Record Series 762 contains the administrative files of the AMAN International Folk Ensemble.
AMAN was founded on the UCLA campus in 1964 by Leona Wood, Anthony Shay, and Philip Harland to encourage and pursue the research,
preservation, and performance of traditional music and dance. Named for the Eastern European and Middle Eastern pronunciation
of the biblical affirmative ‘amen,’ the ensemble performed for student groups and ethnic dance and music festivals. University
Vice Chancellor Dr. Norman Miller served as an early campus advisor and later as AMAN’s first Board of Directors’ Chairman.
As the ensemble attracted a community of skilled dancers and musicians, performance opportunities grew.
6.5 linear ft.
(5 cartons, 1 half-carton, and 1 oversize box)
Copyright has not been assigned to the UCLA University Archives. All requests for permission to publish or quote from the
records must be submitted in writing to the University Archivist. Permission for publication is given on behalf of the UCLA
University Archives as the owner of the physical items and is not intended to include or imply permission of the copyright
holder, which must also be obtained.
COLLECTION STORED OFF-SITE AT SRLF: Open for research. Advance notice required for access. Contact the UCLA Library Special
Collections Reference Desk for paging information.