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Patrick Purtell Collection of McLaughlin Mine Manuals
BANC MSS 2004/216 c  
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Green Plant Manuals 1985-06

carton 1, Volume 1

Plant Description and Operation

carton 1, Volume 2

Training (1 of 2)

carton 1, Volume 3

Training (2 of 2)

carton 2, Volume 3

Training (2 of 2)

carton 2, Volume 4

Start Up Documents (1 of 8)

carton 2, Volume 5

Start Up Documents (2 of 8)

carton 3, Volume 6

Start Up Documents (3 of 8)

carton 3, Volume 7

Start Up Documents (4 of 8)

carton 3, Volume 8

Start Up Documents (5 of 8)

carton 4, Volume 8

Start Up Documents (5 of 8)

carton 4, Volume 9

Start Up Documents (6 of 8)

carton 4, Volume 10

Start Up Documents (7 of 8)

carton 4, Volume 11

Start Up Documents (8 of 8)


Blue-Equipment Data Manuals 1985-01

carton 5, Volume 1

Equipment List-General Construction Specifications

carton 5, Volume 2

Mechanical Equipment Data M-001

carton 5, Volume 3

Mechanical Equipment Data M-002

carton 6, Volume 4

Mechanical Equipment Data M-003

carton 6, Volume 5

Mechanical Equipment Data M-004-M007

carton 6, Volume 6

Mechanical Equipment Data M-009

carton 6, Volume 7

Mechanical Equipment Data M-010A-M012

carton 7, Volume 7

Mechanical Equipment Data M-010A-M012

carton 7, Volume 8

Mechanical Equipment Data M-013-M015

carton 7, Volume 9

Mechanical Equipment Data M-016-1-M-018

carton 7, Volume 10

Mechanical Equipment Data M-020-M-036

carton 7, Volume 11

Mechanical Equipment Data M-025-M-036

carton 8, Volume 11

Mechanical Equipment Data M-025-M-036

carton 8, Volume 12

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 1 of 5

carton 8, Volume 13

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 2 of 5

carton 8, Volume 14

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 3 of 5

carton 9, Volume 14

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 3 of 5

oversize_box 1, Volume 15

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 4 of 5

oversize_box 2, Volume 16

Mechanical Equipment Data M-038-Book # 5 of 5

carton 9, Volume 17

Mechanical Equipment Data M-039-M-045

carton 9, Volume 18

Mechanical Equipment Data M-046-M-050

carton 9, Volume 19

Mechanical Equipment Data M-053-M-059

carton 10, Volume 20

Mechanical Equipment Data M-061-M-062

carton 10, Volume 21

Mechanical Equipment Data M-065-M-1022

carton 10, Volume 22

Piping Equipment Data P-001-P-003

carton 11, Volume 23

Piping Equipment Data P-004-P-004A

carton 11, Volume 24

Piping Equipment Data P-005-P-007

carton 11, Volume 25

Piping Equipment Data P-009-P016B

carton 12, Volume 26

Piping Equipment Data P-019-P-023

carton 12, Volume 27

Piping Equipment Data P-025-P-045

carton 12, Volume 28

Piping Equipment Data P-1000-P-1044

carton 13, Volume 28

Piping Equipment Data P-1000-P-1044

carton 13, Volume 29

Piping Equipment Data P-1045-P-1100

carton 13, Volume 30


carton 13, Volume 31


carton 13, Volume 32


carton 13, Volume 34

Electrical Equipment Data E-013

carton 13, Volume 35

Electrical Equipment Data E-014-E-1004

carton 14, Volume 35

Electrical Equipment Data E-014-E-1004

carton 14, Volume 36

Instrumentation Data I-001-I-002 part I

carton 14, Volume 37

Instrumentation Data I-002 part II

oversize_box 3, Volume 38

Instrumentation Data I-002 part III

carton 14, Volume 39

Instrumentation Data I-003-I-010

carton 14, Volume 40

Instrumentation Data I-011-I-018

carton 15, Volume 40

Instrumentation Data I-011-I-018

carton 15, Volume 41

Instrumentation Data I-019-I-026

carton 15, Volume 42

Instrumentation Data I-028-I-047, 1073


White-Design Manuals 1985-06

carton 16, Volume 1

Equipment List and Specifications

carton 16, Volume 2

Specifications and Calculations Mechanical

carton 16, Volume 3

Calculations Process

carton 17, Volume 4

Calculations Process Civil Structural

carton 17, Volume 5

Calculations Civil Structural

carton 17, Volume 6

Calculations Civil Structural Electrical Instrumentation

carton 18, Volume 6

Calculations Civil Structural Electrical Instrumentation

carton 18, Volume 7

Calculations Piping

carton 18, Volume 8

Meeting Minutes (1 of 2)

carton 19, Volume 9

Meeting Minutes (2 of 2)

oversize_box 4, Volume 10

Design Manual (Drawings)

carton 19, Volume 11

Soil Reports and Seismic Criteria

carton 19, Volume 12

Process Development (1 of 2)

carton 19, Volume 13

Process Development (2 of 2)

carton 20, Volume 13

Process Development (2 of 2)

carton 20, Volume 14

Sherritt Gordon Reports

carton 20, Volume 15

Metallurgical Testing

carton 20, Volume 16

Water (1 of 2)

carton 20, Volume 17

Water (2 of 2)

carton 21, Volume 18

Davis Creek Dam (1 of 2)

carton 21, Volume 19

Davis Creek Dam (2 of 2)

carton 21, Volume 20

Waste Disposal (1 of 2)

carton 22, Volume 21

Waste Disposal (2 of 2)

carton 22, Volume 22

Sediment Dams (1 of 2)

carton 22, Volume 23

Sediment Dams (2 of 2)

carton 22, Volume 24


carton 22, Volume 25

Environmental Report

carton 23, Volume 25

Environmental Report

carton 23, Volume 26

Miscellaneous Reports


Red-Construction Manuals 1985-09

carton 24, Volume 1

Monthly Progress Reports 1982-06-1984-03

carton 24, Volume 2

Monthly Progress Reports 1984-04-1985-06

carton 24, Volume 3

Contract C-1 Earthwork

carton 24, Volume 4

Contract C-2 General Construction (1 of 4)

carton 25, Volume 4

Contract C-2 General Construction (1 of 4)

carton 25, Volume 5

Contract C-2 General Construction (2 of 4)

carton 25, Volume 6

Contract C-2 General Construction (3 of 4)

carton 26, Volume 7

Contract C-2 General Construction (4 of 4)

carton 26, Volume 8

Contract C-3 Earthwork (1 of 2)

carton 26, Volume 9

Contract C-3 Earthwork, Contract C-6 Rayhouse Road and Davis Creek Dam (2 of 2)

carton 26, Volume 10


carton 27, Volume 10


carton 27, Volume 11

Construction Survey (1 of 2)

carton 27, Volume 12

Construction Survey (2 of 2)

carton 27, Volume 13

Minutes of Meetings (1 of 2)

carton 28, Volume 13

Minutes of Meetings (1 of 2)

carton 28, Volume 14

Minutes of Meetings (2 of 2)

carton 28, Volume 15


carton 29, Volume 16

Lake Country Permits (1 of 4)

carton 29, Volume 17

Lake Country Permits (2 of 4)

carton 29, Volume 18

Lake Country Permits (3 of 4)

carton 30, Volume 19

Lake Country Permits (4 of 4)

carton 30, Volume 20

Napa Country Permits (1 of 4)

carton 30, Volume 21

Napa Country Permits (2 of 4)

carton 30, Volume 22

Napa Country Permits (3 of 4)

carton 31, Volume 22

Napa Country Permits (3 of 4)

carton 31, Volume 23

Napa Country Permits (4 of 4)

carton 31, Volume 24

Yolo County Permits (1 of 2)

carton 32, Volume 25

Yolo Country Permits (2 of 2)

carton 32, Volume 26

Federal and State Permits (1 of 6)

carton 32, Volume 27

Federal and State Permits (2 of 6)

carton 33, Volume 28

Federal and State Permits (3 of 6)

carton 33, Volume 29

Federal and State Permits (4 of 6)

carton 33, Volume 30

Federal and State Permits (5 of 6)

carton 34, Volume 31

Federal and State Permits (6 of 6)