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box 1, folder 1

"幸徳秋水ノ獄中ヨリ弁護士ニ贈ル書" by 幸徳傳次郎 1910 December 18

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 1, folder 2

"米国ニ於ケル日本人社会主義者無政府主義者沿革" 1911 April

Scope and Contents

Includes information on Sen Katayama (片山潜), Isoo Abe (安部磯雄), and Shūsui Kōtoku (幸徳秋水).
box 1, folder 3

Letter from 孫文 to 小池張造 1915 March 14

Scope and Contents

In Japanese. Includes a note with a name "王統一".
box 1, folder 4

Newspaper, "平民" 1917 October, 1919 January

Scope and Contents

No. 13 and 19 of Heimin "平民", edited by Sen Katayama (片山潜).
box 1, folder 5

Report, "第二回報告" 1921 May

Scope and Contents

Reports on democracy for an academic society.
box 2, folder 1

Blacklist, "要視察要注意人名簿" by 総監官房高等課 1921 August

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 2, folder 2

Record, "大正八・九年当時仝十年度 近藤栄蔵 川崎悦行 浦田武雄 仲宗根源和 其同志 (初期近藤ノ所謂共産党事件) 出版法並治安警察法違反事件送致記録並ニ予審調書抜粋 写" 1919 - 1921

box 2, folder 3

Report, "大正十年度特別要視察人状勢調" by 特別高等係 1921

box 2, folder 4

Report, "日本共産党ノ成立ト其活動" circa 1923

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 2, folder 5

Examination record 1923 October 24 - 1924 May 20

Scope and Contents

Examination records of Pak Jun-sik (朴準植).
box 3, folder 1

Report, "大正十三年度 特別要視察人竝水平社情勢調" 1924 October

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "警視総監官房特別高等課印".
box 3, folder 2

Report, "北満ノ赤化状況ト労農ロシアノ現状" by 朝鮮軍司令部 1925

box 3, folder 3

Report, "右翼団体情勢" 1925 January

box 3, folder 4

Printed-material, "共産党に就いて スターリン著 'レーニズム'" by 極光社 1926 March

Scope and Contents

Japanese translation of Stalin's book "Leninism". Translated by 北岡忠.
box 3, folder 5

Report 1926 - 1928

Scope and Contents

Collection of reports on Japanese Communist Party. Includes information on "五色温泉会合".
box 3, folder 6

Printed-material published by "無産社" 1927 November

Scope and Contents

Includes "婦人問題の本質" by 堺利彦, and "新ロシアの婦人" by 近藤栄蔵.
box 3, folder 7

"マルクス主義第四十七号附録 コンミンテルンの日本問題に関する決議" by 志賀義雄 1928 March 1

box 3, folder 8

"欧一機密合第八三五号" from 外務次官 出渕勝次 to 司法次官 小原直 1928 April 20

Scope and Contents

From the cover: printed "秘 (secret)".
box 3, folder 9

Statement, "声明書" by 新党組織準備会 1928 April 26

Scope and Contents

Statement on organizing a new communism party.
box 3, folder 10

"本紙ハ十一月上旬郵送越アリタルモノト同一内容ノモノニシテ最近又表装ヲ変ヘ国内ニ送付セラレタルモノナリ". Includes "大衆的反戦闘争の為に--労働者農民の任務" by Asai Kaname (浅井要).

Scope and Contents

Communists' statements against dispatch of troops to China.
box 3, folder 11

Table, "捜索押収一覧表" by 東京地方裁判所検事局 1928 May 1

box 3, folder 12

Bill, "全極東被圧迫青年は反軍国主義の為に戦へ!!" by 極東被圧迫青年及軍国主義同盟準備会 1928 May 25

box 3, folder 13

Bill, "対支出兵反対の大衆的運動ヲ起せ" by 対支非干渉大阪地方同盟

box 3, folder 14

Report by 大阪府知事 1928 May 24 - 1928 June 11

Scope and Contents

Includes "支那出兵ニ関シ不穏宣伝ビラ取締ノ件" by 大阪府知事 田辺治通, and "日本共産党残党員ノ再興運動情勢ニ関スル件" by 大阪府知事.
box 3, folder 15

Report, "水平社ノ成立ト初期ノ運動" 1924 March, 1928 September

Scope and Contents

Includes collection of "極秘 (top secret)" documents "水平社員ノ不穏行動要旨" by 警保局保安課.
box 4, folder 1

Reports, "共産党事件諸資料" 1928

Scope and Contents

Twenty-one miscelleneous reports regarding communist party and communism such as "日本共産党事件ノ概要" by 司法省, "思想及労働問題研究ニ関スル参考書" by 東京地方裁判所, "マルクス弁証法私見" by 岩田義道, "LENIN UND DER LENINISMUS" by 北島忠, "捜索押収一覧表" by 東京地方裁判所検事局, "COMMUNIST INTERNATIONAL" translated by 太田, "P. K. 創立大会前ニ於ケル中央委員会表 (佐野文夫供述)", "マルクス主義研究コース (曽田英宗供述)".
box 4, folder 2

Reports, "昭和参年 国会府会選挙資料" by 日本労農党豊島南部支部 1928

Scope and Contents

Miscelleneous reports, guidelines, written instructions, regarding election campaign by Japan Labour-Farmer Party.
box 4, folder 3

Report, "赤色戦士同盟ノ結成 前田一盛調書" 1929

box 4, folder 4

Printed material, "左翼労働組合の行動綱領 経済闘争と政治闘争との結合" by 無産者新聞社 1929 February

Scope and Contents

From the cover: printed "プロレタリアパンフレット〔1〕".
box 4, folder 5

Notes, "共産党員ノ感想録" 1929 May 21 -1930 March 16

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)". Five notes written by communists, "河合悦三", "水野成夫", " 豊田直", "小宮義孝" and "原田耕".
box 4, folder 6

Report, "農民労働党解散後の(新党組織準備会政情的自由獲得同盟等引続解散命令後に於ける)新労農党結成準備過程の内情" 1929 August 9 - 1929 September 29

Scope and Contents

Confidential reports "特高秘" by "警視総監 丸山鶴吉".
box 5, folder 1

Reports, "参考諸調査 (共産于係) (六)" circa 1924 - 1929

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)", "特高係", written "永久保存", "原本". Twelve miscelleneous reports, wrriten instructions, regarding communist international,communism, "reddening (赤化)" propaganda, "革命闘士国際援助協会", "労農同盟".
box 5, folder 2

Report, "社会主義 共産主義係 無産階級代表各政党 昭和五年一月現況" 1930 January

Scope and Contents

From the cover: written "福田". Includes "無産政党本 (支) 部 (分会) 状況調査表" by 警視庁特別高等課, "全国労農青年同盟ノ状勢", "昭和三年二月総選挙以後ニ於ケル無産政党運動ノ概況".
box 6, folder 1

Transcript, "徳田球一外三十六名治安維持法違反被告事件 予審終結決定書写" by 東京地方裁判所 1930 April

box 6, folder 2

Report, "治安維持法違反被告事件 杉浦啓一予審調書補足上申書" 1930 June - 1930 September

Scope and Contents

From the cover: printed "東京地方裁判所第二刑事部", "法律事務所".
box 6, folder 3

Miscelleneous transcripts, regarding comunist activities. 1930 November

Scope and Contents

Includes wtitten instructions, manifestoes such as "××制廃止に対する日本共産党の革命的任務の一節-一九二九年九月指令-共産党中央委員会", "総選挙に於ける闘争方針指令" by 日本共産党青年同学中央員会, "日本水兵及機関兵諸君に檄す" by アメリカ共産党日本人部 日本共産党中央委員会.
box 6, folder 4

Reports, lists of names, "社会運動現況 無産政党本支部略名簿" circa 1930

Scope and Contents

Includes "我国社会運動の現況","無産政党綱領に関する報告 (一)" by政治研究会調査委員会, "無産政党略名簿" by 警視庁.
box 6, folder 5

Report, "無産政党に関する正統派並労農派の見解に関する資料" by 東京検事局思想部集録 1931 January 2

box 7, folder 1

Report, "東京地方裁判所第二刑事部 治安維持法違反被告事件 佐野学予審調書補足上申書" by 法律事務所 1931 February 23

Scope and Contents

Includes "上申書 (觧党派ニツイテ)".
box 7, folder 2

Report, "治安維持法違反被告事件 鍋山貞親予審訊問調書 自第二十五回至第四十三回" 1930 October 6 - 1931 April 13

box 8, folder 1-6

Shorthand notes, "日本共産党公判闘争代表陳述速記録", "日本共産党事件公判速記録" 1931 July 11 - 1931 September 26

Scope and Contents

Includes statements by Sano Manabu (佐野学), Nabeyama Sadachika (鍋山貞親), Ichikawa Syoichi (市川正一), Takahashi Sadaki (高橋貞樹), Tokuda Kyuichi (徳田球一), Mitamura Shiro (三田村四郎).
box 9, folder 1

Printed material, "組織活動のA.B.C 活動家のための手引書" by A.ベーウエル 1932 July 1

Scope and Contents

Includes "国際共産党活動(international communist activity)", "組織活動(organization activity)" by A.ベーウエル, published by "希望閣".
box 9, folder 2

Chronological table, "社会運動関係年代表" by 東京地方裁判所検事局思想部 1932 June

Scope and Contents

Includes "社会主義運動(communist activism)", "年表(Chronological Table)", "1871~1932".
box 9, folder 3

Glossary table, "左傾運動並びに思想関係主要用語略解表 五十音順" by 文部省学生部 1932 June

Scope and Contents

Includes "左傾運動" "左翼思想(leftism ideology)", "用語解説(glossary table)".
box 9, folder 4

Printed material, "日本共産党史" by 日本共産党中央委員会アジプロ部 1932 July 10

Scope and Contents

Inculdes "日本共産党の歴史(history of Japanise communist party)", "コミンテルン(Comintern)".
box 9, folder 5

Draft Paper, "1932年10月30日アタミ大会 党規約草案 " 1932 October 30

Scope and Contents

Inculdes "共産党規約草案(draft of communist party protocol)", "1932年10月熱海大会(Atami Conference on October 1932)".
box 9, folder 6

Report, "日本共産党特別資金局 ギャング担当責任者 今泉善一調書" 1932 October 10

Scope and Contents

Includes "今泉善一(Imaizumi Zenichi)", "共産党活動(communist activity)", "調書(record of prociding)".
box 9, folder 7

Examination record, "日本共産党特別資金局所属 大森第百銀行ギャング事件担当者 中村経一調書" 1932 November 27

Scope and Contents

Includes "大森銀行ギャング事件(Oomori Bank gangstar incident)", "共産党活動(communist activity)", "調書(Examination record)".
box 9, folder 8

Examination record, "日本共産党新興教育同盟" by 東京地方裁判所検事局思想部検事中村義郎 1932 November

Scope and Contents

Includes "新興教育同盟", "左派運動(leftism movement)", "左派教育(leftism education)", "調書(Examination record)".
box 10, folder 1

Miscellaneous documents 1928 - 1932

Scope and Contents

Documents on communists and Communist Party in Japan. Includes illustrations of communist organizations.
box 10, folder 2

Report, "台湾ニ於ケル社会主義思想運動ノ概況" by 高等法院検察局思想部 1933 April

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 10, folder 3

Report, "高等外事警察報 第三号" by 警務局保安課 1933 June

Scope and Contents

Includes "日本共産党の話". From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)".
box 10, folder 4

Report, "日本赤色救援会 日本労農弁護士団検挙" 1933 September 13 - 1934 April 13

Scope and Contents

Includes "特高秘第四二六二号" from 警視総監藤沼庄平 to 内務大臣山本達雄, 司法大臣小山松吉, 各庁府県長官, and 管下各警察署長, and "特思秘甲第一四八八号 from 北海道庁長官佐上信一 to 内務大臣男爵山本達雄, 警視総監, 札幌控訴院検事長, and 函館地方裁判所検事正. From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)".
box 10, folder 5

"外郭団体研究資料" by 高等法院検察局思想部 1933 October

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 10, folder 6

"国際共産党綱領、日本共産党テーゼ研究資料" by 高等法院検察局思想部 1933 October

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 10, folder 7

"文化団体の再編成か新規提唱か 其他数編" by 加藤勘十 1935 November - 1936 July

Scope and Contents

Includes "反ファッショの基礎の上に", "飽くまで平和政策を", "政治的自由のために", "暗黒政治への逆転に抗して", and "思想犯の自由拘束に反対す". From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 10, folder 8

"日本無政府共産党一斉検挙" 1935 December 28

Scope and Contents

Includes "特高秘第六四六四号" from 警視総監小栗一雄 (特別高等警察部長安倍源基) to 内務大臣後藤文夫, 司法大臣小原直, 各庁府県長官, and 管下各警察署長.
box 10, folder 9

Record, "反乱事件関係者記録" by 矢野 1936 February 26

Scope and Contents

Record of people concerned with the February 26 Incident (二・二六事件).
box 11, folder 1

Reports, "反乱事件記録" edited by 矢野豊次郎 1936 February 26

Scope and Contents

Includes documents by 北一輝, 北輝次郎, confidential reports titled "特高秘", documents regarding "二・二六事件" and "五・一五事件".
box 11, folder 2

Reports, "日本無政府共産党結成ト其検挙 同議事録並全国組織網" 1935 - 1936

Scope and Contents

Includes "植村諦聞ノ証拠品", "日本無政府共産党中央委員候補者伊藤悦太郎所持品写", "日本無政府共産党関東地方委員会状況", confidential reports titled "特高秘".
box 11, folder 3

"アナーキストノ性格ト思想 解放文化連盟ノ活動ト党ノ工作 アナキズムノ現状ト将来性ニ就キ"

Scope and Contents

From the cover: written "岡本保太郎手記" (Note written by Okamoto Yasutaro).
box 11, folder 4

Note, "日本無政府共産党 尾村幸三郎手記" by Omura Kosaburo (尾村幸三郎) 1936 February 13

Scope and Contents

Regarding his background, career, family, thought, activities as a communist.
box 11, folder 5

Note, "無政府主義者大場正史手記" by Oba Masafumi (大場正史) 1936 February 14

Scope and Contents

Regarding his background, career, family, thought, activities as a communist.
box 11, folder 6

Record of Uemura Taimon (植村諦聞), "植村諦聞聴書 日本無政府共産党中央委員" 1936 February 21

Scope and Contents

Regarding his background, career, family, thought, activities as a communist.
box 12, folder 1

Newspaper, "大眼目" 1936 February 25

Scope and Contents

Regarding "相澤中佐公判記録", "東京赤坂第一師団軍法会議法廷".
box 12, folder 2

Letter, "from 高野実"; Report, "反乱前後の模様" 1936 March

Scope and Contents

Regarding "the February 26 Incident (二・二六事件)", "高野実(Takano Minoru)".
box 12, folder 3

Examination record, "労農無産協議会結成 各被告の控訴事実" by 警視総監石田馨 1936 May 5

Scope and Contents

Regrading "労働無産協議会(Roudou Musan Kyougikai)", "共産主義活動(communism movement)".
box 12, folder 4

Report, "弁証法及び唯物論研究会員変名調" by 東京地方裁判所検事局 1937 March 9

Scope and Contents

Regarding "弁証法(dialectic)", "唯物論研究会員名簿(name list of reseacher studying materialism)", "変名調(pen name list)".
box 12, folder 5

Documents by military 1936 March 1

Scope and Contents

Includes "軍事に関する意見書" by 村中大尉・磯部主計, "第二、軍事に関する意見書" by 村中大尉, "軍事問題の敬意 統制派の文書", "軍閥、重臣閥の大逆不逞".
box 12, folder 6

"日本共産党再建母体 日本政治経済研究所の検学状況" circa 1936

Scope and Contents

Regrading "日本政治経済研究所", "日本共産党再建母体".
box 12, folder 7

"昭和皇道大維新綱領書 原本" by 1937 October 24

Scope and Contents

Regrading "昭和皇道大維新", "昭和皇道大維新綱領".
box 13, folder 1

Report, "コミンテルン新方針の我国に於ける反映状況 (コミンテルンの我国に対する策動状況 其の二)" by 警保局保安課 1937 October

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)" and written "矢野 (Yano)".
box 13, folder 2

"日本無産党 労農派グループ コンミンテルン資料" 1931 - 1937

Scope and Contents

Includes "日本無産党ノ概要 (改訂版)" by 特高第一課, "労農派に就て" by 警視庁特高第一課, and a note entitled "五月会、次元関係者手記".
box 14, folder 1

"無産運動資料 復本綴其二" by 高木 1930s

Scope and Contents

Collection of documents on proletarianism. From the cover: name "矢野 (Yano)" strokethrough. Includes "日本無産党ノ北支事変ニ対スル態度ニ関スル件" stamped "極秘 (top secret)", and two photographs of drawing.
box 14, folder 2

"労農派" by 矢野 1930 - 1936

Scope and Contents

Collection of documents on communists. Includes "労農派に就て" and "日本無産党に就て" by 警視庁特高第一課
box 14, folder 3

"赤色弁護士団ノ結成参考資料等" 1930s

Scope and Contents

Collection of documents on the group of communist lawyers.
box 15, folder 1

Note, "二、二六事件関係 杉田省吾手記" by Sugita Shogo (杉田省吾) 1936 May 24

Scope and Contents

Regarding his background, career, family, thought, activities, opinion on the current state of affairs
box 15, folder 2

Record of Abe Isamu (阿部勇), "労農派法政大学経済学部阿部勇" 1938 March 12

Scope and Contents

Regarding his background, career, family, thought, activities as a communist.
box 16, folder 1

Note, "日ソ一般情勢に関する所見" by 長谷部照悟 1938 April 23

Scope and Contents

Includes "対ソ認識(perception on Soviet Union)", "対ソ工作( maneuvering towards Soviet Union)".
box 16, folder 2

Printed material, "日本主義革新運動の理論" 1937 May 8

Scope and Contents

Incldues "国体研究(國体研究)", "日本主義", "革新", "思想・文学・政治・労働・農民運動". Published by "青年懇談会出版部".
box 16, folder 3

Document, "労農派理論化 東大助教授 大森義太郎" by 矢野豊次郎 1938 March 15

Scope and Contents

Includes "口述記録(record of oral dictation)", "大森義太郎の思想・活動"
box 17, folder 1

Report without a title by 内務省警察局保安課第二係 Niwa (丹羽) 1938 August 23

Scope and Contents

Regarding Japanese right wing groups such as 老壮会, 猶存社, 天剣党, 王師会 and militalist rebellions such as 十月事件, 三月事件.
box 17, folder 2

Confidential report, "米国加州地方邦人共産主義者ニ関スル件" by 内務省警保局長 1938 August 31

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)". Regarding Japanese communists in California.
box 17, folder 3

"昭和維新綱領書 昭和維新方略 写" 1938 September 01

Scope and Contents

Regarding Showa restoration (昭和維新).
box 17, folder 4

Report, "在米共産党員よりの日本向発送宣伝文章" by Sergeant Asada (朝田軍曹) 1938 December 29

Scope and Contents

"本紙ハ十一月上旬郵送越アリタルモノト同一内容ノモノニシテ最近又表装ヲ変ヘ国内ニ送付セラレタルモノナリ". Includes "大衆的反戦闘争の為に--労働者農民の任務" by Asai Kaname (浅井要).
box 17, folder 5

Report, "日本共産党よりコミンテルン宛て一九三八年度上半期報告の全文 反ソ連被監禁者の談話 (北樺鉱業 相見富次)" 1938 December 5

Scope and Contents

Includes "日本共産党ノ「コミンテルン」ニ宛テタル一九三八年度上半期報告ノ全訳及其ノ要旨", "日本共産党ノ活動並ニ現状ニ関スル概報", confidential document titled "ソ連被監禁者ノ言動ニ関スル件" by 警視総監 Abe Genki (安倍源基).
box 17, folder 6

Report, "教授グループの公訴事実 大森義太郎 向坂逸郎 有沢広巳 阿部勇" by 警視総監 Abe Genki (安倍源基) 1938 October 1

Scope and Contents

Regarding professors arrested for Peace Preservation Act (1925) such as Omori Yoshitaro (大森義太郎), Sakisaka Itsuro (向坂逸郎), Arisawa Hiromi (有沢広巳), Abe Isamu (阿部勇).
box 17, folder 7

Miscellaneous documents 1938

Scope and Contents

Includes "モップル検挙過程", "日本プロレタリア科学同盟ノ組織構成ト本年一月以降検挙取調表", "ソ連被監禁者ノ言動ニ関スル件" by Abe Genki (安倍源基).
box 18, folder 1

"山川均手記" by 特高第一課 1938 August 30

Scope and Contents

Authored by a Japanese socialist intellectual Hitoshi Yamakawa (山川均) in Higashichofu police station (東調布警察署). Includes "思想推移の過程", "社会主義に対する認識", and "運動経歴".
box 19, folder 1

"労農グループ員ノ陳述経過表 特高打合会資料" by 特高第一課 circa 1936

Scope and Contents

Includes "労農グループノ現状其他ニ対スル陳述要旨". From the cover: stamped "矢野 (Yano)".
box 19, folder 2

"大内兵衛被疑事実" circa 1937

Scope and Contents

Alleged facts of a Japanese Marxian economist Hyoue Ouchi (大内兵衛)
box 19, folder 3

"日本無産党並労農派関係者ノ公訴事実" from 警視総監萱場軍蔵 to 内務大臣木戸幸一 and 各庁府県長官 1939 January 22

Scope and Contents

Charged facts of Hitoshi Yamakawa (山川均), Kodo Ito (伊藤好道), Kanju Kato (加藤勘十), Morikuni Yoshikawa (吉川守国), Hisao Kuroda (黒田寿男), Seizo Sasaki (佐々木瀞三), Soji Okada (岡田宗司), Suekichi Aono (青野季吉), Junzo Inamura (稲村順三), 山花秀雄.
box 19, folder 4

"日本共産党概史" by 特高第一課 1939 April

Scope and Contents

From the cover: stamped "矢野 (Yano)".
box 19, folder 5

Report, "重要情報 第一号" 1941 January 29

Scope and Contents

Report on reformist groups in Japan and confrontation in Japanese army. From the cover: stamped "極秘 (top secret)".
box 19, folder 6

Printed-material, "日本フアシスト軍部反対 東洋民族大会" by 東洋民族フアシスト連盟 1942 February

Scope and Contents

Published by 在華日本人反戦同盟延安支部出版部.
box 19, folder 7

Printed-material, "華北日本人反戦団体 代表者第一回大会 決議集 (全)" 1942 August

Scope and Contents

Published by 在華日本人反戦同盟華北連合会 in Yan'an (延安).
box 19, folder 8

Report, "五・一五事件関係者上申書" by 弁護人一同 1930s

box 19, folder 9

"猪俣津南雄 '日本無産階級の一般戦略'" by 東京刑事地方裁判所検事局 思想部 undated

Scope and Contents

Copy of "日本無産階級の一般戦略" authored by Tsunao Inomata (猪俣津南雄) in 1927. From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 19, folder 10

"'日本無産階級の戦略論史' 伊藤好道'" by 東京刑事地方裁判所検事局 思想部 undated

Scope and Contents

Copy of "日本無産階級の戦略論史" authored by Kodo Ito (伊藤好道) in 1930. From the cover: stamped "秘 (secret)".
box 19, folder 11

List, "身分関係目録" 1920s

Scope and Contents

Detailed list of socialists in Japan.
box 19, folder 12

Report, "コップ潰滅後ノ状況" undated

Scope and Contents

Report on KOPF (Federacio de Proletaj Kultur Organizoj Japanaj).
box 20, folder 1

Document, "被告人瀧澤一郎上申書日本赤色救援会史" by 東京刑事地方裁判所検事局思想部 1935 December 9

Scope and Contents

Regarding "日本赤色救援会". Includes "解放運動犠牲者救援会", "共産主義運動", "モップル"
box 20, folder 2

Documents, "高麗共産党 共産読本" transrated by 平安南道警察部高等警察 1921-1930

Scope and Contents

Includes "土地問題(land problem)", "共産党(communist party)", "高麗共産党", "カーレキ". stamped "秘 (secret)", and four documents included.
box 20, folder 3

Reports, "青年急進将校を中心とする陰謀事件に関する特別資料 天剣党事件より11月事件に至る諸事件の概要とそれをめぐる軍内暗流" by 日本政治経済調査所 circa 1934

Scope and Contents

Includes "国家改造運動", "青年将校" , "5・15事件(the May 15 Incident)", "11・17事件(the November 17 incident)". stamped "特秘 (special secret)" on the cover.
box 20, folder 4

Reports, "水平社の運動実況概要" by 矢野豊次郎 1920s-130s

Scope and Contents

Regarding "水平社運動", includes "水平社内部の組織体制・思想状況", "警察取締状況" and other documents Yano Previously wrote.
box 20, folder 5

Document, "赤露より極秘命令書" 1926-1930

Scope and Contents

Includes "赤露共産党", "クビヤーク". stamped "極秘 (top secret)" on the cover.
box 20, folder 6

Letter, "from 山田盛太郎" undated

Scope and Contents

Includes "封建制講座", "山田盛太郎".
box 20, folder 7

Document, "過激思想の研究" 1920s-1930s

Scope and Contents

Includes "共産主義(communism)", "婦人共有制", "家族制度の破壊", "物資本位の経済観", "民族財産及宗教", "労働者の世界的結合".
box 20, folder 8

Chronological tables, "日本アナーキズム運動年表" by 警視庁特攻第一課 circa 1932

Scope and Contents

Regarding "日本のアナーキズム(Japanese anarchism). Includes "全国労働組合自由連合会史", "朝鮮黒友連盟小史".