The Sacramento Fire Department records document the department's management and operations from 1876 to 2006. The records
are representative of the day-to-day functions carried out by the fire department while playing a role in Sacramento's expansion
in the mid-20th century. They include administrative and personnel documents, station records, logbooks and incident reports,
emergency and hazmat planning records, city planning documents, technical reports, equipment records, records related to the
Central Alarm Station, and alarm diagrams.
In 18762, the California State legislature enacted legislation creating a paid fire department in the City of Sacramento.
On October 1 of that year, the newly created fire department replaced the volunteer fire departments that had existed since
1850. Beginning with two steam engines and one ladder truck, the Sacramento Fire Department (SFD) has grown to its present-day
complement of thirty engines and ten trucks. This expansion reflects the increase in the city's size and population during
the SFD's existence.
57.39 Linear Feet
(62 boxes, maps and drawings in map case)
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No permission is necessary to publish or quote from public records.
The collection is open for research.