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Correspondence, Series I. 1900-1962, undated

Physical Description: 1.6 Linear Feet (4 Boxes)

Scope and Contents

Series I comprises files of correspondence, generally between Portuguese artists, caricaturists, writers, journalists, politicians, intellectuals and Valença. Letters are typically handwritten and may include typewritten poems or personal documents. Although there is a large range of people who contacted Valença there are only a small number of letters from each correspondent. Taken as a whole the series offers a great overview of the artist's network in times of political changes and press censorship. Among the highlights of this series are the files with correspondence of Manuel Aníbal da Costa Monterroso, Tomás Júlio Leal da Câmara and Artur Ernesto Santa Cruz de Magalhães and Valença.


Materials are arranged in alphabetical order by the correspondent's last name or institution. Assorted materials are filed at the end.
box 1, folder 1

Aboim, Raúl de, 1926

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer, poet, journalist (1882-1940). The folder contains one handwritten letter and one handwritten postcard.
box 2, folder 4

Aldemeira, Luís Varela, 1931-1947

Scope and Contents note

Portuguese painter, designer, watercolourist, author and professor of art (1895-1974). The folder contains four handwritten letters, one post card, one handwritten letter on Câmara Municipal de Lisboa letterhead, one postcard on Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes letterhead.
box 2, folder 5

Almeida, José António de, 1909

Scope and Contents

Portuguese Republican politican, founder and director of the newspaper Alma Nacional: Revista Republicana (1866-1929). The folder contains one handwritten letter, one postcard on Alma Nacional letterhead, business cards.
box 1, folder 1

Amaral, João Eloy Ferreira do, 1950

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, caricaturist and professor of art (1874-1955). The folder contains two handwritten letters and one business card.
box 2, folder 1

Andrade Soares, Aníbal da, 1909-1921

Scope and Contents

Portuguese lawyer, politician, writer and journalist (1882-1925). The folder contains sixteen handwritten letters and five handwritten notes, among those some on Diário de Notícias letterhead.
box 1, folder 1

Aires de Gouvêa, Alberto Rodrigues, undated

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter (1867-1941). The folder contains two blueprint letters that focus on mutual acknowledgement of the exhibition at the Sociedade Nactional de Belas Artes.
box 1, folder 1

Araujo, Antonio da, 1946-1950

Scope and Contents

Of. Da Ord. Mil. de Chr. The folder contains three handwritten letters and one business card.
box 1, folder 1

Bergström, Magnus, 1937

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three handwritten letters on Emprêsa Nacional de Publicidade S.A.R.L. letterhead.
box 2, folder 2

Bettencourt, Rebelo de, 1922-1948 1930

Scope and Contents

Portuguese poet, journalist, literary critic (1894-1969). The folder contains 13 handwritten postcards and three handwritten letters.
box 2, folder 6

Blasco, Mercedes, 1905-1940

Scope and Contents

Portuguese actress (1870-1961). The folder contains three handwritten postcards and one handwritten letter dealing with the caricatures for the books Musa Hystérica (1908) and Memórias de una actriz (1908) by Mercedes Blasco.
box 1, folder 1

Botelho, Carlos, undated

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, illustrator and caricaturist (1899-1982). The folder contains two handwritten letters, one of them written on Renascença Gráfica letterhead.
box 2, folder 3

Bordallo Pinheiro, Pedro, 1921-1933

Scope and Contents

Colleague of Valença at Sempre Fixe. The folder contains 13 handwritten letters, eight of them are written on letter paper of Diário de Notícias and one business card.
box 2, folder 7

Brun, André Francisco, 1900-1925

Scope and Contents

Portuguese humorous writer, commissioned officer and co-publisher of O Chinelo (1881-1926). The folder contains 14 handwritten letters with sketches on verso, one postcard and business cards. The correspondence includes an invitation to meet Grupo de Amigos de Andre Brun in 1917. Names on the guest list were: Dr. Antonio Macieira, Tenente Coronel Eduardo de Almeida, Eduardo Schwalbach, Paulo Pompei, Ohaby Pinheiro, Pereira Coelho, Francisco Valença.
box 1, folder 1

Caixa de Previdência, 1930-1945

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four typed letters dealing with a contribution to the exhibition organized by the Caixa de Previdência da Imprensa de Lisboa in 1930, 1932 and 1945 as well as a request for the design of an ex-libris of the Caixa de Previdência da Imprensa de Lisboa in March of 1933.
box 3, folder 20

Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, 1930

Scope and Contents

The folder contains five typed letters, two handwritten letters and three handwritten postcards. Among those letters signed by Daniel Rodrigues de Sousa and Luís Pastor de Macedo.
box 1, folder 1

Cândido, Alfredo, 1929-1947

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter and caricaturist (1879-1960). The folder contains one business card and four handwritten letters, among those three are written on Amigos-Defensôres do Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro letterhead.
box 1, folder 1

Cardozo, Mário, 1947-1948

Scope and Contents

Portuguese officer, writer and archaeologist (1898-1982). The folder contains three handwritten letters on Sociedade Martins Sarmento Guimarãs letterhead and one typed letter.
box 1, folder 1

Carneiro, António Teixeira, 1933

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, designer, illustrator, poet and professor of art (1872-1930). The folder contains one handwritten letter on Fama: Revista semanal de actualidades internacionais letterhead.
box 1, folder 1

Casa do Distrito do Porto, 1946

Scope and Contents

The folder contains six typed letters signed by M. Vaz Ferreira of the Casa do Distrito do Porto: Instituiçao Regionalista, Cultural e de Solidariedade. The letters deal with the preparation of an homage to Américo Amarelhe exhibited at the Sala dos Caricaturistas as well as with the publication of works by Almarelhe in Sempre Fixe. Moreover, there are details on the aquisition of caricatures by Alexandre Azevedo, Carlos Leal, Estevão Amarante, Adelina Fernandes and Américo Amarelhe and Francisco Valença.
box 2, folder 8

Castro Sampaio Corte-Real, Augusto de, 1919-1930

Scope and Contents

Portuguese lawyer, diplomat, politician and director of the newspaper Diário de Notícias during the years between 1919 and 1924. The folder contains two handwritten letters on Diário de Notícias letterhead and two handwritten letters on Legação de Portugal letterhead.
box 1, folder 1

Chagas, João, 1909

Scope and Contents

Portuguese journalist and politician, author of Cartas Politicas (1863-1925). The folder contains four handwritten letters, three notes and one business card.
box 1, folder 1

Chaves, Luís, 1933-1938

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer. The folder contains four typed and handwritten letters, among those one on Museu Etnologico do Dr. Leite de Vasconcellos letterhead and one typed manuscript titled Quem é? Quem é? by Luis Chaves.
box 1, folder 1

Cócoras, Paulo de, 1928

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter and one manuscript.
box 1, folder 3

Comissariado Geral do Governo na Exposição Internacional do Rio de Janeiro, 1923

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one typed letter and one receipt of works by different artists.
box 1, folder 1

Conceiçao e Silva, João, 1910-1913

Scope and Contents

Portuguese doctor. The folder contains three handwritten letters and notes on business cards.
box 1, folder 4-8

Costa Monterroso, Manuel Aníbal da, 1910-1961 1945

Scope and Contents

Portuguese caricaturist, watercolourist, doctor and professor at the Escola de Belas Artes in Lisbon (1860-1968). The folders comprise one letter from 1910, two letters from 1915, circa 15 letters and postcards between 1941 and 1944 including caricatures, circa 40 letters and postcards from 1945 including caricatures, circa 25 letters and postcards between 1946 and 1949 including caricatures, circa 40 letters and postcards between 1951 and 1961 including coloured caricatures and five letters undated.
box 2, folder 9

Cunha, Augusto, 1930-1934

Scope and Contents

Portuguese lawyer and writer. The folder contains two handwritten letters, one written on O Mundo letterhead.
box 1, folder 1

Dantas, Júlio, 1934-1950

Scope and Contents

Portuguese poet, journalist, writer, politician, doctor and president of the Academie das Ciências de Lisboa (1876-1962).
box 3, folder 19

Diário de Notícias, 1921

Scope and Contents

The folder contains the correspondence of various people who worked at the newspaper. The folder contains two handwritten letters and two notes possibly by José Rangel de Lima, two handwritten letters and one note possibly by P. Coelho with a sketch on the verso, five handwritten letters and five notes from an unknown sender, business card of Armanda Boaventura and one note from Norberto Lopes.
box 2, folder 10

Domingues Heleno, Manuel, 1921-1944

Scope and Contents

Director of the Museu Etnológico do Dr. Leite Vasconcelos, Instituto Português de Arqueologia, História e Etnografia and professor at University of Lisbon. The folder contains 26 handwritten letters. Among those there are nine on Museu Etnológico do Dr. Leite de Vasconellos letterhead and ten handwritten postcards.
box 1, folder 1

Dos Santos, Reynaldo, 1944

Scope and Contents

Portuguese doctor, co-founder and president of the Academia Nacional ed Belas Artes (1880-1970). The folder contains one typed thank you letter for a caricature by Francisco Valença.
box 1, folder 1

Duarte, João Baptista, 1926-1942

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters, two handwritten postcards and one note on a business card.
box 1, folder 1

Duarte Gomes Leal, António, 1909

Scope and Contents

Portuguese poet and literary critic (1848-1921). The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 2

Eira, João da, 1928

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one typed manuscript titled Opiniões sobre o 'Raid' by João da Eira, dated February 28, 1928.
box 1, folder 2

Emygdio de Carvalho, Raul, 1942

Scope and Contents

Portuguese lawyer. The folder contains one typed letter dealing with a conferencia humoristica no Club Militar Naval and the Escola de Caixas.
box 1, folder 2

Federação dos Amigos da Escola Primera, 1923

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three typed letters including a request for illustrations of the reprint of the statues by the Federação dos Amigos da Escola Primera with sketches on the verso.
box 2, folder 11

Fernandes, Joaquim Agostinho, 1928-1953

Scope and Contents

Portuguese entrepreneur, collector of art and books, supporter of the Museu José Malhôa. The folder contains five handwritten letters, three handwritten postcards, one business card, three manuscripts and one typed review on Francisco Valença dated 1928.
box 2, folder 15

Ferrão, Julieta, 1920-1949

Scope and Contents

Conservator at the Câmara Municipal de Lisboa. The folder contains a typed list of artwork on loan to an exhibition for the occasion of the centenary of the poet Gomes Leal, 22 handwritten letters, six of them on Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro letterhead, nine on letter paper of Amigos-Defensôres do Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, one of them on Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, one business card and five postcards.
box 2, folder 12

Ferreira, Armando, 1936-1942

Scope and Contents

Portuguese engineer, humorous writer and journalist (1893-1968). The folder contains five handwritten postcards and four handwritten letters. Among those one with a sketch on the verso.
box 1, folder 2

Figueiredo, João Luis, 1926

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 2, folder 13

Fonseca Guedes, Pedro da, 1929-1954

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, watercolourist and friend of Valença (1874-1961). The folder contains one handwritten letter and four handwritten postcards, some on of Sociedade Nacional de Belas Arte letterhead.
box 2, folder 14

Forjaz Sampaio, Albino, undated

Container Summary:

Scope and Contents

Portuguese journalist, writer and historian (1884-1949). The folder contains one handwritten letter, one note and two handwritten postcards on Ministerio do Fomento, Bibliotéca e Arquivo Geral letterhead.
box 1, folder 2

Frazão de Vasconcellos, 1935

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 2

Gabinete Portugués de Leitura no Rio de Janeiro, 1923

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one typed letter dealing with the newspaper Varões Assinalados.
box 1, folder 2

Gomes Ribeiro, Aquilino, 1945, undated

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters and one business card.
box 2, folder 16

Hofacker de Moser, Eduardo, 1929

Scope and Contents

Consulate General of Liberia and Consulado de la Republica de Panamá. The folder contains two handwritten letters, one typed letter and one handwritten copy of a letter by Francico Valença referring to Maria Ludovina Pinheiro Magalhães offering the sale of works by Praia das Maçãs, Cabeça de Velha, Remalho, Alves de Sá, Christino, J. Vaz, Keil, Anunciação and Silva Porto.
box 1, folder 2

Inválidos do Comércio, 1936-1943

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three typed letters dealing with the caricature of Alexandre Ferreira, that was published in Sempre Fixe March 10, 1932. Includes letter with sketch on verso.
box 2, folder 18

Leal, Carlos, 1921-1949

Scope and Contents

Actor (1878-). The folder contains 11 handwritten postcards, two letters and three business cards.
box 2, folder 19

Leal da Câmara, Tomás Júlio, 1922-1947

Scope and Contents

Portuguese caricaturist, watercolourist, friend and colleague of Valença, member of Sociedade de Humoristas Portugueses (1876-1948). The folder contains 40 handwritten postcards and letters on Por Bem: Grupo dos Humoristas Portugueses letterhead, Rinchõa-Mercês: Iniciativas-Propaganda-Melhoramentos and Aldeia Portuguêza letterhead as well as business cards.
box 1, folder 1

Leal, Thomaz de'Eça, 1918-1954

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer (1876-). The folder contains three handwritten letters, among those on Jornal da Mulher letterhead, six handwritten postcards and one note on a business card.
box 2, folder 17

Leite de Vasconcellos Cardoso Pereira de Melo, José, 1915-1937

Scope and Contents

Writer, founder and director of the Portuguese National Museum of Archaeology (1858-1941). The folder contains 16 handwritten postcards, one note and one carbon copy of Epistola ao Dr. Hugo Shuchardt dated July 22, 1900.
box 1, folder 2

Lopes, Joaquim, 1940-1945

box 1, folder 2

Lucena, Armando de, 1944

Scope and Contents

Professor at the Escola de Belas Artes de Lisboa, writer for O Diário Nacional (1886-1975). The folder contains one handwritten letter expressing admiration for Valença`s caricatures.
box 1, folder 2

Machado, A. Victor, 1929-1935

Scope and Contents

Portuguese journalist, dramatic writer and translator. The folder contains three handwritten letters and one note referring to Sempre Fixe among others.
box 1, folder 2

Madureira, Joaquim, 1910-1942

Scope and Contents

Portuguese jurist, writer, journalist, art critic (1874-1954). Also known as Braz Burity or Burity. The folder contains one handwritten letter and four notes.
box 1, folder 2

Magalhães, Acácio Lino de, 1943-1947

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, sculptor, caricaturist and professor at Escola de Belas Artes de Pôrto (1878-1956). The folder contains two handwritten letters and one note on business card.
box 2, folder 21

Magalhães Godinho, Dr. (José?), 1914-1915

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four typed letters dealing with the newspaper Varões Assinalados, a book by Francisco Valença, and the Catálogo Cómico da Exposiçao da Sociedade Nacional das Belas Artes by Carlos Semões.
box 1, folder 2

Malhôa, José Vital Branco, 1911-1933

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter and member of Grupo do Leão (1855-1933). The folder contains one handwritten letter, one postcard, one business card and three handwritten poems dated 1926.
box 1, folder 2

Martins, Prof. Rui Fernandes, 1946-1947

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters.
box 2, folder 22

Marques Júnior, Henrique, 1916-1950

Scope and Contents

Portuguese publicist (1881-1953) and friend of Valença. The folder contains eight handwritten letters, among those one on O Journal do Comercio e das Colonias letterhead, nine postcards and one business card.
box 1, folder 2

Matos Sequeira, Gustavo de, 1919-1930

Scope and Contents

Portuguese politician, writer and journalist (1880-1962). The folder contains one handwritten letter on O Seculo letterhead, one handwritten postcard and one note on business card.
box 1, folder 2

Mattos, Jayme de, 1930-1932

Scope and Contents

Portuguese pharmacist. The folder contains five handwritten and typed letters regarding Mr. Plandiura and Dr. Bissaia Barreto and two handwritten postcards.
box 3, folder 1

May Totta, Alberto Antonio, 1919-1950

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three handwritten letter with sketches and one business card.
box 1, folder 2

Mayer Garçâo, Francisco, 1910-1913

Scope and Contents

Writer, editor of the newspaper O Mundo and correspondent to the Brasilian province Pará (1872-1930). The folder contains two handwritten letters on Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros letterhead and one business card of Mayer Carção.
box 2, folder 23

Meira, Alberto, 1913-1944

Scope and Contents

The folder contains 25 handwritten letters, five handwritten postcards, one business card.
box 2, folder 24

Melo Pimentel, Carlos de, 1920-1931

Scope and Contents

The folder contains seven handwritten postcards and seven handwritten letters on Governo Civil de Lisboa, Ministério da Instrução Pública, Ministério da Instrução Pública, O Mundo, Comissariado Geral do Governo na Exposição Internacional do Rio de Janeiro letterhead and one business card.
box 1, folder 2

Ministério do Interior Republica Portugueza, 1913-1932

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter and three handwritten notes.
box 1, folder 2

Ministério das Colónias 1936

Scope and Contents

The folder contains a typed letter signed by Julio Caiolla referring to the journal A Carantonha and the exhibition Exposição de Recordações de Mousinho in 1936.
box 1, folder 2

Monteiro, Mario, 1930-1931

Scope and Contents

Lawyer. The folder contains five handwritten letters and three notes on business cards.
box 3, folder 2

Moraes, Alfredo Janúario de, 1923-1938

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, cartoonist, lithographer at Imprensa Nacional, co-founder of the Sociedade Nacional de Belas Artes (1872-1971). The folder contains five handwritten postcards, three handwritten letters with an illustration on the verso and one business card.
box 1, folder 2

Moreira Fernandes, J., 1941

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 2

Museu Municipal Dr. Santos Rocha, 1947

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters and one typed letter on the Câmara Municipal da Figueira da Foz letterhead. The letters refer to the journal Eco Artistico and the national value of Portuguese art.
box 1, folder 2

Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, 1944

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one typed letter referring to a request by Francisco Valença.
box 3, folder 3

Museu Provincial de José Malhôa, 1950-1956

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four handwritten postcards and one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 2

Néves, Alvaro, 1921-1935

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three handwritten postcards and five handwritten letters, among those one letter written on Amigos-Defensôres do Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro letterpaper and one letter with biographical refrences.
box 3, folder 4

Nunes, Emmércio Hartwich Jacinto, 1925

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, watercolourist, illustrator, caricaturist and member of Sociedade de Humoristas Portugueses (1888-1968). The folder contains four handwritten postcards dealing with O Espectro and two handwritten letters.
box 3, folder 22

O Commercio do Porto, 1912-1924

Scope and Contents

The folder contains eight typed postcards and 19 typed letters with some sketches on the verso.
box 3, folder 23

O Mundo: Jornal Republicano da Manhã, 1904-1921

Scope and Contents

The folder contains nine handwritten and typed letters and one note.
box 1, folder 3

Ortigão de Oliveira, Alberto, 1946-1947

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters.
box 3, folder 24

O Século: O Jornal de Maior Circulaçao, 1920-1942

Scope and Contents

The folder contains 12 typed and handwritten letters.
box 1, folder 3

Osório de Oliveira, José, 1936

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer, poet and literary critic (1900-1964). The folder contains two handwritten letters dealing with the book Romance de Garrett by José Osório de Oliveira as well as the newspaper Sempre Fixe and Diário de Libra.
box 1, folder 3

Perdigão, Henrique, 1926

Scope and Contents

Portuguese editor and writer (1888-1944). The folder contains two handwritten letters.
box 3, folder 17

Perdigão, L. P., 1929-1932

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four handwritten letters.
box 1, folder 3

Pereira, José, 1924-1926

Scope and Contents

Portuguese sculptor and professor at Escola Industrial Afonso Domingues em Xabregas (b. 1884). The folder contains one handwritten letter, four handwritten postcards and one business card.
box 1, folder 3

Pereira de Sampaio, José (Bruno), 1910

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer, philosopher and publisher (1875-1915) who was best known by his literary pseudonym Bruno. The folder contains one handwritten letter and one note on a business card.
box 3, folder 5

Pina, Julio, 1918

Scope and Contents

Director of Galeria Nacional de Belas-Artes and friend of Valença. The folder contains six handwritten postcards, one business card, two handwritten letters and handwritten notice of receipt of artwork by the Galeria Nacional de Belas-Artes.
box 1, folder 3

Pinto Sacavém, Afredo, 1914-1915

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer (1874-1949), member of Arcadia de Roma, secretary to Ecco Artistico and correspondent of Il Mondo Artistico, Milano. The folder contains four handwritten letters and notes on business cards.
box 1, folder 3

Portela, Artur, 1956

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four handwritten letters on Renascença Gráfica letterhead.
box 3, folder 6

Portela, Severo, 1937

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, sculptor and writer (1898-1953). The folder contains four handwritten letters, one handwritten postcard and one business card.
box 3, folder 7

Portocarrero Casimiro, Mário, 1930-1942

Scope and Contents

The folder contains seven handwritten letters, five handwritten postcards, one business card and one typed review of the work by Francisco Valença written by Mário Portocarrero Casimiro, dated May 21, 1931.
box 1, folder 3

Rebelo Gonçalves, F., 1946, 1962

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten letters.
box 1, folder 3

Reis, Carlos, 1929

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 3, folder 8

Ressano Garcia, Arnaldo Cardoso, 1910-1945

Scope and Contents

Portuguese caricaturist and professor of engineering (1880-1947). The folder contains one telegram, five handwritten letters, one handwritten postcard and one business card. Among those one is on Universitas Olisiponensis, Gabinete de Desenho letterhead.
box 3, folder 9

Rocha Martins, Francisco José da, 1931-1944

Scope and Contents

Portuguese journalist, political activist, writer. The folder contains some business cards and four handwritten letters, among those one on ABC: Revista Portuqueza de Actualidades letterhead.
box 1, folder 3

Roque Gameiro Leitão, Helena de, undated

Scope and Contents

Portoguese watercolourist and professor of art, wife of José Júlio Marques Leitão de Barros (1895- ). The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 3

Rosa, João, 1933-1956

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three handwritten postcards.
box 3, folder 10

Saavedra Machado, João, 1908-1931

Scope and Contents

Portuguese artist and conservator at the Museu Anatómico de Lisboa and member of Sociedade de Humoristas Portugueses (1887-1950). The folder contains nine handwritten postcards, one business card and four handwritten letters. Among those one on Alma Nova: Revista Mensal de Ressurgimento Intelectual e Artistico letterhead.
box 3, folder 11

Salão Silva Porto, 1935-1945

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three typed letters dealing with an exhibition of works by Dr. Monterroso e Alfredo Moraes at the Salão Silva Porto realized in cooperation with Francisco Valença in 1945, one typed postcard and one invoice.
box 3, folder 12

Salgueiro Pinto da Costa, Luiz, 1921-1923

Scope and Contents

The folder contains seven handwritten and typed letters, among those there are some sketches on verso.
box 3, folder 1

Santa Cruz Magalhães, Artur Ernesto de, 1911-1926

Scope and Contents

Portuguese intellectual, critic, poet, founder of the Museu Bordalo Pinheiro and friend of Valença (1864-1928). The folder contains 85 handwritten letters, some with sketches, 18 handwritten postcards, five handwritten poems by Artur Ernesto de Santa Cruz Magalhães and business cards.
box 1, folder 3

Sarmento, Hugo, 1926-1937

Scope and Contents

The folder contains two handwritten postcards and a note on a business card.
box 1, folder 3

Senna Cardoso, Frederico Carlos de, 1912-1941

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter and two business cards.
box 3, folder 14

Setta, Alexandre, 1932

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one typed manuscript to be published in Sempre Fixe (October 20, 1932) titled Por Lisboa: Balança para pessoas, com saída de bilhetes (nos lugares públicos), one handwritten postcard and two typed letters from L. Mackall.
box 3, folder 15

Silva, António Zacarias da, 1953

Scope and Contents

The folder contains three typed and handwritten letters, one written on Associação dos Antigos Alunos de a Voz do Operário: Associação Cultural e de Solidariedade letterhead.
box 1, folder 3

Silva, Fernando da, 1947-1954

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter and one note.
box 3, folder 21

Sociedad Nacional de Belas Artes, 1902-1944

Scope and Contents

The folder contains nine typed and handwritten letters, among those letters signed by Moreira Fernandes and others, one receipt of artwork, two handwritten acknowledgements, one carbon copy of a letter to the president of the Sociedade Nacional de Bellas Artes by Carlos Reis, November 14, 1931 as well as one carbon copy of a letter to Silveira e Castro from the committee on the exhibition of Seville (Comissário Geral de Portugal na Exposição de Sevilha) by Carlos Reis, April 17, 1930.
box 1, folder 3

Sousa, Alberto, 1920-1957

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter and two handwritten postcards.
box 3, folder 18

Sousa Costa, Alice Branco de, 1920-1947

Scope and Contents

The folder contains four handwritten letters on Tribunal do Comércio Lisboa, Tribunal das Execuçoes Fiscais Porto and Tribunal Judicial de Lisboa letterhead.
box 1, folder 3

Sousa Costa, Emilía de, 1922-1924

Scope and Contents

Portuguese writer and feminist (1877-1959). The folder contains two handwritten letters and three notes on business cards.
box 1, folder 3

Sousa Loureiro, Artur José de, 1910

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter (1853-1932). The folder contains one handwritten letter dealing with a request for a contribution to an exhibition by Valença.
box 1, folder 3

Teatroda Trinidade, 1946

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one announcement of the new play Cinco Judeus Alemãis at the Teatroda Trinidade in 1946.
box 3, folder 16

Trigoso, João Maria de Jesus de Melo Falcão, 1928-1951

Scope and Contents

Portuguese painter, professor of art (1879-1956) who was a member of Grupo Silva Porto as well as of Grupo Ar Livre and studied in Lisbon. The folder contains four handwritten letters and four handwritten postcards.
box 1, folder 3

Trilho, Carlos, 1934

Scope and Contents

The folder contains one handwritten letter.
box 1, folder 3

Vasa César Alves de Noronha, José Eduardo da, 1942

Container Summary:

Scope and Contents

Portuguese military, writer, journalist.
box 3, folder 2

Voetelink G.A.J, Johan, 1943

Scope and Contents

Consul Honoraire de Portugal. The letter contains one handwritten letter and one business card.
box 4, folder 1-6

Assorted, 1909-1959, undated

Scope and Contents

Contains business cards of: José Aboim Ascensão Contreiras, Eduardo D. Alves de Sá, Julio Alves, Affonso d`Ayevedo Nunes Branco, João de Barros, S. Luix Braga, Conceição e Silva Junior, Antonio do Couto (architect), Luís Derouet, Herminio Duarte Ferreira (medic), A. Havier Lobato, Sebastião de Lousa Dantas Baracho, Abilio Marçal (deputy), José Galino Marques, João G. Mattoso da Fonseca, Olga Moraes Sarmento da Silveira, Edmundo Oliviera (editor of Diário de Notícias), Araújo Pereira, Antonio de Sousa, Madeira Pinto (lawyer), Julio Pires, Etelvina Serra, A. J. da Silva Pinto, Nuno Simões, Alfredo de Sousa
Also contains postcards and notes from: Teatro Nacional Almeida Garrett (1918), Republica Portuguesa Ministerio dos Negocios Estrangeiros (1927), Governo Civil do Distrito de Braganca (1936), Republica Portuguesa Direccao Geral da Imprensa (1925), Direccao Geral da Estatistica (1917), Ministerio dos Negocios Ecclasiasticos e de Justica (undated), Direccao Geral da Contabilidade Publica (1937), Oficinas Graficas (undated), Empreza Teatral José Loureiro, Nunes, Carlos, Costa Ferreira (1913), as well as letters from various unidentified correspondents.

Manuscript materials, Series II. 1897-1963

Physical Description: 0.4 Linear Feet (1 Box)


Materials are arranged by type in chronological order. Assorted materials are filed at the end.

Scope and Contents

Series II is comprised of unpublished manuscripts by Valença, commentaries and personal documents on his own life and work, manuscripts on the work of Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, drafts on the early modernist Grupo Aguia, and unpublished issues of the satiric journals O Garonga and Pcht! as well as records of his artistic work.
box 5, folder 1-2

Manuscripts, 1897-1946

Scope and Contents

Contains manuscripts of the unpublished illustrated journals Pcht!... and Garonga designed by Valença in 1897 and 1898. An interview with Valença (ten pages) and a manuscript titled [Lapoimento] de Francisco Valença (five pages), as well as various indexed manuscripts on Bordalo Pinheiro: Bordalo, negociante! (seven pages), Os detractors de Bordalo (tree pages), A fantasia de B. (three pages), O centenário de Bordalo (one page), A extraordinaria retentiva de Rafael and other manuscripts, some fragments and a rebus made for O Moscardo in 1913.
box 5, folder 3

Bibliography, 1900-1937

Scope and Contents

This folder contains six handwritten pages: review of José de Figuereido and a bibliography possibly listing books given to Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro in 1961.
box 5, folder 4

Drafts, 1900

Scope and Contents

This folder contains two handwritten drafts possibly of statutes titled Projecto do regulamento para os camarados litterarios e artisticos and Projecto do regulamento do Grupo Aguia.
box 5, box 11*

Personal documents, 1902-1963

Scope and Contents

These folders contain receipts of Lyceu Central de Lisboa and Sociedade Nacional de Bellas Artes, Diploma of Associação dos Archeologos Portugueses, Diploma of Real Associação dos Architectos, Civis e Archeologicos Portugueses, Associação de Jardins Escolas João de Deus and Diploma of Pró Patria: Grupo de Propaganda e de Educação Civica. Additionally, the folders include photographs of Carlos Simões, Henrique Marques Júnior and Francisco Valença, draft card, special passport, activity reports, press cards, membership and identity cards for Sociedade Nacional de Belas-Artes, Pro Patria, Centro Escolar Republicano das Mercês, Amigos-Defensôres do Museu Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro and some clippings.
box 5, folder 6-8

Records, 1902-1955

Scope and Contents

Contains records of drawings that index all drafts (circa 4500) made for the Museu Etnológico Português, payroll records containing 25 pages of illustrations published in various newspapers between 1904 and 1948 with sketches on recto and verso, as well as sales records of printing and lithographic work.
box 5, folder 9

Assorted, 1899-1950

Scope and Contents

The folder contains various notes and some poems of other writers.

Artwork, Series III. 1895-1958

Physical Description: 11.25 Linear Feet (7 Boxes)


Materials are arranged in roughly chronological order with undated and miscellaneous material at the end.

Scope and Contents

Series III contains circa 1300 original pen and ink caricatures and comics (some colored) by Valença, circa 300 smaller pencil sketches, watercolor and crayon studies done in the studio of José Malhôa and memorabilia of his journalistic work. Among the highlights of this series are the files of caricatures published in the newspaper Sempre Fixe as well as the files comprising the large amount of undated pen and ink caricatures. Also included is printed material designed by Valença such as menus, theater programs, posters. The art in this series evolves from early undulating nature studies and portraits to the harsh cynical designs common in Valença's later caricatures.
box 6, folder 1

Printed matter, 1913-1957

Scope and Contents

The folder contains pamphlets, leaflets, ex libris, invitation cards, menus and theater programs.

Original artwork, 1895-1958

box 6, folder 2

Studio José Malhôa, 1901-1910

Scope and Contents

The folder contains watercolor and crayon studies drawn in the studio of José Malôha.
box 7*, box 12*

O Século, 1905-1908

Scope and Contents

Suplemento Humorístico de O Século 48 pen and ink drawings, some colored, caricatures and one large scale pen and ink drawing (1908).
box 7*, folder 5

Illustraçao Portuguesa, 1906-1918

Scope and Contents

One pen and ink caricature of Carlos Malheiro Dias, director of Illustração Portugueza and one title for Illustração Portugueza 1918.
box 7*, folder 6

Varões assinalados, 1909-1911

Scope and Contents

The folder contains 17 pen and ink caricatures, some colored.
box 6, box 7*

O Mundo, 1913-1924

Scope and Contents

One hundred and twenty-nine pen and ink drawings.
box 12*, folder 1

Portfolios, 1915-1926

Scope and Contents

The portfolio of Catálogo Cómico shows eight selected emblems drawn between 1915-1917, the portfolio of O Mundo shows a selection of eight pen and ink caricatures and emblems of 1918-1924, the portfolio of Diário de Notícias consists of six pen and ink caricatures / cartoons (1921), the portfolio of Diário de Lisboa consists of six pen and ink caricatures / cartoons of 1924-1926; the folder also includes two other portfolio of animal caricatures and other comics.
box 6, folder 5

O Espectro, 1925

Scope and Contents

Twenty-four pen and ink drawings.
box 6, folder 6

Pen drawings, 1895-1926

Scope and Contents

The folder contains circa 140 pen portraits and sketches from the years between 1919 and 1926. Among those there are drafts possibly for book covers of Armando Ferreira's O Baile dos Basthinhos published in 1943, Raúl da Costa's Sopa de Letras published in 1942, Henrique Marques' Memórias de um Editor published in 1942 and Carlos Simões' Saldo de Contos.
box 8*, folder 8

Catálogo cómico, 1930-1943

Scope and Contents

One hundred and seventy-four pen and ink numbered drawings, inscriptions and motto, titled 40.a Exposiçao (1943), 30a Exposiçao da Sociedade Nationale de Belas Artes (1933).
box 6, folder 3

Memorabilia, 1930

Scope and Contents

The folder contains circa 50 pen and ink portraits of Portuguese journalists as well as menus, tickets, schedules and a list of passengers of a voyage on the boat Thysville from Belgium to Congo.

Sempre Fixe, 1926-1958

Scope and Contents

All caricatures have the publishing date and inscriptions of depictions on recto and verso.
box 8*, folder 1-7


Scope and Contents

The box contains circa 260 signed and dated pen and ink caricatures.
box 9*, folder 1-4


Scope and Contents

The folders contain circa 240 signed and dated pen and ink caricatures.
box 10*, folder 1-3


Scope and Contents

The folders contain circa 190 signed and dated pen and ink caricatures.
box 12*, folder 3

Caricatures of Francisco Valença, undated

Scope and Contents

Eleven pen and ink caricatures of Francisco Valença by various artists including Zeco, Arnaldo Ressano, Carlos Ribeiro, Octávio Sérgio and Saavedra Machado.

Assorted, 1895-1926, undated

box 6, box 7*


Scope and Contents

The folder contains various pen sketches of architecture, still life and portraits close to 100 caricatures published in Diário de Notícias, O Mundo, O Espectro and the Catálogo Cómico; and illustrations for the book Os meus domingos by André Brun of 1924.
box 11*, folder 1-7


Scope and Contents

The folders contains circa 200 mostly unpublished pen and ink caricatures, including the logo for Amigos de Lisboa. Very few caricatures are dated.