, monkey, victims of war, animal cruelty; places made include Emeryville (California, USA), Los Angeles (California, USA), San Rafael (California, USA), Machias (Maine, USA), Scotland, London (England), San Francisco (California, USA); languages include English, French, Spanish, Penan
Drawer A-33, Folder 16

Animal Rights: Various Topics - Oversize 1989-2010

Physical Description: 20

Scope and Content Note

related topics include Spanish colonialism, extinct species, extinction, environmentalism, whales, ethical consumerism, animal testing products, Canadian harp seals, endangered species, acid rain, fishes, porcupines, caribou, fur, health, food, vegetarianism, veganism, carbon footprint, owls; makers include Paul Breeden, Adele Conover, Karen Woods Monzel, Berman Printing Company, Grashow, Adam Outerprises, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), Berkeley Bretha, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), Bob Talbot, International Wildlife Coalition, Arthur Geisert, Environment Ontario, Porcupine Caribou Management Board (Whitehorse), World Wildlife Fund (WWF), World Society for the Protection of Animals, Michael Klaper, F. Harrskog, U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service, Paul C. Adams; references or specifically about Noah's Ark, the Bible, Diet for a New America; places made include Washington, D.C. (USA), Lakewood (California, USA), Madison (Wisconsin, USA), Canada, Denmark, Sweden; languages include English, Japanese, Italian, Dutch, Swedish
Drawer A-33, Folder 17

Animal Rights: PETA - Food 2003-2008

Physical Description: 33

Scope and Content Note

related topics include animal rights, vegetarianism, food production, environment, earth, death, boycott; makers include People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA); references and specifically about pigs, slaughter, injustice, prejudice, ignorance, veganism, planet, meat, holidays, turkeys, chickens, poultry, McDonalds, butchers, concentration camps, mass murder, World War II (WWII), human rights, Nazis, cages, cattle, skeletons, starvation, Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC), holocaust, food, cruelty, debeaking, impotence, faces, Babe (movie), vegetables; referenced individuals include Dr. Helmut Kaplan, Colonel Sanders; places made include Norfolk (Virginia, USA)
Drawer A-34, Folder 1

Arts and Culture: Propaganda III Exhibition Materials 1995-2007

Physical Description: 10


Items from the Propaganda III art exhibition, produced by Start Soma gallery in San Francisco. The gallery invited artist internationally to submit overtly political, 18 x 24" works. The exhibition was not censored in anyway. It toured internationally through 2008. Artists were to submit 3 copies - 1 for circulation, 1 for permanent archiving by the gallery, and 1 for CSPG.

Scope and Content Note

related topics include voting, U.S. Republican Party (GOP), fascism, anarchism, California politicians, elections, democracy, wealth gap, wealth, poverty, U.S. cultural critique, plays, peace, anti-war, labor, labor organizers, labor history, corporations, corporatism, politicians and campaigns, censorship, freedom of expression, contemporary art; makers include Bill Pierce, Radioactive Future, Patrick A. Piazza, Lisa Link, Colin Matthes, Ray Tapajna, Fabio Franz, Miklos Legrady, Collective Unconscious, Dominick DOMNX Cabalo; referenced individuals include Arnold Schwarzenegger, George W. Bush, Darryl Issa, Pete Wilson, Tom Stoppard, Elizabeth Gurley Flynn, Bill Clinton, Anna Politkovskaja; references or specifically about U.S. flag, Jumpers, wage slavery, Campbell's Soup, the American Dream, Kremlin (Russia), Milkos Legrady Project; places made include USA, Canada
Drawer A-34, Folder 2

Arts and Culture: Propaganda III Exhibition Materials 2003-2007

Physical Description: 20


Items from the Propaganda III art exhibition, produced by Start Soma gallery in San Francisco. The gallery invited artist internationally to submit overtly political, 18 x 24" works. The exhibition was not censored in anyway. It toured internationally through 2008. Artists were to submit 3 copies