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Keystone Stereograph Visual Aids Collection
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Collection Overview
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This collection consists of 16 boxed topical sets of educational stereographs intended as visual aids for instruction for elementary school children. Though most topics relate to the natural sciences, two boxes relate to a Reading curriculum based around domestic activities and the life of a child. Boxes one and two of the collection each contain eight of the boxed topical sets.
The Keystone View Company, located in Meadville, Pennsylvania, was founded in 1892 and was the major producer of stereographic images in America until 1972 when it closed. In 1905, Keystone began producing stereographs and lantern slides to aid instruction in its Educational Department, which sold to schools, churches, and civic organizations. The Educational Department produced stereographs for teaching geography, reading, science, history, social sciences, and topics in health and medicine. A selected compilation of these educational sets were marketed as the "Keystone 600 Set." A teacher's guide to this set was published under the title, Visual Education.
2.50 Linear Feet
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This collection is open to research.