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Photograph copy prints of some of the residents of Simons Brick Company in Montebello, California, including group portraits of the musicians. One copy print of a panoramic group portrait of workers at Murphy Ranch in Whittier, California. circa 1919 - 1941, undated
Simons Brick Company had a well-publicized plant in present-day Montebello, California, from 1905 to 1952. Their common red bricks were used to construct many well-known extant structures, including the original 1913 building of the Natural History Museum and UCLA's Royce Hall. Known as plant number three, it operated as a company town, whereby workers and their families lived on site. The town, Simons, had a school, post office, stores, restaurants, and cultural outlets, such as musical groups. The donor's father was employed there for a time, as well as at a citrus farm, Murphy Ranch, in nearby Whittier, California.
1/2 letter; 1 ov folder
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