YWCA of Oakland
Series Scope and Content Summary
Constitution 1937-01-27
Proposed amendments to bylaws of the Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland 1939-01-16
Business and Professional Committee agendas 1939-1940
Girl reserves "around the world" 1924
Hobby show sponsored by the Girl Reserve Committee Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. 1941-11-09
Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland Linden Branch annual meeting program 1938
Invitation to annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland Central Branch annual meeting 1937-01-15
Song book girl reserve mother-daughter banquet 1939-05-11
Candle lighting ceremony of the Linden Center Y.W.C.A. 1956-11-25
Annual candle lighting service for recognition of members of Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. 1943-12-19
Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. girl reserve mother-daughter banquet 1939-05-11
Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. program 1932-09-25
Phyllis Wheatley Branch of the Y.W.C.A. brochure 1939
"Every girl," a pageant interpreting the girl reserves movement 1925-06-11
Tenth annual Easter Breakfast given by the Linden Club of Business Girls 1937
Candle lighting service for the recognition of members Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. undated
Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland training course for Christian Club leadership 1922-10-09
Annual candle-lighting service for recognition of Y.W.C.A. members 1942-12-13
Annual meeting program of the Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland, California 1940-02-19
Inter-club Christmas dinner ceremonial Girl Reserves of the Oakland Y.W.C.A. 1938-12-09
Sixty sixth annual meeting Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland 1943
Linden Street Y.W.C.A. interest groups, clubs, classes 1938-1958
Centennial Committee invitation to Founder's Day Tea 1977-10-05
Girl Reserves Committee meeting invitation undated
Invitation to the mother's and daughter's banquet at the Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. undated
Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. open house nite undated
Easter Breakfast sponsored by the Linden Club of the Business and Professional Girl Department of the Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. 1930-04-20
Eighth annual sponsored by the Linden Club of Business Girls Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. 1935-04-21
Tenth annual Easter Breakfast given by the Linden Club of Business Girls Linden Branch Y.W.C.A. 1937-03-28
Invitation to Y.W.C.A. hobby show 1941-11-05
Invitation to sixty-eighth annual meeting of the Young Women's Christian Association of Oakland 1946-02-12
Invitation to exhibition of art of presenting the works of Richard W. Dempsey at the Y.W.C.A. 1940-01-27
Oakland Y.W.C.A. invitation to open house at newly redecorated West Oakland Center 1946-10-24
Correspondence 1924, 1939
Negro women and the association idea / Isobel C. Lawson 1934
The architectural mode of life / Ernestine Bryant 1934
A review of the year 1931, Y.W.C.A. Oakland, California [reproduction] 1931
Open house and annual meeting program and report 1930
The spectator: journal of the Linden St. branch Y.W.C.A. [reproduction] 1931
Y.W.C.A. news September 1977
Y.W.C.A. yearbook 1931-01-20
Newspaper clippings 1924, 1965-1973
The Phyllis Wheatley Reporter, vol. 1, no. 1 March 1960
Interracial policies of the Young Women’s Christian Associations of the United States of America 1949