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Quarta Affrice Tabula. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- Ulm : Leinhart Holle, Ulm (1482 edition); Johann Roger, Ulm (1486 edition)Germanus, Nicolaus NOR 0001 1486

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 31 cm. x 47 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Cosmographia (1482) (second edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Atlas based on Ptoleymy's Geographike Hyphegesis. Trapezoidal in projection. Based on Ptolemy's Geographike (about 120-150 AD), printed in Vicenza, Bologna, Florence, Rome and Ulm between 1475 and 1486. These Ptolomaic previous hit maps next hit appeared after fall of Constantinople to the Ottoman Turks in 1453.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0001, p. 2

General note

Norwich number: 0001

General note

RID: MOA 0003

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 15th c.

Africa, Libya, Morland, mit allen Kunigreichen so zu unsern zeiten darin gefunden werden. = Africa, Libya, Morland with their kingdoms to date. -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0002 1544-1545

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 26 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Cosmographia (second edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: German edition. previous hit Map next hit detailed with mountain ranges, rivers, and depictions of animals, a cyclops and crowns.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0002, p. 4

General note

Norwich number: 0002

General note

RID: MOA 0004

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Totius Africae tabula et descriptio universalis etiam ultra Ptolemaei limites extensa. = previous hit Map next hit of the whole of Africa based on Ptolemaic sources. -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0003 1542

Physical Description: Woodcut : Colored ; 26 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Geographia Universalis (1540-1542) (Latin edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Latin edition of Munster's previous hit map next hit , see NOR 0002. Includes three places printed upside down: Quiloa, Mantes and Regnu[m].

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0003, p. 6

General note

Norwich number: 0003

General note

RID: MOA 0005

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Figura del Mondo Universale. = World previous hit map next hit . -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552Kandel, David, 1524-1596 NOR 0004 1550

Physical Description: : Colored ; 25 cm. x 37 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Cosmographia (1550)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Latin edition of Munster's previous hit map next hit . Round-shaped world previous hit map next hit surrounded by the heads of wind gods, blowing their winds towards the earth. Several sea monsters occupy the waters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0004, p. 7

General note

Norwich number: 0004

General note

RID: MOA 0006

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

La description d'Affricque selon les divers pais, animaux et monstres horribles. = A description of Africa showing the different countries, animals and monsters. -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0005 1550

Physical Description: Woodcut : Colored ; 12.4 cm. x 15.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Cosmographia (1550) (French edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Top of previous hit map next hit : Universelle, livre VI Le Sixiesme Livre de la Cosmographie, recueilly par Sebastian Munstere des bons autheurs tant anciens que moderuer, assemble.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0005, p. 8

General note

Norwich number: 0005

General note

RID: MOA 0007

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Prima Tavola. = [Africa] -- Venice : Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557 NOR 0006 1550

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 27 cm. x 38 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The original version of this previous hit map next hit was executed as a woodcut in Delle Navigatione et Viaggi nel qual si contiene les descrittione dele Africa. South at top of previous hit map next hit . Sea is engraved in horizontal wavy lines with several ships and sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0006, p. 9

General note

Norwich number: 0006

General note

RID: MOA 0008

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Il disegno della geografia moderna de tutta la parte dell'Africa ... -- Venice : Gastaldi, Giacomo, c. 1500-1565Gastaldi, Giacomo, c. 1500-1565Gastaldi, Giacomo, c. 1500-1565 NOR 0008 1564

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 53 cm. x 142 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Rare separate previous hit map next hit printed on eight copperplates. The sea is stippled with many ships and sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0008, p. 11

General note

Norwich number: 0008

General note

RID: MOA 0010

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa a veteribus. -- Venice : Forlani, Paolo NOR 0009a 1562

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; x

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: There are sea monsters and ships in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and, to the North of the island of Madagascar, Noah's Ark is depicted, showing the dove returning with an olive branch in its beak.

General note

References: Not in Norwich Page number:PROBLEM 3/14/02

General note

Norwich number: 0009a

General note

RID: MOA 0011

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Presbiteri Johannis, Sive Abissinorum Imperii Descriptio. = The land of Prester John. -- Antwerp : Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598Ortelius, Abraham, 1527-1598 NOR 0011 1573

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 37 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Theatrum Orbis Terrarum

General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit often referred to as the Prester John previous hit map next hit , first issued in Additamentum. Dedicated to biblical David. An Arab dhow appears off the west coast. In the seas, two dolphins and on land four elephants; previous hit Map next hit depicts Africa from the Mediterranean to the Mountains of the Moon.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0011, p. 16

General note

Norwich number: 0011

General note

RID: MOA 0013

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Table d'Afrique. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- Paris : Thevet, Andre, 1502-1590 Thevet, Andre, 1502-1590 NOR 0012 1575

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 35 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Cosmographie Universelle (1575)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The sea is engraved in horizontal wavy lines which almost overpowers the outline of the continent. The seas contain numerous sailing vessels and sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0012, p. 18

General note

Norwich number: 0012

General note

RID: MOA 0014

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Affricae Tabula Nova. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- BaselMunster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0014 1580

Physical Description: : Colored ; 31 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on Abraham Ortelius' previous hit maps next hit . The coastline is jagged, and the geography is slightly fictitious. The seas contain two small sailing vessels and one sea monster. The top reads: Africa, Libya, Dozenlandt mit allen koinigreichen ...

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0014, p. 20

General note

Norwich number: 0014

General note

RID: MOA 0016

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

[Depicts Africa from the Mediterranean to The Cape, excluding West Africa] -- Rome : Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604 NOR 0016 1591

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 62 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Relatione del reame di Congo et delle circonvicine contrade (1591)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Pigafetta's depiction of the origin of the Nile is an important landmark in the historical cartography of the Nile water basin, completely changing the traditional Ptolemaic concept. Dedicated to Antonio Miglioni Vescovo S. Marco.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0016, p. 23

General note

Norwich number: 0016

General note

RID: MOA 0018

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa Tertia Pars Terrae. = Africa the third continent. -- Hanover : Bunting, Heinrich, 1545-1606Bunting, Heinrich, 1545-1606 NOR 0017 1592

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 26 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Appeared in the first edition of Itinerarum Saccrae Scripturae (1581). This previous hit map next hit has an unusual shape, tapering to a narrow angle in the south. The sea is engraved in vertical, wavy lines, with a galleon, a merman and a sea-bird.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0017, p. 25

General note

Norwich number: 0017

General note

RID: MOA 0019

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Die eigentliche und warhafftige gestalt der Erden und des Meers: Cosmographia Universalis. = The true shape of the world and the oceans. -- Hanover : Bunting, Heinrich, 1545-1606Bunting, Heinrich, 1545-1606 NOR 0018 1592

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 27 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Itinerarum Saccrae Scripturae

General note

Descriptive Notes: "Jerusalem is sited in the centre of the previous hit map next hit since it was regarded then as the centre of the world." Portion of America appears, Die Newe Wellt. The sea contains four sea monsters. Top left: 8. Top right: 9.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0018, p. 26

General note

Norwich number: 0018

General note

RID: MOA 0020

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africae Vera Forma, et Situs. = The true shape and situation of Africa. -- Antwerp : Jode, Cornelis de, 1568-1600 Jode, Gerard de, 1509-1591 Jode, Gerard de, 1509-1591 NOR 0019 1593

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 32 cm. x 45 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Speculum Orbis Terrarum (second edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The seas contain sea monsters and sailing ships. Natives are seen on and around the previous hit map next hit .

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0019, p. 27

General note

Norwich number: 0019

General note

RID: MOA 0021

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Aphrica. = Africa. -- Cologne : Bussemacher, Johann, fl. 1580-1613Bussemacher, Johann, fl. 1580-1613 NOR 0020 1600

Physical Description: : Colored ; 21 cm. x 29 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Matthias Quad's Geographisch handtbuch ... (1600)

General note

Descriptive Notes: German text on verso mentions the work of Leo Africanus. Also states of Da Gama's voyage and the fact that the inhabitants are black.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0020, p. 28

General note

Norwich number: 0020

General note

RID: MOA 0022

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa. Ex magna orbis terre discriptione Gerardis Mercatoris desumpta. = Africa. Taken from the world atlas of ... -- Duisburg : Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594 Mercator, Gerhard, 1512-1594 NOR 0021 1595

Physical Description: : Colored ; 38 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas sive, Cosmographicae meditationes de fabrica mundi et fabricati figura (1595)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Atlas first published in 1569. previous hit Map next hit issued in several editions and in many languages. Includes Latin text on back of previous hit map next hit . The cartouche is circular, surrounded by decorative scrolls and two satyrs.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0021, p. 29

General note

Norwich number: 0021

General note

RID: MOA 0046

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa. -- London : Wolfe, John, d. 1601 Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604 NOR 0023 1597

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 62 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: English edition, copied from the original Italian edition of 1591 (see previous hit map next hit NOR 0016). Also appeared in Linschoten's His Discours of Voyages to the East and West Indies (1598). The sea is stippled and contains several ships and sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0023, p. 31

General note

Norwich number: 0023

General note

RID: MOA 0047

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa. -- Venice : Porro, Girolamo, 1520-1604Porro, Girolamo, 1520-1604Porro, Girolamo, 1520-1604 NOR 0024 1598

Physical Description: : Colored ; 12.5 cm. x 17 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on Abraham Ortelius. Various editions of this previous hit map next hit appeared between 1596 to 1620. Includes bulge of eastern Brazil down to the mouth of Rio de la Plata.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0024, p. 32

General note

Norwich number: 0024

General note

RID: MOA 0048

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa. -- Spain : Solis, Hermando deSolis, Hermando de NOR 0025 1598

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 36.5 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Abraham Ortelius previous hit map next hit of Africa. Includes a scroll-type cartouche, with a lion's head on the lower border. Sea monsters and sailing vessels occupy the stippled sea.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0025, p. 33

General note

Norwich number: 0025

General note

RID: MOA 0024

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 16th c.

Africa. -- Siena : Arnoldi, Arnoldo de, d. 1602Arnoldi, Arnoldo de, d. 1602 NOR 0026 1600

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 37 cm. x 48 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Another previous hit map next hit that resembles the shape of Orlelius. The outline of the oval-shaped cartouche is scrollwork with floral ornamentation. The sea is stippled and contains three ships and two sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0026, p. 34

General note

Norwich number: 0026

General note

RID: MOA 0025

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Nova Africae Tabula. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612 NOR 0027 1606

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 37 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Mercator's Atlas (1606)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Mercator based previous hit map next hit with corrections and additions by Hondius. Four sailing vessels and three sea monsters decorate the seas.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0027, p. 36

General note

Norwich number: 0027

General note

RID: MOA 0049

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Tabula Geograph in qua Europe, Africae, Asia et circu ... = previous hit Map next hit of Europe, Africa and Asia. -- AmsterdamPontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639Pontanus, Johannes Isacius, 1571-1639 NOR 0028 1611

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 27 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Rerum et Urbis Amstelodamensium Historia ...

General note

Descriptive Notes: The previous hit map next hit includes the Middle East, India, and China. Inset illustrates natives in traditional dress.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0028, p. 38

General note

Norwich number: 0028

General note

RID: MOA 0026

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae nova Tabula. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Hondius, JodocusHondius, Jodocus NOR 0029 1623

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45.5 cm. x 56.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Border illustrates views of towns and natives in traditional dress. Two Dutch ships are shown in the Atlantic Ocean, with flying fish and sea monsters.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0029, p. 39

General note

Norwich number: 0029

General note

RID: MOA 0050

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae, described, the manners of their Habits, and buildinge: ... -- London : Humble, George, d. 1640 Speed, John, 1552?-1629 Speed, John, 1552?-1629 NOR 0030 1626

Physical Description: : Colored ; 38 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The borders show natives in traditional dress and views of towns.The seas contain flying fish and spouting whales. Elephants, lions, camels, monkeys and ostriches are shown on the mainland. The interior contains rivers, mountains, and lakes, many of which are fictitious. Description of Africa on verso.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0030, p. 40

General note

Norwich number: 0030

General note

RID: MOA 0051

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae novo descriptio. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Blaeu, Willem Janszoon ,1571-1638 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 NOR 0032 1630

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 40 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Due to its popularity, this previous hit map next hit was reprinted many times between 1631 to 1667. Similar features are found on Speed's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0030) and Hondius' previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0029).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0032, p. 42

General note

Norwich number: 0032

General note

RID: MOA 0053

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Nova descriptio Africae. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Frankfurt : Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650 NOR 0033 1637

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 26 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Smaller version of Blaeu's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0032), but lacking borders.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0033, p. 42

General note

Norwich number: 0033

General note

RID: MOA 0027

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae nova tabula. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Jansonium, JoannemHondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 Hondius, Hendrik, 1597-1651 NOR 0034 1641

Physical Description: : Colored ; 38 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Latin text on verso. Re-issue of Jodocus Hondius' previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0029), without the borders. Ships, Flying fish, sea monsters and a mermaid riding the waves decorate the seas. "The very full geographical description of Africa is typical of the seventeenth century, and is similar to that of Speed and Bleau."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0034, p. 44

General note

Norwich number: 0034

General note

RID: MOA 0055

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa vetus. = Africa in antiquity ... -- Paris : Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 NOR 0035 1650

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 39 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche is composed of two eagles. The lower part consists of leaves and fruit. Southern part of Africa indicates that the "inhabitants are 'Anthropophagi Aethiopes' or cannibals."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0035, p. 45

General note

Norwich number: 0035

General note

RID: MOA 0056

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae Descriptio Nova Impensis. = Latest description of Africa. -- London : Seile, Henry, d. ca. 1661 Seile, Henry, d. ca. 1661 Seile, Henry, d. ca. 1661 NOR 0036 1652

Physical Description: : Colored ; 34 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Chetwind's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0039). The ocean is decorated with ships, flying fish and sea monsters. Elephants, lions, ostriches, and giraffes are illustrated on the mainland. "The River Niger is erroneously mapped and there are many ficticious lakes in Central Africa."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0036, p. 46

General note

Norwich number: 0036

General note

RID: MOA 0057

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

L'Afrique. = Africa. -- Paris : Duval, P (Pierre), 1619-1682Duval, P (Pierre), 1619-1682Duval, P (Pierre), 1619-1682 NOR 0038 1664

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 40 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Re-issued in 1684. "The general shape of Africa is squat because it has been drawn somewhat wider from east to west than usual." Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0038, p. 48

General note

Norwich number: 0038

General note

RID: MOA 0059

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae Deseriptio Nova Impensis. = Latest description of Africa. -- : Chetwind, PhilipChetwind, PhilipChetwind, Philip NOR 0039 1666

Physical Description: : Colored ; 33 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Seile's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0036). Several present day names of bays can be identified.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0039, p. 49

General note

Norwich number: 0039

General note

RID: MOA 0060

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

A new and most exact previous hit map next hit of Africa described by N.I. Vischer and don into English; Enlarged and Corrected according to J. Blaeu and Others, With the Habits of ye people, and ye manner of ye Cheife sitties ye like never before. -- London : Overton, John, 1640-1708? Overton, John, 1640-1708? Overton, John, 1640-1708? NOR 0040 1666

Physical Description: : Colored ; 42 cm. x 51 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Blaeu's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0030). The sea is decorated with more ships than usual for " previous hit maps next hit of this period and the sea monsters are fewer and smaller."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0040, p. 50

General note

Norwich number: 0040

General note

RID: MOA 0061

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa Vetus, Nicolai Sanson Christianis Galliar Regis Geographi Recognita Emendata et Multis in locis Mutata, Conatibus Geographicis Gulielmi Sanson N. Filii. = Africa in antiquity. -- Paris : Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 NOR 0041 1667

Physical Description: : Colored ; 40 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The continent is misshaped, containing numerous coastal inlets. "All the inhabitants of southern Africa are labeled 'Anthropophagi Aethiopes' or cannibals."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0041, p. 51

General note

Norwich number: 0041

General note

RID: MOA 0062

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

A new previous hit Map next hit of Africa Designed by Mounsir Sanson, Geographer to the French King. Rendered into English and Illustrated with Figurs by ... by the Kings Especiall Command. -- London : Blome, Richard, d. 1705Blome, Richard, d. 1705Blome, Richard, d. 1705 NOR 0042 1669

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 39 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Sanson's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0035). Blome added ships, sea monsters and the dedication to the Right Honourable Charles Howard.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0042, p. 52

General note

Norwich number: 0042

General note

RID: MOA 0063

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae Accurata Tabula. = Accurate previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Meurs, Jacob van, 1619-1680 Meurs, Jacob van, 1619-1680 NOR 0043 1670

Physical Description: : Colored ; 43 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Visscher's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0055). previous hit Map next hit was issued several times, in Dutch, French and German in Dapper's Africa. Blank shield in cartouche at lower left of previous hit map next hit . Prime meridian through Tenerif.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0043, p. 53

General note

Norwich number: 0043

General note

RID: MOA 0064

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

A Mapp of the Higher and Lower Aethiopia. Comprehending Ye Several Kingdomes c. in Each, to Witt, in the Empire of the Abissines, the Coast of Zanguebar, Abex, and Aian, with the Kingdomes of Nubia, and Biafra c. In the Lower Aethiopia the Kingdome of Congo, Ye Empire of Monomotapa and Monoemugy, Ye Coast and Lands of Cafres and of this Side Cape Negres with the Isles Madagascar c. -- UnknownSanson, Nicholas, 1600-1667 NOR 0044 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 30 cm. x 40 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche is almost identical to another Sanson's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0158). Dedicated to Sir William Glynne.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0044, p. 54

General note

Norwich number: 0044

General note

RID: MOA 0065

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa ... sic describente. = Africa described. -- Rome : Nicolosio, Joanne Baptista, 1610-1670Nicolosio, Joanne Baptista, 1610-1670 NOR 0045 1671

Physical Description: : Colored ; 38 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Hercules siculus sive studium Geographicum (second edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Four-sheet folio previous hit map next hit . Atlas first issued in 1660. "The previous hit map next hit appears upside down, as was the custom with other Italian cartographers."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0045, p. 55

General note

Norwich number: 0045

General note

RID: MOA 0066

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

L'Afrique divisee suivant l'estendue de ses principales parties ou sont distingues les uns des autres, les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Estats et Peuples qui partagent aujourd'huy l'Afrique sur les Relations les plus Nouvelles par le Sanson. = Africa divided into its principal parts ... -- Paris : Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712 Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712 Jaillot, Alexis Hubert, 1632?-1712 NOR 0046 1674

Physical Description: : Colored ; 54 cm. x 88 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First edition of map.Title across top, L'Afrique distinguee en ses principales parties scavoir la Barbarie, le Biledulgerid, L'Egypte, le Saara ou le Desert, le Pays des Negres, la Guinee, La Nubie, L'Abissinie, le Zanguebar; le Congo, le Monomotapa, Les Cafres, Les Isles de Canaries, du Cap-Verd, de S. Thomas, L'sle Dauphine autrement Madagascar ... Tire sur les Relations les plus novelles Par le Sanson. Dedicated to monseigneur Ie Dauphin.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0046, p. 56

General note

Norwich number: 0046

General note

RID: MOA 0067

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa divided according to the extent of its Principall Parts in which are distinquished one from the other Empires, Monarchies, Kingdoms, States and Peoples which at this time inhabite Africa. -- London : Berry, William, fl. 1669-1708 Berry, William, fl. 1669-1708 NOR 0047 1680

Physical Description: : Colored ; 54 cm. x 89 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on Jaillot's previous hit map next hit , (see NOR 0046). Title across top, Africa distinguished in its principal parts viz. Barbary. Biledulgerid, Egypt, Zaara or The Desert, the Country of the Negros, Guinea, Nubia, Abissinea, Zanguebar; Congo, Monomotapa, Caffrares, the Islands of the Canaries, Cape Verd, St. Thomas, Madagascar or St. Lawrence ... Described by Sanson. Corrected and amended by William Berry. Dedicated to Charles II; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0047, p. 58

General note

Norwich number: 0047

General note

RID: MOA 0068

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

L'Afrique divisee suivant l'estendue de ses principales parties, ou sont distinque's les uns des autres, les Empires, Monarchies, Royaumes, Estats et Peuples qui partagent aujourd'hui L'Afrique sur les relations les plus nouvelles ... = Africa divided into parts which are further divided into empires etc. -- Amsterdam : Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 2-1726. Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 2-1726. NOR 0049 1680

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: A lion, elephant, leopard, camel and crocodile surround the scales which are in Italian, French and Spanish. Title across top, also appeared in Jaillot's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0046). L'Afrique distinguee en ses principales parties scavoir la Barbarie, le Biledulgerid, L'Egypte, le Saara ou le Desert, le Pays des Negres, la Guinee, La Nubie, L'Abissinie, le Zanguebar; le Congo, le Monomotapa, Les Cafres, Les Isles de Canaries, du Cap-Verd, de S. Thomas, L'sle Dauphine autrement Madagascar ...

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0049, p. 60

General note

Norwich number: 0049

General note

RID: MOA 0070

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae Accurata Tabula. = Detailed previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : De Ram, Joan (Johannes) 1648-1693De Ram, Joan (Johannes) 1648-1693 NOR 0050 1680-1690

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Danckerts' previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0057); Prime meridian through Tenerif.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0050, p. 62

General note

Norwich number: 0050

General note

RID: MOA 0071

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Route maritime de Brest a Siam, et de Siam a Brest, faite en 1685 et 1686 selon les remarques des six Peres Jesuites, envoiez par le Roy de France en qualite de ses Mathematiciens dans les Indes, et la Chine. Dresse par le Pere Coronelli ... = Sea route from Brest to Siam and back taken by the six Jesuit fathers in 1685 and 1686 ... -- Paris : J. B. NolinCoronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718Exploration NOR 0051 1687

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 44 cm. x 73 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Folio previous hit map next hit extends eastward to include the Middle and Far East. previous hit Map next hit traces the sea routes of Jesuit Fathers. Inset: Elevation of Table Mountain, Plan of Table Bay, Plans of Siam, Louvo and Batavia; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0051, p. 63

General note

Norwich number: 0051

General note

RID: MOA 0072

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa. -- Venice : Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718 NOR 0052 1688

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 91 cm. x 75 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlante Veneto

General note

Descriptive Notes: Six gores assembled to form one previous hit map next hit . One of the most detailed of early previous hit maps next hit of Africa. Coronelli stated "besides outlining the Monomotapa and Abyssinia Countries we have been the first to describe correctly the source of Nile River, correcting by many degrees the errors of the Ancients." (E.L. Stevenson, Terrestrial and Celetial Globes, vol. 2, p. 102).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0052, p. 64

General note

Norwich number: 0052

General note

RID: MOA 0073

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae Accurata Tabula. = Detailed previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702Visscher, Nicolaes, 1649-1702 NOR 0055 1690

Physical Description: : Colored ; 43 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The oval cartouche is surrounded by two angels and two natives. Several ships, a whale, and flying fish are scattered throughout the seas. Dedication to D. Gerado Schaep; Prime meridian through Tenerif.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0055, p. 55

General note

Norwich number: 0055

General note

RID: MOA 0076

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

L'Africa divisa neele sue Parti secondo le piu moderne, relationi colle scoperte dell'origine e corso del Nilo ... = Africa divided into its several parts according to recent information with the discoveries of the source of the Nile. -- Venice : Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718 Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718 NOR 0056 1691

Physical Description: : Colored ; 59 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First issued in Coronelli's atlas, Atlante Veneto. Double-sheet previous hit map next hit includes a cartouche surrounded by various animals such as, an ostrich, crocodile, leopard, lion, camel, and an elephant. On the mainland a large piece of drapery with information about the Nile is encircled by two angels and Father Nile. Dedicated to Eccelenza del signor Gran Contestabile Colonna; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0056, p. 69

General note

Norwich number: 0056

General note

RID: MOA 0229

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Totius Africae Accuratissima Tabula. = Detailed previous hit map next hit of the whole of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Danckerts, Justus, 1635-1701 or Danckerts, Cornelis, 1664-1717 or Danckerts, TheodoreDanckerts, Justus, 1635-1701 or Danckerts, Cornelis, 1664-1717 or Danckerts, Theodore NOR 0057 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche which is identical to De Ram's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0050), includes people in varied costume, Moors, Africans, children and an elephant. The title appears on the masonry, with two lions; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0057, p. 71

General note

Norwich number: 0057

General note

RID: MOA 0194

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae tabula. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- Unknown : Anonymous NOR 0058 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 27 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "Below the equator, is a colour chart indicating whether areas on the previous hit map next hit itself are Christian, Jewish, Mohammedan or heathen"; Prime meridian through Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0058, p. 71

General note

Norwich number: 0058

General note

RID: MOA 0243

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- Unknown

L'Afrique dressee sur les observations de Ms. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences, et quelques autres, et sur les memoires les plus recens. = Africa according to the observations made by the Royal Academy of Science ... -- Paris : L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0059 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Issued a revised edition in 1722. L'Isle was the first to give the correct longitude, 42 degrees, to the Mediterranean and the first to discard Lakes Zaire and Zaflan; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0059, p. 72

General note

Norwich number: 0059

General note

RID: MOA 0224

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

A New previous hit map next hit of Libya or old Africk showing its general divisions, most remarkable countries or people, cities, townes, rivers, mountains c. -- London : Wells, Edward, 1667-1727Wells, Edward, 1667-1727 NOR 0060 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 37 cm. x 49 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Southern part of Africa has been left blank, stating, "Unknown to the Antients." Dedicated to William Duke of Gloucester.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0060, p. 74

General note

Norwich number: 0060

General note

RID: MOA 0200

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Accuratissima Totius Africae Tabula in Lucem producta ... = Exact previous hit map next hit of the whole of Africa. -- Nurnberg : Sandrart, Jakob von, 1630-1708 Sandrart, Jakob von, 1630-1708 Sandrart, Jakob von, 1630-1708 NOR 0061 1700

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 48 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Cartouche depicts an elaborate scene with nine figures, a fat-tailed sheep, a lion, snakes and a lizard. " ... relies on Ptolemy for its description of the Nile basin." Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0061, p. 75

General note

Norwich number: 0061

General note

RID: MOA 0274

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africa ab Auctore Naturae Suis Dotibus Instructa Geographice Exhibita an MDCC. = Africa geographically represented in 1700. -- Munich : Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704 Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704 Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704 NOR 0062 1700

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 22 cm. x 35 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Novus (1710)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes Arabia, India, the Middle East, and the bulge of Brazil. Includes islands, sea monsters (one of which has a human face), and flying fish. Animals and birds of Africa featured surrounding the cartouche; This previous hit map next hit appeared in parts variously entitled: Geographica Naturalis, Atlas Marianne (1702), Geographica Politica, Geographica Artificalis, Tabellae Geographicae (1703), Critica Quadruportita (1710).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0062, p. 76

General note

Norwich number: 0062

General note

RID: MOA 0028

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 17th c.

Africae. -- Antwerp : Fernandez de Medrano, Sebastian, 1646-1705Fernandez de Medrano, Sebastian, 1646-1705Fernandez de Medrano, Sebastian, 1646-1705 NOR 0065 1709

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 15 cm x 18 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Geographia O Moderno Descripcion Del Mundo ... (1709)

General note

Descriptive Notes: A group of native Africans and Moors are illustrated. Several fictitious cities are named.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0065, p. 79

General note

Norwich number: 0065

General note

RID: MOA 0029

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

To the Rt. Honourable Charles Earl of Peterborow and Monmouth. This previous hit Map next hit of Africa. According to ye newest and most exact observations is most humbly dedicated ... -- LondonMoll, Herman, d. 1732 NOR 0067 1710

Physical Description: : Colored ; 58 cm. x 97 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "This is a popular previous hit map next hit of Africa and has been reissued many time with variations..." Dedication: 'To the T. Honourable Charles Earl of Peterborow and Monmouth.' Inset: A prospect of the Cape of Good Hope, Cape Coast Castle , Guinea. James Fort, St. Helena, Fort of Good Hope; Prime meridian through London and Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0067, p. 81

General note

Norwich number: 0067

General note

RID: MOA 0281

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Representatio Totius Africae ... = Representing the whole of Africa ... -- Munich : Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704 NOR 0068 1710

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 22 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar but less detailed than Scherer's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0062). An angel carrying a scroll with an extract from the Bible. Below the angel are five figures in native African and oriental dress. In the opposite corner are four figures kneeling and praying.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0068, p. 83

General note

Norwich number: 0068

General note

RID: MOA 0123

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Corrected from the Observations of the Royal Society of London and Paris. -- London : Senex, J. (John), d. 1740 Senex, J. (John), d. 1740 NOR 0069 1711-1714

Physical Description: : Colored ; 69 cm. x 97 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar cartouche to Price's previous hit map next hit of 1711, see NOR 0077. Shape of continent is fairly accurate, though fictitious place exist on the mainland; Prime meridian though London. Dedicated to Sir Issac Newton.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0069, p. 84

General note

Norwich number: 0069

General note

RID: MOA 0308

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique selon les nouvelles observations de Messieurs de l'Academie de Sciences etc. = Africa according to the latest observations made by the Academy of Science. -- Leiden : Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733 (1713 edition)Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733 NOR 0070 1713

Physical Description: : Colored ; 47 cm. x 65 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Reissued in 1729. Cartouche includes a nude woman sitting on a rectangle of masonry located in a rural scene with elephants, a lion and a snake. Legend states, "I would rather show this part of Africa as unknown and unihabited than rely on my imagination." Title across top, Africa in praecipuas ipsius partes distributa ...

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0070, p. 85

General note

Norwich number: 0070

General note

RID: MOA 0151

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Antiqua et Nova. = Africa ancient and modern. -- London : Moll, Herman, d. 1732 Moll, Herman, d. 1732 NOR 0071 1714

Physical Description: : Colored ; 21 cm. x 26 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Geographus: or a Complete System of Georgraphy (1714)

General note

Descriptive Notes: " previous hit Map next hit has the usual features of eighteenth-century previous hit maps next hit , particularly in its large lakes and rivers." Top right: pag. 623.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0071, p. 86

General note

Norwich number: 0071

General note

RID: MOA 0180

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Totius Africa Nova Repraesentatio qua practer diversos in ea Status et Regiones, etiam Origo Nili et veris RRPP Missionariorum Relationibus ostenditur ... = The whole of Africa divided into states and regions ... -- Nurnberg : Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724 Homann, Johann Baptist, 1663-1724 NOR 0072 1715

Physical Description: : Colored ; 47 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Cartouche provides an elaborate scene depicting natives on the Nile bank. Nearby are monkeys, a sheep and a tortoise. Cherubs floating above complete the picture. Even though the previous hit map next hit includes a note declaring the accuracy for the source of the Nile, it proves to be inaccurate; Prime meridian through Tenerif.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0072, p. 87

General note

Norwich number: 0072

General note

RID: MOA 0256

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Nouvelle Carte d'Afrique avec des remarques et des tables pour trouver sans peine les differents peuples de cette partie du monde par les renvois alphabetiques suivant les plus nouvelles observations de messieurs de l'Academie des siences. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa with observations and index ... -- AmsterdamChatelain, Henri Abraham NOR 0073 1718

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Historique (1718)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Collaborative effort by Chatelain and Guedeville. previous hit Map next hit is based on the 1700 edition of de L'Isle's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0059). Inset shows alphabetical index of kingdoms, provinces, towns, islands, capes, rivers and lakes. Top right: No. D; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0073, p. 88

General note

Norwich number: 0073

General note

RID: MOA 0120

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique Dressee sur les Observations de Ms. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et quelques autres sur les Memoires les plus recens. = Africa according to the observations made by the Royal Academy of Science. -- Amsterdam : Covens, Jean; Mortier, CorneilleL'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0074 1730

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Retains the geographical features of L'Isle's previous hit map next hit of 1700 (see NOR 0059). Title across top: Africa Accurate in Imperia, Regna, Status and Populos Divisa, ad Usum Serenissimi Bourgundiae Ducis. Dedicated to the Duke to Burgundy; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0074, p. 89

General note

Norwich number: 0074

General note

RID: MOA 0225

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Mauro Percussa Oceano, Niloque admota tepenti ... Cum Privilegio Ordinum Hollandia et Westfrisia. -- Amsterdam : Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 2-1726; Valk, Leonard, 1675-1755Valck, G. (Gerard), 1651 or 2-1726; Valk, Leonard, 1675-1755 NOR 0075 circa 1720

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 59 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Typical features of eighteenth-century Dutch previous hit maps next hit of Africa; Prime meridian through Tenerif.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit . 0075, p. 90

General note

Norwich number: 0075

General note

RID: MOA 0214

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

A New previous hit map next hit of Africa from the latest observations. -- London : Senex, J. (John), d. 1740 Senex, J. (John), d. 1740 NOR 0076 1721

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 48 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche includes a shield, which is surrounded by a dragon, two pyramids, two male figures, a lion and a snake. Dedicated to the Marquis of Annandale; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0076, p. 91

General note

Norwich number: 0076

General note

RID: MOA 0211

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa corrected from observations of Mess. of ye Royal Societies at London and Paris. -- London : Price, Charles, fl. 1680-1720Price, Charles, fl. 1680-1720 NOR 0077 1721

Physical Description: : Colored ; 56 cm. x 95 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Parts of the cartouche appear in other previous hit maps next hit . Left side of the cartouche is similar to Pieter van der Aa's previous hit map next hit , see NOR 0070. While the figure on the right side is identical to Senex's previous hit map next hit , see NOR 0069. Inset: Instruments used in previous hit map next hit making. Scenes of cannibalism.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0077, p. 92

General note

Norwich number: 0077

General note

RID: MOA 0287

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Carte D'Afrique Dressee pour l'usage du Roy ... = previous hit Map next hit of Africa for the King ... -- Amsterdam : Covens, Jean; Mortier, CorneilleL'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0078 1722

Physical Description: : Colored ; 48 cm. x 62 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "... one of the series of revised previous hit maps next hit that L'Isle's first issued in 1722". Title across top: Africa Accurate in Imperia, Regna Status e Populus Divisa ad Usum Lodovici XV Galliarum Regis; Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris. Dedicated to Louis XV.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0078, p. 93

General note

Norwich number: 0078

General note

RID: MOA 0302

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

To Her Most Sacred Majesty Caroline, Queen of Great Britain, France and Ireland this Mapp of Africa, after the latest and best Observations is most humbly dedicated ... -- London : Overton, Henry, fl. 1706-1764Overton, John, 1640-1708? NOR 0079 circa 1727

Physical Description: : Colored ; 57 cm. x 97 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Borders illustrate thirteen scenes of African life and African forts.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0079, p. 94

General note

Norwich number: 0079

General note

RID: MOA 0286

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Juxta Navigationes et Observationes Recentissimas Aucta, Correcta et in Sua Regna et Status Divisa in Lucem Edita ... = Africa according to the latest voyages and observations. -- Vienna : Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756 Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756 Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756 NOR 0080 1728

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 49 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Novus (1728)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Cartouche includes natives, pyramids, animals, lighthouses and ships. "Enormous lakes are shown in Central Africa and the information about the southern extremity of the continent is largely fictitious."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0080, p. 0095

General note

Norwich number: 0080

General note

RID: MOA 0212

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Old previous hit Map next hit of the Continent according to the greatest diametrical Length from the Point of East Tartary to the Cape of Good Hope. -- London : Jefferys, Thomas, d. 1771Gibson, J. (John)Gibson, J. (John) NOR 0081 1731

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 21.5 cm. x 18 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Gentleman's Magazine or Monthly Intelligence, vol. 1, 1731. London, F. Jeffery.

General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit includes Europe, Asia and the Far East. The oval-shaped cartouche contains a floral border with a female face wearing a wide-brimmed hat.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0081, p. 96

General note

Norwich number: 0081

General note

RID: MOA 0030

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa, Europe and Asia -- 18th c.

Carte Generale de L'Afrique Contenant les Principaux Etats qui y sont Contenue Dressee sur les Nouvelles Observations. = General previous hit map next hit of Africa showing the principal states according to the latest observations. -- Paris : Crepy, Jean, 1660-ca. 1730 Inslin, Charles (fl. 1699-1735) NOR 0082 1735

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 51 cm. x 64 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Twenty-nine coasts of arms, representing the major cities of Europe, surround the cartouche. Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0082, p. 97

General note

Norwich number: 0082

General note

RID: MOA 0304

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Secundum legitimas Projectionis Stereographicae regulas et juxta recentissimas relationes et observationes in subsidium vocatis quoque veterum Leonis Africani Nubiensis Geographi et aliorum monumentis et eleminatis fabulosis aliorum designationibus pro praesenti statu ejus aptius exhibita. = Africa according to the most recent reports and observations. -- Nuremberg : Homann HeirsHase, Johann Matthias, 1684-1742 NOR 0083 1737?

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The title consists of a panel surrounded by elephant's tusks resting on a piece of masonry. On the left are four Africans and on the right an interview between Europeans and Africans. The African chief is sitting on the back on another who is crouching on a mat; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0083, p. 98

General note

Norwich number: 0083

General note

RID: MOA 0231

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Carta Generale Dell' Africa. = General previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- ItalyL'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0084 1740-1750

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 33 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Italian edition. The cartouche illustrates a youth spearing a crocodile, another person riding a horse, nearby an elephant and a ostrich. An accurate geographical outline of the continent.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0084, p. 100

General note

Norwich number: 0084

General note

RID: MOA 0031

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Afrique selon les Relations les plus Nouvelles Dressee sur les Memoires du ... Divisee en tousses Royaumes et grands Etats avec un discours sur la nouvelle decouverte de la situation des sources du Nil. = Africa according to recent findings ... with a note about the latest discovery regarding the sources of regarding the sources of the Nile. -- Paris : J. B. NolinDu Tralage, Jean Nicolas, d. 1699; Nolin, Jean Baptiste, 1686-1762 NOR 0085 1742

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0085, p. 101

General note

Norwich number: 0085

General note

RID: MOA 0235

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique Suivant les Derniers Observations de Mr. Hass et des RRPP Jesuites. = Africa according to recent observations made by Mr. Hass and the Jesuits. -- Paris : Le Rouge, Georges-Louis Le Rouge, Georges-Louis NOR 0087 1747

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 49 cm. x 63 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar title cartouche to Homann's previous hit map next hit , see NOR 0083. Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0087, p. 103

General note

Norwich number: 0087

General note

RID: MOA 0280

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Lacs, Fleuves, Rivieres et Principales Montagnes de L'Afrique. = Lakes, rivers and principal mountains of Africa. -- Paris : Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1730-Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1730- NOR 0088 No date

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 41 cm. x 39 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes French text in margins. An accurate outline of the continent with minimum geographical detail. Similar features to d'Anville's previous hit map next hit of 1727 (see NOR 0091); Prime meridian through Ferro Island. Top right corner: No. 14. Top left corner: Introduction.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0088, p. 104

General note

Norwich number: 0088

General note

RID: MOA 0192

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Lacs, Fleuves, Rivieres et Principales Montagnes de L'Afrique. = Lakes, rivers and principal mountains of Africa. -- Paris : Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1730-Clouet, Jean Baptiste Louis, 1730- NOR 0088a No date

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 41 cm. x 39 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Duplicate previous hit map next hit . Includes French text in margins. An accurate outline of the continent with minimum geographical detail. Similar features to d'Anville's previous hit map next hit of 1727 (see NOR 0091); Prime meridian through Ferro Island. Top right corner: No. 14. Top left corner: Introduction.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0088, p. 104

General note

Norwich number: 0088a

General note

RID: MOA 0257

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

A new and correct previous hit map next hit of Africa. Drawn from the most approved modern previous hit maps next hit and charts, and adjusted by astronomical observations representing also the course of the Trade Winds, Monsoons c. -- London : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 NOR 0089 1748

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 37 cm. x 45 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Collection of Voyages (1748)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Ilustrates the various winds, and is almost free of decoration except for the cartouche. Gold and silver mines appear in Zimbabwe. Top right: Vol. 1. Page 717; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0089, p. 105

General note

Norwich number: 0089

General note

RID: MOA 0106

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique divisee en ses principales parties. = Africa divided into its principal parts. -- Paris : Robert de Vaugondy, the family ofRobert de Vaugondy, the family ofRobert de Vaugondy, the family of NOR 0090 1748

Physical Description: : Colored ; 15.5 cm. x 19.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Top right: 171.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0090, p. 106

General note

Norwich number: 0090

General note

RID: MOA 0182

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Afrique publicee sous les auspices de Monseigneur le Duc d'Orleans Primier Prince du Sang. = Africa published under the patronage of the Duke of Orleans. -- Paris : Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 Anville, Jean Baptiste Bourguignon d', 1697-1782 NOR 0091 1749

Physical Description: : Colored ; 97 cm. x 97 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar features to Clouet's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0088). Large wall previous hit map next hit of two double-folding sheets. Inset of Azores; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0091, p. 107

General note

Norwich number: 0091

General note

RID: MOA 0237

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique divisee selon le tendue de tous ses etats assujetti aux observations astronomiques avec des nottes historiques et geographiques touchant les naturels de ce continent. = Africa divided into regions according to astronomical observations ... -- Lyon : DaudetBailleul, Gaspard, 1703-1781 NOR 0092 1752

Physical Description: : Colored ; 47 cm. x 61 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes the Mediterranean, Turkey, Arabia and the Middle East. "Borders consist of columns of historical and geographical descriptions." Dedication: Dediee et presentee a Messire Bertrand Rene Pallu; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0092, p. 109

General note

Norwich number: 0092

General note

RID: MOA 0087

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa arreglada a las mejores relacion[e]s ... = Africa agreeable to the best descriptions. -- Spain : Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753Murillo Velarde, Pedro, 1696-1753 NOR 0093 1752

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 16 cm. x 23 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Geographia Historica Africa Arreglada a las Mejores Relaciones (1752)

General note

Descriptive Notes: "Shape of the south is unusual, with a bulge on the western coast."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0093, p. 110

General note

Norwich number: 0093

General note

RID: MOA 0032

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique dressee sur les relations le plus recentes, et assujettie aux observations astronomique par ... Geog. du Roy, de Sa M. Polon, Due de Lorraine et de Bar et Associe de l'Academie Royale des Sciences et B. Lettres de Nancy, avec privilege. = Africa drawn according to recent reports. -- Paris : Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 NOR 0094 1756

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 59 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Cartouche illustrates a native woman reclining between two palms. Interior of southern Africa is fairly blank other than tribal names; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0094, p. 111

General note

Norwich number: 0094

General note

RID: MOA 0238

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Kaart van Afrika door den Heer d'Anville ... = previous hit Map next hit of Africa after d'Anville. -- Amsterdam : Tirion, IsaakTirion, Isaak NOR 0096 1763

Physical Description: : Colored ; 35 cm. x 35 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Hedendaagsche Historie of Tegenwoordige Staat van Afrika ... (1763)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on d'Anville's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0091). Inset of Vlaamsche Eilanden; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0096, p. 113

General note

Norwich number: 0096

General note

RID: MOA 0164

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique Dresee pour l'etude de la Geographie. -- Paris : Brion de la Tour, Louis; Desnos, L.C.Brion de la Tour, Louis; Desnos, L.C. NOR 0097 1766

Physical Description: : Colored ; 23 cm. x 26 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: French text within the decorative borders provide detailed description of Africa; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0097, p. 114

General note

Norwich number: 0097

General note

RID: MOA 0111

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa Drawn from the latest and best Authorities. -- London : Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784 Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784 Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784 NOR 0098 1770

Physical Description: : Colored ; 34 cm. x 37 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: New Geographical Grammer (1770)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Gold mines are indicated south of Zimbabwe. Title across top, Engraved for Guthrie's new Geographical Grammar; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0098, p. 115

General note

Norwich number: 0098

General note

RID: MOA 0177

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Africa divisa ne'suoi Principali Stati Di Nuova Projezione. = Africa divided into its principal states. -- Venice : Zatta, Antonio, fl. 1757-1797Zatta, Antonio, fl. 1757-1797Zatta, Antonio, fl. 1757-1797 NOR 0099 1776

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 30 cm. x 39 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlante Novissiomo (1775-1785)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on Janvier's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0104). "Fairly accurate geographically and unknown parts of the country are marked as such instead of being dotted with fictitious places"; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0099, p. 116

General note

Norwich number: 0099

General note

RID: MOA 0165

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique divesee en ses principaux etats. = Africa divided into its principal states. -- Paris : Lattre, JeanBonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 NOR 0100 1778

Physical Description: : Colored ; 70 cm. x 98 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit correctly describes known geography of the east and west coast. The cartouche illustrates a person in oriental turban and dress, reclining on a lion. Two insets: Isle Bourbon and Isle de France; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0100, p. 117

General note

Norwich number: 0100

General note

RID: MOA 0101

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa, agreeable to the most approved previous hit maps next hit and charts. -- London : Conder, Thomas, 1746 or 7-1831 Conder, Thomas, 1746 or 7-1831 NOR 0102 1779

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 33 cm. x 37 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Above the square shaped cartouche, sits a native surrounded by a lion, a bird and a camel. Title across the top: Engraved for Moore's New and Compleat Collection of Voyages and Travels; Prime meridian through London and Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0102, p. 119

General note

Norwich number: 0102

General note

RID: MOA 0167

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Afrique. -- UnknownBonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 NOR 0103 1782

Physical Description: : Colored ; 21 cm. x 32 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "Arrows in the oceans probably indicate the monsoons because those depicted at the top right are named by months"; Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0103, p. 120

General note

Norwich number: 0103

General note

RID: MOA 0102

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique divisee en ses principaux Etats. = Africa divided into its principal parts. -- Paris : Janvier, JeanJanvier, JeanJanvier, Jean NOR 0104 1782

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 30 cm. x 43.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche depicts a forest-like setting with a leopard, a bird and a crocodile. Top right: 28.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0104, p. 121

General note

Norwich number: 0104

General note

RID: MOA 0159

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa with all its States, Kingdoms, Republics, Regions, Islands, etc, Improved and Inlarged from d'Anville's previous hit Map next hit ; to which have been Added A Particular Chart of the Gold Coast, wherein are Distinguished all the European Forts and Factories. -- London : Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794 Boulton, S. NOR 0105 1787

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 51 cm. x 123 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This two-sheet previous hit map next hit was first issued by Boulton under J.B.B. d'Anville's name in 1772 and reissued in 1787, (see previous hit map next hit 0091). Insets include, Azores; A Particular Chart of the Gold Coast; A summary description relative to the trade and natural produce, manner and customs of the African continent and islands; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0105, p. 122

General note

Norwich number: 0105

General note

RID: MOA 0103

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Africa divisa nelle sue principali parti. = Africa divided into its principal parts. -- Siena : Carli, Pazzini, fl. late 18th c.Carli, Pazzini, fl. late 18th c. NOR 0106 1788

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 22.5 cm. x 31 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche includes a floral wreath with a face; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0106, p. 124

General note

Norwich number: 0106

General note

RID: MOA 0117

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa with all its States, Regions, Islands ca. from the most Approved Authorities. -- London : Sayer, Robert, 1725-1794 Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784 Kitchin, Thomas, d. 1784 NOR 0107 1789

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0107, p. 125

General note

Norwich number: 0107

General note

RID: MOA 0199

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Charte de L'Afrique. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- Augsberg : Walch, Jean (fl. Late 18th c.)Walch, Jean (fl. Late 18th c.)Walch, Jean (fl. Late 18th c.) NOR 0108 1790

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Depicts an accurate outline of the continent. The cartouche includes a native surrounded by foliage. Nearby are a monkey, a crocodile and two elephant's tusks.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0108, p. 126

General note

Norwich number: 0108

General note

RID: MOA 0201

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

L'Afrique Divisee en ses Empires, Royaumes et Etats Dresses Sur Les Dernieres Observations. = Africa divided into empires, kingdoms and states ... -- Amsterdam : Elwe, Jan BarendElwe, Jan Barend NOR 0109 1792

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 59 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Identical to Jaillot's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0046), except for the scale; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0109, p. 127

General note

Norwich number: 0109

General note

RID: MOA 0248

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa nach Robert Vaugondy, Rennell's und Solzmann's Skizze des nordlichen Theils von Africa ... = Africa according to ... -- Nurnberg : Schneider, Adam Gottlieb, 1745-1815; Weigel, Johann Christoph, d. 1746Schneider, Adam Gottlieb, 1745-1815; Weigel, Johann Christoph, d. 1746 NOR 0111 1794

Physical Description: : Colored ; 52 cm. x 58.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas der Georgraphie von der bekannten ganzen welt (1794-1805)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Color index identifies countries holding power in Africa, however historically incorrect. Inset: Die Azorischen Inseln; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0111, p. 129

General note

Norwich number: 0111

General note

RID: MOA 0316

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Charte von Africa nach astronomischen Beobachtungen, auch alten und neuen Nachrichten, ingleichen den Charten von Sayer, Rennel, Arrowsmit ... = previous hit Map next hit of Africa according to astronomical observations and information found on the previous hit maps next hit of Sayer, Rennel and Arrowsmith. -- Nurnberg : Homann HeirsGussefeld, F. L. (Franz Ludwig), 1744-1807 NOR 0112 1797

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 15.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Note states "accurate geographical knowledge of the interior will only be available after further exploration"; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0112, p. 130

General note

Norwich number: 0112

General note

RID: MOA 0196

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Afrique avec ses principales Divisions et leurs Capitales. = Africa with its principal regions and their capitals. -- Unknown : AnonymousAnonymous NOR 0113 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 22.5 cm. x 28 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris. Top right: 4.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0113, p. 131

General note

Norwich number: 0113

General note

RID: MOA 0244

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- Unknown

Mappe Monde, Sur Un Plan Horisontal. Situe a 45d de latitude Nord. Hemiphere Oriental. = World previous hit map next hit , 45 degree plane, eastern hemisphere. -- UnknownBonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 NOR 0114 No date

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 23 cm. x 23 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: World previous hit map next hit of the eastern hemisphere includes the Arctic Circle. Two insets: Effet de la pesanteur and Sphere oblique; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0114, p. 132

General note

Norwich number: 0114

General note

RID: MOA 0033

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- World previous hit map next hit , eastern hemiphere -- 18th c.

An Accurate previous hit Map next hit of Africa Drawn from the best Authorities. -- London : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767.Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767.Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767. NOR 0115

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 18 cm. x 22 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes a portion of the bulge of Brazil; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0115, p. 133

General note

Norwich number: 0115

General note

RID: MOA 0034

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Afrique. -- Paris : Chamouin, Jean-Baptiste-Marie, b.1768Chamouin, Jean-Baptiste-Marie, b.1768Chamouin, Jean-Baptiste-Marie, b.1768Giraldon NOR 0116 No date

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 22 cm. x 30 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche illustrates a "sphinx-like animal sitting on a rectangular masonry block with the title 'Afrique' on it"; Prime meridian through Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0116, p. 134

General note

Norwich number: 0116

General note

RID: MOA 0118

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa including the Mediterranean. -- London : Wilkinson, Robert, d. ca. 1825.Wilkinson, Robert, d. ca. 1825.Wilkinson, Robert, d. ca. 1825.Baker, E. NOR 0117 1800

Physical Description: : Colored ; 28 cm. x 22 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: General Atlas of the World

General note

Descriptive Notes: Reduced from a four-sheet previous hit map next hit . Fairly accurate except for the narrow, tappered southern tip; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0117, p. 135

General note

Norwich number: 0117

General note

RID: MOA 0173

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Africa, and its Several Regions and Islands according to the most recent Descriptions. -- London : Robert Laurie and James Whittle Laurie, Robert, 1755-1836; Whittle, James NOR 0118 1800

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45.5 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Even though the previous hit map next hit depicts extensive knowledge of the interior, "the great rivers are inaccurately placed and the Nile erroneously appears to originate in two adjacent lakes in Central Africa"; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0118, p. 136

General note

Norwich number: 0118

General note

RID: MOA 0206

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Atlas Des Ganzen Erdkreises in der Central Projection. = previous hit Map next hit of part of the world ... -- Unknown : Reichard, C. G. (Christian Gottlieb), 1758-1837 Reichard, C. G. (Christian Gottlieb), 1758-1837 NOR 0120 1803

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 43 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Ganzen Erdkreises (1803)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Extends to include the Mediterranean, the Middle East, Arabia and part of Asia and India.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0120, p. 139

General note

Norwich number: 0120

General note

RID: MOA 0204

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Smith, Charles, previous hit map next hit publisherSmith, Charles, previous hit map next hit publisher NOR 0121 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 35 cm. x 26 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes the Mediterranean and part of Arabia. "The west coast of Africa illustrates the Guinea, Ivory and Grain Coasts". Top right: 42; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0121, p. 140

General note

Norwich number: 0121

General note

RID: MOA 0171

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- Philadelphia : Dobson, Thomas, 1751-1823 Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826Herbert, J. NOR 0122 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 69 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Modern Atlas (1815)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Much of the geography proves to be inaccurate due to the fact it was based on antiquarian previous hit maps next hit . "Large tracts of the interior of Africa are marked unknown". Across the top: Pinkerton's Modern Atlas.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0122, p. 141

General note

Norwich number: 0122

General note

RID: MOA 0317

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

North Africa and South Africa. -- Edinburgh : John Thomson Co.John Thomson Co.Exploration NOR 0123 1814

Physical Description: : Colored ; 27 cm. x 51 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: New General Atlas (1814)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Two separate previous hit maps next hit of north and south Africa indicates routes of several explorers. Bottom: Drawn and engraved for Thomson's New General Atlas. Bottom right: No. 49.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0123, p. 142

General note

Norwich number: 0123

General note

RID: MOA 0276

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Carte de L'Afrique Divisee en ses principaux Etats pour servir a l'instruction de la Jeunesse. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa divided into states ... -- Paris : BassetHerisson, Eustache, 1759- NOR 0125 1821

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Illustrates "routes of Cook's voyages of 1771, 1775 and 1780 around the Cape of Good Hope to Australia". Borders decribe African states; Prime meridian through Paris and Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0125, p. 144

General note

Norwich number: 0125

General note

RID: MOA 0319

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- 1821 : Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845Woodbridge, William C. (William Channing), 1794-1845 NOR 0126 Hartford, Connecticut

Physical Description: : Colored ; 20 cm. x 26 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The central part of Africa is referred to as 'Ethiopia an unexplored region' ; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0126, p. 145

General note

Norwich number: 0126

General note

RID: MOA 0191

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Carte Physique et Politique de L'Afrique. = Physical and political previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Paris : Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832 Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832 NOR 0127 1822

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 57 cm. x 85 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The shape appears to be accurate, including the geographical detail, with the exception of the center blank space. "The areas belonging to different native tribes are shown more accurately than in many other previous hit maps next hit at this time"; Prime meridian through Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0127, p. 146

General note

Norwich number: 0127

General note

RID: MOA 0114

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823; Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823; Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839 NOR 0128 1825

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 22.5 cm. x 30 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Outlines of the World (1825)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Bottom right: 33; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0128, p. 147

General note

Norwich number: 0128

General note

RID: MOA 0084

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839 NOR 0129 1828

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 24 cm. x 27 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The southeast coast is marked 'Sterile Coast.' The Portuguese settlements on the eastern coast are noted. Top right: 4; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0129, p. 148

General note

Norwich number: 0129

General note

RID: MOA 0085

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa According to the best Authorities. -- Philadelphia : Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839 Carey, Mathew, 1760-1839 NOR 0130 No date

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 33.5 cm. x 33.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit was issued in Carey's General Atlas and also in Gunthrie's Geography Improved. Geographically the previous hit map next hit is not accurate, states fictitious tribal names and inaccurate naming of bays and rivers. Title across top: Engraved for Carey's American edition of Gunthrie's Geography Improved; Prime meridian through Philadelphia.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0130, p. 149

General note

Norwich number: 0130

General note

RID: MOA 0116

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Carte Generale de L'Afrique. = General previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Paris : Mentelle, E. (Edme), 1730-1815 Mentelle, E. (Edme), 1730-1815 NOR 0131 1829

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 31 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris. Top left: No. 150.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0131, p. 150

General note

Norwich number: 0131

General note

RID: MOA 0271

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Eastern Hemisphere. -- London : Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839Arrowsmith, Samuel, d. 1839 NOR 0132 1828

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 22.5 cm. x 22.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Eastern hemisphere of the world previous hit map next hit , on a typical Mercator projection. Top left: 1.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0132, p. 151

General note

Norwich number: 0132

General note

RID: MOA 0086

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Eastern Hemisphere -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Teesdale, HenryTeesdale, HenryTeesdale, Henry NOR 0133 1831

Physical Description: : Colored ; 41 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: General Atlas (1831)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Illustrates an accurate previous hit map next hit of the continent of Africa. Top right: 33 ; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0133, p. 152

General note

Norwich number: 0133

General note

RID: MOA 0189

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Carta dell' Africa che serve d'illustrazione al nuovo Dizionario Geographico Universale ... = previous hit Map next hit of Africa forming part of a new gazeteer ... -- Venice : Antonelli, Giuseppe, 1793-1861 Antonelli, Giuseppe, 1793-1861 NOR 0134 1832

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 34 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit includes the Mediterranean, Arabia and the bulge of Brazil; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0134, p. 153

General note

Norwich number: 0134

General note

RID: MOA 0156

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- Philadelphia : Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858 Tanner, Henry Schenck, 1786-1858 NOR 0135 1834

Physical Description: : Colored ; 29 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Colored legend illustrates the various European powers. Title across top: Tanner's Universal Atlas. Insets of Liberia and Monrovia. Bottom right: 61; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0135, p. 154

General note

Norwich number: 0135

General note

RID: MOA 0179

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Wyld, James, 1812-1887 Delarochette, L. Delarochette, L. NOR 0136 1835

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 51 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First published in 1803, later re-issued in 1835, 1838 and 1840. Inset: Azores or Western Islands; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0136, p. 155

General note

Norwich number: 0136

General note

RID: MOA 0294

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Virtue, George, 1793?-1868Virtue, George, 1793?-1868Virtue, George, 1793?-1868 NOR 0137 1836-1839

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 24 cm. x 19 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Accurate outline of the continent; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0137, p. 156

General note

Norwich number: 0137

General note

RID: MOA 0190

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)Society for the Diffusion of Useful KnowledgeSociety for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge NOR 0138 1839

Physical Description: : Colored ; 31 cm. x 39 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This previous hit map next hit was highly influential due to the accuracy of information; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0138, p. 157

General note

Norwich number: 0138

General note

RID: MOA 0166

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Cruchley, G. F.Cruchley, G. F.Cruchley, G. F. NOR 0139 1841

Physical Description: : Colored ; 34.5 cm. x 44.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Title across top: Cruchley's Improved Atlas for Schools and Families. Top right: 27; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0139, p. 158

General note

Norwich number: 0139

General note

RID: MOA 0181

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Afrique. -- Paris : Combette, A.Levasseur, VictorLevasseur, VictorBonheur, Raimond NOR 0140 1840 ca.

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 29 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "Framework consists of landscape, fruit, foliage and animals, with descriptive text and statistical information on towns and islands." Three insets include Alexandria, Cairo and Algiers. Top left: Atlas Universel Illustre. Top right: Ancien continent.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0140, p. 159

General note

Norwich number: 0140

General note

RID: MOA 0184

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Carte d'Afrique. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- ParisLapie, Alexandre Emile; Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850 Lapie, Alexandre Emile; Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850 NOR 0141 1851

Physical Description: : Colored ; 39 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Surrounding islands are similar to Brue's 1822 previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0127); Prime meridian through Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0141, p. 160

General note

Norwich number: 0141

General note

RID: MOA 0269

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- Barcelona : AnonymousAnonymous NOR 0142 Unknown

Physical Description: : Colored ; 34.5 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Madrid.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0142, p. 161

General note

Norwich number: 0142

General note

RID: MOA 0174

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa with the discoveries to May 1858 of Livingstone, Barth, Vogel and the Chadda expedition from documents in possession of the Royal Geographical Society. -- Edinburgh : A. Fullarton Co.Swanston, G. H. (George H.) Exploration NOR 0143 1860

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 38 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Africa (1858)

General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit based on exploration of Livingstone and Barth. Insets include Cape Verde Islands, Delta of the Niger, Cape Colony and Mauritius. Right hand side (top and bottom): 64; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0143, p. 162

General note

Norwich number: 0143

General note

RID: MOA 0213

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- London : Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Marchant, J. NOR 0144 1880

Physical Description: Steel : Outline color ; 24 cm. x 32 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Five engraved vignettes are seen, an Arab family of Algeria, Bosjeman Hottentots, a view of St. Helena, a Bedouin Arabs' encampment and Korranna Hottentots. Illustrations drawn by J. Marchant and engraved by J.H. Kernot; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0144, p. 163

General note

Norwich number: 0144

General note

RID: MOA 0188

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- Edinburgh : W. A.K. Johnston Limited Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871 NOR 0145 1843

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 58.5 cm. x 49 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Bottom right: National Atlas 34; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0145, p. 164

General note

Norwich number: 0145

General note

RID: MOA 0268

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

previous hit Map next hit of Africa Showing its most Recent Discoveries. -- Philadelphia : Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868Mitchell, S. Augustus (Samuel Augustus), 1792-1868 NOR 0146 1881

Physical Description: : Colored ; 27 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "First appeared in Mitchell's New General Atlas in 1867". previous hit Map next hit shows expedition routes of Stanley and Livingstone. Inset: Island of St. Helena ( place where Napoleon was buried). Top right: 120; Prime meridian through Washington.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0146, p. 165

General note

Norwich number: 0146

General note

RID: MOA 0175

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Africa. -- Weimer : Georgraphisches InstitutGraf, AdolphGraf, AdolphGraf, AdolphExploration NOR 0147 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 53 cm. x 64 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Due to the discoveries on the previous hit map next hit , it was probably published between 1867-1881. Top right: 55; Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0147, p. 166

General note

Norwich number: 0147

General note

RID: MOA 0297

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Afrique Physique. = Physical previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Paris : Migeon, J.Migeon, J.Migeon, J. NOR 0148 1891

Physical Description: : Colored ; 31 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Insets: Engraving of diamond fields by Fillatreau and Soudain. Heights of peaks and depths of lakes in Africa.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0148, p. 167

General note

Norwich number: 0148

General note

RID: MOA 0176

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 19th c.

Tabula Moderna Secunde Porcionis Aphriee. = Modern previous hit map next hit of second half of Africa. -- Strasbourg : Schott, Johann, 1477-1548 Waldseemuller, Martin, 1470-1521? NOR 0149 1513

Physical Description: Woodcut : Colored ; 35 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Waldseemuller's Ptolemy atlas (1513)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion previous hit map next hit to NOR 0286. Waldseemuller compiled an atlas which included Ptolemy based previous hit maps next hit . This previous hit map next hit was reissued in "Strasbourg in 1520, 1522 and 1525; in Lyons in 1535, and Vienna in 1541".

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0149, p. 169

General note

Norwich number: 0149

General note

RID: MOA 0328

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 16th c.

Tabu. Nova Partis Aphri. = New previous hit map next hit of part of Africa. -- Lyons : Trechsel, Melchior, fl. 1529-1549; Trechsel, Gaspard, fl. 1529-1549Waldseemuller, Martin, 1470-1521? NOR 0150 1535

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 30 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on Waldseemuller's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0149). Border and ornament are by Hans Holbein and Graf. The reissued previous hit map next hit includes three kings on their thrones, an elephant, a cockatrice and two serpents, while the King of Portugal rides a bridled sea monster.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0150, p. 170

General note

Norwich number: 0150

General note

RID: MOA 0124

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 16th c.

Africa Nuova Tavola. = New previous hit map next hit of Africa. -- Venice : Valgrisi, Vincenzo, fl. 1540-1572Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565. NOR 0151 1561-1662

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 18 cm. x 24 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: La Geograpfia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, Nouvamente tradatta di Greco in Italiano ... (1561)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Typical Italian engraved stippled seas and anthill mountain ranges. Later editions appeared in 1598 and 1599.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0151, p. 171

General note

Norwich number: 0151

General note

RID: MOA 0149

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 16th c.

Africae Pars meridionalior. = Southern Africa. -- Leiden : Guyot, Christoffle (printer)Bertius, Petrus, 1565-1629 NOR 0153 1606

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 8.5 cm. x 12 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Barent Langene's Caert Thressor (1606)

General note

Descriptive Notes: " ... issued originally in 1598, then at six different periods until 1618." Includes a sea monster in the Aethiopicus Oceanus. Highly detailed coastline. Bottom right: Cgs. Title across top: La Pointe d'Afrique. Top right: 105.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0153, p. 173

General note

Norwich number: 0153

General note

RID: MOA 0035

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Aethiopia Inferior vel Exterior. Partes magis Septentrionales, quae hic desiderantur, vide in tabula Aethiopiae Superioris. = Southern Africa ... -- Amsterdam : Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 NOR 0154 1635

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 38 cm. x 50 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Title of cartouche is on an ox skin being held up by natives. Monkeys and tortoises surround the base. Various types of animals decorate the mainland, while the sea contain sailing ships.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0154, p. 174

General note

Norwich number: 0154

General note

RID: MOA 0096

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Polus Antarcticus. = Antarctic Circle. -- Amsterdam : Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664 NOR 0155 1637

Physical Description: : Colored ; 43 cm. x 49 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Appendix Nova Atlanti (1647)

General note

Descriptive Notes: View of the Antarctic Circle includes Africa, South America and part of the Australian coastline.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0155, p. 176

General note

Norwich number: 0155

General note

RID: MOA 0209

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Antarctic circle -- 17th c.

Chorographia originis Nili juxta observationem Odoardi Lopez. Fol. 55. Chorographia Originis Nili ... ex Arabum Geographia deprompta. Fol. 53. Vera et Genuina Fontium Nili Topographia facta a P. Petro Pais ... 1618. Fol. 56. = Three previous hit maps next hit of the origins of the Nile according to Duarte Lopez, to Arab geography and Peter Pais. -- Amsterdam : Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 Exploration NOR 0156 1652

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 46 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Oedipus Aegyptiacus (1652)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes three previous hit maps next hit on one sheet. "Kircher is reputed to be the first to have described the finding of the Nile ... " Title across top: I Conismas II Tom. I Fol. 53. Upper right: Tomus I.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0156, p. 177

General note

Norwich number: 0156

General note

RID: MOA 0141

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Hydrophylacium Africae precipuum, in Montibus Lunae Situm, Lacus et Flumina praecipua fundens ubi et nova inventio Originis Nili describitur. = previous hit Map next hit of southern Africa showing sources of the Nile in a cavern beneath the Mountains of the Moon. -- Amsterdam : Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 Kircher, Athanasius, 1602-1680 NOR 0157 1665

Physical Description: : Colored ; 34 cm. x 41 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Illustrates Kircher's view on the source of the Nile. Oval-shaped cartouche is surrounded by cherubs and angels. Upper right: Tomus 1.72.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0157, p. 178

General note

Norwich number: 0157

General note

RID: MOA 0250

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Basse Aethiopie qui Comprend les Royaume de Congo, Coste, et Pays des Cafres, Empires du Monomotapa, et Monoemugi. = Southern Africa comprising the kingdom of Congo, coast of Kaffraria, empires of Monomotapa and Monoemugi. -- Paris : Mariette, Pierre, 1603-1657Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 Sanson, Nicolas, 1600-1667 NOR 0158 1655

Physical Description: : Colored ; 42 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "The fictitious states are given fictious boundaries and the interior is marked with large cities .. "

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0158, p. 180

General note

Norwich number: 0158

General note

RID: MOA 0203

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Aethiopia Inferior vel Exterior. = Southern Africa. -- London : Ogilby, John, 1600-1676Ogilby, John, 1600-1676 NOR 0159 1670

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 28 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Africa, being an Accurate Description of the Regions of Egypt, Barbary, Lybia and Billedulgerid ... (1670)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Bleau's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0154). previous hit Map next hit also appeared in Dutch, French and German editions. Probably engraved by Jacob van Meurs.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0159, p. 181

General note

Norwich number: 0159

General note

RID: MOA 0251

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Monomotapa et la Cafrerie. = Monomotapa and Kaffraria. -- Paris : Thiery, DenysManesson-Mallet, Allain, 1630?-1706? NOR 0160 1683

Physical Description: Copperplate : Colored ; 14 cm. x 10 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Description de L'Univers

General note

Descriptive Notes: Reprinted in 1686 with German text. Across the top: De L'Afrique. Figure XLIV. 115.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0160, p. 182

General note

Norwich number: 0160

General note

RID: MOA 0329

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Lo creddero nato dalle della Luna i Geografi a si moderni Riportarono ghesi la gloriosa distinnotitia, che mi ferui per regolare l'Abissinia, guista le relationi accreditate del P. Baldassar Tellez, e del Ladolfo. = Born of the most recent geographical findings. -- Venice : Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718Coronelli, Vincenzo, 1650-1718 NOR 0162 1688

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 25 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Gore of Africa from Coronelli's globe previous hit map next hit (see previous hit map next hit 0052).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0162, p. 184

General note

Norwich number: 0162

General note

RID: MOA 0252

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Nieuwe Caarte van Kaap de Goede Hoop en't Zuyderdeel van Africa. = New previous hit map next hit of Cape of Good Hope and southern part of Africa. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier),1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765 Ottens, R. (Reinier),1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765 NOR 0163 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: De Hollandsche vesting aan het voorgebergte de Goede Hoop and Tafel-Bay aan het voorgebergte de Goede Hoop; Top right: Pag. 48.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0163, p. 185

General note

Norwich number: 0163

General note

RID: MOA 0253

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 17th c.

Africae Pars Australis. = Southern Africa. -- Munich : Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704Scherer, Heinrich, 1628-1704 NOR 0164 1702

Physical Description: : Colored ; 23 cm. x 35 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Identical style to Scherer's earlier previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0062). Includes a cartouche with animals, flying fish, sailing vessel and a sea serpent.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0164, p. 187

General note

Norwich number: 0164

General note

RID: MOA 0170

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Carte du Royaume de Congo, du Monomotapa et de la Cafrerie, Dressee sur les Memoires les plus exacts et les observations les plus Nouvelles. = previous hit Map next hit of the kingdom of the Congo, Monomotapa and Kaffraria based on recent observations. -- Amsterdam : Gueudeville, Nicolas, ca. 1654-ca. 1721Chatelain, Henri Abraham NOR 0165 1719

Physical Description: : Colored ; 39 cm. x 52 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Historique et Methodique

General note

Descriptive Notes: Based on L'Isles previous hit maps next hit . Includes note describing the Congo, Monomotapa and Kaffraria. Contains references to gold, in the form of 'Mines d'Or.' Top right: Tom. VI, No. 15, Pag: 59.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0165, p. 188

General note

Norwich number: 0165

General note

RID: MOA 0122

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Coutumes, Moeurs et Habillemens des Peuples qui Habitent aux Environs du Cap de Bonne Esperance avec une Description des Animaux et Reptiles qui se Trouvent dans ce Pais. = Dress and customs of the inhabitants of the Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Gueudeville, Nicolas, ca. 1654-ca. 1721Chatelain, Henri AbrahamClaudius, Heinrich, ca. 1655-ca. 1697 NOR 0166 1719

Physical Description: : Colored ; 36 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Historique

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes ten engravings of natives and animals and Tachard's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0161). Title of previous hit map next hit : Carte des Pays et des Peuples de Bonne Esperance. Nouvellement decouverts par les Hollands. Top right, Tom. VI. No. 18. Pag. 74.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0166, p. 189

General note

Norwich number: 0166

General note

RID: MOA 0228

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Partie Meridionale D'Afrique ou se trouvent La Basse Guinee, La Cafrerie, Le Monomotapa, Le Monoemugi, Le Zanguebar et L'Isle de Madagascar. = Southern part of Africa ... -- Paris : Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720 NOR 0167 1715

Physical Description: : Colored ; 21 cm. x 31 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Legend states the discovery of the Cape of Good Hope by Bartholomew Diaz in 1486. Cartouche includes a galleon and a whale.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0167, p. 190

General note

Norwich number: 0167

General note

RID: MOA 0254

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

La Basse Ethiopie en Afrique avec les Royaumes qui en dependent, ses Bayes et Rivieres, suivant les Memoires les plus recens des Voyageurs, nouvellement mise en lumiere par ... = Southern Ethiopia and dependent kingdoms ... -- Leiden : Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733 NOR 0169 1729

Physical Description: : Colored ; 28 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Natives, river gods, sailing vessels, sailors and an elephant are illustrated on the cartouche.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0169, p. 192

General note

Norwich number: 0169

General note

RID: MOA 0255

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

A new and accurate previous hit map next hit of the southern parts of Africa Containing Lower Guinea, Monoemugi, Zanguebar, the Empire of Monomotapa, Country of the Cafres c. and the Island of Madagascar. Drawn from the best Authorities, assisted by the most approved Charts and previous hit Maps next hit and adjusted by Astron. Observations. -- London : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 NOR 0170 1747

Physical Description: : Colored ; 35 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Geographical features similar to L'Isle's previous hit map next hit . Compass rose in the Indian Ocean; Prime meridian through London. Bottom left: No. 56.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0170, p. 193

General note

Norwich number: 0170

General note

RID: MOA 0104

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

A new and accurate previous hit map next hit of the southern parts of Africa Containing Lower Guinea, Monoemugi, Zanguebar, the Empire of Monomotapa, Country of the Cafres c. and the Island of Madagascar. Drawn from the best Authorities, assisted by the most approved Charts and previous hit Maps next hit and adjusted by Astron. Observations. -- London : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 NOR 0170a 1747

Physical Description: : Colored ; 35 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Duplicate previous hit map next hit . Geographical features similar to L'Isle's previous hit map next hit . Compass rose in the Indian Ocean; Prime meridian through London. Bottom left: No. 56.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0170, p. 193

General note

Norwich number: 0170a

General note

RID: MOA 0258

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Pays des Cafres. = Caffraria. -- Paris : Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 NOR 0171 1749

Physical Description: : Colored ; 16 cm. x 23 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes mountain ranges and tribal kingdoms; Top right: 178.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0171, p. 194

General note

Norwich number: 0171

General note

RID: MOA 0183

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Congo Cafrerie par ... Corrige par Lamarche son successr. = Congo, Caffraria. -- Paris : Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 Robert de Vaugondy, Gilles, 1688-1766; Robert de Vaugondy, Didier, 1723-1786 NOR 0172 1762-1795

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 24 cm. x 28 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First issued in 1762. Includes inset of Cote d'Ajan.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0172, p. 195

General note

Norwich number: 0172

General note

RID: MOA 0169

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Carte du Canal de Mosambique, contenant L'Isle de Madagascar les Cotes d'Afrique, depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance jusqu'a Melinde. = previous hit Map next hit of the Mozambique Channel, Madagascar and the coast of Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Melindi. -- Paris : Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794Bonne, Rigobert, 1727-1794 NOR 0173 1762

Physical Description: : Colored ; 21 cm. x 32 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset of the Cape coast from St. Helena Bay to False Bay; Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Paris. Top left: Livre I, II, III, IV. Top right: No. 11.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0173, p. 196

General note

Norwich number: 0173

General note

RID: MOA 0100

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Mozambique Channel -- 18th c.

Partie de L'Afrique audela de L'Equateur, Comprenant Le Congo, La Cafreie c. = Africa south of the Equator comprising the Congo, Cafraria, etc. -- Paris : Desnos, L. C. Brion de la Tour, Louis Brion de la Tour, Louis NOR 0175 1766

Physical Description: : Colored ; 22 cm. x 25 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit surrounded by a decorative frame with information on the Congo, Monomotapa, Zanibar, Cape of Good Hope and the islands.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0175, p. 198

General note

Norwich number: 0175

General note

RID: MOA 0113

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Nieuwe en Naauwkerige Kaart van het Zuidlyk Gedeelte van Africa ... verbeeterd door W.A. Bachiene. = A new and accurate previous hit map next hit of the southern parts of Africa, improved by W.A. Bachiene. -- Unknown : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 NOR 0176 1782

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 34 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This is a Dutch version of the 1747 English edition of Bowen's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0170); Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0176, p. 199

General note

Norwich number: 0176

General note

RID: MOA 0108

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Africae Pars Meridionalis cum Promontorio Bonae Spei Accuratissime Delineato Opera ... = Southern part of Africa with Cape of Good Hope. -- Vienna : Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717-1777Lotter, Tobias Conrad, 1717-1777 NOR 0177 1778

Physical Description: : Colored ; 46 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Coastline provides inaccurate information. Hottentot tribes are illustrated throughout the mainland. Inset: Cape Fort, Saldanha Bay and the Cape of Good Hope. Dedicated to Domino Wilhelmo.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0177, p. 200

General note

Norwich number: 0177

General note

RID: MOA 0270

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Africa. -- EdinburghLizars, Daniel, 1760-1812 NOR 0179 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 39 cm. x 86 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: The Edinburgh geographical and historial atlas (c. 1826-31)

General note

Descriptive Notes: First issued by Daniel Lizars Sr. in A New and Elegant General Atlas of the World ... (1808-12). Later the plates were reissued by Daniel Lizars Jr. (c. 1826-31). Across the top: Part of Africa. Top right: LVI; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0179, p. 202

General note

Norwich number: 0179

General note

RID: MOA 0318

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Carte de L'Afrique Meridionale ou Pays Entre la ligne le cap de Bonne Esperance et L'Isle de Madagascar. = previous hit Map next hit of southern Africa or countries between the equator and the Cape of Good Hope and Madagascar. -- Amsterdam : Leth, Hendrick de NOR 0180 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Originally issued by the Visscher family in 1710. Hendrik de Leth, married into the Visscher family took over the business and imprinted this previous hit map next hit with his name. Also issued by Jan Barend Elwe (see NOR 0180a). Two insets are shown, Cape Peninsula and Plan and elevation of Table Bay.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0180, p. 203

General note

Norwich number: 0180

General note

RID: MOA 0246

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Carte de L'Afrique Meridionale ou Pays Entre la ligne le cap de Bonne Esperance et L'Isle de Madagascar. = previous hit Map next hit of southern Africa or countries between the equator and the Cape of Good Hope and Madagascar. -- Amsterdam : Elwe, Jan BarendElwe, Jan Barend NOR 0180a 1792

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Duplicate previous hit map next hit . Originally issued by the Visscher family in 1710. Hendrik de Leth, married into the Visscher family took over the business and imprinted this previous hit map next hit with his name. Two insets are shown, Cape Peninsula and Plan and elevation of Table Bay.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0180a, p. 203

General note

Norwich number: 0180a

General note

RID: MOA 0247

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Carta geografica de Africa del Capo de bon Esperanze sino al Regno et Imperio Monamotapo e Ria de la Goa. Scoperto dell' Citadino e Commandante ... = previous hit Map next hit of Africa from Cape of Good Hope to the kingdom of Monomotapa ... -- Unknown : Pisani, Almoro Alvise, 1754-1808 Pisani, Almoro Alvise, 1754-1808 NOR 0183 1793

Physical Description: manuscript previous hit map next hit : Colored ; 36 cm. x 61 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Across the bottom reads, Landtogt gedaan door de Zuid-Kust van Africa in den Jaare 1781 tot 1793 door Louis Almaro Pisani Burger Commandant en Ingezeetenen der Colonie Zwellendam; Inset of Port Natal.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0183, p. 207

General note

Norwich number: 0183

General note

RID: MOA 0205

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Afrique Meridionale. = Southern Africa. -- Paris : Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850 Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850 Lapie, M. (Pierre), 1779-1850 NOR 0184 1809

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 21.5 cm. x 29 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Pellicier (script engraver). Across top: Longitude du Meridien de Paris; Prime meridian through Paris.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0184, p. 209

General note

Norwich number: 0184

General note

RID: MOA 0325

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Southern Africa. -- London : Cadell and Davies, Strand, and Longman, Hurst, Rees and OrmePinkerton, John, 1758-1826Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826Herbert, L. NOR 0186 1809

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50 cm. x 69 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: (British edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: An American edition was issued by Inskeep and Bradford in 1815 (see NOR 0186a).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0186, p. 211

General note

Norwich number: 0186

General note

RID: MOA 0314

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Southern Africa. -- Philadelphia : Inskeep and BradfordPinkerton, John, 1758-1826Pinkerton, John, 1758-1826Herbert, L. NOR 0186a 1815

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50 cm. x 69 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Pinkerton's Modern Atlas (1815) (American edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: A British edition was issued by Cadell and Davies, Strand, and Longman, Hurst, Rees and Orme in 1809 (see NOR 0186) . Title across top: Pinkerton's Modern Atlas.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0186, p. 211

General note

Norwich number: 0186a

General note

RID: MOA 0315

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Vicariati Apostolici nel Congo, Capo di Buona Speranza, Natal, e S. Ma. Mayotta, Nossibe Madagascar Prelazia di Mozambico. -- Unknown : AnonymousAnonymous NOR 0187 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 47 cm. x 62 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: " ... probably originated from the Vatican in Rome. Shows southern Africa divided into its various states and colonies." Top left: TAV. CXII.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0187, p. 212

General note

Norwich number: 0187

General note

RID: MOA 0307

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- No date

Afrique Meridionale. = Southern Africa. -- Paris : Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832 Brue, Adrien Hubert, 1786-1832 NOR 0188 1828

Physical Description: : Colored ; 36 cm. x 51 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Insets, enlargement of southern tip of Africa, islands northeast of Madagascar, Mascareignes islands, Kerguelen island. Prime meridian through London; Top right: 'Atlas, en 65 feuilles, No. 53'.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0188, p. 213

General note

Norwich number: 0188

General note

RID: MOA 0115

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

South Africa Compiled from the M.S. previous hit Maps next hit in the Colonial Office. -- London : Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowledge (Great Britain)Owen, W. F. W., 1774-1857Owen, W. F. W., 1774-1857 NOR 0193 1834

Physical Description: : Colored ; 31 cm. x 39 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Insets of Environs of the Cape district, District of George, Environs of Graham-Town and Cape-Town.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0193, p. 218

General note

Norwich number: 0193

General note

RID: MOA 0178

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Neueste Karte von Sud Africa Nach den besten Quellen entworf und gezeichn von ... = Latest previous hit map next hit of Africa drawn from reliable information by ... -- : Meyer, Joseph, 1796-1856Radefeld, Carl Christian Franz, 1788-1874 NOR 0194 1846

Physical Description: Steel : Outline color ; 29 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Meyer's Neuste Universal Handatlas

General note

Descriptive Notes: "An accurate and detailed previous hit map next hit , especially of the Cape Colony and Kafferland." Insets of, the Eastern Cap Coast, District of George, Cape Peninsula and Cape Town; Prime meridian through Paris and Ferro Island. Top left: Meyers Handatlas. Top right: No. 93.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0194, p. 219

General note

Norwich number: 0194

General note

RID: MOA 0163

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Colton's Africa : southern sheet. -- New York : Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893Colton, J. H. (Joseph Hutchins), 1800-1893 NOR 0195 1855

Physical Description: : Colored ; 28.5 cm. x 35.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: World Atlas

General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Washington; Bottom right: No. 36.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0195, p. 220

General note

Norwich number: 0195

General note

RID: MOA 0260

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

previous hit Map next hit of South Africa illustrating Dr. Livingstone's Discoveries. -- London : Pepper, W.Pepper, W.Exploration NOR 0196 1858

Physical Description: manuscript : Outline color ; 35 cm. x 47 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Dr. Livingstone "was the first European to cross the African continent ... ". previous hit Map next hit illustrates exploration routes of Livingston's journeys.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0196, p. 221

General note

Norwich number: 0196

General note

RID: MOA 0210

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Southern Africa comprising Cape Colony, Natal c. with Orange River Free States. -- Edinburgh : William Blackwood and Sons Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871 Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871 NOR 0197 1862

Physical Description: : Colored ; 28 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: General Atlas

General note

Descriptive Notes: This previous hit map next hit is in two parts, northwest Africa, shows mountain ranges, river and coastal inlets. The southern portion illustrates greater detail than Johnston's earlier previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0145). Top right: Keith Johnston's General Atlas; Bottom right: 38.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0197, p. 222

General note

Norwich number: 0197

General note

RID: MOA 0198

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

South Africa by Jas Wyld, Geographer to the Queen and H.R. H. Prince Albert. -- LondonWyld, James, 1812-1887 NOR 0198 1844

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 52 cm. x 82 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Part of a series of South African previous hit maps next hit , (see NOR 0199, NOR 0200, NOR 0201) illustrating the growing settlements in colored outline. Verso: 32.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0198, p. 223

General note

Norwich number: 0198

General note

RID: MOA 0290

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- South Africa -- 19th c.

South Africa by Jas Wyld, Geographer to the Queen and H.R. H. Prince Albert. -- LondonWyld, James, 1812-1887 NOR 0199 1854-1861

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 52 cm. x 82 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Part of a series of South African previous hit maps next hit , (see NOR 0198, NOR 0200, NOR 0201). Verso: 56.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0199, p. 225

General note

Norwich number: 0199

General note

RID: MOA 0291

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

South Africa by Jas Wyld, Geographer to the Queen and H.R.H. Prince Albert. -- LondonWyld, James, 1812-1887 NOR 0200 1855

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 53 cm. x 83.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Part of a series of South African previous hit maps next hit , (see NOR 0198, NOR 0199, NOR 0201). Verso: 32.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0200, p. 226

General note

Norwich number: 0200

General note

RID: MOA 0292

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

South Africa by Jas Wyld, Geographer to the Queen. -- LondonWyld, James, 1812-1887 NOR 0201 1886

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 52 cm. x 82 cm

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Part of a series of South African previous hit maps next hit , (see NOR 0198, NOR 0199, NOR 0200). Verso: 33.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0210, p. 227

General note

Norwich number: 0210

General note

RID: MOA 0293

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Cape of Good Hope, Natal c. -- London : Weller, Edward, d. 1884 Weller, Edward, d. 1884 Weller, Edward, d. 1884 NOR 0202 1858

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 43.5 cm. x 63.4 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Borders of subdivisions are shown in printed colors; Prime meridian thourgh Greenwich. Bottom left: Weekly Despatch Atlas. 139 Fleet Street.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0202, p. 228

General note

Norwich number: 0202

General note

RID: MOA 0249

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 19th c.

South Africa, From Official and other authentic Authorities. -- Edinburgh : A. Fullarton Co.Fullarton, ArchibaldFullarton, Archibald NOR 0203 1870-72

Physical Description: : Colored ; 40 cm. x 52 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Peninsula of the Cape; Prime meridian through Greenwich. Top left and right: No. 65.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0203, p. 229

General note

Norwich number: 0203

General note

RID: MOA 0230

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

previous hit Map next hit of South Africa. -- Unknown : Rand, McNally Co.Rand, McNally Co. NOR 0204 1892

Physical Description: : Colored ; 48.5 cm. x 66.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Historic sites are illustrated, such as the diamond fields of Griqualand West. Title across top: Rand, McNally Company's Indexed Atlas of the World. Top left: 138. Top right: 139; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0204, p. 230

General note

Norwich number: 0204

General note

RID: MOA 0311

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 19th c.

Delineatio Promontorii, Quod Cabo de bona Esperanca vulgo vocatur. = previous hit Map next hit of the promontory known as Cape of Good Hope. -- Frankfurt : Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598Bry, Theodor de, 1528-1598 NOR 0205 1598

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 14 cm. x 17 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Petits Voyages (1598)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The seas contain sea monsters, sailing ships, natives paddling a canoe and two compass roses. Part of folio previous hit map next hit with Latin text on bottom. "The previous hit map next hit also appears in Indiae Orientalis Pars, IX (Verhoefs voyage to the Moluccas, 1607-1609), by de Bry, published in Frankfurt in 1612, with a Latin edition 1607-1612." Top right: III. Bottom right: GK.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0205, p. 232

General note

Norwich number: 0205

General note

RID: MOA 0036

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 16th c.

Nieuwe Naaukeurige Land-en Zee-Kaart, van het voornaamste Gedeelte der Kaffersche Kust, Begrypende de Sardanje-Bay en de Caap de Bonne Esperanca met alle des Zelfs Plantazien. = New and accurate previous hit map next hit and sea chart of the Cape coast from Saldanha Bay to the Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam NOR 0207 1688-1702

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 57 cm. x 48 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Title across top: Nova et Accurata Tabula Promontorii Bonae Spei vulgo Cabo de Bona Esperanca; Prime meridian through Tenerife. Compiled by Ottens, Joachim, 1663-1719.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0207, p. 234

General note

Norwich number: 0207

General note

RID: MOA 0125

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 17th c.

A previous hit Map next hit of the Cape of Good Hope with its true Situation. -- LondonNieuhof, Johannes, 1618-1672Exploration NOR 0209 1703

Physical Description: : Colored ; 27 cm. x 35 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit shows "early routes of one of the early exploring expeditions." Mainland is decorated with various animals, elephants, lion, snakes, ostriches, cows and sheep. The seas contain several sailing vessels and a compass rose. Inset: View of Table Mountain. Top left: Vol. 2 p. 141.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0209, p. 236

General note

Norwich number: 0209

General note

RID: MOA 0152

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Vue et Description du Cap de Bonne Esperance. = View and description of the Cape of Good Hope. -- Paris : Chatelain, Henri Abraham; Gueudeville, Nicolas, ca. 1654-ca. 1721.Chatelain, Henri Abraham NOR 0210 1705-1720

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 35.5 cm. x 21 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Historique et Methodique (1705-20)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Two views of the Cape. Inset: Le fort des Hollandois au Cap du Bonne Esperance. Top right: Tom. VI, No. 17, Pag. 74.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0210, p. 237

General note

Norwich number: 0210

General note

RID: MOA 0037

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Cap de Bonne Esperance. = Cape of Good Hope. -- Paris : Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720Fer, Nicolas de, 1646-1720 NOR 0211 1705

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 24.5 cm. x 35 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Curieux

General note

Descriptive Notes: Insets: Table Bay and a whaling station, the other a ground-plan of the Fort. Top right: 327.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0211, p. 238

General note

Norwich number: 0211

General note

RID: MOA 0128

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Le Cap de Bonne Esperance Suivant les Nouvelles Observations de Messrs. de l'Academie Royale des Sciences ... = Cape of Good Hope according to the observations made by the Royal Academy of Science. -- Leiden : Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1773Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1773 NOR 0212 1713

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 22.5 cm. x 29.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Cartouche is "on a stone pediment surmounted by a lion and lioness, with a view of Table Bay in the background and the Governor's garden and homestead." previous hit Map next hit includes a note describing the Cape of Good Hope and a legend explaining the contents of the mainland.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0212, p. 239

General note

Norwich number: 0212

General note

RID: MOA 0142

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Niuewe Kaart van Caap der Goode Hoop in hare rechte jegenwoordige staat vertoond door ... = New previous hit map next hit of the Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : van Braam, J. and onder de Linden, G.Valentijn, Francois, 1656-1727 NOR 0214 1724-1726

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 44 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Valentijn's Oud en Nieuw Oost Indien, vol. 5 (1724-1726)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Detail of the Cape Peninsula with names of farms and their owners. Top right: No. 43. This previous hit map next hit "served as a source for other previous hit map next hit makers over a number of years."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0214, p. 241

General note

Norwich number: 0214

General note

RID: MOA 0134

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Gezicht van Kaap der Goede Hope, als men op de Reede legt. = View of the Cape of Good Hope ... -- Amsterdam : van Braam, J. and onder de Linden, G.Valentijn, Francois, 1656-1727 NOR 0215 1726

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 27 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Pieter van de Aa's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0216). Each mountain is numbered with an accompanying legend. Border: 1. 't Vlek. 2. de Tafel-berg. 3. de Wind-berg. 4. de Leeuwen-bert. Top right: No. 38. C.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0215, p. 242

General note

Norwich number: 0215

General note

RID: MOA 0153

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Le Cape de Bonne Esperance comme il a ete ci-devant. = The Cape of God Hope ... -- Leiden : Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733Aa, Pieter van der, 1659-1733 NOR 0216 1727

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 28.5 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Valentijn' s previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0215). The mountains are numbered and named in the border. 1. Le chateau. 2. Le Petit-Fort. 3. Montagne du lion. 4. Montagne de la Table. 5. Montagne du Vent. 6. Endroit ou tous les Bataeux Viennent.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0216, p. 243

General note

Norwich number: 0216

General note

RID: MOA 0154

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Carta Geographica del Capo de Buona Speranza. = previous hit Map next hit of the Cape of Good Hope. -- Venice : L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0218 1740-1756

Physical Description: : Colored ; 32 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlante Novissimo Che Contiene tutti le parti del Mondo (1740-1756)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Example of a popular L'Isle previous hit map next hit , which others copied. previous hit Map next hit "shows the routes from the Cape inland to the kraals of the various tribes, sweet water wells, salt pans, woods, rivers, and many of the early farming settlements." Inset: Spiegazione.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0218, p. 245

General note

Norwich number: 0218

General note

RID: MOA 0168

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Nieuwe Kaart van de Kaap der Goede Hoope en der na by gelegen Landen volgens de Afmeetingen van den Abt. de la Caille in 1752. = New previous hit map next hit of the Cape of Good Hope and surrounding country ... -- Amsterdam : Tirion, IsaakTirion, Isaak NOR 0221 1763

Physical Description: : Colored ; 31.5 cm. x 21.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Nieuwe en Beknopte Handatlas (1744-69)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Paris and Tenerife.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0221, p. 248

General note

Norwich number: 0221

General note

RID: MOA 0172

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Il Paese Degli ottentotti ne' Contorni del Capo di Buona Speranza. = The land of the Hottentots ... the Cape of Good Hope. -- Paris : Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 NOR 0222 1781

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 24.5 cm. x 34.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Teatro della Guerra Maritime (1781)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0222, p. 249

General note

Norwich number: 0222

General note

RID: MOA 0093

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

The Dutch Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. -- London : Faden, William Delarochette, L. Delarochette, L. NOR 0225 1795

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 50 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: William Faden's Atlas (1795)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The title of the cartouche is on a cliff, nearby are palms, natives on horseback and an elephant; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0225, p. 252

General note

Norwich number: 0225

General note

RID: MOA 0126

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

Southern coast of Africa. -- London : Cadell Davies Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823 NOR 0227 1803

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 25.5 cm. x 41 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Untitled atlas containing previous hit maps next hit of Africa (1803)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Part of a series of four double-paged linen backed coastal previous hit map next hit . Inset: Table Bay and False Bay.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0227, p. 254

General note

Norwich number: 0227

General note

RID: MOA 0081

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- South Coast of Africa -- 19th c.

A New Chart of False Bay. -- UnknownCruger, S.Sea chart NOR 0230 1808

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 35 cm. x 30.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Marine Atlas or Seamen's Complete Pilot (1808)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes numerous soundings and rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0230, p. 257

General note

Norwich number: 0230

General note

RID: MOA 0135

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- False Bay -- 19th c.

A Military Sketch of that part of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, Bordering on the Caffres and most exposed to their Depredations with the different Military Posts, Roads, Rivers c. -- London : Faden, William, 1750?-1836Faden, William, 1750?-1836Faden, William, 1750?-1836Wily, Lieut.Military NOR 0232 1818

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 60 cm. x 48 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "A legend refers in detail to military posts, posts with farms, troops' quarters, villages." Inset: Note on the Great Fish River.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0232, p. 259

General note

Norwich number: 0232

General note

RID: MOA 0279

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 19th c.

Survey of the Cape of Good Hope by Lieut. A.T.E. Vidal of HMS Leven assisted by Capt. Lechmere, Lt. T. Boteler and Mr. M.H.A. Gibbons under the direction of ... 1882. -- London : Hydrographical Office of AdmiraltyOwen, W. F. W., 1774-1857 Owen, W. F. W., 1774-1857 NOR 0234 1828

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 59 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Narrative of Voyages to Explore the Shores of Africa, Arabia and Madagascar (vol. 2, 1883)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset : Dias Rock and Cape Hangklip. Bottom right: 636.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0234, p. 261

General note

Norwich number: 0234

General note

RID: MOA 0133

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 19th c.

previous hit Map next hit of the Eastern Frontier of the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope. -- London : Arrowsmith, Aaron, 1750-1823Chase, John Centlivres NOR 0235 1838

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50.5 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First published in 1836 by John Arrowsmith of London. "This previous hit map next hit provides a great deal of historical and geographical information regarding the important part of the Cape Colony which was the scene of nine frontier wars between the Cape government and the Xhosa tribe." Inset shows 'Statistical notes 1833'. Dedicated to Sir Benjamin D'Urban.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0235, p. 262

General note

Norwich number: 0235

General note

RID: MOA 0119

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Eastern Africa -- 19th c.

Cape District, Cape of Good Hope. -- London : Wyld, James, 1812-1887 Delarochette, L NOR 0236 1838

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 50.5 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: First published by Delarochette in 1782. Second edition in 1795 (see NOR 0225).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0236, p. 264

General note

Norwich number: 0236

General note

RID: MOA 0139

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape District -- 19th c.

Cape Colony. -- London : Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Tallis, John, 1815 or 6-1876Warren, H. NOR 0237 1851

Physical Description: Steel : Outline color ; 24 cm. x 32 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Illustrated Atlas and Modern History of the World (1851)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Cape Town, entrance to Knysna and Graham's Town. Illustrations engraved by Bond, H. W., fl. 1827-1849; Prime meridian through Greenwich.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0237, p. 265

General note

Norwich number: 0237

General note

RID: MOA 0187

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape Colony -- 19th c.

Typus orarum maritimarum Guinae, Manicongo Angloae ultra promontorium Bonae Spei ... = Marine previous hit map next hit of Guinea, Manicongo and Angola to the Cape of Good Hope ... -- Amsterdam : Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644Sea chart NOR 0239a 1596

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 38 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion previous hit map next hit to NOR 0239b, which form a previous hit map next hit of Africa and the surrounding seas. This previous hit map next hit is from the Dutch edition published in 1596. The sea contains two compass roses. Inset: Views of Ascension and St. Helena.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0239a, p. 274

General note

Norwich number: 0239a

General note

RID: MOA 0146

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Islands -- 16th c.

Delineatio Orarum maritimarum Terrae vulgo indigitatae Terra do Natal item Sofala Mozambicae Melindae ... = Marine previous hit map next hit of Natal, Sofala, Mozambique and Melinde ... -- London : Wolfe, John, d. 1601 Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644Langren, Arnold Florent van, 1580-1644Sea chart NOR 0239b 1598

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 38 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion previous hit map next hit to NOR 0239a. This previous hit map next hit is from the Dutch edition, published in 1596. Seas contain several compass roses with radiating rhumb lines, ships, whales and dolphins.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0239, p. 275

General note

Norwich number: 0239b

General note

RID: MOA 0145

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Islands -- 16th c.

Mar di Aethiopia vulgo Oceanus Aethiopicus. = Sea chart of the Atlantic Ocean. -- Amsterdam : Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664Jansson, Jan, 1588-1664Sea chart NOR 0240 1650

Physical Description: : Colored ; 43 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlantis Majoris (1650)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Extends eastward to include South America. The compass rose radiates numerous rhumb lines. "An elongated land mass along the lower border is labelled Terra Australis Incognita probably one of the earliest representations of Australia."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0240, p. 276

General note

Norwich number: 0240

General note

RID: MOA 0155

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Oost Indien van Cabo de Bona Esperanca tot Ceilon. = East Indies from Cape of Good Hope to Ceylon. -- Amsterdam : Colom, ArnoldColom, ArnoldSea chart NOR 0241 1654

Physical Description: : Colored ; 63 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Zee Atlas (1654)

General note

Descriptive Notes: "The top of the cartouche shows a large open-mouthed animal with its fangs overlapping the top edge." The Indian Ocean contain two compass roses with radiating rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0241, p. 277

General note

Norwich number: 0241

General note

RID: MOA 0193

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 17th c.

Tabula transitus Gibraltaris cum Portibus Hispanicis usq. Malagam. = previous hit Map next hit of the Straits of Gibraltar, Spanish and Barbary coasts. -- Frankfurt : Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650 Merian, Matthaeus, 1593-1650 Sea chart NOR 0242 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 26 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: A sailing ship is illustrated alongside a compass rose.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0242, p. 278

General note

Norwich number: 0242

General note

RID: MOA 0160

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Pas-karte van de Zuyd-west-kust van Africa; van Cabo Negro tot beoosten Cabo de Bona Esperanca. = previous hit Map next hit of the south-west coast of Africa from Cape Negro to Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Goos, Pieter, ca. 1616-1675 Goos, Pieter, ca. 1616-1675 Sea chart NOR 0243 No date

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 29 cm. x 52 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Identical sea chart by Jodocus Hondius appeared in Klare Besgryving van Cabo de Bona Esperanca of 1652. The sea contains a north-pointing compass rose. Inset: Vlees Bay and Cape of Good Hope.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0243, p. 279

General note

Norwich number: 0243

General note

RID: MOA 0127

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Cape of Good Hope -- 17th c.

Pascaerte van't Westelycke Deel van Oost Indien, van Cabo de Bona Esperanca tot C. Comorin. = previous hit Map next hit of the western part of the East Indies from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Comorin. -- Amsterdam : Goos, Pieter, ca. 1616-1675 Goos, Pieter, ca. 1616-1675 Sea chart NOR 0244 1654

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 44 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The sea is decorated with two sailing vessels and one compass rose with rhumb lines that extend over southern Arabia and the west coast of India. Cartouche includes two Africans in oriental costume and four children.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0244, p. 280

General note

Norwich number: 0244

General note

RID: MOA 0266

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta particolare che comincia con il Capo Degortam e con il capo Buona Speranza e finisce in Gradi 27 di Latitudine Australe. = previous hit Map next hit of South Africa from Cape Degortam round the Cape of Good Hope to lat. 27 degrees S. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Sea chart NOR 0245 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 46 cm. x 73 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Arcano del Mare (1646-7, Book VI)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The interior remains almost blank with the exception of three mountain ranges. The bays and capes are marked.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0245, p. 282

General note

Norwich number: 0245

General note

RID: MOA 0295

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta Seconda Generale d'Affrica. = previous hit Map next hit of southern Africa. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649 Sea chart NOR 0246 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 45 cm. x 72 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Second version of Dudley's southern Africa. Extends from Ethiopia to Quiloa. Inset: Somaliland.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0246, p. 283

General note

Norwich number: 0246

General note

RID: MOA 0296

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Southern Africa -- 17th c.

Carta particolareche mostra il Capo buona Speranza con il Mare Verso Ponte e con L'isole di Tristan D'Acunha e di Martin Vaz. = previous hit Map next hit showing the Cape of Good Hope and islands of Tristan da Cunha and Martin Vaz. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Sea chart NOR 0247 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 47 cm. x 74 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Calligraphy covers much of the South Atlantic. A compass rose and two sailing vessels decorate the sea.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0247, p. 284

General note

Norwich number: 0247

General note

RID: MOA 0324

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta particolare della parte Australle della Esola S. Lorenzo con la terra ferma dirinpetto e Finisce con Gradi 6. di Latitudine Australe. = East coast of Africa with the southern part of the Island of Madagascar. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Sea chart NOR 0248 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 47 cm. x 75 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Portuguese settlements and rivers and bays are indicated on the coastlines. The sea contains a compass rose and one sailing vessel.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0248, p. 285

General note

Norwich number: 0248

General note

RID: MOA 0323

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta particolare della parte Tramontana dell Isola di San Lorenza con la costa diripetto sin. a Monbazza con l'Isole e Seccagne Int. = East coast of Africa including the northern part of Madagascar. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Sea chart NOR 0249 1646-7

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 45 cm. x 73 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The sea is decorated with one sailing vessel and a compass rose.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0249, p. 287

General note

Norwich number: 0249

General note

RID: MOA 0322

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta particolare che comincia con il fiume Juntas nella Guinea e finisce con il capo di S. Dara e con l'Isola d'S. Thomaso. = West coast of Africa from the river Juntas to Cape St. Dara. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Sea chart NOR 0250 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 46 cm. x 74 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Island of St. Thomas.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0250, p. 287

General note

Norwich number: 0250

General note

RID: MOA 0321

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carta particolare dell mare Oceano fra l'Ierlandia e l'Isole di Asores. = Chart of the western ocean with the Azores. -- Florence : Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Dudley, Robert, Sir, 1574-1649Sea chart NOR 0251 1646-7

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 46 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Arcano del Mare

General note

Descriptive Notes: A compass rose and sailing vessel decorate the sea.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0251, p. 288

General note

Norwich number: 0251

General note

RID: MOA 0320

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Barbariae et Guineae Maritimi a Freto Gibralta ad Fluvium Gambiae cum Insulis Salsis Flandricis et Canaricis. = Sea chart of the Barbary and Guinea coasts from the Straits of Gibraltar to Cape Verde. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Sea chart NOR 0252 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 48 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit includes coast of Spain and Portugal. The sea shows several ships engaged in battle. Two compass roses radiate numerous rhumb lines. The cartouche illustrates a scene of a Moor holding a decapited head. Similar cartouche to van Keulen previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0267).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0252, p. 289

General note

Norwich number: 0252

General note

RID: MOA 0222

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Tractus Littorales Guineae a Promontorio Verde usque ad Sinum Catenbelae. = previous hit Map next hit of coast of Guinea from Cape Verde to Catenbela Bay. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Sea chart NOR 0253 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Sea contain three ships and two compass roses with rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0253, p. 290

General note

Norwich number: 0253

General note

RID: MOA 0221

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Guinea -- 18th c.

Cimbebas et Caffariae Littora a Catenbela ad Promontorium Bonae Spei. Pascaerte van Cimbebas en Caffrares Streckende van Catembela tot Cabo de Bona Esperanca. = previous hit Map next hit of Cimbebas and Caffraria from Catembela to Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Renard, LouisRenard, LouisSea chart NOR 0254 1715

Physical Description: : Colored ; 43 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Similar to Ottens previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0255). Surrounding the cartouche is a group of lions, a leopard, goat and a snake. Lower corner, a group led by Neptune. Battling ships and two compass roses with rhumb lines decorate the Atlantic.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0254, p. 291

General note

Norwich number: 0254

General note

RID: MOA 0215

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Cimbebas et Caffariae Littora a Catenbela ad Promontorium Bonae Spei. Pascaert van Cimbebas en Caffrares Streckende van Catembela tot Cabo de Bona Esperanca. = previous hit Map next hit of Cimbebas and Caffraria from Catembela to Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Sea chart NOR 0255 1680-1745

Physical Description: : Colored ; 42 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Almost identical to the Renard's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0254). Inset: De Ommelanden van de Caap de Goede Hoop met de Saldanha, Tafel en Falso Baien in Groot Bestek.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0255, p. 292

General note

Norwich number: 0255

General note

RID: MOA 0218

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Cimbebas et Caffariae Littora a Catenbela ad Promontorium Bonae Spei. Pascaert van Cimbebas en Caffrares Streckende van Catembela tot Cabo de Bona Esperanca. = previous hit Map next hit of Cimbebas and Caffraria from Catembela to Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Sea chart NOR 0255a 1680-1745

Physical Description: : Colored ; 42 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Duplicate previous hit map next hit . Almost identical to the Renard's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0254). Inset: De Ommelanden van de Caap de Goede Hoop met de Saldanha, Tafel en Falso Baien in Groot Bestek.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0255a, p. 292

General note

Norwich number: 0255a

General note

RID: MOA 0220

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. Comorin. = The Indian Ocean from Cape of Good Hope to Cape Comorin. -- Amsterdam : Wit, Frederik deWit, Frederik deSea chart NOR 0256 1680

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 44 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "One of four charts of the coast of Africa, that first appeared in Wit's Zee Atlas of 1675. Both Ottens and Renard appear to have adapted some of the plates for their own use." Cartouche includes several animals, a tiger, snake, lion, ostrich, and a cow. A group of figures stand on top of the title. Two compass roses radiate rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0256, p. 293

General note

Norwich number: 0256

General note

RID: MOA 0223

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Occidentalior Tractus Indiarum Orientalium a Promontorio Bonae Spei ad C. Comorin. = The Indian Ocean from Cape of Good Hope to Cape Comorin. -- Amsterdam : Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Ottens, R. (Reinier), 1698-1750; Ottens, J. (Josua), 1704-1765Sea chart NOR 0257 1680-1745

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 54 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This previous hit map next hit is identical to the Frederick de Wit's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0256).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0257, p. 294

General note

Norwich number: 0257

General note

RID: MOA 0216

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

A Chart of Guinea Describing the Seacoast from Cape de Verde to Cape Bona Esperanca. -- London : Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698Sea chart NOR 0258 1675

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 43 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The chart appears in the English Pilot and the Altas Maritime (1675). A compass rose radiates rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0258, p. 295

General note

Norwich number: 0258

General note

RID: MOA 0239

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

A Chart of Guinea. -- London : Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698 NOR 0259 1679

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 11 cm. x 14 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes a large compass rose with radiating rhumb lines. Inlets and bays are named.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0259, p. 296

General note

Norwich number: 0259

General note

RID: MOA 0186

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

The Western Ocean. -- London : Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698Seller, John, fl. 1658-1698Sea chart NOR 0260 No date

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 43 cm. x 53 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit extends to include part of North and South America, western Europe and southern England. The cartouche, placed in the central Africa, contains two figures blowing horns. Another cartouche appears in South America with two natives and two animals surround the scale. The compass rose radiates rhumb lines to all four continents.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0260, p. 297

General note

Norwich number: 0260

General note

RID: MOA 0234

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique depuis C. del Gado jusques Rio Mocambo, et les Isles aux Environs. Levee Par Ordre Expres de Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte. = Specific previous hit map next hit of the African coast from Cape del Gado to Rio Mocambo and the adjacent islands. -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0261 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 40 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Mortier's Atlas Suite de Neptune Francais or the Atlas Nouveau des Cartes Marines (1700)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: L'Isle Anjoane ou Anjuanny. Sixteen-point compass rose radiates rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0261, p. 298

General note

Norwich number: 0261

General note

RID: MOA 0272

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte Particuliere de la Mer Rouge c. Levee Par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal, sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte. = Specific previous hit map next hit of the Red Sea. -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0262 1700

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 52.5 cm. x 76 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Suite de Neptune Francais (1700)

General note

Descriptive Notes: The sea contains two compass roses with rhumb lines. Inset: Island of Zocatora, island and fort of Mombasa.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0262, p. 299

General note

Norwich number: 0262

General note

RID: MOA 0282

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte Particuliere des Costes de L'Afrique qui Comprend le Pays de Cafres c. Levee par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte. = Specific previous hit map next hit of the African coast including Caffraria. -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0263 1700

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 57 cm. x 82 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Indicates many rivers and settlements discovered by the Portuguese. The sea contains a sixteen-point compass rose with rhumb lines. Inset: Island of Inhancato and the fortress of Sofala.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0263, p. 300

General note

Norwich number: 0263

General note

RID: MOA 0283

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte Particuliere des Costes de l'Afrique depuis Cabo Ledo jusques au Cap de Bone Esperance. Levee par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a fait la Decouvert. = Specific previous hit map next hit of the African coast from Cape Ledo to the Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0264 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 58 cm. x 43 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The compass rose radiate rhumb lines. Inset: previous hit map next hit of Saldanha Bay.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0264, p. 301

General note

Norwich number: 0264

General note

RID: MOA 0207

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte des Costes de L'Afrique depuis Cap de Lopo jusques a l'Isle Mazira. Levee par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte. = previous hit Map next hit of the coast of Africa from Cape Lopo to the island of Mazira. -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0265 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 59 cm. x 48 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes portion of Arabia. Inset: Fortresse de Mozambique. Sea contain two compass roses with rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0265, p. 302

General note

Norwich number: 0265

General note

RID: MOA 0232

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte Particuliere des Costes du Cap de Bone Esperance c. Levee Par Ordre Expres des Roys de Portugal sous qui on en a Fait la Decouverte. = previous hit Map next hit of the coast of the Cape of Good Hope ... -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre Mortier, Pierre Sea chart NOR 0266 1700

Physical Description: : Colored ; 56 cm. x 80 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Suite de Neptune Francais (1700)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: View of the Cape of Good Hope. Plan of the Cape of Good Hope.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0266, p. 303

General note

Norwich number: 0266

General note

RID: MOA 0284

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Nieuwe Pascaert van Oost Indien Verthoonende hen van C. de Bona Esperanca tot aan het Landt van Eso. Geleyt op Wassende Graeden en van Veel Fouten Verbetert. = New previous hit map next hit of East Indies from Cape of Good Hope to Japan and Australia. -- Amsterdam : Keulen, Johannes vanKeulen, Johannes vanKeulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0267 1680

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 51 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Zee Atlas (1680)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Two cartouches are shown on this previous hit map next hit . The cartouche at the top is similar to Otten's previous hit map next hit (see NOR 0252). The second cartouche provides the name and address of the author and is surrounded by dolphins and European traders. Two compass roses radiate rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0267, p. 304

General note

Norwich number: 0267

General note

RID: MOA 0236

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Pascaarte van de Bocht van Gabon tuschen C. Formosa and C. de Lopo. = previous hit Map next hit of the coast of Gabon from Cape Formosa to Cape de Lopo. -- Amsterdam : Keulen, Johannes vanKeulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0268 1680

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50.5 cm. x 58.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Zee Atlas (1680)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes title on a piece of masonry, on each side are natives and apes. "The scale is illustrated on another rectangular stone block with the head and shoulders of a male and female leaning on the masonry." A ship, sea monster and a compass rose with numerous rhumb lines decorate the seas. Lower right: 6.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0268, p. 305

General note

Norwich number: 0268

General note

RID: MOA 0202

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

A Plan of Table Bay with the Road of the Cape of Good Hope, from the Dutch Survey, Published by Johannes van Keulen. -- London : Robert Sayer and John Bennett (Firm)Keulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0269 1778

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 48 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Also published in 1794, by Laurie and Whittle. A compass rose radiates numerous rhumb lines. Inset: South View of the Cape engraved by Abbe de la Caille. Top right: No. 3.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0269, p. 306

General note

Norwich number: 0269

General note

RID: MOA 0298

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Table Bay -- 18th c.

A Plan of Table Bay, with the Road of the Cape of Good Hope, from the Dutch Survey, Published by Johannes van Keulen. -- 1778 : Robert Laurie and James WhittleKeulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0269a London

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 48 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Almost identical previous hit map next hit to NOR 0269, slightly larger and cartouche. Also published in 1794, by Laurie and Whittle. A compass rose radiates numerous rhumb lines. Inset: South View of the Cape engraved by Abbe de la Caille. Top right: No. 3.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0269, p. 306

General note

Norwich number: 0269a

General note

RID: MOA 0299

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Table Bay

Wassende-Grade-Kaart van de Aetiopische Ocean beslooten met de kusten van Guinea, Angola, de Caffers en Brasilia. = Sea chart of the Atlantic Ocean with the coasts of Guinea, Angola, Caffraria and Brazil. -- Amsterdam : Joannes van Keulen, over de Nieubrug in de Gekroonde LootsmanKeulen, Johannes vanKeulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0270 1753?

Physical Description: : Colored ; 51 cm. x 59 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "The west coast of Africa is accurately depicted with its numerous Portuguese-named harbours." The compass rose radiates numerous rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0270, p. 308

General note

Norwich number: 0270

General note

RID: MOA 0288

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

A chart of the coast of Africa from Mozambique to the Straits of Babelmandel and the adjoyning Ocean. -- London : Knapton, James, d. 1738; Knapton, John, 1696-1770 Knapton, James, d. 1738; Knapton, John, 1696-1770 Sea chart NOR 0271 1728

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 48 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Maritimus et Commercialis (1728)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Chart includes the Horn of Africa and numerous islands in the Indian Ocean. The compass roses radiate numerous rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0271, p. 309

General note

Norwich number: 0271

General note

RID: MOA 0038

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Eastern Africa -- 18th c.

Carte Reduite de la Cote Meridionale d'Afrique, depuis Ia Baye de Saldagne jusqu'au Cap des Courans ... = previous hit Map next hit of southern coast of Africa from Saldanha Bay to Cape Courans ... -- Amsterdam : Mortier, Pierre; Jaillot, Jean Baptiste Michel, 1710?-1780 Sea chart NOR 0272 1775

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 48 cm. x 66.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Neptune Oriental (1775)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Plan de la Baye St. Blaise. Plan de la Baye de Formose ou Mossel-Baye. Plan de la Bay de Lagoa. Top right: 11.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0272, p. 310

General note

Norwich number: 0272

General note

RID: MOA 0285

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

A Generall Chart from England to Cape Bona Espranca with the Coast of Brasile. -- London : R. Mount T. Page (Firm) Mount, William; Page, ThomasSea chart NOR 0273 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 53 cm. x 43.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The compass rose radiates numerous rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0273, p. 311

General note

Norwich number: 0273

General note

RID: MOA 0233

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

The Bay of Algoa on the South Coast of Africa; Plan of Mossel Bay on the South Coast of Africa; Plan of Flesh Bay or Bay St. Bras on the South Coast of Africa; from van Keulen. -- London : Robert Sayer and John Bennett (Firm)Keulen, Johannes vanSea chart NOR 0274 1778

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 58 cm. x 26 cm

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Three sea charts includes soundings and rhumb lines of the South Coast of Africa. Bottom right: No. 4.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0274, p. 312

General note

Norwich number: 0274

General note

RID: MOA 0289

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Pascaert van de Costa de Caffres Tusschen Cabo Negro en Cabo de bonae Esperanca. = previous hit Map next hit of the coast of Kaffraria between Cape Negro and the Cape of Good Hope. -- Amsterdam : R. Mount T. Page (Firm) Mount, William; Page, Thomas NOR 0275 1716

Physical Description: : Colored ; 50 cm. x 58 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The sea contains two compass roses with numerous rhumb lines extending over the mainland, one sailing vessel and one sea monster. Inset: Saldanha Bay. Bottom right: 9.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0275, p. 313

General note

Norwich number: 0275

General note

RID: MOA 0273

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Plan du Cap de Bonne-Esperance et de ses Environs. = previous hit Map next hit of the Cape of Good Hope and its surroundings. -- Paris : Haye, G. de laApres de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis, 1707-1780 Sea chart NOR 0276 1752

Physical Description: : Colored ; 48 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Near the coastline, soundings in French fathoms. Top right: 8.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0276, p. 314

General note

Norwich number: 0276

General note

RID: MOA 0077

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

A Chart of the Coast of Africa from Cape Virde to Cape to Cape Bona Esperance. -- London : R. Mount T. Page (Firm) Sea chart NOR 0277 1708

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "The coastal placenames are numerous and based on Portuguese discoveries and exploration." The sea contains a compass rose with rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0277, p. 315

General note

Norwich number: 0277

General note

RID: MOA 0275

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

A chart of the Western part of the East Indies with all the Adjacent Islands from Cape Bona Esperanca to the Island of Ceylon. -- London : R. Mount T. Page (Firm) Mount, William; Page, ThomasSea chart NOR 0278 1708

Physical Description: : Colored ; 44 cm. x 56 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas Maritimus

General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion chart (see NOR 0277). Originally published by John Seller. Two compass roses radiate rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0278, p. 316

General note

Norwich number: 0278

General note

RID: MOA 0208

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Carte Reduite d'une partie des costes occidentales et meridionales de l'afrique depuis Cabo Frio ou Cap Froid par les 19 degres de latitude merid. jusqu'a la baye S. Blaise pour servir aux vaissaux de la francais ... par ordre de M. Rouille ... = previous hit Map next hit of southwest coast of Africa from Cap Froid to the Bay of St. Blaise. -- Paris : Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Sea chart NOR 0279 1754

Physical Description: : Colored ; 89 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Five editions of this chart were printed. Inset: Views of Cape of Good Hope, Cape Agulhas and False Bay headland; Prime meridian through Paris, Ferro Island, Tenerife, Cap Lezard and London. Top right: 90.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0279, p. 317

General note

Norwich number: 0279

General note

RID: MOA 0090

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Southwest coast of Africa -- 18th c.

Carte reduite de l'ocean oriental ou mer des indes ... par ordre de M. de Machault ... = previous hit Map next hit of the Indian Ocean. -- Paris : Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Sea chart NOR 0280 1757

Physical Description: : Colored ; 55 cm. x 86 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The large cartouche is illustrated with trees, foliage, an elephant and a crocodile. Numerous rhumb lines radiate over the mainland; Prime meridian through Ferro Island and Tenerife.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0280, p. 318

General note

Norwich number: 0280

General note

RID: MOA 0091

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Indian Ocean -- 18th c.

Vue de la Baye de False. Vue de la Rade de Simons-Baye. = View of False Bay. View of the roadstead in Simon's Bay. -- Paris : Apres de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d', 1707-1780Apres de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d', 1707-1780Sea chart NOR 0281 1775

Physical Description: : Colored ; 47 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Five silhouettes (Cape Agulhas, Cape of Hottentots, Cape of Good Hope, and two views of False Bay) on one sheet. Top right: 8.2d.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0281, p. 319

General note

Norwich number: 0281

General note

RID: MOA 0078

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- False Bay and Simon's Bay -- 18th c.

Plan de la Baye Simon, Situe au Cap de Bonne Esperance, suivant les Observations faites en Aout et Septembre 1775, par Mr. Dalrymple. = Plan of Simon's Bay at the Cape of Good Hope. -- Paris : Apres de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d', 1707-1780Apres de Mannevillette, Jean-Baptiste-Nicolas-Denis d', 1707-1780Sea chart NOR 0282 1775

Physical Description: : Colored ; 45 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Apres de Mannevillette "was the first to determine longitude by measuring the distances of the sun and moon." Soundings are in French fathoms. Top right: 8.d.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0282, p. 320

General note

Norwich number: 0282

General note

RID: MOA 0079

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Simon's Bay -- 18th c.

A previous hit map next hit and chart of the Cape of Good Hope, with the Soundings in Table Bay, False Bay, and Saldanha Bay. -- London : Bew, John, d. 1793 Bew, John, d. 1793 Bew, John, d. 1793 Sea chart NOR 0283 1781

Physical Description: : Colored ; 37.5 cm. x 27.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Published by Bew in 1781 as the English edition of Apres de Mannevillette's previous hit map next hit in 1775. The sea contains a single compass rose.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0283, p. 321

General note

Norwich number: 0283

General note

RID: MOA 0095

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Cape of Good Hope -- 18th c.

A Plan of Cape Bona Esperance with False Bay. -- London : Robert Laurie and James Whittle Huddart, Joseph, 1741-1816 Sea chart NOR 0284 1794

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 66 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This chart also appeared in editions of Sayer and Bennett's Oriental Pilot. Inset: Silhouettes of mountain ranges from Table Mountain to Seamensberg. The bay contains a compass rose radiating rhumb lines.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0284, p. 322

General note

Norwich number: 0284

General note

RID: MOA 0303

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 18th c.

Tabula Moderna Prime Partis Aphricae. = Modern previous hit map next hit of first part of Africa. -- Strasbourg : Schott, Johann, 1477-1548 Waldseemuller, Martin, 1470-1521? NOR 0286 1513

Physical Description: : Colored ; 41 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Waldseemuller's Ptolemy atlas (1513)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion previous hit map next hit to NOR 0149. Many kingdoms and coastal names are stated.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0286, p. 325

General note

Norwich number: 0286

General note

RID: MOA 0330

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

[North Africa]. -- Lyons : Trechsel, Melchior, fl. 1529-1549; Trechsel, Gaspard, fl. 1529-1549Ptolemy, 2nd cent. NOR 0287 1535

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 29 cm. x 44 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Clavdii Ptolemaei Alexandrini Geographicae Enarrationis Libri Octo.

General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit shaped irregular. Volume edited by Michael Servetus or Villanovanus.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0287, p. 326

General note

Norwich number: 0287

General note

RID: MOA 0039

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

Aphricae Tabula II. = previous hit Map next hit of North Africa. -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0289 1544

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 25 cm. x 33 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Rivers inaccurately drawn. Legend at upper left contains all of the town names in Latin. Top left: 964. Top right: 965. Bottom right: XX5.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0289, p. 328

General note

Norwich number: 0289

General note

RID: MOA 0040

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

Altera Generalis Tab. Secundum Ptol. = Another previous hit map next hit according to Ptolemy. -- Basel : Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 Munster, Sebastian, 1489-1552 NOR 0290 1550

Physical Description: Woodcut : Colored ; 25 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Smaller German edition of this previous hit map next hit in Munster's Cosmographia (1550). Surrounding the earth are "billowing clouds and numerous wind gods". Another Latin title on verso.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0290, p. 329

General note

Norwich number: 0290

General note

RID: MOA 0161

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

Aphricae Tabula IIII. = previous hit Map next hit of North Africa. -- Basel : Petri, Heinrich, 1508-1579 Ptolemy, 2nd cent. NOR 0291 1571

Physical Description: Woodcut : Colored ; 25 cm. x 34 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "This previous hit map next hit is identified as a Ptolemy edition of 1571, probably by Munster." Trapezoidal projection. Title on verso: Quarta Aphricae Tabula, continent interiorem Libyam et Aethiopiam quae sub Aegypto ...

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0291, p. 330

General note

Norwich number: 0291

General note

RID: MOA 0185

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

Tabula Africae IIII. = previous hit Map next hit of Africa. -- Venice : Valgrisi, Vincenzo, fl. 1540-1572 (printer)Ptolemy, 2nd cent. NOR 0292 1561

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 18 cm. x 24 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: La Geograpfia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, Nouvamente tradatta di Greco in Italiano ... (1561)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Trapezoidal projection. Sea stippled in the Italian style. Atlas edited by Girolamo Ruscelli, d. 1565.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0292, p. 331

General note

Norwich number: 0292

General note

RID: MOA 0041

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 16th c.

The Kingedome of Congo. -- London : Wolfe, John, d. 1601 Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604 Pigafetta, Filippo, 1533-1604 NOR 0293 1598

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 8.5 cm. x 12 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: The Second Booke. The true and perfect description of the whole of Guinea, Manicongo, Angola, Monomotapa ... (1598) (English edition)

General note

Descriptive Notes: This previous hit map next hit is an English translation of Johan Huygen van Linschoten's Relatione de Reame di Congo.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0293, p. 333

General note

Norwich number: 0293

General note

RID: MOA 0148

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Congo -- 16th c.

Medius meridianus 16, reliqui ad hunc inclinati funt pro ratione parallelorum 29 34 ad circulum maximum. = Coast of North-West Africa and part of Spain. -- Unknown : Bertius, Petrus, 1565-1629 Ptolemy, 2nd cent. NOR 0294 1618

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 32 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: This previous hit map next hit and NOR 0295 are marked Africae I Tab and II Tab at the top. "First appeared in the 1584 edition of Ptolemy published by Gerard Mercator". Again later in Gerard's 1778 edition.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0294, p. 334

General note

Norwich number: 0294

General note

RID: MOA 0241

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern coast of Africa -- 17th c.

Medius meridianus 37, reliqui ad hunc inclinantur ratione 28 33 parallellorum. = Mediterranean Sea and north coast of Africa from latitude 37 degrees. -- Unknown : Bertius, Petrus, 1565-1629 Ptolemy, 2nd cent. NOR 0295 1618

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 33 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes southern part of Sardina and Sicily. The stippled sea contains two sea monsters. Mainland is decorated with a lion and a leopard. Similar previous hit map next hit appears in Tabulae Geografficae Orbis Terrarum ... by Jan van Vianen (1704). Title across top: Afri II Tab.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0295, p. 335

General note

Norwich number: 0295

General note

RID: MOA 0242

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern coast of Africa -- 17th c.

Barbaria. -- Amsterdam : Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 NOR 0296 1663

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 21 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Le Grand Atlas (1663)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Two parallel previous hit maps next hit on one sheet, 21 x 57 cm. and 26 x 57 cm. The upper previous hit map next hit shows North Africa. The lower previous hit map next hit illustrates an enlarged area of Barbaria. Top right: 150.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0296, p. 336

General note

Norwich number: 0296

General note

RID: MOA 0098

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 17th c.

In Notitiam Ecclesiasticam Africae Tabula Geographica. = previous hit Map next hit of north coast of Africa, Spain and the Mediterranean. -- Paris : L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0297 1745

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 48.5 cm. x 64 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Carte d'Afrique dresee (1722)

General note

Descriptive Notes: previous hit Map next hit includes "countries bordering the Mediterranean to the north, as far as Greece."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0297, p. 337

General note

Norwich number: 0297

General note

RID: MOA 0278

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- North Africa -- 18th c.

Carte de l'Egypte, de Ia Nubie, de l'Abissinie. = previous hit Map next hit of Egypt, Nubia and Abyssinia. -- Amsterdam : Covens, Jean; Mortier, CorneilleL'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0298 No date

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Companion previous hit map next hit , see NOR 0297. Includes Horn of Africa, Arabia and a portion of Persia. Top right: 22.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0298, p. 338

General note

Norwich number: 0298

General note

RID: MOA 0227

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 18th c.

Deserta Aegypti, Thebaidis, Arabia, Syriae, etc. = Desert regions of Egypt, Sudan, Arabia, Syria, etc. -- Augsburg : Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756Seutter, Matthaeus, 1678-1756 NOR 0299 1725

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49.5 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes places of biblical interest . Also illustrated are Palestine "and places such as Jerusalem, Jericho, Ashkalond and Gaza."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0299, p. 339

General note

Norwich number: 0299

General note

RID: MOA 0240

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Egypt -- 18th c.

Stauum Maroccanorum, Regnorum nempe Fessani, Maroccani, Tafiletani et Segelomessani Secundum suas Provincias accurate divisorum typus Generalis Novus ... = Morocco. -- Nurnberg : Homann, Johann Christoph, 1701-1730Homann, Johann Christoph, 1701-1730 NOR 0300 1728

Physical Description: : Colored ; 48 cm. x 55 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Surrounding the title of the cartouche are four Moorish figures. Nearby a serpent, a lion and an ostrich are illustrated. Inset: Marocco and Mequinetz; Prime meridian through Tenerife.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0300, p. 340

General note

Norwich number: 0300

General note

RID: MOA 0197

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Morocco -- 18th c.

Partie de l'Afrique en deca de l'Equateur ... = Part of Africa north of the equator. -- Paris : Desnon, L.C.Brion de la Tour, Louis NOR 0301 Not dated

Physical Description: : Colored ; 23 cm. x 25.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Tenerife.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0301, p. 341

General note

Norwich number: 0301

General note

RID: MOA 0112

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 18th c.

Egypt with part of Arabia and Palestine. Compiled from the draughts of the Scientific Institute established at Cairo 1800. -- London : Robert Laurie and James Whittle Enouy, Josh [Joseph] NOR 0302 1801

Physical Description: : Colored ; 65 cm. x 46 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Shows the routes of several generals, such as General Bonaparte in the years 1798 and 1799; Prime meridian through London.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0302, p. 342

General note

Norwich number: 0302

General note

RID: MOA 0158

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Northern Africa -- 19th c.

Cosmographo de sua Magestade. = East Indies navigational chart or 'carreira'. -- Lisbon : Teixeira, Joao (fl. 1620-1650)Teixeira, Joao (fl. 1620-1650) NOR 0305 1649

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 74 cm. x 51 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Plans of Mombassa, Mozambique, Sofala and the Island of Sacatora.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0305, p. 346

General note

Norwich number: 0305

General note

RID: MOA 0309

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Sea chart -- 17th c.

Carte de la Coste Orientale d'Afrique, Depuis le Cap de Bonne Esperance, Jusqu'au Cap del Gada ... Publiee par ordre de Mgr. le Comte de Maurepas. = East coast of Africa from the Cape of Good Hope to Cape Delgada. -- Paris : Hondt , Pieter deBellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 NOR 0306 1740

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 25 cm. x 23 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Histoire Generale des voyages of A.F. Prevost d'Exiles and in Bellin's atlas

General note

Descriptive Notes: Prime meridian through Ferro Island. The interior of the previous hit map next hit contains few details.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0306, p. 347

General note

Norwich number: 0306

General note

RID: MOA 0042

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern Africa -- 18th c.

Impero del Monomotapa e Stati Vicini. = Kingdom of Monomotapa and neighboring states. -- VeniceBellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 NOR 0307 1781

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 20 cm. x 26 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The coastline illustrates many Portuguese settlements. Silver and gold mines are shown.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0307, p. 348.

General note

Norwich number: 0307

General note

RID: MOA 0094

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southeast Africa -- 18th c.

A chart of the Indian Ocean improved from the chart of M. d'Apres de Mannevillette; with the addition of a part of the Pacific Ocean, as well as of the original tracks of the principal discoverers or other navigators to India and China; and in which it has been attempted to give a chronological indication of the successive discoveries. -- London : Faden, W.Delarochette, L. Delarochette, L. Sea chart NOR 0308 1803

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 60 cm. x 102 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Chart shows the east coast of Africa and extends eastward to include New Zealand. Inset: Anemo-hydrography of the monsoons.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0308, p. 350

General note

Norwich number: 0308

General note

RID: MOA 0305

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Indian Ocean -- 19th c.

To the King's most Excellent Majestry George the Third; This chart, wtih the comparative Tracks of Ships in the different Monsoons; showing the Connection distances by sea between the principle harbours and settlements in the East Indies; is with permission most humbly dedicated by ... -- London : Robert Laurie and James WhittleLacam, Benjamin Lacam, Benjamin NOR 0309 1808

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 49 cm. x 59 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: Dedicated to George III. Inset: A supplemental sketch exhibiting the sea engagements in the Bay of Bengal between the English and the French from 1758-1783; Prime meridian through Madras.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0309, p. 351

General note

Norwich number: 0309

General note

RID: MOA 0312

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Oceans -- Eastern Africa -- 19th c.

Mauritania nuova tavola. = New previous hit map next hit of Mauritania. -- Venice : Valgrisi, Vincenzo, fl. 1540-1572 (printer)Ruscelli, Girolamo, d. ca. 1565 NOR 0313 1561-62

Physical Description: Copperplate : Uncolored ; 18 cm. x 24.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: La Geograpfia di Claudio Tolomeo Alessandrino, Nouvamente tradatta di Greco in Italiano ... (1561)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Includes engraved stippled seas and anthill mountain ranges. Italian text on verso.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3671463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0313, p. 357

General note

Norwich number: 0313

General note

RID: MOA 0043

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 16th c.

Parte del Africa. = Part of Africa. -- Venice : Gastaldi, Giacomo, ca. 1500-ca. 1565Ramusio, Giovanni Battista, 1485-1557 NOR 0314 1550-1559

Physical Description: Woodcut : Uncolored ; 27 cm. x 37 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Ramusio's Delle Navigationi et Viaggi nel qual si Contiene les Descrittione dele Africa.

General note

Descriptive Notes: Interior includes mountains, trees, natives, Castel de la Mina (Portuguese fort known for exporting gold), an elephant, camel, monkey and a lion. The seas are engraved in horizontal wavy lines and are decorated with paddling canoes, sea monsters and ships. Top right: 370. Top left: 371.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0314, p. 358

General note

Norwich number: 0314

General note

RID: MOA 0137

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 16th c.

Guinea. -- Amsterdam : Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 Blaeu, Willem Janszoon, 1571-1638 NOR 0315 1663

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 38 cm. x 52 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Grand Atlas (1663)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Interior is illustrated with animals, rivers, lakes and mountains. Sea contains five ships and two compass roses with rhumb lines. Dedicated to D. Nicolao Tulp. "Tulp is the Dutch doctor who appears in Rembrandt's painting, The Anatomy Lesson."

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0315, p. 359

General note

Norwich number: 0315

General note

RID: MOA 0097

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 17th c.

Guinae nova descriptio. = New previous hit map next hit of Guinea. -- Amsterdam : Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612 Hondius, Jodocus, 1563-1612 NOR 0316 1606

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 34 cm. x 49 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Mercator's Atlas (1606)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Inset: Island of St. Thomas.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0316, p. 360

General note

Norwich number: 0316

General note

RID: MOA 0267

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Guinea -- 17th c.

Carte de la Barbarie, le la Nigritie et de la Guinee. = previous hit Map next hit of Barbary, Nigeria and Guinea. -- Paris : L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726L'Isle, Guillaume de, 1675-1726 NOR 0317 1700-1712

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Atlas de Geographie (1700-1712)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Interior contains large amount of geographical information; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0317, p. 362

General note

Norwich number: 0317

General note

RID: MOA 0226

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 18th c.

Guinea. -- London : Ogilby, John, 1600-1676Ogilby, John, 1600-1676 NOR 0318 1671

Physical Description: : Colored ; 26 cm. x 36 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: The cartouche contains an oval-shapped title surrounded by angels. Interior contains small animals and towns. A partial compass rose radiates rhumb lines. Calligraphy appears similar to Blaeu.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0318, p. 363

General note

Norwich number: 0318

General note

RID: MOA 0162

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 17th c.

Carte Nouvelle de la Mer du Sud, Dressee par ordre des principaux Directeurs et tiree des Memoires les plus recents ... = previous hit Map next hit of the Southern Oceans. -- Amsterdam : Leth, Andries de, 1662-1731; Leth, Hendrik deLeth, Andries de, 1662-1731; Leth, Hendrik de NOR 0320 1730

Physical Description: Copperplate : Colored ; 57 cm. x 94 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "Extends from the western half of Africa in the east to the East Indies in the west." California is shown as an island. Title across top: Nova mona Pacfic tabula ... Inset: Straits of Gibralter. Cape of Good Hope. Mexico City. Panama. Bay of Porto Bello. Scenes from the French Islands. Bay of Rio de Janeiro. Vera Cruz and Havana; Prime meridian through Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0320, p. 366

General note

Norwich number: 0320

General note

RID: MOA 0277

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Africa -- 18th c.

Coste Occidentale d'Afrique depuis le XIe degre de Latitude Meridionale, jusqu'au cap de Bonne Esperance ... Publiee par ordre de Mgr. le Comte de Maurepas. = West coast of Africa from 11degrees to the Cape of Good Hope. -- Paris : Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 NOR 0321 1739

Physical Description: : Outline color ; 25 cm. x 26.5 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Histoire Generale des voyages of A.F. Prevost d'Exiles

General note

Descriptive Notes: A previous hit map next hit illustrating the southeastern conterpart, see NOR 0306. Top right: Afrique Occidentale No. 3.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0321, p. 368

General note

Norwich number: 0321

General note

RID: MOA 0088

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 18th c.

A new and accurate previous hit map next hit of Negroland and the Adjacent Countries; also Upper Guinea showing the principal European Settlements, and distinguishing those belonging to England, Denmark and Holland. The Sea Coast and some of the Rivers being drawn from Surveys and the best modern previous hit Maps next hit and Charts ... -- London : Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767Bowen, Emanuel, d. 1767 NOR 0322 1747

Physical Description: : Colored ; 24 cm. x 42 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: "Includes the Gold, Tooth, Grain and Slave Coasts of West Africa." Prime meridian through London. Bottom left: No. 56.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0322, p. 369

General note

Norwich number: 0322

General note

RID: MOA 0105

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 18th c.

Bowles's New Pocket previous hit map next hit of the Coast of Africa, from Sta. Cruz ... to Angola ... with explanatory notes and a correct chart of the Gold Coast. -- London : Bowles, Carington, 1724-1793 Bowles, Carington, 1724-1793 NOR 0323 1752

Physical Description: : Colored ; 49 cm. x 57 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note


General note

Descriptive Notes: A descriptive panel states historic and topographic details. Inset: A Correct Chart of the Gold Coast according to the Sr. Danville on a larger scale (scale in British and French sea leagues).

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0323, p. 370

General note

Norwich number: 0323

General note

RID: MOA 0109

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Western Africa -- 18th c.

Carte Reduite de L'ocean Meridional ... = previous hit Map next hit of the southern ocean. -- Paris : Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772Bellin, Jacques Nicolas, 1703-1772 NOR 0324 1753

Physical Description: : Uncolored ; 54 cm. x 86 cm.

General note

Program: Jacobson Africana Program

Custodial History note

Provenance: Dr. Oscar I. Norwich

General note

Source: Neptune Francais (1753)

General note

Descriptive Notes: Numerous rhumb lines extend over the southwest coast of Africa and South America. Prime meridian through Paris, Tenerife, Cap Lezard, London and Ferro Island.

General note

References: Norwich (2nd ed.), ckey = 3871463 Page number: previous hit map next hit 0324, p. 371

General note

Norwich number: 0324

General note

RID: MOA 0089

Subjects and Indexing Terms

Africa -- Southern oceans -- 18th c.
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