This collection consists of original cartoons, book
proposals, and manuscripts of American cartoonist, columnist, and author Ted Rall
(born 1963), dating from 1979 to 1998 (the drawings/cartoons date from 1979 to 1996). The correspondence deals with Rall's
and business matters, including letters to and from his fans.
Ted Rall (born 1963) is a syndicated editorial cartoonist, columnist, and author. His
cartoons are distributed domestically and appear in daily newspapers across the
United States. Although best known for his cartoons portraying Generation X-ers,
Rall also draws cartoons relating to politics, current events, the working world,
and dating. He is the author of several books, including Waking Up In America, a collection of cartoons, and Revenge of the Latchkey Kids, a collection of cartoons
and essays.
1,382 pieces + ephemera in 65
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