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Service Employees International Union, United Service Workers West records
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  • Conditions Governing Access
  • Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements
  • Conditions Governing Use and Reproduction
  • Preferred Citation
  • Provenance/Source of Acquisition
  • Processing Note
  • UCLA Catalog Record ID
  • Biography/History
  • Organizational History
  • Justice for Janitors History
  • Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles
  • Scope and Content
  • Organization and Arrangement

  • Contributing Institution: UCLA Library Special Collections
    Title: Service Employees International Union, United Service Workers West records
    Creator: United Service Workers West (USWW), Service Employees International Union ( SEIU next hit ).
    Identifier/Call Number: LSC.1940
    Physical Description: 45 Linear Feet (45 cartons)
    Physical Description: 3.1 Linear Feet (1 unprocessed record carton, 1 unprocessed oversize flat box, 1 unprocessed oversize mounted photograph)
    Date (inclusive): circa 1935-2008
    Abstract: The collection documents the Service Employees International Union ( previous hit SEIU next hit ), Los Angeles Justice for Janitors campaign (circa 1986- 2000), in which a low-wage workforce of largely Latino immigrants re-organized the Los Angeles commercial cleaning industry and organized janitors in surrounding counties as well. The campaign is widely seen as turning point for the immigrant rights movement and labor union renewal in the United States. The collection includes photographs, audiovisual materials, ephemera, internal publications, internal training and planning records, staff records, research studies, collective bargaining agreements, and records pertaining to grievances, legal disputes, union recognition, and contract negotiations. The bulk of the collection contains photographs, audiovisual materials, and documents from the Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles campaign from three rounds of organizing and contract negotiations (circa 1986-2000). The janitors' public demonstrations and campaign staff's research materials are particularly well documented. The collection also includes records from previous hit SEIU next hit healthcare and security guard campaigns in Southern California and many photos and union legal records dating back to the 1930s.
    Physical Location: Stored off-site. All requests to access special collections material must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.
    Language of Material: Materials are in English.

    Conditions Governing Access

    Open for research. All requests to access special collections materials must be made in advance using the request button located on this page.

    Physical Characteristics and Technical Requirements

    CONTAINS UNPROCESSED DIGITAL AND AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS: Digital and audiovisual materials are not currently available for access and will require further processing and assessment. If you have questions about this material please email spec-coll@library.ucla.edu.

    Conditions Governing Use and Reproduction

    Copyright to portions of this collection has been assigned to the UCLA Library Special Collections. The library can grant permission to publish for materials to which it holds the copyright. All requests for permission to publish must be submitted in writing to Library Special Collections. Credit shall be given as follows: The Regents of the University of California on behalf of the UCLA Library Special Collections.

    Preferred Citation

    [Identification of item], Service Employees International Union, United Service Workers West records (Collection 1940). UCLA Library Special Collections, Charles E. Young Research Library, University of California, Los Angeles.

    Provenance/Source of Acquisition

    Service Employees International Union, United Service Workers West, Gift, 2012.

    Processing Note

    Collections are processed to a variety of levels depending on the work necessary to make them usable, their perceived user interest and research value, availability of staff and resources, and competing priorities. Library Special Collections provides a standard level of preservation and access for all collections and, when time and resources permit, conducts more intensive processing. These materials have been arranged and described according to national and local standards and best practices.
    Processed by Julia Tomassetti, with assistance from Caroline Luce, June 2012.
    Collection processors used original folder titles from collection creators when present and applicable. Two collection processors are responsible for date attributions on photographs when dates were not included on creators' original folder titles.
    We are committed to providing ethical, inclusive, and anti-racist description of the materials we steward, and to remediating existing description of our materials that contains language that may be offensive or cause harm. We invite you to submit feedback about how our collections are described, and how they could be described more accurately, by filling out the form located on our website: Report Potentially Offensive Description in Library Special Collections.  

    UCLA Catalog Record ID

    UCLA Catalog Record ID: 9969521003606533 


    Service Employees International Union ( previous hit SEIU next hit ) is a labor union representing almost 1.9 million workers in over 100 occupations in the United States and Canada. In the Los Angeles Justice for Janitors campaign (LA JfJ) (circa 1986- 2000), a low-wage workforce of largely Latino immigrants in a de-unionized industry organized through the Service Employees International Union ( previous hit SEIU next hit ) Local 399/Local 1877. The campaign won three area-wide contracts covering up to 9,500 janitors between 1987 and 2000 that included increased wages and full health coverage for 5,000 workers. It reversed the decline in union density in commercial cleaning by organizing 90 per cent of the building services market in downtown Los Angeles and the Century City business district. The campaign also unionized janitors in the suburbs and four additional counties.
    LA JfJ is widely seen as decisive event in contemporary struggles for immigrant rights and labor union renewal in the United States. The campaign is known for the massive member participation and its rambunctious, dramatic demonstrations and civil disobedience. LA JfJ had the highest worker participation of any contemporary labor campaign and mobilized extensive community support. The campaign defined itself around issues of immigration, inequality, the working poor, and the identities of workers as Latino/a immigrants. Also notable were its ability to exert political and economic pressure on key contractors and building owners, informed by careful and extensive research; its legal strategy; and savvy use of publicity.
    The campaign belied the assumption by organized labor that immigrants, and particularly undocumented immigrants, were not "organizable," due to their lack of interest and the political obstacles to organizing them. JfJ demonstrated to both the labor movement and Los Angeles political community that immigrants were eager to organize and ready to fill the ranks of organized labor as committed militants and experienced leaders.
    In the 1970s and 1980s, building ownership became more concentrated and shifted to large foreign investors. Despite the investment fueling an office-building boom that increased demand for janitorial services, janitors faced de-unionization, lower wages, degraded working conditions, and increased employment violations. Outsourcing became more common, and large unionized contractors began losing competition to non-unionized firms prompting union contractors to set up non-union units, or "double-breast." Building owners sought to cut costs, and they lowered the wages that contractors paid to janitors through a competitive bidding process. Between 1978 and 1985, Local 399's janitorial membership declined from its 1978 peak of 5,000 to 1,800, only 8% of city's janitorial workforce. The union held onto only a small slice of the downtown market and in 1983 signed its last master contract, which included wage concessions.
    Workforce demographics also changed during industrial restructuring. In 1950, about half of the workforce was African American, but Latino/a immigrant employment increased and became dominant during the restructuring. Undocumented immigrants also became a larger proportion of the workforce. Non-union contractors devolved responsibility for hiring janitors to front-line Latino/a crew leaders, who recruited from their networks.
    Unionization attempts largely failed in 1980s. When the Local won NLRB elections, building owners or their management companies would terminate the service contractor and switch to non-union firm. Despite their control over janitors' wages and working conditions, since building owners and management companies were not the janitors' direct employers, they did not incur legal liability for retaliation, as would the contractor if it had fired the workers in the face of an organizing drive. Given the relative market power of building owners and managers vis-à-vis contractors, the former entered short-term agreements with contractors, and could easily replace them. Even if a new contractor hired the former unionized contractor's employees, it generally was under no legal obligation to recognize the union. Some contractors regularly fired and rehired employees every 2 years to avoid unionization.
    Employment law violations increased as well with restructuring, including violations of minimum wage and hour laws, workers compensation and unemployment insurance regulations, and health and safety laws. The devolution of recruitment and supervision to front-line crew leaders made exploitation harder to detect and curb. Workers were unaware of who was responsible for their working conditions. Further, small contractors could violate employment protections with greater facility. Inadequate record keeping and cash payments made violations difficult to detect and establish, they had few assets available to satisfy judgments, and they could easily dissolve or file for bankruptcy in the face of a judgment.
    LA JfJ began in downtown Los Angeles. Campaign research revealed that only two companies, and their non-union subsidiaries, dominated the market for large buildings. The campaign targeted non-union wings of these contractors and persuaded buildings to terminate their contracts. Following the downtown victory, the campaign focused on Century City, a Westside business district of expensive office complexes. Janitors struck and held daily demonstrations. A turning point came on June 15, 1990, when police attacked a peaceful daytime demonstration of about 300 workers, students, and community activists in plain sight of tenants and the public. Public outcry and the threat of a janitorial work stoppage in New York City prompted the largest contractor to negotiate with the janitors.
    Using the same strategy and much of the same tactics, despite changing ownership patterns in the Los Angeles commercial real estate industry, Local 399/Local 1877 successfully negotiated a second and third contract, in 1995 and 2000, respectively. A well-organized strike in 2000 with support from the Los Angeles Federation of Labor and other unions produced a countywide contract covering 5,000 additional janitors.

    Organizational History

    previous hit SEIU next hit Local 399 was founded in the 1940s and began organizing janitors in Los Angeles in 1946. The union also organized racetrack, entertainment venue, stadium and arena, and other building service workers in the Los Angeles area, including elevator operators and starters. During the Justice for Janitors campaign, Local 399 represented healthcare workers as well. In 1995 previous hit SEIU next hit International Union placed Local 399 under trusteeship, and in 1997 janitors separated from Local 399 and joined a statewide janitor union, Local 1877. The Los Angeles janitors are now part of USWW, an organization of four previous hit SEIU next hit building service Locals representing janitors, security guards, airport service workers, and other building service workers.

    Justice for Janitors History

    JfJ began in Denver 1986, a city with a relatively small commercial cleaning industry that served as a laboratory for developing the campaign's strategic repertoire and scalability. LA JfJ launched publicly in 1987, although research on Los Angeles began in 1986. Prior to the Los Angeles campaign, through prior experimentation and experience, previous hit SEIU's next hit Building Services Division devised the campaign's strategic backbone-removing wages from competition by persuading all building owners in a defined market area to agree to hire only union contractors and persuade all large contractors in the area to agree to union recognition through neutrality agreements rather than a National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) election.

    Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles

    When Local 399 began organizing janitors in Los Angeles, most janitors were direct employees of building owners. In the 1950s, as national and international investors replaced local building owners, some owners began contracting out for cleaning services, although most janitors were still direct employees of building owners at this time and Local 399 successfully organized several large contractors. Health benefits, pensions, and full-time jobs for janitors were standard.

    Scope and Content

    The collection includes photographs, audiovisual materials, ephemera, internal publications, internal training and planning records for the organization, staff records, research studies, collective bargaining agreements, and records pertaining to grievances, legal disputes, union recognition, and contract negotiations. The bulk of the collection contains photographs, audiovisual materials, and documents from the Justice for Janitors, Los Angeles campaign from three rounds of organizing and contract negotiations (circa 1986-2000). The collection contains extensive photos, ephemera, and organizing materials documenting the janitors' dramatic and colorful demonstrations, civil disobedience, savvy use of media, and community alliances. Also well-documented in staff records are the campaign's strategic corporate and worksite research, organizing efforts, alliance building, and political strategies. The collection includes considerable material on the campaign's major organizing efforts, including downtown Los Angeles, Century City, the University of Southern California, Los Angeles International Airport (LAX), Hughes Aircraft, and Toyota.
    Also included are materials from other recent Local 399 campaigns and records pre-dating LA JfJ. Photos document Local 399 healthcare worker organizing, as well as previous hit SEIU next hit allied division organizing of stadium, arena, racetrack, and entertainment workers. Older photos include Local 399 workers from the 1950s-1970s and photos from other unions dating back to the 1930s. The collection includes research and organizing materials for Justice for Janitors campaigns in Northern California, including its campaign for Hewlett-Packard workers in Sacramento, and Los Angeles efforts to organize security guards. The collection also includes many records dating to the 1950s pertaining to the union's representation of janitors, racetrack workers, elevator starters and operators, and other service workers. These document legal disputes, union recognition, collective bargaining relationships, and internal complaints.

    Organization and Arrangement

    Arranged in the following series and subseries:
    1. Agreements, bylaws, and constitutions
    2. Ephemera
    3. Internal publications
    4. Internal training and planning
    5. Legal, older
    6. Photos
    7. Press
    8. Research
    9. Staff records
      • Dave Stillwell
      • Leticia Salcedo
      • Triana Silton
      • Aida Cardenas
      • Claudia
      • Doris Boyd Snyder
      • Viren Moret
      • Jon Barton
      • Rocio Saenz
      • Mary Anne Hohenstein
      • Oscar Molina
      • Jono Shaffer
      • Eddie Iny
      • Peter Olney
      • Rose Hodges
      • Other research
      • Miscellaneous
    10. Studies
    11. Video/computer records

    Subjects and Indexing Terms

    Building-service employees -- Labor unions -- California -- Los Angeles -- Archives.
    Collective labor agreements -- Janitors -- California
    Service Employees International Union United Service Workers West --Archives.