This small collection consists of zines, graphic novels, serials, and other publications that reflect on Latino culture, humor,
art, and society from 1965-2015. A majority of the materials in this collection are satirical in nature and contain a wide
variety of illustrative styles. This collection is organized in order of receipt of purchase. The contents are written in
both Spanish and English. This collection is an amalgamation of a series of purchases and is expected to grow in the future.
.834 Linear Feet
(2 full-size document boxes)
Copyright has not been assigned to the Department of Special Research Collections, UCSB. All requests for permission to publish
or quote from manuscripts must be submitted in writing to the Head of Special Research Collections. Permission for publication
is given on behalf of the Department of Special Research Collections as the owner of the physical items and is not intended
to include or imply permission of the copyright holder, which also must be obtained.
The collection is open for research.