Series 1. Administrative 1969-1984
Miscellaneous 1969-1975
Jones, Dale circa 1971-1980
Dobson, Ed circa 1972-1980
Parrish, Connie 1973-1977
Lovins, Amory 1973-1983
Markey, Kevin circa 1975-1980
Anderson, Gordon 1975-1981
Wolke, Howie circa 1976
Lippe, Pam - includes weekly reports 1976-1977
Carstens, A.S. circa 1976-1977
Salzman, Lorna circa 1976-1983
Harding Jim 1977
Ortman, David 1978-1982
Pomerance, Rafe - includes 1983 March on Washington speech circa 1978-1983
Masselli, Dave circa 1979
Smith, Catherine circa 1980
Lafen, Peter 1980-1981
Wheeler, Steve 1980-1983
Chlopak, Bob 1981
Kaplan, Liz circa 1981
Parsons, Renee circa 1981
Roth, Michael circa 1981
Webb, Geoffrey circa 1981
Rudolph, Ron 1982
Business, Foundation and Board Documents 1969-1984
History and achievements 1969-1979
News articles about F.O.E. and staff 1970-1983
Executive Committee 1969-1974
Executive Committee 1979-1981
F.O.E. Foundation 1972
Board meeting and annual members' minutes 1973-1980
F.O.E. / Foundation - annual reports and financial statements 1973-1982
Board of Directors' information 1980-1983
Issues inventory 1978-1979
Business files 1978-1979
In-house memos circa 1980-1982
National Information Bureau 1981
Donations by F.O.E. 1973-1975
Proposals 1975-1980
Phone systems 1969-1974
Office leases - Washington, D.C. 1970-1984
Office remodeling - San Francisco (California) 1981-1982
Membership materials, advertisements, press releases, news articles 1969-1983
Membership borchures, charter member card, mailers, letters circa 1969-1980, undated
Telethon project 1969-1971
Student teach-ins 1970
Advertisement in the Los Angeles Free Press 1970
Advertisements 1970-1983
Press releases, statements and publicity 1970-1982
Letters to the editor circa 1976-1982
Fact sheets, statements 1978-1981
Action alerts 1979-1980
Press clippings 1969-1983
Press clippings from Northwest Office 1975-1978
F.O.E. logo art work mock-up, black on white background featuring flowers and a leaf 11" x 14" undated
Series 2. Regional and International F.O.E. Groups 1959-1988
Regional and local U.S. groups 1959-1983
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - general information 1953-1980
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - San Francisco / Stockton deep water channel 1969-1976
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - highrises 1970-1979
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - water pollution 1970-1979
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - East Bay refuse disposal dump 1973
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Route 280 expansion 1973
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Yerba Buena Center redevelopment 1973
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Tivoli Gardens / Embarcadero Gardens 1973-1974
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - transit 1973-1976
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - B-1 Bomber 1973-1977
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - sewer 1973-1979, 1982
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - freeways 1973-1979
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - San Francisco noise ordinance 1973-1979
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Highway 380 1974
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Pier 45 1974-1975
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - San Francisco Bay Conservation and Development Commission 1974-1984
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Dumbarton Bridge 1975
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Bay Area Planning Agency, A.B. 625 (Knox) 1975
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - San Francisco Bay Branch statement before the California Coastal Commission on Economic Development 1976
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - Environmental Management Program 1976-1978
San Francisco Bay Area (California) - industrial siting 1977
California - includes earthquakes 1976-1981
Arizona 1974
Colorado - includes oil shale information 1979-1980
Hawaii 1974-1975
Missouri 1979-1980
Montana 1975-1980
New England circa 1979
New York - includes Westway project 1977-1980
Northwest 1974-1980
Washington, D.C. 1971-1983
Guam - includes Sella Bay Pier 1971-1974
Puerto Rico - includes Mona Island 1970-1973
International groups 1969-1988
Anti-fur - correspondence 1970-1971
Agency for International Development - correspondence 1971, 1980
Miscellaneous correspondence 1972-1985
Chatfield, David - correspondence 1972-1985
Binney, George - correspondence 1974-1975
Moorhouse, Earl - correspondence 1974-1977
Hamburger, John - correspondence 1976
Knight, Jeff - correspondence 1979-1980
Koch, Nils - correspondence 1980-1981
Ohlsson, Per - correspondence 1981-1983
International program 1972-1984
Legal 1972-1975
Fundraising 1974
Annual meetings 1981-1984
United Nations - Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, Sweden) 1970-1972
United Nations - World Food Conference (Rome, Italy) 1974
United Nations - F.O.E. NGO representation, accreditation in Geneva 1974-1978
United Nations - Environment Programme, inlcudes Kenya headquarters and budget fight 1973-1981
United Nations - World Conference of International Women's Year (Mexico City, Mexico) 1975
International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources 1972-1983
Economic and Social Council - World Population Conference (Bucharest, Romania) 1974
NGO Environment Liaison Board 1974-1975
Miscellaneous groups in Africa 1974-1975
NGO Meeting (Nairobi, Kenya) 1974-1975
Habitat Conference - (Vancouver, Canada) 1974-1976
Law of the Sea Conference (Caracas, Venezuela) and negotiations 1974-1981
Youth and Environment Conference (Nairobi, Kenya) 1975
Salzburg Conference of Citizens Concerned About Nuclear Energy 1976-1977
Environment Liaison Centre - meetings 1978-1983
International Youth Federation for Environmental Studies and Conservation 1983
PAN International - Pesticide Action Network Global newsletter 1983
Antarctica 1974-1984
Belgium 1971-1978
Bolivia 1976
Brazil 1974-1978
Canada - includes Energy Probe, Arctic issues, U.S. Canada Environmental Council 1969-1985
Ecuador 1973
Egypt 1981
Fiji - includes nuclear issue 1974-1975
Ghana 1974-1976
France - includes nuclear issue 1971-1983
Germany 1971-1978
India 1973-1973
Ireland circa 1974
Italy 1970-1979
Japan 1973-1984
Kenya - Nairobi legal issues and governing provisions of groups 1971-1975
Micronesia and Palau - Superport and Commonwealth issues 1971-1976
Netherlands 1972-1984
New Zealand 1971-1978
Nigeria 1980-1983
Norway 1971-1981
Papau New Guinea 1980-1981
Poland 1981-1983
Portugal 1983
Scotland circa 1979-1987
South Africa circa 1972-1984
Switzerland 1970-1985
Thailand 1973-1975
United Kingdom 1969-1988
Vietnam - includes ecology and war issue circa 1970
Yugoslavia circa 1971-1981
Borneo circa 1971
Malaysia circa 1979-1987
Moruroa (French Polynesia) 1974
Pakistan 1985
Panama Canal circa 1970-1983
Persian Gulf 1983
Philippines 1978-1983
Saipan (Northern Mariana Islands) undated
Saudi Arabia 1981-1982
Singapore 1978-1982
Spain 1971-1982
Sri Lanka (Ceylon) 1980-1983
Sudan circa 1989
Tahiti 1979-1981
Tunisia 1983
United Arab Emirates 1982-1983
U.S.S.R. (Russia) 1982
British Virgin Islands (Tortola) 1975
West Indies 1981-1983
Series 3. Publications 1970-1987
Ballantine 1970
Correspondence 1970-1971
Matthew, Edwin Spencer - work files 1970
Matthew, Edwin Spencer - European books 1970-1972
Supersonic Transport - includes the Concorde 1970-1971
Frankfort Book Fair 1970-1975
United Kingdom - correspondence, meeting minutes, trademark, posters 1970-1978
Sweden - correspondence, author contracts 1970-1978
Ballantine - correspondence, publicity, royalties 1970-1980
Brower, David - correspondence circa 1971
Books and posters inventory 1971-1972
Publicity 1971-1975
Germany circa 1971-1976
Book fairs 1972-1975
Nuclear power 1973-1975
Martin Schweitzer vs. F.O.E. - legal files 1973-1975
Hathaway, Mike - fundraising files 1973-1978
Brower, David - correspondence, publishing memos, financial information 1973-1979
Brower, David - book fair photographs circa 1975
Crown publishing 1974
Energy papers publication 1974-1975
Colman, Bruce - correspondence 1975
Book club - activities guide, phone log 1978-1981
Publications Committee - notebooks 1978-1982
Publications Committee - notebooks 1978-1982
Book sale account book 1980
Book budget - fiscal year 1982 1981
Book production personnel directory 1982
The Last Islands 1970
Environmental Handbook 1970-1971
The Nuclear Dilemna 1970, 1973
The Population Bomb 1970-1975
A Sense of Place 1971-1972
Return to the Alps circa 1971-1972
To Touch the Sky 1973-1978
Soft Energy Paths, World Energy Strategies 1975-1978
Background materials and catalogs circa 1975-1978
France - correspondence, contracts, translations, La Baleine magazines 1970-1978
Great Britain / United Kingdom - correspondence, sales, whale information 1970-1978
Holland / The Netherlands 1971-1975
Sweden - correspondence, Eco newsletter and conferences 1971-1982
Australia - newsletters and Chain Reaction magazine 1977-1987
Muir and Friends newsletters 1970-1971, undated
Not Man Apart newsletter - correspondence 1970-1977
Not Man Apart newsletter - letters primarily regarding potential title change 1983-1984
F.O.E. Link newsletter 1976-1987
Renewable News newsletter 1980-1981
Mother Earth news - tear sheets 1981-1986
F.O.E. Log reports 1982-1983
Progress As If Survival Mattered - source materials 1974-1976
Progress As If Survival Mattered - editorial correspondence 1976
Progress As If Survival Mattered - revisions, edits, sources circa 1976-1977
Progress As If Survival Mattered - production 1976-1977
Progress As If Survival Mattered - circulation 1976-1977
Progress As If Survival Mattered - correspondence, contacts 1977-1978
Progress As If Survival Mattered - editorial correspondence, bids, permissions, sales, distribution 1976-1978
Progress As If Survival Mattered - source materials circa 1977
Progress As If Survival Mattered - working manuscript, cover and spine mock-ups 1978
Progress As If Survival Mattered - advance proof 1978
Series 4. Trips 1970-1977
Wilderness Expeditions and other miscellanous expedition company information 1970-1975
Bay Area excursions 1974-1975
Sierra Club Outings 1974-1975
Insurance documents 1974-1976
Correspondence 1975
Program development 1975
Budget 1975
Reservations 1975
Contracts 1975
Feedback 1975
Advertisements in Not Man Apart 1975
River touring - general information 1975
Percival Tours 1975
Grand Canyon river trip 1975
Rocky Mountain Expeditions 1975
Rogue River and Snake River trips 1975
General planning and notes circa 1975
Inquiries answered circa 1975
Miscellaneous trip tour companies circa 1975
Alaska journey 1975-1976
Enchantment Lakes 1975-1976
Escalante hike 1975-1976
Galapagos trip 1975-1976
Green / Colorado River trip 1975-1976
Indian Peaks 1975-1976
Owyhee (Hawai'i) 1975-1976
Ozark canoe trip 1975-1976
Rocky Mountain ski tour 1975-1976
American River Touring Association 1975-1976
Grand Canyon Dories 1975-1976
Outfitters 1975-1976
The Wilderness Society 1975-1976
Wilderness World 1975-1976
Mountain Travel, Inc. (Albany, California) 1975-1977
Public relations 1976
Travel bills 1976
Everest 1976
Grand Canyon 1976
Grande Ronde (Oregon) 1976
Holy Cross Wilderness Area (Colorado) 1976
Rogue River 1976
Tuolumne River 1976
Aspen Conference 1969
Earth Day 1970-1971
League of Conservation Voters circa 1970-1984
Common Cause 1971-1975
Earth Week 1972 1972-1977
Progressive Alliance 1978-1979
Miscellaneous coalitions 1978-1980
Labor organizations 1978-1981
Urban Environment Conference 1978-1981
Series 6. Elections, Legislation and Testimony 1969-1982
President's Council on Environmental Quality 1969-1976
National Environmental Policy Act 1969-1979
Federal Communications Commission - air / auto pollution complaint regarding broadcasting fairness doctrine and public interest 1970
Federal Communications Commission - air / auto pollution complaint regarding broadcasting fairness doctrine and public interest 1970-1977
Federal Communications Commission - license renewals 1970-1972
Federal Trade Commission 1970-1972
Ecology and war - letters and adevertisements 1970-1973
U.S Court of Appeals - miscellaneous cases 1970-1974
Ecopornography / Save the Earth circa 1971
Environmental Protection Act, S.3575 1971-1972
Environmental Protection Agency - transportation controls 1971-1977
Surveys on environmental topics circa 1971, 1977
California Environmental Quality Act 1971-1977
Federal Elections Commission 1976
Correspondence 1975
Legal committee 1975-1981
Exploratory Project for Economic Alternatives - report by Public Trusts for Environmental Protection 1976
DNA recombinant reesearch 1976-1977
Positions and addresses of President Jimmy Carter 1976-1980
Black Americans 1977-1978
Miscellaneous Issues and Speech by Douglas M. Costle, Administrator of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and Chairman of U.S. Regulatory Council 1977-1979
Memorandum for the President - Policy with Respect to extending U.S. environmental protection measures to U.S. government's actions overseas 1978
Global 2000 Study - summary report 1978
Wolke, Howie (Wyoming representative) - correspondence 1978-1979
Native Americans 1978-1979
Policy and work inventory circa 1979-1980
Letters to Congress 1979-1981
Legislative agenda, reapportionment 1979-1981
1980 Presidential campaign 1980
Visibility lawsuit - Clean Air Act 1980-1981
Election materials 1980-1981
1982 elections - Political Action Committee 1982
President Ronald Reagan advertisement - ecology and war, disarmament 1982
President Ronald Reagan - indictment by environmental groups 1982
Letters in response to Reagan advertisement 1982
Testimony 1970-1975
Testimony 1974-1981
Series 7. Alaska 1964-1982
Earthquakes 1964-1971
Oil - Middle East, International 1968-1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System 1969-1973
Alaskan oil issue and miscellaneous Arctic oil research 1969-1970
News clippings and editorials 1970-1971
Resource people 1970-1971
Arctic Oil Forum (Claremont Hotel, Berkeley, California) 1971
Kit from Anchorage Conference (D. Brower) 1970
Pipeline lawsuit 1970-1971
Injunction 1970-1972
Arctic oil development and Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - reports, papers, testimony, environmental impact, news clippings 1970-1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - U.S Congress 1969-1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Department of the Interior hearings 1969-1971
Alaska - general 1969-1974
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - environmental impact research, Department of the Interior draft environmental impact statement and response from environmental groups circa 1970-1972
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - alternatives circa 1970-1971
Oil and the national defense circa 1970-1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Alyeska, marine transport of oil circa 1970-1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - correspondence circa 1970-1972
Oil - miscellaneous background and research materials circa 1970-1973
Alaska, Arctic film circa 1970
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - fairness time (television broadcasting) 1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - letters from Congress 1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Public Law 93-153 1973
Oil - import quotas 1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Naval Petroleum Reserve No. 4 1973-1976
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - oil, gas, routes 1973-1982
Oil and Gas from Alaska: Choices for California - Center for California Public Affairs conference 1976
Federal Energy Administration 1976 study on Alaskan oil 1977
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - correspondence, testimony, statements, news clippings 1977
Alaska Highway Pipeline Inquiry by Minister of Supply and Services of Canada 1977
Northern Frontier Northern Homeland: The Report of the Mackenzie Valley Pipeline Inquiry: Volume One by Minister of Supply and Services of Canada 1977
Alaska representative of F.O.E. - correspondence 1977-1981
Natives of the Arctic, Native land claims circa 1968-1975
Canada - U.S. oil and pipeline issues circa 1968-1974
Alaska land claims - maps circa 1969
Alaska oil and Puget Sound 1969-1971
Oil rush and energy needs 1969-1972
Oil spills and pollution - reports and studies, includes Santa Barbara spill 1970
Alaska oil - economics 1970
Cordova (Alaska) Fisheries - economic impact of oil pollution 1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - resource conservation, environmental topics circa 1971
Japan - Alaska issues circa 1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - permafrost circa 1971
Oil and transportation companies - pamphlets, shareholder information, maps circa 1971-1973
Correspondence 1973
Public lands circa 1970-1977
Wildlife circa 1970-1977
Land claims 1971
Alaska Now 1971
Saving Alaska 1971
Native claims circa 1971-1976
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1973) 1973-1976
The Reactions of Barren-Ground Caribou to Simulated Pipeline and Pipeline Crossing Structures at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska - Alaska Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit, University of Alaska 1973
Land use planning commission 1974-1975
Wolf hunt 1975-1977
Gas pipeline route 1976; undated
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - campaign 1976-1977
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - hearings 1977
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - Alaska Coalition 1977
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - Alaska Coalition 1977-1980
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - Alaska Coalition comments on alternatives, draft environmental statement 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act D-2 (1977) - David Brower correspondence, visit to Washington, D.C. 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1978) - Report of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs House of Representatives... to accompany H.R. 39 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (1978) - Report of the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, U.S. Senate... to accompany H.R. 39 1978
Congressional Record, 95th Congress - Alaska vote 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - lobbying materials 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - H.R. 39, S. 1500 1978
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - letters 1978-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - letters with members of congress, co-sponsors 1978-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - mailers, news releases 1978-1980
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - opposition material 1978-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - Department of the Interior circa 1978-1981
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - Alaska Coalition 1978-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - California Alaska Coalition 1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - H.R. 39, S.222 1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - 1979 Senate bill comparisons 1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - Congressional Record, 96th Congress 1979
Correspondence with F.O.E. representatives on Alaska issues circa 1979
Federal land policy and management act - hearings 1979
Alaska issues 1979-1980
Oil and Gas Development Act of 1979 1979-1980
Alaska National Monument - environmental impact statement comments 1979-1980
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - Public Law 96-487 1979-1980
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - negotiations 1980
Alaska wildlands 1980-1983
Arctic parks undated
Voices for Arctic Wilderness undated
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - newsletters, magazines 1977-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - newsletters, magazines 1977-1979
Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act - editorials, news clippings, news releases 1977-1980
The Stampede for Oil - manuscript by unknown author circa 1971
The Forest for the Trees - manuscript by unknown author undated
Miscellaneous manuscript chapters and pages related to Alaska issues undated
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - Art Davidson testimony for F.O.E. 1972
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - International Whaling Commission circa 1972-1978
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - letters 1977
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - testimony 1977
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - memos 1977-1978
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - magazine and newspaper articles 1977
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - meeting notes and calls 1977-1978
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - Freedom of Information Act request 1977-1978
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - environmental impact statements 1977-1978
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - affidavits 1970
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - includes testimony and briefs 1970-1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - advertisement and proofs 1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - advertisement correspondence 1971-1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Anchorage Daily News articles 1971
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - news releases, news articles 1972-1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - magazine and newspaper articles 1973
Trans-Alaska Pipeline System - Sierra Club National News Report 1973
Eskimo subsistence whale hunt, bowhead whale - Eskimo legal maneuver 1977
Alaska Lands Act - hunting issues, National Rifle Association 1980
Series 8. Energy Resources 1963-1984
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, includes Santa Barbara 1970-1982
Oil - tankers, super tankers 1969-1979
Oil - offshore drilling, includes Santa Barbara 1970-1982
Oil - deepwater ports 1971-1979
Oil - California state lands, coastal drilling 1971-1981
Oil - tanker safety, accidents, spills, blow outs 1971-1983
Oil - offshore oil advertisement circa 1972
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf drilling 1972-1978
Shell Oil boycott - decals (3), pin back buttons (2) circa 1973
Shell Oil labor strike (Martinez, California) 1973
Oil - Estero Bay superport, Standard Oil 1973-1975
Oil - Santa Ynez unit, Santa Barbara air quality 1973-1978
Oil - Elk Hills Naval reserve (California) 1973-1981
Oil - Deepwater ports, San Francisco Bay 1973-1975
Oil - Deepwater ports and super tankers 1973-1982
Oil - offshore oil drilling testimony 1974-1975
Oil - refineries 1974-1975
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, Department of the Interior 1974-1976
Oil - Alaska and West Coast supply 1974-1979
Oil - Moss Landing superport 1974-1980
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act 1974-1981
Oil - West Coast supply surplus circa 1975-1977
Oil - Trans Alaska Pipeline System, Sohio Pipeline (California) 1975-1979
Oil - Sohio (Standard Oil of Ohio) Deepwater Port (California) circa 1976-1979
Oil - Palau superport 1977-1978
Oil - Northern Tier Pipeline System 1977-1982
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, national news releases and articles 1977-1982
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, 5 year leasing program 1979-1984
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, 5 year leasing program and schedule 1981-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 53, State of California (not Coastal Commission) 1976-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, letters from U.S. Congress 1977-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, maps 1978
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Department of Interior news releases and schedule 1978-1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, news clippings 1978-1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, oil companies 1978-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, citizens coalition 1978-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, F.O.E. statements 1978-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Coastal Commission circa 1978-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Point Reyes hearings 1979
Oil - Lease Sale 53, preliminary draft environmental impact statement 1979-1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, local government 1979-1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, air quality requirements 1979-1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, fishing and fishermen 1979-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Bureau of Land Management studies 1979-1983
Oil - Lease Sale 53, public hearings 1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Kern County (California) 1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, brochure 1980
Oil - Lease Sale 53, draft environmental impact statement 1980-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, coastal business project, petitions and letters 1980-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, letters 1980-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, other groups 1980-1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Department of Interior 1980-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 53, advertisements 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, responses to advertisements 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Congressional hearings 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, consistency 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, jobs 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, news clippings 1981
Oil - Lease Sale 53, environmental coalition 1981-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 53, lawsuit briefs 1981-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 53, lawsuit 1981-1983
Oil - Lease Sale 53, Santa Maria Basin 1981-1984
Oil - Outer Continental Shelf, mailing list 1980
Oil - oil and gas leasing in Los Padres National Forest (California) 1981-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 68 1981-1982
Oil - Lease Sale 82-83, Point Arguello (California), state lands commission 1982-1983
Miscellaneous energy topics 1969-1971
Geothermal power 1971-1978
Energy crisis and environmental groups' response 1973-1974
Energy crisis and F.O.E. response 1973-1977
Energy crisis and Project Independence 1974
Energy policy of President Carter administration 1977-1979
Inflation, Department of Natural Resources 1978-1980
Four Corners power plant 1970-1971
Black Mesa and other power plant circa 1970-1975
Black Mesa and other power plant - photographs circa 1970-1975
Power plant siting 1971-1975
Kaiporowits power plant (Utah) 1975-1976
Huntington power plant (Utah) 1976-1978
Interagency Task Force on Power Plant Siting 1977-1979
Coal-powered plants and fugitive dust, air pollution 1978-1979
Federal Coal Management Program 1978-1980
Geneva Steel Plant, coal power (Utah) 1979
Montezuma site power plant (California), agricultural damage caused by air polution 1979
Utah Power and Light Co., coal lease exchange 1979
Coal leasing within Uinta / Southwestern federal coal production region 1980-1982
E.P.A. regulations on sodium dioxide from coal-fired power plants 1981
Least Cost Energy Strategy - Energy Programs of the F.O.E. 1981
Nuclear power 1963-1973
Nuclear power 1969-1970
Nuclear tests 1971-1972
Nuclear power plants (California) 1971-1977
Nuclear moratorium, H.R. 13716 (Waldie) 1973-1974
San Onofre nuclear power plant 2 and 3 (California), California Coastal Zone Conservation Commission correspondence circa 1973-1977
Nuclear power 1974-1976
Price-Anderson Nuclear Industries Indemnity Act 1974-1977
Nuclear power plants in San Joaquin 1974-1978
Nuclear proliferation 1975
Nuclear power testimony 1975
Nuclear breeder reactor 1975-1978
Nuclear Fuel Assurance Act 1976
Nuclear Regulatory Commission circa 1976
Sundesert nuclear power plant 1976-1978
Federal nuclear licensing 1977-1978
California nuclear power plants 1978-1979
F.O.E. Coalition Against Strip Mining circa 1970-1972
Germany Valley (West Virginia) limestone strip mining 1972-1976
Strip mining - correspondence 1973-1976
Strip mining - legislative bills ad conference 1974
Strip mining - override and conference committee 1975
Strip mining - National Parks and Monuments 1976
Strip mining - federal regulations 1976, 1979
Alton Strip Mine (Bryce Canyon National Park) 1979-1980
Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act - regulations 1982
Lomex Corporation's Proposed Mineral Explorations in the Navajo Vicinity - draft environmental impact statement 1982
Homestake Mining Company (California) - McLaughlin Gold Project 1983-1984
Liquefied natural gas - general 1977-1984
Liquefied natural gas - California Coastal Commission 1977-1979
Liquefied natural gas - Public Utilities Commission 1977-1981
Liquefied natural gas - news clippings 1977-1979
Series 9. Wilderness Conservation and Land Use 1965-1985
Correspondence, statements, testimony regarding wilderness 1969-1983
Public Land Law Review Commission - report 1970-1971
Department of the Army. Corps of Engineers - environmental modification convention hearings, California projects, 404 regulations 1970-1979
Land use planning 1970-1984
U.S. Forest Service - Tropical Forestry Working Group 1972-1979
Tom's 200 Mile Limit testimony S. 1998, S. 2338 1973
Forest recreation 1973
State Wilderness System 1973
Congressional and Governors' reaction to letter from David Brower 1973-1974
Eastern Wilderness Areas Act 1973-1974
Corridor H, Highland Scenic Highway (West Virginia) 1973-1976
California wilderness bills (Cranston, Tunney) 1973-1982
National Land Use bill - H.R. 10294 1974-1975
Agricultural Lands Bill (California Assembly) 1974-1978
Nomination of Stanley K. Hathaway as Secretary of the Department of Interior 1975
Food supply, agriculture research circa 1975-1978
California Department of Parks and Recreation 1975-1979
Endangered American Wilderness Act - H.R. 3454 1976-1977
California Wilderness Coalition 1976-1982
California Significant Natural Areas, California State Parks 1979-1980
U.S. Department of Agriculture. Forest Service - America's Renewable Resources: A Supplement to the 1979 Assessment of the Forest and Range Land Situation in the United States 1979, 1984
Public Lands - includes letters and photographs 1983
Department of the Interior - Grade Bulge Reduction Implementation Plan and unsorted documents 1984
Bureau of Land Management - grazing 1973-1978
Bureau of Land Management - off-road vehicles 1973-1980
Bureau of Land Management - general 1973-1984
Bureau of Land Management - Kings Conservation Ridge 1974-1977
Bureau of Land Management - Organic Act, Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976 1974-1978
Bureau of Land Management - Big Butte Roadless Area 1976
Bureau of Land Management - Emigrant-Bicentennial National Monument (Nevada) 1976
Bureau of Land Management - Sagebrush Rebellion"California and the Federal Lands: Alternatives for State Action" report by State of California and news clippings 1976-1982
Bureau of Land Management - California Desert Plan 1977-1980
Bureau of Land Management - Red Mountain (California) mining 1977-1982
Bureau of Land Management - California Desert Conservation Area 1977-1983
Bureau of Land Management - Red Mountain Wilderness (California) 1977-1983
Bureau of Land Management -S. 2234, appropriations 1978
Bureau of Land Management - maps 1978-1979
Bureau of Land Management - wilderness inventory 1978-1980
Bureau of Land Management - wilderness interim management 1978-1983
Bureau of Land Management - wilderness intensive inventory 1979
Bureau of Land Management - mining 1979-1983
Bureau of Land Management - plants, including effects by off-road vehicles 1980
Bureau of Land Management - wildereness 1982-1984
RARE II - U.S. Forest Service, Washington, D.C. 1977-1979
RARE II - U.S. Forest Service, California area circa 1977-1981
RARE II - U.S. Forest Service, San Francisco (California) circa 1977-1980
RARE II - newsletters 1977-1979
RARE II - opposition material 1977-1979
RARE II - Sierra Club 1977-1980
RARE II - California Wilderness Coaltion 1977-1980
RARE II - Siskiyous 1977-1983
RARE II - national wilderness bills 1977-1984
RARE II -maps circa 1978-1979
RARE II - miscellaneous legislation 1978-1979
RARE II - letters 1978-1980
RARE II - news clippings circa 1978-1980
RARE II - State of California circa 1978-1983
RARE II - F.O.E. memos, response to draft environmental impact statement circa 1978-1984
RARE II - Mount Shasta (California) 1979-1980
RARE II - wilderness bills, including California 1979-1984
RARE II - legislators 1980-1983
Forestry - testimony 1967-1978
Forestry - National Timber Supply Act 1969-1979
Forestry - G. Robinson notes 1969-1979
Forestry - fire management 1970-1978
Forestry - correspondence 1972-1976
Forestry - log export hearings 1973-1974
Forestry - Forest Practices Act of 1973 1973-1977
Forestry - general 1973-1979
Forestry - miscellaneous legislation 1973-1979
Forestry - soils 1974-1980
Forestry - Northwest office 1975-1976
Forestry - S. 3091, Randolph-Brown bill 1975-1976
Forestry - herbicides 1975-1978
Forestry - A.B. 655, Keen bill regarding timber harvest 1975-1976
Forestry - timber companies 1975-1983
Forestry - A.B. 328, Z'Berg bill regarding timber harvest 1975-1976
Forestry - A.B. 1258, Warren bill regarding timber taxation 1976
Forestry - California Forest Service 1973-1978
Forestry - California 1976-1979
Forestry - California reforestation 1977-1979
Forestry - California Forest Service maps circa 1967-1980
Forest Service 1969-1973
Forest Service Plan 1973-1974 1969-1974
Forest Service, Rare I 1973
Forest Service, research 1973-1979
Forest Service, Resources Planning Act circa 1973-1983
Forest Service, administrative appeals 1974
Forest Service 1978
Public lands and parks circa 1972-1979
H.R. 10491 (California) Johnson bill regarding public lands leasing 1973-1975
Arches Canyon Lands, Capitol Reef (Utah), wilderness proposals 1970-1978
Columbia Gorge (Oregon, Washington) 1979-1980
Devil's Slide, Highway 1 (California) 1983-1984
Dinosaur National Monument (Colorado), wilderness proposal 1974
Escalante Wilderness (Utah) 1969-1975
Kaiser Ridge (California) 1975-1976
Pinnacles (California) 1974-1976
Pyramid Lake (Nevada, Native American land disputes 1970-1974
San Joaquin Wilderness (California) 1971-1973
National Forest Management Act of 1976 1974-1979
National forests - skiing 1979-1980
National forests - mining 1983
Cleveland National Forest (California) 1973-1976
Gasquet Mountain (Del Norte County, California) 1981-1983
Gasquet Mountain (Del Norte County, California) 1982-1984
Inyo National Forest (California) 1975
Klamath National Forest (California) - Forest Service and Thompson timber sale, proposed Red Buttes Wilderness 1974-1983
Lake Tahoe Basin - general 1969-1983
Lake Tahoe Basin - news clippings circa 1970-1983
Lake Tahoe Basin - Forest Service circa 1971-1982
Lake Tahoe Basin - F.O.E. statements 1972-1980
Lake Tahoe Basin - Scenic Area bill 1973-1980
Lake Tahoe Basin - Water Quality Board 1978-1981
Lake Tahoe Basin - developers circa 1980
Lake Tahoe Basin - H.R. 7306, Santini / Burton bill 1982-1984
Lassen National Forest - includes Chips Creek and maps 1975-1982
Los Padres National Forest 1975, 1979
Mendocino National Forest (California) - Snow Mountain Wilderness 1972-1975
Modoc National Forest (California) - public lands 1974-1976
Ocala National Forest (Florida) - Cross-Florida Barge Canal 1970-1971
Plumas National Forest (California) - proposed wilderness area and Bucks Lake planning unit 1974-1976
Plumas National Forest (California) - includes timber management plan, Feather River 1975-1978
Sequoia National Forest (California) 1976-1978
Shasta-Trinity National Forest (California) 1974-1983
Sierra National Forest 1975-1979
Siskiyou Wilderness, Six Rivers National Forest (California) 1972-1979
Siskiyou National Forest, Rogue River Planning Unit (California, Oregon), Six Rivers National Forest 1975-1978
Six Rivers National Forest - Gaquet-Orleans Road, Chimney Rock Station 1975-1982
Six Rivers National Forest - study 1977-1985
Six Rivers National Forest forest plan, RARE III 1983-1984
Stanislaus National Forest (California) 1975
Tahoe National Forest - general 1974-1982
Tahoe National Forest - Disney project 1974-1978
Tahoe National Forest - Granite Chief Roadless Area, state park land exchange 1975
Toiyabe National Forest (California) 1976
National parks - public lands 1969-1983
National parks - general 1970-1979
National Park Service - general 1971-1977
National parks - Land and Water Conservation Fund 1972-1984
National parks - concessions 1973-1977
National parks - trails 1973-1979
National parks - inholdings 1974-1982
National parks - mining 1975-1983
National parks - snowmobiles 1978-1981
National parks - H.R. 12536, park omnibus bill 1978-1981
Plan A-76 - private contractors 1984
Big Sur National Park - including Pico Blanco limestone mining 1980-1984
Channel Islands National Park 1972-1983
Crater Lake National Park (Oregon) 1970-1977
Death Valley National Monument - wilderness hearing 1973-1974
Death Valley National Monument - correspondence 1974-1976
Death Valley National Monument - correspondence including with legislators 1975-1976
Death Valley National Monument - National Park Service materials 1975-1982
Death Valley National Monument - mining 1975-1976
Death Valley National Monument - general 1975-1978
Death Valley National Monument - legislation 1975-1981
Death Valley National Monument - mining news clippings circa 1975-1983
Death Valley National Monument - photographs circa 1976
Florida Everglades 1969-1972
Glacier Bay, Alaska - mining 1973-1976
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (California) - Point Reyes 1971-1984
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (California) - Doyle Drive 1973-1975
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (California) - Playland at the Beach 1973-1978
Golden Gate National Recreation Area (California) - correspondence 1973-1981
Grand Canyon - wilderness 1970-1978
Grand Canyon - Havasupi transfer 1971-1975
Grand Canyon - burros 1976-1980
Grand Teton National Park - jetport 1973-1983
Guam 1971
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Idaho, Washington) - Coalition to Save the Snake (River) 1971-1973
Hells Canyon National Recreation Area (Idaho/Washington) 1974-1977
Lassen Volcanic National Park (California) 1973-1982
Point Reyes National Seashore (California) 1971-1981
Rainbow Bridge National Monument 1973
Redwood National Park (California) - background and general information, logging Redwood Creek 1965-1979
Redwood National Park (California) - expansion legislation, H.R. 4686 Emerald Creek Unit, correspondence circa 1971-1981
Redwood National Park (California) - F.O.E. material circa 1971-1981
Redwood National Park (California) - Resources Agency of California, Department of Forestry 1973-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - National Park Service 1973-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - timber industry 1974-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - logging environmental impact report controversy 1975
Redwood National Park (California) - State Board of Forestry hearing testimony 1975
Redwood National Park (California) - environmental assessment of management options for Redwood Creek, Redwood National Park 1975
Redwood National Park (California) - S. 1976 (Cranston) 1975-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - U.S.G.S. 1975-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - timber harvest plans 1975-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - Hearing before a subcommittee of the committee on government operations house of representatives ninety-fourth congress, second session - forest management 1976
Redwood National Park (California) - brochure circa 1976
Redwood National Park (California) - meetings, analysis, correspondence 1976-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - Ryan hearing 1976-1977
Redwood National Park (California) - Burton hearing 1977
Redwood National Park (California) - jobs, Greenacres report 1977
Redwood National Park (California) - S. 1976 statement, testimony at a hearing of the senate subcommittee on parks and recreation... open file report 77 1977
Redwood National Park (California) - bill 1977
Redwood National Park (California) - bill 1977-1978
Redwood National Park (California) - rules committee 1977-1978
Redwood National Park (California) - timber supply 1977-1979
Redwood National Park (California) - news clippings 1977-1979
Redwood National Park (California) - master plan 1978-1979
Redwood National Park (California) - supplement to the environmental statement, resource maps, draft environmental statement summary 1979
Redwood National Park (California) - tourism study on economic impacts of alternative park development plans by Humboldt State University Foundation 1979
Redwood National Park (California) - management plan 1979-1983
Redwood National Park (California) - final environmental impact statement, Department of the Interior 1980
Ridgelands Urban Park, Mount Diablo (California) - potential national park 1973-1980
Santa Monica Mountains - potential national park 1973-1974
Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Park - includes Mineral King 1969-1984
Yosemite National Park - general 1969-1978
Yosemite National Park - correspondence 1975-1977
Yosemite National Park - revised draft environmental statement, proposed master plan and development options circa 1973-1974
Yosemite National Park - final plan 1974-1983
Yosemite National Park - not for publication 1974
Yosemite National Park - National Park Service 1974-1975
Yosemite National Park - news clippings 1974-1975
Yosemite National Park - contacts 1974-1976
Yosemite National Park - new master plan 1974-1978
Yosemite National Park - general 1974-1978
Yosemite National Park - MCA 1974-1978
Yosemite National Park - natural resources, general master plans 1977-1978
Yosemite National Park - draft general management plan, visitor use, park operations and development 1978
Yosemite National Park - general 1978-1979
Yosemite National Park - general management plan, visitor use, park operations and development 1980
Yosemite National Park - supplement to the draft environmental statement, general management plan 1980
Yosemite National Park - visitor use, transportation undated
Zion National Park (Utah) 1975
Series 10. Wildlife Protection and the Endangered Species Act 1967-1985
Endangered Species Act - background, testimony, convention, correspondence 1971-1975
Endangered Species Act - correspondence, background, testimony, house and senate actions, fact sheets, news releases, news clippings 1973-1978
Endangered Species Act - correspondence, background, testimony, house and senate actions, fact sheets, news releases, news clippings 1978-1980
Kangaroos 1968-1970
Spotted cats, fur trade 1968-1975
Seals 1969-1970
Commercial fur trade 1969-1971
Tule Elk 1969-1979
Anti-fur advertisement in Women's Wear Daily 1970-1973
Mountain lions 1970-1977
Miscellaneous wildlife issues - including fur trade use in interior design, wolves, wild horses 1970-1983
Predator control - includes coyotes 1971-1975
Fish, tuna, porpoises, drift net fishing, Fishermen's Protective Act of 1967, Stevens amendment 1972-1978
Oil sump bill - A.B. 2209 1973, 1978
H.R. 66 - trapping bill 1973-1975
Sheldon Antelope Range (Nevada) 1974-1975
National Wildlife Refuge System 1974-1976
Insects, honeybees 1975
Ruby Lake (Nevada) National Wildlife Refuge 1975-1977
Non-game funding, bills 1977-1979
How to Kill a Valley - Peter Matthiessen article 1980
Mauritius kestrel (falcon) 1981
Condor - historic controversy 1967-1980
Condor - trap diagrams 1971
Condor - Audubon newsletters 1971-1982
Condor - surrogate species, Andean whooper peregrine 1975-1982
Condor - national forests, Los Padres National Forest, phosphate mining 1976-1977
Condor - peregrines and whooters 1977-1979
Condor - Los Angeles Zoo 1978
Condor - Donald S. Heintelman hawk watching guide 1978
Condor - Carl B. Koford articles and biographical materials 1978-1979
Condor - environmental impact statement, negative declaration 1978-1979
Condor - federal permit 1978-1981
Condor - miscellaneous 1979
Condor - letters to press 1979-1980
Condor - legal 1979-1980
Condor - Natural Resources Defense Council 1979
Condor - timetable of the captive breeding program 1979-1980
Condor - applicants, zoo personnel 1979-1980
Condor - Condor Recovery Plan, inlcudes press 1979-1980
Condor - Steve Herman correspondence and statements 1979-1981
Condor - population information permit, annual report 1979-1981
Condor - Golden Gate Audubon Society 1979-1981
Condor - Sierra Club Condor Task Force, newsletters 1979-1981
Condor - Endangered Species Technical Bulletins 1979-1981
Condor - David Brower statements 1979-1982
Condor - U.S. Fish and Wildlife, correspondence 1979-1982
Condor - Audubon Society, newsletters, reports 1979-1982
Condor - Miscellaneous 1979-1983
Condor - Bill Francis, Roland Ross 1980
Condor - letters with scientists 1980
Condor - letters with politicians 1980
Condor - Wildlife Programs Fund 1980
Condor - originals 1980
Condor - proposals 1980
Condor - quote page 1980
Condor - Pt. Reyes Bird Observatory 1980
Condor - permit applications, memo of understanding co-op agreement 1980
Condor - Metropolitan Raptor Council 1980
Condor - Scenic Shoreline Preservation Conference 1980
Condor - chick deaths, Resources Agency of California 1980
Condor - California Living newspaper 1980
Condor - New West magazine article 1980
Condor - Forever Free brochure 1980
Condor - cast of characters 1980
Condor - Sespe/Frazier roadless area, Los Padres Forest (California) 1980-1981
Condor - National Wildlife Federation Defenders 1980-1981
Condor - book material 1980-1981
Condor - action alerts 1980-1981
Condor - miscellaneous 1980-1981
Condor - news clippings 1980-1981
Condor - F.O.E. policy statements 1980-1982
Condor - Condor Advisory Committee 1980-1982
Condor - Whooping Crane Conservation Association 1980-1982
Condor - California Fish and Game Commission 1980-1982
Condor - Sierra Club 1980-1982
Condor - California Condor Research Center 1980-1982
Condor - Los Padres National Forest oil and natural gas leases 1980-1983
Condor - Cry of the Condor, film project 1980-1984
Condor - The Condor Question: Proceedings of the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society Conference 1981
Condor - law enforcement 1981
Condor - member letters 1981
Condor - poster campaign 1981
Condor - material for San Francisco Ecological Society 1981
Condor - brochure campaign in California 1981
Condor - National Public Radio 1981
Condor - miscellaneous 1981
Condor - Tejon Ranch 1981-1982
Condor - statements by scientists 1981-1982
Condor - Conservation Endowment Fund 1982
Condor - Wilderness Bill 1982
Condor - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, federal and state permits 1982
Condor - California Fish and Game Commission, August 5 hearing and fallout 1982
Condor - The Condor Question 1982
Condor - habitat study proposal 1982
Condor - news clippings 1982
Condor - miscellaneous 1982-1983
Condor - California Fish and Game Commission 1983
Condor - film competitions 1983-1984
Condor - American Ornithologists' Union 1983
Condor - t-shirts 1983
Condor - miscellaneous 1983-1984
Condor - facilities report 1984
Condor - permit violation 1984
Condor - M-44 cyanide 1984
Condor - California Condor Recovery Project 1984
Condor - habitat status and recommendations 1984-1985
Condor - Laura Arnow, notes undated
Whales 1971-1981
Whales 1972-1978
Joint resolution on whaling - S.J. Res. 184 1973
Memo on fisheries, whales to F.O.E. representatives 1973
Bowhead whales, Beaufort Sea - environmental impact statement City of Barrow, includes government response 1973-1982
Fisheries, whales, S. 1988, David Brower letter 1974
Bell resolution (1975) 1975-1976
Bowhead whales - Eskimo cultural issues 1977-1980
Bowhead whales 1977-1980
Whales circa 1977-1981
Whales 1977-1983
Bowhead whales, Beaufort Sea - Alaska Legal Services reports 1978-1980
Bowhead whales - scientific studies 1978-1980
Eskimo whaling in Alaska 1978-1980
Bowhead whales - background and pres 1978-1980
Bowhead whales, Beaufort Sea - general information 1978-1982
Whales - F.O.E. UK 1979
Whale Center - Bowhead Whale Newsletter 1979-1980
Wake of the Whale - promo trip 1979-1980
Beaufort Sea 1979-1980
Whales - Alaska trip report 1980
Humpback whales in Glacier Bay 1980
Whales - F.O.E. Spain 1980-1982
Whales - ECO Conference 1981 1980-1981
International Whaling Commission - 1982 preparations, F.O.E. correspondence 1980-1982
International Whaling Commission - ECO 1983 1980-1983
Marine Mammals: A Selected Bibliograhy - by Marine Mammal Commission 1981
Alaska office - whales, oil drilling, Benton and Gibson 1982
Whales - F.O.E. UK, Charles Secrett 1982
Whales - Chikyu-no-Tomo (Japan) 1982-1984
International Whaling Commission - ECO newsletters (UK) 1983
International Whaling Commission - ECO newsletters (UK)International Whaling Commission circa 1983-1984
Whales - ECO newsletter and newspaper articles from Argentina 1984
Series 11. Water Resources, Projects and Policy 1960-1984
California State Water Plan - background materials 1960-1972
California State Water Plan - background materials 1965-1970
California State Water Plan - supporting materials 1965-1970
California State Water Plan - resource material, descriptive government materials 1966-1970
California State Water Plan - Dos Rios and miscellaneous 1968
California State Water Plan - correspondence 1969-1970
California State Water Plan - arguments against 1969-1970
California State Water Plan - spy material 1969-1971
California State Water Plan - alternatives 1969-1979
California State Water Plan - background materials from UC Davis 1970
California State Water Plan - Proposition 7 1970
California State Water Plan - Proposition 20 1970
California State Water Plan - attention attorneys! 1970
California State Water Plan - F.O.E. originals 1970
California State Water Plan - resource people 1970
California State Water Plan - task force correspondence 1970
California State Water Plan - task forces in Southern, Central and Northern California 1970
California State Water Plan - water conferences 1970, 1973
California State Water Plan - water district Tulare Basin Supreme Court decision 1973
California State Water Plan - The California Water Plan Outlook in 1974: State of California Resources Agency Department of Water Resources Bulletin No. 160-74 1974
California State Water Plan - news releases, newsletters and news clippings 1969-1977
California State Water Project - Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Hearings, Peripheral Canal testimony at Board of Supervisors (Martinez) 1967
California State Water Project - Effects of the San Francisco Master Drain on Water Quality of the San Francisco Bay and Delta, report by the U.S. Department of Interior Federal Water Pollution Control Administration Southwest Region 1967
California State Water Project - policy statements for and against 1969-1970
California State Water Project - miscellaneous environmental materials 1969-1970
California State Water Project - pending file 1970
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1970-1973
California State Water Project - correspondence 1970-1975
California State Water Project - legal cases, correspondence, news clippings 1970-1975
California State Water Project - Peripheral Canal 1970-1977
California State Water Project - Delta water quality 1971-1978
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1973
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1973-1975
California State Water Project - Peripheral Canal 1974-1975
California State Water Project - Metropolitan Water District 1974, 1978
California State Water Project - legal cases 1975-1976
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1976
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1977
California State Water Project - miscellaneous 1977-1978
California State Water Project - Peripheral Canal 1977-1978
California State Water Project - Peripheral Canal 1977-1979
California State Water Project - The California State Water Project, 1977 Activities and Future Management Plans: State of California Resources Agency Department of Water Resources 1978
California State Water Project - Water Quality for the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta, A Recommended Position: E.P.A. Delta Study, with F.O.E. comment circa 1978
California State Water Project - news articles 1970-1971
California State Water Project - news articles and reports 1979-1981
Water bills 1970-1974
Water projects - dam safety 1970-1975
Water projects - public works projects 1970-1980
California State Water Project - Central Valley Project operating agreement, Peripheral Canal ballot initiative and S.B. 200, 160 acre limitation law, Auburn-Folsom South Unit 1970-1984
Water projects - Public notice of review report for flood control and allied purposes on Smith River Basin, California and Oregon, U.S. Army Corp of Engineers 1971
Water projects - Water Resources Council, National Water Commission circa 1971-1979
California State Water Project - State Wild Rivers Bill 1972
Water projects - Summary Analysis: Public Response to the Proposed Principles and Standards for Planning Water and Related Land Resources and Draft Environmental Statement by U.S. Water Resources Council 1972
Water projects - National Commission on Water Quality 1972-1975
California State Water Project - New Melones Dam (California) 1972-1983
Water projects - Applegate Dam (Oregon) 1973-1978
Water projects - Tellico Dam (Tennessee) 1973-1979
California State Water Project - Warm Springs Dam and Lake Sonoma Project: draft and final environmental impact statements with comment including by Citizens Task Force 1973-1974
California State Water Project - Warm Springs Dam and Lake Sonoma Project: draft and final supplement to the environmental impact statements with correspondence and clippings by Citizens Task Force and legal documents 1973-1979
Water projects - senate action 1977
Water projects - Carter Administration cuts 1977
Water projects - Carter Administration policy 1977-1980
Water projects - Mono Lake 1977
Water projects - Wild Rivers, Tuolumne River 1979-1984
Water resources - H.R. 14950 National Natural Resources Trust Fund 1974
Water resources - weather modification 1974-1978
Water resources - San Felipe Project 1975-1977
Water resources - Colorado River 1975-1977
Water resources - Cache River 1977
Water resources - riparian water rights circa 1977
Water resources - sea level canal (Panama) 1977
Water resources - Water Rights Commission 1978-1979
Water resources - ground water proposals 1978-1979
Water resources - Water Resources Control Board (California) 1978-1982
Coastal - California coastline, Proposition 20 1970-1973
Coastal - California coastline 1970-1983
Coastal - Coastal bill 1972-1976
Coastal - Coastal Commission, includes Central Coast, North Coast, South Coast and Lake Merced Project 1972-1983
Coastal - Association of Bay Area Governments 1973-1978
Coastal - Bodega Harbor Project 1974
Coastal - Tomales Bay Angress development 1974-1976
Coastal - California Coast Plan 1975
Coastal - Coast Alliance 1978-1979
Coastal - Year of the Coast, includes steering committee, media committee, stories, Washington D.C. Coast Alliance, press kit, clippings, 1978-1980
Coastal - marine sanctuaries, includes Pt. Reyes, Farallons 1978-1984
Series 12. Water, Air and Noise Pollution 1963-1985
Water pollution - government action 1970-1975
Water pollution - stream channelization 1970-1978
Water pollution - Federal Water Pollution Control Act, H.R. 3199 1970-1978
Water pollution - 1899 Refuse Act 1970-1981
Water pollution - sewage treatment 1970-1982
Water pollution - wetlands, Section 404, Federal Water Pollution Control Act, navigable waterways 1970-1983
Water pollution -Safe Drinking Water Act 1973-1975
Water pollution - water policy 1973-1979
Water pollution - groundwater (Long Island, NY) 1982-1983
Water pollution - Great Lakes fish and pollution 1983-1985
Air pollution - industry 1969-1978
Air pollution - government action and legislation 1970-1979
Air pollution - petition to Air Resources Board, lead in gasoline 1970-1979
Air pollution - cars 1970-1979
Air pollution - general 1970-1982
Air pollution - damage to agriculture 1971-1976
Air pollution - Clean Air Act, includes correspondence, amendments, task force, complex sources 1972-1983
Air pollution - ozone, fluorocarbons 1974-1979
Air pollution - Report of Federal Task Force on Inadvertent Modification of the Stratosphere: Fluorocarbons and the Environment by Council on Environmental Quality Federal Council for Science and Technology (June 1975) 1975
Air pollution - health effects 1975-1981
Air pollution - prevention of significant deterioration of air quality, regulations including Utah redesignation 1976-1979
Air pollution - damage to forests 1976-1982
Air pollution - energy 1977
Air pollution - transportation control plan 1977
Air pollution - visibility protection and regulations, includes integral vistas 1977-1981
Air pollution - acid rain, includes speeches, costs, F.O.E. Scotland, news clippings from U.S. and U.K. 1979-1984
Air and noise pollution - airports, Airport Land Use Committee 1966-1976
Noise pollution - airports 1970-1977
Noise pollution - general 1972-1974
Air and noise pollution - airports in San Francisco 1973-1978
Air and noise pollution - airports in Oakland 1975
Air and noise pollution - aviation 1975-1976
Noise pollution - Supersonic transport and the Concorde 1963-1971
Noise pollution - Supersonic transport and the Concorde 1972-1977
Toxics - chemical and biological warfare, disarmament 1968-1969
Toxics - solid waste, recycling 1969-1977
Toxics - DDT, includes L.A. Project 1971, 1979
Toxics - pesticides, PCBs, Integrated Pest Management, includes Erik Jansson testimony 1977-1983
Toxics - pesticides, Medfly 1980-1981
Toxics - reproduction, birth defects 1980-1983
Supersonic transport and the Concorde - publicity images - eight 12" x 17" glossy color photos with caption showing aspects of the Concorde circa 1970-1975
Series 13. A/V circa 1969
8mm film reel labeled 9/18 [possibly from 1969 news conference announcement of F.O.E. founding or early campaigns] 1969