The collection contains scrapbooks, photographs, documents, and books, belonging to Cantor Leopold Szneer and Isabelle Szneer.
Parents, family, and friends of Leopold and Isabelle are featured prominently as well. In addition, the collection comprises
prayer books, and prayer clothing including a Tallit and Shabbat apron, as well as, a parochet, the curtain that covers the
Cantor Leopold Szneer was born on December 21, 1921, in Munich, Germany. From a young age, he knew he wanted to become a Chazzan
(Cantor). He studied chazzanut and performed as a soloist in his synagogue's choir. Nazism's rise to power threatened to end
his dream. His Jewish school was closed, he and other Jewish children had to attend public schools, where they were confronted
with anti-Semitism.
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