The collection consists of Cussen's personal scrapbook pages, books and photographs pertaining to the commercial aeronautic
industry from the 1930s to the 1950s, and a collection of World War I and World War II war effort posters and maps. George
Cussen worked the Santa Fe Railway for eight years before a brief stint at Maddux Air Lines in 1929. From 1932 to 1940, he
worked for Transcontinental and Western Airlines as a traffic manager, alternating between Los Angeles and San Francisco operations.
During the 1940s, he worked for American Airlines, was the operations officer for the 302nd Transportation wing during WWII,
and was appointed the Director of Traffic for TACA Airways' American and Carribbean region in 1946. Throughout the 1950s,
he was the vice president and head sales executive for the Flying Tiger Line.
After leaving law school in the 1920s, George Cussen worked in the transportation industry for the next several decades. He
worked for the Santa Fe Railway for eight years before a brief stint at Maddux Air Lines in 1929. From 1932 to 1940, he worked
for Transcontinental and Western Airlines as a traffic manager, alternating between Los Angeles and San Francisco operations.
During the 1940s, he worked for American Airlines, was the operations officer for the 302nd Transportation wing during WWII,
and was appointed the Director of Traffic for TACA Airways' American and Caribbean region in 1946. Throughout the 1950s, he
was the vice president and head sales executive for the Flying Tiger Line.
7.54 Linear Feet
5 boxes
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