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University Archives Vertical Files collection (University of California, Irvine)
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Table of contents What's This?

box 1, folder 1-7

A & PW (Academic & Professional Women) 1967-1999

box 1, folder 8

Academic Advising 1981-1995

box 1, folder 9-10

Academic Affairs 1967-1994

box 1, folder 11

Academic Personnel 1985-1994

box 1, folder 12-13

Academic Planning 1973-2001

box 1, folder 14-15

Academic Senate 1981-2005

box 1, folder 16

(Program of) Academic Support Services 1988-1992

box 1, folder 17

Ad Hoc Colloquium 1965

box 1, folder 18

Adams, Ansel 1991

box 1, folder 19-20

Admissions & Relations with Schools 1985-2004

box 1, folder 21-23

Admissions 1964-2004

box 2, folder 1-4

Affirmative Action 1972-2003

box 2, folder 5

AIDS Program 1985-1995

box 2, folder 6

Air Pollution Health Effects Laboratory pre

box 2, folder 7

Alcohol 1984-1994

box 2, folder 8-12

Alumni Association 1969-2005

Language of Material: Irish.

Analytical Studies & Information Management 1990

box 2, folder 14

Anteater 1970-2007

box 2, folder 15

Anniversaries - Fortieth 2005

box 2, folder 16-17

Anniversaries - Twenty-Fifth 1990


Antrap (aka The Trap) 1980-1984

box 2, folder 19

Assessment & Learning in Knowledge Spaces 1998


Associated Graduate Students 1974-1992

box 2, folder 21

Associated Students Student Center 1995

box 2, folder 22

Association of American Universities 1996

box 2, folder 23-29

ASUCI 1970-1997


ASUCI-Elections 1971-1975

box 2, folder 31

ASUCI Sponsored Activities 1971-1980


ASUCI Sponsored Activities 1967-1969


ASUCI - Elections 1977-1993


ASUCI 1966-1969

box 3, folder 5

Athletics (Intercollegiate) 1965-2004

box 3, folder 6

Audit (UCI Committee on Internal) 1988


Beckman Laser Institute 1986-1988

box 3, folder 8

Benefits, Employee 1988-1997


Bicycle 1972-1989

box 3, folder 10

Biographies - Colaclides, Peter, 1920-1985 undated

box 3, folder 11

Biographies - Derrida, Jacques, 1930-2004 undated

box 3, folder 12

Biographies - Meldan, Abraham 1991

box 3, folder 13

Biographies - Aldrich, Chancellor Dan, 1918-1990 undated

box 3, folder 14

Biographies - Miscellaneous A-L undated

box 3, folder 15

Biographies Miscellaneous M-Z undated

box 3, folder 16

Biological Sciences - Dean Howard A Schneiderman Tribute 1991

box 3, folder 17

Biological Sciences - Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, San Joaquin Mash Waterfowl Final Report 1986

box 3, folder 18

Blood Bank 1968-1987

box 3, folder 19-22

Bookstore 1976-2000

box 3, folder 23-25

Bren Events Center 1984-2005

box 3, folder 26

Budget Crisis 1992-1993

box 3, folder 27-30

Building, Buildings 1961-2005

box 3, folder 31

California Institute for Science & Innovation 1990

box 3, folder 32

California Institute for Telecommunications & Information Technology 2001

box 3, folder 33

California State Employees Association, Irvine Chapter 1969-1972

box 3, folder 34

Campus Artwork, Plaques, etc. 1967-1999

box 3, folder 35

Campus & Environmental Planning 2000

box 3, folder 36

Campus Calendar Office 1973-1998

box 3, folder 37

Campus Campaign 1989

box 3, folder 38

Campus Community Council 2000

box 3, folder 39

Campus Events Center 1982

box 4, folder 1-5

Campus Organization Services 1966-1999

box 4, folder 6

Campus Planning Committee 1972

box 4, folder 7

VF/Campus Planning, General 1964

box 4, folder 8

Campus Project Office 1991

box 4, folder 9

Campus Safety 1988-2004

box 4, folder 10

Campus Temporary Services 1990-1994

box 4, folder 11-12

Campus Tours 1972-1993

box 4, folder 13

Campus Union 1968-1973

box 4, folder 14

Campus Veterinarian 1986-1988

box 4, folder 15

Campus Village 1981-1987

box 4, folder 16

Cancer Research Institute 2001

box 4, folder 17

Career Center 1987-2002

box 4, folder 18-22

Career Planning & Placement Center 1969-2002

box 4, folder 23

Cashier's Office 1989-1992

box 4, folder 24-25

Celebrate UCI 1979-2003

box 4, folder 26

Center for Citizen Peacebuilding 2005

box 4, folder 27

Center for Educational Partnerships 1996-1999

box 4, folder 28

Center for International Education 1990-2000

box 4, folder 29

Center for Pathobiology undated

box 4, folder 30

Center for Unconventional Security Affairs 2003

box 4, folder 31

Certificates, commencement, honors, etc. 1969-1984

box 4, folder 32

Chabon, Michael 2001

box 4, folder 33

Chairs, Endowed 1984-1990

box 5, folder 1-8

Chancellor 1962-2006

box 5, folder 9

Chancellor's Distinguished Fellow Series 1999-2003

box 5, folder 10

Chancellor's Distinguished Lecturer 1990-1999

box 5, folder 11

Chancellor's Receptions 1969-1999

box 5, folder 12

Charter & Charter's Day 1966-1969

box 5, folder 12

Chicano Faculty Colloquia 1979-1987

box 5, folder 14-16

Childcare Services/Children's Center & Services 1970-2004

box 5, folder 18

College Legal Clinic 1977-1978

box 5, folder 17

Claire Trevor Theater 2002

box 5, folder 20

Community Service 1993-1997

box 5, folder 19

Commencement 1966-2006

box 5, folder 21

Community Projects Office/Community Concern 1969-1998

box 5, folder 22

Community, Irvine, The Irvine Company 1991-1996

box 5, folder 23

Community Outreach Partnership Center 2006

box 5, folder 24

Commuter Student Program 1974-1991

box 5, folder 25

Computer Science & Engineering 2003

box 5, folder 26

Conference Center University 1981-1989

box 5, folder 27-29

Conferences Sponsored by UCI 1977-2001

box 6, folder 1

Conferences Sponsored by UCI 1967-1976

box 6, folder 2

Contract & Grant 1989

box 6, folder 3

Contract Medicine 1989

box 6, folder 4

Contribution/Donation, Employee 1994-1997

box 6, folder 5

Convocations, UCI 1965-1970

box 6, folder 6

Counseling, Special Services & Learning Skills Center 1982-2002

box 6, folder 7

Counseling & Special Services 1971-1981

box 6, folder 8

Counseling & Special Services, Summer Program 1976

box 6, folder 9

Criminology, Law & Society 2001

box 6, folder 10

Critical Theory Institute 1997

box 6, folder 11

CRITO (Center for Research on Information Technology and Organization) 1992-1998

box 6, folder 12-14

Cross Cultural Center 1967-2002

box 6, folder 15

Cultural Diversity 1997

box 6, folder 16

Dance Department 1983-2004

box 6, folder 17-19

Dean of Students 1968-2002

box 6, folder 20

Dean of Students Meeting Minutes 1972-1973

box 6, folder 21

Demonstrators and Demonstrations 1988

box 6, folder 22-24

Disabled Students 1973-1992

box 6, folder 25

Disasters and Tragedies 2001-2003

box 6, folder 26

Distinguished Faculty Lecturer 1978-1997

box 6, folder 27

Education Abroad Program 1966-1995

box 6, folder 28

Early Outreach Program 1977-1987

box 6, folder 29

Earth Week 1990

box 6, folder 30

Educational Opportunity Program 1990-1993

box 7, folder 1-5

Educational Opportunity Program 1969-1989

box 7, folder 6

Educational Support Services 1974-1977

box 7, folder 7

Electronic Educational Environment (EEE) 1996

box 7, folder 8

Emergency Preparedness 1990-1995

box 7, folder 9

UCI Energy Conservation: Annual Report 1975-1984

box 7, folder 10-14

Engineering, School of 1965-2003

box 7, folder 15

English and Comparative Literature, Department of 2003

box 7, folder 16

Enrollment and Retention 1980-1989

box 7, folder 17

Entertainment Registry 1988-1993

box 7, folder 18

Equal Opportunity and Diversity (Office of) 2001

box 7, folder 19

Event Flyers, misc 1971-1987

box 7, folder 20

Examinations for Class Credit 1966-1967

box 7, folder 21

Executive Vice Chancellor 1988-1998

box 7, folder 22

Experimental College 1968-1978

box 7, folder 23

Extended University 1972

box 7, folder 24

Faculty, General Information 1986-2002

box 7, folder 25

Faculty & Staff Assistance Program 1990-2000

box 7, folder 26

Faculty Honors 1983-1995

box 7, folder 27-28

Faculty Publications 1967-1996

box 7, folder 29

Fight Song undated

box 7, folder 30

Film & Video Center 1998-2003

box 8, folder 1

Filmed on Campus 1964-2004

box 8, folder 2

Films ASUCI 1969-1991

box 8, folder 3

Films, Miscellaneous 1988-1998

box 8, folder 4-7

Financial Aid 1968-2005

box 8, folder 8

Financial Planning, Office of 1990-1993

box 8, folder 9

Focused Research Initiative on Scientific Explanation 1980-1990

box 8, folder 10-11

Food Services 1987-1998

box 8, folder 12

Folkdancers 2001

box 8, folder 13

Foreign Study 1996

box 8, folder 14

Forensic Team 1975-1981

box 8, folder 15-18

Friends of the Library 1966-1998

box 8, folder 19

Friends of UCI 1965-1982

box 8, folder 20

Friends of UCI (Miscellaneous Minutes) 1971-1973

box 8, folder 21

Fundraising 1975-2003

box 8, folder 22

Gallery Associates 1971-1991

box 8, folder 23

Gay and Lesbian Issues 1990-1996

box 8, folder 24

General Studies Advising Program 1976-1996

box 8, folder 25

PS/Gene Research and Biotechnology Program 1984

box 8, folder 26-27

Gifts & Endowments 1967-2005

box 8, folder 28

Glossary 1975-1982

box 8, folder 29

GOPHER 1993-1995

box 8, folder 30

Graduate Affirmative Action Program 1976-1982

box 9, folder 1

Graduate Affirmative Action Program 1983-1988

box 9, folder 2-5

Graduate School of Administration 1969-1980

box 9, folder 6-12

Graduate School of Management 1980-1999

box 9, folder 13

Graduate Student Ambassador Program 1993-1997

box 9, folder 14

Graduate Studies, Office of Research 1973-2005

box 9, folder 15

Greater Irvine Health Promotion Center 1990

box 9, folder 16

Hall, Oakley 2001

box 9, folder 17

Health 1970-2006

box 9, folder 18

Health Care Provider Affiliation, MC 1996

box 9, folder 19

Health Education 1975-2002

box 9, folder 20

Holiday Cards 1995

box 9, folder 21

Holiday Celebrations 1997-1998

box 9, folder 22

Honor Code 1965-1966

box 9, folder 23

Honor's Day 1979-1989

box 9, folder 24

Honor's Program 1987-2001

box 9, folder 25

Housing Faculty & Staff 1965-1990

box 10, folder 1-2

Housing Faculty & Staff 1965-1990

box 10, folder 3

Human Subjects Review Committee 1972-1995

box 10, folder 4

Human Reources 1990-2003

box 10, folder 5

Humanities, School of 1996-2001

box 10, folder 6

Humanities Research Institute (UCHRI) 1988-1998

box 10, folder 7

Inaugurations 1966-1993

box 10, folder 8

Inclusion Area 1972-1997

box 10, folder 9

Independent Study 1966-1967

box 10, folder 10-11

Industrial Associates 1976-1984

box 10, folder 12-16

Information and Computer Science 1965-2004

box 10, folder 17-18

Information and Systems Management 1977-1985

box 10, folder 19

Institute for Brain Aging and Dementia 2000

box 10, folder 20

Institute for Surface and Interface Science 1988

box 10, folder 21

Instructional Development Service 1981-1996

box 10, folder 22

Instructional Media Services 1968-1972

box 10, folder 23

Instructional Resource Center 1996-1997

box 10, folder 24

Intercampus Cultural Exchange Committee 1966-1985

box 10, folder 25

International Center 2000

box 10, folder 26

International Center for Writing & Translation 2002

box 10, folder 27

International Services 1995-1997

box 10, folder 28

International Students 1965-1981

box 11, folder 1

International Students 1981-1998

box 11, folder 2

Internation Studies undated

box 11, folder 3

Irvine Barclay Theater 1995-2001

box 11, folder 4

Irvine Company 1990-1998

box 11, folder 5

Irvine Biomedical Research Center 1999

box 11, folder 6

Irvine Environment Coalition 1975-1989

box 11, folder 7

Irvine Group Task Force 1990-1991

box 11, folder 8

Irvine Humanities Forum 1971-1976

box 11, folder 9

Irvine Meadows West 1976-2004

box 11, folder 10

Irvine Theater Campaign 1988-1990

box 11, folder 11

Joint Venture 1990

box 11, folder 12

KUCI 1987-2001

box 11, folder 13

Landscape 1966-1996

box 11, folder 14

Language Lab 1972-1978

box 11, folder 15

Law, School of (Proposal) 1990

box 11, folder 16

Learning and Academic Resource Center 1996-2001

box 11, folder 17-18

Learning Skills Center 1976-1995

box 11, folder 19

Lectures, Lecture Series, Speakers 1979-2005

box 11, folder 20

Legislation 1980-1990

box 11, folder 21

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual Resource Center 1988-2001

box 11, folder 22

Linguistics, Department of 1994-2004

box 11, folder 23

Mail Division 1984-2000

box 11, folder 24

Maps 1991-2001

box 11, folder 25

The Marketplace 1988-1994

box 11, folder 26

Material Management 1993-2001

box 11, folder 27

Media Services 1990-1993

box 11, folder 28

MESA (Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievment) 1979-2002

box 11, folder 29-30

Minority Students 1970-2001

box 11, folder 31

Military Service 1968

box 11, folder 32

Minority Introduction to Engineering 1970-1981

box 11, folder 33

Minority Program Committee 1977-1978

box 11, folder 34

Mission, Campus 1980

box 11, folder 35

Model United Nations 1972-1973

box 11, folder 36

Named Facilities 1975-1998

box 11, folder 37

National Academy of Science and Engineering 1987-1999

box 11, folder 38

Natural Reserve System 1967-1980

box 11, folder 39

New University 1970-1991

box 11, folder 40

Nixon Presidential Library 1983-1992

box 11, folder 41

North Campus 1991-1995

box 11, folder 42

Non-UCI Events Held on Campus 1991

box 11, folder 43

Orientation Week 1978-1989

box 11, folder 44

Outreach 2000-2002

box 11, folder 45

Parents' Organization 1972-1976

box 11, folder 46

Patogh 1972-1978

box 11, folder 47

Payroll 1995

box 12, folder 1

Pegasus Programs 1983-1988

box 12, folder 2-3

Organizational Changes & Bio Info 1970-1986

box 12, folder 4

Orientation Programs 1974-1981

box 12, folder 5

"o" Week (Orientation Week) 1965-1976

box 12, folder 6

Oceanology Associates undated

box 12, folder 7

Ombudsman (campus) 1987-1990

box 12, folder 8

Open House 1973-1978

box 12, folder 9

ORCO Credit Union 1991

box 12, folder 10

Organizational Changes & Bio Info 1987-1989

box 12, folder 11

Pereira, William 1963-1968

box 12, folder 12

Perpetual Calendar 1975-1985

box 12, folder 13

Personnel Office 1975-1998

box 12, folder 14

Parking, Traffic and Transportation 1964-1985

box 12, folder 15-16

Personnel Office 1981-1990

box 12, folder 17

Physical Sciences, School of 2003-2004

box 12, folder 18

Physics Department 1967-1979

box 12, folder 19

Planning, Policy and Design, Department of 2003

box 12, folder 20

Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Human Subjects in Research 1972-1984

box 12, folder 21

Police Department, UCI Campus 1989

box 12, folder 22-24

Policies Relating to Students and Organizations 1965-1997

box 12, folder 25

Political Activity 1969-2003

box 12, folder 26

Printing and Reprographics, Clone Factory 1974-2001

box 12, folder 27

Programs, misc 1986-1987

box 12, folder 28

Project 21 1965-1971

box 12, folder 29

Protest 1967-2006

box 12, folder 30

Psychology and Social Behavior, Department of 2003-2004

box 12, folder 31-32

Public Policy Research Organization 1977-1990

box 12, folder 33

Publications Info 1971-1985

box 12, folder 34

Purchasing 1964-1998

box 12, folder 35

Recycling Center, UCI 1976-1996

box 12, folder 36

Reeve-Irvine Research Center undated

box 12, folder 37

Regents Lecturers, etc 1968-1998

box 12, folder 38

Registrar's Office 1990-2004

box 13, folder 1-2

Registrar's Office 1965-1978

box 13, folder 3-5

Relations With Schools 1967-1993

box 13, folder 6

Religious Organizations 1986-2001

box 13, folder 7-8

Research, UCI 1969-2003

box 13, folder 9

Retirement Flyers 1991-1993

box 13, folder 11

Social Ecology, School of 1982-2003

box 13, folder 10

San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve 1972-1989

box 13, folder 13

Scholarships & Awards 1965-2004

box 13, folder 12, 14

Sexual Harassment Policy 1982-1997

box 13, folder 15

Social Relations, Program in 1979-1990

box 13, folder 16

School of Social Sciences 1972-2001

box 13, folder 17

Speakers Bureau 1965-1996

box 13, folder 18

Special Programs 1977-1995

box 13, folder 19

Special Services 1977-1995

box 13, folder 20-21

Staff Assembly - UCI 1985-2000

box 13, folder 22

Staff 1981-1991

box 13, folder 23

Staff Training and Development Opportunities 1984-2001

box 13, folder 24-25

Student Activities Office 1987-1995

box 14, folder 1

Student Activities Office 1967-1986

box 14, folder 2-5

Student Affairs 1969-2002

box 14, folder 6-8

Student Center 1989-2005

box 14, folder 9-11

Student Health Service 1978-1999

box 14, folder 12-14

Student Parent Orientation Program 1967-1994

box 14, folder 15

Student Recommended Faculty Program 1977-1993

box 14, folder 16

Student Services 1979-1999

box 14, folder 17

Studio Art 1965-1991

box 14, folder 18

Substance Abuse 1989-1998

box 14, folder 19

Summer Programs (for youth) 1990-1999

box 14, folder 20-21

Summer Programs 1976-1995

box 14, folder 22

Supervisor's Network 1991

box 14, folder 23

Teacher Education Department 1985-2001

box 15, folder 1

Teacher Education Department 1970-1984

box 15, folder 2

Teaching Assistants 1982-1998

box 15, folder 3

Technology Alliances, Office of 2004

box 15, folder 4

Telecommunications 1985-1998

box 15, folder 5

Thesaurus Linguae Graecae 1986-1990

box 15, folder 6

Town & Gown 1965-1997

box 15, folder 7

Tradition (UC/UCI) undated

box 15, folder 8

Transfer Student Association 1995

box 15, folder 9

Travel Policy & Procedures 1989-1998

box 15, folder 10-11

Tutorial Assistance 1978-1990

box 15, folder 12

UC Access 1998

box 15, folder 13

UCItems 1995

box 15, folder 14

UC Charter 1867

box 15, folder 15


box 15, folder 16

UC Nine Campuses 1968-1997

box 15, folder 17

UCI Medal 1988-1990

box 15, folder 18

UCI Staff Association Assembly 1977-1998

box 15, folder 19

Unaffiliated Students 1976-1985

box 15, folder 20

Undergraduate Business Association 1991-1992

box 15, folder 21-23

Undergraduate Studies 1986-2003

box 15, folder 24-25

Uni-Prep 1969-1984

box 15, folder 26

Unicamp 1969-1971

box 15, folder 27-28

Unions 1984-2003

box 16, folder 1

Unions 1966-1983

box 16, folder 2-3

University Center 1978-1987

box 16, folder 4-7

University Club 1966-2005

box 16, folder 8

University Day 1977-1984

box 16, folder 9

University/Industry Research and Technology 1995-2001

box 16, folder 10-11

University of California 1963-2002

box 16, folder 12

University of California Centennial 1968

box 16, folder 13

University Relations and General Literature 1976-1977

box 16, folder 14

University Research Park 1998-2001

box 16, folder 15

University Town Center 1972-1990

box 16, folder 16-17

Vertical File Index 1978-1996

box 16, folder 18

Veterans 1969-1979

box 16, folder 19

Vietnamese Students 1972-1982

box 16, folder 20

Volunteer 1971-2002

box 16, folder 21-22

Water Resources Library 1978

box 16, folder 23

Women undated

box 16, folder 24

Women in Higher Education in California 1976-2001

box 16, folder 25

Writing Program 1992-2003

box 16, folder 26

Writing Project 1985-1998

box 16, folder 27

Yearbook 1991-1993