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Box Religion-1, Folder 21

The Ninety and Nine Hymn

Box Religion-1, Folder 21

Away on the mountains, wild and bare

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set number: 2
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

But the shepherd made answer

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Co. (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 3
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

How deep were the waters crossed

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 5
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

Ere he found his sheep that was lost

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Co. (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 6
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

Lord, whence are those blood drops

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Co. (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 7
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

Lord, whence are thy hands so rent and torn

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set number: 8
Box Religion-1, Folder 21

There arose a glad cry to the gate of Heaven

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Co. (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 9
Box Religion-1, Folder 22

Parable of the Lilies

Box Religion-1, Folder 22

Parable of the Lilies

Manufacturer: Theo. J. Harbach (Philadelphia, PA)
Type: American standard; lithographic
Set Number: 19
Box Religion-1, Folder 23

Parable of the Lost Sheep

Box Religion-1, Folder 23

[illegilble], Cat. No. V499

Manufacturer: Stereopticon Slide Co. (Loma Linda, CA)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 2
Box Religion-1, Folder 23

Cat. No. R866

Manufacturer: Stereopticon Slide Co. (Loma Linda, CA)
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Set Number: 22
Box Religion-1, Folder 23


Manufacturer: UPIN
Type: American standard; hand-colored lithographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 1

Patriarchal Degree

Box Religion-2, Folder 1

Abraham offering Isaac

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 2

The Pope, circa 1930s

Box Religion-2, Folder 2


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 3

Portraits of Christ

Box Religion-2, Folder 3

Portrait of Christ

Manufacturer: Oscar A. Prieger (Eugene, Oregon)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 1554
Box Religion-2, Folder 3

Portraits of Christ

Manufacturer: H.N. Tolton Studio
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 3

Bust of Christ from Hofmann

Manufacturer: H.N. Tolton (Lodi, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 4

The Prodigal Son

Box Religion-2, Folder 4

The Swine-herd

Manufacturer: Chicago Projecting Company (Chicago,Il)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 5

Proverbs 4:14

Box Religion-2, Folder 5

Enter Not Into the Path of the Wicked

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 6

Rebecca: The Quality of Mercy

Box Religion-2, Folder 6

Rebecca: The Quality of Mercy

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; text
Set Number: 16
Box Religion-2, Folder 7

Return from Egypt

Box Religion-2, Folder 7

The Return from Egypt

Manufacturer: Edgar S. Burton (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Set of Hymns

Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Just as I am, without one plea

Manufacturer: A.D. Handy, Stereopticons and Supplies (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

O That Will Be Glory

Manufacturer: A.D. Handy, Stereopticons and Supplies (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Praise Him! Praise Him!

Manufacturer: Walter Isaacs (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Chorus: Sunshine in the Soul

Manufacturer: A.D. Handy, Stereopticons and Supplies (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

O little town on Bethlehem!

Manufacturer: John H. Thurston, Stereopticons (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Stand Up for Jesus!

Manufacturer: E.W. Goodrich, Tremont Temple (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard; text
Box Religion-2, Folder 8

Sail On!

Manufacturer: E.W. Goodrich, Tremont Temple (Boston, Ma)
Type: American standard; text
Box Religion-2, Folder 9

Story of Ruth

Box Religion-2, Folder 9

Story of Ruth: Ruth lying at the feet of Boaz

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 10


Box Religion-2, Folder 10

[Man surrounded by light]

Manufacturer: G. Kanzee (San Francisco, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 21
Box Religion-2, Folder 10


Manufacturer: G. Kanzee (San Francisco, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 11

There Were Ninety and Nine Hymn Set

Box Religion-2, Folder 11

And Although The Road be Rough and Steep

Manufacturer: H.N. Tolton Studio (Lodi, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 4
Box Religion-2, Folder 11

Lord Whence are These blood-drops

Manufacturer: H.N. Tolton (Lodi, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 7
Box Religion-2, Folder 12

Vesper Hymns to the Virgin

Box Religion-2, Folder 12

Vesper Hymns to the Virgin

Manufacturer: West Slide & Photo Service (Los Angeles, Ca)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 13

We Three Kings

Box Religion-2, Folder 13

Star in the East October 5, 1915

Manufacturer: Animatograph Company (Davenport, Ia)
Type: British standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 13


Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Religion-2, Folder 13

Christmas Story

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; silhouette slide
Box Religion-2, Folder 14

Allliance Mission, New York City

Box Religion-2, Folder 14

Joseph Lewek, Superindendent Jewish Work; Alliance Mission

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 15

Passion Play 1910

Box Religion-2, Folder 15


Manufacturer: William H. Rau, Photographer
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 16

Unidentified Set of Catholic Slides

Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 16


Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 17


Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Storm on a Mountain]

Manufacturer: Stereopticon Slide Company (Loma Linda, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Angels with Books]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Woman by the Window]

Manufacturer: Stereopticon Slide Company (Loma Linda, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Old Man Writing on a Scroll]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 17


Manufacturer: Stereopticon Slide Company (Loma Linda, Ca)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Angel Descending Onto Others]

Manufacturer: Keystone View Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

Shepherds Whose Flocks

Manufacturer: Riley Optical Instrument Company (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

[Boat Surrounded by Others Drowning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Religion-2, Folder 17

The Word

Manufacturer: Victor Animatograph Company
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 570
Box Religion-3, Folder 1


Box Religion-3, Folder 1

Dissolving Views - Jerusalem in her Grandeur - Selons

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Wood frame; hand colored
Box Religion-3, Folder 1

Dissolving Views - Jerusalem in her Decay - Selons

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Wood frame; hand colored
Box Religion-3, Folder 2

Parable of the Tares

Box Religion-3, Folder 2


Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Company (Chicago)
Type: Wood frame; hand painted
Set number: 1
Box Religion-3, Folder 2


Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Company (Chicago)
Type: Wood frame; hand painted
Set number: 5
Box Religion-3, Folder 3

The Star of Bethlehem

Box Religion-3, Folder 3

Dissolving Views - The Star of Bethlehem

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Optician (New York)
Type: Wood frame; hand colored
Set number: 8
Box Religion-3, Folder 3

Dissolving Views - The Star of Bethlehem

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Optician (New York)
Type: Wood frame; hand colored
Set number: 9
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

The Other Wise Men box set

Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Into Walls and Hanging Gardens

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 1
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban welcomes his guests, the Magi

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 2
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban and Magi around

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 3
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban the Prophecy

Manufacturer: Moore, Hubbell & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 4
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

[Illegible] shows jewels to his friends

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 5
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Three magi in temple watching for star 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 6
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban, on his roof, beholds the star 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 7
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban on horse speeding to place of tryst 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 8
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban passing the sculptured rock 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 9
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban dismounts to assist [illegible] 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 10
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban ministers to Jew and saves his life 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 11
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Jew tells Artaban where Messiah must be sought

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 12
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban arrives at tryst and finds magi gone 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 13
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Three magi on camel

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 14
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban sells his sapphire to buy camels 1895

Manufacturer: Harper & Brothers
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 15
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban journeys across desert 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 16
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Magi arrive at Jerusalem

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 17
Box Religion-4, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 18
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Arrival at Bethlehem

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 20
Box Religion-4, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 20
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Adoration of Magi

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 21
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Flight into Egypt

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 22
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Slaughter of Innocents

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 23
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban with ruby

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 24
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

The Prayer of Artaban

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 25
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban gasping at the Sphinx

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Set number: 26
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Wise men and Herod

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 27
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban feeding the hungry

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Set number: 28
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban assisting plague stricken victims

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 29
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban visiting [illegible]

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 30
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban gazing at his pearl 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 31
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban following multitude to Golgotha

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 32
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Christ bearing the Cross

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 33
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban [illegible] about to be sold to slavery 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 34
Box Religion-4, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 35
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Jesus alone on cross

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 36
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Earthquake after Crucifixtion

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 37
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban fatally stricken supported by maiden 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 38
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Verily I say unto thee inasmuch as thou hast done it unto one of the least of these my brethren thou has done it unto me.

Manufacturer: Geo W. Bond Slide Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard
Box Religion-4, Folder 1

Artaban beholds the face of the king 1895

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond & Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set number: 40

Salutations c. 1890-1910

Box Salutat-1, Folder 1


Box Salutat-1, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Chromolithographic chromatrope; pulley slide
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1

Good Night

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Hand-painted single slipping slide
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1

Compliments of the Season

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Wood frame; chromolithographic
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Chromolithographic rackwork slide
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1

Good Night

Manufacturer: McAllister, Manufacturing Optician (New York)
Type: Chromolithographic rackwork slide
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Panorama
Box Salutat-1, Folder 1

Good Night

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Panorama
Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

Good Night

Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

Good Night

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

Good Night, Call Again

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

"Good Night"

Manufacturer: Millikin and Lawley
Type: British standard; chromolithographic
Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

"Thank You, Good Night"

Manufacturer: Kansas City Slide Company (Kansas City, MO)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Salutat-1, Folder 2

Good Night

Manufacturer: Chicago Projecting Company (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Salutat-1, Folder 3

Merry Christmas

Box Salutat-1, Folder 3

Merry Christmas

Manufacturer: C.S. Scott
Type: British standard; chromolithographic
Box Salutat-1, Folder 3

A Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard
Box Salutat-1, Folder 4


Box Salutat-1, Folder 4


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored

Science c. 1880-1930

Box Science-1, Folder 1

10 Recently Patented Inventions Whose Time Has Not Yet Come

Box Science-1, Folder 1

Recently Patented Inventions Whose Time Has Not Yet Come 1-5

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Science-1, Folder 1

Recently Patented Inventions Whose Time Has Not Yet Come 6-10

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Science-1, Folder 2


Box Science-1, Folder 2

[Target and Probe Diagram]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 2

[Left and Right Diagram]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 2

Sianusk in Yards per Fortnight

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 3

Battery Development Set

Box Science-1, Folder 3

Daniel's Cell

Manufacturer: Keystone View Company (Meadville, Pa)
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 3

Wheel Driven by Cathode Rays

Manufacturer: Keystone View Company (Meadville, Pa)
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 3

The Wedge

Manufacturer: Keystone View Company (Meadville, Pa)
Type: American standard
Box Science-1, Folder 4


Box Science-1, Folder 4

[Leaves and Berries]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Science-1, Folder 5

Botany Set

Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flower Bushes]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Tree with White Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White and Pink Flowers]

Manufacturer: Alexander's Studio (Kirksville, Mo)
Type: American standard; colored photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[House with Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flowers Under Awnings]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Bush with Red and White Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5


Type: American standard; colored photograph
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Wooded Area]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Single White Flower]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Multiple Flower Bushes in a Row]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[A Few Trees in a Flat Grassland]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Different Flowers in Front of Trees]

Manufacturer: Kanzee
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Bird Houses in Front of Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Red Flower Bush Growing on a Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Potted Plants in Front of a House]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Red and White Flower Garden]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Single Pink Rose]

Type: American standard; colored photograph
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flowers with Other Foliage]

Type: American standard; colored photograph
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Trees in Front of a Building]

Type: American standard; photographic
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Wooded Valley with a River]

Type: American standard; photographic
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Foliage Around a Pagoda]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Rose Garden Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Rose Garden Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Roses Under a Wood Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Two White Roses and One Pink Rose]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[A Candle, Flowers, and a Figurine on a Ledge]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[People Sitting in a Park]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Picture of a Hut]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[A Candle, Flowers, and a Figurine on a Ledge]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Sheep Grazing]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[A Couple Walking Among Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Evergreen Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[People Looking at a House]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[People Dressed up in Front of a Garden]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Red Roses]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[A Man Standing in a Garden]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

Japanese Garden

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Flowers in a Vase]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Roses Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Roses Under an Awning Side View]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White and Purple Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Close up of White and Purple Flower]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White Leafed Tree]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Trees Around the River]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Trees with a White Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Garden in Front of the House]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Trees with White Leaves]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White-leafed Tree with other Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[White Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Trees with White Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Pink Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Red Geranium]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Flower Garden in a Yard]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-1, Folder 5

[Meadow with Pink and White Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: H 2.5"in x L5"in; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

Botany Set

Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flowers in Front of a House]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Bushes and Red Flowers in Front of a House]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flower]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flower at a Different Angle]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flowers Next to a Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Flower]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flowers Dying]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Orange Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Bush with Red Flowers]

Type: American standard; colored photograph
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Garden with Trellises]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographs
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flowers in Pots Outside]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company Incorportated (New York, New York)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Red Flower Bush with a Chair]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Yellow Rose]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company Incorporated (New York, New York)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Purple Flowers with White Stamens]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flowers with Green Leafs]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Flowers in a Forest]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Roses Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Roses with Other Vegetation]

Type: American standard; colored photograph
Manufacturer: Unknown
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Single Yellow Rose]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company Incorporated (New York, New York)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink and White Flower Bushes]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Garden in a Yard]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Paved Path with Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Red Flowers with Long Stems]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Small Path with Flowers and Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographs
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Red Flowers with Long Stem Growing on Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Ranunculuses]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Rose Bushes Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Red Flowers with Wood Stem on Trellis]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Purple Flowers with White Stamens]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Garden Around a Sun-dial]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Rose Bush]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Rose Bush Up Close]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Large Bush in Front of Houses]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Red Flower with Long Stem on a Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flowers in Various States of Bloom]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Single Yellow Rose]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

Nasturtium April 1931 Scott Garden Liumiere

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

Scott Tulips

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Purple Flowers Growing on a Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Rose Garden with Trellises]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Trees with White Leaves]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[A Creek and Trees in Front of a Building]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Trees with White Leaves Up Close]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Garden with Bird Bath]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Rose Bush Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Roses Up Close Under an Awning]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Large Flower Garden with a Bird Bath]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Single Yellow Rose]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flowers Along Two Paths]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Garden with a Bird Bath]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flowers Hanging Downward]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Flowers Hanging Downward]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Purple Puff Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flowers and Trees in Front of a House]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Tree with White Leaves with a Wool Fence]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Bush with Pink and Purple Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photographic
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower and Bush Garden]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Rose Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Paved Walkway with Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[A White Tree with Other Green Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Trees with White Leaves]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Purple Flowers]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Pink Roses]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[Flower Bush]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Roses]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Roses]

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1


Manufacturer: Edward H. Kemp (San Francisco, CA)
Type: American standard; colored photograph
Box Science-2, Folder 1

[White Flowering Trees]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 1

Eclipse of the Sun

Box Science-3, Folder 1

Eclipse of the Sun

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand-painted
Box Science-3, Folder 2

Enriched Data for Probability

Box Science-3, Folder 2

Table 2 Enriched Data

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Science-3, Folder 2

Table 2 Enriched Data [copy]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Science-3, Folder 2

Probability of Coins Falling on 'Heads' [Graph]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; graph text
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Fungus (Conrad Biological Slides) Set

Box Science-3, Folder 3

Cortinarus Castaneus. Chestnut Cortinarius -Fall, Woods. Edible (B6 A18)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Spirogyro, Vegetative and Conjugating Filaments and Zygospores (B1 A8)

Manufacturer: Conrad Biological Lantern Slides C.H. Stoelting Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; black and white
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Polyporus Sulphureus -Fall. Decaying Wood. Edible (B6 A6)

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Helvella lacunosa -Fall, deep woods. Edible (B6.1 Aa1)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Coprinus atramentaius (gill structure). Photomicrograph (B1 b12)

Manufacturer: The Chicago Laboratory Supply & Scale Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Gyromitra esculento, one of the largest morels. (B1 b7)

Manufacturer: C.H. Stoelting Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Gyromitra elastical -Spring (B6.1 Aa5)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Helvela californica -Fall Woods (B6.1 Aa4)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Armillaria mellea "Honey Mushroom" Wood destroying, found on trees. Edible (B6 Aa30)

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Russula rosipes. The Rosy Foot -Fall, woods. Edible (B6 Aa26)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Pholiota praecox. Spring, gardens. Edible. (B6 Aa25)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Peziza aurantia "Fairy Cup". Fall roadsides & open woods. Edible (B6.1 Ab2)

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Aecifromycetes, life history (B1 b8)

Manufacturer: C.H. Stoelting Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Sparassis herbstii -Fall, on rotting wood. Edible. (B6 Ab2)

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Tricholoma personatum. In England "Blewits". Edible. (B6 Aa28)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Clavaria crispula. Somewhat bitter but edible. Fall, woods. (B6 Ab1)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Plocamium cocineum, fructification (stichidia) at end of branches. (B1 a29)

Manufacturer: C.H. Stoelting Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Stropharia ambigua -Fall, woods. Edible. (B6 Aa24)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Stropharia chracteristic stropharia. Fall, untested. (B6 Aa28)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 3

Agaricus compestris. Meadow Mushroom. Fall Cultivated mushroom of commerce. (B6 Aa1)

Manufacturer: Depue, Morgan & Company (Seattle, WA)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 4

Index of Ingredients Made Use Of

Box Science-3, Folder 4

An index of ingredients made use of.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Science-3, Folder 5


Box Science-3, Folder 5


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand painted
Box Science-3, Folder 5


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 6

Oxytonor Oxygen

Box Science-3, Folder 6

OxyToner oxygen

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-3, Folder 7


Box Science-3, Folder 7


Manufacturer: Bond Slide Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 7


Manufacturer: Bond Slide Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 7


Manufacturer: Bond Slide Company (Chicago, IL)
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Science-3, Folder 8


Box Science-3, Folder 8

Sky with Stars

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; chromolithographic
Box Science-3, Folder 9

Unidentified Instrument

Box Science-3, Folder 9

Illustration of a scientific device.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-3, Folder 9

Illustration of a scientific device.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Science-3, Folder 10

Western Blue Bird

Box Science-3, Folder 10

Western Blue Bird / Sialia Mexicana Ocidentalis; A Study Series of Western Birds

Manufacturer: George A. Stone (Carmel, CA)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Set number: 24

Song c. 1900-1920

Box Song-1, Folder 1

Annie Laurie

Box Song-1, Folder 1

Introduction with title

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; Life Model
Set Number: 1
Box Song-1, Folder 2

Betty Co-ed

Box Song-1, Folder 2

Betty Co-ed has lips of red for Harvard, Betty Co-ed has eyes of Yale's deep blue

Manufacturer: Maurice Workstel (New York, New York); Song-Hit Slides
Type: American standard
Set Number: 24
Box Song-1, Folder 2

Betty Co-ed's a golden head for Princeton her dress, I guess, is black for old Purdue

Type: American standard
Manufacturer: Maurice Workstel (New York, New York), Song-Hit Slides
Set Number: 25
Box Song-1, Folder 2

Betty Co-ed's a smile for Pennsylvania, her heart is Dartmouth's treasure, so 'tis said.

Manufacturer: Maurice Workstel (New York, New York), Song-Hit Slides
Type: American standard
Set Number: 26
Box Song-1, Folder 2

Betty Co-ed is loved by ev'ry college boy, but I'm the one who's loved by Betty Co-ed.

Manufacturer: Maurice Workstel (New York, New York), Song-Hit Slides
Type: American standard
Set Number: 27
Box Song-1, Folder 3

Beulah Land

Box Song-1, Folder 3

Beulah Land with lyrics

Manufacturer: Pacific Stereopticon Company (Los Angeles, California)
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 3

Beulah Land; song image

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 4

Bird in a Guilded Cage

Box Song-1, Folder 4

Introduction Slide

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 4

Song lyrics

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Broken-Hearted Sue

Box Song-1, Folder 5

Broken Hearted Sue; Title Slide

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Here's a tale of romance, It's a story old of a boy who gave up love for fame and gold

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 1
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Left a girl behind him years have rolled along, now success has found him, still, life seems wrong without love's old sweet song.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Song-1, Folder 5

I heard a voice on the radio, whispering tenderly, I listened there while the lights were low, wondering who it could be.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 3
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Somewhere two lovers have parted, these are the words that I heard:

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Broken hearted Sue, I know you're lonely and blue, since we parted, Sue I'm broken hearted too

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 5
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Remember the day you sent me away and left me crying. You were so glad I was so sad and now you're sighing

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 6
Box Song-1, Folder 5

You were all the world, and love was all that I knew, happiness is gone and smiles are few

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 7
Box Song-1, Folder 5

But when our star of hope is shining then we'll see the silver lining, my broken hearted Sue I'm still in love with you.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 8
Box Song-1, Folder 5

That melody brings to my memory: Childhood days, wildwood days, days of long ago

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 9
Box Song-1, Folder 5

When Sue and I were coming thru the rye, the sun shone down upon us from on high I called her.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 10
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Sun-bonnet Sue, Sun-bonnet Sue, sunshine and roses ran second to you, but one fine day, I went away, and said as I kissed her adieu

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 11
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Goodbye little girl, goodbye. Don't cry, little girl, don't cry

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 12
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Tho' I know your heart will yearn, some day Sue, I will return. Goodbye little girl, goodbye.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 13
Box Song-1, Folder 5

And I came to New York Town, New York Town, New York Town

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 14
Box Song-1, Folder 5

I saw the bright lights those Broadway while lights, I found that all they meant was losing lots of sleep nights, so

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 15
Box Song-1, Folder 5

I looked for fame on Broadway, I turned night into day, and tho' I won success on Broadway, still I long for someone who is far away.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 16
Box Song-1, Folder 5

But I'm a long, long way from home, I feel like I am all alone, It's hard to find someone like Sue, that I can tell my troubles too, oh

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 17
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Gee! I wish I had my old girl back again, life to me would not seem lonely and in vain

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 18
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Broken hearted Sue, I know you're lonely and blue, since we parted, Sue I'm broken hearted too

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 19
Box Song-1, Folder 5

Remember the day you sent me away and left me crying. You were so glad, I was so sad and now you're sighing.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 20
Box Song-1, Folder 5

You were all the world but gold was all that I knew, Happiness is gone and smiles are few

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 21
Box Song-1, Folder 5

But sweetheart, keep that love light burning, It's for you, my heart is yearning

Manufacturer: Quality Slide Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 22
Box Song-1, Folder 5

My broken hearted Sue I'm coming back for you.

Manufacturer: Quality Slide and Flashagraph Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 23
Box Song-1, Folder 6

Champagne Charlie

Box Song-1, Folder 6

Champagne Charlie; title slide

Manufacturer: West Slide and Photo Service
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Song-1, Folder 7

Cocktails for Two, I'm Lonesome for Caroline, I Saw Star Boxset

Box Song-1, Folder 7

In some secluded rendezvous, That overlooks the avenue, With someone sharing a delightful chat, Of this and that and cocktails for two.

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Song-1, Folder 7

As we enjoy a cigarette, To some exquisite chansonnette. Two hands are sure to slyly meet Beneath a serviette, with cocktails for two.

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Set Number: 3
Box Song-1, Folder 7

My head may go reeling, But my heart will be obedient, With intoxicating kisses For the principal ingredient.

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Song-1, Folder 7

Most any afternoon at five We'll be so glad we're both alive Then maybe fortune will complete her plan That all began with cocktails for two

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

I'm Lonesome for you, Caroline

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

Say you still love me old sweet heart of mine I'm lonesome for you Caroline

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

Oh, I wonder do you miss me Just the same as I miss you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

Gee, but I'm lonesome for you, Caroline So lonesome pal-o'-mine without you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

I'm always yearning for you Caroline Please soothe this aching heart of mine

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

I Saw Stars

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

I saw stars I heard a birdie sing So sweet The moment I fell for you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

I saw stars I heard an angel say Wake up! Wake up! Your wonderful dream came true

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 7

A new born feeling had me reeling I said to myself "Where am I" It's all so hazy, may sound crazy There wasn't a star in the sky Still

Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 8

Come into the Garden, Maud

Box Song-1, Folder 8

Come into the Garden, Maud; title slide

Manufacturer: Dr. A. H. Gilson (Quincy, MA)
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 9

Community Songs Set

Box Song-1, Folder 9

Texas; The eyes of Texas are upon you, All the livelong day. The eyes of Texas are upon you, You cannot get away. Do not think you can escape them, At night or early in the morn. The eyes of Texas are upon you Till Gabriel blows his horn.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

U.S.C.; Fight on, for old S.C. Our men fight on to victory Our Alma Mater dear, Looks up to you, Fight on and win for old S.C. Fight on to victory, Fight on!!!

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

University of Michigan; Hail to the victors valiant, Hail to the conq'ring heros, Hail to Michigan, the leaders and best. Hail to the victors valiant Hail to the conq'ring heros Hail hail to Michigan, The Champions of the West.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

University of California; Our sturdy golden Bear, Is watching from the skies. Looks down upon our colors fair and guards up from his lair. Our banner gold and blue, The symbol on it too, Means fight for California, for California, through and through.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

Ohio State; Fight that team across the field, show them Ohio's here. Set the earth reverberating with a mighty cheer. RAH RAH RAH Hit them hard and see how they fall, Never let that team get the ball, Hail Hail, the gangs all here, So lets beat that---now.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

University of Minnesota; Minnesota, hats off to thee, To your colors, true shall we ever be, Firm and strong united are we, Rah, rah, rah, for Ski-U-Ma Rah, rah, rah, rah, rah, rah for the U. of M.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

Stanford; Where the rolling foothills rise, Up t'wards mountains higher where at eve the Coast Range lies, In the sunset fire, flushing deep and paling. Here we raise our voices hailing Thee our Alma Mater. From the foothills to the bay, it shall ring as we sing, It shall ring and float always- Hail Stanford Hail, Hail Stanford, Hail.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

In the shade of the old apple tree Where the love in your eyes I could see. When the voice that I heard like the song of the bird, Seemed to whisper sweet music to me, I could hear the dull buzz of the bee, In the blossoms as you said to me, With a heart that is true, I'll be waiting for you, In the shade of the old apple tree.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Co., Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

We were sailing along on Moonlight bay, We could hear the voices ringing, they seemed to say, "You have stolen my heart, now don't go way" As we sang love's old sweet song, on the moonlight bay.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

There are smiles that make us happy There are smiles that make us blue, There are smiles that steal away the teardrops, As the sunbeams steal away the dew. There are smiles that have a tender meaning, That the eyes of love alone may see, And the smiles that fill my life with sunshine, Are the smiles that you gave to me.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

Pack up all my care and woe, Here I go, singing low, Bye Bye, Blackbird. Where somebody waits for me, Sugars sweet, so is she, Bye,Bye, Blackbird-- No one here can I love or understand me, Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me. Make my bed and light the light, I'll arrive late tonight, Blackbird, Bye, Bye

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

With someone like you, a pal good and true- I'd like to leave it all behind and go and find Some place that's known to God alone, Just a spot to call our own. We'll find a perfect peace, where joys never cease, Out there beneath a kindly sky, We'll build a sweet little nest somewhere in the West, And let the rest of the world go by.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

My wild Irish Rose, the sweetest flower that grows, You may search everywhere, but none can compare, With my wild Irish Rose! My wild Irish Rose, the dearest flower that grows And some day, for my sake, she may let me take, The bloom from my wild Irish Rose.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

California, here I come, Right back where I started from. Where bowers of flowers bloom in the sun, Each morning, at dawning, Birdies sing and everything. A sun-kissed miss said "Don't be late" That's why I can hardly wait. Open up that Golden Gate, California, here I come.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 9

Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll, Let me put my arms around you I could never live without you Oh, you beautiful doll, you great big beautiful doll, If you ever leave me, how my heart would ache, I want to hug you, but I'd fear you'd break, Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, you beautiful doll.

Manufacturer: Radio-Mat Slide Company, Incorporated
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 10

Everybody Join in the Chorus Slides

Box Song-1, Folder 10

Everybody Join In the Chorus

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Song-1, Folder 10

Everybody Join in the Chorus

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-1, Folder 11

Graduating Song

Box Song-1, Folder 11

Graduating Song, Class of 1855, West Point, New York

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-1, Folder 12

He was a sailor on board the "Maine"

Box Song-1, Folder 12

He was a sailor on board the "Maine"; Descriptive Ballad by Nate Jackson

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-2, Folder 1

I Wish I Could Dance Forever

Box Song-2, Folder 1

I wish I could dance forever; title slide

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 1

I wish we could dance forever, Just to be in your arms is divine

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Song-2, Folder 1

We're lovers while dancing but then when it ends I quickly discover that we're only friends...

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 3
Box Song-2, Folder 1

I wish we could dance forever, for as long as we're dancing you're mine

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm Awfully Glad I'm Irish

Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awfully glad I'm Irish; title slide

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; black and yellow
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish; picture slide

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 2
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand-colored photograph
Set Number: 3
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 4
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish; image

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 5
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 6
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 8
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 9
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 10
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 11
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 12
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 13
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 14
Box Song-2, Folder 2

I'm awf'ly glad I'm Irish; Chorus

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena, New York, New York
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 15
Box Song-2, Folder 3

The Island of Roses and Love

Box Song-2, Folder 3

The Island of Roses and Love; sheet music cover

Manufacturer: West Slide and Photo Service (Los Angeles, CA)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Song-2, Folder 4

Learning to Walk

Box Song-2, Folder 4

Learning to Walk; sheet music cover

Manufacturer: West Slide and Photo Service (Los Angeles, CA)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Song-2, Folder 5

Ma Angeline

Box Song-2, Folder 5

Ma Angeline; sheet music cover

Manufacturer: West Slide and Photo Service (Los Angeles, CA)
Type: American standard
Box Song-2, Folder 6

My Country 'Tis of Thee

Box Song-2, Folder 6

My Country 'Tis of Thee; illustration and first verse

Manufacturer: Williams, Brown, and Earle, Incorporated (Philadelphia, PA)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 6

[Fourth verse]

Manufacturer: Williams, Brown and Earle, Incorporated (Philadelphia, PA)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 4
Box Song-2, Folder 7

My Country 'Tis of Thee (America)

Box Song-2, Folder 7

My Country 'Tis of Thee (America)

Manufacturer: Underwood and Underwood (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Box Song-2, Folder 8

My Old Kentucky Home

Box Song-2, Folder 8

My Old Kentucky Home; The sun shines bright in the old Kentucky home. Economic series.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 8

Chorus-Weep no more, my lady. Economic series

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 2
Box Song-2, Folder 8

They sing no more by the glimmer of the moon. Economic series.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 3
Box Song-2, Folder 8

The time have come when darkies have to part. Economic series.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 4
Box Song-2, Folder 8

My Old Kentucky Home; A few more days and the trouble all will end. Economic series.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 5
Box Song-2, Folder 8

A few more days till we todder on the road. Economic series.

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 6
Box Song-2, Folder 8

My Old Kentucky Home; illustration

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Song-2, Folder 9

Since Daddy's Been Taken Away

Box Song-2, Folder 9

Since Daddy's Been Taken Away; title slide

Manufacturer: Unknown
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 10

Smilin' Through

Box Song-2, Folder 10

Those two eyes o' blue kept smilin' through at me!

Manufacturer: Standard Slide Corporation (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 6
Box Song-2, Folder 11

Sound the Battle Cry

Box Song-2, Folder 11

Sound the Battle Cry; lyrics and photograph

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; photographic
Set Number: 1
Box Song-2, Folder 11


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 12

Star Spangled Banner

Box Song-2, Folder 12

[Sheet music cover]

Type: American standard; hand colored
Manufacturer: West Slide and Photo Service (Los Angeles, CA)
Box Song-2, Folder 13

String a Ring of Roses

Box Song-2, Folder 13

String a Ring of Roses

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 6
Box Song-2, Folder 14

Sweet Adeline

Box Song-2, Folder 14

Sweet Adeline; title slide

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 14

Sweet Adeline

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 15

The Very Thought of You, I never Had a Chance, Sweetie Pie - Box Set

Box Song-2, Folder 15

The Very Thought of You

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

The very thought of you And I forget to do The little ordinary things That everyone ought to do

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

The mere idea of you The longing here for you You'll never know how slow the moments go 'till I'm near you

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I'm living a kind of day-dream I'm happy as a king And foolish tho' it may seem To me- that's everything

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I see your face in every flower Your eyes in stars above It's just the thought of you The very thought of you my love

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I Never Had A Chance

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I knew we'd have to part For I could always reach your lips But I could never reach your heart

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I never had a chance Though you never told me so Somehow I know I never had a chance

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

My dream about romance Ended in a friendly chat But more than that I never had a chance

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

I never had a chance I thought you cared for me, but Now I see I never had a chance

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

Sweetie Pie, little bit sugar little bit honey, little bit sad and a little bit funny You are my sweetie pie

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

Sweetie Pie, little bit good and little bit naughty, little bit proud and a little bit haughty Still you're my sweetie pie

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 15

Sweetie pie- put your wee head upon my shoulder Wait until you get a little bit older You'll be my sweetie pie

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 16

Where the Morning Glories Twine Around the Door

Box Song-2, Folder 16

Where the Morning Glories Twine Around the Door

Manufacturer: Stereopticon and Film Exchange (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 16

Where the Morning Glories Twine Around the Door

Manufacturer: Stereopticon and Film Exchange (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 17

Where the Southern Roses Bloom

Box Song-2, Folder 17

Where the Southern Roses Bloom

Manufacturer: Memphis Transparency Company
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Set Number: 5
Box Song-2, Folder 17

Where the Southern Roses Bloom

Manufacturer: Memphis Transparency Company
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Box Song-2, Folder 18

World is Waiting for the Sunrise

Box Song-2, Folder 18

World is Waiting for the Sunrise; sheet music and lyrics

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Song-2, Folder 19

The World Owes Me a Living; Why Don't You Practice What You Preach; Inka Dinka Doo; I'll String Along With You

Box Song-2, Folder 19

Here's another cute little song entitled "The World Owes Me a Living" Let's All Sing It and on the part Dee-dle, Die-dle, Doe-dle Dum Let's have plenty of VOLUME...

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

If I worked hard all day I might sleep better when in bed at night I sleep all day so that's all right Dee-dle, die-dle, doe-dle, die-dle dum

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

The world owes me a living Dee-dle, die-dle, doe-dle, die-dle dum Oh, the world owes me a living Dee-dle, die-dle, doe-dle, die-dle, dum

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

Why Don't You Practice What You Preach?

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You're always tellin' me Just what I ought to do You're tellin' me it's wrong to look at somebody new You're tellin' me Well I'm tellin' you WHY DON'T YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH?

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You're always askin' me to name that certain day And then you change the subject And you think it's O.K. You're askin' me Well, I'm askin' you WHY DON'T YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH?

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You're always tellin' me to wait until you call I wait 'n, wait 'n, wait and then you don't call at all You're callin' me Well I'm callin' you WHY DON'T YOU PRACTICE WHAT YOU PREACH?

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You tell me I'm you sugar pie YEAH! You swear you never tell a lie YEAH! You even say you hope to die YEAH! Well how come you say it with your fingers crossed

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

Now! Let's all sing "Schnozzle" Durante's Song Success: Entitled "Inka Dinka Doo"

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

Inka Dinka Doo A-dink-a-dee-A-dink-a-doo Oh, what a tune for crooning

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

Eskimo bells up in Iceland are ringing They've made their own Paradise land signing

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

"I'll String Along with You"

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

I'm looking for an angel To sing my love song to And until the day that one comes along I'll sing my song to you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

For ev-ry lit-tle fault that you have Say! I've got three or four The hu-man lit-tle faults you do have Just make me love you more...

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You may not be an angel But still I'm sure you'll do So until the day that one comes along I'll string along with you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 19

You may not be an angel 'Cause angels are so few But until the day that one comes along I'll string along with you

Manufacturer: Eastman Lantern Slide Plates
Type: American standard; text
Box Song-2, Folder 20


Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man and woman on swing]

Manufacturer: Genre Transparency Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man and woman, piano]

Manufacturer: Genre Transparency Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man and woman embracing on a swing]

Manufacturer: Genre Transparency Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photograph
Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man and woman, bridge]

Manufacturer: Genre Transparency Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man watching woman playing piano]

Manufacturer: Genre Transparency Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Song-2, Folder 20

Unknown [man leaning on gate]

Manufacturer: Scott and Van Altena
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic

Temperance c. 1880-1920

Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Anti-Tobacco Cartoons

Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Wise Boy

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Don't You Know that Tobacco is Deadly?

Manufacturer: Community Motion Picture Bureau (New York)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Tree of Youth

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Cigarette Moloch

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Tobacco Slave

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Champions dare not smoke why should you?

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Billboard for Cigarette - "Smoke Stinking - Slavery Cigarettes"

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Miss May Hogan

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

There is a conspiracy against me; the Cigaret and Inefficiency [sic]

Manufacturer: Geo. W. Bond (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

Chewing Tobacco: How can I pay 25 cents a Sunday...?

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 1

None of Animals Smoke

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Anti-Tobacco Endorsements

Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Edison's Lettter to Mr.Ford

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger, Tampa, Fl
Type: Albert F. Prieger, Tampa, Fl
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Elbert Hubbard

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Dr. Winfield

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Gov. Thomas C. McRar, Arkansas, Non-user

Manufacturer: McIntosh Stereopticon Co. and Geo. W. Bond Slide Co. (Chicago)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Coach A.A. Stagg says...

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

George Young

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Chauncey L. Barber, M.D. says...

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard; hand colored photographic
Box Temp-1, Folder 2

Honorable Reed Smoot said...

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 3

Anti-Tobacco Statistics and Facts

Box Temp-1, Folder 3

Committee to Study the Tobacco Problem; No. 13380

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 3

Statistics: Life Insurance; No. 13315

Manufacturer: Albert F. Prieger (Tampa, FL)
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 3

Tobacco Poisons

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

The Bottle

Box Temp-1, Folder 4

He is discharged from his employment for drunkenness

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

An execution sweeps off their furniture

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 3
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

Unable to obtain employment, they are driven by poverty into the streets to beg

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

Fearful quarrels and brutal violence are the natural consequences

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 6
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

The husband in a state of furious drunkenness kills his wife

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 7
Box Temp-1, Folder 4

The Bottle has done its work

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 8
Box Temp-1, Folder 5

Drunkard's Daughter

Box Temp-1, Folder 5

Sewing Shirts

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 5


Manufacturer: McIntosh Battery optical Company (Chicago, Il)
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

The Drunkard's Daughter Set

Box Temp-1, Folder 6

Her mother dying, she is left alone in the world

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians
Type: American standard
Set Number: 1
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

She endeavors to support herself by sewing shirts

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Opticians (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

Payment for her work is refused for alleged imperfections

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians (New York)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 3
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

Unable to pay the rent she is turned into the street

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

In a moment of despair she plunges into eternity

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 5
Box Temp-1, Folder 6

Take her up tenderly, lift her with care

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 6
Box Temp-1, Folder 7

Illustrations of Mechanics

Box Temp-1, Folder 7

Illustrations of Mechanics Over Draft Screw'd Jack

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 7

Illustrations of Mechanics Over Draft- Screw'd Jack

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Box Temp-1, Folder 8

Redlight and Saloon Closing Bills

Box Temp-1, Folder 8

San Francisco petition protesting the Redlight and Saloon Closing Bills

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Set number: 4
Box Temp-1, Folder 9

Shadowed by Sin

Box Temp-1, Folder 9

[illegible] Jesus

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; hand colored photographic
Set Number: 10
Box Temp-1, Folder 9


Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; hand colored photographic
Set Number: 20
Box Temp-1, Folder 10

Statistics, circa 1940's

Box Temp-1, Folder 10

Splendid Rail Service; Progress of Drink

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard
Box Temp-1, Folder 11

Ten Nights in a Bar Room (McAllister)

Box Temp-1, Folder 11

[illegible] induced to gamble

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 7
Box Temp-1, Folder 11

Slade throws a glass at Joe Morgan and hits Mary

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Company, Manufacturing Opticians (New York, NY)
Type: American standard; black and white
Set Number: 3
Box Temp-1, Folder 11

Frank Slade kills his father with a bottle

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician (New York, NY)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 10
Box Temp-1, Folder 12

Ten Nights in a Bar Room

Box Temp-1, Folder 12

Ten Nights in a Barroom

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Temp-1, Folder 12

Ten Nights in a Barroom

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 4
Box Temp-1, Folder 12

Ten Nights in a Barroom

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 5
Box Temp-1, Folder 13

Ten Nights in a Barroom

Box Temp-1, Folder 13

The Arrival at the "Sickle and Sheaf"

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; hand colored
Set Number: 1
Box Temp-1, Folder 13

Joe Morgan's Little Mary begs him to come home

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 2
Box Temp-1, Folder 13

Frank Slade and Tom Wilkins on a spree

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard
Set Number: 6
Box Temp-2, Folder 1

The Tobacco Devil Set

Box Temp-2, Folder 1

I can ADD to a man's nervous troubles

Manufacturer: Photography Department of Sanitarium (Battle Creek, Mich.)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 53
Box Temp-2, Folder 1

I can SUBTRACT from his physical energy

Manufacturer: Photography Department of Sanitarium (Battle Creek, Mich.)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 54
Box Temp-2, Folder 1

I can DIVIDE his mental powers

Manufacturer: Photography Department of Sanitarium (Battle Creek, Mich.)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 56
Box Temp-2, Folder 1

I can TAKE INTEREST from his work

Manufacturer: Photography Department of Sanitarium (Battle Creek, Mich.)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 57
Box Temp-2, Folder 1

I can DISCOUNT his chances of success

Manufacturer: Photography Department of Sanitarium (Battle Creek, Mich.)
Type: American standard
Set Number: 58
Box Temp-2, Folder 2


Box Temp-2, Folder 2

He lurched back to his wretched room

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; hand colored photographic
Set Number: 2
Box Temp-2, Folder 2

He threw himself on the bed in a drunken state

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: British standard; hand colored photographic
Set Number: 13
Box Temp-2, Folder 2

He rushed from the bar into the street

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Bristish standard; hand colored photographic
Set Number: 25
Box Temp-2, Folder 3


Box Temp-2, Folder 3

[Man drunk on porch with woman doing laundry]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Temp-2, Folder 3

[man drunk on porch with woman doing laundry]

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: American standard; photographic
Box Temp-2, Folder 4

Schoolboy's First Cigar

Box Temp-2, Folder 4

The Schoolboy's Fisrt Cigar

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Optician (New York)
Type: Wood frame; hand painted
Box Temp-2, Folder 4

The Schoolboy's First Cigar

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Optician (New York)
Type: Wood frame; hand painted
Box Temp-2, Folder 4

The Schoolboy's First Cigar- Its Result

Manufacturer: T.H. McAllister Optician (New York)
Type: Wood frame; hand painted
Box Temp-2, Folder 5

Lecture Tonight on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco

Box Temp-2, Folder 5

Lecture Tonight on the Use and Abuse of Tobacco

Manufacturer: Unknown
Type: Hand painted single slipping slide

Slide Storage c. 1890-1930

Box Storage-1, Folder 1

Slide Boxes

Box Storage-2, Folder 1

Slide Boxes with handles (2)

Box Storage-3, Folder 1

Slide Carriers

Box Storage-4, Folder 1

Keystone View Company Slide Cabinet


Personal Papers 1890-2006


Collecting Activities and Interests Files 1900-2002

Box Papers-1, Folder 1

Auction Catalogues 1983-1996

Box Papers-1, Folder 2

Bausch and Lomb Balopticons for High School, College, Church and Home (Reprint of Joe and Alice Koch)

Box Papers-1, Folder 3

Bishop, R.O. - The Old Projectionist 1980

Box Papers-1, Folder 4

Book of Knowledge: The Children's Encyclop ædia, volume 9, 1911 (Reprint)

Box Papers-1, Folder 5

Barton, Terry - A Victorian Patriotic Celebration Show Binder 1996

Box Papers-1, Folder 6

Camera and Lantern-related Articles and Clippings 1973-2001

Box Papers-1, Folder 7

Correspondence 1977-1994, 2000, 2002

Box Papers-1, Folder 8

Cue-sheet for Special Slides Foolish Child Sheet Music 1923

Box Papers-1, Folder 9

Emile Reynaud Praxinoscope Trade Cards

Box Papers-1, Folder 10

Film Before Film 1988

Box Papers-1, Folder 11

The First Moving Picture in Arizona - or Was it?: The Tragic Tale of C.L. White's Marvelous Projectoscope Show...

Box Papers-1, Folder 12

Flip Books 1982, 1986

Box Papers-1, Folder 13

Grand View of Nikko Brochure

Box Papers-1, Folder 14

Home Entertainments or Evenings with the Magic Lantern (Original)

Box Papers-1, Folder 15

How to Make Lantern Slides, The Photo Miniature, volume 11, number 130, February 1914 (Reprint)

Box Papers-1, Folder 16

How to Make Lantern Slides, Practical Photography Series, number 7 (Original) 1934

Box Papers-1, Folder 17

Inventory (partial) of Peabody Collection and Purchases

Box Papers-1, Folder 18

Koch, Joe and Alice - Magic Lantern Shows

Box Papers-1, Folder 19

Kodak Lens Cleaning Paper circa 1970s

Box Papers-1, Folder 20

Lantern and Photography Postcards circa 1980s

Box Papers-1, Folder 21

Lantern Manipulation: being Suggestions and Instructions in the Management of Dissolving Views (Reprint)

Box Papers-1, Folder 22

Laurel and Hardy 1979-1992

Box Papers-2, Folder 1

Magic Lantern Exhibit Photographs

Box Papers-2, Folder 2

Magic Lantern Exhibition Broadsides circa 1900s

Box Papers-2, Folder 3

Magic Lantern Show Brochures and Programs 1986-1993

Box Papers-2, Folder 4

Magic Lantern Show Song Transparencies 1994

Box Papers-2, Folder 5

Magic Lanterns: The Art and the Artistry of the Lanternist, MOMI Exhibition Calendar 1990

Box Papers-2, Folder 6

Magic of America Manuscript, Chapters 1 and 3 by Terry Borton June 9, 1990

Box Papers-2, Folder 7

Material to copy to make slides

Box Papers-2, Folder 8

Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI) 1988

Box Papers-2, Folder 9

Optical Illusions Pad 1980

Box Papers-2, Folder 10

Optics Diagram Reprint

Box Papers-2, Folder 11

Photo Log: Photographer's Record Book 1973

Box Papers-2, Folder 12

Pillow Slides and Talk Binder [The Story of the City of Washington]

Box Papers-2, Folder 13

Pocket Guide to 35 mm Photography, Kodak 1983

Box Papers-2, Folder 14

Punch and Judy Postcards 1987

Box Papers-2, Folder 15

Seattle Filmworks Photography School Binder

Box Papers-2, Folder 16

Seattle Filmworks Photography School Binder - cassette tapes

Box Papers-2, Folder 17

Slide Negatives, Photos, and Transparencies

Box Papers-2, Folder 18

Songs of the Gilded Age (photocopy)

Box Papers-2, Folder 19

The Stereo Realist Guide 1954

Box Papers-7, Folder 1

Oversize posters and slide images

Box Papers-8, Folder 1

Zoetrope bands


Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain 1979-2006

Box Papers-2, Folder 20

3rd International Convention 1990

Box Papers-2, Folder 21

4th International Convention 1993

Box Papers-2, Folder 22

5th International Convention 1997

Box Papers-3, Folder 1

7th International Convention 1997

Box Papers-3, Folder 2

7th International Convention 1997

Box Papers-3, Folder 3

13th Annual General Meeting Agenda January 21, 1979

Box Papers-3, Folder 4

Announcement for the Christiaan Huygens Theater Trip September 1995

Box Papers-3, Folder 5

Binder - Constitution, Membership Directory, Meeting Recordings (1983-2006), Lending Library List 2006

Box Papers-3, Folder 6

Caring for Your Collection: A beginner's guide to the care, restoration and conservatuion of magic lantern slides December 2003

Box Papers-3, Folder 7

Constitution and Rules 1991

Box Papers-3, Folder 8

"David Saloman's House Southborough," The Royal Magazine, volume 1, November 1898 (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain) circa 1990

Box Papers-3, Folder 9

Income and Expenditure Accounts 1988, 1989, 1992

Box Papers-3, Folder 10

The Magic Lantern Society Newsletter December 1988, 2006

Box Papers-3, Folder 11

The Magic Lantern Society Newsletter Binder, volume 2 1984-1993

Box Papers-3, Folder 12

The Magic Lantern Society Newsletter Binder, volume 3 1994-1998

Box Papers-3, Folder 13

Membership Directory 1991, 1995

Box Papers-3, Folder 14

Minutes of the 17th Annual General Meeting January 23, 1993

Box Papers-3, Folder 15

Museum Survey 1987-1989

Box Papers-3, Folder 16

Museums Survey August 1991

Box Papers-3, Folder 17

The New Magic Lantern Journal Binder, volume 1 1985-1997

Box Papers-3, Folder 18

The New Magic Lantern Journal, volume 10, number 2 Autumn 2006

Box Papers-3, Folder 19

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger, volume 1, June 1889-May 1890 (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain) 1991

Box Papers-4, Folder 1

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger, volume 7, number 80, January 1896 (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain) 1987

Box Papers-4, Folder 2

The Optical Magic Lantern Journal and Photographic Enlarger, Special Christmas number 2d, 1984 (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain) 1987

Box Papers-4, Folder 3

Research Group News October and May 1992

Box Papers-4, Folder 4

Research Project No 1: Magic Lantern Bibliography

Box Papers-4, Folder 5

Science at Home: A Series of Experiments (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain)

Box Papers-4, Folder 6

The Sciopticon Manual, 3rd edition (Reprint by The Magic Lantern Society of Great Britain) 1989

Box Papers-4, Folder 7

Society Slide Readings Library 1996-1997

Box Papers-4, Folder 8

Ten Year Book 1986

Box Papers-4, Folder 9

Workshops and Market Agenda April 1989

Box Papers-7, Folder 2

Oversize posters 1990, 1997


Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada 1985-2006

Box Papers-4, Folder 10

Convention 1992

Box Papers-4, Folder 11

Convention 1994

Box Papers-4, Folder 12

Convention 1996

Box Papers-4, Folder 13

8th International Convention 1998

Box Papers-4, Folder 14

9th Convention 2000

Box Papers-4, Folder 15

10th International Convention June 2002

Box Papers-5, Folder 1

10th International Convention - Materials for Peabody's "Advances in Medical Research" Presentation 2002

Box Papers-5, Folder 2

10th International Convention - To Take 2002

Box Papers-5, Folder 3

Convention October 2004

Box Papers-5, Folder 4

12th International Convention July 2006

Box Papers-5, Folder 5

An Evening's Entertainment with the Ideal Magic Lantern (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) 1991

Box Papers-5, Folder 6

Catalogue of Magic Lanterns, Stereopticons and Moving Picture Machines (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) 1996

Box Papers-5, Folder 7

Catalogue of Stereopticons and Accessories (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) December 2002

Box Papers-5, Folder 8

Directories 1989-1991

Box Papers-5, Folder 9

Little Paul's Christmas (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) 1989

Box Papers-5, Folder 10

The Magic Lantern by Robin Ranger (Reprint from the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) 1990

Box Papers-5, Folder 11

The Magic Lantern, volume 2, numbers 1-12, 1876 (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada) circa 1990s

Box Papers-5, Folder 12

The Magic Lantern, volume 1, number 9, December 1875 (Reprint by the Magic Lantern Society of the United States and Canada)

Box Papers-5, Folder 13

The Magic Lantern Bulletin 1985-1989

Box Papers-5, Folder 14

The Magic Lantern Gazette Binder, volume 1 1988-1995

Box Papers-5, Folder 15

The Magic Lantern Gazette Binder, volume 2 1996-2004

Box Papers-6, Folder 1

Magic Lantern Gazette (US) Binder, volume 2 1996-2004

Box Papers-6, Folder 2

Membership List 1986

Box Papers-6, Folder 3

Membership List 1988

Box Papers-6, Folder 4

"Motion Picture Machines" Pamphlet (Reprint) 2001

Box Papers-6, Folder 5

Nominations 1999-2000

Box Papers-6, Folder 6

Paul Pry's Magic Lantern (Reprints) 1987

Box Papers-6, Folder 7

"T.H. McAllister, Manufacturing Optician" Pamphlet (Reprint) 1996

Box Papers-7, Folder 3

Oversize posters


Slide Readings and Lectures c. 1890-1910

Box Papers-6, Folder 8

Aesop's Fables, Chapter II c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 9

The Boy Scouts, Chapters 1 and 2 c. 1910

Box Papers-6, Folder 10

The Charge of the Light Brigade c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 11

Cinderella c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 12


Box Papers-6, Folder 13

Famous Pictures of the World, Series III c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 14

Gulliver's Travels to Liliput (photocopy)

Box Papers-6, Folder 15

Heroes of the Life Boat (photocopy)

Box Papers-6, Folder 16

Hommes de Dieu et Hommes d'Eglise Hors Cléricature

Box Papers-6, Folder 17

The House that Jack Built / Jacky Marlingspike c. 1890s

Box Papers-6, Folder 18

Jack's Treasure: the Story of a London Waif c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 19

Jeremi / Bingen on the Rhine c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 20

Mischievous Tommy (photocopy)

Box Papers-6, Folder 21

Mother Hubbard c. 1890s

Box Papers-6, Folder 22

Oeuvre d'Orient: Une lettre de Rome

Box Papers-6, Folder 23

Punch and Judy / The Dward Long Nose c. 1900

Box Papers-6, Folder 24

The Pied Piper of Hamelin c. 1910

Box Papers-6, Folder 25

Seashore of New England 1908

Box Papers-6, Folder 26

The Story of the City of Washington

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