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School of Law records (University of California, Irvine)
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Planning and early history Series 1. 1961-2014

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of records of the planning and early history of the School of Law and includes correspondence with the California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC); research and information about other law schools; early and final proposals for the School of Law with comments; the vertical file of Dr. Michael Clark with material related to the establishment of the School of Law and hiring of Erwin Chemerinsky; documentation of discussions and forums with senior administrators, public constituents, and policy makers; correspondence, including a letter from Supreme Court Justice William H. Rehnquist, and letters of support; reports; fundraising information; media coverage; documentation about the founding of the law library; Ralph Cicerone files relating to the School of Law; and histories of the School of Law from its early inception to its founding. There are 6 CDs, 1 DVD, and 1 flash drive in the series - 2 CDs with photographs from 2008, 2 CDs related to a Criminal Litigation class by Burl Estes, 1 CD related to law school curriculum development, 1 CD consisting of an interview with Erwin Chemerinsky on AirTalk KPCC (2007), 1 welcome/admissions DVD, and 1 flash drive with photographs from the opening of the law school.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in its original order.
box 1, Folder 1-10

California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) correspondence 2001-2007

box 1, folder 11

UCI Department of English and Comparative Literature's Spring Symposium: Law and Literature luncheon 2001

box 1, folder 12-13

UCI Law Forum 2001-2002

box 1, folder 14

UCLA School of Law research 2001-2003

box 1, folder 15

University of LaVerne, College of Law research 2001

box 1, folder 16

Vanderbilt University Law and Humanities research 2001

box 1, folder 17

Virginia law schools and courts research 2002

box 1, folder 18

Whittier Law School - new Dean correspondence and research 2001-2003

box 1, folder 19

Western State University College of Law research 2000-2002

box 1, folder 20

University of California Office of the President - Sandra Smith report 2000

box 1, folder 21

Umberg, Hon. Tom, letter 2005

box 1, folder 22

Law School proposal comments 2000-2001

box 1, folder 23

Law school rankings by educational quality 2000

box 1, folder 24-36

Dr. Michael Clark's vertical file 1991-2009

box 2, folder 1-11, box 8, folder 20

Law School proposals 2000-2006

box 2, folder 12

History of Law School proposals 1990-2004

box 2, folder 13

Stanford, UCSB and UCLA research and information 2000

box 2, folder 14

Estes, Burl, communication 2007-2008

box 2, folder 15

Law schools - research and statistics 2000-2002

box 2, folder 16

Law School Task Force and Work Group 1989-2000

box 2, folder 17

Correspondence 1961-1992

box 2, folder 18-20

Chemerinsky, Erwin, Dean 2006-2007

box 3, folder 1-5

University of California Office of the President - Law School Task Force 1990-1991

box 3, folder 6

Law School proposal comments and correspondence 2001-2005

box 3, folder 7

Statement of intent to support the School of Law 2006

box 3, folder 8

New University article 2001

box 3, folder 9

OC Metro, "Power of Law Degrees" 2001

box 3, folder 10

Ohio State College of Law annual report 1998-1999

box 3, folder 11

Op ed. - mission statements 2001

box 3, folder 12

Hastings College of Law course catalog 2001-2002

box 3, folder 13

Rehnquist, Hon. William H. correspondence 2002

box 3, folder 14

Response to Academic Council's review of UCI's five-year perspective on a School of Law 2001

box 3, folder 15

Science and the Law of Evidence event 2003

box 3, folder 16

Top 50 California law firms 2001

box 3, folder 17

"The Validity of the U.S. News and World Report Ranking of American Bar Association Law Schools" 1998

box 3, folder 18

UCI Founder's Committee 1993

box 3, folder 19

UCI Law and Humanities program 2000

box 3, folder 20-21

Record of interactions with California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) 2001-2007

box 3, folder 22

Law schools research 2008

box 3, folder 23

Law need - top firms (Ward Bower article) 2007

box 3, folder 24

UCI Center for Law, Society and Culture 2004-2007

box 3, folder 25

Talking points on the Law School 2006

box 3, folder 26

Fundraising 2007

box 3, folder 27

American Bar Association accreditation research 2007

box 3, folder 28

American Bar Association visit Chicago 2007

box 3, folder 29

Johnson, Tiana - overview to law proposal 2006

box 3, folder 30

UC Law admissions and fees 2006

box 3, folder 31

UCI Law conference 2007

box 3, folder 32

Response to criteria to evaluate proposals for new Law Schools 2006

box 3, folder 33

California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) 19 questions 2006

box 3, folder 34

Law School enrollments and applicant statistics 2005-2006

box 3, folder 35

Law Clinic visiting, Public Law Center, Legal Aid Society of Orange County 2007

box 3, folder 36

Law School curriculum study, Leadership Academy 2007

box 3, folder 37

Bar passage rates 2004-2005

box 3, folder 38-39

UC Riverside Law 1999-2006

box 3, folder 40

Law School brochure 2006

box 3, folder 41

Appellate Court - land sale 2003-2005

box 3, folder 42

California bar passage rates 2002-2004

box 3, folder 43

Chapman University Law School research 2003

box 3, folder 44

Debt forgiveness programs 2005

box 3, folder 45

Dinh, Viet 2000-2002

box 3, folder 46

Fundraising information 2001-2002

box 3, folder 47-48

Hispanic Outlook magazines, Hispanic degrees and enrollment 2003-2005

box 4, folder 1-11

Letters of support 1993-2007

box 4, folder 12-14

Media coverage 2007-2008

box 4, folder 15

Negative correspondence 2006-2007

box 4, folder 16-17

Law School support list 2006

box 4, folder 18

American Thinker article 2007

box 4, folder 19

Law School Implementation Group 2007

box 4, folder 20

Regents - Law School fees 2007

box 4, folder 21

Regents - professional fees proposal 2007

box 4, folder 22

System-wide response to School of Law proposal 2000-2001

box 4, folder 23

Academic Council response to School of Law proposal 2001

box 4, folder 24

Chemerinsky hiring media coverage 2007

box 4, folder 25

Proposed plans for degree programs and assessing educational effectiveness 2007-2008

box 4, folder 26

Law proposal - approval by UCI 2001-2005

box 4, folder 27

Law advancement/PR 2006

box 4, folder 28-30

Law School proposals with notes 1990-2001

box 4, folder 31

Poston, Michael - law workload report 2001

box 4, folder 32

Law School supporters (informal) 2006

box 4, folder 33

Asian Pacific American Legal Center 2007

box 4, folder 34

White, James - American Bar Association consultation 2007

box 4, folder 35

Regents of the University of California Committee on Educational Policy 2006

box 4, folder 36-42

Law Library 2000-2007

box 4, folder 43

Substantive change proposal site visit 2008

box 5, folder 1-5

Law School Work Group reference materials 1990-2001

box 5, folder 6-10

California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) proposals 2001-2007

box 5, folder 11-12

UC Law School brochures 2007-2008

box 5, folder 13

Supplemental information - reports and correspondence 1961-1984

box 5, folder 14

History of University of California Office of the President law planning 2003-2005

box 5, folder 15-20

Cicerone, Ralph, files 1999-2003

box 6, folder 1-6

Draft criteria to evaluate proposals for new law schools 2001-2006

box 6, folder 7-9, box 7, folder 18

Proposed Law School Task Force 1989-1990

box 6, folder 10

Center for Educational Partnerships, Saturday Academy of Law article 2009

box 6, folder 38

Letter to Susan Trimble 2009

box 6, folder 11

Law consults 2000-2005

box 6, folder 12

Initiative brochure and flyer 2006

box 6, folder 13

Media coverage 2006-2007

box 6, folder 14

Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching report: Educating Lawyers 2007

box 6, folder 15

Leiter's law school rankings 2006

box 6, folder 16

Justice gap/pro bono law reports 2005

box 6, folder 17

Edley, Christopher - law site visit 2006

box 6, folder 18

Law outreach 2001

box 6, folder 19

Law Deans research 2007

box 6, folder 20

Diversity survey 2006

box 6, folder 21

Orange County law firms hiring patterns 2006

box 6, folder 22

Law Library gift - Latham and Watkins 2007

box 6, folder 23

Law School housing brief and agreement 2008

box 6, folder 24

Law Deans and faculty salaries 2005-2006

box 6, folder 25

Law School accreditation process 2006

box 6, folder 26

Pepperdine Law event 2007

box 6, folder 27

Gelfand, Julia - University of Iowa Law Library visit 2007

box 6, folder 28

Boalt Hall Law Library visit 2007

box 6, folder 29

Talking points on the School of Law 2001

box 6, folder 30

Rand report - labor market for lawyers in California 2000

box 6, folder 31

California Postsecondary Education Commission (CPEC) additional information 2006

box 6, folder 32

USC Law School visit 2007

box 6, folder 33

Los Angeles Daily Journal media coverage 2009

box 6, folder 34

O.C. Metro media coverage 2001

box 6, folder 35

Law proposal information 2005-2006

box 6, folder 36

Law support thank you letters sent 2005-2006

box 6, folder 37

Chemerinsky, Erwin - media coverage and interviews 2007

box 7, folder 1-2

UCI Law: A history, additional information in support of the proposal to establish a School of Law 2006

box 7, folder 3-5

Collected media coverage and correspondence, with notes 2000-2007

box 7, folder 6

Orange County community indicators 2003-2006

box 7, folder 8

School of Law initiative 2001

box 7, folder 9

Proposal for a School of Law at UCI 2001

box 7, folder 10

UC annual reports 2004-2006

box 7, folder 11-13

Photocopied reports and correspondence 1987-1990 (original dates on folder 1961 - 1984)

box 7, folder 14

Memorandum on history of UCI School of Law 2010

box 7, folder 15-17

UCI Law: A history, consulting 2000-2007

box 7, folder 19

History of planning for new Law Schools

box 8, folder 6

UCI Law: A history, newspaper articles 2006-2008

box 8, folder 7-9

UCI School of Law history 1990-2005

box 8, folder 10-13, 21

Planning Study Committee reports 1989-1991

box 8, folder 14

UCI Law: A history, response to California Postsecondary education Commission (CPEC) draft report 2006

box 8, folder 15-19

UCI response to Task Force on PDPE and LEAS, and draft criteria 2006-2007

box 8, folder 22

Dean announcement 2007

box 8, folder 23

Donald Bren School of Law towel undated

box 9, folder 1

Reports and correspondence 2001-2006

box 9, folder 2

Proposal documents 2003-2007

box 9, folder 3

Admissions data from the University of California, School of Law (Boalt Hall) 2006

box 9, folder 4-5

Correspondence and proposal documents 2006

box 9, folder 6

Building the 21st Century Law School event booklet 2009

box 9, folder 7

Peter Simpson Cook portraits undated

box 9, folder 8

Barbara Boarnet files 1988-2008

box 9, folder 9-10

Business card index undated

box 13, folder 4

Financial system full accounting unit 2007-2008

box 13, folder 16-17

Media coverage 2009-2013

box 14, disk AS162_DIG001, AS162_DIG002, AS162_DIG008, folder accn2014-027, folder accn2014-064

Digital photographs 2008-2014

box 14, disk AS162_DIG003, folder accn2014-064

Admissions Welcome video 2012

box 14, disk AS162_DIG004, AS162_DIG005, folder accn2014-027

Criminal Litigation class by Burl Estes, digital files 2007 May

box 14, disk AS162_DIG006, folder accn2014-027

Law School Curriculum Development: Leadership Academy Program in Legal Education Subcommittee, digital files 2007

box 14, disk AS162_DIG007, folder accn2014-027

Interview with Erwin Chemerinsky on AirTalk KPCC 2007 September 13

box 15

Two banners undated

folder accn2022-006

Lobby sketch revised, digital file 2008 September 12


Administration Series 2. 2015-2017

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of administrative records created by the School of Law.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.

Budgets and finance Subseries 2.1 2015-2017

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of budget and financial information related to the School of Law after it opened.
box 13, folder 5-10

Budget requests 2015-2017


Accreditation, evaluations, and memberships Series 3. 2007-2017

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of self-studies, site evaluation questionnaires, and annual questionnaires required by the American Bar Association (ABA) for the accreditation of law schools, as well as the ABA's Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools (2007-2016); applications, questionnaires, reports and correspondence related to membership of the Association of American Law Schools; and a report from the Law School Study of Student Engagement, an external provider of research products and services centered on the study of the law student experience.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.
box 10, folder 3-11

American Bar Association Standards and Rules of Procedure for Approval of Law Schools 2007-2016

box 7, folder 7

Self-study 2010

box 7, folder 20-22

Site evaluation questionnaire 2010

box 8, folder 1-5

Limited site evaluation questionnaire 2010-2011

box 13, folder 19-20

Self-study 2012

box 11, folder 13-18

Site Evaluation Questionnaire 2012

box 12, folder 21

Law School Study of Student Engagement report 2012

box 11, folder 21

Self-study 2013

box 11, folder 20

American Bar Association annual questionnaire 2013

box 12, folder 1-6

Site Evaluation Questionnaire 2013

box 12, folder 9

Association of American Law Schools membership application questionnaire 2013-2014

box 12, folder 8

Association of American Law Schools membership application and correspondence 2013-2015

box 10, folder 21

American Bar Association report and correspondence 2013-2017

box 13, folder 12

Factsheets and statistics 2014

box 10, folder 20, box 12, folder 13-20

Association of American Law Schools membership application questionnaire 2014

box 11, folder 19

Self-study 2014

box 12, folder 7

Association of American Law Schools report 2015

box 12, folder 10

Association of American Law Schools application 2015


Centers & Institutes Series 4. 2013-2017

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series contains documentation related to the centers and institutes at UC Irvine School of Law, which provide in-depth focus and programs in specific areas of law. The centers forge partnerships in Asia as well as locally in Southern California to share ideas and sponsor further research.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.

Korea Law Center Subseries 4.1 2013-2017

Subseries Scope and Content Summary

This subseries consists of agreements and memorandums of understanding related to the Korea Law Center, which studies and promotes solutions to issues arising at the intersection of U.S. and Korean Law. The Korea Law Center was established in 2009 to serve as a platform for the knowledge transfer, exchange and collaborations between students, legal scholars, judges, prosecutors, policy makers and lawyers from South Korea and the United States.
box 11, folder 10

Memorandum of Understanding between the Regents of the University of California and the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Korea 2013

box 11, folder 8

Memorandum of Understanding between School of Law and the National Court Administration of the Supreme Court of Korea 2017

box 11, folder 9

Agreement for Cooperation between School of Law and the Korea University School of Law, Republic of Korea 2017


Building and expansion plans Series 5. 2007-2017

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of building project and expansion plans after the School of Law opened, including estimates, research, and correspondence about a new building and parking lot for the School of Law.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.
box 10, folder 22-24, box 11, folder 1-5

Building project 2007-2017

box 12, folder 11-12

University of North Dakota new facility research with notes 2013

box 11, folder 11

Steinberg: Law School building estimate 2015

box 11, folder 6

Building responses: correspondence to/from Dean Erwin Chemerinsky 2015


Degree programs Series 6. 2014-2017

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of documentation related to degree programs offered or proposed by the School of Law, including planning documents, proposals, and applications to the American Bar Association for acquiescence of the programs.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.
box 10, folder 12-17

Master of Laws (LL.M) 2014-2017

box 13, folder 1-3

M.S.L. proposal 2015-2016

box 11, folder 12

American Bar Association Application for Acquiescence: LL.M 2016


Events and publicity Series 7. 2008-2019

Series Scope and Content Summary

This series consists of material related to events hosted by the School of Law, publicity and articles about the School of Law, and awards received.

Series Arrangement

The series is arranged in chronological order.
box 17, folder 6

Orange Coast articles 2008-2010

box 17, folder 13-14

Coast articles 2008-2013

box 13, folder 23

Forum articles 2009-2010

box 17, folder 3

Trial journal articles 2009-2011

box 17, folder 7

Los Angeles Times articles 2009-2012

box 17, folder 10

American Bar Association journal articles 2009-2013

box 13, folder 21

California Lawyer articles 2009-2013

box 17, folder 8

The National Law Journal articles 2009-2013

box 17, folder 4-5

OC Metro articles 2009-2013

box 15, folder 1

OC Weekly articles 2009-2013

box 13, folder 11

Orange County Register articles 2009-2014

box 15, folder 2, box 17, folder 11

Orange County Business Journal articles 2009-2016

box 17, folder 12

New University articles 2010-2011

box 17, folder 9

New York Times articles 2010-2011

box 10, folder 18

The National Jurist articles 2010-2014

box 16, folder 1-16, box 17, folder 1-2

The Daily Journal articles 2010-2018

box 13, folder 15

Admitted Students Weekend booklet 2012 March

box 10, folder 2

Commencement booklets 2012-2014

box 10, folder 1, box 13, folder 22

Orange County Lawyer articles 2013-2016

box 10, folder 19

California Legislature Assembly certificate of recognition 2013

box 11, folder 7

Renewing the Search for the "Faces at the Bottom of the Well" summit 2014

box 13, folder 14

Public Service Award Dinner booklet 2017 May 12

box 13, folder 13

Leaflets and flyers 2017-2019, undated

box 13, folder 18

A video message from Dean Erwin Chemerinsky undated

folder accn2022-006

Interview with Jennifer Chacón for the 10th anniversary of the UCI School of Law, digital file 2018